Sandhil Ueid
Sandhil Ueid
Sandhil Ueid
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Sandhil Lakvindhu
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.
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Sandhil Lakvindhu
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Sandhil Lakvindhu
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
LO2 Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User Interface concept with
a specific target end user in mind and also outline the tests you mean to conduct.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3 M4 D2
LO3 Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their emotions, desires
and attitudes as planned.
LO4 Evaluate user feedback, test results and insights gained from end users interacting with your
User Interface concept to determine success or failure and steps to improve in future versions.
Resubmission Feedback:
Sandhil Lakvindhu
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Assessor Date
Student Date
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 40: User Experience and Interface Design
Assignment 01 of 01
Sandhil Lakvindhu
General Guidelines
1. A cover page or title page should be attached to your assignment. Use page 1 of this assignment
brief as your cover page and make sure all details are accurately filled.
2. The entire assignment brief should be attached as the first section of your assignment.
3. The assignment should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. The assignment should be word processing in an A4 sized paper.
5. Allow 1” margin on top, bottom and right sides of the paper and 1.25” on the left side (for binding).
1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Set line spacing to 1.5. Justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert your name, unit, assignment no, and page
number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets get detached from the submission.
5. Use the spell check and grammar check function of the word processing application to review the
use of language on your assignment.
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Important Points:
1. Carefully check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
2. Ensure that sufficient time is spent to complete the assignment by the due date.
3. Do not wait till the last minute to get feedback on the assignment. Such excuses will not be
accepted for late submissions.
4. You must be responsible for efficient management of your time.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you
may apply (in writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then
be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
8. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, it must be properly referenced, using
the HARVARD referencing system, in your text or any bibliography. Otherwise, you’ll be found
guilty of committing plagiarism.
9. If you are caught plagiarising, your grade will be reduced to a REFERRAL or at worst, you could be
excluded from the course.
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as
my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy
another’s work.
[email protected] 21/08/2023
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title Unit 40: User Experience and Interface Design
Unit Tutor
Issue Date
Submission Date
Submission format
The submission is in the form of an individual written report about. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of
references using the Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an activity-based
assessment where your document submission should include evidences of activities carried out
and of team working. To carry out activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups,
comprising not exceeding 15 individuals.
The recommended word count is 4,000–4,500 words for the report excluding annexures. Note
that word counts are indicative only and you would not be penalised for exceeding the word
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary and
appropriate to satisfy end-user emotions, desires and attitudes when using a user
interface concept.
LO2. Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User Interface
concept with a specific target end user in mind and also outline the tests you mean to
LO3. Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their emotions,
desires and attitudes as planned.
LO4. Evaluate user feedback, test results and insights gained from end users interacting with
your User Interface concept to determine success or failure and steps to improve in
future versions.
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
e-music cloud (EMC) is an emerging, cloud based, online music platform developed in Sri
Lanka by a tech start-up founded by a group of young graduates. EMC’s vision is to “become
the Sri Lanka’s No1 online music provider” with a mission set to “Create a seamless user
experience for discovering and immersing in music’s that beat with you and your heart no
matter who you are and where you are or what device you use”. EMC team will be bringing
Sri-Lankan & International music online and available to all registered EMC users.
EMC team is hiring you as the Chief User Experience Officer, putting you in-charge with
designing UI for the various faces of the service and creating a seamless experience to EMC’s
users which is superior to any similar services available throughout the globe.
Chief Technology Officer of EMC has following outline of the services available within the
EMC, which represent core functionalities of the platform and be available to relevant users
of the service.
• EPN: e-music producer network: Section of the e-music cloud where music produces
can register, sign up their latest work for distribution, publish or un-publish their work,
monitor the distribution of their published songs, view their account balance and use a
button to withdraw the balance through a cheque.
• eMusic Discovery: Section of the service where registered users can look up artists,
albums, generals to find music they like. Once the discovery is made, the user has
options to
o Rent the song for 3 months: Song will be available in My Library for 3 months.
o Own the song: Song will be available in My Library until user cancels the
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Regardless if the AI recommendations section is visible or not, the user will be notified
when the AI has new recommendations for the user.
• My Library: Include all music’s, music videos & playlists available to the user at that
time. User has options to view and sort by Artist, Album, Genera, Year, Source
(Rented, Own, Gifted) and etc. User has options to select a song and
o Preview it
o Add it to a playlist
o Gift it to a friend (for a week, Permanently, just one listen) (* When gifted, it
will be greyed out from My Library for the ‘Gifted duration’. If it is a permanent
gift, clicking on it will bring user back to the eMusic Discovery with the song in
discussion already selected”)
o Find “Music Like This” which will take the user to discovery section to find
similar music’s, artists and albums.
• eM Player: When user plays a song or a list, the user will be brought to the eM Player
which gives play controls and allow different playlist manipulations. It also contains
records of previous play-lists and gives user to rate the presently playing music. In
addition, player also contains the previously discussed “Music Like This” and “Gift”
options which can be applied to the selected song or selected play-list.
• Settings: Will give user the options to manage visual appearance, language settings,
payment options and options to manage devices connected to user’s EMC account.
EMC is open to new innovative additions to its feature set and gives a reward to the staff
members who suggest such features.
Traditionally minded tech-engineers and management at EMC believes having a solid feature
set is more important than a “fancy interface” and therefore have allocated only a small
fraction of its budget towards the interface development.
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Activities / Tasks:
Activity 01: Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary
and appropriate to satisfy end-user emotions, desires and attitudes when using a user
interface concept.
Write an elaborative report to the board of directors of EMC to convince them why they
need to increase their focus on the user interface and user experience in addition to the
system’s feature set to achieve the company’s corporate goal. This report should include
following areas,
• Different forms of user interfaces and their features.
• Different forms of user experience and their features.
• Impact of UX & UI development in Software Development life Cycle.
• Tools available in UX UI Development.
• Methods available for testing for user requirements against the UX-UI design.
• Importance of using multiple different forms of experience and interface design in
building EMC services.
Activity 02: Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User
Interface concept with a specific target end user in mind and also outline the tests you mean
to conduct.
2.1 : Review different end users of EMC using standard user categorizations, classifications
and behavior modelling techniques.
2.2 : Select a specific und user from those identified in 2.1 & appraise & develop user
‘Persona’ for the identified user. Present your empathy map, experience map, customer
journey map & service blueprint.
2.3 : Choose a suitable development methodology to develop interaction / interface for the
Persona developed in 2.2 and justify your selection.
2.4 : Develop the user interface / interaction concept for the selected persona based on the
selected development methodology.
2.5 : Plan end user testing for the selected persona based on the standard testing
Activity 03: Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their
emotions, desires and attitudes as planned
3.1 : Examine appropriate tools to develop the interface/ interaction designed in activity 2
3.2 : Develop the user interface using tools discussed in 3.1
3.3 : Conduct a user experiment and collect feedbacks
3.4 : Evaluate feedback received in 3.3 and build a new iteration if the interface based on the
outcome of the evaluation.
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Activity 04: Critique the overall success of your User Interface concept and discusses your
insight using prototyping.
4.1 : Collect feedback for the new interaction of interface developed in 3.4 and evaluate
feedbacks across all iterations of the interfaces developed.
4.2 : Critically review the final version of the interface and test results comparing against the
original interface/ interaction plan.
4.3 : Critique the overall success of your User Interface concept and discusses your insight
using prototyping.
Sandhil Lakvindhu
Grading Rubric
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
LO2 Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User Interface concept with a specific target end user
in mind and outline the tests you mean to conduct.
P3 Review different end-user categorisations, classifications
and behaviour modelling techniques.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
LO3 Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their emotions, desires and attitudes as planned.
P5 Examine appropriate tools to develop a user interface.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
LO4 Evaluate user feedback, test results and insights gained from end users interacting with your User Interface concept to
determine success or failure and steps to improve in future versions.
P7 Evaluate end-user feedback from multiple iterations of
your user interface.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Activity 01
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
3. GUI interface
4. Gesture interface
5. Form Based interface
6. Natural-Language interfaces
7. WIMP interface
8. Other user interface
A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a text-based interface for interacting with a computer or software program. It allows users to issue
commands to the computer by typing text commands into a terminal or command prompt. The computer then interprets these commands and
performs the requested actions.
1. Text-Based: In a CLI, you interact with the computer or software by typing commands and receiving text-based responses. This is in contrast
to a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which uses graphical elements like windows, icons, and buttons for interaction.
2. Commands: Users issue commands by typing specific keywords or phrases followed by any necessary arguments or options. For example, in
a Unix-like system, you might use the `ls` command to list the files in a directory, or `mkdir` to create a new directory.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
3. Shell: The CLI is often hosted within a program called a shell. A shell is a command interpreter that takes your commands and sends them to
the operating system or the appropriate software to execute. Examples of popular shells include Bash (Unix-like systems), PowerShell
(Windows), and Command Prompt (Windows).
4. Scripting: CLIs are powerful for automation and scripting tasks. You can write scripts, which are essentially sequences of CLI commands, to
perform complex tasks or automate repetitive actions.
5. Flexibility: CLIs are highly flexible and can be used for a wide range of tasks, from managing files and directories to configuring system
settings, installing software, and more.
6. Remote Access: CLIs are often used for remote administration of computers or servers. You can connect to a remote system using protocols
like SSH (Secure Shell) and then use the CLI to manage that system as if you were physically present.
7. Customization: Many CLIs allow users to customize their environment by setting variables, creating aliases for commands, and configuring
the prompt's appearance.
8. Scripting Languages: Some shells, like Bash, also have built-in scripting languages that allow you to create more complex programs and
automate tasks.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- `ls` (List files and directories)
- `cd` (Change directory)
- `mkdir` (Create a directory)
- `rm` (Remove files or directories)
- `cp` (Copy files or directories)
- `mv` (Move or rename files and directories)
- `grep` (Search for text within files)
- `ssh` (Secure Shell for remote access)
- `ping` (Test network connectivity)
- `curl` (Transfer data from or to a URL)
- `docker` (Manage containers in Docker)
- `git` (Version control system)
Menu-Driven interface
A Menu-Driven Interface is a type of user interface that presents users with a list of options or menus from which they can select their desired
actions or commands. Unlike a Command Line Interface (CLI) that relies on text-based commands, a Menu-Driven Interface typically uses
graphical menus and options to facilitate user interaction. Here are some key characteristics and advantages of a Menu-Driven Interface:
1. Graphical Menus: Instead of typing commands, users interact with the system by selecting options from graphical menus. These menus are
often presented using buttons, drop-down lists, checkboxes, or other graphical elements.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
2. User-Friendly: Menu-Driven Interfaces are generally considered user-friendly because they provide a visual representation of available
actions, making it easier for users to navigate and use software without needing to remember specific commands.
3. Reduced Learning Curve: Menu-driven systems are particularly helpful for beginners or individuals who are not familiar with the
underlying command structure. Users don't need to memorize or guess commands; they simply select options from menus.
4. Guided Workflow: Menus can guide users through a specific workflow or sequence of actions. This can help ensure that users perform tasks
in the correct order or avoid common mistakes.
5. Limited Typing: Since users select options from menus, there is generally less typing required compared to CLI interfaces. This can be
advantageous in scenarios where typing may be error-prone or cumbersome.
6. Visual Feedback: Menu-Driven Interfaces often provide immediate visual feedback, such as highlighting selected options or displaying
progress bars, which can enhance the user experience.
7. Popular in GUI Applications: Menu-Driven Interfaces are commonly found in graphical software applications, such as word processors,
spreadsheets, graphics editors, and multimedia software.
8. Touchscreen-Friendly: Menu-Driven Interfaces are well-suited for touchscreen devices, such as smartphones and tablets, where precise
typing can be challenging.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
9. Limited Scripting or Automation: While powerful for certain tasks, Menu-Driven Interfaces may lack the scripting and automation
capabilities of CLIs. They are typically better suited for users who need to perform specific, well-defined actions.
- Microsoft Windows: The Windows operating system uses a graphical user interface with menus for various system settings and applications.
- Microsoft Office Suite: Applications like Microsoft Word and Excel use menu-driven interfaces to provide a wide range of formatting and
data manipulation options.
- Graphic Design Software: Programs like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP offer extensive menu-driven interfaces for image editing and
- Smartphone Apps: Most mobile apps provide menu-driven interfaces for navigating and interacting with content and settings.
- ATM Machines: Automated Teller Machines often have menu-driven interfaces for selecting banking transactions.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
GUI interface
A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with computers and software applications through
graphical elements such as windows, icons, buttons, and menus. GUIs are designed to be visually intuitive and user-friendly, making them one
of the most common types of interfaces in modern computing. Here are some key characteristics and advantages of GUIs:
1. Graphical Elements: GUIs use graphical elements to represent objects and actions. Users interact with these elements by pointing and
clicking with a mouse or tapping on a touchscreen.
2. Visual Feedback: GUIs provide immediate visual feedback to users. When you click a button or perform an action, the interface responds
with visual changes, such as highlighting a selected item or displaying a progress bar.
3. WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get): Many GUI applications, such as word processors and graphic design software, provide a
WYSIWYG experience. This means that users see on the screen what the final output will look like, making it easier to create and edit
documents or designs.
4. Multitasking: GUIs often support multitasking, allowing users to open multiple windows or applications simultaneously. This is a
significant advantage for productivity.
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5. Drag-and-Drop: Users can often perform actions like moving files, rearranging items, or copying text by dragging and dropping them with a
pointing device.
6. Menu Systems: GUIs commonly employ menu systems with drop-down menus or context menus that offer a wide range of options and
7. Customization: Many GUIs allow users to customize their experience by changing settings, themes, or layouts to suit their preferences.
8. Accessibility: GUIs can be designed to be more accessible to users with disabilities through features like screen readers, magnification
tools, and keyboard shortcuts.
9. Broad Applicability: GUIs are used in a wide range of computing devices and software applications, from desktop computers and laptops to
smartphones, tablets, and embedded systems.
- Microsoft Windows: The Windows operating system is known for its use of a GUI, featuring windows, icons, taskbars, and a Start menu.
- macOS: Apple's macOS operating system provides a visually rich GUI with features like the Dock, Finder, and a global menu bar.
- Linux Desktop Environments: Various Linux distributions offer different graphical desktop environments, such as GNOME, KDE, and
- Microsoft Office Suite: Applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint use GUIs for document creation and editing.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- Web Browsers: Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari feature graphical interfaces for browsing the internet.
- Media Players: Software like VLC Media Player and Windows Media Player use GUIs for playing audio and video content.
- Smartphone and Tablet Apps: Nearly all mobile apps utilize GUIs for user interaction.
Gesture interface
A Gesture Interface, also known as a Gesture-Based Interface or Gesture Recognition Interface, is a user interface technology that enables users
to interact with computers, devices, or software applications through gestures or movements of the body, often without the need for physical
contact with input devices like a keyboard or mouse. Gesture interfaces are designed to make human-computer interaction more natural and
intuitive. Here are some key aspects and examples of gesture interfaces:
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
1. Gesture Recognition: Gesture interfaces use sensors and algorithms to recognize and interpret gestures made by the user. These gestures
can include hand movements, finger motions, body postures, and facial expressions.
2. No Physical Contact: Unlike traditional input methods like typing on a keyboard or clicking a mouse, gesture interfaces allow users to
interact without physically touching a device or surface. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where touch or physical contact is
impractical or unsanitary.
3. Natural Interaction: Gesture interfaces aim to mimic the way humans naturally communicate through body language and gestures. This can
make interactions feel more intuitive and immersive.
4. Applications: Gesture interfaces are used in various domains and applications, including gaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality
(AR), healthcare, automotive interfaces, and public displays.
5. Gesture Sensors: Common sensor technologies used in gesture interfaces include depth cameras (e.g., Microsoft Kinect), infrared sensors,
ultrasonic sensors, and cameras equipped with computer vision algorithms.
6. Real-Time Processing: Gesture recognition systems typically process gestures in real-time, allowing for immediate responses and actions
based on user movements.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- Gaming: Video game consoles like the Xbox Kinect and Sony PlayStation Move use gesture recognition for gameplay, enabling players to
control characters and interact with virtual environments through body movements.
- Virtual Reality (VR): VR headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive incorporate gesture tracking to let users interact with VR environments
by reaching out, grabbing objects, or making hand gestures.
- Augmented Reality (AR): AR glasses like the Microsoft HoloLens enable users to manipulate and interact with digital information overlaid
on the real world using gestures.
- Healthcare: Gesture interfaces are used in healthcare for touchless control of medical equipment and to assist patients with limited mobility in
controlling computers and communication devices.
- Public Displays: Gesture-controlled kiosks and interactive displays in public spaces, museums, and retail stores allow users to browse content,
access information, and make selections with gestures.
- Automotive Interfaces: Some vehicles incorporate gesture recognition for functions like adjusting music volume, answering phone calls, or
controlling navigation systems without taking hands off the steering wheel.
- Smartphones and Tablets: Some mobile devices offer gesture controls for functions such as taking photos, scrolling, or silencing incoming
calls with hand gestures.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Form Based interface
A Form-Based Interface is a type of user interface that involves the use of forms to collect and present information from users. Forms consist of
fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, and other input elements that users fill out or select based on their preferences or
requirements. Form-based interfaces are commonly used for various purposes, such as data entry, user registration, surveys, and more. Here are
some key features and examples of form-based interfaces:
1. Input Fields: Forms typically include a variety of input fields, such as text fields, text areas, date pickers, number fields, and password
fields. Each input field is designed to capture specific types of information.
2. Structured Data Entry: Form-based interfaces provide a structured way for users to input data. This ensures consistency and makes it easier
to process and analyze the collected information.
3. Validation: Forms often include validation rules to ensure that users provide valid and accurate information. Validation can include
checking for required fields, correct formatting, and appropriate data ranges.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
4. User-Friendly: Well-designed form interfaces are user-friendly and intuitive, guiding users through the input process and providing clear
labels and instructions for each field.
5. Error Handling: If users provide incorrect or incomplete information, form interfaces should provide meaningful error messages to guide
them in correcting the issues.
6. Accessibility: Form-based interfaces can be designed to be accessible to users with disabilities, ensuring that assistive technologies can
effectively interact with and interpret the form elements.
7. Submission: Once users have completed filling out the form, they typically submit it. Submission can trigger various actions, such as data
processing, storage, sending notifications, or generating reports.
- User Registration Form: Websites often use registration forms to collect user information such as name, email, username, and password.
- Search Forms: Search engines and websites use form-based search interfaces, allowing users to input search terms and filters.
- Contact Us Forms: Websites feature contact forms that users can fill out to send messages or inquiries to the website owner.
- E-commerce Checkout Forms: Online shopping websites use forms for customers to provide shipping addresses, payment information, and
other details during the checkout process.
- Surveys and Questionnaires: Survey platforms use form interfaces to collect responses to various questions and gather feedback from
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- Job Application Forms: Online job applications often involve filling out forms with personal information, work experience, and
- Booking and Reservation Forms: Websites for hotels, flights, and other services use forms for users to input travel dates, preferences, and
payment details.
Natural-Language Interfaces
A Natural-Language Interface (NLI), also known as a Natural-Language User Interface (NLUI), is a type of user interface that enables users to
interact with computers, software applications, or devices using natural language, just as they would in human communication. NLI leverages
natural language processing (NLP) technology to understand and respond to user inputs in the form of written or spoken language. This type of
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
interface aims to make human-computer interaction more intuitive and accessible, allowing users to communicate with technology in a way
that feels more conversational.
1. Conversational Interaction: NLI allows users to communicate with technology using sentences and phrases, as if they were having a
conversation with a human. Users can ask questions, give commands, and provide input using their natural language.
2. Text and Speech Input: NLI interfaces can accept both text and speech inputs. Users can type or speak their queries, instructions, or
3. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLI systems rely on NLP technology to understand and interpret user inputs. NLP algorithms analyze
the linguistic structure of the input to extract meaning, context, and intent.
4. Contextual Understanding: NLI systems aim to understand the context of the conversation, considering previous interactions and user
preferences to provide more relevant and accurate responses.
5. Responses in Natural Language: NLI systems generate responses in natural language, providing answers, information, or performing
actions based on the user's input.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
6. Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: Virtual assistants like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, and chatbots on websites and
messaging platforms are examples of NLI implementations. These systems provide answers, perform tasks, and assist users using natural
7. Personalization: NLI interfaces can be designed to personalize responses and actions based on user profiles, preferences, and historical
- Virtual Assistants: NLI-driven virtual assistants can help users with tasks such as setting reminders, providing weather updates, searching
the internet, and controlling smart home devices.
- Customer Support: Chatbots with NLI capabilities are used for customer support on websites, helping users find information and answers
to common queries.
- Language Translation: NLI systems can translate text or speech from one language to another in real-time.
- Search Engines: Some search engines allow users to perform searches using natural language queries.
- Voice-Activated Systems: NLI is used in voice-activated systems for cars, smart speakers, and other devices to control music playback,
navigation, and more.
- Healthcare: NLI interfaces can assist healthcare professionals by retrieving patient information, providing medical insights, and supporting
clinical decision-making.
WIMP interface
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
A WIMP interface is a type of graphical user interface (GUI) that stands for "Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointing Device." It is a common
interface paradigm used in modern computing environments to provide a visually intuitive and interactive way for users to interact with
computers, software applications, and operating systems. The key components of a WIMP interface are as follows:
1. Windows: In a WIMP interface, the screen is divided into multiple resizable and movable windows. Each window can contain a different
application or document, allowing users to work with multiple tasks simultaneously. These windows can be arranged, minimized, maximized,
and closed as needed.
2. Icons: Icons are graphical representations of files, folders, applications, or functions. Users can click on icons to open files or start
applications. Icons are typically displayed on the desktop or within windowed environments.
3. Menus: Menus are a collection of options and commands organized in a hierarchical structure. Menus typically appear at the top of
application windows or in the system's taskbar. When users click on a menu, it drops down to reveal a list of available commands. Menus
provide access to various application functions, settings, and tools.
4. Pointing Device: A pointing device, often a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen, is used to interact with the interface. Users can move a pointer
(cursor) on the screen to select, click, drag, and interact with graphical elements like icons, windows, and menu items.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- Visual Representation: WIMP interfaces provide users with a visual representation of their digital environment, making it easier to navigate
and manage tasks.
- Multitasking: Users can work on multiple tasks concurrently by having multiple windows open and accessible.
- Ease of Use: The graphical elements and interaction methods used in WIMP interfaces are generally considered intuitive, making computing
more accessible to a wide range of users.
- Standardization: WIMP interfaces often adhere to design conventions and standards, which can enhance consistency and familiarity for users
across different applications and platforms.
- Microsoft Windows: The Windows operating system is one of the most well-known examples of a WIMP interface. It features windows,
icons, menus, and a pointing device (usually a mouse) for interaction.
- macOS: Apple's macOS provides a WIMP interface characterized by windows, icons, menus, and support for pointing devices like mice and
- Linux Desktop Environments: Many Linux distributions offer desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, and XFCE, which provide WIMP-
style interfaces.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- Microsoft Office Suite: Applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint use WIMP interfaces with windows, menus, and icons for
document editing and management.
- Web Browsers: Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari use WIMP interfaces with windows for managing multiple tabs, menus for
navigation, and icons for bookmarks.
1. Voice User Interface (VUI): VUIs allow users to interact with computers, devices, or applications using spoken language. Virtual assistants
like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are prominent examples of VUIs.
2. Tactile User Interface (TUI): TUIs rely on physical tactile feedback to interact with users. For instance, Braille displays provide tactile
feedback for visually impaired users.
3. Haptic User Interface: Haptic interfaces use touch and tactile feedback to provide physical sensations to users. They are commonly used in
virtual reality and gaming to simulate sensations such as touch and vibration.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
4. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI): BCIs enable direct communication between the brain and a computer or device, allowing users to control
technology using their thoughts. BCIs are often used in medical applications and assistive technology.
5. Eye-Tracking Interface: Eye-tracking interfaces allow users to control computers or devices by tracking their eye movements. They are
used in assistive technology and can enhance user experiences in virtual reality and gaming.
6. Gaze-Based Interface: Gaze-based interfaces determine user intent by tracking the direction of their gaze. They are used for cursor control,
navigation, and interaction with applications and devices.
7. Wearable User Interface: Wearable interfaces are designed for devices worn on the body, such as smartwatches and augmented reality
glasses. They provide users with information and interaction options in a compact form factor.
8. Multi-Touch Interface: Multi-touch interfaces allow users to interact with touch-sensitive displays using multiple fingers or touch points
simultaneously. They are commonly found in smartphones, tablets, and interactive displays.
9. Augmented Reality (AR) Interface: AR interfaces overlay digital information or objects onto the real-world view, typically seen through
smart glasses or smartphone cameras. Users can interact with virtual objects and information within their physical environment.
10. Virtual Reality (VR) Interface: VR interfaces provide immersive experiences where users interact with entirely virtual environments. They
often involve motion controllers and immersive headsets.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
11. Mixed Reality (MR) Interface: MR interfaces combine elements of the physical and virtual worlds, allowing users to interact with digital
objects while being aware of their physical surroundings. Examples include Microsoft HoloLens and Magic Leap.
12. Gestural Interfaces for 3D Modeling: Specialized gestural interfaces are used for 3D modeling and design, allowing users to manipulate 3D
objects through gestures and movements.
13. Command Line Interfaces for Automation: While command line interfaces (CLIs) are traditionally text-based, they are also used for
automating tasks through scripts and code.
These specialized and emerging user interface types cater to specific use cases and technologies, expanding the ways users can interact with
computers, devices, and software. Advances in technology continue to drive innovation in user interface design, leading to new and creative
ways for humans to interact with digital systems.
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- Context: Digital user experience pertains to websites, applications, and digital interfaces across various devices.
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6. Multimodal User Experience:
- Key Features: Integration of multiple interaction modes (e.g., voice, touch, gesture), seamless switching between modes, context-aware
adaptation, and personalized interactions.
- Context: Multimodal UX accounts for situations where users may use various input methods and devices.
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- Key Features: Eliciting emotional responses, brand connection, delight, emotional engagement, and storytelling.
- Context: Emotional UX focuses on creating experiences that evoke specific emotions and resonate with users on a personal level.
1. Requirement Analysis:
- UX: Understanding user needs, goals, and behaviors helps define the scope of the project and identify key user scenarios.
- UI: Defining the visual and interactive components aligns the design direction with user expectations and project goals.
2. Design:
- UX: Creating wireframes, user flows, and prototypes to design the user experience, focusing on usability, task flow, and user journeys.
- UI: Translating UX design into visually appealing interfaces, considering layout, typography, colors, and branding elements.
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3. Development:
- UX: Collaboration with developers to ensure that the user experience design is implemented accurately and seamlessly.
- UI: Providing UI assets and design specifications to guide developers in coding the visual components of the application.
4. Testing:
- UX: Conducting usability testing to validate that the design meets user needs, identifying pain points and areas for improvement.
- UI: Verifying that the UI elements render correctly across different devices, browsers, and platforms.
5. Deployment:
- UX: Ensuring that the deployed software maintains the desired user experience and remains aligned with user expectations.
- UI: Ensuring that the visual design remains consistent and cohesive after deployment.
6. Maintenance:
- UX: Gathering user feedback and analyzing user behavior post-launch to identify areas for optimization and enhancement.
- UI: Making iterative UI improvements based on feedback and changing design trends.
7. User Satisfaction:
- UX: A well-designed user experience leads to higher user satisfaction, engagement, and retention.
- UI: A visually appealing and user-friendly UI enhances the overall perception of the application.
8. Usability:
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- UX: A strong focus on UX design ensures that the software is intuitive, easy to use, and aligns with user expectations.
- UI: Well-designed UI elements enhance usability by providing clear visual cues and affordances.
9. Brand Image:
- UX: Providing a positive user experience enhances the reputation of the brand, fostering customer loyalty.
- UI: A consistent and visually appealing UI reflects the brand's identity and professionalism.
10. Efficiency:
- UX: A streamlined user experience helps users achieve their tasks more efficiently, reducing the learning curve and time spent on tasks.
- UI: Well-designed UI elements contribute to the efficiency of interactions by presenting information and actions in an organized manner.
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Businesses rely on software to communicate with their customers, and leaders understand how crucial it is to combine design and engineering
expertise when developing software and services.
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2. Prototyping Tools:
- A web-based prototyping tool that offers advanced interactions, animations, and collaboration features.
- Axure RP: A powerful prototyping tool for creating interactive and dynamic prototypes with complex interactions.
5. UI Component Libraries:
- Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework that provides pre-designed UI components and responsive layouts.
- Material-UI: A library of Material Design components for React applications.
- Ant Design: A UI library for React applications that follows the principles of the Ant Design language.
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- Git: A distributed version control system used for tracking changes in code and collaborating with team members.
- GitHub: A platform for hosting and collaborating on code repositories using Git.
- Bitbucket: A Git repository management solution with features for code collaboration and continuous integration.
Methods available for testing for user requirements against the UX-UI design
Testing user requirements against the UX/UI design is crucial to ensure that the final product meets user expectations and provides a satisfying
experience. Several testing methods can be employed to achieve this alignment and identify any gaps between user requirements and the
design. Here are some methods for testing user requirements against the UX/UI design:
1. Usability Testing:
-Method: Real users interact with the product or prototype while performing specific tasks.
- Objective: Evaluate how well the design meets user needs and expectations.
- Benefits: Provides insights into user behavior, pain points, and areas needing improvement.
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2. Prototype Testing:
- Method: Users interact with interactive prototypes to simulate the user experience.
- Objective: Validate the design's interactivity, navigation, and user flows.
- Benefits: Identifies usability issues early in the design process, allowing for adjustments before development.
3. Cognitive Walkthrough:
- Method: Designers or usability experts simulate user interactions and evaluate the design's usability based on users' thought processes.
- Objective: Assess whether users can easily achieve their goals using the design.
- Benefits: Helps identify usability issues and areas where user requirements might not be adequately addressed.
4. Heuristic Evaluation:
- Method: Usability experts evaluate the design against a set of usability heuristics or best practices.
- Objective: Identify design violations that may impact the user experience.
- Benefits: Provides an expert evaluation of the design's alignment with user requirements.
5. Contextual Inquiry:
- Method: Researchers observe users in their natural environment while they interact with the product.
- Objective: Understand how users' real-world contexts affect their interactions and whether the design accommodates these factors.
- Benefits: Provides insights into the practical application of user requirements and design effectiveness.
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6. A/B Testing:
- Method: Two different versions of the design are tested with different user groups to compare their performance.
- Objective: Determine which design variant better meets user requirements and achieves desired outcomes.
- Benefits: Enables data-driven decisions based on user preferences and behavior.
8. Accessibility Testing:
- Method: Evaluate the design against accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure it meets the needs of users with disabilities.
- Objective: Confirm that the design is inclusive and accessible to all users.
- Benefits: Ensures compliance with accessibility requirements and addresses diverse user needs.
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- Method: Usability experts review the design against user requirements and best practices.
- Objective: Identify any discrepancies or issues that could affect the user experience.
- Benefits: Provides expert insights into how well the design aligns with user needs.
Review different end users of EMC using standard user categorizations, classifications, and behavior modeling techniques.
Building effective EMC (Experience, Multichannel, and Cross-Platform) services involves the use of multiple different forms of experience
and interface design to meet diverse user needs and ensure a seamless and consistent experience across various channels and platforms. Here's
why it's important to utilize these different forms of design in EMC services:
1. Diverse User Needs: Different users have different preferences, abilities, and contexts. By employing various forms of experience and
interface design, you can cater to a wider range of user requirements and ensure that your EMC services are inclusive and accessible to all.
2. Channel Consistency: EMC services often span multiple channels, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, and physical touchpoints.
Consistency in design elements, branding, and user experience is critical to provide a unified and recognizable brand image across all channels.
3. User-Centered Approach: Employing diverse forms of experience design, including user research, usability testing, and accessibility
evaluation, ensures that the design is based on a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, leading to higher user satisfaction and
4. Adaptation to Context: Different channels and platforms have unique characteristics and limitations. Employing various forms of design
allows you to adapt the user experience to the specific context of each channel, maximizing usability and effectiveness.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
5. Responsive and Adaptive Design: In a multichannel environment, responsive and adaptive design techniques are essential to ensure that
content and functionality adjust seamlessly to different screen sizes and device capabilities, delivering an optimal experience.
6. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Using inclusive design practices, including accessibility features, ensures that EMC services are usable by
individuals with disabilities, complying with legal requirements and expanding the reach of your services.
7. Personalization: Different channels and platforms offer opportunities for tailored experiences. Employing personalization techniques based
on user data and preferences can enhance user engagement and satisfaction.
8. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Different platforms (e.g., iOS, Android, web browsers) may require platform-specific design and
development considerations. Ensuring cross-platform compatibility is essential to reach a broad user base.
9. Iterative Improvement: By using various forms of design research and evaluation, you can continuously gather feedback and insights from
users across channels, allowing for iterative improvements to the EMC services over time.
10. Competitive Advantage: Providing a seamless, consistent, and user-centric experience across multiple channels can set your EMC services
apart from competitors, enhancing brand loyalty and customer retention.
11. Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Employing a diverse set of design methods ensures that EMC services adhere to legal and regulatory
requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues and ensuring data security and privacy.
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12. Enhanced Engagement and Conversion: Well-designed EMC services that consider the user's context, preferences, and needs are more
likely to engage users and lead to desired actions, such as conversions or purchases.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Activity 02
Review different end users of EMC using standard user categorizations, classifications and behavior modeling techniques.
EMC (Experience, Multichannel, and Cross-Platform) services cater to a wide range of end users, each with distinct needs, behaviors, and
preferences. Categorizing and classifying users helps designers and developers understand their audiences better, tailor experiences, and create
effective interfaces. Here's a review of different end users of EMC services using standard user categorizations, classifications, and behavior
modeling techniques:
1. Demographic Segmentation:
- Age Groups: Users can be categorized into age groups such as children, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged adults, and seniors. Each
group has different preferences and technological literacy levels.
- Gender: Men and women may have varying interests, needs, and expectations from EMC services.
- Location: Users from different geographic locations may have diverse cultural, language, and regional preferences.
- Income Level: Income affects purchasing power and preferences, influencing how users engage with EMC services.
2. Psychographic Segmentation:
- Lifestyles: Users with different lifestyles, interests, and hobbies may seek specific types of EMC services.
- Personality Traits: Introverted, extroverted, adventurous, and risk-averse individuals may have varying interactions with EMC services.
- Values and Beliefs: Users' values and beliefs can influence their preferences for ethical, sustainable, or socially responsible EMC services.
3. Behavioral Segmentation:
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- Usage Frequency: Some users may be frequent users, while others might be occasional users of EMC services.
- Usage Patterns: Patterns can vary, such as heavy usage during specific times of the day or week.
- Engagement Level: Some users may actively engage with EMC services, while others are passive observers.
- Purchase Behavior: Users may make regular purchases, occasional purchases, or refrain from purchases.
4. User Roles:
- End Users: These are the primary consumers of EMC services, seeking value, convenience, and positive experiences.
- Admins or Managers: In business contexts, administrators or managers use EMC services to oversee and manage operations.
- Developers or Content Creators: Individuals responsible for creating and updating content on EMC platforms.
- Stakeholders: Those who have a vested interest in the success of the EMC services, such as investors or partners.
6. Cross-Channel Behavior:
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
- Omnichannel Shoppers: Users who browse and shop across various channels, expecting a consistent experience.
- Social Media Engagers: Those who engage with EMC services through social media platforms, seeking information and social interactions.
- Mobile-First Users: Individuals who predominantly use mobile devices to access EMC services, expecting a mobile-friendly experience.
A persona in user experience design is the description of a user who stands in for a subsection of your target market. You can develop as many
personas as you like for a project to represent various user demands and preferences. To provide value to your target audience, the solutions you
develop must address these needs.
Personas are typically developed during the project definition phase to better understand the particular requirements of your target audience.
Every decision has been made in service of a persona's indicated requirement by using the persona as a reference throughout the project
lifecycle. You should not be building functionality if it does not directly meet a persona's requirement, or your personas are not
accurate.Personas should be developed based on research with current and potential users. Making up a set of personalities to precisely meet
internal project requirements can be far too simple. As perceptions, views, and requirements might vary over time, personas should also be
revised from time to time.
Usually, you would have more than one persona, but be careful not to make too many. Consider segmenting your audience into primary and
secondary groupings if a small number of personalities do not adequately represent your target market, with the primary group receiving the
most of your attention.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Personas are usually developed by a design team member who is in charge of requirements, research, or user experience. Personas are used on
the majority of projects, and they frequently aid in defining the first collection of possible storylines.
Select a specific und user from those identified in 2.1 & appraises & develop user ‘Persona’ for the identified user. Present your
empathy map, experience map, customer journey map & service blueprint.
I was selected a Standalone user for develop user persona. Under that, I choose Mr. Ayesh Indika Rathnayake as an end user.
Demographic Tech
Age: 24. Internet 100%
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka Social Networks 40%
Education: Graphic Designer Messaging 50%
Job: Extrogene Software pvt ltd. Games 100%
Online Shopping 85%
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Empathy map for selected user
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Experience Map
AWARENESS Discovery Finding Founded Listening Sharing
realize there is little Search for the website Brows categories Download and Share experience
time for the download listening with others
a song
Found the song as
you want
Music are important Lot of times I am I am searching I want to create Downloaded songs, Share it with friends
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Customer Journey Map
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Service Blueprint
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
LUCID Methodology
Logical User Centered Interaction Design
The design process builds on Software has designed in the Interaction design has
a strong conceptual model. context of the overall tasks treated as distinct from
Iterative review and and workflow (including technical design.
refinement includes user both manual and The scope of the design is
feedback at all critical stages. computerized activities). "everything but code" and
• Successive prototypes and Design is based on user includes:
team reviews allow activity and employs the look and feel
opportunities for technical user's language and context. language
screen objects & layout
review and ensure viability of • The design model fits the navigation
the design user's mental model rather
• user assistance
than the technical
implementation model.
Several methods for managing software development projects have been created and published during the past 30 years. Although these methods
have assisted significant software development projects in meeting their schedule, cost, and quality objectives, they do not specifically address
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
usability problems. The majority of systems being created nowadays are interactive, hence the user interface design process needs to be added to
the software development technique. In order to meet this demand, the LUCID Framework was created.
LUCID has organized into six stages
• Envision
Develop a clear, shared and communicable vision of the product. Decide on the usability goals for the interface design. “UI Roadmap" to
document the preliminary analysis and concepts developed during these activities.
• Conduct User and Task Analysis
Perform a comprehensive and systematic analysis of user task requirements through studying users to understand needs, expectations, tasks and
work process and determine implications for the interface of this information.
• Design and Prototype
Create a design concept and create a key screen prototype to illustrate it.
• Evaluate and Refine
Evaluate the prototype for usability and iteratively refine expand the design.
• Complete Detailed Design and Production
Complete the detailed screen design for the full program. Develop all user assistance material included in the interface. Manage late-stage
• Evaluate and Refine
Repeat usability evaluation activities with early versions of the program or an enhanced prototype.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Plan and implement the introduction of the product to users, including final usability evaluations to ensure that the has met the goals established
at the beginning of the project. Create and monitor feedback mechanisms to gather data for future releases.
✓ Usability support
• Note the difficulties of users, their mistakes...
• evaluate performance data on interfaces developed with LUCID
✓ Development tools
• new instruments speed up the implementation and favor the design-test- refinement cycle
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✓ Guidelines
• Words and icons
• Screen-layout issues
• Action sequences
LUCID Design
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Plan end user testing for the selected persona based on the standard testing methodologies.
Planning end user testing for a selected persona involves designing a structured approach to gather feedback and insights from representative
users who match that persona's characteristics. Here's how you can plan end user testing using standard testing methodologies:
- Usability Testing: Users perform tasks with the product while providing feedback on usability, efficiency, and overall experience.
- Task Analysis: Break down tasks into steps to understand how users approach and complete them.
- Cognitive Walkthrough: Experts simulate user interactions to identify potential usability issues.
- Contextual Inquiry: Observe users in their natural environment to understand their behavior and needs.
- A/B Testing: Compare two versions of the product to determine which one performs better based on specific metrics.
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3. Identify Test Scenarios:
- Develop specific scenarios or tasks that align with the persona's goals and needs. These scenarios should represent real-world interactions
the persona would have with the product.
4. Recruit Participants:
- Find participants who match the characteristics of the selected persona. This could involve recruitment from user panels, online platforms,
or specific user groups.
8. Collect Data:
- Gather quantitative and qualitative data during the testing sessions. Record observations, user comments, completion rates, time taken, and
any issues encountered.
9. Analyze Data:
- Analyze the collected data to identify patterns, trends, and usability issues. Look for common pain points and areas where the product aligns
well with the persona's needs.
10. Summarize Insights: - Create a summary report that highlights key findings, usability issues, successes, and suggestions for improvement
based on the persona's perspective.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
11. Iterative Improvement:
- Use the insights from testing to make iterative improvements to the product. Address usability issues, refine interactions, and enhance
features that resonate well with the persona.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Usability Test Plan
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Activity 03
Home page
I have developed a prototype for the e-music cloud (EMC) using the proper tools. I believed that this design needs to be distinctive from other
popular music websites. So I made a prototype for a home page as the initial design phase. The front page doesn't contain many items. Only an
animated background and navigation bar are available to users on the right side. For a better online experience, each user must sign in using
their user ID and password when visiting a website. If a person is not already a member, they must sign up using the signup form.
I used the corporate logo for the home page's design, and the background image I chose was based on music. Additionally, the home page
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Login Form
In the scenario, they have mentioned several types of users in the website. First, one is EPN: e-music producer network and other one is E-
Music Discovery.
Therefore, in here I have designed login form for these two types of users. Users can login as a producer or member selecting their user
category in login area. Login form prototype as follows,
Sign up form
E-music producers and new members need to be register for access a web site. Every user must provide their true details to web site.
The producers have to insert more details than normal users to get registration complete. User sign up form prototype as follows,
Members Dashboard
Registered users can look up artists, albums, generals to find music they like. Once the discovery has made, the user has options to
• Rent the song for 3 months: Song will be available in My Library for 3 months.
• Own the song: Song will be available in My Library until user cancels the subscription.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Develop the user interface
Bootstrap Connection
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HTML Coding
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Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Login Form
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Login Form HTML
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Member Registration Form
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
HTML Coding
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Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Conduct a user experiment and collect feedbacks
Whether I give my users access to a website usability testing before the launch will be of utmost importance.
In other words: I can achieve my goal using the application (effective). It takes as little
effort as possible (efficient).
And I’m happy with the action and the result (satisfactory).
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Num. Action Inputs Expected Actual Test Test Test comments
output output browser result
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
04 Enter correct Email id- The site says The site Microsoft Pass [Sandhil9/2/
email &, [email protected] “Invalid says Edge 2019 03.
incorrect password- Details” “Invalid 56p.m]: Invalid
password ########## Details” Login attempt
&verification Verification code- stopped
code and click 12347
Login button
06 eM player Artist ,album, search Open you Open Microsoft Pass [Sandhil
want artist, you Edge 9/2/2019
song album want 04.15.m]:
artist, successful
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
07 contact Name,email,messege Submit your Submit Microsoft Pass [Sandhil
message us your Edge 9/2/2019
messag 04.25.m]:
e us successful
During usability studies, I put my personal preferences aside to observe how others use an application. In this approach, I can see what works
and what doesn't pretty quickly. I can immediately identify the issues consumers are having and what they are understanding. I might also
observe strategies or potential applications that shock me. In any event, each user test advances me a step. I turn away from intuition and
toward empirical research to strengthen the application. And I stop participating in team conversations based on presumptions about which
answer is superior, which order is more logical, or what "goes down better" in general.
The scientific method is used in user experience testing. I choose a problem or need, come up with a hypothesis, plan the study, conduct it, and
then evaluate the findings.
Numerous tools are available to aid in your understanding of UX testing; however, we'll cover those in a subsequent section. I'd want to start by
outlining some of the most popular user experience testing approaches.
EMC music cloud includes a wide range of abilities and specialties in the development and upkeep of websites. Web graphic design, interface
design, authorship, including standardized code and proprietary software, user experience design, and search engine optimization are some of
the several facets of web design. Although some designers handle all component of the design process, it is common for numerous people to
work in teams to cover various aspects.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Compatibility with browsers: With the introduction of different browsers, we are constantly facing the challenge of building a web site
which is compatible with almost all the major browsers. After designing a website, it should be tested on all browsers to ensure that the
website is completely functional.
Navigational structure: Navigational structure is one of the vital aspects of any website, as the usability of the website is based on an
excellent navigational structure. Hence, in order to avoid any such issues, I have to ensure that they provide a proper navigational structure
to the users.
Positioning of content: Another prominent aspect of a website is that the users should find it readable. While designing the structure of the
website, the I should place the content in such a manner that it enhances easy reading. In addition, use suitable colors when it comes to
The process of creating a website is a major challenge for its it involves a wide array of devices, code frameworks, scripts, and of course, the
constant need to work in an innovative way with others to effectively manage the process.
When compared to a desktop site, building a website takes a significant amount of time.
In a website, the content should be prioritized for mobile use. For smaller screens, the designer must know precisely what matters, the
devices that people use, their circumstances, and their unique goals.
Interaction in desktop sites and mobile devices are different.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
• Cost
It is common for me to notice costs associated with maintaining my website when I estimate the cost of developing a website.
• Readability
'Readability' is the most crucial factor in the design of my website. Readability is the process of presenting the written work in a way that makes
it easier to read.
• Navigability
People will abandon a website as quickly as they arrived if it is difficult to navigate. For webmasters and web designers, the website's
navigational structure presents a significant issue. In actuality, website design's most crucial factor is usability. Improved usability is a result of a
website's efficient navigational design.
• Usability
In actuality, this is the culmination of the other major difficulties with website development that were previously described.
Whether a website complies with the usability requirements determines its success. My website should be simple to use, and users should have
little trouble finding the information they need. Websites that impose limits on users (i.e., block return buttons, prohibit book marking, make
printing difficult, etc.) merely reduce their usability.
I examined any technological difficulties I encountered during development.
I was able to build this website using the strategies I developed. I designed this website using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JS. Additionally, I
encountered several difficulties with the design, and I was able to manage it well.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Activity 04
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Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Critically review the final version of the interface and test results comparing against the original interface/ interaction plan.
The objective of EMC is to "Create a seamless user experience for discovering and immersing in music's that beat with we and our heart no
matter who we are, where we are, or what device we use." EMC's vision is to "become the Sri Lanka's No. 1 online music provider."
All logged-in EMC users will be able to access Sri Lankan and international music online thanks to the EMC team.
The EMC team has hired me as the Chief User Experience Officer, entrusting you with developing the user interface (UI) for all of the service's
several faces and giving EMC's customers a seamless experience that is superior to any comparable services offered around the world.
The following is a list of the services offered by EMC, according to its chief technology officer, which constitute the platform's essential
features and are accessible to the right customers.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
3 My Library
• User has options to select a song and
o Preview it
o Add it to a playlist
o Gift it to a friend (for a week, Permanently, just one listen) (* When gifted, it will be greyed out from My Library for the ‘Gifted
duration’. If it is a
permanent gift, clicking on it will bring user back to the eMusic Discovery with the song in discussion already selected”)
o Find “Music Like This” which will take the user to discovery section to find similar music’s, artists and albums.
4 eM Player: When user plays a song or a list, the user will be brought to the eM Player which gives play controls and allow different
playlist manipulations. It also contains records of previous play-lists and gives user to rate the presently playing music. In addition, player also
contains the previously discussed “Music Like This” and “Gift” options which can be applied to the selected song or selected play-list.
5 Settings: Will give user the options to manage visual appearance, language settings, payment options and options to manage devices
connected to user’s EMC account.
Good feature is that you can repeat a line of the song as often as you want, until you know the missing word. Also, the website is very easy to
One of the drawbacks is that some songs are not on the website. However, you can just ignore it.
To sum up, I think this is an excellent website if you like music. You should check it out!
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Critique the overall success of your User Interface concept and discusses your insight using prototyping.
I produced this. An innovative cloud-based internet music platform called e-music cloud (EMC) was created in Sri Lanka by a tech start-up
established by a group of recent graduates.
The objective of EMC is to "Create a seamless user experience for discovering and immersing in music's that beat with you and your heart no
matter who you are, where you are, or what device you use." EMC's vision is to "become the Sri Lanka's No. 1 online music provider."
All logged-in EMC users will be able to access Sri Lankan and international music online thanks to the EMC team.
I have been keeping track of the services offered by EMC, which stand in for the platform's essential features and are accessible to the right
e-music producer network: A section of the e-music cloud where musicians can register, submit their most recent work for distribution, publish
or unpublish their work, track the performance of songs they've published, view their account balance, and use a button to withdraw money via
Registered users can search for artists, albums, and genres in the eMusic Discovery section of the service to locate music they like. The user
has choices after making the discovery, including:
* Three-month song rental: The music will be accessible in My Library for three months.
*Own the music: Until the user cancels their subscription, the song will be accessible in My Library.
An automated AI service will be added into the eMusic Discovery section.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Since they are simpler to measure, tangible advantages frequently command attention in the world of process improvement. They include
decreased operating expenses, increased revenue, and raised standards.
the importance of web system consistency
Prototyping is a tool that I can use across the several phases of Design Thinking, and I should.
Prototyping enables me and users to consider different solutions, thus I may use it as an ideation technique. Because prototypes are actual
tangible representations of my ideas, prototyping enables me to think via action. I can get more value from studying, defining, coming up with
ideas, and testing if I adopt a "think by doing" mentality.
furthermore Include all music, music videos, and playlists that are currently accessible to the user. The user can choose to view content by an
artist, album, genre, year, source (rented, owned, gifted), and other criteria. The user has options for choosing a music.
Database applications are created to save time and increase productivity.
Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729
Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at: https://www.interactiondesign.
Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at: indeed.
Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., n.d. [Online]
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Sandhil Lakvindhu E157729