Assessment Tools Edwin Nixon
Assessment Tools Edwin Nixon
Assessment Tools Edwin Nixon
Students will be provided with a Students will be provided with a lesson on the Students will be provided with a
lesson on the Texas Revolution and consequences of the annexation of Texas and lesson on the expansion of the cotton
be given time to research the topic. be given time to research the topic. After industry in Texas and be given time to
After research, students will write a research, students will write an analytical essay research the topic. After research,
Description and historical analysis of the Texas on the consequences of the annexation of students will be provided with maps to
Implementation Revolution, which will be graded on Texas, which will be graded on a rubric. The analyze and interpret the expansion of
a rubric. The rubric will outline rubric will outline specific criteria for the the cotton industry in Texas, which
specific criteria for the assignment assignment and will be used for grading. will be graded on a rubric. The rubric
and will be used for grading. will outline specific criteria for the
assignment and will be used for