Gridin Astron
Gridin Astron
Gridin Astron
Large simulations are carried out today to take into consideration all aspects
of the instruments on-board, the telemetry stream and the different laws of
physics that will effect Gaia observations.
In the field of Earth Observation, the acquisition of data from the Envisat
mission and the provision of data products from its various instruments
provides an unprecedented challenge for the community. In order to cross-
correlate this data with other products from other missions and to offer
various applications, from agriculture to environmental alerts requires high
performance processing as well as high-speed network links.
Short History
Usage of Grid for Earth Observation purposes was studied by ESA and other
parties within the framework of WP9 of the DataGrid project. After project
closure ESA has continued its Grid R&D activities to demonstrate the use of
Grid for Earth Observation in the project ‘Grid-on-Demand’. Furthermore,
dedicate Grid clusters have been installed at ESRIN and ESTEC premises.
Current situation
Within the GAIA project ESA currently uses the GridAssist platform,
developed by Dutch Space, as the main vehicle to develop, test and share the
Gaia Shell algorithms. A workflow tool, based on the OpenSource Globus
protocol, GridAssist coordinates all Gaia’s computational resources and
provides uniform access to all the algorithms.
Within THE VOICE project Dutch Space is responsible for the realization of
a prototype that will support e-Colloboration within the widely distributed
ENVISAT Validation community. Grid technology will be deployed to
support computational and collaboration tasks within this community.
• SpaceGrid
• Grid-on-Demand
• Diligent
• Infrastructure