K - Amerson-Taylor - Final Checklist - Curriculum Integration

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CANDIDATE(S): Ashley Amerson and Amanda Taylor

DATE: December 7, 2007

Curriculum Integration & Cohesiveness
Please mark YES or NO to signify that you completed all of the assignments listed in the
table below:

I have given my school colleagues (each person) a CD with the following
_____ Character Education _____ Standards Paper
X _____ Horizontal Mapping _____ Science Charts
_____ Language Arts Charts _____ Math Charts
_____ Social Science Charts _____ Resource Documents
_____ Final Checklist – Fine Arts, PE, Health
_____ Final Checklist – Integration (collaboration / accommodations for diversity)
Each CD I have made has a label with
___ My name and my partner’s name
___ The grade level
___ The name of my colleague so he/she will be able to identify the one he/she is to obtain.

1.) Cite at least 5 examples of how you imparted your school’s mission throughout your


1. Motivate Students Academically - The teacher will take the students to the
35 computer lab to play an online rhyming game. At the end of the exercise, the
teacher will instruct the students to print their results.
2. Motivate Students Mentally and Physically - The students will play "Blast-Off" at
44 www.fcboe.org/schoolhp/shes/sight_words.htm. The students will stand higher as
letters are spelled. When the word is completed, the students will jump.
3. Mold Students into Responsible Individuals - The teacher will take the students
Social on a citizenship litter walk around the playground. The students will have bags
Science and will pick up the trash they see on the playground. This activity demonstrates
responsibility in caring for the earth.
4. Mold Students into Citizens who will Make an Impact in their Communities - The
students will play “Recycling Basketball”. Each student will get a turn to choose
141 Science
an item (i.e. milk carton, soda can, etc.) and throw it into the appropriate
recycling bin in the classroom.
5. Mold Students into Successful Individuals - The students will be given 10 cents
to place into their money bags and use in the class store. The class store will
108 Math consist of tiny toys, pencils, markers, erasers, stickers, bubble gum, etc. The
teacher will be the store clerk. The students are to give the correct amount of
money to the clerk in order to pay for their purchases.
2.) Cite at least 5 examples of how you included lessons and activities planned in your
Character Education Paper.


1. The students will now retell the story with a group. The teacher will give each
98 student a piece of construction paper. Each member of the group is to draw a
picture and write what is happening in the story.
2. The teacher will organize role-playing groups. The teacher will give each group a
134 problem or situation and have them develop a solution. The students should act
out a role of a family member.
3. The teacher will have several centers around the classroom. At each center, there
64 will be different items – some needs and some wants. The teacher will instruct the
students to draw a picture or write the items that are needs.
4. The students will taste test the following: pickle, lemon, pretzel, potato chip,
30 Science bitter chocolate, orange peel, jelly bean, and mint (in taste test centers around the
5. The teacher will read The Little Engine that Could to the class. The teacher will
21 Math review sorting and creating sets with the students. The story will be integrated
with the character principle of perseverance.

3.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of technology.


1. The teacher will write the letter on the Smart Board and the students will use
1 Language Arts
their finger to write it in the shaving cream on their desks.
2. The students will also practice the online, interactive game Picture Match. The
13 Language Arts
students will be instructed to click on the link for short-vowel sounds.
3. The teacher will pull up www.nps.gov which contains pictures of the Lincoln
74 Social Science
4. The teacher will use the projector and http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu
102 Science
to introduce students to the different parts of a plant.
5. The teacher will take the students to the computer lab to play an interactive
online game called Subtraction Tunnel Blaster at www.playkidsgames.com.
83 Math
The students will answer subtraction problems to make/blast their way
through the tunnel.

4.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with community resources.


1. Language The teacher will have a sheep farmer come and talk about life on a sheep farm,
Arts daily routine, and about shearing the sheep for wool.
2. Language The teacher will have a gardener come into the classroom and talk about different
Arts flowers and the best conditions for growth
3. The teacher will tell the students that today is Career Day. Each student will bring
36 in a parent to introduce to the class. Each student’s parent will share about the
work they do and how it helps the community.
4. The teacher will arrange for a zookeeper from the local zoo to visit his/her
108 Science
classroom and bring several pictures of different types of animals.
5. The teacher will have a representative from one of the local banks come in and
111 Math talk with the students about money and the importance of saving and spending
money wisely.

5.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with families.


1. Language The teacher will discuss the importance of setting and will connect how a home is
Arts also a setting.
2. The teacher will bring in several guest speakers (co-workers or parents) to retell
Language age-appropriate stories or events that have happened in their lives. The students
Arts are to be attentive during all the speakers. After the guests leave, the teacher will
discuss how each guest retold an event.
3. Social The students will have worked with a family member to choose a job or career for
Science a parade. The students will gather and make props and costumes.
4. The teacher will instruct the class that they will be making a “Recycled Town”
145 Science using the items they collected in the class recycling bins. Parents will be invited
to bring extra recycled items and join/assist the class in the town building.
5. The teacher will have the students bring in pictures of their immediate family.
18 Math
The teacher will help the students learn more about the sizes of their families.

6.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with colleagues.


1. The teacher will have the librarian come into the classroom and talk about books.
56 The librarian will talk about the proper way to hold books and how we need to
take care of books.
2. Language The teacher will have the computer teacher come in and give the students some
Arts advice on looking for information.
3. Social Each student will choose a parent or neighbor to interview about his or her job.
Science The students will record what they learned by writing or by drawing pictures.
4. The teacher will arrange for the art teacher to visit the classroom. The art teacher
89 Science
will discuss and demonstrate patterns found in nature and in art.
5. The computer teacher will come into the classroom and show the students several
2 Math online interactive counting games that they can play at home (with parent

7.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of assessment (various types).


1. Language The students will be instructed to write out the capital letters of the alphabet in
Arts order.
2. The teacher will take the students to the computer lab to an online interactive
Language game at www.getreadytoread.org. At the end of the game, the students will be
Arts instructed to print out their score and the teacher can see how the students are
doing with rhyming words.
3. 45 Social The teacher will have the students come to his/her desk one at a time. The teacher
will ask the students to orally describe the job of one of the studied jobs. For
Science example, the teacher could ask the students to describe a mail carrier’s
contributions to society.
4. The students will participate in a discussion about the patterns in nature. During
90 Science the discussion, the students will be required to raise their hands, wait their turn,
and respect the opinions of their classmates.
5. The students will be taken to www.eduplace.com/math/mw/. This website gives
15 Math the students two columns where they can make equivalent sets and clearly show
one-to-one correspondence.

8.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of literacy, problem solving, etc.


1. The students will have to put the pieces together. Each piece will have a little bit
of the story written on it. The students will be told that there are three pieces of
85 the puzzle on a row and when the students switch to the next row that is a
continuation from row one. They will see upon placing them, that this in fact a
puzzle. The teacher will assist when needed.
2. Language The teacher will give the students a topic and have them research the topic at the
Arts library and in the dictionary and write three sentences about the topic.
3. Social The students will be instructed to circle the picture of Betsy Ross’s flag. The
Science students will then write a sentence comparing the first flag to our flag now.
4. The students will plant the seed and be expected to take care of the plant and keep
105 Science
a plant journal (drawing pictures of growth).
5. Students will pair up with classmates and compare paperclip chains. In pairs, they
139 Math will hold their strings up side-by-side to determine whose chain is longer and
whose is shorter.

9.) Cite at least 10 examples of how you have used integration your curriculum. (eg. If
you are studying about Native Americans on Day 27 in social studies, are you also
reading a novel in reading group on Day 27 that would reinforce learning about Native
Americans? Are you doing an art project that relates to Native Americans? Etc.)


1. Math Integration - The students will write their guesses when “mystery letters”
6 are presented. The students will keep a tally of the letters they get correct.
Students are also learning about counting, graphs, and tallies in math.
2. Math Integration - The students will color, cut, and paste pictures from the story
81 in order (beginning, middle, and end) on a piece of construction paper. Students
are also learning about ordering sets of objects in math.
3. Social Science Integration - The teacher will instruct the students to write one or
Language two sentences about the different things they are thankful for and draw pictures
Arts of them if applicable. Students are also learning about Thanksgiving and the
Indians in social science.
4. Math Integration - The teacher will assist the students in creating a bar graph to
Social show the number of brothers and sisters each has. Each student will affix the
Science appropriate number of blue (brother) and pink (sister) squares onto the graph.
The teacher will then ask the students questions based on the graph.
5. 36 Social Language Arts Integration - The students will be instructed to sit quietly during
each presentation. At the end of each presentation, the students will be allowed
Science to ask questions. Students are also learning about communication and rules of
conversation in language arts.
6. Science Integration - The teacher will take the students on a citizenship litter
Social walk around the playground. The students will have bags and will pick up the
Science trash they see on the playground. Students are also learning about recycling in
7. Math Integration - The teacher will provide a worksheet which requires students
to predict the unknown member in a sequence of objects. For example, a student
11 Science could have the pattern: a big triangle, a small square, a small rectangle, a big
triangle, a small square and a blank. Students are learning how to create and
order sets in math.
8. Social Science Integration - The students will follow directions and move in
different directions in different ways. For example: walk backward, walk slowly
46 Science
forward, etc. Students are also learning how to follow rules and directions in
social science.
9. Language Arts Integration - The teacher will read The M & M Brand Counting
Book to the class. This counting book reemphasizes rhyming patterns with the
90 Math students. Finally, the book ends with a lesson in subtraction, in which youngsters
are encouraged to eat the pieces, color by color, until none remains. Students are
learning about rhyming words in language arts.
10 Social Science Integration - The teacher will have a representative from one of
. the local banks come in and talk with the students about money and the
111 Math
importance of saving and spending money wisely. Students are learning how to
be responsible with property and the difference between wants and needs.

10.) Cite at least 10 examples providing evidence that you have incorporated instructional
strategies that provide creative, multi-sensory, hands-on approaches to learning
throughout your curriculum.


1. The students will now retell a story with a group. The teacher will give each
student a piece of construction paper. Each member of the group is to draw a
98 picture and write what is happening in the story. After each group member has
completed his/her sheet, the teacher will bind each story. Each group will get a
chance to come to the front of the classroom and retell the story using their book.
2. The teacher will give the students a “shopping list” of items around the
113 classroom. The teacher will tell the students to go in a particular order and to
make sure to get all the items on the list.
3. In pairs, the students will take turns giving a “sales pitch” for a given item. For
Language example, a child selling a book might tell a potential customer why he or she
Arts should buy the book. After the students hear their classmates’ sales pitches, they
will write a list of the items they would buy based on the sales pitches.
4. The students will place the following items from the housekeeping corner on a
table: plate, cup, fork, spoon, and knife. The teacher will give the students a
153 sheet of construction paper on the table and identify it as a place mat. A
volunteer will “set the table” by putting the plate, glass, fork, spoon, and knife
on the placemat.
5. 172 Social The teacher will give each student four or five blocks and have each student
Science build a simple building. Then, the teacher will ask the students to draw their
building. The students might notice that the buildings in the drawings are smaller
than the actual buildings and that the drawings are “flat.”
6. The students will be instructed to separate the M&M’s first by shape and then by
color. Next, each student will give his/her data to the teacher to aid in making a
6 Science
class pictograph. Then, the students will name the color that was most/least
7. The students will remove their shoes and measure them using paper clips,
12 Science
buttons, and seeds.
8. The students will form a line to test their courage to feel and describe the
32 Science
“unknown” substances (grapes, cooked pasta, Jell-o, and gak).
9. The students will identify their writing hand as either right or left. Then, the
students will sort themselves into one of two rows (i.e., students with right hands
19 Math
will sit in one row and students with left hands will sit in another) and will make
a comparison of the two rows.
10 The students will work out the addition problems (using Oreos) as they are
. 31 Math mentioned in the book. The students will then draw and color pictures of their

11.) Cite at least 10 examples providing evidence that you have incorporated
accommodations / differentiation of instruction for diversity / exceptionalities
throughout your curriculum.


1. Language For students with hearing difficulties, the teacher will supply pictures of the
Arts story read to the class.
2. Language Students with mobility issues will help the teacher think of commands for the
Arts Simon Says game.
3. Language Students with mobility issues will have mini frogs to manipulate as the class
Arts enacts “Five Little Speckled Frogs”.
4. Social A student with mobility issues will be the conductor of the parade. He/she will
Science blow the whistle to begin and stop the Career parade.
5. Social Students with mobility issues will be the directors of the plays. They will give
Science suggestions and input for the dramas.
6. Social Students with mobility issues will assist the teacher in keeping a tally of chores
Science students perform at home.
7. For students from low SES backgrounds, the teacher could provide a selection of
34 Science objects that the student can choose from to show his/her classmates for Show
and Tell.
8. Physically challenged students could play the game by holding up a stop or go
46 Science
circle as the teacher is calling out Red Light! Green Light!
9. For students with visual impairments, the teacher could give the students larger
12 Math
buttons so they could easily group the buttons based on size.
10 For students with mobility issues, the teacher will supply the materials needed to
. 20 Math complete the required work at the student’s desk. For example, the teacher will
supply the cars and garage to illustrate one-to-one correspondence.

On my honor, I Ashley Amerson, have included accommodations for diverse learners /

exceptionalities at least one time per week throughout the curriculum or a minimum of 36
times over the course of the school year.)
On my honor, I Amanda Taylor, have included accommodations for diverse learners /
exceptionalities at least one time per week throughout the curriculum or a minimum of 36
times over the course of the school year.)

On my honor, I Ashley Amerson, feel that I have put forth my best effort to create a
curriculum that is diverse in instruction and learning activities and will provide
meaningful experiences for each and every WHOLE child in academic, emotional,
physical, and spiritual ways.

On my honor, I Amanda Taylor, feel that I have put forth my best effort to create a
curriculum that is diverse in instruction and learning activities and will provide
meaningful experiences for each and every WHOLE child in academic, emotional,
physical, and spiritual ways.

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