What Is The Difference Between A City and A Town

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What Is The Difference

Between A City And A
About 56.2% of the world’s population, or four
billion people, live in urban centers. By 2030, the
number of urban dwellers will have reached 6
billion people (70% of the world’s population).
Urban centers are developed areas with high
population density. Such urban areas are divided
into towns and cities depending on their
geography, demography, and levels of
development. There are thousands of urban towns
and cities globally, of which some are hosting over
one million people. While the terms town and cities
are often used interchangeably to refer to the
same place, the two are actually different types of
urban centers. However, their definitions and
official designations vary by country or regions
within the same country.

Overview Of The Differences

Although towns and cities are urban centers, they
generally differ by geographical size, population,
and level of infrastructural development. The main
difference between the two urban centers is that
cities are much larger and more developed than
towns. However, a place referred to as a city in
one country may be a town or a settlement in
another country and vice versa. For instance, a
settlement with at least 200 people in Denmark or
Sweden qualifies to be a town. Other countries like
France do not distinguish between cities and towns
and refers to the urban centers by common names
like “villes.” In some countries like the United
States, cities are legal entities with some degree
of autonomy, while in other countries, they simply
refer to large urban settlements.

What Is A City?

Beijing city, capital of China.

Cities are distinguished from other urban centers

like towns and suburban by their relatively large
size, function, population, and status conferred by
the government. A city is defined as an urban
center with a larger geographical area and
population than a town. It is a densely populated
area with a legally defined boundary and whose
population are engaged in non-agricultural
activities as sources of livelihood.

A city is considered the most developed urban

center in a country and boasts of advanced
infrastructural systems, including housing,
transportation, communication, and other social
amenities. Most cities have a central business
district (CBD), downtown, or city center that serves
as political, economic, and religious centers. Cities
also have public spaces like natural sites, parks,
and sports facilities. A capital city is a city that
functions as a country or region’s administrative
center and seat of government. Examples of
capital cities include Nairobi, London, Rome, Paris,
and Beijing. Cities such as Mecca and Jerusalem
serve as religious capitals.

Cities are continuously growing in geographical

size and boundary, merging with the surrounding
areas to form metropolis areas. Countries like
China, the United States, Brazil, and Japan have
megacities, large cities with more than 10 million
people. Different countries have different ways of
designating urban centers as cities. In the US, a
city is an entity with legal powers assigned to it by
the county or state authorities. In the UK, an urban
center is designated a city by the queen or sitting
monarch. Thus, a settlement cannot be referred to
as a city without a royal decree.

What Is A Town?

Scarborough town in the United Kingdom.

A town, like a city, does not have a distinct

definition hence the boundary between a city and a
town is unclear in most places. However, a town is
generally defined as an urban settlement larger
than a village but smaller than a city. Towns are
smaller in geographical size and population than
cities in the same country. Initially, a town was an
enclosure or a space enclosed by a fence and had
some degree of development. In the Netherlands,
the enclosed space was a garden for the wealthy.
In England, a town was a settlement that
frequently held fairs and markets. However, the
term's modern usage refers to old market towns,
areas governed by town councils, or urban centers
that would be designated cities by the monarch.

There is no official definition of a town in the US,

and the term's usage varies from state to state. In
some states like Alabama, a town is defined by
population. For instance, a settlement with more
than 2,000 people is a city, while one with less than
2,000 people. In Louisiana, a town is a community
with 1,001-4,999 people. In some states, a town is
a form of municipal government with legally
defined borders. Towns with distinct governments
are known as incorporated towns, while the rest
are known as unincorporated towns.

India has two types of towns; census and statutory

towns. A statutory town is an urban center with a
municipality, civic administration body, or municipal
corporation. A census town is a town with at least
5,000 inhabitants and a population density of 400
people per square kilometer. Also, 75% of the male
population must be engaging in non-agricultural



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Summary Of The Difference

Between A City And A Town

A city is a large urban area with a greater
geographical area, higher population, and
population density, and is more developed than a
town. On the other hand, a town is an urban area
with a larger area than a village but smaller than a
city. A city is well-planned with proper infrastructure
and modern amenities than a town.



Demography And Geography

A city has a high population density comprising
diverse ethnicities, cultures, races, religions, and
languages. Although a town may share some
demographic characteristics with a city, it is less
densely populated, with a less diverse population
in terms of ethnicities and languages than in the
cities. Cities occupy larger areas than towns and
may merge with surrounding areas to form
metropolises. Towns do not expand into the
surrounding area like cities do.

Facilities And Economy

Cities have more advanced facilities and
infrastructures like transportation systems,
hospitals, schools, and other social amenities than
towns. Most companies like banks, NGOs,
communication companies have their
headquarters in cities. Cities also have larger
economies than towns. The cities’ large
populations are often engaged in varieties of
business activities that generate more income than
towns. The economies of towns depend on small
and medium enterprises.



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Cities are the seat of government for regions and
countries. Thus, important government
administrative offices are located in cities. Towns
are rarely designated capital status and are
governed mainly by municipal councils. Most
heads of cities like mayors are elected leaders,
while heads of towns like chairpersons can be

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John Misachi October 19 2021 in Places



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