Assessment - Crane Operator
Assessment - Crane Operator
Assessment - Crane Operator
Knowledge Performance
No. Proposed action Unit Number Target date Responsible party Department
Or Skills Criteria #
Name :
Position :
PHOTO Emp # :
Department :
Unit : Rig #
Unit # Total Rating Skills Knowledge Achieved
Unit 1 Work Safely In Drilling Operation 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit 2 Contribute to effective team working 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit 3 Comply with Lifting & Drops Management 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Rating %
Carry-out Incident Investigation and Notification
Manage Quality Management System
Plan & Monitor Rig Move operations
Plan & Monitor Stuck Pipe Prevention & Losses
Plan & Monitor Well Control response
Manage Maintenance Management
Plan & Monitor Drilling Operations
Leadership Management
Manage Emergency Response
Plan & Carry-out Risk Assessment & MoC
Plan & Monitor Lifting & Drops Management
Plan, monitor & carry-out PTW & LOTO System, JSA & TRIC
Manage HSE Management System Onsite
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Knowledge Skills
50 60
The Competence Assessment is designed to help the Employee to do his job more safely and effectively, and to progress in his career with NDSC. It is rig-based, and focuses on the
tasks specific to each job.
The program allows Employee to progress at a specified time frame, with the help of his Supervisor and the assessor.
This Portfolio contains details of the things a competent employee should know and with ability to perform the job of his position. It contains a number of assessment sheets for the
relevant elements selected and determined as part of competence Map. Each Element contains some Knowledge with things candidate need to know, and some Skills with things
candidate need to be able to perform the job..
If Candidate found incompetent to some of the elements or some of the performance criteria then both the assessor and candidate shall agree on the action plan such as awareness,
training, more practice or coaching required in the job along with target date to close the gap for improvement then the assessor can re-assess the candidate.
Once all the relevant assessment sheets have been completed and signed off then assessor shall send it to HR Manager for further record keeping and other formalities.
Upon successfully completing the assessments of all assigned elements Candidate should be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of his role and responsibilities of his position
and perform his main tasks safely and competently.
Candidate Details
Candidate Name:
Employee number :
Position: PHOTO
Rig Number:
Department Name:
Assessment Start date:
Direct Supervisor (Name, Job Title & Signature)
Department Manager Name:
Competence Portfolio Acceptance Form and Induction Confirmation
I have received the induction & understood the program details and its requirement as well as my role & responsibilities.
I accept the terms & conditions set in NDSC Competence Assurance Program.
I assure NDSC Management that I will comply with program plan and Assessor's instruction.
Candidate Name:
Employee number :
Rig Number:
Copy of this page shall be forwarded to the HR Manager for entering into the Database
To: HR Manager
We certify that this Candidate has completed to our satisfaction all the Competence Elements as per the set competence assurance program.
Candidate Name:
Employee number :
Rig Number:
Assessment Plan :
HR Manager shall initiate a plan with timeline for initial assessment as well as reassessment of the candidate and communicate to all involved. The plan must be
recorded/documented to ensure consistency in applying the program and continued competence of individual employees
Candidate :
Candidate must be able to demonstrate that he meet the performance criteria which have been set in the assessment sheets. He shall be responsible for the followings:
a.Must take an active part in the assessment process & be able to demonstrate to his assessor that he can meet the standard.
b.Must produce evidence of assessment within a reasonable timescale making sure it is authentic & legible and meets the requirements of the relevant Assessment sheet.
c. Shall Identify opportunities for observations and other assessments to their assessor
d. Identify opportunities for observations and other assessments to their assessor
e. Take responsibility for own progress to help their crew and Rig achieve their competency targets.
Assessor :
The assessor is responsible for supporting, assisting & ultimately assessing the individual and complete the assessment sheet as well as coordinating with the verifier. He is
responsible to do the followings:
a. Agree a plan with the candidate on how the assessment will be completed within agreed timeframe
b. keep the competence portfolio book secured and always available until its finalized then to be sent to verifier.
c. Help candidate to understand the competencies they need to demonstrate and what evidence they will require to substantiate assessment.
d. Assess the candidate through using a combination of observation, questions & examining work product & records which the individual has been involved in.
e. Record the feedback assessment to show how each performance criteria have been met & been satisfied
f. Provide feedback to the candidate to see his progress & any issues, difficulties or problems are highlighted and resolved
g. Communicate with the assigned Verifier to ensure consistency in the assessments
Verifier :
Part of Competence Assurance Program (CAP) that quality of assessments shall take place as a first step by the assigned verifier. He shall review the completed assessments to
ensure fair assessment being done and as per NDSC CAP.
a. Ensures processes are being followed and records are being managed in accordance with program processes and company policy.
b. Verifies the accuracy and validity of records.
c. Provide support & assistance to Assessors whenever is requested & provide feedback
d. Manage individual progress by tracking & monitoring the progress of each individual Competence Portfolio Book assigned to him and deal with any issues as they arise
e. Reports findings of non-conformance.
f. Upon completion of the verification process, verifier shall sign off and send the Competence Portfolio book to HR Manager who shall update the employees’ records accordingly.
Documentation :
Every individual will be issued with the Competence portfolio Book covering their role. It is the assessor responsibility to look after the book until its sent to verifier for further
Assessment sheet has been developed for each identified competence element and shall be signed off after completion by the Candidate, Assessor and Verifier.
once the
On the completion of the assessments, the verifier shall send the completed Competence Portfolio book to HR Manager (Focal Point) for retention in the candidates personal file
and issue of a Certificate of Competence. copy of the certificate only to be given to the candidate.
Assessment Methods & Tools :
Methods that produce the highest quality evidence of competence should be selected. Assessment methods include the followings, but are not exclusive to:
1.1 Comply with Safety and emergency procedure for drilling operations
1.0 Work Safely In Drilling Operation
1.2 Identify and Control hazards and risks
1.3 Work safely at heights
2.1 Establish and maintain productive working relationships
2.0 Contribute to effective team working 2.2 Work With Others
2.3 Handle Conflict
3.1 Communication
4.0 Comply with inspection & Maintenance 4.2 Alarms And Safety Devices
2 Apply working processes as per Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the event of fires/fire drills
and the evacuation of premises and work areas.
3 Use Emergency tools and equipment such as BA set & escape packs, BOP control panels, etc.
4 Identify hazards and intervene to protect others from harm.
5 Apply first Aid in event of accidents involving injury.
6 Use the appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety equipment for the
work activity.
7 Inspect safety equipment and PPE prior to use.
8 Apply PTW process.
9 Apply safety procedures when working at heights and taking preventive measures against dropped
10 Handle hazardous materials
11 Seeking & applying the appropriate information identify hazards associated with any substance used.
1.1 Element 1: Comply with Safety and emergency procedure for drilling operations
1.1.1 Comply with duties and obligations in accordance with organization’s directives, guidelines and
prevailing statutory regulations.
1.1.2 Follow organizational accident and emergency procedures
1.1.3 Use appropriate manual lifting and handling techniques
1.1.4 Maintain communication with team members at all times.
1.2 Element 2: Identify and Control hazards and risks
1.2.1 Identify any potential workplace hazards and risks.
1.2.2 Evaluate the risks associated with the tasks to be undertaken.
NDSC Competency Assurance Program (Crane Operator )
1.2.3 Take appropriate action to minimize the risk from workplace hazards
1.2.4 Report any hazards identified and any actions you have taken
1.3 Element 3: Work safely at heights
1.3.1 Obtain permits to work at height before commencing work
1.3.2 Check work area regularly for obstructions that may interfere and cause restrictions in work at height
1.3.6 Carry out pre-use checks on PPE, PFPS and access equipment in line company procedures and
manufacturer's instructions
Total achieved Rating 0.00 Total Final Rating Achieved
Candidate Name : Assessor's Name: Verifier's Name:
Target date Verifier Comments Date Rating
Verified (1-2)
Position :
Employee # :
Department Name :
Unit # :
Signature :
NDSC Competency Assurance Program (Crane Operator)
Rating Method Assessment Reference # Date Target Verifier Date Rating
Item # Skills Assessment (1-2) Tool/Evidence
Assessor's Comments
Proposed Action
date Comments Verified (1-2)
2.1.1 Make sure that any actions that you take are within the limits of one’s own responsibility and
2.1.2 Communicate in a manner which promotes understanding, good will and trust
2.2 Element 2: Work with others
2.2.1 Present one ‘self in the workplace on time and in a way that does not cause concern to other
team members.
2.2.2 Work in accordance with the roles and responsibilities identified for individual and team
2.2.3 Ask for information, advice and / or help politely, without causing disruption to one’s own or
other team members’ work.
2.2.4 Offer help to others willingly to ensure team objectives are met.
2.2.5 Contribute to team discussion / briefing sessions in a positive manner that shows respect for the
views and rights of others
2.2.6 Refer requests for information and / or assistance that are outside one’s authority/responsibility
to the involved personnel.
2.3 Element 3: Handle conflict
2.3.1 Deal with problems in team relationships in ways which minimise offence and maintain mutual
2.3.2 Work together to resolve disagreements and difficulties in team relationships.
Total achieved Rating 0.00 Total Final Rating Achieved 0.00
Candidate Name : Assessor's Name: Verifier's Name:
Rating Method Assessment Reference # Date Target Verifier Date Rating
Item # Skills Assessment (1-2) Tool/Evidence
Assessor's Comments
Proposed Action
date Comments Verified (1-2)
1 Demonstrate how to respond correctly to both hand or radio signals from the Dedicated Banksman
Show how to clearly communicates relevant information with the members of the lifting crew
throughout operation
Demonstrate different kind of slinging and load securing techniques before lifting to overcome the
load drop?
4 Demonstrate adhering to the permit to work system for routine and non routine rigging tasks
Demonstrate the correct and safe use of taglines attached to loads including proper positioning and
5 quantity
6 Demonstrate following the lifting plan for critical lift rigging tasks
Demonstrate how to correctly rig a load according to its specific center of gravity and the ability of
7 identifying the center gravity of various load configurations
8 Demonstrate how a drop inspection for the crane is done ?
Demonstrate Simultaneous operation of all three functions. (Boom, Slew, Hoist & Lower)
Maintaining load control throughout operation
Demonstrate the ability of controlling load lifting throughout various levels ( lower and higher
landing areas)
11 Demonstrate the use of sling capacity tables
Total achieved Rating 0.00 Total Final Rating Achieved 0.00
Knowledge Assessment Feedback
Unit 3 : Comply with Lifting & Drops Management
Competence Rating : 1= No yet Competent (Needs Improvement) and 2= Competent
Rating Method Assessment Reference # Date Target Verifier Date Final
Item # Knowledge Assessment (1-2) Tool/Evidence
Assessor's Comments
Proposed Action
date Comments Verified Rating
3.1 Element 1 : Communication
3.1.1 Explain the best way to communicate with driller during lifting load from and to the rig floor
3.2.5 Explain the importance of the eye of synthetic web and why it should never be used or forced over a
hook or pin
3.2.6 Explain how the wire rope reeving is affecting the load capability of the crane hook block
3.3 Element 3 : Crane equipment operation basic awareness
Explain the importance of the ‘Crane stability’ at pre-setup. Outriggers, mats and pins are all used
3.3.2 Explain the cranes ‘safe positioning’ and the crane load chart in details to identify the different lifting
capacities vs the radius of the crane
3.3.3 Explain the principles of Tandem Lifting (dual lifting) and also the use of tailing a lift utilizing two cranes
3.3.4 can you state the crane model and specification ?
3.4 Element 4 : Outriggers
3.4.1 calculate the blocking dimensions to determine the out rigger
3.4.2 how would you calculate pad thickness?
3.4.3 provide the crane outrigger load calculation for 70ton crane. Crane boom length is 26.6m,
Crane radius is 12m, lifting load is 6Ton
how we can calculate the outrigger opining length based on the load weight since we are
3.4.4 working on the main road and we require to minimize the opening of outrigger as much as
we can
Total achieved Rating 0.00 Total Final Rating Achieved 0.00
Candidate Name : Assessor's Name: Verifier's Name:
Rating Method Assessment Reference # Date Target Verifier Date Rating
Item # Skills Assessment (1-2) Tool/Evidence
Assessor's Comments
Proposed Action
date Comments Verified (1-2)
Demonstrate how the Crane Cab(s) are clean and any equipment is stored
1 properly
Demonstrate that the stairways, ladders and exits on the crane are kept
2 clear free of tripping hazard
3 Demonstrate the block limit switch check ?
Demonstrate how to inspect different types of lifting accessories and gears
4 on the crane ?
4.3.3 Explain the critical areas in the crane where we need to go for MPI
4.3.4 Explain the difference between upper , lower boom limits and slew limit
4.3.5 Explain the daily check required on the crane tyres
4.3.6 Explain how to inspect the crane boom different sections to identify defects
before usage
Total achieved Rating 0.00 Total Final Rating Achieved 0.00
Candidate Name : Assessor's Name: Verifier's Name: