Reviewer in Read
Reviewer in Read
Reviewer in Read
2. Better comprehension • Reading books sharpens many skills and all together
they’ll build confidence.
• Kids who are encouraged to read at an early age
8. Helps you socialize
have better comprehension of things around them.
• They develop smart thinking abilities and are more
receptive to creativity and ideas that other kids • We can always share whatever we have read with
their age lack. our family, friends and colleagues. All this increases
• As a result, they grow up to be a good deal more our ability to socialize.
intelligent and aware of their surroundings than kids • Humans are social beings and in the world of
who don’t read. smartphones, we are losing our ability to socialize.
• However, reading had led to the formation of book
3. Develops critical thinking skills clubs and other forums where we get a chance to
share and interact with others.
• Reading requires an individual to think and process
information in a way that watching television can’t.
The more you read, the deeper your understanding
becomes about what you’re reading and its
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
• When we open a book while sitting in the comfort • Although not definitively proved, but almost all
of our rooms, like time travelling, we transport our great leaders were readers.
imaginations to a world purely based on the • One reason they are respected and known for their
imaginations of the author. wisdom is because they develop a healthy reading
• We learn about everything they wants u to know, habit.
see the world through their eyes and their • For centuries, reading has been the source of
perspective, learn about new people, discover inspiration, growth and new ideas. It is a valuable
their traditions, cultures and all that makes them investment in one’s own personality with
unique and unforgettable. uncountable and long-lasting benefits.
• Reading a well-written book affects your ability to • Everything is done at your own pace and most
become a better writer. Just like artists influence importantly, your mind is free to interpret things the
others, so do writers. way you feel.
• Many successful authors gained their expertise by
reading the works of others. Stages of Literacy Development
11. Improves focus and concentration Stage 0
• When you read a book, all of your attention is
focused on the story—the rest of the world just falls
away, and you can immerse yourself in every fine • Typically between the ages of 6 months to 6 years
detail you’re absorbing. old, the child pretends to read, gradually develops
• Try reading for 15-20 minutes before work (i.e. on the skills to retells stories when looking at pages of
your morning commute, if you take public transit), books previously read to him/her.
and you’ll be surprised at how much more focused • The child gains the ability to name letters of the
you are once you get to the office or school. alphabet, prints own name and plays with books,
pencils and paper.
12. Makes you more empathetic • By six years old, the child can understand thousands
of words but can read few (if any). In this stage,
• By reading a book, you become part of the story adults are encouraged to scaffold child’s language
and feel the pain and other emotions of the attempts through parallel talk, expanding on
characters. verbalizations and recasting child’s verbalizations.
• This in turn allows your mind to become more aware • There’s a visualization, auditory and speaking that
of how different things affect other people. involve to develops child verbalizations in early age.
• Eventually, this improves your ability to emphasize • Adults are encouraging children to use of two to
with other people. three word combinations within social contexts,
and adults should implement dialogic reading or
13. It develops emotions effective shared reading for young children ages 2
to 5 years.
• So it won’t be wrong to say that reading actually • Any instruction (phonics, vocabulary) should be
flexes emotions. It builds a connection between the linked to the book reading, and such books should
reader and the writer you have never met or known include rhyme, alliteration, and repetitive phrases.
before. Even if you disagree with what they are In one’s environment, adults should verbally label
delivering, you get to know them, and you connect objects with which children are involved and
to them on an emotional level. encourage children to ask questions and elaborate
on observations (Westberg, et al., 2006).
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
Stage 5
(critical literacy in work and society)
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
8. Write together
Rhymes help children understand that sounds in our
language have meaning and follow certain patterns. Have
Sit down with your child to write a greeting card or a
fun reading and reciting songs and nursery rhymes together
shopping list together while slowly sounding out the word
and exaggerate the rhyming words to highlight the different
sounds you write. This will help your child understand that
sounds in each word.
words are made up of different sounds that come together
2. Encourage listening to create meaning.
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
Using flash cards, games, etc., drill five to twenty words the REQUIREMENTS for reading comprehension
student does not recognize instantly and accurately. Have
the student read and write text that contains many words Some of the fundamental skills required in efficient reading
the student knows surrounding and supporting a few of the
comprehension are the ability to:
words he does not know. Repeat until recognition is instant,
accurate, and stable over several days. ✓ know the meaning of words,
✓ understand the meaning of a word from a
Keep in mind the purpose of word recognition instruction: discourse context,
Reading. In word recognition instruction, as always, allow ✓ follow the organization of a passage and to
for plenty of independent reading. The central feature of
identify antecedents and references in it,
any effective reading program is a student's reading at her
✓ draw inferences from a passage about its
independence level.
✓ identify the main thought of a passage,
DECODING ✓ ask questions about the text,
✓ answer questions asked in a passage
Decoding is a key skill for learning to read that involves ✓ visualize the text,
taking apart the sounds in words (segmenting) and ✓ recall prior knowledge connected to text,
blending sounds together. It requires both knowledge of ✓ recognize confusion or attention problems,
letter-sound relationships, as well as an ability to apply that
✓ recognize the literary devices or propositional
knowledge to successfully identify written words and make
structures used in a passage and determine its
✓ understand the situational mood (agents, objects,
temporal and spatial reference points, casual and
intentional inflections,
✓ etc.) conveyed for assertions, questioning,
commanding, refraining, etc., and
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
1. Summarizing
2. Sequencing
3. Inferencing
4. Comparing and contrasting
5. Drawing conclusions
6. Self-questioning
7. Problem-solving
8. Relating background knowledge
9. Distinguishing between fact and opinion
10. Finding the main idea, important facts, and
supporting details
11. There are many reading strategies to improve
reading comprehension and inferences, including
improving one's vocabulary,
12. critical text analysis (intertextuality, actual events
vs. narration of events, etc.), and practicing deep
reading.[11] The ability to
13. comprehend text is influenced by the readers' skills
and their ability to process information. If word
recognition is difficult,
14. students use too much of their processing capacity
to read individual words which interferes with their
ability to
15. comprehend what is read.
Estape, Zedric R.
Science and Development of Reading
1st Semester | 1SEDS-B | Prelims | PPT and Lecture Based
Estape, Zedric R.