Assessment Tools Edwin Nixon

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Assessment Tools Chart

Formative Assessment 1 Formative Assessment 2 Formative Assessment 3

Understanding How Resources Are

Assessment Title/ Produced, Allocated, and Used
Standards Assessed Civics and Government: Exploring Understanding the Physical and Cultural
the Role of the Citizen Characteristics of a Place

This assessment will involve This assessment will involve students’

students conducting research on the understanding of how resources are
role of a citizen in their local This assessment will involve students’ produced, allocated, and used would
community, state, and nation. It will understanding of the physical and cultural be a simulation activity. Students
involve students exploring the rights characteristics of a place would be a mapping would be given a variety of resources
Description and and responsibilities of citizens in activity. Students would be given a historical and asked to allocate them in a way
Implementation their community, state, and nation map along with a modern-day map of a certain that maximizes the benefits for a
and use evidence from their place and asked to identify physical and community. They would then be asked
research to explain the importance cultural characteristics of the place. They to explain their decisions and how
of being an informed and active would then be asked to explain how those they could be improved.
citizen. Students will work in small characteristics have changed over time. Implementation would involve
groups to research their topic and Implementation would involve providing providing students with the resources
create a presentation to share with students with the maps and guiding them and guiding them through the activity.
the class. through the activity.

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The mapping activity supports, verifies, and The simulation activity also supports,
This tool will help to verify student documents student learning by allowing them verifies, and documents student
learning and document the progress to visually compare physical and cultural learning by allowing students to
of student understanding by characteristics of a place over time. This allocate resources in a way that
How Tool Supports, assessing the depth of their research activity allows students to see how physical maximizes the benefits for a
Verifies, and and the accuracy of their and cultural characteristics have changed, and community. This activity allows
Documents Student understanding of the importance of to explain their observations. students to create their own
Learning being an informed and active hypothetical situations to explore how
citizen. It will also help to identify resources are produced, allocated, and
any gaps in student understanding used, and to explain their decisions.
so that instruction can be adjusted to
ensure that all students have a clear
understanding of the topic.

When making ethical and appropriate

Accommodations can be made to To make ethical and appropriate accommodations to the assessments, it
ensure that all students are able to accommodations for students with special is important to consider the individual
participate in this assessment. needs, modifications can be made to the needs of each student. For example, a
Students can be given extra time to mapping activity. For example, students can be student with a physical disability may
Ways to Make Ethical complete the assignment or be given an audio version of the maps to listen to need extra time or a modified version
and Appropriate allowed to work in pairs or groups or an enlarged version of the map to work with. of the activity. Similarly, a student
Accommodations to complete the assignment. For the simulation activity, modifications can with a learning disability may need to
Additionally, the expectations for be made by providing simplified versions of be provided with extra support or a
the presentation can be adjusted to the resources or breaking down the activity into different version of the activity
ensure that all students are able to smaller, more manageable tasks.
participate, such as providing visual
aids or allowing students to present
in a variety of formats.

How Results Would

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The results of this assessment would The results would be communicated to
be communicated to students The results of the assessments would be students through a debrief and
through oral feedback during their communicated to students through individual discussion. During the debrief,
presentation, as well as in written feedback, group discussion, and/or written students would be provided with
form on the rubric used to grade the reports. Written reports could be provided to feedback on their performance, and
assessment. The rubric would students to document their progress and the discussion would be used to allow
be Communicated to
provide a clear explanation of the results of the assessments. them to reflect on their learning and
expectations and how the students’ identify areas for improvement.
work was evaluated. Additionally,
the teacher can provide individual
feedback to students to help them
understand their strengths and areas
for improvement.

The results would be communicated to families

The results from both the mapping through a conference. The conference would The results from the assessments
and simulation activities would be provide an overview of the activity and the would be communicated to families
How Results Would communicated to families through a student’s performance, as well as areas for through a written report. The report
be Communicated to written report or during a improvement. would include an overview of the
Families conference. During the report or assessment, the results, and feedback
conference, families would be on the student's performance.
provided with an overview of their
child's performance, as well as
feedback on their learning.

Summative Assessment 1 Summative Assessment 2 Summative Assessment 3

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Assessment Title/
Historical Analysis of the Texas Analytical Essay on the Consequences of the Map Analysis of the Expansion of the
Standards Assessed
Revolution Annexation of Texas Cotton Industry in Texas

Students will be provided with a Students will be provided with a lesson on the Students will be provided with a
lesson on the Texas Revolution and consequences of the annexation of Texas and lesson on the expansion of the cotton
be given time to research the topic. be given time to research the topic. After industry in Texas and be given time to
After research, students will write a research, students will write an analytical essay research the topic. After research,
Description and historical analysis of the Texas on the consequences of the annexation of students will be provided with maps to
Implementation Revolution, which will be graded on Texas, which will be graded on a rubric. The analyze and interpret the expansion of
a rubric. The rubric will outline rubric will outline specific criteria for the the cotton industry in Texas, which
specific criteria for the assignment assignment and will be used for grading. will be graded on a rubric. The rubric
and will be used for grading. will outline specific criteria for the
assignment and will be used for

This tool supports, verifies, and

How Tool Supports, documents student learning by This tool supports, verifies, and documents This tool supports, verifies, and
Verifies, and requiring students to research the student learning by requiring students to documents student learning by
Documents Student Texas Revolution, analyze the research the consequences of the annexation of requiring students to research the
Learning events and significance, and Texas, analyze the effects, and articulate their expansion of the cotton industry in
articulate their understanding in an understanding in an organized and coherent Texas, analyze the effects on the state,
organized and coherent manner. manner. and articulate their understanding
through map analysis.

Ways to Make Ethical

and Appropriate Ways to make ethical and
Accommodations appropriate accommodations Students can be given the option of
include providing extended time for In order to make ethical and appropriate completing the assignment with a
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students with learning disabilities, accommodations for this assessment, students partner if they are struggling to
allowing students to dictate their can be provided with additional time to complete the task on their own.
responses to a scribe, providing complete the assignment, access to a writing
students access to a word processor, center for assistance, and alternate methods of
and providing a modified assessment to demonstrate their understanding
assignment with fewer questions. such as a verbal presentation or a poster.

How Results Would thro

be Communicated to

How Results Would

be Communicated to

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