06 1963 CH-Brakes
06 1963 CH-Brakes
06 1963 CH-Brakes
Standard Brakes 6- 1
Metallic Brakes 6- 8
Power Brakes-Bendix
Power Brakes-Moraine 6-14
Special Tools 6-20
Specifications See Section 16
Page Page
General Description 6-1 Service Operations 6-3
Self-Adjusting Features.. 6-1 Brake Drums, Shoes and Linings 6-3
Main Cylinder 6-2 Adjustments 6-5
Parking Brake 6-2 Clutch and Brake Pedals 6-6
Hydraulic Brake Hose 6-2
Service of the 1963 passenger car hydraulic brakes
will essentially be accomplished as outlined in the
1961 Passenger Car Shop Manual. Various design
changes have been incorporated in the 1963 models;
however, these changes will not effect over-all service
procedures except as described below or outlined
under "Service Operations" in this section.
Self-Adjusting Feature
Brake shoe adjustment takes place when brakes are
applied with a firm pedal effort while vehicle is back
ing up. Applying the brakes moves an actuator which
turns the star wheel and lengthens the adjusting screw
assembly fig. 1. This action adjusts the shoes until
clearance between the lining and drum is within
proper limits.
Should low pedal heights be encountered, it is rec
ommended that numerous forward and reverse stops
be performed with a firm pedal effort until a satisfac
tory brake pedal height results.
NOTE: Frequent usage of an automatic trans
mission forward range to halt reverse vehicle
motion may prevent the automatic adjusters
from functioning, thereby inducing low pedal Fig. 1 -Self-Adjusting Brakes
The brake main cylinder fig. 3 is functionally the
same as past models, but due to design of the reser
voir, a special adapter is required for pressure bleed-
Release Handle Replacement
If replacement of the release handle is necessary,
all of the existing handle and any material used to
secure it should be cleaned from the release rod.
After the rod has been effectively cleaned, proceed
as follows:
1. Heat the handle of the release rod to approxi
mately 115 degrees.
Fig. 2-Brake Drum Access Hole 2. Slowly insert the new handle on the release rod-
push gently and slowly on handle to allow heat
from the rod to be absorbed by handle and to
align properly on the rod. When the rod has
cooled, the plastic handle will contract and grip
the rod securely.
When replacing hydraulic brake hose, follow pro
cedure outlined in 1961 Passenger Car Shop Manual
and the following.
Inspect hose installation by removing weight com
pletely from wheel and turn wheels from lock to lock,
while observing hose position. Be sure that hose does
not touch other parts during suspension or wheel
travel. If contact occurs, remove hose retainer and
rotate female hose end in support bracket in appropri
ate direction, replace retainer, and reinspect.
CAUTION: Under no circumstances should
brake hoses be tightened at the wheel cylin
Fig. 3-Main Cylinder der with the female hose end in the support
1. Thumb Screw 5. Gasket 9. Spring bracket. Always remove hose from support
2. Vent Cover 6. Body 10. Primary Cup bracket, tighten hose at wheel cylinder, then
3. Flat Washer 7. Valve Seat 11. Secondary Cup and Piston
4. Reservoir Cover 8. Valve Assembly 12. Lock Ring install hose in support bracket.
The service operations which differ from those out 4. Unhook brake shoe pull back springs from anchor
lined in the 1961 Passenger Car Shop Manual are de pin and link end, using Tool J-8049 fig. 5.
scribed below. 5. Remove the actuator return spring.
6. Disengage the link end from the anchor pin and
BRAKE DRUMS, SHOES AND LININGS then from the secondary shoe.
NOTE: If brake drums are worn severely, it 7. Remove hold-down pins and springs fig. 6.
may be necessary to retract the adjusting
screw. To gain access to the adjusting screw
star wheel, knock out the lanced area in the
web of the brake drum using a chisel or simi
lar tool.
1. Raise the vehicle and place on stand jacks.
2. Loosen check nuts at forward end of parking
brake cable sufficiently to remove all tension from
brake cable.
3. Remove brake drums.
NOTE: Since boots are recessed in grooves on
wheel cylinders to prevent pistons from leaving
cylinders, it is not necessary to install wheel
cylinder clamps when brake shoes are re
moved; however, brake pedal must not be de
pressed while drums are removed. Fig. 6-Removing Hold-Down Springs and Pins
11. On rear brakes connect cable to parking brake Adjusting the Service Brakes
lever and install strut between lever and primary
1. With brake drum off, disengage the actuator from
shoe as installation is made.
the star wheel and rotate the star wheel by spin
12. If old brake pull back return springs are nicked, ning or turning with a small screwdriver.
a. Using the brake drum as an adjustment fixture,
turn the star wheel until the drum slides over
the brake shoes with a slight drag.
b. Turn the star wheel 1¼ turns to retract the
shoes. This will allow sufficient lining-to-drum
clearance so final adjustment may be made as
described in Step 4.
3. Install the drum and wheel.
NOTE 1: If lanced area in brake drum was
knocked out, be sure all metal has been re
moved from brake compartment. Install new
hole cover in drum to prevent contamination of
the brakes.
Metallic brake linings which use special heat re- Seating Metallic Linings
sistant brake springs are available as an option. Serv
ice operations are the same as for standard brakes; After the brakes have been adjusted, the following
however, when new linings are installed, the linings recommended "lining seating" is as follows:
should be seated as described below. 1. Make six to eight stops from 30 mph with moder
ate pedal pressure to aid in seating and to modu
NOTE: Brake shoes with metallic linings re-
late any tendency to dive.
quire specially finished brake drums honed to
a 20 micro-inch finish. Metallic linings are not 2. Make six to eight complete stops from maximum
recommended for service replacement on vehi- legal highway speed at approximately one mile in
des with standard brake drums that have not tervals to fully seat the linings.
been honed to specified finish.
The Master-Vac power brake unit permits the use fold to check valve located on front shell; the other a
of a low brake pedal as well as less pedal effort than hydraulic connection from the main cylinder outlet
is required with the conventional nonpower hydrau directly into the hydraulic system. The unit is mounted
lic brake system. Only two external line connections on the engine side of the fire wall and connected to the
are necessary-one a vacuum connection from math- brake pedal through an auxiliary lever and rod.
Removal main cylinder refer to applicable portion of "Standard
1. Disconnect push rod clevis at brake pedal arm.
1. Remove main cylinder from power section, and
NOTE: If clearance hole through fire wall is not
place main cylinder aside.
large enough, it may be necessary to remove
clevis from push rod. Note approximate loca 2. Remove main cylinder filter, piston seal assembly
tion of clevis on rod. and main cylinder push rod from front shell fig.
17-pulling the push rod from front shell will also
2. Remove vacuum hose from check valve.
remove the filter and seal assembly.
3. Disconnect hydraulic line at main cylinder. 3. Position and secure Tool J-9576-1 fig. 18 to main
4. Remove four nuts and lockwashers securing power cylinder mounting studs, and place tool and power
unit to fire wall, and remove power unit from unit in a vise. Be sure to align tool so that check
engine compartment. valve in front shell is not damaged.
4. Disconnect linkage at air valve push rod, and re
Disassembly move mounting bracket from rear shell.
The following procedure applies to the power sec 5. Remove rubbçr boot and retainer plate from
tion of the power brake unit only-for service of the rear shell.
a. Remove rolling diaphragm from the groove in
the diaphragm plate hub.
Fig. 18-Separating Shells with Tools .1-9504 and J-9576-1
b. Hold the diaphragm plate so that the push rod
is in its normal horizontal installed position,
6. Remove filter retainer from end of diaphragm depress the push rod slightly approximately
plate extension, and remove air filter element from 1/16 inch, and rotate piston so the air valve
location within the diaphragm plate extension.
lock will fall from its location in the piston hub.
NOTE: To prevent chipping of the plastic dia c. Remove the air valve push rod assembly from
phragm plate, exercise extreme caution when the piston.
removing the air filter retainer. Use a small
d. Remove the reaction disc from its location in
screwdriver or other suitable tool, ad pry at the diaphragm plate bore. Insert the main cyl
several peripheral locations until the retainer is inder push rod or other suitable tool through
freed. diaphragm plate extension and push disc from
its seat. Exercise care so as not to chip surface
7. Scribe alignment mark across surface of front and of passages in the diaphragm plate.
rear shells.
NOTE: Perform Step 13 only if seal is de
8. Position bar wrench Tool J-9504 over studs of fective and a new seal is available. Do not
the rear shell so that holes in bar wrench line up reuse seal once it has been removed from
with holes in holding fixture Tool J-9576-1. In the unit.
stall through bolts in aforementioned holes, and
tighten nuts until a slight compression is obtained. 13. Support outer surface of rear shell on blocks of
wood or other suitable material and drive out
9. Rotate Tool J-9540 until cutouts of rear shell are seal with a punch or a thin blade screwdriver. Dis
aligned with lances in front shell. card seal.
2’o -4--NO.l5ORlo
14. Install seal and main cylinder filter and press filter Biscayne and Bel Air 4/8"
and seal into front shell until seal is bottomed in Impala 4%"
recess of shell. NOTE: Check operation of stop light after ad
15. Place Tool J-7723-01 over the push rod so that it justing pedal height.
fits between studs on front shell fig. 21. Gauge 5. Bleed brakes as outlined in this section.
should be parallel to studs and resting on surface
of front shell. Cutout portion of gauge should just NOTE: After completing the bleeding opera
match height of push rod. Any variation may be tion, make sure reservoir fluid level is at correct
compensated for by turning adjusting screw. height. The reservoir should be filled to ½ inch
of the filler cap opening.
NOTE: If push rod height adjustment gauge is
not available, the required dimensions for fab 6. Check operation of the brakes as outlined in this
rication are given in Figure 22. section.
The Moraine power brake unit is composed of two the floating control valve assembly. The reaction mech
main sections-the vacuum power cylinder fig. 23 and anism consists of a hydraulic piston reaction plate and
the hydraulic main cylinder. a series of levers. The vacuum check valve is located
on the forward shell of the power cylinder and pro
The vacuum power cylinder contains the power pis
ton assembly, which houses the control valve and vides a hose connection to accommodate the vacuum
reaction mechanism, and the power piston return line. The air cleaner element is contained within the
spring. The control valve is made of the air valve and extended portion of the control valve housing.
/ 16
20 9
27 26 25
1. Front Shell 9. Support Plate 16. "0" Ring 22. Control Valve Return Spring
2. Gasket 10. Support Plate Retaining Screw 17. Air Valve Return Spring 23. Spring and Valve Seat
3. Seal Retainer 11. Power Piston Insert 18. Air Valve and Push Rod 24. Control Valve Diaphragm
4. Main Cylinder Push Rod 12. Rear Shell Assembly 25. Diaphragm Support
5. Push Rod Adjusting Screw 13. Power Piston 19. Air Cleaner Element 26. Floating Control Valve
6. Support Plate Seal 14. Reaction Lever 20. Rubber Boot 27. Insert Seals
7. Power Piston Return Spring 15. Rubber Bumper 21. Power Piston Bearing 28. Power Piston Rolling Diaphragm
8. Hydraulic Reaction Plate
Removal 3. Disconnect hydraulic line at main cylinder.
1. Disconnect clevis at brake pedal assembly. 4. Remove four nuts and lockwashers securing power
NOTE: If clearance hole through fire wall is not unit to fire wall and remove power unit from en
large enough, it may be necessary to remove gine compartment.
clevis yoke from push rod. Note approximate
location of yoke on rod. Disassembly
2. Remove vacuum hose from vacuum check valve. The following procedure applies to the power section
/ I
of the power brake unit only-for service of the main 6. Support power piston so that it will remain in an
cylinder refer to applicable portion of "Standard upright position main cylinder push rod up. Re
Brakes." move hex head screws that secure support plate
1. Remove main cylinder from power section of to power piston, and remove support plate from
power brake unit and place main cylinder aside. piston assembly fig. 26.
2. Place main cylinder retaining nuts on main cylin 7. Remove power piston rolling diaphragm from the
der mounting studs, and position power section support plate assembly. The main cylinder push
in vise so that jaws of vise will bear against re rod can be removed from support plate, and, if
taining nuts. necessary, reaction plate may be removed by
pressing from push rod. The adjusting screw may
NOTE: Scribe alignment marks on top center also be removed from push rod.
of front and rear shell to facilitate reassembly. 8. Remove three reaction levers from their seats in
the power piston insert, and remove air valve
3. Disconnect linkage at air valve push rod, and posi return spring from the counterbore of air valve.
tion linkage so that a metal bar can be inserted 9. Remove power piston insert then remove two
through access holes in mounting bracket. seals from OD of insert.
4. With metal bar in position, press down on bar and 10. Lift air valve and push rod assembly fig. 17
rotate rear shell counterclockwise until rear shell from power piston and remove snubber and "0"
is separated from front shell. ring from air valve.
11. Push the floating control valve assembly from its
CAUTION: Care must be exercised not to dam
position in the center of power piston. Disassem
age or loosen studs in shell. Also, take care
ble floating control valve. Removal of floating con
that no pressure is brought to bear on plastic
trol valve assembly exposes floating control valve
power piston extension.
spring and seat.
5. Remove rubber boot from power piston extension 12. Remove the power piston return spring from the
and separate power piston from rear shell. Remove front shell, and remove front shell from vise.
air filter element from power piston extension, 13. Remove the suport plate seal retainer from the
and remove power piston bearing from the rear center of the front shell. Disassemble retainer by
shell fig. 24. removing gasket and seal.
14. Pull check valve from grommet in front shell, and
CAUTION: Extreme care must be taken in han
remove grommet.
dling the diaphragm of the power piston as
sembly fig. 25. The diaphragm should be
guarded against grease, oil, foreign matter and Cleaning
must be protected from nicks, scratches and Use "Declene" or clean brake fluid to clean all metal,
gouges. plastic and rubber parts of the power cylinder. Im
3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22
16 7 81
FIg. 25-Power Piston Exploded View
1. Air Cleaner Element 7. Diaphragm Support 13. Insert Seal 18. RoIling Diaphragm
2. Power Piston 8. Floating Control Valve 14. Insert 19. Support Plate
3. Control Valve Return Spring 9. Air Valve Push Rod Assembly 15. Reaction Levers 20. Retaining Screw
4. Spring and Valve Seat 10. ‘0" Ring 16. Insert Seal 21. Hydraulic Push Rod
5. Floating Control Valve Assembly 11. Rubber Bumper 17. Reaction Plate 22. Adjusting Screw
6. Diaphragm 12. Air Valve Return Spring
Wipe cleaning fluid from all parts and carefully in
spect each part for damage and wear. Inspect rubber
parts for cuts, nicks and, distortion. These rubber parts
are the key to control of air flow and should account
for the majority of trouble traceable to leakage. If
there is any question whatever as to serviceability of
any part, replace it.
Be sure that all parts are clean. If there is any doubt
of cleanliness, rewash and air dry. Lubricate rubber
parts with an approved rubber lubricant. Lubricate
all plastic and metal friction points with an approved
Fig. 26-Disassembling Power Piston 1. Install power piston bearing in rear shell so that
the large flange is outside fig. 24. Lubricate the
grooves in the ID of the power piston bearing.
2. Insert check valve grommet in front shell cutout,
and position check valve in grommet.
3. Press reaction plate over the small, knurled end
of main cylinder push rod until it rests against
shoulder, and install adjusting screw in taped end
of push rod.
4. Position push rod through support plate so that
reaction plate lies against support plate.
5. Place power piston in a vise so that extension is
down. Do not clamp piston.
6. Place floating valve spring and spring seat in cen
ter of piston.
7. Assemble floating valve diaphragm over flanged
hub of floating control valve. Flat surface of dia
Fig. 27-Removing Air Valve Push Rod Assembly phragm will be on side opposite rubber face of
floating control valve. Insert diaphragm plate
1. Insert Seals 4. Reaction Levers
2. Insert 5. Air Cleaner Element under lip of diaphragm.
3. Air Valve Return Spring
8. Press floating control valve and diaphragm as
sembly into the power piston so that control valve
merse parts in cleaning fluid and use a hair brush to bears against spring seat and compress spring.
remove foreign matter. Blow out all passages, orifices
and valve holes. Air dry and place cleaned parts on NOTE: As the floating valve assembly is pressed
clean paper or lint-free cloth. If slight rust is found on into power piston, make sure diaphragm is not
inside surface of power cylinder housing, polish clean distorted.
with crocus cloth or fine emery cloth, then follow with
a thorough cleaning. 9. Install "0" ring and snubber on air valve, and
Dirt is the major cause of trouble and wear in serv position push rod through floating control valve
ice. Be certain to keep parts completely clean until and into piston extension so that push rod passes
reassembly. through the loading slot in extension fig. 27.
10. Assemble seals to insert and position insert over 24. Position rubber boot over push rod and power pis
air valve. Reaction lever locations in insert must ton bearing flange.
be visible when installing insert. 25. Connect linkage to air valve push rod.
11. Place air valve return spring in counterbore of air 26. Remove unit from vise and remove nuts from
valve. Position the ears of the reaction levers in main cylinder mounting studs.
the molded locations in the piston insert and rest 27. Place power unit in a vise or fixture so that the
small ends of levers on return spring. main cylinder push rod is up.
12. Place the unfolded diaphragm over the support
28. Place Tool J-7723-01 over the push rod so that it
plate so that second bead is on outside wall. Posi
fits between studs on front shell fig. 21. Gauge
tion the support plate on power piston, making
should be parallel to studs and resting on surface
sure that the beaded edge of diaphragm is located
of front shell. Cutout portion of gauge should just
between flange on support plate and flange on edge
of power piston. match height of push rod. Any variation may be
compensated for by turning adjusting screw. If
13. Align screw holes in support plate with taped support plate seal retainer was used in Step 23,
holes in power piston. Be sure that reaction levers remove it for gauging procedure.
maintain their positions in seats of power piston
insert. NOTE: If push rod height adjustment gauge is
14. Depress support plate until support plate bottoms not available, the required dimensions for fab
on insert gasket. Hold support plate in this de rication are given in Figure 22.
pressed position and finger tighen the support plate 29. Place support plate seal in support plate seal re
retaining screws. tainer’ so that flat surface of seal lies against bot
15. Torque support plate retaining screws to 80-100 tom of retainer. Place gasket on OD of seal re
inch pounds. tainer and insert retainer in front shell cutout
16. Wrap the flat piece of filter material around push so that gasket is between front shell and retainer
rod and slide filter into power piston extension. flange.
17. Place main cylinder retaining nuts on main cyl 30. Position main cylinder to power cylinder. Make
inder mounting studs. Position power section in sure filter is installed in main cylinder. Install
vise so that jaws of vise will bear against retain lockwashers and nuts and torque to 15-20 foot
ing nuts. pounds.
18. Position power piston return spring in the front
19. Insert power piston, air valve push rod first, into If linkage was removed, proceed as follows:
the rear shell until the piston extension passes 1. Place one operating lever on collar. Tap into place
through piston bearing. until it seats against shoulder. Install second oper
20. Fold the rolling diaphragm back over rear shell ating lever.
and apply talcum powder or rubber lubricant to 2. Place the lever and collar in position and install
beaded portion of diaphragm. pivot pin and cotter pin.
21. Position rear shell and power piston assembly to
front shell. Make sure support plate extension goes NOTE: The large diameter of collar must be on
through power piston spring. the inboard side of mounting bracket. The pivot
pin can only be installed from outer side of
22. Rotate the rear shell assembly to assure that when mounting bracket.
the shell is in the locked position, the scribe mark
will be in line with the scribe mark on the front 3. Place one wave wash on inner side of outer oper
shell. ating lever over upper hole, and install clevis
23. Place a metal bar through the access holes in pin, flat washer and cotter pin.
the mounting bracket; press down on metal bar 4. Place one wave washer on inner side of outer
and check to be sure that bead on edge of rolling operating lever over middle hole, and install
diaphragm is positioned correctly between the clevis pin, flat washer and cotter pin to brake
shells. If this is satisfactory, apply additional pedal push rod.
downward pressure and rotate rear shell clockwise If linkage was not removed, omit Steps 1-4, and
into locked position. proceed with Step 5.
NOTE: If unit is not easily locked, hold shells 5. Mount the power brake assembly in place and in
together and apply vacuum to check valve in stall four attaching nuts and lockwashers. Be cer
front shell. Do not put pressure on power pis tain to place push rod through cutout in fire wall.
ton extension. Support plate seal retainer must
be installed if vacuum assist is necessary. See 6. Attach vacuum line to check valve.
Step 29 for installation. 7. Secure hydraulic line to main cylinder.
8. Attach push rod clevis to brake pedal assembly. Biscayne and Bel Air 4/8"
1. J-9540 Vacuum Power Cylinder 2. J.9504 Vacuum Power Cylinder 3. J.9576.1 Vacuum Power Cylinder 4. i-9477 Pressure Bleeder Adapter
Seal Installer Spanner Wrench Holder and Compressor 5. J.21 177 Drum-to-Brake Shoe
Clearance Gauge