Lesson Plan, Methodology

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Lesson Plan

Date: 11.03.2021
Form: 8
Topic: Music
 to present new vocabulary
 to practice new vocabulary
 to make pupils able to use the topical vocabulary in their own minidialogues
 to bring up in pupils ability to think creatively
Language Level: A2
Time: 45 min
Materials: О.Д. Карп'юк, 2016, 8 class, handouts, computer, projector, presentation.

Stage, Activity, Procedure, Teacher’s instructions Interaction Time

Purpose of the Mode
Presentation of T: What words do you associate with T-Ss 6 min
new vocabulary the topic “Music”?
S: (students` own answers)
Technique: T: Do you like to listen to music? What
Eliciting styles of music do you know?
Giving models S: Rap, Jazz…
Drilling T: Today we will learn new musical
CCQ styles and instruments, and also we will
Purpose: to speak about them (Slide 2) CCQ:
familiarize pupils 1. What was the last song you
with names of have listened to? What was the
musical style of that song? 2. Who is your
instruments and favourite singer/What is your
styles. favourite group?
Look at Slide 3, try to guess what
style of music do these people
Controlled Look at Slide 4. T-Ss 3 min
practice T: Match the music style with its
Activity 1 description.
Matching Task 1.

Purpose: to
familiarize pupils
with definitions of
music styles.
Activity 2 Look at Slide 5 T-Ss 2 min
Matching T: Match the musical instrument with its
Purpose: to Task 2.
familiarize pupils
with looks of
different musical
Activity 3 T: Complete the table in your notebook. S 3 min.
Sorting Use the words in the box.
Task 3.
Purpose: to check
pupils` knowledge.
Activity 4 T: Complete these sentences in your S 5 min
Completing the notebook using the active vocabulary.
sentences using Task 4.
topical vocabulary.

Purpose: use
topical vocabulary
in context.
Activity 5 T: Work in pairs. Each takes one card S-S 4 min
A card game with a name of one music style. Guess
what music style your partner has on a
Purpose: to check card asking Yes or No questions. E.g. is
pupils` it a slow music?
understanding of Task 5.
the topical
develop pupils`
speaking skills.
Activity 6 T: Read and translate the text S, S-T 6 min
Reading and (Handouts)
translating the text Task 6
with the topical

Purpose: develop
pupils` reading
Activity 7 T: Answer the following questions. S-T 5 min
Answering Task 7
questions to the
text using topical

Purpose: to use the

topical vocabulary
in context, develop
pupils` speaking
Freer / Free T: Answer the questions about the S, S-S 6 min.
practice music in your own life. (Handouts)
Activity 8
Answering open-
ended questions
(with more than
one answer)

Purpose: to bring
up in pupils ability
to think creatively,
develop pupils`
speaking skills.

Activity 9 T: Dramatize a dialogue with the given S-S 5 min.

Dramatizing a scheme.
dialogue with the - Do you like to listen to music?
given scheme - Yes, I like.
- How often do you do it?
Purpose: to bring - Not very often/twice a week/every
up in pupils ability day.
to think creatively, - What style of music is your
develop pupils` favourite?
speaking skills. - My favourite style of music is …
And what about you?
- I really like …

T: Please continue the dialoque using

your fantasy.

Task 1.

Task 2.
Task 3.

Task 4.

Task 5. A card game.

Task 6. Read and translate the text.

Task 7. Answer the questions to the text:

Task 8. Give your personal answers to the questions below, then discuss them with
your partner.
1. What kind of music do you like?
2. How does music makes you feel?
3. How much time do you spend listening to music?
4. Who is your favourite singer/What is your favourite group?
5. What do you think of when you listen to music?
Task 9. The scheme of the dialoque:

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