Eccles Nasal Air Flow in Health and Disease
Eccles Nasal Air Flow in Health and Disease
Eccles Nasal Air Flow in Health and Disease
Eccles, R. Nasal airflow in health and disease. Acta Otolaryngol 2000; 120: 580 595.
This review examines our present understanding of the physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of nasal airflow.
The main aim of the review is to discuss the basic scientific and clinical knowledge that is essential for a proper
understanding of the usefulness of measurements of nasal airflow in the clinical practice of rhinology. The review
concludes with a discussion of the measurement of nasal airflow to assess the efficacy of surgery in the treatment of nasal
obstruction. Areas covered by the review include: influence of nasal blood vessels on nasal airflow; nasal valve and control
of nasal airflow; autonomic control of nasal airflow; normal nasal airflow; nasal cycle; central control of nasal airflow;
effect of changes in posture on nasal airflow; effect of exercise on nasal airflow; effect of hyperventilation and rebreathing
on nasal airflow; nasal airflow in animals; cerebral effects of nasal airflow; sensation of nasal airflow; sympathomimetics
and sympatholytics; histamine and antihistamines; bradykinin; and corticosteroids. Key words: nasal airflow, nasal cycle,
nasal surgery, nose, rhinomanometry.
The nose acts as the entrance to the airway and has
multiple functions as a passageway for airflow, a
chemosensor, an air conditioner and as the first line
of defence against respiratory infection. In humans
and all mammals the nose is divided into two
anatomically distinct passageways, each with its own
separate blood supply and nerve pathways. In this
respect, the nose can be considered as two separate
organs which may operate, on occasions, quite
The importance of nasal airflow in relation to
olfaction was appreciated by physiologists in the 19th
century but, with the development of medicine and
rhinology, clinicians became more and more concerned with the respiratory functions of the nose. In
order to properly assess the respiratory function of
the nose some means of quantifying nasal airflow was
essential. The problem facing the rhinologist in the
19th century was nicely described by Kayser in 1895
(1) and his observations are so relevant to the present
day rhinologist concerned with evidence-based
medicine that they are worth quoting at length: Although in most cases it seems easy to determine a
complete occlusion of the nose during an examination, in many cases it is difficult to translate this
objective finding into an assessment as to whether the
narrowing of the nasal passages actually impairs the
respiratory function of the nose. It is therefore important to be able to perform a functional examination
of the nose, i.e. determine whether the flow of air
through a particular nose (e.g. that of the patient) is
normal. Only the demonstration of a functional insufficiency of the nose can give our therapeutic intervention greater accuracy, and only in this way can we
demonstrate any effects of this intervention in an
objective manner. After all, we measure the acuity of
the eye and the hearing ability of the ear.
2000 Taylor & Francis. ISSN 0001-6489
performed by Kayser over 100 years ago. The development of electrical pressure transducers, flow heads,
computers, rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry
has made it much easier to obtain nasal measurements; however, rhinologists are still unsure how to
quantify the respiratory function of the nose in terms
of airflow and have not progressed much further in
understanding the nature of the spontaneous changes
in airflow associated with the nasal cycle.
This review will examine our present understanding
of the physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of nasal airflow. This basic scientific and clinical
knowledge is essential for a proper understanding of
the usefulness of measurements of nasal airflow in the
clinical practice of rhinology. The review will conclude with a look at some developments in nasal
surgery, where the measurement of nasal airflow has
been used to assess the efficacy of surgery in the
treatment of nasal obstruction.
Influence of nasal blood 6essels on nasal airflow
The importance of the nasal blood vessels in the
control of nasal airflow was appreciated by Kayser
(1) who talks of the cavernous tissues of the nasal
conchae as being involved in the control of nasal
airflow. An American contemporary of Kayser,
Wright (2), described the histology of the human
nasal epithelium as containing large venous sinuses
with muscular walls.
The congestion and decongestion of the nasal
venous sinuses was directly observed by Burnham in
1941 (3) who studied the localized responses of the
cavernous tissue in response to localized application of ephedrine. Burnham described three separate
areas of the inferior turbinate and, by localized application of ephedrine, was able to obtain decongestant
responses which were limited to one area or the
In 1932 Schaeffer described the venous sinuses as
the corpora cavernosa and compared the activity
of these nasal blood vessels with that of cavernous or
erectile tissue. Schaeffer described the corpora cavernosa of the nose as especially well developed over
the inferior nasal concha, the overhanging border of
the middle concha, and the adjacent parts of the
nasal septum and he also said that there is some
evidence that there is an alternating erectility of the
mucous membrane of the two nasal fossa. The role
of the nasal venous sinuses in the control of nasal
airflow is now well recognized and their ability to
swell and completely obstruct the nasal passage has
been reported (4, 5). The location of the nasal venous
sinuses at the anterior tip of the inferior turbinate
R. Eccles
pressureflow relationships during the respiratory cycle. There are many useful reviews on the techniques
of rhinomanometry (3436) and acoustic rhinometry
(3739) and the practical and theoretical aspects of
these measurements will not be discussed in the
present review.
In subjects free from signs of nasal disease mean
total resistance has been reported to be : 0.23 Pa
cm3 s, with a range of 0.150.39 Pa cm3 s, by Morris
et al. (40), to be : 0.26 Pa cm3 s by Syabbalo et al.
(41) and 0.21 Pa cm3 s by Havas et al. (42). Cole (43)
reported that normal total nasal resistance lay in the
range 0.150.30 Pa cm3 s. Vig and Zajak (44) reported that normal adult nasal resistance was B0.2
Pa cm3 s. As a routine screening procedure in our
laboratory we normally consider a total nasal resistance to airflow of 0.3 Pa cm3 s as an upper limit of
the normal range.
Nasal resistance is a maximum in the infant at
: 1.2 Pa cm3 s (45, 46), declines to the adult value at
around 1618 years of age and then shows only a
slow decline with increasing age (Syaballo et al.) (41).
In a study on healthy volunteers Vig and Zajak (44)
reported a relationship between age and nasal resistance, with resistance declining with increasing age
from 0.6 Pa cm3 s (age 512 years) to 0.29 Pa cm3 s
(age 1319 years) and 0.22 Pa cm3 s (age \ 20 years)
in males. The relationship between age and nasal
resistance was similar in females but in general nasal
resistance was lower in females than in males (44).
Unlike other respiratory parameters, such as vital
capacity etc., there is no real correlation in the adult
between total nasal resistance and sex or height (40)
although several authors have claimed to have shown
a weak correlation with height (42, 47) and a negative
correlation with age (41). The lack of correlation
between total nasal resistance and height may be
related to the instability of nasal resistance due to
spontaneous congestion and decongestion of nasal
venous sinuses. If the nose is decongested by exercise
or application of a topical decongestant then this
eliminates any physiological variation in resistance
and allows one to investigate the anatomical factors
influencing resistance. Studies by Broms (48) have
provided a table of predictive values for height and
nasal resistance in the decongested nose that are
useful in assessing the extent of any deviation from
normality in patients with nasal skeletal stenosis.
Total nasal resistance gives an overall measure of
nasal function but is a very crude measure as it
provides no information about the separate nasal
passages. Rhinologists have a dilemma when assessing nasal function as the nose consists of two separate dynamic airways. The ophthalmologist or
audiologist would never consider using a bilateral
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At present the measurement of nasal airflow is only
performed in specialized research centres and does
not have a routine clinical application. However, if
progress is to be made in the diagnosis and treatment of nasal disease then measurement of the respiratory function of the nose is just as important to
the rhinologist as respiratory function measurements are to the pneumologist.
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