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23 (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game) [18 Warriors, 400 Points]

Henny vs Hendrik

Strategy Battle Game (Isengard) [18 Warriors, 400 Points]

Hero of Legend [18 Warriors, 400 Points]

Saruman [18 Warriors, 400 Points]

Categories: HERO OF LEGEND
Saruman [190 Points]
Selections: Horse [10 Points], Leader (Legend), Staff of Power*
Rules: Consuming Rivalry (Passive) (Evil Army), Last Stand, Lord of the Istari (Passive), The Palantír (Active) (Evil Army), Voice of Curunír (Active)
Hero: Saruman, Magical Power: Command, Flameburst, Immobilise, Sorcerous Blast, Terrifying Aura, Trackers: Saruman, Wargear: *Staff of
Power, Warrior: Horse
Warband [18 Warriors, 210 Points]
Gríma Wormtongue [25 Points]
Selections: Dagger
Rules: A Traitor Within (Passive), Wormtongue (Passive)
Hero: Gríma Wormtongue, Wargear: Dagger
Uruk-hai Berserker [1 Warriors, 15 Points]
Selections: Berserker [1 Warriors, 15 Points], Berserker blade
Rules: Impervious to Bow-fire, Oblivious to Pain
Wargear: Berserker blade, Warrior: Uruk-hai Berserker
Uruk-hai Warrior [8 Warriors, 80 Points]
Selections: Heavy Armour, Shield [8 Points], Sword, 8x Warrior [8 Warriors, 72 Points]
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword, Warrior: Uruk-hai Warrior (Shield, Crossbow, Pike)
Uruk-hai Warrior [9 Warriors, 90 Points]
Selections: Heavy Armour, Pike [9 Points], Sword, 9x Warrior [9 Warriors, 81 Points]
Wargear: Heavy Armour, Pike, Sword, Warrior: Uruk-hai Warrior

Hero Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Might Will Fate Keywords Heroic Tier Ref
of Lord
Gríma Isengard Independent
6" 2/4+ 3 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 - of the
Wormtongue Infantry Hero
Wizard Strategy
Isengard Hero of Battle
Saruman 6" 5/4+ 4 5 1 3 7 3 6* 3 Channelling
Infantry Legend Game
Hero Rules
Duration Range Casting Rule Channelled Ref
while this
This power targets one enemy model within range. The caster may move the power is in
target model up to half of its maximum Move distance. They can do this even if effect, the Middle-
the model has already moved this turn. The move cannot force the targat to target will Earth
jump, leap, climb, dismount or lie down, but it can take them into difficult terrain, halve their Strategy
and even make them Charge an enemy. No Courage test is required to Charge Fight and Battle
Command Temporary 18" 3+
Terror-causing foes (See page 107). It can even force an unengaged victim to Attacks Game
drop an object (but not wargear) that it is holding or to put on The One Ring (if characteristics Rules
they carry it). Once the target has finished the move, it may move no further (Rounding Manual
that turn for any reason. Finally, the target suffers the effect of the up), and may p97
Immobilise/Transifx magical power (see page 98). not Strike if
they win a
The target Earth
instead Strategy
This power targets one enemy model within range. The target immediately suffers the Battle
Flameburst Instant 6" 5+
suffers one Strength 6 hit. effects of the Game
Set Ablaze Rules
special rule. Manual
while this Middle-
power is in Earth
This power targets one enemy model within range. While this power is in effect, effect, the Strategy
the target model may not move (except to Back Away should they lose a Fight), target will Battle
Immobilise Temporary 18" 2+
shoot, cast Magical Powers, declare Heroic Actions, call a Stand Fast! or use halve their Game
Active abilities and may not Strike if they win a Duel. Fight and Rules
Attacks Manual
characteristics p98
(rounding up).
This power targets one enemy model within range. The target is blasted D6"
directly away from the caster and knocked Prone. If the target comes into
contact with another model that is Strength 5 or less, it will immediately stop
and both models will be knocked Prone. If the target, or one of the models that
The initial hit Middle-
is knocked Prone is Engaged in combat, then all the models (friend and foe) in
is instead Earth
the same Fight are also knocked Prone. The target model suffers one Strength
Strength 6 Strategy
5 hit, and any other model knocked Prone suffers one Strength 3 hit. Cavalry
Sorcerous and every Battle
Instant 12" 4+ models are treated as having rolled the Knocked Flying result on the Thrown
Blast other model Game
Rider chart. Additionally, if the target comes into contact with a piece of terrain,
suffers Rules
such as an Obstacle like a hedge, house or large rock, or a model that is
instead one Manual
Strength 6 or higher, then it will immediately stop and be knocked Prone,
Strength 4 hit. p100
however the Strength 6 model will not be knocked Prone. Both the target and
the Obstacle or model (if it has a Defence value) will suffer one Strength 3 hit.
Note: Even Transfixed/Compelled or otherwise immobilised models will be
blasted by this power.

wishing to
Charge the
caster whilst
this power is
Terrifying This power targets the caster themselves. While this power is in effect, the Battle
Exhaustion - 2+ in effect must
Aura caster causes Terror (see page 107). Game
take their
Courage test
on 3D6,
discarding the
highest dice.

Trackers Might Will Fate Wounds Ref

Wargear Rules Ref
A Staff of Power is a hand-and-a-half Staff, and may use the Stun Special Strike like all other Staves. In addition, the bearer can
expend 1 point of Will each turn without reducing their own Will store. If the model's side wins the Fight, rather than striking
*Staff of Battle
normally, choose one opponent and roll a D6. On a 5+ (or a 6 if the target is a Monster), the victim is reduced to a Fight value
Power Game
and Attacks value of 1, and Shoot value of 6+, until the end of the followng turn. You may wish to place a marker next to the
stunned model as a reminder.
A Berserker blade is a hand-and-a-half sword. If an Uruk-hai Berserker a Duel roll while fighting with its Berserker blade as a
two-handed weapon it may either assign strikes as normal, or do one Strength 4 hit at +1 To Wound on every model Engaged in
the fight or supporting the Berserker and in base contact (friend and foe).
A model armed with this weapon, who has an equal to or higher Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent
(including any Supporting models), may opt to Feint. If they do so, they reduce their Fight value by D3 when working out who
wins the Fight. If the feinting model's side wins the Duel roll, however, they may re-roll any To Wound rolls of a 1. A model
Dagger armed with this weapon, who has a lower Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent (including any Supporting
models), may opt to Stab. If they do so, they may re-roll 1s To Wound if their side wins the Duel roll. However, due to the
reckless abandon with which a stabbing model tends to throw themselves at their enemy, if their side loses the Duel roll, they
will suffer one Strength 2 hit immediately after the Fight has been resolved.
Heavy A model who is upgraded to wear heavy armour adds 2 to their Defence, unless they are already wearing armour, in which case Battle
Armour they add 1. Game
Pikes require two hands to use. Otherwise the rules for pikes are the same as those for spears with the following exceptions. A Middle-
pike-armed model can Support a friend Engaged in close combat by being in base contact with another pike-armed model that Earth
is already doing so (note they must both be pikes; neither can be a spear), so two pike-armed models can Support one Strategy
comrade. Just as with a spear-armed model, this creates an exception to the ordinary Fight rules, in that the bearer does not Battle
need to be in base contact with an enemy model. Due to the fact that a pike requires the use of two hands to use effectively, a Game
model armed with a pike that is also equipped with a shield, bow or crossbow suffers a -1 penalty to its Duel rolls. As models Rules
with pikes can effectively fight in battlelines three models deep, it can be very easy for them to trap their own models as only Manual
one model may Back Away, not two. This is a serious hazard of supporting in such depth. p85
A Shield increases the Defence characteristic of its bearer by 1. Where the shield is listed in the model's wargear, that bonus is
already taken into account in its characteristics profile. However, if the model purchases the shield as an upgrade, you will need
to increase its Defence by 1. Shields also have the following rules: Cumbersome: If a model uses a hand-and-a-half weapon as Middle-
a two-handed weapon whilst carrying a shield, it will lose the +1 bonus to their defence for the duration of the fight. A model Earth
armed with a bow, crossbow, two-handed weapon or pike may carry a shield; however, they do not receive the +1 bonus to their Strategy
Defence characteristic. Shielding: Prior to either player rolling any dice in a Duel roll, a shield-armed model who is involved in Battle
the Fight may declare that they are Shielding. A model that is Shielding doubles their Attacks when making the Duel roll to see Game
who wins the Fight, however, they make no Strikes against the enemy, having put all of their effort into surviving. In a Multiple Rules
Combat, all friendly models in the same Fight must be Shielding for them to get the bonus. Thus, if one or more friendly models Manual
do not have shields, then none of them can use the Shielding rule. Spear and pike-armed models cannot Support a Shielding p91
model. Models who are Prone can use the Shielding rule like other fighters - in fact this is a very sound plan, since a Prone
model cannot make Strikes if they win the Fight anyway. Cavalry models cannot use the Shieding rule.
A model armed with this weapon, who has an equal to or higher Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent
(including any Supporting models), may opt to Feint. If they do so, they reduce their Fight value by D3 when working out who
wins the Fight. If the feinting model's side wins the Duel roll, however, they may re-roll any To Wound rolls of a 1. A model
Sword armed with this weapon, who has a lower Fight value at the start of the fight than their opponent (including any Supporting
models), may opt to Stab. If they do so, they may re-roll 1s To Wound if their side wins the Duel roll. However, due to the
reckless abandon with which a stabbing model tends to throw themselves at their enemy, if their side loses the Duel roll, they
will suffer one Strength 2 hit immediately after the Fight has been resolved.

Warrior Movement Fight Strength Defense Attack Wounds Courage Keywords Ref
Middle-Earth Strategy
Horse 10" 3/6+ 3 4 0 1 3 Horse Cavalry Battle Game Rules Manual
Armies of Lord of the Rings
Uruk-hai Berserker 6" 4/4+ 4 5 2 1 7 Isengard Infantry
Armies of Lord of the Rings
Uruk-hai Warrior 6" 4/4+ 4 5 1 1 3 Isengard Infantry
Uruk-hai Warrior (Shield, Armies of Lord of the Rings
6" 4/4+ 4 6 1 1 3 Isengard Infantry
Crossbow, Pike) p175


Determine Alliance Level

Selections: Historical Allies

Determine Breakpoint & 25%

Categories: MISC
Rules: 10 is halfway. (model), 20 total models in Army. (model), 5 models remaining. (model)
Wound Chart
Categories: MISC
To Wound: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

To Wound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ref
1 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/5 6/6 - -
2 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/5 6/6 -
3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/5 6/6
4 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/5
5 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4
6 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
7 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
8 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5
9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5
10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

You do not know Pain, you do not know Fear!

Categories: MISC
Rules: Woodland Creature (Active), You do not know Pain, you do not know Fear!

Selection Rules
10 is halfway. (model): Need to kill more than this number of models to break the army. ()
20 total models in Army. (model): This is the total number of models in this Army. ()
5 models remaining. (model): Some Scenarios end when one Army is reduced to this number. ()
A Traitor Within (Passive): Gríma must be deployed in Saruman's warband if deployed as part of the Isengard force.

Alternatively, before deployment begins, you may attach Gríma to an enemy warband. When this warband is deployed or moves onto the battlefield, you must
immediately place Gríma afterwards as if he was a member of that warband. Gríma is always controlled by his controlling player and moves and fights when it is his
controlling player's turn to do so as usual.

If deployed as part of the enemy's army (but not as part of his own army), no enemy model can shoot at or strike blows against Gríma. Nor can they shoot if Gríma
is In The Way of the shot. Enemy models are allowed to Charge Gríma and fight, but strike no blows if they win. Note that Gríma can be targeted by Magical Powers
- after all, it is Gandalf who roots out his wicked ways!

This restriction ends if Saruman is Slain, if Gríma voluntarily Charges an enemy model or if Gríma scores a Wound with his dagger (even if the Wound is avoided
with Fate). Gríma can decide not to strike blows if he wins a Duel roll in order not to reveal his real allegiance. Once one of the conditions is met, the depth of
Gríma's evil is revealed and he becomes an enemy who can be shot at and fought in the same way as any other enemy model. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p168)
Consuming Rivalry (Passive) (Evil Army): Saruman the White will never move as part of a Heroic Action called by Gandalf the Grey, nor will he accept Gandalf
the Grey’s aid in the form of the Strengthen Will spell – if Gandalf the Grey casts this Magical Power on Saruman the White, it has no effect. ()
Impervious to Bow-fire: Uruk-hai Berserkers count their Defence characteristic as 6 when an enemy model makes a shooting attack against them. (Armies of Lord
of the Rings p176)
Last Stand: The first time a model with this special rule takes a Courage test as a result of your force being broken, they will pass the test automatically. (Middle-
Earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p132)
Lord of the Istari (Passive): Saruman the White can choose to re-roll one dice when making Casting or Resist tests. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p167)
Oblivious to Pain: Every time a model with this rule suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, the wound is ignored exactly as if a point of Fate had been spent.
This is not cumulative with other special rules that confer the same effect. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p176)
The Palantír (Active) (Evil Army): Once per game the controlling player can use the Palantír to automatically win a Priority roll - the use of this special rule must be
declared before any dice are rolled for Priority. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p167)
Voice of Curunír (Active): Saruman's Stand Fast! has a range of 12" and, unlike other Hero models' Stand Fast! rolls, can affect other Hero models. (Armies of
Lord of the Rings p167)
Woodland Creature (Active): An Infantry model with this special rule may move through woods and forests that are classified as difficult terrain as if they are open
ground. Note that this doesn't mean they can automatically climb terrain in those areas, nor move through any tree trunks or jump falled Obstacles. (Middle-Earth
Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual p107)
Wormtongue (Passive): If an enemy Hero model is within 6" of Gríma, 2 Might points must be expended to use Heroic Actions instead of 1. (Armies of Lord of the
Rings p168)
You do not know Pain, you do not know Fear!: Friendly Isengard models do not start to take Courage tests for being Broken until at least 66% of the force's
models have been removed as casualties. Additionally, Lutrz, Uglúk, Mauhúr, Vraskû, Uruk-hai Scout Captains, Uruk-hai Scouts gain the Woodland Creature
special rule. (Armies of Lord of the Rings p166)

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