#4021 The Lamp of The Noldor
#4021 The Lamp of The Noldor
#4021 The Lamp of The Noldor
This free Roleplaying Game adventure is primarily the work of the author with selected ideas contributions of the others noted. This adventure is a Lord of the Rings ‘Fan inspired’ adventure.
The author has no relationship with Iron Crown Enterprises, Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, or any of the other game systems noted. Further the author has no relationship with the Estate
of J.R.R. Tolkien, Tolkien Enterprises, any of its surviving entities /affiliates; nor with any holder of any copyright or intellectual property rights on the works of Professor Tolkien’
writings. This adventure was not created for economic profit and should not be copied, sold, or distributed for sale without the express written permission of the author and all contributors;
further without the express written permission of those parties holding copyright of Professor Tolkien’s works.
All illustrations used on 2021 Design are used by permission of the artists, except some of them which have been created by unknown authors. Of course, if authors’ names are discovered,
their permission will be demanded. The work is the intellectual property of the authors, art creators and designers. It is intended for private, non-profit use
Table of Contents
1.0 GUIDELINES..........................................................1 4.2 Map of Nothros ............................................................ 19
1.1 Handling Play .................................................................2 4.3 The Prologue ................................................................ 21
1.2 Adapting the Module ....................................................2 4.4 The Journey East to Nothros....................................... 21
1.2.1 Converting Hits & Bonuses ......................................... 2
4.5 Scouting Nothros ......................................................... 22
1.2.2 Conversion Chart ..................................................... 2
4.6 Securing a Lamp by Force or Stealth.......................... 23
2.0 PLAYER CHARACTERS .......................................2
4.7 The Lamp of the Noldor Liberated............................. 25
3.0 THE SENESCHAL OF OCCUM............................5
4.8 There and Back Again ................................................. 25
3.1 The Setting : Occum (1640 T.A).....................................5
3.2 Map of Occum ................................................................6
5.1 Prologue ........................................................................ 26
3.3 The Prologue...................................................................8
5.2 The setting: Minas Malloth (1644 T.A.)...................... 26
3.4 The Parley......................................................................11
5.3 The Prologue ................................................................ 29
3.5 Other means..................................................................11
5.4 Journey to Minas Malloth / Bar-I-Dindol................ 30
3.6 Scouting the Daen ........................................................12
5.5 Bar-I-Dindol ................................................................. 30
3.7 Perception & Tracking Results...................................12
5.6 The Siege Camps........................................................... 32
3.8 Reporting back.............................................................14
5.7 Entry to Minas Malloth ............................................... 32
3.9 The Late Night Rescue..................................................14
5.8 Fall of Minas Malloth / Death of Tyrn Hodhath ...... 32
3.10 The Parley revisited......................................................16
5.9 Surviving the Siege....................................................... 33
3.11 There And Back Again.................................................16
5.10 There and Back Again ................................................. 34
4.0 THE LAMP OF THE NOLDOR........................... 17
6.0 TABLES................................................................. 35
4.1 The Setting: Nothros (1644 T.A) ..................................17
Baladir Baldariyon
A pure Dunedain Animist from Iach Sarn; Baladir was a
noted herbalist all his youth and his development as a healer was
the extension of his interests. Baladir has a soft voice and blue
eyes (unusually so for those of pure Dunedain blood). His
mother foretold that Baladir’s eyes would change color once he
had fulfilled a great challenge destiny had set for him. Baladir is
seeking this challenge.
Faramir Enthiliyaron
Faramir is a pure Dunedain Mage from Fornost Erain. Many
generations of his family have held positions assisting the council
of seers and supporting the crown of Arnor. While Faramir
holds no titles of lordship he is a fierce Arthedain patriot.
Faramir seeks adventure and knowledge; he aspires to one day
hold a position among the seers and hopes to wield such power
as to end the threat of the Angmarim.
Dorinithir is a Silvan Elf Ranger some 3000 years old hailing
from the lands of Duneriador. His own kin actually live in
villages near Mithlond. Dorinithir has been a participant in
groups of wandering companies but has never led one himself.
However the lands are changing. Men occupy routes once
vacant. The Angmarim and their agents destroy secret glades
wherever they can. Dorinithir has been tasked to adventure with
mortals; and to spy out lands and routes suitable for the Eldar Illustration: Tsayaret
especially those avoided by men.
PC 1 - Northman PC2 - Silvan PC3 - Dunedain PC4 - Dunedain PC5 - Silvan PC6 - Hobbit PC7 - Dwarven
Warrior - Lvl 2 Warrior - Lvl 2 Animist - Lvl 2 Mage - Lvl 2 Ranger - Lvl 2 Scout - Lvl 2 Rogue - Lvl 2
Strength 95 95 79 51 72 83 89
Dexterity 81 76 76 80 93 95 95
Constiution 90 92 81 84 95 70 76
Intelegence 52 48 57 95 48 64 55
Intuition 68 64 95 62 75 66 79
Pressence 79 83 87 90 81 76 64
Apprearence 59 76 73 71 49 71 59
No Armor 10 20 10 10 25 35 15
Soft Leather -35 -25 -35 -35 -20 25 -30
Rigid Leather 5 15 -5 -20 -10 -70 5
Chain 5 -55 -25 -30 -70 -85 -20
Plate -65 -70 -75 -80 -85 -100 -75
1 Handed Edged 66 56 20 15 9 -3 19
1 Handed
1 -4 -15 -20 -21 -38 49
2 Handed 36 -4 25 10 -21 -38 -11
Thrown -14 31 -20 -20 -1 52 29
Missile 26 46 10 10 69 52 19
Pole Arms 1 -4 -15 10 -21 -38 -11
Climb 12 32 12 10 46 52 29
Ride 52 17 27 10 31 2 -21
Swim 17 37 17 15 51 42 24
Track -23 7 7 20 16 7 14
Ambush 0 4 0 0 5 9 1
Stak/Hide 15 20 20 -10 24 19 14
Pick Lock 5 5 -25 -10 5 19 19
Disarm Trap 7 17 22 5 21 7 9
Read Rune -25 -25 7 44 -25 -25 5
Use Item 5 20 27 14 25 15 15
Directed Spells -20 -10 19 21 -5 5 -15
Perception 5 20 22 -25 47 55 15
Body Devleopment 62 70 47 55 34 26 68
Base Spells 0 0 4 4 0 0 0
Shield y y y n y n y
Defensive Bonus 5 20 5 5 20 30 10
Essence RR 0 0 0 0 0 50 40
Channeling RR 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
Power Points 0 0 4 4 2 0 2
Lore: Scrying
Secondary Skill 1 Wood carving Weather Watch Herblore Fletching Trickery Caving
Lore: Elven Lore: Star
Secondary Skill 2 Lore: Tree Mgt First Aid Foraging Acrobatics Cooking
Weapons watching
Empathy Tree Poison +10
Poison +10 Poison +5 Poison +5 Poison +10 Poison +30
Special / Racial dwelling animals Disease +10 Heat
Disease +100 Disease +10 Disease +10 Disease +100 Disease +15
+50 +30 DB RR, Cold 0
LSw: Celebgil +10 Magical Dagger
BSw: Berseboc +10 Lbow +10 -
- Casts Detect +5 that returns to
Special Items & A cold crit every Nil Nil Double normal Nil
Essence 1/day at thrower every
crit ranges
user level 2nd round
N/A N/A Surface Ways Spirit Mastry Path Lore N/A N/A
Spell Lists Calm Spirits Essence Hand
3.0 THE SENESCHAL OF OCCUM 3.1 The Setting : Occum (1640 T.A)
This adventure is designed for a lower-level party in the Occum has been an important settlement of men since the
border regions of Arthedain set circa 1644 - mid third age late second age. When Numenoreans first came to the shores of
period; particularly in the fief of Uiviril from Iron Crown middle earth and established their observatories in the North
Enterprises source material. This region of Eriador presents an Downs, Occum sprang into existence almost immediately.
ideal location for party mid 2nd + level – with various cultures Occum has the advantage of being almost exactly half way
being mixed with significant settlements in the near vicinity. between Fornost Erain and Bree; the distance is often quoted as
The recent events of the past decade, such as the Great a “good days ride or a two day walk betwixt” the two. As trade
Plague and the migration of the Hobbits to the Shire, have developed with the settlement of the Dunedain, so too were the
significantly changed traditional patterns of living. People lead a natural resources of Occum exploited. It possesses good, if not
slightly more chaotic existence notwithstanding the power of spectacular agricultural land, a small strand of timber, and a
the crown holding hegemony over the land. deep well of exceedingly pure waters. These natural advantages
increased the size of the settlement doubling the numbers of
men choosing to call this area home every decade.
The waters are so pure and healthy that they withstood
attempted Angmarim corruptions of the 1400’s Third Age.
Despite Angmarim efforts to ruin the deep well and fountains,
the waters of the town resisted the dark magical spoiling effects.
All men that reside and consume the well waters of Occum for 3.2 Map of Occum
a month will receive a permanent bonus to their constitution of
+2. Healing rates are 1.5 times faster while resting and bathing 1. Dol Occum:
wounds in the town. This small Uiviril keep hosts an Ohtari (9) of men at arms in
service of the Lord Uiviril. At any given time less than half a
The town is un-walled in 1640. However, like Bree the thick dozen will be present. The nephew of the Lord of Uiviril –
brambles of hedges (the Hagavorl) were planted and gates Bregol - makes his home here as a local Magistrate and is trying
were erected on the North Road. Dol Occum, a small Dunedain to start a number of building projects. However, he spends as
keep of the Uiviril, hosts an undersized garrison improving the much time travelling to Fornost and the Royal Court as he does
effectiveness of a local volunteer militia. actually residing in Occum.
Occum is suffering from bad luck in its current situation. Another inconsistent resident of importance is the Royal
Firstly, the Great Plague reduced the population by a few key Ranger Helvorn Eldenaryaron. The ranger is kin of the Uiviril
hardy souls in 1638 T.A. While the effects of the plague overall and the last scion of the Eldenaryaron. He travels between
were marginal compared to towns and settlements as close as Occum and the gap of Andrath and regularly and monitors the
Cardolan, the plague did seem to rob the town of its young barrow downs; his family barrow in particular. One day if he
leaders; the generation thought to be the future of the town. can find the right companions, he hopes to reclaim certain family
In the last dozen years, the mass migration of the hobbit clans heirlooms that may aid his battle to liberate the family keep from
of Tuks, and Bucks to the Royal Lands just west in the “Shire” the Angmarim in the far north.
have robbed the town of some 1000 productive and important
citizens. The native Eriadorians, and lesser Dunedain, seem
shocked at how significant the loss of the quarrelsome Hobbits 2. The Town Great Hall:
has been. No one realized, nor took serious, the contributions This great hall is the meeting lodge of the citizens of Occum.
the hobbits made both agriculturally and economically. Its Northron heritage is obvious and speaks to the cultural
lineage of most citizens. It is some 100 feet long and 40 wide.
The population has settled to 950 men in the region; merely
half of what it was 10 years ago. It remains the home settlement
of many of the lesser scions of the Dunedain Uiviril lords and so 3. Seneschal Quarters:
is still important. Occum presents the picture of a safe town of The home and office of the Seneschal of Occum: the town is
the Arnorian crown albeit one “down on its luck” for the past really administrated by the Seneschal more than by Bregol
few years. The town and nearby area is home to Eriadorian folk Uiviril. The Seneschal appointed by the Lord Uiviril, is even
with mixed Dunadan and Dunnish heritage. The village is walled more popular than the magistrate being a local a war hero, and
with mortared stone, which is not typical of all Cardolandrim noted for his fair mindedness. Merembeleg consults the Lord of
villages and towns. However, the towns’ relative importance to Uiviril and a council of leading town freemen in making all
the Barons of Minas Girithlin has rewarded it. decisions, and is usually adept at blunting the “overly thrifty
The town is more sedate than the open city of Annon Baran. decrees” of Lord Pilinur Uiviril using common sense and mild
The local Militia is 20 men strong and all 3rd level. The militia disobedience.
is a duty performed by aspiring men at arms in fealty to the
Baron Girithlin and is commanded by a Roquen (Knight) of the
Baron’s household. Caranthel presents the picture of a secure, 4. The Mithril Flask Inn:
affluent, and peaceful small urban dwelling; unusually so for an The only major Inn of Occum, its reputation is among the
urban area in Cardolan in the 1640’s. best in Arthedain; second only to the King’s Rest Inn in Bree.
There is much rivalry in the quality of the local ales between
Bree and Occum’s Inns. Occum with its pure waters usually
wins at least this distinction if not others from Bree.
5. The Gates:
The gates of Occum are solid oak wood trimmed with tin
metal. They span the road from hedge to hedge and have stout
cross timbers to lock them. In all they are effective barriers and
deter wolves, brigands, and typical local problems.
6. The Merchant Square and Town Fountain: abandoned hobbit smials and gardens. They have erected some
In the center of the Merchants Square exists the large deep temporary shelter but in all were thought to be sleeping the
bubbling well used by the entire town; a fancy water fountain is evenings within the smials. There were of course instantaneous
built over top. The fountain has an abstract stone sculpture accusations of sheep thievery (completely unfounded), and a
depicting Ulmo speaking to Tuor and was created by a sculptor number of complaints about the decorum of the Daen in town.
from Fornost; his creation was the source of some local The Seneschal had met with town leaders only yesterday eve and
amusement. The Townsfolk are constantly hauling barrels and persuaded the town council that these Daen wanderers could be
pails of water to and from the fountain. Some of the larger a welcome addition to the community. Since the departure of
homes and the Inn have sub wells attached the system. A tanner, many hobbits the community lacked a workforce to help harvest
cooper, ironsmith, baker, and greengrocer all have buildings the crops. It was causing hardship among some of the farmers of
along this merchant square as does a Dwarven Goldsmith. The the distrada. There was a lack of strong backs to help the town
Goldsmith hails from Dwarrowdelf (Moria) and will charge a cultivate crops - its primary export to Fornost and beyond.
mere 3% fee to bank excess gold or silver coinage.
In fact the Seneschal had that very day been known to be
heading out to the Daen clans to negotiate a settlement
agreement. The town would sponsor their immigration into
7. The Uiviril quarter:
Occum. It would even provide these clansmen some material
A number of pure Dunedain related to the local lord have
goods to resize (dig out) the hobbit smials and construct some
made their homes here in Occum. The splendor of their manor
sturdy houses – outside the town proper of course – so long as
is often in direct proportion to the closeness of that relationship.
the Daen agreed to abide by the laws of Occum. They were not
While all are scions of Uiviril, some are remote as relations that
to bear any arms within the town proper without the prior
its makes the term “cousin” a bit of a local joke among friends.
permission of the local militia; and to tone down their boisterous
Many of the Uiviril have decided to remain because of the
celebrations while at the Inn.
Further the materials and labor to assist them to build solidly
constructed safe homes would be free so long as they agreed to
8. Town Silos, a community barn, and community work the harvest for local farmer for a three-year period for no
gardens/apple orchard: more than a 10th share of the crop yield. This settlement was
The town has 2 massive grain silos for storage of the harvest. thought by all to be fair and generous on both sides though the
Share records (harvest size and contribution for sale) are Daen had not been approached about their thoughts in the
maintained in the Seneschal’s Office. The community barn is matter.
used to lock up prized sheep and kine from predatory wolves or
At this point the player’s party will be approached by a tall
feral dogs. The community’s orchard and gardens herbs are
Dunedain wearing ranger garb and an Elenriss – the star of the
managed on the basis of volunteer hours; the more you work the
Rangers. He is 6’ 7” tall and the trace of chainmail peeps out
more you receive. The Greengrocer and Seneschal maintain
from under his weather-stained clock and tunic. He carries a
oversight on these gardens.
large broadsword in a sheath at his side and a small iron rimmed
iron shield strapped to his back. His eyes are grey and piercing;
however, his manner is pleasant and soft.
3.3 The Prologue While speaking he talks in a soft quiet voice and motions
On a late summer evening the town of Occum is astir; players to be equally soft spoken. If the players ask for a
people are gossiping. Whether the players are sipping waters perception roll to assess this Dunedain Ranger they should be
from the town fountain, sipping ale at the Mithril Flask Inn, or informed that he is a very strong and competent looking warrior
standing near the town hall they are bound to hear the local’s with an honest mien about him.
concerns. There are rumors of recent Angmarim raids to the The stranger will introduce himself as Helvorn Eldenaryaron
east at Barad Esher. The forces of the Lord of Uiviril are all away – a Royal Ranger – and with a series of short probing questions
at war and on patrols protecting the border. The Royal Army confirm the party is a band of adventurers interested in doing
was said to be deployed assisting them. Is this the prelude to heroic and good deeds, making some coin, and frankly a mixture
another war of the north? of both. He will lead the party quickly through town to the small
Furthermore, the Seneschal of Occum – Merembeleg “One- fortress of Dol Occum where the players and the Ranger will be
arm” has not returned to town as expected; and it’s very late. admitted by a small guard of only two.
He was to report to the town freemen hours ago and his family
is worried.
In the past ten day a wandering band of Daen tribesmen –
the McLebh- settled to the north west of the town among
Dol Occum: A small Dunedain keep and tower
A 2 floor keep with a 3 floors tower
The approach by the Ranger Helvorn is doomed to failure the sole agent of the crown and will remind the players of this
based on cultural mistrust. The Daen will not harm the Northron should they choose to ignore his earlier advice to this effect.
Seneschal, but will become mistrustful of his first offer. Their
reaction to parley will be to discover what is being held out against The Parley adjourns with a subtle hint from Helvorn that the
them; of course, they will worry about a host of armored Knights Daen should consider carefully their position and cooperation
once again evicting them. with the town lest a host of Royal Troops come. Iawain will be
unimpressed with the threat though it is the very thing he fears.
If the party contains Players of Daen culture – they may be
able to speak to Helvorn about the likely reason; although they
will have a Very Hard (-20) Persuasion and Influence to make Gamemaster Note:
him understand. They will face a Sheer Folly (-50) influence
maneuver to allow the players to conduct the parley. The Gamemaster should take some time and effort to describe
Helvorn is sole remaining agent of the crown in Occum. This the parley as being conducted in an atmosphere of mistrust and
at the very time when increased Angmarim raids are indeed suspicion; albeit one without overt hostility.
occurring to the east and stretching troops thin. He knows this
and takes his responsibility seriously. He will inform the players
that he solely is responsible for conducting the parley.
3.5 Other means
Upon returning to town Helvorn will enlist the players into
3.4 The Parley his predetermined backup plan.
Helvorn understands that Royal Troops of sufficient size, to
Helvorn will arrange for the players party too meet him at
the north gate early in the morning. He will be dressed the same; cower the Daen into submission without violence, are probably
a fortnight away. He contemplates a rescue mission using
discretely armored under his ranger garb. He will inspect the
players and advise them to maintain their armor and weapons in stealth. He is debating between personal involvement in such a
mission to ensure its success and the rescue of his friend, verses
similar fashion to himself; visible but sheathed. He will also hand
two of the players (the Gamemaster can determine randomly or a plausible but deniable mission using only the players.
the players can volunteer) white banners on flagpoles indicating His own feeling about the safety of the Seneschal will
the desire to parley. The banners contain the devices of Occum ultimately decide his final choice. Above all he knows he will
colors inverted; in this case a black fountain beneath 7 silver stars require as much scouting information as possible. In this he urges
on white. With the party the Ranger leads them the 200 yards the players to continue the mission.
or so to the Daen camp.
He explains:
The Daen seeing the approach of an armored party will
quickly form ranks to formally great the visitors. There are only • As an option he and they might consider a stealthy rescue
10 men of warrior age; however, a couple of teen aged Daen mission depending upon what word he hears from Fornost
will join the clan’s menfolk holding clubs or scythes. The Leader or Bree.
of the Clan – Iawain ap McLebh will stand forefront. • To scout out the Daen camp and retrieve “all available
information” to enable them to make a good decision.
After halting greetings in Dunael, Aduniac, and finally
• The players should head south of town, double back to the
Westron the parley will formally begin.
west and use the thickets/woods for cover. Approach the
• Helvorn will ask to see the Seneschal camp, observe and record.
• Iawain will reply that the Seneschal is sleeping • The players should report back and plans can be made.
• Helvorn will ask why the Seneschal was not released to
return home
• Iawain will respond he is free to go at any time
• Helvorn will ask what the Daen intentions are and why they
are squatting on town lands
• Iawain will reply these hobbit holes are well outside the
town gates and appear to be abandoned.
Time Time
Difficulty Result Difficulty Result
Period Period
Third Easy (+20) When the Daen clansmen or broth cooking on a pot just in
half hour women enter the tunnels, they front of the largest shed. He chats
always stick to the left side – they with the Daen in a friendly
always avoid the area front and manner but eats and moves about
right - in front of the tunnel(s). in a tentative fashion.
The very keen sighted such as The Daen chief seems to exit
an elf, a ranger, or with an and enter from the north or
absolute success will note there rightmost tunnel consistently.
are camouflaged ropes to the
(In Westron) He asked the
front right of every tunnel; likely
Daen clan leader if he had sent
a snare trap of some sort.
word to his family; however, the
boisterous Daen leader told him
he still refused to do so. The
Fourth Light The 8 Daen warriors appear to
Leader would not have the
half hour (+10) be very lightly armored or not
Seneschal’s “manhood ridiculed”
armored and only possess a short
over a few pints of grain whisky.
sword or Eket as a weapon.
They should continue their chat
They appear to be “scouts” as from last eve if the Seneschal were
they are checking the ropes on the up to it. They returned to the
snare traps – those both outside tunnels.
the tunnels as well as in front of
Seventh Hard -10 The livestock in the small pen
the small sheds where the women
half hour look like goral sheep. They are
folk, children, and two elderly
much more ragged and wild
appear to be safely protected from
looking than the sheep typical of
wild animals – behind stout
nearby Arthedain farmers.
The sheep must have been
The traps are not too difficult
brought with the clan when they
to disarm (Medium +0).
migrated into the area. They also
look very lean and somewhat
Fifth half Light The Seneschal of Occum in
hour (+10) fact is well and alive. In fact some of the children in
and out of the tunnels also look
He exited the south or
leftmost tunnel. He is
apparently sick or more likely Eighth Very Hard The entire Daen clan looks a
very hung over. half hour -20 little under nourished and is a
little thin of frame. They are very
He reacted poorly to the
bright day. He vomited near the boisterous as such people are, but
clearly, they have experienced
tunnel entrance.
some hardships in the recent past.
The Daen chief laughed at his
One of the elderly is missing a
guests discomfort and helped him
back into the cool dark tunnel on leg below the knee and one
the left side; the Seneschal adolescent is scarred on his back.
grinned rather wanly and willfully
accompanied the chieftain.
Gamemaster Note: even double the reward at this point of conversation but will so
for certain if the players accomplish the mission without
Any single player able to perceive all of the above should be
awarded a special bonus of Idea and Miscellaneous Experience
Points for patience and good skill.
3.9 The Late Night Rescue
If the party is able to work collectively to achieve the same
result – all successful details scouted – each party member should The Late night rescue can be tackled in three probable
be awarded the same amount. manners although the Gamemaster should allow the players to
plan out their mission by themselves with only reserved
commentary coming from Helvorn :
3.8 Reporting back
• Sneak into the tunnels – disarming traps and the Daen
Helvorn will be very interested in any and all information
scouts - and swiftly returning to the town gate,
the players party are able to provide. In fact the information no
matter how complete will precipitate his plan to have the players • Dig out the Seneschal from his likely location through the
accomplish a peaceful rescue mission. This very evening is a dark ceiling – climbing out and returning to the town gate,
night with cool and cloudy overcast weather and a slim quarter • Some combination of both or using a distraction.
moon. Helvorn has been able to determine this from his Ranger
spells and Sky watching ability.
Through the Tunnels:
Helvorn has also just learned information that the Angmarim
incursion to the east is very serious. There was a surprise battle This perhaps the most obvious solution and should be
and Arthedain forces are rallying to route the Orcs, but not after awarded the least amount of Idea and Miscellaneous Experience
some losses. Further the Orcs appear to be supported by some points. Should the player decide to use a stealthy approach
tribes of Hillmen from Rhuduar. Helvorn does not believe this through the leftmost, or multiple tunnels, they will have to
incident related (it is not) but is anxious to recover his friend and perform a series of progressive Moving Maneuvers to sneak to
conduct negotiations with this small Daen from a position of the tunnel fronts. Helvorn can actually assist the players in this
strength. Helvorn cannot be sure that these Daen peoples are regard casting the MERP spell Hues (+50 to hiding for 5
not in fact agents of the Angmarim designed to create diversions minutes – Natures Guises – Ranger Spell Lists) upon up to 4
in the lines behind the Weather Hills. He will be reluctant to player characters. The player will have to disarm or clearly flag
reveal too much to the players about the struggles at the front the (Light Maneuver +10) snare traps to the front of the tunnels,
though he will share his concerns about the timing and and then navigate the 10 yards into the hobbit rooms. From here
motivation of the McLebh. they will either sneak by the Daen scouts or subdue them. There
is a 50% chance one Scout is asleep in each tunnel. There are
He will personally accompany the party at least as far as the two per tunnel. Once one is alerted, they will cry out in alarm
tree line this very evening though he will only personally that is at least as much surprise as concern. If the players are
intervene if he perceives the mission is doomed to a poor confronted by Daen scouts they may be able to use magic to
outcome. He hopes to be available to create a distraction (at disarm or disable the scouts (Sleep, Charm, or Hold). Should
most) should the players need his assistance to recover. He does they surprise the scouts and weapons come into play in the
not want himself to be captured or involved as he might be tunnels both the scouts and players must use their “Pole
needed to the west very soon. Should the players relate to Arms” offensive bonus regardless of weapon choice unless
Helvorn that the Seneschal is or should in fact able to come home they actually are a hobbit or Dwarf. The halls are too small to
on his own sooner or later; Helvorn will not accept this as a swing a normal weapon, and the players are reduced to thrusting
solution. His suspicions about Angmarim influence are too tactics.
deeply rooted. The players would have an Impossible (-50)
influence static maneuver to persuade Helvorn to leave matters Gamemaster Note:
sort themselves out; although he will relay the players
observations to the Seneschal’s family. Eventually he will reveal Players seeking to disarm or subdue an opponent can use the
the problems to the east should the players persist and hence the Combat Practice rules outlined in the MERP rules. All critical will
motivation for a rescue. Finally, Helvorn being a Ranger and be limited to “A” due to restraint. The Daen scouts will also fight
decent man desires little or no bloodshed. Should the players with restraint hoping to repel the invaders rather than kill.
agree to the rescue, he will caution them to use non-lethal force However in this instance “Kill Experience Points” is awarded
wherever possible. He thinks this clan of McLebh could simply though there is no intention to kill.
be what they appear; but either way he must question and
negotiate with them from a position of strength i.e. with his
friend and Royal Agent safe and sound. If need be Helvorn may
Once in the leftmost Hobbit hall the Seneschal will be asleep the Clan Chief they have a light (+10) maneuver roll to sneak
or awake depending upon the success of the players in stealth. past or may wake him and parley or try to influence events.
He will be unaware of the time and willingly accompany the
players with little effort.
Through the Ceiling: 3.10 The Parley revisited
This is the slightly less obvious solution and should be Seneschal Merembeleg will quickly set matters between the
awarded the middling amount of Idea and Miscellaneous townsfolk and the Daen straight at the crack of dawn the next
Experience Points. The Players can dig down to the leftmost morning.
hobbit room with about 2 hours (Game time approximately 100 He will call forth a quorum of local freemen to proceed as
turns for brevity sake) of “careful digging” with periodic pauses. he had before; in fact with even more favorable terms given his
Again, they will require multiple Moving Maneuvers to sneak personal “slippage because of his sip-age”. If the players, without
up to the back hill top with shovels and dig. Every 5 turns all the or without Helvorn’s overt assistance, have “rescued” the
players actually digging should roll a Moving Maneuver under Seneschal he will call upon them to attend the town great hall
Light activity (20 in total to create a man-sized hole). meeting and recite all information that they know. This may or
Anytime a result less than 100 is obtained the nearest 2 Daen could include the perceptive observations that the McLebh are
scouts should be given a perception roll after the Gamemaster actually rather down and beaten, and kindness at this time is in
checks if they are awake. 2 at a time will come investigate after fact be the greater good. The council of freemen in Occum are
alerting their comrades to “animals” on the hilltop. Eventually if at the very least kindly if perhaps bigoted. The players can
they do not return the next 2 will come out to investigate, and persuade the town freeman with an Easy (+20) influence static
so on. Again, using spells or “practice combat” rules the players maneuver to err on the side of generosity in any case.
should be able to subdue any Daen they confront. Outside they The players will be invited by the Seneschal to parley with
are free to use full melee Offensive Bonus as are the Daen. the Daen. Iawain and the clan fearing the worst will be overjoyed
Some Combination of Both or a distraction: by the results and offer the players a small gift for their part in
securing them a home at last.
This is the most innovative approach and thus should be
awarded the most Idea and Miscellaneous Experience Points. An
example may be to reset the trap location, trap and disable the 3.11 There And Back Again
Daen scouts and then influence and persuade the clan leader of
the real situation. Any scenario that is innovative, creative, or The successful conclusion with a peaceful settlement will be
uses some sort of technique that could not be documented here hailed by all town members. The players will be toasted at the
would fall in this category. The players intentions should be Inn that very evening and offered free room and board for a few
clear to distract, disarm, and rescue without resorting to some nights to heal whatever wounds if any were sustained.
horrible tactic such as taking women and children as counter The Daen will present the players with fine woolen cloaks.
hostages. Helvorn would not support such tactics. The cloaks are a dark green in hue and very weather resistant.
Outcomes: The tight knit seems to repel water (rain) and keep out drafts.
They are not magical in anyway but due to superior weaving add
In any instance should the players falter due to a series of
+10 to all hiding maneuvers, and are 25% lighter in terms of
unlucky rolls, Helvorn will enter the battles to perfect the
encumbrance. Further they are above average for warmth
mission acting as a sort of Guardian as per the MERP Rules. He
adding +5 to Cold RR, and would fetch double the price of a
will not in this instance offer to double the reward; but he was
fine cloak in markets as near as Fornost.
always prepared to intervene using the players as they
distraction. With Hevlorn’s assistance the mission should be a The players will have opportunities to gather between
“predetermined success” and the Gamemaster could guide several hundred up to a thousand of experience points each from
events this way. hiding, perception, and static maneuvers. If the party solves the
issues peacefully, they should be awarded “Kill” experience for
The players generally confronting no more than 2 Daen at
the entire Daen clan even though bloodshed was successfully
once should be successful in subduing the scouts and rescuing
avoided. It is suggested that the idea and miscellaneous points
the Seneschal. In all cases the women, children, and elderly will
can be granted at a rate of 2 times, 3 times, or 5 times total
not confront the players from the safety of the smallish huts. The
experience gained depending upon their innovation and ability
Daen chief is steadfastly drunk in the large room furthest north
to affect a peaceful solution.
from the target and will be very unlikely to enter combat or
respond to the attack unless Helvorn does. Their relative power
levels balance one another. Should the player actually encounter
4.0 THE LAMP OF THE NOLDOR - The Hillman Army was to circle south of Weather Top and
then occupy the city of Nothros. The Witch-King has scryed
a powerful magic in that city and desires it captured or
This adventure is designed for a mixed party of players either destroyed. However, the type of magic is uncertain other
close to, or having achieved 3rd - 4th level; further a party with than it is Elvish. Brogha Targ Arm sent the small second
some stealth and scouting ability. If the players successfully tribe warriors to complete this task; they totaled barely a
completed the previous adventure the Seneschal of Occum they hundred experienced warriors in all.
should have had the opportunity to advance or significantly
advance towards 3rd level depending upon their degree of - Finally other Rhudaurim were to besiege and destroy Minas
success. At the very minimum the party will be wealthy enough Malloth. In this Dunedain keep exists one of the Witch-
to be well equipped and provisioned. It is suggested that the Kings most potent enemies; holding back the Barrow Wights
Gamemaster read through the adventure including key NPCs in to their tombs during the day and preventing them from
section 6.0 and depending upon the skill of the player raise or terrorizing lands such as Bree. To this task Emergil sent
lower the difficulty consummate with their skills. only 20 of his experienced Estrave Medium Cavalry.
Gamemaster Note
Glass-smithing. Rains, wind, and storms that erodes the mineral Following the first northern war between Angmar and
content of these hills blow predominantly from the West (and Arthedain the lamp of the Noldor was protected from
North-west). The erosion of rock and soil settles down slope on destruction. The retreat with the Palantir from Amon Sul passed
the western side into deep pits and surface mines. through Nothros.
Berethor and his kin founded a small keep Nothros and were While the population had already fled west to Occum, the
granted a fief in the southeast of Arthedain; lands adjacent to lamp was only saved at the last minute by the men of the Warden
those of the Uiviril and the Pelenduroni of Fanduin – the ‘three of Weathertop. In fact, its salvation was almost an accident.
families of the south’ as they were often referred to as. Berethor Most Arthedain had forgotten about the heritage and properties
began his small new Glass-smithy in Nothros and created a of the hand-held lamp; but its power served the retreating
crystalline Athelas flower of immense beauty in homage and as Arthedain well. Following the war, the lamp was restored to its
a gift to Elendil. During the third age their skill and fame rightful place and scrolls in Fornost noted its location though
flourished and trade expanded. very few know the lamps worth.
Dwarves of Duneriador and Dwarrowdelf sought out The Mendryaron however fared worse as the years passed
Mendriyaron glass lamps for their dark halls under mountain. immediately following the war. The family had a schism
Men in Tharbad sought it to light their streets. Edain lords between an eldest born matriarch and a younger brother. The
sought these mosaic glass windows for their Castles and Villas. younger brother led a third of the family to establish their trade
in Tharbad around 1410 T.A. as a result of the schism. He hoped
Elendil, in a visit to Nothros, returned the favor by
their closer proximity to Dwarrowdelf would grow their trade
bequeathing an Eldar lamp of Noldor craftsmanship; one gifted
and riches. He had forgotten the importance of proximity to the
to the faithful many centuries past. The Lamp of the Noldor was
sand. The matriarch re-married into the Uiviril family and so the
said to be the very lamp that first shone upon Tuor and his
name Mendryaron faded from the scrolls of Arthedain.
companion Voronwe as they approached the gates of Gondolin.
Its magical light shone forth no matter the environment. It was When the King reorganized the realm in the south – the
raised upon an iron post carved with runes nearest the keep in a Uiviril were accounted the Lords, although a scattered number
fountain in a place of honor. of extended family named Mendriyar still dwelt in Occum and
Fornost. The Meddiyaron and the Uiviril simply merged as it
The lamp was significantly bright; casting it gleam hundreds
were in the aftermath of the war. By 1640 most Dunedain have
of yards for a small hand-held lamp, and it glowed double
ceased to differentiate them.
brightly near servants of the enemy.
The Free City of Nothros continues to thrive despite the
Nothros keep grew into a disjointed city. In fact, city is
fortunes of the Mendryaron. The city and keep sit upon a tallish
hardly the correct term; it became a small Dunedain keep with
plateau in a valley between other rolling hills. The slopes are
an extended but seasonal labor camp created along plateaus and
very steep except where graded for a road and require a Hard (-
mesas near the keep. During the fair summer months, the size
10) Moving Maneuver to climb.
of Nothros City would swell to thousands as migrant workers
set up temporary shelter on any plateau, they could find to The trade and industry in Fornost is still well established.
accommodate them. There they could earn one of the richest Annually thousands of migrant workers flood into the camps at
but safe coin jobs in the north; digging sand out of deep surface Nothros during the spring swelling the population to nearly
sand pits. Then in fall the migrant labor drifts away into harvest 3000. The miners and teamsters toil for 5 coppers per day -
or other jobs. under the lamp - hauling sand from the hills to smithies at
The Mendriyaron quickly outgrew the smithy facilities in
Nothros and in 973 Third Age relocated to Fornost Erain; both As fall approaches the workers trickle away like migratory
for the room in the newly burgeoning city and its culture of the birds to Cardolan and Dunland – looking for home and harvest
Royal court. Sand was dug out and hauled north some 50 miles but the glass of Fornost continues to be made.
to the Norbury of the Kings. This only increased the size of the
migrant summer labor as now teamsters were employed in
addition to diggers.
Eventually the Mendriyaron abandoned Nothros altogether
and the city such as it is, was granted a ‘free charter’ by the
Mendriyaron and Crown. It was independent of direct rule by
the Lord and the Crown so long as peace was maintained and
taxes paid. Given the numbers of temporary laborers during the
summer, peace was considered a relative condition.
4.2 Map of Nothros the chieftain is a 4rd level Ranger. Currently they all operate at -
15 in all OB due to the nature of the lamp. The chieftain is
Nothros sits within a vale on the western slopes of the suffering migraines at night from the “dammed lamp” but none
Weather Hills. The old keep of Barad Mendryaron is still used among them recognize the lamp as being the artifact they were
as a town office and administrative center; the lamp post still sent to secure. They have scoured the keep looking for weapons
placed immediately outside the old keep. Within the old walled of great magic only to turn up empty. They don’t understand
section exists the stone buildings built in the early third-age. what great magic they are seeking in the first instance but are
Outside the neglected walls one finds wood constructed log afraid to return home empty handed.
cabins of various sizes, shape and quality. They are constructed
in a haphazard fashion hewn of the logs of nearby trees. The roofs 4. The Walls
however tend to be covered in tin. The Walls of Nothros stand some 20 feet tall on average
being only 4 feet wide of mortared stone. The squared towers
all have a room base and stairs to the second level providing
1. Barad Mendryaron. outlook and missile firing platforms.
Barad Mendryaron is a small-sized keep of Dunedain The rounded towers have only ladders on the exterior to the
architecture similar to Dol Occum. Compared to Dol Occum it second level. All the ladders were destroyed by the militia in the
has a larger tower of 4 levels attached to a Three-floor stone retreat. The gates have been thrown down in this open city. Its
keep. The Tower is the most prominent feature of the small city guards, size and bustle are enough to discourage wolves and
and it stands much higher than all other buildings and the walls. other wandering creatures in addition to the (largely unknown)
warding effects of the lamp.
2. The Fountain and Lamp of the Noldor.
In a large stone basin outside the keep sits a large stone 5. The Sand Pit Inn
fountain connected to a well below; and a tall arborang pole The currently more famous and popular Inn at Nothros is the
especially built to hold the lamp of the Noldor upon it. The pole “ole Sandy”. It is one building with a fenced courtyard and large
is some 20 feet tall without grips to climb and stands about a attached chicken coop but no stables. Aside from being less
third as tall as the keep tower. The lamp shines day and night expensive and outside the walls and therefore militia prevue;
and can be seen for many miles. The Lamp of the Noldor is an Cockfighting games and wagering is a popular pastime at “ole
artifact of ancient magic (perhaps even the very lamp that shone Sandy” among many of the Cardolani migrant laborers. In fact,
upon Tuor as he entered Gondolin for the first time) and is this building hosts some 20 Cardolani Eriadorian Miners that
usable by Player Characters in a very limited manner unless they have their pick axe and shovels as weapons but lacking any
are of noble Arthedrim Birthright. armor. They are the equivalent of 1st Level Scouts given their
3. The Looking Glass Inn Should keen eyed observers spend time scouting they will
note that the Hillmen keep a rotating watch of 5 warriors at the
The town’s original Inn associated with Nothros. The Inn has keep gates looking down to the Inn. The Hillmen keep arrow
a stone foundation, wooden walls and slate ceiling being two notched and ready and occasionally fire an arrow into the door
stories. Stables are beside the inn as a separate building and the or roof as subtle warning to those inside. The Miners were too
rear courtyard is fenced to join the buildings. The Looking Glass drunk or asleep to flee earlier; now they keep their defensive
is famous for having a polished mirror in every room (with position inside the Inn worried about having to make a stand
occasional mirrors on the ceiling!). Currently the inn hosts against superior odds.
eighty-eight (88) Rhuaduarim Hillmen warriors including the
chieftain of the second tribe. The Hillmen invaded Nothros in
this latest Angmarim attack. They swooped into Nothros with 6. The Teamsters Guildhall
supplies on pack horse, early in the morning taking the town by The Teamsters Hall is the meeting place for the Teamsters
surprise and driving away the militia and causing most the guild of Nothros. Here a worker would apply for sanction to cart
townsfolk to flee. the sands to Fornost in long and heavy wagons after paying the
Their success in this is surprising as the townsfolk and militia appropriate dues of course. The Teamsters are the best paid of
outnumbered this small force substantially; however, the all the migrant workers in Nothros and the Guildhall reflects it
rumors of war and terror of uncertainty made most of these standing being a large Northron type hall heavily fortified and
transient residents flee rather than stand and resist. shuttered.
The Hillmen warriors are all 1st level Scouts all armored in Twenty-five dwarves of Numeriador are “holed up”
soft leather and bearing the tattoos and trapping of the 2nd tribe; defensively in the great hall lacking weapons. Being Dwarves
they are well armored in fine studded leather but only a couple 7. Sandpits
of the clan leaders retained their axes.
There are three open sand pits where the day-to-day mining
The 25 are all 2nd level Scouts but their 2 clan leaders are 3rd occurs within near proximity to town; there are some other pits
level Warriors. The dwarves tried to rally people to fight but within a couple of miles north and south. Sandstone is chipped
retreated in good order to the guildhall for safety when they saw into fine “sand-potash crystal” powder using pickaxes and then
the mass desertion. Should keen eyed observers spend time shoveled into large gunny sacks and then laden onto wagons for
scouting they will note the Hillmen have overturned two large the journey to Fornost.
wagons to block the gate passage near the hall and maintain a
In each pit area a careful (Medium +0) search would discover
watch of 5 scouts that occasionally harry the building by
1 – 10 (1D10 random) picks and shovels that could be used as
throwing large rocks onto the roof from the tower beside.
weapons. Additionally, 1-6 (1D6 random) stout leather aprons
This has little or no effect but the Hillmen are simply content often used by pit bosses and 1-100 (2D10 random) gunny burlap
to harry the dwarves into staying locked up being uninterested sacks. If some intuitive soul took the time to ponder it, the
in allowing them to escape or attack. aprons and sacks tied by rope as greaves would offer about the
same protection as rigid leather armor.
4.3 The Prologue refer to her as thick boned, she is fit, muscular and she is
extremely attractive to look upon.
The adventurers resting and recuperating in Occum have
been sent a friendly and warm summons to attend Dol Occum Pelewen having spoken with Helvorn will entreat the heroic
this very evening. The summons will arrive past the noon hour players to save the Lamp for the sake of the growing darkness on
and personally delivered by Helvorn Eldenaryaron. He will be the Barrow Downs.
pleased to offer them wine and refreshments and will introduce “Dark Spirits are growing in ancient Barrow Downs of the Edain
them to a very important guest. Players should be given a Light west of Minas Malloth.
(+10) perception role to note that Helvorn is both excited and
embarrassed by the prospects of the meeting in the early Such a small force would not normally trouble our sturdy little
evening. fortress being small and ineffectual. However, at night they are stronger
in powers with a cold spirit. It is all my Brother and I can do to hold off
The meeting will occur at Dol Occum where Helvorn will this new curse and ensure our household peoples remain safe. The
introduce the players to “milady Pelewen” of Minas Malloth; the malevolent spirit seems to hate us so. At my brother’s suggestion I
sister of the Hiri of Tyrn Hodhath. These high Dunedain nobles travelled to Bree to seek the aid of Menaldur and the Royal Army there.
are very familiar with one another often casting slight warm While they patrol the lands north and north east of Minas Malloth and
glances to one another and more subtly holding hands. prevent further attacks upon us; they are too few to do more and at the
same time ensure Bree is safe from the onslaught most likely to come.
I then recalled old lore of my youth about a lamp of Elendil the Tall
in the city of Nothros; so I journeyed to Dol Occum to enlist the aid of
Helvorn and all those able bodies he could spare. I knew that Helvorn
would not deny me in this.
This lamp of the kings will aid us against the spirits - force them
back to their cold barrows. Any army of men should not trouble us once
these wights are banished. I have little or no time to wait and I must
leave anon now before the sun rises. My brother is preparing for worst
and we cannot await the Royal Knights. The loan of this lamp will
surely be graced to me as I will return it to the King when all is safe.
I have little time and I must accomplish this soon. Will you help us
in this matter?”
Helvorn will caution the players to ride quickly till the foot
hills keeping an eye out for roving bands; but not to ride blindly
Gamemaster Note
into the town. They are to :
I. Scout about the town discover the circumstance of the
For a Fast Ride through open country we note from Table ST-9 militia and other townsfolk.
in MERP rules the players should make a Light (+10) Moving II. Determine if any plan can be formulated to liberate a “lamp
Maneuver role each 4 hours ; any resultant less than 100 delaying on a tall light post” by force of arms or stealth.
the party from reaching Nothros within 2 days at night time. This III. Helvorn and Pelewen should be able to rejoin the players
will cause Helvorn some discomfort but no recriminations. within 3 days and he will discover their whereabouts to be
Pelewen and Helvorn will speak very little of the lamp or the appraised of the situation. He will also relate the need for
quest in general unless specifically asked. Pelewen in singly focused speed and that the players should act quickly but without
on getting the lamp and Helvorn is more singly focused on Pelewen undue caution.
in a protective manner. In fact, Helvorn knows only the barest of IV. Pelewen will finally speak and relate that this Lamp is of
details himself. great power but only in the hands of few people. She does
not think the lamp is a weapon that can be used (by the
The party including Helvorn and Pelewen should normally roll players) to thwart an army or an attack but indeed goodly
for encounters on their journey. Refer to section 6.0 below for the people defending themselves near it will be encouraged in
appropriate encounter table. spirit while evil will be confused and aimless.
However, as the encounter with refuges is scripted to remove the
“guardian” non-player characters and resultant encounter will be
minor in nature. Helvorn and Pelewen will insistent on avoidance of
any encounters if possible as they wish to speedily pursue their own 4.5 Scouting Nothros
mission. Only for roving patrols of the Royal Army will they stop. The players will face a couple of challenges in scouting the
Further the Gamemaster should remember to award travel city of Nothros.
experience for this journey. Normally travel in civilized lands is Firstly, they will need to find a hidden and strongly
reduced by 50% ; however given the ongoing war and the defendable campsite for their horses. Exploration beyond the
circumstances it is suggested this travel be treated as ‘moderately map’s borders will confirm that the sand pits either south east
dangerous lands’ and the travel experience be awarded fully or 2 X or due north of the city would be a good choice. The pits will
the distance travelled. muffle the sounds of the horses and one or two players alone
would be able to easily defend them. For any location chosen on
During the first night while setting a good defensible camp the map, the Hillmen should be given cumulative 1% cumulative
some 36 miles east of Occum the party will encounter a group chance per hour to overhear the horses and send out an
of refuges from Nothros composed almost entirely of women, exploration party of 8.
children led by a few elderly men with no weapons. Pelewen
and Helvorn will immediately fall into an animated discussion: Secondly the players will have to sneak into the surrounding
hills to look into Nothros to observe what is happening. A smart
party with foresight will actually attempt to spy down/across
Pelewen would temporarily abandon her personal quest to the city from a few different vantage points to ensure they
escort the refuges to Occum, or Bree and safety. understand the whole of what is going on.
Helvorn insists in accompanying her. The players should be asked to make 1-4 Light (+10) moving
Pelewen assures Helvorn she can manage this alone being maneuvers to find a (a series) of vantage points where they can
“not without my own talents to protect myself and these discover the entire picture. Each four-hours period spent
people”. scouting the city will yield different clues; however, the total
Helvorn will insist indicating the potential for roving information is only available if the players opt to scout from a
Angmarim armies. minimum of at least 2 vantage points primarily the south
They will compromise and Helvorn will relent and finally west and north east.
ask if the players will move on towards the mission in
Nothros so long as he can accompany Pelewen and the
3rd Four Sandpits seem to have useful A party of 25 armored Dwarves hastily armed with picks and
Easy +20
shovels attacking from the west; combined with a party of 20
hour period items such as picks, shovels,
leather aprons and burlap sacks armed men hastily armored with aprons and burlap from the
east; will with the players support overwhelm the 88 Hillmen
that could be makeshift weapons
At any given time only 40 of the Hillmen scouts will be
4th Four Medium There appears to be active; the rest searching in groups of 2-4 for magic treasure in
hour period somewhere between 70 to 90 all the building in town. Further others will be a sleep and a few
Hillmen based on rotations and will be tending the pack horses. They lack the tactics to retreat
counting those milling about the and attack on mass. They will attack in small clusters of men
town lands demonstrating their bravery; and their confusion under the
influences of the lamp.
The Gamemaster can roll 1D4+2 to randomly determine
5th Four Hard (-10) There is at least 20 men in
how many Hillmen attack each group. There would we up to 8
hour period the old Sandy Inn
waves. After each two Hillmen fall in battle from a particular
group the Gamemaster should roll for a morale check at -15.
Generally, the Hillmen will drop weapons and flee to the
6th Four Hard (-10) There is at least 20 dwarves
packhorses with a few losses.
hour period in the Teamsters Guildhall
Once the collapse of city defense begins all other Hillmen
scouts roll for morale at -50. Only the Ranger captain/Chieftain
of the second tribe will fight to the death. It is suggested that this
confrontation be a Player Party specific one allowing for arms or
diplomacy. The Gamemaster should/could script it so the
confrontation occurs by the lamp or at the entrance to the keep.
The Hillman leader has a few magical items of note: permutations which could not be documented individually;
albeit the Gamemaster should not provide the solution.
Item Properties
The Gamemaster is limited to reinforcing the idea that the
A smoothed stone with a The stone; Usable by any
players need to act independently as time is of the essence; and
thong for wearing about Channeling caster casts:
potentially perform checks for discovery if the player blunder.
your neck - carved etched Cloaking - 1 time per day ;
ruins in Aduniak; the runes adds +30 bonus to hide
have been filled with bronze maneuvers against non-animals Outcomes
metal indicating the Bronze as per Animal Mastery
Guard - the Rangers of Dol (Animist Spell list) page 208 Whichever creative method is used the player should be
Cultirith (Dol Coldirith). MERP 2nd Edition. rewarded for innovative solutions and the successful liberation
of the lamp without the direct intervention of Helvorn and
Studded Leather armor +10 DB – 50% less Pelewen in three days’ time. Even if the efforts are at least
also bearing the heraldry encumbrance partially successful the players have made an effort to roleplay
symbols of Dol Cultirith the tactical situation.
(Dol Coldirith).
Players if captured by the Hillmen scouts will be liberated by
A spear with a hanging +10 OB Magical Helvorn and Pelewen in about 3days time when they liberate
totem representative of a Nothros by gathering stranglers of the militia on route, the
Chatmoig. dwarves, and men.
4.7 The Lamp of the Noldor Liberated 4.8 There and Back Again
Helvorn and Pelewen will arrive 3 days after their parting The successful completion of the mission should allow the
with the adventuring party. They will be accompanied by about player some significant rewards.
20 of the local Nothros militia they met while escorting the
Firstly, depending upon how many Hillmen were captured
refuges to Bree. Helvorn will quickly set the town to order
or dead; the player can claim rights to a small heard of pack
appointing an honest Sargent in arms as town administrator.
mules / donkeys.
Militia, miners, and dwarves will be dispatched North to
Fornost, west to Occum, and south to Bree to advise the army If the Gamemaster did not track this specifically he/she can
and the peoples of Arthedain. simply award the player 1D6 animals. Helvorn and the sergeant
at arms will even suggest this is their right if the players do not
Once the lamp is in the possession of Pelewen she and
speak up. Secondly they will have a claim against the weapons,
Helvorn will begin arrangements to ride to Occum. While the
armor, and possessions of the Hillmen scouts; the exception
lamp is in a Noble Dunedain Ladies possession it works with its
being what the Hillmen scouts obviously looted from the town.
most basic power; especially as Pelewen is an Animist and cast
Their claim will be in proportion to the assistance they received
spells of the Channeling Realm.
from the miners and dwarves. A share each across all 40 bodies
is likely. The personal possessions of the Ranger/Chieftain
should also fall to the players.
Notes on the Numenorean Artifact
The players will have had the opportunity to perform a series
The Lamp of the Noldor is a powerful artifact of Numenor –
of static (observation), moving, stealth and likely combat
despite / because - of its claim that it was once the possession of
maneuvers. The Players should be awarded “Kill” experience
Gondolin (it is uncertain).
points for defeating the entire Hillman Force - if they are able to
The Lamps Magical Properties are in direct proportion to the do so in a manner that also ensures the survival of the
cultural lineage of the holder / owner. In the Mid Third Age: miscellaneous refuges holed up in the town.
The players should also be rewarded idea and miscellaneous
I. For any “goodly person” - be it Man, Hobbit, Dwarf or Elf point based on their ability to gather 100% of the facts tools and
observations available. In this instance the idea points can be
with the ability to cast Essence Realm spells in the Mid
Third Ag - the lamp acts as a “Lamp of Evil Detection” and rewarded in a scale as opposed to a flat 50% as suggested in the
MERP sourcebooks. This should advance players from 2nd level
glows brighter and brighter nearer the presence of evil. In
close proximity to someone of Evil Nature (i.e. 50 feet) the or further those that advanced in the previous adventure.
Lamp at full brightness casts the 4th Level Spell Confusion Experience should only be scaled back if the player’s party
in a 100ft radius (Open Essence – Spirit Mastery Spell list) avoided taking the initiative and insisted on awaiting the
effectively as an 8th Level Caster. In this manner it acts assistance of Helvorn and Pelewen.
somewhat like the short sword Sting does from Professor
Tolkien’s writings
3. Hir Stables and Gardins Bar-I-Dindol was built by the first Numenorean settlers in
Pelendir and his sister Pelewen maintain a small stable of the 2nd age. This tower has become a hereditary possession of
horses and healing herb garden. Multiple doses of a number of the Hiri’s Steward in Tyrn Hodhath. The Steward and a few
rare herbs such as Arfandis and Kingsfoil can be found here. Roquen retreated to the tower as the siege was initiated. They
They are valuable in of themselves. were overpowered by the forces of the siege and are now
deceased. Currently 10 Hillmen mercenaries shelter in this
looted tower. They are unaware of the treasury of the steward
4. Homes of the retainers and the underground passage that connects to a cave and the
In these out-building lives most the retainers of the Hir. concealed goat path just below Minas Malloth some two miles
Gardeners, grooms, maids, and farmers. The people have away. They are largely injured and drunk. Refer to section 6.0.
retreated to the keep proper in the face of the siege. While most
the Hir’s subjects live a mile or so away in Gamethil those most
loyal to the Hir live at hand including…
5. Bar-I-Dindol
Bar-I-Dindol is outlined in the Iron Crown Enterprise
module Bree and the Barrow Downs (all trademarks and
intellectual property rights apply).
Bar-I-Dindol about 2-3 miles north along a concealed goat
path stands as a sentry tower and fortified dwelling in its own
Siege troops
Siege troops
Siege troops
Illustration: Tulikoura
5.3 The Prologue march; and still have many troops scouting the environs east of
the ancient fortress which they need to gather.
The Players resting and recuperating in Occum from their
In fact, the enemy force assigned to besiege Minas Malloth
most recent adventure are summoned to Dol Occum urgently
marched further south of Weathertop leaving behind only a
for a meeting with Helvorn and Pelewen of Minas Malloth.
small garrison to protect some supply lines. Three units or
Pelewen having just returned from Fornost – with the Lamp forces were specifically assigned to attack Minas Malloth and
of the Noldor in her (at least temporary) custody - has received support the first Faer Nibin (Minor Wight) that has gathered
word that Minas Malloth itself is under attack through the Royal sufficient power to leave the Barrow Downs proper.
Seers. The full details are unknown. Forces of Angmar and
Rhudaur have laid siege to Pelewen’s ancestral home; the keep
is in imminent danger. These Forces are:
The Dagorwaith Aran Na Bree (Royal Forces at Bree) has I. A sub force of the Forak-Eiginn or Forak’s Orcish Sappers.
been ‘wrong footed’. This force marched towards Weathertop There is 1 leader, 2 Engineers with 2 light Ballistae 6
expecting an enemy force emerging there. Although messages Sappers and 20 Half Orc Warriors all with Brittle Morale.
have been sent, they are (1D4) days away even via a forced Their leader Forak suspected this contract was a trap laid
for him and withheld the majority of his forces.
II. A Warrior tribe of Dol Culdirith consisting of 40 warriors undefended, unoccupied, or otherwise available it will make a
with medium morale. fine staging point to scout the area and plan the relief efforts.
III. An Estrave Light Cavalry consisting of 20 warriors on light
The ride will start at the very crack of dawn; 4:00am and
mounts from Cameth Brin lead by a Dark Animist with
will be a fast ride through ‘safe and open roads’ with nominal
strong morale.
encounters. As per Chart ST9 – Strategic Movement Rate
The specific characteristics of the forces are outlined in (MERP 2nd edition rules page 66) this war party can achieve
Section 6.0. 25 - 18 miles every 4 hours (roads to Bree and then Open
Country to the edges of the forest near Bar-I-Dindol). The total
Pelewen and her very close friend Helvorn in support are
distance is ~ 60 miles and the Player Party should arrive prior to Noon
eager to relive the small forces at Minas Malloth even if the
assuming no obstacles occur.
Royal Army in Bree is unavailable. At the very minimum she
desires to scout the size of the force and send further messages The Party of Pelewen, Helvorn and the Players should still
to the Royal Army Garrison of Bree which will hopefully relive complete Movement and Maneuver rolls each 4 hours however
the siege in time. Pelewen herself is eager to actually enter the any encounter rolls should be -30 on the Gamemasters part
keep and ensure her brother Pelendur – Baron of Tyrn Hodhath yielding at most a ‘sighting’ of local people on the move due to
– is alive and withstanding the siege. the unanticipated nature of this late summer military action.
Generally, this will be refugees fleeing rumored armies, and
Further with possession of the Lamp of the Noldor and her
very harassed and breathless Military Messangers.
own skills she feels certain that a small party can rescue the
situation with planning, and luck (although Pelewen being an
Animist cannot use the Lamp for more than its basic ability).
5.5 Bar-I-Dindol
Bar-I-Dindol is outlined in the Iron Crown Enterprise
5.4 Journey to Minas Malloth / Bar-I-Dindol module Bree and the Barrow Downs (all trademarks and
intellectual property rights apply).
Gamemaster Note
At this time in history the tower served as the hereditary
This adventure is scripted with the active participation of tower of the Steward of Tyrn Hodhath. The Steward and a small
“Guardian Non-Player Characters” – namely Pelewen and Helvorn. retinue defended the tower at the first onslaught but were all
slain at the initial moments of the siege. The tower is currently
Both Guardian NPCs are in all probability more powerful than
occupied by 10 injured 3rd level fighters all casualties from
the Players and formidable in their own right. They are specifically
various actions throughout the siege. All fight with -20 to die
scripted for actions in the final scenes of the adventure.
rolls and -10 to Defensive Bonus due to injuries of various sorts.
The Gamemaster must take care not to overuse the Guardian In their over confidence they have posted no guards and simply
NPCs and as such force the players to make meaningful decisions / mull about the lower halls resting and recuperating. They have
take actions in their own right and within their own power. largely been abandoned neglected here by their own troops and
leaders. Their morale is brittle and with 30% casualties the
Experience rewards should be significantly reduced if players
remainder will surrender. Ranger Tracking static maneuvers
overly rely upon the Guardian NPCs for resolution of the adventure
(Normal) or Perception checks from a scouting vantage
(Normal) will determine most if not all of the above
Helvorn will arrange sufficient light mounts for himself information.
Pelewen and the party to ride from Occum to Minas Malloth.
Capturing the tower with a minimal amount of commotion
These are available and borrowed from the local forces and
is the key objective for the Players and less so their Guardians –
certain townsfolk in the region. If Players successfully
Pelewen and Havlorn. From a secure base only a couple miles
completed the last adventure, they may be owners of their own
away and the Tower look out the entire enemy encampment can
be assessed.
Helvorn will additionally arrange 2 mounts to carry supplies;
The Player Characters should be encouraged into subduing
specifically 20 days of rations and a number of bandages, a
the tower in their own right. Helvorn will seek to cause
couple of tourniquets, some torches, and cross bow bolts /
distractions in the siege camps by stating minor brush fires;
arrows. Helvorn is an experienced Ranger and plans for all
Pelewen will accompany Helvorn and/or stay with the Mounts.
contingencies. He will equally ask the player characters for
supply suggestions which should be awarded with some Idea
Experience Points. Pelewen will suggest they make for Bar-I-
Dindol; the steward of Tyrn Hodhath’s tower. If the tower is
The entire Tower has been looted by the Army camped just
south surrounding Minas Malloth. Even plates, cutlery, food
stuffs, and furnishings now reside in the siege camps.
The lowest level “Well Hall” (#16) can be accessed through
the well draw pit on the third level KITCHENS (#4) by
climbing down a rope to the lowest level – a Hard Moving
Maneuver in Armor but Light or Routine in plain clothes. The
secret passage (Door #J which is Routine to detect – then 17 –
18 – K) leads through the dungeons to the sheltered goat trail
that connects to Minas Malloth just east of the keep proper. At
this time there are no traps or treasure hidden in these passages.
When (if) Bar-I-Dindol is secured by the player party,
Helvorn will make efforts to secure and safeguard the horses and
especially the additional supplies and rations carried by the pack
horses. The horses will be tethered in an Elven forest glade
approximately 1 mile North East of the secret exit from the
tower, and the supplies buried closer at hand. In this Helvorn is
planning for the future.
Players that express ideas or concerns in this regard should
be significantly rewarded with Idea or Miscellaneous Experience
points at adventures end.
The Player’s Party and key NPCs should arrive at the very the Lamp of the Noldor, Pelewen and Helvorn’s assistance, and
final moments of confrontation between Pelendur the Hiri of the relative party sizes the Players should overcome the Animist
Tyrn Hodhath, the Faer Nibin, and the Evil Animist of Angmar. and men at arms with relative ease but not perhaps without
injury. This particular aspect of Combat is not scripted and
Pelendur’s household did successfully retreat to the keep but
would in effect happen simultaneously with the death of
there are only 25 scared souls remaining. Most are women,
children and old men. Only three (3) Roquen (Knights) of his
household survive and only one is completely uninjured. Among Pelewen will comfort her twin brother in his final moments
the children there are three (3) teenagers who were pressed into drawing his last breaths; and take his remains and possessions to
desperate Military action and have been using Bows and Cross his rooms to be honored until a proper burial / internment will
Bows from upper levels to harry any siege attempts. be arranged. She will gift all of Pelendur’s weapons to Helvorn.
The Faer Nibin (Lesser Barrow Wight) is a high-level
opponent and in all probability above the capability of the Player
Characters. This Barrow Wight is anchored to a nearby tomb 5.9 Surviving the Siege
within the Barrow Downs and must return there well before the
dawn; however, it achieved its fullest power early in its creation The intrepid Party has unfinished business and is not yet
(compared to its peers) by destroying the life force of an overly through their adventures. Outside the keep proper remains a
confident party of tomb raiders; one of the Tomb raiders small but potentially overwhelming small Army. Further the
unknowingly possessed a gem from an evil artifact which greatly Gamemaster has determined earlier that the Royal Army of Bree
enhanced this Faer Nibin’s abilities. The gem resides in this is (1D4 minus 1 day – refer above) day away from relieving
lesser barrow to date. The Wight is accompanied by the the siege of Minas Malloth. The 25 residents are largely
Angmarim Animist and 6 warriors (3 Cavalry Officers – 3 noncombatants, barely adequate as combatants, or injured.
Hillmen). Further the keep has inadequate food supplies for more than 1
day, limited ammunition, and no medical supplies whatsoever
Refer to Section 6.0 for NPC and Master Beasts Statistics. albeit Pelewen is a powerful Animist that can indeed assist in this
Pelendur will slay and utterly destroy the Faer Nibin with his regard.
Magical Broadsword “Of Slaying Undead” but will succumb to The Players and Guardian NPCs will be tasked with securing
his own wounds at the same time. This will leave the Player the keep and safekeeping the remaining household retainers. All
Party to deal with the Evil Animist and his small force and thus hands on deck can be enlisted in this regard but certain key
secure the Keep in safety one more time. Given the influence of obvious activities should occur. Once again this presents the
Player Characters an ample opportunity to participate in the 5.10 There and Back Again
design of a defensive plan and earn valuable Idea and
Miscellaneous Experience Points. The Gamemaster should take The successful completion of the mission should allow the
especial care not to overplay the impact of Pelewen and Helvorn player some significant opportunities for experience if they
leaving open the opportunity for the Players. Conversely the demonstrate initiative; the material rewards are less as the army
Players that rely too much upon the NPCs for guidance without will retreat with any loot worth keeping other than the
initiative could be penalized in total experience rewards. possessions from the main confrontation.
Many options are available to the players however the Of Notes the Gamemaster can share with the Players – their lasting
Gamemaster should at least note the following tactics as Lore impact:
insightful and deserving of Experience:
I. Shoring up the Main Keep doors with heavy furniture and The Hiri of Tyrn Hothhad is fallen never to be heard of again
household items to withstand another attack. except as the Lore in the North. Minas Malloth will within
II. Shoring up any Iron Barred Windows or week spots months be razed by Arthedainrim engineers to its very sub-
likewise. foundations never to be reoccupied until perhaps the 4th age.
III. Establishing civilian ‘spotting and observations’ around the Bar-I-Dindol will survive being a stronger older Numenorean
clock from 2nd floor / 3 floor Tower positions. The Players construction and is intended as an outpost of the Royal Forces of
should want to ensure the continuous monitoring of the Bree; though from time to time also becomes a haven of
forces outside, the safety of the observers, and the safety of brigands. In later years of the third age the Rangers of the North
all the remaining inhabitants. will use it as a supply cache and secure location.
IV. Mounting an expedition through stealth or force of arms to
retrieve the supplies brought from Occum on the pack On Yáviérë (Fall Equinox Day) Pelewen na Tyrn Hothhad
horses. will wed Helvorn Eldenaryaron – both the last scions of their
honored Dunedain lineages; they will ascend Bree Hill to the
very peek and exchange their nuptial vows. Thereafter a small
There is a 30% chance each ‘night period’ that Forak’s feast will be held at the Kings Rest Inn in Bree attended by a
Sappers will attempt a single siege upon the Main Keep Doors small party including a Royal Patron and a few others of high
and a 20% chance each ‘day period’ that the Hillmen Tribe will noble birth. While the names Tyrn Hothhad and Eldenaryaron
attempt the same with battering logs cut down from nearby will fade into obscurity during the Third Age, the heirs of this
trees. The Gamemaster should check for each period via Union will become important Rangers of the North. These heirs
percentile rolls. Both forces have brittle morale and will will be chiefly occupied with the containment of the evil in the
abandon any attempt once they take a handful of casualties. Barrow Downs and will use the Lamp of the Noldor to further
success having been granted the Lamp ownership permanently
by the heirs of Isildur. Their very heirs will eventually represent
The Players and NPCs with adequate preparations should be three members of the thirty in the Grey Company at the War of
able to withstand these attempts, however once again perhaps the Ring.
not without some risk of injury. The besieging army will flee in Player Characters of ‘honorable reputation’ who have completed this
many hours in advance of the arrival of the Royal Troops from campaign will be invited to this feast so long as they maintain some
Bree forewarned by the Cavalry from Cameth Brin. contact in their continuing adventures; and so will have opportunity to
earn more experience and profile.
“Onen i-Estel Edain”
Only the beasts specifically cited in these adventures are covered. Refer to ICE publications for those covered in the Random
Encounter tables. ICE/Rolemaster provides a glossary of attacks: 55Scl is +55 Small Claw for example.