Septumplastia 2
Septumplastia 2
Septumplastia 2
Septoplasty Septal deviation Endoscopic septoplasty Open septoplasty
Nasal obstruction
Surgical correction of a deviated septum can be addressed using the traditional open en-
donasal approach, the endoscopic approach, or the open septorhinoplasty approach.
Thorough knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the nose and sound operative
technique are necessary to perform a successful septoplasty using either approach.
Compared with the traditional open technique, the endoscopic septoplasty provides
enhanced visualization of nasal anatomy and is particularly advantageous in addressing
issues of the posterior septum.
Caudal deformities are most readily addressed using open techniques.
The location and severity of the septal deformity, along with surgeon experience and pref-
erence, play an important role in the selection of the septoplasty technique.
The nasal septum is an integral support structure of the nose. Deviation or deformity of
the septum can cause nasal obstruction, the most common complaint in the average
rhinologic practice.1 If conservative medical management is unsuccessful in relieving
symptoms of obstruction, surgical intervention to correct the septal deformity is indi-
cated. Septoplasty is one of the most well-established and commonly performed pro-
cedures in otolaryngology. Although most often performed to fix structural deformities
resulting in nasal obstruction, surgical correction of a deviated nasal septum may also
be indicated in cases of recurrent epistaxis, sinusitis, obstructive sleep apnea, and
facial pain/headaches secondary to septal spurs contacting the lateral nasal wall
(Sluder syndrome). Additionally, septoplasty may be necessary for improved access
during endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS), endoscopic orbital procedures (eg,
Disclosure Statement: The authors have no personal or financial conflicts of interest or disclosures
regarding any of the material discussed within this article.
Head and Neck Institute, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue A71, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
A thorough understanding of the anatomy of the nasal septum is necessary when per-
forming a septoplasty. The nasal septum has both functional and cosmetic signifi-
cance and serves many purposes, including separating the nasal airway into 2
distinct cavities, providing dorsal support, maintaining the shape of the columella
and nasal tip, and regulating airflow through the nose. Composed of membranous,
cartilaginous, and osseous components, the nasal septum is the main support struc-
ture of the nose. The membranous septum, composed of fibrofatty tissue, is located
anteriorly between the columellar lower lateral cartilages, whereas the cartilaginous
septum, formed by the quadrangular cartilage, is just posterior to the membranous
portion of the septum. The quadrangular cartilage has attachments to the upper
and lower lateral cartilages anteriorly, the maxillary crest inferiorly, and the bony
septum posteriorly. The osseous components of the septum include the vomer pos-
teriorly, the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid postero-superiorly, and the nasal crest
of the maxillary and palatine bones inferiorly. The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
bone is continuous with the cribriform plate superiorly and the sphenoid rostrum
postero-superiorly, whereas the vomer fuses with the maxillary crest inferiorly
(Fig. 1). Of note, the nasal septum forms the medial aspect of the internal nasal valve,
the narrowest point of the nasal airway, where minute deviations in the septal structure
can significantly affect airflow resistance and result in symptoms of nasal obstruction.
The nasal septal swell body (or septal turbinate) is a normal, highly conserved compo-
nent of the anterior nasal septum that should not be confused with a septal deviation.
This mucosal-lined, fusiform swelling located anterior to the middle turbinate head and
superior to the level of the inferior turbinate is readily identified on examination and im-
aging studies. Although little is known regarding its function, its anatomic location near
the internal nasal valve and its histologic composition of both glandular and vasoerec-
tile tissues suggest it may play a role in regulating nasal airflow.12
The nasal septum is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar respiratory epithe-
lium along the inferior two-thirds and often contains olfactory epithelium along the su-
perior one-third. The lateral surfaces of the septal cartilage and bones are covered
with the mucoperichondrium and mucoperiosteum, respectively, which contain the
blood supply and innervation of the septum. The nasal septum has a rich vascular sup-
ply originating from both the internal and external carotid arteries. The internal carotid
artery supplies the septum via the anterior and posterior ethmoidal divisions of
ophthalmic artery, which both course medially to traverse the roof of the nasal cavity
Techniques in Septoplasty 3
Fig. 1. Anatomy of nasal septum. (Courtesy of David Schumick, BS, CMI; with the permission
of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Medical Art & Photography ª 2018. All Rights Reserved.)
and supply the superior part of the nasal septum. The external carotid artery provides
most of the blood supply to the nasal mucosa via terminal branches of the facial and
internal maxillary arteries. The facial artery supplies the anterior septum via the septal
branch of the superior labial artery, whereas the internal maxillary artery gives rise to
the greater palatine artery, which supplies the inferior septum, and the sphenopalatine
artery, which supplies most of the lateral nasal wall and posterior septum. Anastomo-
ses of these arterial branches gives rise to the Kiesselbach plexus along the anterior
septum bilaterally, a common site of epistaxis (Fig. 2). The trigeminal nerve (cranial
nerve [CN] V) provides innervation to the nasal mucosa. The nasopalatine nerve, a
branch of the maxillary nerve (CN V2), innervates the posteroinferior aspect of the
nasal mucosa, whereas the anterior ethmoidal nerves, branches of the nasociliary
Fig. 2. Nasal septal vasculature. (From Viehweg TL, Roberson JB, Hudson JW. Epistaxis: diag-
nosis and treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006;64(3):512; with permission.)
4 Shah et al
nerve from the ophthalmic nerve (CN VI), innervate the supero-anterior portion of the
nasal mucosa. Superiorly, the olfactory nerve (CN I) provides innervation to the mu-
cosa via small nerve endings that transverse the cribriform plate.13
Surgery for correction of a deviated nasal septum has evolved over the course of many
years. The first known accounts describing correction of nasal septal deformities can
be found in ancient Egyptian medical literature dating as far back as 3500 BC. In the
late nineteenth century, the Bosworth operation, which involved removing the devia-
tion along with the overlying mucosa, was the most common procedure to correct
nasal obstruction secondary to septal deviation.14 Other early techniques discussed
fracturing and splinting of the septum.15
In the early twentieth century, Killian5 and Freer4 described the submucous resec-
tion (SMR) operation, which has formed the foundation of modern septoplasty tech-
niques. This technique involves raising the mucoperichondral flaps and resecting
the cartilaginous and bony septum while leaving the overlying mucosa intact and leav-
ing a 1-cm dorsal and 1-cm caudal segment, termed the L-strut, to maintain support
(Fig. 3). The mucosal sparing technique, however, was less effective in correcting de-
viation of the caudal septum.4,5 To address this, Metzenbaum16 recommended the
use of the swinging door technique in 1929, whereas Peer17 advocated removing
the caudal septum, straightening it, and then replacing it in the midline position in
1937. In 1948, Cottle and Loring18 introduced the practice of conservative septal carti-
lage resections and replacement of bone and cartilage in the intramucosal space in an
effort to avoid complications, including large septal perforations, saddle nose defor-
mity, and columellar retraction, seen in patients who had undergone the SMR proced-
ure and significant cartilage resection. More recently, Lanza and colleagues6 and
Stammberger7 described endoscopic septoplasty, which has allowed septal pathol-
ogies to be addressed in a more directed fashion.
Fig. 3. L-shaped cartilaginous strut that must be left dorsally and caudally for nasal support.
(Courtesy of David Schumick, BS, CMI; with the permission of the Cleveland Clinic Center for
Medical Art & Photography ª 2018. All Rights Reserved.)
Techniques in Septoplasty 5
times, the endoscopic technique offers several advantages over the open approach
and may be indicated in certain clinical situations. By providing superior visualization
of tissue planes with optimal illumination and magnification, the endoscopic approach
allows the surgeon to more accurately evaluate the nasal anatomy and precisely and
selectively remove the segments of the deviated septum. This ability is particularly
useful in cases of isolated septal pathologies, such as distinct deviations or spurs
that can be directly addressed. The endoscopic approach may also be helpful for sub-
mucoperichondral flap elevation during revision cases in which tissue planes are less
obvious. In addition, the use of the endoscope may enhance the experience of resi-
dents and fellows and enables better teaching, as it projects the procedure onto a
monitor. Limitations with the endoscopic technique have to do with the challenges
of controlling the endoscope when operating very anteriorly in the nose where the nos-
tril is not adequately available to support the endoscope (so-called free handing). For
this reason, most surgeons consider caudal deflections a relative contraindication to
the endoscopic technique and would favor open approaches in this clinical setting. In-
dications for the endoscopic approach, thus, include more posterior deviations of the
septum without involvement of the caudal septum. In addition, as it is performed using
similar instrumentation to ESS, endoscopic septoplasty can be performed in conjunc-
tion with ESS if necessary for improved access to the sinuses. Endoscopic septo-
plasty is contraindicated in cases of significant caudal deviations or a crooked
nose, and the traditional open technique is preferred in cases of caudal septal devia-
tions or severe septal deviations. Ultimately, the location and severity of the septal
deformity along with surgeon experience and preference will play an important role
in the selection of the septoplasty technique. Surgeons may opt to use a combined
approach to take advantage of the unique benefits offered by each approach.
Complications that can occur after septoplasty are nearly identical for both the tradi-
tional and endoscopic approaches. Persistent nasal obstruction is the most common
complication, followed by septal perforation and external nasal deformity. Continuing
sensation of nasal obstruction after surgery can be associated with incomplete repair
of severe deviations, which require a more aggressive approach for correction. Septal
perforations may result from unrepaired opposing mucoperichondral tears or can also
occur as a result of vascular compromise of mucosa after postoperative hematoma or
abscess. Overall, septal perforations are less likely to occur if mucosal flaps are kept
intact during elevation. Risk of nasal deformities, such as tip ptosis or saddle nose
deformity, which usually result from over-resection of the caudal septum or loss of
dorsal nasal support, can be minimized by maintaining an adequate L-strut during
Other complications can include epistaxis, septal hematoma, septal abscess, syn-
echiae formation, and injury to the nasopalatine nerve with subsequent dental pain
and hypesthesia. Although mild postoperative bleeding can occur, severe epistaxis af-
ter septoplasty is uncommon. Patients should be instructed to avoid the use of med-
ications that can increase the risk of bleeding and to avoid strenuous activity and
heavy lifting in the immediate postoperative period. Nasal packing, stents, and quilting
sutures are thought to decrease the risk of postoperative bleeding and hematoma for-
mation. Dental pain and hypesthesia can occur after septoplasty, but this is usually
temporary and resolves within several weeks. Major complications, such as cerebro-
spinal fluid leak, unilateral blindness, and death, are extremely rare. In general,
although some studies have reported reduced rates of certain complications, such
8 Shah et al
Surgical correction of a deviated septum can be performed using either the traditional
open or endoscopic septoplasty techniques. Although both approaches have compa-
rable outcomes and overall complication rates, the endoscopic approach offers
certain advantages compared with traditional open septoplasty in appropriately
selected patients. By providing enhanced visualization, the endoscopic technique al-
lows the surgeon to more accurately examine nasal anatomy and directly address iso-
lated septal pathologies with limited dissection. This visualization is also valuable for
the education of residents and fellows. The endoscopic technique is also advanta-
geous during ESS and during revision or complicated endoscopic cases, including
pituitary and skull base procedures. Thorough knowledge of the anatomy and physi-
ology of the nose and sound operative technique are necessary to perform a success-
ful septoplasty using either approach. The location and severity of the septal deformity
along with surgeon experience and preference play an important role in the selection
of the septoplasty technique.