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P-ISSN : 2503-216X

Journal of Geoscience,
Engineering, Environment, and Technology
Vol 04 No 02 2019


Middle Miocene Black Shale of Airbenakat Formation in Berau

Areas, Jambi: are they potential as a source rock
Putri Dwi Afifah 1*, Budhi Setiawan2
Geological Engineering Study Program, Sriwijaya University, Srijaya Negara street, Bukit Besar, Palembang

* Corresponding author : [email protected]

Tel.:+ 628-237-774-5121
Received: July 02, 2018; Accepted: May 03, 2019.
DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.2.1774

Geologically, the research area is located in Jambi Sub-basin that composed by Peneta Formation (KJp), Airbenakat (Tma),
and Muaraenim (Tmpm). The research focuses on the physical characteristics and geochemistry of Middle Miocene black shale
from Airbenakat Formation. The research aims to determine the potential of Middle Miocene black shale of Airbenakat Formation
as a source rock. The research methods were field observation which included the description of rock samples and geological
mapping, and laboratory analysis including rock geochemical analysis that show pyrolysis measurement and Total Organic
Carbon. Three samples were taken from black and fine-grained shale. Total organic carbon (TOC) values of the three samples
ranged from 0.38-0.42%, the weight of TOC indicates a potentially close enough to produce hydrocarbons. the pyrolysis results
showed that the value of S1and S2 data were below 0.5 and 2.5 HC/g rock respectively, so it can be seen that the three rock
samples were not sufficient enough to produce hydrocarbons. Overall the sample have the S2/S3 ratio ranging from 0.09-0.23
and Tmax-HI data has values ranging from 8-19 mg HC/g TOC, therefore the S2/S3 ratio was less than 1 and the value of the index
hydrogen was below 50 mg HC/g TOC, it can be concluded that the samples were type IV kerogen. The maximum temperature
(Tmax) of pyrolysis showed a value of less than 4350C, ranging from 350-4280C. So, it can be interpreted that the three samples
are immature source rocks because the cathagenesis phase to produce hydrocarbons has not been achieved. The conclusions is
the three samples of black shale indicate potential as immature source rock and has the close enough ability to produce

Keywords: Source Rock, Shale, Airbenakat Formation

1. Introduction
2. Geological framework
1.1 Sub Introduction
According to Pulunggono, et al. (1992), South
Geographically, the research area is located in Sumatra Basin with the southern part of Sumatra Island
Berau Village, Cermin Nan Gadang District (Figure 1). oriented to NW-SE. The area of this basin is around
Geologically, the location of this research is in the 85.670 km2 and consists of two sub-basins, namely
Airbenakat Formation of Jambi Sub-basin. Jambi and Palembang Sub-basin. Jambi Sub-basin is
Jambi Sub-basin is part of South Sumatra Basin oriented towards the NE-SW and is bounded by the
which is in the back arc basin (Barber, et al., 2005). Tigapuluh Mountain in the north, Southern Lampung in
South Sumatra Basin has diverse geological the south, Sunda Shelf in the east, and Barisan
characteristics, including geomorphological, Mountain in the west. Palembang Sub-basin is NNW-
stratigraphic, and geological characteristics. So that, the SSE trending, and between them is separated by normal
South Sumatra Basin is an excellent object to be NE-SW faults.
studied. The Airbenakat Formation in this researh area South Sumatra Basin is a large basin. The uneven
composed by sand and gray to black shale. The relief as well as the reactivation of the bundle fault
presence of black shale is being the background of this control the sedimentation and folding of the Tertiary
research. Geochemical analysis of black shale aims to layer. Tectonic developments in this basin are divided
find out whether this black shale has a potential or not into four phases (Pulunggono, et al., 1992) (Figure 2).
as a source rock in Jambi Sub-basin.

128 Afifah.P.D & Setiawan.B/ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

Fig.1 Research Location Map (BNPB of Jambi Province, 2010).

Fig.2 Tectonic developments of South Sumatra Basin (Pulunggono, et al.., 1992).

• Phase 1 (Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) • Phase 3 (Sedimentation Process)

The occurrence movement of the Indian Ocean Plate The commencement of sediments filling into
to the northwest, the mechanism will be compressed grabben blocks over the bedrock along the volcanic
and in tandem with tectonic control, which is tilted activity. this is the phase of tectonic miocene which
towards the WNW-ESE line of Sundaland which causes uplift at the edges of the basin and followed by
induces its volcanic and accompanies the direction of the precipitation of the clastic material. When this
its sliding fault (fault zone) which is currently seen as occurs, the formation of Barisan Mountain is oriented N
straightness musi and alignment of the lematang with 320 ° E. It also makes in the third phase called Bukit
N 30o W directed center of Indian Ocean Plate to a Barisan Orogeny. As a result, strike slip fault structures
WNW-ESE Sundaland side edge line, convergence angle developed during the Middle Miocene period were
is 30o. As a result there is volcanism which produce accompanied by an increase in the rate of volcanic
granitoid intrusion, along with direction of fault of activity.
shear dekstral (Lematang Fault) cutting N-S Fault. • Phase 4 (Plio-Pleistosen)
Lematang Fault activity and the N-S fault is silent at an Compressional phase, the subduction zone changing
angle of 60°. from Sumatra Island to the oblique convergence and its
• Phase 2 (Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary) direction N 6° E. This makes a "Semangko" shear fault
The second phase develops an extensional phase. block formed. As a result of wrenching product,
This force is oriented N-S and WNW-ESE experiencing rejuvenation and tectonic inversion. This Barisan
the spreading form graben or depression. This causes Mountain stretches from the north-south oblique and
the Lematang Fault to be east of the Kikim Fault NW- SE oriented. These mountain are limiting the
originating strike slip fault SW-NE (N 30° E), becoming South Sumatra Basin to the southwest with Bengkulu
a normal fault of N 300° E. Subsequent developments Basin.
into Limau produce horst and grabben blocks. The block
2.1 Stratigraphy
is the basement builder of the South Sumatra Basin.
Volcanic intrusions shifting and producing Garba Hill is According to Barber, et al. (2005), the stratigraphy
the result of subduction pathways that has been of the basins in Sumatra is divided into four phases of
spreading. tectonostratigraphy: pre-rift phase, horst and graben
phases (high and valleys), transgressive phases, and
regressive phases (Figure 3).

Afifah.P.D & Setiawan.B./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 129

• Pre-rift Phase (Eocene) • Transgressive Phase (Late Oligocene-Middle
The Pre-rift phase of the Sumatra Basin occurred Miocene)
during the Eocene period which, after some time in a The transgressive phase occurred during the Middle
stable state, was affected by tectonic regime changes Oligocene-Middle Miocene, marked by regional
indicated by sedimentation on Sundaland's periphery. subsidence in almost all basins in Sumatra. At this
The sediments formed include the Eocene nummulitic phase especially in the Late Oligocene there is also the
limestone found at the edge of the Bengkulu Basin. In appointment of Barisan Mountain or the establishment
the period before the Horst and Graben periods of the Sumatran arc system and separate the
indicated active volcanism activity was reinforced by sedimentation of the back arc basin and sedimentation
the discovery of Kikim Tuffs consisting of tuffed of the fore arc which the source of the sediment comes
sandstone, conglomerate, breksia, and clay, Late from Barisan Mountain. Sediments deposited in the
Cretaceous and Early Paleocene and the discovery of early stages of this transgressive phase are Talang Akar
Old Andesites. Formations consisting of sandstones, rocks and shales
• Horst dan Graben Phase (Late Eocene-Oligocene) that gradually change into carbonaceous flakes by
After the Pre-rift phase, in the late Eocene- insertion of coal into the basin with a precipitation
Oligocene period there is a change of tectonic regime environment that varies from fluvial to shallow marine.
where the lifting occurs causing the formation of Horst Due to the subsidence of the basin and
and Graben is then filled by rift sediments called transgressive phase in the Early Miocene, the source of
Lahat/Lemat Formation in Middle Miocene until the clastic rock in the north began to decrease as the Sunda
final Oligocene. The Lahat Formation consists of Plain has undergone denudation and upgrading, and
breksia, a polymic conglomerate, and sandy gray the entire South Sumatra Basin becomes the suspected
sandstones. carbonate deposition environment of the
The conglomerate fragments are derived from Ramp/Platform type.
bedrock consisting of slate, phyllite, metasandstone, High areas such as the Musi High and the Northern
marble, basalt, andesite, and quartz veining. The Palembang High, remain relatively high compared to
depositional environment of Lahat Formation is the lowland areas and evidenced by the growing
interpreted as fluvial, alluvial fan, and lacustrin in the environment of reef which is easily exposed to the
center of the basin. The Lemat Formation consists of surface in connection with the decrease of sea water.
tuffed shales, rocks, green- brown flakes, and sandstone The peak of regional subsidence leads to marine
with thin intercalation of coal, carbonate, and transgression in almost all of South Sumatra Basin,
glauconite. In areas between fine- grained materials which indicates the presence of marine deposits. The
sometimes there is a granite wash material that Baturaja and Gumai Formations are formed at this
interpreted as the result of erosion of the deposited stage. Maximum sea thread occurs in the Middle
granite not far from the source rock. Miocene, where at present the Barisan Mountain is
This phase has yet to separate sedimentation almost all drowned. Baturaja Formation consists of
between the back arc basin and fore arc basin. The limestone sediment platforms and limestone reefs
Barisan Mountain which separates the sedimentation formed above the high of bedrock. In some places or
area of back and fore arc basin marks the occurrence of more layered limestone textures with shale deposited
regional tectonic changes in the final Oligocene which in deeper environments. The Gumai Formation consists
resulted in inversion by the folding of sediments of shale containing patches containing foraminifera,
deposited in the Horst and Graben periods. The the rocks with fine glauconitic sandstone inserts and
appointment of Barisan Mountain accompanied by tuff lenses.
erosion also causes unconformity during subsequent

Fig. 3. Tertiary regional column of South Sumatra Basin (Barber, et al., 2005)

130 Afifah.P.D & Setiawan.B./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

• Regressive Phase (Middle Miocene-Recent) anticline is characterized by an assymetrical-overtuned
The subduction process accompanied by the wing with a fairly steep wing on the North with the
reappointment of the Barisan Mountains causes the general direction of the northwest to southeast.
delta and coastal sediments to prograded away from The development of structures and the evolution of
the high areas so that Barisan Mountain becomes a the basin since Tertiary is the result of interaction of
source of sediment. The sediments formed in this phase three main structural directions, northeast-southwest
are Airbenakat, Muaraenim, and Kasai Formation. direction or called Jambi Pattern, and Sumatra Pattern
Airbenakat Formation (Lower Palembang Formation) in South- Southeast direction, and North-South
deposited during Middle Miocene and followed by the direction called Sunda Pattern. This is what makes the
depositional of coal from Muaraenim Formation geological structure in South Sumatra Basin more
(Middle Palembang Formation) at Pliocene. The complex than other basins on Sumatra Island. The
lithology of Airbenakat Formation includes shale with geologic structure of Jambi Pattern is very clearly
glauconite sandstone and limestone constituents observed in the Jambi Sub-basin. The formation of
deposited on the neritic environment at the bottom to Northeast-Southwest trending structures in this area is
a shallow marine environment at the top. In general the associated with the formation of a graben system in the
rock formation of this formation is deposited during the South Sumatra Basin. The folding structure that
regressive phase. The Layer coating of this formation is develops on the Jambi Pattern is caused by the
a Middle Miocene shaped elbow composed of seafloor reactivation of normal faults in the Plio-Plistocene
with glauconite and microforam in several places and compressive period associated with horizontal fault.
layers of sandstone. The Muaraenim Formation was
3. Method
formed in the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene as shallow
sea deposits, sublittoral and delta sediments consist of Methods of this research are field observation and
claystone, shale with sandstone intercalation and coal laboratory analysis. Field observations consist of
seams (Spruyt, 1956). This unit is deposited in marine geological mapping, lithologic descriptions, and rock
brackish environments (at the bottom), delta plain, and sampling. The sample for laboratory analysis comes
non-marine environments. The fauna data from this from 3 rock samples taken laterally (Figure 4 and 5).
formation does not exist, but it is estimated that this Each sample was given a sample number and code of
formation is Upper Miocene-Pliocene. the location, then megascopically description was
The peak of lifting and erosion period of the Barisan carried out. in the Laboratory of Research and
Mountains occurred in the late Pliocene and followed Development of Oil and Gas Technology (Lemigas).
by intensive volcanism activities. The Kasai Formation Geochemical analysis aims to determine Total
was deposited at this time, largely a product of erosion Organic Carbon (TOC) and Rock Eval Pyrolysis, the
from the elevations of Barisan and the Tigapuluh results of Rock Eval Pyrolysis are a way to know the
Mountains, and by the lifting of folds that occurred in hydrogen content. Rock Eval Pyrolisis can estimate the
the basin during the orogenesis. This formation consists hydrogen content from organic content through the
of tuffed sandstone, gravel clay, and there is a thin layer value of S2. In addition, by measuring Rock Eval
of coal with varying thickness and composition. Pyrolysis, we can obtain S1, S3, Maximum
Temperature (Tmax) data and Potential Yield (The Sum
2.2. Geology Structure
of S1 and S2), Oil Production Index (division between
Ginger and Fielding (2005) divides the tectonic S1 snd Potential Yield), Hydrogen Index
history of the Sumatra Basin into three Megasekuen ((S2/TOC)x100)), and Oxygen Index ((S3/TOC)x100)).
tectonics. First is the Syn-Rift Megasequence, it is
4. Sample Description
characterized by subduction in the western part of
Sumatra that produces the North-South trending The sample for the geochemical analysis in this
horizontal graben sequence. Second is the Post Rift research is shale of Airbenakat Formation with
Megasequence, in this megasekuen initially a thermal megascopic characteristics are fresh, solid, black (as an
decline so that the phase of transgresi still occur, at the indication of organic content), massif structure,
end of this megasekuen no thermal decline and rounded, and very well sorted. The three samples taken
increased sediment supply, there was a regression on the limbs of the Berau Anticline, so that, tectonically,
phase until depositional of Muaraenim Formation. the three samples affected by the geological structure.
The third is Inversion Megasequence, this
megasekuen is marked by the rise of Barisan Mountain 5. Data and Analysis
on the western part of Sumatra Island, this megasekuen As an analogy study of source rock formation,
produces a structure that has a direction from the sediment samples in the Jambi Sub-basin area have
South-East fold. The three megasekuen tectonic been evaluated by Rock Eval analysis and TOC content.
changes lead to the formation of different lineaments The results of the analysis will be used in determining
according to the phases in the geological period. The rock organic content, rock capacity as source rock, type
structural pattern of Sumatra Island is relatively south- of organic content, level of thermal maturity, and rock
east based on the direction of Semangko Fault, due to potential in producing hydrocarbons (Table 1)
the process of South Sumatra Basin has three
antiklinorium consist of Antiklinorium Pendopo-
Limau, Palembang, and Muara Enim. The Muara Enim

Table 1. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Rock Eval Pyrolysis from geochemical analysis.

Afifah.P.D & Setiawan.B./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 131

Code of TOC S1 S2 S3 PY 0
Tmax( C
No. Sample Lithology (%) PI HI OI
(mg HC/g sample) )

1. SFAB 1 Black Shale 0,38 0,04 0,07 0,30 0,11 0,36 414 19 80

2. SFAB 2 Black Shale 0,39 0,02 0,03 0,31 0,05 0,40 428 8 79

3. SFAB 3 Black Shale 0,42 0,03 0,07 0,36 0,10 0,30 350 17 87

TOC : Total Organic Content PY : Pyrolysis Yield (S1+S2)

S1 : Quantity of free hydrocarbon PI : Production Index = S1/(S1+S2)
S2 : Hydrocarbon quantity from kerogen HI : Hydrogen Index (S2/TOC) x 100
S3 : Organic Carbondioxide (CO2) OI : Oxygen Index (S3/TOC) x 100
Tmaks : Maximum Temperature (0C) for hydrocarbon formation from kerogen

Fig. 4. Geological map of research area, the three samples taken in the location with symbol O on the map.

Fig. 5. Three black shale samples were taken for geochemical analysis (a) sample of observation location 35, (b) 36, and (c) 42.

132 Afifah.P.D & Setiawan.B./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

1986). Based on the results of the plot diagram, it is
5. 1. Total Organic Content
found the suitability with the results of the previous
One of the parameters that must be considered to diagram that showed the type of organic matter is
determine the potential of source rock is the value of kerogen type IV (Figure 5). Based on these results it can
Total Organic Carbon (TOC). TOC is a parameter that be concluded that the three rocks come from type IV
kerogen of organic content that cannot produce
measured in percent (%), which is the percentage of
hydrocarbons (Peters and Cassa, 1994).
organic carbon from the total weight of the rock
sample. The TOC value generated by the sample has a
range of 0.38-0.42%. A rock have potential as a source
rock if it has a TOC content of more than 1.5% (Clayton,
2005). So that, it can be seen that the three samples are
categorized as rocks with the capacity as negligible
source rock (Waples, 1985) or have insufficient
potential (poor) to produce hydrocarbons (Peters and
Cassa, 1994) (Table 2).

Table 2. The organic content in the three rock samples

analyzed based on the classification of rocks potential in
producing source rock (Peters and Cassa, 1994).

Classification of
Result of TOC (%)
Sample hydrocarbon Fig. 6. Diagram of S2/S3 ratio versus hydrogen index (HI)
Type IV kerogen is interpreted come from organic
content that have undergone oxidation process. The
SFAB 1 0,38 0,5-1,0 Fair kerogen are materials that have been transportated
from the environment where the material comes from
SFAB 2 0,39 1,0-2,0 Good (Waples, 1985; Peters and Cassa, 1994; Mc Carthy et al.,
2011). This interpretation is in line with the
SFAB 3 0,42 Very Good depositional environment of black shale Airbenakat
Formation which is deposited on the marine
>4,0 Excellent environment, where sedimentary material is the result
of transportation from terrestrial material.
The data of S1 represents the amount of free
hydrocarbons present in the rock (Clayton, 2005). The
samples showed that the S1 is less than 0.5 mg HC/g
and S2 showed values less than 2.5 mg HC/g of rock.
Thus it can be concluded that the organic content in the
three rock samples is not sufficient enough to produce
hydrocarbons (Peters and Cassa, 1994).
5. 2. Type of Organic Content
Types of organic content are important in
determining the potential of source rock. The material
referred to this study is kerogen. Kerogen is an organic
carbon deposited on rocks and composed of various
organic contents such as algae, pollen, spores, and plant
resins. Kerogen types will determine hydrocarbons that
will be formed such as oil, gas, or oil and gas. The type
of organic content from the three samples was
determined using an S2/S3 ratio and hydrogen index
Fig. 7 Diagram of Tmax versus hydrogen index (HI) (Peters,
value (HI) (Figure 6). 1986)
The plot of data shows that the ratio of S2/S3 ranges
from 0.1 to 0.23, while the HI value ranges from 8-19
5.3. Thermal Maturity
mg HC/g TOC. So that it can be seen that organic content
from the three samples are type IV kerogen. if the value Based on Tmax data (Table 1), all three samples
of the S2/S3 ratio is below 1 and the hydrogen index have Tmax values ranging from 350-4280C. The value
value is below 50 mg HC/g TOC then the type of organic range is less than 4350C which is the lower limit of the
content is type IV kerogen (Peters and Cassa, 1994). rock maturity value. Therefore, it can be concluded that
The determination of organic content type can also
be determined using the Tmax vs HI diagram (Peters,

Afifah.P.D & Setiawan.B./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 133

all three samples are categorized as immature source Clayton, C., 2005. Petroleum Generation and Migration.
rock. Nautilus, Ltd.
Ginger, D., and Fielding, K., 2005. The Petroleum System and
6. Discussion Future Potential of the South Sumatra Basin. Proceeding
30th Annual Convention and Exhibition, Indonesian
Based on the analysis and interpretation, it is Petroleum Association., 2005.
possible to evaluate the source rock for the entire McCarty, K., Rojas, K., Niemann, M., Palmowsky, D., Peters, K.,
sample. The sample has low total organic content so and Stankiewicz, A., 2011, Oilfiel review Summer: 23/2,
that the capacity of source rock is negligible (Waples, Schlumberger.
1985) and categorized as insufficient potential (poor) to Peters, K. E., 1986, Guidelines for Evaluating Petroleum Source
produce hydrocarbon (Peters and Cassa, 1994). In this Rock Using Programmed Pyrolysis, The American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, No. 3, Vol.
regard, it is necessary to verify the sample before
70, p. 318-329.
analyzing TOC and Rock Eval Pyrolysis. The dark color Peters, K.E and Cassa, M.R., 1994, Applied Source Rock
contained in rocks is not only because it has a high Geochemistry in The Petroleum System From Source to
content of organic matter but can be given by mineral Trap, USA: AAPG Memoir.
pyrite which is abundant or can also be because the Pulunggono, A., Haryo, A. and Kosuma, C.G., 1992. Pre- Tertiary
sample is in wet conditions. and Tertiary Fault systems as a framework of the South
Type of organic content in the sample is type IV Sumatera Basin; A Study of SAR-MAPS. In Proceedings
kerogen. This type of kerogen cannot produce Indonesian Petroleum Association 21th Annual
hydrocarbons (Peters and Cassa, 1994) because it
Spruyt, J.N., 1956. Subdvisions and Nomenclature of The
comes from organic content that have undergone Tertiary Sediments of The Jambi-Palembang Area.
oxidation and transport processes from the Pertamina Internal Report.
environment where the material comes, this is makes Waples, D., 1985. Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration.
the reduction of organic carbon value in rocks Boston, s.n.
eventually decrease. This case was in line with the
interpretation of the depositional environment of black
shale Airbenakat Formation which is deposited in the © 2019 Journal of Geoscience,
Engineering, Environment and
marine environment, where sedimentary material is
Technology. All rights reserved. This is an
the result of transportation from terrestrial material. open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY-
The entire sample shows a thermal maturity value SA License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
of less than 4350C, the rock sample has not reached
thermal maturity (immature) because the cathagenesis
phase to produce hydrocarbons has not been reached.
This is affected by the young age and shallow depth of
the formation, so there is a low burrial procees that
makes small pressure values and low geothermal

7. Conclusion
Source rock evaluation of three black shale of
Airbenakat Formation through TOC and Rock Eval
Pyrolysis gives the following conclusions:
1. The source rock evaluation in this research focuses
on elements that must be fulfilled to be said as
source rock, such as the total of organic content,
types of organic content, and thermal maturity.
2. Total Organic Carbon indicates the poor category to
produce hydrocarbons.
3. The types of organic content is type IV kerogen,
which suitable to the depositional environment of
the Airbenakat Formation.
4. Tmax value less than 4350C indicates that the entire
sample is in immature condition (the sample has
not reached the cathagenesis phase).

Acknowledgment tribute to Laboratory of Research
and Development of Oil and Gas Technology (Lemigas)
for analysis support.
Barber, A. J., Crow M. J., and Milsom J. S., 2005. Sumatra :
Geology, Resources, and Tectonic Evolution, Geological
Society. Oxford.

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