Paper 1
Paper 1
Paper 1
Abstract: FinTech platforms are one of the most important elements in the rapidly digitized world’s
economy. This study investigates the factors that affected individuals’ acceptance of FinTech services,
especially on internet wealth management platforms. The current research extends the unified theory
of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) published by MIS Quarterly with integrated financial
consumption attributes (i.e., perceived value and perceived risk) alongside the core construct of
UTAUT. Data were collected from an established survey company. The empirical results indicate
that perceived value, perceived risk, and social influence are strongly related to individuals’ FinTech
adoption intention, whereas performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and perceived risk affect
individuals’ perceived value, which in turn influences adoption intention. The proposed FinTech
adoption model could contribute to information technology (IT) adoption research by extending the
UTAUT in which individuals’ performance expectancy and effort expectancy affect their adoption
Citation: Xie, J.; Ye, L.; Huang, W.;
intention indirectly through perceived value. Finally, the implications of the proposed new model for
Ye, M. Understanding FinTech
Platform Adoption: Impacts of
future research and FinTech practice are discussed.
Perceived Value and Perceived Risk. J.
Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. Keywords: FinTech platform; IT adoption; UTAUT; perceived value; perceived risk
2021, 16, 1893–1911. https://
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16, 1893–1911.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1894
needs to explore the factors that influence individuals’ FinTech adoption focus in such a
specific context.
FinTech related research can be classified into two categories. One stream of the
research on FinTech mainly focuses on its revolution and effects on the incumbent financial
industry [3–6]. This stream of work contributes to the expansion of understanding of the
mechanisms of FinTech platforms. The other stream of work focuses on investigating the
factors that affect Fintech platforms’ adoption. The wider adoption of FinTech platforms
depends on individuals’ access to new technologies. Therefore, FinTech adoption behavior
could be regarded as financial technology adoption behavior to some extent. The unified
theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) [7] is widely used as the baseline
model for understanding FinTech adoption intention or behavior [8–10]. Previous research
focuses on exploring the financial-related adoption behavior from the perspective of tech-
nology adoption and contributes to our understanding of FinTech platforms [1,8,9,11–14].
However, most studies focus on specific FinTech services such as online banking, and
online payments, as well as peer-to-peer lending [9,15–27]. Few of them explore factors
that affect individuals’ online wealth management platforms.
Logically, individuals’ FinTech adoption behavior manifests in both technology adop-
tion behavior and financial services consumption behavior. Financial services consumption
refers to the processes where consumers access and use financial products such as internet
fund products and/or services. In this paper, we focus on the internet wealth manage-
ment platforms of FinTech services. Several studies on consumer behavior indicate that
consumers’ decision-making behavior largely depends on utility maximization [28–31]. Per-
ceived value is related to consumer behavior [28,32]. Moreover, the risk nature of financial
products and the uncertainty of e-commerce are the main obstacles that affect individuals’
use of FinTech platforms, especially for internet wealth management platforms [33–38]. As
the main attributes of financial services consumption, the two constructs, the perceived
risk and perceived value, have been studied separately in prior research. There are mixed
findings on the impact of perceived risk on individuals’ FinTech adoption-related behav-
ior [23,39,40]. Especially for internet wealth management platforms, few studies integrated
the two constructs into UTAUT in the FinTech adoption context. Although previous re-
search is valuable in extending FinTech platform adoption from different perspectives,
there is still a need for a comprehensive understanding of individuals’ FinTech adoption
from a perspective that integrates technology adoption and financial services consumption
Based on the widely used technology adoption model, this study proposes a powerful
FinTech adoption model by integrating financial services consumption attributes (i.e.,
perceived value and perceived risk) with the UTAUT. Furthermore, the definition of
perceived value has two components, “received” and “given”, related to performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, and perceived risk. There is a need to clarify the relationships
among these constructs when integrating new constructs into the UTAUT.
This study has revealed several theoretical and practical implications. First, the
current study fills the gaps mentioned earlier by exploring the factors that affect individuals’
FinTech adoption of internet wealth management platforms from the financial consumption
perspective. Second, this study confirms the impacts of perceived value and perceived
risk on individuals’ FinTech adoption in internet wealth management platforms. By
adding the perceived risk and perceived value, this study extends the generalizability
of the UTAUT in the FinTech adoption context. Moreover, the interactions between the
UTAUT constructs and the added constructs are verified in the internet wealth management
context. Clarifying the relationships among perceived value, perceived risk, performance
expectancy, and effort expectancy can improve the understanding of the mechanisms of
FinTech adoption-related behavior. The current study can provide practical implications
for FinTech companies to design their related policies and maintain their competitiveness.
This study is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the theoretical foundation and
hypotheses development. Section 3 outlines the research method, and the results are shown
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1895
in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 discusses the main findings, followed by the theoretical and
practical implications, and the limitations in Section 6.
Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis [50] pointed out that social influence positively
affects individuals’ adoption intention in the UTAUT. Also, numerous studies demonstrate
that social impact positively affects individuals’ behavioral outcomes. Yang et al. [55]
reported that social influence affects individuals’ M-payment adoption intention positively.
Chiu et al. [56] explored the antecedents that influence people’s consumption of internet
sports gambling. Their conclusion implied that social influence determines an individuals’
adoption attitude. Hamari and Koivisto [57] suggested that people’s willingness to keep
difficult habits was positively influenced by society. De Luna, Liébana-Cabanillas, Sánchez-
Fernández and Muñoz-Leiva [18] demonstrated that social influence significantly affects
mobile payment systems’ adoption intention. Wei, Luh, Huang and Chang [25] empirically
verified that social influence affects young generations’ online payment adoption. All these
studies indicated that social influence positively affects individuals’ intention to consume
goods/services. Based on the above studies, it can be believed that individuals’ adoption
intention of internet wealth management platforms will be affected by essential others.
H1: Social influence is positively related to individuals’ adoption intention in internet wealth
management platforms.
Viewing the perceived value from a price cost and benefit perspective would ignore the
multi-dimensionality of perceived value. Besides, Jünger and Mietzner [20] empirically
demonstrated that price perception does not affect individuals’ FinTech adoption. There-
fore, it is necessary from a more comprehensive perspective to understand the value effect
on individuals’ adoption behavior over various contexts [62]. Perceived value is not only
monetary but also non-monetary [31]. The monetary dimension refers to financial cost. The
non-monetary dimension is mainly explained as the time, effort, and other non-monetary
aspects spent on the products during the consumption process [31]. Therefore, following
the definition proposed by Zeithaml [31], this study defines perceived value as individuals’
general evaluation of the utility of FinTech platforms, depending on their perceptions of
what is “given” and “received.”
Behavioral decision theory [63] justifies that individuals’ decision behavior is mainly
dependent on the trade-off between the utility of the decision (i.e., performance expectancy)
and the effort to choose the decision (i.e., effort expectancy), which is analogous to perceived
value. The definition of perceived value describes individuals’ global evaluation of the
FinTech platform’s utility based on the two components (i.e., “received” and “given”). The
perceived value represents the selection strategy’s judgment, which affects the individuals’
decision-making behavior [28].
Perceived value and its impacts on consumer behavior drew the attention of scholars
decades ago. A mass of research showed that perceived value positively affects consumers’
attitudes and behaviors [13,28,32,62,64–66]. A study conducted by Sweeney and Soutar [62]
showed that consumers’ perceived value affected their purchase intention and behavior
by evaluating products’ value. Kim, Chan and Gupta [28] concluded that perceived
value influenced consumers’ acceptance of M-internet and developed the value-based
adoption of mobile internet model (VAM) through integrating the consumer choice theory
with the decision-making theory. In the VAM, consumers’ adoption intention of the M-
internet can be explained by the perceived value. Roy [66] proposed that value could be
perceived during the exchanging, using, or experiencing progress and affected consumers’
behavior. Gordon, Dibb, Magee, Cooper and Waitt [32] verified that perceived value
helps predict individuals’ behavioral outcomes in the social marketing area. Chiu, Wang,
Fang and Huang [65] proposed that utilitarian value and hedonic value affect individuals’
repeat purchase intention in the online context. Shaw and Sergueeva [13] identified that
perceived value positively affects consumers’ intention in the mobile commerce context.
Individuals’ acceptance of the internet wealth management platform is financial service
consumption behavior. Since the prior studies showed that individuals’ perceived value
affects consuming intention, the individuals’ adoption intention would be influenced by
the perceived value of the FinTech platform.
H3: Perceived value is positively related to individuals’ adoption intention in internet wealth
management platforms.
Performance Adoption
H3 H3
Expectancy a
b Value
Effort c H4
Figure FinTechadoption
especially focusing on internet wealth management platforms. In China,aarising
focusing on internet wealth management platforms. In China, risingnumber
management platforms, an increase of 12.1% since the end of 2018 [71]. Thehigh
platforms, an increase of 12.1% since the end of 2018 [71]. The highadoption
context of internet wealth management platforms.
context of internet wealth management platforms.
3.1. Measurement
3.1. Measurement
The constructs are adapted from previous research. The scales for performance ex-
The constructs are adapted from previous research. The scales for performance ex-
pectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and adoption intention
pectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and adoption inten-
are adapted from the UTAUT [7,50]. The scale of perceived risk is adapted from Pavlou [72]
tion are adapted from the UTAUT [7,50]. The scale of perceived risk is adapted from
and Kim, Ferrin and Rao [67]. The measurement for perceived value is adopted from
Pavlou [72] and
Sirdeshmukh, SinghKim,
andFerrin and and
Sabol [29] RaoKim,
The and
Gupta [28].for perceived
Besides value
this, we alsois
adopted from Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol [29] and Kim, Chan and Gupta
collected self-report adoption behavior as a robustness test. The adoption behavior was [28]. Besides
this, we also
measured as a collected
formativeself-report adoption
indicator of behavior
the frequency as a robustness
of FinTech test. The adoption
wealth management plat-
behavior was measured as a formative indicator of the frequency of
forms (ranged from “never” to “many times per day”). All items were measured onFinTech wealth man-
agement platforms (ranged from “never” to “many times
five-point Likert scale. See Table A1 in Appendix A for details. per day”). All items were meas-
on questionnaire
a five-point Likert scale. See
was written Table A translated
in English, 1 in Appendix A for details.
into Chinese, and then translated
The questionnaire was written in English, translated
back into English to ensure content validity [73]. Two information into Chinese,
systems and then trans-
scholars and
lated back into English to ensure content validity [73]. Two information systems
two consumer behavior researchers reviewed the questionnaire to ensure content validity scholars
further. Thirty-five people took part in preliminary surveys and interviews were conducted
for the pre-test. We adjusted the language to make the whole questionnaire more concise
and easier to understand based on the pre-test feedback. The pre-test data were excluded
from the total dataset.
χ2 (p-
Statistic χ2 d.f. χ2 /d.f. CFI TLI RMSEA SRMR
Results 209.286 188 1.113 0.137 0.991 0.988 0.024 0.041
- - <5 p > 0.05 >0.9 >0.9 <0.08 <0.1
Reference Bentler and Bonett [77]; Salisbury, et al. [78]
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1901
This study used variance inflation factors (VIF) to examine whether the proposed
FinTech adoption model suffers from multicollinearity. The VIF values ranged from 1.777
to 2.100, below the threshold recommended [74]. Therefore, multicollinearity was not a
significant threat to the regression analysis. In addition, this study adopted procedural
techniques to control common method biases [79]. Three procedural techniques were used
to control method biases: (1) the first part of the questionnaire contained a participants’
privacy protection commitment to protect their anonymity and reduce apprehension about
the evaluation; (2) randomizing the scale order of each item; (3) inviting experts to review
the questionnaire to ensure it was concise and simple. Harman’s single-factor test was
conducted to examine any method biases. Seven factors accounted for 75.435% of the
variance, and the first factor accounted for 34.411% of the data variance (see Table A3
in Appendix B). The results showed that no factor could explain the major part of the
data [79–81]. Therefore, the common method biases were not a major problem for the
0 .2
Facilitating *
Conditions 0.022
Performance 0.317*** Adoption
Perceived 0.286***
Expectancy Intention
** Value
Effort 56 ***
Figure 2. The
2. The results
results of the FinTech
of the FinTech adoption
adoption model. Note: model. Note:
*** p < 0.001; ** p *** p <* 0.001;
< 0.01; p < 0.05;** p <no0.01;
n.s.: *p
no significance.
Lastly, we conducted a robustness test to verify that the proposed FinTech adoption
5. Conclusions
model was also ableand Discussion
to explicate FinTech adoption behavior. Similar to the relationship
with FinTech adoption intention, the results of the alternative model showed evidence of
This study investigated the factors that influence individuals’ FinTech a
the robustness of the proposed FinTech adoption model (see Appendix C).
havior focus, especially on internet wealth management platforms, by com
perceived risk with the core constructs of UTAUT. Th
This study investigated
FinTech adoption model the factors that influence
explained individuals’
individuals’ FinTech adoption
adoption behav-
intention with 65
ior focus, especially on internet wealth management platforms, by combining perceived
The results show that social influence (H1) and perceived value (H3) posit
value and perceived risk with the core constructs of UTAUT. The proposed FinTech adop-
tion intention,
model explained while perceived
individuals’ risk (H4)
adoption intention negatively
with 65% affects
variance. The adoption
results show int
that social influence (H1) and perceived value (H3) positively affect adoption intention,
while perceived risk (H4) negatively affects adoption intention. Performance expectancy
(H3a), effort expectancy (H3b), and perceived risk (H3c) affect individuals’ perceived value
of the FinTech platform. Facilitating conditions (H2) do not affect individuals’ adoption
Perceived value, which is affected by performance expectancy, effort expectancy,
and perceived risk, is a notable driver of FinTech adoption intention in internet wealth
management platforms. This conclusion is consistent with the behavioral decision theory,
which explains consumers’ decision behavior depends on recognizing the trade-off between
the effort to make a decision and the quality of the decision [60,61]. Perceived value was
suggested to predict a person’s using intention in many kinds of research [13,28,32,62].
Shaw and Sergueeva [13] confirmed the correlation between perceived value and adoption
intention in a mobile consumption context. Individuals are more likely to use internet
wealth management platforms if their perceived value is high. Our conclusion supports this
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1903
argument, i.e., perceived value directly affects individuals’ adoption intention of internet
wealth management platforms.
Moreover, the empirical result shows that performance expectancy, effort expectancy,
and perceived risk directly affect perceived value. Individuals’ performance expectancy
positively affects perceived value, which means the utilities of adopting FinTech platforms
could influence individuals’ assessment of the platform’s value. The more usefulness and
efficiency the internet wealth management platform provides, the higher the perceived
value. At the same time, effort expectancy showed a positive effect on perceived value in
this research. Thus, individuals’ perceived value of the FinTech platform is influence by
the extent of ease of use.
Perceived risk reflects the uncertainty of financial services consumption on internet
wealth management platforms and individuals’ perceived risk is negatively related to
perceived value. The result also proved that the partitioning of perceived value’s antecedent
as “received” and “given” components related to the performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, and perceived risk is reasonable.
More importantly, perceived risk affects individuals’ perceived value and is the most
significant inhibitor of individuals’ adoption intention in the FinTech setting. Previous
research has also confirmed the correlation between perceived risk and adoption intention
in e-commerce and online banking areas [9,33,39,65]. However, mixed findings exist about
the impact of perceived risk on individuals’ adoption in mobile payment areas [23,40]. The
current study shows that the perceived risk is the core inhibitor for individuals’ internet
wealth management platforms adoption. The FinTech consumption complexity and the
separation of time and space increase individuals’ perception of risk, thereby decreasing
adoption intention.
In line with the UTAUT, social influence positively influences adoption intention
in the internet wealth management context [7,50]. Although there is evidence from pre-
vious research that supports these results for some specific FinTech services [10,17,25],
some studies did not show similar results [8,13]. Besides this, facilitating conditions are
insignificant factors for adoption intention in the FinTech context. Venkatesh, Morris, Davis
and Davis [50] argued that the correlation relationship between facilitating condition and
adoption intention would disappear when including the effort expectancy in the whole
model. The insignificant correlation between facilitating condition and adoption intention
has also been found in mobile consumption and internet banking contexts [13,25,39].
the obstacles were ignored, generally. The antecedents that affect individuals’ adoption
behavior are not only facilitating factors but also hindering factors, which are particularly
crucial in the FinTech environment. Individuals focus on the FinTech platform’s risk
because it is not about the system stability but about their wealth. Risk can lead to loss,
which could stifle broader adoption. Although there are mixed findings of the perceived
risk on individuals’ FinTech adoption [9,16,33], the result verified that perceived risk
discourages individuals’ perceived value and their adoption intention on internet wealth
management platforms. Therefore, considering the perceived value and perceived risk
could improve the explanation of the proposed model in our context.
Second, this study extends the UTAUT by putting forward that performance ex-
pectancy and effort expectancy affect individuals’ adoption intention indirectly through
perceived value. In this study, the definition of perceived value emphasizes the overall
appraisal of the utility of FinTech platforms based on individuals’ perception of what they
received and the cost. Performance expectancy and effort expectancy are separately related
to what is received and the cost. However, prior research ignored the correlation between
perceived value and the original variables when they extended the UTAUT with perceived
value. One study examined the correlation between perceived value and the original
variables of the UTAUT [13]. The authors confirmed the correlation between performance
expectancy and perceived value in the mobile commerce context. The correlation between
effort expectancy and perceived value was ignored. By clarifying the relationship among
perceived value, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy, the UTAUT is further
deepened in the FinTech context.
Third, the proposed FinTech adoption model is more effective in the internet wealth
management context than the baseline model of the UTAUT, which is widely used to
explore the adoption of new technologies. To make the comparison, we extracted measure-
ment items, i.e., performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and adoption
intention, to build the baseline of the UTAUT and executed verification. Facilitating con-
ditions were removed due to them directly affecting individuals’ adoption behavior, not
their intention in the UTAUT. The results are presented in Figure 3. The core relationship of
JTAER 2021, 16, FOR PEER REVIEWUTAUT explains 28.3% of the variance in individuals’ FinTech adoption intention, while the
proposed FinTech adoption model could explain 65.0% of the variance. The high variance
shows the effectiveness of the FinTech adoption model.
Expectancy 0.1
7 3n
.s. R2=0.283
Figure 3. results
3. The The results of the
baseline baseline
model. Note: ** p model.
< 0.01; n.s.:Note: ** p < 0.01;
no significance. n.s.: no sig
In conclusion, the proposed model integrating perceived risk and perceived value
with theIn
coreconclusion, the
constructs of the proposed
UTAUT is feasiblemodel integrating
theoretically. perceived
Besides, its validity risk and
has also
been proved since it has high explanatory power.
with the core constructs of the UTAUT is feasible theoretically. Beside
6.2. been proved
Implications for Practicesince it has high explanatory power.
This study has several practical implications for wealth management platforms offered
FinTech companies. for
Implications Firstly, this study shows that perceived risk profoundly influences
individuals’ FinTech adoption in wealth management platforms. The risk remains individ-
This study has several practical implications for wealth managem
fered by FinTech companies. Firstly, this study shows that perceived ri
fluences individuals’ FinTech adoption in wealth management platfo
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1905
uals’ concern when using FinTech platforms to manage their wealth. Therefore, FinTech
companies should develop a restricted risk management policy. More specifically, FinTech
companies should focus on transaction security when launching similar services or prod-
ucts. For example, FinTech companies should emphasize the effort they make to limit the
risk of FinTech services on the homepage of the platform. Besides this, FinTech companies
could offer insurance when launching financial-related services on FinTech platforms. In
addition, FinTech companies could use advanced encryption technologies, such as facial
recognition, to enhance the security and stability of the FinTech services they offered.
Another important finding is that performance expectancy and effort expectancy affect
individuals’ perceived value. The result has implications for the design of user interfaces
and sales promotion. FinTech companies can enhance individuals’ perceived value of
internet wealth management platforms by improving the ease of use and usefulness of their
platforms. On the one hand, FinTech companies should simplify the interface and operation
process as much as possible during the whole user process (e.g., installation, registration,
transaction). For instance, FinTech companies could use fingerprint or facial recognition to
log in to FinTech apps. Meanwhile, FinTech companies could integrate related financial
services, such as online payments, money transfer, into the internet wealth management
platform. In this way, individuals will improve their performance expectancy and enhance
their perceived value when employing internet wealth management platforms.
Based on the results, social influence significantly affects individuals’ adoption inten-
tion. This finding has implications for the marketing strategy of FinTech companies. For
instance, the companies could cooperate with social media to help individuals forward the
FinTech services to their friends or families and allow the interface to display the number
of friends using the platform. FinTech companies can adopt similar strategies to attract
new users to the sales process.
In a word, the findings offer important implications for both incumbents and new
entrants to improve their competitiveness and develop their related policy when they
launch FinTech services.
6.3. Limitations
Although the proposed model has high explanatory power, there are still some lim-
itations. First, this study has shown that the perceived risk is the primary barrier that
would hinder the adoption of FinTech platforms. However, this study only theorizes
about the impact of perceived risk from a holistic view. Future research could analyze the
relationship between perceived risk and adoption intention by assuming the perceived
risk is a second-order factor composed of specific facets. Second, the data were collected
from China, limiting the generalization of the findings to other countries. Furthermore,
cross-cultural comparisons of models between different countries would be significant.
Third, this study focuses more on the general exploration of FinTech adoption, not the
individual characteristics that are shown as moderators in the UTAUT. Future research
could include the four moderators to explore the moderation effect of individual charac-
teristics on the proposed model. Finally, although the total effective sample size meets
the minimum sample size suggested by Hair et al. [74], it is still recommended that future
studies collect more data to further improve the reliability of the FinTech adoption model.
Despite the limitations, the proposed FinTech adoption model can help researchers
and FinTech practitioners to understand individuals’ FinTech adoption, especially on
internet wealth management platforms.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.X. and W.H.; Data curation, J.X. and M.Y.; Formal
analysis, J.X. and M.Y.; Funding acquisition, L.Y. and W.H.; Methodology, J.X., L.Y., and W.H.;
Resources, M.Y.; Software, J.X.; Supervision, W.H.; Validation, L.Y.; Writing—original draft, J.X. and
M.Y.; Writing—review and editing, L.Y. and W.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1906
Funding: This research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), grant
number 71731009, 72061127002, 2018WZDXM020, 71732006, 71433001, 71722014, 91546119. It was
partially funded by Shenzhen Research Base in Arts & Social Sciences as well as by the National
Laboratory of Mechanical Manufacture System at Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; in
the decision to publish the results.
Appendix A
Appendix B
We used SPSS 26.0 to perform the exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Table A2 shows
the item loading. Most reflective indicators in the rotated component matrix were above
0.6, indicating the construct validity, except the second item of performance expectancy
(PE2) and the third item of social influence (SI3). Therefore, PE2 and SI3 were excluded in
further analysis. Table A3 has shown the total variance explained, which indicates that the
common method biases were not a major threat to the results.
Construct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PE1 0.775 0.179 0.219 0.023 −0.109 0.127 0.157
PE2 0.547 0.181 0.288 0.068 −0.031 0.280 0.186
PE3 0.659 0.263 0.155 0.117 −0.046 0.279 0.110
PE4 0.815 0.102 0.136 0.109 −0.096 0.167 −0.015
Effort EE1 0.337 0.709 0.050 0.137 −0.059 0.223 −0.001
Expectancy EE2 0.193 0.768 0.162 0.028 −0.026 0.184 0.114
(EE) EE3 0.095 0.773 0.129 0.050 −0.061 0.334 0.088
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021, 16 1908
Construct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Social SI1 0.245 0.107 0.840 0.076 −0.063 0.211 0.089
Influence SI2 0.230 0.091 0.804 0.169 −0.025 0.223 0.188
(SI) SI3 0.273 0.306 0.574 0.147 −0.081 0.272 0.142
Facilitating FC1 0.100 0.062 0.075 0.802 −0.163 0.116 0.026
Condition FC2 0.055 0.129 0.062 0.845 0.022 −0.017 0.082
(FC) FC3 0.067 −0.022 0.111 0.827 0.076 −0.009 0.003
PR1 −0.067 −0.062 −0.048 0.025 0.808 −0.092 −0.229
PR2 −0.085 −0.056 −0.058 0.036 0.819 −0.081 −0.196
PR3 −0.043 −0.026 −0.085 −0.086 0.877 −0.081 −0.120
PR4 −0.057 −0.013 0.053 −0.031 0.842 −0.089 −0.143
PV1 0.225 0.247 0.184 −0.005 −0.104 0.739 0.218
PV2 0.142 0.199 0.174 0.094 −0.093 0.793 0.121
PV3 0.178 0.299 0.260 −0.040 −0.100 0.732 0.147
PV4 0.319 0.172 0.124 0.051 −0.180 0.731 0.130
Adoption AIN1 0.194 0.201 0.139 0.046 −0.308 0.148 0.767
Inten- AIN2 0.130 0.042 0.131 0.022 −0.387 0.326 0.687
tion(AIN) AIN3 0.059 0.024 0.173 0.097 −0.378 0.175 0.764
Appendix C
To verify the robustness of our proposed model, we replaced “FinTech platform
adoption intention” with self-reported “FinTech platform adoption behavior” and put
forward an alternative model. We removed the facilitating conditions because our empirical
result has shown that facilitating conditions do not affect the intention. The results of the
alternative model show that SI and PV are positively related to individuals’ FinTech
platform adoption behavior, while PR is negatively related to their adoption behavior. The
Appendix C
To verify the robustness of our proposed model, we replaced “FinTech platform
adoption intention” with self-reported “FinTech platform adoption behavior” and put for-
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021,
ward 16 an alternative model. We removed the facilitating conditions because our empirical 1909
result has shown that facilitating conditions do not affect the intention. The results of the
alternative model show that SI and PV are positively related to individuals’ FinTech plat-
form adoption
relationships behavior,
between while
negatively related
are similar to thetoproposed
their adoption
model. behavior. The
Although the
relationships between PE, EE, PR, and PV are similar to the proposed model. Although
path coefficient has some changes, the significance of the relationships is consistent. Thus,
itthe path coefficient
confirms has some
the robustness changes,
of our proposedthemodel.
significance of the relationships is consistent.
Thus, it confirms the robustness of our proposed model.
Performance 0.322**
Perceived 0.336*** Adoption
Expectancy Behavior
* Value
0 5**
0. 5
Effort 33*
.14 -0.2
Figure A1.The
***pp<< 0.001;
0.001; **
* pp<<0.05.
0.01; * p < 0.05.
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