Jacs 38 2120 1916
Jacs 38 2120 1916
Jacs 38 2120 1916
mm. square by 300 mm. long. A centrally located hole 25 mm. in diam-
eter extended from one end t o the other. The open end of the glass tube
was closed by a cork carrying a smaller tube as in d. The end carrying
the cork projected far enough out of the brass block to avoid burning the
cork. The advantage in this method of heating is that the heat is ap-
plied regularly throughout the whole length of the tube and the intense
local heating, caused by the direct application of the flame, is avoided.
As all parts of the tube are above the boiling point of the nitrile, there
is no condensation and running back of the nitrile. The brass block was
heated by two Bunsen burners properly spaced.
In no case was much trouble experienced with foaming except with the
mixture containing zinc thiocyanate. The last two methods gave much
purer products, but the yields are much more uncertain, owing to the
difficulty of working up the small amounts of the products. The losses
of nitrile are proportionately greater than with the larger amounts.
With these tubes only small amounts of materials can be used.
Working up Products.--The methods of separating the nitriles from the
crude distillates were those commonly used in organic preparations.
The distillate containing acetonitrile or butyronitrile was diluted with
half its volume of water, treated with solid potassium carbonate or ammo-
nia gas to saturation, the upper layer separated and fractioned. I n some
cases, the total distillate containing acetonitrile was fractioned up to
85 and the distillate put through this treatment.
Propionitrile was separated by calcium chloride and the upper layer
fractioned. Isobutyl cyanide was separated by fractionation.
I n the cases of stearic, cinnamic, hydrocinnamic, and phenylacetic
nitriles, the crude distillates were treated with a little water and a slight
excess of ammonia and steam distilled. The nitrile was separated and
the water layer extracted with ether. Stearic nitrile was also separated
from the crude distillate by fractionation in a vacuum. It was never
obtained pure. I
acetates of the most of these metals give considerable yields of the nitrile.
Nickel acetate gave little and magnesium acetate none that could be
isolated. The distillates in Experiments 7 and g from mixtures con-
taining magnesium and barium acetates had fearful, suffocating odors
which may have been due to the presence of isocyanates. I n an experi-
ment, not included in the table, 75 g. of potassium thiocyanate were heated
with 2 5 g. calcium acetate and only 1 . 2 g. of crude distillate was ob-
tained. This had a similar bad odor.
Acetates of Various Metals Heated with Lead Thiocyanate.
Ace- Ace-
No. Method. tate. Pb(CNS)z. tate. Ratio. Time. Prod. Nitrile. Calc. Yield.
I d Zn 4.0g. 2.08. I. 14 30 4 . 0 g. 0 . 2 g. 0 . 9 g. 22 %
2 d Zn 11.0 5.0 I .25 75 1.4 0.56 2.2 25
3 d Mn 20.0 9.0 I .20 90 3.0 3.0 4.3 70
4 d h?n 10.0 4.2 I .28 45 1.1 0.5 2 .o 25
j d Ni 10.0 5.0 1.37 45 1.5 0. I 2.3 4
6 d Co 4.0 2.0 1.37 30 0.5 0 . 2 0.9 22
Zinc Salts of Propionic, Butyric, Isovaleric, Stearic, Phenylacetic, Cinnamic, Hydro-
cinnamic, and Terephthalic Acids with Lead Thiocyanate.
No. Meth. Acid. Pb(CNS)z. ZnAz.2 Ratio. Time Prod. Nitrile. Calc. Yield.
27 e propionic 5.og. 3.0g. I .oy I20 I . 5 g. L I ~ .1.6g. 71%
28 C butyric 35.0 18.0 1.44 150 10.0 3.0 10.4 29
29 e butyric 4.5 3.0 0.97 90 1.j 1.3 2.1 61
30 b butyric 30.0 15.0 I .30 120 8.9 5.3 8.6 62
31 e i.valeric 5.0 3.0 I .38 I20 I .3 1.0 1.86 54
32 e i.valeric 4.0 1.5 2.21 I20 0.9 0.8 0.93 86
33 a stearic 51 IO0 I .oo 90 52 16 84 I9
34 (1 stearic 60 60 2 .m I20 50 5 50 10
35 c stearic 15 25 I .26 45 22 20 21 95?
36 c phthalic 45 40 I . 16 90 21 15 30 50
37 U cinnamic 75 50 .I ,67 2 40 .... I4 44 32
38 U cinnamic 7 5 25 3.33 2 40 .... 8 22 36
39 C cinnamic 6.5 25 2.97 I 80 8 6 22 27
40 C hydrocin. 35 35 1.12 90 21 18 25 72
41 C hydrocin. 5 0 25 . 2.20 60 19 12 18 67
42 d terephth. 5.0 3.0 I. 18 30 I .o I .o 1.7 59
Lead Salts of Phenyl Acetic and Cinnamic Acid with Lead Thiocyanate.
No. Method. Acid. Pb(CNS)z PbAg.1 Ratio. Time. Prod. Nitrile. Calc. Yield.
43 a ph. ac. 35 g. jog. 1.03 120 15 g. 6 . 0 g . 24 g. 25%
44 a cin. 100 75 2.04 Ijo . ... 8.0 37 21
I. Aliphatic nitriles, as well as aromatic, are readily prepared, with
good yields, by distilling mixtures of well dried heavy metal salts of the
acids with slight excess of lead, or other thiocyanate.
2 . ,411 things considered, the best mixture is the zinc salt of the organic
acid with lead thiocyanate.
3. The reaction takes place, in the main, according t o
(RC00)zZn +
Pb (CNS)2+ 2RCN PbS ZnS + 2C02. + +
4. Excess of the thiocyanate and use of vacuum do not materially
increase the yields.
5 . Preparation of Acetonitrile.-A mixture of one part well dried zinc
acetate and two parts, by weight, of lead thiocyanate is heated in a plain
glass retort till no more distillate comes over. The crude distillate is
mixed with half its volume of water, saturated with solid potassium
carbonate or ammonia gas and the nitrile separated and fractioned.
Received August 2, 1916.
Numerous experiments have recently been described, in which sub-
stances have been made t o react, with elimination of water, by passing
them, in vapor form, over certain metallic oxides, notably alumina and
thoria. Thus Senderens' prepared ethers by passing vapors of the
alcohols over alumina a t 240-260'. Sabatier and Mailhe2 found that
alcohols yield ethylene hydrocarbons and water with thoria and alumina
a t 300-350'~ and that various phenols3 when mixed with methyl alcohol
give the methyl ethers of the phenols with thoiia a t 390-420°, or the di-
phenyl ethers4 when the alcohol is left om. The same authors6 found
that, when a mixture of the vapors of an acid and an alcohol is passed over
titania or thoria a t 280°, esterification takes place with great rapidity,
the limit of esterification being reached in minutes instead of the hours
required a t 154' or 200°, without catalyst.
Since the formation of a nitrile from the arid and ammonia
NHa + C H X N ~Hz0 +
1 Compt. rend., 148,227-8 (1909)
Ibid., 150,823-6 (1910).
Ibid., 151, 359-62 ( 1 9 1 0 ) .
Ibid., 151,492-4 ( 1 9 1 0 ) .
Ibid., 152, 494-497, 1044-47 ( I ~ I I ) ,Chem. Ztg., 35, 193 ( 1 9 1 1 ) .