Adapted Ppt
Adapted Ppt
Adapted Ppt
Planning: arrangement of appropriate adapted physical education
programs (activities).
Assessment: adequate and periodic health examination by a group of
medical doctors.
Prescription (placement):- classification of physical education based
on the health examination and other pertinent tests and observations.
Teaching (counseling): guidance of individuals needing special
consideration with respect to physical activity, general health
practices recreational pursuit, vocational planning, psychological
adjustment and social development.
Evaluation:-evaluating and recording of progress through
observations, appropriate measurements and consultations.
Didactical Principles Applied in Physical Education
Differentiated Instruction
Within a generalized teaching approach, many aspects of instruction
can be modified to enhance instruction.
A skilled educator keeps in mind the learner's abilities and makes
changes to instruction on an individual or differentiated basis.
Instruction should be focused on the abilities of each student, making
modifications only as needed.
What is community-based programming?
Helping students to make connections with physical activity
opportunities in the community outside of school is, the
responsibility of the physical education teacher.
The PE specialist plays a major role in recognizing
opportunities in the community and identifying the skills
the student needs to participate successfully.
The Role of Para professionals in Assisting Adapted Physical
Education Teachers
Paraprofessionals and instructional assistants can play an
important role in assisting students with disabilities in the
general physical education setting.
Support personnel enhance the level of instruction in the
physical education setting in numerous ways:
Providing extra verbal and visual cues for students with
Modelling desired movement or behavior
Providing simplified instructions
Encouraging involvement of other students/peer buddies
during physical education
Assisting students so they can successfully participate in the
general physical education setting
Monitoring student behavior
Assisting students with transitions in the classroom
5.Individual difference with emphasis on sport
There are many different types of disability that have
distinct/different features.
Physical activity program should be designed and activities
are adapted based on the features of each type of disability
Learning Disability
Learning disability is a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological
depth perception problems, directly influence a student’s ability to master basic
movement tasks.
Special consideration in physical education
Slight teaching modifications may be needed for individual
To reduce hyperactive tendencies, prepare the lesson with
several short activities in mind rather than one lengthy
Give clear, brief instructions, ask the children to repeat the
directions before beginning the activity.
Use small learning steps, and praise the child’s efforts and
Mental Retardation
Mental retardation:- refers to substantial limitation in certain, but not all,
personal capabilities, including cognitive, functional and social abilities.
Children in this category have limited development of the brain, which
prevents them from learning, using their resources and adjusting to lie as
normal children do.
Some possible causes of mental retardation are:-
-chromosomal abnormalities.
-genetic metabolic and neurological disorders.
-Congenital infections.
-Parental drug expo-sure (ex. Alcohol, cocaine)
-Postnatal factors (e.g. severe malnutrition, viral infection
Characteristics of mental retardation
Persons with severe mental retardation most likely have
adverse performance in social, cognitive language and motor
Persons who are mentally retarded may be clumsy/crazy/ and
awkward/not suitable/ and lack balance, which affects their
ability to perform motor tasks efficiently.
Many students who are severely mentally retarded have
difficulty interacting with others.
Motor delays are very common among persons who are
Special considerations in physical activity programs
There are different types of behavioral and emotional disorders. These are:
A. Interpersonal relationships
loss of emotional control
un socialized aggressiveness
flight reaction
B. Physical and motor characteristics
Poor physical condition caused by withdrawal from activity
Retardation of motor skill development caused by withdrawal
from activity
Disorientation in space and time
Poor body image
Special considerations in physical education program
It appears important to provide students with these disorders the
opportunity to participate regularly in sustained, vigorous, aerobic
Exercise programs have been effective in reducing the
stereotypic, self-injurious, and disruptive behavior of individuals
Children with the disorders benefit from physical education
programs that emphasize fitness, balance, and basic movement;
many have great difficulty with competitive games and sports.
Programs with cooperative
Autism:-is one of the disorders included under
the large umbrella ofpervasive developmental
disorder that is characterized by significant
neurological impairment.
The major characteristics of autism are
significant developmental delays, global and
comprehensive language disorders, abnormal
and stereotypical behavior patterns, and social
Characteristics of Autism
Children with autism shows gross and fine motor delays.
Stereotyped body movements (e.g. Hand flicking or twisting,
spinning/rotate, head banging).
During unstructured, unplanned free plays. These children are
less focused on play.
They exhibit marked physical over activity;
Wish to be sociable but fail to make relationships with peers;
Poor at games, no idea of cooperating in a team.
Special considerations in physical education
The selected physical activities should be developmentally
These activities may include aerobic walking, aerobic dance,
Physical disabilities- are impairments that affect the use of the
body as a result of deficiencies of the nerves, muscles, bones and
There are three major types of physical disabilities.
These are neurological impairments, orthopedic/physical/
1. Orthopedic Disabilities
Orthopedic disabilities are:- deformities, diseases, and injuries
of the bones and joints.
The major orthopedic conditions are arthritis/joint
inflamation/, arthrogryposis (curved joints), ontogenesis
imperfect and Osteomyelitis.
a, Arthritis
The term arthritis is derived from two Greek roots. “Arthro”,
meaning joint, and “it is” meaning inflammation.
It is explained as an inflammation of one or more joints
b, Arthrogryposis (curved joints)
Arthrogryposis:-is a condition of flexure/bend or
contracture/deformity of joints of the lower limbs more often
than the upper limbs
The limbs may be fixed in any position;
C, Ontogenesis:- is a condition marked by both weak bones
and elasticity of the joints, ligaments and skin.
d. Osteomyelitis/bone inflammation/
The other disorder under orthopedic disabilities is
Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of a bone and its
medullary (marrow) cavity.
Ostemyelitis is caused by bacteria, micro bacteria and fungi.
2.Neurological impairments
These are chronic disabling conditions that result from
impairments of central nervous system
-Neurological impairments are six major related disorders:
1. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2. Cerebral palsy
3. Epilepsy
4. Multiple sclerosis
5. Spinal bifida
6. Muscular Dystrophy
Sensory impairments
Sensory impairment:- is the condition in which one of the
senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch and spatial awareness, is
no longer normal
Hearing impairment
Hearing impairment is conditions in which individuals are
fully or partially unable to detect perceive at least some
frequencies of sound.
Hearing impairment is the most prevalent type of disability.
Causes of hearing impairments are:-
1. Brain infections such as
- Meningitis -Brain fever, etc
2. Communicable diseases such as
- scarlet, measles, influenza and others
Age, long term exposure to environmental noise, genetic
factor, disease or illness
Characteristics of hearing impairments
Hearing impaired children don’t understand their role in the
play experience and often withdraw,
Visual impairments
Visual impairments: - is vision loss to such a degree as to
quality and all additional support need through a significant
limitation of visual capability.
There are varying degrees of visual impairments ranging
from blindness to distorted (blurred/low) vision.
Based on this for the purpose of education visual
impairments are classified as:-
Partially sighted
The cause of visual impairments can be:-
1. Birth defects- Congenital Cataracts
-Optic Nerve Disease
-Retinopathy (Retinopathy of prematurity
because of poor regulation of oxygen in Incubators
2.Infectious Diseases- Rubella and Syphilis (prenatal
3. Existing conditions - Diabetes , Accidents, Injuries,
Poisoning, Tumor and so on……
Characteristics of visual impairments
Here included those characteristics that have implications for
physical education.
Limited vision restricts physical motor activity;
Awkward, clumsy total body movements and
poor motor skills,
Lack of fitness,
However, when appropriate physical activity programs are
available, individuals who are blind can develop excellent
levels of physical fitness;
One of the greatest difficulty of visually impaired children is
lack of mobility, not inability to move.
The ability to move between different levels in society or
Most children with serious visual impairments lack the motor
skills and patterns essential for successful participation in
physical activities due to lack of experience.
A mobility training programs on the playing area, increase the
child’s independence and thus the ability and desire to
participate fully.
There are special considerations when involving visually