Voucherhotel325-2735183 1660525677149
Voucherhotel325-2735183 1660525677149
Voucherhotel325-2735183 1660525677149
Pesanan konfirm dan dijamin - Voucher - Hotel / Booking confirmed and guaranteed - Voucher - Hotel
Keterangan / Remarks
B2BNRFCH: This rate does not allow any changes. You must cancel the existing booking and issue a new one. Cancellation fees
may apply according to the rate conditions.
Due to the pandemic, many accommodation and service providers may implement processes and policies to help protect the safety of all
of us. This may result in the unavailability or changes in certain services and amenities that are normally available from them. More info
here https://cutt.ly/MT8BJcv (15/05/2020 - 31/12/2022).
Parkir mobil Ya tanpa biaya. Jam check-in dari 02:00 ke 00:00. Akomodasi gratis untuk anak-anak dan membayar makanan dari 0 ke 12
tahun. Deposit saat tiba. null 18.
Car park Yes without charges. Check-in hour from 02:00 to 00:00. Children get free accommodation, meals payable on the spot from 0 to
12 years. Deposit on arrival. Minimum check-in age 18.
Benefits included: Free WiFi.
Referensi konfirmasi dari hotel: Layanan sudah dipastikan, tetapi rujukannya belum tersedia. Silakan memeriksa
GMS: 6° 53' 45.892'' S - 107° 35' 26.012'' E
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