Movement in & Out of Cells QP
Movement in & Out of Cells QP
Movement in & Out of Cells QP
........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) The students measured the mass of four of the potato sticks using an electronic balance.
Fig. 4.1
The students left each potato stick in one of four different liquids for 5 hours:
• distilled water
• 0.1 mol per dm sodium chloride solution
• 0.5 mol per dm sodium chloride solution
• 1.0 mol per dm sodium chloride solution.
After 5 hours they measured the mass again and calculated the change in mass.
(i) Predict which of the liquids would cause the largest decrease in mass of a potato stick.
0 5 and 1.0
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) The students dried the potato sticks with paper towels before putting them on the
electronic balance.
Suggest why.
the water
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) After the experiment the students noticed that the potato stick with the lowest mass was soft
and floppy.
Explain why the potato stick had become soft and floppy.
internal pressure thepotato decrease to making the cells
........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(d) The students followed the same experimental procedure with boiled potato sticks and found
no overall change in mass in any of the solutions.
Suggest why the mass of the boiled potato sticks remained the same.
or loss
........................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 10]
A student investigated the diffusion of substances through Visking tubing, an artificial membrane
which has some of the properties of cell membranes.
top of syringe
water iodine
Fig. 4.1
The student added some iodine solution to the water in the test-tube.
After 30 minutes at room temperature, the contents of the Visking bag were stained blue-black, but
the water outside remained a yellow colour.
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(ii) State three factors that influence the movement of molecules through membranes.
1 .............................................................................................................................
size of concentration
2 .............................................................................................................................
distance needed to be covered
3 .............................................................................................................................
(b) Fig. 4.2 is an electron micrograph of a red blood cell within a capillary.
muscle cell
magnification ×6500
Fig. 4.2
(i) Molecules of carbon dioxide that are produced in muscle cells are transported to the
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(c) Mammals have a transport system for carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from their
surroundings to use in photosynthesis.
Explain how a molecule of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere reaches the site of
photosynthesis in a leaf.
........................................................................................................................................... [4]
[Total: 17]
Some plants can be grown in water using the technique of hydroponics. The roots are in water and
supplied with the ions that they need at the concentrations that support maximum growth. Some
ions can be absorbed both by diffusion and by active transport.
(a) (i) State two features of diffusion that do not apply to active transport.
A group of students investigated the effect of soaking small onion bulbs in different concentrations
of sodium chloride solution. They peeled off the outer papery leaves of the onion bulbs and divided
the onions into 6 batches, each with 10 onions.
The onions were surface dried with paper towels and weighed. The mean mass of the onions in
each batch was calculated. The onions were then left in sodium chloride solutions for three hours.
After three hours the students surface dried the onions and weighed them again. Their results are
given in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
(b) (i) Calculate the percentage change in mass of the onions that were in the most concentrated
solution of sodium chloride. Show your working. Write your answer in Table 2.1.
(ii) Explain why the students calculated the percentage change in mass of the onions.
(c) The students plotted a graph of the results as shown in Fig. 2.1.
percentage change in mass
0 50 100 150 200
concentration of sodium chloride solution / g dm–3
Fig. 2.1
(ii) Use the graph in Fig. 2.1 to estimate the concentration of the sodium chloride solution
that has the same water potential as the onions.
(d) Using the term water potential, explain why the onions:
The dilde solutions had more water potential than the onions
caused theonions to
This gainmass as thewater diffused
lower concentration
by osmosis thus the onions gainedmass
[Total: 15]
The pressure in the lungs of a student before and during the start of a volleyball match was
lung pressure
/ arbitrary units
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Use the results in Fig. 2.1 to calculate the breathing rate before the start of the match.
Express your answer to the nearest whole number.
(c) Carbon dioxide is excreted from the body through the lungs.
(ii) Name the part of the blood in which most carbon dioxide is transported.
(iii) Describe the effect of increased carbon dioxide concentration on blood pH.
(d) Carbon dioxide moves from the blood capillaries into the alveoli by diffusion.
Explain why the rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide increases during exercise.
[Total: 14]