2013 - Patterson

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Volume 14, Number 2

28 February 2013
ISSN: 1525-2027

Kimberlite eruptions as triggers for early

Cenozoic hyperthermals
Michael V. Patterson and Don Francis
Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
H3A 2A7 ([email protected])

[1] The early Cenozoic experienced at least three short but major hyperthermals associated with disruptions
of the global carbon cycle. The largest among those, the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, was
associated with a negative carbon isotopic excursion of ~ 2.5% that appears to be best explained by the
thermal dissociation of methane hydrates due to an initial period of warming. The cause of the initial
warming has been attributed to a massive injection of carbon (CO2 and/or CH4) into the atmosphere;
however, the source of the carbon is as yet unknown. The emplacement of a large cluster of kimberlite pipes
at ~56 Ma in the Lac de Gras region of northern Canada may have provided the carbon that triggered early
warming in the form of exsolved magmatic CO2. Our calculations indicate that the estimated 900–1100 Pg
of carbon required for the initial ~3 C of ocean water warming associated with the Paleocene-Eocene
thermal maximum could have been released during the emplacement of a large kimberlite cluster.
The coeval ages of two other kimberlite clusters in the Lac de Gras field and two other early Cenozoic
hyperthermals indicate that CO2 degassing during kimberlite emplacement is a plausible source of the
CO2 responsible for these sudden global warming events.

Components: 5,800 words, 4 figures.

Keywords: paleoclimate; kimberlite; Cenozoic hyperthermals.
Index Terms: 0473 Biogeosciences: Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography (3344, 4900).
Received 29 March 2012; Revised 17 December 2012; Accepted 18 December 2012; Published 28 February 2013.

Patterson M. V., and D. Francis (2013) Kimberlite eruptions as triggers for early Cenozoic hyperthermals, Geochem.
Geophys. Geosys., 14, 448–456, doi:10.1002/ggge.20054.

1. Introduction during the PETM are difficult to piece together, the

available evidence indicates early warming, followed
[2] The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) by a more drastic warming coincident with a negative
is an early Cenozoic hyperthermal that occurred both shift in d13C [Carozza et al., 2011; Leon-Rodriguez
on land and in the ocean. It is associated with a global and Dickens, 2010; Secord et al., 2010; Sluijs et al.,
disturbance in carbon isotopes and a global dissolution 2007; D. J. Thomas et al., 2002]. Although the
of CaCO3 sediments. On the basis of these and other negative carbon isotopic excursion (CIE) associated
environmental changes, the PETM has been related with the PETM has been attributed to carbon released
to an enormous release of CO2 and/or CH4 [Dickens from methane hydrates on the sea floor, the source
et al., 1997]. Although the sequence of the events of carbon that produced the early warming that

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Geochemistry 3

destabilized these hydrates is yet unknown [Bowen rapid (<10 kyr) carbon release that was signifi-
et al., 2004; Bralower et al., 1997; Carozza et al., cantly depleted in 13C [Röhl et al., 2000; Zachos
2011; Dickens, 2000; Dickens et al., 1995, 1997; et al., 2007]. Prior to the light carbon injection, a
Hancock and Dickens, 2005; Kent, 2003; Lourens brief period of oceanic [Sluijs et al., 2007; D. J.
et al., 2005; Moore and Kurtz, 2008; Panchuk Thomas et al., 2002] and continental [Secord
et al., 2008; Sluijs et al., 2007; D. J. Thomas et al., et al., 2010] warming, as well as dissolution of
2002; E. Thomas, 2003; E. Thomas and Shackleton, seafloor carbonates [Leon-Rodriguez and Dickens,
1996; E. Thomas and Zachos, 2000; Tripati and 2010], is thought to have occurred, indicating that
Elderfield, 2005; Zachos, 2003, 2004; Zachos the carbon input that caused the CIE is unlikely to
et al., 1993, 2001, 2005, 2007; Zeebe et al., 2009]. have produced the initial warming. Recent models
In this paper, we propose that the initial warming of carbon emissions during the PETM indicate that
that occurred during the early stages of the PETM it is characterized by an initial period of warming
(and two other early Cenozoic hyperthermals) was and carbonate dissolution requiring ~1000 Pg of
caused by the release of CO2 during the eruption of carbon, which is then followed by a rapid input
a large cluster of kimberlite pipes in the Lac de Gras of depleted carbon that caused the CIE [Carozza
kimberlite field of the Slave Province, Canada. et al., 2011]. There are few carbon reservoirs
available that could contribute to the early warming,
without resulting in large d13C excursions, because
2. Background organic matter and methane hydrates are strongly
depleted in 13C.
[3] Several proposals have been offered to explain
the PETM including: comet impact [Kent, 2003],
global wild fires [Kurtz et al., 2003], volcanic activity 3. Observations
[Svensen, 2004], and methane hydrate dissociation
[Dickens et al., 1997]. The lack of extra-terrestrial [5] The Earth’s mantle is a vast reservoir of carbon,
tracer material in CIE deposits, such as iridium likely equivalent to all other carbon reservoirs com-
anomalies, and the discovery that magnetotactic bined. Normally, mantle carbon leaks out slowly
bacteria is the cause of magnetically anomalous clay through mid-ocean ridges and volcanoes, at rates
layers renders the impact hypothesis unlikely [Kopp of 10–3 Pg/yr of carbon [Caldeira and Rampino,
et al., 2007]. The relative absence of anomalous 1991], three orders of magnitude lower than that
graphitic black carbon in the PETM sediments argues required for hyperthermals (~1 Pg/yr; [Zeebe et al.,
against the possibility that global wildfires were 2009]). However, in rare circumstances, direct con-
the cause of the PETM [Moore and Kurtz, 2008]. duits between the deep mantle and the atmosphere
Typical basaltic volcanic activity is also an unlikely are provided by rapid explosive kimberlite eruptions.
source of this initial CO2 because of the low CO2 In contrast, the CO2 contents of basaltic magmas in
contents of basalts (< 1 wt %) associated with large large volcanic provinces (i.e., shield volcanoes or
igneous provinces and their slow eruption rates flood basalts) are estimated to be << 1 wt % [Blundy
[Blundy et al., 2010; Caldeira and Rampino, 1991; et al., 2010; Gerlach et al., 2002; Keeling et al.,
Gerlach et al., 2002; Keeling et al., 1995; Sobolev 1995; Sobolev et al., 2011] and although large
et al., 2011]. Furthermore, volcanic SO2 released volcanic provinces provide vast amounts of lava
during large igneous province eruptions forms con- (105–106 km3), thus vast amounts of CO2, they are
siderable amounts of atmospheric sulfate aerosols, emplaced over timescales of millions of years
which would cause global cooling [Self et al., [Wignall, 2001]. Kimberlite fields are found on every
2006]. The release of thermogenic methane produced continent, and throughout at least the last 1 billion
by igneous intrusions into organic-rich sediments years of the geological record, and their emplace-
would require that the CIE precedes the ocean water ment is distinct in that they occur in discrete fields
warming event, contrary to the observed isotopic and during distinct episodes (Figure 1).
data. Although methane from hydrate dissociation [6] Magmatic kimberlite rocks have very high
is thought to have played a pivotal role during the
carbonate contents (CO2 ~20 wt %; [Brooker et al.,
PETM, because it is highly depleted in 13C and a
2001; Francis and Patterson, 2009; Nielsen and
strong greenhouse gas, its role is most consistent with
Jensen, 2005; Patterson et al., 2009; Sparks et al.,
having caused the CIE and not the initial warming.
2006]), yet volcanoclastic kimberlite rocks are
[4] The negative shift of d13C (CIE) during the relatively carbonate-poor (CO2 < 5 wt %) and char-
PETM is thought to be related to a geologically acterized by the final crystallization of monticellite,
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Geochemistry 3

Figure 1. World map illustrating the major kimberlite fields containing hundreds of kimberlite pipes and (inset)
illustrating the temporal clusters of kimberlite eruption episodes (Location and age data – Faure [2010]).
Diamond – major kimberlite occurrence; circles – representative selection of sample sites containing PETM sediment
[McInerney and Wing, 2011; Zachos et al., 2005]. For additional sites of both kimberlite eruptions and hyperthermal
locations, please refer to the exhaustive list in references.

phlogopite, and diopside at the expense of the typical substantially better temporal resolution than that
carbonate-rich matrix that characterizes magmatic obtained by radiometric dating [Lockhart et al.,
kimberlite [Skinner and Marsh, 2004; Sparks et al., 2004]. Seismic data indicate that the three younger
2006]. That is as CO2 degasses from the ascending kimberlite clusters appear to have been emplaced
magma, the aSiO2 of the melt increased to levels along distinct corridors that represent deep crustal
that favor crystallization of silicate minerals (i.e., or lithospheric dyke swarms composed of numerous
monticellite, phlogopite and diopside) in the simple dykes clustered within zones kilometers in width
CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2 system [Canil and Bellis, [Snyder and Lockhart, 2005]. Although only 50 of
2008; Franz and Wyllie, 1967; Ootto and Wyllie, the over 270 Lac de Gras kimberlite pipes have
1993]. Thus, the transition from magmatic kimberlite precise ages [Creaser et al., 2004; Graham et al.,
to volcanoclastic kimberlite is associated with the 1999; Heaman et al., 2003], their age data exhibit a
release of CO2. Kimberlite magma is estimated to clustered distribution (59.00.7, 55.50.7, 53.20.3,
rise to the surface in a matter of hours and have and 47.80.3 Ma).
eruption durations on the order of weeks, thus signif-
[8] Although the ages of the clusters within the
icant amounts of CO2 can be released at high rates.
Lac de Gras kimberlite field and those of the
[7] The ages of the three early Cenozoic hyperther- early Cenozoic hyperthermals have been previously
mals (~59.2, 55.5, and 53.2 Ma; [Charles et al., 2011; reported, their striking correspondence is first
Hancock and Dickens, 2005; Lourens et al., 2005; demonstrated here (Figure 2). The lack of age dates
E. Thomas and Zachos, 2000]) are indistinguish- for most of the kimberlite pipes in the Lac de Gras
able from three of the four ages of kimberlite clus- field requires a reconstruction of an age distribution
ters that comprise the Lac de Gras kimberlite field for the undated kimberlite pipes to estimate the
of northern Canada. There are over 270 kimberlites total number of pipes within each cluster. We have
in the Lac de Gras kimberlite field that range in age approached this reconstruction by assuming that
from 74 to 45 Ma, with at least four distinct age and the unknown age data will have a similar, albeit
spatial clusters: 59.00.7, 55.50.7, 53.20.3, and smooth, distribution as the 50 known ages. Consid-
47.80.3 Ma [Creaser et al., 2004; Graham et al., ering that three of the age clusters (55.50.7,
1999]. Reversals in magnetic polarity in the Lac de 53.20.3, and 47.80.3 Ma) have been shown to
Gras kimberlites [Cande and Kent, 1995] provide be spatially clustered [i.e., Lockhart et al., 2004,
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Geochemistry 3

300 m [Nowicki et al., 2004; Pell, 1997; L. D. Stasiuk

et al., 1999; Sweet et al., 2003]. Detailed studies of
kimberlite pipes in the Lac de Gras area indicate that
their present depths vary between 400–1100 m
[Moss et al., 2008; Nowicki et al., 2008], and thus
emplacement depths of ~600–1300 m. Pipe mor-
phology are characterized by steeply dipping walls
(~80 ; [Nowicki et al., 2008]), yielding an average
volume of 3  107 m3 of kimberlite per pipe.
Although kimberlite pipes often deviate from a
simplified cone-shaped body [Nowicki et al., 2004],
such deviations tend to increase volume and thus
the foregoing would be a minimum volume esti-
mate. Furthermore, kimberlite pipes are typically
Figure 2. Histogram of showing the final distribution excavated multiple times (3–5) by repeated eruption
of Lac de Gras kimberlite emplacement age (rationale episodes [Scott Smith, 2008] and thus the volume
available in text), hyperthermal events, and main kimberlite of the erupted kimberlite is likely many times that
clusters indicated (age data references same as in text). of the observed pipes. The Lac de Gras kimberlite
cluster that is coeval with the PETM comprises ~50
known pipes corresponding to a minimum volume
Figure 3], 29 additional undated kimberlite pipes of erupted magma 5–8  109 m3.
that lie within these intrusive corridors were
assigned the mean age for their respective clusters [10] The capacity of kimberlite magma to transport
(55.5 = 19; 53.2 = 10). Although age clusters have CO2 is difficult to constrain because a gaseous CO2
been demonstrated in the Lac de Gras kimberlite phase is likely to develop as the magma undergoes
field, it may be reasonable to assume that the depressurization during ascent [Russell et al., 2012;
remaining kimberlites of unknown age are similarly Sparks et al., 2006]. Russell et al. [2012] demon-
clustered; we have chosen a simpler distribution strated that the chemical assimilation of orthopyrox-
approach (Figure 3). The remaining 191 kimberlites ene by proto kimberlite magma (carbonatite) would
are distributed across 45–75 Ma with a similar release large amounts of CO2 due to the decreasing
distribution as the dated kimberlite which have a solubility of CO2 in a melt as the aSiO2 increases,
median age of 55.9. The three methods are then thus it is likely that an additional 25–30 wt % of free
stacked in a histogram resulting with a prominent CO2 gas is accompanying kimberlite eruptions. The
mode at 55.9 Ma. The modes corresponding to four presence of this free gas phase was first demonstrated
kimberlite clusters are at 59.0 Ma (n= 12), 55.9 Ma as a requirement for kimberlite dyke initiation and
(n= 50), 53.2 Ma (n= 33), and 47.8 Ma (n= 7). The propagation to explain the ultrarapid ascent of
three older kimberlite age clusters correspond kimberlite from such great depths [Wilson and Head,
within error to three early Cenozoic hyperthermals, 2007]. Despite the foregoing, the volume of a free
one of which is the PETM at 55.5 Ma. CO2 gas phase is difficult to quantify; however, a
minimum constraint on CO2 in magmatic kimberlite
is simply estimated by the stoichiometry of carbonate
4. Volume Estimates and the carbonate content of magmatic kimberlite,
~20% of CO2 by weight [Brooker et al., 2001;
[9] Kimberlite pipes in the Lac de Gras field have Nielsen and Sand, 2008; Patterson et al., 2009;
a cone morphology similar to that of the classic Sparks et al., 2006]. The density of magmatic kimber-
South African model [Field and Scott Smith, lite is ~3.2  106 g/m3 (80% Fo90 and 20% calcite),
1997]; however, they tend to be shallow (~950 m; thus volumes of 5–8  109 m3 yield 2–3  1016 g
[Moss et al., 2008; Nowicki et al., 2008]), thus they of kimberlite. Kimberlite pipes, however, are domi-
are volumetrically smaller. Phanerozoic strata are nated by volcanoclastic kimberlite rocks, which
missing in the Lac de Gras area, although crustal form through explosive degassing that occurs
xenoliths preserved within the kimberlite deposits during kimberlite pipe excavation and thus are CO2
suggest an original succession of Cretaceous marine poor compared to magmatic kimberlite, typically
shales, terrigenous arenite, and organic peat capping <5% of CO2 by weight. Calculating the mass of
basement rocks during the Early Cenozoic, with CO2 degassed during emplacement as a 15%
variable estimates of thickness ranging from 100 to net weight loss, results in 2–4  1015 g of CO2 or
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Geochemistry 3

Figure 3. Series of statistical probability, histogram plots and density traces results from NCSS statistical software
that illustrates our statistical approach during reconstruction of the age distribution for the Lac de Gras kimberlite field.
(A) Probability plot showing the age clusters similar to previous studies [Lockhart et al., 2004]; (B) histogram and
density trace line for 50 known kimberlite ages reported for the Lac de Gras kimberlite field; (C) histogram and density
trace of the 50 known kimberlite ages and the additional 29 kimberlites assigned to the 55.5 and 53.2 age clusters;
(D) same data as Figure 3C, however, density trace forced into smoothest curve to illustrate overall age distribution
for the Lac de Gras kimberlite field, note the mode at ~56 Ma; (E) histogram of random age data generated to produce
similar density trace distribution as seen in Figure 3D, note mode at ~56 Ma; (F) histogram and density trace resulting
from adding data in Figures 3C and 3E.

6.0–10.0  1014 g of carbon per kimberlite cluster, cluster could release carbon at a rate of ~2–40 Pg/yr.
using the observed pipe volume. Studies regarding As stated earlier, kimberlite pipes are typically exca-
kimberlite eruption dynamics suggest the range of vated by repeated eruption episodes [Field and Scott
magma supply rates is 500–10,000 m3/s [Sparks Smith, 1997], and erupt larger volumes of magma
et al., 2006], thus a kimberlite cluster of 55 pipes than what remains in the pipes, thus the calculated
would degas the above mass of carbon between 5 duration required to produce 1000 Pg of carbon is
and 200 days. The eruption of a single kimberlite estimated to be 200–3000 days (Figure 4).
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Geochemistry 3

Figure 4. Plot of carbon versus time produced by cluster of 50 kimberlites with varying magma supply rates. Range
of carbon required to produce 3 C of initial warming indicated by shaded box.

5. Discussion to the almost certain presence of a gaseous CO2

phase that develops during magma ascent.
[11] Our calculations suggest that kimberlite erup- [12] In addition to the much studied PETM, there are
tions release carbon at a rate that far exceeds two other hyperthermals with dissolution horizons
1 Pg/yr. Estimates of minimum kimberlite eruption observed during the late Paleocene to mid-Eocene
volumes that range from 106 to 108 m3 based on period that are similar to that associated with the
observable pipe volumes suggest durations of days PETM (~55.6 Ma); during the mid-Paleocene at
to weeks dependent on the magma supply rate ~59.1 Ma [Hancock and Dickens, 2005] and the
(500–10,000 m3/s; Sparks et al. [2006]). These early-Eocene at ~53.2 Ma [Lourens et al., 2005].
durations are, however, likely to be much shorter These horizons are similar to the horizon associated
than the total duration of the eruptions: (1) the with the PETM and are characterized by the presence
volume estimates are the lower bounds because of a distinct reddish clay layer, an abrupt drop in
they do not include the amount of magma ejected carbonate content, and a pronounced peak in mag-
out of the kimberlite pipe, and (2) driving pressure netic susceptibility that is thought to reflect in-
in the source region may decline as an eruption creased clay content [Bernaola et al., 2007]. These
proceeds, thus leading to an exponential decrease two dissolution horizons are characterized by
of magma supply rate, which results in lower decreased oxygen isotope (d18O) and carbon
estimated supply rates [Sparks et al., 2006; M. isotope (d13C) values similar to the anomalies asso-
V. Stasiuk et al., 1993]. The inferred flow rate ciated with the PETM, although of smaller magni-
(500–10,000 m3/s) approaches those typical of tudes [Hancock and Dickens, 2005; Lourens
Plinian eruption columns that reach 10 to 35 km et al., 2005]. The similarities between the three
into the stratosphere [Sparks et al., 1997, 2006]. hyperthermals have led most workers to consider
The volume of kimberlite trapped in the pipe is
all three to be sedimentary responses to abrupt cli-
only a small fraction of the total erupted magma
matic change attributed to disruption of the carbon
and thus the eruptions are likely to be on the
order of weeks to months in duration. Calculating
the eruption duration if the magma supply rate is [13] The correspondence between the ages of three
increased to 5000 m3/s, the duration required to early Cenozoic hyperthermals and three kimberlite
produce 900–1100 Pg of carbon is reduced to clusters in the Lac de Gras kimberlite field suggests
300–200 days (Figure 4). Furthermore, even these that kimberlite eruption may have provided the
durations are considered longer than required due CO2 responsible for the initial global warming that
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Geochemistry 3

destabilized marine methane hydrates. Although Acknowledgments

the analytical uncertainties associated with ages of
the Lac de Gras kimberlites are relatively small [15] This paper arose out of discussions regarding paleo-
(~1–2 Ma), it is difficult to discern whether individ- climate with a number of colleagues at McGill University,
ual kimberlite pipes in a cluster erupt concurrently mainly Al Mucci, Eric Galbraith, Dirk Schumann and David
or sporadically over longer time spans. The spatial Carozza. In addition, the ideas in this paper have benefited from
trends of the clusters indicate that they belong to discussions with William Manarik and Boswell Wing as well as
common dyke systems which, coupled with the statistical advice from Vincent Van Hinsberg. We appreciate the
high estimated ascent rates, suggest that the magma rigorous and many reviews of our manuscript, the thoughtful and
helpful comments from Dante Canil were greatly appreciated.
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