FHWA Drilling Sampling Soil Rock 3
FHWA Drilling Sampling Soil Rock 3
FHWA Drilling Sampling Soil Rock 3
Non-core rock drilling is a relatively quick and inexpensive means of advancing a boring which can be
considered when an intact rock sample is not required. Non-core drilling is typically used for determining
the top of rock and is useful in solution cavity identification in karstic terrain. Types of non-core drilling
include air-track drilling, down-the-hole percussive drilling, rotary tricone (roller bit) drilling, rotary drag
bit drilling, and augering with carbide-tipped bits in very soft rocks. Drilling fluid may be water, mud,
foam, or compressed air. Caution should be exercised when using these methods to define the top of soft
rock since drilling proceeds rapidly, and cuts weathered and soft rock easily, frequently misrepresenting
the top of rock for elevation or pile driving applications.
Because intact rock samples are not recovered in non-core drilling, it is particularly important for the field
supervisor to carefully record observations during drilling. The following information pertaining to drilling
characteristics should be recorded in the remarks section of the boring log:
A detailed discussion of diamond core drilling is presented in AASHTO T 225 and ASTM D 2113. Types
of core barrels may be single-tube, double-tube, or triple-tube, as shown in Figures 3-17a,b,c. Table 3-5
presents various types of core barrels available on the market. The standard is a double-tube core barrel,
which offers better recovery by isolating the rock core from the drilling fluid stream and consists of an inner
and outer core barrel as pictured in Figure 3-18. The inner tube can be rigid or fixed to the core barrel head
and rotate around the core or it can be mounted on roller bearings which allow the inner tube to remain
stationary while the outer tube rotates. The second or swivel type core barrel is less disturbing to the core
as it enters the inner barrel and is useful in coring fractured and friable rock. In some regions only triple
tube core barrels are used in rock coring. In a multi-tube system, the inner tube may be longitudinally split
to allow observation and removal of the core with reduced disturbance.
Rock coring can be accomplished with either conventional or wireline equipment. With conventional
drilling equipment, the entire string of rods and core barrel are brought to the surface after each core run
to retrieve the rock core. Wireline drilling equipment allows the inner tube to be uncoupled from the outer
tube and raised rapidly to the surface by means of a wire line hoist. The main advantage of wireline drilling
over conventional drilling is the increased drilling production resulting from the rapid removal of the core
from the hole which, in turn, decreases labor costs. It also provides improved quality of recovered core,
particularly in soft rock, since this method avoids rough handling of the core barrel during retrieval of the
barrel from the borehole and when the core barrel is opened. (Drillers often hammer on the core barrel to
break it from the drill rods and to open the core barrel, causing the core to break.) Wireline drilling can be
used on any rock coring job, but typically, it is used on projects where bore holes are greater than 25 m deep
and rapid removal of the core from the hole has a greater effect on cost. Wireline drilling is also an effective
method for both rock and soil exploration though cobbles or boulders, which tend to shift and block off the
bore hole.
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Figure 3-17. (a) Single Tube Core Barrel; (b) Rigid Type Double Tube Core Barrel; (c) Swivel Type Double
Tube Core Barrel, Series “M” with Ball Bearings (Courtesy of Sprague & Henwood, Inc.).
TABLE 3-5.
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(a) (b)
Figure 3-18. Double Tube Core Barrel. (a) Outer barrel assembly (b) Inner barrel assembly.
Although NX is the size most frequently used for engineering explorations, larger and smaller sizes are in
use. Generally, a larger core size will produce greater recovery and less mechanical breakage. Because of
their effect on core recovery, the size and type of coring equipment used should be carefully recorded in the
appropriate places on the boring log.
The length of each core run should be limited to 3 m maximum. Core run lengths should be reduced to 1.5
m (5 ft), or less, just below the rock surface and in highly fractured or weathered rock zones. Shorter core
runs often reduce the degree of damage to the core
and improve core recovery in poor quality rock.
Coring Bits
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contour, and in the type and number of waterways are found in bits of this type. Similarly, the diamond
content and the composition of the metal matrix of impregnated bits are varied to meet differing rock
Carbide bits use tungsten carbide in lieu of diamonds and are of several types (the standard type is shown in
Figure 3-19). Bits of this type are used to core soft to medium-hard rock. They are less expensive than
diamond bits. However, the rate of drilling is slower than with diamond bits.
Sawtooth bits consist of teeth cut into the bottom of the bit. The teeth are faced and tipped with a hard metal
alloy such as tungsten carbide to provide water resistance and thereby to increase the life of the bit. Although
these bits are less expensive than diamond bits, they do not provide as high a rate of coring and do not have
a salvage value. The saw tooth bit is used primarily to core overburden and very soft rock.
An important feature of all bits which should be noted is the type of waterways provided in the bits for
passage of drilling fluid. Bits are available with so-called “conventional” waterways, which are passages cut
on the interior face of the bit), or with bottom discharge waterways, which are internal and discharge at the
bottom face of the bit behind a metal skirt separating the core from the discharge fluid. Bottom discharge
bits should be used when coring soft rock or rock having soil-filled joints to prevent erosion of the core by
the drilling fluid before the core enters the core barrel.
Drilling Fluid
In many instances, clear water is used as the drilling fluid in rock coring. If drilling mud is required to
stabilize collapsing holes or to seal zones when there is loss of drill water, the design engineer, the geologist
and the geotechnical engineer should be notified to confirm that the type of drilling mud is acceptable.
Drilling mud will clog open joints and fractures, which adversely affects permeability measurements and
piezometer installations. Drilling fluid should be contained in a settling basin to remove drill cuttings and
to allow recirculation of the fluid. Generally, drilling fluids can be discharged onto the ground surface.
However, special precautions or handling may be required if the material is contaminated with oil or other
substances and may require disposal off site. Water flow over the ground surface should be avoided, as much
as possible.
Drilling Rate/Time
The drilling rate should be monitored and recorded on the boring log in the units of minutes per 0.3 m (1 ft).
Only time spent advancing the boring should be used to determine the drilling rate.
Core Photographs
Cores in the split core barrel should be photographed immediately upon removal from the borehole. A label
should be included in the photograph to identify the borehole, the depth interval and the number of the core
runs. It may be desirable to get a "close-up" of interesting features in the core. Wetting the surface of the
recovered core using a spray bottle and/or sponge prior to photographing will often enhance the color
contrasts of the core.
A tape measure or ruler should be placed across the top or bottom edge of the box to provide a scale in the
photograph. The tape or ruler should be at least 1 meter (3 ft) long, and it should have relatively large, high
contrast markings to be visible in the photograph.
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A color bar chart is often desirable in the photograph to provide indications of the effects of variation in film
age, film processing, and the ambient light source. The photographer should strive to maintain uniform light
conditions from day to day, and those lighting conditions should be compatible with the type of film selected
for the project.
Rock Classification
The rock type and its inherent discontinuities, joints, seams, and other facets should be documented. See
Section 4.7 for a discussion of rock classification and other information to be recorded for rock core.
The core recovery is the length of rock core recovered from a core run, and the recovery ratio is the ratio of
the length of core recovered to the total length of the core drilled on a given run, expressed as either a fraction
or a percentage. Core length should be measured along the core centerline. When the recovery is less than
the length of the core run, the non-recovered section should be assumed to be at the end of the run unless
there is reason to suspect otherwise (e.g., weathered zone, drop of rods, plugging during drilling, loss of fluid,
and rolled or recut pieces of core). Non-recovery should be marked as NCR (no core recovery) on the boring
log, and entries should not be made for bedding, fracturing, or weathering in that interval.
Recoveries greater than 100 percent may occur if core that was not recovered during a run is subsequently
recovered in a later run. These should be recorded and adjustments to data should not be made in the field.
The RQD is a modified core recovery percentage in which the lengths of all pieces of sound core over 100
mm (4 in) long are summed and divided by the length of the core run. The correct procedure for measuring
RQD is illustrated in Figure 3-20. The RQD is an index of rock quality in that problematic rock that is highly
weathered, soft, fractured, sheared, and jointed typically yields lower RQD values. Thus, RQD is simply a
measurement of the percentage of "good" rock recovered from an interval of a borehole. It should be noted
that the original correlation for RQD (Rock Quality Designation) reported by Deere (1963) was based on
measurements made on NX-size core. Experience in recent years reported by Deere and Deere (1989)
indicates that cores with diameters both slightly larger and smaller than NX may be used for computing RQD.
The wire line cores using NQ, HQ, and PQ are also considered acceptable. The smaller BQ and BX sizes
are discouraged because of a higher potential for core breakage and loss.
The same piece of core could be measured three ways: along the centerline, from tip to tip, or along the fully
circular barrel section (Figure 3-21). The recommended procedure is to measure the core length along the
centerline. This method is advocated by the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Commission
on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests (1978, 1981). The centerline measurement is preferred
because: (1) it results in a standardized RQD not dependent on the core diameter, and (2) it avoids unduly
penalizing of the rock quality for cases where the fractures parallel the borehole and are cut by a second set.
Core breaks caused by the drilling process should be fitted together and counted as one piece. Drilling breaks
are usually evidenced by rough fresh surfaces. For schistose and laminated rocks, it is often difficult to
discern the difference between natural breaks and drilling breaks. When in doubt about a break, it should be
considered as natural in order to be conservative in the calculation of RQD for most uses. It is noted that this
practice would not be conservative when the RQD is used as part of a ripping or dredging estimate.
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Figure 3-20. Modified Core Recovery as an Index of Rock Mass Quality.
Assessment of Soundness
Pieces of core which are not "hard and sound" should not be counted for the RQD even though they possess
the requisite 100 mm (3.94 in) length. The purpose of the soundness requirement is to downgrade the rock
quality where the rock has been altered and weakened either by agents of surface weathering or by
hydrothermal activity. Obviously, in many instances, a judgment decision must be made as to whether or
not the degree of chemical alteration is sufficient to reject the core piece.
One commonly used procedure is not to count a piece of core if there is any doubt about its meeting the
soundness requirement (because of discolored or bleached grains, heavy staining, pitting, or weak grain
boundaries). This procedure may unduly penalize the rock quality, but it errs on the side of conservatism.
A second procedure which occasionally has been used is to include the altered rock within the RQD summed
percentage, but to indicate by means of an asterisk (RQD*) that the soundness requirements have not been
met. The advantage of the method is that the RQD* will provide some indication of the rock quality with
respect to the degree of fracturing, while also noting its lack of soundness.
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Figure 3-21. Length Measurement of Core RQD Determination.
The loss of drilling fluid during the advancement of a boring can be indicative of the presence of open joints,
fracture zones or voids in the rock mass being drilled. Therefore, the volumes of fluid losses and the intervals
over which they occur should be recorded. For example, "no fluid loss" means that no fluid was lost except
through spillage and filling the hole. "Partial fluid loss" means that a return was achieved, but
the amount of return was significantly less than the amount being pumped in. "Complete water loss" means
that no fluid returned to the surface during the pumping operation. A combination of opinions from the field
personnel and the driller on this matter will result in the best estimate.
Rock cores from geotechnical explorations should be stored in structurally sound core boxes made of wood
or corrugated waxed cardboard (Figure 3-22). Wooden boxes should be provided with hinged lids, with the
hinges on the upper side of the box and a latch to secure the lid in a closed position.
Cores should be handled carefully during transfer from barrel to box to preserve mating across fractures and
fracture-filling materials. Breaks in core that occur during or after the core is transferred to the core box
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Figure 3-22. Core Box for Storage of Recovered Rock and Labeling.
should be refitted and marked with three short parallel lines across the fracture trace to indicate a mechanical
break. Breaks made to fit the core into the core box and breaks made to examine an inner core surface should
be marked as such. These deliberate breaks should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Cores should
be placed in the boxes from left to right, top to bottom. When the upper compartment of the box is filled,
the next lower (or adjoining) compartment (and so on until the box is filled) should be filled, beginning in
each case at the left-hand side. The depths of the top and bottom of the core and each noticeable gap in the
formation should be marked by a clearly labeled wooden spacer block.
If there is less than 100 percent core recovery for a run, a cardboard tube spacer of the same length as the core
loss should be placed in the core box either at the depth of core loss, if known, or at the bottom of the run.
The depth of core loss, if known, or length of core loss should be marked on the spacer with a black
permanent marker. The core box labels should be completed using an indelible black marking pen. An
example of recommended core box markings is given in Figure 3-22. The core box lid should have identical
markings both inside and out, and both exterior ends of the box should be marked as shown. For angled
borings, depths marked on core boxes and boring logs should be those measured along the axis of the boring.
The angle and orientation of the boring should be noted on the core box and the boring log.
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Care and Preservation of Rock Samples
A detailed discussion of sample preservation and transportation is presented in ASTM D 5079. Four levels
of sample protection are identified:
C Routine care
C Special care
C Soil-like care
C Critical care
Most geotechnical explorations will use routine care in placing rock core in core boxes. ASTM D 5079
suggests enclosing the core in a loose-fitting polyethylene sleeve prior to placing the core in the core box.
Special care is considered appropriate if the moisture state of the rock core (especially shale, claystone and
siltstone) and the corresponding properties of the core may be affected by exposure. This same procedure
can also apply if it is important to maintain fluids other than water in the sample. Critical care is needed to
protect samples against shock and vibration or variations in temperature, or both. For soil-like care, samples
should be treated as indicated in ASTM D 4220.
Geologic mapping is briefly discussed here, with a more thorough review in FHWA Module 5 (Rock Slopes).
Geologic mapping is the systematic collection of local, detailed geologic data, and, for engineering purposes,
is used to characterize and document the condition of a rock mass or outcrop. The data derived from
geologic mapping is a portion of the data required for design of a cut slope or for stabilization of an existing
slope. Geologic mapping can often provide more extensive and less costly information than drilling. The
guidelines presented are intended for rock and rock-like materials. Soil and soil-like materials, although
occasionally mapped, are not considered in this section.
Qualified personnel trained in geology or engineering geology should perform the mapping or provide
supervision and be responsible for the mapping activities and data collection. The first step in geologic
mapping is to review and become familiar with the local and regional geology from published and non-
published reports, maps and investigations. The mapping team should be knowledgeable of the rock units
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and structural and historical geologic aspects of the area. A team approach (minimum of two people, the
“buddy system”) is recommended for mapping as a safety precaution when mapping in isolated areas.
Procedures for mapping are outlined in an FHWA Manual (1989) on rock slope design, excavation and
stabilization and in ASTM D 4879. The first reference describes the parameters to be considered when
mapping for cut slope design, which include:
C Discontinuity type
C Discontinuity orientation
C Discontinuity in filling
C Surface properties
C Discontinuity spacing
C Persistence
C Other rock mass parameters
These parameters can be easily recorded on a structural mapping coding form shown in Figure 3-24. ASTM
D 4879 also describes similar parameters and presents commonly used geologic symbols for mapping
purposes. It also presents a suggested report outline. Presentation of discontinuity orientation data can be
graphically plotted using stereographic projections. These projections are very useful in rock slope stability
analyses. Chapter 3 (Graphical presentation of geological data) in the FHWA manual cited above describes
the stereographic projection methods in detail.
All borings should be properly closed at the completion of the field exploration. This is typically required
for safety considerations and to prevent cross contamination of soil strata and groundwater. Boring closure
is particularly important for tunnel projects since an open borehole exposed during tunneling may lead to
uncontrolled inflow of water or escape of compressed air.
In many parts of the country, methods to be used for the closure of boreholes are regulated by state agencies.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report No. 378 (1995) titled “Recommended Guidelines
for Sealing Geotechnical Holes” contains extensive information on sealing and grouting. The regulations
in general, require that any time groundwater or contamination is encountered the borehole be grouted using
a mixture of powdered bentonite, Portland cement and potable water. Some state agencies require grouting
of all boreholes exceeding a certain depth. The geotechnical engineer and the field supervisor should be
knowledgeable about local requirements prior to commencing the borings.
It is good practice to grout all boreholes. Holes in pavements and slabs should be filled with quick setting
concrete, or with asphaltic concrete, as appropriate. Backfilling of boreholes is generally accomplished using
a grout mixture . The grout mix is normally pumped though drill rods or other pipes inserted into the
borehole. In boreholes filled with water or other drilling fluids the tremied grout will displace the drill fluid.
Provisions should be made to collect and dispose of all displaced drill fluid and waste grout.
All field personnel, including geologists, engineers, technicians, and drill crews, should be familiar with the
general health and safety procedures, as well as any additional requirements of the project or governing
3 - 32
Day Month Year Discontinuity data
Date Inspector Sheet No. of
Station Type Dip Dip Persistence Aperture Nature Strength of Surface Trend of Waviness Waviness Water/ Remarks
or No. direction of filling filling Roughness lineation wavelength amplitude Flow
Type Persistence Aperture Nature Compressive strength of Roughness Water Flow (Infilled) Water Flow (Filled)
of filling infilling
0. Fault zone 1. Very low persistence <1 m 1. Very tight 1. Clean MPa 1. Rough (or irregular), Seepage Description W1 The filling materials are
1. Fault 2. Low Persistence 1-3 m (<0.1 mm) 2. Surface staining 1. Very strong rock >200 stepped Rating heavily consolidated and
2. Joint 3. Medium persistence 3-10 m 2. Tight 3. Non-cohesive 2. Strong rock 100-200 2. Smooth, stepped I The discontinuity is very dry; significant flow
3. Cleavage 4. High persistence 10-20 m (0.1-0.25 mm) 4. Inactive clay 3. Moderately strong rock 50-100 3. Slickensided stepped tight and dry; water flow appears unlikely due to
4. Schistosity 5. Very high persistence >20 m 3. Partly open or clay matrix 4. Moderately weak rock 25-50 4. Rough (or irregular), along it does not appear very low permeability.
5. Shear (0.25-0.5 mm) 5. Swelling clay 5. Very weak rock 1-25 undulating possible. W2 The filling materials are
6. Fissure 4. Open or clay matrix 6. Very stiff soil 0.6-1.0 5. Smooth, undulating II The discontinuity is dry damp, but no free water is
7. Tension crack (0.5-2.5 mm) 6. Cemented 7. Stiff soil 0.15-0.6 6. Slickensided, with no evidence of water present.
8. Foliation 5. Moderately 7. Chlorite, tale, 8. Firm soil 0.08-0.15 undulating flow. W3 The filling materials are
9. Bedding wide or gypsum 9. Soft soil 0.04-0.08 7. Rough (or irregular), III The discontinuity is dry but wet; occasional drops of
(2.5-10 mm) 8. Others - specify 10. Very soft soil <0.04 planar shows evidence of water water.
6. Wide 8. Smooth, planar flow, i.e. rust staining, etc. W4 The filling materials show
(>10 mm) 9. Slickensided The discontinuity is damp signs of outwash,
7. Very wide IV but no free water is continuous flow of water
(1-10 cm) present. (estimate liters/minute).
8. Extremely wide The discontinuity shows W5 The filling materials are
(10 - 100 cm) V seepage, occasional drops washed out locally;
9. Cavernous of water, but no continuous considerable water flow
flow. along out-wash channels
The discontinuity shows a (estimate liters/minute and
VI continuous flow of water describe pressure, i.e. low,
(Estimate l/min and medium, high).
describe pressure, i.e. low,
medium, high).
Figure 3-24. (a) Structural Mapping Coding Form for Discontinuity Survey Data.
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Figure 3-24. (b) Structural Mapping Coding Form for Slope Assessment.
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Typical safety guidelines for drilling into soil and rock are presented in Appendix A. Minimum protective
gear for all personnel should include hard hat, safety boots, eye protection, and gloves.
It is not unusual to encounter unknown or unexpected environmental problems during a site investigation.
For example, discolored soils or rock fragments from prior spills, or contaminated groundwater may be
detected. The geotechnical engineer and the field supervisor should attempt to identify possible contamination
sources prior to initiating fieldwork. Based on this evaluation, a decision should be made whether a site
safety plan should be prepared. Environmental problems can adversely affect investigation schedules and
cost, and may require the obtaining of permits from State or Federal agencies prior to drilling or sampling.
At geotechnical exploration sites where unknown or unexpected contamination is found during the fieldwork,
the following steps should be taken:
1. The field supervisor should immediately stop drilling and notify the geotechnical engineer. The field
supervisor should identify the evidence of contamination, the depth of contamination, and the estimated
depth to the water table (if known). If liquid-phase product is encountered (at or above the water table),
the boring should be abandoned immediately and sealed with hydrated bentonite chips or grout.
2. The project manager should advise the environmental officer of the governing agency and decide if special
health and safety protocol should be implemented. Initial actions may require demobilization from the
Drillers performance is commonly judged by the quantity of production rather than the quality of the borings
and samples. Not surprisingly, similar problems develop throughout the country. All geotechnical engineers
and field supervisors need to be trained to recognize these problems, and to assure that field information and
samples are properly obtained. The following is a partial listing of common errors:
C Not properly cleaning slough and cuttings from the bottom of the bore hole. The driller should not sample
through slough, but should re-enter the boring and remove the slough before proceeding.
C In cohesionless soils, jetting should not be used to advance a split barrel sampler to the bottom of the
C When sampling soft or non-cohesive soils with thin wall tube samplers (i.e., Shelby tube) it may not be
possible to recover an undisturbed sample because the sample will not stay in the barrel. The driller should
be clearly instructed not to force recovery by overdriving the sampling barrel to grab a sample.
C Improper sample types or insufficient quantity of samples. The driller should be given clear instructions
regarding the sample frequency and types of samples required. The field supervisor must keep track of
the depth of the borings at all stages of the exploration to confirm proper sampling of the soil and/or rock
C Improper hole stabilization. Rotary wash borings and hollow-stem auger borings below the groundwater
level require a head of water to be maintained at the top of the casing/augers at all times. When the drill
rods are withdrawn or as the hollow stem auger is advanced, this water level will tend to drop, and must
be maintained by the addition of more drilling fluid. Without this precaution, the sides of the boring may
collapse or the bottom of the boring may heave.
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C Sampler rods lowered into the boring with pipe wrenches rather than hoisting plug. The rods may be
inclined and the sampler can hit the boring walls, filling the sampler with debris.
C Improper procedures while performing Standard Penetration Tests. The field supervisor and driller must
assure that the proper weight and hammer drop are being used, and that friction at the cathead and along
any hammer guides is minimized.
Figure 3-25. Views of Rotary Drill Rigs Mounted on Trucks for Soil & Rock Exploration.
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