PPL (A) Soru Bankası İngi̇li̇zce-2
PPL (A) Soru Bankası İngi̇li̇zce-2
PPL (A) Soru Bankası İngi̇li̇zce-2
*3-(4)If the edge lights are ……., centerline lights are ……….. and markings are ……….. you are
definitely on a …………..
A) White, white, white, taxiway.
B) White, red, white, runway.
C) Blue, green, yellow, taxiway.
D) White, white, yellow, runway.
*5-(5)A report from an aircraft in flight prepared under requirements for position, and
operational and/or meteorological reporting is what?
D) A position report.
rev 1 calısması
Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
Except when a clearance is obtained
ceiling is less than ceiling is less than
from an ATC unit, VFR flights shall not ceiling is less than 1.000 ft ceiling is less than 1.500
1.000 ft or the ground 2.000 ft or the ground
take off or land at an aerodrome within a or the ground visibility is less ft or the ground visibility B
visibility is less than 8 visibility is less than 5
CTR or enter the aerodrome traffic zone than 5 km. is less than 5 km.
km. km
or traffic pattern when the;
an Air Ambulance
carrying a very sick
an aircraft on a diplomatic an aircraft that is
The highest priority for landing has: a military aircraft. person needing D
flight (Head of state), emergency landing.
immediate medical
rev 2 calısması
26 july 2016 shgm erah organisation 010
0001 .) What ground sign do the survivors construct to indicate that they require
medical assistance?
a. X
b. N
c. y
d. i
0002 .) What ground sign do the survivors construct to indicate that they require
a. X
b. N
c. y
d. >
0003 .) The period of validity of a JAR-FCL PPL (A) is
a. 3 years
b. life time
c. 5 years
d. 10 years
a. 25 hours
b. 45 hours
c. 10 hours
d. 30 hours
0006 .) In order to transfer a JAR-FCL pilot's licence from the State of Licence lssue
to anather JAA member state the licence halder must:
a. Be normally resident in the new State (for at least 185 days per year)
or have taken up full-time employment within that State
b. Have residedin the new State for at !east 30 consecutive days.
c. Reside in the new State for a minimum of 30 days annually.
d. Mu st have become a citizen of the new State
rev 3 calısması
0008 .) Does each state have the right to search, without reasonable delay, the
aircraft of other contracting states on landing and departure?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes but this applies only to commercial aircraft
d. Yes but this applies only to non-commercial aircraft
0009 .) You are flying a Turkey registered aircraft over Germany. Whose Rules of the Air
must you obey?
a. ICAO's
b. Turkey‟s
c. JAA's
d. Germany's
0010 .) When can an ICAO aircraft make flights into the airspace of another
contracting state without permission?
a. If it is a non-scheduled flight
b. If it is a scheduled flight
c. Never
d. If it is not carrying passengers
0011 .) When entering into another country's airspace, the licence of the Pilot-inCommand
must have been approved by the authority of:
0012 .) Which rules of the air govern the entry and departure of international air
traffic into and out of a foreign state?
a. ICAO's
b. The foreign state's
c. International Rules and Regulations
d. IATA's
0013 .) A state must recognise as valid the C of A of another member state if the
C of A:
a. Carried in the aircraft at all times and may be a copy of the original
b. Carried in the aircraft at all times and must be in the original form
c. Signed by the Pilot-in-Command
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d. Held in safe-keeping at the aerodrome of departure
0015 .) All contracting states recognise that every state has (i)complete and (ii)exclusive
sovereignty over the airspace above its territory. ls this statement true?
a. Yes
b. No
0016 .) What is the name of the Convention which is commonly known as 'The
Chicago Convention?"
0018 .) Can a state search a visiting aircraft from another contracting state without
a. No
b. Yes
a. Personnal Licensing
b. Facilitation
c. Rules of the Air
d. Aerodromes
0021 .) What organisation will take over the responsibilities and role of the JAA?
c. EU
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0022 .) Under the Chicago Convention, the Territory of a State consists of:
a. yellow „‟X‟‟
b. white „‟X‟‟
c. yellow “Y”
d. White “Y”
0024 ) which sign indicate a taxiway unfit for the movement of aircraft ?
a. yellow „‟X‟‟
b. white „‟X‟‟
c. yellow “Y”
d. White “Y”
0026) which aircrafts are permitted to fly at night displaying only a single red light ? (4)
d. a microlight or airship
rev 3 calısması
*2-(16)With which of the following can a pilot monitor the power output of a fix pitch
A)Oil pressure gauge.
B)RPM gauge.
C)Mixture lever.
D)The fuel consumption gauge.
a. Retarding the throttle.
b. Switching off the magneto switch.
c. Cutting off the mixture.
Put the procedures mentioned above in a correct order so that the engine can be safely shut
A)a c b.
B)a b c.
C)c b a.
D)b a c.
*4-(12)The Otto-cycle is often referred as a "continuous cycle". The term continuous comes
from the continuous ........ demand of the engine.
*5-(13)If the throttle lever of an aircraft controls the amount of fuel consumed:
I. It is an injection type engine.
II. It is a carburated engine.
III. It is a diesel engine.
Which of the statements listed above is definitely true?
A)I and III.
B)III only.
C)II only.
D)I only.
rev 1 calısması
*7-(9) An increase in which of the following will increase the total power output of a piston
A)Compression ratio.
B)Number of cylinders.
D)All of them.
*9-(9)The distance between the TDC and the BDC of a piston is:
A)The total volume.
B)Combustion chamber.
C)The length of a stroke.
D)The height of the cylinder.
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4-(18) An inverter is a:
a) filter against radio interference.
b) unit used to convert DC into AC.
c) device for reversing the polarity of the static charge.
d) static discharger.
rev 1 calısması
*1-(7) Which one describes the structures in a semi-monocoque aircraft ?
A. stringers, frames, fittings
B. front spar, rear spar, ribs
C. stringers, frames, skin
D. spars, skin, ribs
rev 1 calısması
1-(22) In an altimeter, there is….. in the capsule and ……….inside the case.
4-(27) In a DGI, the error caused by the gyro movement relative to the earth is called
a) earth rate
b) transport wander
c) real wander
d) latitude error
a) turn coordinator
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b) direct reading magnetic compass
c) artificial horizon
d) air speed indicator
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AGK (PPL) Additional Question Proposals (020)
rev 2 calısması
8. On the ground, during a left turn, the turn indicator indicates: (25)
a) needle in the middle, ball to the left
b) needle to the left, ball to the right
c) needle to the left, ball to the left
d) needle in the middle, ball to the right
9. A stall warning system is based on a measure of: (30)
a) Airspeed.
b) Attitude.
c) Difference of groundspeed and IAS.
d) Aerodynamic incidence (angle of attack).
10. When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will: (22)
a) Underread.
b) Overread.
c) Be just as correct as before.
d) Show the actual height above ground.
11. In a four-stroke engine, when does the piston go down, increasing the effective volume? (9)
a) Induction, power
b) Induction, exhaust
c) Induction, compression
d) Compression, exhaust
12 Which of the following is the most accurate definition of the Design Ultimate Load? (8)
a) Design Limit Load multiplied by Safety Factor.
b) Maximum take-off load, multiplied by Safety Factor.
c) Minimum take-off load, divided by Safety Factor
d) Design Limit Load divided by Safety Factor.
13. What is a valid structural safety factor for general aviation aircraft? (8)
a. 1
b. 1,5
c. 6
d. 21
14. The power output of an internal combustion engine can be increased by (9)
a. Increasing the size of the fuel tank
b. Decreasing the length of the stroke
c. Decreasing the area of the cylinder
d. Increasing the engine R.P.M.
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16. Detonation could result from using (13)
a. A higher grade fuel than recommended
b. Too high RPM
c. Too weak mixture
d. Too low manifold pressure
17. What is the best suitable fuel for a general aviation aircraft with a piston gasoline engine? (14)
a. Jet A1
b. Kerosene
c. Avgas 100LL
d. Avtur
18. Which one of the followings is the correct color label for Avgas 100 LL? (14)
a. Red
b. Green
c. Blue
d. Black
19. You notice that the oil pressure is fluctuating and indicating lower than normal and the oil temp is
rising. What should you do? (11)
a. Apply full power for ten seconds.
b. Assume the indications are faulty and continue the flight.
c. Land as soon as possible.
d. Continue until the engine fails, then carry out a forced landing.
20 It is important to carry out regular checks for water in the gasoline fuel system. If water is present, it
will mainly cause ... (14)
a. air intake icing.
b. contamination of the fuel system resulting in loss of engine power.
c. ice to form in the fuel lines.
d. loss of engine power whilst only taxying.
21 Constant-speed propellers provide a better performance than fixed-pitch propellers because they:
a) Produce a greater maximum thrust than a fixed-pitch propeller.
b) Have more blade surface area than a fixed-pitch propeller.
c) Produce an almost maximum efficiency over a wider speed range.
d) Have a higher maximum efficiency than a fixed-pitch propeller.
rev 2 calısması
Soru No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
Which of the
following could be
Increasing Relief valve Decreasing
1 the cause of the drop Filter blocking
temperature failure temperature
in oil pressure
Which one is not used
Enriching the
2 for cooling the piston Increasing RPM Increasing TAS Decreasing AoA
Which of the
following could be a
Squence of the Mixture
3 common feature of Spark plugs All of above
strokes Adjustment
diesel engines and
gasoline engines ?
Which sensor is
5 suitable for oil Bourdone tube Bellows Aneroid capsule Diaphragm
pressure sensing?
Which one is a part of
6 Glow plug Magneto Carburetor heater Mixture lever
diesel engine?
Which indicator is
Vertical Speed
7 connected to vacuum Artificial horizon Altimeter Compass
Which one is a
Oxidation in Temperature
8 disadvantage of dry Weightiness Storage capacity
sump control difficulty
sump system?
Which one is a
12 Bending Tension Compression Shear
compound load ?
Why a mechanical
fuel pump may not be Because of Because of cut off Because of fuel
13 Because of gravity
required on high wing priming pump valve strainer
rev 3 calısması
What does red dot on
15 Thermal Plug Awl vent Tyre Creep Ply rating
tyre indicate?
Assume that a 24 V 60
AH Lead Acid battery
is connected to a
central busbar. The
23 consumption from 10 hour 10 minute 4 hours 4 minute
the battery is 6A.
What is the
endurance of
During a flight, on
aircraft's turn
indicator, the needle
left turn by left turn by right turn by right turn by
24 lies to left and the
skidding slipping skidding slipping
ball stays at the right
side. So the aircraft is
means turning means turning
means the aircraft
with higher bank with lower bank is same with
25 Skidding turn; covers 360 degree
angle than angle than coordinated turn
in 2 minutes
required required
rev 3 calısması
Propeller efficiency the thermal the usable usable power of the thrust and
may be defined as power of fuel- power and the the propeller maximum
the ratio between: flow and shaft maximum and shaft power thrust
power power
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Konu Soru No
Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği Doğru Cevap
What is the main reason for determining a forward To ensure that the aircraft is To ensure that the aircraft is To decrease stability and To increase aileron A
and an aft CG limit? both stable and controllable not overloaded inscrease controllability effectiveness
32 1
Before each flight, we need to check the mass and I II I and II Neither I nor II C
balance of the aircraft in order:
I. To ensure that the aircraft is not overloaded
II. To ensure that the centre of gravity is in limits
If the Maximum Take-Off Mass is exceeded before Decrease the load Take off carefully Plan load shifting between Pull the control stick harder A
flight, a pilot should: cargo compartments
32 3
If the Centre of Gravity is in front of the forward limit, Take off carefully Pull the control stick harder Plan load shifting to bring the Push the stick more C
a pilot should CG in the limits
32 4
What is the mass of a 50lt fuel having a specific 69.4kg 36kg 63kg 72kg B
gravity of 0.72?
32 6
The position of the centre of gravity can always be Dividing the total moment by Dividing the total mass by the Subtracting the total mass Subtracting the total moment A
determined by: the total mass. total moment. from the total moment. from the total mass.
rev 1 calısması
Select the correct statement for the CG safe range: The safe range falls between The safe range falls between The safe range falls between The safe range falls between C
the front and rear CG limits the front and rear CG limits the front and rear CG limits the front and rear CG limits
but does not include them. but only includes the aft limit. and includes both limits. but only includes the fwd
If all the moments are positive when calculating mass Nose, or forward of the Trailing edge of the wing. Centre line of the nose or tail Main wheels centreline. A
(weight) and balance, the position of the datum would aircraft. wheel depending on the
be at the: aircraft type.
The distance from the datum to the Centre of Gravity the force. the moment. the index. the moment arm or balance D
of a mass is known as arm.
The datum for determining the CG has to be along the At the fire wall. But does not have to be Between the nose and the tail. Between the leading and B
longitudinal axis: between the nose and the tail. trailing edge of the MAC.
If the maximum structural landing mass is exceeded: The aircraft will be unable to No damage will occur No damage will occur The undercarriage could D
get airborne. providing the aircraft is within providing the aircraft is within collapse on landing.
the regulated landing mass. the performance limited
landing mass.
In cruise flight, a centre of gravity moving aft will: decrease longitudinal static not change the increase longitudinal static have no effect on longitudinal A
stability manoeuvrability stability static stability
Who establishes the limits C of G? The insurers The State of Authority The JAA The manufacturer D
rev 1 calısması
When the centre of gravity is at the forward limit, an extremely unstable and extremely stable and require extremely stable and will extremely unstable and C
aeroplane will be: require small elevator control small elevator control to require excessive elevator require excessive elevator
to change pitch. change pitch. control to change pitch. control to change pitch.
If an extra load is loaded into an aircraft the stall Decrease. Increase Stay the same. Change depending on B
speed is likely to: whether the load was placed
FWD or AFT of the C of G.
For a given configuration, the stall speed of an to the maximum allowable to the maximum allowable to a low total mass with the to a low total mass with the A
aeroplane will be highest when loaded: mass with the most forward mass with the most aft CG. most aft CG. most forward CG.
If the centre of gravity of an aeroplane moves forward become heavier making the become lighter making the become lighter making the become heavier making the D
during flight the elevator control will : aeroplane more easy to aeroplane more easy to aeroplane more difficult to aeroplane more difficult to
manouevre in pitch. manouevre in pitch. manouevre in pitch. manouevre in pitch
The centre of gravity is the … on an aircraft through point; mass; downwards datum; moment; downwards datum; mass; upwards point; moment; upwards A
which the total … is considered to act vertically …
For the following see-saw to be in balance Fb = A x Fa / B Fb = B x Fa / A Fb = A + Fa / B Fb = A x B / Fa A
For the following see-saw to be in balance Fc = 3 / Fa Fc = Fa / 3A Fc = Fa / 3 Fc = 3Fa D
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For the following see-saw to be in balance A = B + Fb / Fa A = B ( Fa + Fb) A = B x Fb / Fa A = B x Fa / Fb D
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Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği ğru
An airport has a 4000 metres long runway, and a B
2500 metres clearway at each end of that runway.
For the calculation of the maximum allowed take-
off mass, the take-off distance available cannot be
greater than:
5500 metres. 6000 metres. 5250 metres.
6500 metres.
Which one of the following is the correct order? C
Increasing humidity ……… air density, and B
therefore it ………. the aircraft performance.
decreases/increases decreases/decreases increases/increases increases/decreases
In which way can the density of the air affect If density decreases, air pressure also Density does not have a special A
aeroplane performance? decreases which affects aircraft If there is a decrease in density, it means the If density increases it means that the effect on performance.
performance negatively. air is hotter so the engines can get warmer in aircraft is in a high pressure altitude
a short time which increases performance. which decreases the performance.
When making take-off calculations: Standard air temperature and sea level B
standards must be taken into Runway slope, surface type and condition Runway length of the aerodrome does Wind is not an important factor for
consideration must be considered. not affect take-off calculations. these calculations.
rev 1 calısması
Konu Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği Doğru Cevap
If Center of Gravity (CG) is close to
Reduction in specific fuel
32 forward limit, what will be its Better climb rate Reduction at climb rate Reduction in induction drag C
32 Dry Operating Mass (DOM) = TOM –OM (Operating mass) Landing Mass(LM) + Trip fuel Useful load – Operating mass Take-Off Mass(TOM) – Useful load D
rev 2 calısması
Which of these speeds is obtained
from Calibrated Air Speed (CAS)
35 IAS (Indicated Air Speed) GS (Ground Speed) EAS (Equivalent Air Speed) TAS (True Air Speed) D
with air density and altitude
When engine failure or any other
emergency situation occurs during
33 the takeoff run, the speed that V1 V2 VLOF VS A
pilot decides whether to continue
or not, is:
Which of the following is not one of Width, length and shape of the
33 Relative air flow Angle of attack Width of vertical stabilizer D
the factors that affects lift force? wing profile
rev 2 calısması
Toplam Soru No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
is defined as the
is defined as the angle
increases with a is not affected by angle between
3 The flight path angle between chord and
headwind . headwind. longitudinal axis and
relative airflow.
relative airflow.
In the landing
configuration, if the
the aeroplane needs the aeroplane needs
speed of the the aeroplane can the aeroplane stops at
8 longer distance to shorter distance to
aeroplane at not stop. same distance.
stop. stop.
threshold is greater
than Vref;
What will be the
It decreases the climb It increases the climb It decreases the
effect of larger flap It increases the climb
9 angle because of angle because of climb angle because
setting on the climb angle because of lift.
drag. drag. of lift.
What is the
10 relationship between V1≤VR V2≤VR V2≤V1 V2=VR
take off speeds?
the approach path
If the actual landing
the landing distance the approach path will be steeper and the landing distance
11 mass is higher than
will be longer. will be steeper. threshold speed will be unaffected.
The maximum speed the maximum thrust the thrust does not
the thrust is equal to
12 in horizontal flight is equal to the total increase further with the drag is minmum.
minimum drag.
occurs when: drag. increasing speed.
unaccelerated dependent on independent of the a function of the a function of the
horizontal flight, aircraft mass. aircraft mass. pressure altitude. density altitude.
Minimum Drag is:
rev 2 calısması
Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
Headwind increases
What is the effect of a head wind component, Headwind decreases Headwind increases Headwind decreases
the clearance of
compared to still air? IAS. ground speed. climb angle.
Extended flaps
increase the parasite It is the most
Why are flaps retracted during climb when Extended flaps reduce Flaps retraction does
drag and increase in appropriate time for the
the aircraft reach the safety altitude and power available which not affect the climb
drag results lower pilot because of low
speed? engine can produce. performance.
climb angle and workload.
ROC(Rate of climb).
rev 3 calısması
When trying to get When trying to avoid
What is the proper use for the best-rate-of- When clearing an When approaching high
cruising altitude an excessive pitch
climb speed (Vy)? obstacle. mountains.
quickly. attitude during a climb.
What effect will a higher aircraft mass have It will increase rotate It will decrease rotate
It will increase both It will decrease both
on rotate speed (VR) and take-off safety speed and decrease speed and increase
speeds. speeds.
speed(V2)? take off safety speed. take off safety speed.
rev 3 calısması
Optimum angle of A negative angle of
The maximum glide range will be achieved Critical angle of attack
attack being attack being A high descent angle.
by: being maintained.
maintained. maintained.
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The location of CG does not directly affect.... Lift generation Controllability Stability Maneuverability
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Which equation is related with the calculation
(T-D)/W (P-D)/L (T-D)/W x TAS (P-D)/W x TAS
of climb angle?
An increase in weight
A wing contaminated by a small amount of More drag, more More weight and more An increase in both lift
and decrease in drag.
ice will produce: weight and less lift. lift. and drag co-efficient.
rev 3 calısması
Which speed limits V1? VR V2 VLOF VS
rev 3 calısması
The main function of haemoglobin is to :
To transport carbon monoxide around the body
A. tends to occur at the end of the mission as a result of a relaxation in the operators attention.
B. only affects certain personality types.
C. may occur at any moment of the flight.
6 D. essentially occurs several minutes after the intense take-off phase.
rev 2 calısması
11.Which statement about partial pressure is correct?
A. Partial pressure decreases approximately 2% per 1000 feet.
B. One can calculate the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture by using Boyles law.
C. The sum of the partial pressure of individual gases, in a mixture of gases, is equal to the total
20 D. Partial pressure of oxygen in air is always approximately 20%.
A pilot, climbing in a non-pressurised aircraft and without using supplemental oxygen will pass the
critical threshold at approximately:
A. 38 000 ft.
B. 25 000 ft.
C. 5000 ft.
8 D. 22 000 ft.
The Otoliths (Utricles and Succules) detect:
A. Angular acceleration.
B. Linear Acceleration.
C. Linear and angular acceleration.
9 D. G forces.
The part of the eye where we have the best visual acuity is:
a. The pupil.
b. The fovea.
c. The iris.
10 d. The peripheral retina.
Highest workload demand normally occurs at
C.Approach and landing
11 D.Cruise
rev 2 calısması
1. Where does the exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide+water vapour take place (37)
a. The arteries
b. The veins
c. The capillaries
d. The pulmonary veins and arteries
2. Hemoglobin has a preference to carbon monoxide over oxygen by a factor of(42)
PS. Cevaplar daha basite indirgenecek
a. 120-80
b. 100-120
c. 210-250
d. 150-180
3. At what height is the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs approximately half that at sea
a. 8.000 feet
b. 10.000 feet
c. 18.000 feet
d. 34.000 feet
4. What increases the risk of decompression sickness occurring in flight?(37)
a. Smoking
b. Alcohol
c. Snorkel diving shortly before flight
d. Scuba diving shortly before flight
5. Tidal volume is(36)
a. The volume of air inhaled with each normal breath
b. The volume of air exhaled with each normal breath
c. The volume of air breathed when diving
d. The volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each normal breath
6. Henry’s Law has application in Human Performance to(36)
a. Hypoxia
b. Decompression Sickness (DCS)
c. Otic Barotrauma
d. Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in alveoli
7. What causes conductive deafness?(39)
a. Damage to the outer ear
b. Damage to the pinna
c. Damage to the ossicles or the eardrum
d. Damage to the middle ear
8. What is the other name of “Anemic hypoxia”?(37)
a. Hypoxic hypoxia
b. Hypemic hypoxia
c. Stagnant hypoxia
d. Histotoxic hypoxia
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Blood pressure
40 99 41 may be increased Age Stress Smoking all of them
due to:
The ability of a
pilot to withstand The maximum
Fatigue in
40 100 41 even moderate load limits of Presbycusis all of them.
the pilot
forces can be the aircraft
affected by:
Which of the
following will A brightly lit
A narrower A down-
give the illusion An up-sloping aerodrome in
40 101 38 than normal sloping
that the aircraft is runway an otherwise
runway runway
too low during an dark area
rev 2 calısması
1.A pilot suffering from gastro-enteritis is...(41)
probably ok to fly.
not fit to fly.
fit to fly as long as the pilot feels fit enough.
fit to fly unless he is taking medication.
3. When on the approach to a runway with an upward slope, the visual illusion created by this might cause you
make a quicker and steeper approach than normal
make a lower and shallower approach than normal
make a higher and shallower approach than normal
overshoot the runway
4. Approximately how long can the human brain survive without severe damage after being totally deprived of
4 minutes
1 minute
8 minutes
14 minutes
6. A pilot in straight and level flight but accelerating may experience the perception of...(39)
pitching nose down.
pitching nose up.
7. Which of the following conditions is the most common form of sudden pilot incapacitation?(41)
Heart attack.
Collapsed lung.
9. Why is it important that a pilot should not fly when he/she has a cold?(41)
The pressure between the inner ear and the atmospheric air may not be equalised.
The pressure between the inner ear and the middle ear may not be equalised.
The pressure between the middle ear and the atmospheric air may not be equalised.
The pressure between the lungs and the atmospheric air may not be equalised.
rev 2 calısması
1. Our central decision making channel can time-share between a number of
task. it would appear that he/she is working on a number of tasks at the same
time. Which one of the following respons is true? (44)
a. Selective attention
b. Time Sharring
c. Devided attention
d. Vigilance
2. Fatigue and stress ; (45)
a. increase the tolerance to hypoxia.
b. lower the tolerance to hypoxia.
c. will increase the tolerance to hypoxia when flying below 15.000 feet.
d. do not affect hypoxia at all.
3. A pilot using a checklist is an example of the interaction within the SHELL
Concept of ; (46)
a. L and L.
b. L and S.
c. L and H.
d. L and E.
4. Adaptation is ; (38)
a. the reflection of the light at the cornea.
b. the change of the diameter of the pupil.
c. the adjustment of the eyes to high or low levels of illumination.
d. the adjustment of the crystalline lens to focus light on the retina.
5. Communication efficiency is most sensitive to ; (44)
a. packaging of sentences.
b. workload and interruptions.
c. packaging of words.
d. packaging of phrases.
a. 250 mg/day.
b. 40-65 mg/day.
c. 3 mg/day.
d. 150 mg/day.
8. Cognitive and physical rehearsal of actions during training ;
a. is more effective than practical training.
b. leads to an increased error rate.
c. is most important for the acquisition of complex perceptual motor skills.
d. is most important for self-control.
9. Decision making in emergency situations requires firstly ; (
a. the whole crew to focus on the problem.
b. delegation of tasks and crew coordination.
c. speed of reaction.
d. informing ATC thoroughly about the situation.
a) Active listening
b) Responding with counter-arguments
c) Staying to their own point of view
d) Giving up their own point of view
16. According to Rasmussen's model, errors are of the following type(s) in skill-
based control mode:
a) routine errors <-- Correct
b) creative errors
c) knowledge errors
d) handling errors
15. Waiting for take-off on the runway, a pilot is informed by the tower that the
tail wind component is 12 kt. According to the manual, the limitation is 10 kt
max. The pilot makes a decision to take-off anyway, as the runway is long.
What type of error is? (43)
a) A violation
b) An error of reasoning
c) A decision error
d) Hazardas behaviour
rev 3 calısması
17. Give an example of vigilance: (45)
a) An example of vigilance would be to continuously scan for other aircraft
during a long flight
b) Dividing your attention between technical and non-technical duties
c) A vigilant crew member notifies the entire crew of a problem
d) An example of vigilance would be when a crew member plans ahead and is
anticipating what will or could happen
16. Where on the arousal/performance graph is a pilot best placed to cope with
a difficult task without performance degrading? (44)
a) Below the breakpoint
b) At the breakpoint
c) Beyond the breakpoint
d) At any point on the graph
rev 3 calısması
19. The quality of learning: (43)
a) is promoted by feedback on the value of one's own performance
b) depends on long-term memory capacity
c) is independent of the level of motivation
d) is independent of age
18. The choice of the moment you select flaps depending on situation and
conditions of the landing is:
a) skill based behaviour
b) always automated behaviour
c) knowledge based behaviour
d) Rule based behaviour
21. How are oxygen and carbon dioxide transported throughout the body? (36)
a) Diffusion
b) Oxidisation
c) Circulation
d) Metabolism
20. What is the main adverse effect of expectations in the perception
mechanism? (43)
a) Expectations often guide the focus of attention towards a particular aspect,
while possible alternates are neglected
b) They always lead to routine errors
c) The unconscious mechanism of attention leads to focus on all relevant
rev 3 calısması
d) The attention area is enlarged, thus it will lead to an uncertainty in regard to
necessary decisions
22. When stopping the rotation of a spin we have the sensation (39)
a. that we are starting a spin into the opposite direction
b. of the immediate stabilization of the aircraft
c. of the sharp dipping of the nose of the aircraft
d. of turning in the same direction
32. Boyle’s law is directly applicable in case of ; (39)
a. hyperventilation with increasing altitude.
b. the occurrence of decompression sickness at high altitude.
c. the occurrence of hypoxia with increasing altitude.
d. the expansion of trapped gasses in the human body with increasing
34. The chemical substance responsible for addiction to tobacco is: (41)
a) nicotine
b) carbon monoxide
c) tar
d) the combination of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide
rev 3 calısması
Kon Sor Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği Doğru
u u Cevap
48 1 Temperature decreases with altitude in standard Scientist continue their The decrease in The increase in The temperature has no effect on air B
atmosphere. Regarding this change in temperature, research on this subject pressure being more pressure with altitude density.
density should increase with altitude but it decreases. dominant than the decreases the density.
What is the reason? decrease in
temperature, causes
the density to decrease.
50 2 What would you most likely expect when you are Inversion and windshear Instability and Showers Sea breeze A
taking off after a long clear night in winter? turbulence
51 3 What would you expect in a Cumulonimbus cloud? Light icing, light Severe turbulence only Snow grains Moderate/severe icing, D
turbulence severe/extreme turbulence
51 4 What would you expect if you see a Altocumulus Severe turbulence due to Light turbulence Showers Halo around sun A
Lenticularis in the sky? mountain waves
56 5 What would you most likely expect in a microburst? Windshear Inversion Updraft Upgust A
56 6 Potential hazards in a Thunderstorm are: Downburst, icing, Drizzle, icing, Inversion, instability, Ice pellets, stability, turbulence A
turbulence, hail turbulence showers
62 7 What would you expect when you see FZRA in a Formation of ice due to Rain showers Ice pellets Freezing fog A
METAR? supercooled
52 8 Visibility may reduce below inversion layer because There are no vertical The layer is unstable It is a low pressure area There is no wind at all A
62 9 In METARs and TAFs, wind is reported with reference Magnetic North True North Geographic North Equator B
63 10 When you contact ATC or ATIS, wind is reported with Magnetic North True North Geographic North Equator A
reference to:
59 11 You are landing to an airfield. The altimeter reads the QFF QNH QNE QFE B
elevation of the aerodrome when … is set.
50 12 What is convergence? Air moving in Air moving out Ascending air Descending air. A
50 13 What is divergence? Air moving in Air moving out Ascending air Descending air. B
rev 1 calısması
1. (47) Going from the equator to the north pole, the altitude of the tropopause
a) increases and its temperature increases
b) decreases and its temperature increases
c) increases and its temperature decreases
d) decreases and its temperature decreases
5. (50) Advection is :
a) the same as convection
b) vertical motion of air
c) the same as subsidence
d) horizontal motion of air
rev 1 calısması
8. (59) In order to calculate QFE from QNH, which of the following must be known ?
a) Elevation and the temperature at the airfield.
b) Temperature at the airfield.
c) Elevation of the airfield and the temperature at MSL.
d) Elevation of the airfield
9. (59) If the QFE at an airport (200 metres above sea level) is 1000 hPa, what is the
approximate QNH? (1 mb = 27 feet)
a) 985 hPa
b) 1025 hPa
c) 990 hPa
d) 1035 hPa
10. (48) An outside air temperature of -35°C is measured while cruising at FL 200. What
is the temperature deviation from the ISA at this level
a) 5°C colder than ISA
b) 10°C warmer than ISA.
c) 5°C warmer than ISA.
d) 10°C colder than ISA.
13. (52) Fog which reaches only 2 metres above ground is:
a) Smog.
b) Mist.
c) Shallow fog.
d) Drifting fog.
14. (50) A wind which has changed anti-clockwise in direction can be said to have:
a) Backed
b) Veered
c) Reduced
d) Calm
15. (50) If you stand with your back to the wind in the northern hemisphere, the low
pressure will be:
a) Behind you
b) On your right
c) On your left
d) On your right
rev 1 calısması
16. (49) What cloud type is prone to +RA?
a) CC
b) AS
c) ST
d) NS
17. (49) The precipitation form +TSRA is most probably related to the following cloud
a) CB
b) CU
c) NS
d) TCU
18. (62) In which of the following METAR is the probability the biggest for the formation of
fog the following night?
a) 1850Z 15003KT 6000 SCT120 05/04 Q1032 BECMG 1600 =
b) 1850Z 25010KT 4000 RA BKN012 OBC030 12/10 Q1006 TEMPO 1500 =
c) 1850Z 06018G30KT 5000 OVC010 04/01 Q1024 NOSIG =
d) 1850Z 21003KT 8000 SCT250 12/M08 Q1028 NOSIG =
19. (51) Which of the following processes within a layer of air may lead to the building of
CU and CB clouds?
a) Subsidence.
b) Convection.
c) Radiation.
d) Advection
20. (51) What is the main composition of clouds classified as "high level clouds"?
a) Water droplets.
b) Water vapour.
c) Ice crystals.
d) Supercooled water droplets.
22. (51) Which of the following cloud types is least likely to produce precipitation ?
a) CI
b) AS
c) CB
d) NS
rev 1 calısması
24. (62) When will the surface wind in a METAR record a gust factor ?
a) When gusts are at least 10 knots above the mean wind speed
b) When gusts are at least 15 knots above the mean wind speed
c) With gusts of at least 25 knots
d) With gusts of at least 35 knots
25. (62) Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the
regulations, abbreviated to "CAVOK"?
(MSA above ground: LSZB 10000 FT, LSZH 8000 FT, LSGG 12000 FT, LFSB 6000 FT)
a) LSZH 26024G52KT 9999 BKN060 17/14 Q1012 RETS TEMPO 5000 TSRA =
b) LSGG 22003KT 9999 SCT120 BKN280 09/08 Q1026 BECMG 5000 =
c) LSZB 30004KT 9999 SCT090 10/09 Q1006 NOSIG =
d) LFSB 00000KT 9000 SCT080 22/15 Q1022 NOSIG =
26. (49) Which of the following phenomena should be described as precipitation at the
time they are observed?
c) SN
d) HZ
rev 1 calısması
Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
What is meteorology? the science of meteroids The science of relative the study of clouds The science of
humidity weather–related
"Pressure decreases with altitude." Is this statement No, it stays constant No, it depends on the Yes There is insufficient
correct? above tropopause. temperature. information.
What is the main difference between a Stratus and a density thickness cloud base cloud top
Cumulus clouds in terms of shape?
Which of the following clouds should a pilot prefer to Cumulonimbus Altocumulus Towering Cumulus Stratus
penetrate if he/she had no other chance? Lenticularis
rev 2 calısması
1 Daily variation of the surface temperature will: Be unaffected by a Be at a minimum in Decrease as wind speed Increase as the wind
change of wind speed calm conditions increases speed increases.
2 Which of the processes listed below can cause air to Melting Condensation. Evaporation. Heating
become saturated?
3 The actual change of the temperature in the air mass The adiabatic lapse rate The temperature curve The actual lapse rate The environmental lapse
with height is known as: (ALR) (LR) rate (ELR)
4 From the list below, select the Low, Medium and High Nimbostratus, Altostratus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus, Stratus, Altocumulus,
clouds in ascending order. Cumulonimbus, Cirrus Altocumulus, Cirrus Stratus Cirrus
5 When ATIS broadcasts update? Every 30 minutes Every hour Any time the aerodrome Only when the aerodrome
or weather information information changes
6 The altimeter will always read: The altitude above MSL The altitude above The temperature The vertical distance
with 1013 set to sub airfield with QNH set to corrected flight level above the pressure level
scale. sub scale. with regional QFE set reffer to set in sub scale.
rev 2 calısması
Ders Ko So Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği Doğru Teklif
Kod nu ru Cevap
u No
If there was no water vapour in the There would not be any There would not be any There would not be any there would not be any
050 49 1 D
atmosphere, ____________. turbulence. surface winds. jetstreams. clouds and precipitation.
050 53 4 Which one is the coldest? Equatorial air Polar air Tropical Air Arctic air D
rev 3 calısması
CB formation is
Where would you expect
050 51 12 in Low pressure areas in High pressure areas over subtropical areas independent of pressure A
Cumulonimbus clouds?
it may produce
When cold moist air moves over a it may produce it may produce frontal
050 48 14 convective clouds and it sinks. A
warmer surface, __________. stratified clouds fog.
it may produce
When warm moist air moves over a it may produce fog and
050 48 16 convective clouds and it becomes unstable. it rises. B
colder surface, __________. visibility may reduce.
rev 3 calısması
Which one of the displayed cloud
050 51 24 forms is representative of 1 2 3 4 B
altocumulus lenticularis?
Which one of the displayed cloud
050 51 25 forms is representative of 1 2 3 4 C
altocumulus castellanus?
rev 3 calısması
In a hot summer afternoon, you are
having a sunbath in a beach and
A hurricane approaching
050 50 30 the wind is blowing pleasantly from Land breeze Sea breeze Foehn wind C
from the south.
the sea. What might be the reason
for this?
Which of the following is correct A CB near Europe is
A CB near the equator
regarding the difference between a A CB near Europe has a called a typhoon, while a
050 51 31 There is no difference. has a greater vertical B
CB near the equator and a CB near greater vertical extent. CB near the equator is
Europe? called a hurricane.
It is raining and the outside air
temperature is -5°C. What would I would not fly because I would not fly because I I would fly because
050 49 32 you decide if you have a propeller I would decide to fly. I know that freezing know that freezing rain freezing rain improves B
to operate in non-icing conditions rain causes clear ice. causes rime ice. aircraft performance.
rev 3 calısması
No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
To define a position on Earth, Latitude only. Longitude only. Both latitude and longitude. Either latitude or longitude.
it is enough to give;
For landing on a runway with 21 kt. 26 kt. 15 kt. None of them.
the magnetic direction of
225°, the W/V reported by
voice ATIS is 180°/30 kt. The
local magnetic variation is
given as 15° E. Calculate the
approximate crosswind
11:10 11.00. 10:50 11:32
An aircraft follows a radial to
a VOR/DME station. At 10:20
3 the DME reads 100 NM. At
10:25 the DME reads 90 NM.
The estimated time overhead
the VOR/DME station is:
1 hour and 5 minutes. 1 hour. 1 hour and 10 minutes. 59 minutes.
The distance between the
points ALFA and BRAVO is
104 NM. If an aircraft covers
first 8 NM in 5 minutes, what
time does it take to travel the
entire route ALFA-BRAVO
with the same groundspeed?
On a chart we read the 2,230 ft. 1,782 ft. 2,800 ft. 1,540 ft.
obstacle altitude 540 meters.
Regarding the rule of height
5 clearance 1,000 feet over
obstacles, what is the lowest
altitude for overflying the
If a pilot changes the altimeter Decrease for 690 ft Decrease for 1,000 ft. Increase for 690 ft Increase for 1,000 ft.
setting from 1000hPa to
1023hPa, the altitude
indication will:
rev 1 calısması
2 m/sec. 1 m/sec. 4 m/sec. 13 m/sec.
If a vertical speed indicator of
7 an aircraft shows 400 ft/min,
the approximate rate of-climb
in meters-per-second is:
The total length of which of 10° N parallel circle. 45° S parallel circle. 010° W meridian. They are all the same.
8 the following flight routes is
40°. 30°. 20°. 50°.
The true heading for a flight
between two points of a route
is 200° and the drift angle is
9 10°Right. What will be the true
heading for a return flight
between the same points, if
the wind condition remains
When calculating magnetic Subtracted. Added. Added or subtracted Multiplicated.
direction from a given true depending on the location.
direction, westerly variation
should be:
True heading and desired true Desired true and desired True and magnetic heading. Magnetic and compass
11 A Wind Correction Angle is course. magnetic course. heading in no wind condition.
the angle difference between:
45 minutes. 2 hours. 50 minutes. 1 hour and 10 minutes.
The distance of the route from
the point X to the point Y via
the control point Z is 84 km. If
12 an aircraft covers the first
segment X-Z (35 km) in 50
minutes, what will be the total
time of flight between the
points X and Y?
rev 1 calısması
Southern – West - 078. Northern – East - 102. Northern – East - 078. Northern – East - 112.
rev 1 calısması
If your departure aerodrome
elevation = 1500 ft and QNH =
17 1023 hPa, how many feet you
have to climb to reach FL 75?
(Temperature = ISA , 1 hPa = 30 ft)
6300 ft 6600 ft 5700 ft 6000 ft
From which of the following
would you expect to find details
18 ATCC broadcasts
of the Search and Rescue
organisation and procedures?
From which of the following
would you expect to find
19 information regarding known
short unserviceability of the
approach lights? ATCC broadcasts AIP SIGMET NOTAM
From which of the following
would you expect to find
facilitation information regarding
customs and health formalities?
From which of the following
would you expect to find the
dates and times when temporary
danger areas are active?
A METAR includes “SA1430
35002KT 7000 SKC 21/03 Q1024”.
22 Which of the following
information is contained in this
METAR? runway in use period of validity temperature/dewpoint day/month
After flying for 16 min at 100 kt
TAS with a 20 kt tail wind
23 component, you have to return to
the airfield of departure. The
return leg will last: 20 min 24 min 16 min 10 min 40 sec
rev 1 calısması
Flight planning chart for an
aircraft states that the time to
reach the cruising level at a given
gross mass is 36 minutes and the
24 157 NM
distance travelled is 157 NM (zero-
wind). What will be the distance
travelled with an average tailwind
component of 60 kt?
228 NM 128 NM 193 NM
rev 1 calısması
(77) 1………….. originate from refraction and the main propagation path for radio
waves in the VHF and UHF bands is………..:
a) sky waves/ ground waves
b) ground waves /sky waves.
c) sky waves /space waves.
d) surface waves/ sky waves.
(77)2. the "Q" code for a true bearing to a VDF station is………. ; the "Q" code for a
magnetic bearing to a VDF station is…….:
c) QUJ / QDM
(79) 3. What is the full scale deflection of the VOR-CDI needle when a VOR
frequency is set ?
a) 10°
b) 1.25°
c) 5°
d) 2.5°
rev 1 calısması
(79) 7. An aircraft is required to approach a VOR station via the 264° radial. In order
to obtain correct sense indications the deviation indicator should be set to:
a) 264° with the TO flag showing
b) 264° with the FROM flag showing
c) 084° with the FROM flag showing
d) 084° with the TO flag showing
(77) 8. The minimum airborne equipment required for operation of a VHF direction
finder is a:
a) VHF transmitter-receiver operating in the 118 MHz to 136 MHz range.
b) VHF compass operating in the 200 kHz to 1750 kHz range.
c) VHF receiver operating in the 118 MHz to 136 MHz range.
d) cathode-ray tube.
(77)9. What airborne equipment, if any, is required to be fitted in order that a VDF
let-down may be flown?
b) none
c) VHF radio
d) VOR
(78) 10. On the QDR of 075° (in the vicinity of the station) with a magnetic heading of
295°, the relative bearing on the ADF indicator is:
a) 220°
b) 140°
c) 320°
d) 040°
(82) 11. When Mode C is selected on the aircraft SSR transponder the additional
information transmitted is:
a) altitude based on regional QNH
b) aircraft height based on sub-scale setting
c) height based on QFE
d) flight level based on 1013.25 hPa
rev 1 calısması
(82) 12. When an aircraft is operating its Secondary Surveillance Radar in Mode C an
air traffic controller's presentation gives information regarding the aircraft's indicated
flight level in increments of:
a) 250 FT
b) 100 FT
c) 150 FT
d) 200 FT
(79) 13. An aircraft passes overhead a DME station at 12000 feet above the station.
At that time, the DME reading will be:
a) FLAG/OFF, the aircraft is within the cone of silence.
b) 0 NM.
c) fluctuating and not significant.
d) approximately 2 NM.
(79) 14. A DME is located at MSL. An aircraft passing vertically above the station at
flight level FL 360 will obtain a DME range of approximately:
a) 8 NM
b) 11 NM
c) 7 NM
d) 6 NM
rev 1 calısması
EToplam S
sSoru No oSoru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
Is it possible for a desired No, in no case. Yes, in case of still air Yes, because these values are This is possible only when
true track, true heading and condition. always equal. flying in north or south
actual true track to have the direction.
same value?
An Aircraft at latitude 02°30’N 08°30’N. 04°30’S. 04°30’N. 03°30’S.
tracks 180°(T) for 666 km. The
final latitude will be:
rev 2 calısması
An aircraft turns to right 156° 146° 214° 136°
from a true heading of 081°
to a true track of 227° under
a drfit of 10°L. Calculate the
degree of rotation.
If an aircraft descends with a 400 feet 300 feet 240 feet 500 feet
rate of 1200 feet/minute,
10 calculate the vertical distance
travelled in 20 seconds.
rev 2 calısması
The PIC of an aircraft with a 22, 29 and 33 29 only 29 and 33 22 and 29
crosswind limitation of 14kt
for both T/O and landing has
the option of three operational
runways. Given a surface
11 wind of 250/18kt, which of the
following runways give a
crosswind that is within the
aircraft’s limitations?
An aircraft sets heading 11:57 UTC 11:04 UTC 11:49 UTC 11:45 UTC
overhead A at 11:00 UTC to fly
to B which is 87nm away on a
track of 160 degress true, the
12 forecast met wind is 040
degress at 30kts and the
planned TAS is 96kts. What is
the ETA overhead B?
You are flying at 1200ft. What Approximately 240 ft / min Approximately 780 ft / min Approximately 580 ft / min Approximately 1080 ft / min
rate of climb is required to
13 reach 4000 ft in 10 nm if your
groundspeed is 125 kts?
rev 2 calısması
Approximately how many feet 5060 1112 6080 8060
16 are there in a nautical mile?
rev 2 calısması
Ko So
nu ru Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
730 ft/min equals ;
69 1 2.2 m/sec 1.6 m/sec 5.2 m/sec 3.7 m/sec
rev 3 calısması
Assuming zero wind , what distance
will be covered by an aircraft
8 descending 10 000 FT with a TAS of 16.0 NM 33.3 NM 38.4 NM 19.2 NM
100 kt and maintaining a rate of
descent of 500 FT/MIN ?
At a specific location , the value of depends on the varies slowly over depends on the type of depends on the true
67 9 magnetic variation ; magnetic heading. time. compass installed. heading.
Complete the following statement magnetic pole magnetic pole a reducing field strength an increasing field
regarding magnetic variation. The movement causing movement causing causing numerical values strength causing
10 charted values of magnetic variation numerical values at numerical values at at all locations to numerical values at all
on earth normally change annually due all locations to all locations to decrease. locations to increase.
to ; increase. increase or decrease.
Consider the following factors that
determine the accuracy of a DR
position ; 1.
The flight time since the last position
72 11 update. 1 and 2. 1 , 2 and 4. 1 , 2 and 3. 1 , 2 , 3 and 4.
2. The accuracy of the forecasted
3. The accuracy of the TAS.
4. The accuracy of the corrected
Given ;
true track 070°
variation 30°W
72 12 deviation +1° 100° 089° 091° 101°
drift 10°R
Calculate the compass heading ;
rev 3 calısması
Given ;
TAS = 190 kt
72 13 HDG ( T ) = 355° W/V = 165 / 25kt 1R - 175 kt 1R - 165 kt 1L - 215 kt 1L - 225 kt
Calculate the drift and GS ;
Given ;
Runway direction 083°( M )
72 14 Surface W/V 023° / 35 kt 17.5 kt 32.2 kt 42.6 kt 30.3 kt
Calculate the effective headwind
component ;
Given ;
Magnetic heading 311°
Drift angle 10° left
15 Relative bearing of NDB 270° 211° 208° 221° 180°
What is the magnetic bearing of the
NDB measured from the aircraft ?
the centre of the sun the sun’s upper edge the centre of the sun is the centre of the sun is
is 6° below the is tangential to the 18° below the celestial 12° below the celestial
18 Morning Civil twilight begins when ;
celestial horizon. celestial horizon. horizon. horizon.
are neither Rhumb both Rhumb lines and Great circles. Rhumb lines.
Parallels of latitude , except the lines nor Great Great circles.
64 19
equator , are ; circles.
rev 3 calısması
The distance along a meridian between
20 63°55'N and 13°47'S is ; 3008 NM 7702 NM 5008 NM 4662 NM
What is the effect on the Mach number Mach number Mach number Mach number remains Mach number
and TAS in an aircraft that is climbing increases , TAS decreases , TAS constant , TAS increases. increases , TAS
with constant CAS ? increases. decreases. remains constant.
It is another term for It is an expression for It is the time zone system It is the time set by the
What is the meaning of the term UTC. local mean time. applicable only in the legal authorities for a
74 25
“standard time” ? USA. country or part of a
TAS 487 kt , FL 330 , Temperature ISA +
26 15 Calculate the MACH Number ? 0.76 0.81 0.78 0.84
Given ;
A is N55° 000°
B is N54° E010°
27 The average true course of the great 096° 100° 107° 104°
circle is 100° The true course of the
rhumbline at point A is ;
rev 3 calısması
Given ;
Required course 045°( M )
Variation is 15°E
73 28 W/V is 190°( T ) / 30 kt 056° and 137 kt 052° and 154 kt 055° and 147 kt 036° and 151 kt
CAS is 120 kt at FL 55 in standard
atmosphere. What are the
heading ( °M ) and GS ?
Given ;
Distance “A” to “B” is 100 NM
72 29 Fix obtained 40 NM along and 6 NM to 9° Right 18° Right 15° Right 6° Right
the left of course. What heading
alteration must be made to reach “B” ?
Given ;
Distance “A” to “B” is 90 NM
Fix obtained 60 NM along and 4 NM to
72 30 8° Left 12° Left 4° Left 16° Left
the right of course. What heading
alteration must be made to reach “B” ?
Given ;
A ( 56°N , 145°E )
31 B ( 57°N , 165°W ) 020° 001° 130° 050°
What is the difference in longitude
between A and B ?
Given ;
AD = Air distance
GD = Ground distance
TAS = True Airspeed
GD = TAS / ( GS x AD GD = AD x ( GS – TAS ) / GD = ( AD – TAS ) /
73 32 GS = Groundspeed GD = ( AD x GS ) / TAS
Which of the following is the correct
formula to calculate ground distance (
GD ) gone ?
rev 3 calısması
How many small circles can be drawn
33 between any two points on a sphere ? None. Two. One. An unlimited number.
Location A is at 50ºN 030ºW and Sunrise will be earlier Sunrise will be later Sunrise will be earlier at Sunrise and sunset
location B is at 50ºS 030ºW. On 27th at A than it is at B and at A than it is at B and A than it is at B and will be at the same
34 November it is noted that ; sunset will be later at sunset will be earlier sunset will be earlier at A time at A and B.
A than it is at B. at A than it is at B. than it is at B.
the direction of the the direction of the the reading of the the direction of the
observer’s Magnetic Greenwich meridia to observer’s compass observer’s meridian to
The definition of True North for any
67 36 North corrected for the North Pole. corrected for deviation the North Pole.
observer is ;
local variation. and local variation.
The main reason that day and night , gravitational effect of the
throughout the year , have different inclination of the
sun and moon on the relative speed of the
74 38 duration , is due to the ; ecliptic to the earth’s rotation.
speed of rotation of the sun along the ecliptic.
The time interval between sunrise and The date and the The latitude and the The declination of the The inclination of the
sunset is dependent on ; longitude of the longitude of the sun and the latitude of axis of the earth and
74 39
observer. observer. the observer. the longitude of the
What is the ratio between the litre and 1 US-GAL equals 1 litre equals 4.55 1 US-GAL equals 4.55 1 litre equals 3.7853
73 40
the US-GAL? 3.7853 litres. USGAL. litres. US-GAL.
rev 3 calısması
in combination with in emergency type to provide the ATC in lieu of ILS for
radar to solve the 180º situations when the controller with bearings precision approach
77 41 A VDF may be used ; ambiguity. aircraft is unable to of aircraft in the absence purposes.
transmit on VHF. of radar.
Allocated frequencies for NDB are ; 1900 kHz to 17500 190 kHz to 1750 kHz. 19 Hz to 17500 Hz. 1.90 kHz to 17.50 kHz.
78 42 kHz.
An aircraft at FL 410 is passing
overhead a DME station at mean sea
43 level. The DME-indicates approximately 6.1 NM 6.8 NM 6.8 km 6.1 km
ADF is a ground NDB is a locator and NDB is a ground ADF is a civilian
equipment and NDB ADF is an enroute nav-equipment , and ADF is equipment whereas
78 44 Concerning ADF and NDB ; can be a ground aid. an airborne equipment. NDB is a military
equipment or an equipment used by
airborne equipment. civilians too.
For a conventional DME facility
“Beacon Saturation” will occur
79 45 whenever the number of aircraft 100 80 60 200
interrogations exceeds ;
How long does it take a NAVSTAR/GPS Approximately 12 Approximately 24 365 days because the 12 days.
80 46 satellite to orbit the earth ? hours ( 1/2 of a hours ( one sidereal satellites are located in a
sidereal day ). day ). geostationary orbit.
How many satellites form the nominal 36 24 18 21
80 47 NAVSTAR GPS constellation ?
If an aircraft flies along a VOR radial it line of constant great circle track. constant magnetic track. rhumbline track.
79 48 will follow a; bearing.
rev 3 calısması
You are on a magnetic heading of 055°
and your ADF indicates a relative
49 bearing of 325°. The QDM is ; 020° 055° 235° 200°
rev 3 calısması
KonuSoru NoSoru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
Which equipment broadcasts
distinctive signals on designated
frequencies when it has been Emergency Locator
84 1 Flight Data Recorder Cockpit Voice Recorder Mode C Transponder
manually or automatically activated Transmitter
(by impact) for determining the
rev 1 calısması
070 Operational Procedures
2.In which manual is the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) included? (83)
3. Information about evacuation procedures from an aeroplane can be found in the: (83)
a) Journey Logbook.
b) Flight Manual.
c) Operational Flight Plan.
d) Operations Manual.
4.As defined for search and rescue purposes, the word ‘distress’ means specifically that: (84)
An aircraft has lost contact with ATC and is late arriving at its destination.
An aircraft and its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger.
An aircraft is subject to any level of emergency.
There is apprehension concerning the safety of an aircraft and its occupants.
6. Noise attenuation shall not be the determining factor in the designation of a runway, under the
following circumstances :
1. when cross wind component, including gust, exceeds 15 knots.
2. when the tail wind component, including gust, exceeds 5 knots.
3. when the runway is not clear or dry.
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is :
a) 1,2,3.
b) 2,3.
c) 1,2.
d) 1,3.
rev 2 calısması
b) prohibit the use of reverse thrust.
c) apply in case of instrument approaches only.
d) apply in case of visual approaches only.
8. Who has the responsibility for establishing operating procedures for noise abatement purposes
during instrument flight in compliance with ICAO PANS OPS 8168 the:
a) operator
b) commander
c) state in which the aeroplane is operating
d) state of the operator
9. In VMC, a runway should not be chosen as preferential for noise abatement procedures when:
a) Tail wind component, including gusts, is less than 4 kt
b) It has no ILS or visual approach slope guidance
c) It has a tail wind regardless its magnitude
d) Cross-wind component, including gusts, is 10 kt or less
10. The final authority as to the disposition of the aircraft has the (83)
a. Pilot-in-command.
b. aircraft owner.
c. ATC controller whenever the aircraft is flying in controlled airspace
d. Operator.
rev 2 calısması
Soru No Soru
A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
Information concerning emergency
1 evacuation procedures shall be found in journey logbook. flight manual. operations manual. operational flight plan.
rev 3 calısması
occurs only at a low can occur at any
occurs only at a low altitude ( can occur at any altitude
One of the main characteristics of altitude ( 2000 ft) and altitude in both the
7 2000 ft) and never in the and only in the
windshear is that it: never in the horizontal vertical and horizontal
vertical plane horizontal plane
plane planes
Crew Resource Management (CRM) Technical expertise and Accident statistics and Human Factors and
13 Situational Awareness
Training deals principally with: interaction review behaviour
rev 3 calısması
the operation by a the operation by a state
the aircraft proceeding the aircraft used by police,
state member of the member of the JAA of
14 The first part of the JAR-OPS applies to: from European states customs and defense
JAA of any civil any civil commercial
or flying over them departments
aircraft transport aircraft
rev 3 calısması
Standards and
Annexes to the Chicago Convention Standards and Recommendations and Means Search and Rescue
20 Recommended
contain: Regulatory Procedures. of Compliance. Procedures.
If smoke appears in the air conditioning, Begin an emergency Cut off all air conditioning Put on the mask and Determine which system
the first action to take is to: descent. units. goggles is causing the smoke
Who is responsible for ensuring that all The State of the The Senior Flight
24 The Operator The Commander
passengers are briefed before take-off? Operator Attendant
rev 3 calısması
Soru Doğru
No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği Cevap
I. The normal axis of an Only I Only II I and II None
aircraft is always vertical to
the ground. II.
The normal axis is
perpendicular to the other two
axes of the aircraft. Select the
correct statements.
Match the relevant axis and I-IV, II-VI, III-V I-V, II-IV, III-VI I-VI, II-V, III-IV I-V, II-VI, III-IV
motions around them:
rev 1 calısması
Ailerons give: Lateral control about the Longitudinal control about the c) Directional control about Lateral control about the
lateral axis. lateral axis. the normal axis. longitudinal axis D
The main surface providing Rudder Aileron Horizontal stabilizer Vertical stabilizer
8 directional stability is:
The main surface providing Elevator Aileron Horizontal stabilizer Vertical stabilizer
9 longitudinal stability is:
Lift formula is composed of: Dynamic Pressure x lift Static pressure x lift Total pressure x lift Dynamic pressure x drag
coefficient x wing area coefficient x wing area coefficient x wing area coefficient x wing area A
How do you recover from Pull the control stick and Push the control stick and Apply opposite rudder-aileron Push the control stick and
stall? reduce throttle increase throttle inputs decrease throttle B
What is the effect of flap Glide distance increases Glide distance decreases Glide distance decreases Flap extension does not affect
12 extension on glide distance? because flaps provide more because of decreased drag. because of increased drag. glide distance.
lift. C
Flaps and slats increase the lift coefficient so Decrease the lift coefficient to Create a nose-up pitching Decrease drag
13 the aircraft can be flown at a slow the aircraft. moment during take-off
lower speed A
To maintain straight and level increased Be kept constant Decreased at the critical angle of attack
flight at constant IAS, AOA
should be ….. when flaps are
extended. C
To maintain straight and level increased Be kept constant Decreased at the critical angle of attack
flight, AOA should be …..
when flaps are retracted
rev 1 calısması
1. (91) The aeroplane drag in straight and level flight is lowest when the:
a) induced drag is lowest.
b) induced drag is equal to zero.
c) parasite drag equals twice the induced drag.
d) parasite drag is equal to the induced drag.
2. (90)An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight while the TAS is doubled. The change
in lift coefficient will be:
a) x 2.0
b) x 0.5
c) x 4.0
d) x 0.25
5. (91) Increasing speed in straight and level flight (1)……….… induced drag and (2)
…………parasite drag.
7. (90) The point, where the aerodynamic lift acts on a wing is:
a) the c.g. location.
b) the centre of pressure.
c) the point of maximum thickness of the wing.
d) the suction point of the wing.
rev 1 calısması
10. (99) Load factor (n) :
a) n= 1/Bank angle
b) n= Wing loading
c) n= Lift/Weight
d) n= Weight/Lift
12. (96) The sensor of a stall warning system can be activated by a change in the location of
a) transition region.
b) centre of gravity.
c) centre of lift.
d) stagnation point.
14. (93) The pitch angle is defined as the angle between the:
a) longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane.
b) longitudinal axis and the chord line.
c) speed vector axis and the longitudinal axis.
d) chord line and the horizontal plane.
15. (96)The stalling speed in IAS will change according to the following factors:
a) Decrease in a forward C.G. location, higher altitude and due to the slip stream from a
propeller on an engine located forward of the wing
b) Increase during turn, increased mass and forward C.G. location
c) Increase with increased load factor, more flaps but will not increase due to the bank angle
in a turn
d) Increase with increased load factor, icing conditions and an aft C.G. location
rev 1 calısması
POF (PPL) Additional Question Proposals - 080
1. How would the exterior appearance of an aircraft change, when trimming for speed increase aiming
constant altitude? (94)
a) The elevator is deflected further up by a downward deflected trim tab
b) The elevator is deflected further downward by means of a movable horizontal stabilizer
c) The exterior appearance of the aircraft will not change
d) Elevator deflection is increased further downward by an upward deflected trim tab
2. The relative thickness of an aerofoil is expressed in: (90)
a) Camber.
b) % chord.
c) Meters.
d) Inches.
3. Ground effect has the following influence on the landing distance: (91)
a) Decreases the landing distance
b) does not change the landing distance
c) increases the landing distance
d) increases the landing distance , only if the landing flaps are fully extended.
4. For [pt = total pressure; ps = static pressure; q = dynamic pressure] Bernoulli's equation can be
written as: (89)
a) pt - q = ps
b) pt = q - ps
c) pt = ps - q
d) pt + ps = q
5. The static pressure is acting: (88)
a) In all directions.
b) Only perpendicular to the direction of the flow.
c) Only in the direction of the total pressure.
d) Only in direction of the flow.
6. The “CL – alpha” curve of a positive cambered aerofoil intersects with the vertical axis: (90)
a) In the origin (0/0).
b) Below the origin (0/0).
c) Nowhere.
d) Above the origin (0/0).
7. A statically unstable aircraft is: (98)
a) Sometimes dynamically stable.
b) Sometimes dynamically unstable.
c) Never dynamically stable.
d) Always dynamically stable.
rev 2 calısması
8. Induced drag at constant IAS is affected by: (91)
a) Engine thrust.
b) Aircraft weight.
c) Aircraft wing location.
d) Angle between wing chord and fuselage center line.
9. During the retraction of the flaps (to clean configuration) at a constant angle of attack the aircraft
starts to … , when all other factors of importance are constant. (95)
a) Sink.
b) Bank.
c) Climb.
d) Yaw.
10. The stalling angle of attack for the flaps down configuration is … … the stalling angle of attack for the
flaps up configuration. (96)
a) greater than.
b) smaller than.
c) same as.
d) smaller than or greater than, depending on CG position.
11. In straight and level flight the center of pressure is behind the center of gravity. What is the direction
of action of the resultant force from the elevators and tailplane to maintain straight and level flight?
a) upward.
b) downward.
c) horizontally.
d) in a direction depending on the thrust/drag couple.
12. With reference to the figure below, how do the speeds (V1) and (V2) relate to the relative
wind/airflow (V)? (90)
13. In straight and level flight, if airspeed ... the angle of attack ... and the incidence angle... (90)
a) increases; decreases; decreases.
b) increases; increases; decreases.
c) decreases; decreases; decreases.
d) decreases; increases; remains constant.
rev 2 calısması
14. An aircraft has a stalling speed of 100 kt in a steady level flight. When the aircraft is flying a level turn
with a load factor of 4.0, the stalling speed is: (96)
a) 40 kt.
b) 100 kt.
c) 200 kt.
d) 400 kt.
15. As the angle of attack of a wing is increased, the center of pressure will reach its most forward
position on the wing... (90)
a) after stall recovery.
b) at the optimum angle of attack.
c) when the aircraft is stalling.
d) just before the wing stalls.
17. Two identical aircrafts A and B are flying horizontal steady turns. Further data are:
A: W=1500 kg Bank= 20° TAS= 130 kt
B: W= 1500 kg Bank= 20° TAS= 200 kt
Tamamıyla aynı A ve B uçakları yatay, sabit hızlı dönüş yapmaktadır. Ayrıca aşağıdaki bilgiler mevcuttur:
A: W=1500 kg Bank= 20° TAS= 130 kt
B: W= 1500 kg Bank= 20° TAS= 200 kt
rev 2 calısması
20. Which of the following conditions will cause increased stall airspeed? (96)
a) Power increased, flap setting increased
b) Load factor increased, heavy icing of the wing
c) Angle of bank reduced, flap setting increased
d) Aircraft weight increased, power increased
rev 2 calısması
No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
If the continuity equation is Pt(1)>Pt(2) Pt(1)=Pt(2) Pt(1)<Pt(2) Ps(1)+q(1)<Ps(2)+q(2)
assumed,what will happen to
the total pressure (Pt) if the
cross sectional area of a tube
changes?(subsonic and
incompressible flow)
With increasing from zero to (I)-increase, (II)-up (I)-increase, (II)-down (I)-decrease, (II)-up (I)-remain constant, (II)-up
critical angle of attack,CL(lift
coefficient) will (I).......and the
2 stagnation point will
move(II)....... Respectively (I)
and (II) are:
The terms 'q' and 'S' in the lift static pressure and dynamic pressure and dynamic pressure and mass flow and wing area
3 formula dynamic pressure wing loading wing area
When the aircraft is climbing the total drag decreases has no effect total drag increases first increasing after that
will have the following effect decreasing
on the total drag of a body in
an airstream(AoA and TAS are
In a straight steady climb, Lift is less than Lift is equal to weight, Lift is equal to weight, load Lift is less than weight,
which of the following weight,load factor is load factor is less than factor is equal to 1. load factor is equal to 1.
5 statements is correct? less than 1. 1.
Static lateral stability will be increasing wing the use of a high, increasing the size of the increasing wing anhedral.
6 decreased by: sweepback rather than low,wing vertical tail.
rev 3 calısması
When a pilot makes a turn in increases with flap increases with the load Decreases with increasing increases with the square
horizontal flight, the stall extension factor squared bank angle root of load factor
Taper ratio of a wing is the root chord and tip chord mean geometric chord wing span squared and tip chord and root chord
8 ratio between: and wing span wing area
One method to compensate an anti-balance tab a balance tab a differential aileron a balance panel
9 adverse aileron yaw is:
One of the requirements for positive static stability neutral static stability negative static stability a small CG range
10 positive dynamic stability is:
Which part of an aeroplane The engine The horizontal The wing The fuselage
provides the greatest positive tailplane
11 contribution to the static
longitudinal stability?
The lift to drag ratio endurance speed. maximum rate of climb horizontal glide distance horizontal distance in the
determines the ; from a given altitude at climb up to a given altitude
zero wind and zero thrust
The SI units of mass flow (I) (I) kg/s , (II) N.m/s (I) kg/m² , (II) kg.m/s (I) kg/s , (II) kg.m/s (I) kg/m² , (II) N.m/s
and power (II) are ;
Control surface flutter can be reducing structural aerodynamic balancing mass balancing of the increasing airspeed.
eliminated by: stiffness of the control of the control surface control surface.
18 surface attachment
rev 3 calısması
Which of these statements In the SI system the The mass of an object Mass=weight x volume The weight of an object is
about weight or mass is unit of measurement for is independent of the independent of the
19 correct? weight is the kilogram. acceleration due to acceleration due to gravity.
Stall angle varies with: slats and flaps density and pressure temperature and altitude horizontal tailplane
The load factor is greater than during a steady co- during a wings level in steady wings level when lift is greater than
22 1 (one) ordinated horizontal stall before recovery horizontal flight weight.
What increases the critical trailing edge flaps slats fuselage mounted speed spoilers
23 angle of attack? Use of: brakes
When an aeroplane enters the lift is increased and drag and lift are the induced angle of attack the effective angle of attack
ground effect: the drag is decreased reduced is increased. is decreased
Which part of an aeroplane has landing gear wing root junction engine cowling wing tip
the largest effect on induced
26 drag?
rev 3 calısması
(Washout) Wing twist reduce interference drag increase VMO improve stall reduce VR
(geometric and aerodynamic) characteristics.
is used to:
What is the heading change 320 degrees 240 degrees 160 degrees 120 degrees
after 80 seconds of an
28 aeroplane performing
(standard) a rate one turn ?
The load factor is smaller than during cruise,glide during steady cruise during steady during a wings level stall
1 (one) position level climb,gliding,descent,and before recovery
Why the vertical tail design is to prevent yawing about to prevent rolling to prevent pitching about to prevent friction drag
30 symmetrical aerofoil ? the normal axis about the vertical axis the lateral axis about the normal axis
rev 3 calısması
Soru No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği ğru
rev 1 calısması
When the pilot or controller
misses the one of items of
6 the instructions or requests
what is the most
Say again …….(altitude,
appropriate call?
Say one more Speak slower Say twice QNH,etc.)
When instructed to “cleared D
to taxi to apron via Turn 180 degree back and
Continue taxi and vacate
7 backtrack” during landing taxi on the runway opposite to
the runway from the end
roll by the tower control, Leave the runway from the Leave the runway from the the landing direction for
the pilot should; first taxiway ahead first taxiway behind vacating runway.
What is the phrase B
response to „Confirm‟. AFFIRMATIVE AFFIRM WILCO
What is the reaction B
carry out a missed
expected from an aircraft
approach from the
9 when received “GO proceed with your message
present position without
AROUND” instruction from
Tower? overtake the aircraft head make a 360 degree turn
The instruction from the B
tower “TC- AYB Expedite Increase taxi speed and
Taxi and Vacate Runway Be alert for the traffic leaving vacate runway via taxiway C Turn 180 degree back and Increase taxi speed or vacate
via C” means, runway from taxiway C as soon as possible vacate runway via taxiway C. runway from taxiway C.
rev 1 calısması
Konu Soru No Soru A Seçeneği B Seçeneği C Seçeneği D Seçeneği
On the readability scale
101 1 what does "Readability 5"
mean: Readable but with difficulty. Unreadable. Problem to understand. Perfectly readable.
rev 2 calısması
1. How should you read back the Ankara Regional Pressure Setting of 1015 mbs?(101)
2. A pilot transmits his ETA as 'zero seven'. At what time is he estimating his arrival?(101)
In seven minutes.
In seventy minutes.
Speed instructions
Runway in use
Aircraft Identification, position, level, time, next position and ETA, POB.
Aircraft Identification, position, level, time, next position and ETA, IFR or VFR.
5. If ATC passed you an instruction which you thought was 'G-LO squawk 7043', what should your
reply be?(101)
'squawk 7043'
rev 2 calısması
'squawk 7043, Golf Lima Oscar'
Kartal B -T.
Kartal HT.
Kartal B-HT.
Fifteen Hundred
8. You are squawking 3671, mode charlie. You receive the following request: 'Golf Bravo Zulu,
confirm squawk'. How should you reply?(101)
rev 2 calısması
26 july 2016 shgm erah organisation 090
0001 .) In a distress call immediately following the MAYDAY prefix, what information
should an aircraft next transmit, if circumstances permit (106)
S0003 .) Which of the options below gives a correct order and content for a Position Report? (103)
0004 .) . When transmitting an emergency message, a pilot is required to give his aircraft's position as:
a. The present or last known position, together with altitude or level, and heading.
b. A GPS position.
c. A position relative to the nearest airfield or aerodrome.
d. A DME range from the station being addressed.
a. A Take-off Clearance.
b. A Conditional Clearance.
c. A Departure Clearance.
d. A Route Clearance.
rev 3 calısması
0007 .) The phrase "Squawk Charlie" means: (101)
0008 .) From which aeronautical communications service would you obtain automated broadcasts on
aerodrome and weather information? (102)
a. RIS
b. FIS
0009 .) The frequency used for the initial transmission of a MAYDAY call should be: (106)
0011 .) What is the Q code for a true bearing from a station? (104)
a. QDR
b. QNH
c. QTE
d. QFE
0012 .) Which of the following lists are all ATC messages that must read back in full : (101)
0014 .) If making a straight-in approach, the FINAL call should be made at about: (104)
a. 10 nm
b. 4 nm
c. 8 nm
d. 25 nm
rev 3 calısması
0015 .) A condition of being threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring immediate
assistance describes what category of message? (106)
a. Distress.
b. Flight Safety.
c. Urgency.
d. Emergency.
0017 .) Certain words may be omitted from transmissions provided no confusion will result. Which of
the following underlined words must not be omitted? (101)
0018 .) Taxi instructions issued by the controller will include a clearance limit which will normally be:
0019 )the correct call-sign prefix to indicate that the pilot is a student pilot flying solo is:
a. novice
b. solo
c. learner
d. student
rev 3 calısması