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What motivates chinese consumers to adopt FinTech services: a regulatory focus theory

Conference Paper · August 2016

DOI: 10.1145/2971603.2971643

5 707

4 authors, including:

Luke Younghoon Chang Hwansoo Lee

Beijing Institute of Technology Dankook University



Seon-phil Jeong
United International College


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What Motivates Chinese Consumers to Adopt FinTech
Services: A Regulatory Focus Theory
Younghoon Chang Siew Fan Wong Hwansoo Lee Seon Phil Jeong
BNU-HKBU UIC Sunway University Dankook University BNU-HKBU UIC
28 Jinfeng Rd. Tangjiawan, 5 Jalan Universiti, Jukjeondong, Sujigu Yonginsi 28 Jinfeng Rd. Tangjiawan,
Zhuahai, Guangdong, China Bandar Sunway, Malaysia Gyeonggido, Korea Zhuahai, Guangdong, China
+86-756-362-0393 +60-3-7491-8622 +82-31-8005-3959 +86-756-362-0616
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT China, there are two leading FinTech services: Alipay and Tenpay.
FinTech is a newly emerged service that combines innovative Alipay is an e-commerce based company while Tenpay is a
financial services and latest mobile technology. Since this service mobile messenger based company.
is new, there is a lack of study that investigates consumer behavior Since FinTech is new, there is a lack of study that investigates
in adopting the service. Founded on Regulatory Focus Theory, our consumer adoption of the technology. Compared to other services,
study aims to explain two different factors that motivate the financial related services require high level of risk control and
adoption of FinTech in China. We plan to collect data from motivation to ensure continue usage because these services are
university students who used Alipay and Tenpay (two of the directly linked to personal wealth and well-being [3]. Therefore,
leading FinTech companies in China). The findings from our there is the urgency to understand the factors that motivate
study will be valuable to FinTech companies in strategizing and consumer adoption of this high risk yet newly emerged
promoting usage of their services. technology that is predicted to bring high value to consumers.
CCS Concepts In this paper, we adopt the Regulatory Focus Theory (RFT) as the
• Information systems➝ World Wide Web➝ Electronic overarching theory to explain the factors motivating consumers to
commerce➝ Digital Cash adopt FinTech [3]. Following the current trend in the literature
that explains consumer behavior from a dualistic perspective, we
Keywords investigate the motivational factors from the aspects of both costs
Fintech; Alipay; Tenpay; Regulation Focus Theory; Use and and benefits. The understanding achieved in this study will be
Gratification; Security Control. valuable to FinTech companies in strategizing and promoting
usage of their services. The findings will also add value to the
1. INTRODUCTION body of knowledge in new technology adoption in general and
The advent of information technology (IT), especially the rapid and FinTech adoption in particular.
wide diffusion of smartphones and mobile technology brings many
new services to the consumer market. One of the newly emerged 2. Literature Review
services is FinTech. FinTech refers to “the segment that is at the 2.1 Regulatory Focus Theory
intersection of the financial services and technology sectors where
Regulatory focus theory (RFT) explains people's perceptions in
technology-focused start-ups and new market entrants innovate the
the decision making process when pursuing their goals.
products and services currently provided by the traditional financial
Specifically, it examines the relationship between the motivation
services industry” [1]. With FinTech, consumers can perform mobile
of a person and the process in which they pursue their goal. RFT
services on-the-go such as making payments, requesting for loans,
posits that through motivation, we will be able to understand how
purchasing insurance, and performing investments.
one approaches a task or a goal. People adopts two different and
The FinTech market is growing rapidly and the momentum is very independent self-regulatory orientations in their pursuit of goals:
strong. Globally, more than 12 billion dollars has been invested in prevention and promotion [3].
FinTech sector [2]. According to a PwC report, the transaction amount
People who are promotion-focused and prevention-focused differ
of the US FinTech market has passed 7 trillion dollars while in China,
in three forms. First, they differ in their motivation to satisfy.
the FinTech market has reached 4 trillion dollars [1]. In
Second, they differ in their goals and standards related to
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for achievement. Third, they differ with regard to the types of
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies outcome that are important to them. Promotion-focused
are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
individuals concentrate on hopes, accomplishments, and gains and
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be thus go after positive outcomes. They pursue personal growth to
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or realize their ‘ideal self’. Prevention-focused individuals
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior concentrate on safety, responsibilities, and non-losses and thus
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions trying to avoid potential losses or negative outcomes. They pursue
from [email protected]. security and safety by following the guidelines and the rules to
ICEC '16, August 17-19, 2016, Suwon, Republic of Korea realize their ‘ought self’.
© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4222-3/16/08…$15.00
Previous studies have used RFT to explain consumer behavior and H10: Data integrity positively affects trust
organizational behavior [4][5][6]. RFT helps to understand why
consumers look for pleasure and want to avoid risk in their 2.4 Trust, Satisfaction & Continuance Use
actions. We argue that FinTech consumers can also be classified Intention
into those who are promotion-focused and those who are In the fields of information security and e-commerce, trust reflects
prevention-focused because it is a natural consumer instinct to one’s basic attitude toward certain technology [9]. Mayer et al.
want to maximize pleasure and minimize risk. [10] define trust as “the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to
2.2 Promotion-Focused – Benefit Theory the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other
will perform a particular action important to the trustor,
Promotion-focused process reflects the pleasure part of the RFT. irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party.”
When consumers use FinTech, it is likely that they are highly We argue that in the prevention-focused process, trust mediates
motivated when they experience the benefits from the services the relationship between the five elements of security control and
received. In the information systems field, benefit belief has been satisfaction as well as the relationship between the five elements
applied to measure one’s cognitive use experience of IT systems, of security control and continuance use intention. Susanto et al.
media and e-commerce. Since FinTech has some similar [11] show that trust exerts significant impact on satisfaction and
characteristics as IT systems, media and e-commerce, we argue continuance intention to use smartphone banking services.
that benefit belief provides valuable insights and constructs that
can fit into the component of promotion-focused process. Satisfaction is formed after consuming a product or service.
According to the Expectation-Confirmation Theory, consumers
In the Information Systems field, perceived benefit has been found to
will feel satisfy when a product or service meets their expectation.
influence consumer attitude and behavioral intention. Hrischman and
Satisfaction is an important antecedent of continuance intention.
Holbrook [7] categorized benefits into utilitarian benefit and hedonic
We argue that in the promotion-focused process, satisfaction
benefit. Utilitarian benefit relates to functional value such as
mediates the relationship between gratification-
convenience, performance, and cost advantages. Hedonic benefit is
obtained/gratification opportunity and continuance use intention.
non-functional benefits such as enjoyment and happiness. In this Continuance use intention is defined as the decision of consumers
study, we only examine utilitarian benefits because FinTech is a that they are going to continuously use a product or service in the
payment service that adds functional value to its users. post purchase or post-consumption period [12].
Besides utilitarian benefits, we add in network benefit, H11: Trust positively affects satisfaction
specifically network externality. Katz and Shapiro [8] defined
network externalities as ‘‘the value or effect that users obtain from H12: Satisfaction positively affects continuance use intention
a product or service will bring about more values to consumers
H13: Trust positively affects continuance use intention.
with the increase of users, complementary product, or service.’’
We argue that consumers perceive network externality when they
use FinTech, which in turns increase their satisfaction level and
give them a reason to continue using the service in the future.
Utilitarian benefits in this study consist of convenience,
performance, cost advantages, and network benefits consist of
referent network size and perceived complementary.
H1: Convenience positively affects satisfaction
H2: Performance positively affects satisfaction
H3: Cost Advantages positively affects satisfaction
H4: Referent network size positively affects satisfaction
H5: Perceived Complementary positively affects satisfaction.

2.3 Prevention-Focused - Security Control

Prevention-focused process explains one’s behavior to avoid pain or
risk. In FinTech, a critical challenge is to ensure security. Without
Figure 1. Research Model
good security, consumers are not going to use the service. Since
FinTech resembles a small bank where monetary transactions are
being performed, it is essential to establish good and reliable security 3. Methodology
systems along with trustable internal privacy policy. In this study, we
adopt the concept of security control from Suh & Han 3.1 Measurement Items
[9]. Security control has five categories: authentication, non- We adapted all measurement items from the literature to fit our
repudiation, confidentiality, privacy protection, and data integrity. research context. The items for utilitarian, hedonic, integrative,
and mobile convenience came from Ha et al. [13]. The items for
H6: Authentication positively affects trust network externality were from Lin and Lu [14] while items for
H7: Nonrepudiation positively affects trust security control came from Suh and Han [9]. Trust, satisfaction,
and continuance use intention were adapted from Susanto et al.
H8: Confidentiality positively affects trust [11]. All measurement items used seven-point Likert scales.
H9: Privacy protection positively affects trust
3.2 Data Collection [7] Hirschman, E.C. and Holbrook, M.B., 1982. Hedonic
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