TEM - Kikuchi Lines
TEM - Kikuchi Lines
TEM - Kikuchi Lines
Midterm Exam: Oct. 22, Wednesday, 2:30 4:30 Close note, and bring your calculator
Outline Kikuchi Line and its indexing Double diffraction CBED pattern (convergent beam electron diffraction)
Kikuchi Line
Conventional high energy electron diffraction relies on elastic scattering. However, in a thick enough specimen, inelastic scattering will also take place. Inelastically scattered electrons travel in all directions but their distribution peaks in a forward direction, as shown in Figure (a). Note that in reality, the scattering is occurring in 3 dimensions. More electrons are scattered forward than sideways. This contributes a grey background around the central spot of the diffraction pattern, as shown in Figure (b).
(1). Electrons which have been inelastically scattered can subsequently be diffracted, but only (a) if they are now traveling at the Bragg angle, B to a set of planes, {hkl}. (2). Two sets of electrons will be able to do this those at (+ B ) and those at (- B), as seen in Fig. (a). (3). This diffraction results in intensity changes in the background. Because there are more electrons at A than B (since electrons passing through A are closer to the incident direction than those through B) one bright line is developed (the excess line) together with one (b) dark line (the deficit line). (4). Because the electrons are inelastically scattered in all directions, the diffracted electrons will form a cone, called Kossel cone, not a beam. Hence we observe Kikuchi lines - not Kikuchi spots,as seen in Fig. (b). (5) The spacing of the pair of Kikuchi lines is the same as the spacing of the diffracted spots from the same plane. However, the position of the lines is very sensitively controlled by the orientation of the specimen and Kikuchi lines are often used to set the orientation of a crystal in the CHEM 793, 2008 Fall TEM to an accuracy of 0.01 degrees.
Incident electrons
(6) Kikuchi (1928) described this phenomenon before the development of the TEM; It can occur in any crystalline specimen. (7). Kikuchi lines are useful for precise determination of specimen in a TEM. When we tilt the specimen, we tilt its reciprocal lattice. Tilts of the reciprocal lattice with respect to a stationary Ewald Sphere do not cause any substantial changes in the positions of the diffraction spots, but the individual spots grow of fade in intensity. (8). The positions the Kikuchi lines are extremely sensitive to the tilt of the specimen. During a tilt, the Kikuchi lines moves as if they are affixed to the bottom of the crystal. With a long camera length typical for diffraction work, there is significant movement of the Kikuchi lines on the viewing screen.
Tilt angle 20
Tilt angle 10
This simulation shows Kikuchi lines moving in relation to the diffracted spots when the crystal is tilted through small angles.
Kikuchi line images Some Kikuchi line micrographs for silicon are shown. (a)The Kikuchi lines pass straight through the transmitted and diffracted spots. The diffracting planes are therefore tilted at exactly the Bragg angle to the optic axis The ideal specimen thickness will be such that we can see both the spot pattern and the Kikuchi lines as seen in Fig. (a). This is one of the few situations when thinner is not necessarily better. In most cases, the specimen is the thinner and the better
(b) The crystal has now been titled slightly away from the Bragg angle, so that the Kikuchi lines no longer pass through the transmitted and diffracted spots
(c). The crystal is tilted so that more that one set of planes are diffracting. Each set of diffracting planes has its own pair of Kikuchi lines
Indexing Kikuchi Lines The separation between the two Kikuchi lines is the same as the separation between the (hkl) diffraction spot.
h +k +l p1 = 2 2 2 p2 h2 + k 2 + l2
2 1 2 1 2 1
Diffraction Spot Pattern with Kikuchi Lines Figure shows ratios of 32 and 8 for indexed (440) and (220) CHEM 793, 2008 Fall
Kikuchi line, (-400), bisects, the line between (000) and (-400)
Kikuchi line, (400),bisects Diffraction Spot Pattern with Kikuchi the line between (000) Fall and (400) CHEM 793, 2008 Lines
Specimen Orientation and Deviation parameter (s) The positions the Kikuchi lines are extremely sensitive to the tilt of the specimen. During a tilt, the Kikuchi lines moves as if they are affixed to the bottom of the crystal. With a long camera length typical for diffraction work, there is significant movement of the Kikuchi lines on the viewing screen. The Kikuchi lines can be used to determine the sign and magnitude of the deviation parameter, s, which quantifies how accurately the Laue condition is satisfied. (a)
Kossel Cones and diffracted beams Crystal rotate
Camera Length L
Deviation Parameter, s: x is the distance between the diffraction spots and its corresponding bright Kikuchi line (E-line)
0 Ewald Sphere g
(000) D
g(hkl) Kikuchi lines (D and E line)
Perfect orientation, s=0
g x x 2 s= = g k r r
CHEM 793, 2008 Fall
The sign of s
s points from the Ewald sphere to the reciprocal lattice point. For Kikuchi line, s=0, when the Kikuchi line runs exactly through its corresponding diffraction spots. s<0 if the excess line lies inside its corresponding diffraction spot g. In this case the reciprocal lattice point lies outside the Ewald sphere. s>0 if the excess line lies outside its corresponding diffraction spot g. In this case the reciprocal lattice point lies inside the Ewald sphere