Climate-Smart: Agriculture
Climate-Smart: Agriculture
Climate-Smart: Agriculture
case studies 2021
Projects from around the world
Climate-smart agriculture
case studies 2021
Projects from around the world
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FAO. 2021. Climate-smart agriculture case studies 2021 – Projects from around the world. Rome.
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Acknowledgements ii
Acronyms iii
Executive summary v
Introduction 1
Regional overview 4
Conclusions 80
Bibliography 81
This publication was prepared by Nadine van Dijk (natural resources officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations [FAO]), under the supervision of Federica Matteoli (natural resources officer, FAO).
The author would like to thank FAO colleagues Julian Schnetzer and Heather Jacobs for their constructive
comments, inputs and support.
The author would also like to acknowledge the valuable and constructive feedback provided by peer reviewers
Albert Nikiema (natural resources officer, FAO) and Sandra Corsi (agricultural officer, FAO).
Case studies were provided by FAO, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Alliance of
Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the Research Program on
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) of the Consortium of International Agricultural Research
Centres (CGIAR), the World Bank, the Institute for BioEconomy (IBE) of the National Research Council of Italy
(CNR), the Rainforest Alliance, Nestlé, Bern University of Applied Sciences (School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Caribbean Agricultural
Research and Development Institute (CARDI).
Ellen Pay copy-edited the document; Maria Guardia took care of the graphic design and layout.
Funding for this publication was provided by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the Associate
Professional Officers Programme, the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition (IMET), under the FAO project
International Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture and by the Swedish International Development Cooperation
Agency (SIDA), under the FAO project Sustainable Productivity in Agriculture in the Context of CSA and
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use [sector]
AMMAR Agriculture Modernization, Market Access and Resilience [project] (IFAD)
CA conservation agriculture
CARDI Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
CARICOM Caribbean Community
CBIT Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency
CCAFS Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CGIAR)
CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres
CIAT Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CNR National Research Council of Italy
COSOP Country strategic opportunities programme (IFAD)
CPF country Programming Framework (FAO)
CSA climate-smart agriculture
CSAIP Climate-Smart Agriculture Investment Plan
DANIDA Danish International Development Agency
ESG Earth Security Group
ETF Enhanced Transparency Framework
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FFS Farmer Field School
GALS Gender Action Learning System GAP Good agricultural practice
GCF Green Climate Fund
GDP gross domestic product
GEF Global Environment Facility
GHG greenhouse gas
GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
HLPE High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
IBE Institute for BioEconomy (CNR)
ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
ICT information and communications technology
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
INDC intended nationally determined contributions
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRECRP Inclusive Rural Economic and Climate Resilience Programme (IFAD)
M&E monitoring and evaluation
Executive summary
Addressing climate change and transforming agri-food systems are key to meeting the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). With nearly 690 million people around the world facing hunger today (FAO et al., 2020), agri-food
systems emitting one third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions (Crippa et al., 2021) and a growing public
demand for climate action, it is pressing to achieve food security while adapting to - and mitigating - climate
change. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has grown from a concept into an approach implemented throughout
the world, by all types of stakeholders. This publication describes climate-smart agriculture case studies that apply
the five action points for CSA implementation. The action points are: 1) expanding the evidence base for CSA,
2) supporting enabling policy frameworks, 3) strengthening national and local institutions, 4) enhancing funding
and financing options, and 5) implementing CSA practices at field level.
The five action points were created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as
a methodology for implementing the climate-smart-agriculture approach at a national scale. These action points
provide the structure for this publication.
The case studies discuss context-specific activities that contribute to CSA’s three pillars: sustainably increasing
agricultural productivity and incomes, adapting and building resilience of people and agri-food systems to climate
change, and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions where possible. Many of the case studies pay
special attention to smallholder farmers, including women and indigenous groups, who are particularly affected by
the impacts of climate change.
A diverse group of stakeholders contributed case studies, reflecting the importance of coordinating national-level
CSA activities, for example by including research findings in policymaking processes, and leveraging public sector
funding to attract private sector investment. The publication provides examples of the innovative roles that farmers,
researchers, government officials, private sector and civil society actors can play to transform agri-food systems and
help meet the SDGs; it also demonstrates how these actors can collaborate.
Key messages:
Results under the three pillars of CSA are best achieved through a comprehensive strategy, such as the five
action points approach highlighted in this publication.
The five action points of the CSA approach are all crucial to effectively implement CSA; they have been
applied in various contexts to achieve results under the three CSA pillars.
Not all projects need to focus on all five action points. In addition, the action points are not necessarily
consecutive actions, but rather actions that may or may not be undertaken at the same time; ideally, they
reinforce each other to create an enabling environment. For example, a robust evidence base should
support enabling policy frameworks, national and local institutions, funding and financing options, and
the implementation of CSA practices at field level. Each of these actions may in turn generate valuable
knowledge that feeds back into the evidence base.
Knowledge sharing and working with diverse partners is essential for all five action points, as the sum of
the knowledge and practices of various partners is larger than its parts.
Regarding action point 1, building the evidence base for CSA, the case studies confirm that the linkages
between agriculture and climate change are site-specific. Analysis based on site-specific findings may
therefore lead to the selection of different climate-smart agricultural practices for different sites.
On action point 2, supporting enabling policy frameworks, the case studies show that governments are
already working to operationalize their approach to agriculture under climate change, working with partners
at the regional, national and provincial levels.
Action point 3, strengthening national and local institutions, is shown to require a capacity building
approach which entails a range of activities, including the drafting of guidelines, the dissemination of best
practices, and training.
The case studies related to action point 4, enhancing options for financing and funding, expand the scope
of this action point and emphasize the need for access to climate finance instruments, creating links between
climate and agricultural finance and investments, and considering climate change in agricultural planning
and budgeting. Innovative finance mechanisms are proposed, such as to help farmers invest in CSA practices
and unlock the potential of large-scale public-private partnerships to attract resources.
Finally, the case studies on implementing practices at field level, or action point 5, highlight the
importance of gaining a good understanding of the diverse needs and priorities of farmers and working
directly with them. The case studies demonstrate that CSA must be considered as encompassing a broad
range of practices. The studies illustrate how tools such as Farmer Field Schools, demonstration plots and
information and communications technology may prove valuable in a range of settings.
©FAO/Fulvio Cenci
Nearly 690 million people around the world are hungry today (FAO et al., 2020). At the same time, more and more
people around the planet, including youth, are pushing for action on climate change. Thus, the question of how to achieve
food security while also adapting to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions becomes ever more
relevant. Agriculture contributes a significant part of gross domestic product (GDP) in many economies; 2.5 billion people
worldwide depend on agriculture for their livelihoods (FAO, 2016). Agri-food systems are believed to be responsible for
one third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions (Crippa et al., 2021). At the same time, the sector offers significant
potential to contribute to global climate goals (FAO, 2019a). Therefore, transforming agri-food systems (including crops,
livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, agroforestry and forestry) is pressing. This transformation should be achieved through
integrated, multisectoral approaches that are gender-transformative, inclusive and pro-poor, and harness synergies such
as those between climate change adaptation and mitigation. Agri-food systems must increase production in a sustainable
manner in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (FAO, 2019a).
Against this background, climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an innovative approach based on the following three pillars:
adapt and build resilience of people and agri-food systems to climate change; and
This table is based on information available on FAO’s website at and on FAO’s Climate Smart Agriculture
Sourcebook, available at (module A1). The introductions
to the chapters in this publication provide additional elements related to each action point.
In order to track progress towards results under the three pillars of CSA, it is important that monitoring and
evaluation practices are streamlined across these five action points.
This publication aims to contribute to the Decade of Action to deliver the Global Goals that was declared by the
United Nations Secretary General in 2020 to meet the SDGs by 2030. The publication presents examples of climate-
smart agricultural research, policies, institutions, financial instruments and practices around the world. These
case studies are grouped into chapters according to the five action points of CSA, to reflect the breadth of CSA
The aims of this publication are to demonstrate the relevance of all five action points of CSA implementation,
inspire stakeholders to implement CSA actions in response to climate change, show how recent CSA projects are
contributing to the SDGs, and formulate recommendations for future projects based on the five action points
The case studies show how CSA enables food producers around the world to develop agricultural strategies to build
sustainable livelihoods and ensure sustainable food security in the face of climate change. CSA allows stakeholders
at local, national and international levels to identify agricultural strategies that are suitable to local conditions. CSA
contributes to FAO’s goal of making agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, and thus
fits in with FAO’s vision for sustainable food and agriculture. Lessons learned from the case studies discussed in
this publication include:
The linkages between agriculture and climate change are site-specific. Analysis based on site-specific findings
may therefore lead to the selection of different climate-smart agricultural practices for different sites.
Results under the three pillars of CSA are best achieved through a comprehensive strategy, such as the five
action points approach highlighted in this publication.
The five action points of the CSA approach are all crucial to effectively implement CSA; they have been
applied in various contexts to achieve results under the three CSA pillars.
Not all projects need to focus on all five action points. In addition, the action points are not necessarily
consecutive actions, but rather actions that may or may not be undertaken at the same time; ideally, they
reinforce each other to create an enabling environment. For example, a robust evidence base should
support enabling policy frameworks, national and local institutions, funding and financing options, and
the implementation of CSA practices at field level. Each of these actions may in turn generate valuable
knowledge that feeds back into the evidence base.
Knowledge sharing and working with diverse partners is essential for all five action points, as the sum of the
knowledge and practices of various partners is larger than its parts.
By providing examples of the operationalization of the five action points approach, the case studies may inspire
international organizations, governments, researchers, private sector actors, non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and farmers to play an active role in CSA implementation and frame their actions in a wider process, which
may lead to the identification of possible partnerships.
This publication contributes to and builds on FAO’s ongoing efforts to broaden the knowledge base on CSA. After
the FAO publications Climate-smart agriculture case studies. 2018. Successful approaches from different regions
(FAO, 2018a), Climate-smart agriculture and the SDGs (FAO, 2019b) and Operational guidelines for the design,
implementation and harmonization of monitoring and evaluation systems for climate-smart agriculture (FAO,
2019c), this publication highlights how recent CSA interventions apply the five action points of CSA and contribute
towards the SDGs. This publication draws on FAO’s Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook (FAO, 2021a) as the
reference point for the descriptions of the action points.
Piloting a goal-oriented farmer
payment system for
climate-smart milk production
Enhancing CSA learning by
understanding indigenous
knowledge and perceptions
of climate change
SAINT LUCIA Complementing agricultural
Advancing the use of policies through the
information and Climate-Smart Agriculture
communication technology Investment Plan
solutions for climate-smart
agricultural practices GHANA
Developing training
capacity for
ECUADOR agriculture in cocoa
Promoting climate-smart
livestock management and
cocoa production
Helping implement and
coordinate policies with
CSA country profiles
Integrating traditional practices
for CSA into crop and livestock
GLOBAL production systems
The Sustainable Rice
Landscape Initiative:
attracting funding and
financing to scale up
sustainable rice production
Promoting conservation KYRGYZSTAN
agriculture through Sustainably managing
policy engagement and mountainous forest and
capacity building for land resources under
smallholder farmers climate change conditions
Enhancing agricultural
resilience to climate change
by developing inclusive
climate-smart value chains
Addressing labour scarcity
through the gender-sensitive
roll-out of drum seeders for rice
practices of
rural women
Working together to
scale up climate-smart
crop systems
Implementing the
Investments and
Livelihoods project
Policymaking and implementation choices that are based on evidence help exploit opportunities to
the fullest and limit risks. For certain areas of CSA, a valuable evidence base is now available − as
demonstrated by the case studies in this chapter. For other areas, additional or updated evidence
is needed to build enabling policy frameworks, strengthen national and local institutions, enhance
funding and financing options and implement effective practices at the field level.
Ideally, efforts to expand the evidence base for CSA implementation are guided by an understanding
of site-specific challenges, opportunities and barriers; they should embrace collaboration with
partners and stakeholders and promote the sharing and combining of various types of knowledge.
In addition, efforts to build evidence should identify the synergies and trade-offs between various
CSA policies and practices, and compare their impact to the baseline situation and to the impact of
alternative interventions. Efforts to expand the evidence base on CSA greatly benefit from a good
understanding of the institutional and financial requirements for CSA implementation.
The five case studies highlighted in this chapter demonstrate that building the evidence base underpins
all other action points of CSA, as it provides information that can be used under these action points
and thus increases the likelihood that they will be successful. Vice versa, the other action points
help build a strong evidence base for CSA implementation by providing lessons learned on policy
frameworks, national and local institutions, financing options and field-level practices. This two-
way knowledge flow should enable the scaling up of sustainable agricultural practices that enable
farmers to sustainably increase their incomes, adapt to the effects of climate change and reduce and/
or remove GHG emissions.
For more information, see
©FAO/Fulvio Cenci
Mali’s CSAIP is based on the country’s agriculture and climate change policies, strategies and plans, including its
nationally determined contribution (NDC) and national agricultural investment plan (NAIP). It contributes to the
evidence base for CSA in numerous ways, for example by identifying financial and institutional needs. The plan
proposes 12 science-based CSA priority areas for investment, with project concepts that are packaged and ready
for investors. The CSAIP foregrounds climate concerns and prioritizes CSA interventions that offer feasible and
robust solutions. It also provides a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework that is aligned with other national
programming processes. Mali’s CSAIP helps understand how climate change is likely to impact upon agricultural
production and trade and food security in Mali, highlighting how it is expected to have disproportionate negative
effects on the rural poor. The CSAIP investments offer actionable solutions to reduce risk, build resilience and adapt
to the identified climate impacts, as well as reduce GHG emissions. Mali’s CSAIP also highlights the beneficial
impacts the investments can have on the economy and the environment.
The CSAIP provides an overview of Mali’s agriculture sector and its climate change context. Over one third of Mali’s
total land area is used for agriculture. Farmers mostly grow subsistence crops on small holdings; over 85 percent of
agricultural households also rear livestock. Overall agricultural productivity is low and there are significant yield
gaps for most crops. Meanwhile, population growth is high and the pressure on land resources is increasing, resulting
in land degradation. Droughts, floods and other adverse climatic events affect over 72 percent of Mali’s population,
placing Mali in the medium-to-high vulnerability category for climate hazards. Rural poverty is extremely high at
approximately 90 percent; a lack of access to agricultural inputs and financial (credit) and extension services has a
limiting effect on possible productivity and resilience gains.
CSA is a multisectoral approach that focuses on improving agriculture, enhancing livelihoods, ensuring food
security, building resilience and strengthening the economy in an environmentally sustainable manner. The goal of
developing and implementing any CSA investment plan is to attract and channel financial resources towards priority
CSA interventions, inform policymaking and help strengthen institutional and human capacities to implement
CSA at a wide scale. CSA is particularly relevant for Mali, where agriculture accounts for 38 percent of GDP and
employs over 80 percent of the workforce, while the country is highly vulnerable to the vagaries of climate change.
Investment in the agriculture sector is currently relatively low. Only 5.5 percent of total private sector investment
goes into agriculture, and most of that investment goes into the production of cotton. Mali’s CSAIP is intended to
help the country tap into the expanding climate finance landscape and unlock public, private and donor funding
and financing for CSA.
The development of Mali’s CSAIP illustrates how the five action points of CSA implementation are connected, but
not necessarily sequential. Besides identifying 12 key CSA investment areas with project concepts, the plan foresees
the development of an M&E framework (action point 1). It is rooted in and complements Mali’s agricultural policies
and targets (action point 2). Mali is a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) Paris Agreement and has submitted its first NDC. NDCs provide policy targets that are often related
to agriculture. However, they do not always offer information on necessary investments. Efforts to reach the policy
goals formulated in NDCs (and in national agriculture strategies) therefore benefit from additional information
about potential sources of funding and financing that can help meet targets. If investors decide to fund projects
formulated in Mali’s CSAIP, the plan will contribute to the implementation of CSA practices (action point 5). This
implementation process can in turn contribute to building the evidence base for adequate CSA policy formulation.
Mali’s CSAIP targets investments for CSA based on four components of CSA planning and implementation, all of
which contribute directly to the building of the evidence base: (i) situation analysis, (ii) prioritizing interventions, (iii)
programme/project design and (iv) monitoring, evaluation and learning. These components provide a framework to
identify a theory of change and decide how to adapt and implement activities to achieve the desired changes. CSA
planning and implementation components are fundamental to M&E. In turn, M&E allows the Government of Mali,
development partners and implementing agencies to track progress on activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts
towards their targets, and to raise flags when adaptive actions may be necessary. M&E activities create a mechanism
for learning, promote accountability and generate information that can form the basis of success stories.
The negative impacts of climate change in Mali are visible and widespread. Changing weather patterns have a
negative impact upon livelihoods and food security, especially of the rural poor. They are also altering traditional
transhumance patterns, which greatly increases pressure on limited forage resources and causes conflict (World
Bank, 2019). The 12 CSA investment areas identified by Mali’s CSAIP are the result of stakeholder consultations;
they are based on climate change scenarios and policy-related agricultural and economic analysis. This combination
of analytical work and consultations with diverse stakeholders is an important part of the process of building the
evidence base for CSA. In the case of Mali’s CSAIP, this foundation enabled the authors of the plan to prioritize
investments and identify potential barriers and opportunities related to those investments.
Mali’s CSAIP identifies four investments at the national level, six commodity-specific investments and two restoration
projects, for a total value of USD 300 to 500 million. These investments would help 1.8 million beneficiaries and
their families adapt to climate change, boost crop resilience and enhance yields. They would support and build
synergies between several SDGs, including SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), SDG 5 (Gender equality),
SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) and SDG 13 (Combat climate change
and its impacts).
The four country-wide initiatives are (i) improving remote-sensing monitoring capabilities, (ii) including CSA in
national agricultural extension services, (iii) developing agroclimatic information systems and (iv) monitoring soil
fertility. These initiatives would help reduce poverty (SDG 1) and hunger (SDG 2) by increasing farm productivity
and mitigating climate-related risks. They would enhance the capacities of beneficiaries to manage resources and
access information needed to strengthen value chains. These processes would in turn contribute to decent work and
economic growth (SDG 8).
The eight proposed climate-smart crop and livestock investments relate to value chains for non-timber forest
products, flood recession agriculture, livestock, the integration of millet, sorghum and legumes, vegetables,
the restoration of degraded lands, sustainable rice intensification and wheat. The CSAIP focuses on promoting
resilience for some commodities and growth for others; where appropriate, it emphasizes both resilience and growth
− a balance that is critical for the post-COVID-19 recovery strategy in Mali. The commodity-specific initiatives
explicitly aim to bolster economic growth (SDG 8) and ensure the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems (to
increase agricultural productivity) (SDG 2 and 15). Investments in value chains for non-timber forest products,
integrated millet, sorghum and legumes systems, and production systems for vegetables target women producers
(SDG 5) and youth (SDG 10) as beneficiaries.
Most of the investments address at least two of the three pillars of CSA jointly, primarily increasing productivity and
enhancing resilience and adaptation. Indeed, these pillars are key objectives of the six commodity-specific initiatives
and flood recession agriculture. GHG mitigation efforts (pillar 3) are an underlying goal of the proposed climate-
smart investments and an integral objective of the investment towards restoring degraded lands.
Mali’s CSAIP leverages CSA investment to support national policies, including at least 13 Malian policies or
programmes that address climate change or adaptation. The plan strongly aligns with Mali’s NDC in terms of
higher-level objectives (e.g. national planning) and specific adaptation activities (e.g. water management) (World
Bank, 2019).
This case study was submitted by Evan Girvetz (principal scientist and global programme leader, Finance and Investments for Climate
Action with the Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture [CIAT] and the CGIAR Research
Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security [CCAFS]) and Nkulumo Zinyengere (agriculture specialist) and Amadou Ba
(senior agriculture economist) with the World Bank’s Agriculture and Food Global Practice.
FAO’s Save and Grow project in Sri Lanka supports the transition to more productive and resilient smallholder farm
systems and aims to reduce GHG emissions in rice production systems.3 This is done through the adoption of climate-
smart crop production practices, integrated landscape planning and management, and improved access to inputs,
technical advice, credit and other financial services. The project contributes to the building of the evidence base for
CSA assessments of the impact of climate change on crop yields in Sri Lanka, as well as of climate change adaptation
options to strengthen Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector in the face of climate change.
The project, which runs from 2019 to 2021, is implemented by FAO and supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry of
Food and Agriculture. Among the Sri Lankan partners that collaborate with the project are the Hector Kobbekaduwa
Agrarian Research and Training Institute, the Department of Agriculture, the Rice Research and Development
Institute, the Field Crop Research and Development Institute, the Farm Mechanization Research Centre, the
Farm Mechanization Training Centre, the Department of Agrarian Development, provincial and interprovincial
agriculture departments, and the Department of Meteorology.
Climate change challenges agriculture in many ways; it directly and indirectly affects productivity, employment,
food security and the wider economy. In Sri Lanka, high-intensity rainfall causes erosion in the uplands and siltation
of water tanks in the lowlands, causing these tanks to operate at suboptimal capacities. This increases the vulnerability
of farmers in both the uplands and the lowlands. Smallholder farmers lack access to inputs, technical advice, credit and
other financial services. As a result, they are unable to access technologies that improve the resilience of crop systems
to specific climate stressors and reduce yield gaps.
For more information on FAO’s Save and Grow project in Sri Lanka, see
The Save and Grow project in Sri Lanka addresses a need to assess climate change impacts on crops as a fundamental
first step towards developing evidence-based adaptation policies and strategies, and towards guaranteeing
sustainable pathways for the mainstreaming of adapted agronomic practices.
The project recognizes that rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all solution, a range of proven agronomic practices can
be adapted to address the needs and resource endowment of farmers and help them cope with climate change.
Through the Save and Grow project, FAO is training farmers to optimize the use of water, labour and machinery to
reduce drudgery and distribute the demand for labour more efficiently between lowlands and uplands throughout the
year. The project contributes to the building of the evidence base for CSA through the assessment of future climate
change impacts on six main crops i.e. rice, maize, green gram, onion, chilli and potato. These crops were selected
based on their economic relevance, their importance in terms of food security, their agronomic health, their impact
on employment, their climatic vulnerability and resilience, and market prices and price fluctuations.
Projected future changes for the six crops were calculated as the yield difference between future and historical yields
for each combination of climate data modelled with six general circulation models, two representative concentration
pathways (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) and two future periods (middle and far future, up to 2100) (Amarasingha et al.,
forthcoming). Understanding the potential impact of climate change on these crops helps identify vulnerabilities of
farmers to the effects of climate change. The studies also provide a basis for proposing climate-smart practices that
may strengthen farmers’ resilience as compared to their previous (baseline) activities.
Furthermore, the findings of the climate impact assessment provide the evidence base that policy makers need to
make informed decisions and formulate climate change adaptation strategies. The assessment process itself creates
a framework for cooperation among national and international institutions.
By mitigating the causes and the impacts of climate change, the project directly contributes to SDG 2 (Zero hunger),
SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) and SDG 13 (Climate action).
Over 1 130 farmers and service providers received training on climate-smart crop production practices in six
different villages in the district of Anuradhapura. One of these villages is the “CSA village” that was established
in the country by the researchers and observes very strict CSA procedures in order to preserve the site. This
project described in this chapter is the only project allowed in the CSA village. The lessons learned thanks to
the collaboration between researchers will be used for training purposes. The monitoring of practices over
time will also allow for adaptive management and consequent adjustment of agronomic protocols.
Training videos for farmers and guides for climate-smart crop production were developed.4
Agricultural machinery was procured, tested under local conditions and made available to farmers.5
Government and small entrepreneurs worked together to provide farmers with access to sustainable
production inputs, output markets and services. This enabled farmers to sell more high-quality produce on
stable markets at higher prices.
Table 1 summarizes the outcomes (impacts on beneficiaries) of the project.
The videos are available online at
For news on sustainable agricultural mechanization, see
This case study was submitted by Sandra Corsi, agricultural officer, FAO and Mahnoor Malik, project communication consultant, FAO.
[email protected].
©FAO/Stefano Mondovì
In Senegal, FAO identified a need to better integrate indigenous knowledge and perceptions of climate change into the
learning process. Under a GEF project entitled Mainstreaming Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Climate-Resilient Rural
Livelihoods in Vulnerable Rural Areas through the Farmer Field School Methodology, which started in November 2015
and will last until the end of 2021, data are collected from local producers.7 This investigation contributes to the evidence
base for CSA implementation by providing key information that can be used to reduce communities’ vulnerability and
increase their adaptation capacity, as well as introduce new elements on climate change adaptation into FFS curricula.
Climate change is worsening the already vulnerable conditions of smallholder farmers in Senegal, who depend
primarily on crop and livestock production and natural resource management. Although smallholder farmers are
those that are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, they are also the main agents of solutions and
holders of climate knowledge, who have always mobilized their knowledge and capacities for complex human-
environment interaction to deal with climate change.
Smallholder farmers actively engage with their natural environment in their daily lives and are experienced and
attentive observers. As such, they have accumulated important and sophisticated knowledge and practices related
to the environment, its variability and transformation. Local communities have faced environmental variability and
unpredictability for centuries. They have developed a wide variety of technical, social and economic responses that
form the basis of their resilience to change.
For more information on Farmer Field Schools, please visit the Global Farmer Field School Platform at
For more information on the project, see
Strong collaboration between farmers, extension service providers, climate and weather forecasting institutions and
researchers is essential to explore options and find solutions to cope with the vagaries of climate change.
The research in Senegal described in this chapter was carried out to support the above-mentioned GEF project and
identify important elements to strengthen the FFS learning process.
Among the main climate-related challenges faced by farmers in the intervention area (the Groundnut Basin, eastern Senegal
and the agro-sylvo-pastoral zone) are the unpredictability of rainfall (early start and end of the rain season, delay of the winter
season, rain out of season, rainfall breaks, floods), which impacts the water requirements of key crops; temperature rises
(resulting in dry spells and droughts), which impact the temperature requirements of key crops and animals; and strong
winds (which result in land erosion, destroy plants and increase the rate of moisture evaporation from the soil).
The research examined farmers’ perceptions and attitudes about climate change and climate variability to uncover
the knowledge base of farmers’ agricultural choices and practices. Climate change has always existed, and farmers
have always adapted their choices to this change.
capture farmers’ knowledge, perceptions and attitudes regarding climate change, climate variability and
their impact on production as well as local adaptation strategies at the community level;
pass on valuable knowledge from farmers to project managers, extension service providers and climate or
weather forecast institutes (e.g. the Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie or Senegalese
national agency for civil aviation and meteorology);
test a research methodology to be used in projects on climate change adaptation using FFS and other
participatory methodologies.
The research methodology included interviews, transect walks in communities and focus groups. The focus groups
consisted of either male or female farmers, of one of four ethnic groups (Peul, Serer, Mandinka and Wolof ). The
farmers worked in one of two agro-climatic zones: the Groundnut Basin and the sylvo-pastoral zone.
farmers’ perception of their villages’ zones, based on their agro-ecological characteristics, land use and the
value of these zones in terms of ecosystem services provided;
key climatic events and their impacts on the different zones of the villages;
villages’ vulnerabilities, based on the impacts of extreme climatic events in terms of human and animal
diseases, living expenses and livelihood activities;
resilience and adaptation capacity, considering climate and meteorological predictors, resilient species and practices.
The research was inserted into the above-mentioned GEF project, which established two key pathways to translate
the evidence and results of the investigation into actions. The first pathway is the mainstreaming and adoption
of the FFS approach and climate change adaptation practices into the Senegalese national agricultural extension
agency (or Agence Nationale de Conseil Agricole et Rural). The second pathway is the establishment of a resilience
fund within the national fund for agro-sylvo-pastoral development (or Fonds National de Développement Agro-
Sylvo-Pastoral) to finance community development plans and climate change adaptation plans proposed by farmer
organizations with the support of the extension agents.
This research project contributes to the SDGs’ overarching goal of “leaving no one behind” by providing insight
into communities’ basic needs for protecting the environment and landscape and improving livelihoods. This
knowledge may support community development planning as well as FFS activities in the region. Indeed, the study
helps improve FFS activities by:
providing crucial information on local priorities and challenges, communities’ needs and the ecosystem
values of village zones through initial diagnostic activities;
providing critical information on the local mindset, values and perceptions of spaces and seasonal priorities,
which allows FFS facilitators to adapt the learning process to local perspectives and perceptions and local
space-temporal categories;
allowing training programmes, modules and field trials to be formulated based on local knowledge on land
use, landscape, climate change, ecosystem services and adaptation strategies.
The research contributes to CSA action point 1 (building the evidence base for CSA) and action point 5 (implementing
practices at field level). For action point 1, the results of the investigation provide evidence to determine the effects
of climate change on food production and identify potential climate-smart adaptation and mitigation options. Key
findings from the investigation that contribute to the evidence base for CSA include:
For each of the four case studies, data collected through focus groups provided relevant information to develop climate risk
adaptation plans at community level. Farmers provided information regarding weather and climate impacts by village zone,
ecosystem services, adaptation practices, resilient species and indicators used to predict climate events. This information
enabled the assessment of the vulnerability and potential of the community and, based on that, the development of
community adaptation plans. The case study for the village of Padaff, for example, found that one village area was suffering
from a considerable deterioration of natural resources due to river salinization and overflow; as this was compromising
important productive activities such as fishing and rice cultivation, the study argued that it was important to focus the village’s
adaptation plan on that particular area. The construction of a barrage and the creation of a flood defence zone by planting
eucalyptus trees were identified as priority actions. The following additional adaptation practices were also recommended:
using short-cycle varieties such as souna 2 or 3 millet, mélakh cowpea and different peanut varieties;
reforestation with eucalyptus and vetiver, to build flood defence zones;
fitting gabions to reduce erosion damage;
putting in fascines;
planting hedgerows (euphorbia balsamifera, jatropha curcas);
using bags filled with sand to bend the direction of water flows during erosion and flooding;
using compost, rotating crops and leaving crop residues in the field as forage (cowpea) or as mulch (millet
and corn) to enhance fertility and reduce wind erosion.
This case study was submitted by Stefano Mondovì, agricultural officer, FAO. [email protected].
©FAO/Isak Amin
Somalia − mapping climate-smart agricultural practices
of rural women
A 2019 study aimed at building the evidence base for CSA identified the planting of trees to conserve soil and water
resources, the cultivation of drought-resistant crop varieties and the raising of mixed herds as just 3 of more than
80 CSA practices applied by rural women in Somalia. IFAD funded the study to guide the design of its agricultural
programmes aimed at helping crop and livestock farmers adapt to climate change.
Somalia increasingly suffers from the effects of climate change, as drought and floods ravage the conflict-prone country
in growing intensity and frequency. The Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative lists Somalia as one of the countries
that are most vulnerable to climate change and least prepared to adapt to its effects (University of Notre Dame, n.d.).
There is little literature on women’s engagement in agriculture in Somalia, and not much is known about the CSA
practices they apply. This is why IFAD funded a study aimed at identifying the CSA practices of rural women in
Somalia. The study provides an evidence base for future IFAD-funded projects by identifying CSA practices that are
effective at improving the livelihoods of poor smallholder households in Somalia.
The study described in this chapter was undertaken in 2019 by the Somali Disaster Resilience Institute, a national
research institution based in Mogadishu. The institution carried out an extensive literature review, engaged with
over 120 rural women through focus group discussions and interviewed 20 experts. Information was collected on
CSA practices in five states in Somalia, including Hirshabelle, Jubaland, Mudug, Puntland and South West.
The study is part of IFAD’s wider programme of work in Somalia. Since the 1980s, IFAD has invested a total of
USD 140 million in agricultural development projects in Somalia, reaching 1 780 000 direct beneficiaries. The
organization has three ongoing projects in the country that promote the adoption of climate-smart farming
technologies, the improvement of food security and nutrition, the sustainable management of water, watersheds
and rangelands, and small ruminant and livestock development.8
The three projects are entitled:
-Resilient Livelihood Action to COVID-19;
-Food Security and Sustainability in Fragile Situations in Puntland; and
-Productivity Enhancing Technologies to Improve Pastoralists and Agro-Pastoralists Livelihoods in Dry Lands in Somaliland.
IFAD is committed to increase its financing to support smallholders adapt to the effects of climate change. The
organization aligns its programmes to the targets on climate change mitigation and adaptation set by countries in
their NDCs to the Paris Agreement.
Study findings
The study helps fill a knowledge gap by identifying over 80 CSA practices. A compendium to the study report
(forthcoming) provides short descriptions of over 60 practices, classified into seven major categories (crops,
livestock, energy, soils, water, forestry and aquaculture) with various subcategories. Many of the practices fit in
with the three pillars of CSA. They have the potential to increase productivity and incomes, enhance resilience and
adaptation, and reduce GHG emissions.
The findings of the study demonstrate the potential to change agricultural practices to reduce farmers’ vulnerability
to the effects of climate change. Most of the CSA practices applied by rural women concern crop production.
Practices with a strong potential to increase production and resilience include the use of indigenous crop varieties
that resist droughts and diseases, practising crop rotation to keep soils fertile, and using traditional methods to store
seed. Several farmers said that they listened to weather forecasts on the radio to time the preparation of their fields.
This finding suggests that the radio is a good way to disseminate information on CSA practices.
None of the women included in the study engage in nomadic herding, which is considered a job for men. However,
women take care of livestock around the homestead. They feed their animals by fencing off land for grazing, growing
fodder crops such as alfalfa and Sudan grass, and collecting wild fodder plants. Such adaptive practices help farmers
cope with the dwindling of grassland resources due to drought.
The study revealed different perceptions of gender roles. Some women argued that irrigation is the responsibility of
men, while others said that both women and men undertake tasks linked to irrigation. Irrigation enables farmers to
grow food during the off season and in times of drought.
Several focus groups ranked agricultural practices according to their importance for the community. For example,
focus groups in Galkayo ranked herd and grazing management, water storage and fodder production as their top
Many practices with the potential to increase the resilience of households are not applied. Several groups were aware
of soil conservation practices such as erosion control measures and conservation agriculture, but stated that these
are rarely applied.
The study further identified various constraints that hinder the wider adoption of CSA practices. Discussion groups
highlighted the need for training, and argued that essential services − such as extension or veterinary services − are
lacking. Interviews with experts revealed that rural women are often excluded from decision-making processes, are
not allowed to possess fixed assets and do not hold the required financial capital.
The study confirms that IFAD programmes should support rural women as a key target group to work towards SDG 5
(Gender equality). Women have important and diverse roles in agriculture and are key players in rural households
in terms of adaptation to climate change. As cultural norms may hamper the participation of women in projects,
project designers should consider using specific methodologies to target women farmers, such as the Gender Action
Learning System (GALS).9
For more information on GALS, see for example
Agricultural projects that target female crop and livestock farmers should acknowledge the wide range of CSA
practices that already exist. Interventions should build on existing good practices, improving them and promoting
them across the country. This study specifically recommends investing in scaling up innovations related to solar
energy, biogas, seed banks and food storage technologies. It also identifies training and the provision of rural finance
as key mechanisms to promote CSA practices. These types of interventions help achieve SDG 13 (Climate action).
Project designers should be aware of the fact that farmers in different regions prioritize different CSA practices; they
should therefore be flexible in the selection of CSA practices to promote. The study also shows that project teams
that implement activities need technical expertise on different subject matters, ranging from crop production to
energy management.
This case study was submitted by the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion and the Near East, North Africa, Europe and
Central Asia Divisions of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). [email protected].
©FAO/Thomas Hug
By monitoring key variables on water and agriculture in near-real time, WaPOR directly contributes to the first
action point of CSA (evidence base). WaPOR provides open access to high temporal and spatial resolution data on
reference and actual evapotranspiration, biomass development and more from 2009 to date. The database currently
contains data for the whole of Africa and the Near East, and is intended to grow into a global database. Reference
evapotranspiration is a key parameter to capture the climatic conditions that influence water requirements in
agriculture. Together with data on actual evapotranspiration (real water consumption), reference evapotranspiration
data are crucial to improve the efficiency of the use of inputs. Thus, the WaPOR database is highly relevant to
the sustainable production and adaptation pillars of CSA. In addition, WaPOR can provide information regarding
progress under CSA’s third pillar as it contains data on carbon uptake by vegetation through biomass development.
The WaPOR project, which is implemented by FAO with funding from the Netherlands, started in November 2016
and ran until 31 January 2021; its second phase is expected to run until December 2025.
Guaranteeing food security for all while using water resources in a sustainable manner is one of the major challenges
faced by society in the 21st century. The difficulty of this challenge is exacerbated by the climate crisis and other
global changes. Agriculture is responsible for about 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals for economic
activities; it is even responsible for about 90 percent of global net freshwater consumption (i.e. withdrawals net of
return flows) for economic purposes (FAO, 2020a). It is therefore of key importance to develop a system to monitor
water productivity in agriculture and identify ways to improve this productivity.11 Remote sensing technologies offer
unprecedented opportunities to monitor water productivity in large areas and in near-real time, which is a suitable
temporal resolution for action-oriented information in agriculture.
For more information on WaPOR, visit FAO’s website at
Water productivity is defined as the ratio between agricultural output (typically yield, but also economic return or other types of output) and the water consumed
to obtain this output. In the context of WaPOR, and in assessments of water productivity in agriculture in general, it is expressed as kg/m³.
Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events such as floods and droughts. While the impact
of floods is immediately apparent, drought is a slow process with devastating impacts on food production and on food
and nutrition security. Episodes of drought have increased in frequency and intensity over the past two decades in many
regions around the world as a result of climate change; this trend is expected to continue. Rainfed agriculture is the most
vulnerable to increasing climate variability. Irrigated agriculture is far less vulnerable to variations and changes in climate
than rainfed agriculture, and societies that practice irrigated agriculture are generally more resilient (as long as a reliable
water supply can be secured) (FAO, 2020b). Yields from agriculture with some type of water management can be three
or more times higher than yields from strictly rainfed agriculture (Molden, 2007). Thus, sound water management is
essential for building resilience against increased risks in food systems. Timely and reliable information on the condition
of irrigated and rainfed food crops all over the world is essential to mitigate the impact of droughts.
The data made available through WaPOR can be of great use to service providers who help farmers obtain consistent
yields and improve their livelihoods, as well as to government agencies wishing to modernize irrigation systems or
promote the efficient use of natural resources (FAO, 2021c).
The data provided by WaPOR are of key importance to efforts to increase agricultural productivity while at the same
time using water more efficiently, to address problems of land and water scarcity. The spatial satellite measurements of
WaPOR offer unique insights into land and water productivity. In addition, the open source technologies developed in the
context of WaPOR allow for the dynamic incorporation of technological advances (such as the growing constellation of the
European Union’s Copernicus satellites) and the data they produce. While the WaPOR project focuses on the collection of
data, it explicitly aims for these data to be used by a variety of stakeholders. Policymakers at the national level, for example,
can use WaPOR data in evidence-based decision processes on issues such as water scarcity or water allocation strategies
in a changing climate. Meanwhile, researchers can tap into the wealth of seamless spatial data and time series (covering
the period from 2009 to date), while end users (including service providers and farming communities) benefit from the
development of problem-focused applications. The WaPOR project recognizes that barriers to its actionability may exist
for certain stakeholders. For example, farmers must be able and willing to adopt innovative practices based on information
and communications technologies (ICT) such as those provided by WaPOR. The enabling environment for the uptake of
the information and suggestions provided by WaPOR therefore determines the project’s ultimate success. This enabling
environment is determined by existing policies and institutions and by the availability of financing for CSA practices.
The first phase of the WaPOR project (2015−2021) paved the way for the design of potentially highly impactful
agricultural policies by generating:
an operational methodology and an open access data portal that publishes data in near-real time (usually
every ten days), at spatial resolutions ranging from 250 m to 30 m for selected pilot areas;12
specific assessments, in five river basins, of the consequences and sustainability of possible increases in
water productivity in agriculture, analysed based on a water accounting framework;13
capacity development of stakeholders to increase water productivity sustainably, including the development
of locally relevant ICT applications for farmers. These applications were developed in collaboration with
stakeholders to address relevant issues and tailored to local contexts, with technology ranging from
smartphone applications to simpler soil moisture sensors.14
The current second phase of the project focuses on strengthening capacities to interpret data and develop demand-driven
applications in target countries. The applications will be identified and developed in collaboration with different stakeholders.
They will be aligned with national strategies on climate action, water and food security and agricultural development.
This case study was submitted by the WaPOR team in FAO’s Land and Water Division. [email protected].
For more information, visit
For more information, visit
Creating enabling policy frameworks for CSA is a country-owned process that involves:
understanding the intended and unintended effects of current policies, and identifying gaps
in them (action point 1);
understanding the effects of climate change under various scenarios;
aiming for a coherent strategic framework to obtain the best results and access international
taking into account international agreements, national priorities across sectors and local
capacities for implementation;
designing policies that consider socio-economic and gender-differentiated barriers and
provide incentives to reach objectives;
engaging with all relevant stakeholders, including private sector and civil society actors, to
make sure the new policies catalyze synergies between the three pillars of CSA.
Many countries already employ policy frameworks that include (elements of ) CSA. Relevant
frameworks include NDCs, intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), nationally
appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), national agriculture investment plans (NAIPs), national
adaptation plans (NAPs), national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) and REDD+ strategies
and action plans. Taking stock of such existing policies is part of action point 1 of implementing
CSA (building the evidence base). Some countries may have already compiled a list of potential
CSA policies, legislation, practices and investments. Action point 2 refers to the assessment of these
options with a view to building a coherent framework that best supports national priorities and the
three pillars of CSA.
Efforts to build enabling policy frameworks may entail the creation of new policies or the modification
of existing ones. Ideally, all relevant ministries are involved in building an enabling environment for
CSA. Besides ministries of agriculture, ministries of labour and finance may play a pivotal role in
ensuring that no one is left behind. A variety of policy topics should be considered, such as the
building of effective national information systems and social safety nets, and disaster risk reduction.
A strong, coherent policy framework for CSA is important for all stakeholders. Governments play
a crucial role in creating an enabling environment for the scaling-up of CSA by providing the policy
and legal frameworks in which actors from the private sector and civil society work. The building
of effective CSA policy frameworks therefore requires a sound understanding of the priorities of all
stakeholders working on agriculture, climate change and other relevant fields.
The three case studies in this section discuss policy frameworks that are relevant to CSA in various
countries; they also discuss the steps involved in the implementation of such policies (e.g. the case
studies of CSA country profiles for Africa).
For a more detailed description of action point 2, please see FAO’s CSA sourcebook section C3 (
sourcebook/enabling-frameworks/module-c3-policy/c3-overview) and section C10 2.3 (
An important objective of CSA strategies is the development of locally acceptable solutions that increase agricultural
productivity and incomes in a sustainable manner, adapting agricultural practices to climate change and reducing
their emissions. The second pillar of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy, the Rural Development
Policy, creates possibilities for specific research into CSA innovation. Under Measure 16.1 of this Rural Development
Policy, support is provided for the establishment and operation of operational groups (OGs) of the European
Innovation Partnership. OGs aim to develop multidisciplinary solutions or identify new opportunities to improve
agricultural productivity and sustainability through new techniques, processes, products and technologies. One of
the main innovative aspects of the OGs is that they involve an array of stakeholders (including farmers, researchers,
advisers and business representatives) who work together to achieve a common goal.
The study undertaken by IBE aimed to assess to what extent the investments made by the region of Emilia-Romagna
under Measure 16.1 helped local stakeholders promote and adopt CSA practices. As a first step, the study identified
and categorized the main threats caused by climate variability and change. Eight types of threats were identified,
including soil deterioration, water scarcity, the deterioration of water quality, shifts in vegetative seasons, the spread
of pests and diseases, extreme weather events and increases in GHG emissions due to intensive livestock management
practices. Then, 93 projects financed under Measure 16.1 were analysed to identify which projects demonstrated
climate-smart properties and assess the inclusion of CSA in the region’s rural development programme. The projects
were then categorized based on the solutions they provided to the aforementioned threats.
One of the entities that have invested most in rural development in the Region of Emilia-Romagna is the regional
Directorate General for Agriculture, Hunting and Fishing. Emilia-Romagna is investing EUR 1.19 billion in rural
development over the period 2014−2020, more than any other region in northern Italy. The Region has increased the
funds invested in the agriculture sector through the current rural development programme (RDP) by EUR 131 million
as compared to previous RDPs, and added an additional EUR 100 million for co-financing. Of the total investment of
EUR 1.19 billion, EUR 20 million were spent on 93 projects related to agriculture and forestry under Measure 16.1.
Emilia-Romagna has gone to great lengths to expand its CSA impact evidence base (Chieco, Rossi and Tadić, 2019).
The analysis showed that 66 of the 93 projects were oriented towards CSA. The investments towards the creation of
an enabling policy framework facilitated the formulation of innovative solutions. The diversity of the projects was
most evident in their action goals, with some projects offering multiple solutions for a single threat or even tackling
multiple threats. Fourteen projects promoted innovative solutions to address multiple threats simultaneously
through a multidisciplinary and layered approach. The creation of OGs strengthened the interaction between
private, public and research actors, who worked together towards a common goal.
The OG projects in Emilia-Romagna have promoted the development of many innovative solutions that facilitate
the gradual adoption of climate-smart farming practices. A notable example is the project entitled “Irrigation system
optimization in fruit farming for adaptation to climate change”. This project was carried out jointly by the Department
of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna, IBE and the Consortium for the Emiliano Romagnolo
Channel in a commercial pear and apple orchard in Medelana, a municipality in the Ferrara province. The project aimed
at devising a way to rationalize the use of irrigation systems by identifying best practices in water use and developing a
protocol for sustainable orchard cooling irrigation. Indeed, as temperature fluctuations and heat waves are expected to
become more frequent in the future, solutions for these extreme scenarios are needed. The two-year trial showed that
this type of solution can reduce the temperature of the canopy by up to 4 °C, thus improving productivity.
The experiences of Emilia-Romagna have demonstrated that innovative solutions are more easily obtainable if
researchers and policymakers collaborate towards a common goal. With 70 percent of rural development projects in
the region being oriented towards CSA, it comes as no surprise that innovation has become a key term in the region’s
agricultural policies. Rural development measures are promoting CSA practices to help farmers adapt to and mitigate
the effects of climate change, thus changing the agriculture sector’s image of polluter. In addition to funding projects
under Measure 16.1, Emilia-Romagna has formulated actions under Measure 16.2 (“Support for pilot projects and
for the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies”) to take the promotion of CSA one step
further. This measure supports projects that concern entire supply chains. Eight of the 25 animal production projects
and 9 of the 30 plant production projects financed under this measure involved the adoption of CSA practices.
Overall, the OG projects in Emilia-Romagna have been shown to promote climate change-related innovation in
agriculture and food production. Thirty-five percent of the projects aim at mitigating the effects of climate change,
21 percent promote climate change adaptation, 11 percent concern carbon sequestration and 33 percent combine
adaptation and mitigation efforts.
Strategic investments in specific sectors are key to achieve results on a macroscopic level. The rural development
programme of the region of Emilia-Romagna provides a way to manage large investments. Indeed, by formulating
specific and clear objectives, the programme has made it clear to stakeholders, including farmers, food producers
and research centres, where to concentrate their efforts. Emilia-Romagna is spearheading the promotion of new
forms of resilient, low-impact and sustainable agriculture by including CSA standards in its policies. The region has
demonstrated that the best way to further the integration of CSA in day-to-day practices is to make all stakeholders,
including policymakers, researchers and businesses, work together towards common goals. This collaboration
enables faster and more impactful innovation.
This case study was submitted by Federica Rossi, Slaven Tadic and Camilla Chieco of the Institute for BioEconomy of the National
Research Council of Italy. It is based on: Chieco, C., Rossi, F. & Tadic, S. 2019. How can policy influence innovation: an exploration of
climate-smart activities in Emilia-Romagna. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology, 1: 25–31.
The Inclusive Rural Economic and Climate Resilience Programme (IRECRP), one of various IFAD programmes in
Moldova, aims specifically to deliver on the opportunity of climate change innovation identified in the COSOP for
Moldova. IRECRP promotes climate-smart agriculture to enhance the adaptive capacity of especially small-scale
farmers in locations that are increasingly susceptible to climate shocks. The programme design reflects the links
between various CSA action points, including the creation of an enabling policy environment (action point 2),
strengthening the capacity of local and national institutions and stakeholders (action point 3), enhancing farmers’
access to finance (action point 4) and implementing conservation agriculture practices (action point 5).
IRECRP is jointly funded by IFAD, Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), GEF and the Government
of Moldova. The programme became effective on 25 August 2014 and is expected to be completed by 31 March 2021.
IRECRP was formulated based on the current and expected effects of climate change in Moldova. As evidenced by
recent studies, the agriculture sector in Moldova is highly vulnerable to climate change and climate variability. Under
a business-as-usual scenario with increased frequency and severity of climatic events (and particularly droughts),
this leads to serious problems of production losses and threats to food security. Smallholder farmers in Moldova are
highly sensitive and vulnerable to climate change due to their heavy reliance on subsistence rainfed agriculture. Their
limited access to financial resources, technologies and adaptation knowledge results in a low adaptive capacity and
higher vulnerability to extreme climatic events, unpredictable climate variations and environmental degradation
caused by climate change. IRECRP has been designed to address the impacts of climate change and identify the
adaptation priorities of the Moldovan government for the agriculture sector.
IRECRP is the sixth IFAD programme in Moldova. The programme builds on previous IFAD investments in
conservation agriculture, value chain development, infrastructure, financial services and capacity building. The
programme aims at improving the ability of the rural poor to cope with the vagaries of climate change and increasing
economic volatility.
The climate change resilience and inclusive value chain development component of IRECRP is designed to contribute
to the creation of an enabling policy environment (CSA action point 2) by triggering a policy process to boost the
adoption of conservation agriculture (CA). This is to be achieved by mainstreaming CA into rural development
planning, supporting small-scale private agro-forestry investments, enhancing institutional capacities and improving
the policy environment for climate-resilient agriculture and soil protection. In the current stage of the programme,
policy engagement in CA remains marginal; however, efforts are being made to meet the programme’s targets.
IRECRP has been very effective at helping Moldova’s National Commission for Financial Markets draft regulations
on licensing for saving and credit associations and establish internal procedures for identification, recordkeeping
and risk management in this sector.
IRECRP aims inter alia to strengthen stakeholders’ capacities to mainstream climate change adaptation activities,
such as for example the planting of shelterbelts (CSA action point three). To this end, workshops and study
tours are organized. So far, the programme’s overall success at building the capacities of national institutions to
mainstream CA and climate change activities has been limited. However, the programme has reportedly exceeded
its targets for the training on climate-resilient agriculture of farmers and farmers’ organizations (mainly through
FFS). A set of recommendations on training, awareness raising on climate change adaptation and mitigation, and
the mainstreaming of climate change is expected to improve the technical knowledge of the personnel of national
institutions and of project staff. These capacity building activities are expected to be continued and strengthened
by the upcoming IFAD programme for Talent Retention for Rural Transformation. This programme aims to further
strengthen in-country capacities for the promotion of climate-resilient and CA through the development of a
national CA curriculum, the creation of scholarships, research, consultations and dissemination of key lessons, with
a strong focus on smallholder farmers.
IRECRP improves farmers’ access to financial services by giving out small grants for the procurement of climate-
resilient agricultural equipment (CSA action point 4). In the context of Moldova, where farming is subject to a
gradual process of consolidation and commercialization, the programme has successfully targeted smallholders
with a combination of grants and loans, which are relevant to smallholders. In addition, by supporting savings and
credit associations and focusing on young entrepreneurs, IRECRP has been able to target the relatively smaller
farmers among smallholders.
IRECRP contributes to multiple SDGs. The development goal of the programme is to enable poor rural people to
raise their incomes and strengthen their resilience (SDG 1), promote inclusive rural economic development and
create employment (SDG 8). The programme promotes CA practices to regenerate soils (SDG 15) and climate-
smart irrigation techniques to strengthen farmers’ resilience and capacity to adapt to climate-related hazards and
natural disasters (SDG13).
Overall, IRECRP has exceeded its targets in terms of the number of beneficiaries reached and the involvement of
women. IRECRP has brought more than 26 000 ha of land under climate-resilient practices (CSA action point 5)
and helped nearly 9 000 smallholder household members cope with the effects of climate change. At the end of
2019, IRECRP had brought 104 ha of farmland under sustainable irrigation, thereby reducing the vulnerability of the
agricultural supply to natural hazards.
IRECRP contributes to the first pillar of CSA i.e. sustainably increasing productivity. Annual impact assessments
for IRECRP highlight that the farmers involved in IRECRP reported productivity gains over the years. In 2017/18,
71 percent of the beneficiaries of infrastructure schemes, the majority of whom are young micro-entrepreneurs,
reported an increase in overall production. The 2019 annual report on the programme indicates that of the
321 beneficiaries of CA training, 44 percent reported increases in their yields per hectare of up to 10 percent,
while 12 percent of beneficiaries reported an increase of 10 to 25 percent. Interviews with beneficiaries confirmed
that the adoption of CA technologies had a positive impact on soil humidity levels, which helps farmers maintain
acceptable yields during the increasingly frequent droughts. Furthermore, enterprises that had introduced mini-till
and strip-till techniques reported increases in yields ranging from 10 to 25 percent following the introduction of CA
techniques, depending on the type of crop.
CSA’s second pillar is embedded in IRECRP’s overall goal, which is to enable poor rural people to raise their incomes
and strengthen their resilience. The programme promotes innovation as an answer to climate change, with a dedicated
component aimed at promoting the adoption of CSA practices to enhance the adaptive capacity of especially small-
scale farmers in locations that are increasingly susceptible to climate shocks. A grant of USD 4.26 million provided
by GEF funds more than 65 percent of the programme’s component on climate change resilience and inclusive
value chain development. The programme has already reached 175 percent of its target beneficiaries and achieved
a good geographical spread of interventions across Moldova. As a consequence of the programme’s activities, the
area under CA in the country is beginning to increase, as farmers are gradually accepting CA techniques as a viable
option to deal with climate uncertainty and change. Overall, survey data show that the adoption of CA technologies
has led to improvements in comparison with baseline data in terms of both yields and profitability. Farmers who
have invested in shelterbelt protection and in the rehabilitation of grasslands, for example, report a positive impact
on their productivity.
CSA’s third pillar is the reduction of GHG emissions. The promotion of CA in Moldova has directly led to a reduction
in the use of fossil fuels and an increase in soil carbon sequestration. Even though there are no instruments under the
IRECRP to monitor the effective reduction in GHG emissions resulting from the implementation of the programme
in the field, it is clear that the CA activities promoted by the programme have an important mitigation effect.
This case study was submitted by the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion (ECG) and the Near East, North Africa, Europe
and Central Asia (NEN) Divisions of IFAD. [email protected].
©FAO/Benedicte Kurzen
African Region – helping implement and coordinate
policies with CSA country profiles
CSA aims to achieve food security in a context of changing climatic conditions and a continuous increase in food
demand due to population growth. While the concept of CSA is relatively new and still evolving, there already exist
many CSA practices that are being used by farmers to address various production challenges. Thus, when drafting
CSA policies to support agricultural transformation, it is crucial to take stock of ongoing and promising practices
and technologies and consider the context in which they are used.
This case study describes CSA country profiles developed by FAO and CGIAR for the African region. The country
profiles provide a link between building the evidence base for CSA (action point 1) and supporting an enabling
policy environment (action point 2).16 They include a snapshot of baseline information, priorities, stakeholders,
institutions, financial partners, policy enablers and barriers to adoption in various countries. With the country
profiles and related regional synthesis on CSA, FAO and CGIAR aim to advocate the usefulness of the CSA approach
and identify entry points for CSA investments at the national, regional and global levels to address challenges to
agriculture under changing climatic conditions.
Agricultural systems in Africa are largely dependent on rainfall. They are characterized by small land holdings,
low input use and low productivity. This situation is exacerbated by factors including declining soil fertility, poor
financial services, complex land tenure arrangements, limited infrastructure, underdeveloped markets, demographic
pressures and extremely erratic weather and climate conditions.
Several additional constraints further complicate the situation in Africa’s Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
These constraints include remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, vulnerability to external shocks, excessive
dependence on international trade and fragile environments. SIDS also face high communication, energy and
The CSA country profiles for the African region which were developed over the past decade with the support of FAO are available on FAO’s website at the
webpages listed below. An overview of all CSA country profiles is available online at
Côte d’Ivoire:
Nigeria: Yobe state:; Borno state:; Adamawa state:
Cabo Verde:
transportation costs. In addition, they have limited natural resources and opportunities to exploit economies of
scale, due to their small size. For all these reasons, the African agriculture sector in general, and that of SIDS in
particular, is struggling to meet food and nutrition security needs.
In most African countries, GHG emissions are relatively limited. However, these countries do include mitigation
goals in their national development policies in view of their extreme vulnerability to climate change, and to contribute
to the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The implementation of adaptation measures has also been identified
as a priority in most African countries’ NDCs.
The interlinkages between the agriculture sector (including crop and livestock production, forestry and agroforestry,
and fisheries) in African countries call for policymakers to explore the synergies between actions at the national,
subregional and regional levels.
Coordinated policies may provide an effective way to address these multiple challenges. To formulate comprehensive
and effective policies, policymakers need an overview of relevant climate challenges and solutions, as well as of the
factors that influence or hinder the adoption of CSA practices and technologies. Together with CGIAR, FAO has
over the past five years been working to help countries develop CSA profiles, with a view to providing essential
baseline information for the development of integrated climate change adaptation and mitigation programmes and
To support countries in their efforts to transform agriculture in a context of climate change, FAO’s Regional Office
for Africa partnered with various GCIAR programmes and research centres (including CCAFS, the International
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics [ICRISAT] and CIAT) to develop CSA country profiles; these
profiles provide an important contribution to the implementation of evidence-based climate actions.
The CSA country profiles analyse the links between the evidence found, and gaps and opportunities in policymaking.
Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all policy solution, the profiles present policy instruments related to
climate change, agriculture and sustainability grouped under three main stages (formulation, formalization and
active implementation).
As far as the strengthening of national institutions is concerned, the country profiles identify institutions that
undertake key CSA-related activities and highlight opportunities to strengthen local institutions.
Most of the countries for which CSA profiles have been developed do not currently earmark funding specifically for
CSA. The profiles therefore provide an overview of the countries’ history of funding and financing efforts related to
agriculture and environmental sustainability that contribute to the achievement of CSA; they also identify potential
sources of funding and financing for CSA actions. In addition, the profiles highlight links between climate funding
and financing and public and private agricultural investments.
CSA country profiles contribute to some major outputs of the FAO’s Country Programming Framework (CPF) for
Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Seychelles. In Cabo Verde, the CPF output targeted is the promotion of profit-
oriented farming and ranching systems that implement environmentally friendly practices and help reduce poverty.
In Guinea-Bissau, the CPF output targeted is the building of more efficient and inclusive crop, livestock and fish
value chains, considering market opportunities and access. In Seychelles, the targeted CPF output is the creation
of conducive and enabling policies and regulatory frameworks that create business opportunities that link tourism
and agriculture.
The development by FAO and its partners of CSA profiles for countries in Africa has generated knowledge that is
used to develop evidence-based interventions and CSA investment plans at national and regional levels. Thanks
to this knowledge, the capacities of local institutions and of farmers to implement projects in the field have been
At the country level, CSA country profiles have helped the Governments of Benin and Côte d’Ivoire formulate
CSA action plans; Cote d’Ivoire also developed a CSA investment plan, with support from the World Bank. At the
regional level, CSA country profiles contributed to the development of a CSA regional outlook for three of Africa’s
SIDS. The CSA profile for Ghana was instrumental in the development of a local (district-level) CSA investment
plan and the formation of a CSA alliance comprising local organizations working on CSA in the country.
Several projects at field level that focus on the priorities of local farmers are currently being implemented. In Côte
d’Ivoire, there is a project that aims to improve the production of rice and bioenergy, while in Ghana, there is an
agroforestry project that focuses on cocoa. Meanwhile, FFS in Cabo Verde demonstrate CSA practices to local
The country profile for Benin has contributed to the development of a national CSA project proposal that is to be
submitted to the GCF or other climate funds; this proposal focuses on the implementation of adaptation measures.
In Nigeria, the development of CSA profiles for the states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe in the north-eastern
region of the country has resulted in the establishment of a platform for dialogue on CSA policymaking that
operates at the level of the state in each of the three states; these platforms bring together academics, policymakers
and representatives of farmers’ organizations and of NGOs working on CSA. The CSA profiles for the states of
Adamawa, Borno and Yobe have led to the preparation of a joint proposal for an adaptation project focusing on
the implementation of CSA best practices and technologies; the proposal is to be submitted to the GEF or the
Adaptation Fund.
The initiatives that are currently being prepared or implemented in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia and Nigeria
demonstrate that country profiles provide useful baseline information that can support the development of projects
and programmes related to climate change.
At the regional level, a synthesis report is currently being developed for three African SIDS (Cabo Verde, Guinea-
Bissau and Seychelles) and for the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Niger). This report aims at identifying
common and country-specific needs and priorities for CSA investments.
In the immediate future, projects may prioritize the development of profiles for the remaining African SIDS, as well
as for landlocked countries such as Burundi, Central African Republic, Comoros, Lesotho, Mauritius, Rwanda, Sao
Tome and Principe, South Sudan, Sudan and Zambia − depending on the availability of funding.
In Seychelles, for example, the CSA profile contributed to the formulation of a number of policies for the agriculture
sector, including:
a land reform policy, with guidelines and measures for more efficient and strategic land use and appropriation;
a policy to facilitate access to financing for farmers and producers of agro-forestry products, aimed at
promoting land improvement and ensuring the efficiency of agricultural production and transformation/
processing systems; and
the launch of a study to evaluate the potential of agro-tourism in the country and formulate legal and
economic guidelines to promote this sector.
In Cabo Verde, the CSA profile allowed a better understanding of the role of water availability and use as key
constraints to the adoption of most promising CSA technologies; this understanding led to an ongoing debate on
effective policy decisions regarding water use that promote the adoption of promising CSA technologies.
The CSA profile for Guinea-Bissau highlights the country’s heavy dependence on food imports and the high cost
of food on the islands. These highlights have led to the adoption of policy measures aimed at substituting imports.
Efforts to develop CSA capacities in the country include a recent study tour to the CSA training centre in Lokossa,
Benin, where 11 young farmers and technicians from Guinea-Bissau received training over a period of 17 days. The
trainees returned to their country with take-home projects that they had enthusiastically formulated during their
training, and that are expected to contribute towards the country’s campaign for import substitution.
This case study was submitted by Albert Nikiema (climate change officer), Atse Yapi (consultant on natural resources and climate
change) and Fauziatu Ahmed (consultant on climate-smart agriculture) at the FAO Regional Office for Africa and Aminu Zakari
(programme officer for climate change and energy) at FAO’s sub-office in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. [email protected].
©IFAD/Umit Mansiz
©FAO/Tang Chhin
Efforts to strengthen national and local institutions ideally adopt a capacity development approach
that involves:
Capable national and local institutions play a very important role in supporting and empowering
farmers to implement CSA practices. They also allow policymakers at the national and local levels
to share knowledge and engage effectively in discussions and negotiations, including international
discussions on climate change and agriculture.
Strengthening institutions in an integrated and inclusive manner benefits from the adoption of a
capacity building approach. Such an approach allows institutions to best support the creation of an
enabling environment for CSA. A wide range of institutions and actors may benefit from capacity
building, including inter alia national governments, financial institutions, land tenure institutions,
customary law institutions, community-based organizations, insurance providers and information
and extension service providers. The wide range of potential beneficiaries of capacity building efforts
demonstrates the importance of an inclusive process in which stakeholders across all sectors are
Ensuring that institutions have the necessary capacities to support the implementation of CSA
helps maximize the impacts of investments towards evidence building and policymaking. Strong
institutions can in turn contribute to efforts to update the evidence base and modify policies, when
necessary. Local institutions in particular can improve understanding of site-specific circumstances
and may therefore play a particularly valuable role in the process of implementing CSA.
The three case studies presented this chapter provide examples of how capacity building approaches
are applied to strengthen institutions implementing CSA in various countries, and how the results of
these processes contribute to the other CSA action points.
For a more detailed description of action point 3, see section C1 of FAO’s CSA sourcebook, available online at
For more information on stakeholder engagement in CSA implementation, see module A1-2 of FAO’s CSA sourcebook, available at www.
©FAO/Khangaikhuu Purevragchaa
The parties to the UNFCCC have established, under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, an Enhanced Transparency
Framework (ETF) to build confidence that developed and developing countries alike are making progress towards
the priorities outlined in their NDCs. To meet the requirements of the ETF to monitor and report on programmes of
action, particularly in the agriculture sector, many countries require improved institutional and technical capacities
to collect, analyse and report data in a transparent manner. To address these capacity needs, the Capacity Building
Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) was established under the Paris Agreement, with the support of the GEF. With
help from FAO, the Governments of Cambodia and Mongolia are working with CBIT to strengthen their capacities
to measure, report and verify adaptation and mitigation actions in the agriculture, forestry and other land use
(AFOLU) sectors from 2019 to 2022.
Mongolia’s landscapes range from mountains and forest steppe to pastureland steppe and desert regions. The country’s
climate is increasingly characterized by temperature and precipitation extremes. Annual mean temperatures range from
-8 °C to +6 °C, while annual precipitation varies from 50 mm in the Gobi Desert to 400 mm in the northern mountainous
areas. Mongolia is highly dependent on its agriculture and other land use sectors, which together contribute more than
18 percent to national GDP and employ around 40 percent of the labour force. Within the AFOLU sectors, the livestock
sector dominates, accounting for 84.9 percent of total agricultural production. Observed climate trends include increased
average temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns and an increased frequency of extremes, such as the combination
of droughts and harsh winters (dzud). These trends pose significant risks to rural livelihoods.
While Cambodia’s geographical and climatic features differ from those of Mongolia, the agriculture sectors in both
countries face similar challenges. Cambodia’s location in the Mekong river basin and its tropical climate provide the
basis for a range of livelihoods in forestry, fisheries and crop and livestock production. In 2015, the agriculture sector
accounted for 28.7 percent of the country’s GDP and employed almost 45.3 percent of its labour force (Cambodia,
Ministry of Environment, 2015). By 2018, the contribution of the agriculture sector to GDP had decreased to
23.5 percent, and the sector employed 37 percent of the total workforce (Cambodia, 2019). This decrease is linked
to rural-urban dynamics and cross-border migration. Due to Cambodia’s reliance on rain-fed agriculture and its
relatively low adaptive capacity to changing rainfall patterns, droughts, floods and pests, the country’s agriculture
sector is highly vulnerable to climate change.
The contributions of both Cambodia and Mongolia to global GHG emissions are comparatively small. However, the
agriculture sector accounts for a large share of these emissions in both countries due to its relative importance in the
overall economy. Agriculture accounts for 48.5 percent of overall GHG emissions in Mongolia (Mongolia, Ministry
of Environment and Tourism, 2018), and 41 percent in Cambodia (Cambodia, Ministry of Environment, 2015). Both
countries have therefore focused on the AFOLU sectors as a priority area in their NDCs. However, their capacity
to monitor and report on climate change programmes in these sectors is still weak. Self-assessments of national
capacities carried out by the countries highlight institutional gaps (such as the absence of platforms to coordinate
the collection of data or of harmonized systems for sector-specific reporting), as well as technical gaps (related to
systems to measure, report and verify, and GHG inventories). CBIT projects help the countries address these gaps,
particularly in the AFOLU sectors.
CBIT projects in the AFOLU sectors in both Cambodia and Mongolia aim at building the countries’ capacities to
assess and report on mitigation and adaptation activities. They do this by strengthening institutional arrangements
for ETF reporting and addressing technical needs. The projects address three of the key action points for CSA
implementation, including:
Strengthening national and local institutions: CBIT AFOLU projects aim to improve national capacities to respond
to climate change under the requirements of the ETF. Under the overall coordination of a national focal point, the
projects work closely with key government institutions to strengthen capacities at the technical and policy levels.
The national focal points engage with other sectors that are crucial to the achievement of NDC targets and provide
them with information on good practices.
Expanding the evidence base: CBIT AFOLU projects work to improve systems for the monitoring of GHG emissions
and of adaptation and mitigation actions, and thus help strengthen the evidence base for CSA. These efforts support
policymakers in the formulation of national priority action plans based on reliable data on emissions and on progress
towards adaptation and mitigation. The projects assist countries with the identification of emission sources and
sinks and the quantification of the emission reduction potential of the AFOLU sector. Under the projects, national
stakeholders participate in training sessions and workshops (on- and offline) where they learn to adopt appropriate
tools and methodologies for emission tracking (e.g. the Collect Earth tool). CBIT AFOLU projects provide quality
control protocols (aligned with guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]) in project
implementation. Efforts towards climate adaptation involve the preparation of assessments to identify suitable
methodologies and frameworks, as well as the development of parameters, indicators and quality control tools to
track progress towards adaptation in the AFOLU sector.
Supporting enabling policy frameworks: CBIT projects help countries evaluate and improve existing policy priorities
and targets for climate action in national climate policies, and particularly in NDCs. CBIT projects provide
platforms where technical ministries can coordinate and organize interministerial consultations to discuss and
reach agreements on issues related to national management plans and strategies. National governments receive
help with the evaluation of regulations, laws, protocols or acts that are needed to reach NDC targets and comply
with ETF requirements.
The CBIT AFOLU project in Mongolia helps the national government prepare for the ETF process by organizing forums,
meetings and training sessions to strengthen capacities of national stakeholders and improve institutional arrangements.
A national measure, report and verify network is being established under the project, under the Ministry of Environment
and Tourism. This network will engage with key ministries (e.g. the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry
and other sectoral ministries) and prepare measure, report and verify protocols for ETF reports and NDC updates, to
promote coordination among institutions. As part of the current NDC updating process, the CBIT AFOLU project
supported the organization of a national-level forum in November 2019 on NDC in which key government agencies, as
well as representatives of the private sector, international organizations and civil societies participated.
One of the planned actions of the CBIT project in Mongolia is to help strengthen measurement protocols for
mitigation actions in the AFOLU sector in the country. In partnership with the Agency for Land Administration,
Management, Geodesy and Cartography, training sessions have been organized to introduce the Collect Earth tool.
Based on this tool, an assessment of land use, land use change and forestry from 1990 to 2019 was carried out.
The results of this assessment will help the country prepare its second biennial update report and fourth national
communication to the UNFCCC.
Under the CBIT project, officials from the national government and from provincial authorities and other
stakeholders received training on the 2006 guidelines of the IPCC , on ETF modalities, procedures and guidance, and
on the updating of statistical surveys. In addition, the Climate Change Project Implementation Unit (the Mongolian
entity responsible for ETF) received assistance from the project to develop an assessment of peatland changes over
the period from 1970 to 2018. The unit is also developing a monitoring and reporting framework for adaptation in
the AFOLU sector, and formulating quality assurance and control protocols for data and information to improve
reporting on adaptation in the AFOLU sector. Furthermore, a national framework for climate change monitoring
and evaluation is being developed under the CBIT project; this framework is consistent with ETF modalities,
procedures and guidance for tracking progress towards climate change priorities in the AFOLU sector.
In Cambodia, the CBIT project is at an earlier stage of implementation, but progress is being made. The Cambodian
National Council for Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry
of Environment are working together under the CBIT project to identify capacity needs for ETF reporting and for the
collection of information to update NDC priorities for the agriculture sector. The CBIT project actively supported the
preparation of the country’s NDC update in 2020 by providing data and analysis to evaluate and prioritize past and
potential new priority actions for adaptation and mitigation in the AFOLU sectors. The project provided technical
support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries through an interministerial consultation process.
In addition, the CBIT project is supporting further coordination and discussions between relevant national partners
to identify policy framework needs, information and capacity gaps for ETF reporting, and appropriate tools and
methodologies to improve data collection, quality control and reporting on GHG emissions and their reduction or
removal. A detailed programme of technical support to strengthen systems and tools for monitoring and tracking
mitigation and adaptation activities is under development.
The project is continuously exploring possibilities to build synergies between initiatives implemented in
collaboration with FAO and other relevant partners. These efforts aim to fill information and data gaps and thus
help the Government of Cambodia meet its reporting commitments towards its NDC, as well as localized SDGs.
This case study was submitted by Lina Jihadah (junior professional officer) and Beau Damen (natural resources officer) of the FAO
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Tuya Tserenbataa (project manager) and Saruul Dolgorsuren (project specialist) of FAO
Mongolia, and Chansopheak Ann (operations coordinator − forestry programme) of FAO Cambodia. [email protected].
From 2015 until 2019, the Rainforest Alliance implemented a project to promote the adoption of CSA practices
by cocoa farmers in the world’s leading producer countries, including Ghana. The project was implemented in
collaboration with CIAT, Root Capital and the Sustainable Food Lab, and funded by CCAFS.
The overall goal of the project was to build a foundation for the scaling up of pathways to create more resilient
agro-ecosystems and livelihoods by enabling farmers to produce more cocoa while adapting to and minimizing the
impact of climate change and reducing GHG emissions.
Together with the harvesting of timber, the production of cocoa plays a crucial role in Ghana’s national economy and forms
the basis for the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers. However, these activities continue to drive deforestation
and land degradation, which add to the threats created by climate change. With demand for both timber and cocoa on the
rise, climate-smart landscape approaches (e.g. agroforestry) are needed to secure the future of Ghana’s forests, improve
livelihood opportunities for farmers and forest users, and secure long-term resource security for the private sector. The
promotion of such approaches requires the creation of a results-based, multi-actor governance model through which the
government, the private sector, civil society and local communities can collaborate and establish a business case for private
sector investment. Interventions to date have demonstrated which approaches and tools are effective at increasing farm
productivity, making agriculture and forest production systems more resilient, and reaping opportunities that generate
significant and lasting biodiversity, socio-economic and institutional benefits. However, these approaches and tools need
to be developed further and adopted across landscapes to achieve results at a wide scale and promote self-governance.
The project focused on mainstreaming CSA practices in cocoa-based farming systems, through applied climate
science, certified supply chains and impact investing. Using existing value chain interventions, the project translated
climate science into actionable strategies for farmers and supporting actors, including processors, certifiers and
investors. This novel approach added value to existing efforts. By improving the knowledge and capacities of actors
and institutions in the cocoa supply chain, the project aimed at promoting the adoption of locally relevant CSA
practices at a wide scale.
In Ghana, the project first assessed the climate change exposure of cocoa systems at a subnational scale. It then
developed appropriate CSA practices with farmers, incorporating additional cash and other food crops to increase
the resilience of cocoa systems more broadly (economically and biophysically), and codified these practices into
adaptation guidelines. These guidelines have since been mainstreamed through the Rainforest Alliance’s existing
certification training curriculum; they are currently being used to evaluate the potential of innovative impact
investment products to further the adoption of selected adaptation strategies. The results of the project were shared
with government officials and industry leaders and publicized on platforms such as the World Cocoa Foundation to
strengthen the capacities of institutions and stakeholders and promote the implementation of the findings at a wide
By engaging with national and subnational stakeholders, the project has built a dynamic partnership that allows
public and private actors to engage in a constructive dialogue and discuss the promotion of inclusive climate change
adaptation strategies. As a result of the project, the potential impacts of climate change on cocoa cropping systems
in Ghana, segmented by degree of climate exposure, have been identified; these impacts are now being considered
in national planning and policy development. The project has taught the partners how to use scientific climate
data to promote sustainable and profitable business and livelihood decision-making in the face of climate change
and variability. It has furthered systemic adaption that is inclusive of the rural poor (and particularly of the most
vulnerable among them) and viable over the medium to long term.
Under the project, the Rainforest Alliance and its partners created, in collaboration with the World Cocoa
Foundation, science-based training materials focusing on the climate risks faced in specific cocoa-growing regions.
The Rainforest Alliance has already begun using these materials in and around five natural reserves in Ghana’s
Sui River landscape, a major cocoa-growing area in the Western Region.19 The new climate-smart manuals are
being used by lead farmers in the Sui River landscape, which helps them prioritize and tailor CSA practices to
their particular locations. The new materials are freely available online, which makes them potent tools to scale up
transformation in cocoa-growing landscapes around the world.20 The World Cocoa Foundation is also divulging the
manuals amongst its member companies.
The training materials enable farmers and other actors in the cocoa supply chain (including trainers) to make
informed decisions about how to build resilience at farm level. The materials are not prescriptive, but allow for
individual choices and different investment capacities. For example, the Hershey Company has, in collaboration
with Farmerline, turned the materials into a smart phone application called CocoaLink; farmers can use this
application to access CSA training materials based on an interactive risk map.21 By offering interactive contents in a
variety of digital media (including videos, pictures and interactive quizzes), the application is aimed at training and
incentivizing the next generation of Ghanaian cocoa farmers.
In March 2017, the Ghanaian Government and dozens of cocoa companies adhered to the Cocoa and Forests
Initiative, which aims to end deforestation in the cocoa supply chain. Conserving forests is part and parcel of building
climate resilience, as forests not only absorb the emissions that contribute to climate change but also provide crucial
ecosystem services. The Cocoa and Forests Initiative provides a framework for action that strongly relies on CSA;
For more information, see
To consult the training materials, see
Farmerline is between Ghanaian enterprise that develops innovative ICT solutions (web and mobile applications) to help smallholder farmers increase their
yields and income. For more information on Cocoalink, see Farmerline’s website at
this constitutes an excellent foundation for the use of the new materials and climate risk profiles developed under
the project.
To promote the adoption of CSA practices at a wide scale, the Rainforest Alliance has continued organizing national
and local workshops on climate-smart cocoa farming for lead farmers, licensed buying companies and technical
officers from national entities such as the Ghana Cocoa Board, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional
Integration, and the Forestry Commission.
The project outputs are summarized in a policy brief that lays out the economic implications of non-action on
climate challenges.22 The outputs have paved the way for the materials developed under the project to be considered
as part of the national cocoa training curriculum. The Forest Investment Program is providing funding to help revise
and update the training guides.
The Sector Partnership Program of the Rainforest Alliance (funded by the Dutch Government) has provided
funding to replicate the approach applied in Ghana, in Cote d’Ivoire; this has led to the development of guidelines
and the provision of training tailored to the local context in that country. These efforts have been complemented
by the development of a publicly accessible online climate-smart cocoa guide that helps interested stakeholders
understand the risks posed by climate change to global cocoa production and develop appropriate CSA strategies to
address these risks. To consult the guide, visit
This case study was submitted by Martin Noponen, Director, Environment at the Rainforest Alliance. [email protected].
The policy brief is available online at
©Koketso Mannathoko
Farmers in Botswana possess traditional knowledge and are implementing CSA practices that could be scaled up by
raising awareness and strengthening the capacities of national and local institutions. Due to the lack of institutional
capacity, successful CSA implementation currently remains limited to isolated cases. Institution capacity building
would enable these practices to be universalized. This is what the project Integrating Traditional Practices for CSA
into Crop and Livestock Production Systems aims to do. The project is coordinated by FAO in close collaboration
with the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security of Botswana, and funded by the Government of
Italy. The project brings together researchers from the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
farmers and extension workers to develop resilient farming systems. Institutional capacities are further strengthened
by training trainers (i.e. extension officers) on CSA and resilient farming systems. These extension officers then
provide training to farmers on CSA practices, under the supervision of university staff.
Agriculture is a major pillar for Botswana’s drive towards economic diversification and sustainable development.
Indeed, while mineral mining currently accounts for the bulk of the country’s GDP, agriculture contributes to the
livelihoods of the majority of Botswanans and is the basis for economic sustenance in rural communities. The
adoption of CSA practices would allow farmers to produce decent harvests even as climate change results in a
reduction in rainfall and increased heat waves.
Botswana is an arid country, and only 5 to 6 percent of its arable land is deemed suitable for agriculture. Nevertheless,
over half of the country’s population is based in rural areas and is dependent on rain-fed agriculture (World Bank,
2008; FAO, 2005). Botswana’s agriculture sector includes both livestock and crop farming systems, with farms
being divided into small-scale (smallholder) farms and large-scale commercial farms. Livestock production (and
especially beef ) accounts for over 80 percent of the agriculture sector’s contribution to national GDP. About half of
the country’s population is still dependent on subsistence crop and livestock farming. Botswana currently covers
over 75 percent of its cereal food needs with imports (mainly maize and sorghum) (Botswana, 2015). Against this
background, the main aims of the project are to help reduce the country’s bill for agricultural imports and boost
food and nutrition security, particularly in rural communities.
It is crucial to improve the capacities of local institutions and tailor CSA implementation to local contexts. The
involvement of university staff and the training of extension officers and farmers addresses this need.
The overall goal of the project is to develop resilient farming systems across the various agroecological zones
of Botswana. Although drought is a reoccurring phenomenon in the country and communities have developed
coping mechanisms over time, local institutions (extension service providers and universities) are still insufficiently
conversant with CSA and its technologies. The project aims to close this gap based on evidence-based field practices.
Specific objectives of the project include:
evaluate current farming systems in three (sub)districts (Gantsi, Boteti and Bobirwa) and identify climate-
smart practices within each district;
identify alternative off-farm livelihood options in the districts;
identify indigenous knowledge of agricultural practices (ethno-veterinary and ethno-botanical) to cope
with the effects of climate change, and identify and recommend climate-smart agricultural practices in
collaboration with farmers and extension workers; and
enhance subregional learning and sharing of experiences. Share the lessons learned from this project (in the
form of journal articles and policy briefs), so that regional institutions can also benefit.
The envisioned outcome of the project is the development or strengthening of national institutional and technical
capacities to adopt a CSA approach for the sustainable development of crop and livestock production systems.
The project identified a number of CSA options to improve crop and livestock production systems that are based on the
combination of indigenous practices and innovative technologies and practices. In addition, the project strengthened
capacities for innovative research and for the provision of extension services (e.g. training) to promote the inclusion of
both innovative and indigenous CSA practices into crop and livestock production systems. Academic staff who are experts
in crop and livestock production and extension but were new to CSA were involved in the project under the guidance
of FAO. As such, they improved their knowledge of CSA and passed this knowledge on to their students and peers.
Furthermore, case studies of the successful implementation of CSA practices and innovations, as well as of interventions
in prioritized value chains, were documented and shared with policymakers and stakeholders as part of the project.
To build institutional capacities, a series of technical workshops were conducted in different agroecological zones,
for different value chain actors and policymakers in the agriculture sector. The objective of these workshops was
to deepen participants’ understanding of CSA approaches and practices, and improve their ability to use CSA in
response to climate change. Extension personnel from governmental and non-governmental institutions were
trained in innovative extension and advisory approaches considered compatible with CSA practices. In addition,
workshops with technical experts were held to develop technical CSA materials, based on consultations with crop
and livestock farming communities and other value chain actors. The materials developed include guidelines on
CSA practices that integrate indigenous practices, as well as CSA manuals for extension service providers and
farmers. Field visits were made to test the guidelines and manuals with crop and livestock farmers in the different
agroecological zones. These field visits focused specifically on non-governmental actors, women and young farmers.
The project is currently organizing a national workshop with policymakers and other stakeholders to share and
validate the results of the testing of the materials, and thus secure buy-in from these stakeholders and promote the
wider use of the materials. A policy brief will be developed as a key output of the testing and validation processes.
In conclusion, the project has demonstrated the importance of institutionalization as a foundation for the design of
CSA practices and technologies that are relevant in local contexts.
This case study was submitted by Nnyaladzi Batisani (consultant) and Federica Matteoli (natural resources officer) of FAO.
©FAO/Tang Chhin
Efforts to enhance funding and financing options for CSA may include:
improving access to domestic and international funding and financing instruments (including
the GCF, the GEF, ODA and national sectoral budgets) and ensuring that more public and
private money becomes available for CSA;
linking climate funds and financing to public and private agricultural investments in
innovative ways; and
integrating climate change considerations and CSA in agricultural strategies, plans and
budgets, as well as in rural development programmes and projects.
Intergovernmental, governmental and private sector entities provide financial resources for the
development and implementation of CSA policies and strategies. Climate funding and financing
increasingly includes windows for agricultural investments. Links between climate and agriculture
funding and financing are important. Strong monitoring and evaluation is required for adequate
reporting on the benefits of adaptation and mitigation efforts.
The existence of a strong evidence base, a national strategic CSA framework and capable institutions
can help countries take advantage of intergovernmental funding mechanisms such as the GCF and
the GEF. To enhance access to such resources, it is also crucial to mainstream CSA in frameworks
such as (I)NDCs, NAMAs, NAIPs, NAPs, NAPAs and REDD+ strategies and action plans. Finally,
climate change issues may be integrated into sectoral planning and budgeting.
Importantly, government investment in CSA may serve as a catalyst for private sector investment;
it may thus lead to the wider scaling up of CSA practices and therefore to greater and sustainable
agricultural productivity, increased resilience and capability to adapt to climate change, and the
reduction and/or removal of GHG emissions.
The three case studies in this chapter illustrate various aspects of CSA action point 4, including
accessing and leveraging international climate funding and financing for CSA. The case studies
highlight interventions at field level (e.g. improving access to financial resources and providing
financial incentives to farmers) and illustrate how public-private partnerships can help attract
resources for CSA implementation. As such, the studies expand understanding of the scope of this
action point.
For a more detailed discussion of action point 4, please consult section C4 of FAO’s CSA sourcebook, available online at
©FAO/A.K. Kimoto
The actions foreseen by SRLI are urgently needed. Worldwide, 144 million smallholder farmers produce rice and thus
contribute to food security for the 3.5 billion people who consume rice as their main staple food (The Food and Land
Use Coalition, 2021). Rice producers are often poor and have limited resources to manage climate and other shocks.
Production often caters primarily to local consumption, and thus plays a critical role in meeting food security goals.
This report was produced by the ESG in collaboration with the United Nations Capital Development Fund, the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP), food and
agribusiness company Phoenix, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Rice production both causes and is affected by climate change. It is estimated that rice production is responsible for
10 percent of global methane emissions (The Food and Land Use Coalition, 2021) and that irrigated rice production
accounts for 34 to 43 percent of total global irrigation water use (Global Rice Science Partnership, 2013). At the
same time, models suggest that climate change may lead to a decline in rice production of 14 percent in South Asia,
15 percent in sub-Saharan Africa and 10 percent in East Asia and the Pacific between 2000 and 2050 (Nelson et al.,
2009). Rising sea water levels present an additional problem in deltaic regions, as they lead to sea water intrusion
and thus salinization, which negatively affects rice productivity (Earth Security Group, 2019; World Bank, 2015).
The multiple challenges faced by rice production are exacerbated by its scattered nature. At the same time, however, the
rice sector presents opportunities to realize the three pillars of CSA, namely sustainably increasing incomes, adapting
to the effects of climate change and mitigating GHG emissions. This potential is recognized in many countries’ NDCs,
with 48 countries indicating that they aim to invest in climate-smart rice production systems. Regions where rice
production may be increased sustainably include South East Asia and West Africa. The ESG report helps countries
identify opportunities for funding and financing to meet these goals. SRLI combines actions in the areas of policymaking
and planning, the improvement of production practices, the development of market-based instruments and knowledge
management. Actions are currently being implemented in South East Asia and South Asia.
SRLI was launched in 2018 during the sixth GEF general assembly meeting in Danang, Viet Nam. In 2019, SRLI partners
signed a partner statement of intent (Sustainable Rice Landscapes Consortium, 2019) to signal their commitment to
work together towards results at scale. SRLI builds on the work of SRP and seeks to engage diverse stakeholders in
efforts to reap the opportunities identified in the ESG report, starting in South Asia and South East Asia. The initiative
has adopted a multi-stakeholder approach to reach results at scale. It works to attract funding from international
climate funds and facilities. These results may be delivered based on financing given to the consortium, the relevant
national governments, or implementation agencies who work with farmers and civil society (WBCSD, undated).
As laid out in the ESG report (ESG, 2019), the definition of a sustainable rice sector relates closely to the three pillars
of CSA: “a sustainable rice sector is defined as one that is affordable, improves the livelihoods of rice producers and
significantly reduces the environmental impact of rice production.”
SRLI is currently collaborating with the national governments of rice-growing countries in South East Asia and South
Asia. During a first phase, SRLI focused on working together with the GEF and national governments to develop a
series of national programmes on sustainable rice landscapes. GEF projects supported by SRLI or projects with an
SRLI-related component are now being developed in nine countries in Asia. Over USD 60 million in GEF resources
and roughly USD 800 million in co-financing from the public and private sectors are dedicated to these projects. The
projects bring together public and private sector organizations operating at national and regional levels to improve
consumers’ recognition of sustainable rice, and thus boost its demand. In addition, the projects aim to improve
the sustainability of rice production systems by promoting the wide-scale adoption of the SRP Sustainable Rice
Standard by farmers, as well as the widespread integration of these standards in corporate procurement guidelines.25
A number of projects foresee the formation of national SRP chapters to strengthen country ownership of the SRP
standards and provide a basis for the scaling up of sustainable rice production practices and products.
SRLI is currently moving into a next phase, focusing on three strategic areas:
For more information on the Sustainable Rice Standard, see
Partnerships for sustainable rice production may contribute to numerous SDGs, as highlighted in the ESG report.
In South East Asia, efforts to make rice production more sustainable may have an impact in terms of land tenure
security (which is related to SDG 1), access to finance (SDG 8), infrastructure gaps (SDG 9), extreme weather
costs and GHG emissions (SDG 13). In West Africa, partnerships for sustainable rice production may impact on
food and nutrition security (SDG 2), basic education (SDG 4), water stress (SDG 6), access to electricity (SDG 7)
and access to finance (SDG 8).
SRLI’s actions have the potential to have an impact under all three pillars of CSA, namely sustainably increasing
agricultural productivity and incomes, adapting and building resilience of people and food systems to climate
change, and reducing and/or removing GHG emissions, where possible. In addition, SRLI may contribute to the
conservation of biodiversity. According to the Sustainable Rice Landscapes Consortium’s partner statement of
intent, the adoption by smallholders of sustainable, climate-smart best practices may generate the following benefits:
This case study was submitted by Victoria Crawford, manager, Investment Partnership Network, WBCSD and Beau Damen, natural
resources officer, FAO. [email protected].
The project was created based on a participatory bottom-up approach that involved dairy producers from the start. It
includes goal-oriented premium payments by Nestlé per kilogram of milk, based on effectively achieved GHG reductions.
Farmers are financially incentivized to implement GHG reduction measures to assure scalability with limited funding.
The project is a public-private partnership between the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture, milk processor Nestlé
and Aaremilch AG, a producer organization. Scientific support is provided by the Bern University of Applied
Sciences. The pilot project runs from 2017 to 2021 (an additional phase might follow).
Dairy production has been present in Switzerland for centuries and is deeply rooted in Swiss culture. Switzerland’s
large alpine meadows and small farm structures provide ideal conditions for livestock production on family farms.
Agriculture accounted for 12.9 percent of Switzerland’s total GHG emissions in 2017, with more than one third of all
agricultural emissions caused by dairy cattle, mainly in the form of methane from enteric fermentation (Switzerland,
Federal Office for the Environment, 2018).
Switzerland has pledged to cut its total GHG emissions by 20 percent from 1990 to 2020 (Switzerland, Federal Office
for the Environment, 2018). Emissions from agriculture are to be cut by one third by 2050 (Switzerland, Federal
Office for Agriculture, 2011). Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage producer and a major milk buyer in
Switzerland, aims to achieve zero net GHG emissions by 2050. Together, these ambitions led to the formulation of
the climate-smart dairy farming project.
Swiss farmers are economically challenged, as their income is far below the average income of the non-agricultural
population. On top of that, climate change threatens biodiversity and even the entire sustainability of agricultural
ecosystems in the country.
Multi-stakeholder approaches can effectively contribute to reducing GHG emissions and improving farmers’
livelihoods by engaging relevant actors and building on their expertise. The climate-smart dairy farming
initiative was therefore developed as a public-private partnership. The funds for research and training were
provided by the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture under its Quality and Sustainability in Agriculture
programme, which financially supports innovative agricultural projects for sustainability and quality in the
country. Adopting climate-smart practices can in the short run cause a reduction in farmers’ incomes as they
may have to change their structure, way of working, or invest in new technologies. This is the case, for example,
for investments in on-farm biogas plants, which only generate financial benefits in the long term. Even where
GHG reduction practices have a positive financial impact for farmers in the short run, they still need a financial
motivation to start. Without financial compensation, it is difficult to motivate farmers to spend time to learn
and implement new practices before the financial benefits become visible. Once farmers experience the
financial benefits of new practices first-hand, these practices can be sustainably implemented in the long run
without large payments.
To incentivize farmers to implement climate-smart practices, Nestlé funded goal-oriented premium payments
and participation payments under this project. Switzerland is Nestlé’s pilot country for GHG reduction in dairy
production. Aaremilch receives milk from the 46 pilot farms included in the project. The Bern University of Applied
Sciences contributes to the project through scientific support.
Farmers can individually choose from a set of available measures and implement those measures that best suit their
situation. The GHG reduction measures covered by the project are:
increasing the number of lactations per cow, thus reducing the share of non-productive animals in the herd;
increasing lifetime performance (kilogram of milk per life day);
feeding manure and slurry into biogas fermenters; and
increasing coupled dairy-beef production by using double-use breeds and sperm sexing, so that animals can
be used for milk and meat production.
Two further measures are under research, namely:
The goal-oriented payments are coupled to effectively achieved GHG reductions and paid directly to dairy
farmers by Nestlé, based on the kilograms of milk produced using climate-smart livestock practices. These
premium payments motivate farmers to implement climate-smart measures. Farmers’ GHG reduction goals are
set individually, based on their baseline GHG emissions per kilogram of milk. Farmers who already have low
GHG emissions per kilogram of milk need to reduce their emissions by less than farmers with a higher GHG
emissions baseline. The goal-oriented premium payments, which are paid per kilogram of milk delivered, favour
larger farmers. The project therefore also pays a participation bonus to farmers who attend different trainings
sessions and deliver certain farm data; this favours smaller farmers. The participation bonus is the same for all
farmers, if they participate in all training sessions.
The 46 pilot farms, which together deliver 7.5 million kg of milk per year to Aaremilch, managed to reduce their
GHG emissions significantly. In 2019, 22 million kg of milk were produced using climate-smart livestock practices
on the 147 farms, to test the scalability of the project. So far, the possibilities to scale up the project seem promising.
The countrywide implementation of the project would result in a significant reduction of overall GHG emissions
from the Swiss agriculture sector within a couple of years, and hence strongly support efforts towards SDG 13 (Take
urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts).
The success of the project is the result of farmers’ high rate of implementation of the four climate-smart agricultural
practices. This high rate can in turn be attributed to the participatory approach that was used to identify and define
those practices. Thanks to this participative approach, farmers feel treated fairly and are actively engaged in the
project. Capacity development and face-to-face dialogue between farmers, industry representatives and scientists
were consistent factors throughout the project, and helped build mutual trust and understanding.
Calculating robust GHG balances based on a limited set of input data (for efficiency reasons) turned out to be
challenging. The refinement of the herd-level GHG calculator continues to stimulate the exchange of knowledge
between scientists, industry representatives and farmers. The automatization and simplification of the collection of
input data is another area that requires further refinement if the project is to be upscaled to a wider level.
The learnings from this project have influenced climate-focused agricultural policymaking in Switzerland. Increasing
the number of lactations per cow and improving cows’ lifetime performance are now heavily discussed topics;
they are considered as potential measures to reduce the GHG emissions from Swiss agriculture. The new Swiss
agricultural policy package, planned for 2022, is foreseen to include financial incentives for farmers to increase their
cows’ number of lactations; this would encourage them to keep older cows. Increasing cows’ numbers of lactations
over a longer lifespan is only possible if farmers adopt good animal welfare practices.
This case study was submitted by Alexandra Rieder, milk procurement manager, Nestlé Suisse SA and Jan Grenz, lecturer on
sustainability, Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences. For research information, please
email [email protected]. For press requests only, please email [email protected].
©IFAD/Umit Mansiz
Egypt – implementing the Sustainable Agriculture
Investments and Livelihoods project
IFAD’s Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods (SAIL) project aims to contribute to the reduction of
poverty and increase food and nutrition security for poor rural women and men in newly reclaimed lands in Egypt.
The project aims to enable small farmers in target areas to improve the profitability of their operations, diversify
their livelihoods and increase their incomes. It is expected to contribute to CSA-related outcomes by reducing
pressure on land and water resources, enhancing the productivity of natural resources in a sustainable way, and
promoting the use of water- and energy-efficient technologies (IFAD, 2015).
SAIL’s three pillars are: community and livelihood development, agricultural development and diversification, and
rural financial services. This case study focuses on how SAIL helps enhance financing options for CSA in Egypt.
The project helps smallholder farmers access capital by providing them with loans through a small and medium
enterprise (SME) window and through microloans facilities. These loans allow communities to invest in CSA and
diversify their livelihoods (e.g. by investing in livestock production or small off-farm enterprises) and thus improve
their resilience. The rural finance component of SAIL complements investments in public infrastructure and
training activities under other components and opens up opportunities to link with a broad range of private sector
The project is funded by IFAD and the GEF, with total financing amounting to USD 94.6 million. The project runs
between 2015 and 2023 and is implemented by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.
Egypt’s agricultural natural resources, including water, are increasingly exposed to climate variability and growing
human pressures. Future climate change will likely exacerbate this problem and have significant impacts on inter
alia hydraulic and agricultural ecosystems, as well as crucial socio-economic sectors – namely water, agriculture
and health. The poorest people in rural areas are those that are most vulnerable to climate change; they are likely
to be significantly affected by these evolutions. A sea level rise would reduce the area under cultivation in the Nile
Delta and is likely to reduce agricultural production. The projected increase in temperature is expected to widen
the gap between water availability and demands, and thus decrease overall agricultural productivity and increase
competition over natural resources. Indeed, projected temperature rises in Egypt under climate change conditions
are likely to increase crop water requirements, and thus directly decrease crop water use efficiency. Projections
show significant reductions in the yields of wheat (down 11 to 12 percent), rice (down 26 to 47 percent) and maize
(down 40 to 47 percent) from 2012 until 2040. These changes in crop productivity are mainly attributed to the
projected temperature increase, which affects grain filling periods and has detrimental effects on grain development
stages, thereby reducing grain yield and quality (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, 2016).
In rural areas, financial services not only fail to reach the poor, but the provision of services is usually also hampered
by the lack of appropriate loan products. Traditional loan products were not designed to reflect the particular
characteristics of agricultural lending and are often unable to resolve constraints along agricultural value chains.
Prior to SAIL, there were no special loan products for settlers on newly reclaimed lands or for young entrepreneurs.
SAIL is scaling up the successful experience of the West Noubaria Rural Development Project, which gave farmers
access to credit for the introduction of efficient irrigation systems. Most of the credit provided under SAIL is used
to increase the efficiency of water use and make the distribution of water more equitable, thus enhancing farmers’
adaptive capacity to climate change-induced water scarcity. SAIL credit also supports investments by groups of
farmers in solar-powered water pumps, solar panels for lighting and biogas units.
The SAIL project aims to enable smallholder farmers to improve profitability, diversify their livelihoods and increase
their incomes. With USD 7.8 million from the GEF Special Climate Change Fund and USD 5 million from IFAD’s
Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme, the project aims at contributing to climate change adaptation
and mitigation as well as poverty reduction and food security objectives in the face of the predicted negative impacts
of climate change on crop and livestock production in Egypt. The project aims inter alia at increasing the climate
resilience of crop and livestock value chains in reclaimed lands by promoting the adoption of efficient irrigation
technologies that build adaptive capacities towards climate-induced water scarcity.
SAIL is carried out in close collaboration with the Egyptian Government (CSA action point 2) and includes capacity
building activities (CSA action point 3). In March 2019, for example, representatives of the SAIL project presented, on
behalf of Egypt, the project’s recommendations for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in the region
at the ministerial meeting of the League of Arab States. Furthermore, the SAIL project has held 17 training sessions
for representatives from government and civil society institutions on climate change downscaling methodologies to
analyse climate change impacts and adaptation needs in agriculture and irrigation.
The project’s credit component (CSA action point 4) creates two windows for loans for investments: SME lending
and microloan facilities. The project aims to enhance access to capital for smallholder farmers. To this end, it
provides credit funds that allow the government to disburse loans, as well as institutional support for the provision of
innovative financial services. The credit line is currently channeled through the Egyptian Agricultural Development
Programme and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency.
In addition, the project promotes the adoption of energy-efficient technologies (CSA action point 5).
SAIL is effectively contributing to several SDGs. Its overall goals are to contribute to the reduction of poverty (SDG
1) and increase food and nutrition security (SDG 2) for poor rural women and men in Egypt. The project introduces
a number of innovative technologies that improve the efficiency of irrigation systems and provide alternative sources
of energy that can reduce the high costs in the agriculture sector and help smallholders adapt to climate change
(SDG 13 and SDG 7). In addition, the project contributes to promoting gender equality (SDG 5) and building the
resilience of youth in rural areas; it does so by establishing community development associations, building capacity
and providing vocational training, and facilitating the provision of rural financing.
The installation of drip irrigation systems by project beneficiaries has increased farmers’ resilience to climate-induced
water scarcity; at the same time, the construction of solar-powered pumps has brought mitigation benefits. The
project is currently lining 10.5 km of mesqas and thus improving water management for 817 feddans (approximately
341 hectares) by reducing water losses. The project has also established five meteorological stations as part of an
early warning system for climate change in the five target regions. The stations collect, process and provide weather-
related information in a centralized manner. Meanwhile, efforts to improve drainage in 2 000 feddans (approximately
840 hectares) in Upper Egypt have helped improve water management systems and increased farmers’ resilience to
water scarcity.
This case study was submitted by the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion (ECG) and the Near East, North Africa, Europe
and Central Asia (NEN) Divisions of IFAD. [email protected].
The selection and implementation of CSA practices should be based on solid stakeholder
consultations to ensure an engaged process in which valuable knowledge and networks are included.
Local knowledge and priorities should form part of the evidence base used for the selection of CSA
practices. Indeed, local knowledge on the environment, agro-ecosystems, crops and livestock, forests,
fish and local climatic patterns is often a very valuable source of information when choosing the best
CSA practices. Local knowledge should also be taken into account throughout the implementation
of the selected practices. It is important to engage farmers, pastoralists, foresters and fishers, as well
as local project managers and institutions, throughout the selection and implementation process.
CSA practices may influence and/or be influenced by differences in the circumstances of men and
women, as well as the relationships between them. Climate change may affect women and men
differently, and they may have different capacities to adapt to it. Globally, women play a crucial role
in food and agricultural systems, and CSA practices may not reach their full potential if they are
CSA practices may also play a role in improving social protection and rural employment, and thus
help ensure that no one is left behind. Where the implementation of CSA practices leads to job
creation, this can contribute to the potential of the agriculture sector to provide environmental and
socio-economic benefits. Improving social protection may boost food security, as well as increase
resilience to the effects of climate change and support climate change mitigation.
If a CSA practice (partly) aims to contribute to climate change resilience, it may be important to
explore potential linkages with disaster risk reduction.
A wealth of knowledge can be generated during and after the implementation of CSA practices. This
knowledge may contribute to the creation of a knowledge feedback loop from action point 5 to action
point 1 of CSA implementation.
The FAO CSA Sourcebook offers more information on climate impact assessments and appraisals
of CSA options, CSA programme and project monitoring and evaluation, and the theory of change
for CSA.
The five case studies in this chapter illustrate how the selection of climate-smart practices depends
on the context. They also reveal how other CSA action points can create and enabling environment.
For more information on CSA and the factors discussed in this introduction, please see the various modules of Section C of FAO’s CSA
sourcebook, available online at
The project was entitled Regional Rice Initiative: Curriculum Review, Consolidation and Results Assessment for
Expansion of Save And Grow Farmers Field Schools in Lao PDR. Under the project, about 18 FFSs were organized
in four provinces (Sayabouly, XiengKhuang, Savannakhet and Champasack) between 2016 and 2017 in a joint effort
by the Laotian Government, smallholder farmers and FAO. In the province of Sayabouly, in the north-west of the
country, smallholder farmers growing rice face problems of labour scarcity, especially during planting and harvesting
periods. In the FFSs, smallholder farmers explored and field-tested labour-saving practices and technologies,
including a drum seeder. The drum seeder supports two of the three CSA pillars. It increases labour productivity by
allowing the direct seeding of rice, and increases the resilience of smallholder farmers to erratic weather.
Smallholder farmers who depend on agricultural production, including rice production, must increase the
productivity of their operations and their incomes in order to strengthen their livelihoods. Smallholders face many
challenges, including a decline in the availability of water and agricultural land, lower productivity, the loss of
ecosystem goods and services, and droughts, floods and the spread of pests and diseases induced by climate change
(Abubakar, Ketelaar and Minamiguchi, 2015). In addition, in Asia agriculture is shifting from traditional labour-
intensive operations to mechanized operations on farms and along the value chain. This shift is due to various
reasons, including rising labour scarcity in rural communities in Asia, increasing labour costs and the feminization
of agriculture (FAO, 2014a).
These challenges have led governments to encourage farmers to use the diminishing resources more efficiently,
and promote the better management and use of agro-ecological processes for the sustainable intensification of rice
production systems (Abubakar, Ketelaar and Minamiguchi, 2015).
Save and Grow in Asian rice production means increasing efficiencies to produce more, higher-quality rice while
using inputs more sustainably; this is to be achieved by (i) choosing more appropriate management strategies, (ii)
building on ecosystem services, (iii) using inputs more efficiently, and (iv) conserving and using natural resources in
a sustainable manner (FAO, 2014b).
In Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the project supported capacity building interventions through FFSs on Save
and Grow for SIRP. This involved the testing, adaptation and demonstration of technologies and agricultural practices
in FFSs. In the province of Sayabouly, a common problem faced by smallholder rice farmers is labour scarcity,
especially during planting and harvesting, which are peak periods for labour demand. Against this background, the
Laotian Government organized the testing of a drum seeder by smallholder farmers, with technical support from
FAO. A drum seeder is a manual technology that is pulled by the operator; it is used to seed pre-germinated rice
seeds in lowland and irrigated rice production systems (FAO, 2018a). The technology is gender-sensitive as it can be
adapted for use by both women and men.
The FFS curriculum was revised during the implementation of the project to include appropriate Save and Grow
innovations such as rice-fish systems, based on FAO’s project document (FAO, 2016b). The revised curriculum
was pilot-tested over a rice cropping cycle in FFSs in four provinces in the country in 2016/17. The results of the
FFS interventions were continuously assessed to collect evidence to guide future investments, and to broaden
government policy support for Save and Grow-based SIRP interventions through FFSs in the country.
The following results are based on a study carried out by FAO in the province of Sayabouly into the use of drum
seeders (FAO, 2018b). Using a drum seeder for direct seeding (also called drum seeding) offers benefits over manual
transplanting and broadcasting. These benefits include a greater resilience against the effects of climate change,
higher labour productivity, time savings and a reduction of the work burden and of production costs.
FAO (2018b) recommends to pay special attention to women in efforts to promote the use of drum seeders, to avoid
displacing them as casual labourers in rural communities and thus increasing their food security vulnerability. FAO
also states that the inclusion of women in field demonstrations and training sessions on the use of the drum seeder
can boost the adoption of the technology and amplify its benefits. Finally, FAO underlines the importance of raising
awareness and building the technical capacities of various actors (including local authorities, NGOs and farmers) on
the use, maintenance, benefits and limitations of the drum seeder.
This case study was submitted by Mayling Flores Rojas, agricultural engineer, FAO. [email protected].
A working day consists of eight working hours.
©FAO/Vyacheslav Oseledko
Kyrgyzstan − sustainably managing mountainous forest
and land resources under climate change conditions
The project Sustainable Management of Mountainous Forest and Land Resources under Climate Change Conditions,
financed by the GEF, is being implemented in Kyrgyzstan since September 2014. This project is executed by the
Government of Kyrgyzstan through the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry and the Ministry
of Agriculture, Water and Regional Development, with support from FAO.
The objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable management of mountainous agro-sylvo-pastoral
ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan and improve their productivity, and thereby improve mountain livelihoods. The main
components of the project include the improvement of the legal and institutional framework on forestry and
land management, the reforestation and natural regeneration of 8 000 ha of forests and the improvement of the
management of 20 000 ha of land, the promotion and demonstration of CSA (including climate-smart pasture
management) on 20 000 ha of land, and the dissemination of CSA and other knowledge and best practices.
The project promotes new approaches and practices in sustainable forest and land management that are to increase
the productivity of healthy forest systems and agro-ecosystems; this increased productivity is expected to improve
the livelihoods of mountain people, including women and other disadvantaged groups that largely depend on
agriculture-based incomes.
Pursuant to the Kyrgyz Forest Code, which confers an exceptional nature protection status to all forests in the country,
the Government of Kyrgyzstan undertook a major forest management and protection initiative with the National
Forest Programme 2011−2015. The GEF project strengthened the activities of the National Forest Programme
in various ways. First, the project introduced innovative practices for forest rehabilitation and sustainable forest
management in five pilot oblasts and 12 rayons. Second, the project raised awareness and improved capacities in
the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry on the global climate change benefits of calculating
and monitoring carbon sequestration and reducing GHG emissions through forest rehabilitation and sustainable
management. Third, the project strengthened the capacities of associations of users of local resources (forests,
pastures, water) for the management of forest areas, and improved collaboration between them. The project
also assisted in the assessment of the country’s existing forest policy (including the National Forest Programme
2011−2015) and the development of a new national “Forest Concept” for the period until 2040. The project payed
special attention to the representation of women in resource users’ associations, where men are still overrepresented.
The GEF project helps deliver multiple global environmental benefits by:
improving agriculture in drylands by demonstrating and adopting agricultural practices, such as practices
that help preserve agricultural biodiversity to reduce GHG emissions and increase vegetation cover; and
rehabilitating degraded agricultural land, including pastures and transition zones; this is done by adopting
innovative technologies and practices and improving the management of soil and water resources and
crop production methods in drylands to increase soil organic carbon concentrations and boost carbon
In addition, the project will increase the resilience of agro-ecosystems to climate change, thus contributing to the
socio-economic development and food security situation of the country.
One of the project components is entitled Promoting and Demonstrating Climate-Smart Agriculture, including
Pastures, as Part of Sustainable Land and Water Management in Drylands.
The objective of this component is to implement CSA (including climate-smart pasture management) by introducing
improved land management and rehabilitation practices and reducing conflicts between the users of forests and
rangelands. Eighty-eight percent of Kyrgyzstan’s farmland is considered degraded. New and innovative approaches
to sustainable and climate-smart land management of cropland and pastures have not been widely introduced due
to the country’s history of central planning and the lack of incentives for local land users to test new sustainable
land management (SLM) practices. The project therefore supports demonstrations of innovative land management
practices on cropland and pastures; it is expected to result in the improved management of 10 907 ha of cropland
(and thus contribute to carbon storage of 58 530 tCO2 eq/year) and the restoration of 20 000 ha of pastures (thus
contributing to carbon storage of 62 088 tCO2 eq/year).
Under this project component, cartographic material was developed in July 2015 for 10 000 ha of cropland, 5 000 ha
of forest land and 20 000 ha of degraded rangelands, in collaboration with Kyrgyzgiprozem, the state design institute
on land management. A geobotanical survey (considering inter alia habitat characteristics) was carried out for
the pastures, while for the cropland soil analysis was undertaken, looking into humus content, soil structure, use
and degradation. Based on the survey, recommendations regarding the rehabilitation of degraded lands, the use
of technologies, the selection of plant species and the layout of planting were formulated. A pasture management
coordination group was established under the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Regional Development, involving
FAO project experts. The project also cooperates with a number of NGOs (including the Kyrgyz Association of
Forest and Land Users, Central Asian Mountain Partnership Alatoo and BIOM) that have experience in the building
of capacities of pasture committees and communities.
The integrated and cross-sectoral approach to generating carbon benefits in the forestry and agriculture sectors
promoted by the project is completely new to Kyrgyzstan. FAO has recently developed a national forest monitoring
system for REDD+ (carbon monitoring system in the AFOLU sectors). This system will be underpinned by policy
and institutional reforms that will integrate carbon emission reduction and sequestration targets into integrated land
use plans at the national, provincial and local levels. On the ground, the project uses sustainable forest management
(SFM) and SLM approaches and technologies that have not previously been widely applied in Kyrgyzstan, such as
technologies related to multifunctional forestry, integrated forest and pasture management and organic agriculture.
The project also works to upscale efforts to establish payment for ecosystem services schemes, FFSs and public-
private partnerships.
The main activity undertaken by the project to achieve these results is the preparation of a manual that describes
interesting innovative SLM technologies and practices based inter alia on the World Overview of Conservation
Approaches and Technologies. These technologies and practices include practices that help preserve agricultural
biodiversity (for example, the reduction of arable land, crop rotation, crop residue management and the use of
vegetation covers), the use of biofertilizers on degraded land, the implementation of life cycle management in organic
agricultural systems, integrated land restoration to increase soil fertility in the face of climate change, modern water
conservation systems for irrigation, composting by small farmers, etc. Demonstration plots for selected technologies
will be created in the fields of both male and female-headed farming households in each of the 12 districts.
The adoption of all of these CSA practices involves key steps that are related to creating the evidence base for the
approach (CSA action point 1), supporting enabling policies and planning (CSA action point 2), strengthening
national and local institutions (CSA action point 3) and implementing practices in the field (CSA action point
5). The implementation of these activities strengthens the relevance of CSA in the context of Kyrgyzstan’s efforts
to achieve the SDGs and its NDC objectives. Further steps are planned to include the development of methods
to assess context-specific synergies and trade-offs between CSA actions and SDG targets, as well as identify the
relationships between CSA and SDG indicators, in the project’s activities.
This case study was submitted by FAO’s country office in Kyrgyzstan. [email protected].
©FAO/Natalia Rivas
Recognizing the social and economic relevance, but also the environmental impacts of cattle production, the
Ecuadorian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, together with the Ministry of the Environment and Water,
has developed the Climate-Smart Livestock Management, Integrating Reversion of Land Degradation and
Reduction of Desertification Risks in Vulnerable Provinces project, with support from FAO.28 The project has
been operational since 2016 in seven provinces of the country (Guayas, Santa Elena, Manabí, Imbabura, Loja,
Napo and Morona Santiago), with funds provided by the GEF.
The project Strengthening the Climate-Smart Approach for Cocoa Production under the Chakra Agroforestry
System in the Napo Province in Ecuador has been developed within the framework of the International Alliance
for Climate-Smart Agriculture. It is being implemented since November 2019 by FAO, with funding provided by
the Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea.
Ecuador’s agriculture sector accounted for 7.82 percent of the country’s GDP in 2018, with the livestock
sector accounting for 6.97 percent of this share (Central Bank of Ecuador, 2018). Cattle farming in Ecuador is
predominantly extensive. It is estimated that there were 4.05 million of cattle heads (equivalent to 67.26 percent
of the total livestock) and 4.23 million hectares of natural and cultivated grassland in the country in 2016 for an
approximate animal load of 0.68 AU/ha (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2016;
Ecuador, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, n.d.). Meanwhile, Ecuador accounts for 6.7 percent of global
cocoa production (International Cocoa Organization, 2021). Most cocoa farmers cultivate plots that are smaller
than 5 ha.
There is a significant potential to increase productivity and reduce GHG emissions from cattle farming in Ecuador.
The sector is currently inefficient. It occupies large areas of poorly managed pastures, while CO2eq emissions
For a video on the project, see (FAO, 2021d).
per unit of milk or meat are indirectly proportional to the level of productivity. In addition, emissions from the
livestock sector account for a significant part (8.56 percent) of the national GHG inventory (Ecuador, Ministry of
the Environment, 2017).
The production of cocoa has allowed small indigenous communities to improve their living conditions. However,
there are also problems related to cocoa production, including conflicts over land and limited institutional and
financial support for small and medium-sized producers. Deforestation, pollution, a lack of access to export markets
and limited knowledge of production costs constitute challenges. In addition, producers in the Napo province indicate
that they perceive climate risks, including temperature increases and variation in the intensity and seasonality of
rains (FAO, 2016d; GIZ, 2018). These climate change impacts are reported to have effects on the production of
cocoa and other income-generating crops as they increase the spread of pests and diseases and exacerbate soil
erosion and the loss of soil nutrients, which lowers yields. Other risks include strong winds, the overflowing of
rivers and estuaries and dry periods. There is a need to strengthen small and medium cocoa producers’ capacities
to adapt to the effects of climate change, for example by promoting the transfer of ancestral knowledge to young
people, disseminating information on agro-ecological management, diversifying incomes and connecting farmers
to stable markets.
FAO developed its work on climate-smart livestock and cocoa production in close partnership with the Ecuadorian
Government. Under the climate-smart cocoa project, FAO is working with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock,
the Ministry of the Environment and Water, the Autonomous Decentralized Provincial Government of Napo and
the province’s cocoa consortium. Under the climate-smart livestock project, FAO has helped the government
formulate proposals for seven land use and development plans. It is also providing support for the development of
the country’s climate-smart livestock management strategy, which will strengthen the national livestock policy. In
addition, FAO has helped build the capacities of national rural extension technicians of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Livestock, strengthen their links with cattle producers and generate a training curriculum. At the provincial
level, training sessions were organized for male and female technicians that are permanently linked to the climate-
smart livestock project in seven provinces.
FAO further partners with BanEcuador, the main public bank of the country, to enhance financing options for
the implementation of CSA practices. In 2018, BanEcuador signed an agreement with FAO to enhance national
technical capacities for the analysis and design of green financial products. The climate-smart livestock project,
which provides relevant web tools, is a key ally for BanEcuador in the design and development of a green credit line
to promote sustainable livestock operations. Indeed, in May 2019, FAO and BanEcuador signed an agreement to
develop a green credit line to support the implementation of climate-smart livestock practices.
In the case of the climate-smart livestock project, CSA project activities at field level are implemented through
existing modalities, including FFS, co-financing with local counterparts, the provision of technical assistance, the
monitoring of GHG emissions and the establishment of strategic alliances. Meanwhile, the climate-smart cocoa
project is implementing actions to improve the quality of cocoa, strengthen entrepreneurial capacities and promote
the adoption of biodiversity conservation measures in cocoa production.
A wide range of field-level activities are implemented under the two projects, including:
FFS, which provide fully practical training using local scenarios and adult education techniques;
raising farmers’ awareness of the potential for carbon sequestration in the cocoa agroforestry system through
developing an e-learning course on CSA for cocoa;
co-financing with local counterparts to implement good livestock practices;
developing a sustainable financing strategy for cocoa farmers’ associations;
providing technical assistance (by the project team and partner institutions) to facilitate the implementation
of the acquired knowledge on climate-smart livestock management;
promoting the conservation of the genetic diversity of cocoa (in situ) in local gardens;
monitoring GHG emissions and climate risk to evaluate the impact of field interventions; and
promoting the sustainability of the climate-smart livestock approach through strategic alliances for the
implementation of interventions.
The projects include elements that can be relevant to the scaling up of CSA. For example, the development of tools
to quantify GHG emissions and determine climate risk at farm level were among the activities of the climate-smart
livestock project. These technological innovations have not only been crucial for the monitoring and analysis of the
effectiveness of the approach; they also provide a first step towards sustainability and replicability of the project’s
activities at the national level.
The climate-smart livestock and cocoa projects contribute to the three pillars of CSA:
In 2019, BanEcuador earmarked USD 13.6 million for microcredits with a preferential interest rate (9.76 percent).
This pilot ended in May 2020. Over the course of the trial period, 66 credits were granted for a total value of
USD 934 871. Together, these credits have the potential to reduce emissions by 1 011 015.57 kg CO2eq/year.
The project established seven community funds that allowed cattle producers to acquire small loans to implement
climate-smart livestock practices. To date, credit allocation by the community funds sums up to USD 25 000.
The project also promoted the development of six centres for agricultural services. These centres mobilized
USD 37 900 to support local startups and promote the implementation of good livestock practices.
The climate-smart cocoa project aims to help small and medium-sized producers access markets by providing them
with negotiation tools and market analysis. To achieve this aim, the project carried out a study on access to cocoa
niche markets, and helped farmers identify additional sources of income.
Adapt and build resilience of people and food systems to climate change
The climate-smart livestock project aims to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacities to climate risk. The adoption
of efficient cattle management practices under the project resulted in the conservation of forests on 3 275 hectares,
and the restoration of forests on 438 hectares.
In addition, the climate-smart livestock project developed a climate risk study using 46 indicators to estimate the
vulnerability level of beef and dairy cattle production systems to the most important climatic threats in the targeted
provinces (Ecuador, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ecuador, Ministry of the Environment and FAO, 2019).
The study used 11 indicators to quantify climate risk, adaptive capacity and vulnerability at farm level with a web
application.29 The project monitored the implementation of measures in the seven targeted provinces in 2019 and
2020, and found that adaptive capacity had increased by 10.61 percent, vulnerability had decreased by 5.20 percent
and climate risk had fallen by 5.80 percent in comparison with 2017. As a result, the vulnerability status of the cattle
production system in Ecuador decreased from “moderate” to “low” (Ecuador, Ministry of the Environment and
Water and Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, 2020).
The climate-smart cocoa project works on the basis of chakras, a term used by the Amazonian Kichwa population
to refer to small agricultural plots. Chakras are millennial agroforestry systems of itinerant agriculture; they help
preserve biodiversity and healthy soils, reserve spaces for forests and guarantee food security. Chakras provide the
most effective and dynamic space for the conservation and in situ propagation of Amazonian agrobiodiversity. They
are also spaces where families exchange and reproduce ancestral knowledge. By promoting the chakra system, the
project helps farmers adapt to the effects of climate change.
The monitoring of the impacts of the implementation of good livestock practices indicate that 75 271.29 tonnes
of CO2eq were reduced over four years of field execution (Ecuador, Ministry of the Environment and Water and
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, 2020). The methodology for the quantification of the sequestered carbon
in pastures was developed by the project team. It showed a fixation of carbon in 2018 of 27 649.40 tonnes, in 2019
of 30 647.62 tonnes, in 2020 of 36 498.16 tonnes and in 2021 of 43 436.29 tonnes, for a total of 138 231.38 tonnes
(Ecuador, Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2020).
Monitoring GHG emissions and adaptive capacity in the livestock sector after the implementation of climate-smart
livestock practices is one of the most important activities of the project. The results of monitoring on the 165 pilot
farms indicate that productivity has improved by 12.85 percent, GHG emissions have fallen by 26.27 percent and
adaptive capacity has increased by 10.61 percent (Ecuador, Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2020).
The climate-smart cocoa project collaborates with the Ministry of the Environment and Water to develop a
methodology to measure carbon sequestration. It also promotes low-emission cocoa products and views the
Amazonian chakra system as a valuable carbon reservoir.
This case study was submitted by FAO’s country office in Ecuador. [email protected].
The web tool to monitor adaptive capacity, vulnerability and climate risk at farm level is available at
The agriculture sector in Georgia is highly vulnerable to climate change and climate variability, leading to serious
problems of production loss and threats to food security under a business-as-usual scenario. Recent extreme
weather events (including floods, windstorms and drought) have contributed to a marked trend of land degradation
throughout the country, as well as a shifting aridification trend that is poised to heavily affect the already semi-arid
eastern portions of Georgia by the end of the century. Smallholder farmers in the country are highly sensitive to
climate change due to their heavy reliance on subsistence agriculture. Their lack of access to financial resources
and technologies and limited adaptation knowledge results in a low adaptive capacity and higher vulnerability to
extreme events, unpredictable climate variations and environmental degradation caused by the combined effects
of anthropogenic factors and climate change. Against this backdrop, the AMMAR project is designed to address
urgent climate resilience challenges as part of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture’s substantial
ongoing investments to modernize agriculture in Georgia. The project is fully aligned with the country’s Strategy for
Agriculture Development (2015−2020) and its supporting action plan.
The project activities are organized into two mutually supportive components (Component 1: irrigation and
agricultural value chain investment, and Component 2: climate-smart agricultural and value chain development)
to accelerate the development of up to six priority climate-smart agricultural value chains. The AMMAR project
has mainstreamed a climate-smart approach throughout its activities, with support from the GEF grant. Under
Component 1, the project screened and prioritized product value chains that are expected to offer sustainable
comparative advantages under future climate change scenarios, especially at the primary production level. The
project has also promoted investments in efficient irrigation technologies, CA systems, the construction of
windbreaks as a targeted landscape restoration measure, soil erosion control measures in sensitive farmland
areas and the rehabilitation of irrigation schemes to create sustainable improvements in water-efficient irrigated
production. The project has contributed to the widespread adoption of climate-smart good agricultural practices
and technologies at the farm level.
Under Component 2, CSA technologies for improved water and soil health are transferred to the beneficiaries.
Technology has been transferred and promoted at the village level through a combination of CSA demonstration
plots, promotion events, short and longer practical field training and systematic follow-up with farmers by the local
service providers delivering the training. CSA demonstration plots enable farmers to directly access know-how,
training and networks of service and credit providers, and thus facilitate the adoption of the promoted technologies.
They also allow interested farmers to get an objective farmer perspective on the technologies from the progressive
farmers on whose land the CSA demonstration plots are established.
Implementing practices at field level
The AMMAR project promotes CSA practices by establishing demonstration plots in collaboration with selected
lead farmers. Data on demonstration plots recorded by lead farmers and service providers help assess the economic
benefits and impact of the demonstrations. The project organizes exchange visits to demonstration plots to promote
good practices across Georgia. In 2020, more than 3 135 ha of land were brought under climate-resilient practices;
of this total, more than 2 800 ha were improved with windbreaks. More than 14 300 ha of land (including more than
8 480 ha below the Iakublo dam) benefitted from new-built or rehabilitated water-related infrastructure.
Linking to SDGs
The development goal of the project is to sustainably increase incomes and reduce poverty for women and men
in rural Georgia (SDG 1). The development objective of the project is to stimulate investment in climate-smart
agricultural value chains to increase incomes and strengthen the resilience of small farmers (SDG 13). The project
is promoting CA to regenerate soils, for example by using compost and vermicompost and planting windbreaks of
local tree species (SDG 15).
Increasing productivity
Agricultural productivity is improved as a result of various interventions of the project, including the rehabilitation
of irrigation canals to boost the availability of irrigation water, the improvement of CSA practices, the strengthening
of market linkages and targeted investments to boost farm production (greenhouses, drip irrigation, mechanization,
quality seedlings, etc.).
Enhancing resilience
The project has enhanced environmental sustainability by improving irrigation practices and soil health management
at farm level, thus boosting the resilience of Georgia’s agriculture sector. A survey into the project’s outcomes
for targeted households conducted in 2019 revealed that 48 percent of the beneficiaries of climate-smart grants
reported that the quality of their harvests was better in 2018 than in 2016, compared with only 6 percent in the
control group. The survey also showed that 30 percent of the households targeted by irrigation activities believed
that the quality of their harvests had improved in 2017/18, against only 6 percent in the control group. The farmers
that were targeted by the project irrigated a wider range of crop varieties than the control farmers. Climate-smart
practices that improve soil resilience led to higher productivity and crop diversification, which has a positive effect
on food security.
This case study was submitted by the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion (ECG) and the Near East, North Africa, Europe
and Central Asia (NEN) Divisions of IFAD. [email protected].
Saint Lucia regularly experiences drought conditions during the dry season, with farmers in some areas being
particularly affected. Many farmers cease to produce during the dry season. Irrigation systems tend to be operated
manually, and generally consist of drip or shower irrigation lines fed by nearby rivers. This situation contributes
to inconsistencies in the production of vegetable crops in Saint Lucia and affects market demand and supply. In
addition, market information is not used to schedule crop production. The result is fluctuations in the availability
of products. The aim of the project was to confirm and address these suspected challenges facing farmers in Saint
Lucia. Two reoccurring challenges observed at farm level were:
the absence of crop scheduling in function of seasonal and climatic conditions, as well as cultural festivals
and activities; and
the absence or inefficient use of irrigation technologies.
The project aimed to teach farmers how to interpret the demand for food during festivals such as Jounen Kweyol
(Creole festival) and carnival and schedule their production accordingly. It also aimed to improve irrigation
techniques and increase the efficiency of irrigation systems by promoting the use of mobile applications and adjusting
traditional drip line irrigation methods; by doing so, the project aimed to reduce the degree to which agricultural
production is affected by climate change. Additionally, soil mapping and risk assessments were conducted on farms
in Saint Lucia to guide farmers in their decisions as to what commodities to plant, based on farms’ susceptibility to
floods and landslides.
The project enjoyed a highly supportive enabling environment. Data were provided by the Water Resource
Management Agency and the Marketing Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural
Resources and Co-operatives, as well as by the Saint Lucia Meteorological Office. This allowed CARDI to analyse 15
years’ worth of climate and marketing data to demonstrate trends at farm level. It also allowed CARDI to showcase
trends in market demand and supply based on cultural and other festivals and on weather data, thereby expanding
the evidence base on agriculture in Saint Lucia (CSA action point 1). Farmers, officers of the Ministry of Agriculture,
technicians and students in agriculture of the local college (Sir Arthur Lewis Community College) participated
locally in the project, thereby strengthening their capacities. Regionally, officials from the ministries of agriculture of
Antigua and Barbuda and the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia
and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines also received training, which contributed to institutional strengthening (CSA
action point 3). The final workshop of this project was carried out over two days, with one full day being organized
in a FFS setting. This allowed for practical demonstrations and hands-on learning by farmers on the setting up of
automated irrigation systems and the efficient use of irrigation systems with buried or surface irrigation lines. It is
hoped that these FFS demonstrations and training sessions will facilitate the implementation of CSA practices at
field level (CSA action point 5).
The project provided an avenue for the improvement of agriculture in Saint Lucia and the other members of the
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).
The project introduced a crop scheduling application that allows farmers to develop and follow production
schedules. Farmers improved their understanding of market trends linked to seasonal climatic changes and the
occurrence of cultural festivals. As a result, farmers are now equipped to increase their crop production by
effectively and systematically scheduling their crops based on the demands of the market. Farmers are also better
equipped to produce food to reduce their country’s food import bills. This outcome has the potential to improve
the availability of food for the local and regional population, and thus contributes towards the goal of achieving
zero hunger (SDG 2).
The project also examined climate data, which are relevant to market intelligence for crops, and especially vegetables.
The examination of climate data facilitated improvements in water use efficiency in farming. One example was
the use of automated irrigation systems that are controlled via mobile devices during wet and dry seasons. The
successful adoption of these technologies contributes towards the goal of climate action (SDG 13).
Overall, the project contributed to climate action by mapping farms in Saint Lucia according to their risk
of landslides, floods and other hazards, which directly affect Life on land (SDG 15) and have an impact on the
(agricultural) activities that persons can conduct in their communities. A WhatsApp group was created under the
project to exchange information between regional and local stakeholders. This group grew to include participants
from farming communities, OECS ministries of agriculture, CARDI, the University of the West Indies, the Inter-
American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, the OECS Commission, and California State University, Fresno.
As such, the project contributed towards Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17).
Farmers’ improved understanding of changes and trends in weather patterns and the climate allowed them to plan
production accordingly. Crop scheduling allows production to meet demand even under varying climate conditions,
and ensures that food is produced locally during drought periods in Saint Lucia. The project raised regional
participants’ awareness of the importance of crop scheduling, using Saint Lucia as an example. Thus, the project
contributed to the strengthening of the region’s resilience to climate change.
Resilience can be increased by improving productivity and adopting ICT. In addition, the adoption of good
agricultural practices as a component of farm systems is vital. Together with the technologies and techniques taught
under the project, good agricultural practices can help reduce GHG emissions from farming. The implementation
of good agricultural practices and efficient water use by farmers allow for natural carbon, water and nitrogen
cycles to function effectively and conserve the environment. Carbon sequestration can be increased, and loss of
nitrates through leaching reduced. By using fertilizers and water efficiently, farmers in the region can improve the
environmental sustainability of their operations.
While the project was a success, there is a need for follow-up projects that monitor the implementation of these
interventions and help farmers adopt the technologies learned. Improving farmers’ access to financing is another
area that can be developed from this project; for example, loan packages may be offered to farmers to purchase the
required equipment and technologies. These areas provide avenues towards CSA in the Caribbean that build on the
foundation created by this project.
This case study was submitted by Andrea K. Veira, crop scientist, CARDI Saint Lucia. [email protected].
The case studies presented in this publication demonstrate that CSA has grown from the conceptual stage to being
implemented by many development partners worldwide. CSA is recognized in the 2019 report of the High Level
Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) as an innovative approach for sustainable agriculture and
food systems that enhances food security and nutrition (HLPE, 2019). CSA can provide an essential way forward to
transform agricultural systems in a context of climate change.
As highlighted in the introduction to this publication, transforming agri-food systems is crucial to meet the SDGs.
CSA may contribute to this transformation by sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes, adapting
and building the resilience of people and food systems to climate change, and reducing and/or removing GHG
emissions where possible. The case studies presented in this publication show how CSA projects are contributing to
many of the SDGs. They provide insights into the potential that is created by each of the action points, as well as by
addressing multiple action points jointly. Indeed, the adoption of a comprehensive strategy − such as that of the five
action points for the implementation of CSA − may be expected to improve results.
Regarding action point 1 (building the evidence base), the case studies confirm that CSA implementation requires a
site-specific approach. What may be considered as a climate-smart practice in one location may not be considered
as such in another location, given local circumstances (including agricultural and socio-economic circumstances)
under climate change. Nevertheless, the sharing of knowledge may help build a more diverse and robust evidence
base for CSA that partners around the world may draw on. Moreover, experiences related to the four other action
points of CSA implementation should feed knowledge back into the evidence base, thus ensuring that research and
practice are continuously connected.
As far as action point 2 (supporting enabling policy frameworks) is concerned, the case studies discussed in this
publication provide insights into how various governments are already working to operationalize their approach
to agriculture under climate change. The case studies show that this operationalization is taking place at regional,
national and provincial levels and in collaboration with partners including organizations of the United Nations,
research institutes and farmer communities.
Action point 3 (strengthening national and local institutions) is crucial in the process of implementing CSA. The
case studies in this publication confirm that capacity building entails a range of activities, including the drafting of
guidelines, the dissemination of best practices, and training.
Enhancing options for financing and funding, action point 4 of CSA implementation, is discussed in this publication
in a broader scope than the one that is traditionally considered. Key actions to enhance these options include
accessing climate finance instruments, creating links between climate and agricultural finance and investments, and
considering climate change in agricultural planning and budgeting. The case studies in this publication illustrate the
potential of these actions and propose innovative finance mechanisms, for example to help farmers invest in CSA
practices and unlock the potential of large-scale public-private partnerships to attract resources.
The case studies highlighted under action point 5 (implementing practices at field level) highlight the importance
of gaining a good understanding of the diverse needs and priorities of farmers and working directly with them. The
case studies demonstrate that CSA must be considered as encompassing a broad range of practices. The studies
illustrate how tools such as FFS, demonstration plots and ICT may prove valuable in a range of settings.
Each of the five action points is being implemented in CSA projects in various parts of the world. As CSA
implementation is context-specific, the action points are not one-size-fits-all solutions. Indeed, rather than providing
a strict sequential framework for CSA projects, they inspire actors to take a comprehensive look at how to better
reach results, and what kind of partners to involve in the process.
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