Article - India A Functioning Anarchy
Article - India A Functioning Anarchy
Article - India A Functioning Anarchy
The birth of a socialistic pattern of society and mixed economy in the first decade of
independence without any priority to defence production and for sound economy provided initially to
confounded speculation about India’s starvation. There was settling down to take in its stride by the
super nations, but their apprehension was belied by emergence of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri as Prime
minister. His favourite virtue of simplicity, outstanding characteristics of singleness of purpose and
basic idea of rectification of wicked evils of exploiting the resources has converted the country
revolution and simultaneously boosting the moral of our Army gave the success in 1965 Pakistan’s
aggression and thereby capturing a vast territory of enemies land has provided the moral damage
to the aggressors ambitions . Indira Gandhi vanquishing the predatory neighbour Pakistan for ever
as the hesitant dictator , but her wrong diplomacy survived the terrorist decade of a fighter . Thus the
first face of India’s socialism was replaced by populism replacing ideology and also absorptive
nationalism and by embracing popularity oriented party policy . It began with profit oriented private
and a quality unconscious public sector with narrow vision to make India a global economic power ,
but this utopian empire has been completed vanished in view of different conflicting ideological
political differentiation due to parliamentarian system in the post independent era of our country .
Our potential of unlimited reservoir of skilled labour and abundance trader’s skill for investment of
capital have been submerged with diversification of vested political ambitions . This has provided an
obstacle to our inherited great skilled splendered intelligence and our super entrepreneurial spirit to
naught. The unified political entity under British rule is now ahead to further split due to regional
based political conception . The constitution of India designed to equip with substance to meet the
challenges of the future in its spirit is now playing a role like a compulsive gambler bent upon
ascending our invaluable legacy providing to be caricature of noble democracy . The spirit of social
justice has been given up with no chance of its revival through shells of socialism making this
preposition as fraud with people . This has provided the provided the transfer of material resources
from honest to dishonest opportunists instead of poor people.
There are 240 public sectors enterprises by union Govt. and nearly 700 by the state Govt , which are
the black holes ; the money guzzles and they have been extracting an exorbitant price for Indian
doctrinal socialism .
The most persisting tendency in India has been to have to much Govt. and too little administration ,
too many laws , too little justice , too many public servants and too little public service, too many
controls and too little welfare.
The great mistake initially was to start with Adult Franchise . This should have been started with
restricted system franchise and to make citizens graduated to Adult franchise and they may be
worthy of discharging their duties through some value based education . The result is that our half of
the population is literally illiterate . This is a state of mobocracy in the strife of moral decay with the
facts of in-discipline , corruption and castism , divisiveness with communal hatred , linguistic
fanatism regional fency and caste loyalty are growing at the vitals of the unity And integrity of
country. Interfaith and harmony and consciousness and essential unity may stop growing army of
terrorists and professional terrorists , professional hooligans in order to save fellow citizens . The
profound shells of culturally a kin , ethically identical , linguistically knit and historically related may
remain intact , if we acquire a inner sense of national identity . We can only gain the wisdom of
cherish its priceless heritage and create a cohesive society, if we adopt the ideas for implementation
in correct prospective instead of talking more about them.
The power entrusted under the rule of law with the authority dealing with Govt. business is
required to be discharge truly , objectively, expeditiously with personal responsibility and it
should not be leisurely taken due to obvious considerations , otherwise there may be the
imposition of the costs for committing public injustice and to give the manipulators an opportunity
to compound the camouflage and it may become counter productive with for reaching affect on
public Administration exchequer deflecting the course of justice . Now Bureaucracy is only
accountable to the political executives and hierarchical responsibility is in built discipline .Thus
there must be judicial accountability and review over the quasi judicial decision taken by the
executive with proper accountability by imposition of the punishment and personal costs against
the erring officers responsible for such injustice . The other factor requiring attention is for having
a single window system in every public office with a senior officer found responsible in case of
undue harassment to the public .It is high time to dealt with criminal activities with a presumption
of guilt against the accused person as the plea of innocence is in contradiction of making arrest
of individual involved in the crime .The fake entry in the revenue record , illicit means of
registration , unauthorised possession land grabbing with the connivance of police officer are
discontent strife for the commission of crime . The annihilation of the department record vested
with property right is another source of providing resentment to the actual owner Vs ostensible
possessors raisins construction. Thus these atrocities committed by the public authorities should
be dealt with a exemplary punishment like that of the crime of financial irregularities and
embezzlements. Our political master subverted the freedom of bureaucracy and moral values
gradually disappeared . The greater the power vested in politicians, there is danger of becoming
intolerant and authoritarian .There is gradual deterioration of extra-ordinary sagacity and wisdom
with the custodian of public trust .There are dark cloud over our independence of judiciary . The
Solomon’s throne representing to the judicial system is now supported by two lions representing
the legislature and executives on both the sides . Although lion is still under the throne as it may
not oppose the point of sovereignty vested in the rule of law , but still the Solomon’s conscience
may be priced by sitting on chair of handicapped sub-silent instead of its own and thus the
separation of power is the utmost consideration for the democratic values , for which the superior
courts may play an active role to eradicate the evil of corruption . The solution lies in gradual
transformation of power from the authoritarian type to the benevolent use of power by our
politician . There must be an assurance for the right to work to every citizen .There should be the
transparency in the functioning of their department dealing with the people in exercise of their
duties in the welfare state. The barriers providing the restriction in dealing with the distribution of
essential commodities which are perpetuating corruption should be dealt with appropriately as it
may repose the confidence of the people in the present system and there by avoid them from
suffering unnecessary harassment . This can be done by fixing the accountability in every system
and against such individual who is vested with the power to dealt with the public otherwise the
country may collapse by its own pressure . The system of caste , money power and
criminalisation of politics has further provided the electoral system to a naught and it has been
ridden with corruption without fulfilling the aspiration of the electorate and as such there is
desirability for changing the present parliamentarian representative form of government to a
responsible government which may have is wise for uplifting the cause of downtrodden in the
society but may seldom exploit them to use for its own benefit .Thus the country may be saved
from its own peril.
Napoleon Bonaparte said; “The crown of France was rolling inside the gutter, I simply picked
up it, and put on my head”. The religion and caste division amongst Hindu were being exploited by
the invaders. British’s sponsored the policy of divide and rule while politicians adopted a policy of
the divide and spoil for their narrow gains in spite of the fact that it may be a threat to the nations
unity and integrity of our country. Now nobody is looking forward to the vast problems of poverty,
ignorance and disease. The divisive it forces of caste & religion imbalances through strong and
resurgent India.
Battle of Panipat and battle of Plassy were not fought due to such divisive forces on the caste
line but they were conquered by making ourselves slave to our destiny by different dynasty.
Excellence and social equality with greater attention to socially disadvantaged minority group was
essentially required to be given pre- dominance to check up global economic scenario annual.
There is no leadership of extraordinary commitment and alertness as in accordance with the
changing emergence of technological and intellectual impact on our society, but there is role
entrepreneurs invigourous wealth creation through a radical change inn our character . Let us be
confined to a classless society in which there may not be any appeasement or reservation except
the excellence in respect of our performance. Unfortunately the traitors inside the country has
provided still worsted shadow of darkness by an eclipsed sun. The people of whole country was
suffering from a poignant pain of agony. The universality of which carries in it a great dignity of
consolation we have promulgated the undesirable elements in our population coupled with
corruption, cruelty, callousness and a complete disregard of public welfare, which is flourishable
poison in the air. With confounded speculation of India’s starvation; a terrorist decade of oligarchy
and anarchy having appeasement party politics as antithesis to creativity and potential, which has
provided an obstacle to our inherited great stilled splendour intelligence with our super
entrepreneurial spirit of cultural heritage to naught with intellectual apathy, I have risen to the
occasion with profound bleeding at my heart to fight against compulsive gamble bent upon
ascending our invaluable legacy providing to be caricature to our noble democracy. We the India’s
having 15%of world population and 54% of illiterate citizens of the world are having only 1.5% of
world income going down word trend in the list of exporting country from 16th place to 45 place with
less them ½ of world to list traffic after 50 years of independence. Despite best ecological conditions
and environment and natural resources we are amongst the 10th corrupt nations of the world. Scam
of corruption, like Fodder Scam in Bihar, Harshad Mehta Scam, Cobbler Scam of Maharastra,
Ayurvedic Scam in U.P., letter of credit Scam in Assam with 700 cases of corruption pending with
C.B.I. is our identity. At least 40,000 criminal cases of kidnapping, murder, rape, gangsterism and
Mafia Rule spreading the fear psychosis without having the printed proforma of F.I.R. and charge-
sheet are the glorious instances in one State of Bihar, which is spreading the fire of greed and fears
psychosis upon its people. About 240 public sectors enterprises by Union Govt. And 700 public
sectors by the State Govt, are providing black hole in National Economy. The money guzzlers are
extracting an exorbitant prices for Indian doctrinal socialism. The State of mobocracy in the strife of
moral decay with facet of indiscipline, corruption and castism divisiveness with communal hatred,
linguistic fanaticism, regional fancy and caste loyalty have provoked the conscience of patriotism.
About 120 millions cases pending in the different courts without any probable disposal, within a
considerable time period may further provide the loss of country’s valuable potential. 25 north
country global phenomenon are having only ¼ of world’s population having 70/ of wealth, 80/ of
trade, 90/ of industries and 99/ of finest and most advanced research centre are having their vast
potential. They started giving benefit of donation received through begging, but our country’s
politicians have set up to regeneration of corruption through these donations. Thus keeping away
from realities in allowing to perpetuate the corruption by dishonest opportunity and with calibre are
ruling over the nation. State Govt. was spending Rs. 1,11,96,000/- during Miss. Mayawati chief
minister regime on the security of V.I.P. every month against whom the allegation of misappropriation
of Rs. 5000 crores were levelled in one public interest Litigation which were published in News
Paper. This is all just to provide and boost the political career by our politician.
The collusion Govt. of India and Govt. of U.P. having ideologically antagonistic with its
alliance is a heterogeneous conglomeration of disparage and disparage interest designed mainly to
hedge the power against interest of common citizen. Our thrust with destiny as boosted by our
leaders at the time of independence has now been scattered into pieces, sheltered into the extinction
of hopes and abrogated and subjugated with the misfortunate scenario of our prophesier democratic
set up of the Country. The doctrinaire ethics of democratic values and conceptual phenomenon of so
called socialism and secularism being antithesis to social justice and religious sentiment has further
deteriorated the very foundation of our country solidarity amongst the citizens. We have formulated
utopian empire which is having no existence. This is on account of our character assassination which
is resultant into a wild fire meant for destroying the very fabric of our integrity and existence. Can we
claim to enjoy our independence.
Can we protect our nation from such anarchic situation. The answer convey the only recourse
to be adopted i.e. the enforceable fundamental duties and strict discipline required to be
implemented. Whether the army personnel deployed for protecting the Nation may not be assigned
to fulfil the uphill task of providing a check to internal insurgency. Can still we enforce the necessity
of maintenance of the strict discipline required to maintain by the Army personnel and not be our
leaders, who have taken over the command like a diplomatic monarch in our country. Let us examine
some of the drastic problem which has become the root cause of erosion of the traditional values of
our culture.
Political parties are gripped to below with the wind and bend with the glass. The collusion
Govt. emerged at the state level having the Jumbo size of the ministerial berth being occupied by Sri
Markandey Chand then having about 5 criminal cases, Sri Sardar Singh then having about 6 criminal
cases, Sri Hari Shankar Tiwari then having about 25 criminal cases, Sri Shyam Sundar Sharma then
having about 18 criminal cases, Sri Raja Bhaiya then having about 8 cases and Sri Shiv Pratap
Shukla then having detention under N.S.A. were assigned with the responsibility of Cabinet Minister
by our Chief Minister Sri Kalyan Singh for remaining in power. The criminal cases are not of minor
nature, but the same includes murder, Dacoity with murder, ransom, kidnapping, rape and other
physical assault towards the innocent citizens. There are again Sri Rakesh Dhar Tripathi then having
2 criminal cases, Sri Ram Prasad Kamal then having 6 criminal cases, Sri Bhagwan Singh Shakya
then having 7 criminal cases, Sri Amar Mani Tripathi then having 18 criminal cases, Sri Prem
Prakash Singh then having 15 criminal cases, Sri Vinay Pandey then having 5 cases, Sri Rakesh
Tyagi and Sri Ram Shankar then having 6 criminal cases each, who were inducted as Minister for the
State by Sri Kalyan Singh in his ministry. Recently the power exercised under Article 161 by
Governor for granting pardon from the charge of the murder to Sri Doodh Nath Yadav has been
found by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to be given by the Governor of Uttar Pradesh without
application of mind and in the wholly arbitrary manner. The handing over the charge of the post of
Chief Minister to Sri Jagdambika Pal by the Governor of U.P. Sri Ramesh Bhandari was considered
to be a malafide exercise of power. This is the outcome of our parliamentarian democratic set-up of
our Country.
Sri V.B. Gupta, special Judge of designated Court conducting the trial of politicians involved
in HAWALA scam has honourably acquitted all the accused as he could not be prepared to get a
remark that he does not know the elementary of basic law of evidence act in which there is no
sanction recognising a document written in the code word to be admissible in the evidence. This is
pragmatic approach in the matter relating to the crime committed by the guardian of our country. Can
anybody may expect from these diplomatic personality dealing with the art of manoeuvring of the
process to their own accountability that these parliamentarians including the Hon’ble minister will
leave the clue of their identity while committing the crime and to get themselves involved in criminal
offence. Our law has become too much unrealistic in its approach and Justice which is dependent
upon such a rigmarole of the technicalities to vitiate the very foundation cannot be imparted in the
present system. No fruitful result can be achieved by launching the mere prosecution against such
politician. We the citizen are paying an exorbitant price of our doctrinaire Angle Saxon Jurisprudence
and socialistic, secularists democratic parliamentarian set-up of our country. This is the drastic fate
of giving us the freedom on 15th August, 1947 by the British’s to whom we found for better than our
The legal interpretation may be demonstrated by two illustration i.e. (1) Delhi Govt. proposed
to provide prosecution for committing an offence of eve teasing to the girls from distance of 10 Feet.
The offender started eve teasing them beyond such distance and escaped from punishment. Then
the question was posed by a girl. (a common citizen) that what it makes the difference that he
committed the offence from distance of 10 feet or beyond it. It was the reply of the prosecution that
you cannot expect to permit the girl, (the common citizen) to see beyond the limit of 10 feet. This is a
fate of our citizen in the present Judicial set-up of our Country. The second instance is relating to
taking inside the boy hostel a girl friend which was objected by the boys who have shown their
resentment to the proctor. The proctor for being indulged in to such type of the scandal formulated a
policy of getting the door remain open to 45 degree as the bed may be visualised from out side to the
boys as they may not be inclined to know what is happening inside the room. In this process all the
boys of the Boys Hostel started enjoying the company of their girl friend behind the 45 degree of the
door pan, which remain open. This is how the legislature are enacting the laws from the parliament
and legislative assembly. Can the minister are subjected to the prosecuting being the maker of the
Another instance regarding financial irregularities committed by our politicians can be
visualise by the very reason that there is the exemption provided to the members of parliament and
the legislative assembly from the Tax liability to the extent of Rs. 1,50,000/- for which the ordinary
citizen is required to pay an exorbitant price of his hard saving. The list of the defaulters of
Telephone bills which come into light when Sri N.P. Vashi Advocate Bombay High Court filed a Public
Interest Litigation mentioning the name of alleged defaulter of telephone bill namely Sri Venkat
Krishna Reddy M.P. having a defaulter of telephone bills the extent of Rs. 11 Lacs, Sri Ram Sunder
Dass M.P. Rs. 11 Lacs. Sri M.M. HashimRs. 13 Lacs, Sri Ram Deo Ram Rs.9 Lacs, Sri M.S. Govil
Rs. 11 Lacs. The further po;otoca; spectrum having dues with a sample of names of Sri Raj Babbar,
Samajwadi party Rs. 7 Lacs, Srimati Vijay Raja Scindiaa, B.J.P. Rs. 8 Lacs, Sri George Farnandis,
Samata party Rs. 4 Lacs Sri Kalpnath Rai, Independent Rs.1.8 Lacs, Sri R. Jagannatham,
A.I.D.M.K. Rs. 11 Lacs, Sri A.B.L. Gani Khan haudhari Rs. 42 Lacs, Sri Sunil Dutta Rs. 2 Lacs, Sri
Jayanti Patnayak Rs. 3 Lacs, Sri Sathish Sharma Rs.1.5 Lacs, Sri C. M. Mohan Rs. 11 Lacs, SRI
Mukul Washik Rs.2 Lacs. Those are the over and above 1 Lacs free calls free calls permitted to the
members of Parliament annually. In this manner out of total arrears of revenue regarding the
Telephone bills to the extent of Rs. 14,000 Crores in Delhi alone heads, the Country list of defaulters
to the extent of Rs.2500 Crores and Rs.245 Crores are the dues outstanding towards our Politicians
according to the data published in the ‘OUT LOOK’, Rs. 25 Lacs are the dues on the Congress Party.
Let us examine the statement of Sri Ram Jethmalani in another context who has said that “the
Judges at the highest level were involved in lesser pursuit of propping unworthy appointment of
bench”. Sri Mulayam Singh Yadav has expressed that there should be the adequate representation
of the Judges belonging to backward classes. Recently the C.B.I. seized 80 Gold Biscuits weighting
116 grams each the locker of Bhaskaran, a close relative of Shashi Kala. Km. Jayalalitha finds this
an act of treachery. In whatever she propose to get a temporary reprieve in the legal quagmire by
challenging the Constitution of the Special Court to try corruption cases against her by transferring
Justice D. Raju as Chief Justice Himanchal Pradesh through her party colleague union Law Minister
Thambidurar. Now the Chief Justice Mr. M.S. Liberan constituted the new bench along with Justice K.
Govind Rahjan then he was also proposed to be transferred, but on account of pressure of legal
fraternity of the Bar, the device could not be succeeded. Km. Jayalalitha closed inmate Dr.
Subramanyam Swami has now been named one of conspirator along with Chandra Swami of
committing the assassination of Rajeev Gandhi by providing the aid to the LITTE. The process of
Judiciary is being circumvent by Km. Jayalalitha having her involvement in 46 cases of corruption in
which three special Judges are hearing the trial and it has already been reached beyond the stage of
framing the charges. The ‘The Tansi land deal’ in which Jayalalitha ordered as Chief Minister for the
sale of such land below the guide lines prices causing a loss of Rs. 3.13 Crores to the Govt. in
favour of partnership firm namely Jaya -Jee publication in which Jayalalitha and Shashi Kala were
the partner. The second case of Coal import case of Rs. 117 Crores by electricity Board is again
traced to Jayalalitha who over ruled the findings of P.W.D. Secretary Sri V. Sundaram and asked
them Tamilnadu electricity Board Chairman Hari Bhaskaran to go ahead. Jayalalitha is already
declared guilty by Hon’ble Court in Rs. 56.48 Crores S.P.I.C. dis-investment case. The Court has
asked her to pay back Rs.282.9 millions to the Govt. and rest by the S.P.I.C. management. Justice Y.
Venkatachalaia observed if the such acts and conduct on the part of Jayalalitha are allowed to
continue, it will not only create and indelible stigma on the system of flourishing democracy, but will
also bomb bard. The economic structure of our country. Can Km. Jayalalitha is isolated example of
committing Bombardment over the entire economic structure of our country or there are other
politician except few of exceptions including new alliances which has bring back into the square one
with Sri Mulayam Singh Yadav and Sri Lalloo Prasad Yadav having the Ayurvedic Scam and Rs. 920
Crores Foddar Scam to their credit respectively. It was Jayalalitha who raised the demand to induct
Dr. S. Swami as Finance Minister of our country. Can we survive under the guardianship of such type
of politicians of our Country?
The President of India has referred a question to the Chief Justice of India regarding the
correctness and the propriety of the power exercised by the Chief Justice of India after the 9 Judges
Judgement in Supreme Court Advocate-on-record Association. The file of all such appointment which
have been done from year of 1993 on ward has been summoned by Justice Dr. A S. Anand. Now
presiding over the bench of 9n Judges of Supreme Court, It is in the context of remark made by Sri
Ram Jethamalani, which was published in news papers on 29th July, 1998. Whether we are still in the
process of searching of a system till the substratum of revival of the Country appears to be collapsed
by out character assassination. There is no revival of the hopes at this Juncture except by the
enforcement of strict discipline upon such politicians and our guardian by the true patriotic sons
either by giving the command in the hand of Army personnel or to impose an emergency by
promulgation of martial law to take the command of our great nation. We are intoxicating the under
ground water, the water of river Ganga and Jamuna, which are the source of our survival by flowing
the toxic effluent inside such water for boosting our business dealing which is ultimately bound to
effect the survival of the entire Country. It has been learnt through the reliable sources that the Chief
of the some of kidnapping of innocent citizens and there after killing them with brutality, if the,
demand of ransom may not be fulfilled by the victims of such crime.
India has now been engulfed by the fire of hatred among the citizens, by the fire of scam and
corruption amongst bureaucrats, by the fire of greed, lust and passion through politician and this is a
paradise lost to perpetuate them under parliamentarian system. There is no respect for law, no
respect for our cultural heritage and traditional values. The dream of independence by our people
has been shattered, battered and broken by unholy combinations of greed , lust and power based on
falsehood and violence. The nation is at cross roads with devils workshop on one direction and the
deep sea of uncertainty towards the other. There is a dark cloud of uncertainty with complete chaos.
The ideals of peace and non-violence are good enough to be taught, but the same are not
applicable for experience as there is complete deterioration of moral values and nobody is interested
in a holding them. The leadership are in the hands of those mediocre which are deliberately
degenerating the disintegration of the values and are totally independent upon the false projection of
their phobia amongst the masses as nobody could even think of resisting them.
The plague of castes amongst the down trodden masses has provided the exclusive monopoly
to be ruled by them who demonstrates welfare, but exploit the poverty. There is no check and
balance in the game of politics. The spiritual purity of thought is converted into the support from
greed and desire by the politicians to their own profit amongst the backward classes. This has
provided at tug of war between upper-class and backward class to the larger advantage of our
parliamentarian. We have to look within ourselves and find out the answers these problems to build
an ideal earthly kingdom to our nation.
Nature has the tremendous effect by its own creation to fight against the prevailing
disturbances created by the human errors. The tendency to provide an encroachment over the
equilibrium, maintained for necessary check and balance as the phenomena which constitutes the
involvement of the ecology on one hand and the potential advancement of the technology on the
other hand with restrictions. In such situation there is a violent stroke of the natural calamities
having drastic effect on the viability of the mankind and survivability the human race. This was the
concept of our Hindu philosophy that since the nature is co-existent to the ingredients of life, as
such there should be proper respect to the valuable treasure hidden inside the coverage of the
nature. The Himalayan prosperity, the rivers flowing through its and thereby providing the essential
water required for the irrigation over the land providing the cultivation for the production of food
grains were respected as equivalent to god and goddess in the Hindu religion. There was
comparison for animals, who are providing their necessary contribution for the preservation of nature
and therefore it was only Hindu religion that the cow has been dealt with as mother for every human
being. The cruelty to the nature and even over other the creation of the nature and therefore it was
only Hindu religion that the cow has been dealt with as mother for every human being the cruelty to
the creation has been prohibited in Hindu sanskriti and they used to worship all the trees providing
coverage to the birds , animals and also to human beings. There was offering of the milk to the
snakes on Nag - Panchami on account of the fact that even the snake was considered to be a friend
of human being and the enemy to the rat who used to consume and destroy the harvest cultivated
through human efforts. There was in itself check and balance by the nature and the man was
considered to be more happier within the limited resources and therefore from the beginning even
the princess were sent to the small huts for their physical and spiritual training under the guidance of
the sages ,who have already given up all their comforts for the eradication of prevailing maladies in
the societies and these sages were given a status above to the ruler of the particular nation. Thus
the ultimate effect of the Hindu mythology was to preserve the nature, which is the ultimate goal of
every religion. Unfortunately this message could not be communicated to the followers of other
religion and as such the drastic effect has been visualised as the green vegetation was converted
into the desert, wherever there was expansion of any other religion in contradiction with ideals and
cultural heritage of Hindu mythology . India, which was considered to be the golden country ,is now
leading towards the same deserted outlook effect as is evident in the middle Asian countries. It is
for this reason that the prediction was being in the earlier 19th century that every religion will lost
it’s significance, which is not coexistent with nature and rather detrimental for being co-ordinator to
boost up the natural resources which are essential for the survival of human race.
Hindu religion is now on the verge of its extinction as its foundations are based on non-
aggressive trend and worship to other religion. The humanity is the sole criteria , and nothing like
fanatic aggressive trend is adopted for its expansion, which is prevalent in this religion rather there
is the broader perceptiveness for adoption to the followers of the other religion. The qualification of
generosity has become at disqualification for its preservation and existence. Thus it has now
become a fundamental duty of every citizen having faith in Hindu religion to fight against the divisive
forces who are keeping silent over the effective and prevailing encroachment of Hindu tradition and
this is utmost important that if we want to protect violent strokes of nature then the survival of Hindu
religion is necessary.
The extinction of Hindu race is evident by the bare factor that our monuments and the place of
worship have been demolished or converted into different form by the followers of other religion. The
attack is now being made on very foundation, which were maintaining the existence of Hindu
religion. The prevailing tendencies of materialistic approach, conceptual deterioration through
sacrosanct and contract of marriage , the food habits of non-vegetarian dishes by adopting the cruel
method of slaughtering the animals and non spiritual trend of giving up habit of self resistance, are
now prevailing in our nation, which is a clear indication that our country, which has been ruled by
Mogul invaders and British conqueror by adopting the Roman policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ again in the
clutches of foreign aggressiveness and the time is not ready for, when the policy of appeasement to
the divisive forces and advantages to the dishonest opportunist will completely ruin down the basic
cultural heritage and the traditional values of Hindu heritage from the scene of Indian continent, from
where, it was a originally inherited through the grace of Almighty. The extinction of our cultural
heritage to the drastic effect is due to sycophancy and hypocrisy which is always inclined to hero
worship tendency in Indians, and has given opportunity to power politics to our leaders and from a
promulgate religious domination by the few individuals. Mankind is in the habit of suffering through
worst catastrophe by the violent stroke of nature. Nature , which preserves, its preserver; but
simultaneously ,it also destroys its destroyer. This is the most complicated phenomena of the
omnipotent protector but is seldom treated with respect by the human being. There was individual
praise instead of appreciating the benevolent qualities and spiritual knowledge and this is followed
by the theory of intelligence through birth. The Hindu religion had classified the four sects of
Brahmins, Kshatriya,
Vaishya & Shudra by their symbolic qualification . Brahmins were resembled by the head of the
human beings, while both the arms and chests of the individual were regarded as Kshatriya. The
abdomen was represented through Vaishya and those who were indulged into the process of
cleanliness of the garbage and other waste products were called Shudra and on account of their
limited means of creativity they were never indulged into the passionate pleasure through our
senses of productivity and therefore they were regarded at the lower berth. The Indian mentality and
the vested interests have given the recognition to these qualifications represented by four sects in
the society on the basis of heredity hierarchy and the individual is regarded to be better qualified
through his berth instead of his qualifications. Thus it has given a predominating factor for the
creation of four Varnas . This was route cause of prevailing maladies, which has given way to the
foreign ambitions to take the advantage of such hypocrisy and to rule this nation by the policy of
‘divide and rule’ from the time of Mughal conqueror upto the period of British invaders. The battle of
Plassy was further examples of weak characteristic of Indian mentality as India was conquered by
an army consisting of 650 British soldiers by defeating an army of 1 lac soldiers of Nawab
Shahjadullah by Clive Lloyd .
This has provided an opportunity to the Congress leaders from a very beginning to highlight
the status of Shri Mohan Das Karamchandra Gandhi as that of a Mahatma. After the first world war
when there was a usurpation of power by some of the dedicated leaders like Lala Lajpat Roy, Vipin
Chandra Pal, and Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak. The efforts of Bhaghat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad,
Sarva Shri Pt Ram Prasad Bismal, Ashfaq Ullah Khan, Roshan Singh and Rajendra Nath were also
undermined before the status of Mahatma Gandhi by then Congress contemporary in the different
period of British Empire. Then the pro Mahatma friction inside the Congress have called them as
reactionary to the prevailing system and they were to discourage for their aggressive nature. The
uprising of our leaders against British domination was assailed from time to time on many grounds as
no one could come forward as that of a leader after independence and the power may be enjoyed by
few individuals, who were opportunists and remain loyal to Mahatma in his policy of non-invasion as
Mahatma Gandhi was always inclined to evade from the British diplomacy. The independence of
our nation was prolong to an indefinite period till the rising of Hitler and demolition various stricture
on which the British domination was coexistent to the extent that his sun was never dawning in the
west, as on the other side of its expansion of its jurisdiction, it was simultaneously rising. After the
Second World War the British domination has not only been extinguished from the soil of this nation,
but from other 47 nation at the contemporary time period. Thus the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi
was really negligible in comparison to the efforts of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ,who fought the
battle through his army against British people. The status of Mahatma Gandhi has become a
protective umbrella providing shield to the ambitions of opportunists leaders. Those who were
associated with him with the sole objective to gain the power after independence . Mr.Moti Lal Nehru
being conversant with the inclination of Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru towards the leadership has purposely
associated him with Mahatma Gandhi as he was very conversant that one day or other these
Britishers have ultimately to depart from the soil of this country and thereafter there are chances of
Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru gaining the power if he remained associated with Mahatma Gandhi as his
successor disciple. The association of Mr Nehru with Tej Bahadur Sapru as an advocate was neither
successful nor it would have remained in existence for a longer period. Thus there was no other
alternative except to allow of Mr Nehru to join the politics and the associated with Mahatma Gandhi.
This ambition of Mr Nehru to remain in power has ultimately led to the process of partition of India to
a very larger extent.
Mr Subash Chandra Bose was elected as president Congress by defeating Mr Pattavi Sita
Ramaya a nominated candidate of Mahatma Gandhi. Mr Nehru and his other associates become
very perturbed by the victory of Netaji. Thus the conspiracy was fetched to remove him from power.
It was declared that the victory of Netaji was personal defeat of Mahatma Gandhi. The lobby
associated with Mr Nehru lead by Mr Govind Ballabh Pant resolved on 3rd March 1939 that Netaji
will not be empowered to choose his nominated member, but those having solidarity in Mahatma
Gandhi will be the nominated member of Congress working committee, there was such humiliation to
Netaji that he was to submit his resignation from president’s post in order to protect his dignity and
self respect and there after he constituted the forward block. There was general feeling among the
Muslim fundamentalists including Mr Zinnah that in this manner nobody will allow be allowed to
share in power and it has lead to the adoption of Pakistan resolution in Lahore in 1940. Thus the
ousting of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose as the president of Congress by the diplomacy of Jawahar
Lal Nehru and is other associates has ultimately led to the creation of Pakistan to the greater extent.
This was the fraud with the people. Muslim league supremo Mohd.Ali Zinnah ring from tuberculosis
and he could have survived only for six months on the eve of partition of our country in 1947. The
celebrated writers namely the Larry Collins and Dominique Lappire have found Mr Zinnah as
unyielding obstacle to Lord Mountbatten and the basic cause behind his obstinacy was the excessive
greed of congress leaders to remain in power, if there was no partition India may be the most
innovative national philosophy to have emerged in the post independence period. India was having
attitude if we were equipped with the problem and there was unique solution, if the kids of the
present generation were sharing global dream of Indian continent, who ever may be the responsible
for the partition of the country, but certainly these ambitions have played the role of a traitor inside of
our country and the present generation may not forgive them.
Acharya J. B Kriplani was elected President of congress working committee. great planning
was elected president of Congress working committee, but Mr Nehru condemned him by saying it is
better to talk with a devil than to talk to Kirplani. This was the characteristic of individualistic
approach which has ousted many patriots like Mr Ballabh Bhai Patel, Mr Purshottam Das Tandon, Dr
Ram Manohar Lohia ,and Babu Rajendra Prasad their active contribution for the prosperity of our
nation. It is well-known if Mr Patel would have not taken the drastic decision of unification of 650
princely states and the state of Jammu and Kashmir as the integral part of our nation for which Mr
Nehru provided obstacles at every stage, we would have not living in our nation and rather
slaughtered like animals by the aggressive attitude of our counter part of nation called Pakistan. Mr
Ram Manohar Lohia once regarded “Rising star” by Mr Nehru was arrested 16 times during the
Nehru’s 16 years this has started from the movement when Mr Lohia provided resistance and talk
against .Mr Nehru policy of Panchsheel and condemned that at the time acquisition of Tibet by China
this Panchsheel was shattered and scattered into pieces after the Chinese aggression in
1962,when India could only save his territories from further acquisition by the timely intervention of
Soviet Union.
The parliamentarian system adopted by our ambitious leaders to gain powers through to any
means fair or foul, has dragged our nation towards confusion coercion chaos crime and corruption.
We now are proudful that we are most corrupt nation of the world living below poverty line with the
maximum criminal providing shelter and production through our corrupt politician. This was the
foundation which we have witnessed during first 16 years of independence under Prime Ministership
of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru. Mr Lal Bahadur Shastri has protected the large interest of our nation only
within a period of two years when the people of our country were dying of starvation, running in
bankruptcy, insecurity and control through foreign ambitions. The green revolution for self autonomy
of our people has not only provided them sufficient bulk of food, but also provided the export of food
articles during Shastriji period. The successful in recapitulation over the territory of Pakistani
aggressor during the year 1965 war were the that tremendous achievement of this real patriot, who
maintained idealistic approach throughout his regime but shown his determination to fight against
divisive force acting detrimental to the interests of nation and never allowed to perpetuate
corruption in any manner, as such it is well established that here are the hopes of getting the
rectification of the prevailing errors committed by the politicians and the country has got the vital
resources to maintain its reputation among the other countries of the world.
After the independence that was perspective of but Congress became one of the rider on
account of its hold over leadership and this has resulted into disintegration of the various socialist
formation into the spilt. The economic backwardness provided miracle success to co-ordinate such
equations to the best advantage of the ruling Congress. The element of motivation for the success
of Congress was based on Nehru -Gandhi dynasty which helped Jawaharlal Nehru to reflect his
personality by inducing himself as the supreme leader. In pursuit of his office of Prime Minister by Mr
Jawaharlal Nehru, the interest of the nation was crucified to the larger extent in view of acceptance
of the partition of India and creation of Pakistan with clashing of vested interest to rule the nation
under the guise of the danger through external aggression. Mr Ram Manohar Lohia has adopted a
viable political strategy on ideological pretence of uncompromising anti-congressism this fact was
witnessed till the aggression of the China. This has provided a great setback in the advancement of
socialistic strategy.
After the death of Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru who based his policy by centralising the attention towards
his foreign policy of diplomacy and certainly to build up the nation to certain extent but he
meticulously failed to built up the defence against the external threat as a result of which India lost
the he major portion of Kashmir and vast land in Chinese aggression. According to some
spokesman of the relevant period the policy of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru was widely based on his
diplomacy and appeasement and tactics through concession to the minorities by introducing the
reservation policy of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes in the matter of employment for the
limited period. The introduction of Hindu reforms against the prevailing abuse of power detrimental
to the interest of woman through polygamy and contractual marriage and divorce amongst Muslims
for which there was head on collision between Mr Rajendra Babu the President and Mr J. L. Nehru,
but ultimately Mr Nehru succeeded in getting Hindu reform Bill introduced and past which was
violative of directive principles of state policy of unified civil law. The dream of adopting the same
law applicable irrespective of any creed, caste and religion in order to strengthen the integrity of our
nation could not be fulfilled even after the dawn of 50 years of independence.
After careful consideration conclusion was that the fairest and most practicable plan would be
a) To allot to each province a total number of seats proportional to its population, roughly in the
ratio of one to a million , as the nearest substitute for representation by the adult suffrage.
b) To divide this provincial allocation of seats between the main communities in each province in
proportion to their population .
c) To provide that the representative are allotted to each community in a province shall be
elected by the members of that community in its legislative assembly.
Table of representation
Section A
Province General Muslim Total
Madras 45 4 49
Bombay 19 2 21
United Provinces 47 8 55
Bihar 31 5 36
Central Provinces 16 1 17
Orrisa 9 0 9
Total 167 20 187
Section B
Province General Muslim Sikh Total
Punjab 8 16 4 28
N.W.F.P 0 3 0 3
Sind 1 3 0 4
Total 9 22 4 35
Section C
Province General Muslim Total
Bengal 27 33 60
Assam 7 3 10
Total 34 36 70
Letter from the president of the Muslim league to Lord Pethick -Lawrence , dated May 8 , 1946
I have now receive the letter of your private Secretary , dated May 8 ,1946 and the enclosed
document to which you had referred in your letter of May 8, 1946 .
It is proposed by you that this paper be discussed at the next meeting of the conference to be held
on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m
if this is agreeable to the Muslim league delegation .
Your proposal embodied in your letter of April 27, 1946 , runs as follows :
“A union government dealing with the following subject -----Foreign Affairs ,Defence and
Communications . There will be two groups of the provinces , the one of the predominantly Hindu
provinces and the other of the predominantly Muslim provinces , dealing with all other subjects
which the provinces in the respective groups desire to be dealt with in common The provincial
government will deal with all other subjects and will have all residuary sovereign rights”
The Working committee of the All-India Muslim League have given their most earnest and careful
consideration to the announcement by Mr. Churchill , the British Prime Minister , in the House of
Commons on March 11, 1942 and the draft declaration of the War cabinet of his majesty
Government regarding the future of India and also the interim proposals , during the critical period
which now faces India , for the immediate participation of the leader of the principle sections of the
Indian people in the councils of their country.
The committee appreciated the proposal of his majesty’s Government regarding the draft
declaration of August 8 1940 , which had promised to the Musalmans for the framing of the
constitution to be enforced without the approval and consent of Muslim India.
The possibility of creation of Pakistan was recognised by implication of two or more independent
establishment of unions in India which was not open to any alternative proposal and therefore was
not open to any modification such proposal was unacceptable to them for reasons given below ;-
1)The Musalmans after 25 years of genuine efforts for the reconciliation of the two major
communities and the bitter experience of the failure of such efforts, are convinced that it is neither
just nor possible , in the interest of peace and happiness of the two peoples ,to compel them to
constitute one Indian union , composed of two principal nations -Hindus and Muslims -which appears
to be the main objects of His Majesty’s Government , as adumbrated in the preamble of the Draft
Declaration , the creation of more than one union being relegated only to the realm of remote
possibility and is purely illusory
2)The primary object in the Draft Declaration has been proposed by a constitution making body with
creating one Indian union. The Muslim league decided finally that it will be unfair to Musalmans to
compel them to enter with such a constitution making body whose main object is the creation of a
new Indian Union which according to them may exacerbate bitterness and animosity among the
various elements in the country .
3)The right of non -accession to the union, as contemplated in the Draft- Declaration has been
conceded ; presumably , in response to the insistent demands by the Musalmans for the partition of
India .The Musalmans were not satisfied on a vital question affecting there future destiny and
demand which according to them was a process of evading the real issues to court disaster .
The secretary of Sir Stafford Cripps on April 2 addressed to the president of al India Muslim League
;-“A province should reach the decision whether or not to stand out of the union by a vote in the
legislative assembly on a resolution to stand in . If the majority for accession to the union is less
than 60%, the majority will have the right to demand a plebiscite of the adult population”.
4)With regard to Indian states , it is considered opinion of the committee that it is a matter for them to
decide whether to join or not to join or form a union
5)With regard to the negotiations made between crown and the Indian union or unions , since it was
not indicated as to what would happen in case of disagreement on the terms between the
contradicting parties, there is a difference of opinion in negotiating a revision of treaty arrangements
6)The committee was unable to express their opinion with regard to their interim arrangement as
there is no definite proposal except the bare statement of His Majesty Government and secondly is
on account of the reason that Sir Stafford Cripps has made it clear that his scheme would either4 be
accepted as a whole or is rejected as a whole but it is not possible to retain only the part relating to
immediate arrangement at the centre and discard the rest of the Draft scheme .
In conclusion the committee wish to point out that unless the principle of Pakistan scheme, as
embodied in the Lahore resolution dated March 1940 ,the same is now the creed of the Muslim
League, namely,
“The establishment of completely independent states formed by demarcating geographically
contiguous unit into regions which shall be so constituted which such territorial adjustments on
numerically in north western and eastern zones of India in which Musalmans are in the majority shall
be the homeland of Muslim as constituent unit , autonomous and sovereign” :
“That adequate effective and mandatory safeguards shall be specifically provided in the constitution
for minorities in the above mention units for the protection of their religious , cultural , economic ,
political , administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them”.:
“That in other part of India where the Musalmans are in minority , similar adequate, effective and
mandatory safeguard shall be provided in the constitution”.
This was unequivocally accepted and conceded the true verdict of Muslim India for enforcement of
the right to self determination by the Musalmans and no other proposal or scheme was acceptable to
the Muslim league regarding the future.
Let us recollect the course of the events that led to partition of India on 15th August, 1947.
1) On 20th February 1947 , Lord Attlee the then Prime Minister made the Historic announcement
of the end of British Rule in India by stating :
His Majesty’s Govt. , wish to make it clear that it is their definite intention to take necessary steps
to effect the transference of the power to responsible Indian hands by a date not later than June
1948 .
The above declaration was absolute and unconditional in as much as the transfer of power would not
depend upon any agreement between the Indian Parties and it had set at rest al the doubts about
the intention of the British Government in regard to the transfer of power by declaring a definite
date i.e.June 1958, when India would be free from the British control.
ii)On 24th March 1947 Lord Mountbatten has assumed charges as New viceroy of India with the task
entrusted to him of transferring to Indian hands , the responsibility for the government of British India
iii)On 3rd June 1947 Lord Attlee announced the plan containing the actual proposals for partition of
India in the House of commons.
iv) Indian national congress working committee met on 3rd June 1947 and approved the new
plan .Mr Jinnah had also accepted the new plan on 3rd June 1947 representing the all India
Muslim league.
v) On 4th June 1947 Lord Mountbatten had announced in a press conference that the transfer of
power would be affected not on June 1948 as was declared by lord Attlee in the statement of
20th February 1947 but much earlier than that date in 1947 itself probably about 15th August
1947 .
vi) The Congress committee again met on 12th June 1947 and prepared a draft resolution for the
approval of All-India Congress Committee which met at New Delhi on 14 th & 15th June 1947 to
accepted the proposals embodied in 3rd June Plan .
vii) On 4th July , 1947 Indian Independence bill was Introduced in the house of commons . It was
passed on 15th July 1947 It received Royal assent on 18th July , 1947 Beside other provisions
contained in it main provision of the Indian Independence Act was that there shall be set-up
two Independent states India and Pakistan on 15th August 1947 .
viii) On 14th August 1947 Governor general of India promulgated India (Provisional constitution )
Order 1947 modifying an adapting Government of India Act 1935 to suit the new
ix) India that is Bharat became independent on 15th August ,1947 .
From the chronology of event s stated above , it is evident that as per that famous unconditional
announcement of February 1947 made by lord Attlee , it was the date June , 1948 , and not the 15th
August , 1947 which was originally fixed for transfer of power. All things were settled by 3rd June
1947 ,British Government , congress and the Muslim league has accepted the partition plan by that
date . In the face of all things settled , where was the urgency and the need to advance and
expedite the original l time schedule for transfer of power from June 1948 to a much earlier date of
15th August 1947 . it is unfortunate that in that high pitch of communal frenzy And bitterness, the fate
of the Hindu and the Sikh minorities then living in Pakistan and the fate of the Muslim minorities then
living in India who were the real victims , was unfortunately forgotten . Lakhs of poor and illiterate ,
Hindus , Sikhs and Muslim minorities
living in their respective homes in far of f villages became overnight ,some what aliens and were
mercilessly subjected to communal madness. If the original time schedule of June 1948 was adhered
to by the leaders, the British rulers would have been compelled before the bar of World Public
opinion to maintain Law and Order in the whole of India till June of 1948 , and no prejudice would
have been caused to either party, since all things were finally settled by 3rd June 1947 . The Hindu
and Sikh minorities in Pakistan and the Muslim minorities in India would have got some advance
intimation and would have got some time to adjust their own circumstances and sentiments and there
would not have any such large scale panic stricken immediate migration overnight barbarism on
either side. When partition of India was found inevitable and unavoidable and was accepted by one
all, least that could have been done as small as mercy to all religious minorities residing both in
Pakistan and in India , was to allow some berating time to them by adhering to original time
schedule of June , 1948 or some other convenient date instead of rushing every thing with undue
speed by 15th August ,1947 .They could have jointly requested the British Government to fix some
other date instead of putting 15th August 1947 in the Indian Independence bill for the sake of
adjustment and migration.
The configuration of 2 nd world war threatened the very foundation of British government .
The bill amending the constitution Act of 1935 in order to provide Special powers of co-ordinating the
activities of central and provincial government to strike at the very root of provincial autonomy. And to
render it in a force in case of war which in affect could create a war dictatorship of central
government was promulgated .
The congress was prepared to co-operate in unequivocal term but the Muslim league imposed two
nominating conditions in order to provide co-operation
1. Muslims must be given justice and fair play in congress provinces and
2. No future constitution be made for India without approval of the Muslim League. British
government was not prepared to commit itself in advance on the post war constitutional status
of India as a result of which Congress government tendered their resignation to the governors
by the end of October 1939 . Muslim league adopted a policy of wait and watch. During next
two years, congress drifted any from possibility of settling the political deadlock while Muslim
league consolidated its position through Jinnah’s adroit -manoeuvring and bargaining with
viceroy .During this period the Muslim league passed its Pakistan resolution at Lahore in 1940
demanding the setting of separate sovereign Muslim state, comprising the Muslim pre
-abominated provinces of India on 8th August , 1940 the British Government made an offer as
the August5 offer with their intention for exposure of governor general council to include
certain number of representation of political parties and to set up a consultative committee
.Congress rejected the August offer . And the rift between the government and congress
become wider . Congress leader started civil disobedience .
The Cripps Mission 1942 arrived at 22nd March , 1942 promised dominion status after the
war hearing are third of its member as appoints of the princess. The province or the native states
which did not like the future constitution may refuse to accede and meant for balkanisation of India .
This was rejected unanimously. The Calinet Mission 1946 studied the situation and recommend a
part from other that the constituent assembly was to be elected from the provincial assemblies
which were to be sp9ilt up into Hindu and Muslims in the election the representative of their major
two communities were to be sent on the basis of population of each community in the province. The
Muslim boycotted the constituent assembly . Lastly came Indian Independence act 1947 with the
ugly provisions for decision of British India into two independent dominions of India and Pakistan
receiving the prospect of people living in both the dominions through betrayal and thereby achieving
their activities to divide the material resources and potential of our nation by “Divide and Rule “policy
even aft4er the independence to our great nation , where the people of both community can very well
live under their collective representation through mutual love and brotherhood in competitive spirit to
strengthen the integrity and development of unified Indian citizens , who were living amicably even
before the partition of India .
The extra ordinary emotional circumstances had overtaken the feeling of national integration
compared to main stream of rich cultural heritage and civilisation of India in quick succession after
the period of British rule from 1757 and crucial period has started after declaration of Pakistan
resolution at Lahore in 1940 and our independence rushed through a very desperate speed paying
a very high price as our national leaders were caught up in the whirlwind of violent and emotional
events of religious dominion in Indian Muslims . The cumulative effect over Indian policy was now
confronted with certain deep-rooted maladies providing great impediments in the way of our national
development and even threatening the very security and integrity of our nation. People do not live
to face the truth and thus avoid expressing bitter truth . So it is sugar-coated words but still the same
can’t ignore the impact of bittes historical truth by evasive attitude and therefore the maladies get
deep-rooted by passage of time . It may compel to tolerate even for the save of some temporary
gain but to compromise with the evil for a long time may not solve the problem rather make them
more complicated and to avoid unassented severe consequences for claiming infallibility a delicate
balance be maintained for national importance . The supreme sacrifice by partition of our great
nation was offered by the national leader as the price of the freedom due to there imprudence ,
sentimental , impulsive divisive segmentation . The policy of “divide and rule” to the other alien
countries was itself evident over the weak characters citizens living in India who were proved of
being ruled through foreign ambitions , has again be submerged into the Indian continent even after
getting the independence we have become slave of our peri0dical outburst which generated the
feeling of hatred resulting into the confrontation between the two subcontinents and ultimately
witnessed three successive battles resulting into casualties from both the side and loss of the vital
resources while the internal proxy by provoking the sentiments of the people living in both the
subcontinent is still going on which is detrimental for the citizens of both the nations . The house
having very vital expansion and unprecedented traditions with natural resources and most suitable
climate having plenty of water for irrigation has been divided into two parts and the brothers /step-
brothers is not being allowed to visit in the other part of the partition of the same house due to
po0litical aspirations of our national leaders to control the affairs in the powers. This smacks some
prejudice and lack of pragmatism political ambitions may be a means to an end but they do not cater
the changing requirement of the people living in both the sub-continents of India and Pakistan . The
poor peasant societies have been kept sent an subdued personally and politically in the matters of
sharp contrast Germany despite the diversification in their policy between wets and east live , the
north pole and the south pole on ideological fronts have now been unified in a single identity . Then
people of Indian continent living in subcontinent of India and Pakistan may also be unified by getting
a control over their impulsive , religious , fanatism for which Indian congress and Muslim league
have to be blamed in the historical background but after the dawn of about 50 years of
independence we have not started realising the folly committed by in accepting the partition . The
people seeking expression ,seeking the participation , seeking some measure of control over the
vital resources situated and saturated in a particular zone of the partitioned house may not have
prejudiced with each others but find out the possibility of assessment through peaceful bicordial
negotiation and by generation a spirit of unification through interaction and divergent mutual
antagonistic and exclusive system of utility aspect of unification . The multiple diversities and the
operation of internal power politics with treacherous diplomacy of both the countries has further
aggravated the situation at the helm of the affairs and complicated problems both to lay down the
foundation for survival and successful functioning of two subcontinents.
"Even if these people, with minds blinded by greed, perceive no evil in destroying their own race and
no sin by treason to friends, why should not we, O Krishna, who se clearly the sin accruing form the
destruction of one's family, things of turning away from this crime?
"Now if you refuse to fight this righteous war, then shrinking your duty and losing your reputation, you
will incur sin."
"Die and you will heaven; conquer, and you enjoy sovereignty of the earth, therefore stand-up,
Arjuna, determined to fight."
"He who having sworn by solemn oath at his coronation to protect the people from wrongful
oppression fail to do so shall be slain as a mad dog”.( MAHABHARAT)
Politics is now regarded as the art of obtaining power and governing the masses through any means
irrespective of objectivity towards its ends. The causality of intellectual honesty and lack of
understandability with detachment are the result of confrontation and conflict of mutual interest.
Superiority over the command between rival groups resulting in the Cold War. Politics war
considered to be the branch of ethics, but now it is a powerful brut force of human stupidity greed,
jealousy and malice towards fellow citizens. These forces sit over the command of the people. Man
has many enemies such as lion, wolves, serpents, but is worst enemy is considered to be his own
species with the man power having brutality and destruction at there commands. Mankind has now
arrived at crisis on account of its own fate, ignorance and superstition may co-ordinate with these
forces which are considered to be the greatest enemy of civilisation. It has come to stand still by the
cumulative compulsion of divisive forces fighting with each other with materialistic approach towards
Mutual love and affection with sympathy towards human cause is based on ethics and not on the
theory of give and take. This is based on co-ordination and spiritual power of the individual. Our
potential may provide a guide line for success. In the recent time we have visualised that those
politicians, who were indulged in accumulating the wealth without providing any consideration for
justification of their action, they have undergone through a great mental agony, frustration,
discomfiture and disappointment as those people who have provided their best co-ordination to drag
these politicians for monetary considerations; they have completely ruined the carrier and reputation
due to their criminal prosecution launched by the investigation authorities on the motivation of
judicial accountability and the principle of trusty hood as one of the statutory obligation caste upon
these custodian’s of power.
Marshal Stalin declared during world war "It would be ludicrous to identify the Hitler's clique with
German people with the German State. The experience of history shows that Hitler's come and go,
but the German people and the German State live on. President Roosevelt said - " I should be false
to the very foundation of my religious and political conviction if I should ever relinquish the hope and
even the faith -- that in all people without exception these lives some instinct for truth, some
attraction towards justice and some passion for the people. Buried as they may be under the brutal
In anxiety to punish and disable Germany, the allied Powers flung her into abyssal of economic
despair after the first World war, from where emerged the demon of Nazism. They drove them to the
frenzy by injustice and then we make that excuse for not redressing the wrong. Hitler became
Chancellor of Third Reich in January, 1933. He re-armed Germany first secretly and then openly. He
influenced the plebiscite which resulting in an overwhelming majority for return of Saar to Germany.
He denounced the military classes of the Versailles treaty and introduced, conscription in March,
1935. He marched into demilitarised shine land zone in 1936. He threw himself on the side of
France in Spain-Britain adopted the policy of non-intervention. Hitler grew strength and confidence
to fight against the atrocities committed by allied forces during the first World war against Germany.
The result as that that Austria brought back to the German provinces for which even Bismarck had
not courage to speak. The campaign started for liberation of Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, a
sovereign state bound by ties of treaty and friendship of Great Britain, France and Soviet Russia.
This was followed by seizure of memel and defacto annexation of still free Czech territories. People
grew furious. The occupation of Prague lead to the war. Till this period Hitler was led to believe that
his policies and programme was not likely to a arouse the hostility of Great Britain and France. This
has ultimately led to the second world war resulting into the loss of millions life and destruction
through aggressive ambitions, which could have averted, if the allied forces have exercised their
right of rebellion against the superior command. There would have not been any number. Trial and
destruction of humanity by dropping two atom bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki to demonstrate the
evil desire of domination by Americans at the end of the war.
Churchil spoke with enthusiasm of Mussolini's " Gentle and simple bearing " whole- heartedly from
start to finish in the triumphant struggle against leninism on 20th January, 1927. The Italian system
was appreciated as being founded on two rocks:- (i) The separation of church and state; and (ii) The
right of labour. The Churchill's party defeat after Second World War a symbolic protest against
appeasement of Nazi Germany and the opposite to Soviet Russia.
Japan was ally of Britain and France. Japan invaded manchuria. No single government felt that it as
an attempt against the reign of law among nations. Secretary of state for India said Japan has got a
very powerful case based on fundamental realities against continual aggression of fundamental
realities against continual aggression of vigorous, Chinese nationalism. This was based on
conscience decision by which the British were ruling in India. Japan acquired manchuria and Korea
and continued to remain great friend of Great Britain till Japan had not joined Germany.
The western democracies were not condemned to the imperialist aggression of Germany. Italy and
Japan due to the reason as these countries were saddle in the same boat till the people asserted
their rights and forced them to resist. No country was free from sickness of selfish nationalism. The
indisputable guilt of excess power should not blind us to the fact to cast the first stone with clear
conscience. If we tolerate wrong doing for long; we become responsible for it.
The loud complaints were mode against Germany when she launched the flying bomb and it was
condemned as an " Instrument of blind malice." "An aimless destroyer." What about colossal
violation of by Americans by dropping Atomic Bomb claimed 2,44,000 out of 2,50,000 population of
the Hiroshima. All living things, human and animal in Hiroshima were literally shrouded to death by
the Atomic Bombs. Nagasaki suffered equally terrible losses. Both cities were a disastrous ruin. It
was not dropped in Europe, but in Asia purposely by Americans. Although the poisonous gas was
not used in the Second World War, but the American built London ship " Empire simba" of 5691
tonnes scuttled with 8000 tonnes of poison gas held in readiness which left a little scottish harbour to
said out into the Atlantic Ocean. But for atomic bomb there was not fear of retaliation as the excess
power had no equivalent and for it. The obvious difference between war and massacre is just here.
The war is fought the massacre is merely suffered. We do not make war on people who do not fight
and retaliate. We can only murder them, killing unarmed civilians by raining death on them from the
clouds is condemned as contemptible crime. It is not war.
President Truman under the grab of Japan's treacherous attack on pearl harbour justified the use of
second Atom Bomb and that despotic contemptible criminal of humanity and further threatened to go
on until Japan and her people either surrendered or were completely destroyed.
The Christian nations were using a licence to use there weapons under the validity of plea with an
implied motive to attain the superiority over innocent Asian citizens; we have just massacre without
retaliation of which even barbarous nation would have ashamed while Germans replied to obey the
command of their superior officers in a Nuremberg trial were given punishments should Americans
be spared from the tremendous cruelties which innocent citizens have suffered ? Whether the future
generation bound to suffer due to the effect of radiation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki can forgive such
crime ? Once arms are being taken up all the reverence for divine or Human law were thrown away
as they have got a license to commit all the crimes without restraint. Whether it was a war of
civilisation against barbarism ? Whether Americans were fighting for moral and not for metalistic
approach? This grim ferocious epoch with vast horrors and miseries were inflicted by nations who
claimed themselves to be the most civilised. The victorious allies were forgiven all compatible
massacre of Japanese and humanity as justification urged for a military necessity. The obliteration
without previous warning to human being living at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a crime against the
civilisation and there was no parallel to this crime in both the world wars. The fundamentalist of
Nazi's slogan for military necessity justifying horrible and barbaric methods were left for behind by
the Americans. The war which starts with noble object of fighting brute forces, bad faith, injustice,
oppression and persecution ended by the outrage on humanity and civilisation. Moral superiority
were no where to get the victory over Axis power. The defeated nations be treated in the spirit of
tolerance, sympathy and goodwill and not in the spirit of distress, malice or hatred.
The British government cannot escape from the responsibility of deaths from 15-20 lakh of people
living in India, a figure higher that the losses of lives of Hiroshima and Nagasaki people, a figure
higher than the losses of whole British Common wealth in war over total period of 6 years which was
estimated to be the only about 11 lakhs. In-spite of British rule in India over 150 years, that could not
save the civilisations due to their imperialism policy. The representatives of three big power Soviet
Russia, United States and United Kingdom due to their respective rivalries were totally disappeared
to fought against the Axis power, but the outcome of the war has resulted into the reproduction of
another kind of Cold War based on economic censor and military superiority. The recommendation
of the present Truman for retaining the Atom Bombs by the Great Britain and United States for the
alleged protection of the civilisation and will be used for keeping the peace was mere slogan. It was
said that the same will not be revealed to Russian. The whole conception was fantastic. Soon
Russian speaking on October Revolution anniversary celebration in Moscow declared that " We too
shall have Atomic energy and many other things."
General Degaulle, then Foreign Minister of France declared that the Ruineland be again placed
under the joint strategic of military and political security of France, Belgium, Holland and Britain, It
should be once for all be cut-off from Germany in such a way that its inhabitants should realise that
their future did not live with Germany. If nation whose welfare depended on Ruler coal and industry
imposed on international regime, some restriction than the rest of the Germany would certainly not
be as powerful or rich as Germany would certainly not be as powerful or as rich as before and would
never again be a danger because control over the ruler meant control of German industry.
The same is the fate of Indian continents given by the British imperialism through their diplomacy
and enshrined policy of divide and rule in the state of partition in of Indian continents. About 6 lakh
Indian people lost their homes. Three successive battles were on the motherland and still more to be
witnessed if the good sense will not prevail over vitious designs of imperialism. British’s who still
maintain their supremacy with remote control having significant interference from our leadership.
Recently the Americans aggressive bombardment on Korea, Vietnam and Iraq and thereby exploring
the natural resources including petroleum products under the protective umbrella over Kuwait is the
alarming signal for military aggression by the Americans. The disintegration of existence of U.S.S.R
and economic confrontation with China may further suggest that the land on which the future war will
be fought, will be of Asians most probably belonging to the land of Indian continents. The economic
blockade to China and insurrection of multinationals in India continents may prove the substantial
evidence for aggressive bombardment by the imperialism Americans. Our existence may be on stake
as being visualised after second world war over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let
us try to avert through constant constructive role for strengthening the national unity and if possible
making a confederation of United States of Indian continents. The unified Germany is the recent
example of such unification of two portions of a great nation.
Let us visualise the impact of broad cast made by the President Truman on his return from Potsdam
"America will maintain the basis necessary for be complete protection of our interests and of world
peace (as being visualised by aggressive bombardment over Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Vietnam and
recently in Iraq). We may acquire any other basis which our military experts deem to be essential for
our protection (the production which was done by dropping two Atom bombs against the attack of
Japanese on Pearl harbour), a policy of military imperialism. Let us not forget that we are fighting for
peace and for the welfare of mankind (slogan and false propaganda is
further aggravate the militants aggressive policies). The strategical interest of America must be
deemed to be extended upto Mediterranean, outside the site to establish the necessary basis for our
own protection. We look for nothing which belong to any other Power- We seek to use our military
strength solely to preserve the peace of the world, for we knew that it is the only way to make our
own freedom secure."
The collapse of Soviet Union, the spectacular economic growth of China as most important power in
international system after Americans and the drifts towards a confrontation shaping the dynamics of
Cold War is the fresh indication of such policy being adhered to by the Americans in the recent
future. China has now emerging as superpower and the Clinton's assertion on of no confrontation
policy may be provided with the stagnation over the Americans trade expansion policy, the arm's
control establishment and thereby losing the popular support for the presidential candidature due to
such policy and therefore the Americans have started realising the issues like expulsion of Dalai
Lama, the freedom of Tibetan people and demonstrating it for international independence, identity of
American alliance with military co-operation from Japan, Australia and South Korea.
This has further broadened the possible aggression by Americans and thereby providing uncertain
strategic environment in Asia. It has to be kept in mind that the second world war was not the
consequence of German aggressive policies of expansion of their strategic territorial superiority, but
it was also the outcome of providing economic censor in Rhinland as a retaliation to the German
attack during the first world war.
The suffering from the domination of Germany and Japan was fought while the imperial power do not
like to get off the backs and cause of the depended people for the independence-Racial pride is not
a creation of Nazi's. President Roosevelt said. "Radical strife renders us suspect abroad. Man of all
races black, white, Brown and yellow fight beside us for freedom. We cannot stand before the world
as champion of oppressed people unless we practice as well as preach the principles of democracy
for all men. Race prejudice and radically justified injustices reveal the contrast between the promise
and the performance of imperial power. Britain could not have defended herself without help of
Indians in the second world war--- what has these British’s given to the Indian people? The miseries
our people may visualised by observing the apathy and thereby giving promotion to the
fundamentalist to Muslims and the political aspirants Indians to see the creation of two nation theory.
They cannot remove evil by announcing ideals."
Stalin in November, 1941 declared "We have not nor can we have such war aims as the seizure of
foreign territories or the conquest of other people's irrespective of whether European people's
territory or Asiatic people's territories are concerned. We have not nor can we have such aims as
imposition of our will and our regime on Slavic and other enslaved people of Europe who are waiting
for help. Our aim is to help these people in their struggle for the liberation from Hitler's tyranny and
then to accord them the possibility of arranging their own lives on their own lands as they see fit with
absolute freedom."
The people of a week and backward country, however strong and healthy they might be, could only
serve to be made examples of or as witnesses of such futile spectacles; and it was not necessarily
deplorable if many of them dies of prolong illness. The most important thing is to change there spirit.
The real tragedy is to life up their voice among the living and meet with no response; neither
approval nor opposition, just as if they are stranded in a boundless desert completely at loss.
Imagine an iron house having not a single window and virtually indestructible, with all its inmates
sound asleep and about to die of suffocation. Dying in their sleep they would not feel the pain of
death. Now if now you raise a shout to wake a few of the lighter sleepers, making these unfortunate
few suffer the agony of irrevocable death, do we really think we're doing them a good turn?
It is true that there is no hope of destroying the iron house. But still one can not blot out hope, for
hope belongs to the futures.
There is no refutation of affirmation of the affirmation of faith clear day light swallowed up the lamp
light. If we can persuade our citizens the American disastrous consequences of confrontation with
imperialistic policy of expansion and thereby unified together to avoid these fundamentalists forces
to raise their heads for forthcoming confrontation through collusion with each other, we hope we are
discharging or obligations to serve the nation.
Unless progressive intellectuals with the capacity to fight and make their consistent and sustained
efforts to sponsor and extend the cause of humanity by fighting with the evil design of divisive forces
dominating over the arena of present political set-up of our nation, nothing can be achieved from the
emancipation from the prevailing maladies and thereby resulting into the survivability of our
civilisation in the complete darkness for future generation.
Nature has created men not to war but to friendship, not to destruction but to health, not to wrong but
to kind and benevolence. Nature has armed the beasts with armours. Man alone left fourth naked,
week, tender with the most soft flesh and smooth skin do better to be knitted together be the leagues
and conventions.
Our politicians have yet to start thinking of making and enacting laws against the moral crime as one
of the sociological need felt to amend on the ethical schools of law. The law is not to be compared to
a venerable antique, to be taken down, dusted admired and put back on the shelf moral damage is
more terrible. Politicians from the changes like chameleons. Thus the politically motivated sub-
version of the popular mandate is now a common phenomenon. Thus the law can not be the devoid
of morality. The courts of law are the proverbial to the temple of justice. Tilting the balance of justice
or sales of justice by weight of coin is the very antithesis of justice. Are the judges are indispensable?
If we tolerate them like that of imperial power having their superior commands over the whelmn of the
people, we are also protecting that aggressive policies of imperialism over the innocent victim. We
cannot dispense with such a responsibility one has to fight for having a command over the whelmn of
affairs in the country, otherwise we may witness the same fate of massacre committed over the
defenceless citizens and thereby committing the greatest sin against the civilisation and humanity. In
the system where the law protect the corrupt politicians and judicial pronouncements keeping justice
inaccessible to the poor and downtrodden, a class of lawyer who stood in forefront of national
struggle offered the supreme sacrifice and untold miseries for the cause of independence should
also rise the occasion and earn a probation and leisure had their command.
Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer in his book " Our courts on trial" while dealing with the heading "Justice
thyself" has observed:- " The unbecoming of judicial misdemeanour, what was once a whisper, the
rumour about Judges and there delinquencies has now become a conviction of their guilt among
social realities, communalism and favouritism. We want our judges to be a good man, not "boneless
wonders" and bundles of bias, nor wheeler-dealers of justice who stoop to conquer why should turn
to publicity merchant cultivate constituencies. Political and judicial influence. Communist and
economically powerful centre plead with ministers for monetary and other bonanzas? Why do they
run after Chief Minister for posh house, sites at nominal prices as happened in Bombay and
Chandigarh. Now that judges are banned from foreign hospitality without central approval, each
judicial travel is becoming a ministerial favour". "The present generation of judges should not
preside over the liquidation of the great heritage. We still have great hope, we still have great
confidence in courts but the court down has begin and a national discussion among state men in
politics and lawyers and scholars in social sciences is long over due to save the judges from
themselves is now a critical need". "If the judicial process fails, people's sense of justice, violence
fills the victim on the streets, not the courts, settle disputes."
Thus the solution lies in passing the suitable structures by the superior courted even disciplinary
action to the departmental proceedings for every wrong judgement given by the person preceding
over the court of law is the need of the time. The common man seeks realisation of his aspiration in
no sphere of public life. The promise of better tomorrow has conveniently forgotten with a leaf
turning and today there is a burning danger that the people will work out their destiny through the
compelled cult of their own "Dirty Hands".
Our constitutional duties prudence appears to be nothing but accommodation, but ours it meant
Settlement in regard to show shoe economic progress of our society. So I has no Meaning for
millions, I will not know how to into idea and fullest ideas as. Mutual district, declared and in fight is
on the Increase. National discipline, co-ordination and co-operative of words have begun that
casualties in the process. Strikes, Gherao’s and agitation by the opportunist have become a
common menace and bureaucracy and red tapism are well trenched in the administration of Service
enshrined and guaranteed as a alleged to be constitutionally recognised. A well organised class is
paralysing the entire administration resulting in complete departure of the cultural heritage with the
generation of hatred and rampant corruption throughout in the process of administration. The mind
is the restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants and still remains dissatisfied except is being
controlled in proper discipline and restrictions which are completely in the present set up of
Laws are the aggregate of rules representing the collective wisdom of community and therefore
applied universally according to the circumstances conditions and requirements of the nation
universally for the common human benefit of the people’s welfare and therefore made applicable for
the strict enforcement of justice with the changing requirement and sanctity of the rule of law.
Doubt perishes the man while apathy to a particular situation ruined the civilisation.
Law and order to satisfy the needs of fast changing society has to be involved in order to meet out
the challenges instead of remaining static. Thus the judicial thinking to be constructed by the
references which would adequately dealt with the new problems and therefore we no longer need the
clutches of foreign legal system. It has to be secured through the process of law. That collective
interest of the community so that parties do not lose faith in the institution and thereby indulge in
private retribution is the prime objective of the legal order. The procedural safeguard should
commensurate with the sweep of power . The wider the power, the greater than need for restraint in
its exercise and correspondingly, more liberal construction of our procedural safeguard envisaged
by statute.
Laws are the aggregate of rules representing is the collective wisdom of community and therefore
applied universally according to the circumstances and conditions and requirement of the nation
universally for the common human benefit of people's welfare and therefore made applicable for the
strict enforcement of justice with the changing requirement and sanctity of the rule of law. Doubt
perishes the man while apathy to a particular situation ruin the civilisation.
Law in order to satisfy the needs of fast changing society has to be evolved in order to meet out the
challenges instead of remaining static. Thus the judicial thinking to be constructed by reference
which would adequately deal with the new problems and therefore we no longer need the crutches of
foreign legal system. It has to be secured through the process of law. The collective interest of the
community so that parties do not lose faith in the institution and thereby indulge in private retribution
is the prime objective of the legal order. The procedural safeguards should commensurate with the
sweep of power. The wider the power, the greater the need for restraint in its exercise and
correspondingly, more liberal the construction of procedural safeguards envisaged by the statute .
An independent and honest judiciary is sine qua non for rule of law. It is imperative to protect the
honest officers from motivated misconceived complaints made by unscrupulous litigants while on
the other hand infallibility is an unreliable ideals, correctness is often a matter of opinion. Thus
ability to anticipate the fallibility is the gift of a prophecy consideration of finality are subject to the
paramount of justice but the remedial action must be appropriate upon which the administration of
justice may rest. Thus the law can not afford any favourite other than truth. Life of law is not logic; it
has been experienced however logic may not be ignored when experience is silent.
There has been erosion of faith in the dignity of the court and in the majesty of the law. The
procedural wrangle is eroding the faith in our judicial system and one must introvert turn the search
light over the process of deterioration inwardly. Therefore, the law must be definite and such as
basic postulate is the requirements of the consistency in judicial decision making process and at the
same time, there is the need for foreign flexibility. No straight jacket formula can be laid down for
judicial functioning. The concept of public accountability of the judicial system and the professional
competency with ability to promote the justice is perhaps overdue and the courts are ill equipped to
speculate and seldom at contrary to democratic principles. Values in public life have undergone
serious erosion during last few decades what was unheard is a common talk of the day. The new
value orientation has undergone in our culture and we are at the threshold of the cross roads of
these values. This is a difficult situation.
One makes Law legal only by giving its operation . The consent of one's conscience. A moral
obligation to disobey is not less compelling merely because an individual is powerless and that his
disobedience may lead to punishment through powerful despotic monarch. It is always electoral of
pre-medication to adopt justice as synonymous to law, which may be the command of the stranger,
but the humanity and conscience will always be prone to launch a protest through expression against
such command of law who has no sanctity of justice behind it. The problem of obedience of unjust
law is the root cause for a right to right to rebellion and delicate balance is being observed in the
history of civilisation. The position of soldier under section 41 of the Army Act, 1950 as making
disobedience to unjust immoral offence is in practice difficult to tackle as being liable to be shot at by
a court martial and if he disobeys to be hanged by a judge. There is a concurrent conflicting
demands of choosing either of the two. The discipline and of supremacy of law. It is difficult to
examine and being aware of a illegality of the order and therefore law contrives an objective test.
The Nuremberg trial has further declared that Nazis law and order of dictator must confirm to
minimum morality. If it does not stand this test, the disobedience to unjust command will not often
the discipline and rule of law will prevail.
Resistance to oppression is the consequence of other rights. When the government violates the
rights of the people, insurrection for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred
of all rights and the most indispensable of all duties.
Abraham Lincon’s famous slogan “Government for the people ,by the people and of the people
means that the people can exercise their constitutional rights and revolutionary rights to dismember
and overthrow the government. Thus rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. Whenever any
government becomes destructive of certain inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness,
the people have the right to alter or abolish it. The abuses and usurpation design to reduce the
existence of the individual and to act like absolute despotism, it is the right and the duty to throw of
such government and provide security to the citizens.
The rebellion against government is further justified when the majority of the people are oppressed
by a despotic minority and then it becomes a moral duty of men who love liberty not to permit any
moral rights to rebel against the majority. Practice of non-violent methods of rebellion as a means to
end tyranny has been justified by our founder father but tyranny which makes reforms impossible is
difficult to be tackled down and in that situation only the public opinion can safeguard the interest of
the society.
The obligation to obey the law is always linked with the question of justification for the natural
outburst with the right to revolution. The ultimate raison de etre for you social discipline is reconcile
apparently with conflicting claim of liberty and law. The justification to obey the law through civil
disobedience involves conscious disapproval of government's action. The other factor of
disobedience is through non-enforcement of the sovereign power of imposition of tax law and when
ever the protest has the justification for not agreeable as unable to conscience to obey it. The
peace and tranquillity of the realm is always supreme as such violent emotion is unwarranted by
moral law .Socrates, who searched into things under the earth and in heaven and therefore the
youth refused to hold his tongue and prepared that as he realised that law applies with equal force to
all to maintain ordered society and in order to resist against. Unjust law are must not to being afraid
of being incurred in punishment for disobedience, if his conscience permit him to do so.
Recent events have revealed the damage of letting ashore on body politics to fester for to long, the
solution must be consistent with the unity of the country and national interest and not on as can
result in claim of reaction detrimental to those interest.Despite the enduring the assurance by every
political party in the parliamentary democracy for country’s stability progress and radical reform,
there is a complete social disruption. Sometime there is ideological compatibility due to personality
cult and dynasty rule over primitive society but when there starts inherent contradictions and ego
concentric personality clashes, the country stability ,progress and radical reform comes to
ignominiously halt.
Socialism is to social justice , what ritual is to religion and Dogma is to the truth. Our present
politicians has imposed so called mindless sociological arrangement on the nation under the garb of
socialism which has held in thrall the people endeavour and enterprise resulting in the transfer of
wealth from the honest to dishonest opportunist, merit to the demerit; quality with the quantity and
justice with injustice in the guise of giving social protection. This is the reason that 231 public-sector
enterprises run by Union government and 636 by the state government of extracting the material
resources from public exchequer realising exorbitant price from India's doctrines socialism. If the
politicians are actually concerned and they should have provided the financial security to the
backward classes as to enable them to survive by distribution of resources with a logical distributive
justice. There is only quantitative growth without quantitative developments. The influential
politicians who preferred to let socialism remain the opiate the people and of whom it can be truly
said that if the ignorance is the bliss they should be happiest men alive. Gandhi ji said “Economics
that hurts the moral well-being of individuals or nation is immoral and therefore, sinful . True
economics never militate against highest ethical standards, just as all true ethics to be worth of its
name just at the same be also good economics. An economics that inculcates worship and enables
the strong, to mass wealth of the expenses of the weak is a false and dismal science. It spell death
true economics on the other hand stands for social justice, it promotes the good of all equally
including the weakest and is indispensable for decent life. Gandhi ji told “I do not believe that
multiplication of wants and machinery and contrives to supply them is taking the world single step
nearer its goal ……a wholeheartedly detests with. This met desire to destroy the distance and time,
to increase animal appetites and go to the ends of the earth in the search of their satisfaction. If
modern civilisation stands for all this and I have understood to do so I call it Satanic” .
“A civilisation, in real sense of the term consists not in the multiplication but in deliberate and
voluntary reduction of wants.
“Industrialisation on a mast scale would necessarily lead to passive or active exploitation of the
villagers as a problem of corruption and marketing come in. Nothing should be allowed to be
produced by the cities which can equally well be produced by villagers. The proper function of the
cities is to serve as clearing houses for village products. Here are more hands than required for the
work and therefore the problem is how to utilise the idle hours, they will render unemployed. The
concentration of production and distribution in few hands privilege oriented monopoly. The
industrialisation must not deprive people from environment, must but must in village artisan to reduce
his drudgery and improve his efficiency”.
This is the answer to the concentration industrialisation in the cities having no air to breathe at
Delhi 460 S.P.M level ,Calcutta 460 S.P.M level 350 S.P.M level each. Justice H.R. Khanna, when
appointed as commission of inquiry in the year 1967 in respect of the matter relating to the charge of
corruption against the minister’s of Orrisa including three Chief ministers, one of whom was Biju
Patnaik while dealing with 70 charges of corruption levelled against them, was faced a situation
dealing with the arguments advanced on behalf of two ex chief ministers, that there was no
prescribed code of conduct for the ministers to held them guilty of impropriety, that ministers cannot
use their officer or allow them to be used for furthering the business interest of his family members to
have commercial dealing with the State as they themselves never passed orders in respect of such
transactions. Justice Khanna observed that a person on being a minister becomes the custodian of
the public interest. Thus he should so formulate his politics and his activities that there is no
possibility of the clash between his personal interest and the public interest. The role of minister has
got to be that of pioneer rather than a pirate, of the public to sentinel rather than of self seeks of
one dedicated to the public cause and not one obsessed with the desire of personal gain -- -- what
is needed is a climate of strong public opinion where in none may dare to deviate from the path of
rectitude . Law can punish only occasional lapses quoting a classic passage of judge hand. “ I often
wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon our constitution, upon laws and upon
courts. These are false hopes liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there no
constitution, no law, no court can do much is to help it while it lies that it needs no constitution, no
law ,no court ", to save it. The question is whether the laws speaking through the authority of the
courts to deal with such threat to the security of the state, shall be absolutely silenced and reduced
mute spectator because of such threat. The answer has to be given to the public. A raise weary of
its own blood shed and diversities should cultivate public opinion which may offer the only chance for
the survival of the species. The best guarantee for such situation is good sense of those in power,
the vigilance of the people and the pressure of the public opinion.
This is an alarming situation which spell out the gravity and further invite peoples co-ordination to
formulate public opinion to fight through the policy of non- co-operation which has provided the
independence from the British rule by our leader Mahatma Gandhi .
“Every day that comes and goes,
every mile the river flows,
says to me and say to you,
much there is to learn and do,
for the water and the day,
no more will pass this way”.
Mankind has a habit of surviving worst catastrophes created by its own error or by violent turn of
the nature and it must be so if there is any meaning in its existence, if its history and continuous
survival is not the accident of a fortuitously self organising chance which it must be a purely
materialistic view of the nature of the world. If man intended to survive and carry forward the
evolution of which he is at present the head and to some extent of half conscience leader of its
march , he must come out of this present chaotic life and arrive at the organised efforts. The ideal
situation would be fulfilled by the accomplishment and preservation of the people from its own
extinction by the folly committed by his own species.
The dawn of independence has virtually came with confrontation of many problems for
effective administration . The foremost and the prominent problem was for rehabilitation of the
refugees. There was no place for providing them the basic requirement of shelter and for that
reason, the government provided the shelter home for them. The locality was not congenial for their
adaptation . Thus the hostility amongst the people has started generating their side effects . The
civilisation is the beginning of the governance to any nation. In absence of any co-ordination
amongst the fellow citizens , the concept of social embodiment was virtually evasive . Thus there was
neither any co-operation nor co-ordination amongst the citizens. The sole motto was to accumulate
the resources for advancement and to enforce their hypothetical illusive superiority amongst the
other inhabitant. Thus there was a complete absence of religious and spiritual concept in the society.
No man can survive in isolation . There is a rule of give and take . The moment one person is
inclined to accept everything as a matter of his right, the person who is inclined to give him his extra
potential , withdraw the basic offer. This become the end of social collaboration . No country is able
to survive except by the will of the people . The bitterness amongst the people may ultimately lead to
a crisis on psychological level. Thus the country required the coercive method for the enforcement of
law and order situation. This was on account of partition of India.
After independence there was the abolition of the Zamindari system in India. The entire agriculture
land was wasted to the state government. The farmers were given only their cultivators rights over
the rural land. Thus the concept of ownership was diluted to certain extent and those who were in
occupation over the agriculture land became the Asami. Even a Bhumidhar was not vested the
absolute ownership and was enjoying the transferable cultivators right. Thus the initiative for
improvement of the land was slightly undergone a major change. The investment in the agriculture
activities was multiplied to its many fold. This was due to inflation and the steep fall in the value of
money. Thus it has gradually declined the production of the agriculture produce. The system has
further suffered another set back by commercial activities as the cost of the labour was gradually
increasing in its output. There was the difficulty faced by the farmers when they have entered the
same cost of labour, what was required to be incurred for production.
The commercial activities and the industrial production were not d4eprentdent on external factor
like environmental misbalance and the natural calamities .The farmer having an agricultur3e
production was solely dependent upon these two factors, this has provided a great disharmony in the
progress of our nation . There were class prejudice between the various section of the society and
this factor was coupled with the socio-economic factor relating to the comparative assessment of
cost productivity. On one hand the industrial and commercial productivity was within the control of
the labour to a certain extent however there was no organisation for boosting the cause of the
farmers. By the erosion of the ethical values in the society and the rapid growth of the population,
there was gradually a process of migration from there motherland to some of the major cities in the
search of the better avenues for remuneration by the people. Thus the major population which was
totally dependent on their agriculture output an living in rural area has under gone a great set back in
respect of their earning prospects and ultimately by the fragmentation of the segment over the peace
of the land, there was gradual declination of the standard of living in the village area .
The political equation which were originally set-up in the pre-independence era were caught in the
whirl pool by the violent stroke of caste system which was generating the devaluation in the national
integration with cumulative effect . People do not live to face the truth and thus has their evasive
attitude which deepens the compulsive gambler maladies by the passage of time. Although there was
deep bitterness amongst the different religions but the slogan were promulgated by our political
leader to maintain the feeling of the brotherhood which was not possible without proper enforcement.
Thus in such as situation when there was already a deep conspiracy to upset the flow of the national
esteem amongst the mind of the citizens by the other nation ,the political set-up of our country has
further exaggerated such problem to the multiple proportion. There was the need for law enforcement
agencies but such enforcement was still not possible without having a control over the system .
This has become a crisis in the first decade after the independence gradually there was as rampant
corruption ascending in the public life and the galloping race which was developed by the process of
character assassination could not be halted even after the enforcement of the highest law of our
country . The crucial factor , as are being discussed above alike hunger , deficiency ,disharmony and
disintegration ,has further provided a fast deteriorating standard of our society and as a counter
productive reactionary trend , the crime has perpetuated in our society. In absence of any deterrent ,
retributive and punitive theory of punishment , the political arena which was previously occupied
by our so called political sufferer in the freedom movement, was gradually replaced by the criminals.
This was a paradise to every law evading process to shield up their responsibility as a repercussion
of the criminal activity by the procedural processed jurisprudence . Thus instead of having any
growth for the advancement of the nation, every potential and resources lying within the competence
and power of our citizen was vested in providing the security to our political superior. Thus by the
dawn of fifty years of independence, India has not only undergone through a political uncertainty but
it has exposed its character by demonstrating an example of hypocrisy, religious hatred and criminal
The industrial output which was occupied by labour contribution, has further suffered on account of
low productivity in the public sector. There are about 250 public sector in the central government
while 710 public sectors are occupied by the state .These sector have become a money guzzles for
the opportunists for accumulating their personal assets. The East India Company was initially given
the power to get the administration over the different states as the ruler may earn the revenue
through British’s but ultimately they became the ruler. The present industrial set-up of our country
has further invited such divisive forces to rule over our nation.
The first and foremost requirement in our country is to deal with a criminal with severe punishment .It
has rightly been said that it is only the fear which keeps a man to do the righteous thing in his life.
The bane of caste system, the business of religion and unhygienic process for accumulation of the
assets and resources with the limited people which has provided a disharmony in the society , can
only be dealt with by confiscation and forfeiture of the property belonging to the criminals. The
bonafide citizens and a genuine person may not be liable to suffer the atrocities committed by a
criminal who may get escaped from the punishment by making a target on the victim. The state is
responsible for every crime and it is a lame excuse that it is meant to preserve only the law and
order situation. There is a need for getting every person being removed somehow or other who by
his own nature uses to indulge in a criminal activities .
That is the need of the time other wise the entire nation will be compelled to become the hens of
the criminals.
There is the second requirement for having an accountability of the wrong doer, It is certainly not the
purpose and the objective of the law enforcing agencies , that a wrong be corrected or rectified. This
is a reciprocal obligation upon every superior authority in the hierarchy of the system that their
subordinate may get the proper punishment for every wilful defiance of their inaction and such in
subordination of the rule of law in the society. It is the high time that every quasi judicial action in
which there is a glimpse of dishonesty , such action apart from being dealt with by rectification of the
mistake , be accountable against such officer on account of whose wilful negligence or lapses , the
affected person has undergone a great agony, discomfiture , disappointment , frustration otherwise
there will be no end of dishonest and apathetically circumstances from the society.
The ecological cycle has been totally disassociated from its normal course. There is the need for
filling the rainy water inside our first subcutaneous layer from where the water is pulled through
pumping set. This will provide the immediate water requirement to the citizen for their daily use as
well as for their irrigation. There is the wastage of this water and ultimately the same is providing the
flood to the other portion of the country lying on low altitude and in this manner we may again
restore the glory of the Himalayan valley throughout our nation.
The privilege orientation system being generated for creating a psychological; terror on the mentality
of as common man is required to be dealt with by the people themselves as no-one wanted to get
his privilege been taken away simply on account of the wishes of the other citizens. The voice of the
intellectual is soft and till they may not unite in the battle , the victory and the chances of success is
always lying at a remote distance . Every toil will have its own colour subject to that we may be
inclined to eradicate the prevailing maladies.
In exercise of the power conferred upon para eight of the tenth schedule of the Constitution of India,
the speaker of the U. P. legislative assembly had framed “The member of U. P. legislative assembly
(disqualification on the ground of defection )Rules,1987”. The statement of object and reason of the
Constitution (52 amendment) at, 1985 were sum up in these words. The evil of political defection
has been a matter of National concern. If it is not combated, it is likely to undermine the vary
foundations of our democracy and principles, which sustained it. The anti-defection Bill is meant for
outlawing defection and fulfilling the above assurance. Surprisingly, the expression “Political party”
and “Defection” are not defined in interpretation clause. The splitting of 1/3 members of a particular
party by formation of separate group is permitted, but the defection of a individual legislature is
prohibited under the Act. This is a very strange that if you commit the murder of democracy with
impunity under the garb of the split in political party, you will be punished but the infliction of the
injury on political party is punishable with the disqualification of the membership of the legislature; if
the legislature has acted according to his conscience by supporting the resolution of confidence or
no confidence. The question which arise in the mind of individual citizen that whether while
exercising his adult franchise in the election, he chooses an individual candidate or political party to
come into power and it the political party is voted to the power why the individual is permissible to
play the vital role in the formation of the legislation. There are other questions regarding the
sanctity of the whip enforced by the individual party is a democratic trend or it leads to an anarchy or
an oligarchy. Thus the Parliamentarian system of the governance by the political party appears to be
undemocratic on its face value.
The supply of the essential commodity like food water electricity and other resources should be
provided without interruption and for such crisis there is the vicarious liability of the state
government. Thus it is for the state government to adopt the suitable measurement for providing
such commodity and simultaneously to dealt with the person / employee working under them by
awarding suitable punishment if they may cause such disruption.
The outcome of the agriculture production are the assets of the nation. There is the check and
balance in respect of determination of the prices of the food products. However despite being
regulated by the government policy, there has been an apathy with the problems of the farmers.
Since the entire land is vested with the state government ,it is the duty reciprocal upon the state to
provide the improvement in the soil for better productivity. There are many defects in the present
system of agriculture system and till the government may not be held responsible for cultivation
soil conservation and for providing the fertility , nothing can be improved by merely the slogans .
Unfortunately there are the instances of the arrests a poor farmer when he finds himself unable to
fulfil the contractual liability by repairment of the debt which he had taken for proving irrigation,
cultivation and production of his agriculture land. Whether the government is justified for keeping
privilege orientation and simultaneously putting the farmers inside the jail on account of there failure
to repay the loan due to some natural calamity. Every sort of incentive by providing the financial
assistance to the needy people is of no avail , if the son of the soil may
undergone a treatment of discrimination and arbitrariness by committing atrocities upon them.
The universal declaration of the human right is nothing but a misnomer in India . There is neither a
human being who is born free and having equal dignity and rights as are being enjoyed by few
opportunists. There cannot be an endeavour in the spirit of brotherhood. Our country has got the
race prejudice which is dependent not only on the basis of the colour, sex , language but on the
basis of caste affiliation. Here is no security of the person and everyone is subjected to be ruled by
the law enforcing agents either in slavery or in servitude. People are subjected to torture and to get
degrading treatment by another fellow citizen whoever is enjoying the power. The right to an effective
remedy is totally collapsed by the pressure of the work. In such situation, how the courts which are
considered to be sentinel in the quivive may enjoy the protection of the rule of law in the society.
Success lies upon the effective measures to eradicate root an branches of all evils. It is been
considered that now the arms of the law are not long enough to mould the law . According to the
need of the people. The law enforcement agencies are mainly adopting the coercive power by
providing a torture and they are seldom not concerned with their duty. Thus a clear imperative by
proper planning ,constant counselling and persuasion are the appropriate mean rather abrupt and
spontaneous method. There is a need to provide some incidental and ancillary powers to the courts
for adopting new device, new methods and new strategy in securing the justice to the people.
Necessary amendments are required to be done in our constitution by expanding the scope of
Article 226 and 227 of the constitution of India.
The judicial verdict may be regarded as the foundation and the third pillar of the democracy which
may have some foundation on the basis of the public opinion. If the people may start their trust in
such system then no one can save it from the ultimate collapse thus every procedural law which is
providing a barrier for effective adjudication of a dispute must be wiped out from its inherent
impediment. The process of judicial proceeding are in itself cumbersome and exhausting. There are
huge investment in the process of final verdict . Thus a system is required to be develop in which the
person may feel confident. This is not a system which is purely dependent upon the gambit or like a
profound gambler but on the other hand it may require to win the trust amongst the people. If the
litigant consider it as a chance verdict for which a huge investment may require then for him it may
become as a Hobson’s choice.
Unfortunately the mutation proceedings for providing the name being recorded ion the revenue
record and on the basis of which every transaction is dependent are still being considered as the
summary proceeding which are collateral piece of evidence for the purpose of realisation of the
compensation in the land acquisition and for proving the possession . who bothers for title and it is
seldom found easier to fabricate a negotiable instrument and document for raising a dispute and
there by to obtain an injunction even amazed the state government to cultivate a right over such
land. Thus it has become a compulsive gambler to an innocent citizen either to surrender his rights
of ownership or he may adopt a course of criminal nature to settle dispute. Thus if the accountability
and responsibility of the wrong doer may not be fixed by the present judicial system the foundation
which are based for the peaceful assimilating of the superior command may gradually be vanished
from the scene of our present judicial set-up.
The concept of tortuous liability has yet not been evolved for providing the damage to the victim of
the wrong. In absence of such responsibility there is neither the requirement which has been
visualised by the higher judiciary to have the proper and effective control over the subordinate
judicial officer. Power of judicial review is coupled with the power to scrutinise as to whether the
judicial authority entrusted with the power to hold enquiry was vested with the jurisdiction, power and
authority to reach a definite conclusion which has been arrived by such judicial officer in delivering a
judgement .
The legal proposition based on such supervisory jurisdiction is coupled with the fact as to whether an
abuse of the discretion may not be viewed by its magnitude and its gravity of the said misconduct,
may not be sufficient for disciplinary action. Such power may be exercised in exceptional cases but
atleast there may be some fear in the minds of the judicial officer to conduct its functioning as the
confidence of the litigant public may not be shaken by the lack of integrity and character of the
judicial officer by providing the suffering to an innocent person and also to maintain the discipline
in the judicial service. Unfortunately we have lost our sight from this basic requirement, which is
necessary to maintain the rule of law .
The government has a sovereign function which includes the right to impose tax. Seldom , people
ask that why they should be held responsible for the payment of the tax . The reason for their
declination to fulfil such a responsibility is basically two folds; Firstly, the public money is mis-utilised
by the bureaucrats and other politicians, who are holding the public office as the custodian of the
trust of the people. Secondly, the money which is realised as the tax is occasionally mis-utilised for
the political consideration which is contrary to the object and being invested for extraneous
consideration. The tax payer has a right on the public exchequer as it may not be hired at the
convenience of the politician. In absence of an institution like that of Ombudsman which is known
as Lok -Aayukt where the people may lodge a complaint against the dishonest and corrupt officials.
This is due to the reason that in India , we have lack of sense of duty and dedication to public
service and a reluctance to confirm one’s own behaviour to the accepted norm of honesty and
probity in public life. Illiteracy reigns supreme in India. A complete absence of enlightened public
opinion is prevalent which is necessary to make such Institutions work. A persistent tendency to
subordinate national interest to the personal interest accompanied by an Individual his inordinate
love for chair , power and money is evident in our country. Thus in absence of a superior command
we may seldom get a man, who by his own nature may be indulged for the welfare of the people.
This is only the fear which may keep a person in order .
The judicial system which was initially meant for rectification of the mistake of the subordinate
judicial officer , is seldom found in itself being indulged into its own mistake . The litigation is now
being filed nearly as a clock for attaining private ends and as such the court must be careful to weigh
conflicting interest of the other side. The consequent delay in disposal of the cases is seldom
visualised the shortage of the water supply for the agriculture irrigation facility, shortage in electric
supply ,obstructing industrial development and for the construction of the road and irrigation canal
by entertaining the petition on the plea of malafide or by levelling the allegation for collateral
purpose against the land acquisition proceedings. Thus there may be reimbursement of cost of
escalation resulting from such delay to the public or to the affected party , in case such litigation
which has started for extraneous consideration ultimately fails.
Religion is politics ; and the politics is the brotherhood ( William Blake ). Thus the politics is an
essential branch of the art of promoting the human welfare and happiness but it was never
considered to be an art of obtaining power, which may turn as demagogy. Every action has three
basic requirement for its objective , i.e Desire , Emotion and Knowledge. In absence of any of the
three basic ingredients to be adhere prior to the implementation of a policy, we may have the utter
failure in every efforts. Thus the country is also bound to collapse on every front, if there is the
absence of the knowledge amongst our politicians. Every basic thrust is secondary for the utilisation.
If we consider money as the paramount consideration for attaining the political power , the custodian
of the public trust shall automatically purged with the illusion of hypothetical superiority and nothing
shall remain to provide a contribution towards the welfare of the citizen. The necessity of the money
is to achieve the basic requirement otherwise the accumulation of it in itself become a corruption.
The similar sentiments may be attributed towards power and sex desire which has its reservoir in the
emotional psychological sphere but if it is unchecked it may result in disastrous for the society. Thus
if we are inherently incapable to decide, what is required for our existence , there is a need for
sanction and the punitive measurement, if one may side track from the basic requirement
unfortunately despite our inherent capability to improve in a span of last 50 years after being ruled
by the alien power, we have yet not evolved an effective system. This is the reason of our political
Oligarchy, a system in which ultimate power is confined to a section of the community; the rich to the
exclusion of the poor, aristocrats to the exclusion of plebeians, opportunists to the exclusion of
benevolence , reservation to the exclusion of efficiency, males to the exclusion of females ,is an
absolute monarchy in our nation. This system is based on the ethics of gaining more advantage of
than of that of the rest of the community. The power rests on public opinion and if we diversify our
intention for the lesser important factors, the prominent amongst them may be crucified. This was the
approach of our political master to rule the nation after getting independence . In the present context
of the political set-up of the country having certain global phenomenon regarding involvement of the
politician at large in the nefarious activities by gaining undue prominence without any moral
obligation towards the citizens to protect their human rights , there should be the persistent efforts of
the people for participating into political sphere as the article of perpetuating corruption by mediocrity
and thereby earning enormous money and power to be restricted for which the person willing to
sacrifice their future for the betterment of the human rights of the public may come forward . The
choice of the people in political arena for launching any political party into the power is just like of
patting the snake or Cobra . Destiny is the result of consequences reflecting through individuals
action. An urge may lead to big surge . Hell and heaven both exists in a society only the truth
remains without any virtue , not with any voice. It is said that where the science ends , religion
begins ; where the religion ends spiritualism starts ; where the spiritualism ends , a reality survives.
These are the realities of the life in the process of evolution . the creative acts of the genius are
always remain the subject matter of criticism as they are usually confronted with optionally stupidity
of other fellow citizens. There is a delicate balance between public duty and personal honour . The
numerical majority leads to the destruction of benevolent leadership . The human progress do not
originate in the composite brains , but it is by the wisdom of the individual personality . Thus in the
search of the better human rights provided to its citizens , there is necessarily some impediments in
process of evolution and advancement of society because the protection is at large in favour of those
citizens who are involved through their activities towards their towards destructive approach for
advancement of the society , which is detrimental to the interest of the superior in command . Still
there may not be any compromise with the human rights conferred upon an individual.
Society is becoming more complicated. The democracy brings with it evils of its own system . It is
difficult to search a really devotes person amongst the majority. Psychological reconciliation amongst
fellow citizens to utilise every potential energy and to maintain co-ordination between fellow citizens.
Civilisation begins in order , grows with liberty and ultimately perish in chaos , civil liberty are better
and save as long as its enforcement do not bother others existence . Administrative system and
judicial institutions are considered for vacillation of the purposes. There is always a conflict between
opinion and rivalry of the interest. Time has come to expose the falsehood and fallacies through
discussions in order to avert its global devolution. The remedy is speech, not enforced silence. The
ship of progress is equipped with moral strength. We cannot remain silent spectator by observing the
gradual disintegration of every institution in a democratic society. However , our potential will prove
the power to save them and to resist against evil disasters . There is no steady advance towards
higher condition of progress. The opinion persists to subordinate personal interest to social interest
as the vested interest are always motivated to usurp power through any means even at the cost of its
own interest. Sincerity is now slave of destructive activities and human rights are passing through
the state of psychological retardation. Attitude of the public is mainly consist of denouncing the
receptive norms. Moral damage is more terrible.
The individual human rights enforcement is inadequately persists and thus the existing remedies are
required to fresh appraisal. The entire fabric of the society is scattered and shattered , which is
existing with galloping corruption. The proper assessment of legal and social condition is essential.
Reason obeys itself while ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it . Freedom does not mean
abuse nor liberty is a license . The survival of the human rights and individual freedom requires
obedience, endeavour, honesty , truthfulness, sacrifice , discipline and character . Implementation of
the strong idea requires steadfast wisdom. Such idea should burst every chain , which tends to
paralyse its efforts to push forward. Most of the people tends to see nothing nor inclined to observe.
They do not take the notice of evil consequences as the simplest and the cheapest attitude is apathy.
The ensuring success is mostly understood at the beginning due to strong contrast of public opinion
There is one prominent factor in representative government that it is not ruled by the minority
through the brute forces and may again lead to us for a slavery. Thus it is seldom considered that let
the advancement of the people may suffer by other radical factors , but at least we are not leading for
the unpleasant slavery and subordination at the hands of a foreign ruler. Thus we have to search
the new method, strategy, accountability and responsibility in the present political system of a
representative government. Every art and every enquiry and similarly every action and pursuit is
thought to aim for welfare of the people and thus all things depends upon them to find as better end .
Jurisdiction of court is like that of constructor of a building which has either perfection or many
defects. The final word of posterity is dependent upon the skill and calibre of builder who may heartily
desire to build up it like expert builders with architectonic virtues to amend or/and add some material
both by method and uniformity and if the structure itself does not found ventilation for the want of
windows and lake of sufficient light or other deficiency in the architecture, whatsoever, then to
demolish the existing structure, only than we may blessed the amending hand as if the trumpet idea
gives an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle? Likewise justice should speak by
tongue, word easy to understood, otherwise how a common man will understand and know what is
spoken, if the justice shall be spoken into the air? There should not be such short sentences as we
may forget the use of verbs which may reconcile the idea into action.
“The play is done : the curtain drops slow falling to the prompter’s bell. A moment yet the
actor stops and looks around, to say farewell. The approving audience gives him cheer. He bows to
them and says his say. Yet down his cheek there falls a tear from him. This is the ending of his days.”
Fragrances are more hypnotic , music more inspiring , food tastes better and the sense
of touch is more intense. This is all because of human Aura, which is extending an outlining the head
and body through spiritual cult in the form of twinkle blue, pale or gold and glitters through etheric
world. The physical vision is usually peripheral with the third eye located as pineal gland. This is
known as holo, which passes through legend, but gradually earthlings have lost the ability to see the
Aura, the etheric or a holo except the few person, who have retain the gift in their present incarnation.
This is of vital importance to the individual’s health, happiness and spiritual involvement. The esortic
wisdom begins with the understanding of real existence. You can be able to see the etheric or human
Aura and then your subconscious will pack up the message for uplifting you to the higher self by
using the crowded elevator. This overlapping and mixing of etheric self with crowded elevator creates
tension and uneasiness except few extravagant personality. Every person in the world need a space.
There are electromagnetic charged atmosphere, which may be washed out by taking a bath through
shower. As those magnetic pits which may be picked up from others be washed off. Some of the
animals have better sense of understanding the effect of Aura, etheric and spiritual carving of
individual through there perceptions.
Adversaries are the touchstone of brave mind. The spiritual way of living may
only be adopted by taking the course of its learning which the individual may incline, when he will
proceed further to learn in this regard. Since the necessity is the mother of invention as such without
having any need for learning, one may not advance through this process, except in adverse
circumstances. It is rightly being said that the bearer of the shoe knows as to where it pinches to such
Let us start with physiology of human body which has the respiratory organ for
breathing of the air. It provides the survival of the cells of the brain and the rest of the body is
provided the air for nutrition and energy. The deep breathing indulges the individual through passing
off the channel from the nostrils and comes in the contact the thin layer over brain where the fluid is
filled up and is connected with spinal cord at its base. The “Kundanlini” in the individual contains the
fluid which is sucked through suction force to the cells of the brain. In this process the potential to
one’s perceptions in respect of his retention power inside the brain may directly be attributed to the
individuals memory. This gives a personality cult of an individual to make the further advancement in
life. In absence of such atmosphere, one may feel despotic isolation and thereby the stagnation to the
process of evaluation may ultimately ruin the future prospective for progress.
The mind is the master of senses and the breathe is the master of mind. The mind cannot be
restrained without restraining the breathe. Mental activities keeps pace and respiration. Thus the
consultation is regarded to be the best source for all sort of management of human affairs. This may
be in numerable form of philosophy. The philosophy of argument and the philosophy of the rule which
capture the intellect in there nets and led it away from the true knowledge. The physical control is
merely a preparation for mental control. When the mind is calm down, It is indeed the process of
becoming one with reality begin. Only few dies of suffocation but rest of the death are caused as such
person has not been breathing enough from years. Let us examine the existence of these principles
which are necessary for the protection of the society in which the judicial discipline is the source of
inspiration for protecting the fellow existence. The Hindu mythology also based on the principle of
separation of power. There are the different duties and role assigned to the omnipotent powers in the
universe. Lord Brahama is considered to be the creator of animal existence and other human being in
this world while the Lord Vishnu is considered to be considered to be the protector of the living
creator while Lord Shiva is maintaining an equilibrium by imposing the appropriate punishment as to
maintain the esteem of administration of justice. There is not even an absolute power vested with the
God itself according to our Hindu mythology. Thus the concept of legislation, executive and judicial
power is embodied with separation of power.
The religious virtues are marked with ten characteristics viz. patience, forgiveness, self denial,
honesty, purity, mastery over senses, sensibility, knowledge, veracity, and cheerfulness. The
individual has not given an absolute power and likewise the universe protects the existence of other
fellow being to be ruined by the stronger as the lion and other carnivores animals may not destroy
every healthy and vigorous animals. Thus the individual having the absolute power of government
may not be allowed to rule the nation. The ruling body of the people may not be vested with the
absolute power nor the person embodied with such power should be allowed to delegate it to some
other person otherwise the fate of the nation will be identical to the fate what we have visualised by
giving the power of management to the British East India Company who had subsequently captured
the full command over the nation. The mutiny became the turning point for justifying the rule by the
British domination, as the nation was subsequently came under the control and sovereignty of the
British Empire.
The country must be free from enemies and for this purpose law and order situation must be
effective in vanquishing the enemies and resisting their onslaught. For this purpose, the enforcement
agency be admirable and efficient for becoming victorious through benevolent rules and regulation.
The law of punishment is the dispenser of justice. The theory of retributive justice must be
implemented to wake the people who are fast sleeping. It is difficult to wake them by shouting a voice
as those who are having the intoxication by power, wealth and privilege may not rise to the occasion
for the advancement of the country. This is important as the virtue of religion which is meant to
preserve the justice and not to destroy it. The abortion of justice provokes the resentment of the
people. Thus it is important that at least a person who is sitting on the seat of legislating the law and
to deliver judgement may not be voluptuaries, malicious and if he has such disqualification, then the
person occupying such position should be punished by retributive justice.
The justice is a very awful and majestic, It cannot be upheld by ignorance and non righteous
person as the person who is not learned, untrained and block headed is never able to enforce the law
with justice. Thus a wise man is only able to enforce the law in the strict sense. The decision of such
judicial member may not be transgressed by any one. There were ten evils always recognised from
ancient time which are arising from the love of pleasure; i.e 1) Hunting, 2) Killing of innocent animals,
3) Gambling, 4) Sleeping by day time, 5) Listening to love talks and scandals, 6) Excess with women,
7) Use of intoxicant, 8) Singing in club, 9) Playing musical instrument in night clubs, 10) Useless
strolling. These vices are now been accepted in the society as the necessary evil. Nothing can
eradicate the prevailing maladies except by strict enforcement of the discipline which is not given the
due priority in our country.
The government should watch if the justice is upheld in inflicting of punishment and no unjust
punishment is inflicted. The treasury and the executive work must be in the hand of such responsible
person who should be held responsible for the lapses and given deterrent punishment, in case they
are found to provide the loss to the public exchequer. It is as fare if one hundred entrenched garrison
soldier can resist the attack of ten thousand enemies, why not a patriot to this nation may be able to
get the correct prospective of our system. Thus it is not only the punishment for reformation or
censure is imposed but in the deserving case, the person deserving punishment may be provided with
the exemplary punishment as no other person could dare to commit such wrong with the people. In
case of violence, theft , adultery defamation, insult and assault, since these offences are usually
being committed in secrecy, the onus is shifted on the accused person to prove his innocence.
The culture and heredity plays a vital role in governing the nation. There should not be the
denouncing to the existing values by invasion of encroachment over the existing set up. The attitude
of the people is important and a governing factor to built up a society otherwise the inglorious
incidents shall take over the existence of the society. The capitalism approach of life with atrocities
committed by the superior over the down trodden is required to be dealt with sever punishment as
there is no protection to the poor class of citizen.
There is always a struggle for existence and it is understood that the survival of the fittest is the
ultimate notion. Thus it is considered that a criminal coming in the public and getting ruthless shooting
in discriminatory and mercilessly killing the innocent inhabitants in the society is seldom punished by
the court of justice. He is evading his arrest and in case if he is being arrested, he may be bailed out
easily and even in case of conviction, he shall rarely be confined in the four corner of the jail
premises. This is the law of our nation.
Let us examine the aspect of putting a poor farmer inside the lockup for the reason that due to
the natural calamity and ecological misbalance, he could not ripe the harvest in the season and
therefore was unable to repay the loan which he had taken for the improvement of the land. It is well
known that the state government is the absolute owner of the entire agriculture land and the farmer
has got only the cultivators right and if something is done for the improvement of such land, how the
poor farmer can be kept in confinement. There is only one reason that in the country of
“Daridranaryan“, the poor person is subjected to suffer the atrocities of the superior person but the
rich people are above the law. One should not tolerate the injustice committed by the wrong doer over
the innocent person as it is generally understood that the robbers usually rob the rich person while
the government robs the poor people and leave the rich people beyond the clutches of law
enforcement machinery.
There is another aspect of the picture that a bread earner, who is knocked by a fast moving
vehicle, may get some compensation from the insurance company or from the owner of the vehicle
under vicarious liability but if the person is stabbed inside his abdomen by the assailant, there is no
compensation given to the victim. In case of death out of onslaught by some criminal, there is neither
the punishment for the crime nor the compensation to the family of the victim citizen. How the
government can claim to be the representative of the people ? What is the justification of saying that
it is “We, the people” who are said to be the government ? Can a country may survive in such a type
of anomalies and undisciplined atmosphere ?
“All the members of the court are considered as wounded, where justice is found wounded with
inequity, and judges do not extract the dart of inequity from justice or remove its blot and destroy
inequity, in other words where the innocent are not respected and the criminals are not punished.”
“A virtuous and just person should never enter a court and when he does so, he should speak
the truth; he who holds his tongue on seeing injustice done, or speaks contrary to truth and justice is
the greatest sinner.”
“ All the persons in that court are dead, as it were, and none of them is alive, where
justice is killed by inequity and truth by falsehood in presence of its courtiers.”
“ Justice destroyed, destroys, its destroyer; and justice preserved, preserves its
preserver. Hence never destroy justice, lest being destroyed, it should destroy the destroyer of
“ The learned regard him to be base caste who violates justice which gives all wealth
and showers all blessings. Therefor no man should ever destroy justice.”
“ In this world justice or righteousness alone is man’s friend that goes with him after death.
All other things or companions part on the destruction of the body and he is detached from all
company. But company of justice is never cut off.”
Thus when injustice is done in the government and the Hon’ble Court due to inadvertent do
not dart injustice and may attribute some partiality with underrepresented poor citizen and protect the
criminal or doer of injustice, there may not be such deserving respect and it may circumvent the law
with all inequity. Such a situation is alarming in the nation as the law which is regarded to make the
citizen free from all side of encroachment, has itself is making the people enslave. Let a situation be
derived by breaking the chain which is providing restriction to fight against the injustice. Although it is
an iron curtain, but still one cannot blot all such hopes, as the hopes belong to a future. A single day
light may shallow the darkness from our country.
Constitutional Resurrection
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has
come . Ideas are in truth ,forces .Infinite too is the power of personality .A union of the true always
make history . The voice of the intelligence is soft and weak ,said Freud .It is drowned out by roar of
fear .It is ignored by voice of desire . It is contradicted by voice of shame. It is hissed away by hate
and extinguished by anger .Most of all is it is silenced by ignorance. “ Great things are done when
men and mountains meet ,this is not done just by jostling in the street” William Blake.
Our constitution with its gospel to achieve and resolve the glorified socialistic sovereign democratic
republic through the processor of therapeutic justice to escalating psychosomatic maladies and
explosive rights with enforceable duties to the citizen is regenerating the spiralling professional
delinquencies .It promises to keep and mile to go to its citizen ,before they may undertake the sleep.
The Quest of mankind is to grasp the fundamental truth ,the tenacity without even the least touch of
faith in reality has diminished the entire surrounding and undergone a radical transformation to the
point of extinction. This is the political freedom ,the self independence, what the India has achieved
after attaining the freedom from British domination .
The structure of the society rests on the foundation .We cannot escape the consequences of losing
all access to abrader a vision It creates a narrow-mindedness in the prospects of a development
.Few amongst the citizen ,the masses have the ever given any serious consideration to the problem
of life. Thus the problem of life still remain unsolved. Let us discuss that why are not having the solid
foundations without access for the broader vision having an extinction for our existence. Freedom
from bondage is liberation there is a goal of life with and devotion. Our tryst with destiny has not
brought any desired changes for wiping out t he tears from every eye .There cannot any political will
amongst the individuals who are craving to get power. The Political will is guided by our constitution
of India and we find that it is not having strong hold to keep the nation intact ,the society move and
the country prosper .Some radical changes are needed to maintain country’s unity and integrity .The
prosperity of the citizen do not lies in the form of government, chosen by them but in the
accountability and the stability in its precepts and practice . There is no representative Govt. but an
equation of inducting themselves as the representative of the to form there govt. It is only the
constitution which may provide a device to ensure a degree of self assessment .We want more
stability and lesser responsibility upon these representatives chosen from amongst the people by the
appropriate amendment in our constitution .There should be periodical assessment of the
responsibility of executives .The present constitution is the reproduction of the Govt. of India
Act,1935 and the combination of ideals of western liberal democracy nurtured to achieve the goal of
our constitutional aspiration . The federal system is based on decentralisation and it is a system
evolved of the governance of heterogeneous , diverse and plural society in a small country to have
been based on the representative Govt. and not on the basis of indirect representation through
parliamentarian democratic system .It leads to instability we should take notice ofd the expectations
of the people who fought the battle of independence by adopting the policy of self realisation as being
professed by our father of nation. Our constitution is based on the assumption of the authority where
the entrustment of power is imposed by having the restriction upon the excessive power. Let us
accept that it was weakness of the character of our citizens that Indian dominion has to live under the
British sovereignty and we had to fight a struggle for attaining the freedom. The need for imposing
the restrictions are required to be done to keep the society intact from adjuring violence ,dealing with
corrupt politicians and to control over burden some disastrous consequences .Let us examine how to
fight against criminalisation, black-marketing ,essential service maintenance and law & order
situation .There is a lake of political will in those are actively participating in service tom the nation
,they are being subjected to oppression and harassment .There is no place for benevolent honest
citizen and those who are dishonest opportunist with a criminal background are seldom being
respected by our citizens . The genesis of the character is based on the falsehood and in such
circumstances until and unless accountability of the individual in public life is not fixed upon the
representatives of the Govt. there is no hope for the revival of the nation .
A constitution is the basic law ,the highest state craft entrusted to keep the ideals and inspired the
Nation. It is the exponent of the ideals with pragmatic approach having sensitive awareness
articulated in the feeling of fellow citizens. The constitution becomes supreme importance as it
reciprocates with the wisdom and sanctity of the founder of the nation ,the vision and foresight of its
maker and to govern the people with discontentment depending upon the happiness and well being of
the successive generation as being gathered by enthusiastic approach whole drafting the same .The
vehicle is now come to a stand still and the horse is now riding over the cart instead of pulling the
same for the advancement of nation.
The presidential form of Govt is to avoid the decentralising tendencies and to re-enforce centralising
evaluation of the governance of the people in heterogeneous ,diverse and plural society inhabiting
through the vast land and lastly to avoid the head on collision between head of state and head of
Govt. in down capacity. The tradition of party system is like a mushroom growth with no defined policy
or ideology has been destructive because of its origin in the upsurge against the imperial rule and
asserting the independence was not real without making people educate in running the administration
.The growth of country the depends by taking care of the poverty prevailing and to ensure stability to
some meaningful reform .The presidential form of Govt. offers the best solutions to the problems
created by the chaotic spectrum of the splinter parties projected on the national scene in order to
bring the stability and the progress which is caused by the growth of descendants and groupies in the
parliament and thereby having a great danger to the integrity of the nation .The consequential change
in the constitutional change in the constitution of India is appropriate on account of electoral defection
mid term polls and coalitions bargaining and to arrest the disproportionate growth of infra-structure to
provide a stable Govt. equipped to absorb the shocks of the progress policies .The political climate of
authoritarian emanating has provided a sustain jeopardise to our basic constitutional ideals in pursuit
of gaining power by making the social justice ,harmonious co-ordination and national integration to an
utopian umpire .
The realisation of the God by introspection is by learning truth ,justice and benevolence by having the
characteristics of patience ,forgiveness, self denial ,honesty, purity mastery over the sensibleness,
knowledge, veracity and the cheerfulness .To surrender thyself to the self in the process of
disintegration is to provide unity factor against Gherao’ s , the tactics providing nuisance or
dedication to the cause of nation .There must be the power of will for expansion and the fear has to
be vanished by getting will to do is self imposed rigor of duty .It is the outcome of parliamentarian
democracy that poverty is acting like the disease of the skin of the nation while the disintegration and
hatred amongst the fellow citizen is like the cancer of the liver .We should ride a horse bridled, but
not lose as to trample upon us. The starving realities leads to the economic slavery and the
insurmountable foreign debts are the signs of future slavery of our country.
The non-violent persuasive method of enforcing the will of the people have adversely affected social
and economic administration in the country .India has reached to a stage of political stability . The
employment avence are being reduced causing an adverse effect on the social order .The political
aspect of the situation vulnerable to the aspirants, opportunists in India is disintegrating tendency,
which is a gradual the process of further aim to provide political ideological immortality amongst the
political leaders and it has become a more struggle for the power ,then adherence to duty to serve
the people, the political disintegrating tendency cannot be checked by the parliamentarian democratic
set-up which may ultimately lead to social instability and the people may start seeking salvation of
such psychological maladjustment against the social concept of the society . Thus there is need for
amendment of our constitution as the road to inflation , increasing prices lowering in the value of
money entering the common standard of living of man . Economical dissatisfaction being susceptible
may be reduced to the margin and the anti national activities may be curbed down and the people
may not resort to dishonesty corruption , deception by hitting at the route of social structure .the
economical slavery is meant to surrenders freedom to foreign power .
India’s foreign debt is directly proportionate to the value of rupees in comparison to foreign currency .
The devaluation in the value of the rupee has made loan liability by constant increase in the foreign
exchange liability and to estimate the Indian foreign debt which was more than four thousand crores
in 1966 has been multiplied due to the devaluation of the value of rupee by making an increase to
48.43 crores within a decade and now the fear of foreign power domination is paramount which may
ultimately lead to social slavery .People of India desirous of revival society require a suitable system
for the creation of such a spirit ,which may be devised for practical implementation of our country. The
moment the socio and economic problems are solved we will able to stand on our own feet for making
the nation stronger .The role of sovereign people is distinguishable from the sovereignty from the
parliament . In the recent years the will of the people is represented by the right of representatives
associated in the majority which is giving place to the more plebiscite system , thus the political party
even with a clear majority require s the direct endorsement of the people which is not possible in the
representative Govt. This aspect has its importance by looking into the relevant extract from the
MEXICO, URAGUAY AND VENEZULA having the presidential form of Govt. We have Srilanka,
Philippines, Indonesia , and the latest South Africa where this system prevails . Law and life are
integral , therefore the sensitive legal control through constitutional process is pragmatic of the
power for the responsible Govt. under democracy . The constitutional law is symbolic for
commanding compliance be patiently corrective to gain credibility and confidence. Thus the
constitution is not an omnipotent sacrosanct instrument ,but it is political legal document fundamental
in character and value based regulatory measurement to strike between the need of people and the
power process. Thus the constitution is not an omnipotent instrument , but it is political legal
document fundamental in character and value based regulatory measurement to strike between the
need of people and the power process.
Thus the vigilant intellectuals with the constructive attitude and analytical criticism may persuade the
people for the corrective and practical angles to be emerged for a better perception by the periodical
constitution review and reforms .This is a dynamic approach for constructive politics . The hypocrisy
of the constitutional immutability by having the crutches of Anglo- Saxon Jurisprudence as an
instrument of status Quo through resisting radical innovation in the use of constitutional power set up
in the light of socio-economic policy to the aspirations of the liberated people of our nation .The basic
structure of our constitution as ‘Rule of law ‘ separation of power independence of judiciary
,uncertainty in law with the power of judicial review are the basic and essential feature of constitution
. The Indian judiciary is the guardian and protector of the rights and the liberty of people of India
since the constitution is regarded to be the supreme of all the institutions whether legislative
,executive ,and judiciary has to function under it in strict compliance of its provisions and as such the
needs form its review as to achieve a just social order is required to play a decisive role in the quest
for social justice .There is the need of expansion of the doctrine of locus standi and involvement of
the experts and voluntary organisations in judicial fact finding process, accountability of the people in
power and democratisation of the remedies available to them. We have to take the recourse the new
strategies new tools and new remedies to serve the goal of delivering the social justice which may
penetrate to the cause of poverty and exploitation and demolish them by reorganising social
,economic and political relations .The democratisation of judicial remedy as professed by Justice
Bhagwati requires the enforcement of fundamental rights in relation to the benevolent citizens as to
enforce the new remedies for their effective enforcement and for that purpose we have to renounce
these rights by dominant esteem of judicial creativity ,through enforceable fundamental duty to
maintain basic harmony of the constitution. Millions of the people of India belonging to deprived and
vulnerable sections of the humanity are looking it the constitution for improving their life conditions as
to make basic human rights more meaningful and enforceable unfortunately the preamble of our
constitution being the signature time for providing social and economic justice has not yet been
drafted as to provide the corrective process of executive errors removing the quality and
characteristics of political authority and to provide a curve over excessively political governance
which tends to destroy the delicate balance by the separation of power between its three basic
institutions. We find that 1% of wealthy people are having the control over 20%of urban wealth and
4%of top ,41%of the urban wealth as the sheer magnitude of the problem by demarcation between
the dishonest opportunist and the benevolent innocent and until the suitable restrictions are not being
enforced. There can not be the democratisation of judicial remedies.
The concept of crime in its socio-legal essence is in the contradictions of social development .Thus
the social prevention of the offences is required to aim in a society free from exploitation of man by
another man .This is required for economical potential which will lead from each according to his
need ‘by strengthening law and order .We may ensure consolidating civil discipline as the decisive
factor of unsuccessful construction .Criminal as being self contained are not isolated form the society
and creates problems of social consciousness and as such change the basic concept of directional
proposition on its mobile nature to the phenomenon of reality in respect of the enforceable duties
castled upon them. The approach is an essential condition for revealing an identification of the
activities relating to the essence of crime .Crime is a social phenomenon dealing with the global
problem but its identification with the individual connected with the criminal activities depend upon the
different approach relating to the disciplinary measurements and the degree of independence from
the society.
Any act is forbidden by law is an offence ,it is an unlawful act , a breach of law ,the classification
has further laid down the responsibility of such wrong doer as a criminal offence ,civil administrative
financial and other economical offence. In assessment of its ingredients with infringement ,the form of
anti social behaviour in accordance with its degree of guilt has to be taken into consideration as
affecting to the socio-economic and legal concept for the various social aspects can a criminal
having anti social behaviour with the emergence of individual negative qualities having no
responsibility and control over anti social phenomenon presupposes an appropriate judicial
qualification for the enforcement of his fundamental right. This will distort the picture for prevention of
the crime became it affects human destiny and provide an attack over moral fabric of the society. A
socially dangerous act is more dangerous than an individual act towards the objective aspect to
concrete omission which constitutes the corpus deliecti to regulate human behaviour. Thus the
fundamental rights which are considered to be invalidated for implementing the directive principles of
the state policy by introduction of Article 31-a,31-b and 31-c removing to some extent the veto of
Article 13 as being upheld in Keshvanand Bharti case should necessarily be restricted in respect of
its enforceability in favour of anti social criminals protection as a part enforceable fundamental duties
of others.
After the 42nd amendment Article 32-C was further amended by making the fundamental right s
conferred by Article 14 and 15 to the directive principles by giving prianacy over fundamental rights
may not be coming in the way as regarded violative of the basic structure of the constitution in
Minoura Mills case .
The recent judgement of seven judges of the Hon’ble Supreme court has upheld in L.Chandra Kumar
case (1997 (3) S.C.C 261)
Although the constitutional maker have enshrined the expression ‘procedure established by law ‘ in
determining the criteria whether the procedure is reasonable to the content of the enacted law but
the supreme court by introduction of the doctrine of reasonableness transparency and the principles
of proportionality apart from having the concept of natural justice embodied under Article 14 has
virtually introduced in the expression due process of law in Article 21 of our constitution ;then why not
such ideal laws enunciated in the opinion of the court may not be introduced as the measurement of
legal duties and responsibilities in the life of legal philosophy for the ethical constant consistent with
its frame work for a attending the ultimate set of social condition. The morality of the law in the pre
condition for the advancement of social set-up in the society .The end of all political association is the
conservation of the natural rights of the man. Thus the rights to rebellion against the dictatorial
existing structure of our constitution provides for orderly and peaceful change , which is pertinent in
this context .The next question as to be dealt with regarding imposition of the restriction through the
power of the parliament to modify the rights of the members of the armed forces in respect of the
restrictions abrogation under the garb of ensuring the proper discipline of duties has to be read in
respect of the enforceability of such rights of the anti social elements who is providing disintegration,
disassociation and disco-ordination amongst the citizens and whether such discipline is not required
for the governance of the nation and prosperity of the people as that of those who are assigned for
the protection of the unity and integrity of the nation they are being curtailed such fundamental rights
while those who are indulged in the anti national activities are getting protection through our
constitution .Constitution must correspond to definite social relation and the stage of social
development according to changing norms and value of the society .There must be substantial
change in the static and invariable constitutional classes as there is need for its renovation. The
constitution must replace by the new provisions reflecting the change conditions and the needs.
Duty to uphold and protect the unity and integrity of the nation as to render national resources and to
promote harmony against its citizen and to abjure the violence to rise with higher levels of endeavour
and achievement must be enshrined in the preamble of the constitution of India. The preamble is the
part of the constitution . There is the duty for preventing exploitation of one individual by other
individual .
‘ Socialism is based on each according to his ability to each according to the work ‘
There is no constraint responsiveness of the public opinion so that administration may be increasingly
diverse and meaningful .Democracy is not a slogan ,but rather striving to raise the level of social
justice to the individual. Socialism is something different from social justice. It is not the privilege
orientation to some individual ,but requires potential for upliftment of the society at large.
Slogan do not solve the problem. The ornamental democratic norms set-up by some individual
consisting of a body of 292 people representing the different constituent assemblies cannot fulfil the
ideals and aspirations of an individual citizen till there may not be enforceable duty governing to
others fundamental right in the pursuit to govern ,advance and prosperous nation. The potential
resources of our country are not vested in the privilege to its legislature ,but requires to
be invested to strengthen the ideological front based on the principle of equal opportunity and popular
sovereignty .The social order is essentially a system of class relating. The doctrinaire approach to
the problem of socialism and pragmatic view provided to enable the courts to learn more and more in
favour of nationalisation and state ownership,but unfortunately the same has resulted into our 240
public sectors governed by the central Govt. and 740 public sectors being owned by state Govt. as
money guzzles and the black whole in the economy of the nation. Let we should also have some
enforceable duty upon the propagator of the theory of socialism through representation to their
leaders as the economic justice would mean the development of more productive economy and
stability to eliminate the disparity in the economic status Every legal system is required for a living
society and thus our constitution must be alive .It is not merely the imprisonment of the past but it is
also the unfolding of the future. It demands the most flexible and imaginative adjustment for
harmonising the national and the social interest .It is a dynamic process in the function of the state
craft . Thus the constitution cannot be applied in disregard of the external circumstances. The
significance is vital , not formal ; it is to be gathered not simply by taking the words from the dictionary
, but by considering its origin and its utility .A constitution is the principles for an expending future.
The judicial approach should be dynamic rather than static pragmatic and not pedantic and elastic
rather than rigid . The courts instead of ascertaining the intent may now provide some meaning to the
constitutional clause by adopting ‘Due process of law’ and the attempt should have been made for
maintaining a delicate balance in between the due process and procedure established under the law
.The court while acting as sentinel on the quivive to protect fundamental right and the larger and
broader interest of society. In India the majority is not a political majority . The majority is born ; it is
not made .This is the difference between a communal majority and political majority and one should
destroy it .Until and unless this thing is not been done by the adequate safeguard provided to our
constitution, the oligarchic approach of our guardian ,the so called representative by the process of
the election that “Damn your safeguards ,we do not want to be ruled by you “, who are these people
there must be the much exposure to such people who are sceptical to public opinion and are only
interested to keep on the system based on no assessment of the responsibility through the periodical
assessment of the election by the communal majority in our parliamentarian system of democracy .
The intelligentsia of country feels that our electoral system and parliamentary form of the Govt. are
responsible to great extent to the political instability. Dissension , self interest ,moral degradation and
political conflict are spreading like a wild fire. The problem of bread and butter is accude but we
proudly claim that our country is progressing towards the materialism which is destined to fall soon .
The demeaned duties are accomplished by the human being of high calibre and not by the
representatives of communal majority under the garb of their so called socialism. The time is ripen for
its final phase . It is becoming chronic to maintain country’s integrity and unity . Some radical changes
are needed to maintain country’s prosperity , integrity and unity of the Nation
Need for Enforceable “Fundamental Duties “in the Constitution -as Coexistence to National
India -A country having a constitution on which galaxy of fundamental rights to its citizens is now
being ruled with governance through laissez faire , a policy with political set-up having co-ordination
with divisive forces for economic social and national oppression of the people at large where about
50% of the population are still illiterate after 50 years of independence. The people are enjoying the
fundamental right without any enforceable fundamental duties.
There are virtually no individual fundamental right except the right conferred under article 19 of the
constitution of India , rest are the fundamental duties of the state which are likely to be enforced for
the protection of its citizen. By the gradual advancement of the judicial activism , the basic
fundamental duties embodied in our constitution, have now been regarded as enforceable rights of
the citizen without taking into consideration as to whether the person , who is coming forward for
seeking the enforcement of such duties by the state , may actually deserve for such enforcement
under an equitable discretionary jurisdiction of the constitutional courts in India. This is a basic flow
in the process of judicial verdict . There is the need that the impact and implementation of the law
which is primarily concerned with a social science , may be able to achieve its objective the concept
and the guarantees enshrined under article 14 having two connotation ,i.e equality before the law
and the equal protection of the law are not the same phraseology, although they appears to serve a
common objective to eradicate the social evils of inequalities and discrimination. Thus Article 14
has a pervasive potency and a versatile quality, equilitarian in its soul, but allergic to discriminatory
dictates. It is well known that equality is anti-thesis to arbitrariness. Since the licence may not be
given to a blind man to drive a car, how worthwhile it may be to give the similar licence to a criminal
to do every sort of atrocities being committed by indulging into the crime of the innocent people.
There are inherent restrictions applicable for the enforcement of the individual personal right under
article 19, which empowers the state to enforce reasonable restriction on the exercise of the right of
the people in the interest of sovereignty , integrity of India security of the state, friendly relations with
foreign state , public order , decency or morality etc. including the incitement to an offence pertaining
to the reasonable restrictions regarding freedom of speech and expression , to assemble ,to form
associations and freedom to reside and move freely throughout the territory of India. By the
constitution (first amendment ) Act 1951 ,there have been further restrictions to practice any
profession , or to carry on any occupation, trade or business for professional or technical
qualification as well as carrying on any occupation , trade or business by the state and its
instrumentality to the exclusion , complete or partial , of citizens. Thus the question arises as to
whether there may not be a valid test of classification based on qualities or characteristics
necessarily coupled with the object of legislation based on intelligible differentia which has certain
nexus with the realities of the time to dealt with the law and order situation by providing necessary
restriction over the unchecked liberty granted to the individual detrimental to its integrity and
sovereignty for prohibition to avail the benefit of equality clause by taking the rescue for forbid
classification. . there cannot be any enforceable fundamental right to an individual for indulging in
anti national activities .Thus the verdict given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Minerva Mills limited
Vs union of India (1980 3 SCC 625 is required to be reviewed for effective enforcement of the duties
caste upon the citizen by passing through the test of “Form and Object” and “Pith and Substance” to
mould and replace by the test of “Direct and Inevitable” effect.
The farmer of constitution have miserably forgotten the basic and elementary principles of
jurisprudence and legal theory ;that “every night implies the forbearance on the part of others to
perform his duty . Every right is correlated and coexistent with duty “The preamble of our
constitution was not having the boosting prospects to its citizen of our constitution was not having
the boosting prospects to its citizens for resolving India as “Sovereign democratic republic and for
endeavour the unity of nation till 3rd January 1977.
These fundamental duties ten in number touch almost all important aspects of National life of an
individual life of an individual as well as nation . These are true Magna Carta by adopting an
adhering to which in our life . We can achieve the objective of an egalitarian society ,free from
corruption ,oppression , favouritism and nepotism . Each of these duties , when decoded and dilated
, will go to encompass , the various facet of human activity and behaviour ; a remedy to most evils
plaguing our society -an educational institution ; a public undertaking etc. The present day crisis is
the result of the phenomenon where tried to achieve right while forgetting corresponding duties as
reciprocal to fundamental rights . We may get rid of the despotic and corrupt tendencies of authority
in politics and administration having pressure groups ever hungry and lustful for privilege and power.
The chapter of fundamental duties in part (IV A under article 51 A has been introduced by our
constitution (Forty second amendment )Act ,1976(w.e.f 3.1.1977). The insertion of new Article 31C
i.e. saving of laws giving effect to certain directive principles , notwithstanding anything contained in
the article 13 , no law giving effect the policy of state towards securing the principles laid down in
part IV shall be deemed to be void on the ground that it is in consistent with or takes away or abridge
any of the right conferred under the Article 14 &19 of the constitution. The Supreme Court of Mineva
Mills Ltd. Vs Union of India (1980) 3 S.C.C page 625 has laid down the same as unconstitutional
holding “that it virtually tears away the hearts of basic fundamental freedom without which a free
democracy is impossible . This is a charter of class legislation”. The Article 31 D pertaining to “
saving of the law in respect of anti-national Activities” has already been omitted by the constitution
(Forty third amendment )Act 1977 w.e.f 13.4.1978. The other Article 39(f) providing “Protection to
children” by giving them opportunities and facilities in healthy manner and in conditions of freedom &
dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against moral and material abandonment” has
been inserted w.e.f. 3.1.1977. Equal justice and free legal aid for securing justice to economically
weaker classes and other disable down trodden citizens under Article 39 A is on account of 42 nd
constitutional amendment . The participation o workers in the management of industries and
protection and improvement of Environment and safeguarding of the forest in wild life under Article
43 A and 48 A respectively have also been inserted by virtue of 42nd constitutional
amendment,Act,1977 . We could not achieve to cherish the goal enshrined under Article 44 providing
uniform civil court for the citizens, Thus till the situation has not become alarming and the Govt . was
not compelled to impose the emergency, the farmer of the constitution have neither given any heed
for the insertion of the chapter of fundamental duties and directive policies for the uplift of the poor
worker ,children and other disabled person . It is certainly a matter of grade disappointment that till
date these fundamental duties and directive principles of state policy have still not been enforce as
that of the fundamental rights of the citizens ,The country may be ruled down by functioning anarchy
and oligarchy , but the prosperity ,integrity and solidarity ofd the nation is impossible without the
enforcement of the duties assigned to its citizens.
Constitution (Forty Fourth amendment )Act,1978 has provided another directive principle under
Article 38(1)&(2) that the state shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and
protecting a social order and to strive to minimise inequalities in income and endeavour to eliminate
inequalities in status facilities and opportunities not only amongst individuals , but also amongst
groups engaged in different vocations. How much reconciliation in practical implication of the ideals
promulgated through the aforesaid directive principle of state policy may be seen by a simple
instance that ion the state of Uttar Pradesh according to the minister of Parliamentarian affairs Mr.
Barkhoo Ram Verma , the state government was spending Rs 1,11,96,000/- per month on the Z-
plus security of few persons .This is a single point formula of our politician , the custodian of the
public trustee that now motivated for casting the vote bank in their favour. These directive principles
for welfare of the people and protecting social order to minimise inequalities in status and
opportunity may be good enough for theoretical purpose , but their enforcement is still a utopian
empire to achieve in our so called welfare of the state. Law must be change according to changing
circumstance is a means to an end . Law is only a part of human conduct and its character is its
purpose . Law is required to govern the society . Its purpose is its essential mark . The purpose is to
protect the interest of the society . The social impulses are the seldom to accord the selfish interest.
When the selfish interest clashes with social purposes it has to be suppressed through Iron hand .
Law is meant for our mean which is a social control , otherwise it will be lawless society. Every man
is under legal obligations to impact certain duties which are coexistent for social solidarity , otherwise
the idea of sovereignty is meaningless . Thus the essences of law is duty , not only rights to its
citizens. All the rights guaranteed in our constitution can very well be safeguarded and enforced
automatically if there are mandatory obligation caste upon the state and its citizens to endeavour ,
respect and obey certain fundamental duties. The reality is not in securing the rights , but to
discharge certain duties by its citizens, if the property of the Nation is required by its citizens.
Professor Laski says “Govt . by the judges would logically ,under is system be a final safeguard
,insurrection apart ,of the rule of law .Judges also may have their prejudices and limitations and that
may lead to judicial despotism. The centre of legal solidarity lies not in legislation , nor in jurist’s
science , nor in jurist’s decision ,but in society itself”. The first requirement of judiciary that it should
correspond with actual feeling and demand of the life . Unfortunately we are still upholding the
traditions of Anglo Saxon jurisprudence and resisting radical innovation in the use of judicial power to
promote social justice under our constitution. Justice which has always been the first virtue of any
civilised society is still required to be traced down the beating the sticks over the impressions left
behind by passing through a snake of alien power ruling over the nation . Such traditions having the
glimpse of slavery was least concerned with the relief to the litigants but continued to perform the
deception by making the litigant as specimen in the process of advancement of the judicial system
.There are conflicting decisions which were subsequently overruled but by that time the cause of the
litigant was decided on the wrong precedents.
We , the advocate could not even having the gut to renounce our black coat , which is reciprocal to
the drudgery and a painful reminder of the traditions maintained through our slave mentality in the
extremely warm environmental conditions of our country .We could not utilise our mother tongue in
the process of legal , medical and technical science as the translation to the language of
understanding to our citizen is still a task assigned to the future , But sill we can demonstrate with
pride our solidarity to the mother tongue . The religion which is required to be adopted for
maintaining a social condition is no more serving its objective and utility to the nation as the norms
of our society have already been extinguished by our non productive activities and thus we can
never give the prosperity , integrity and solidarity top our nation. Every one should now require to act
in such a manner that we may be able to coexist with perfection of general condition by
endeavouring the good wishes and brotherhood with freedom - a sum of total condition. This is
required to elevate our character , integrity and solidarity to the product of human resources and
thereby the growth of personality , only then the nation may survive from a complete disaster.
Review of Constitution
A body of 292 people representing the different constituent in the representative capacity can hardly
believe that their voice was the voice of people .The ideals and aspirations which has given courage
and inspiration for struggle during the British regime has been resultant for the enforceability of
fundamental rights without enforceable fundamental duty ,which remains absent upto 3.1.1977 till
Article 51-A was inserted in our constitution .The sentinel and custodian of public interest have
completely forbidden that our constitution has must correspond to definite social relations for
development of the country. The Constitutional provisions should adhere to the changing norms and
values of the society ,as such there was need for retrospection and renovation. The society is
surging forward to fulfil those ideals on which the country may progress. Duty to uphold and protect
unity and integrity of our nation and to render national service to promote harmony and to abjure
violence to rise with higher level of endeavour and achievement should be the primary consideration
to built up a nation. These duties include preventing exploitation and and the monarchy by the ruler.
Each according to his ability must be rewarded and assigned with the responsibility of work
Democracy is not a mere slogan. Democratic values be confirm by the people. The concept of
socialism is based on social justice where the “right to work” is an essential feature .Our constitution
has become static achieve such changing norms.
The president should be assigned with arduous task of combining the ceremonial office of
the head of the state with political head of the executive as the legislature ought to be trusted not be
make bad laws. Essence of common brotherhood amongst all Indian is the principle, which may give
unity and solidarity to the social life. Slogan do not solve the problem .The segmentation on the
basis of caste and religionist are anti national .Agreement on the essence of the principle had broken
down on each ideological front in our country. The ideological may lead to dictatorship form of
government as the opportunist in the politics may preach well for popular sovereignty .The
representative Govt. under the garb of conscious element imposes their vested political decision
guided and emanated with the centralised organisation to the party leadership .This ultimately
result in a special kind of representative Govt. where the political forces dominate the state.
The social order is essentially a system of class relating . The equality of all citizens is now replaced
by division into leaders. It deduces the idea of man’s dignity and freedom, the task of ensuring justice
and existence of harmonious relation amongst the citizens.
Economic justice would mean the development of more productive economy which may lift the Indian
people from extreme poverty to a level of living closer to the citizen of developed countries.
Socialistic pattern of the society means that the extreme of the wealth would be reduced and the
centres of the private power would be eliminated.
Justice Frank Rurter said “Every legal system for a living society even when embodied in a
written constitution must itself be alive .It is not merely the imprisonment of the past ,it is also the
unfolding of the future .A federal is most complicated and sublet .It demands the most flexible and
imaginative adjustment for harmonising national and local interest.
A dynamic process having its application to a function of statecraft. The Constitution cannot be
applied in disregard of the external circumstances in which men live and move aimed have their
being. Justice Homles said ‘the provisions of the constitution are not the mathematical formulas
having their essence in their form ; they are organic living institution. The significance is vital, not
formal ; it is to be gathered not simply by taking words from a dictionary , but by considering their
origin and the line of their growth .Justice Cardozo said ‘A constitution is the principle for an
expanding future’
The courts instead of ascertaining the intent which these men voice with respect to the
meaning of a constitutional clause in their own way , attempt to determine the intent which these men
would presumably have held ,had they foreseen what our present condition would be. The judicial
approach should be dynamic rather than static , pragmatic and not pedantic and elastic rather than
resist. It must take into consideration the changing trends of economic thought the temper of time
and the living aspirations and feeling of the people. The court while acting as sentinel on the qui-vive
to protect the fundamental rights must try to strike a just an balance between the fundamental rights
and the larger and broader interests of the society , so that when such a right clashes with the larger
interest of the country, It must heeled to the later. (Pathumand vs State of Kerala A.I.R 1978 S.C
page 771)
In India the majority is not a political majority . There is difference between communal
majority and a political majority . A political majority is not fixed , but it is the majority based on
conscience while the communal majority a permanent majority fixed in the attitude .One can destroy
it ,but he cannot transform it. The politicians have objections to the political majority in these words.
The immunity granted to the M.P’s under clause (2) of Article 105 and to the members of the
legislative assembly under article 194 (2)of the Constitution of India that they shall not be liable to
any proceeding in any court in respect of ‘ANYTHING SAID’ or ‘ANY VOTE GIVEN’ is providing
protection for entering into conspiracy for bribery and to commit the offence of violence for which
these representative claims to exercise the privilege for a charter for corruption. Since they are
public servants and there is no authority to remove an M.P. from his office in absence of such
authority competent to remove and to grant sanction under section 19(1) of prevention of corruption
act , 1988. The prosecuting agency dealing with JMM bribery case in respect of the offences under
section 7, 10,11, 13and 15 shall obtain permission of chairman of Rajya Sabha /speaker of Lok
Sabha and if they are not found competent authority to remove them , the president of India under
Article 103 is not competent to remove a M.P. from his office and thus in absence of requirement of
initiating proceedings in the court of the law , no prosecution under these provisions may be taken
against M.P under Prevention of Corruption Act. P.V. Narsimha Rao vs State (CBI/SPE)(1998)4 SCC
page 626)Similarly the designated court of Sri V.B Gupta Special Judge conducting the trial of
politicians involved in Hawala scam has acquitted all the accused persons as the evidence Act does
not recognise a document written in code words as admissible in evidence. This is pragmatic
approach where the justice is dependent upon rigmarole of technicalities and our profest socialistic
,secularists ,democratic parliamentarian set-up of our country. Justice Y. Venkatachalam observed “If
such acts and conducts on the part of Jaya Lalitha are allowed to continue , it will not only create
indelible stigma on the system of flourishing democracy, but will also bombard the entire economic
structure of our country” Erosion of credibility of judiciary in public mind may be the greatest threat
to the independence of the judiciary. Eternal vigilance by the judge to safe guard against any such
latent internal danger is therefore necessary lest we may suffer from self inflicted mortal wounds.
Authenticity of judicial process rest on public confidence and public confidence rest of legitimacy of
judicial process. Sources of the legitimacy is distinguished from subjective moods. Predilections
emotions and prejudices. Ultimately the judges have to suffer the consequences ofd injustice . In
Indramani and others vs Mitheshwari Prasad and others reported in J.T 1996 (9) S.C page 135. The
Hon’ble Supreme Court after recording regrettable circumstances has deprecate certain behaviour
undermining judicial discipline of our Hon’ble court while in state of Rajasthan vs Prakash Chandra
(1998) 1 S.C.C Page1 , the Hon’ble Supreme court has again depredated the lake of judicial
restraint and abuse of judicial authority by disparaging and derogatory remarks by insinuation
through reckless and irresponsibly discipline against judicial flavour and judicious propriety of puisne
Judge of Rajasthan High Court. Still the judicial process cannot be abused to perpetuate such
illegalities for which a totalitarian regime having dangerous consequences regarding rule of conduct
has to be vanished. Mr. L.K. Advani said in the legal aid orientation ; Indian judiciary instead of being
solution has become a problem itself , while Jethamalani in another context has observed that the
judges at the highest level were involved in lesser pursuit of propping unworthy appointment of
bench while Mr. Mulayam Singh expressed that there should be adequate representation of judges
on the caste basis. Whether this is pragmatic approach into the matter which is based on the great
ideals to our super entrepreneurial spirit of cultural heritage and intellectual potential ? The virtue of
humanity in the judges and a constraint awareness and investment of power in them is meant for
use in public interest and to uphold the majesty of rule of law , which would to large extent ensure
self restraint in discharge of judicial and our constitution of India.
Justice is virtue
Sun flower
Whether thy strength been confined,
Which was accumulated through out the night;
Yours scorching heat and it’s stroke,
Was faced by “Brave flower” during daytime;
Imagine thy the extend of severe pain,
You gave to him by rising from the east, “o” sun;
By making the attack from the backside,
An attempt to deceive likes a cowardice friend,
But still then such excessive below,
Could not burnt the patels of thy delicate flower,
Who may visualized thy pain “o” sunflower;
Life struggle
Defeating me in thy race of life,
You were feeling much happy;
But when you proceeded a little further,
You found many ahead of yours;
Then you started waiting for me,
As I may conquer you once again;
But I always remaining standstill,
Got thy people running and running;
To an unknown path leading no where,
Seldom trailing in thy everlasting race;
Realizing sadness and happiness at times,
Now you started waiting lying beneath the tree;
In expectations as I started conquering you,
But I remained myself standstill and calm;
While instigated other for getting up to run,
Thereafter given them an everlasting sleep;
Now by retreating back from the beginning,
You may realize the truth and identify me;
journey of life
Passengers travelling inside the Bus,
Children perturbed, young disturbed;
But the old people are waiting,
In order to reach their destination;
Children are seeing those vehicles,
Which have been punctured on its routes;
Watching them changing their wheel,
Laughing and enjoying innocently like a fool;
Younger is busy in searching individuals,
Carrying the worry identical to their own;
But the old people are waiting hopelessly,
In order to get the completion of their journey;
Starting point
I got my object of life at the same point,
Where I have given up the same;
In the same passage of darkness,
Which are still containing inside my memories;
I instigated the other to make a search,
To know the substance of their life;
In brightness amongst the gospel truth,
But ultimately I got it in the droplet of water;
Upon the cheeks of the labour, hard work and struggle,
In the rising sun and midst of the steam of river;
In my childhood, my teacher taught it to me in the classroom that “What ever you do; Do with
your might; that is the way to be healthy, wealthy, and wise”. Subsequently, there after my father told
me just few months before his death when I completed my 18 years of age that “Thou thy path be dark
as sky; There is a star, thy path to guide, So trust in god and do the right “.
By the gradual process of up and downs in my life, I could have been able to learn through my
experiences that what we may be able to get through the grace of god are not the scattered love, nor
the success and wealth but the knowledge. Thus I have started worshipping the almighty with the
following prayer. O, gods to thee I pray increase my knowledge day by day. It is only now after
attending the respectful command amongst the members of the Bar and Bench that I have started
thinking that all these notions in my life are based on the correct foundations. This is my firm
determination that what ever I may be able to achieve in my life that will be dependent on the out
come of my efforts on these guidelines and none else. Notwithstanding, there are the fluctuations in
the formation of these notions, which provides me a sense of mental agony, frustration and
disappointments in life. There is the profound bleeding at my heart on the psychologically region
which seldom gives me an effect of chafing of the wound before it can be healed. This is the painful
reminder of the lost empire, which was built on solid foundation. It is gradually obliterating.
The plights of such advocates are remarkable in respect to their struggle, for
which nobody is to support them. These advocates are put to the disadvantageous position in their
struggle for existence. They are not having the shelter to protect their head nor any guardian to guide
them. There is no sympathy with these advocates, who have settled from outsides. Since, the
adversities are the touchstone of brave mind, they keep on doing the struggle and by the passage of
time, they may enjoy a respectable position at Bar. The crucial conditions are still having their
predominating conditions in the legal profession. This is on account of their non- adaptability in the
profession by such fundamentalist elements, which provide the top priorities to the conservative
approach instead of liberal out look towards them. There is the negligent proportionate of
representations in the elevation prospects as the members of the Bench. The names are
recommended on the advises of the senior judges. Thus the predominating factors in the orthodox
Indian society are seen on floor of choice. The unfortunate newcomer from the outside, who have the
better experiences towards the problems of life, are put to the disadvantageous situation in the matter
of their selection. This is the hard reality of the day after the changes in the selection procedure by
the judgement of the Apex court. This is the cause of the resentment of the large members of Bar
Justice is a virtue, which transcends all barriers in the way of administration of justice. This is the
acknowledged position of law that no party can be forced to suffer for the inaction or omission on the
part of law enforcement agencies and whosoever he may be strong. Every decision will be passed
according to the procedure established by law. Thus the law has to bend before justice. No court can
restore the broken heart of the justice and he should provide such protection, which is necessary for
them like dutiful parents. The decision may not be repugnant to the normal concept and the basic unit
of the society may not be allowed to be influenced by immorality. Thus the ultimate responsibility is
by enunciating the foundation of a system on which administration of justice may get
the public confidence in our judicial system.
The just and social duty is cast upon the legal profession. This is possible by the conduct
and action of the people associated with legal profession by obliterating
the inequalities as uneducated and exploited mass of the people may get a helping hand. What is
legally due is to serve the duty and it is not worthwhile for an Advocate to become the spokesman of
the litigant irrespective of the fact whether his cause is meant for sponsoring the justice to the society
at large. The conduct anticipated in this manner is befitting from his status by upholding the high and
honorable profession. There are the high expectations from, and advocate, which is fair, reasonable
and according to law.
There is the gradual decay of the above noted standard and the participation in the legal
process, which should have been conducted completely flawlessly, and foolproof, they are picking
out the lapses by expressing unsavory criticism. The consistency is now been considered as no
virtue and the obligation of judicial conscience, which was meant to correct the error is manifesting
like uncontrolled epidemic. This is the reason why the legal profession is not been accepted as a
noble profession.
The proceedings are dependent upon the remedies available under the law. Every act of
statutory body which must have been exercised by keeping the purpose and objective meant for
enshrine the statutory power with the authority should have been exercised by keeping the object of
such power which is meant by the statute and not with other extraneous consideration, otherwise the
fraud will be perpetuated and the faith and belief shall not be subjected to any judicial scrutiny. Thus
an accountability is must whenever as wrong is corrected. Some time in such matter of adjudicating
without any valid cause, the court unwittingly becomes party to the miscarriage of justice. The
judiciary is an ultimate interpreter of the constitution, which is assigned with a duty of the delicate
task ensuring that the action of the authorities vested with the statutory power may not breach or
transgress its limit.
The credibility of the judicial institution is founded upon the faith of the common man in its
proper functioning. The faith would be eroded and the confidence destroyed if the officials deployed
with statutory duties may start acting subjectively and not objectively. Society expects honesty and
integrity and thus the official must be taught to act fairly, unbiased and impartially. The purpose of the
court is to see that the society does not loose confidence and as such the court itself may not
consider themselves that they are above the law. In appropriate cases even the court may find to pull
down the shutters of adjudicatory jurisdiction before a party if his conduct is not subjected to be
entertained against the so called grievances which is not genuine. The exercise of judicial discretion
is founded on the well recognized principles established by law . The menace of frivolous litigation
may not be permitted to be hidden under the rigmarole of legal technicalities. The realities of the life
have to be kept in mind while appreciating the evidence. The court is not oblige to make efforts to
protect the guilty of polluting society and man kind. Thus in exercise of the constitutional power of
the High court, the endeavor should have not been given for impairing the cause of justice by the
court itself. The legal profession of an advocate is certainly having certain professional obligation,
which are distinguishing from the business commitments. Thus if the court may not participate in the
activities of providing justice at large, it is not permissible to get the injustice permitted by it by
entertaining the frivolous litigation and to make them burden some to a common people.
Rectification of an order thus stems from the fundamental principles that justice is above
all. It is exercised to remove the error and not for disturbing finality. Neither the rules of procedure
nor technicalities of law can stand in its way. The order of the court should not be prejudicial to
anyone. Rule of stare decisis is adhered for consistency but it is not as inflexible in administrative
law as in public law. Even the law bends before justice. Entire concept of writ jurisdiction exercised
by the higher courts is founded on equity and fairness. If the court finds that the order was passed
under a mistake and it would not have exercised the jurisdiction. The erroneous assumption that in
fact did not exist and its perpetration shall result in miscarriage of justice then it cannot on any
principle be precluded from rectifying the error. Mistake is accepted as valid to recall an order.
The foundation of the judiciary is the trust and the confidence of the people in its ability
to deliver fearless and impartial justice and as such no action can be permitted which may shake the
very foundation itself. The rule of law is the foundation of a democratic society. The judiciary is the
guardian of the rule of law and if the judiciary is to perform its duties and functions effectively and
remain true to the spirit with which it is sacredly entrusted, the dignity and authority of the courts has
to be respected and protected at all costs.
Justice is supreme and justice ought to be beneficial for the society so that the society is
placed in a better-off situation. Law courts exist for the society and ought to rise up to the occasion to
do the needful in the matter, and as such ought to act in a manner so as to sub serve the basic
requirement of the society. It is a requirement of the society and the law must respond to its need.
Judicial discretion cannot be guided by expediency. Courts are not free from statutory fetters. Justice
is to be rendered in accordance with law. Judges are not entitled to exercise discretion wearing the
robes of judicial discretion and pass orders based solely on their personal predilections and peculiar
dispositions. Judicial discretion wherever it is required to be exercised has to be in accordance with
law and set legal principles. Judicial function cannot and should not be permitted to be stonewalled
by browbeating or bullying methodology, whether it is by litigants or by counsel. Judicial process
must run its even course unbridled by any boycott call of the Bar, or tactics of filibuster adopted by
any member thereof.
Justice means justice between both the parties. The interests of justice equally demand that
the guilty should be punished and that technicalities and irregularities that do not occasion failure of
justice are not allowed defeating the ends of justice. Principles of natural justice are but the means
to achieve the ends of justice. They can not be perverted to achieve the very opposite end. That
would be a counter-productive exercise. Law is a living organism and its utility depends on its
vitality and ability to serve as sustaining pillar of society. Contours of law in an evolving society must
constantly keep changing as civilization and culture advances. The customs and mores must
undergo change with the march of time. Justice to the individual is one of the highest interests of the
democratic State. Judiciary can not protect the interests of the common man unless it would
redefine the protections of the constitution and the common law. If law is to adapt itself to the needs
of the changing society, it must be
flexible and adaptable. Law is a social engineering and an instrument of social change evolved by a
gradual and continuous process. History and customs, utility and the accepted standards of right
conduct are the dorms which singly or is combination shall be the progress of law. Law is the
manifestation of principles of justice, equity and good conscience. Rule of law should establish a
uniform pattern for harmonious existence in a society where every individual would exercise his
rights to his best advantage to achieve excellence, subject to protective discrimination. The best
advantage of one person could be the worst disadvantage to another. Law steps ion to iron out such
creases and ensures equality of protection to individuals as well as group liberties. Man’s status is a
creature of substantive as well as procedural law to which legal incidents would attach. Justice,
equality and fraternity are trinity for social and economic equality.
Law is the foundation on which the potential of the society stands. Law is an instrument for social
change as also defender for social change.
The power of judicial review of the executive and legislative action must be kept within the
bounds of constitutional scheme. There may not be any occasion to entertain misgivings about the
role of judiciary in outstripping its limit by unwarranted judicial activism being very often talked of in
these days. The democratic set-up to which the policy is so deeply committed cannot function
properly unless each of the three organs appreciate the need for mutual respect and supremacy in
their respective fields. When the misuse is within tolerable limits, no uproar is heard, no media
publication is seen. But when the magnitude of misuse assumes a menacing proportion, outburst of
various types becomes noticeable and then a scam surfaces.
A lawyer owes a duty to be fair to his client, but also to the court as well as to the opposite
party in the conduct of the case. Administration of justice is a stream, which has to be kept pure and
clean. It has to be kept unpolluted. Administration of justice is not something, which concerns the
Bench only. It concerns the Bar as well. The Bar is the principal ground for recruiting Judges. No
one should be able to raise a finger about the conduct of a lawyer. While conducting the case he
functions as an officer of the court.
The legal profession is a solemn and serious occupation. It is a noble calling and all those
who belong to it are its honourable members. Although the entry to the profession can be had by
acquiring merely the qualification of technical competence, the honour as a professional has to be
maintained by its members by their exemplary conduct both in and outside the court. The legal
profession is different from other profession in that what the lawyers do, affects not only an
individual, but the administration of justice which is the foundation of the civilized society. Both as a
leading member of the intelligentsia of the society and as a responsible citizen, the lawyer has to
conduct himself as a model for others both in his professional and in his private and public life. The
society has a right to expect of him such ideal behavior”….If the profession is to survive, the judicial
system has to be vitalized. No service will be too small in making the system efficient, effective and
It is fundamental that if rule of law is to have any meaning and content, the authority of the
court or a statutory authority and the confidence of the public in them should not be allowed to be
shaken, diluted or undermined. The courts of justice and all tribunals exercising judicial functions
from the highest to the lowest are by their
constitution entrusted with functions directly connected with the administration of justice. It is that
expectation and confidence of all those, who have or are likely to have business in that court or
tribunal, which should be maintained so that the court/tribunal perform all their functions on a higher
level of rectitude without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.
The Judges are participants in the living stream of national life, steering the law between
the dangers of rigidity on the one and formlessness on the other hand in the seemless web of life.
The great tides and currents which engulf the rest of the men do not turn aside in their course and
pass the judges idly by law should sub serve social purpose. Judge must be a jurist endowed with
the legislator’s wisdom, historian’s search for truth, prophet’s vision, capacity to respond to the needs
of the present, resilience to cope with the demands of the future and to decide objectively
disengaging himself/herself from every personal influence or predilections. Therefore, the judges
should adopt purposive interpretation of the dynamic concepts of the constitution and the Act with its
interpretative armory to articulate the felt necessities of the time. The judge must also bear in mind
that social legislation is not a document for fastidious dialects but a means of ordering the life of the
people. To construe law one must enter into its spirit, its setting and history. Law should be capable
of expanding freedom of the people and the legal order can, weighed with utmost equal care, be
made to provide the underpinning of the highly inequitable social order. The power of judicial review
must, therefore, be exercised with insight into social values to supplement the changing social
The Judge can not retain his earlier passive judicial role when he administers the law under
the Constitution to give effect to the constitutional ideals. The extraordinary complexity of modern
litigation requires him not merely to declare the rights to citizens but also to mould the relief
warranted under given facts and circumstances and often command the executive and other
agencies to enforce and give effect to the order, writ or direction or prohibit them to do
unconstitutional acts. In this ongoing complex of adjudicatory process, the role of the judge is not
merely to interpret the law but also to lay new norms of law and to mould the law to suit the changing
social and economic scenario to make the ideals enshrined in the Constitution meaningful and a
reality…. The society demands active judicial roles, which formerly were considered exceptional but
now a routine. The Judge must act independently, if he is to perform the functions as expected of
him and he must feel secure that such action of his will not lead to his own downfall”.
The legal history pertaining to exercise of the power in India starts from the time of 1773 when
the British parliament passed the Regulating Act which be came an important mile stone in the
constitutional history of India. The Regulating Act set up a government of Bengal consisting of a
governor-general and four Councillors in whom was vested the whole civil and military Government of
the Presidency of Bengal and also the government and the territorial acquisitions and revenues in the
kingdoms of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. The Presidents and Councils of Bombay and Madras were to
be subordinate to the Governor- General and Council who were made the supreme Government in
The victory lord civil in the battle of plassey in 1757 laid down the foundations of the
British empire and thereafter the year of 1765 has been considered to be a turning point in Anglo-
Indian history providing the territorial sovereignty be the East India company. Since the regulating Act
has provided the jurisdiction to set up a Supreme Court in Bengal, which was consisting of a
Governor- General and four councillors vested with the power of civil and military Govt, the
jurisdiction conferred to the Supreme Court in Bengal was extended to all British subjects. Thus the
power given to the Governor- General and his council to move and issue Rules, ordinance civil Govt.
of the presidency of Bengal in 1781 there were many changes in regulating Act by issuance of Act of
settlement and the same clarified that what law has to be administered by the Supreme Court. By the
pits India Act, the Governor- General was vested with the power of superintendence, control and
directions of the presidencies of Bengal, Bombay. Madras which were sub- ordinate to the Governor-
General but there was dual control of the committee of the secretary of England. Over- Governor-
General which continued up to 1850 when the Govt. of India was taken over by the British Govt. from
the company. The charters Act, 1813, of the year of1833 and the year of1853 created a separate
legislative council consisting of 12 members win of includes the Governor- General. The commander
in Chief, four members of the council and six legislative members of whom two were English judges of
Calcutta Supreme Court and four officials appointed by the local govt. of Madras, Bombay, Bengal
and Agra. The Governor- General of India.
The Govt of India Act, 1858 had abolished the power of the board of control and the court
of direction which were transferred to the secretary of the state and his council consisting of 15
members, Thereafter the Indian councils Act in 1861, 1892 and in 1909 known as Minto Morley reform
were introduced: creasing the members up to sixty for additional members of Governor- general
council fifty members were for Madras, Bengal. U.P., Bombay, Bihar and Orissa while thirty members
were from Punjab, Burma & Assam. Thus the imperial legislative council was to consist of 37 officials
and 23 non- officials.
Since the people were dissatisfied with the reform of 1909, Mr. Montagu the new secretary for the
state of India made certain reforms for increasing association of Indians in self Govt. with a view to
the progressive realisation of responsible Govt. in India as an integral past of British empire.
However, the Govt. of India, Act, 1919 provided a great land mark in the constitutional development
and the aforesaid Act set up a bicarmesal legislative consisting of two houses as council of state and
control legislative Assembly with a life span of five years and there years respectively. This Act
provided for two lists of subjects as to get uniformity in legislation was necessary and desirable. Thus
the control list and provincial list were given while the residuary subjects were divided pet were
control and provinces ultimately the Govt. of India Act- 1935 has provided the federal legislature
which was consisting of federal Assembly and the council for the state. This Act provided for the
establishment of the federal court of India with the jurisdiction over the provinces and the state
consisting of a Chief justice and two puisne judges. However the last word regarding interpretation of
the legislative within the spear reserved for them was to be said by the privy council sitting in London.
The Indian Independence Act, 1947 provided that until a new constitution in framed, the
Act made by the existing constituent Assembly, exercising all such powers which were formally
exercised by control legislative were given additional power regarding the framing of new constitution.
The constituent Assembly met on Dec. 9, 1946 and 4 Dec. 1946 Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as
the permanent Chairman of the constituent Assembly. The constitution was adopted by the constituent
Assembly on Nov. 26, 1949 and come in to force on Jan. 26, 1950. However a referendum which
should have been held and the constitution should have been referred to the people of India for their
approval was not been done. However it is said that the constitution should have it’s roots, it’s
authority, its sovereignty from the people which has not been done. Thus prior to the coming in to
force of the constitution, the High Court of Madras, Bombay and Calcutta had the power to issue
certain prerogative writs will in their original civil jurisdiction prior to the amendment of 1963, the High
Court were given power to issue a writ within its territorial jurisdiction but the power was conferred
after the amendment of 1963 to empower the High Court for issuance of a writ in which a cause of
action has arisla within its territorial jurisdiction even if the Govt. of the authority again whom the writ
is issued is not within its territorial jurisdiction.
Democracy is impossible without the effective participation of citizens which involves the creation of
certain conditions facilitating such participation. Civil education of citizens, leadership training and
inculcation of morals and values in them are necessary for a sound democratic system.
Different meanings have been given to the term ‘Republic’ by various writers. According to jellinek, a
Republic is a Government not by a single person but by a collegial organisation more or less
numerous. The view of Madison is that a Republic “is a government which derives its powers directly
or indirectly from the great body of the people and is administered by persons holding their offices
during pleasure, for limited period or during good behaviour. It is essential to such a government that
it be derived from the great body of the society, not from any portion, or a favoured class”. According
to Justice Cooley, “By the republican form of government is understood a government by
representatives chosen by the people or community as an organised whole wield sovereign powers of
Government and, on the othe(F)
The doctrine of judicial review is a special characteristic of the Indian constitution. This doctrine
means that the courts have the power to scrutinise laws and executive acts and test their conformity
with the constitution and strike them down if they are found to be inconsistent with it. Article 13 (2) of
the constitution. Article 124 (6) enjoins a judge of the supreme court to faithfully abide by his oath or
affirmation to uphold the constitution.
It is therefore the duty of the supreme court to protect the fundamental rights against any
encroachment or infringement by the state. The power of judicial review is necessary in a federal
system because there is the necessity to decide in a dispute between the centre and the units with
regard to the scope of the powers granted to them by the constitution.
The constitution of the United states does not expressly confer the power of judicial review on
the courts. The Supreme Court of the united states assumed this power to itself. It was Chief Justice
Marshall who emphatically asserted this great power for the first time in the famous case of Marbury
vs Madison1Cranch137:2Led60(1803). It was held in that case that it was the duty of the Supreme
Court to declare a statute void if it was repugnant to the constitution. The Indian constitution is unique
as it expressly confers the power of judicial review on the Supreme Court of India and the High Court.
Judicial review is frequently resented because both the legislatures and the executive
assert that vital questions of public policy ought to be determined not in the cloistered atmosphere of
the Supreme Court or of the High Court but on the floors of the parliament or state legislatures. There
is always the possibility of the abuse of the power of judicial review and social welfare legislation
passed by a progressive legislature might be set aside as unconstitutional by a conservative judiciary.
In spite of that, the framers of the Indian constitution provided for judicial review. On the whole, the
system has worked well. The Supreme Court has exercised its power of judicial review with restraint.
Separation of powers
Unlike the united states, the doctrine of separation of powers in its rigid form is not to be found in the
Indian constitution. In the united states, all legislative power is “vested” in the president and the
judicial power is “vested” in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as congress may from time
to establish.
In a lecture delivered on August 21, 1976, Sardar Swaran Singh observed: “By inserting
the word ‘Socialist’, it is intended to give a positive direction to the Government in formulating its
policies. The objective of social and economic justice and its fulfilment are basic to bring about far-
reaching socio-economic changes to which we stand committed. The place of primacy that is now
proposed should be given to the Directive Principle of state policy; our fundamental rights will enable
acceleration of the pace. In his inaugural address delivered at the convention of constitutional
Amendments in New Delhi on October 16, 1976,
In state of Kerala v. R Jacob Mathew, it was held that Ezhavas, Muslims and Latin catholic inclusive of
Anglo-Indians in the state of Kerala constitute “socially and educationally backward classes of
citizens” within the meaning of Article 15 (4) and reservation of seats for them by the state of Kerala’s
order dated June 7, 1963 in the Medical Colleges in the state cannot be considered as a violation of
Article 14 of the constitution
instrumentality or agency of the Government
In R.D. Shetty v. International Airport Authority of India, the Supreme Court held that the International
Airport Authority of India was a state within the meaning of Article 12. The Supreme Court laid down
the following criteria to determine whether a corporation was the instrumentality or agency of the
Government or not;
1. If the entire share capital of the corporation is held by the Government, it goes a long way
towards indicating that the corporation is an instrumentality or authority of the Government.
2. Where the financial assistance of the state is so much as to meet almost entire expenditure of the
corporation, it affords some indication of the corporation being impregnated with Government
3. Where the corporation enjoys monopoly status which is state conferred or state protected.
4. Existence of deep and pervasive state control may afford an indication that the corporation is a
state agency or instrumentality.
5. If the functions of the corporation are of public importance and closely related to Government
functions, it is a relevant factor in classifying a corporation as an instrumentality or agency of
6. If a Department of Government is transferred to a corporation, it is a strong factor supporting the
inference that the corporation is an instrumentality or agency of the Government.
. Secularism
Secularism is not anti- God or atheism. The state in a free society has to refrain from interfering with
matters which are religious, that is, non- secular matters except to the extent that such interference is
justified on the ground of public interest interest and the general good. Such a state guarantees
individual and corporate religious freedom and deals with an individual as its citizen irrespective of
his faith and religious belief. The state is not connected with any particular religion. what we mean by
secularism is that we “have respect for all religious and equal respect for all. Respect for religion
does not depend on the number of the people that follow the religion. All religions in this country,
however small their strength may be, have the same status and same prestige and same support from
the state.” on the same occasion, Union Law Minister H.R. Gokhale defined the concept of secularism
in these words: “There will be freedom liberty of faith and worship; whatever religion you belong to, is
all what you mean by secularism. All that does mean is that the state will not have anything to do as a
state with any religion except to treat every religion equally, but the state will not have any foundation
of religion.”
The concept of fraternity was borrowed from the French constitution. Fraternity means a sense of
common brotherhood of all Indians. It is the reciprocal affection which inclines man to do unto others
as he would that others would do unto him. It is the principle which gives unity and solidarity to social
life. It may be difficult to achieve, but without it both liberty and equality will be no deeper than coats
of paints. It is necessary to cultivate a feeling of fraternity among the people if India is to survive as a
nation. While dealing with the duties of man, Mazzini wrote thus:-
“All privilege is violation of equality. All arbitrary rule is violation of liberty. Every act of egotism is a
violation of fraternity.”
Ambit power and jurisdiction to issue a writ under Article 226
The writ of certiorari lies only to remove and adjudicate upon the validity of judicial Acts
and the expression judicial Act may include quasi judicial functions. The same is issued on the ground
of want of jurisdiction or excess of jurisdiction or failure to exercise jurisdiction, violation of procedure
or disregard of principle of natural justice and error of law apparent on the face of the record. The writ
of prohibition is distinct in as much as it is issued of the different stage of proceedings. The person
against whom proceedings were taken can move the High Court for binding the interior Court or the
tribunal for continuing the proceedings. Thus the prohibition is for arresting the further continuance of
the proceedings while the writ of certiorari is a writ for quashing after the authorities have terminated
in a final decision. The writ of mandamus is derived from the Latin word “we command” and the same
is issued to enforce a legal right to compel the respondent to do the performance of some duty of a
public nature created by the provisions of the constitution of a statute or some rule of common law or
restrain from doing something contrary to it. A writ of mandamus is thus a writ as a rule which is
dependant up on the discretion of the Court to substitute it’s wisdom or discretion for that of the
person to whom the judgement in the mates: a question was entrusted by law. The writ of quo-
warranto is to prevent a person who has wrongfully usurped an office from continuing in that office
and the writ calls upon the under of the office to show to the Court under what authority he holds the
The writ of habeas corpus has been rightly considered for enforcement to its object of speedy
release by judicial decree of a person or persons who is or illegally restrained and thus it is an
essentially a procedural writ. The distinction is now clear that while the writ of certiorari may be issued
by the High Court requiring that the record of the proceeding which have been terminated in a final
decision is some cause or matter pending be fore an inferior cause should be transmitted to the
superior Court to be dealt with there while the writ of prohibition is primarily supervisory and the
object of that writ is to restrain the court /tribunal from exercising a jurisdiction which is not vested with
then and to prevent them from exceeding the units of their jurisdiction. The writ of quo- warrento is
issued to have an inquiry as to the legal authority of a person occupying an office while the habeas
corpus is a highly privileged writ to enforce Fundamental Rights in the Indian personal liberty.
law made void (Article 13)
In article 13, the term “law” includes any ordinance, order, bye- law, rule, regulation, notification,
custom or usage having in the territory of India the force of law. The term “law in force” includes laws
passed or made by a legislature or other competent authority in the territory of India before the
commencement of the constitution and not previously repealed, notwithstanding that any such law or
any part there of may not be then in operation either at all or in particular areas. Nothing in Article 13
shall apply to any amendment of the constitution made under Article 368.
In state of Madras v. V.G. Row AIR 1952 SC 196. Chief justice Patanjali Sastri wrote: “Our constitution
contains express provisions for judicial review of legislation as to its conformity with the constitution,
unlike in America where the Supreme Court has assumed extensive powers of reviewing legislative
Acts under cover of the widely interpreted ‘due process’ clause in the Fifth and Fourteenth
Amendments. If then, the courts in this country face up to such important and none too easy task, it is
not out of any desire to tilt at legislative authority in a crusader’s spirit, but in discharge of duty plainly
laid upon them by the constitution. This is specially true as regards the fundamental rights as to
which this court has been assigned the role of sentinel on the qui vive”.
In Kesavananda Bharati v. state of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 255: AIR 1973 SC 1461. Khanna, J. made
the following observation: “Judicial review has thus become an integral part of our constitutional
system and a power has been vested in the High Courts and the Supreme Court to decide about the
constitutional validity of the provisions of the statutes. If the provisions of the statutes are found to be
violative of any Article of the constitution which is the touchstone for the validity of all laws, the
supreme Court and the High Courts are empowered to strike down the said provisions.” As a matter of
fact, the power of judicial review was held to be one of the basic features of the Indian constitution.
Article 13 (1) cannot be read as obliterating the entire operation of the inconsistent laws, or to wipe
them out altogether from the statute book for to do so will be to give them retrospective effect which,
we have said, they do not possess. Such laws exist for all past transactions and for enforcing all
rights and liabilities accrued before the date of the constitution. Keshavan Madhav Menon v. state of
Bombay, AIR 1951 SC 128:
In Ramesh Thappar v. state of Madras, AIR 1957 SC 628: the Supreme Court observed, “Where a law
purports to authorise the imposition of restrictions on a fundamental right in language wide enough to
cover restrictions, both within and without the limits provided by the constitution.
Where it is not possible to separate the two, the whole law is to be struck down. So long as the
possibility of its being applied for purposes not sanctioned by the constitution cannot be ruled out, it
must be held to be wholly void.”
The Supreme Court has laid down the following rules with regard to the doctrine of severability:
1. In deciding whether parts of a statute are separable from the invalid part, it is the intention of the
legislature that is the determining factor. The test to be applied is whether the legislature would
have enacted the valid part if it had known that the rest of the statute was invalid.
2. If the valid and invalid provisions are so inextricably mixed up that they cannot be separated from
one another, the invalidity of a portion must result in the invalidity of the whole. if after striking out
what is invalid, what remains is in itself a complete code independent of the rest, it will be upheld
notwithstanding that the rest has become unenforceable.
3. Even when the provisions which are valid are distinct and separate from those which are invalid,
if, they all form part of a single scheme which is intended to be operative as a whole, the invalidity
of a part will result in the failure of the whole.
4. When the valid and invalid parts of an Act are independent and do not form part of a scheme but
what is left after omitting the invalid portion is so thin and truncated as to be in substance different
from what it was when it emerged out of the legislature, then also it will be rejected in its entirety.
5. The supportability of the valid and invalid provisions of an Act does not depend on whether the law
is enacted in the same section or in different sections. it is not the form but the substance of the
matter that is material and that has to be ascertained on the relevant provisions therein.
6. If after the invalid portion is expunged from the Act what remains cannot be enforced without
making alterations and modifications therein, then the whole of it must be struck down as void as
otherwise it will amount to judicial legislation.
7. In determining the legislative intent on the question of separability, it is legitimate to take into
account the history of the legislation, its object, the title and the preamble to it.
In Mahendra Lal Jaini v. state of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1955 SC 781: the Supreme Court held that the
application of the doctrine of eclipse arises from the inherent difference between Article 13 (1) and
Article 13 (2) arising from the fact that one is dealing with pre- Constitution laws and the other is
dealing with the post- Constitution laws. In one case the laws being not stillborn, the doctrine of
eclipse will apply. In the other case, the laws being stillborn, there will be no scope for the application
of the doctrine of eclipse.
In Basheshar Nath v. Commissioner of Income Tax, Delhi. AIR 1959 SC 149. the petitioner whose
case was referred to the income Tax Investigation Commissioner under Section 5 (1) of the Act was
found to have concealed large amounts of income. He entered into a settlement with the Department
and agreed to pay in 1954 Rs 3 lacs in monthly instalments by way of arrears of tax and penalty. In
1955, the Supreme Court in Muthiah v. Income Tax Commissioner AIR 1956 SC 269. held that Section
5 (1) was ultra vires of Article 14.
A Quasi - judicial function differs from a purely judicial function in the following respects;
(i)A quasi-judicial authority has some of the trappings of a court, but not all of them; nevertheless
there is an obligation to act judicially.
(ii)A lis inter parties is an essential characteristic of a judicial function, but this may not be true of a
quasi-judicial function.
(iii) A Court is bound by the rules of evidence and procedure while a quasi- judicial authority is not.
(iv) A court is bound by precedents, a quasi- judicial authority is not.
(v) A court can not be a Judge in its own cause, while an administrative authority vested with quasi -
judicial powers may be a party to the controversy but can still decide it.
The same are residue of governmental functions that remain after legislative power and judicial
functions are taken away.
(i) The administrative order is generally based on governmental policy or expediency.
(ii) In administrative decisions, there is no legal obligation to adopt a judicial approach to a question
to be decided, and the decisions are usually subjective rather than objective.
(iii) An administrative authority is not bound by the rules of evidence and procedure unless the
relevant statute specifically imposes such an obligation.
(iv) An administrative authority can take a decision in exercise of a statutory power or even in
absence of a statutory provision’ provided such decision or act does not contravene provision of
any law.
(v) Administrative functions may be delegated and sub -delegated unless there is a specific bar or
prohibition in the statute.
(vi) While taking the decision, an administrative authority may not only consider the evidence
adduced by the parties to a dispute, but may also use its discretion.
(vii) An administrative authority is not always bound by the principles of natural justice unless the
statute casts such duty on the authority, either expressly or by necessary implication or if it is
required to act judicially or fairly.
(viii) An administrative order may be held to be invalid on the ground of unreasonableness.
(ix) An administrative action will not become a quasi- judicial action merely because it has to be
performed after forming an opinion as to the existence of any objective fact.
(x) The prerogative writs of certiorari and prohibition are not always available against administrative
However, this is a very difficult task,” where does is the administrative end and the judicial begin?
“Duty to act judicially would, therefore, arise from the very nature of the function intended to be
performed. If there is power to decide and determine to the prejudice of a person , duty to act
judicially is implicit in exercise of such power. On the whole the test of justifiability has replaced that of
classification of function as a determinant of the appropriateness of a decision for judicial review.
Extravagance of Public Finance vis-à-vis curbing the power and duties of C&AG.
The constitution of India provides that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India shall be
appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal who shall not be removed from
Office, except in the like manner and on the like grounds as a Judge of Supreme Court. The term of
appointment shall be for a period of 5 years and the condition of service and salary of the Comptroller
and Auditor General of India shall be such as may be determined by Parliament by Law and until they
are so determined, shall be as specified in the second schedule of the constitution. The Comptroller
and Auditor General shall perform such duties and exercise such powers in relation to the accounts of
the union and of the states and of any other authority or body as may be prescribed or under any law
made by Parliament. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General relating to the accounts so
maintained of the union shall be submitted to the President who shall cause them to be laid before
each house of Parliament . The report relating to the accounts of the states shall be submitted to the
Governor who shall cause them to be laid before the legislature of the states.
That the present accounting system applicable to most Ministries and departments in essentially
external to Financial management function in that the payment made by the treasuries and accounts
are compiled by audit and accounts offices under the control of the Comptroller and Auditor General
on the basis of initial and subsidiary accounts received by them from the treasuries. This system
worked fairly well when Governmental business was limited. With the increase ion the volume and
variety of Governmental business and the continual set-up of developmental outlays, this system has
proved inadequate to the administration task.
The scheme of separation of accounts from audit was to be implemented in selective ministries e.g
communication, civil aviation, tourism, industries and civil supplies w.e.f April 1976, where the
expansion regarding the expenditures and its audit was felt to be providing certain constraint and
thereby resulting into the delay in implementation of the schemes at the relevant time. However by
the gradual increase of the power with these ministries, the similar laxity in relation to the procedural
safeguard was further provided the other ministries resulting into the defeat of the very purposes for
which the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General was given the power through checks and
balances. The effect of the aforesaid process has resulted in the departmentalisation of union
accounts enacted in 1976 and the transfer of personnel was given effect by the enforcement of the
Act no 59 of 1976 from Indian Audit and Accounts departments which was earlier under the control of
C.& AG to the newly formed department of Civil Accounts under the Controller General of Accounts
under department of Expenditure ministry of Finance. In this manner the office of C& AG which was
constituted under the scheme of the constitution of India to provide the restraint to the expenditure
disproportionate from its own discretion by the relevant ministries was brought under the ministry of
Finance and thereby giving the unbridle powers to the ministers and thereby overthrowing the
constitutional mandate securing the safeguard over the whimsical expenditure. According to the legal
opinion of the constitutional experts, the diversification of the financial powers to be utilised by the
sole discretion of the bureaucrats without taking into consideration the Audit objections, which could
have been made under the original constitutional scheme, was directly resulting into the notion of
conferring the absolute power to the respective ministry. This was against the democratic, federal and
republic set-up of our Constitution. The aforesaid concept of the parliamentarian democracy,
providing the fraternity to an individual in preamble of the constitution, was an attack on its basic
structure. This has led to an inadequate financial control which would have been benefited to the
nation if such power were remained with C&AG in India.
That it would be relevant to point out that the office of the Auditor General of India was created under
the Government Of India Act 1935 for exercising the control over expenditure incurred by Central And
State Governments and for proper accounting thereof in such forms and in such manner as may be
prescribed by him and he was also responsible for rendering a complied account of receipt and
expenditure to the Centre and State Governments and he was also required to submit report on the
result of Audit in his Audit report to the Governor- General and
the Governor of the States for laying it before respective legislatures . That after coming over the
constitution of India the Auditor General was designated as Comptroller Audit General of India under
chapter V of the constitution. The state Govt. which lavishly spends crores on the refreshment
allowances of its ministers, now is facing a crisis that it does not have enough money in its coffers to
deposit the premium of insurance cover for 1 lakh employees of local bodies due for their group
insurance scheme. As a result of this misutilisation of the public money the insurance scheme of
these employees has lapsed and the life insurance corporation has expressed its inability to consider
any future claim as part of the scheme in case of the death of a employee. The LIC missive state that
the group insurance scheme of some 94.165 local bodies employees stands forfeited due to non
deposit of approximately the premium of Rs 1.83 crores due on it from the last seven months. The LIC
informed that the interest at the rate of 12% would also levied on the amount due to delay in payment
of the premium. It is based on the idea for having LIC’s Master policy 4912 under its group insurance
scheme which was mooted in 1977 by the state Govt. The Directorate of the local bodies makes a
monthly payment of Rs 21.63 per member to the LIC while a employee make a payment of Rs 20 from
his salary while Rs 1.63 is contributed by the state Govt. each months towards the policy, for which
the LIC shrugs off future claims in case of the policy holders death where his next kin get Rs 25,000
under the scheme beside the premium deducted from his salary is also refunded with a 10% interest
on the amount. Similarly an employee on its retirement get a premium deposited by him back with a
10% interest on the amount from the insurance firm. This is due to extravagance of public finance and
curbing the powers and duties of Comptroller and Auditor General with effect from the time of
enforcement of the Act no 59 of 1976 putting the earlier control of the C&AG under the Department of
Expenditure Ministry of Finance in State of U.P.
Question& Answer
Question: What do you think whether our judiciary conferred with the power of judicial review under
our constitution has been successful to deal with the plight of living dead?
Answer :The constitution is supreme and all the three pillars functions under its strict supervision .
the supremacy of the parliament and the power of the Hon'ble Constitutional Courts in India have
gone through a consistent efforts for providing a harmonious construction to build up a foundation on
which our country may survive . The doctrine of immunity from legislation against the enactment
through legislation has undergone a great struggle whenever the Hon'ble Constitutional Court found
the infringement of fundamental rights of the citizen . However on account of excessive burden and
the need for securing the effective exercise of the judicial review by the Hon'ble Constitutional Courts
even with regards to Administrative action , there is an unchecked flow of litigation for every invasion
of the right under the garb of the infringement of the fundamental rights.
Question: Whether you speculate in this process any tough battle for securing the basic structure of
our constitution with the doctrine of Supremacy of the parliament and how far it is important for the
healthy growth of our welfare state .
Answer: The rigours to demotion of judicial writ power by some of the constitutional amendments like
42nd Amendment has been declared ultra virus in Minerva Mills Case (1980) 3 S.CC 625 , Waman
Rao case (1981) 2 S.C.C 362 and in L. Chandra Kumar case (1997 ) 3 S.C.C 261 reaffirming the
majority verdict of the landmark judgement of Keshavananda Bharti case of 13 judge constitution
bench of the Hon'ble Supreme Court . The jurisdiction conferred upon the Hon'ble constitutional
Courts including the High Courts under Article 226 and Article 227 has been held as a part of the
basic structure of the constitution. Thus not even the power of legislative enactment but also the
power conferred under Article 368 to Amend the constitution may be subjected to judicial review by
the Apex Court .
Question: Whether you think that in this process the expression "Procedure established by Law " as
enshrined in Article 21 has now been replaced by "due process of law" as evident in American
Constitution ?
Answer: Article 14 has two concepts which is a unique feature in Indian constitution. Most of the
constitutions of the world either speaks of "equality before the law" or the "equal protection of the
laws". Both these concepts although appears to be the same are not actually the same . The equality
before the law refers as to providing the equality before the substantive laws of the nation as
illustrated in Article 15 to 18 and also under Article 38, 39, 39A, 41and 46 of the constitution . The
connotation equal protection of law contemplates for minimising the inequalities and for eliminating
the inequalities in status , facilities , opportunities , values of lives with social care towards
educational and economic interest not only amongst citizen but also amongst the group of the
citizens. This Article forbids class legislation except being founded on an intelligible differential and to
have a rational relation to the object sought to be achieved by the statute in question . The test of
classification must be rational . However by the efflux of time , Article 21 which is couched in negative
language by the framers of our Constitution has undergone the major change by interpretation
through its positive angle having the inhibition contained therein i.e. "life " as synonymous to
"livelihood" by taking into consideration that by abrogation and subjugation of the means of the living
there shall be no life . This was done to get the rid of the radical innovation providing an instrument of
status quo upholding the traditions of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence and resisting radical innovation in
the use of judicial power to promote social change by the so called judicial activism . The other
concepts such as "Rule of Law" , "Judicial restraint" , "Separation of power", supremacy of
fundamental right s over directive principles and "Procedure established under Law" conveniently to
avoid change whenever possible through the assistance of two concepts of Article 14 as whenever
required delete it and whenever inevitable dilute it as far as practicable and thus the discretionary
powers were exercised in the different manner by inviting the diversities in the opinion of the
constitutional Courts while dealing with Quasi judicial actions .
Question : Thus you mean to say that Article 21 of the constitution is not a fundamental right of the
citizen as is being dealt with by the Hon'ble Supreme Court and has been included in the chapter of
fundamental rights ?
Answer: True , Article 21 has been included in the chapter of fundamental right under our constitution
but the same is a fundamental duty of the government as to provide protection against depriving any
person of his life or personal liberty . There is only one individual fundamental right of the citizen i.e
Article 19 . Article 25 and 26 is a collective right to the freedom of conscience and right to profess ,
practise and propagate religion and also to manage religious affairs . Thus every fundamental duty
casted upon the government which is providing the protection to the individual may be read with the
reasonable restrictions as contemplated in sub articles (2)to (6) of Article 19 of our constitution thus
the constitution has provided a "check and balance" over the power of the Hon'ble Courts and the
duties casted upon the government . In this manner the Hon'ble Courts while interpreting these
Articles of fundamental rights may dealt with the individual as to whether the right which implies the
forbearance to perform the duty by the Government has got the qualification prescribed in the yard
stick of the reasonable restrictions or the constitution with the galaxy of so called fundamental right
may be ruled in respect of its governance by the political set-up having co-ordination with divisive
forces to the oppression of the people at large which has not been done after independence.
Question: What was the need of introducing Article 51A when already there were fundamental duties
of the Government ?
Answer: Every right implies the forbearance on the part of other to perform his duty as right and duty
is correlated and coexistent. After independence our country has been ruled with governance through
laissez faire and the citizens have miserably forgotten there duties under the spirit of availing an
aspirant cherished freedom . Thus the chapter of unenforceable fundamental duties was introduced
with effect from 3.1.1977 by 42nd amendment .
Question : Why there is a pendency of number of litigation before the Constitutional Courts in which
the case of the living people who have been declared as dead people in the official records have not
been dealt with in time .?
Answer: The right of the people has been considered in the different dimension against every
atrocities committed by the administration in discharge of their duty as the custodian of the public
trust . The concept of public trust doctrine was developed by the Constitutional Courts to provide the
safety to an individual as susceptible to abuse in discharge of the role by our Constitutional courts as
a sentinel on quivive . The maxim of "ubi us ibi remedium" (where there is a right , there is a remedy )
was sparingly applied in respect of administrative action without considering as to whether the same
is quasi judicial or not . The separation of power which was embodied to certain extent in our
constitution and having its elasticity to provide pervasive potency and versatile quality has been
diluted in absence of any accountability towards administrative action. Thus there was a flow of
litigation before the constitutional Courts even in respect of violation of every right for which the
administrative authority were responsible to exercise their power as the custodian of the public duty
.Thus due to paucity of time , the genuine litigation was circumvented by unscrupulous litigation and
there by suppressing the fundamental right of a bonafide citizen .
Question: Do you think that the present system can be rectified by enacting more legislation by the
parliament or it may be left to the Constitutional Courts to eradicate the prevailing maladies ?
Answer There must be an accountability fixed with every officer and bureaucrats in the society
regarding there abuse of power and judicial review which comprises the power of judicial
superintendence over every sub-ordinate authority may be necessarily applied by the higher judiciary
.There is a requirement of complete separation of power between three institutions on which our
democratic set-up is dependent the adequate punishment be implemented in the deterrent and
punitive manner as to create an example to the other wrong doer specially under the circumstances
when the integrity and the prosperity of the nation is involved. In case of malafide exercise of power
not only the action which is done contrary to the object may be rectified but there may be a judicial
scrutiny for recommending the departmental disciplinary proceeding against the official who has
passed such order with extraneous considerations. There should be the limit over the privilege
conferred with every public servant who is not only a custodian of the power but also owe the duties
towards the citizens who are considered in our constitution as the sovereign of the sovereignty .
Question: What do you think to be the source of the power of judicial review ?
Answer :It may be traced to the classic enunciation of the principles laid down by the Chief Justice
John Marshall of U.S Supreme Court in Marbury Vs Madison ( 1 Crunch : 2 L Ed 60 (1803 ) ) as the
origin of this power is never attributed to one source alone . It has been laid down that the judiciary
dealing with interpretation of Law is duty bound while expounding and interpreting the Law and to see
as to whether the Law is repugnant to the settled norms of the constitutions otherwise the same be
declared as void .In America where the Supreme Court has assumed extensive power of reviewing
the legislative Acts while in our constitution this power is conferred by the expressed provision
contained in Article 13 of the constitution of India . Thus the power of judicial review has now
considered to be an integral part of our constitutional system .
Question: What do you think to be the role of the Advocates in the process of judicial discipline and
thereby providing a check and balance over misutilisation of the judicial and quasi judicial power by
the public servant ?
Answer : In America the Lawyers may conduct the investigation in respect of the wrong committed
with the people through their own investigation agencies and there is there is the power vested with
every officer to deal with the misuse of power by any person without taking the accent from the higher
elechon in the hierarchical set-up of superior authority in some of the European countries .However in
India we have no such power to fix an accountability towards a public wrong by an Advocate and also
by any honest official as there is a vicious circle in our Bureaucratic set-up where there is larger
privilege and lesser responsibility. Thus we have become a silent spectator of the situation which is
going to be the worst by the process of time . The apathy of the intellectual echoes back into a
vacuum which has neither any ventilation for providing the fresh air to our people . Till such time when
the intellectuals in the society may not be allowed to run the public administration nothing can be
achieved in our nation.
No man can survive in isolation . There is a rule of give and take . The moment one person is
inclined to accept everything as a matter of his right, the person who is inclined to give him his extra
potential , withdraw the basic offer. This become the end of social collaboration . No country is able
to survive except by the will of the people . The bitterness amongst the people may ultimately lead to
a crisis on psychological level. Thus the country required the coercive method for the enforcement of
law and order situation. This was on account of partition of India
My nation is my religion. Salutation to the nation is meant for social co-ordination and
solidarity amongst the citizens and therefore it is regarded the greatest service of humanity. The
controversy triggered off over the telephonic recital going patriotic on independence the my reading
the callers with “Vande Mataram” being objected with the title Masjid Mein Vande Mataram”, by Mr
Idirisi has hurt the sentiment of Indians. Any negative feeling is the feeling against the nation . It will
be called as the saddest day for our hard one freedom. Those hundreds of patriots who sacrificed
their lives by daring to get themselves hanged by chanting the slogan “ Vande Mataram” is now
triggered off controversy of fanatic psyche “Vande Mataram is not a communal song ,but is a
salutation to the nation including to the sentiments of the great poet Iqbal, who wrote “SAARE
Conscience is the inmost thought consciousness moral sense scrupulousness ,conscientiousness It
means the freedom to right or belief. To profess means to affirm one’s faith in religion or God . In
Shirur Muth case (A.I.R 1954 S.C 282) the Hon’ble Supreme Court said Religion is certainly a matter
of faith with the individual or communities and it is not necessarily theistic. The well-known religion
in India like Buddhism and Jainism do not believe in God or in any in the religion or in any intelligent
first course. A religion undoubtedly has its basis in a system of belief or doctrines, which are
regarded by those who profess that religion as conducive the their spiritual well-being……….
In Bijoc Emmanuel vs state of Kerala (1986) 3 S.C.C p. 615 in which a state compulsion on an
individual perform a secular activity was challenged to violate his religious conscience. The circular
being contra sacramental by participation in singing national anthem before marching to the classes
was under challenge. The Hon’ble Supreme Court held that the circular has no force of law and any
compulsion to join in the singing despite genuine conscientious religion objection would clearly
contravene the rights guaranteed by article 19 (1) (a) and article 25 (1) of the constitution of India.
Can we survive without a nation? Whether the freedom of conscience is a perceptible aspect or
abstract phenomenon. The conscientious objection may refuse to bear arms or an atheist may not
be compelled to swell in the name of God. The national anthem and the national flag was
dispensable in the face of religious objections. The Hon’ble Supreme Court while observing the need
of enforceable fundamental duty under article 51 -- A (a) of the Constitution which provides for proper
respect to our national anthem. It was observed that the mere executive or a departmental
instruction cannot canton the dimension of free conscience clause of our Constitution and therefore
the increased conscientiousness provides a constraint on the compulsory vaccinations and
inoculation particularly during gigantic mass of congregation like Kumbha Mela and other religious
fairs in our country.
The end of religion is beginning of spirituality; the end of spirituality is the beginning of reality and
the end of reality is the real bliss. Instead of worshipping the great master, the omnipotent, ominous,
omnipresent. We have started worshipping his servant and rather the place of worship is now
regarded above to the religion. People are driven through such faulty guidance and having the
darkness in the self realisation. The goal of life is to achieve the greatest possible efforts towards
the serious consideration to the problem of life. If we have no essence of vary life how we can
achieve the freedom from bondage which may provide salvation. Thus the religious sentiments are
no where providing obstacles in the process of salutation to our nation. Rather the religion is based
on the foundations of being a patriot first then to believe any dogma or rituals under the garb of the
The state affairs in India without having the enforceable fundamental duties as we may resolved
from a political situation having growing tendency towards moral, religious and social degradation, is
rather deplorable. India does not hold any bright prospects with interruptions and spirituality
compassionate to the animals and to protect the vegetation is the reciprocal obligation towards the
God. Thus the respect contributed towards civilisation of providing solidarity and the integrity to the
nation by salutation to our country is the fundamental principle of the religion. The consequences of
the present drastic change in the mentality of the individual on the -- is alienating responsible for
mobcracy which may lead to enormous blood shade all over the world as if the religion is not based
on spiritualism which ultimately ruin our civilisation
This universe is a system of change and formation of energy for our living creative to an other. The
energy which kinetic or magnetic or electrical is the basis of life. The vapours arising out of such
energy is ultimately the source of our inspirations. The moments we kill our fallow inhabitants, the
energy involved into the different formation, but it never extinguished, thus God is one and therefore
the belief to adopt a particular religion should be founded on common foundation. God is perfect
the universe is perfect but we're not perfect let our soul may appreciate it. The primary objective of
the society is to do welfare of all human beings and when we inspite living inside the boundaries of
our country may not provide salutation to that nation We have no right enjoy any right in such
The concept of Human rights relates in its immemorial antiquity from the time of inception of
the Human being .Human rights advocacy is not an encroachment upon the national sovereignty ,
but is an ultimate aim of state craft .The rights of men are assets to humanity and a liability of the
State. Man has created the concept of state to preserve his natural rights.
The concept of fundamental law and fundamental rights are the of spring of the natural rights
. This stands above the positive Las created by the political sovereign . The philosophical
foundation of Human right has got tremendous power and vigour . Human rights is legitimacy of
democratic political order which is enshrined in most of the constitution of different countries. Rene
cassin at Colloguim has defined Human rights as “the science of human rights relates in the light of
human dignity for the full advancement and development of personality of human being . Thus the
human rights are such written instructions which starts from Magna-Charta -1215 , Petition of rights
-1688. The French declaration of rights of citizens -1989 proclaim the natural and imperceptible
rights of Man’s liberty ,property, security and resistance to oppression.
The American declaration of independence -1776 ; “ All men are created equal” ( in pursuit
of the happiness as endowed by creator upon all men ).The preamble of universal declaration of
human rights may be summarised at this juncture ; “ Whereas recognition of inherent dignity and the
equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom , justice
and peace in the world ; “whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in
barbarous acts , which have outraged the conscience of the mankind , and the advent of a world in
which human beings enjoy the freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has
been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people ;whereas it its essential , if man is
not be compelled to have recourse , as a last resort , to rebellion against tyranny and oppression ,
that human rights should be protected by rule of law; “whereas it is essential to promote the
development of friendly relations between nations ;”whereas the people of the united nations have in
the charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental freedoms ;whereas member states have pledged
themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the united nations , the promotion of universal respect
for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedom; “whereas a common understanding
of these rights and freedom is of greatest importance for the full realisation of this pledge.
The preamble so incorporated has inspired the various constitution of the world to include
certain basic human rights through court of law. The object of human rights jurisprudence is to
human state agencies and to make state accountable to use of power only for human good . In
A.I.R.1957 SC page 620 it has been laid down that human rights have always under pinned the
common wealth. The evolution of empire into commonwealth was itself a testimony of most basic
human rights -self determination .
The powerful repudiation due to the diversification from the sense of family concept
between people has become one of the major threat to human rights and they have transcending
the difference of race religion , language and culture . In Canada under section 11 there is right of
the citizens against ex-post-facto law. In China 1982 under 42 there is the incorporation of the rights
to work while in U.S.S.R 1977 under Article 75 -2 there is the right to protection by the courts against
encroachment on the citizen owner and reputation along with other rights . In west Germany the
citizens has right to development of personality under section 2 (1) of their constitutional -1949.
These rights although being recognised on principle under the ambit of the expression life , but they
are still not been recognised as that of fundamental rights under our constitution . These rights are
required to be effectively protected to achieve the principles of internationally recognised human
rights as to achieve the ultimate goal of rule of law under the society .No society can be considered
truly democratic if its citizens are denied possibility of vindicating their legal rights as enshrined
under section 2(d) of the Human Rights Act,1993. Human rights reiterated the need to explore the
possibility of establishing the promotion and protection of human rights . The attendant special
significance after the Vienna convention 1993 by which strong public opinion was created for
safeguarding for human rights . Human rights are aspirations of the common people for peaceful
coexistence. Iran has set-up on International Islamic human rights commission .
In Jagmohan Singh Vs State of U.P A.I.R 1975 S.C 1947 , the Supreme court has
thoroughly discussed the constitution aspect of capital punishment . In Bachan Singh Vs State of
Punjab A.I.R 1980 S.C 598 the sentence was expected to be imposed in rarest among rarest case.
Since 1964 amnesty international reported that united state was one of the sixth country known to
have executed juvenile offender with death sentence . On 14.2.1989 Ayotollaha Khomeni
pronounced’ A Fatwa a sentence of death for Salman Rushidi for his book ‘Satanic Verses’. In China
five hundred people were executed in 1990 before the start of Asian games to clean up crime.
The nature of the crime, the circumstances of the crime should be so revealing that if the
criminal is managed to escape , he may provide a great terror to the society and in such
circumstances the life imprisonment is not an adequate sentence. In such case , after due care and
cautions if the sensitiveness of the crime is accepted by a judge , the death sentence may be
awarded. Although , life once lost cannot be brought back up by the human efforts.
The fifth pillar edict of great Emperor of Lord Ashoka, postulated death penalty as a heinous
crime. Hindu jurisprudence , according to Yagna Valkaya was in favour of capital punishment . Manu
prescribed death penalty for offences of treason. Kautilaya has also prescribed the death penalty for
rapist , thieves of treasury and also for the thieves of King’s elephant and horses even the individual
performing funeral rites was prescribed death penalty.
Theft of jewellery was liable for simple murder (Kautilaya Arthashastra, chapter 85,magin 4, verse 2).
Theft of government property from Store of government worth of ten pounds was liable for capital
punishment . Theft of private property worth fifty cents and helping the accused to abscond from
prison , murder by weapon and culpable homicide were liable to capital punishment . Killing of
pregnant women ,sinking of a child into the water after two months of delivery and demolition of the
dame shall be dealt with by killing the accused person by dipping him into the water.
In 1991, UN security council decided to implement a general embargo on all deliveries
of weapons and military equipment to Somalia. The 46th session of Human Rights Commission of
United Nations met from 29.1.1990 to 9.3. 1990.The international commission on jurist intervention
the situation of Human rights occupied by Israel in the situation of human rights in China , Iraq and
Paris .The commission passed several resolutions condemning Israel. Human rights abuses in
occupied territory. The sub-commission expressed its it’s concern about the report such as
disappearance and extra judicial execution continue to occur.
In India Human rights group must be created for promotion , prosperity and global stability .
The police beatings arrests and execution without trial and mass killing have been reported . This is
the crime against humanity , there should be conscious , awareness of such rights amongst have
naught and to achieve at the cost of the domestic legislation should be made in conformity with the
international standard of such Human rights . The expensive nature of the procedural aspect of
praying perform justice is a real stumbling block in achievement of justice.
In Francis versus administration A.I.R 1981 SC 746,Subhash versus State of Bihar 1991
S.C.J 564 , Upendra versus State of Uttar Pradesh 1982 (2) SCC 308, versus Union of India 1987
SCC 156 and in Indra Singh Vs State of Punjab 1995 SCC Crl. 586 citizen for democracy versus
State of Assam 1995 SCC Crl. 680 S.C. legal aid committee representing under trial prisoner has
laid down that human rights are never safe in the country unless an activists judiciary with pragmatic
humanism becomes the sentinel on quivive. In India, constitution really enables the Indian courts to
accord due recognition to human rights. Fostering respect for international law is an obligation of the
state under the Article 51 of the constitution. Therefore , it has become the duty of the courts of the
land to take notice wherever there is a grave violation of the of human rights by the state , or by any
authority under the state or an individual . In fact, in the year 1984, the Attorney General of India
had appeared before the human rights committee and asserted that both the Supreme court and
High Courts accorded priority to the cases of Human right violations and took speedy action to
pronounce on them. They were normally settled in matter of weeks rather than months and the
committee need have no fear that the remedies against the violation of human rights in India were
anything less than very effective.
However, all kinds of courts -even the Supreme Court -sometimes rejecting petition on gross
violation of human rights , directly the persons concerned to file individual complaints for alleged
offences in the ordinary forums situated in different jurisdictions. One can easily find in almost all the
states in the Indian union and in the union itself are of excessive force and preventative steps
resulting in death and destruction of ordinary people . Protects and struggle for bringing about social
changes which are only natural in an iniquitous system are invariably met by the authorities
voluntarily, resulting in violation of the dignity and rights of individuals. It is not therefore surprising
that the Director general of Police is trying to justify cover upto the burning down of hamlets of the
tribal on the ground of such people giving shelter and good to naxalites.
Human rights dies in harness , but the outcome of the death becomes glory to fortified
the concept of Human conscience. The individual stressing for the survival of such rights should be
like Arjun to lord Krishna , But unlike Arjun he should never failed to encourage nor even stood in
the needs of others another guidance. Like Socrates, he should depend on pure reasons , but unlike
Socrates, he should be loved and respected by his country man . The quest of success be parallel to
the courage of Napoleon , who on the battle after the battle, but he should never had an adverse
water loo. He should have an endeavour for entering into the battle of independence as commander
of the Army consisting of his family member with the spirit of brotherhood then only human rights may
survive in the society. One should plunge himself into this freedom of struggle , otherwise the human
rights can never survive.
In the present context of the political set-up of the country having certain global phenomenon
regarding involvement of the politician at large in the nefarious activities by gaining undue
prominence without any moral obligation towards the citizens to protect their human rights , there
should be the persistent efforts of the people for participating into political sphere as the article of
perpetuating corruption by mediocrity and thereby earning enormous money and power to be
restricted for which the person willing to sacrifice their future for the betterment of the human rights
of the public may come forward . The choice of the people in political arena for launching any
political party into the power is just like of patting the snake or Cobra . Destiny is the result of
consequences reflecting through individuals action. An urge may lead to big surge . Hell and heaven
both exists in a society only the truth remains without any virtue , not with any voice. It is said that
where the science ends , religion begins ; where the religion ends spiritualism starts ; where the
spiritualism ends , a reality survives. These are the realities of the life in the process of evolution .
the creative acts of the genius are always remain the subject matter of criticism as they are usually
confronted with optionally stupidity of other fellow citizens. There is a delicate balance between
public duty and personal honour . The numerical majority leads to the destruction of benevolent
leadership . The human progress do not originate in the composite brains , but it is by the wisdom of
the individual personality . Thus in the search of the better human rights provided to its citizens ,
there is necessarily some impediments in process of evolution and advancement of society because
the protection is at large in favour of those citizens who are involved through their activities towards
their towards destructive approach for advancement of the society , which is detrimental to the
interest of the superior in command . Still there may not be any compromise with the human rights
conferred upon an individual.
Society is becoming more complicated. The democracy brings with it evils of its own system . It is
difficult to search a really devotes person amongst the majority. Psychological reconciliation amongst
fellow citizens to utilise every potential energy and to maintain co-ordination between fellow citizens.
Civilisation begins in order , grows with liberty and ultimately perish in chaos , civil liberty are better
and save as long as its enforcement do not bother others existence . Administrative system and
judicial institutions are considered for vacillation of the purposes. There is always a conflict between
opinion and rivalry of the interest. Time has come to expose the falsehood and fallacies through
discussions in order to avert its global devolution. The remedy is speech, not enforced silence. The
ship of progress is equipped with moral strength. We cannot remain silent spectator by observing the
gradual disintegration of every institution in a democratic society. However , our potential will prove
the power to save them and to resist against evil disasters . There is no steady advance towards
higher condition of progress. The opinion persists to subordinate personal interest to social interest
as the vested interest are always motivated to usurp power through any means even at the cost of its
own interest. Sincerity is now slave of destructive activities and human rights are passing through
the state of psychological retardation. Attitude of the public is mainly consist of denouncing the
receptive norms. Moral damage is more terrible. The individual human rights enforcement is
inadequately persists and thus the existing remedies are required to fresh appraisal. The entire
fabric of the society is scattered and shattered , which is existing with galloping corruption. The
proper assessment of legal and social condition is essential. Reason obeys itself while ignorance
submits to whatever is dictated to it . Freedom does not mean abuse nor liberty is a license . The
survival of the human rights and individual freedom requires obedience, endeavour, honesty ,
truthfulness, sacrifice , discipline and character . Implementation of the strong idea requires
steadfast wisdom. Such idea should burst every chain , which tends to paralyse its efforts to push
forward. Most of the people tends to see nothing nor inclined to observe. They do not take the notice
of evil consequences as the simplest and the cheapest attitude is apathy. The ensuring success is
mostly understood at the beginning due to strong contrast of public opinion.
The principle of reasonableness , legally and philosophically enshrined under Article
19,has been covered in its widest amplitude with the expansion and expression of personal liberty
under article 21, which is essential non arbitrariness .Article 14 has a pervasive potency and
versatile quality; equilitarian in its soul and allergic to discriminatory dictates. Equality is antithesis to
arbitrariness. Thus Article 14 like a brooding omnipresence , protects against the fanciful and
oppressive attitude of the public authority (A.I.R. 1978 S.C Page 597). The right to live with human
dignity is also derived from Article 39(e)(f), Article 41 and Article 42 , which provides the extension of
the limits by providing protection of health and physical strength to the workers , men and woman
and children against abuses . The opportunity and facility for the children to develop in healthy
manner and to provide them educational facility and other human conditions of work and maternity
relief are the safeguard provided on the concept of human rights in Bandhwa Mukti Morcha (1984) 3
S.C.C Page 161 and (1991) 4 S.C.C Page 117 . In the injury cases from accidents , the medical aid
by the state government including the aid from private doctors is must and negligence by not
providing such medical assistance may be required to be compensated by the state government
(1989)4 S.C.C Page 286 and in S.C legal aid committee Vs State of Bihar (1991) 3 S.C.C 482.
Delay in execution of death sentence (1989) 1 S.C.C 678 is embodied as violated of article 21 and
as such right to pre-legal aid to incapable litigant for engaging lawyer is flow from right to life Khatri
II Vs state of Bihar (1981) 1 S.C.C 627 ;(1986) 2 S.C.C 401. The comprehend right to shelter (1990)
1S.C.C 520 ; against handcuffing and parading under trial prisoners has been regarded as violative
of Article 21 in Sate of Maharastra Vs Ravikant S .Patil (1991 ) 2 S.C.C 373; Right to education to
the children upto 14 years subject to limitation of economic capacity Unni Krishnan Vs Union of India
(1993)1 S.C.C 645 and the detains right to confer with the legal advisor and meet family members
Francis Coralie Mullian Vs Administrator (1981) 1 S.C.C 608 , speedy trial as provided under section
309 Cr. P.C Hussainara Khatoon (IV) Vs Home secretary , State of Bihar (1980 )1 S.C.C 98 ; (1986 )
4 SCC 481 and right to speedy trial Kadra Pahadiya Vs State of Bihar (1983)2 SCC 104 were
already considered to be the fundamental rights within the ambit and scope of Article 21 by the apex
court . Non citizens are covered and state is oblige to protect their rights of life and liberty N.H.R.C
Vs State of Arunanchal Pradesh (1996)1 S.C.C 742, Public trust doctrine for extending to natural
resources such as rivers , forests , sea sources , air etc. for ecological balance under ecosystem.
M.C Mehta Vs Klamal Nath (1997)1 S.C.C 388 shall preservation of once necessary commitment
Surjeet Singh Vs State of Punjab (1996) 2S.C.C 336 ; and right to shelter food , water decent
environment education medical care Chameli Singh Vs Sate of U.P (1996) 2 S.C.C 549 against
custodian violence D.K. Basu Vs State of west Bengal (1997) 1 S.C.C 416, victim of rape be
compensated with award against private party as right to live with humanity Boddhi Sattava Gautam
Vs Shubra (1997) 1 S.C.C 490 , Right ot privacy against telephone taping (1997) 1 S.C.C 301 are
further being included by the Hon’ble Supreme Court under Article 21.
The field of human rights is now expanding after being defined under the protection of
Human rights Act . There are other cases on the subject reported in A.I.R 1983 S.C 465 , (1980 ) 3
S.C.C 526 , (1992) 1 S.C.C , A.I.R 1986 SC991,(1997) 4 SCC 463 , (1987 ) 2 SCC 165 , AIR 1995
SC 31, 264 and 923 which are mainly concerned with human rights and democratisation of remedy
of justice. Thus the human rights and fundamental rights are intractably related with each other .
Fundamental rights are inviolable , inalienable and indestructible.
The very purpose of such rights is to protect the society . Justice Shastri in Gopalan Vs State
of Madras has laid down that the insertion of declaration of fundamental rights in a four front of the
constitution coupled with an express prohibition against legislative interference and the constitutional
sanction by means of judicial review is a clear and emphatic indication that these rights are to be
paramount to ordinary state made laws. Everyone shall have the right to recognition every where as
a person before the law . Under Indian constitution the non justifiable rights are incorporated which
are not self executor and runs as fundamental in character in governance of Country. In Minark Mills
case Hon’ble Supreme Court has categorically laid down that fundamental rights and directive
principle of the state policy are to be constitute harmoniously against each other so that there should
not be any conflict between them. In daily labours versus Union of India AIR 1987 S.C 2342 the
government was asked to immediately pay all causal and permanent workers the same minimum
wages as are applicable to permanent employees in order to implement the directive principles
under Article 38 (2) . The fundamental rights are so classified as to impose limitation on state action
under Article 14, 15(1), 16 , 18(1), 19, 20, 22, & 31. There are other provisions which are limitation
on freedom of action of private individuals for example Article 15(2), 17, 18(2),21(1) and 24. There
are some anomalies which are depreciated as under :-
i)If the fundamental rights guaranteed against state action are violated by a private individual , there
is no constitutional remedy . The remedy in such situations by giving punishment to the offender is
inadequate and disproportionate to the losses suffered by the ordinary citizens.
ii)Article 15(2), 17, 23(1) and 24 referred to above are the social abuses and the prohibition are not
directed exclusively against the state.
The Judiciary has duty of implementing the constitutional safeguard that protects the individual rights
and the ideal of judgement cannot be shirked. Our legislature have undoubtedly plenary powers ,
these powered have are controlled by the basic concept of written constitution .
If we consider human being from the global perspective then the state is required to develop
the personality of the citizen on all spare of life as the concept of human rights and fundamental
rights are one in spirit and soul which are intractably related with each other .
The journey of human rights jurisprudence could be traced starting from individual liberty
and reaching towards the concept of human entitlement. The path of human rights does not run
smooth and straight every day we stumble against the irrationality . Reason is rushed to one side
and rights are trodden under foot . The idea of universal human rights in under assort from strong
cultural political , religious and ethnic pressures , this is because of monstrous fiction which by
inspiring false idea and vain expectation into man destined to travel in the obscure walk of laborious
life serves only to exaggerate and embitter that real inequity can never be removed .
Freedom survive to a point , when its start destroying in itself . Inequality is the common
feature amongst the human being . The rights of equality is based on legal and social concepts in
the society . A hierarchical society based on the idea of economic inequalities was founded on the
distinction and the sex , whether based on a rituals or on our customs . In the ancient cosmological
explanation in Vedas time, the punishment of the crime varied according to the caste. The murder of
a Brahmin was considered as a mortal sin while slaughtering of a Shudra woman comes under the
category of the minor offence which shows that the life of the Shudra was not worth living.
The British colonial administrator introduced three important legislation , namely ; abolition of slavery
in 1843 ; abolition of Sati system in 1829 and prevention of female infanticide in 1870 . There after
the recognition of the free status by protecting the life o0f the woman , her internal tender female
babies , recognising them with equality in birth of the human life was introduced through the
administration of the justice . The lad control system prevalent in pre-colonial India was regarded as
most important form of the wealth and the source of livelihood .This land was brought to the market
and it could be sold . The new purchasers work overwhelmingly non -resistant and belonging to the
occupation of the money landing , service and the law. Thus the Raitware system introduced which
ultimately resulted into Zamindari process of cultivation. The poor became much poorer while the
money lender became Zamindar and started ruling upon the pre-colonial residents as their slaves.
After the freedom from the colonial rule , the constitution of India gave rise to the concept of equality
as to resolve the people , the basic rights relating to equality to sponsor a further goal to minimise
inequalities of income and to endeavour to eliminate inequalities of status , facilities and
opportunities . Article 14 sets out an attitude of mind , a way of life rather than a rule of law .
According to right of equal equality it postulate that no citizens are above the law and as such the
legislation shall not violate the right to equality of a citizen . However , the doctrine of equal
protection of law was based on rational classification which forbids class legislation. There were a
test of permissible classification and if it is founded on intelligible differential in relation to the subject
sought to achieve then that classification was considered to be rational classification .
By the introduction of Article 38(2) after 44th amendment of our constitution the state shall strive to
minimise the inequalities in status , facilities on opportunity not only amongst individuals , but also
amongst group of people engaged in different occasions. The revolutionary constitutional
assumption into mere appeasement of status quo from where the power to the political and
economical uplift in derived are known as ‘compensatory discrimination ‘, protective discrimination
and in more generic terms reverse discrimination which means favouritism to a despaired group of
recipient of extra favourable treatment . The constitution of India does not exclude government
servant class but on account of Article 33 , such persons having selected under the armed forces
might be deprived of their fundamental right under the garb of discipline forces . The civilian
employees of the defence establishment such as cooks , chaukidars , barbers also comes within
descriptions of armed forces and consequently the legislative becomes competent by notification to
make rules containing or restricting their fundamental rights . This is a very peculiar situation
especially on account of continued neglect of military affair and attempt to politics the members of
armed forces like that of dismissal of the Chief of noble staff. The gradual decline of rights of the
personal in the defence services much be stops through introspection as corrective measures , if we
want to protect our country from the external aggression . The social recognition and healthy working
involvement are within their respective zones under the frame works of equality class relating to the
matter concerning human rights.
There is no appeal against the verdict of court martial and there is no provision of bail to
the convict of court martial , even it is available to all hardened criminals. The Supreme Court in
Hussainara Khatoon case (1980) 1 SCC 81 has laid down that the unfortunate specimen of humanity
awaiting trial for criminal offences are in jail being deprived of their freedom , but the Hon’ble
Supreme Court has not taken into account the Hardships suffered by a soldier who is deployed for
protecting the nation , to whom such right is not amenable under our constitution , whether it is not
equally important to maintain a social discipline amongst the citizen by having a rational
classification based upon intelligentsia , differential by framing a classification between bonafide
citizens and under trial prisoner in the context of which discipline under the armed forces is required
to observed. In Moti Ram case (1978) 4 SCC 47 the Supreme court has taken into consideration that
against the sureties if under trial prisoner is not able to satisfy his solvency then they have to incur
morose depths for securing their release . Thus poor kin dour legal judicial system oppressive and
heavily weighted against them and a feeling of frustration and despair occurs as they6 do not find a
solution for their release and watch helplessly in a position of inequality with the non poor . The
Hon’ble Supreme Court has not yet considered the hardships faced by members of the armed forces
who are still governed by respective Army or Armed Force Act , which are enacted by British to suit
their interests. In absence of social recognition in healthy working environment which still prevail that
of days of British period , can be members of armed forces may feel pride to join the forces . There is
a wound being chaffed again and again to the members of the armed forces before it can heel when
the start comparing themselves from the rights available to a under trial hardened criminal who still
after his conviction remained released on bail during the long span upto a period varying from 20 to
30 years when his appeal is heard on merit by the Hon’ble Court.
Advocacy is not a craft but a calling; a profession wherein devotion to duty constitutes the
hallmark. Sincerity of performance and the earnestness of endeavour are the two wings that will bare
aloft the advocate to the tower of success. This is the reason why legal profession is regarded to be a
noble one.
“ A lawyer, without the most sterling integrity, may shine for a while with meteoric splendour, but
his light will soon go out in blackness of darkness. It is not in every man’s power to rise to
eminence by distinguished abilities. It is not in every man’s power, with few exceptions, to attain
respectability, competence ,and usefulness. The temptations, which beset a young man in the
outset of his professional life , especially if he is in absolute dependence upon business for his
subsistence ,are very great . The strictest principles of integrity and honour are his only safety.
Let him begin by swerving form truth or fairness. In small particulars, he will find his character
gone - whispered away, before he knows it. Such a one may not indeed be irrecoverably lost; but
it will be years before he will be able to regain a firm foothold . There is no profession in which
moral character is so soon fixed as in that of the law; there is none which it is subjected to
severer scrutiny by the public . It is well that it is so. The things we hold dearest on earth ,
our fortunes, reputations, domestic peace, the future of those dearest to us , nay our liberty
and life itself, we confide to the integrity of l our legal counsellors and advocates. Their
character must be not only without a stain, but without suspicion . From the very
commencement of a lawyer’s career, let him cultivate above all things, truth, simplicity and
candour. They are cardinal virtues of a lawyer. Let him always seek to have a clear
understanding of his object ; be sure it is honest and right and then march directly to it. The
covert, indirect and insidious way of doing anything, is always the wrong way. It gradually
hardens the moral faculties, renders obtuse the perception of right and wrong in human
actions, weighs everything in the balance of worldly policy, and ends most generally, in the
practical adoption of the vile maxim, ‘ that the end sanctifies the means.’ Therefore an
exacting standard is what is expected of an advocate. The legal profession is a solemn and
serious occupation. It is a noble calling and all those who belong to it are its honourable
members. Although the entry to the profession can be had by acquiring merely the
qualification of technical competence, the honour as a professional has to be maintained by its
members by their exemplary conduct both in and outside the court. The legal profession is
different from other professions in that what the lawyers do, affects not only an individual
but the administration of justice which is the foundation of the civilised society. Both as a
leading member of the intelligentsia of the society and as a responsible citizen, the lawyer
has to conduct him - self as a model for others both in his professional and in his private and
public life. The society has a right to expect of him such ideal behaviour. It must not be
forgotten that the legal profession has always been held in high esteem and its members
have played an enviable role in public life . The regard for the legal and judicial systems In
this country is in no small measure due to the tireless role played by the stalwarts in the
profession to strengthen them. They took their profession seriously and practised it with
dignity, deference and devotion. If the profession is to survive, the judicial system has to be
vitalised. No service will be too small in making the system efficient, effective and credible .
The casualness and indifference with which some members practise the profession are
certainly not calculated to achieve that purpose or to enhance the prestige either of the
profession or of the institution they are serving. If people lose confidence in the profession on
account of the deviant ways of some of its members, it is not only the profession which will
suffer but also the administration of justice as a whole. The present trend unless checked is
likely to lead to a stage when the system will be found wrecked from within before it is
wrecked from outside. It is for the members of the profession to introspect and take the
corrective steps in time and also spare the courts the unpleasant duty.
An advocate stands in a loco parentis towards the litigants. Therefore, he is
expected to follow norms of professional ethics and try to protect the interests of his client in
relation to whom he occupies a position of trust. Counsel’s paramount duty is to the client. The
client is entitled to receive disinterested, sincere and honest treatment. Nothing should be done
by any member of legal fraternity which might tend to lessen in any degree the confidence of the
public in the fidelity, honesty and integrity of the profession.
The importance of justice is considered in our ancient time , which is evident by the
chapters enumerated in the code of Manu as under ; There were the best possible rules to
promote the interests of both the king and the subjects. The contraction of debt- dispute relating
to lending and borrowing , deposit- a person’s refusal on demand of thinks or money placed in
his custody , Sale of property without ownership, illegal concerns amongst partners ,
resumptions of gift , deduction or less payment of wages or salary , non performance of or acting
contrary to agreement , disputes of transactions , dispute between the owner and the tender of
cattle , contest on boundaries , assault or severe , beating, harsh language or slander, theft
larceny robbery , tress- pass or acts of violence , adultery , alteration regarding the failure of
duties as man and wife , disputes of inheritance , gambling or laying thinks or conscious beings
at stake in play were the points of dispute for adjudication on rival contentions. The king after
considering the contention of several persons was never partial to any body with reference to the
ancient law. Even in that time there were uniformity of procedure and the decision after due
hearing and collecting the evidence .
All the members of the court are considered as wounded, where justice is found
wounded with inequity, and judges do not extract the dart of inequity from justice or remove its
blot and destroy inequity, in other words where the innocent are not respected and the criminal
are not punished.
A virtuous and just person should never enter a court and when he does so, he
should speak the truth; he who holds his tongue on seeing injustice done, or speaks contrary to
truth and justice, is the greatest sinner .
Justice destroyed, destroys its destroyer; and justice preserved, preserves its
preserver. Hence, never destroy justice , lest being destroyed, it should destroy thee.
In this world justice or righteousness alone is man’s friend that goes with him after
death. All other things or companions part on the destruction of the body and he is detached
from all company. But the company of justice is never cut off.
When injustice is done in the government court out of partiality, it is divided into
four parts of which one is shared by the criminal or doer of injustice , the second by the witness,
the third by the judges, and the fourth by the president king of an unjust court.
Legal justice , with a humane mission, must update itself to legitimise progressive
urges, discern the reality of social changes and design its delivery system, so as to obviate the
dominance of the Proletariat by the Proprietariat and accelerate people’s access to effective.,
litigative justice. The contemporary command of social justice, which is also the socio-economic
demand of the common people, is that the prevalent forensic astigmatism shall be corrected by
sloughing off archaic, arcane authoritarian procedures which often spawn the paradox of a wealth
of abuses and a poverty of access vis-à-vis institutions of legal justice.
The bar and the bench are meant to provide mutual assistance for dispensing
the justice. A prominent Bar is always considered to be of utmost requirement for imparting the
duties assigned to the Judge while deciding the case before him. Without the adequate
assistance of the Advocate , it is not possible to ascertain the factual controversy and the legal
provisions relating to such dispute and as such it is necessary that for this purposes the
Advocate should discharge their duty. The duty of an Advocate , therefore, is not only for the
interest of his client ,but also equally towards the court . Thus there is the need for regulating the
proceedings of the court by assigning the respective duties on each other appearing and
presenting the matter for adjudication before the court of justice. There are two categories of
Advocates in the present time in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the Advocate
Act. An Advocate may , with his consent , be designated as senior Advocate, if the Supreme
Court or the High Court is of opinion that by virtue of his ability standing at the Bar or special
knowledge or experience in Law, he is deserving of such distinction.
Senior Advocates have also been put in the matter of their practice subject to such restriction as
the Bar Council of India may , in the interest of legal profession may prescribe in this regard.
Recently in the Govt. Gazette published on 11th December, 1999 , there are certain rules
formulated for the purposes of designating an Advocate as the Senior Advocate.
The “Standing at the Bar” is not simply the years of practice as an advocate , but it means the
position of eminence attained by an advocate at the Bar by virtue of his integrity , sincerity, legal
acumen and high ethical standards maintained by him inside and out side the court. The power of
review of the decision taken by the High Court has also vested with the Court .It is desirable to
designate a senior counsel only to those advocates who have proven their integrity , sincerity &
legal acumen in the profession and noting has done for unbecoming the member of Noble
Profession and in case something is found contrary to such ethical value on being the conduct
of such senior advocate being noticed by the court , the aforesaid designation of conferring of an
Advocate may be reviewed in exercise of the power vested with the Hon’ble Court. The aforesaid
designation may not be given by the High Court for Practising as a Senior Counsel of Supreme
Court only under such circumstances , the administration of justice may be done by the
Constitutional Courts and the other Advocates may also learn the ethics of our profession .
Each soul is potentially divine. This divinity is within one’s nature ; either external by work or
philosophy or internal by worship or meditation or by both virtues. This is the goal of religion.
There is a serious debate on the issue of conversion of Hindu to Christian , Muslims by
providing the monetary assistance and other incentive through other Nations . The issue is not
relating to human problems. However. It is high lighted for the purpose of political reasons . The
purpose of the issue is not for espousing the cause for human values of a particular religion , but on
the other hand, it is simply meant for creating more complications as to provide any cohesion
between inter se religions .
The purpose of the religion is to serve the society by co-operation between fellow citizens as
to attain the gospel of life by peaceful co-existence . The object of every religion is to realise
solidarity , peace and ultimately the spirituality . There is no bitterness in the objective of every
religion. The approach of one individual adhering to some religion may differ from other . but when
we stand on a higher strata we realise that every religion is based on a universal pattern as to find
out the objective of one’s life and the power governing over the living creatures .
Hindu were initially recognised for their inhabitation near the Indus valley . There were the
migration of the individuals from other Nation . The natural climate of India was one of the best
climate of the world . Thus the people started gathering near the river bank of Satlaj, Rabi, Jhelum ,
Vyas & Chinab in the Punjab province while other started gathering below the Himalayan valley on
the bank of Ganga & Jamuna rivers . There was one significant remarkable feature in this religion
that these people after coming from the deserted land have started worshipping to the creatures of
the nature. The stones lying near the bank of river were regarded as the auspicious objects
representing to the powerful God namely SHIVA . There was also the respect given to the animals
like Peacock , Snake , Mouse , Monkey and Elephant . The fishes are also considered to be the
auspicious. This was done in order to give respect to every creatures of the nature. The rivers were
regarded to be the Goddess and the Mountains were regarded as providing the place for inhibition of
the identity of the God themselves . This was done in order to save the nature, as the migrants from
the other Nations have seen the result of fighting with the nature . This is now a universal factor that
if one will not respect the ingredients of the nature , the existence of the very life of an individual may
come to the stake . Thus the ideals behind the Hindu religion were based on the observations of the
human being just to maintain an equilibrium in the universe . Lord Shiva was considered to be the
God of providing justice while Lord Vishnu was considered to be the governing power and the Lord
Brahma as the creator of the universe. There was a guiding factor always been considered to be
superior which was the outcome of the observation based on the movement of the stars and planets
in the universe. The Sun was always been regarded as the source of energy providing vigour ,
energy and the knowledge in the human being . Thus it was accepted and recognised as being
identical to the spiritualism .
By the passage of time , everything, which was considered to be of utmost importance like
preserving the nature , gradually vanished . The personal interest started perpetuating inside the
ideals of Hindu religion and the knowledge , which was based on the observation of our great saints
, was considered to be the individual’s property . The other individuals, who were not so learned,
were treated with discrimination and seldom were provided humiliation by our so called guardians in
the society . The preaching of the great saints was considered for being utilised to get the
predominating affairs by some individuals over the other ordinary person and ultimately the Hindu
religion was divided to many segmentation, which were subsequently classified as the caste system.
There were certain deciple of lord Buddha , who after their migration , were settled in the
different part of our nation. They have started serving the society by giving the different assignment
to the individuals having their potential according to their ability. Those people, who were having the
renouncing character and their physical existence were reciprocal to their mental calibre were
recognised as KAYASTHA .The individual whose kaya (physical existence) became Astha (merged )
with the spiritual knowledge and likewise they have renounced the worldly affair were identified by
such nomenclature . The other individual, who were doing different work according to their ability and
learning , the same were given their name according to their nature of work. The individual
performing auspicious function like Worshipping to the Idol inside the temple and were teaching to
the other individuals in the society were recognised on the basis of their work as Brahman , the
power which governs the individuals become a reciprocal character with them. The people started
giving them the due respect as was commanded by every ingredient of the nature . There was a
gradual trend to treat the son of the Brahman as the respected citizens due to their nature of work .
Subsequently, the lust for power has over ridden the real objective for which they were commanding
such respect, but gradually, by the passage of time, it was demanded from the others. The Kshatriya
having vast expansion of their chest and there were strong Arms attached to their soldier , they were
chosen for their martial character and were trained for fighting and to protect the religion. On
account of their power they started taking the unscrupulous method for their up lift in the society and
by their conquering power , they have started their predominating character being utilised for
retaining them in power. The people doing some business were called as Vaishya and they have
also taken such business for their inhabitation in the future generation. The other people were
considered for serving to the society and they were identified as Backward Castes and amongst
those were the Scheduled caste and the Tribes . Due to their nature of work , they were not
permitted to perform other functioning like entering inside the temple and to educate their children.
This has ultimately taken a recourse of originating a caste system on the basis of their heredity
superiority and identity thereof , irrespective of the fact as to whether they are possessing the quality
of their predecessors or not, but they have started imposing themselves to be the superior class of
citizens. This has created a disharmony in the society and there were gradually a feeling of taking
revolt against such predominating superiority by one class of Hindu society over other class.
The purpose of the religion amongst the Hindu was finally vanished by such class
discrimination and espousing of the caste system . The principle of co-existence remained no more
in the society , but one class of the citizen has started exploitation to another class of citizen and
finally there appears a feeling of disintegration amongst fellow citizens. At this juncture there was
another menace prevalent in the society as to invite one invader to defeat his enemy amongst the
upper class and as such every invader who has ruled over our Nation , has found a beneficial factor
prevalent amongst its citizens fighting with each other on account of one reason or other. They
gradually started conversion of the Hindu to their religion and started ruling upon our Nation by
adopting a policy of divide and rule . Thus the conversion of Hindu religion is not based on any
outer factor, but it is on account of our caste system. Let us try to think over again and again as to
whether we want to live on the basis of the principle evolved regarding our co-existence with each
other or we want to be ruled again by some other invader.
The political arena has now witness a class politics not on the basis of the actual issues
relating to the human problem, but on the caste basis by giving the go by to every ethic and logical
perceptions simply on account of our caste affiliation. There are the instance when a person sitting
on the top of the bureaucracy and occupying a constitutional post as the top most authority either in
the political spare or even in judicial side, he is also seen to be tempted with the sudden impulse of
having the caste affiliation as a predominating factor in governing the Nation . We have not taken
any lesson from our slavery administered by some alien forces governing the nation and still we are
acting like a spoiled gambler , who has loosen every penny of his belonging and his reputation in
the society, but still he is continuing to play the gamble with his life due to caste affiliation . There
happens to be a tug of war between one force of identity based on religious compulsions as to
demoralise the conscience of one person over the other individual . No one is having any concern
with the plight of the citizen fighting against the factor relating and responsible for natural calamity ,
but every one appears to be interested in adopting any means ; fair or foul and that too with a flavour
of caste affiliation. Who has not become an intoxicant by tasting the juice of power but one should
not consume the intoxicant under the garb of the caste affiliation as he may loose his own existence
and thus be ruled out by some dictator for which the invaders have already made the prediction,
while giving the power to these power intoxicant at the time of independence of our Nation . God give
the good sense amongst our politician and the guardian of Hindu religion to wake prior to the time
when it is not already too late.
One has to abandon all desires in the world, be free from attachment and latent impressions doing
everything outwardly and thus playing one's part in the world. He has to cut the bond of attachment
from all sides by the sword of knowledge. He should not play with life and should be loyal to ideals
and must spiritualise out his thoughts, emotions and actions.
Soul requires solitude. In order to get peace of mind has to become calm. The physical existence
must be free from all thoughts daily for sometime and during the period of wisdom dawns. Thought
meditation, one may study his true internal nature and realise himself as spirit of freedom, spirit of
unity, spirit of immortality. Live in truth by becoming truthful, love all, for love is unity, by reflecting
upon thoughts. The man bondage may perpetuate slavery. Be aware of lust, breed, anger, passion,
hatred, jealousy and the unlimited wants of five senses. They are enemies.
There is no ill spirituality without love. Spiritual realisation automatically make us love everybody.
Truth and universal love raise us to a spiritual status and we can see the divine life. This is the
highest vision which comes when he realise God in his heart and surrender himself completely to
him and thereby wiping out his ego sense. Purity truth and constant remembrance of God is what is
needed to know God within us. Grace of God comes by practise and in pure mind otherwise
passions will create havoc. Desire move the senses. Tapas cuts the senses annihilates desires.
Tapas is worship, meditation. Thus for controlling the bondage of the desired, one has to adopt the
path of
spiritualism. In this manner with there will not be required any thought control nor the restrictions
can be imposed upon such individual who has given his oneself to the omnipotent without feeling
any discontentment by the swept of impulsive notions. This is required for the rectification of
prevailing maladies in the society.
An assessment of enthusiasm
Self realization and thought meditation are correlated and both of them lead an individual to search
the goal of his life. The route he chooses depends upon the decision he makes but the decision
making process is not within the competence of an individual. There are so many guiding principles
and role of inheritance is so crucial that the person who swept away with a desire to search the
gospel of life ,may consider himself that he has lost his relevance in the process.
An urge may lead to big surge .The innovation and the ideals play a vital role for the advancement.
Some people are very optimistic and sometime they appear to become over-enthusiastic. The
individuals use worship the rising sun and as such since an interaction with another individual having
an innocent behavior, may always be regarded as one of the associates.
Life is threefold present ;the present having an experience, past with a memory and past with a
memory and a future with an expectation .Every expectation is not in anticipation nor is depended
upon the circumstances. The harmonious construction is required to be given effect for analysing
the truth amongst the 3 dimensional reflections. Thus the individuals who is associated with an
optimistic personality always try to germinate confidence and simultaneously an introspection with
retrospective effect.
Throwing a stone up on the Moon may not be considered as an intelligent step but without throwing
the stone in the upward direction, the heights attended by the trees in the Garden may not be
crossed. It is only matter of appreciation and understanding by the individuals as to whether he may
understand that the fellow is throwing the stone to cross the barrier or to some impossible distances.
However even after being conversant that the person may suffer the innoclasm towards his
objectives in life, but the said Individual’s approach becomes a guiding factor to other associate.
The father of the individual enthusiastic personality may seldom be not able to cope up the
requirement of adjustment in life with his son but certainly there is an implied appreciation which is
not demonstrated but can be felt with his behavior.
Thus the child who understand that it is on account of close affinity that the matter of appreciation
become an unnecessary formality and this creates a misunderstanding.
People worships to God as he is unknown as usually inaccessible. Likewise the enthusiasm of an
individual is indirectly related with the destiny and incase if the Luck permits, there is every
possibility of achieving the success. Who will not like to become conversant with an important
personality and likewise people outside may start appreciation with a critical assessment regarding
your performance. Thus neither the disappointment is required nor there is any need to provide
undue prominence to such negative approach. Though thy path be dark but there is a guiding factor
which is given to the people by the nature and not by the individuals. Thus one should not have
taken into consideration on that what the others think about you but you should think what you think
of yourself.
This universe, in truth, is nothing. There were no heaven and no hell, nor the same in
existence at present. Every action has it’s own repercussion.
This was the comedy of the error with an amplifier, having the co–incident, that the life is originated
in this universe. There was no sign of existence after the creation of earth. The sun was having its
radiation on the newly created planets after disintegration. Thus the earth was also having the
turmoil of uncertainty in the process. Gradually the heat transmitted in the atmosphere. There was
the creation of the gases. The nitrogen, helium and ozone gases were emitting from the earth. There
was the nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. The molecules were disintegrated into the hydrogen
particles and likewise there was also the creation of oxygen from the ozone gases. After unification
of the molecules of oxygen with hydrogen, the water came into existence in the form of the gases.
There was a period of transmission of energy in the atmosphere. However, gradually the
preservation of the heat could have only been regulated. The coverage was provided to the universe
from the outer periphery of ozone layer on the outer side of the atmosphere. Thus by getting the
protection through the outer radiation from the infra red and ultra violet rays, there was the cooling
effect in the atmosphere. This process has gradually converted the steam of the water particles
situated in the atmosphere to the condensation process. By having the rain of the water and other
chemicals from the internal surface of the atmosphere, there was the accumulation of the water
every where. However, subsequently due to the emission of the particles from the lower surface of
the earth, there was again the vapor formation. These processes remain operative for thousands of
millions years before when as a mere co-incidence, the water was accumulated in the ocean of the
earth. There was no such rain as were in existence, but the mountains started from where the
process of evaluation generated. There was the alga formation on the mountains and ridges and
similarly there was a jelly formation in the water due to friction of the molecules. Thus the live
molecule was created in side the jelly like substance in the water and thereafter the formation of the
ameba taken place on this earth. The theory of evaluation of life is the subsequent process.
The vital question for consideration for our human being is to the effect as to whether the same
process is a mere co-incident at the time of the birth of an individual. There is the generating of the
heat in the process of life when the idea is exchanged. These ideas ultimately become the process of
reproduction. There is the combination of the molecule again in the similar process. Thereafter the
creation of the zygote inside the ovary of the female. Thus if we consider the life being originated
from the ocean, whether the penetration of the sperm in the egg is also the starting point of the
theory of reproduction. Ultimately the life is converted into a reality when the living organism took
place in the process. We forget that the existence of our life is similar to the creation of the universe.
Thus we start thinking for our survival. The struggle is of no significance because it continue for
some period and thereafter it vanishes from its origin and thereafter the human being realizes that
his existence is for the time being.
This was a mere co-incident that a particular ‘Y’ chromosome was penetrated in the egg and meet
with ‘X’ chromosome. Thereafter the process of life started. The shape and the identity of the person
are concentrated on particular genes. When our existence is of such a small molecule from where
we can get ourselves being recognized with some identity. This is the illusion of life when we claim
for the recognition of our existence. The creation of the false existence is a direct assault on the
identity of the power that has created our life. Even if we deny taking into our identity, the very
existence of God, but still the value of the life cannot be put to any doubt for always being a
controlling factor over the living being.
This is the starting point of our wisdom. The moment we give up to our intelligentsia through logical
perceptions by converting it from analysis by observation, the reality of truth comes to the memory.
This process ultimately lead to an individual from committing any sin as the repercussion of the same
may be detrimental to one’s own existence. No body will like to loose his own existence for the mere
satisfaction of his egoistic nature. Thus ultimately we use to connect ourselves from some controlling
power and thereafter the existence of God comes to our conscience. This is the ultimate truth of life.
History of man is one long search for God. However, we cannot subscribe to the theologian’s theory
of God. Life is the image of God, which is essentially a spiritual being. If the equation of life is taken
into consideration, there can be no doubt that the man cannot eternally remain forgetful of his
spiritual nature. Then he will find out his self.
Time is having three-dimensional Picture, in which, there are certain memories of the past having it’s
permanent impact on the way of thinking; the present as we have visualized it from such angle; and
the future with our expectation to be fulfilled. Thus in this process, we may side-tracked from our
inherent characteristics and may start challenging the time-honored customs. The reckless spirit of
defiance of well-established sacred principle becomes the way of life. There is the open crusade
against the religion. There is no religion equal to it’s potential, in which, there may be compassion for
the animals and birds, truthfulness in the behavior and love for the fellow being. Thus the religion is
based on the philosophy of brotherhood and spiritual cult of life. The places, where there is the
program organized to slaughter the animals, as that of giving the sacrifices to the deity, these are not
the places of religion but these are slaughterhouses.
I have known the truth, but you can not know it. This is the preaching of every prophet. There lies
their greatness. Thus they bring down the highest truth to the door of every man but never allow it to
reach to such man. This is the religion of life. The true religion, which may be achieved through
spiritual knowledge, seeks the truths of the inner world.
Bondage is of the mind, and freedom also is of the mind. A man is free if he constantly thinks and
feels: I am a free soul. Life and death are in the mind of the man. Thus one should have a burning
faith in God. He may feel that he has no bondage .He will fellow the instruction of the God.
The greatest virtue of Law is in its adaptability and flexibility. Law made for the society and
there fore it has to be applied, depending upon is situation, for the benefit of society (Balbir Kaur Vs.
steel authority of India ), (2000)6 SCC 493.
“Law is a social engineering to remove the existing imbalance and to further the progress ,
serving the needs of the Socialist Democratic Bharat under the rule of law. The prevailing social
conditions and actualities of life are to be taken into account in adjudging whether or not the
impugned legislation would sub-serve the purpose of the society. (Ashok Kumar Gupta vs State of
U.P., (1997) 5 SCC (L&S)1299:.
“Law is a means to an end and justice is that end. But in actuality, law and justice are distant
neighbours; sometimes even strangely hostile. If law shoots down paralyses development, disrupts
order and lawlessness paralyses development, disrupts order and retards progress. High Court of
Judicature at Bombay v. Shirishkumar Rangrao Patil,(1997)6SCC339: 1997 SCC (L&S)1486: AIR
1997 SC 2631: (1997) 4 SLR 321: (1997) 2 LLN 470:
“Law has been variously defined by various individuals from different points of view and no
wonder there is no unanimity of opinion regarding the real nature of law, by various writers.”
‘’A law is a rule of conduct, administered by those organs of a political society which it has
ordained for that purpose and imposed in the first instance at the will of the dominating political
authority in that society in pursuance of the conception of justice which is held by that dominating
political authority or by those whom It has committed the task of making such rules’. (Keeton)
“A set of rules imposed and enforced by a society with regard to the distribution and exercise of
power over persons and things”. (Vinogradoff)
“Law is the command of sovereign, containing a common rule of life for its subjects and
obliging them to obedience”. (Erskine)
“Law is the body of principles recognized or enforced by public and regular tribunals in the
administration of justice.” (Pound)
“The law of the state or of any organized body of men is composed of the rules which the
courts-that is, the judicial organs of that body- lay down for the determination of legal rights and
duties”. (Gray)
“Law is that portion of the established thought and habit which has gained distinct and formal
recognition in the shape of uniform rules backed by the authority and power of Government”.
“Law is the system of rights and obligations which the State enforces”. (Green)
According to Salmond,” Law may be defined as the body of principles recognized and applied
by the State in the administration of justice”. Courts may misconstrue a statute or reject a custom. It
is only the ruling of the court that has blinking force as law. The highest court of a State willfully
misconstrues an Act of the Legislature, the interpretation put on the Act would be law as there is no
higher judicial tribunal with jurisdiction and authority to reverse it. The result is that the true test of
law is enforceability in a court of law”.
According to Justice Holmes,” The life of law has not been logic. It has been experience. The
law will become consistent when it ceases to grow. The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent
moral and political theories, intuitions of public policy, avowed or unconscious; even the prejudices
which judges share for their fellowmen have had a good deal more to do than the syllogism in
determining the rules by which man should be governed. The law embodies the story of a nation’s
development through many centuries and it cannot be dealt with as if it contained only the axioms and
corollaries of a book of mathematics. In order to know what it is, we must know what it has been and
what and what it tends to become”. Again, “Logic gives science of law resides in the elegantia-juries
or logical cohesion of part with part. The truth is that the law is always approaching and never
reaching consistency. It is for ever adopting new principles from life at one end and it always retains
old one from history at the other. It will become entirely constant only when it ceases to grow”
The fast changing scenario of economic, social order with scientific development spawns
innumerable situations which the legislature possibly could not foresee.The delegate is entrusted with
power to meet such exigencies with in the in built check or guidance and in the present case to be
with in the declared policy. So the delegate has to exercise its powers with in this controlled path to
sub serve the policy and to achieve the objectives of the Act . A situations may arise, in some cases
where strict adherence to any provision of the statute or rules may result in great hardship, in a given
situation, where exercise of such power of exemption is to remove this hardship without materially
affecting the policy of the Act, viz., development in the present case then such exercise of power
would be covered under it. All situations cannot be culled out, which have to be judiciously judged
and exercised, to meet any such great hardship of any individual or institution or conversely on the
interest of the society at large. Such power is meant rarely to be used.(Para 18). Consumer Action
Group v. State of T.N.,( 2000) 7 SCC 425.
“In the interpretation of the Constitution, words of width are both a framework of concepts and
means to achieve the goals in the Preamble. Concepts may keep changing to expand and delongate
the rights. Constututional issues are not solved by mere appeal to the meaning of the words without
an acceptance of the line of their growth. The Judges, therefore, should respond to the human
situations to meet the felt necessities of the time and social needs; make meaningful the rights to life
nad give effect to the Constitutions and the will of the legislature. The Supreme Court as the vehicle
of transforming the nations life should respond to the nation’s needs, interpret the law with
pragmatism to further public welfare to make the constututional animations a reality and interpret the
Constitution broadly and liberally enabling the citizens to enjoy the rights. (Ashok Kumar Gupta v.
State of U.P., (1997)5 SCC (L&S)
The principle is that all statutory definitions have to be read subject to the qualification
variously expressed in the definition clauses which created them and it may be that even where the
definition is exhaustive inasmuch as the word defined is said to mean a certain thing, it is possible for
the word to have a some what different meaning in different sections of the Act depending upon the
subject or context. That is shy all definitions in statutes generally begin with the qualifying words
similar to the words used in the present case, namely” unless there is anything repugnant in the Act
where the meaning may have to be departed from on account of the subject or context”. Thus there
may be sections in the act where the meaning may have to be departed from on account of the
subject or context in which the word had been used and that will be giving effect to the opening
sentence in the definition section, namely “unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
context”. In view of this qualification, the court has not only to look at the words but also to look at the
context, the collocation and the object of such words relating to such matter and interpret the meaning
intended to be conveyed by the use of the words “under those circumstances”. Whirlpool Corpn.v.
Registar of Trade Marks,(1998) 8 SCC1.
“By interpretation or construction is meant”, says SALMOND,”By which the courts seek to
ascertain the meaning of the Legislature through the medium of authoritative forms in which it is
“Interpretation differs from construction in that the former is the art of finding out the true sense
of any form of words; that is, the sense which their author intended to convey; and of enabling others
to derive from them the same idea which the author intended to convey. The drawing of conclusions,
respecting subjects that lie beyond the direct expression of the text from elements known from and
given in the text; conclusions which are in the spirit though not with in the letter of the law.” (AIR 1963
SC 1760,p. 1794)
“In common usage interpretation and construction are usually understood as having the same
significance”.(211 US 370,p.386)
“The duty of judicature is to act upon the true intention of the Legislature-the men or sentential
legis”. (AIR 1966 SC 346 ,p.348)
“The function of the courts is only to expound and not to legislate. The numerous rules of
interpretation or construction formulated by courts are expressed differently by different judges and
support may be found in these formulations for apparently contradictory propositions.”
“The Legislature can no doubt amend or repeal any previous statute or can declare its
meaning but all this can be done only by a fresh statute after going through the normal process of law
making “.
“Surprise to find that an open platform having no all or roof is a building”.(AIR 1966 SC 991)
“ The building of High Court is a ‘structure’ may itself be debated. Unsuccessfully argued in
the House of Lords that a large substantial permanent two stereo building was not a structure.(AIR
1921 PC 240)
“The question is essentially one of degree and that it is impossible to fix any definite point at
which ‘maintenance’ ends and ‘repair’ begins”. There is no possibility of mistaking midnight for noon;
but at what precise moment twilight becomes darkness is hard to determine.” With in or outside the
purview of the relevant words of the statute, after laying down a working line or more appropriately
some general working principles. (AIR 1960 SC 610)
Legislation in a modern State is actuated with some policy to curb some public evil or to
effectuate some public benefit. Information derived from past and present experience. It may also be
designed by use of general words to cover similar problems arising future.
“If the word used n a fiscal statute is understood in common parlance or in the commercial
world in a particular sense, it must be taken that the Excise Act has used that word in the commonly
understood sense. That sense cannot be taken away by attributing a technical meaning to the word.
But if the legislature itself has adopted a technical term, then that technical term has to be understood
in the technical sense. In other words, if in the fiscal statute, the article in question falls with in the
ambit of a technical term used under particular entry, then that article cannot be taken away from that
entry and placed under the residuary entry on the pretext that the article, even though it comes with in
the ambit of the technical term used in a particular entry, has acquired some other meaning in market
parlance.(AIR 1997 SC 3414)
“The judiciary can never regain its lost respect and esteem if faith in judiciary can never regain
its lost respect and esteem if faith in judiciary is forfeited. The conduct of every judicial officer should
be above reproach. He should be conscientious, studious, thorough, courteous, patient, punctual,
just, impartial, fearless of public clamor, regardless of public praise, and indifferent to private, political
or partisan influences; he should administer justice according to law, and deal with his appointment as
a public trust; he should not allow other affairs or his private interests to interfere with the prompt and
proper performance of his judicial duties, nor should he administer the office for the purpose of
advancing his personal ambitions or increasing his popularity. If he tips the scales of justice, its
rippling effect would be disastrous and deleterious. High Court of Judicature at Bombay v.
Shirishkumar Rangrao Patil.(AIR 1997 SC 2631)
“The theory of Sovereign power which was propounded in Kasturi Lal’s case (AIR 1965 SC
1039) has yielded to new theories and is no longer available in a welfare State. It may be pointed out
that functions of the Govt. in a welfare State are manifold, all of which cannot be said to be the
activities relating to exercise of Sovereign powers. The functions of the State not only relate to the
defense of the country or the administration of justice, but they extend to many other spheres as, for
example education, commercial, social, economic, political and even marital. These activities can not
be said to be related to Sovereign power.” Smt. Hanuffa Khatoon, who was not the citizen of this
country but came here as a citizen of Bangladesh was, nevertheless, entitled to all the constitutional
rights available to a citizen so far as “Right to Life” was concerned. She was entitled to be treated
with dignity and was also entitled to the protection of her person as guaranteed under Art. 21 of the
Constitution. As a national of another country , she could bot be subjected to a treatment which was
below dignity nor could she be subjected to physical violence at the hands of govt. employees who
outraged her modesty. The right available to her under art. 21 was thus violated. Consequently, the
State was under the constitutional liability to pay compensation to her. The judgement passed by the
Calcutta High Court, therefor, allowing compensation to her for having been gang raped, cannot be
said to suffer from any infirmity.”
“Rape was committed on a woman by railway employees and a practicing advocate of a High
Court filed a petition under Art. 226 which included not only the relief for compensation but many
other relief’s as, for example, relief for eradicating anti-social and criminal activities of various kinds at
Howrah Railway Station and the true nature of the petition, therefore, was that of a petition filed in
public interest, the writ petition was maintainable. In such a case, it could not be said that she could
not file that petition as there was nothing personal to her involved in that petition.”
It has been held in case of Chairman, Railway Board v. Chandrima Das (AIR 2000 SUPREME
COURT 988)- “The employees of the Union of India who are deputed to run the Railways and to
manage the establishment, including the Railway Stations and Yatri Biwas, are essential components
of the Govt. machinery which carries on the commercial activity. If any of such employees commits an
act of tort, the Union Govt., of which they are the employees, can, subject to other legal requirements
being satisfied, be held vicariously liable in damages to the person wronged by those employees. It
was so when instant case was case under Public Law domain and not in a suit instituted under
Private Law domain against persons who, utilizing their official position, got a room in the Yatri Niwas
booked in their own name where the act complained of was committed.
However in case of Hussain v. State of Kerala, (2000) 8 SCC 139.The appellant is unlawfully
deprived of his personal liberty for such a long period of 5 years on account of inadequate legal
representation andWrong conviction and thereby overlooking the aforesaid facts and the legal
position. We acquit the appellant and direct him to be set at liberty forthwith. In this case, we are not
considering the question of awarding compensation to the appellant but he is free to resort to his
remedies under law for that purpose. Similarly in case of death by electrocution, the Maintainability of
the writ petitions is denied on the ground of Disputed questions of fact involved in case reported in
(2000) 4 SCC 543.
In the book written by our Uttaranchal Pradesh chief Justice Ashok A. Desai namely “ Justicing
the people “- “Judiciary is independent. It does not mean judges are equally independent. They are
bound by the limitations of law . Common man may not be able to see it. The judicial system has to
maintain certainty and uniformity in the discharge. If the judges are allowed to settle the extent of
justice according to their notion, or concept, then the system cannot achieve either of them.
Intellectualism has more diversity. With the Judicial Activism, justice will vary according to the concept
of individual Judge. That will cause a severe damage, not only to the system, but also to very
foundation of justice. It will also create difficulty in guiding the Society. Law is always notified for the
guidance of public but notions of justice of a Judge are not visible. This creates jeopardy. It would
lead to, not only the Government by judiciary but by the Judges. The Democratic Society will never
approve this.”
Whether a Constitutional Remedy lies against the fraud
The legal maxims:- “Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant” ( Fraud and justice never dwell
together) & “ Fraus et dolus nemini patrocinari debent” ( Fraud and deceit defend or excuse no man).
These maxims have been reiterated in the decisions of Apex court. It has been observed that it is in
the inherent powers of superior courts to quash such proceedings, which have been secured by
playing the fraud or misrepresentation. There is no other remedy being available to aggrieved party.
The power conferred under the extra ordinary jurisdiction of Hon’ble High Court under Article 226/227
of the Constitution may also be exercised to defeat the wrongful gain secured by playing the fraud
from the property of innocent person. There are very few instance when the Hon’ble Courts have
exercised their inherent jurisdiction to secure the justice for the litigants by seeing the abstract truth,
hidden behind the surface through graceful foresight looking into the substance. In this back ground,
the decision given in writ petition no. 6370 of 2001 ( Amar Singh and another versus Collector/
District Magistrate, Kanpur Dehat and others) decided on 19.4.2001 is a remarkable judgement on
this point. The Hon’ble High Court has not only overlooked the mistake in drafting the incomplete
factual averments in the interest of providing substantial justice to the petitioners. The particulars
required for the purposes of effective adjudication of the controversy involved were missing to a larger
extend in the Writ Petition. However the merit of the case has been dealt with in the present case.
The Hon'ble High court has further exercised the extra ordinary powers to provide the substantial
justice to the illiterate villager Lalloo Lal, whose six plots measuring more then three Bighas of
agricultural land were arbitrarily sold in auction sale for the alleged recovery of Bank Dues for a
nominal price of Rs.40,000/- in the Illegal manner with malafide intentions for extraneous purposes.
It has been observed by the Hon’ble Courts that “where the power is conferred to achieve a
purpose it has been repeatedly reiterated that the power must be exercised reasonably and in good
faith to effectuate the purpose. And in this context ‘ in good faith’ means ‘for legitimate reasons’.
Where power is exercised for extraneous or irrelevant considerations or reasons, it is unquestionably
a colourable exercise of power or fraud on power and the exercise of power is vitiated”.
The judicial review is the heart and soul of the constitutional scheme. The judiciary is
constituted the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution and is assigned the delicate task of determining
the extent and scope of the powers conferred on each branch of the Government, ensuring that action
of any branch does not transgress as limits.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court has also held that ‘ Pithily put, bad faith which invalidates the
exercise of power- sometimes called colourable exercise or fraud on power and oftentimes overlaps
motives, passions and satisfactions- is the attainment of ends beyond the sanctioned purposes of
power by simulation or pretension of gaining a legitimate goal. If the use of the power is for the
fulfilment of a legitimate object the actuation or catalysation by malice is not legicidal. The action is
bad where the true object is to reach an end different from the one for which the power is entrusted,
goaded by extraneous considerations, good or bad, but irrelevant to the entrustment. When the
custodian of power is influenced in its exercise by considerations out side those for promotion of
which the power is vested the court calls it a colourable exercise and is undeceived by illusion’.
The judiciary in India also possesses inherent power, especially under section 151 CPC, to
recall its judgement or order if it is obtained by fraud on Court. In the case of fraud on a party to the
suit or proceedings, the court may direct the affected party to file a separate suit for setting aside the
Decree obtained by fraud. Inherent power are powers which are resident in all courts, especially of
superior jurisdiction. These powers spring not from legislation but from the nature and the
constitution of the Tribunals or Courts themselves so as to enable them to maintain their dignity,
secure obedience to its process and rules, protect its officers from indignity and wrong and to punish
unseemly behaviour. This power is necessary for the orderly administration of the court’s business.
Since fraud affects the solemnity, regularity and orderliness of the proceedings of the court
and also amounts to an abuse of the process of court, the courts have been held to have inherent
power to set aside an order obtained by fraud practiced upon that court. Similarly, where a party
misleads the court or the court itself commits a mistake, which prejudices a party, the court has the
inherent power to recall its order. The court has also the inherent power to set aside a sale brought
about by fraud practiced upon the court or to set aside the order recording compromise obtained by
“ Charges of fraud and collusion like those contained in the plaint in this case must, no
doubt, be proved by those who make them – proved by established facts or inferences legitimately
drawn from those facts taken together as a whole. Suspicions and surmises and conjecture are not
permissible substitutes for those facts or those inferences. By no means requires that every puzzling
artifice or contrivance resorted to by one accused of fraud must necessarily be completely unraveled
and cleared up and made plain before a verdict can be properly found against him. If this were not
so, many a clever and dexterous knave would escape.”
“ Fraud avoids all judicial acts, ecclesiastical or temporal” observed Chief Justice
Edward Coke of England about three centuries ago. It is the settled proposition of law that a
judgement or decree obtained by playing fraud on the court is a nullity and non est in the eyes of law.
Such a judgement/ decree – by the first court or by the highest court – has to be treated as a nullity
by every court, whether superior, or inferior. It can be challenged in any court even in collateral
proceedings have been reiterated.
“ Since fraud affects the solemnity, regularity and orderliness of the proceedings of the court and
also amounts to an abuse of the process of court, the Courts have been held to be inherent power to
set aside an order obtained by fraud practiced upon that court. Similarly, where the court is misled
by a party or the court itself commits a mistake which prejudices a party, the court has the inherent
power to recall its order”.
Therefore, no doubt that the remedy to move for recalling the order on the basis of the newly
discovered facts amounting to fraud of high degree, cannot be foreclosed in such a situation. No
court or tribunal can be regarded as powerless to recall its own order if it is through fraud or
misrepresentation of such a dimension as would affect the very basis of the claim.
Amar Singh and Lalloo Lal, the loanee and the guarantor, who happened to be the son and
father respectively. It was alleged that neither any public notice was issued, nor any intimation was
given to Lalloo Lal, the guarantor, the father of Amar Singh, but even then, his landed property of
Khata no. 242 having plot nos. 73-kha, 74, 1042, 1043, 1066 and 1112 to the extent of half of its
share costing the value of the landed property in approximately 3 Lac was put to auction sale in
favour of Maharaj Singh for Rs.40,000/-. It was alleged in the writ petition that Collection Amin
namely Dhirendra Singh remain in collusion with auction purchaser, being his close relative. The
information was received by Lalloo Lal ,when the mutation proceedings for recording the name of
Maharaj Singh, were initiated and notice were issued to appear before the Tehsil authorities on
13.1.2001. The prayer was sought for issuance of writ of certiorari calling for records. The alleged
auction sale was taken place on 27.12.1999 in favour of Maharaj Singh. It was alleged that without
observing the mandatory requirements of Rule 279 to Rule 282 of the U.P.Z.A.L.R.Rules, the entire
sale proclamation done in respect of landed property and its confirmation dated 5.7.2000, which was
virtually a fraud committed by the Tehsil authorities. The petitioners Amar Singh and Lalloo Lal have
also prayed from restraining the Tehsil authorities from recording the mutation of the name of
Maharaj Singh over the agriculture plots belonging to Lalloo Lal to the extent of its half share and to
return the excess amount. Admittedly the entire proceedings in pursuance of the aforesaid
transactions was done for making the auction sale. The same were a sheer abuse of process.
Apart from this, in the aforesaid transaction of the 6 plots of khata no. 242 belonging to
Lalloo Lal, although a sum of Rs.40,000/- having being paid by Maharaj Singh to Tehsil authorities
on 27.12.1999 ,out of which only Rs. 16,481/- was credited to the Account of Amar Singh at Kshetriya
Gramin Bank, while the balance amount of Rs.23,519/- was still kept in the treasury of Tehsil
Rasoolabad. It was also admitted by Kshetriya Gramin Bank that at Jaitpur Branch Rs.5000/- and
Rs.10000/- had already been credited in the aforesaid account on 1.7.2000, while in other account of
Amar Singh at Aunha Branch an amount of Rs. 14,900/- was deposited by Dhirendra Singh
Collection Amin on 10.6.2000. The two account no. DL 561 in Aunha branch and another account
no. 729 at Jaitpur branch were belonging to Amar Singh, while account no. DL665 was belonging to
Lalloo Lal in Jaitpur branch. There were dues to the extent of Rs.13853/-, which were lying against
Amar Singh regarding account no. 729 , while total sum of Rs. 22,058/- were lying against Lalloo Lal
regarding his account no. DL-665. Thus after adjustment of the amount to the sum of Rs.23,519/-
lying with the Tehsil authority, some dues were lying against the petitioners. Even if the dues are
made clear, the outstanding amount was remaining in the tune of Rs.12, 392/- for which Amar Singh
and Lalloo Lal have made a statement that they will deposit the remaining balance within the
stipulated period. However, the controversy involved in the present writ petition was pertaining to the
shame transaction.
As per averments made in counter affidavit filed by the Tehsildar, Rasoolpur, Kanpur Dehat,
Amar Singh had obtained two separate loans, one from Bank of Baroda, Kashipur, District- Kanpur
Dehat on 18.6.1986 in the tune of Rs.20, 000/- and another Bank loan from Kanpur Kshetriya Gramin
Bank, Jaitpur, Kanpur Dehat on 11.11.1988 in the tune of Rs.6,000/-. Amar Singh failed to deposit the
aforesaid loans as consequences of which the recovery certificates were issued for realization of
remaining loan dues amounting to Rs. 18,264/- dated 20.5.1993 and Rs.11,717/- dated 6.12.1993
respectively by both the banks. The father of Amar Singh namely Sri Lalloo Lal and one Sri Ram
Dayal stood as guarantors towards the loan taken from Kanpur Kshetriya Gramin Bank by Amar
Singh. Despite the citations to deposit the aforesaid loans issued against Amar Singh by the Tehsil
authorities on 4.2.1994 and 12.12.1995, the loan was not deposited and thus the citations were
issued against the guarantors Raj Kumar towards the loan dues of Bank of Baroda and two separate
citations were issued against Lalloo Lal and Ram Dayal to deposit the loan dues of Kanpur
Kshetriaya Gramin Bank on 27.2.1997 collectively.
In furtherance of the said recovery procedings, the Tehsil authorities on 25.11.1999 issued
attachment and sale of landed properties of guarantors Lalloo Lal and Raj Kumar. Subsequently it
was alleged that auction sale of landed property of guarantors have taken place. One Maharaj Singh
s/o Mahadeo Singh r/o village- Saraiya, Tehsil- Akbarpur, Kanpur Dehat purchased the landed
property of Lalloo Lal for Rs.40,000/-, while the landed property of Raj Kumar was auctioned for
realization of the loan dues of Bank of Baroda , which was also purchased by Maharaj Singh for a
sale consideration of Rs.20,400/- on 27,12,1999. An amount of Rs.14,900/- was paid to Kshetriya
Gramin Bank on 10.6.2000, while Rs.1490/- was adjusted towards the collection charges, Rs.84/-
towards auction expenses and Rs.7/- towards the cost of notice. The remaining amount out of the
auction sale of Rs.40,000/- to Maharaj Singh from the property of Lalloo Lal amounting to
Rs.23,500.90 Paise was lying deposited with the Tehsil authorities. Thereafter the Kshetriaya Gramin
Bank on 10.6.2000 issued NO DUES Certificate against Amar Singh. However, out of the sale
consideration of Rs. 20,400/- towards the property belonging to one Raj Kumar, loan dues of Bank of
Baroda amounting to Rs. 18,498/-. They were paid to the Bank of Baroda and after deduction of Rs.
1850/- towards the collection charges, Rs. 85/- towards the expenses in conducting the auction sale
and amount of Rs.7/- towards the cost of notice. However, there was no prayer for quashing the
auction sale pertaining to the landed property belonging to other guarantor namely Raj Kumar and
thus this was not the subject matter of the controversy in the writ petition.
It is well-settled proposition of law that the extra ordinary power conferred under Article 226
relating to commercial matters may apply with reluctance, but subsequently the law has under gone a
change by the subsequent decisions. The present case is not a mere example of violation of an
ordinary right of a citizen. Where the public functionaries were involved in such a malafide and
colourable exercise of power that may abridge or abrogate the right of livelihood of a citizen duly
guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution, the remedy will still be available under the public law
notwithstanding that a suit could be filed for declaring the aforesaid transaction as void. This
remarkable judgement is an exemplar of a verdict given in a socially sensitized manner containing a
complex exception to show the people beacon light in favour of poor uneducated exploited mass who
need a helping hand from the legal profession and also from the Hon’ble Courts. This is an attempt to
prevent contagious virus of corruption, which is opposed to democracy and social order. Unless this
corruption is nipped in the bud that is likely to cause turbulence by a dreaded communicable disease,
the same will crumble the socio political system under its own weight.
Laws are the aggregate of rules representing is the collective wisdom of community and
therefore applied universally according to the circumstances and conditions and requirement of the
nation universally for the common human benefit of people's welfare and therefore made applicable
for the strict enforcement of justice with the changing requirement and sanctity of the rule of law.
Doubt perishes the man while apathy to a particular situation ruin the civilisation.
Law in order to satisfy the needs of fast changing society has to be evolved in order to meet out the
challenges instead of remaining static. Thus the judicial thinking to be constructed by reference
which would adequately deal with the new problems and therefore we no longer need the crutches of
foreign legal system. It has to be secured through the process of law. The collective interest of the
community so that parties do not lose faith in the institution and thereby indulge in private retribution
is the prime objective of the legal order. The procedural safeguards should commensurate with the
sweep of power. The wider the power, the greater the need for restraint in its exercise and
correspondingly, more liberal the construction of procedural safeguards envisaged by the statute .
An independent and honest judiciary is sine qua non for rule of law. It is imperative to protect the
honest officers from motivated misconceived complaints made by unscrupulous litigants while on
the other hand infallibility is an unreliable ideals, correctness is often a matter of opinion. Thus
ability to anticipate the fallibility is the gift of a prophecy consideration of finality are subject to the
paramount of justice but the remedial action must be appropriate upon which the administration of
justice may rest. Thus the law can not afford any favourite other than truth. Life of law is not logic; it
has been experienced however logic may not be ignored when experience is silent.
There has been erosion of faith in the dignity of the court and in the majesty of the law. The
procedural wrangle is eroding the faith in our judicial system and one must introvert turn the search
light over the process of deterioration inwardly. Therefore, the law must be definite and such as
basic postulate is the requirements of the consistency in judicial decision making process and at the
same time, there is the need for foreign flexibility. No straight jacket formula can be laid down for
judicial functioning. The concept of public accountability of the judicial system and the professional
competency with ability to promote the justice is perhaps overdue and the courts are ill equipped to
speculate and seldom at contrary to democratic principles. Values in public life have undergone
serious erosion during last few decades what was unheard is a common talk of the day. The new
value orientation has undergone in our culture and we are at the threshold of the cross roads of
these values. This is a difficult situation.
One makes Law legal only by giving its operation . The consent of one's conscience. A moral
obligation to disobey is not less compelling merely because an individual is powerless and that his
disobedience may lead to punishment through powerful despotic monarch. It is always electoral of
pre-medication to adopt justice as synonymous to law, which may be the command of the stranger,
but the humanity and conscience will always be prone to launch a protest through expression against
such command of law who has no sanctity of justice behind it. The problem of obedience of unjust
law is the root cause for a right to right to rebellion and delicate balance is being observed in the
history of civilisation. The position of soldier under section 41 of the Army Act, 1950 as making
disobedience to unjust immoral offence is in practice difficult to tackle as being liable to be shot at by
a court martial and if he disobeys to be hanged by a judge. There is a concurrent conflicting
demands of choosing either of the two. The discipline and of supremacy of law. It is difficult to
examine and being aware of a illegality of the order and therefore law contrives an objective test.
The Nuremberg trial has further declared that Nazis law and order of dictator must confirm to
minimum morality. If it does not stand this test, the disobedience to unjust command will not often
the discipline and rule of law will prevail.
Resistance to oppression is the consequence of other rights. When the government violates the
rights of the people, insurrection for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred
of all rights and the most indispensable of all duties. Abraham Lincon’s famous slogan “Government
for the people ,by the people and of the people means that the people can exercise their
constitutional rights and revolutionary rights to dismember and overthrow the government. Thus
rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. Whenever any government becomes destructive of certain
inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, the people have the right to alter or abolish
it. The abuses and usurpation design to reduce the existence of the individual and to act like
absolute despotism, it is the right and the duty to throw of such government and provide security to
the citizens.
The rebellion against government is further justified when the majority of the people are oppressed
by a despotic minority and then it becomes a moral duty of men who love liberty not to permit any
moral rights to rebel against the majority. Practice of non-violent methods of rebellion as a means to
end tyranny has been justified by our founder father but tyranny which makes reforms impossible is
difficult to be tackled down and in that situation only the public opinion can safeguard the interest of
the society. The obligation to obey the law is always linked with the question of justification for the
natural outburst with the right to revolution. The ultimate raison de etre for you social discipline is
reconcile apparently with conflicting claim of liberty and law. The justification to obey the law through
civil disobedience involves conscious disapproval of government's action. The other factor of
disobedience is through non-enforcement of the sovereign power of imposition of tax law and when
ever the protest has the justification for not agreeable as unable to conscience to obey it. The
peace and tranquillity of the realm is always supreme as such violent emotion is unwarranted by
moral law .Socrates, who searched into things under the earth and in heaven and therefore the
youth refused to hold his tongue and prepared that as he realised that law applies with equal force to
all to maintain ordered society and in order to resist against. Unjust law are must not to being afraid
of being incurred in punishment for disobedience, if his conscience permit him to do so.
Recent events have revealed the damage of letting ashore on body politics to fester for to long, the
solution must be consistent with the unity of the country and national interest and not on as can
result in claim of reaction detrimental to those interest. Despite the enduring the assurance by every
political party in the parliamentary democracy for country’s stability progress and radical reform,
there is a complete social disruption. Sometime there is ideological compatibility due to personality
cult and dynasty rule over primitive society but when there starts inherent contradictions and ego
concentric personality clashes, the country stability ,progress and radical reform comes to
ignominiously halt. Socialism is to social justice , what ritual is to religion and Dogma is to the truth.
Our present politicians has imposed so called mindless sociological arrangement on the nation
under the garb of socialism which has held in thrall the people endeavour and enterprise resulting in
the transfer of wealth from the honest to dishonest opportunist, merit to the demerit; quality with the
quantity and justice with injustice in the guise of giving social protection. This is the reason that 231
public-sector enterprises run by Union government and 636 by the state government of extracting
the material resources from public exchequer realising exorbitant price from India's doctrines
socialism. If the politicians are actually concerned and they should have provided the financial
security to the backward classes as to enable them to survive by distribution of resources with a
logical distributive justice. There is only quantitative growth without quantitative developments. The
influential politicians who preferred to let socialism remain the opiate the people and of whom it
can be truly said that if the ignorance is the bliss they should be happiest men alive. Gandhi ji said
“Economics that hurts the moral well-being of individuals or nation is immoral and therefore, sinful
.True economics never militate against highest ethical standards, just as all true ethics to be worth of
its name just at the same be also good economics. An economics that inculcates worship and
enables the strong, to mass wealth of the expenses of the weak is a false and dismal science. It
spell death true economics on the other hand stands for social justice, it promotes the good of all
equally including the weakest and is indispensable for decent life. Gandhi ji told “I do not believe
that multiplication of wants and machinery and contrives to supply them is taking the world single
step nearer its goal ……a wholeheartedly detests with. This met desire to destroy the distance and
time, to increase animal appetites and go to the ends of the earth in the search of their satisfaction.
If modern civilisation stands for all this and I have understood to do so I call it Satanic” .
“A civilisation, in real sense of the term consists not in the multiplication but in deliberate and
voluntary reduction of wants. “Industrialisation on a mast scale would necessarily lead to passive or
active exploitation of the villagers as a problem of corruption and marketing come in. Nothing
should be allowed to be produced by the cities which can equally well be produced by villagers. The
proper function of the cities is to serve as clearing houses for village products. Here are more hands
than required for the work and therefore the problem is how to utilise the idle hours, they will render
unemployed. The concentration of production and distribution in few hands privilege oriented
monopoly. The industrialisation must not deprive people from environment, must but must in village
artisan to reduce his drudgery and improve his efficiency”.
This is the answer to the concentration industrialisation in the cities having no air to breathe at
Delhi 460 S.P.M level ,Calcutta 460 S.P.M level 350 S.P.M level each. Justice H.R. Khanna, when
appointed as commission of inquiry in the year 1967 in respect of the matter relating to the charge of
corruption against the minister’s of Orrisa including three Chief ministers, one of whom was Biju
Patnaik while dealing with 70 charges of corruption levelled against them, was faced a situation
dealing with the arguments advanced on behalf of two ex chief ministers, that there was no
prescribed code of conduct for the ministers to held them guilty of impropriety, that ministers cannot
use their officer or allow them to be used for furthering the business interest of his family members to
have commercial dealing with the State as they themselves never passed orders in respect of such
transactions. Justice Khanna observed that a person on being a minister becomes the custodian of
the public interest. Thus he should so formulate his politics and his activities that there is no
possibility of the clash between his personal interest and the public interest. The role of minister has
got to be that of pioneer rather than a pirate, of the public to sentinel rather than of self seeks of
one dedicated to the public cause and not one obsessed with the desire of personal gain -- -- what
is needed is a climate of strong public opinion where in none may dare to deviate from the path of
rectitude . Law can punish only occasional lapses quoting a classic passage of judge hand. “ I often
wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon our constitution, upon laws and upon
courts. These are false hopes liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there no
constitution, no law, no court can do much is to help it while it lies that it needs no constitution, no
law ,no court ", to save it. The question is whether the laws speaking through the authority of the
courts to deal with such threat to the security of the state, shall be absolutely silenced and reduced
mute spectator because of such threat. The answer has to be given to the public. A raise weary of
its own blood shed and diversities should cultivate public opinion which may offer the only chance for
the survival of the species. The best guarantee for such situation is good sense of those in power,
the vigilance of the people and the pressure of the public opinion.
This is an alarming situation which spell out the gravity and further invite peoples co-ordination to
formulate public opinion to fight through the policy of non- co-operation which has provided the
independence from the British rule by our leader Mahatma Gandhi .
Mankind has a habit of surviving worst catastrophes created by its own error or by violent turn of
the nature and it must be so if there is any meaning in its existence, if its history and continuous
survival is not the accident of a fortuitously self organising chance which it must be a purely
materialistic view of the nature of the world. If man intended to survive and carry forward the
evolution of which he is at present the head and to some extent of half conscience leader of its
march , he must come out of this present chaotic life and arrive at the organised efforts. The ideal
situation would be fulfilled by the accomplishment and preservation of the people from its own
extinction by the folly committed by his own species.
Hon’ble Supreme court has taken into account two spheres of dimensions to the right of personal
liberty against the sovereign power exercising its functioning with the police power and restrictions
imposing procedural safeguard in order to provide the public safety having invasion of individual
privacy as susceptible to abuse. The custodian violence and torture by the police adopting third
degree of interrogation and other agencies have been deemed to be violative of article 21 and article
22 of the constitution of India. It has been held that the importance of affirmed rights to deter
breaches by the violence, torture and even death in police lock up strikes a blow of rule of law. The
police who is supposed to provide the protection of citizens is committing such crime under the shield
of uniform and authority in the four walls of a police station of lock ups in which victim is being totally
helpless. Torture of human being by another human beings is essentially an instrument to impose
the will of the “strong over the weak” by sufferings. These are a calculated assault on human dignity
and whenever human dignity is wounded, civilisation takes a step backward. Universal declaration of
human rights in 1948 in reference to article 5 stipulates “no one shall be subjected to be tortured or to
be cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. The constitutional guarantee provided in
article 20 (3) provides that of a person excused of an offence cannot be compelled to be a witness
against himself. Article 22 (2) provides that the person arrested or detained in the custody shall be
produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of 24-hour of such arrest excluding the time
necessary for journey. The accused shall be informed of the ground of such arrest and shall not
been denied that right to concern and defend himself by legal practitioner of his choice. The personal
liberties is protected under article 21 except according to the procedure established by law. Thus
personal liberty is a sacred and cherished right under the constitution (UBI JUS IBI REMIDIUM).
The Hon’ble supreme court has held in respect of the guarantees of the fundamental rights to
education to its citizen in Miss Mohini Jain Vs state of Karnataka 1992 (3). S.C.C. Page 666, while
dealing with this aspect of constitutional bench in Unikrishanan J.P and others Vs state of Andhra
Pradesh (A.I.R 1993 S. C. Page 2178) has observed “Learning is excellence of wealth that none can
destroy, to man nought ,else affords reality of joy”. Quoting an old Sanskrit adage.
“Liberation from ignorance which shrouds the mind, the liberation from the superstition which
paralysis efforts, liberation from prejudices which blind the vision of the truth. “victories are gained,
peace is preserved , progress is achieved, civilisation is build-up and history is made, not on the
battlefield where ghastly murders are committed in the name of patriotic , not in the council chambers
were insipid speeches are spun out in the name of debate, not even in factories were are
manufactured novel, institutions which are the seat-beds of culture, where children in whose hands
quiver the destinies of the future, are trained. From their ranks will come out when they grow up,
statesman and soldiers, patriot and philosopher who will determine the progress of the land. In
Keshavanand Bharti Vs state of Kerala A.I.R 1973 S. C. Page 1431 Justice Matthew held “The
fundamental rights have no fixed content, most of them are empty vessels into which each generation
must pour its content in the light of its experience. It is relevant in this context to remember that in
building of just social order, it is sometimes imperative that the fundamental rights should be
somewhat related to directive principles. The following rights are held to be covered world under
article 21.
1) Right to go abroad ( A.I.R 1967 S. C. 1836)
2) Right to privacy (A.I.R 1975 S.C.1378)
3) The right against solitary confinement. (A.I.R 1978 S.C 1675)
4) Right against bar fetters (A.I.R 1978 S.C 1514)
5) The right to legal aid (A.I.,R 1978 S.C. 1548)
6) The rights to speedy trial (A.I.R 1979 S.C 1360)
7) The right against hand cuffing (A.I.R 1980 S. C. 1535)
8) The right against delayed execution (A.I.R 1983 S. C. 361)
9) The right against custodian violence (A.I.R 1983 S C. 378)
10) The right against public hanging (A.I.R 1986 s c. 467)
11) Doctors assistance (A.I.R 1989 S. C 2039)
12) Right to shelter (A.I.R 1990 S. C 630)
13) the right to live with human dignity free from exploitation (A.I.R 1980 S. C 849) and
14) The right of livelihood (A.I.R 1986 S. C. 180) respectively were also considered to be within
ambit of article 21. Every endeavour has been provided till now to make this article reverberate
with life and articulate with meaning. It has been held that authority not performing their
statutory duties to enforce laws for the protection of environment inre- J.T 1996 (2) S. C 196
and J.T 1996 (7) S. C. 775 are jeopardising the right of life of the citizen. However the
authorities have still to provide protection by providing a fool proof. Safety to the passengers
travelling inside the fast moving train to avoid disastrous accident endangering a cynical
disrespect towards the glorious contents of life in positive language and the honourable court
may interpret life of law to serve the social purpose and felt necessity as sentinels on quinine
as guardian of human rights to the victim of fatal accidents, socio-economic crisis and criminal
actions to their dependants which is in the prevailing situation installing a sense of fear at least
by providing minimum of financial security.
Transparency of action and accountability are perhaps two possible safeguards which the court
enforcing the protection of fundamental rights must insist upon. Thus police in India requiring to
perform a difficult and delegate task in view of the deteriorating law and order situation,
communal riots, politics turns to student unrest, terrorist activities, dealing with hard core
criminals, drug peddlers, smugglers having strong root in society, will feel difficulties in the
detection of the crime committed by the hardened criminals. Thus a balanced justice approach is
needed to meet the ends of justice. The cure cannot however, be worst them the diseased
The state must therefore ensured that the various agencies deployed by it of highly
sophisticated technology is increasingly susceptible to abuse. The existence of public
emergency are in the interest of public safety relating to sovereignty, security, public order and
integrity of India and also for preventing incitement to the commission of an offence may justify
the right to hold a telephonic conversation and thus telephone tapping would tantamount to
interference and certainly be claimed against the right to privacy unless it is permitted under the
procedure established by law.
Right to freedom of speech and expression includes a right to express one’s convictions and
opinions freely by words of mouth, writing, printing, picture or in any manner under article 19 (1)
(a) of the constitution dealing with the provisions of section 5 (2) of the telegraph act. Unless
public emergency has occurred are the interest of public safety demands, the authority have no
jurisdiction to exercise the power under the said section. The power vested under section 5 (2)
shall not be issued except by home secretary’s and there shall be a review committee consisting
of cabinet secretary, law secretary and secretary telecommunications appointed by the governor.
It is not disputed that no rules have been framed for the conduct of telegraph is under sections 7
(2) be of the act for providing precaution and preventing the improper interception or disclosure of
messages for combating terrorism act within the bounds of the law and not to become the law
themselves. In order to bring transparency and accountability, it is desirable that the officer
arresting a person should prepare a memo of his arrest at the time of arrest in the presence of at
least one witness may be the member of the family or the respectable person of the locality. The
date and time of the arrest shall be recorded in the memo which must also be counter signed by
the arrested person.
The claim in public law for compensation is based on strict liabilities but for the established
infringement of the indefeasible rights guaranteed under article 21, the grant of compensation is
an exercise of the courts under the public law jurisdiction. The quantum of compensation will of
course depend upon the peculiar facts of each case and no straight jacket formulae can be
evolved in that behalf. ( D.K. Basu Vs state of West Bengal, J. T. 1997 (1) S. C Page 1)
( Joginder Kumar Vs state of U. P. 1994 (4) S. C. C. 260), (state of M.P Vs Shyam Sunder Trivedi
J. T. 1965 (4) S. C Page . 445, (Neelabati Bahora Vs state of Orissa J. T. 1993 (2) S. C Page
503, ( Bhim Singh Vs state of .J. K. 1985 (4) S.C.C page 677, ( Rudul Shah versus state of
Bihar 1983 (4) S.C.C page 141) have been referred by the apex court.
The Hon’ble supreme court in the public interest litigation filed by people’s union for civil liberties
versus union of India J.T 1997 (1) S. C page 288 has laid down that the telephone tapping is a
serious invasion of an individual’s privacy which with the growth. Thus as interrupted by all
learned seven judges in Khadag Singh case 1964 (1) S. C. 332 that the expression life couch in
article 21 included that “right to privacy and covered under protection of life and personal
liberty which is insured against the arbitrary intrusion by the police. It is a right to be lit to a
citizen to safeguard the privacy of his family, marriage , procreation, motherhood, child bearing
and educational among other matters dealing with Article 17 of international convenient on civil
and political rights 1966.
(1) No ones shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy, family woman
and correspondence not to the lawful attacks on his honour and reputation and
Everyone has a protection against such interference or attack ... Article 12 of the universal
declaration of human rights 1948 is almost in the similar terms. Thus it has been ordered that
matters to be taken into account in relation to the interception required under section 5 (2) of
the telegraph act, unless renewed cease to have effect at the end of the period of two months
from the date of issue. The record shall be maintained in case it remained in an operation to
the maximum limit of not exceeding six months regarding the intercepted communication, the
extent to which the material is disclosed the number of person and their identity any of the
material disclosed, and the extent of copies may made regarding material by authority issuing
the order. The committee at state-level and central government shall also maintained that
whether there has been any contravention of any of the provisions of section 5 (2) of the Act
the procedures which deals with modalities of regulating, restricting on even rejecting a
fundamental right felting with article 21 has to be fair, not foolish, carefully designed to effect ,
not to be subvert the substantive right itself which can be canalised only by civilised
processes ( Maneka Gandhi Vs Union of India 1978 (2) S. C. R. Page . 621).
The baggage of deepening in-equality is often sweeping the Indian countryside, yet we
spectacular claims of progress and transformation of government enterprises. The hunger, drought
and famine interchangeably with each other with the lowest level of literacy and education in country,
the concept of poverty line has a role and place. Rural India never speak. They invariably plead; cry
or beg for attention and if nobody listen they simply weep. No force on earth is greater than an idea
economic and social justice; a more equal control of resources; a life with dignity; and the growth
through justice. Let us find out some corrective steps for the disparity of the harmony and the real
condition of the people in our country. The orders of society were created classifying them
according to the mode of pre domination in a particular field and apportioning corresponding duties
casted upon the Brahmin, the Kshatriya, the Vaishya and the Shudra. Till the caste system is not
abolished from the society, there cannot the righteousness in action.
Human mind has become more complicated and absorbed with passion, fear, and anger. The
intelligence of the men are puzzled in expound the truth about action. We have lost our sight from
seeing the consequence of evil effect. The contentment by getting free from jealousy and
transcended all pairs of apposite like joy and grief the root cause for maintaining a balance in
success and failure. The yoga of knowledge and the yoga action may lead the individual to the
supreme being where individual becomes free from bondage. Therefore our mind should remain
unattached to the senses object .The India the unforgettable tenacity and the perfection of mind
with exclusive love by practising with absolute dependence has been no more in existence. Sri
Krishna has taught to Arjun that if you refuse to fight for righteous cause then shrinking your duty and
loosing reputation and your popular esteem shall be the worse than the death. The life is the
transformation of energy of the soul and the perception of the God. Thus by feeling unattached to
everything, one should draw in his limbs from all direction, but the control one. The life is govern
through some energy which is transmitted are into the body from the outer atmosphere and provides
a contributory factors in maintaining the proper equilibrium between earth , water, fire, air & ether .
The mind of individual is based on logical conclusion, which is also constitute ego to the
materialistic nature. The moment, the stress of the personal achievement is sustain the mental
horizons dilutes extent and the individual becomes passion and desires. The whole creation is
dependent upon the quality of goodness principle of activity and principles of inertia. The entire field
of action are comprising perpetuating in heart and visualise from outside and such person possesses
the steadfast mind. That they even at the hour of death they use to worship the God. Reason right
knowledge unclouded understanding forbearance veracity , control over the senses, evolution and
desolation fear, non-violence, equanimity, contentment, austerities, charity, fame, obloquy are the
diverse trait of creature, which makes the individual life divine. Absolute fearlessness perfect purity
of mind, constant fixate in the yoga of meditation for the sake of self realisation and even so charity
its Sattvic form, control of the senses, worship of God and other deities as well as of one elders
including the performance of agnihotra (pouring of obligations in the sacred fire) and other sacred
duties, study and teaching of the Vedas and other sacred books as well as chanting of God’s names
and praises suffering hardships for the discharge of one's sacred obligations and straightness of
mind as well as of the body and senses.
Non-violence in thought ,word and deed, truthfulness and geniality of speech, absence of anger
even on provocation disclaiming doer- ship in respect of actions, quietude or composure of mind,
abstaining form malicious gossip , compassion towards all creatures, absence of anger even during
their contact with the senses, mildness, a sense of shame in transgressing against the scriptures or
the usage, and abstaining from frivolous pursuits.
Sublimate, forbearance, fortitude, external purity, non-bearing enmity to none and absence of self-
esteem these are the marks often, who is born with the divine gifts.
Human knowledge has become too great for human mind. The superstition is mainly having its pre-
dominating factor over individuals conscience due to the ignorance. The scientific process of
evolution for systematic knowledge of human being is based on analytical approach. This is
achieved by observing certain symbol which are problem orientation process, hypothetical
presumption, experimentation, evolution, observation and conclusion. Necessity is the mother of
invention. Does the human minds split into thousands of isolated fragmentation, which have no
longer generated to our wisdom. Scientific analytical description is based on theory of natural
selection and descent of man in the process of evolution. Human behaviour flows from three main
sources i.e Desire, Emotion and Knowledge. Desire includes appetite impulse and instincts;
emotion includes spirits, ambition and courage and knowledge includes thought, intellect and
reason. Desire is the bursting reservoir of energy which is mainly classified in three main categories;
1. Power 2.Wealth 3. Pleasures of the senses. All the others are born out of these. The philosopher
namely Frieud considers to the main impulse flows from sex while Marks rates wealth as the primary
appetite and Adler rates power, the most basic instinct. Basically the desire is the root of ignorance.
Man being ignorant of his own self is in itself ignorant, self unconsciousness is the main reason for
our desire. The Self deception to hide the ignorance and creation of the false image is the root
cause of our distress. The truth is totally eclipsed and no return to the reality is possible, if the
desire is implanted in the head of human being. The fallacy lies in the concept of God as an
individual. Money can purchase poems, prayers, songs, bhajans ,rituals and the power too does
the same quality. As soon as we indulge emotional satisfaction by creating a false image to hide
one’s worthless personality, the desire for sex starts which may completely vanish the hope for
spiritual growth of the Dharma. Thus none of the three desires are wholly true. Dharma survives and
sustains because, each one of these three is basically not the root cause. Desire, Power and Sex
are only symptoms. They are on the outer periphery on the surface. The cause is deep. Man is the
hallow and empty inside. There is darkness. There is no light inside. Ignorance and lack of
awareness are the basic cause of the inner poverty to hide, which these three are used to supports.
The only cause and its remedy is by inner fulfilment. Bliss is needed to fill up the dark and empty
recesses of the inner spaces . The cure is in medication and meditation alone. Any person who
becomes calm , quiet and still inside, who knows himself and can witness himself through the inner
eyes and illumines the ignorance within himself and then he becomes happy and filled with ecstatic
and blissful. To sum up, all desires are created in the absence of meditation. Sitting silently and
being a witness to yourself leads to bliss and ecstasy which may ultimately give freedom from all
Knowledge may be acquired by self- realisation. To know what to ask is already no half of the truth.
The conception of human nature is perfectly
sound. Every ideal has a natural basis everywhere. Natural development is the ideal evolution. For
we choose happiness for itself and never with a view
to anything further whereas we choose honour ,pleasure, intellect because we believe that through
them we should be made happy. The scientific glory and the power of man virtues, rather excellence
will depend on self-control. It is not a possession of a simple man; not the gift of the innocent intent,
but the achievement of experience in a fully developed man. The golden means; the first and the
last quality will be the extreme and vices and middle quality a virtue or an excellence. So between
cordial and rashness is courage; between stinginess and extravagance is liberty; between sloth
and greed is ambition ;between humility and pride is modesty; between secrecy and loquacity
honesty; between moroseness and buffoonery good humour ;between quarrelsomeness and
flattery the friendship; between indecisiveness and impulsiveness is the self-control.
Life is the root cause of our consciousness as without life there is neither any soul nor existence of
God. Neutron is the root of every atom which is neutral electrical element. If we have hypothecation
on the basis of logical conclusion, which may come by the study of ideal method in thought and
research, observation and introspection, deduction and induction, that the neutron are the repository
to the God then our desire which are like the electron are rotating in the stationary orbit with
centripetal forces and is maintaining an equilibrium through electrostatic attraction for worldly affairs.
These electrons are certain particles moving in certain wavelength which may be called as orbital
periphery of individuals existence. Desire, impulse instincts and appetite are governed through
these electrons while the emotions in an individual are governed through his ambition, courage and
spirit ,which are like the proton as the integral part of an Atom. The density of which is heavier to
1837 times than electrons .Thus ultimately the emotions are controlled by inner consciousness
which is the soul of the individual. The knowledge which is bursting reservoir of energy flows from
the neutron, the ultimate God and when it is converted into wisdom the human beings becomes the
part of the nature. The solar system is also like the atomic compositions where the planets are
rotating over the Sun in its different periphery and therefore planets are governing factor of the solar
system being the part of planetary electrons . Happiness ,you have to find along with the way not at
the end of the path but by moving along with the pace of life. Thus the man should not be confident
towards his power, but towards his aim. If you blame your present the future will be in dark therefore
try to overcome the remaining part of the present. You may be very nearer to your success.
If in a sin consciousness man may commit any wrongful act then these are not we who are entitled
to take revenge. It is the God who will teach him. If we take any participation we may be
categorised with the same guilt as that of an offender. Therefore we should avoid such blame on
our soul as every action which has got sanction of consciousness is an action done by the God
The fullest usurers interest for each pleasure gifts are not freely scattered by its hand .We make
return to every borrowed treasure . Each talent, each achievement and each gain necessitate some
penalty to pay. All you bestow on cause for on man of love and hate or malice or devotion,
somehow, sometime shall be returned back again. There is no waste toil ,no lost emotions. The
motto of the world is to give and take. It give you flowers out of sheer goodwill, but unless a speedy
recompense you made , you will find yourself presented with its bills.
Life is a bubble; snap it today;
Passing its gloom’s into tomorrow's Ashes
It will be scattered all around.
Watching, observing but unable to speak.
Helplessly you will be suffering a lot,
In your absence you will be lost.
But at that stage, your unbounded zeal,
And all your pious efforts towards amicable means.
Will be having a thirsty desire for the support.
And in that situation and noble spirit alone.
Will Convey your idea before the masses.
You will be credited for your benevolent deeds.
Your great idea will survive.
And the presence of this idea will be your immortality for ever .
A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front
yard. She did not recognise them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry.
Please come in and have something to eat. "Is the man of the house home?,
they asked "No", she said. "He's out”." Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in.
"We do not go into a House together," they replied.
"Why is that?" she wanted to know. One of the old men explained:
"His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one,
"He is Success, and I am Love. "Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband
which one of us you want in your home."
The woman went in and told her husband what was said.
Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let
him come and fill our home with wealth!"
His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?
"Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in
with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with
"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you
is Love? Please come in and be our guest." Love got up and started walking toward the house. The
other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited
Love. Why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success the other two of us
would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there
is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!!!!"
Where there is pain, I wish you peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubting, I wish
you a renewed confidence in Your Ability to work through them.
Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I wish you understanding, patience,
and renewed strength.
Where there is fear, I wish you love, and courage.
There will be no generation of great men, until there are women, free women of free mothers.
There every women deserves sentiments. Women should be honoured and adorned with appraisal.
The religious act of family where women are not honoured becomes fruitless. The family enjoys
perpetual propriety, where women are delighted. Therefore one should honour women as ‘ PUJYA
DEVI’ and refrain from committing any atrocities upon them.
Equality on the basis of sex and individuality of women has been recognized by the Indian
Constitution. The number of laws has been enacted to improve the lot of women, but it has not been
successful in changing the status of women. The women continue to be exploited, as they are
dependent, socially, economically and psychologically upon men.
Education, an important source of personality development and emancipation has failed to bring
women at par with men. Marriage being the sole purpose of women’s life, education becomes only a
means to attain that purpose.
Women constitute one of the backward social groups is in the need of special protection.
Tradition, religion and law have conspired to make women subordinate to men. The subordination of
women is against the spirit of democracy, it is against equality and justice.
The abolition of Sati and Lord Bentinck ( Bengal Sati Regulation, 1929) was no doubt the first
legal measure for social reform. Legalization of widow’s remarriage, prohibition of child marriage
and recognition of widow’s property rights were some of the other reforms made during British Rule.
The Constitution of India, realizing the special need for ameliorative efforts to bring about equality
between man and woman provided the special provision for women and children. The egalitarian
thrust provided the right to an adequate means of livelihood. The special provision for maternity
relief reveals the anxiety of implementation of social obligation.
In social field, the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 took a step of abolishing poly gamy amongst
Hindus. The provision in Cr.P.C. u/s 125 for getting maintenance, amendment u/s 376 I.P.C. and the
promulgation of the provision of Dowry death r/w section 113-B of the Evidence Act has provided the
substantial measurements for the eradication of prevailing maladies of oppression upon the women.
The Hindu adoptions and maintenance Act, 1956, the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and Hindu
Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 provided a substantial degree to remove the disabilities of
Hindu women. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 was passed with an ostensible idea of checking the
evil. The practice of dowry has emerged as a major social evil, which is reflected in large number of
cases of “Dowry Deaths”. The reluctance of parents of the victim to lodge a report is the reason for
this personal nature of the crime.
Women by and large constitute a neglected section of the society. There is now indisputable
evidence of steady decline in the value of women in society. The following trends may be
responsible in this context: - (1) excessive morality amongst women and female child. (2) glaring
disparity between men and women in access to medical services (3) Persistent decline in sex ratio.
(4) Illiteracy and unemployment of women.
Dowry is a clear Affirmation of the fact that one’s gender determines one’s worth or significance.
Since worth is distributed unequally amongst the sexes at birth, worth deficiency amongst females
can be offset by material additives.
Dowry is the most prominent additive. In the survey of the cases of unnatural deaths of young
women, this hypothesis suggested itself again and again. Brides who earn more that their husbands
are made to feel an obligation to supply ‘dowry goods and services’ long after their marriage, just as
those women who earn nothing.
Society perceives woman as economically less productive than man (or unproductive) and,
therefore, a female is regarded as a net economic drain on a family. At marriage, when the female is
in transit between the two households, the family that accepts her is perceived to be saddled with a
net economic liability, while the household that is losing her is in fact losing a liability. Dowry is,
therefore, a compensatory payment to the family, which agrees to shelter her, hypothetically for the
rest of her life. And precisely for this reason, dowry is a recurring phenomenon, which lasts a
In Air India Vs, Nargesh Meerau (1981) 4 SCC 335, an Air hostesses case, according to
regulation 46 and 47, the air hostesses shall retire on following contingencies (1) on attaining age of
35 years (2) on marriage, if it took place within four years of service (3) on first pregnancy. On other
hand, Assistant Flight persons were retiring at the age of 55 or 58 years. Both categories continued
the same cabin crew. The Apex court observed that compelling the air hostess not to have any
children and thus interfere with and diverts the ordinary course of human action. The Apex court
observed that this provision is not only manifestly unreasonable and arbitrary, but contains the
quality of unfairness and exhibits “ naked despotism” and therefore violative of Article 14.
There are vide variety of women employees i.e. (1) small segment in workforce as executives
and prestigious professionals (2) semi professionals like nurses, school teachers who are hired not
only for their skills and intelligence, but presumably for their looks too. (3) The lowest economic
stratum, predominantly illiterate semi literate. We have to see that (1) whether there are set of laws
which meaningfully deals with the stresses and strains faced by women in workforce (2) Do existing
law discriminate in any way against those women? (3) are the existing law comprehensive enough to
protect the interest of women ? (4) What are the special steps required to meet the specific
disabilities faced by women (5) Is there the need for special laws to meet the disabilities faced by
Laws, as we know, are only regulatory and not curative and had this not been so. Nothing would
have been easier for us and to make laws against all social evils and find the next morning that our
society has become heaven. The eradication of an evil lies not so much in law as in the society
itself. No society can exists, breathe and move without a base and this base is provided by norms
and values.
Let us have an introspection upon the prevailing maladies and get the effective implementation
of the better idea, the better measurements as to prevent them by the strong will power in order to
protect the half of the human being which constituted the part of the women folk in the society.
Shri Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar has now been departed from this worldly affair to the
heavenly abode. He was the kingmaker and always reacts like lord Krishna to Arjun in solicits the
advice to the lawyers. He was very affectionate personality and was always ready to provide
guidance to every person associated in legal profession. He used to incite the individual to look into
the provision and than only indulge in the discussions. He used to react like boil milk upon the legal
discussions by imprudent Advocates. The moment the recipient may become able to understand the
issues in discussions, he may become cool. He remained occupied with gatherings of Judges,
Advocates and prominent personalities.
He was like a guiding light in my life, a reminder that come what may everything is right. His
precious advice, right guidance and farsightedness encouraged me through thick and thin moments
of life. His stimulating pats on my back, even your harshness at times all only added to inspire me,
making me trust you completely as a lifelong companion, which has been grown up special with him
in each passing years.
Seldom I feel that there was some thing wrong with me in association with other, but still I felt
difficulty in expressing my resentments. This is difficult to express an opinion as to what is the correct
approach; as to whether I should keep silent; or I should react over the situation. It was realised that
the best way was to adopt an apathetically behavior toward every situation, but at the same time, I
feel that I have lost my identity and in this situation I feel a lot of disturbances. From there I have
started my interactions towards the behavior and other associated activities, which was directly or
indirectly associated with my life
“Life is a shylock; always it demands. The fullest usurer’s interests for each
pleasure Gifts are not freely scattered by its hand. We made returns for every borrowed treasurer.
Each talent, each achievement and every gain me necessitated some penalty to pay. All you bestow
on causes or on men of love or hate of malice or devotion somehow and sometime shall be returned
again. This was the lesson in my life. There is no waste toil, no lost emotion. The motto of the world
is to give and take. It gives you favour out of sheer goodwill but unless a speedy recompense you
make you will find yourself presented with its bill”. “Competition is a struggle for
existence because there is always be survival of the fittest”.
“Every Act and every inquiry and similarly every action and pursuit, given by
him was thought to aim at some good, and for this reason, the good has rightly been declared, to be
that, at which all things aim. But a certain difference is found among ends”. For him “For best was he
who knows all things himself good, he that hearkens when men counsel right. But he who neither
knows, nor lays to heart another wisdom, is a useless night”.
Shri Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar was one of the senior Advocate, who has
been assigned with the responsibility of representing the State Govt. as an Advocate-General in
three consecutive terms with certain break due to political change in the State Govt. The
responsibility of discharging the functioning by him as Advocate-General was not due to his political
association with the ruling party, but it was on account of his merit, dedication, sincerity, and integrity
in discharge of the duties. This was not a manifestation, but the real acknowledgement of the
potential of a senior Advocate. There are the reflections of the memories in my mind, when I have
seen him conducting the arguments from 1974 onwards. I have started practice after being enrolled
as an Advocate in 1974. During the intervening period, since, I was involved in number of problems
associated towards my responsibility of supervising 75 Acre agriculture land required to be
cultivated, after converting to it’s potential from barren land to profitable agricultural land .The reason
for looking after the said land was due to the sudden death of my father in the year of 1971,who died
a premature death leaving behind my mother, my elder brother, myself and a younger sister. Since I
could not continue my practice at Allahabad & I shifted to District Court due to family responsibilities,
I could not see him conducting the argument at High Court for a long duration.
This was in year of 1983, when I visited in his chamber for seeking guidance. I have
visited in his chamber with a hope that I may get the adequate response, but the response I got was
something beyond my expectations. It was initially to discourage me from joining the profession. He
said that why a professional in the same profession will like to provide the potential to another rival in
the same profession. Thus to rise up to the heights, what the individual may have attended after hard
labour and dedications towards his profession, is the hard labour, dedication, sincerity and devotion
to study the law. This reply has come forward with another complement that he may not be
misunderstood for what he is expressing to myself regarding his inability to guide me. I immediately
got the determination that now I will flight for rising up to the tower of success through my own
There were very few Advocates, who can speak such a bitter truth before
junior colleagues for giving them a boosting response. To rise through struggle by his own efforts and
the individual is not required to have the crutches of other person to provide the support to his body.
This was a very valuable advice given Shri Bhatnagar, which has always provided me a lot of
confidence and inclination for struggle. This has become the guidelines to provide a contribution in
due discharge of the professional responsibility. This was on account of his personality traits having
a remarkable combination of predominating characteristics of a prominent Saturn with a cusp of
zodiac sign of Capricorn and Aquarius. These personality track fallow in its carving out through
experience of adversities else they simply comes through cultivation of opinion and is being
stimulated through notional ideology of Isolated doom and perform predominant role in it’s
development. This is also a symbol of self-made man personality.
There were so many cases, which were argued by Shri Shanti Swaroop
Bhatnagar prior to his elevation as an Advocate-General of U.P. I have never missed any opportunity
to learn through his potentials to conduct the arguments, whenever I could have been able to listen
his arguments .The arguments conducted by Shri Bhatnagar have conveyed the original idea and
the strict and correct interpretation of the statutory provisions.
It was in the year of 1991, that I got an opportunity to become associated
with Shri Bhatnagar for engaging him as a Senior Counsel and from there I have learnt the technique
of presentation of the arguments.
Even after giving such valuable advice, Shri Bhatnagar had declined to
argue in the matter. I could have only realised the standard, which is required for conducting the
arguments, but none of the Senior Advocates have provided such a fruitful guidance, which has been
given to me by Shri Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar during my short association with him. I was
subsequently informed by him that he has provided the self restrained in conducting the argument,
as he wanted to provide me the encouragement and simultaneously wanted to find out my
drawbacks tn conducting the arguments. I was subsequently inform by him that he has given me the
certificate of approval towards my drafting and presentation of arguments. After the death of his
junior Sri Amrish Kumar Sharma and his paralytic stock and the recovery thereof, I came in the close
association with Shri Bhatnagar. He was always inclined to guide me, but he used to advice not to
indulge in discussion with other advocates on such issues.
This was during the period of his becoming as an Advocate-General that once
upon a time I visited in his chamber for showing my resentment and protest against the functioning of
High Court. It was his advise to leave the profession and to become a social worker or a politician,
who can speak in public against the wrong committed by the superior authorities, else you accept that
they have been considered to be the custodians of the public office, trust and confidence in Public
life. I again returned from his office with a slight disappointment. There was a discomfiture at my heart
by realising my inability as I found to have chained my hand inside the chilling cage in which the
projection of the light is coming from the back side and I am seeing the reflection of my image on the
front side .This was the sole occasion when, I have lastly visited in the office of Advocate -General
during the tenure of Shri Bhatnagar .He was not only at the heights of success in the profession, but
became so popular amongst the Advocates ,Judges , the entire staff whosoever being associated with
him in his chamber, he had suffered a great set back .Who ever came in association with such a
personality that he has risen to the tower of success.
The temperament of Shri Bhatnagar has also changed by the age factor, but the
opinion expressed by him, rather the words conveyed through him, have become so valuable that the
same have provided me the foundations for my existence in the profession. I have remembered each
and every advice with great receptive trend, even when it was conveyed to me with some versatile
temperament. The orientation of the advise has been equipped with the great confidence as it was
never conveyed without making any references from where it was originated in the constitution.
I have seldom realised, that, whenever I used to criticise the provision of the
constitution inviting the unprecedented litigation before High Court. Shri Bhatnagar was used to react
in the same manner by conveying his protest that in case if he possessed a paperweight, he could
have thrown it for hitting on my body. This was simply due to the reason that without even learning to
the provisions I had started giving my opinion after joining the profession, which was intolerable to
him. This is the incident in the previous years, when I first visited Allahabad High Court as an
Advocate and started gossiping with such a senior Advocate .The cultivation of moral foundations is
called our cultural heritage.
The most prominent and remarkable feature in the personality of Shri Bhatnagar
is the purity of the mind and inclination to convey his idea with due reluctance. Seldom the people
think that they know something but when they start searching for it then they find that it is missing the
manner to which they knew. This is the beginning of the legal profession. The greatest virtue in legal
profession is to create and enjoy at the same moment.
The people do not readily except the superiority of the other intelligent person and as
such these people are always remain in controversy. The simple reason of the superiority of Sri
Bhatnagar was lying in his brevity of thought and the discussion to the point on the subject. He was
a great learner and a great scholar in his contemporary period. He never demanded the respect, but
he used to command it from the heart of his associates. I have seen him with tears in his eyes before
his clients when he was informed that the family of the client is passing through financial constraint.
The pain was apparent and was being chafed again and again before it can heel by his guidance on
number of the occasions in my life. I have seen him with tears in his eyes when he came to my
residence along with his associates and other colleagues to take the dinner, a few days before his
departure for the treatment of his eyes at Apollo Hospital in Delhi. The sentimental breakdown during
dinner was in the remittance by remembering his mother who used to prepare the curry that was
served to him by my wife during dinner at our residence. I met him last during my visit at his
residence on the festival of Holi. He invited me so many times before his death during strike, but I
could not spare time to meet him. I did not know that it would be the last meeting at his residence
during Holi festival.
There is no one having the perfection, but certainly some of the individuals may have
risen to the heights, if they may start thinking in the perfect manner and convey the idea generated
through such experiences with the same precision. This is very rare in the life of an individual to
have the correct analysis of his perceptions with the desire, aptitude and knowledge in adequate
With regard to Justice and injustice to an individual’s opinion assessments, we must
consider the kind of action, it’s means and the justness for considering its effect and solution. Thus
the justice is always represent in corresponding sense. I have seen him in association of some
advocates who are ideologically antagonistic to his opinion, but from the very inception, a
heterogeneous conglomeration of disparate and desperate interests designed mainly hedge against
common enemy on both the constituents.
On 2 nd August 2000 he wrote an article in daily newspaper titled as ‘Those were the
days’- the last English Chief Justice Orby H. Mootham. There was a pain realised by Sri Bhatnagar
by comparing the administration of justice from the present time and the past period. His
reminiscences of about 50 years, right from the period of the English judges to the present scenario.
It has been said that those judges were mature, modest and commanded the respect by their very
entry in the courtroom. There gesture of kindness to the lawyers and courteous dialogues used to
blush out of their modesty even if their faces looked red and they were scared in the moment. They
entered the courtroom right at 10.00 A.M. never before or a second afterwards. The chief justice was
so cordial, warm and affectionate that this was the etiquette of high constitutional functionaries. The
unusual dissent conduct with a strange warmth decency of Chief Justice Mootham was continued to
remember by Sri Bhatnagar till his heavenly abode from this world.
The second article published on 9 th August 2000. ‘When Chief justice Mootham
apologised to a litigant’. Chief justice Mootham entered the court smilingly, but became tense and
pointed out to the Bench Secretary for the impropriety of behaviour of a litigant, a gentle man who
was sitting in the fifth or sixth row wearing a head-gear. The gentleman has removed his cap. The
moment the functioning started, the chief justice regained his usual pleased posture, but the irritation
was again visible, when he saw the gentleman recapped his head. However, when the orderly went
towards the gentleman he voluntarily removed his cap. This was perhaps by reflexes that he wore
the cap once again. The chief justice stopped functioning and asked the court officer to act upon and
thereafter the gentleman was asked to leave the courtroom. It was per by chance that Sri Bhatnagar
went to chief justice’s chamber to make a mention. Justice Gyanendra Kumar was present in chief
justice chamber. The chief justice in a most inimitable style asked, whether he (Sri Bhatnagar) had
seen the gentleman, who despite been told not to wear the cap, defied the advice of the bench
secretary. The chief justice has also said that the gentleman looked a dissent person, but he
wandered why he repeatedly wore his cap soon after removing it. Was it by the defiance to authority
of the Court?
Justice Gyanendra Kumar, a very pleasant conversationalist, intervened. He said “Chief
Justice”, your lordship in the English society, take off a hat to show courtesy, but we in this country
wear a cap to show our respect. Thus the gentleman was only trying to repeat his gesture of respect.
The chief justice perhaps never knew it otherwise this was not causing irritation to him. The tall
person, the chief justice broke into laugher and asked the bench secretary to trace and bring the
gentleman in his chamber. Perhaps the gentleman was still out side the chief justice chamber. As
soon as he entered, the chief justice expressed regret to him and pleaded his ignorance that the cap
is worn to show respect. Soon, the gentleman after being happy from the reprimand made by the
chief justice was again called to request him to be in the courtroom soon after the lunch. Justice
Gyanendra Kumar was curious as to why the chief justice was insisting to have the gentleman in
court. On being inquired the chief justice Mootham observed:- “ He has been reprimanded in court by
me and therefore he deserves an apology from chief justice in the court itself. Later the chief justice
apologised in court itself. This has been never seen or heard by any judge about such gesture even
to a lawyer when there is no good ground for reprimand.” HOW CAN SUCH A JUDGE, THOUGH HE
COURT AND OUTSIDE". The last glimpse of chief justice Mootham was seen at his farewell dinner
when he rose to shake hands with each one of Advocates participating in the dinner. When he came
to Sri Bhatnagar and his friend Sri Asif Ansari, some one said that he was a leader of a political party.
The chief justice said that he refuses to take notice of the political affiliations of lawyers or their
complexion and after this chief justice burst in laughter and shook left hand with Asif and gave right
one to Sri Bhatnagar. Sri Bhatnagar continued to live with such memories and they remain fresh in
his mind despite 40 years have passed in the building of the same court, which Sri Bhatnagar has
last saw him.
The third article published on 31 st August, 2000 was about Justice Raghubar Dayal, Sri
Bhatnagar has written that he open his submissions by using a phrase from the privy council’s
judgement without referring to it. He said that the learned District Judge has carved out an new case
for which no place was found in pleading! Justice Raghubar Dayal did not open the file and
remarked - if counsel have learned to use this kind of language so early in life, he would land himself
in disaster. Sri Bhatnagar immediately apolised. He said that he has escaped his lordship wrath and
will have a chance before another judge, but justice Dayal said to him that he might present in the
courtroom at 10.00 A.M. as this case will be taken as part heard case. Justice Dayal was tensed and
his earlier day’s annoyance was apparent. Sri Bhatnagar said that he was relying Privy Council
judgement where the judicial committee has used the same language. He said that he was conscious
that he did not know English to well, yet he use such word, which were used by Privy Council.
Justice Dayal admitted the appeal, but refuse to exercise discretion for staying the decree for
demolition. He has written that his indiscreet use of language cause lost to his client. The house of
the client was demolished but Sri Bhatnagar has written that he has repented this incident through
out his life as to find out where he was wrong. Justice Raghubar Dayal, who retired in 1960 as the
judge of Supreme Court, still had the great respect from Sri Bhatnagar, as he never committed such
mistake through out his life.
Extravagance of Public Finance vis-à-vis curbing the power and duties of C&AG.
The constitution of India provides that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India shall be
appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal who shall not be removed from
Office, except in the like manner and on the like grounds as a Judge of Supreme Court. The term of
appointment shall be for a period of 5 years and the condition of service and salary of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India shall be such as may be determined by Parliament by Law
and until they are so determined, shall be as specified in the second schedule of the constitution.
The Comptroller and Auditor General shall perform such duties and exercise such powers in relation
to the accounts of the union and of the states and of any other authority or body as may be
prescribed or under any law made by Parliament. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
relating to the accounts so maintained of the union shall be submitted to the President who shall
cause them to be laid before each house of Parliament . The report relating to the accounts of the
states shall be submitted to the Governor who shall cause them to be laid before the legislature of
the states.
That the present accounting system applicable to most Ministries and departments in essentially
external to Financial management function in that the payment made by the treasuries and accounts
are compiled by audit and accounts offices under the control of the Comptroller and Auditor General
on the basis of initial and subsidiary accounts received by them from the treasuries. This system
worked fairly well when Governmental business was limited. With the increase ion the volume and
variety of Governmental business and the continual set-up of developmental outlays, this system
has proved inadequate to the administration task.
The scheme of separation of accounts from audit was to be implemented in selective ministries e.g
communication, civil aviation, tourism, industries and civil supplies w.e.f April 1976, where the
expansion regarding the expenditures and its audit was felt to be providing certain constraint and
thereby resulting into the delay in implementation of the schemes at the relevant time. However by
the gradual increase of the power with these ministries, the similar laxity in relation to the procedural
safeguard was further provided the other ministries resulting into the defeat of the very purposes for
which the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General was given the power through checks and
balances. The effect of the aforesaid process has resulted in the departmentalisation of union
accounts enacted in 1976 and the transfer of personnel was given effect by the enforcement of the
Act no 59 of 1976 from Indian Audit and Accounts departments which was earlier under the control
of C.& AG to the newly formed department of Civil Accounts under the Controller General of
Accounts under department of Expenditure ministry of Finance. In this manner the office of C& AG
which was constituted under the scheme of the constitution of India to provide the restraint to the
expenditure disproportionate from its own discretion by the relevant ministries was brought under the
ministry of Finance and thereby giving the unbridle powers to the ministers and thereby overthrowing
the constitutional mandate securing the safeguard over the whimsical expenditure. According to the
legal opinion of the constitutional experts, the diversification of the financial powers to be utilised
by the sole discretion of the bureaucrats without taking into consideration the Audit objections, which
could have been made under the original constitutional scheme, was directly resulting into the notion
of conferring the absolute power to the respective ministry. This was against the democratic, federal
and republic set-up of our Constitution. The aforesaid concept of the parliamentarian democracy,
providing the fraternity to an individual in preamble of the constitution, was an attack on its basic
structure. This has led to an inadequate financial control which would have been benefited to the
nation if such power were remained with C&AG in India
That it would be relevant to point out that the office of the Auditor General of India was created under
the Government Of India Act 1935 for exercising the control over expenditure incurred by Central
And State Governments and for proper accounting thereof in such forms and in such manner as may
be prescribed by him and he was also responsible for rendering a complied account of receipt and
expenditure to the Centre and State Governments and he was also required to submit report on the
result of Audit in his Audit report to the Governor- General and
the Governor of the States for laying it before respective legislatures . That after coming over the
constitution of India the Auditor General was designated as Comptroller Audit General of India under
chapter V of the constitution.
India is a major player in the field of information technology. The emphasis should be given to
the users of this technology. The problem like Internet connectivity may not disturb, if we wish to find
success in this field . The prevailing economic system should also be changed to cope up with the
minimum needs to people as the benefits may evenly shared and costs evenly distributed. The
benefits of sophisticated technology will be for the people as such there is the need of further
cyberworld laws.Computer laws regulate information technology. Information extends to field by
which information is transmitted such as telecommunication and broad casting. The unifying aspect
of computer law is that it examines the technological aspects of information and governs information
processing. Information technology has enabled information, formerly something ephemeral, to be
turned into something that has a quasi-physical existence and which can be traded as if it were a
physical commodity. Thus data base services sell pure information whilst software houses sell
applied information in the form of computer software.
The law of intellectual property already recognises that certain type of knowledge to be
treated to some extent as if they were private property and thus capable of “ ownership”, for reason
such as invention shown by their devisors, the effort put into their compilation or because they have
been kept confidential. Human activity information technology is used to substitute for some or all of
the functions previously under taken by humans, or to perform functions that could not previously be
performed at all. The term “Intellectual Property” has come to be internationally recognised as
covering patents, industrial designs, copy rights, trade marks, know how and confidential information.
Intellectual property of whatsoever species in the nature of intangible incorporate property. The
contribution of intellectual property to the economic and cultural development of Country is
Indian have inexhaustible pool of talent in computer technology. The present generation of
computer technology and software wizards are welcomed and sought after in the information
technology of the world. The international character of intellectual property is recognised in various
international convention for the protection of such property. India is member of both the berne
convention and universal copy right convention. As technology in all field of human activities are
developing expentionally the field of intellectual property is also expending the correspondingly.
The software technology in particular outlining the process which leads to the production of
software is useful in dealing with programmers. The software design process is a matter of defining
the functions of the programme at increasing levels of specificity . The highest level is analysis of
the problem which defines the general functions to be carried out and the occur in which they are
performed . The final process is to produce the documentation which the user will need to operate
the programme.
The Hardware context ,purporting to record the terms of the transaction relating
to the sell or supply of goods, fall into two categories. The first is outright sales, where ownership of
the goods passed to the buyers, and, secondly , leases of equipment ,where ownership is retained
by the supplier with the advents of the business personal computer .It is increasingly common to find
equipment sold outright, though for more substantial system leasing is still common .The anomalous
position of firm where in legal classification of computer technology divides the subjects of commerce
into two types, goods and services. Software being intangible nature is often considered to be
services such as off-the-shelf software packages normally licensed for use rather than sold outright.
Computer Software is a term use to describe the programmes that cause the computer to operate in
a particular way . On the other hand there is a distinction between standard package software and
be spoke software. The hybrid form of software is also existing. The legal nature of the software is
one of the central mysteries of computer law . However, as discussed earlier software is intangible,
and difficult to classify in legal terms, It appears to be pure information, enjoining no physical form
except that of magnetic notation on a tape or disc. Since it seems that pure information is not
property ( Oxford vs. Moss ( 1978) 68 Cr App R 183) One might conclude that neither is software.
A software are provided free of charge by hardware manufacturer or at least the cost of it
was “ bundled” with the price of the hardware. They were viewed as being the embodiment of
expensively acquired trade secretes and know-how, rather than as a mass- produced articles.
Software houses, totally dependent on software for their business were keen to protect at all costs
the intellectual property rights vested in the software, and show adopted the license as the form of
supply. Licenses which were used for other supplies of expensive technology or know how, is a
permission to do something that would otherwise be unlawful.
The license of intellectual property and the development and/or supply of the copy of
software is the only real contractual risk that a third party may posses intellectual property rights
which are superior to those of licensee. The nature and extent of risk is quite clear, and the drafting
of the suitable provisions to control it is a comparatively simple matter. Liability may be arise either
from the express term of the contract or from those employed by law, and the terms in development
contracts will be quite different from those in supply contracts.
The criminal consequences of computer related conduct constitute increasingly the subject
of both popular and legal debate. Dependent upon the result of this latter exercise, further
questions may arise whether a case can be made out for the introduction of computer-specific
legislation and, if so, about the form that this should take.
The term “cyberspace” was coined by the science fiction author William Gibson ion his
1982 novel Nuromancer to describe the environment within which computer hackers operate. In the
novel, the activity of hacking-securing unauthorised assess to the contents of computer systems- is
couched in very physical terms. The image is of the hacker overcoming physical security barriers
to penetrate into the heart of computer system and make changes to the physical stricture thereby
modifying the operation of the system. When departing, the hacker might even remove and take
away elements of the system.
Whilst the use of physical descriptions may represent accurately the sentiments of those
involved in the creation and use of computer-based technologies, it is much more doubtful how far
the criminal law can or should regard simulation as indistinguishable from reality. Although a
computer hacker’s reach may extend across the world, the hacker never leaves the confines of his or
her own keyboard. No matter how exotic an experience in virtual reality might be, the subject never
leaves a particular physical location.
The term ‘computer virus’ has entered into popular demonology. The essence of a
computer virus is that, like its human equivalent, it may be transmitted from one computer to
another. This may occur when an infected disk is transferred between computers. In the event that
computers are linked together either in a network or using a telecommunications connection, the
virus may also be transmitted electronically. Having infected a computer, the effects of viruses vary
widely. Some are relatively benign. An example is the ‘ping-pong’ virus whose effects are limited to
causing the image of a bouncing ball to move continually across the computer screen. Other
viruses such as the Friday 13th and ‘ Michaelangelo’ varieties can result in the permanent loss of
data stored on the victim computer.
New communication systems and digital technology have made dramatic changes in the
way we live. a revolution is occurring in the way people transact business. Businesses and
consumers are increasing using coimputers to create, transmit and store information in the electronic
form instead of traditional paper documents. Information stored in electronic form has many
advantages. It is cheaper, easier to store, retrieve and speedier to communicate. Although people
are aware of these advantages, they are reluctant to conduct business or conclude any transaction
in the electronic form due to lack of appropriate legal framework. At present many legal provisions
assume the existence of paper based records and documents and records which should bear
signatures. The law of Evidence is traditionally based upon paper based records and oral
testimony.. Since electronic commerce eliminates the need for paper based transactions, hence to
facilitate e-commerce, the need for legal changes have become an urgent necessity. International
trade through the medium of e-commerce is growing rapidly in the past few years and many
countries have switched over from traditional paper based commerce to e-commerce.
There is a need for bringing in suitable amendments in the existing laws in our country to
facilitate e-commerce. This will enable the conclusion of contracts and the creation of rights and
obligations through the electronic medium. Computer crime as distinguished in each case by the role
played by the computer may be having encompassing a vast range of activities spme pf which may
have most tenuous connection with a computer may be identified in their work in three common
trends. These encompass the topic ;-“ Computer fraud ; damage to data or programmes; and theft of
the information. The computer might; (a)Serve as victim of crime; (b) constitute the environment
within which a crime is committed; © provide the means by which a crime is committed; (d)
symbolically by used to intimidate. deceive or defraud victims. Thus it was resolved to promulgate
The Information Technology Act, 2000 to achieve the above objectives.
“ An Act to provide legal recognition for transaction carried out by means of electronic data
interchange and other means of electronic communication commonly referred to as “ electronic
commerce”, which involve the use of alternatives to paper-based methods of communication and
storage of information of facilitate electronic filing of documents with the Government agencies and
further to amend the Indian Penal Code, 1860 , the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 the Bankers “ Books
Evidence Act, 1891 and the Reserve Bank of India Act. 1934 and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto”.
Tampering with computer source code and Hacking with computer system are offences
punishable with imprisonment up to three years and /or may extend up to two lakh rupees.
Publishing with information obscene in electronic form is an offence punishable with five years
imprisonment and fine of one lakh rupees and in the event of a second or subsequent conviction
,imprisonment up to ten years and also with fine up to two lakh rupees. The penalty for
misrepresentation is punishable up to two years and / or fine up to one lakh rupees. There are
provisions prescribing for penalty for breach of confidentiality and privacy. Any computer, computer
system, floppies, compact disks, tape drives or any other accessories related thereto, in respect of
which any provision of The Information Technology Act, 2000 made thereunder has been or is being
contravened, shall be liable to confiscation. Property in its traditional sense is not an ideal
jurisdiction for the action for breach of confidence. Contract, tort and equity are more appropriate in
that they focus on entitlement rather than ownership and this more accurately reflects rights over
information than does property.
The lack of scientific knowledge and general information regarding anatomy and physiology
of human body provides misconception about the importance of yogic practice. The physiology of
yogic practice differs from the physical exercise, but on the other hand , this is a process of
synchronisation of the physical existence and mental activity in human body which , apart from
physical strength provides renunciation to the materialistic approach for the advancement of moral
,ethical and spiritual values. The nature of every yogic practice is psycho-physiological and if this
conceptual background is not clearly understood , the whole outlook on yogic practices will be
distorted .
Yoga literally means Union .The whole system of yoga was developed to attain the
highest state of “CHITTA” or consciousness where everything is merged into absolute
consciousness. Patanjali - the Father yoga has explained eightfold system of Yoga to advance
oneself on the spiritual path while Hata-yoga explore the bodily postures - ASANAS as well as
PRANAYAMAS , to prpare oneself for the higher yogic practices like Dharna, Dhyan ,Samadhee,.
Today what is in vogue are these Hata-yogic practices i. e. Asanas , pranayamas Bandhas , Mudras
,Kriyas etc. which are known to contributed for the physical as well as the mental well being .
Logical and scientific explanations could be given for traditional technique of various
yogic practices in the light of modern science like Anatomy ,Physiology , Biochemistry etc.. Due to
these researches, it is now Possible that the psycho-physiological channels, through which the yoga
practices work in side the body , are being understood through these sciences.
2. Muscles and nerves of the vertebral column as well as the joints and ligaments of the same, e.g.
Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Chakrasan, Vakrasana,
Ushtrasanasub group (B) These asanas predominently work on and through various
proprioceptive mechanisms of the skeletal muscles of the body e.g. Baddha padmasana,
Gomukhasana, Matsyasana Vajrasana, Trikonasan , Bhadrasana, Padahastasana, Supta-
Vajrasana etc.
Sub group © These asanas predominantly work on and through the vestibule organ for the sense. Of
body balance, e.g. shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Viparitkarni, Garudasana, Vrishchikasana etc.
2. Relaxartive Asanas : These are meant for the relaxation of body and mind which helps the
corrective posture and their nmechanism . They remove the physical and mental tensions and
work at the level of consciousness. These asanas even assist meditative asanas and
pranayamas, dhyan etc. e.g. shavasana and Makarasana.
3. Meditative asanas : these asanas provide a comfortable and stable sitting position of body for a
steady mind for meditation, dhyan etc. e.g. padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Samasana.
Now let us consider the salient features of these groups and their possible mechanisms in the
Yog therapy may help in espousing the cause for uplifting the norms and human
values by affiliation to the process of synchronisation in the Human Body and Mind through
consistent efforts as to provide a congenial atmosphere for social coordination without
discrimination to caste, creed, sex and culture and thereby renunciation to the materialistic
approach for advancement of spiritual moral and ethical values.
If the individual is doing some mental work having more involvement in a sitting gesture
, there is a gradual declination for the physical activities and ultimately one is required to get
preventive measurement as to prevent the ailments of blood pressure , diabetes , obesity ,
digestive disorder and respiratory problems, which may be cured by improving the health and
better living. The Yogic Science may develop and evolve the micro - Yogic System By which ;
the stagnation in the harmonic process is rectified. This process inculcate the different Body
systems like Respiratory System , Nervous System, Blood Circulatory System, Digestive
System etc. resulting the better coordination in between Mind & Body thereon.
In the present time there is the need of a healthy human being in a healthy society to
construct a healthy Nation by following our ancient Indian Culture i.e. YOG , which not only
increase the Age of human being, a Healthy Human being , but in a short time, it helps an
individual to improve the efficiency in discharge of different nature of work assigned to him as
his duty towards family & the Society at large.
There is no difference in the object sought. Virtue , devotion and spiritual
communication are everywhere made up in every human being . Mercy and affection are
same in every human body but the doctrinaire may diverge as different from one and another .
The path choose n for reaching to the goal may be by steamer or by the train but the ultimate
gospel is to attend the happiness and the peace of the mind. This is the ultimate destination of
all the religion . Yog is a process to achieve its purpose .
Inactivity should be avoided by all means . Activity always means resistance . Resist all
evils , mental & Physical ; and when you have succeeded in resisting , then will calmness and
positive thinking come. This is the purpose of YOG THERAPY & MEDITATION.
All knowledge ,therefore , secular or spiritual , is in the human mind . In many cases it
is not discovered , but remains covered , and when the covering is being slowly taken of , the
ignorance is lifted . This is the objective of the life . Our feelings and action - our tears and our
smiles , our joys and griefs , our weeping and our laughter , our curses and our blessings, our
praises and our blames - every one of these we may find, if we calmly our own selves , to
have been brought out from within our selves. The fire is struck from it ,which discover power
and knowledge.
This is the objective and purpose for establishing the Institution with the financial
assistance of the citizens not only from Allahabad , but from every individual living in the
different part of the Country and abroad who ever might be willing to support the cause .
The lack of scientific knowledge and general information regarding anatomy and
physiology of human body provides misconception about the importance of yogic practice.
The physiology of yogic practice differs from the physical exercise, but on the other hand ,
this is a process of synchronisation of the physical existence and mental activity in human
body which , apart from physical strength provides renunciation to the materialistic approach
for the advancement of moral ,ethical and spiritual values. The nature of every yogic practice
is psycho-physiological and if this conceptual background is not clearly understood , the
whole outlook on yogic practices will be distorted .
Yoga literally means Union .The whole system of yoga was developed to attain the
highest state of “CHITTA” or consciousness where everything is merged into absolute
consciousness. Patanjali - the Father yoga has explained eightfold system of Yoga to
advance oneself on the spiritual path while Hata-yoga explore the bodily postures - ASANAS
as well as PRANAYAMAS , to prpare oneself for the higher yogic practices like Dharna,
Dhyan ,Samadhee,. Today what is in vogue are these Hata-yogic practices i. e. Asanas ,
pranayamas Bandhas , Mudras ,Kriyas etc. which are known to contributed for the physical as
well as the mental well being .
Logical and scientific explanations could be given for traditional technique of various
yogic practices in the light of modern science like Anatomy ,Physiology , Biochemistry etc..
Due to these researches, it is now Possible that the psycho-physiological channels, through
which the yoga practices work in side the body , are being understood through these
The anatomic- physiological mechanism is understood and is directly involved in the
yogic practice .The physiology of yogic practice including its technique effect and the
available information are based on scientific researches .
Electromyographic (EMG) studies have also shown that the effortlessness and the
relaxation brought by the above method could reduce the muscular activity or tension in the
muscles even is case of paschimottan & Ardhamatsyendrasana The duration of the
maintenance was also increased by 10 to 50 % and the Heart rate did not increase more than
6%. This indicates that the energy cost of these asanas was reduced to great extent.
Therefore there is no question of exhaustion or strain on the cardiorespiratory systems .
Individual could spend to maintain the asanas , which is important to get maximum benefits
from the adopted postural pattern. The passive stretching of muscles and ligaments gets more
time to percolate deeply upto the periosteum (covering of the bone) and capsules and
stimulates the circulation around them. This mild exercise thus maintains their normal healthy
condition by making them more flexible.
Anatomico-physiological mechanisms develops through asanas which can be
classified; - (I) corrective asanas and (II) cultural asanas. These asanas are further classified
in three divisions .
Sub group (A) This group of asanas predominently work on and through: - 1. Visceral
organs and the sensory inputs from them , arising due to the pressure changes brought about
in the intra-abdominal cavity, e.g Yaga mudra paschimottan, Mayurasana, Ardha-
Matsyendrasana, Supta- Vajrasana, Halasana, Pawan-muktasana etc.
1. Muscoles and nerves of the vertebral column as well as the joints and ligaments of
the same, e.g. Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana,
Chakrasan, Vakrasana, Ushtrasanasub group (B) These asanas predominently
work on and through various proprioceptive mechanisms of the skeletal muscles of
the body e.g. Baddha padmasana, Gomukhasana, Matsyasana Vajrasana,
Trikonasan , Bhadrasana, Padahastasana, Supta- Vajrasana etc.
Sub group © These asanas predominently work on and through the vestibular organ for
the sense. Of body balance, e.g. shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Viparitkarni, Garudasana,
Vrishchikasana etc.
1. Relaxartive Asanas : These are meant for the relaxation of body and mind which
helps the corrective posture and their nmechanism . They remove the physical
and mental tensions and work at the level of consciousness. These asanas even
assist meditative asanas and pranayamas, dhyan etc. e.g. shavasana and
2. Meditative asanas : hese asanas provide a comfortable and stable sitting position
of body for a steady mind for meditation, dhyan etc. e.g. padmasana, Siddhasana,
Swastikasana, Samasana.
Now let us consider the salient features of these groups and their possible
mechanisms in the body.
CULTURAL ASANAS:- Important objectives of cultural asanas could be summarised
as follows :
1. To produce physiological balance in dirrerent systems of the body for their
hormonious working. This will provide the best organic vigour to the individual
2. To train the nervous system, specially the autono-mic nerous system in such a way
that it could easily bear the interaction of spiritual force (Kundalini) when
3. to bring in stability and peace of mind as well as a sense of well being . To condition
various joints. Their muscles and tendons to offer a stable and comfortable posture
for higher practicers like pranayama, dharana dhyan etc.
Salient features :
(1) The movements to acquire and then to release any asana, are very smooth and
slow. That is why the reciprocal activity in the muscles and joints can have full play
and gets maximum time to correct the tone in the muscles and to influence
circulation around them. There slow movements and the maintenance of asana in
the relaxed way, require minimum muscular activity and energy and therefore they
do not put any burden on the systems. Thus heart rate, respiration rate remain in
the normal range. This indicates no strain on the cardiorespiratory mechanism.
(2) In asanas like paschimottanasan, Halasan, Chakrasan, relaxation in the final
posture allows gravity to act as a stretching force and the muscles are passively
streched. In asanas like Vakrasana, Ardha-matsyendrasana, matsyasana, the locks
and holds help the muscles to remain in stretched condition, while in Bhujangasana
, shalabhasana, Dhanurasana etc. an effort to maintain the posture stretches the
muscles. Such passive stretching brings down the muscle tensions and thereby
correct the tone in reciprocal group of muscles.
(3) Cultural asanas provide best possible movements for the spinal column.(I) Forward
bending (Flexion) paschimottanasan Halasana, Yoga Mudra(ii) Backward bending
(extension) Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, ushtrasana, Matsyasana, Naukasana(iii)
Lateral bending on right & left sides- chakrasana (as developed by swami
Kuvalayananda) ,konasana (iv) Rotation of the spine in vertical axis-
Vakrasana(swami kuvalayana nda) Matsyendrasana (v) Topsy -turvy and balancing
against gravity- Sarvangasana, Shirchasana, Viparitkarni, Mayurasana,
Kukkutasana, Bakasana.
(4) Even the trunk movements are also slow and hence there is a gradual movement of
the vertabrae. This exercise keeps the spine fiexible and elastic or supple and
prevents gighdity of its muscles and joints. In growing children(above 12 years of
age) the growth and development of the individuaol vertebra by stretching or
producing traction in them. The nutrition of the jointy is improved and the waste
products are efficiently removed. In sarvangasana, for example due to the chin-lock
position of the head, the arteries of the cervical spine are stretched. It presses the
soft tissues., Jugular veins and thyroid gland and causes temporary redistribution
of the flow of blood from the brain. When the pressure is removed, the reactive
increase in the blood supply probably causes the effective mixing of thyroid
hormones with the circulation.
(5) The exercise of the trunk portion is more emphasised . The circulation is increased
and the nerves are toned up as the may get fresh nourishment. This strengthening
of the nerves in the viscera including spinal cord and sympathetic cord is
necessary to unable and individual to withstand powerful action of the kundalini.
(6) The increased visceral circulation and the alternate pressure changes brought
about in the viscera promotes and the preserves the health of the endocrine glands
in the abdominal and pelvic region and the provides a proper background for the
nervous activities .
(7) The typical postural patterns of the cultural asanas when practised judiciously
,would definitely remove minor functional and structural defects .The corrective
asanas are practised in effortless manner the cortical activity (intellect) does not
interfere with cerebellum- hypothalamus functional axis, and that is why emotional
tension can not play there vicious role in the body.
(8) In topsy- turby postures ,the cardiovascular reflex mechanisms are stimulated. The
question of vericose veins would not arise if one practises these postures daily. It
also keeps the blood pressure at the optimum level during day to day activities of
the body.
(9) These balancing asanas stimulate vestibular organs of balance and improve its
The aim relaxation in Yoga is directly related to the awareness and the aims at the
release of the tension working at the lavel of the consciousness (chitta).The concept of the
Chitta - Vishranti ,i.e. the tranquility in the consciousness , is emphasised in the hath-yog
which realised the value of the relaxed mind . They knew the mental tensions can give rise to
physical (muscular) tensions. Tensed muscles obstruct the blood flow and easily get
Shavasan and Makarasana are two asanas from Hatha Yogic school to provide best
relaxation supine and prone positions of the body respectively .It should be born in mind that
this is not only a ‘resting condition ‘ of the body or mind , or sleeping but a conscious
relaxation .On the contrary the relaxation of mind and chitta makes the individual more fresh
and energetic against the tiring routine of work and different types of tensions and stresses of
Many people consider asanas as exercises and practise them on exercise pattern .
Keeping their therapeutical view aside , if asana are to be practised to maintain normal health
of body and mind ,or to advance on the path of yoga,then they differ from exercises in many
respects. Let us see these differences one by one.
1. The movements ,are slow , steady and smooth to attain and to release any
asana. Exercises are performed in a fast or speediy manner leading to an exertion and
fatigue All the movements are gone through woth a jumpy and jerky element .
2. The effect of asanas is ,more on the trunk part . Proprioceptive and
visceroceptive mechanisms are given free scope . the asanas produce pressure changes in the
internal cavities of the visceral organs which influence the circulation in the abdominal part .
Nerve roots in the abdominal region are toned up. Movements of the extremities are more
prominent and also important while exercise to the trunk is secondary in exercises. It acts mainly
on superficial skeletal muscles and their nerves. The circulation is increased in the periphery. The
movements in exercises are quick or rapid and may be of repetitive nature.
3. In asanas, movements of the spinal column are done in all most all directions and
with their possible range of movements. The vertebrae are not compressed in only one directyion
but are stretched in all the four directions and in a rotation. There is a counter movement for
every movement of the spine in asanas. The deep muscles of the spine and its ligaments are
brought into action.
4. There is no purpose of muscle building in asanas. Heavy muscular activity is
avoided in asanas and hence the energy requirement is also less than that of exercises. This
does not put any burden on cardio-respiratory mechanisms on the contraty the tensions are
reduced at various levels.
Heavy muscle masses are built through exercises for more and more
muscular strength. These bumpy muscles are cultivated for a manly look and are regarded as
the sign of physical fitness and vigour, But really speaking they do not improve stamina or
physical end urance. After a particul;ar age these over developed muscles act mainly as
parasites, saping their energy and nutrition from other tissues. They become loose and give
an ugly shape to the body. Heavy muscular exercises increase the work of cardiovascular
system putting undue strain on it.
5. Skeletal muscles are passively stretched and hence the muscle tone can not
increase beyond a particular level.
6. As the volunatary efforts are withdrawn in the final stage of asanas rthe activity of
the motor cortex is gradually reduced or even withdrawn completely. One remains
aware of the external things (external awareness) since the4 reaction is to be
measured outside the body with the judgement of exteroceptors e.g. bull-worker
exercise. The motivational part is also different and therefore they should never
be confused for each other. It is clear that the health and hygien of the internal
organs is maintained by asanas on the physical level. The sensory inputs which
are initiated in the trunk region, due to the special pattern maintained for some
length of time, bring about the nerve culture. A proper tone in the neuro-muscular
system is established. A feling of exhilaration, freshness, lightness as well as the
stability and balancer of mind are common benefits of asanas even to the physical
One should, however, take into account one’s own limitations due to age,
sex and the bodily (hypertonic or hypotonic) conditions, regidity or flexibility of the joints etc,
while practising asanas. One should avid pulling or pressing of the body parts or undue strain
in order to emulate the perfect pattern of the asana, which nay otherwise cause a sprain, tear
of fibrou8s tissue or an injury to the joints. Asanas should never be resorted to in a
competitive spirit and no violent efforts, to reach the final posture, are to be made ‘pleasant
pain’ is the limit of normal range of movement as has been described above which would
lead one progressively towards the final posture of asana, one day.
The respiration is semi-involuntary in nature That means it takes place automatically
as well as controlled by our desire. When we are not thinking about our breathing at all.
When we make changes in the depth and duration of inhalation or exhalation etc. it becomes
a voluntary control . Thus the respiratory centre is also influenced by the impulses from higher
centres in the brain i.e. cerebral cortex. By volition we can breath in any manner and at any
rate we please. We can also hold our breath upto a certain limit where the life is involved.
We release tension when we exhale and we become more active when we inhale.
Respiratory system also contributes to the awareness. Thermoregullation, Water balance,
Detoxication and Excretion are other functions of respiratory system.
It is probably the most important voluntary muscle in the human body which divides the
thorax from the abdomen, serving as a partition between the two. It is a dome shaped muscle
and its convex surface touches the heart and the lungs. Diaphragm moves up and down
several times a minute and participates in respiration. When it contracts it descends with the
result that the vertical diameter of the thorax increases, the lungs expand and an inhalation
takes place. During exhalation diaphragm relaxes to resume its former position. Due to this
rising of the diaphragm the thorax decreases thus exerting a pressure on the lungs and
hence an exhalation results. Along with the normal inhalation and exhalation the downward
and upward movements of diaphragm produce relatively positive (+ve) or negative (- ve)
pressures in the visceral cavities which are required for some normal functions like
micturation, defecation inhalation etc. The breathing in which the movement of diaphragm
becomes more prominent is known as diaphragmatic breathing.
NERVOUS SYSTEM :- Main function of the nervous system is to regulate the activities
of the different organs and of the entire organism. The nervous system includes the brain,
spinal cord and nerves. For our convenience it may be divided into two divisions (1) the
central nervous system and (2) autonomic nervous system which is further divided into two
parts (1) sympathetic and (2) parasympathetic nervous systems. The central nervous
system consists of the brain, spinal cord, 12 pairs of cranial nerves arising from the brain and
31 pairs of spinal nerves. These nerves give off branches to the different organs and tissues.
So, the objective of Yogic practices on their physical side is to avoid disease and to
promote health by establishing and maintaining such physiological harmony in the human
The Bar Council was to be constituted for the High Courts (section-3). The act was
constituted for conferring powers and imposing duties relating to the legal practitioners. There were
15 members. The Advocate General and 4 members were nominated by the High Court while 10
members were elected by the Advocates of the High Court from amongst themselves. The Bar
council was authorised to make Rules and to regulate the admission of persons to be the advocates
at High Court without affecting the powers of the High Court to refuse admission to any person at its
discretion (section-9) . The function of the Bar Council was merely advisory in nature The role of the
advocates was to be maintained by the High Court (Section 8(2)) . The Bar Council had the
disciplinary power over the Advocates. There are instances that the advocates are other High
Courts were refused permission to appear and plead in another High Court for the want of
permission of the respective Chief Justice.
The said committee was constituted for achieving “ A claim for the fulfilment of the cherished
ideal “ and to maintain autonomy and unified All India Bar by the legal fraternity. The Govt of India
appointed All India Bar Committee under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Justice S.R. Das of Hon’ble
Supreme Court. The Committee made recommendations for providing a common Role of an
advocate who would be entitled to practice in all courts in all over country. The principle
recommendations includes; 1 To maintain a register of all existing Advocates entitled to practice in
respective High Courts. 2. Vakil and pleader entitled to practice in district and other subordinate
courts . 3. State Bar Council should sent copy to All India Bar Council .
The requirement of leave for practising in any other High Court as required u/s 4 of the Legal
Practitioner Act, 1879 was recommended for no more in existence . The insistent on a certain
number of practice in High Court as a condition of eligibility of the Supreme Court had not yielded
satisfactory results. The continuance of dual system was considered to be nothing more than the
division of the labour which necessity ensures for the better preparation of the codes as to unable to
the court to effect a better and forceful presentation of clients points of view before the Judge. The
Committee did not feel the need of separate Bar Council for the Supreme Court on the basis of Law
Commission, 1955 considering 14th report on reforms of judicial administration,1958. It was felt that
there should not be any further requirement of non-graduate pleaders or Mukhtyars. However, it was
felt that for the efficient working of the court, it should be assisted by a Bar, which has given thought
and labour to the preparation of the case. The commission also favoured the division into senior
Advocates and Advocates. The Senior Advocates were precluded from expected certain type of
works except appearing, when brief with a junior as to give them and honoured position to unable
them to construct of important work.
In 1961 Parliament enacted the Advocate Act. This act created State Bar Council and Bar
Council of India at the centre. There are certain functions inter-alia to admit person as Advocate
maintain such role determine cases of misconduct laid down standard of professional conduct and
etiquette for Advocates etc. Any Advocate may be designated as the senior Advocate, if the Supreme
Court or High Court is of the opinion that by virtue of ability, experience and standing at the Bar he
deserves such distinctions.
“A profession is required to value to the social objective such as service, sacrifice and justice
and unless the leader of the Bar do some introspection and put the profession back on the rails, all
we will be left with its as an occupation and not as profession, A profession oriented to the
achievement of the condition of justice in the society which may expose the community of the
Advocate from a severe commendation of the society. The lawyers as a profession live and thrive on
ambiguity, inherent in, or imparted to words, and the professional deviance of the lawyers is
Thus the proposed amendment in Advocate Act, 1961 of section 4 (1) and section 9(1) may
not be substituted in the present proposed amendment propositions . But it should consider for the
requirement as per the aspirations of the members of Bar for practising at High Court and there may
not be any amendment for the general implementation for all Advocates . No occupation can become
a profession without antagonism and struggle. Legal education is where law begins development of
legal learning and legal sciences also occur through the Law schools. The fundamental significance
of legal education is to built a just society in India.
“If law must serve life-the life of the many million masses whose lot has been blood, toil ,tears
and sweat - the crucification of the Indo-Anglican system and resurrection of the Indian system is an
imperative of independence.”
Unless legal activists emerges, the gulf between courts and the poor must remain almost the