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published: 30 April 2018

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00520

Ontological Constraints in Children’s

Inductive Inferences: Evidence From
a Comparison of Inferences Within
Animals and Vehicles
Andrzej Tarlowski*

Department of Cognitive Psychology, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

There is a lively debate concerning the role of conceptual and perceptual information in
young children’s inductive inferences. While most studies focus on the role of basic level
categories in induction the present research contributes to the debate by asking whether
children’s inductions are guided by ontological constraints. Two studies use a novel
inductive paradigm to test whether young children have an expectation that all animals
share internal commonalities that do not extend to perceptually similar inanimates.
The results show that children make category-consistent responses when asked to
project an internal feature from an animal to either a dissimilar animal or a similar toy
replica. However, the children do not have a universal preference for category-consistent
Edited by: responses in an analogous task involving vehicles and vehicle toy replicas. The results
Yusuke Moriguchi,
Kyoto University, Japan
also show the role of context and individual factors in inferences. Children’s early reliance
Reviewed by:
on ontological commitments in induction cannot be explained by perceptual similarity or
Shelbie Sutherland, by children’s sensitivity to the authenticity of objects.
University of Toronto, Canada
Layla Unger, Keywords: concepts, categories, inferential reasoning, naive biology, domain knowledge, perceptual similarity
The Ohio State University,
United States

Andrzej Tarlowski
[email protected] A lively debate on the early development of induction is motivated by two opposing views,
namely the perceptual and the early knowledge view. While both approaches agree that perceptual
Specialty section: information informs children’s induction (Gelman and Medin, 1993; Jones and Smith, 1993), the
This article was submitted to controversy lies in the role of category knowledge in children’s inferences. By the perceptual view,
Developmental Psychology, until about 6 years of age, induction is driven purely by perception and does not employ category
a section of the journal knowledge. The reliance on categories is a late achievement requiring maturation, accumulation
Frontiers in Psychology
of knowledge, explicit training, and cognitive resources (Sloutsky and Fisher, 2004; Fisher and
Received: 19 May 2017 Sloutsky, 2005; Sloutsky et al., 2007; Sloutsky, 2010; Badger and Shapiro, 2015). According to
Accepted: 27 March 2018 the early knowledge view, young children’s inferences employ rich category knowledge which is
Published: 30 April 2018
embedded in domain theories (Murphy and Medin, 1985). When making inferences, children
Citation: factor in broad, abstract, unobservable properties of categories which derive from their rudimentary
Tarlowski A (2018) Ontological understanding of the domains to which the categories belong. Even very young children construct
Constraints in Children’s Inductive
intuitive ontologies, that is, partition their experience into basic categories of existence (Keil, 1979;
Inferences: Evidence From a
Comparison of Inferences Within
Carey, 1985). Ontologically basic categories are picked out by large clusters of predicates and terms
Animals and Vehicles. (Carey, 1985). For example, “is alive, breathes, has babies, can die, is ill” all apply to animals.
Front. Psychol. 9:520. Ontological categories are diagnosed through a linguistic test. If a predicate is inappropriately
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00520 applied across the ontological boundary, it generates category mistakes, e.g., “a car has babies, a rock

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 1 April 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 520

Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

is ill,” statements that are nonsensical rather than simply false knowledge. Gelman and Davidson (2013) and Booth (2014)
(Carey, 1985). Children’s ontological commitments, for example, manipulated the quality of conceptual information and
an intuition that animals, but not artifacts have essences, demonstrated children’s reliance on categories only when
contribute to differences in inference patterns within natural category distinctions marked conceptually coherent and
kinds and artifacts that cannot be explained by perceptual informative groupings. In response to these findings, Sloutsky
properties of the stimuli (Gelman and Markman, 1986; Keil, et al. (2015) argued that Gelman and Davidson’s (2013) design
1989; Keil et al., 1998; Gelman, 2003; Gelman and Davidson, confuses attentional factors with conceptual factors and only the
2013). attentional factors guide inductions in their design.
The conflicting construals of the role of categories in Fisher et al. (2015) proposed the Perceptual and
induction are related to accounts of the origins of knowledge. Representational Similarity (PaRS) model to reconcile conflicting
The perceptual view is associated with the empiricist tradition data on the role of conceptual knowledge in induction. PaRS
claiming that statistical learning from experience fully explains posits that, unlike mature inferences, children’s inferences
the development of knowledge systems (Sloutsky, 2010). The rely exclusively on similarity metrics which tallies perceptual
early knowledge view stems from a variety of accounts, which features and all the semantic knowledge about the entities,
typically postulate either domain specific (Medin and Atran, acquired through direct or indirect experience. They propose
2004; Carey, 2009) or domain general (Keil, 1994; Gelman, 2003) to distinguish between two terms referring to inferences.
innate constraints on knowledge acquisition. Describing inferences as category-consistent would make
reference to the outcome of inference (projections within
a category) without committing to the underlying process.
The Evaluation of the Theoretical Views on Describing inferences as category-based would imply an
the Role of Categories in Induction assumption that category-consistent inference was based on
The primary challenge for the research evaluating perceptual processing categories.
and conceptual influences on induction involves striking the PaRS emphasizes the role of experience and is supported by
right balance between tight control of perceptual similarity and data linking individual differences in the semantic organization
the quality of conceptual information. Category membership to the pattern of inferences. Unlike the perceptual view, PaRS
is correlated with perceptual similarity and disentangling the model includes conceptual knowledge in the inference-making
two poses methodological problems. Gelman and Markman’s process, but unlike early knowledge view, it claims that an ability
(1986) classic solution was to draw from real life cases, in which to factor in abstract category information is a late developmental
perceptual information conflicts with conceptual information, achievement.
for example, children made inferences from either a flamingo or From this review of the debate, it seems that early
a bat to a swallow. Gelman and Markman (1986) showed that, development of inductive inference is too complex to be
when making inferences, children ignored perceptual similarity exhausted by dichotomous arguments on whether children can or
and relied on category membership. However, Sloutsky and cannot rely on conceptual information. Sutherland and Cimpian
Fisher (2004), argued that labels presented by Gelman and (2017) deem attempts to exclude category knowledge from
Markman (1986) to signal category membership should be accounts of inductive inference as counterproductive. Instead,
construed as salient perceptual features, rather than cues to they suggest, efforts should be made to recognize specific
category membership. Gelman and Markman’s (1986) category- conditions which facilitate or hinder the reliance on categories
consistent choices can be viewed as perceptual choices if labels are in induction.
treated as features contributing to perceptual similarity metrics. Several factors contribute to the reliance on category
Sloutsky et al. (2007) provided additional evidence questioning knowledge in induction. These include, among others, the scope
the role of conceptual information in early induction. Instead of of the category (e.g., whether it is a basic level or a superordinate
relying on real objects they ensured tight control over perceptual category), the type of information that signals the category (the
similarity by designing novel categories of hypothetical animals. use of category labels, highlighting category specific features,
They presented children with two categories of bugs, which were such as eyes, or movement), the ontological domain (e.g.,
perceptually distinguished by the ratio of buttons to fingers. 4– whether the category is an animal or an artifact), the quality of
5-year-olds readily learned to categorize these bugs. However, perceptual information (whether the items are presented as real
when making inferences, they ignored category membership, objects, videos, photos, drawings), the prior knowledge of the
even if it was not pitted against perceptual similarity. Badger category (whether the items are familiar, novel or contrived). In
and Shapiro (2012) reported a similar result. They also employed what follows, I will discuss research that relates to some of the
hypothetical categories of bugs and additionally portrayed them abovementioned factors, paying particular attention to questions
as more natural than those presented by Sloutsky et al. (2007). that are still unanswered.
In defense of early knowledge view, it can be argued that
Sloutsky et al. (2007) or Badger and Shapiro (2012) did not Category Scope
provide children with conceptual information of sufficient It is well established that inductive power is highest at the
“quality” to support induction (Gelman and Waxman, 2007; basic level and decreases with increasing category scope (Coley
Gelman and Davidson, 2013). Conceptual information only et al., 1997). Most studies probe children’s inferences within
supports induction if it resonates with the child’s existing basic level categories (Gelman and Markman, 1986; Sloutsky

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

et al., 2007; Badger and Shapiro, 2012). Only a few probe showed that the tendency to make category-consistent inferences
superordinate level inferences. In open-ended induction tasks, does not vary by domain, but it is affected by the category
participants are allowed to project the feature to any one structure. Children shift from similarity-based1 to category-
of the target items from a large array. Results from these consistent inductions earlier, if category structure is featural
tasks suggest that children’s inferences are mostly constrained (category difference marked by a single feature value) rather than
to basic level categories (Carey, 1985; Gelman and O’Reilly, relational (category distinction marked by a relation between
1988). Triad induction tasks are more suited to test relatively a number of feature values). Based on these findings, Badger
weak projections within superordinates. Gelman and Davidson and Shapiro argue that the development of inductive inference
(2013) used Sloutsky et al. (2007) triad induction stimuli to proceeds in a domain-general fashion, and young children are
test inferences across ontological boundaries. They show that not able to employ category knowledge in induction. Badger
children project from an animate base to another animate target, and Shapiro’s (2015) findings are compelling, but they have
rather than to a more similar artifact. However, Sloutsky et al. some limitations. Unlike (Gelman and O’Reilly, 1988), who used
(2015) point out that Gelman and Davidson (2013) specifically multiple instances of natural kinds and artifacts as stimuli, Badger
draw children’s attention to features signaling the ontological and Shapiro relied on a single basic-level distinction within
distinction, and therefore the category-consistent inference is a each domain (rocky bug vs. desert bug, town trudge vs. country
result of attentional rather than conceptual factors. It, therefore, trudge). It could be the case that their results do not generalize
remains to be established whether children would make category- to other basic-level distinctions, for example, it is possible that
consistent projections spontaneously for stimuli, whose animacy vertebrate species elicit more category-consistent responses than
or lack thereof were not explicitly highlighted. insect species. Moreover, Badger and Shapiro’s (2015) stimuli are
Superordinates mark ontological boundaries, they divide artificial and it is not certain that the findings would be replicated
entities based on a set of central features, such as being alive or with real-life entities (Gelman and Waxman, 2007).
being made by a human. Superordinate-level projections have
significant influence on the formation of knowledge, for example, Inferences to Real Objects and
attributing a feature to all animals has a much higher influence on Representations
the state of knowledge than attributing it to robins. It is, therefore, While developmental theories of inductive inference describe
crucial to obtain more data on whether children can rely on how children reason about real entities, empirical studies present
superordinates in induction, particularly when they reason with these entities as representations, such as videos (Jipson and
realistic objects, and when their attention is not specifically drawn Gelman, 2007), realistic photos (Tarlowski, 2006) or drawings
to the item’s membership in the superordinate category. of existing objects (Gelman and Markman, 1986), as well as
depictions of inexistent entities (Sloutsky et al., 2007; Badger and
Domain Differences Shapiro, 2012, 2015). Relying on representations is an obvious
The early knowledge view claims that children’s inductions are and well justified methodological choice. Children’s experience
driven by high-level abstract expectations about broad classes of is filled with representations (movies, books, toys). Toddlers
objects (Keil, 1989; Keil et al., 1998; Gelman, 2003). Children understand the representational status of photographs (Ganea
expect animates to share internal commonalities, while they et al., 2009). Preschoolers extend knowledge gained from picture
expect artifacts to share function and to be internally varied books to real entities (Ganea et al., 2011). Using representations
(Keil et al., 1998). Diesendruck and Peretz (2013) showed allows researchers to control the extent of overlap between reality
that when perceptual similarity conflicted with information and the stimuli. Representations that are far removed from
about internal commonality, 5-year-olds tended to rely on reality (e.g., depictions of inexistent entities) enable researchers to
internal commonality more when making categorizations of perform clean tests of category-consistent induction by entirely
animals than of artifacts. At the same time, when perceptual decoupling category membership from perceptual similarity. At
similarity conflicted with intentional information (category the same time, generalizations from children’s performance with
membership intended by the creator), children relied on such representations are always susceptible to criticism for low
intentional information for artifacts and not for animals. The ecological validity (Gelman and Waxman, 2007).
question remains, though, whether these domain differences are There is a way to use representations to experimentally
reflected in children’s inferences. Direct comparisons of inductive decouple category membership from perceptual similarity
inferences between domains are not conclusive. Gelman and without making a substantial departure from reality. It involves
O’Reilly (1988) showed no differences between living kinds and testing inferences to toys. Toys are designed to perceptually
artifacts in proportion of inductions within the basic level and resemble their referents but they do not belong to the same
superordinate categories. They did show a more subtle effect, category (e.g., a bear is an animal, a teddy bear is a toy). Toys
namely, compared to artifacts, animates received more category- are viable experimental targets because, unlike images, they are
consistent patterns of responses (that is, “those in which the 3D objects that support projections of physical properties or
superordinate category could be the basis of the inferences” behaviors. Inferences to toys could provide a strong test of the
Gelman and O’Reilly, 1988; p. 881). early knowledge view, which argues that children’s inferences
Badger and Shapiro (2015) also compared inferences within
animals and artifacts. They used artificial stimuli to ensure 1Iuse the term similarity-based in reference to selections of more similar items,
tight control over perceptual similarity across domains. They because the underlying process of those selections is not debated.

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

observe ontological constraints. For example, Keil (1989) showed Overall, projections to toys seem to be a promising
that 5-year-olds do not believe it is possible to transform a toy avenue of research, but so far the findings are sparse and
bird into a real bird. Based on this expectation children should conflicting. An early knowledge view could be tested with
resist inferences from animates to toys even if their similarity projections involving toys, but it should be tested with a triad
is compelling, because toy animals, being artifacts, belong to a induction methodology that gives children a positive ontological
different ontological category than real animals. So far, there alternative, a projection from a real category member to either a
are few studies that test this prediction, and their findings are similar toy or a dissimilar category member. In order to avoid
contradictory. Tarlowski (2006) looked at how parental expertise the authenticity argument based on Bunce and Harris’ (2013)
in biology relates to children’s inductive inferences in a task findings, projections within animates should be compared with
involving projections of internal features from animates to an projections within artifacts, for which real-toy distinction is not
array of objects including toy representations, all presented on ontological.
photos. While children of experts differentiated between same
basic-level target and same basic-level toy, laypeople’s children
did not, that is, they were as likely to project from a horse
Labels and Explicit Category Information
Labels play an important role as cues to category membership
to another horse as to a rocking horse. The negative result
(Gelman, 2003). However, their role in inferences is not always
observed for children with the standard profile of experience
clear (Sloutsky and Fisher, 2004). Gelman and O’Reilly, 1988
with biological kinds could reflect these children’s difficulty
results suggest that providing superordinate category labels did
reasoning about photographs of toys (which are representations
not facilitate superordinate inferences. However, it is difficult
of representations), although Massey and Gelman (1988) showed
to estimate the role of labels when both label and no-label
that even 3-year-olds consider statues presented on photos as
condition yielded negative results. In Gelman and Davidson’s
inanimate objects.
(2013) superordinate induction probes, labels were presented as
Carey (1985) showed that children made few projections of
indicators of common category membership. Moreover, Gelman
known biological features from an animal to a toy monkey (which
and Davidson highlighted common category membership
was presented as a real object, while the other stimuli were
through explicit category information. Sloutsky et al. (2015)
images) only when the task involved unfamiliar target animals.
argued that conceptual information provided by Gelman
Children made projections to the toy monkey just as often as they
and Davidson (2013) was confused with attention-directing
projected to familiar animals.
information (focusing children’s attention on distinguishing
Even those responses that reject toys as possessing animate
features). In their study, Sloutsky et al. (2015) disentangled
features cannot be readily attributed to children’s ontological
conceptual and attentional factors to show that only the latter
commitments because Bunce and Harris’ (2013) data suggest that
affect young children’s inferences. In order to address Sloutsky
3 to 5-year-olds discriminate real objects from toys on the basis
et al.’s (2015) claim that children’s category-consistent responses
of the domain-general notion of authenticity. Differentiating real
in induction studies (e.g., Gelman and Davidson, 2013) can be
objects from toys on the basis of authenticity is a component
explained by reference to attentional processes, it is necessary
of children’s ability to make appearance-reality distinctions.
to show whether children can draw on ontological distinctions
Bunce and Harris (2013) argue that the appearance-reality
when the procedure or instruction do not explicitly draw
distinction can be based either on the ontological criterion
children’s attention to properties that mark the ontological
separating real from fictional entities or authenticity, which
“involves judgments about whether [an object] is genuinely
what it looks like or purports to be, or is an imitation, fake,
or replica.” (Bunce and Harris, 2013; p. 1494). Three-year- The Role of Experience
olds are adept at making the authenticity distinction. When Inductive inferences depend on prior experience. Children
projecting from animates, children could reject a toy animal who raise fish show a different pattern of inferences within
knowing that the toy animal is not authentic, rather than out aquatic animals than children with no such experience (Inagaki,
of the expectation that internal commonalities do not extend 1990). Anthropocentric bias in inductions characteristic of
beyond the domain of animates. Jipson and Gelman (2007) urban majority culture children is absent in children who have
avoided this interpretative ambiguity. They asked children to rich experience with nature (Ross et al., 2003). Children of
project novel features from an animal (a dog and a cat) or biology experts but not children of laypeople can differentiate
an artifact (a radio and a computer) to a stuffed animal. between real animals and toy animals when generalizing internal
Four-year-olds consistently projected from an animal, while properties (Tarlowski, 2006). Shafto et al. (2007) argue that
5-year-olds were undecided. Children’s inferences crossed the prior experience influences availability of features and categories
ontological boundary despite Jipson and Gelman (2007) provided during induction. Fisher et al. (2015) PaRS model posits that
clear cues to animacy by presenting movement information experience affects the outcome of similarity computation by
on videos of target objects. However, Jipson and Gelman’s modifying the set of representational features that enter the
(2007) triad induction methodology did not give participants computation. Although the present study is not aimed to test
a positive ontological option, because a piece of electronics is individual differences in experience, it must be noted that any
just as unlikely as an animal to share properties with a stuffed model of the development of inductive inference should account
animal. for them.

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

The Present Study The selection of animals and vehicles as comparison items
As can be seen from this review, the role of conceptual needs to be justified. The choice of animals is quite natural. It
information in induction is a highly complex, multidimensional is the most salient, the best known superordinate distinction
phenomenon. Seemingly conflicting results often arise because for biological beings. It has also received most attention form
studies employ a different combination of values on each research. Selecting a superordinate category within artifacts was
dimension. Moreover, although each dimension received much more challenging. I chose vehicles because in many ways
considerable attention, we are still far from having a complete they are analogous to animals. They are a relatively coherent
picture. The present study is an attempt to explore a combination category, characterized by movement. Internal divisions within
of conditions relevant to children’s inductive inferences that vehicles that are analogous to those within animals. Both animals
jointly received little attention. The key distinguishing features of and vehicles live or operate either on land, in the water or in
the present design are that it probes inferences at a superordinate the air. Many vehicles are designed with an eye on animate
level that either cross or do not cross the ontological boundary, adaptations to movement. Finally, real object—toy distinction
uses a modified triad induction probe, tests inferences involving for vehicles is probably more clear and salient than for any
toys, relies on realistic representations (photographs) of existing other artifact category. Toy vehicles are ubiquitous, and for the
objects, and presents category distinctions implicitly, by merely most part, there is no doubt whether something is a real vehicle
selecting objects from different categories, without providing or a toy. In other artifact categories, e.g., tools, the real-toy
labels or category descriptions. The principal motivation behind boundary is much less apparent, mostly due to the relative lack
selecting this particular set of properties was to test the relatively of complexity of the real objects (consider the difference between
unexplored, yet highly important issue of children’s reliance on a real and toy screwdriver).
ontological constraints in induction, with the use of materials
and design that provide a high level of ecological validity without
compromising the control of perceptual similarity. Method
Twenty-five children with mean age of 5;5, range between 5;0
STUDY 1 and 5;10 participated in the study. Fourteen of them were girls.
Children came from a small town in central Poland. Children’s
The aim of the present study was to address unresolved parents were informed about the purpose of the study and signed
theoretical questions concerning the role of ontological an informed consent form. Children provided verbal consent for
constraints in inductive inference: Can children ignore participation in the study. Sixteen adults (mean age 37 years,
perceptual similarity to avoid crossing the ontological boundary range 24–49) provided similarity ratings for the items presented
if this boundary is not explicitly highlighted in the design? Do in the induction study.
ontological boundary limits constrain their inferences, such
that they expect properties of real animals not to extend to toy
animals while not holding an analogous expectation for the Materials and Procedure
properties of real and toy vehicles? In order to address these Introduction to the induction study
questions, I presented children with a computerized induction The procedure started with an introductory activity which was
task in which they projected internal properties from real dogs a real-life analog to the experimental induction task. In this
to either dissimilar real animals or to similar toy animals and activity, children had a tangible experience of detecting internal,
from real cars to either dissimilar real vehicles or to similar unobservable properties of objects.
toy vehicles. The objects were presented as color photographs First, the experimenter asked the children what was inside
and never named. Thus the category distinction was implicit. a fridge, a purse, and a human. The children readily provided
The distinction between real animals and toy animals coincides answers that included food, money, and internal organs. The
with important ontological boundary, while the distinction experimenter asked what needs to be done to see what is inside
between real vehicles and toy vehicles does not. The early the discussed objects. The children overwhelmingly responded
knowledge view suggests that children expect fundamental that the contents of the fridge could be examined by opening,
differences between ontological domains. Gelman and Davidson while the insides of a human cannot be readily viewed in this
(2013) show that children’s inferences do not cross ontological way. The experimenter explained to the child that whenever
boundary separating animals from artifacts even if the perceptual insides of an object cannot be viewed, people can use detectors,
similarity of the distracter is compelling. Keil (1989) showed devices that signal the presence of invisible internal properties.
that children do not accept perceptual transformations that The experimenter taught the child how to use a toy metal detector
cross the living-nonliving ontological boundary. If children are to find a metal plaque inside one of two envelopes. The child
able to rely on ontological constraints in induction, they should was presented with a pair of envelopes and had to use the
make projections from dogs to real animals rather than toy detector to find the metal plaque. Only one of the envelopes
animals. At the same time, they should not display a preference contained the plaque. The task was a real-life analog to the
for real vehicles when making inferences from cars because real computerized experimental task. After learning how to operate
vehicles and toy vehicles belong to the same ontological domain the metal detector the child was introduced to the concept of
of artifacts so naïve ontology does not prohibit crossing the particles–tiny, invisible bits that can be found in all objects. At
boundary between them in inferences. that point, the experimental procedure on a tablet began.

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 5 April 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 520

Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

Induction task The warm-up task consisted of a series of seven train-test

The induction task was meant to be analogous to the triad sequences, adding to a total of 14 trials. All the trials, both
induction task with one base item and two target items (e.g., training and test, presented a shoe (or shoes) and a piece of
“A dog has blicks inside. Does a teddy bear or an ant have furniture (a table, a chair, or a bookshelf). Each experimental task
blicks inside like the dog?”). However, there were two important was made up of 12 train-test sequences, totaling 24 trials. In the
differences, which I explain below. animals task, training trials presented a dog and water (icicles,
The first difference involved the way the premise was ice, clouds), while test trials presented an animal dissimilar to
presented. While in most induction tasks the property of the base a dog (a category match) and a toy animal similar to a dog. In
is explicitly taught by the experimenter, in the present task it the vehicles task, training trials presented a car and a stone (or
was presented implicitly. Children obtained information about pebbles), while test trials presented a vehicle dissimilar to a car
the property of the base from a training trial, a trial which first (a category match) and a toy vehicle similar to a car. The list
presented the base along with an ontologically unrelated object, of categories can be found in Table 1 and a full list of items in
then elicited the child’s selection of one of these objects, and Appendix 1.
finally offered feedback indicating that the base possesses the The first trial was always a training trial, while the second
feature. Thus, instead of being explicitly told that a dog has blicks, was always a test trial. For the remaining train-test sequences
a child was shown a dog and a cloud, asked to indicate which the order was established randomly, that is, for some train-test
one has blicks, and received feedback pointing to the dog as the sequences, the training trial preceded the test trial, on others,
correct answer. From the methodological viewpoint, performing the test trial preceded the training trial. This design made the
a training trial was equivalent to being told that the base has the task less predictable, thus further blurring the distinction between
feature. From the child’s perspective, the teaching event became training and test trials from the viewpoint of the participant. It
similar to the testing event, that is, the test trial. The test trial also ensured that the maximum of subsequent trials of the same
probed projections from the base to one of two target objects. kind was two.
Like the training trial, it presented two objects (targets) and Each task was initiated by a training trial. A pair of items
elicited the child’s selection. However, unlike the training trial, appeared on the screen. The experimenter said “We have two
the test trial did not offer feedback. things here. One of them has [blicks] inside, but we don’t
The second difference involved the relationship between trials. know which one, because [blicks] can’t be seen. Guess what has
Most traditional triad induction tasks involve a series of unrelated [blicks] inside. Touch with your finger to check which one has
trials, that is, a child is taught a different property on each trial. [blicks] inside.” The objects were placed on the opposite sides
In the present study, all the trials involved the same property. of the screen, as shown in Figure 1. After the child touched
Thus, instead of having a series of teach A-test A, teach B-test B... on one of the objects, a detector appeared on top of each side
sequences, the present study had a series of train A-test A, train A- of the screen. The detectors were represented by pictures of
test A... sequences. The training trials were interspersed with the oscilloscopes with translucent screen parts. The detectors moved
test trials to continuously remind participants about the premise. down simultaneously scanning the two objects. One of the
From the viewpoint of participant experience, rather than being
a series of separate problems to solve, the task was a single, highly
engaging discovery activity.
TABLE 1 | Object kinds presented during the induction task in Studies 1 and 2.
At the beginning of the induction task, the experimenter
entered the child’s data into the program and showed the Type of task Objects with the featurea Objects with no featurea
child the screen with pictures of 3 particles. The child was
told that these particles are in fact so tiny that one cannot WARM UP
see them and that she would look for them in different 7 training (feedback) Shoeb /Chocolatec Furnitureb /Breadc
objects with the use of a detector. The child was asked to trials
pick one of the particles by touching it. Each of the tasks 7 test (no feedback) Shoeb /Chocolatec Furnitureb /Breadc
started with the child picking a particle. On the touch, the
program played a recording “These particles are called [blicks]. ANIMALS

I wonder which things have [blicks] inside.” The experimenter 12 training (feedback) Dogs Water
then prompted the child to touch on a vertical line that
12 test (no feedback) Dissimilar animals Similar toy animals
appeared in the middle of the screen. The line appeared before trials
every trial. Its position ensured that the child’s hand was
precisely in-between the two objects when they appeared on the
12 training (feedback) Cars Stones
screen. trials
There were three separate tasks. Each one was about finding a 12 test (no feedback) Dissimilar vehicles Similar toy vehicles
different kind of particle. The first task served as a warm-up, its trials
only goal was to familiarize the child with the game, and it was not
a Afterthe child made the response, the presence of the feature in the object was signaled
a subject of any analyses. The remaining tasks were experimental on training trials only.
and presented the animals condition and the vehicles condition b Items presented in Study 1.

in a counterbalanced order. c Items presented in Study 2.

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

and the detector that discovered the particle remained visible

until the child touched on the vertical line, thus initiating a
subsequent trial, which was a test trial.
As in the training trial, the test trial started with the
appearance of two items, and the experimenter’s prompt “And
now which one has [blicks] inside?” When the child made
a selection, the objects disappeared, there was no recording,
and the vertical line immediately appeared on a blank screen.
Although there was no feedback from the program, warm-up
test trials received feedback from the experimenter, who said:
“Look, this time the detector did not show us, which one has
[blicks] inside, but I think you chose the right one/ it was the
other one.” The reason why the experimenter provided feedback
verbally on test trials in the warm-up task was to make sure that
the child did not interpret the lack of feedback from the program
as an indication of an incorrect response. Importantly, no form of
feedback was ever given on test trials in either animals or vehicles
After the first training—test sequence, there were additional
6 training—test sequences in the warm-up, and 11 in the
experimental tasks. On those trials, the experimenter prompted
the child by saying “And now, what has [blicks] inside? Touch
with your finger.” or did not say anything if the child completed
the trials without hesitation. The experimenter also provided
verbal feedback on the remaining test trials within warm-up and
said “The detector didn’t show us, we will see at the end” on the
remaining experimental test trials. See Figure 1 for a schematic
depiction of an example training and test trial in the vehicles
task. After the child completed all the trials within the task, the
program presented a set of small circles. The number of circles
corresponded to the number of correct responses the child made.
The child was praised by the recording (“Look how many you’ve
found!”) and the experimenter.
The study was administered on a 9.7-inch tablet. The objects
were presented as naturalistic pictures, 5.7 by 5.7 cm. The
objects were presented in 8 different random orders. The side
of presentation of each object was randomized individually
for each trial. Detailed instruction to the task is presented in
FIGURE 1 | Schematic presentation of one training trial and one test trial in the
induction paradigm. In the training trial, the child sees a dog and clouds and
Appendix 2.
points to the dog as the object possessing the projected feature. The
detectors scan the objects (movement path indicated by the arrows). One of Adult similarity judgments
the detectors stops over the dog. There is a beeping sound, flashing diodes, In order to ensure that any potential domain effects in children’s
and a message “Yes! This one has blicks inside!”. The child then touches the
induction task would not stem from systematic differences in
vertical line to initiate the test trial. The test trial presents a teddy bear and a
butterfly. The child points to the butterfly, both objects disappear, a vertical line
perceptual similarity between the bases (dogs and cars) and test
appears signaling a subsequent trial. items (toys and real category members), I asked adult judges
to assess the perceptual distance between objects presented in
the children’s task. The similarity judgment task was designed to
resemble the induction task closely. The induction task presented
detectors stopped and remained at the object indicating by sound a series of pairs of objects, for example, car1 and rock1 , followed
and light that this object has the projected feature, while the other by a helicopter2 and a toy truck2 , followed by car3 and rock3
passed over and disappeared. When the detector “discovered” the (index representing the pair number). It is reasonable to assume
feature it stopped in such a position that the object in the picture that the similarity judgments on which children relied would be
was clearly visible in the translucent screen part of the device. made between subsequent trials, that is helicopter2 and toy truck2
When the child selected the appropriate object, the recording would be simultaneously compared to a previous pair, that is
said “Yes! This one has [blicks] inside!,” when the child made an car1 and rock1 . That is why the judges assessed the perceptual
incorrect choice, it said “No! The other one has [blicks] inside!” similarity between objects from the two subsequent pairs. For
Once the recording ended, the vertical line appeared. The objects a series Pair1 , Pair2 , Pair3 ,. . . judges assessed the similarity of

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Pair2 objects to Pair1 objects then Pair3 objects to Pair2 objects its original position and size at the top of the screen. I decided
and so on. The objects representing the previous (or reference) to use this novel, simultaneous assessment of similarity task
pair, e.g., Pair1 were visible at the bottom of the screen, each because similarity judgments are highly affected by context and
at the center of four circles (see Figure 2), while the objects children’s similarity judgments in the induction task would also
representing a subsequent pair, e.g., Pair2 were visible at the top be simultaneous and sequential.
corners of the screen. Participants’ task was to assess the similarity
of Pair2 objects to Pair1 objects. Please note, that the assessment Results
involves four objects, which means that there are four similarity Adult Similarity Judgments
judgments involved (helicopter2 to car1 , toy truck2 to car1 and The similarity judgments for key comparison pairs were
helicopter2 to rock1 , toy truck2 to rock1 ). Participants placed each evaluated, namely those between the base and the toy and
of the Pair2 objects in the position that reflected its similarity to between the base and the real object. Each participant’s perceptual
objects from Pair1 . The similarity was represented as a physical distance judgments were averaged for all comparisons within
distance on a plain, so it was possible to simultaneously mark each comparison type and entered into an ANOVA with domain
the similarity of each assessed object to the two reference objects (animals vs. vehicles) and type of comparison (base—toy vs.
from the Pair1 (for example, the position of helicopter2 could base—real object). See Table 2 for adults’ perceptual distance
be described as its distance from rock1 and car1 ). The scale was
both spatial and numerical, and it ranged from 0 (close by) to
100 (far away), where 0 meant no perceptual distance (maximum
TABLE 2 | Adult perceptual distance judgments.
similarity) and 100 meant maximum perceptual distance (no
similarity). In order to make the assessment easier, the reference Type of pair Perceptual distance
objects (Pair1 in this example) were encircled by four rings.
Spatially, the first ring corresponded to values between 0 and Car – real vehicle 85 (10.1)
25, the next corresponded to values between 25 and 50 and so Car – toy vehicle 70 (11.2)
on. In Figure 2, the similarity of the helicopter2 to the car1 has Dog – real animal 88 (9.0)
been assessed at 14 and the similarity of helicopter2 to rock1 Dog – toy animal 75 (15.9)
has been assessed at 85. The helicopter2 was placed in the most
The scale spanned from 0 to 100, with 0 meaning no perceptual distance (maximum
inner circle for the car1 and the outermost circle for the rock1 . similarity) and 100 meaning maximum perceptual distance (no similarity). SD in
The toy truck2 has not yet been assessed and it can be visible in parentheses.

FIGURE 2 | The display used in adult similarity judgment task. In this image, the photos used in the study were replaced with analogous ones due to copyright

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

judgments. There was an effect of domain F (1, 15) = 6.19,

p = 0.025, partial eta2 = 0.29. Overall, the similarity was greater
within vehicles than within animals. There was also an effect
of type of comparison, F (1, 15) = 54.82, p < 0.001, partial eta2
= 0.79. The perceptual similarity between bases and toys was
greater than the perceptual similarity between bases and real
objects. Importantly, there was no interaction, F (1, 15) = 0.4,
which means that the distributions of similarities between bases
and the two alternatives in test trials were equal in the two
domains. Perceptual similarity relationships favored selecting
toys equally for vehicles and animals.

Children’s Inductive Inferences Training Trials

At the start, children did not receive any cues as to which
object possesses the feature. On the first training trial, they had
to make a guess. Because all training trials received feedback,
there was a clear indication as to what the correct answer is
on all remaining training trials. Children were correct on 0.92
training trials in animals condition and 0.95 trials in artifacts FIGURE 3 | Proportions of category-consistent responses in Study 1, by
domain and order of presentation. Error bars represent 95% confidence
condition. The difference between conditions was not statistically intervals.
significant. Only two children did not reach 8 out of 11 correct
choices on training trials. This shows that children were attentive
throughout the task and understood its goal. Children who
did not reach the training trail correctness criterion were not effect reflects a very small difference in proportions (0.81 vs. 0.89
included in the analysis. category-consistent choices) and is related to the fact that for 7
out of 10 children, the number of category-consistent responses
Test Trials increased and for 3 it remained the same.
The proportions of category-consistent choices on test trials were
entered into an ANOVA with domain (vehicles vs. animals) as
within-subjects variable and order of presentation (vehicles first Discussion
vs. animals first) as a between-subjects variable. The analysis did The results showed an influence of conceptual information on
not yield an effect of domain. The category-consistent selections inductive inference. Children who started with the animals task
were significantly above chance for both animals t (22) = 4.46, preferred category-consistent responses and they continued to
p < 0.001 (M = 0.72, SD = 0.24) and vehicles, t (22) = 2.38, make category-consistent responses in the vehicles task. Children
p = 0.027 (M = 0.66, SD = 0.32). There was an effect of who started with the vehicles task made mixed responses, but
order of presentation, F (1, 21) = 9.40, p = 0.006, partial eta2 they shifted to category-consistent responses in the animals task.
= 0.31. There were more category-consistent choices overall There were two categorical distinctions that could potentially
when animals were presented first (M = 0.85, SD = 0.16) inform category-consistent selections in this paradigm. One was
than when vehicles were presented first (M = 0.57, SD = the authenticity distinction, and the other one was the ontological
0.26). There was a significant interaction between domain and distinction. While the first applied equally to both conditions, the
order of presentation, F (1,21) = 9.45, p = 0.006, partial eta2 second was limited to the animal condition. If children relied on
= 0.31 (see Figure 3). Post hoc analyses revealed that order of authenticity by default, their first response would be to reject toys
presentation mattered only for vehicles, t (18) = 4.24, p < 0.001. both in the animal and vehicle condition. However, consistent
There were fewer category consistent selections for vehicles when rejection of toys only occurred in the animal condition. This
they were presented first (M = 0.48, SD = 0.31), then when suggests that, in their first response to animals, children observed
they were presented after animals (M = 0.89, SD = 0.14). For the animate ontological boundary limit rather than authenticity.
animals, the order of presentation had no significant effect (M The fact that children who rejected toy animals on the first task
= 0.81, SD = 0.18, when presented first and M = 0.65, SD = went on to reject toy vehicles on the second task suggests that
0.26, when presented second). When only the first experimental ontologically driven response in the animals task brought the
tasks were compared, children made more category-consistent authenticity distinction to the foreground in the vehicles task.
projections for animals (M = 0.81, SD = 0.18) than for vehicles The comparison between the first tasks suggests that, by
(M = 0.48, SD = 0.31), t (20) = 3.22, p = 0.004. Within-subjects default, children’s inductions rely on ontological constraints and
comparisons showed that children who viewed artifacts first not authenticity. However, the order effect for vehicles shows
made fewer category-consistent projections to artifacts than to that children can make category-consistent inductions within
animals, t (12) = 2.44, p < 0.031. Interestingly, children who artifacts as well. The fact that children made mixed responses
viewed animals first made fewer category-consistent projections to vehicles presented first and category-consistent responses to
to animals than to artifacts, t (9) = 3.87, p = 0.004. This significant vehicles presented after animals is worth special attention. If

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

responses to vehicles followed the same pattern of few category- STUDY 2

consistent choices regardless of the order of presentation, it could
be argued that the greater reliance on category-consistent choices In order to address the problems with Study 1, I carried out Study
in the animals than vehicles condition is a result of between- 2 with an additional condition in which children, rather than
domain differences in the processing of perceptual similarity. making inductive inferences, assessed similarities. The similarity
Although adult data suggests that perceptual similarity relations task will allow to confirm similarity data obtained from adults.
in the animals and vehicles condition were equal, it could be The warm-up task in Study 1 employed shoes and furniture,
possible that children process perceptual similarity differently which, although unrelated to vehicles, are artifacts nonetheless.
than adults do, and that their impression of perceptual similarity To avoid any bias from the warm-up I replaced shoes and
only favors category-consistent choices in the animals condition. furniture with chocolate and bread. Foodstuffs are in-between
Category-consistent responding in vehicles task presented natural kinds and artifacts so their ontological status should not
second invalidates such interpretation, and it highlights the role bias responses in either target domain.
of experimentally induced conceptual or attentional factors in The induction condition in Study 2 was an exact replication
inductive inferences. It shows that children’s experience with of Study 1 with a small change in the selection of items for the
the animals task induced children to view the artifacts in the warm-up task (see Table 1). Additionally, a separate group of
subsequent task through the lens of real-toy distinction. children completed the similarity condition. In a task strictly
The observed pattern of responses cannot be due to children’s analogous to the induction task, children were asked to make
attention being drawn to a single perceptual feature as in Gelman similarity assessments. In addition to replicating Study 1 results
and Davidson (2013). Please note that toys were made of diverse in induction condition, I expected that the similarity task would
materials. Most toy animals were plush to ensure high perceptual yield more similarity-based choices than category-consistent
similarity to dogs. Vehicle toys were made of wood, metal, choices. I also expected no domain differences in similarity
and plastic. No readily available and constant set of perceptual judgments. Small sample size in Study 1 made it impossible to
features marks the toy-real distinction in the sets presented in analyze the role of gender. Sample size in Study 2 was increased
the study. The toy-real distinction necessarily relied on category which made it possible to enter gender into the analyses.
knowledge rather than immediate perception. This suggests that
the order difference in how children made inductions within Method
vehicles is due to conceptual knowledge made salient by the Participants
animals task. Eighty-one children participated in the study, with a mean age
In sum, the results suggest that children are guided by an of 5;3 (ranging between 4;1 and 6;2), 38 of them were girls.
intuition that internal commonalities spanning animals do not One child did not complete the whole procedure and thus was
extend to nonliving things, even if they are highly similar. excluded. Five additional children were excluded on the basis of
Children pick up on subtle markers of animacy in photographs, training trial performance (see section Results). Of the remaining
and do not require information about movement, explicit 75 children, 38 were assigned to the induction task and 37 to
category information or labels to overcome the conflicting the similarity task. Children attended four different preschools,
perceptual information. The findings seem to support the either from a small town or a large city in central Poland.
early knowledge view. However, they could also be explained Children were tested by three different experimenters, including
by the PaRS model. Children could favor category-consistent the author. Children’s parents were informed about the purpose
responses for animals and not for vehicles if their conceptual of the study and signed an informed consent form. Children
representations of features common to real animals and provided verbal consent for participation in the study.
differentiating them from toy animals were richer and more
easily accessed than the corresponding representations within Materials
vehicles. This account only invokes conceptual features and does Exactly the same set of items was used in the experimental
not invoke category knowledge. tasks. However, the items in the warm-up task were changed (see
Although the present results seem to favor the role of Table 1). As in the previous study, children’s performance in the
conceptual information in induction, they do face a serious warm-up was not analyzed.
challenge. Adults’ similarity judgments suggest that similarity
relationships within the triads did not vary across domains. Procedure
However, it cannot be ruled out that children perceived the The procedure of the induction task was exactly the same as in
similarities differently than the adults and their computations Study 1. The similarity task was designed to maximize structural
of perceptual similarity favored category-consistent choices for analogies to the induction task. In the introduction to the
animates. Moreover, it is possible that the between domain similarity task, the experimenter first drew the child’s attention
differences are related to the diversity of experiences or interest to the fact that some things look alike while others are different.
in tested items. It is reasonable to expect that boys show more The experimenter showed the child a picture frame and said
interest in vehicles than girls do. They may also have more that they would place similar looking things in the frame. She
experience playing with toy vehicles. However, comparisons then placed a candle in the frame and produced a carrot and a
across genders were not possible in Study 1 due to small sample coconut, asking the child to put the thing that is similar to the
size. candle in the frame. This task was repeated with an analogous

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

set of objects. After that, the experimenter showed the child an than for vehicles (M = 0.46, SD = 0.33). There was no domain
envelope and said that there was a mystery object in it. She put by task interaction, F (1, 67) = 2.36, NS. There was, however, and
the envelope under the frame. She then produced two objects interaction between domain, task, and order of presentation,
and said that one of them was similar to the mystery object. The F (1, 67) = 6.86, p = 0.011, partial eta2 = 0.09 (see Figures 4, 5
child had to guess which one it was. The objects were a piece of and Table 3). Post hoc comparisons showed that animals did not
red-white cloth and a piece of cardboard. After picking an object, differ from vehicles in the similarity task regardless of the order
the child was instructed that the piece of cloth was similar to the of presentation, both ts < 1, but in the induction task, vehicles
mystery object. Two more pairs of objects were presented to the received fewer category-consistent responses than animals when
child, one of which was a similar-looking piece of cloth, while they were presented first, t (19) = 3.16, p = 0.005. When animals
the other was a dissimilar piece of a different material. The child were presented first, there was no domain difference, t < 1.
was expected to select the piece of cloth on two consecutive trials Comparisons between induction and similarity tasks revealed
and was always given feedback. If she did not make the correct significant differences for animals in both orders, and for vehicles
choice, the initial trials were repeated until 3 consecutive hits. All presented second (all ts > 3). In all these conditions there were
the children succeeded in this task. In the end, the experimenter more category-consistent selections in the induction task. There
showed the child the mystery object, which turned out to be a was no difference between similarity and induction task for
piece of red-white cloth. vehicles presented first, t (37) = 1.15, NS. Order of presentation
After this introduction, the experimenter said that they would mattered for vehicles in the induction task. They received fever
play the same game on the tablet. The program was the same as category consistent inferences when presented first then when
for the induction task, with the exception that instead of pictures presented second, t (36) = 2.05, p = 0.047. It did not matter for
of particles in the initial panel, there were three frames with animals in the induction or for either domain in the similarity
question marks representing three mystery objects. The child was task, all ts < 1. Finally, when the first tasks were compared, there
told that she would be trying to find things that were similar to the was a significant difference between animals and vehicles in the
mystery objects. Once the child selected the mystery object, the induction task t (30.3) = 2.28, p = 0.03 (0.69 vs. 0.48 category-
object was introduced by a play name—blick, dax or tul, through consistent choices), but not in the similarity task (0.37 vs. 0.35
a recording. category-consistent choices).
The child was presented with the same set of tasks: warm-up, To complement these post hoc analyses I also compared
animals, and vehicles. The design of the tasks was the same as children’s performance against chance (0.5) in conditions divided
in the induction condition except that on feedback trials, frames by domain, task, and order of presentation. In the induction
appeared instead of detectors and the voice said “Yes! This one task, animals presented first were above chance, t (17) = 4.07,
is similar to [the blick]!” or “No! The other one is similar to [the p = 0.001, so were vehicles presented second t (17) = 3.06,
blick]!.” p = 0.007, and animals presented second, t (19) = 2.88, p = 0.01,
but not vehicles presented first t (19) = −0.26 NS. In the similarity
Results task, animals presented first and vehicles presented first were
Training Trials marginally below chance, t (17) = 1.99, p = 0.06 and t (18) = 2.08,
Children’s correct responses reached a mean of 0.97 (SD = 0.10) p = 0.052 respectively. Vehicles and animals presented second
for vehicles and 0.95 (SD = 0.12) for animals in the induction task were significantly below chance, t (17) = 3.52, p = 0.003 and
and 0.96 (SD = 0.06) for vehicles and 0.95 (SD = 0.11) for animals t (18) = 2.37, p = 0.029, respectively.
in the similarity task. These values did not significantly differ. Additionally, there was an interaction between domain and
Five children did not reach the 8 out of 11 correctness threshold gender, F (1, 67) = 5.37, p = 0.024, eta2 = 0.07 and a marginal
for responses on at least one of the tasks and were thus excluded interaction between gender and task, F (1,67) = 2.84, p = 0.096,
from the analyses. The training trials data shows that the children partial eta2 = 0.04. Because gender entered into interactions with
were predominantly attentive and understood the purpose of the key experimental variables I carried out 2 × 2 × 2 (domain
task. by task by order of presentation) ANOVAS separately for boys
and girls. The analysis for boys yielded an effect of domain,
Test Trials F (1, 35) = 11.56, p = 0.002, partial eta2 = 0.25, and task, F (1, 35)
I entered the proportions of category-consistent choices in the = 5.84, p = 0.021, partial eta2 = 0.14. There was also an
test trials into an analysis of variance with domain (vehicles vs. order by domain by task interaction, F (1, 35) = 6.26, p = 0.017,
animals) as within-subjects factor and type of task (similarity partial eta2 = 0.15. For boys, there was a significant difference
vs. induction), order of presentation (vehicles vs. animals first), between induction and similarity tasks for both domains, but
and gender as between-subjects factors. The analysis revealed only when animals were presented first. When vehicles were
an effect of type of task, F (1, 67) = 26.45, p < 0.001, partial presented first, the differences did not reach significance for
eta2 = 0.28. Children made more category-consistent selections either animals or vehicles. In a complementary analysis for
in the induction (M = 0.64, SD = 0.27) than in the similarity task girls, the only significant effect obtained for the type of task,
(M = 0.33, SD = 0.26). There was a marginal effect of domain, F (1, 32) = 24.23, p < 0.001, partial eta2 = 0.43. For girls, task
F (1, 67) = 3.55, p = 0.064, partial eta2 = 0.05. Children made more differences appeared in all conditions, but there were no domain
category-consistent selections for animals (M = 0.52, SD = 0.34) differences.

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

TABLE 3 | Proportions of category-consistent selections in Study 2 by task,

domain, order of presentation and gender.

Task and gender N Animals Vehicles Total

Animals first
Boys 10 0.73 (0.21) 0.68 (0.30) 0.71 (0.24)
Girls 8 0.65 (0.19) 0.71 (0.25) 0.68 (0.20)
Total 18 0.69 (0.20) 0.69 (0.27) 0.69 (0.22)
Vehicles first
Boys 10 0.62 (0.37) 0.29 (0.31) 0.45 (0.29)
Girls 10 0.78 (0.23) 0.67 (0.32) 0.72 (0.25)
Total 20 0.70 (0.31) 0.48 (0.36) 0.59 (0.30)

Total 38 0.70 (0.26) 0.58 (0.34) 0.64 (0.27)

Animals first
Boys 10 0.42 (0.26) 0.28 (0.20) 0.35 (0.21)
FIGURE 4 | Proportions of category-consistent choices in Study 2 induction Girls 8 0.30 (0.33) 0.31 (0.31) 0.31 (0.21)
task as a function of domain and order of presentation. Error bars represent
Total 18 0.37 (0.29) 0.30 (0.25) 0.33 (0.21)
95% confidence intervals.
Vehicles first
Boys 9 0.41 (0.36) 0.39 (0.31) 0.40 (0.32)
Girls 10 0.23 (0.33) 0.33 (0.31) 0.28 (0.30)
Total 19 0.31 (0.35) 0.34 (0.30) 0.33 (0.31)

Total 37 0.34 (0.32) 0.33 (0.28) 0.33 (0.26)

Standard deviations are presented in parentheses.

pattern described above, with category-consistent responses in

all the induction probes except for vehicles presented first, and
similarity-based or mixed choices in the similarity task. Girls
showed a strong tendency to make category-consistent choices in
the induction task and similarity-based choices in the similarity
task, regardless of domain. The similarity task results reinforce
the finding coming from the adult task in Study 1 suggesting
that the similarity relations were equivalent between domains
and that they favored toys. Adult judgments were reflected in
children’s responses that showed below-chance responses and no
domain differences.
FIGURE 5 | Proportions of category-consistent choices in Study 2 similarity The results suggest that children’s inferences universally map
task as a function of domain and order of presentation. Error bars represent onto the the ontological distinction between real animals and
95% confidence intervals. toys, but they also suggest that the role of real-toy distinction in
the context of vehicles may be greater than Study 1 revealed. As
in Study 1, Study 2 suggests that real-toy distinction is activated
Discussion by the animals task and carries to the vehicles task. But the
Study 2 confirmed the findings of Study 1 by providing more findings also show that it can be activated spontaneously as well,
evidence that children rely on conceptual information when as it happened with girls participating in this study. The most
making inductive inferences. Just as in Study 1 the results showed likely explanation lies in individual differences in experience with
that children made category-consistent responses to animals categories (Shafto et al., 2007; Fisher et al., 2015).
regardless of the order of presentation and to vehicles when
they were presented after animals, but not to vehicles presented GENERAL DISCUSSION
first. At the same time, children made similarity-based choices
in the similarity task in both domains, regardless of the order of There are many factors affecting the reliance on categories
presentation. Study 2 included gender as an additional variable, in induction. When combined, they create a large variety of
and the analyses showed differential patterns of responses for conditions, some of which remain unexplored. In contrast to
boys and girls. The responses of boys corresponded to the extant research, the present project explored superordinate-level

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

inferences over real objects presented on photographs, used matches were, and this difference held in both domains. More
toys as different category lures, and did not provide any verbal importantly, in Study 2, I tested children’s perceptual similarity
information about category membership. Two studies probed judgments over the same set of items, in a procedure that was
children’s tendency to resist inferences crossing ontological strictly analogous to the induction task. Consistent with adult
and / or real vs. toy category boundary even if the distinct data, the similarity task confirmed that children perceived bases
category alternative was more perceptually similar than the as more perceptually similar to toys than to category matches, and
category match. In counterbalanced order, children projected an this difference was constant irrespective of the domain, gender or
internal property of real dogs to either dissimilar real animals or order of presentation. Thus, the responses in the induction task,
similar toy animals, and an internal property of real cars to either particularly when it involved animals, were entirely discordant
dissimilar real vehicles or similar toy vehicles. with the responses in the similarity task.
I hypothesized that children’s inferences in these tasks Sloutsky et al.’s (2015) argument provides additional
could be driven by distinctions involving perceptual similarity, explanation of the present results that is consistent with the
authenticity, and ontology. The perceptual similarity and perceptual account. It could be possible that the induction
authenticity distinction applied to both the animals and vehicles task drove children’s attention to a single specific feature that
task. On the one hand, I selected bases (dogs and cars) to be differentiated real objects from toy replicas. Unlike in previous
perceptually more similar to toys than to category matches. studies, conceptual or categorical distinctions were not signaled
On the other hand, bases and category matches were authentic by verbally presented labels or feature descriptions. Objects were
objects, while toys were replicas. The ontological distinction presented on photographs unaccompanied by verbal description,
applied to the animals task but not the vehicles task. Dogs and so children were only exposed to their static perceptual features.
their category matches belonged to a single ontological domain Thus the hypothetical feature driving children’s attention to real-
of animals, while toy animals were artifacts. Cars, other vehicles toy distinction would have to be visible in the pictures. Could
and toy vehicles all belonged to a single ontological domain of it be possible that a constant single perceptual feature or set of
artifacts. features marked toy-real distinction and served as a guide to
The results showed that children tended to generalize internal induction? Toys chosen for the study were made from a variety of
properties within real animates. In both Study 1 and 2, regardless materials using diverse techniques, category matches represented
of the order of presentation, both boys and girls, preferred to a vast range of objects, so no directly available perceptual
project the novel feature from a dog to a dissimilar animal than features were constant for any of the groupings. The distinctions
to a similar toy. The results also showed that the tendency to between toys and real objects involved, among others, texture,
constrain inferences to real vehicles was conditional on the order relations between parts, color, and the level of detail. Those
of presentation and gender. Children consistently projected the feature configurations met the criterion of relational features
properties of cars to other real vehicles when the vehicles task that Sloutsky et al. (2007) or Badger and Shapiro (2015) used
was presented after the animals task. However, when vehicles task in their materials (such as the ratio of buttons to fingers). The
was presented first, the pattern of responses was more complex. findings from their studies suggest that the reliance on relational
In Study 1, children’s projections within vehicles presented first features in induction is a late developmental achievement. It can
were at chance, in Study 2 boys preferred perceptually similar toys thus be concluded that the attentional process based on a single
while girls preferred real vehicles. feature or a combination of features is not a feasible explanation
This pattern of results suggests that, within the studied of category-consistent inferences in the present task.
population, children’s inferences universally map onto the Therefore, the data presented here strongly support an
ontological animate-inanimate distinction, while the consistency argument that when making superordinate inferences within
with the authenticity distinction depends on the context real-life objects presented on photographs, in the absence of
and individual characteristics of a child. Children’s inferences verbal or other attention cues guiding to category membership,
mapped onto the authenticity distinction between real vehicles children are able to ignore perceptual similarity and factor in
and toys when the vehicles task was presented after the conceptual information. This conclusion runs counter to the
animals task. Additionally, Study 2 also showed that girls perceptual view and is consistent with the early knowledge view
constrained their inferences to authentic vehicles as a default. as well as the PaRS model.
What underlying processes are responsible for the observed
pattern of inferences? Perceptual and Representational Similarity
The PaRS model (Fisher et al., 2015) goes beyond the perceptual
Perceptual Similarity processing and posits that children’s inferences rely on processing
The most straightforward explanation of the results would be similarity over both perceptual and conceptual properties.
that, despite my efforts to select toy representations to be more Conceptual properties constitute memory representations of
similar to bases, children viewed category matches as more direct and indirect experiences with the objects. This richer
perceptually similar to the bases and thus selected them on the account offers an explanation of the present results that does
basis of perceptual similarity. In order to rule out this possibility, not invoke category or ontological knowledge. Undoubtedly,
in Study 1 I asked adult participants to rate the similarity of children had direct or indirect experiences with the set of
objects presented in the study. Adult judges confirmed that objects presented in the study. They witnessed self-generated
toys were perceptually more similar to bases than category movement in animals, functional properties of vehicles, and they

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

knew that toys afford different kinds of interactions than real based on naïve theories is that it flexibly adjusts to the specific
objects. Category-consistent inferences may have emerged from causal structure of the situation. In people’s mind, a dressed man
processing similarity if the conceptual component had more jumping into a pool is a drunk, but if there is a drowning child
weight than perceptual component. in the pool, he immediately turns into a hero (Medin, 1989).
The domain difference obtained in this study may also Children make category-consistent projections for features that
have resulted from children’s varied experiences with animals, are category-relevant but not for the ones that are accidental
vehicles, and their toy representations. It must be noted here (Gelman, 1988). Without invoking naïve theories, it is not clear
that the study did not test for between-domain differences in what criteria children rely on to flexibly adjust the properties
familiarity with the objects. It is possible that children were entering the similarity judgments that are purported to underlie
more familiar with properties that differentiate real animals from all their responses.
toy animals than with properties that differentiate real vehicles
from toy vehicles. This could manifest itself in more category- Authenticity
consistent responses for animals. It is also possible that the Differentiating real objects from toys on the basis of authenticity
familiarity with test items was in some way related to gender, thus is a component of children’s ability to make appearance-reality
producing gender effects in Study 2. distinctions (Bunce and Harris, 2013). Responses based on the
How could PaRS explain the order effects? The real-toy authenticity criterion fall under the scope of early knowledge
distinction for animals and vehicles involves partly overlapping views because they imply the use of a categorical distinction
sets of conceptual features. For example, a dichotomous feature in inference. Is it possible to explain the present pattern of
“engages in self-generated motion” only differentiates real from results by invoking the authenticity criterion alone? Three-
toy animals, while “is used by children to play” differentiates all year-olds are adept at making the authenticity distinction, so
toys from real objects (at least vehicles and animals). Experience it was clearly available to children participating in this study
with the animals task could have highlighted those conceptual (Bunce and Harris, 2013). The authenticity account has the
features that also apply to real-toy vehicle distinction and thus most straightforward explanation for order effects. If the same
promoted category-consistent responses. This account seems criterion underlies category-consistent responses in both tasks,
parsimonious as it employs specific experiences instead of its activation in the first carries over to the second. The
invoking abstract knowledge or domain theories with contested domain differences could be explained by children’s adherence
origins (Sloutsky, 2010). to the authenticity criterion alone, on the assumption that the
One factor that potentially distinguishes the PaRS account dimension of authenticity is more salient in the animals task than
from the early knowledge accounts relates to variability within in the vehicles task, since there were more category-consistent
individual responses. PaRS is a similarity-based model. It implies inferences for animals presented first than for vehicles presented
that each individual inference is made on the basis of a set of first. However, the difference in salience requires an explanation.
features that directly apply to the compared items. This suggests Why would the authenticity distinction be more salient for
greater variability between trials than predicted by the category- animals than for vehicles? More importantly, in Study 2 girls
based model in which responses are always made on the basis made more category-consistent inferences for vehicles presented
of common category membership. It must be noted that there first than boys did. Why would the distinction between real and
was considerable variability in children’s inductions even within toy vehicles be more salient for girls than for boys? This seems
animals. The fact that children selected 30% of toys suggests that counterintuitive. After all, it can be reasonably assumed that boys
they did not uniformly rely on ontological constraints. 19 out of show more interest in vehicles and they play with toy vehicles
38 children chose at least 9 out of 12 real animals in the induction more than girls do. In order to answer these questions it would be
task, only one child did the opposite. The rest of the children gave necessary to separately probe children’s intuitions of authenticity
mixed responses. Given this variability, it is possible that only a for the set of test items.
subset of children made choices based on a fixed ontological rule.
The rest could have been making individual decisions for each Ontological Constraints
item based on a computation of similarity. The present results The explanation based on the ontological distinction relates
show that Fisher et al. (2015) focus on the role of individual children’s category-consistent inferences to their domain
differences in induction is a necessary next step in the study of theories. Ontological intuitions partition the world into
the nature of conceptual contributions to induction. phenomena that are governed by qualitatively different
It remains to discuss how PaRS deals with the results of sets of general causal rules. For example, according to
the similarity task from Study 2 showing that, regardless of these intuitions, animals have essences (Gelman, 2003) and
domain, the order of presentation, or gender, children judged intentions (Carey, 1985), while artifacts are made by humans
bases to look more like toys than the category matches. This to serve a specific function (Diesendruck et al., 2003). On this
suggests that, when making these judgments, children blocked account, when projecting internal properties of dogs, children’s
the representational similarity and only relied on perceptual selections of dissimilar animals were driven by an essentialist
similarity. What criteria do children use to either block or intuition according to which animals share invisible internal
engage representational similarity? PaRS does not propose that commonalities (Gelman, 2003). On the other hand, their
the features children represent about the objects are structured rejections of similar toy animals were based on an intuitive
around a domain theory. One of the properties of reasoning notion that toy animals belong to a different basic category of

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

existence than real animals. No such theory-based criteria exist effect should disappear in the vehicles task presented second.
to prompt category-consistent responses in the vehicles task. Moreover, it should also be manifested in the similarity task,
How does the ontological account explain the order effects? with boys producing more similarity-based responses than girls.
There are two possibilities. According to Gelman (2003), The results show it was not the case. This suggests that gender
rather than being a unitary phenomenon, essentialism is a difference may not have been driven by a special status of toys
combination of several more basic tendencies that include in boy’s experience but rather by the greater availability of toy-
appearance-reality distinction, tracking identity over time, causal real vehicle distinction for girls. Note that both boys and girls
determinism, induction from property clusters, and deference relied on this distinction when making inference in vehicles task
to experts (Gelman, 2003; p. 314). Employing essentialist presented second. This means all the children had this distinction
reasoning to the problem involving animals would then available, but boys did not rely on it by default when vehicles were
activate multiple components of the essentialist construal, and presented first. It is likely that the girls did. Understanding why
the appearance-reality component could then highlight the they do requires additional research probing children’s familiarity
authenticity distinction in the vehicles task, thus promoting with test items.
category-consistent responses. There is also a more mundane
explanation of order effects that is consistent with the ontological The Design of the Study
view. The carry-over effect may have been related to what One factor that sets the present study apart from past research
children avoided rather than what they selected. Real animals and is the use of a novel design of induction task. It is often
vehicles have little in common but, in children’s minds, toys are the case that the research results are specific to the design.
a coherent grouping. Children who started with the animals task A bulk of studies on inductive inference rely on contrived
consistently avoided toys, and they may have continued to avoid animals (Sloutsky et al., 2007; Badger and Shapiro, 2012; Gelman
toys in the vehicles task. and Davidson, 2013). The use of unrealistic stimuli begs the
question of whether the results apply to real objects as well.
Gender Differences The designs that test superordinate inferences are often open-
Gender differences obtained in the study were not expected so it ended and elicit few inferences spanning superordinates (Carey,
is important to account for them at this point. Gender differences 1985; Gelman and O’Reilly, 1988). Extending the repertoire
are limited to the vehicles task presented first, in which boys chose of research methods is particularly important in studies on
similar toys while girls chose within-category matches. inference within superordinates, as the few extant studies face
Boys could have made more similarity-based choices for severe challenges regarding proper control of within and between
vehicles than girls because they weigh functional information category similarity. The present paradigm is specifically designed
more. If this were the case, there should be gender differences to test higher order distinctions. Children’s responses to multiple
in the proportion of category-consistent choices across a variety items belonging to the same superordinate can be probed without
of real vehicles. Real vehicles could be divided into three the need to introduce several unknown features. Instead, the
functional classes based on the mode of locomotion. There child discovers a single unknown property in a series of trials
were 4 boats, 4 flying, and 4 wheeled vehicles. The wheeled involving a set of objects representing the probed category. This
vehicles shared the mode of transport with cars, which means ensures that the specifics of the probed features do not introduce
they were functionally more similar to cars than the boats and additional variability in responses. The fact that the child is given
the flying vehicles. If children relied on functional similarity feedback on 50% of trials and has to make a demanding choice
between items they would select the wheeled vehicles more on the rest of the trials contributes to sustained interest in the
frequently than the other vehicles. I tested this hypothesis task. Another important distinguishing feature of the procedure
in a type of vehicle type by task by gender ANOVA which is that it attributes the features to bases in a way that makes
revealed an effect of vehicle type F (2,142) = 20,44, p < 0.001 intuitive sense to children. Before being taught about internal
partial eta2 = 0.22. As expected, post hoc analyses revealed that properties, they are given a tangible experience of discovering
wheeled vehicles received more selections overall (M = 0.58, internal proprieties in real objects (they learn to use a metal
SD = 0.34) than planes (M = 0.41, SD = 0.39) and boats detector). Additionally, the procedure verifies whether children
(M = 0.38, SD = 0.38). Importantly, there was no interaction actually learned to attribute the internal property to the base and
between gender and any of the remaining variables (all Fs whether they pay attention to the task by measuring performance
< 1). The wheeled vehicle advantage held both for girls and in training trials. Most children have no difficulty understanding
boys, and it held both for induction and similarity task. This and following the procedure, as evidenced by the high percentage
means that functional information was relevant for both boys of correct responses on training trials.
and girls and boys did not display a stronger tendency to
differentiate category matches based on functional properties CONCLUSIONS
than did the girls. Also, this means that children relied on
functional information both in the context of making inferences The present study provides substantial evidence that children’s
and rating similarity. superordinate level inferences are guided by conceptual rather
Alternatively, gender differences could result from the greater than perceptual information, even when conceptual information
attractiveness of toy vehicles for boys. This interpretation is is implicit and the stimuli are realistic. The most striking and
unlikely because there is no reason why the attractiveness consistent is children’s ability to differentiate between animate

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Tarlowski Ontology Constrains Induction

and inanimate objects in the induction task. Past research ETHICS STATEMENT
established that children differentiate between animals and
inanimates on a variety of dimensions (Gelman, 2003; Opfer This study was carried out in accordance with the
and Gelman, 2011) but it was unclear whether they are able to recommendations of Ethics Committee at the University
use the implicit knowledge about commonalities within animates of Finance and Management in Warsaw. The Committee
to make category-consistent selections in an inductive task, reviewed and approved the study design as well as the
when faced with alternative perceptual choices. Note that the protocol. All participating children’s parents provided
majority of past triad induction studies required children to make written informed consent for their children’s participation,
inferences within a basic level category, a level that has the highest in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
inductive power (Gelman and Markman, 1986; Sloutsky et al., Children provided oral consent for participation in the
2007; Badger and Shapiro, 2012). Gelman and Davidson (2013) study.
who showed children’s reliance on ontological distinctions in
induction employed artificially created stimuli and highlighted AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
category distinctions by providing labels and rich conceptual
information indicating which objects are animates and which AT contributed to the development of the study hypothesis, the
are artifacts. Their study suggests that information about study design, data analysis, drafted the manuscript, discussed
animacy, when explicitly highlighted, can override perceptual the results, and literature, and approved the final version of the
similarity in induction. However, it faces criticism, because manuscript for submission.
category information may affect attentional weighting of features
(Sloutsky et al., 2015). The present study avoids this challenge, by FUNDING
showing that ontological boundaries affect inferences even when
they are not highlighted in any way. In the present study, children This article was financed from a Polish National Science Centre
were free to decide for themselves which aspects of the stimuli Grant 2011/01/B/HS6/00433.
were relevant for induction. They received no verbal information
about the items. Still, they consistently favored within-category ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
responses over perceptual similarity for animates.
I presented three alternative proposals concerning the I would like to thank Douglas Medin and Sandra Waxman
cognitive processes potentially underlying the pattern of for their guidance at the initial stages of this project and
inferences observed in the induction task, namely the PaRS Maciej Haman for his comments on the manuscript.
model, authenticity distinction, and ontological distinction. At I would also like to thank Katarzyna Dudek, Joanna
present, there are no criteria to clearly favor one of these Witkowska, and Weronika Baran for their help in data
accounts, although PaRS has problems explaining the results collection.
of the similarity task, and the explanation solely based on the
authenticity distinction begs the question why authenticity would SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
be more salient in some conditions. More studies are needed to
tease apart these alternative explanations. In particular, it would The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
be useful to factor in individual experiences with the tested items online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.
to assess the role of representational similarity. 2018.00520/full#supplementary-material

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