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Lab 02

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Ton Duc Thang University

Faculty of Information Technology


Use the Java Database Connectivity API (JDBC) - a JAVA standard library that allows connecting and
working with database systems. The Microsoft SQL Server database is used for example purposes in
this lab (other database systems can also be used in a similar way). After completing these exercises,
students will know how to use JDBC to connect and interact with mssql databases, perform basic
operations such as reading data, adding/inserting data, updating or delete data in the database.

To use the JDBC API, we first need to download the driver corresponding to the database system we
want to use. These drivers are usually in the form of *.jar files, they can be downloaded at the
database vendor's website (Microsoft, Oracle, Mysql, etc).
• Once you have downloaded the *.jar files, you need to include them in the classpath of
your java project. There are different ways to do this, if you work with Eclipse you can
create a folder named libs, then copy the *.jar libraries into this folder and add them to
the classpath by selecting the library , right-click and choose Build Path --> Add to Build
Path (Figure 1).
• The second way to include the jdbc library to the project is to use the Maven dependency.
To do this, you need to create a java maven project (on Eclipse or Intellij Idea) then copy
the <dependency> script of the jdbc version corresponding to the database into the
pom.xml file (Figure 2).

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 1

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology

Figure 1. Add *.jar files to classpath of a java project using Eclipse IDE

Figure 2. Setup mssql-jdbc dependency in a maven project with Intellij Idea tool

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 2

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology


Steps to connect and interact with a database in JDBC

1. Create and connect to database server
2. Make queries
3. Close connection

1. Create and connect to database server

To connect to a database server in JDBC, a connection string needs to be specified. This connection
string contains important information of the server such as: hostname/ip of the server, username
and password to login to the server, the name of the database to work with and some other necessary

Some examples of connection strings:

RDBMS JDBC driver name URL format

MS SQL ;databaseName=Lab02;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificat

MySQL com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://hostname/dbname?useSSL=false

ORACLE oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port Number:databaseName

DB2 COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver jdbc:db2:hostname:port Number/databaseName

Sybase com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver jdbc:sybase:Tds:hostname: port Number/databaseName

Assuming microsoft sql server is selected to make the connection, then the program to connect to
mssql server will be written similar to the following:

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 3

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology

In case of successful connection, nothing happens. If the connection fails, an exception with details
will be printed to the console.

2. Make queries

2.1 Query does not return results

Queries that do not return results can have many different cases. They are sql statements that do
not contain the select keyword. Most of these statements make some changes on the server side e.g.
adding data, deleting data or updating data.
These queries may or may not contain input parameters, such as a create table statement, a table
delete command, etc. With these statements, the Statement object is used to execute the statement
as shown below.

Execute a statement with no parameters and no results with a Statement object

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 4

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology

2.2 Check the result of the query

For sql statements accept parameters, we use PreparedStatement to execute the statement.
Inserting data into a table can be classified to statements that does not return data. However, in fact
we still need to know the status of the statement execution. More specifically, we need to know how
many lines (records) have been added/removed/updated by the last statement. This can be checked
through the result returned from the Prepared Statement object's executeUpdate() method.

Execute a statement with arguments using a Prepared Statement object. Although the statement does not return
the data of the table, we also need to know how many rows have been added/deleted/updated as a result

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 5

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology

3.3 Queries return data

For queries that return data (mostly select statements), we can use Statement or Prepared
Statement, depending on whether the statement contains parameters or not. In both cases, the
executeQuery() method needs to be called to execute the statement and get the data through the
ResultSet object.
ResultSet is an object that contains references to data lines in the result of sql statement execution.
Each time we read a stream of data by calling the .next() method.

In JDBC, the position of the parameters starts from 1

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 6

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology

Write a java program that uses jdbc to connect to any database system (mysql or ms sqlserver). The
program must accept the connection url from the command line arguments, you must not hardcode
the url in the source code. This connection url contains all the information to the server and the
necessary login information.

When the connection is successful, the program performs the following initial functions:

• Create a database named ProductManagement if the database doesn't already exist.

• If the Product table already exists, delete the table and then recreate it from scratch.

Next, the program displays a menu for the user to choose the functions they want to. The user enters
the number to select the function he/she want to run, the program executes that function, then
prints the results to the console (if any) and then display the original menu again until the user selects
the "exit" menu item to stop the program. The list of functions that the program supports includes:
1. Read product list
2. Read a product by input id
3. Add a new product, the result is the product id (auto increment)
4. Update a product
5. Delete a product
6. Exit

Example of menu displayed in the program

The program must be written in the following files:

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 7

Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology

• Repository.java: the given file, do not edit this file.

• Product.java: A POJO file that contains descriptive information for a product.
• ProductDAO: this class implements the Repository interface. You should write database
connection functions here.
• Program.java: contains the main method and use the above classes to form a complete

Additional classes can be added if necessary for the exercise.

Java Technology - Week 02 – Page 8

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