Frequently Asked Questions

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Kenya Medical T r aining Coll ege

Training For Better Health

Frequently Asked Questions

H i stor y | P rogrammes| Admissions

1 ©
KMTC is February
an ISO 9001:2015
2023Certified Institution
About KMTC A.
Brief History

Established in 1927, the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) became a State
Corporation in 1990 through an Act of Parliament Cap 261 of the laws of Kenya
as amended by Act No.5 of 2019. The College is under the Ministry of Health,
entrusted with the role of training various disciplines in the health sector to serve
the interests of Kenya, East Africa and beyond. The College has 72 Campuses
strategically located in 44 of the 47 counties in the country, offering 93 medical
courses within 18 departments.

Vision Statement
“A model institution in the training and development of competent health

Mission Statement

“To produce competent health professionals through training and research,

and provide consultancy services”.

Core values

• Accountability

• Integrity

• Responsiveness

• Equity

• Teamwork

• Professionalism

• Creativity and innovation

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Could you briefly describe KMTC Programmes
1. Nutrition and Dietetics
Dietitians and Nutritionists are experts in the use of food and nutrition to promote
health and manage disease. They provide customized information for specific
individuals and work with other healthcare professionals to coordinate patient care.

Dietitians and Nutritionists assess patients’ and clients’ nutritional and health
needs, counsel them on nutrition issues and healthy eating habits, develop meal/
nutrition plans, taking both clients’ preferences and budgets into account. They
evaluate the effects of meal plans and change them as needed, promote better
health by sensitizing groups on diet, nutrition, and the relationship between good
eating habits, preventing or managing specific diseases. They create educational
materials about healthy food choices, keep up with or contribute to the latest food
and nutritional science research as well as document patients’ progress.

Please find link below for more information

2. Medical Education

About Programmes
The department trains health professionals to become teachers, supervise
research and mentor students in their fields of specialization.

The course entails preparing adult learners for teaching research, mentorship,
development of health learning/teaching materials, assessment of learning outcomes,
development, review and evaluation of curricula in health training institutions.

In addition, graduates of the programme are endowed with competencies in

innovative approaches and strategies in functions revolving around performance
of health professions’ education and training. i.e.

• Work as health professional educators in their area of specialization in any

health training institution;
• Conduct research;
• Clinical instructors/mentors;
• Participate in curriculum development and review in their areas of practice.

Please find link below for more information

3 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

3. Health Promotion and Community Health
The Department of Health Promotion and Community Health exists to train
competent Community Health Assistants and Health Promotion Officers. The two
cadres work at community and health facility levels to prevent onset of diseases
and enhance health. They play a pivotal part in Universal Health Coverage through
delivery of the Kenya Essential Package of Health at community level.

Health Promotion Officers intervene using three categories of strategic

interventions: knowledge and skills development, mitigation of competing interests,
and advocating for health.

Community Health Assistants work with the community in provision of

preventive, promotive and basic curative health services in the community.

Please find link below for more information

4. Health Records & Information Technology

Health Records and Information Technology training was started due to the
importance of keeping records for continuity, evaluation of patient care/treatment,
monitoring and evaluation of health systems as well as for medico-legal purposes.

The Diploma and Certificate programmes entail the management of patients’

health records (both manually and electronically (EMR)), electronic health
information, health data classification and management, research, community
diagnosis, emergency medicine, application of ICT in health care, monitoring and
evaluation, pathology, anatomy and physiology.
About Programmes

Please find link below for more information

5. Clinical Medicine and Surgery

The department trains Clinical Officers (COs), middle level health personnel
who order a wide range of medical services – curative, preventive, promotive
and rehabilitative. The COs supplement the work of medical doctors at all levels
of health care – from health centers (where they are in charge), Level IV and V
Hospitals. The post-basic diploma holders’ services are critical to health service
delivery especially in remote rural areas where medical specialists are not available
in all health facilities.

Please find link below for more information

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

6. Medical Engineering
The programme entails development of Medical Engineering Technologists who deal
with design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of medical /hospital equipment.

Specifically, Medical Engineering Technologists are tasked with undertaking preventive

maintenance and repairs of medical/hospital equipment, plants, instruments and furniture;
requisitioning for spare parts and consumables, taking stock of medical/hospital equipment,
furniture and plants; collecting information for research; Collecting information on medical
engineering services for input into the Integrated Health Information Management System;
carrying out minor repairs of health facilities and utilities; and implementing medical
engineering programmes and projects.
Please find link below for more information

7. Dental Technology
Dental Technology is a specialty in the field of dentistry that deals with the treatment
and rehabilitation of the tissues of the oral cavity as well as the face. It encompasses the
design/fabrication of various prostheses and corrective appliances such as dentures, braces,
crowns and bridges.

The program is designed to produce high level skilled Dental Technologists, design, fab-
ricate, fit dental restorations, prostheses and appliances. It seeks to enlarge understanding
of new as well as developing areas of dental technology and to enhance relationships
within the dental team.

About Programmes
Please find link below for more information

8. Community Oral Health

Community Oral Health (COHO) practitioners are based at Level IV and V Hospitals
to give basic dental care to Kenyans. Among other duties they plan, organize, execute
and co-ordinate oral health education according to the identified needs of the

In the management and administration of community’s oral health, they order

dental materials, simple equipment and instruments, diagnose and treat common
dental conditions, perform minor surgery in emergency tooth extraction, abscesses and
refer patients for more specialized management, carry out temporary fillings, perform
prophylaxis, scaling and polishing of teeth, place fissure sealants and apply topical
fluorides, write prescriptions for analgesics and antimicrobials.
Please find link below for more information

5 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

9. Nursing
A Nurse is a person who has completed a program of basic, generalized or
specialized training and is authorized by an appropriate regulatory authority to
practice nursing in his/her country.

The primary duties and responsibilities of a Nurse consist of assessing patients /

clients’ needs, preparing/coming up with an appropriate nursing diagnosis and care
plans. Others include caring for patients who require drawing blood and caring for
them while on blood transfusion, applying aseptic technique in management of
wounds, inserting Intravenous (IVs) tubes, drug administration and management,
monitoring heart rate and other vital signs, removing stitches and preparing patients
for surgery.

Nursing has several specialties such as Critical Care, Ophthalmic, Perioperative,

Anesthetist, Pediatric, Neonatal and Psychiatric among others.

Nurses work in health facilities at international, national, regional and local levels.
They also work in the banking, airline, manufacturing, industries, research and in
training organizations among others.
Please find link below for more information

10. Occupational Therapy

An Occupational Therapist identifies occupational performance deficits and their
causes, work with the client to formulate achievable prioritized objectives, which
About Programmes

they would wish to accomplish.

They work to assist people adapt to surroundings and tasks to help them live
better with disabilities, injuries, or illnesses. They work in many different settings such
as clinics, hospitals, nursing facilities, correctional facilities, eldercare facilities, early
intervention centers, schools for children with special needs, assessment centers for
school placement, travel occupational therapy, humanitarian crisis centers/camps,
and home based care rehabilitation centers, among others.

Where a health condition, accident, injury, or disease has made it hard for an
individual to take part in daily activities, occupational therapy may help them
recover and maintain skills for everyday life.
Please find link below for more information

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

11. Optometry
The course entails training of Optometrists on how to help patients decide
whether they should be provided with spectacles, contact lenses, low vision devices
surgery, orthotics or vision therapy.

The Optometrists perform comprehensive eye exams, vision tests and analyze
results in addition to diagnosing and treating ocular (eye) issues and diseases such as
eye pressure or glaucoma.
Please find link below for more information

12. Orthopaedic Technology

Students are taught how to assess, design, fabricate and fit Orthopaedic appliances,
their use in managing deformities, fractures and injuries of the soft tissues.

Orthopedic Technicians teach patients to use walking aids such as canes, crutches,
fit and adjust equipment as necessary. Under the guidance of Surgeons, Orthopedic
Technicians fabricate splints and manage other simple medical technology, including
braces and prosthetic limbs.

Please find link below for more information

13. Pharmacy

About Programmes
Pharmacy is a clinical health science that links medical science with chemistry. It
is charged with the discovery, production, disposal, safe and effective use, control of
medications as well as drugs. The practice of pharmacy requires excellent knowledge
of drugs, their mechanism of action, side effects, interactions, mobility and toxicity.

Pharmacy Technicians support the work of pharmacists and other health

professionals by performing a variety of pharmacy-related functions, including
dispensing prescription drugs and other medical devices to patients while instructing
on their use. They perform administrative duties in pharmaceutical practice, such
as reviewing prescription requests with medic’s offices and insurance companies to
ensure correct medications are provided and payment is received.
Please find link below for more information

7 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

14. Public Health
Public Health is concerned with the assessment, monitoring and promotion of
the health of the population. It deals not only with the prevention of health-related
conditions, such as infectious diseases, but with ways to reduce the effects of existing
problems, such as substance abuse.

Public Health Officers identify and investigate issues and hazards that are
detrimental to the health of the general population. They monitor problems to
community well-being, enforce laws/regulations that protect health and ensure safety,
evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal as well as population
based healthcare services, geared towards minimizing the risk of illness, disease and
Please find link below for more information

15. Orthopedic and Trauma Medicine

Orthopaedic Trauma Technicians are trained to treat injuries related to bones
and soft tissue by applying non-operative approaches.

Specifically, they are responsible for manipulating and reducing fractures/

dislocations, fixing and removing casts, bandages to and from patients. They
correct congenital issues such as deformities of the foot and ankle that a baby may
be born with, they participate in managing of minor orthopaedic and trauma
cases in emergencies/accidents, sensitizing and creating awareness on orthopaedic
trauma conditions to communities.
About Programmes

Please find link below for more information

16. Radiography and Imaging

The department exists to produce through education and training, highly
competent Radiography and Imaging Technologists capable of performing
imaging/therapeutic procedures in response to the needs of the community and
stakeholders within the country and beyond

Radiography and Imaging Technologists are responsible for gathering images

through X-rays, ultrasounds and other equipment. These images are then used by
Doctors and other health care professionals to diagnose or more closely examine
medical issues, concerns or conditions.
Please find link below for more information

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

17. Medical Laboratory Sciences
The department trains Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) who process specimens
in the laboratory to provide evidence to clinicians, physicians and other medical
professionals for disease diagnosis, treatment management and offer insights in prevention
as well as control strategies.

Laboratory Technologists advise and take part in collection of laboratory specimens,

packaging, preservation and transportation from collection sites to the laboratory, they
produce real time qualitative and quantitative data for research and/or quality assurance
purposes that informs policy formulations/reviews.

Laboratory science professionals offer consultancy in their areas of specialization, manage

laboratory operations, blood and other body tissues for transfusion and transplantation.
They work in a variety of fields including diagnostic, research, industrial, medical legal,
educational, sales, promotion, among others.

Please find link below for more information

18. Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists are health care professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of
all ages, from new-born to the very old, who have medical problems or other health-
related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in
their daily lives. They promote wellness, mobility and independence through the use of

About Programmes
exercise activities, physical agents and other physical techniques.

They examine each individual and develop a plan using treatment techniques to
promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. In
addition, they also work with individuals to prevent the loss of mobility before it occurs
by developing fitness- and wellness-oriented programs for healthier and more active

Physiotherapists treat and prevent many problems caused by pain, illness, disability
and disease, sport and work related injuries, ageing and long periods of inactivity

Please find link below for more information

9 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Short Courses
Sn. Course Description Target Group Campus Duration
1. HIV Training The course prepares Health workers Lake Victoria 3 weeks 24,500
and Counseling participants to provide Anyone Nairobi
Services (HTS) comprehensive HIV Testing interested in Kisumu
Services (HTS), strengthen working in HIV/ Machakos
linkage to care and treatment AIDS programs Homa Bay
and other post-test services, (minimum Nakuru
define target populations Diploma)
who may particularly benefit
from HIV testing services
(accredited by Nascop).
2. Adherence The course equips participants Those with Nairobi 1 Week 16,500
Counseling with knowledge & skills to certificate in Lake Victoria full time +
motivate persons living with HTS, health or Homa Bay 1-month
HIV/AIDS to maintain their social sciences, Machakos practicum/
treatment and adhere to counseling Nakuru mentorship
guidelines provided. community
health &
(Must have done
VCT counseling)

3. Echocardiography The course enables the Radiographers, Nairobi 3 months 90,500

participants to perform and Healthcare (part-time)
interpret echocardiograms professionals
and ultrasound imaging of with strong
the heart and blood flow, background
gain expert understanding of Anatomy &
the latest scientific laboratory physiology.
equipment including use of
the clinical skills laboratory
and echocardiographic
About Programmes

4. Monitoring & The course provides Project Managers, Siaya 4 weeks 35,500
evaluation participants with requisite Project Officers, Nairobi full time
knowledge to design and Project Murang’a
implement healthcare projects Assistants, health
to meet the populations’ information
health needs, and promote officers,
evidence-based decision practitioners
making. Graduates work involved in
with local & international designing,
NGOs, public & private sector supervising,
projects. coordinating
or monitoring

5. Healthcare This course empowers Healthcare Nairobi 2 weeks 25,500

Entrepreneurship participants to become workers
healthcare entrepreneurs or and those in
to manage their healthcare healthcare
businesses profitably. business

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Sn. Course Description Target Group Campus Duration
6. Health Systems This course prepares participants Healthcare workers Nairobi 4 weeks 40,500
Management to become managers in healthcare with minimum (online)
sector. qualification
of Diploma
human resources
officers, project
managers, etc)

7. Leadership This course is focused on building Training targets Nairobi 4 workshops 50,500
Development leadership capacity of healthcare teams from of 3 days
Program workers. Working in their real healthcare each.
work teams, participants learn units. Teams Mentorship
leading, managing, and governing learn through & coaching
practices that enable them to implementing a between
face challenges and achieve leadership project workshops
measurable results chosen by their
health system
8. Safe Phlebotomy The course gives participants Laboratory Nairobi 3 days 15,500
knowledge and skills to perform technicians, Port Reitz
safe phlebotomy, provide quality technologists, Lake Victoria
specimens for laboratory tests, scientists, medical Nyeri
handle phlebotomy equipment officers, clinical Kitui
and avoid occupational exposure. officers, nurses, Machakos
other certificate or
diploma in health
related course

About Programmes
9. Infection Prevention This course equips participants Healthcare workers, Makindu 5 days
and Control (with with knowledge & skills to hospital support Kitui 7,500
emphasis on prevent and control infections in staff, hospital Nairobi
COVID-19) different healthcare set ups. administrations, Nyeri
HTC counselors, Isiolo
caregivers in
10. First Aid and basic This course empowers participants Drivers, hoteliers, Eldoret 2 weeks 10,500
life support to prevent and manage life Police officers, Makindu (part-time)
threatening emergencies. Training Security firms, Thika
follows approved international County emergency Machakos
guidelines. / Disaster teams, Msambweni
teachers/carers etc

11. Sign Language for The course prepares participants Health workers & Molo 6 months (3 60,500
Health workers to communicate in sign language, those interested in Murang’a fulltime & 3
helping the deaf access healthcare working with the practicum)
in line with Universal Health deaf; minimum
Coverage. requirement
Certificate in any
12. Peadiatric Neuro- This course is designed to provide Physiotherapists Nairobi 2 weeks 15,500
rehabilitation participants with evidence-based Minimum
essential skills in treatment of Requirement
children with musculoskeletal, Diploma in
neuromuscular and cognitive Physiotherapy

11 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Sn. Course Description Target Group Campus Duration
13. Pelvic Floor This course is designed to provide Physiotherapists Nairobi 2 weeks 20,500
Rehabilitation participants with essential skills Minimum
to perform assessment in pelvic Requirement
floor dysfunctions and treatment Diploma in
interventions using evidence- Physiotherapy
based practice technique.
14. Vestibular This course prepares participants Physiotherapists Nairobi One week 10,500
Rehabilitation with knowledge and skills to Minimum
manage vestibular system, Requirement
dizziness and balance disturbance Diploma in
disorders. Physiotherapy
15. Cardiopulmonary This prepares participants to Physiotherapists Nairobi 2 weeks 15,500
Rehabilitation address the physiotherapy Minimum
management of a person with Requirement
cardiac/ pulmonary system Diploma in
dysfunction Physiotherapy
16. Exercise Physiology The training provides participants Physiotherapists Nairobi 2 weeks 15,500
and prescription. with knowledge and skills Minimum
(Therapeutic) on global evidence based Requirement
standardized exercise protocols Diploma in
after musculoskeletal injuries. Physiotherapy
17. Integumentary and This course is designed to equip Physiotherapists Nairobi 2 weeks 20,500
wound care participants with Physiotherapy Minimum
skills in wound management Requirement
and related pathologies in terms Diploma in
of assessment, diagnosis and Physiotherapy
18. Geriatric This course focuses on Physiotherapists Nairobi 2 weeks 15,500
Rehabilitation biopsychosocial aspects of aging. Minimum
Integration of physical aging Requirement
process, appropriate evidence- Diploma in
based evaluation techniques, Physiotherapy
outcome measures and design of
About Programmes

effective treatment plan.

19. Nutrition in critical The course prepares participants Healthcare workers Makueni 2 weeks 25,500
care to assess nutritional needs of (doctors, nurses, Thika
critically ill patients, formulate clinical officers,
appropriate nutritional nutritionists,
interventions and apply pharmacy
integrated approach to manage technologists, lab
critically ill patients technologists and
community health
20. Point of Care The course prepares participants Practicing midwifes. Nairobi 6 months full 100,500
Ultrasound in to be proficient in using computer Minimum time
Midwifery for daily office work, a basic qualification
(NEW) requirement for employment. Certificate in
Nursing (ECHN,
21. Upper Extremity The course equips participants Practicing Nairobi 2 weeks 25,500
Splinting in with current knowledge and Occupational Blended (1
Occupational skills to more efficiently manage therapists week online,
therapy injuries and conditions of the (minimum 1 week on
upper extremity through splinting qualification campus).

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Sn. Course Description Target Group Campus Duration
22. Regional Anaesthesia This course prepares participants Higher National Nairobi 6 months 80,000
and Acute pain to perform regional blocks, Diploma in
management manage acute pain and improve anaesthesia (Clinical
perioperative care. They will able Medicine or
to prepare and utilize nerve block Nursing)
equipment such as point of care

23 Community Be a serving Community Health CHEWs working Nairobi 4 Months 52,000

Health Extension Assistant / Community Health with County (E-learning)
Work Officer or have qualification Governments,
in any of the following fields: holders of health
Health Promotion, Community related certificate or
Health Nurse, Environmental Diploma
Health, Epidemiology, Health
Records and Information,
Health Systems Management,
Population Health, Anthropology,
Community Development,
Health, Community Oral
Health, Counseling, Nutrition,
Psychology, Public Health,
Social Work and Sociology or its
equivalent field from a
recognized institution.

24 Community Mental This course prepares participants Community Mathari 12 weeks 25,500
Health to promote mental health in the based workers, Port Reitz Distance
community, provide mental Community Muranga learning,
health ‘first aid’, recognize Health Volunteers/ with on-
and refer clients, and support assistants, religious campus
recovery & integration of leaders & module
clients with mental other community introductory

About Programmes
health disorders. gatekeepers; sessions.
academic- KCPE/
ability to read and
25 International English The course is designed to Healthcare Coordinated 6 weeks 10,000
Language Course prepare participants for IELTS workers and from Nairobi (online,
(International English Language anyone interested evening
Testing System) and OET in sitting for the classes)
(Occupational English Language International
Test) in preparation for study/ English Language
migration abroad. Tests (IELTS &

13 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Questions on Admissions
Each year, the College advertises admission vacancies on offer. These
include Certificate, Diploma and Higher Diploma, as well as short courses. This
advertisement is published in the print media and uploaded on our social media, as
well as on the College website.

To apply for admission to any of the courses, study the requirements for each and
then select a suitable course for which you qualify for. All applications have to be
done online- through the application portal.

Find the most recent advertisement Here

To apply, you will need:

i. A valid identification document: Identity Card / Birth Certificate/


ii. Your academic certificates or result slip;

iii. To pay the required application fee to the College via MPESA;

iv. Valid telephone and email contact information.

Find instructions on how to apply Here

Once you have successfully submitted your online application, you will receive a
About Admissions

message confirming completion of the process. Keep the message for your records.

If you are offered a place in the course, you will be required to present both
original academic documents and certified copies of the same to the Admissions
Officer for verification before you can be admitted.

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the deadlines for application?
Once the portal is open for applications for a particular intake (March or September)
interested applicants are able to apply at any time as long as the course one is interested in
has not been filled. Once full, applications are closed and the course is no longer available
on the portal.

2. Are all courses available in all Campuses of the College?

No, we have 72 Campuses and none offers all the courses. Applications are made centrally
and processed by the Admissions Office at the KMTC headquarters. The College retains the
right to place successful applicants in any of its Campuses offering the course.

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

3. Can I apply by sending paper documents to the College
instead of applying online?
No. All applications need to be done through the online application portal. The process of
application is easy and straightforward (see sample video here). Your application can also
be tracked on the portal for ease of reference. Alternatively you can visit any KMTC Campus
near you with all the required documents for assistance with the application process.

4. Is a successful submission of application a guarantee for

No. Due to the competitive nature of our courses and limited spaces available, we are not
able to admit everyone who applies. Please note that our selection for admission uses set
criteria including poverty index, population, and affirmative action, alongside academic

5. If selected, when will I report to start training?

Depending on which of the two intakes you have applied for, your date of reporting will
be as indicated in the admission letter, either in early March or early September.
6. What happens if I do not report within the dates given?
Should you be unable to take up the offer of admission for one reason or another, you
will be expected to write an official letter to the Chief Executive Officer, to be sent through
post, courier or hand delivered to the KMTC Headquarters, requesting for deferment. Failure
to communicate will lead to your chance being given to another applicant.
7. What will be required of me at the time of reporting?
You will be expected to bring with you your official academic documents in addition to any
other requirements as stipulated in the admissions letter.
8. How can I transfer from the Campus I was placed in
to one of my choice?
About Admissions
The procedure of requesting for a transfer is through a letter to the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) which should either be hand delivered to the KMTC Headquarters in Nairobi, sent via
courier or post. Please note that transfers are discouraged unless with valid reasons.

9. How can I change the course I was placed in to one of

my choice?
The procedure of requesting for a change of course is through a letter to the Chief Executive
Officer which should either be hand delivered to the KMTC Headquarters in Nairobi, sent via
courier or post. Please note that change of course is subject to availability of a vacancy.
10. I got the following minimum grades in KCSE, do i
qualify to join the College?
Find the minimum requirements for our courses here

15 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

11. I applied for a course in the College but I still have not
received my admission letter, what could be the problem?
Selected applicants are notified through text to the phone number indicated on the
application. If you have not received any communication from us indicating that you have
been selected, it means that unfortunately, the course applied for has been filled and you
were not among them. We regret that we are unable to admit everyone who applies due
to the high volume of applications we receive.

12. My Application for Enrolled Community

Nursing(ECN) was not successful
The course you applied for is quite competitive with limited vacancies available.
As a result of the regulatory framework, we are not able to admit everyone who
applies. Should your application be successful, you will be informed through a text.

13. What is the deferment procedure?

The procedure of requesting for a deferment is through a letter to the CEO which
should either be hand delivered to the KMTC Headquarters in Nairobi or sent via
courier or post.
14. I used a wrong account number while paying my
commitment fee. Please help.
Kindly email our admissions office via [email protected] or call 07230
04516/0723000429/0736993813 and provide the following details :
• Registration number • Campus admitted to
• Email address • Phone number used to make the payment
• First and last name • Date of the payment.

15. Does KMTC offer bridging courses?

No. KMTC does not offer bridging courses. However, the College accepts bridging
About Admissions

certificates that have been issued by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).
This means that you can bridge subjects you have failed in, to qualify for KMTC courses
as long as the examiner is KNEC.
16. I am an international student, what is the procedure
of applying to join KMTC
Before beginning the application process, kindly apply for the equation of your
certificate(s) with Kenya National Qualifications Authority and then click Here for the
application guidelines.
17. How many intakes does KMTC have?
The Kenya Medical Training College has two intakes, March and September, every year.
18. Why are all KMTC Campuses placed next to health facilities
KMTC training programmes are skills oriented and as such, our Campuses are located
adjacent to health facilities where Students undertake clinical practice.

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

19. Do KMTC programmes have International Recognition
KMTC is ISO 9001: 2015 certified, giving our graduates international recognition and
enabling them to work in any part of the world. In addition KMTC courses are registered
on the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) framework.

20. What criteria do you use to select applicants?

In line with the relevant government and College regulatory framework please note
that our selection for admission uses the following criteria; poverty index, population, and
affirmative action, alongside academic qualifications.

21. Is the advert for the next intake out?

Please find the current advertisement Here
22. When will the portal open for the next intake?
We shall alert members of the public through an advert on this page and our website at once the admissions portal is open for the next intake. Thank you

23. I can’t find the course I want to apply for on the

If a course is not available on the portal, it means it is either full or that course is not
being offered in that particular intake.
24. As a potential student, I would like to know about
College hostels and their pricing.
The College has limited hostel facilities within its Campuses. As a result, the available ones
are allocated on a first come, first served basis. However, the College has made arrangements
with private developers to have students housed near the Campuses at subsidized prices.

About Admissions
The cost of housing differs from Campus to Campus. For more information on the specific
Campus housing status, please use the contacts available Here.

25. Physical address of KMTC and location

KMTC has 72 Campuses located all over the country with the headquarters being
located adjacent to Kenyatta National Hospital on Old Mbagathi Road in Nairobi. For
more information on the specific physical location of our Campuses, Please click Here.

26. Kindly help me retrieve my password in the students’

Visit this link and click on ‘forgot
password’, you will be prompted to key in your email address. A link to reset your password
will be sent to the email you provided when creating the account.

17 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Questions on College fees and Transcripts

1. Does the College provide 3. How much fee does

financial Aid to Students? KMTC charge in a year
KMTC Students can receive financial aid
and what is the fee
from the Higher Education Loans Board
payment mode?
(HELB), National Government Constituen- KMTC has a tuition fee of Kshs.
cy Development Funds (NG-CDFs), Coun- 80,700 for Diploma and Certificate
ty Governments and other development Programmes per year which can
partners. For more information, please visit paid in two instalments. For more
your Campus Dean’s Office information and to access the fee
2. Is the commitment fee structure click on the link below;
part of the College fees?
For more information and to access the
The commitment fee is part of your fee structure click on the link below;
College fees. Once you pay, it is deducted
from your total fee, meaning that you are
considered to have paid part of the College

4. What is the procedure of applying for transcripts?

About Transcripts

Applications for academic transcripts are received and processed at the Examinations
Office (KMTC Headquarters) upon filling the application form and payment of the
processing fee of Kshs. 1,000. The fee is paid to KMTC HQ Revenue Account No.
01003058521700, National Bank of Kenya (Hospital Branch).

An applicant who for some reason may not physically visit the College can
make the above payment and organize through a third party to obtain an official
payment receipt at the Finance Division (KMTC Headquarters). The receipt serves as
a deterrent measure against any fraudulent practices that may arise from the use of
bank payment slips.

The official payment receipt will be accepted at the Examinations Office where
the application form shall be filled by the third party presenting the receipt. Please
ensure that the person presenting the receipt has all your details including registration
number, name of Campus & course/programme and the year of completion/

The transcript will be processed within a period of 30 days.

KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Kenya Medical
Tr aining Coll ege
Training For Better Health

For More Information Contact:

The Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Medical Training College
P.O. Box 30195-00100, Nairobi | Tel: 020-2725711/2/3/4, 020-2081822/3, 0737-352543 / 0706-541869 |
Email: [email protected]. | Website:

Connect with us online

© February 2023

19 KMTC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

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