#4004 The Mind's Eye V2.2
#4004 The Mind's Eye V2.2
#4004 The Mind's Eye V2.2
Illustration 2021: Ted Nasmith, Solid Tom, Ilya Nazarov, Will O’ Brien, Olga Okolelova (toutes les illustrations utilisées sur 2021 le sont avec la permission des artistes, à
l'exception de certaines d'entre elles qui ont été créées par des auteurs inconnus. Bien entendu, si les noms des auteurs sont découverts, leur permission sera demandée).
The work is the intellectual property of the authors, art creators and designers. It is intended for private, non profit use.
Middle-earth, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings are intellectual property of The Estate of J.R.R. Tolkien. All games—including ICE's Middle-earth Role Playing and its
translations—based on The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and other works by J.R.R. Tolkien are copyright and trademark properties of Middle-earth Enterprises. All rights
This is an unlicensed non-commercial work of fan fiction intended as commentary about the Middle-earth Role Playing game. It is NOT an official product produced under
license from Middle-earth Enterprises.
1.0 GUIDELINES ... ERREUR ! SIGNET NON DEFINI. 5.3 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS .............................. 15
5.3.1 GALMIR - “BRIGHT JEWEL” ................................16
1.1 HANDLING PLAY ...............Erreur ! Signet non défini. 5.3.2 HELGOTH - “THE RED DRAGON” .......................16
1.2 ADAPTING THIS MODULE................................... 3 5.4 LAYOUT OF THE GREAT RED DRAGON’S LAIR 17
2.0 PLAYER CHARACTERS ....... ERREUR ! SIGNET 5.5 THE TASK ............................................................ 20
NON DEFINI. 5.5.1 STARTING THE PLAYERS ...................................20
5.5.2 AIDS ...............................................................20
3.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................7 5.5.3 OBSTACLES .....................................................20
3.1 AREA MAP & DESCRIPTION ................................ 7 5.5.4 REWARDS .......................................................20
3.3 THE VILLAGE OF SIRTATHAR ............................. 7 6.0 MORBIDITY OF THE SOUL ......................... 25
3.4 KEY TO SIRTATHAR ............................................. 7 6.1 THE MINDS EYE .................................................. 25
4.1 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MOTH ................... 10 6.3 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS .............................. 26
6.3.1 HERNYBIEL LIAKTAR (MENTALIST) ....................26
4.2 THE MISSING TOWNSFOLK ............................... 11 6.3.2 HERNE (MASTER OF THE WILD HUNT) ...............27
4.3 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS.............................. 11 6.4 LAYOUTS FOR A NICE “MALIFIQUE” ................ 28
4.3.1 PHAROS - LEADER OF SIRTATHAR .....................12 6.4.1 LAYOUT..........................................................28
4.3.2 NESBATH - CHIEF HUNTER ................................12 6.4.2 KEY TO THE LIAKTAR’S MANSION .....................28
4.4 LAYOUT OF THE GLOOMWING SITE ................ 13 6.5 THE TASK ............................................................ 29
6.5.1 STARTING THE PLAYERS ...................................29
4.5 THE TASK............................................................ 13
6.5.2 AIDS ...............................................................29
4.5.1 STARTING THE PLAYERS ...................................13
6.5.3 OBSTACLES .....................................................31
4.5.2 AIDS ...............................................................13
6.5.4 REWARDS .......................................................31
4.5.3 OBSTACLES .....................................................13
4.5.4 REWARDS .......................................................13 6.6 ENCOUNTERS ...................................................... 31
4.6 ENCOUNTERS ..................................................... 14 6.7 LIAKTAR’S SPELLS .............................................. 32
4.6.1 THE GLOOMWINGS..........................................14 6.7.1 SPELLS LIST .....................................................32
4.6.2 COMBAT TACTICS ............................................14 6.7.2 SPELLS DESCRIPTION .......................................32
4.6.3 GLOOMWING ENCOUNTERS ............................14
4.6.4 GLOOMWING STATISTICS .................................14 6.8 HERNE’S SPELLS .................................................. 34
6.8.1 SPELLS LIST .....................................................34
5.0 MANHUNTER .............................................. 15 6.8.2 SPELLS DESCRIPTION .......................................35
5.1 THE RED DRAGON ............................................. 15 7.0 TABLE & CHARTS ........................................ 36
5.2 THEFT IN THE NIGHT ........................................ 15
1.0 GUIDELINES Table (Section 7.0) at the back of the module. They cover
the Beasts and NPCs found in each adventure.
The Middle-earth Ready-to-Run Series is designed for
Game-masters who want adventures that can be set up in
a few minutes and played in a few hours. The adventures
require little or no preparation. 1.2 ADAPTING THIS MODULE
Like the rest of the series, this module is designed for
use with the Middle-earth Role Playing game (MERP) or
The Minds Eye has seven parts. Sections 1.1 and 1.2 the more advanced Rolemaster (RM) system, but is
deal with guidelines regarding the use of the module. adaptable to most other major FRP games. Statistics are
Section 2.0 provides pregenerated characters for the expressed on a closed or open-ended scale, using a 1-100
players (which can be used as non player characters if so base and percentile dice (D100). No other dice are
desired). Section 3.0 provides an overview of the politics required
Bonuses: When converting percentile values to a 1-20
system a simple rule is: for every +5 on a D100 scale you
The other parts consists of Sections 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 the get a +1 on a D20.
adventures. Hits: This concussion hit numbers found in this
Each adventure stands on its own, although a common module only represent general pain and system shock.
theme unites the stories. They can be set anywhere in They cover bruises and small cuts rather than wounds.
Middle-earth where the story seems appropriate. The Critical strike damage is used to describe serious wounds.
seventh part consists of the encounter and beast tables as The hit figures shown here are less important than those
well as weather & herb charts. used in game systems where death occurs as a result of
exceeding one’s available hits.
1.1 HANDLING PLAY Should you use a game system that employs no
The adventures are divided into five standard parts: (1) specific critical strike results (e.g., TSR Inc.’s Dungeons
the tale, which describes how to start in terms of the and Dragons), simply double the number of hits your
setting, the background, and the plot; (2) the Non-player character take or halve the hit values found in this
Characters, NPCs, a person-by-person description of the module.
prominent non player characters, including their stats; If you play something other than MERP or
(3) the primary layouts: a level-by-level, room-by-room Rolemaster and you do not use a percentile system, use
description of the adventure site, complete with the following chart to convert 1-100 numbers to figures
numbered diagrams, floorplans, and illustrations; (4) the suited for your game.
task, a discussion of how to start the adventure, along
1-100 Stat D100 Bonus D20 Bonus 3-18 Stat 2-12 Stat
with the aids, clues, obstacles, and rewards awaiting the
102+ 35 7 20+ 17+
adventurers; and (5) encounters, which cover typical or 101 30 6 19 15-16
probable meetings between the adventures and the 100 25 5 18 13-14
98-99 20 4 17 12
NPCs. 95-97 15 3 16 11
90-94 10 2 15 10
85-89 5 1 14 9
75-84 5 1 13 8
The GM should skim each section of an adventure 60-74 0 0 12 7
before beginning play. Then he can have the players pick 40-59 0 0 10-11 6
25-39 0 0 9 5
pre-designed characters from those provided in Section 15-24 -5 -1 8 4
2.0, or he can permit the players to design their own 10-14 -5 -1 7 3
05-09 -10 -2 6 2
PCs. (Of course, the GM can assign PCs.) 03-04 -15 -3 5 2
02 -20 -4 4
01 -25 -4 4
Once play ensues, the GM should refer to the NPC
charts found in the adventure sections and to the Beast
Ht/Wht 5’11” /170 4’8” /130 6’2” /190 5’8” /145 6’4”/208 3’2” /80 6’0” /140 5’1” /155 6’3” /220 6’1” /190 5’8” /125 6’4” /150 5’9” /180 5’11” /109 6’0” /205 6’8” /185 5’8” /220 5’6” /179
Ha ir Nutbro wn B la c k Dun F a ir R a ve n Tawny Dull B ro wn S ha ve n Gre ying B rune tte Bay Go lde n P la ite d Ho ne y B lo nd Ebo ny P ie d Auburn
Eye s Dk. B ro wn J et Lt. B ro wn Dk. B lue Ha ze l Lt. B lue Gre y B la c k Lt. B lue Oc hre B lue -gre e n C ya n White Gre e n Alm o nd Lila c Dk. B ro wn Ha ze l
Le v e l 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5
H it s 25 82 80 22 57 54 46 65 71 46 35 72 25 27 53 34 79 39
S hie ld Y 25 Y 35 Y 25 N Y 25 Y 15 N N N N N N N N N N N N
P o we r P o in t s -1 3 0 -1 6 - 10 0 0 10 2 3 18 1 6 15 1 ( +2 ) 18 5 ( +3 )
B a s e S p e lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 10 1 13/23 5 2 16 20
Agility 96 43 77 90 90 101 36 95 33 64 92 51 64 38 15 63 90 77
C o ns titutio n 56 63 49 52 62 44 90 90 90 37 75 40 40 48 86 43 77 85
InTuitio n 30 85 61 85 60 91 62 45 85 98 91 90 46 90 58 39 63 84
P re s e nc e 62 47 71 32 65 98 72 47 86 73 90 92 90 60 90 91 32 86
NA Mo ve Mve r 20 5 15 30 30 55 10 30 10 5 15 15 10 25 10 20 15 10
S L Mo ve Mve r x x -5 0 x 5 0 25 x 0 x x x 10 5 x x x
RL Mo ve Mve r 0 x x x -5 x x x x x -5 x - 10 x x x x x
Ch Mo ve Mve r x 20 5 x -5 x x x 10 x x 5 x x x x x x
1-h E d g e d O B 4 3 ha 14 h a 8 2 bs 2 1 bs 5 3 bs 15 / 2 5 s s 36 s s 2 2 bs 31 s c 6 0 da 20 s s 4 5 da 2 0 da 2 3 bs 4 5 ha 5 da 35 s c 2 0 da
1-h C o n O B x 8 4 wh 5 ma x x x x x x x x x 11 m a x x x x x
2 -h O B 2 3 fl 6 4 ba 4 5 th x 18 q s x 17 th x 8 0 ba 10 q s x 6 5 fl x x x x x x
T h ro wn O B x 9 ha 7 0 la s s o 16 s p x 8 5 da x 5 1 b lwp e x x 2 5 kn x 16 s p x 15 h a x 15 h a x
M is s ile O B 28 c p 19 xb 3 5 lb 3 6 lb 3 3 xb 85 s b 2 2 lb x 5 0 lb 5 xb 15 xb 2 0 lb 6 sb 4 3 lb 4 0 lb 20 c p 2 0 xb 10 xb
P o le a rm O B x 14 h b 35 s p 16 s p 18 s p x x 51 s p 30 s p 2 0 th s p x x 4 1 ths p x 20 s p x 6 o us x
C lim b 21 28 35 16 28 104 13 54 20 x 18 20 56 33 70 x x x
R ide 6 x 35 11 8 x 13 x 50 31 23 25 x 23 15 10 40 30
S wim 21 x 15 16 18 60 13 49 20 6 18 25 16 28 20 25 x 10
Trac k x 18 10 6 38 x 18 49 45 x x 20 16 23 45 20 40 x
Am bus h x x x 5 5 25 2 25 10 x 10 x x x 10 x x x
S talk/Hide 5 10 30 27 41 75 22 36 45 10 20 60 26 68 50 40 x 30
P ick Lo c k 15 5 x 7 46 40 x x x x x x 16 28 40 x x x
Dis a rm Tra p x 20 x x 21 45 x 15 10 x x x 6 28 25 x x x
R e a d R une s 10 x x x 25 x 5 x 5 6 13 15 16 28 60 32 46 50
Us e Ite m 5 x x x 5 x x x 15 31 33 45 6 33 30 17 21 45
NAME PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14 PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18
D irS p O B x x x x x x x x x 7 21 -5 6 x x 23 34 45
P e rc e p t io n 10 25 35 18 24 65 22 26 40 26 33 50 11 48 30 30 10 35
2ndry S kill Tra de 30 C a ving 30 F o ra ge 25 Tum ble 45 Trick 30 Ac t 40 R unning 40 P o is o n 40 Train 45 Wo rs hip 45 P .S . 40 F irs t S o ng 55 Da nc e 45 F o lklo re 55 C o urte s y 30
M o unta ine e r
2ndry S kill Tumble 90 F o ra ge 25 Anim a l 35 Aid 50 He rba lis m 40 Eva lua te 30
La ngua ge We s 5 Khz 5 We s t 5 We s 5 We s 5 We s 5 Bet 5 P ik 5 We s 5 We s 5 We s 5 S in 5 Dun 5 Bet 5 Na h 5 Que 5 Lo g 5 We s 5
Note : All Stats given on the table include bonuses for the abilities and items given above
3.0 INTRODUCTION 4. Tirthon (S. The Watch Pine”) One of the Seven Beacon
Towers built along the borders of Arthedain and Cardolan in
In the Third Age 1640 (nearly 1,400 years prior to the the Angle
events that take place in The Lord of the Rings), the 5. Dol Cultirith (S. “The Tower of the Copper Guard”)
rugged, rocky and heavily-wooded region of fallen Formerly one of the Beacon Towers of Rhudaur, it has from
Rhudaur (S. “Place of Roaring Red-gold”) known as the time to time been the home of evil Rangers
Trollshaws is a dangerous area to travel. The Hilly
6. Herubar Gular (S. “The Dwelling of the Sorcerer-Lord”) This
Woodlands of central Rhudaur have been properly
is the now ruined castle of the deranged Dunadan alchemist
named, as no place in Eriador suffers from more Troll Feafuin. It has recently been occupied by servants of Angmar
infestation. It is of little comfort that most are ignorant (see MERP Rulebook – Collectors Edition P.98)
Hill Trolls and Stone Trolls, since the region is also home
to savage Wolf packs. Despite these perils, waning (but
still large herds of Caru and Losrandir), winter in the
Trollshaws – a vital part of the economies of the peoples 3.2 INN AT THE LAST BRIDGE
of Rhudaur. The Last Inn stands on the eastern bank of the river
Mitheithel (Hoarwell) and just off the Great East Road
leading from the Elven haven of Rivendell to the settled
western lands and the town of Bree. The Last Bridge, so
called because it is the southernmost bridge across the
Mitheithel and the easternmost structure on the Great
East Road, is within view of the Inn. Travel along the
road is curtailed but steady. Guests at the Inn are
4.0 SILENCE OF THE WOODS Al-Gular, but that is another tale. Several centuries ago,
the quite deranged Dunadan alchemist Feafuin paid a
Dangers await those courageous or greedy enough to steep price to the masters of Cameth Brin for a nominal
scout and move about the dark and dangerous woodlands fief in the western Trollshaws.
called the Trollshaws; rude and superstitious Hillmen,
the roving Orc patrols of Angmar, packs of ferocious The Mage-Lord carried out experimentation on the
wolves and of course the creatures who give the region sizes and functions of many creatures indigenous to the
its name, the Hill-trolls area with varying success. One such “success” came
during an experiment with a few “deaths-head” moths
In the secluded woods less than one days journey north (which are fairly common in the region (and thus named
of Sirtathar, there exists some creatures that left for a white blotch just below their antennae). The result
unabated, will soon wreak havoc on the unsuspecting of manipulation produced several moths of huge size and
little village. more. The moths now exist in part in the Shadow world,
and their bodies and wings became covered with
shimmering, geometric patterns of black and silver.
4.1 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE They grew large, fern-like black antennae tipped with
MOTH white and eight legs each ending in a pearly claw.
Three days north of the Last Inn and just off a tributary Realizing that He had made too powerful a perversion,
the Mitheithel stands the crumbling, eerie ruins of a the sorcerer then decided to trap these gloomwings.
once-magnificent castle Herubar Gular, The Dwelling of However, being a true megalomaniac, Feafuin also
the Lord of High Sorcery. At the present time the ruined created (with a small magical ruby) a way to release these
Castle is under the control of an agent of Angmar named creatures from their deep sleep if the need ever arose.
Nothing more arose from this until recently when
exploring the now ruined castle, the gem was found by woods that are being hunted by the recently freed
the current inhabitants. Unbeknownst to the “lucky gloomwings!
finder”, by disturbing the ruby that held the moths in
The scout could not see the investigating carnivorous
check, the Gloomwings awoke, and under the cover of
gloomwing in the moon light sky, but felt a rush of wind
darkness, flew off south into the woods. This happened
several weeks ago and the moths (which are carnivorous) have
which caused him to wake up the others, who after a long
settled in to a patch of woods only a short distance from the day and lack of visible evidence, more or less shrugged
village of Sirtathar. the whole situation off and went back to sleep.
Huge moth, called “Gloomwing” The Gloomwing sensing an easy meal released some
pheromones (“attracting scent” – see encounters section
4.6). Fortunately for the rest of the group the other
gloomwings were not within range. However, the
gloomwing on the scene attacked and killed Silbric the
The next morning when the party awoke to the
carnage, they searched for the cause but came up empty
handed. As the sun set, they set along toward their
original goal. They would not see the next sunrise as the
Gloomwings attacked in unison later that evening.
A group of hunters stumbled across the remains of the
group a day or so later and brought news of this to the
village. Of course, there is concern in the village and
Pharos the village leader is in the process of putting a
scouting expedition together along with a stout warrior
or two for investigation in to this.
Several days ago, a small group of adventurers set out It is likely that any group of adventurers in the region
from Sirtathar. They were on their way north to of Sirtathar will pass through the village. Listed are a few
investigate rumors of a patrol from Angmar. After a long people almost certain to be encountered there
journey and a hill-troll sighting in the evening, the party
scrambled on until they found a suitable place to make
camp. They left the scout Silbric to take the first watch.
The group did not realize that they had made camp in the
Illustration: Ilya Nazarov
Illustration: Anthony Maletta (original version)
Illustration: Anthony Maletta (original version)
4.5.2 AIDS
The player characters will receive little assistance or aid
beyond Pharos initial help. He will send along Nesbeth
as a guide and tell them what little information he has
gathered regarding the group who was killed (they had
stayed in Sirtathar for about a week prior to their heading
1. Campsite of the slain group - Obvious signs of a Obstacles to the successful completion of this
recent struggle. There is a partially severed wing {Very Hard investigation are the Gloomwings. The basic idea of the
(-20) Perception roll to find and identify is required}. adventure is for the characters to journey to the place of
the attacks to collect what information they may and
2. Forest Tract - Leads north toward Herubar Gular, either take it back to the village or if possible, engage the
which is about a two-days journey northward. cause!
3. Gloomwings favored site - All chances to encounter a There are no special tricks or traps involved, although
gloomwing(s) are doubled in this area (boxed in blue). if the characters are not careful and enter the
Gloomwings Lair, danger will abound. In addition, the
Trollshaws are full of danger from Wolves, Servants of
the Witch-king, Hillmen, Bandits, and especially Trolls.
The task in this adventure is to discover the reason for 4.5.4 REWARDS
the horrible deaths that were discovered recently by a
band of hunters led by Nesbath, and if possible, engage Rewards from this adventure can include a bounty of
the person(s) and or creature(s) responsible. 50 Gold pieces per Gloomwing corpse (which will be
provided by the council at Sirtathar) as well as other
forms of thanks bestowed upon the victorious party by
the other townsfolk. Also, the adventures should be glad
of the opportunity to rid the world of some malignant
This first adventure is one in which it is easy to start the and deadly creatures of shadow!
players off. Even if this is the first time your players get
For the crafty adventurer, the remains of the
together, or the first time their characters meet, what
Gloomwings would be of tremendous research value to
could be more natural for them but to meet in that social
certain people of somewhat questionable reputations in a
gathering place, the Inn?
larger city.
Rumors spread like wildfire in these parts and though
hard hit by the plague, there are still may people passing
through along the great east road. One of the hunters
from Sirtathar has brought news of the recent slaughter
4.6 ENCOUNTERS held in the moth’s eight claws while the moth attacks
each round with a +20 attack bonus. When fighting
Traveling in the Trollshaws can be a dangerous creatures too large to carry away, the moth hovers, biting
proposition! The Gamemaster should roll on the and flailing with its two front claws. During the second
Random Encounter Table (see section 7.0) as required. and each successive round of combat, the moth emits a
Any character(s) inside the gloomwings preferred potent “pheromone” that can attract other gloomwings
territory area (see section 4.4) are twice as likely to and can cause weakness in any non-insect.
encounter the moth(s).
The weakness effect has a 25-foot radius and exposed
creatures must make a successful RR vs. 5th lvl. Poison
or operate at (-10%) each round they remain in the area
of effect. Creatures who are successful with their initial
Created by the Mage-lords experimentation, these five RR need not resist again if exposure continues. Multiple
huge, (8’ wingspan), carnivorous moths have ties to the gloomwings do not require multiple saves. Lost Activity
realm of Shadow! Their bodies and wings are covered % points are recovered at the rate of +5% per 10 minutes
with shimmering, geometric patterns of black and silver beginning 1 to 4 hours after exposure stops.
and they have large, fern-like black antennae tipped with
Characters reduced to 0% activity lose consciousness
white and eight legs each ending in a pearly claw. At
until they regain at least 5% activity. When a Gloomwing
present five of these deadly creatures have escaped their
releases its pheromones, there is a 20% chance each
magical entrapment and have made lair just north of the
round that an additional 1 - 4 gloomwings will arrive at
village of Sirtathar in a patch of woods.
the end of any round.
A gloomwing’s shimmering markings make it a difficult
target. Any creature viewing the moth squarely from
above or below must make a successful Resistance Roll This table can be used to determine the number of
(RR) vs. Level 5 Essence or be confused as the 4th level gloomwings encountered while searching in the forest
spell on the Spirit Mastery (Open Essence Spell List) area and in the vicinity of their lair.
(Refer to Middle-Earth Collectors Edition Rulebook, D100 Forest Area of the Lair
Page: 195) 01 - 05 0 5
Confusion (F) Target is incapable of making decisions or 06 – 10 0 4
initiating action for 1 rnd/5 pt of RR failure. The target may 11 – 15 0 3
continue to fight current foes or act in self-defense. 16 – 20 0 2
21 – 45 1 1
These markings also provide excellent camouflage, and 46 – 60 1 2
the moth is 50% undetectable in darkness, twilight, or 61 – 70 2 3
moonlight. Successfully camouflaged gloomwings 71 – 80 2 3
cannot cause confusion. When attacking in darkness or 81 – 85 2 4
near darkness, a gloomwing receives a +20 Bonus to its 86 – 90 3 4
Offensive Bonus (OB). 91 - 00 4 5
In melee, Gloomwings normally swoop to the attack.
This gives them an additional +10 OB and allows them
to seize and carry away victims less than 3 feet tall and 4.6.4 GLOOMWING STATISTICS
that weigh less than 61 pounds. Such victims are securely Size 1sr /
Name LVL / Speed Hits AT DB 2nd Notes
Crit. Attack
(2X) 75
01 - Special
Gloomwing 8 M/I FA/VF 99 RL/10 50 MBa /
05 Abilities
70 MBi
5.0 MANHUNTER possibly have foreseen the effect that it would have upon
Legend had it that in the Yfelwood (Hi. “Evil Wood”)
there are spots that have never been touched by the light The “Evil” Gem of Unlight began transforming
of the sun or the moon. It is in such a spot where Helgoth’s mind, outlook and physical appearance.
remnants of a time long forgotten have eluded notice Helgoth became a slave to the gem’s will. Tainted by this
(until now)! Gem, Helgoth’s metamorphosis turned him into a
creature of the void. He is now utterly evil, has no
This adventure may follow from the preceding memory of his past and seeks to further the cause of chaos
scenario, or may stand on its own. It is not, however, and darkness. The gem is using Helgoth as a vehicle to
intended for player characters of the first level. further its own purposes.
Depending on the parties’ size and strength, second,
third or fourth level characters should be able to 5.2 THEFT IN THE NIGHT
successfully complete the task, using the aids provided.
Brerwyn (Nah. “Briar Joy”), the wife of Pharos, has
been kidnapped during the dead of night from the small
village of Sirtathar. There were no witnesses and Pharos
himself has no explanation of the cause of this. They had
5.1 THE RED DRAGON gone to sleep and, in the morning, when he had awoken,
Early in the First age, Morgoth (The Black Enemy) Brerwyn was gone without a trace. The only clue that
forged an unholy alliance with Ungoliant (Spirit of the something had taken her was that there were some odd
Void). shaped prints across the floor that did not quite look
human! A thorough search was conducted to no avail.
During this short-lived pact, after the two trees were
The hunters could not pick up a trail. Pharos is devastated
poisoned, Ungoliant demanded to be hand fed the Gems
and was grateful for the assistance of a recent visitor to
that were stolen from Feanor. Morgoth reluctantly
Sirtathar in the help of finding his beloved wife.
parted with some of the “lesser” gems, which were
devoured by the Spider-demon, then belched forth. This visitor is an elf of Rivendell who is in the area on
Now instead of radiant crystals of light, they were now the behest of the Lords of Imladris (S: “Deeply-cloven
dark and consumed light. They were of unlight. Valley”). Galmir (S. “Bright Jewel”) is attempting to find
information regarding rumors that an artifact of evil
Several of these “Gems of Unlight” still survive to this
significance had recently resurfaced in this area of the
day, one of which made its way into the particularly dark
trollshaws along with sightings of a horrific creature the
section of the Yfelwood. How it got there is a tale all on
elves are calling “Amlugborndaer” (S. “The Great Red
to itself.
Dragon”). His intuition tells him that the tragic and
The agents of Angmar sought this Gem of Unlight. The recent disappearance of the Pharos wife is linked to this.
Witch-King realizing that this item would be of
Helgoth, “The Red Dragon”, has abducted Brerwyn and
tremendous power, believed that its recovery would help
has taken her to its lair in the Yfelwood with the purpose
seal a quick and utter victory for the forces of Darkness.
of sacrificing her in an evil ritual of summoning. If
A warrior by the name of Helgoth was sent with a small
successful, it could spell disaster for the region.
group of scouts and dark rangers to seek out and recover
this artifact. While elves usually stay out of the affairs of men, they
do still have close ties to the Dunadan Rangers in the
After many months of searching, this group was
successful in locating the artifact. As they prepared to
journey with it back to Carn Dum, they were attacked by
a group of Cultists who worshipped the memory of
Ungoliant (see “The Dawn of Unlight” – White Dwarf # 5.3 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS
64) and a fight broke out. The cultists were driven off,
For this adventure it is likely that the following two
but then a group of forest trolls attacked and killed most
NPC’s will figure in significantly. There is additional
of the recon group. Helgoth decided to flee the scene
information on other NPC’s in section 7.0.
and took with him this Gem of Unlight. He could not
Illustration: Anthony Maletta (original version)
Helgoth 10 126 RL (60) (2X) 95 LCl / 80 LBa / 80 MGr 40 Northman Warrior - Transformed
5.4 LAYOUT OF THE GREAT RED discovered). Ten feet past the doorway, the dwarves left a
trap to discourage intruders. This trap is a double portcullis
DRAGON’S LAIR which will fall if more than 80 lbs is placed on the trigger
The “Red Dragon” is making its lair in an ancient mechanism (Ext Hard -35 to detect). This will seal in anyone
Dwarven Tomb, which is located in the Yfelwood and in the corridor. The material is of superior construction and
described below. escape would prove to be a difficult prospect indeed! Loud
noises, such as triggering the trap, will almost certainly alert
anyone in locations 3, 6, 2, 4, and possibly in location 5, if a
listening perception roll at -5 is successful.
Location 2 Hidden Entrance: The current inhabitant of
the tomb complex grew tired of bypassing the main entrance’s
portcullis trap and dug a side entrance. It is rather quite well
concealed by some cleverly arranged vegetation, which
requires a Very Hard -20 Perception roll to discover.
Location 3 Hall of Reflection: This chamber is perfectly
hemispherical. Originally, mourners would have quietly
waited in this chamber.
Location 4 Tunnel: This area is part of the excavations
undertaken by the members of Helgoth’s reconnaissance
+21 Hits, Stunned +5 Next attack Stunned +19 Hits & Stunned Stunned & +20 Next attack
Foe loses (d10) Power Foe loses (2d10) Power
Foe loses (2d10) Power Points Foe loses (3d10) Power Points Foe loses (4d10) Power Points
Points Points
6.0 MORBIDITY OF THE SOUL with an arrow in it, that had managed to forage beneath the
snow and survive. They led it back into the camp to keep from
Here, in the Rhudaur, those few hardy Ranger-folk carrying it. Hernybiel Liaktar, six, watched through a crack in
who watch over the lands despite their own personal the stable as they brought it in, pulling and twisting its head
safety are soon to suffer yet another evil plague. This against the plowline twisted around its neck. They did not wish
plague comes not from the bites of tiny insects, but rather to waste an arrow and managed to knock it off its spindly legs
it walks on two legs. This is a threat that could wipe out and hack at its throat with an axe cursing at one another in
the Rangers completely if not dealt with. several languages to bring a bowl before the blood was wasted.
A dark and sinister mind is at work here, one that has There was not much meat on the runty losrandir and in two days,
truly no remorse at all in seeing its cruel and self-seeking perhaps three, in their long coats, their breaths stinking and
plans come to reality! What evil lurks in this mentalist’s steaming, the deserters came through the snow from the hunting
mind? lodge to unlock the stable and choose from among the children
huddled in the straw. None had frozen, so they took a live one.
They felt Hernybiel Liaktar’s thigh and his upper arm and chest,
and instead of him, they chose his sister, Mischa, and led her
6.1 THE MINDS EYE away. To play, they said. No one who was led away to play
The Great East Road, which begins by the Tower Hills, ever returned. Hernybiel held on to Mischa so hard, held to
travels through Rhudaur, and ends near Imladris Mischa with his wiry grip until they slammed the stable door on
(Rivendell). It is a major route used by travelers from the him, stunning him and cracking the bone in his upper arm.
east to bring goods and wares into the Arthedain. Several They led her away through snow still stained bloody from the
exporters from Dorwinion (The Land of Maidens) risk losrandir. He prayed so hard to see Mischa again. The prayer
the perilous journey to provide the good townsfolk with consumed this six-years-old mind, but it did not drown out the
valuable shipments of wine, which are in heavy demand. sound of the axe. His prayer to see her again did not go entirely
There are many hazards to these Dorwinadan caravans, unanswered – he did see a few bits of Mischa’s milk teeth in the
not the least of which are bandits, yet many are willing reeking stool pit his captors used between the lodge where they
to undertake the task as it does yield a nice profit. It is slept and the barn where they kept the captive children who were
not uncommon for some merchants to make a slight their sustenance in the border war after the front collapsed.
detour from their normal travel itinerary and sell some Since this partial answer to his prayer, Hernybiel
unique and costly wines of exceedingly rare vintages to Liaktar had not been bothered by any considerations of
various nobleman and wealthy patrons. It is also not very Deity, other than to recognize how his own modest
uncommon for some merchants never to return from predations paled beside those of the Powers, who are in
plying their trade. irony matchless, and in wanton malice beyond
Wolves are common in the Trollshaws and the Rangers measure…. Hernybiel then awoke from the dream he
of Sirtathar have seen their share. There has however, as was having of his earliest memories.
of late, been a large increase in slain travelers in the area. Hernybiel Liaktar reminisced to himself about how he
The hunters suspect that it is wolves, but in truth behind would take his revenge on the uncouth people who had
it is quite a bit more sinister and wicked. caused his sister Mischas untimely death; that bag of
mixed deserters…
Six months ago, when traveling through the Yfelwood,
6.2 A NICE “MALIFIQUE” Hernybiel Liaktar came across a strange sight. There was what
Beneath Hernybiel Liaktar’s Memory Palace, the traps appeared to be a man hanging from a tree. This man was
flew up, the oubliettes yawned their ghastly stench… unconscious. Curious to the last, and under the moonlight,
Hernybiel cut the noose and the man fell to the ground. After
A few animals had managed to survive the battles in Rhudaur some time, the man awoke, gave his name as Herne, and told
and the fires, which left Hernybiel Liaktar’s parents dead, and Hernybiel the tale of what transpired.
the vast forest on their estate scared and burned. The mixed bag
of deserters who used the remote hunting lodge ate what they “Two days ago, Hillmen beset me”, Herne began. “They are a
could find. Once they found a miserable little losrandir, scrawny superstitious lot and branded me a sorcerer. They conferred
amongst themselves and decided to hang me. I owe you a great
debt of gratitude and if there is anyway, I can repay you, just that consisted of the slain wine merchants “sweet breads”
ask. Your wishes will be my honor to fulfill”. (i.e. organs).
Hernybiel Liaktar remembered this encounter as if it This murder may have gone unnoticed except for the
were yesterday. This Herne had very special talents, fact that Celorg had promised to deliver a rare bottle of
talents that would see his diabolical and heinous plans Malifique wine to his longtime friend Gorin, of Sirtathar.
realized! (See
Over the past six months, Herne, whose “Special Abilities” When Celorg did not arrive, Gorin became gravely
include the ritualistic ability to summon and control “The Wild concerned. He went to Pharos the village leader, who
Hunt” (see section 6.32 for more details), have wreaked havoc immediately organized a search expedition to locate
in the Trollshaws. Without Hernybiel’s “guidance”, Herne Celorg the missing Wine Merchant…
would hardly be able to conduct a minor haunting, but under
The hunters came back to the Ranger Village and
Liaktars tutelage, Herne and his wild pack of enchanted wolves
reported that they had not discovered the whereabouts
have caused many deaths in the trollshaws, (to the free peoples
of Celorg, but did find the scene of a caravan that was
as well as to the forces of Angmar). Left unchecked, Herne will
killed by the Wild Hunt Pack. Two of the brave hunters
continue to increase the number of the Wild Hunt and become
continued up the path and found the Manor House. The
an even more dire threat in the region!
unnerved hunters did not go on any further, though they
Hernybiel Liaktar was pleased with how things were suspected that the Lord of this Manor House might have
coming along. It had been three days since he killed the heard the commotion of the battle.
wine merchant, and now he set about enjoying the
Hernybiel Liaktar held the bottle of Dorwinion Malifique 6.3 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS
(an almost unique vintage of 1486) up to the light. He had
Here are the predominant NPCs for the adventure.
raised it to the upright position and set it on its bottom a day
There are more statistics in section 7.0.
ago, incase it might have sediment. He looked out at the
moonlight and decided that it was time to open the wine. This
was what Hernybiel considered a serious risk, more of a chance
than he liked to take. He did not want to be rash. He wanted 6.3.1 HERNYBIEL LIAKTAR (MENTALIST)
to enjoy the wine’s color in a crystal decanter. What if, after After an intuitive escape from a prison in Minas Tirith,
drawing the cork too early, he decided there was none of its holy Hernybiel Liaktar has returned to his place of birth in the
breath to be lost in decanting? The light revealed a bit of Trollshaws. He's an elitist genius with a malevolent,
sediment. He removed the cork as carefully as he might trepan antisocial agenda. Intelligent, insightful, with flair for in-
a skull and placed the wine in his pouring device, which was jokes and hidden meanings, he has gotten so smart he no
driven by a crank and screw to tilt the bottle by minute longer compares himself to the rest of lowly humanity.
increments. Let the air do a bit of work and then he would He's the intellectual monster conservatives' fear with a
decide. contempt for all value systems, the law, and rulership.
Celorg the Dorwinadan wine merchant was on his way He scoffs at weak human emotions and senses exactly
back from Bree after delivering a shipment of wine. His what you fear, and can exploit it.
caravan was beset by The Wild Hunt, which was led by Adept at manipulating others, he can shatter anyone's
Herne. Celgor fled as the last of his bodyguards was psychic composure, and he can talk weak people into
slain. He ran up to some lights he had seen in the killing themselves. Hernybiel loves toying with people
distance. Pursuing him was the Hunt. As Celgor got almost as much as he enjoys eating them, and his only
near the lights, he saw that they were coming from a challenge in this world is to understand the rare
Manor House. Miraculously, the pack of Wolves had individual, who arouses his curiosity.
broken off the chase.
His supreme intellect and mentalist specialties, coupled
The exhausted wine merchant banged on the door and with his absence of respect for the limitations imposed by
was greeted by Hernybiel. He had made the mistake of society, comprise the basic devices of his power.
offending Hernybiel who in turn brutally murdered him.
Later that evening, Hernybiel prepared a meal for himself
Herne 10 116 RL/10 (40) 110 Sword/90 MBa 105 Spear 30 Easterling Beast-master
6.4.1 LAYOUT
The following areas will be the main focus of the 1 - Main Entrance: These heavy doors when locked are
adventure. Described below is the site where the “Wild Extremely Hard (-30) to pick. Anyone failing the maneuver
Hunt” led by Herne, under Hernybiel Liaktars direction, is subject to a “C” Electricity Critical. In addition, when
brutally attacked the caravan. opened without Hernybiel’s unique key, the doors from
#3and #5 will automatically swing outward and lock together
sealing off entrance to the main house. The reinforced doors
will be able to stand 1,000 hits (treat as Plate “AT/20”)
THE AMBUSHED WINE CARAVAN Critical damage is; A=+5 Hits, B=+10 Hits, C=+15 Hits,
D=+20 Hits, E=+25 Hits, etc) and the doors resist magic at
12th level. These doors are crafted from a metallic alloy.
Note: This trap will occur whether or not the lock pick
attempt is successful or not.
2 - Rear Entrance: This door is also trapped. Anyone
failing to pick the lock (Very Hard -20) will cause a vicious and
quite deadly +40 Lightning ball to affect a 5’ radius in front of
3 - Sitting Room: Three comfortable chairs and a
fireplace, as winters can be a bit inconvenient in the
Trollshaws. This room is comfortable by the standards of any
4 - Dining Room: This elegant room can seat eight,
although Hernybiel often to prepare rather elegant meals, it is
not often that this room sees much more than one occupant
(though Herne makes it a point to stay for “special” meals at
least three times a week).
5 - Library: A rare collection of learned books adorns
several shelves. There are no magical tomes here, however,
the entire collection would be worth in excess of over 300
gold pieces.
6 - Meeting Room: This room is reserved for discussions
of revenge against the peoples of Rhudaur. On occasions,
meals and or wine are taken in this room for a change of pace.
7 - Staircase: If 50 or more pounds are placed on the third
step from the top, the steps will retract and become a sadistic
“downhill ramp”. Several sharp spikes will protrude. Anyone
on the staircase takes a +10 Unbalancing Critical and a “C”
Slash Critical. A 10’ deep pit will also open at the bottom of
the stairs (+15 Fall/Crush attack). There are spikes in the pit.
Each character falling in, receives a +40 “Tooth/Claw” attack.
Anyone at the top 1/3 part of the stairs can make an Extremely
Hard (-30) maneuver to get to the top of the landing (this is a
succeed or fail maneuver, no partial success).
8 - Food Preparing Room: This area has seen some
9 - Storage Area: In several crates and barrels are stored several items (see section 6.6 Encounters for a list of the
various food items. Hidden at the bottom of one of the crates additional items. There is also a “Longdoor” device in this
is a pouch containing an assortment of precious stones that room (see Manor house room # 13 for a description).
could easily fetch a price of 500 gold pieces.
10 - Wine Storage Area: There are several barrels of fine
Dorwinion wine kept here. One of the smaller casks contains 6.5 THE TASK
a poison which looks and smells like wine. If imbibed, the
victim must make an RR vs. 10th Level poison or be at -75 for This adventure will not prove an easy task. The main
one to four weeks and if the RR is failed by 50 or more, the objectives here will be to investigate the disappearance of
result is death. The effects are instantaneous. the Dorwinadan wine merchant, discover and destroy
The Wild Hunt (an ever-increasing pack of Wargs led
and controlled by Herne the Beast-master, and in the
TOP FLOOR finale, to confront and deal with the evil Mentalist
11 - Spare Guest Bedroom: At the present time, this Hernybiel Liaktar, one way or another).
guest bedroom is unoccupied. The chest in this room is
unlocked and empty.
12 - Herne’s Bedroom: This is the room that Herne uses
on the rare occasion that he spends the evening. Herne is more
at home leading the Wild Hunt and camping in the woods If the player-characters had participated in one or
amongst the Wargs. The chest in this room is trapped with a both of the previous adventures, then the group could be
canister of sleeping gas, Very Hard (-20) to disarm. Failure in the Village of Sirtathar and be invited to attend the
indicates that any character with in a 5’ radius of the chest must town council meeting, where Pharos, the Ranger leader
make an RR vs. Poison (level 4), or be rendered unconscious
of the village, after getting the suspicious news from
for 1-10 rounds per 5% RR failure.
Gorin - regarding Celorg, the wine-merchants, odd
13 - Spare Guest Bedroom: This room is also generally disappearance, will tell the characters about what the
unoccupied (as room #11) however; there is a post on the hunters have discovered and ask for some assistance
bed, which is capable of a crafty relocation in the form of the regarding this matter.
spell “Longdoor” (Mage Spell Level: 8, see MERP Rulebook,
Page: 202). This function can be used 2X/daily. There is only Another interesting starting point could be that
a (.001) chance that this “teleport” will be fatal. Hernybiel had Herne’s Wild Hunt has attacked either the party of
appropriated this item many years ago from a now digested adventures, or the village itself. This later suggestion can
mage. When activated, Hernybiel will be conveniently be used regardless of the group’s prior involvement in
“whisked away” and instantly appear about 100’ north of the the region.
Mansion, and can from there, affect an escape, if that is the
required course of action. Note: There is a second one of
these items in Room 16. These “Portals” are attuned (linked)
to the specific area that Hernybiel has chosen. Any attempt to 6.5.2 AIDS
“Longdoor” to any other area, requires the failure chart
Several Hunters will volunteer to accompany the
included in the spell description (MERP Rulebook, Page 202).
group to the ambush site and will explain the presence of
14 - Spare Guest Bedroom: Currently unoccupied (see the Manor House. The two hunters who previously
#11). investigated were too unnerved to search this out any
15 – Hernybiel’s Bedroom: This is where Hernybiel further. Nesbeth the Hunter and perhaps even Pharos
Liaktar takes his rests (he only requires about 4 hours sleep per will accompany the party, once more information is
day). In the chest are stored Hernybiel’s items when not in ascertained regarding the Wild Hunt and then certainly
use. when attempting to deal with the Manor Houses
16 - Personal Study Area: The door when entering from enigmatic owner!
the hallway is trapped with a Glyph of Absolution. Target
must make an RR vs. Channeling (-20) or have its soul literally
ripped from its body. It can only be returned via “Lifegiving.”.
There are several items of value and magic in a beautifully
crafted chest, locked Extremely Hard (-35) to pick. Inside are
6.5.3 OBSTACLES not hesitate and use a “Longdoor” (see the Manor house
room descriptions #13/16) and let the Wild Hunt take
Herne the Beast-master, The Wild Hunt, and
Hernybiel Liaktar the Mentalist should provide as much it from there.
as any mid-level group of adventures can handle. Throw When paying a visit to Hernybiel’s Manor House, the
in the deadly traps of the Liaktar Manor house, and the adventurers will find that if they approach with more
random encounters, the adventures chance of success is than three player characters, that no one is home, as
by no means certain. The longer the adventure takes to Hernybiel will not answer the door. If three or less
complete, the harder it will become as the Wild hunt is attempt to call on him, Hernybiel will greet the party and
growing in number and Herne is becoming bolder in the be by default courteous. He will deny hearing any
attacks that are being carrying out! commotion and feign being shocked to hear about the
attack on the caravan. He will admit that he was
expecting a visit from the wine-merchant, but insist that
6.5.4 REWARDS no one has been by his home in weeks. If the party seems
hostile or is in any way rude, Hernybiel will attempt to
In addition, to the many items of price and power that persuade the guests to leave. If they will not leave,
can be obtained during the course of this adventure, Hernybiel will attempt to utilize some of his spells
Pharos will award the participants with a cottage in the and/or magical items, then retreat to the upper level of
village as well as some gold coins and perhaps most his manor house and let the traps do the rest. Hernybiel
important, the undying friendship of the Rangers! has some additional magical items at his disposal. Section
6.31 describes his crossbow of the Hornets nest, which is
perfect for a well-placed shot from atop the stairs, as well
6.6 ENCOUNTERS as the Obsidian Orb, which can be highly effective as
when broken, casts the spell “Obedience”, if used during
The Wild Hunt is a pack of Wargs that are controlled the initial confrontation. In his study, Hernybiel has:
by Herne’s Talisman. The pack consists of 20 Wargs,
which are ferocious and extremely dangerous! When the
wargs are not hunting, they tend to roam about in the OBSIDIAN ORBS
area of the Liaktar Manor House and certainly prove to When broken, casts “Obedience III”, 10’Radius (-15 RR). This
be a formidable defense, one that Hernybiel is fully aware can affect up to 3 targets. Hernybiel usually carries one or two of
of. The effect of Herne’s Talisman upon the wargs is such these on his person and has 4 more in his personal study (Manor house
that they will not flee a battle no matter how heavy their Area # 16).
losses unless ordered to do so. When the Hunt is on,
Herne (usually on nights of a full moon), leads the pack
on a killing spree. There have been dozens of victims. These voluminous spider silk robes protect as AT 3. They add a
Hernybiel Liaktar believes that the time is almost special bonus of +25 to Hernybiel’s Spell Casting Static Maneuvers
appropriate to launch an all-out assault on the Ranger (Base Spells), a special bonus of +30 to his DB vs. all Elemental
Village of Sirtathar. The size of the pack increases by one attacks and a special bonus of +25 to his RR versus Essence magic.
In addition, they protect Liaktar with constant Resist Light, Resist
Heat and Resist Cold. Winters can be inconvenient in the Trollshaws!
Herne is a powerful adversary. He will be FIRE GLOBES
protected by the Wild Hunt, and will always be
accompanied by at least 1-3 wargs when encountered These small (1” diameter), reddish-orange, crystal globes are
(unless in the Liaktar Manor House, as the Hernybiel perfectly round and without flaw. To utilize these globes, Hernybiel
just needs to throw it at the target(s). Upon impact, the globe explodes
would never hear of letting those unsavory animals enter
into a 20-foot diameter fireball. All damage is resolved on the Fire
his abode, although Liaktar certainly appreciates the Ball Attack Table (RMFRP “Of Essence” Page. 83), inflicting double
wargs presence just outside his home!). If things go normal damage! Hernybiel has 3 of these globes at his disposal.
against Liaktar inside the Manor House, Hernybiel will
Wild Hunt Wargs 8 4-20 L/I VF/VF 180 No/4 60 75 L-Bite/60 L-Claw Special
5. Intuitions I – Hernybiel gains a vision of what will probably happen in the hearing (or +5 for Alertness skill). This bonus is +25 to such skills involving hearing
next minute if he takes a specified action. and other senses (or +3 for Alertness skill).
6. Anticipate Hostility – Liaktar is aware of any being within the area of effect 2. Nightvision – Liaktar can see 100’ on a clear night as if it were day. At least
that has hostile intentions towards him. The hostility must be directed specifically at some small amount of residual light is required for this spell to work.
Hernybiel or the spell reveals nothing. The being’s hostility must be active (i.e., 3. Side Vision – Hernybiel has a 300º field of vision. The flank bonus is reduced
driving the being to perform aggressive actions), not passive (i.e., hate exists, but no to +5 and the rear bonus is reduced to +15.
action is planned). 4. Detect Illusion – Liaktar can check one object or place (up to a 5’ radius) and
8. Dream I – Hernybiel has a dream relating to a topic decided upon just before tell if it is an illusion or has an illusion on it.
retiring. This spell can only be used once per night. Hernybiel must sleep a minimum 5. Watervision – As Nightvision, except affects vision underwater (and other
of one normal sleep cycle. liquids).
9. Room Feel I – Hernybiel has a vision of what has occurred in a room or place; 6. Scent – As Sly Ears, except Hernybiel gains an extremely acute sense of smell
limited to up to 12 minutes (1 minute per level) into the past. The size of the room and the bonuses indicated apply to Awareness skills involving smelling.
is limited to the area of effect. 7. Fogvision – As Nightvision, except works in any precipitation or gas.
10. Anticipations – Predicts most probable actions of a being (the target) in the 8. Touch – Hernybiel gains extreme tactile sensitivity. This results in a special
next round; specifics are not learned (e.g. attack in melee, cast a spell; but no detail bonus of +25 to all actions that depend on tactile sense (e.g., pick locks, disarm traps,
on attack target of what spell). This results in Hernybiel being able to declare his etc).
statement of intent for the round after hearing what the target has decided to do. 9. Darkvision – As Nightvision, except no light is required and caster can see
Note that the target is free to change his declared action with the requisite penalties. even in magically created darkness.
11. Intuitions II – As Intuitions I, except Hernybiel gets to gaze 2 minutes into 10. Mentalist Ear – Liaktar can pick a point up to 100’ per level (1,200’) and he
the future. will hear as if he were at that point (there can be intervening objects such as walls);
12. Room Feel II – As Room Feel I, except limit is 1 hour per level (e.g. 24 Hernybiel must have been at the location before or the location must be within his
hours). field of vision.
13. Anticipate Hostility True – As Anticipations, except for area of effect, 11. Mentalist Eye – As Mentalist Ear, except caster can see instead of listening.
duration and range. 12. Disillusion – For the duration of the spell, one illusion within the area of
14. Dream II – As Dream I, except limit is 2 dreams/night on different topics. effect ceases to exist (for Hernybiel only). Liaktar must know that something is an
15. Spell Anticipation – As Anticipations, except if action is to cast a spell, the illusion before this spell is cast.
spell to be cast and target are learned. 13. Detect Illusion True – As Detect Illusion, except caster can check one object
or place per round;
MIND MASTERY 14. Vision – As all lower-level Vision spells functioning at the same time.
1. Storing – Hernybiel may cast this spell with any spell he wants to store. The 15. Nightvision True – As Nightvision, except range is the range of normal
spell to be stored must be cast within one minute after the Spell Store is cast. The daylight vision.
stored spell may be cast later as an instantaneous spell. The Storing spell costs the
same number of PPs as the spell stored. No other spell may be cast while a spell in MIND CONTROL
stored. 1. Question – Target must answer a single-concept question truthfully (though
2. Presence – Hernybiel is aware of the presence of all sentient/thinking beings he must be able to understand the question).
within 20’. 2. Sleep – Target falls into natural sleep. The first round is a magical sleep (the
3. Inner Wall I – Liaktar gets a special bonus of +5 to his RRs versus mind target cannot be awakened through normal means).
attacks. 3. Charm Kind – Humanoid target believes Hernybiel is a good friend.
5. Recall – Allows Hernybiel to access his memory as if he had total recall. Any 4. Calm – Target will take no offensive action, and he will fight only in self-
skill resolution involving Memory gets a special bonus. If the skill uses Memory as defense.
one of its applicable stats (Science/Analytic skills), the bonus is +10. If the skill uses 5. Confusion – Target is incapable of making decisions or initiating action; but
Memory as two of its applicable stats (Lore skills), the bonus is +25, if the skill uses he may continue to fight current foes or in self-defense.
Memory as all three of its applicable stats (i.e. a straight “memory” check), the bonus 6. Fear – Target fears Hernybiel Liaktar and attempts to flee. Fleeing usually
is +50. equates to running at maximum pace away from Him.
6. Misfeel Kind – For the purposes of mental or magical detections, the caster 7. Suggestion – Target will follow a single suggested act that is not completely
appears to be of any race he is familiar with. alien to him (e.g., no suicide suggestions, no blinding himself, etc.).
7. Observation – Liaktar gains insight or facts by observing a person or thing 8. Hold Kind – Target is held to 25% of normal action.
with intense concentration for one round. Give Hernybiel a special bonus of +50 to 9. Emotions – Causes any desired emotion. Possible emotions include hate,
his Awareness * Searching skill bonus. love sadness, anger, etc.
8. Inner Wall II – As Inner Wall I, except bonus is +10. 10. Master of Kind – Target must obey Hernybiel as specified in Suggestion.
9. Misfeel Calling – As Misfeel Kind, except Liaktar’s profession may appear to 11. Coma – [RR Mod: +20] Target falls into a coma.
be of any profession that he is familiar with. 12. True Charm – As Charm Kind, except works on any sentient creature.
10. Correlation – Hernybiel is able to correlate known facts to obtain 14. Hold True – As Hold Kind, except any sentient being can be affected.
conclusions. Any skill resolution involving Reasoning gets a special bonus. If the skill 15. Geas – Target is given 1 task. Failure results in a penalty determined by GM
uses Reasoning as one of its applicable stats (lore skills), the bonus is +10. If the skill (task must be within target’s capabilities). If the target ignores the task, he will suffer
uses Reasoning as two of its applicable stats (Science/Analytic skills), the bonus is the same effects of failure.
+25, if the skill uses Reasoning as all three of its applicable stats (i.e., a straight
“reasoning” check), the bonus is +50. MIND DISEASE
11. Misfeel Power – As Misfeel Kind, except Liaktar’s level may appear to any 1. Insomnia – Target has trouble sleeping. He has a -25 to all actions after
level from 1 to double his current level (up to 24). suffering this for 2 days (until cured).
12. Resolve – Liaktar is able to intensely focus and control himself for one 2. Neurosis – Target has a dislike for a specific type of thing Hernybiel Liaktar
situation or maneuver. Any skill resolution involving Self Discipline gets a special chooses. The target has a 50% (modified by the three times the target’s Self Discipline
bonus. If the skill uses Self Discipline as one of its applicable stats (Awareness * bonus) chance of maintaining control around the subject. If the target fails to control
Searching skills), the bonus is +10. If the skill uses Self Discipline as two of its himself around the subject, roll d100 (not open-ended) to determine how the target
applicable stats (Self Control skills), the bonus is +25, if the skill uses Self Discipline must react to the subject. A result of 1 causes in the target blindly attacking the
as all three of its applicable stats (i.e., a straight “self discipline” check), the bonus is subject (attempting to destroy it at all costs). A result of 2-11 causes in the target
+50. fleeing from the subject (moving at a maximum pace to get away from it). A result
13. Inner Wall III – As Inner Wall I, except bonus is +15. of 12 or more causes in the target avoiding the subject at all costs.
15. Unpresence – As Misfeel Kind, except Liaktar appears to have no presence 3. Guilt – Target becomes guilty over some incident in his past. He will not
(i.e., he cannot be detected by Presence spells). perform such an action again, and must take steps to overcome the guilt (rectifying
the past wrong).
SENSE MASTERY 4. Paranoia – Target believes everyone except his close associates are out to get
1. Sly Ears – Hernybiel gains double normal hearing. This results in a special him.
bonus of +50 to Awareness * Searching and Awareness * Senses skills involving only
5. Panic – As Insomnia, except target will panic and flee in any personally Discipline. When the duration expires, the stat will go back up by the same amount
dangerous situation. that it went down (with a maximum of whatever the potential for the stat is).
6. Phobia – Target has a fear of a specific type of thing that Hernybiel chooses. 2. Dazed – Target is mentally bewildered. Each round, he has only a 50%
The target has a 25% (modified by three times the target’s Self Discipline bonus) chance of making a decision. He will always defend himself from direct attack.
chance of maintaining control around the subject. If the target fails to control himself 3. Power Leak I – The target immediately loses 10% of his remaining power
around the subject, roll d100 (not open-ended) to determine how the target must points (PPs). They may be recovered normally (i.e., usually after a sleep period).
react to the subject. A result of 01-25 results in the target fleeing from the subject 4. Dull Mind II – As Dull Mind I, except decrease is 2d10.
(moving at maximum pace to get away from it). A result of 26 or more results in the 5. Mind Erosion I – As Dull Mind I, except decrease affects a potential stat and
target avoiding the subject at all costs. the corresponding temporary stat.
7. Hallucinate – The target has a tendency to hallucinate and see things as they 6. Power Leak II – As Power Leak I, except decrease is 20%.
aren’t. For each major event, 10% hallucinate. 7. Dull Mind III – As Dull Mind I, except decrease is 3d10.
8. Schizophrenia – Target develops a second personality of another “alignment”. 8. Power Leak III – As Power Leak I, except decrease is 30%.
There is a 10% chance per day that the second personality will become active (at a 9. Dull Mind IV – As Dull Mind I, except decrease is 4d10.
random time during the day). The GM should randomly select d10 role traits that 10. Mind Erosion II – As Mind Erosion I, except decrease is 2d10.
must be extremely different from the targets. 11. Power Leak IV – As Power Leak I, except decrease is 40%.
9. Psychosis – Target has a psychosis about a specific type of thing that Hernybiel 12. Dull Mind V – As Dull Mind I, except decrease is 5d10.
chooses. The target has a 10% (modified by the three times the target’s Self Discipline 13. Power Leak V – As Power Leak I, except decrease is 50%.
bonus) chance of maintaining control around the subject, toll d 100 (not open-ended) 14. Dull Mind VI – As Dull Mind I, except decrease is 6d10.
to determine how the target must react to the subject. A result of 1-5 results in the 15. Mind Erosion III – As Mind Erosion I, except decrease is 3d10.
target blindly attacking the subject (attempting to destroy it at all costs). A result of
6-55 results in the target fleeing from the subject (moving at maximum pace to get
away from it). A result of 56 or more results in the target avoiding the subject at all
costs. 6.8 HERNE’S SPELLS
10. Catatonia – Target drifts in and out of a catatonic state. Every hour there is
a 25% chance he will become catatonic for one hour.
11. Insomnia True – As Insomnia, except target can only sleep if he uses drugs 6.8.1 SPELLS LIST
or spells (e.g., a sleep spell). He adds +100 to his RRs against all sleep spells. If he
gets no sleep, he will slowly go mad (GM’s discretion on the specifics). BEAST MASTERY
12. Neurosis True – Target has an extreme dislike for a specific type of thing 1 ANIMAL TONGUES Caster 10 Minutes Self
that Hernybiel chooses. The target has a 25% (modified by the three times the target’s
Self Discipline bonus) chance of maintaining control around the subject. If the target 2 ANIMAL SLEEP I 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
fails to control himself around the subject, roll d100 (not open-ended) to determine 3 ANIMAL LOCATION Caster - 1 Mile R
how the target must react to the subject. A result of 1-10 results in the target blindly
attacking the subject (attempting to destroy it at all costs). A result of 11-60 results 4 ANIMAL SLEEP III 3 Animals 10 Minutes 100'
in the target fleeing from the subject (moving at maximum pace to get away from it). 5 BREEDING I 2 Animals - 100'
A result of 61 or more results in the target avoiding the subject at all costs.
13. Guilt True – As Guilt, except every day that he fails a normal RR, the target 6 ANIMAL FURY I 1 Animal 10 Rounds 100'
must take actions to atone for his guilt incident (or sink into a deep depression). 7 ANIMAL MASTERY I 1 Animal Concentrate 100'
15. Greater Paranoia – As Paranoia, except target believes that everyone is out
to get him (even his close associates). 8 ANIMAL EMPATHY 1 Animal Concentrate 100'
9 BEFRIENDING All Animals Concentrate 100'
1. Detect Control – Detects if a target is under the influence of a charm or other 10 ANIMAL FURY II 2 Animals 10 Rounds 100'
mind control affect (generally speaking, that would include any spell with a sub-type BEAST HEALING
of “m”). The mind control spell may resist detection by making an RR at the level of
the caster of the charm spell (or the level of the charm spell). 1 ANIMAL BOND 1 Animal Varies 100'
2. Calm I – The target of this spell will take no offensive action, and will fight 2 NOURISHMENT 1 Animal Permanent 100'
only in self-defense.
3. Suggestion I – Target will follow a single suggested act that is not completely 3 REMOVE POISON 1 Animal Permanent 100'
alien to him (e.g., no suicide suggestions, no blinding himself suggestions, etc.). 4 ANIMAL HEALING I 1 Animal Permanent 100'
4. Emotion I – Causes the target to be affected by any one desired emotion
chosen at the time of casting. Possible emotions include hate, love, sadness, anger, 5 ANIMAL DRAW II Caster Permanent Touch
fear, etc. Hernybiel may choose the object of the induced emotion. 6 POISON RELIEF Caster Permanent Touch
5. Doubt – Hernybiel Liaktar can cause the target to doubt the truth of one
belief or fact for the duration of this spell. The target may regain his belief 7 STUN RELIEF 1 Animal Permanent 100'
prematurely if he is presented with irrefutable evidence of the doubted belief’s truth 8 STAMINA RELIEF 1 Animal Permanent 100'
or persuaded of its veracity.
6. Obedience I – The target must obey Hernybiel Liaktar for the duration of this 9 REMOVE DIESASE 1 Animal Permanent 100'
spell, as specified in Suggestion I. 10 ANIMAL REVIVING I 1 Animal Permanent 100'
7. Certainty – Hernybiel can cause the target to believe, with complete
certainty, an idea, reasoning, or “fact” implanted, for the duration of this spell. The BEAST ENHANCEMENTS
target may lose this belief prematurely if he is presented with irrefutable evidence of 1 COAT OF MUMAKIL 1 Animal 10 Hours 100'
the falsehood of the belief or persuaded of its falsehood.
8. Calm III – As Calm I, except affects 3 targets. 2 SONG OF NIGHTINGALE 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
9. Suggestion III – As Suggestion I, except affects 3 targets and the range is 20’. 3 SENSE OF BAT 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
10. Emotion III – As Emotion I, except affects 3 targets.
11. Obedience II – As Obedience I, except affects 2 targets. 4 STRENGTH OF BOAR 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
12. Calm V – As Calm I, except affects 5 targets. 5 BEAST OF BURDEN 1 Animal 10 Hours 100'
13. Suggestion V – As Suggestion I, except affects 5 targets and the range is 30’.
14. Emotion V – As Emotion I, except affects 5 targets. 6 SKIN OF CHAMELEON 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
15. Obedience III – As Obedience I, except affects 3 targets and the range is 50’. 7 SPEED OF DEER 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
MIND EROSION 8 SKIN OF WOLF 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
1. Dull Mind I – Target has one of his mental stats (determine randomly) 9 SCALE OF FISH 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
temporarily lowered by d10. The temporary stat is lowered, not the potential. The
mental stats are: Presence, Empathy, Intuition, Memory, Reasoning, and Self 10 1 Animal 10 Minutes 100'
BEAST MOVEMENT/SENSES previous level. There is an additional modifier of -2 per day that the animal was dead.
If the result is over 100, the animal may not be returned from the dead by Herne
1 CAT'S STEP Caster 10 Minutes Self (until He gains another level). The animal will be at -100 to all actions for a number
of days equal to 20 days per day dead.
2 CHAMELEON SKIN Caster 10 Minutes Self
1. Coat of Mumakil – Confers a +25 bonus to one animal’s resistance vs. cold.
4 DEER SPEED I Caster 100 Minutes Self
2. Song of Nightingale – Causes the song of any one bird to sound like that of
5 BAT SENSE Caster 10 Minutes Self any other bird that Herne has heard. Note that this will not cause the bird to actually
sing, but will only change its sound for the duration.
6 OTTERLUNGS Caster 10 Minutes Self
3. Sense of Bat – Allows any one animal to sense its surroundings, including
7 GLIDE I Caster 10 Minutes Self terrain and location of other people, without the sense of sight. Animal must able to
8 HAWK'S SENSE Caster 10 Minutes Self
4. Strength of Boar – Provides a bonus of +1 to an animal’s attack for the
9 TIGER SKIN Caster 10 Minutes Self duration of the spell.
5. Beast of Burden – Allows one animal to carry up to 1.5 times its normal
10 BOAR STRENGTH Caster 10 Minutes Self
carrying capacity.
6. Skin of Chameleon – Causes the skin (or scales, feathers, etc.) of one animal
to change color with its surroundings adding a +25 bonus to its stalking and hiding
6.8.2 SPELLS DESCRIPTION 7. Speed of Deer – Increases the speed of any one non-flying animal by 2 times
BEAST MASTERY its normal rate.
1. Animal Tongues – Allows Herne to understand and “speak” the language of 8. Skin of Wolf – Gives any one animal an effective AT of 4.
any one animal. 9. Scale of Fish – Allows any one non-flying animal to swim with the ease of a
2. Animal Sleep I – Puts any animal to sleep. Will not affect enchanted creatures fish. Spell does not allow the animal to actually breath underwater.
or creatures with greater than animal intelligence. 10. Song of Nightingale II – As Song of Nightingale, except all within hearing
3. Animal Location – Herne can locate members of any 1 species of an animal range of the bird must make a resistance roll versus Herne’s level (10) or be put to
or he can find out what species are in the area. sleep. Herne is immune to the effects of this spell.
4. Animal Sleep III – As Animal Sleep I, except Herne can put 3 animals to sleep.
5. Breeding I – Causes any two animals of compatible species but separate
gender in the area of effect to breed. Normal number of offspring will be produced. BEAST MOVEMENT/SENSES
6. Animal Fury I – Causes any 1 animal within the area of effect to attack a 1. Cat’s Step – Herne moves as quietly as a cat. Adds +20 to all Stalking
specified target, which must be within sight of Herne at the time the spell is cast. Maneuvers.
Animal will pursue target and fight until receiving a critical, or losing 50% of its 2. Chameleon Skin – Herne’s skin takes on the coloration of the surrounding
concussion hits, or duration expires, whichever comes first, then will flee to the wild. terrain. Adds +10 to +50 to all Stalking/Hiding maneuvers. As Herne moves,
7. Animal Mastery I – Allows Herne to control the actions of any 1 animal. coloration changes to match the surrounding terrain. This spell does not affect gear
8. Animal Empathy – Herne can understand and/or visualize the thoughts and of clothing.
emotions of any 1 animal. 3. Wolf Sense – Herne gains an increased sense of smell and hearing (subtle
9. Befriending – All animals within 20’ will act friendly toward the caster. smells and higher sonic ranges included). Adds +50 perceptions using these senses
10. Animal Fury II - As Animal Fury I, except affects up to 2 animals. combined with others.
4. Deer Speed I – Herne can run at two times normal pace (i.e. Run pace) and
expend exhaustion points as if only walking.
5. Bat Sense – Increases Herne’s ability to maneuver without his sight. When
BEAST HEALING blinded or otherwise without sight, this spell adds +1 to +50 to maneuver rolls in the
1. Animal Bond – Creates a bond of trust with an animal to allow the caster to dark. Note that this spell does not negate penalties for blindness: it simply decreases
draw energy from the animal to heal himself with healing spells later on this list. Bond them.
will only be until the healing spell is cast, then must be cast again. 6. Otterlungs – Herne can safely hold his breath for the duration of the spell.
2. Nourishment – Provides nourishment for one animal for one day. 7. Glide I – Herne can glide like a bird. The product of Herne’s altitude and
3. Remove Poison – Removes poison from any one animal’s body. Poison horizontal speed cannot exceed 100’ per round. For example, Herne can glide along
makes a RR versus Herne’s Level (i.e. 10). If it succeeds, Herne may not remove the at a rate of 5” per round if he were 20’ off the ground. or he could glide at the rate of
poison until he gains another level. After the spell is cast, it takes 6-60 minutes for 50’ per round if he were 2’ off the ground. Note that the total must equal 100’ (i.e.
the poison to be fully removed. Herne cannot choose to have a total less than or more than 100’).
4. Animal Healing I – Heals all damage in an animal up to 50 lbs. in weight. 8. Hawk’s Sense – Herne gains the visual acuity of a hawk. Adds +50 to all
Healing takes 6-600 minutes. perceptions involving this sense combined with others.
5. Animal Draw II – Herne can draw energy from any one bonded animal, 9. Tiger Skin – Herne’s skin has the resilience of a large cat (effective AT of 3).
provided it has at least 40 total “hits”, healing himself 2d10 concussion hits. Animal’s 10. Boar Strength – Herne gains the ferocity of a wild boar. He gains +20 to his
total Hits may not drop below half of its normal amount. If the animal does not have melee OB, but cannot parry or use missiles for the duration of the spell.
at least 40 concussion hits, then Herne cannot draw from it.
6. Poison Relief – Allows Herne to transfer the poison from his body into that
of a bonded animal. Poison may then be removed from the animal at Herne’s
discretion with Remove Poison.
7. Stun Relief – Instantly relieves the animal of d10 rounds of stun.
8. Stamina Relief – Rejuvenates an animal’s stamina, regardless of size.
Rejuvenation takes d10 minutes.
9. Remove Disease – As Remove Poison, except affects a disease.
10. Animal Reviving I – Will return any animal up to 10 pounds in weight from
the dead. The dead animal must make a roll (d100, open-ended) and add 2 times its
Ul-Naza c-W-7N Leaf/ingest 450 gp Antidote for any poison if taken in 1 day.
Black Vine juice c-C-9NW Leaf/liquid 205 gp (Lvl 7) RR Failure = euphoria and inactivity for 1-100 hours.
Boiled Lawrim f-M-7NW Lichen/paste 25 gp (Lvl 3) RR Failure = pain for 1-10 rds. {victim at –20 activity}; then
variable paralysis {victim at –0 to –100} for 1-10 hours.
(Lvl 3) RR Failure = skin turns blue over 24 hrs.; then each external
Camadarch c-U-9NW Mushroom/liquid 175 gp feature (e.g. nose, or toe), must make an RR or rot off in following 1-10
Camadarch Acid - Mixture Apply 230 gp Liquid mixture with alcohol. No RR. 1-2 “E” Heat crits on rd 1; 1-2 “C”
Heat crits on rd 3; 1-2 “A” Heat crits on rd. 5
Lawrim f-M-7NW Lichen/liquid 10 gp (Lvl 2) RR Failure = spreading rash; victim at –25 activity for 1-5 days.
White Berried Yew c-C-8NW Berry/ingest 103 gp (Lvl 2) RR Failure = painless death in 1-10 rnds.
CLIMATE CODES : (1) arid = a; (2) semi-arid = s; (3) hot & humid = h; (4) mild temperate = m; (5) cool temperature = t; (6) cold = c; (7) severe cold (frigid) = f; (8) everlasting
cold = c
LOCAL CODES: (1) arid = a; (2) semi-arid = s; (3) hot & humid = h; (4) mild temperate = m; (5) cool temperature = t; (6) cold = c; (7) severe cold (frigid) = f; (8) everlasting
cold = c
DIFFICULTY OF FINDING: Routine (+30) = 1; Easy (+20) = 2; Light (+10) = 3; Medium (0) = 4; Hard (-10) = 5; Very Hard (-20) = 6; Extremely Hard (-30) = 7; Sheer Folly
(-50)= 8; Absurd (-70) = 9
COMPASS CODE: Last code in sequence shows area of Middle-earth where herb is indigenous, or most common. “U” equals universal. “M” indicates mid-Endor.
PREPARATION: Apply (raw or as poultice, 1-10 rnds); Brew (boil, wait 20 rnds); Gas (release, inhale); Ingest (eat, chew, inhale, or drink); Inject (as ingest, but can be administered
in combat with crit result); Liquid (remains effective 1 hr. and can be put on a weapon or in food); Paste (remains effective 1 week); Powder (can be mixed into food or drink).
CODE: Based on a dose weighing ½ ounce. For poisons, the effect is normally the same regardless of potency level of the dose, although attack level will affect the victim’s ability to
EFFECT: See MERP Collectors Edition Rulebook (Pages: 68, 75 & 256-257) for more definitions and details
The statistics describe a typical creature of that type. Most of the codes are self-explanatory.
LVL Level
# ENC Number Encountered
Size/Crit The creature’s size (T = Tiny, S = Small, M = Medium, L = Large, H = Huge) and the type of critical Table that is used to resolve critical
strikes against this creature. If no code is given, use the normal tables.
LA Use Large Creature Critical Tables
SL For RM: use Super-Large Creature Critical Tables, for MERP: use Large Creature Critical Tables with a -10 modifier
I Use normal critical tables, but reduce critical severities by one step (i.e. “E” becomes a “D”, “D” becomes a “C”,
“C” becomes a “B”, “B” becomes an “A”, and ignore “A” criticals
II Use normal critical tables, but reduce critical severities by two steps (i.e. “E” becomes a “C”, “D” becomes a “B”,
“C” becomes an “A”, and ignore “B’ AND “A” Criticals
AT (Armor Type): The two letter codes correspond to the MERP armor type (No = No armor, SL = Soft Leather, RL – Rigid Leather, CH =
Chain and PL = Plate. The number is the equivalent to the Rolemaster armor type
DB Defensive Bonus
Critical Type
1st/2nd/3rd Attack Each creature usually initiates combat using its “Primary” attack. Depending on the situation and the success for the “primary” attack, it may
later use its “Secondary” attack or “Tertiary” attack (all in the same round if previous attacks are very successful). Each attack code starts
with the attacker’s Offensive bonus. The first letter indicates the size of the attack: T = Tiny, S = Small, M = Medium, L = Large, H =
Huge. The last two letters indicate the type of attack:
Pi = Pincher / Beak Ti = Tiny Ta = Trample / Stomp Ba = Bash/ Ram/Butt/Slug
Ho = Horn / Tusk St = Stinger Fi or Ki = Fist / Kick Wr = Wrestling / Tackles
Cr = Crush / Fall Cl = Claw / Talon Gr = Grapple/Grasp/Envelop/Swallow We = Weapon
Bi = Bite
Illustration: Olga Okolelova