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XCPPro User Manual

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XC series Edit Tool XCPPro

User Manual


XCP Pro User Manual

1 Use explanation .............................................................................................................................. 4
1-1. System requirements ....................................................................................................... 5
1-2. Install steps ....................................................................................................................... 5
1-3. Uninstall steps .................................................................................................................. 7
2 Basic operation............................................................................................................................... 9
2-1. Open and close the XCP Pro ......................................................................................... 10
2-2. Create and open the project .......................................................................................... 11
2-3. Add and delete the PLC mode ...................................................................................... 12
3 Basic introduction of edit environment ........................................................................................ 14
3-1.The basic form of interface ............................................................................................ 15
3-2. Conventional Toolbar .................................................................................................... 16
3-3. PLC Toolbar ................................................................................................................... 16
3-4. Ladder Chart Input Bar................................................................................................ 17
3-5. Other ............................................................................................................................... 18
3-6. Menu Bar Introduction ................................................................................................. 18
3-6-1. File ........................................................................................................................ 18
3-6-2. Edit ....................................................................................................................... 19
3-6-3. Search/Replace ..................................................................................................... 19
3-6-4. View...................................................................................................................... 20
3-6-5. PLCOperate .......................................................................................................... 20
3-6-6. PLC Setting .......................................................................................................... 21
3-6-7. Option ................................................................................................................... 21
3-6-8. Window ................................................................................................................ 21
3-6-9. Help ...................................................................................................................... 22
3-7. Project bar ...................................................................................................................... 22
3-8. Shortcut key instruction ................................................................................................ 23
4 Simple function realization................................................................................................ 24
4-1. Online .............................................................................................................................. 25
4-2. Download/Upload program, PLC state control........................................................... 26
4-3. Set PLC initial value, upload/download data .............................................................. 27
4-3-1. Initial value settings .............................................................................................. 27
4-3-2. Upload/Download data ......................................................................................... 28
4-4. PLC and module information enquiry......................................................................... 29
4-4-1. PLC main unit information ................................................................................... 29
4-4-2. BD board information........................................................................................... 30
4-4-3. Expansion module information ............................................................................ 30
4-4-4. Scan cycle ............................................................................................................. 31
4-4-5. Clock information ................................................................................................. 31
4-4-6. Error information .................................................................................................. 31
4-5. PLC Initialization .......................................................................................................... 32
4-6. Lock/Unlock program ................................................................................................... 32

XCP Pro User Manual

4-6-1. Password settings.................................................................................................. 32

4-6-2. Lock/Unlock ......................................................................................................... 33
4-6-3. The default password decryption settings............................................................. 33
4-7. Print ................................................................................................................................ 34
5 Program operation ........................................................................................................................ 35
5-1. Program mode ................................................................................................................ 36
5-2. Input instruction ............................................................................................................ 37
5-2-1. Instruction prompt ................................................................................................ 37
5-2-2. Input node ............................................................................................................. 37
5-2-3. Input loop ............................................................................................................. 38
5-2-4. Special instruction ................................................................................................ 41
5-3. Ladder chart edit ........................................................................................................... 44
5-3-1. Horizontal line and vertical line operation ........................................................... 44
5-3-2. Node and row operation ....................................................................................... 45
5-3-3. Edit comment ....................................................................................................... 46
5-3-4. Ladder chart copy and cut .................................................................................... 48
5-3-5. Ladder chart instruction management .................................................................. 49
5-4. Relevant config ............................................................................................................... 51
5-4-1. PLC serial port settings ........................................................................................ 51
5-4-2. Password settings.................................................................................................. 52
5-4-3. BD board settings ................................................................................................. 52
5-4-4. Can-bus communication config ............................................................................ 53
5-4-5. Power-off retentive save memory settings............................................................ 55
5-4-6. Expansion module settings ................................................................................... 55
5-4-7. I/O settings ........................................................................................................... 56
5-4-8. Communication mode settings ............................................................................. 57
5-4-9. TCP/IP settings ..................................................................................................... 59
5-4-10. Function block list .............................................................................................. 59
5-5. Soft element monitor ..................................................................................................... 61
5-5-1. Soft element comment .......................................................................................... 61
5-5-2. Free monitor ......................................................................................................... 61
5-5-3. Data monitor ......................................................................................................... 62
5-5-4. Ladder chart monitor ............................................................................................ 63
5-5-5. Information bar ..................................................................................................... 63
5-5-6. Status bar .............................................................................................................. 64

XCP Pro User Manual

1 Use explanation
This chapter focuses on XC XCP Pro PC software installation system requirements, installation
and unloading steps.

1-1.Install system requirements

1-2.Install steps

1-3.Uninstall steps

XCP Pro User Manual

1-1. System requirements

This software suits for running on the platforms as Windows XP, Window 7 and other above.

1-2. Install steps

1. If your operation system have not installed the Framework2.0 library before, you should
run the installation process "dotnetfx.exe" first, which is in the subfolder "dotnetfx" of the
installation folder;

2、Double-click to operate the installation file“setup.exe”;

XCP Pro User Manual


②Choose software
installation path,
click "next step",
until the "install"
button appear.

③ Shows that the

XCPPro is installing,
please wait.

XCP Pro User Manual

④ Until the show "the

installation is complete,"
click "finish", hereto, the
XCP software installation
is completed.

1-3. Uninstall steps

1 Choose "Start"→ "Setting"→ "Control panel"

2 Double-click "Add/Delete XCP edit tool"

3 Pitch on "XCPPro3.0" in the list, press "Delete" in the lower right corner

4 Click [Yes] in the "Add or Remove Programs" screen

XCP Pro User Manual

5 Uninstalling XCPPro

6 Promopt the uninstallation is successful.

XCP Pro User Manual

2 Basic operation
This chapter focuses on the most basic operations in XCP Pro, including open and close software,
create and open the project, add and delete PLC type in the same project.

2-1.Open and close the XCP Pro

2-2.Create and open the project

2-3.Add and delete PLC type

XCP Pro User Manual

2-1. Open and close the XCP Pro

1. Open the XCP Pro

(1) Choose "Start"→"All procedures"→"XCP Pro"→"XCPPro.exe".

(2) When the XCP Pro has just started, the screen display as shown below:

Note: You can also double-click the shortcut icon " " on the desktop to open the

1. Close the XCP Pro

Choose "File"→"Exit", or directly click the button " ", the XCP Pro will be closed.

XCP Pro User Manual

2-2. Create and open the project

1. Create a new project

(1) Choose "File"→"New project Ctrl+N ", or click icon " ", the PLC model selection
windows will pop up. If PLC has connected currently, the software will automatically detect
the model, as the default, as follows:

(2) Select the PLC model in the "Select PLC Model" windows, then click "OK", the
establishment of a new project is completed. As shown below:

2. Open project

Choose "File"→"Open project", or click icon " ", then select *. xcp type of file in the "Open

XCP Pro User Manual

PLC project file" dialog box, click the "open", it's completed.

Note: Usually, when you open a XCP project, the system backup the original file automatically,
file named *. rak for reunification. When the need to use the file, change the suffix to be ". xcp",
then open it in XCP Pro.

2-3. Add and delete the PLC mode

When project new created, it is defaulted for PLC1. When user needs to edit a number of PLCs,
they can add multi-object to a interface.

1. Add PLC

Method 1: Click "File"→"Add PLC".

Method 2: In project column which is on the left side, right-click "PLC1"→"Add PLC", as

XCP Pro User Manual


When PLC is added successfully, it will be named "PLC2" acquiescently, and the project column
in the left side will change also, as shown below:

When edit different PLCs, only need to click the plc simply. What's more, users can also modify
appropriate name, edit communication mode, change models or delete operation on the
corresponding PLC .

1. Delete models

Method 1: Right-click the PLC to delete directly, select "Delete PLC".

Method 2: First select the PLC to delete, and then to "File"→"Delete PLC".

After the operation, system will hint whether or not to delete, as follows:

To confirm the deletion, click "OK", otherwise, click "Cancel."

Note: The code between different PLC editor objects can copy each other, the code between
different projects can also copy and paste.

XCP Pro User Manual

3 Basic introduction of edit environment

This chapter focuses on basic structure of XCP Pro software, the main function of the Toolbar, the
menu bar, the project bar, and shortcut key in common use.

3-1.The basic form of interface

3-2.Conventional Toolbar


3-4.Ladder input Toolbar


3-6.Menu bar

3-7.Project bar

3-8.Shortcut key introduction

XCP Pro User Manual

3-1.The basic form of interface

Title bar:Behind the XCPPro,display the opening ladder program file name and path.
Menu bar:Choose the operation to carry out in the drop-down menu.

Conventional Toolbar: Diaplay the icons of basic functions,such as copy, search.

Ladder input bar:When input instruction symbol, select the corresponding symbol
Windows switch bar: Switch windows
PLCToolbar:Including upload、download、run、etc.
Other:Including the operation of

Status bar: Show PLC model, communication method,operate state

Edit area: Write program, or input ladder chart.

Information bar: Show error list and output.

Project bar/Instruction bar: Show project catalog and instruction list. The object in project bar is for
user's convenient operation, these functions are included in menu bar also.
Note: Each window can adjust place and size at will.

XCP Pro User Manual

3-2. Conventional Toolbar

New New Create a Ladder program

Open Open an edited (saved) file

Save Save the modified or new created file

Cut Cut in the the specified scope

Copy Copy within the scope of instruction

Paste the cutted and copied contents to a designated


Go back Go back to the region of previous cursor

Go forward Go forward to the region of next cursor

Search Search the statement or string

Note Show node comment

Instruction tooltip open/close

Printer Print the current file


Help See related XC instructions for use

3-3. PLC Toolbar

Download the editing program or data into PLC EMS


Upload Read the program or data in PLC memory out

Run Run PLC

Stop Stop PLC

XCP Pro User Manual

Lock Lock program

Unlock Unlock program

Lad monitor Monitor the operation process of ladder chart program

Data monitor Monitor and set state, data of all PLC soft elements

Free monitor Monitor and set state, data of specified PLC soft elements

Software serial
Config software serial port
port config

3-4. Ladder Chart Input Bar

Insert a node Set

Insert a row Instruction frame

Delete a Node Horizontal Line

Delete a Row Delete Horizontal Line

Normally Open Node Vertical Line

Normally Closed Node Delete Vertical Line

Rising Edge Pulse PID Instruction Parameter Config

Falling Edge Pulse Pulse Instruction Parameter Config

Out High-speed Count 24-section Config

Reset G-BOX SMS Config

XCP Pro User Manual

3-5. Other

Auto-adapt Col Width Auto-adjust col width to a appropriate length

Zoom In Zoom in ladder chart

Zoom Out Zoom out ladder chart

To Ladder Convert instruction list into ladder chart

To Instruction List Convert ladder chart into instruction list

Grammer Check Check user procedure on grammer

3-6. Menu Bar Introduction

3-6-1. File

XCP Pro User Manual

3-6-2. Edit

3-6-3. Search/Replace

XCP Pro User Manual

3-6-4. View

3-6-5. PLC Operate

In the basic operation of PLC, there are several items, listed as below, need attention:

 The usage of secret download

Please be sure to attention, in order to protect users' intellectual property, after the use of
secret download, the program or data in PLC will never be able to upload, and the program
is unable to decipher.

 Stop PLC when PLC reboot

When user program error, bring on as run will not be able to communicate, use "Stop
PLC when PLC reboot", make PLC stop as soon as reboot, then can re-download user

 Lock/Unlock program

When using the function, first set the user program password, then download, password
and program will be download into PLC together. When user want to upload, they need to
input password to unlock the PLC at first, then can upload.

When PLC with password, it can re-download user program also, cover with the old
program. The password is used to protect user program.

Note: Specific PLC information see P29.

XCP Pro User Manual

3-6-6. PLC Setting

3-6-7. Option

3-6-8. Window

XCP Pro User Manual

3-6-9. Help

3-7. Project bar

The left column includs "Project bar" and "Instruction class bar".
Project bar: Most operation in project bar have related to in menu bar and tool bar, it will not
go into details here.
Instruction class bar: Classify instructions in accordance with the different funcyions, then
users can search directly, as follows:

XCP Pro User Manual

3-8. Shortcut key instruction

Ctrl+N Creat a new project Shift+ F6 Falling edge pulse

Ctrl+S Save project F7 Output
Ctrl+P Print config Shift+ F8 Reset
Ctrl+Z Undo Shift+ F7 Set
Ctrl+Y Redo F8 Other
Ctrl+C Copy F11 Horizontal line
Ctrl+V Paste Shift+F11 Delete horizontal line
Ctrl+X Cut F12 Vertical line
Ctrl+A Select all Shift+F12 Delete vertical line
Delete Delete Ctrl+F Search soft element
Shift+Insert Insert a raw Ctrl+T Sear step ID
Shift+Delete Delete a raw Ctrl+R Replace
Ins Insert a node Alt+Left Go back
F5 Commonly open node Alt+Right Go forward
F6 Commonly close node Ctrl+G Grammer check
Shift+ F5 Rising edge pulse F1 Help

XCP Pro User Manual

4 Simple function realization

This chapter focuses on realization of PLC basic functions, including online, upload/download
program, run/stop PLC, upload/download data, specified information search, PLC initialization,
lock/unlock program, print, etc.


4-2.Upload/download program, and PLC status control

4-3.Set PLC initialize value, upload/download data

4-4.PLC and module information enquire

4-5.PLC initialization

4-6.Lock/Unlock program


XCP Pro User Manual

4-1. Online
1. Click menu bar, "option"→"software serial port config", or click icon

" ".

2. In "Config Software ComPort" window, choose correct serial port, baudrate, parity, or
click "Check", software will check and set correct serial port, baudrate, parity

3. When red word "Connect PLC Succeeded" showing in the left bottom of "Config
Software ComPort" window, online success, connect succeed, check "OK", continue
other operations.

4. When online failed, "Communication Error" will show in red word in the left bottom of
"Config Software Comport" window, please check computer comport, communication
cable and PLC communication port.

XCP Pro User Manual

4-2. Download/Upload program, PLC state control

1. When online succeeded, click "PLC operation" in menu bar→ "upload program&data ",

or click " " icon, can upload the PLC program. Click "project" in menu bar→ "save

project", or " " icon, can save program.

2. When online succeeded, click "PLC operate" in menu bar→"Download Program & Data",

or click icon, the program can download into PLC. If PLC is running, the "stop
running PLC" window will pop up.

Choose "OK", PLC stop run, download new program. While downloading, the guage pop up.

XCP Pro User Manual

After download program, click button to run PLC.

3. State control

After online, click button to run PLC; click button to stop PLC.

4-3. Set PLC initial value, upload/download data

4-3-1. Initial value settings

Click "Set Reg Init Value" in project bar, the "Init Reg Value" window will pop up.

 "Upload":Upload the data of PLC soft element; "Download": download the set value into
 The numerical value can switch between "decimal", "binary", "hexadecimal", "no symbol",

 Add soft element: Click "add" button, "Add Reg Init Value Range" window pop up, choose
register model 'D' or 'FD', then set begin and end address.

XCP Pro User Manual

The below chart is the initial value settings of adding two registers, double-click address ID,
modify numerical value.

4-3-2. Upload/Download data

Method 1: If the operation object is a part of address, set initial value at first, then click "upload",
"download" button.
Method 2: If operation object is the whole address, click "PLC operate" in menu bar→"Upload
data", "Download data".

XCP Pro User Manual

4-4. PLC and module information enquiry

① Click "Project column"→"PLC information",
a catalog will appear;
② Click "PLC main unit information", "BD
board information", "expansion module
information", "scan cycle", "error
information" on the respective, then you can
see corresponding information.
Method 2:
Click correlative items in the left side, "Project"→
"PLC information", to view directly, shown as

4-4-1. PLC main unit information

Show PLC series, model, slave version and befitting master version.

XCP Pro User Manual

4-4-2. BD board information

Show BD input/output points, input/output bytes, primary/secondary version, and BD board


4-4-3. Expansion module information

Show module information (content as BD board).

XCP Pro User Manual

4-4-4. Scan cycle

Show current cycle, Min/Max cycle of ladder chart program.

4-4-5. Clock information

Show current clock date information.

4-4-6. Error information

Show compilation error information.

XCP Pro User Manual

4-5. PLC Initialization

Choose "PLC setting" in menu bar→"PLC Initialization", PLC will be initialized to leave
factory settings.

4-6. Lock/Unlock program

When password setted, the PLC program cannot be read out in lock state, in order to protect
program. If repeatedly enter password error, PLC will blockade password automatically. Here,
PLC need a re-electrify, then can open password and upload.

4-6-1. Password settings

Click "PLC setting" in project bar →"Password", or "PLC config" in menu bar→"password", tthe
password can be set and modified. Password is make up of 6 letters/numerals.The system default
for six zero, that is no password.

XCP Pro User Manual

4-6-2. Lock/Unlock

When password set succeeded, click icon to lock the current PLC. So in the process of upload
the PLC program, only enter corret password, the program can upload successfully; click
icon to unlock the current PLC, the program can upload in normal.

4-6-3. The default password decryption settings

To menu bar"Option"→ "Default Unlock Psw Config", set unlock password.

When using secreted PLC, if it needs to upload procedure frequently, or enter different passwords
to different secreted PLCs, users can set default decryption password. As shown above, users can
set a number of decryption passwords. Then in the upload process, no need to enter password

XCP Pro User Manual

4-7. Print

Click "File"→"Print", the print config window will pop up, the program can be printed in ladder
chart or instruction mode.

Print object:
① Ladder chart, command, note;
② Print all or part (separated with cursor), all is allowed.
Print settings:
① Choose printer
② Print range
③ Print amount

XCP Pro User Manual

5 Program operation
This chapter focuses on the introduction in the XCP Pro program environment, including method,
configure and idiographic operation process, which may be involved in a wide variety of program.

5-1.Program mode

5-2.Instruction sign input

5-3.Ladder chart edit

5-4.Correlative configure

5-5.Soft element monitor

XCP Pro User Manual

5-1. Program mode

XCPPro can program in two methods: ladder chart program or repertoire program.

ladder chart program: intuitionistic and convenient, is chosen by the majority of PLC program
and maintenance personnel.

Repertoire program: suit for the personnel who is familiar with PLC and experienced in logic

XCP Pro User Manual

5-2. Input instruction

5-2-1. Instruction prompt

When users write instructions in ladder chart mode, they can open instruction prompt function via
click " " icon. In manual input state, the system will automatically list correlative instructions for
users to choose, and put up choice tips on operand, to help users quickly and correctly complete
the instruction input.
For those who is not familiar with the directive of the user's operation.

Shown in the left figure, when

inputting "LD", the system will pop
up instructions start with "LD",
easy for users' operation who is not
faniliar with the instrutions.

After instruction comfirmed, the system will

put up correlative prompt on operand, such as
operand attribute, available address type, etc.

5-2-2. Input node

Icon Function Shortcut key

Commonly open node F5

Commonly close node F6

Rising edge Shift+F5

Falling edge Shift+F6

Take example to explain the instruction input:

XCP Pro User Manual

Mouse left bond click a certain node in ladder chart, the display area in dotted line box denote the

chosen node; first click " " icon (or press F5 key), the figure will show a dialog box (LD M0),
it can edit instruction and loop in dialog box. When edit finished, press "Enter" button, if input
error, then the node will show in red. Double-click the node, user can afresh input operation.


Right Wrong
input input

Press "enter" to right move the edit area

5-2-3. Input loop

Icon Function Shortcut key

Output loop, timer and counter F7

Set loop Shift+F7

Reset loop Shift+F8

Edit instruction F8

Next take example to explain the instruction input:

Ex1: Loop output
①After the ladder's first node X0 input, the dotted line box right move a lattice;

② Click " " icon (or press F7 key), the instruction dialog window pop up (OUT);

XCP Pro User Manual

③ Input Y0 in the cursor place;

④ Press "Enter" key, if input correct, then dotted line box move to the next row; if not, the node
will show in red, double-click the node to modify.

EX2: Timer and cunter input

①The input method of timer: OUT+Timer number+blank+timing hour

Aftere input correct, press enter, then dotted line box line wrap.

② Counter input mode: OUT+blank+counter number+blank+count value

After input correct, press enter, then dotted line box line wrap.

XCP Pro User Manual

Ex3: Other instruction input

① Click " " icon (or press F8 key), left side column show instruction list; douvle-click the
input instruction, the instruction is activated in appointed area, input parameter.

② Users who are familiar with instructions can double-click input area, manually input
instructions and parameters;
Double-click the activated area:

Input instruction and operand in dialog box.

③Aftere input correct, press enter, then input area line wrap.

XCP Pro User Manual

 Instruction input mode: instruction + blank + operand.
 The red node means it's error.
 Pay attention to connection, make sure it's integrated.

5-2-4. Special instruction

The several instructions mentioned below, can lead user to complete correlative instruction set
through icon in dialog box format at a glance, the parameter settings is more clear.

1. PID instruction

 Parameter settings and instruction transfer

Put the cursor in instruction input point, then click " " icon in instruction bar, the parameter
set dialog box pop up, the setting item include address, PID parameter in common use, mode
settings, overshoot, direction, etc. As follows:

After the set of parameter, click "OK", the instruction appear in the ladder chart window, as

 Parameter modification

To edit parameters, double-click the instruction to modify address, other parameters canbe
modified through free monitor manually, can also click on
To edit parameters, double-click on the directive to address changes to other parameters can be
modified through free monitor manually, can also click on the instructions, then click on " ",
to modify parameters.

XCP Pro User Manual

2. Pulse output instructions

 Parameter settings and instruction calling

Posit cursor to instruction input point, then click " " icon in instruction bar, parameter
setting dialog box poop up, the set items include instruction kinds, bit, segment, frequency,
accelerate and decelerate time, config, adress, etc. As shown below:

When parameter settings completed, click "OK", instruction will present to the ladder chart area,
shown as follows:

 Parameter modification
When modify parameter, double-click the instruction to modify address, other parameter can be
modifed in free monitor manually. It can also single-click the instruction, then click " " to
modify parameter.。

3. High speed conter 24-segment instruction

 Set parameter and call instruction

Make the cursor position to input point, then click " " icon in instruction bar, parameter
config box pop up. The config items include high speed count, campare value, 24-segment
config value, etc. As shown below:

After parameter setting, click OK, instruction appear in ladder chart appointed area, sa shown

XCP Pro User Manual

 Parameter modification

When modify parameter, double-click the instruction to modify address. You can modify other
parameter via free monitor manually, and also can click the instruction first, then click " " to
modify parameter.

4. The G-BOX SMS configuration

When XCP Pro connect with G-BOX successfully, you can do SMS config.

 Parameter config and instruction call

Click " " icon in instruction bar, dialog box pop up, the config parameter include
instruction name, COM port, phone number, first address, SMS content, as shown below:

XCP Pro User Manual

5-3. Ladder chart edit

5-3-1. Horizontal line and vertical line operation

Icon Functions Shortcut key

Insert horizontal line F11

Insert vertical line F12

Delete horizontal line Shift+F11

Delete vertical line Shift+F12

 Insert horizontal line and vertical line

① Move the dotted line box to input place

Click (or press F11 key)。

②Move the dotted line box to upper right of the input place

Click (or press F12 key)

 Delete horizontal line and vertical line

① Delete horizontal line: Move the dotted line box to delete place, click (or press Shift+F11

XCP Pro User Manual

② Delete vertical line: Move the dotted line box to upper right of the delete place, click (or
press Shift+F12 key).

5-3-2. Node and row operation

Icon Function Shortcut key

Insert node Ins

Insert row Shift+Ins

Delete node Del

Delete row Shift+Del

 Insert node: move the dotted line box to input place.

Click (or press Ins key),node right extension, a blank line appear in dotted line box.

 Insert row: move the dotted line box to input place.

Click (or press Ins key), ladder chart down move a row, a blank row appear in dotted line

XCP Pro User Manual

 Delete node: move the dotted line box to input place.

Delete (or press Del key), dotted line box right move a line, a blank line appearance.

 Delete row: move the dotted line box to input place.

Click (or press Shift+Del key), the row of dotted line box is deleted, the next row up
move a row automatically.

5-3-3. Edit comment

Click "view" in menu bar→"show node comment", then you can do operation of display and
close ladder chart node comment.
1、Add soft element comment

① Move the dotted line box to comment soft element, right click, then menu pop up.

XCP Pro User Manual

② Click "Modify Reg Comment " icon, the edit comment box pop up;

③Add and modify words in dialog box;

④ Click "OK", then complete note. In the condition of show node comment, all the comment
information will show in the bottom of the element.

 In the mode of ladder chart don't show comment, move the mouse to soft element, then a
information box will emerge to show soft element comment information.

 Click "Reg Comment" in the left project bar, or click "View" in menu bar→ "Node Comment
List", PLC soft element comment table pop up, you can view, modify, add all soft element
comment in the table. The display mode can be classify display, can also be whole display.

XCP Pro User Manual

5-3-4. Ladder chart copy and cut

 Copy: mov the dotted line box to input place, press and drag the mouse, the selected area

will show in anti-color, click (or press Ctrl+C);

Then move the dotted line box to paste place, click (or press Ctrl+V)

 Cut: drag mouse and select the cut area, press (or press Ctrl+X), then move the dotted

line box to paste place, click (or press Ctrl+V).

Note: You can press Ctrl to select multi-node for cutting or pasting.

XCP Pro User Manual

5-3-5. Ladder chart instruction management

1、The fold and unfold of sentence

When user procedure is too long, effective instruction management can help user with
clear thinking, then they can complete program favoringly.

The previous figure is a segment flow sentence, the left side in hoariness marked with
relevant row number of sentence. From the begining to end flow, there's a brace start with " ".
Click " ", it will turn to " ", and the relevant sentence are folded, as shown below:

Usually, the sentence fold only apply for flow, circle and other sentence. After folded, the
program is much more concise, to help users better grasp the overall program situation.

Fold and expand can carry out by the right-mouse menu, as follows:


Though fold, expand function don't suit for normal sentence, but with the help of
"GROUP/GROUPE" to organize sentence into groups, fold/expand are also suitable.
"GROUP" and "GROUPE" instructions don't have practical significance, only dispose
the program on formal. Usually, a GROUP start with "GROUP", end with "GROUPE", the
middle part is effective user program. The GROUP rely on different functions of sentence, or

XCP Pro User Manual

others. The following is an example of GROUP, only need to input directly.

If fold all sentence, it will be the effect as follows. When you want to descry a certain section
program, only need to click " ".

At the same time, convenient for management, users also can descry in the nearside project
bar, as shown below, all folden item are noted in "ladder", double-click to expand.

XCP Pro User Manual

5-4. Relevant config

5-4-1. PLC serial port settings

1. Click "PLC config" in project bar→"serial port", serial port set box pop up.

2. Click "serial port 1", "serial port 2", "serial port 3" to set different serial ports.

3. There are two optional communication modes, "Modbus" and "Free protocal".

4. Click "Read From PLC" to get PLC default parameter.

5. Click "Write Into PLC" to write current parameter into PLC, PLC re-power.


Free protocal

XCP Pro User Manual

5-4-2. Password settings

Click "PLC Config" in project bar→"Password", password set box pop up for password setting
and modification, work together with lock/unlock functions.

5-4-3. BD board settings

Click "PLC Config" in project bar→"BD", BD set box pop up.

 In "BD Config", you can choose "No config", "BD serial port", "Other BD board".
 Click "Read from PLC" to get default BD config parameter.
 After modified with BD board parameter, click "Write to PLC" to write set value into

EX: take "2AD2PT-P" type BD config as example, first choose "other BD" in "BD Config",
then choose relevant BD board type in the below dialog box.

XCP Pro User Manual

Click the little box before "BD-2AD2PT-P", hook it, then "BD-2AD2PT-P config" box
appear in the right. Click drop-doen menu to modify its configuration, after modify finished,
click "Write To PLC".

5-4-4. Can-bus communication config

Click "PLC config" in project bar→"CAN", CAN config settings dialog box pop up.

 Add: first select the configure item, then click "add" button to add address;

XCP Pro User Manual

 Delete: select "configed", click "delete" button.

Note: the add and delete of item can also first select operation item, right-click, choose operation
in the pop-up menu.

XCP Pro User Manual

5-4-5. Power-off retentive save memory settings

Click "PLC Setting" in project bar→"Hold Mem Setting", save hold memory set box pop up.
 The value show in the right box of each soft element, is the power-off retentive area
original address. The "Input Value Range" in the lower left side, show the soft element
effective range.

5-4-6. Expansion module settings

Click "PLC config"→"expansion module", expansion module setting box pop up.
 Click "Read From PLC" to get default configure parameter of expansion module.
 After the settings of expansion module parameter, click "Write To PLC" to write set
value into PLC.

XCP Pro User Manual

5-4-7. I/O settings

Click "PLC config" in project bar→"I/O settings", I/O setting box pop up.
 I/O point mapping: refer to the relevant actual input, output definition of internal soft
element number. Such as, set value to be 0 in X0,X1position, then when input terminal is
ON, soft element X0,X1 all set ON; if the set value in Y0,Y1 position all are 0, then only
while soft element Y1 is ON, output terminal Y0 has export.

Click X31, pop up

drop-down options, as left

 In port property: when it's "+", the input and output state is positive logic; when it's "-",
the input and output state is negative logic.

XCP Pro User Manual

In in port
property, 0,1
are correspond
with positive
and negative

5-4-8. Communication mode settings

Communication mode settings is

usually used to set communication
mode of computer and connection
device(include main unit PLC, net

The default communication mode is serial port, when click "+", it will open TCP/IP
device(viz.TCP/IP settings) window, as shown below:

XCP Pro User Manual

Click "Add GOX" button, users can add communication device here, window pop up as follows:

Set relevant parameter in the window, concrete parameter set, please see from <<Wireless data
transmission module G-BOX user manual>>, no repeat here.
After add successfully, communication mode setting interface have changed, item UDP is
activated, network type is activated also. Usually G-BOX use inner network type, while T-BOX
use outer network type, as shown below:

Communication mode settings can also via click relevant PLC name in project bar, right click,
select "Edit PLC Communication Mode" in pop-up menu, as shown below:

XCP Pro User Manual

5-4-9. TCP/IP settings

Set window is the same as "TCP/IP device", it can only activate UDP communication after TCP/IP
device configured

5-4-10. Function block list

The window is use to show used C language function block and relevant information.

Function block directly compile in software, it can save and export after completed, and can be
directly transferred in ladder chart, shown as below:

XCP Pro User Manual

After confirm the input function block basic information, you will find a "FUN1" added in the
project bar, as shown below:

Click "FUN1", the following interface appear in main window, users edit program here. If still
need to use after exit project, you can save it, as shown below:

XCP Pro User Manual

5-5. Soft element monitor

5-5-1. Soft element comment

Click "Reg comment" in project bar, soft element comment window pop up, you can see whole or
part soft element comment, double-click comment bar can edit the comment.

Click "used" in window, the used soft element window pop up, the used element number list

5-5-2. Free monitor

Click "free monitor" in project bar, the free monitor window pop up.

Click "Add", "monitor node input" window pop up: input the monitor soft element capital address
in "Monitor Reg" bar, set the continuous monitoring soft elements number in "Num", select soft
element monitor method in "Monitor Mode" bar, select soft element show mode in "Show Mode"

XCP Pro User Manual

After added successfully, serial number, value, word length, number format and comment of
relevant element list in monitor window, double-click relevant place can edit its attribute.

5-5-3. Data monitor

Click "data monitor" in project bar, data monitor window pop up. Data monitor monitor loop state,
data register value in list, it can also modify register value or loop state directly.

 Mouse double-click loop, then state negation; double-click register, then activate value
modification, press enter to affirm input.
 Input relevant soft element number in search bar, press enter, monitor table will automatically

jump to relevant place.

 When loop state is OFF, it's blue-background black word; when is ON, it's green-background
white word, shown as below:

XCP Pro User Manual

5-5-4. Ladder chart monitor

When PLC connects successfully, and in the run state, user can predominate run state via ladder
chart monitoring, and especially usefully for program debugging.

Click " " icon in toolbar, open ladder chart monitor, soft element state of program all show,
loop in green-background white-word is ON state, real-time data in timer, register show also in
ladder chart, shown as follows:

For convenient debugging, users can right-click soft element, change the current state, look around
the revised operating results

5-5-5. Information bar

Information bar contains "Error information" and "Output".

Error information: for showing syntax and run error, generally speaking, when users edit ladder
chart, if sentence error, press enter, it will show in red, and show error in error information list.
Shown as follows:

XCP Pro User Manual

If only check on sentence, you can click "PLC operate"→"Grammar check".

Double-click error information, then cursor will position to error place automatically, shown as

Output: Usually when PLC run error, relevant information writen into output bar, clue on
operation error. As shown below:

The display of information, data monitor and free monitor can switch via button in below of
window, shown as below:

5-5-6. Status bar

The status bar not only shows the relevant information of the current enabled PLC, users can
double-click the status display information, to quickly open the modify attributes window, as
shown below:

XCP Pro User Manual


XCP Pro User Manual


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