GnosticRunes-Notes HAGAL Historically1o

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Gnostic Runology – The “HAGAL” Rune (Historically)

The “Hagal, Hakel” or H-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)

In close relation to the Kien-Rune, this Rune stands as the character for "H",
because it is the Hook- or Connection-Rune.

The previous designation that Hagal = Hail is senseless. Too little attention was paid to the fact
that Hakeln = Binding = Connecting. To assume the meaning of this Rune to be 'Hail' (as in
Projectiles of the Valkyries) may be poetic, but is very far-fetched.

So, what has the Hakel-Rune to do with Fire-Worship? Very much. The depicted
Consecrated-Altar shows the two Logs fastened with Cords. This symbolizes the Rotation-
Cords, as well as the Connection with the Trinity of the Godhead [Gottheit].

The Connection-Line is often doubled in the Rune. As a Rule, it is the two parallel Altar-
Woods that appear connected. Exceptionally, we also see crossed Woods united by a
vertical Line.

The Line connecting the Wood-Pieces is found as Volutes or

Spiral ornaments on the Ionic column capitols, which can thus be
explained from an inverted Altar-Plate.

The sacred Woods were transformed into

Foliage-Wreaths [Laubgewinde]. What
somehow belonged to Fire-Worship was then
used as a motif in Temple-Ornamentation. Its
Basic-Scheme remained, even after its meaning
in Worship had fallen into obscurity.

The rowed Fire-Altars were similar to Pyramids (or triangular shapes) and, furthermore, the Fire-
Cords were used in this Scheme. It was then so richly unfolded, aesthetically pleasing and colorful,
that the ideal Basic-Form is veiled, i.e. hardly recognizable.

The “Hagal” Rune According to Guido von List (1907)

hagal = the All Nurturing/Cherishing, to enclose; Hail, to destroy.
A Seventh I know, if I see a Fire
High around the Housing of Men;
However wide it burns, I will bring it to Rest
with taming Magical-Singing [Zaubergesange].

Hagal! – The Inner-Feeling or Introspectiveness [Innerlichkeitsgefühl], the Consciousness

[Bewusstsein] of carrying one’s God with all His Characteristics enclosed within oneself, produces
a high Self-Confidence in the Force of the individual Spirit, which gives Miraculous-Power. This
Miraculous-Power is inherent in all Humans who believe in it with a strong Spirit, convinced
beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Christ, who was one of these rare Humans (as was Wotan) said: “Verily, verily I say unto you, if
someone were to say to this stone: ‘move yourself away!’ – and he believes in it – then this stone
would lift itself away and fly into the sea.” [Mark 11:23]
Sustained by this Consciousness which is beyond any shadow of a doubt, the Chosen One controls
the Physical and the Spiritual realms, which is contained all-inclusively, and thereby one feels
oneself to be all-powerful.

Therefore: “Lovingly-Care for the Universe in Yourself, and You will control the Universe!”

Note: According to von List, this Rune is the neither a vowel, nor a consonant, instead it is the
“Aspiration sound” (to aspirate means the pronunciation of the letter "h" at the beginning of a word, so
it is to make the H-sound while inhaling).

The “Hagall” Rune According to E.T. Kurtzahn (1924)

Exoterically: Wisdom, Androgyny [Weisheit, Androgynität].
Esoterically: God-Self [Gott-Ich].
Generally: “to nurture/cherish the Universe”, to enclose; Hail, to destroy, Air,
Wind, etc.

This Rune is not (as is often erroneously assumed) essentially a Mischief-Rune,

but rather the Opposite! For whosoever feels God in themselves, whosoever
cherishes and encloses God in themselves as the Universe, no Harm can come to
them at all, since they no longer feel themselves as being one with their physical
body and, thus, they are truly Wise.
On the other hand, this Rune, which is composed of the Man-Rune (Spirit) and
the Woman-Rune (Substance), is the full Symbol of that Androgyny (Male-
Female), which not only dominates the Cosmos everywhere, but also allows it to
come into being in a perceptible way.
In my opinion, the actual inherent Mischief of this Rune (for the Discerning person) lies in the cold
meaning of this Rune as a secret emblem for the flesh body, upon which our actual Self (Jesus
Christ the Son in us!) is crucified. Furthermore, one may have known that the Rain mixed with
Hail [Hagel] coming from the Cosmos as a Fire-Extinguisher. Thus it is first Benefactor, and later
became Mischief-Maker arbitrarily through Magic.
This happened by laying out Hagall-Rune-Staffs or Hagall-Runes secretly on the blooming fields
of envied neighbors, a custom which unfortunately is practiced even today in different regions of
Germany from time to time. Probably because the Average-Person is closer to Evil than to Good,
therefore, this Rune belongs to the cold and hostile, but wise Planet Saturn ( ).

The “Hagal, Halga, Galga, Gilg” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben (1930)
Letter H and Number 7.
The Rune of Salvation: Hagal, holy [halga], Galga, Lily [Gilg]. “The cohesion of the world”.
Dr. Friedrich Teltscher’s Ur-word is Ewiger Wechsel1 meaning “Eternal Change”.
A seventh I learned, if the hall is burning
With fire around bench and comrades;
However bright it burns, I will banish the blaze,
As soon I sing the magic chant.

Translation note: Wechsel is when something is exchanged for something else (one thing
changes for a different thing), such as when changing the tires on a car. Also see Fa Rune notes.
The Hagal Rune is hiero-glyphic (which means holy script-wise), and pictographically, the Hag-All
or All-Hag, caringly surrounds everything (the universe): “Allah il Allah”, “Wal-Hall”, the God-All,
the One-All, the Man-All, the human-All. In its negative aspect (also called Hagel), which is
represented by the tipped Rune: it signifies death, destruction as well as air, wind.
In the Nordic realm, Hagal is represented as a swastika or X-shape and is said to be the picture of a
procession. In the Germanic realm it is seen as a gate that leads to the realms of salvation. On the
parchment of the Wessobrunner Prayer, this Rune appears in the place of the syllable ‘Ga’ (the
God-syllable) and is therefore a sacred symbol.
The Hagal Rune represents the cross of the world, with the radix, the root, the hub in the middle,
in the point of intersection of its branches, around which the world turns on its axis (spiritually as
well as physically).
As microcosm, it represents the human being, as macrocosm, it is the universe in its largest
conceivable expansion. As a symbol, it is self-image and the image of the human being; it is the
extent of one’s physical and spiritual self. It is understood as meaning ‘valuable’ and ‘spiritually
important’, it is the human being and the world itself.
The Hagal Rune is the Rune of humanity, and especially of Adam (the androgynous first human).
It is the symbol of creation, of the world circle, of the wheel of the world. Indeed the Hagal Rune
can also be thought of as consisting of the Man-Rune and its reversal, the woman-Rune or Yr-
Rune . These Runes (Man & Yr) may also be considered as corresponding to the Celestial & the
Terrestrial, Heavenly & Earthly, the macrocosm & the microcosm, the cosmos & humanity.
The double Hag-All Rune is the symbol of the reincarnation, of the resurrection. But
it is also the “spine” with the twelve dorsal vertebras of Adam Kadmon, who fills out
the world with his body and spirit. The spine of the heavenly body of the zodiac, the
twelve-part zodiac of the Heavens. “Take care of the universe and care for it within
yourself and you are ruling the universe!” Thus, Hagal is the Ur-scaffolding, the
spiritual Ur-Christ or the Christ-Uhr (Uhr = clock/time), the time of God, eternity.
“Behold, I am with you every day”, says the Christ-Uhr, the Ur-Christ, the Son of God,
“I am the beginning and the end…”
The Ur-shape of the word Christ is indeed Aristos or Haristos. The Greeks and many others, have
replaced the H (or aspiration sound) with a K, G, I, Ch (a throat sound). All languages have taken over
this Ur-word Hari (meaning the High one) and made it into “Chri-” or “Kri-”. “Har” = “Aar”, the
superlative of which is the Haristos, the “Christos”. In India, one of Vishnu’s names is Hari; One of
Vishnu’s incarnations was as Krishna). In Hebrew Hari became: Heres or Hammah (meaning the
Sun). In Arabic the word was changed to Haris, with the meaning of maintainer, protector. In modern
Swedish, Hari means “herein” or “in this”.

Numerous artifacts show this Chrismon or Krismon, this Harimon (Hari-Man or Ar-man), already
in pre-Christian times, and as such on a coin from the time of Ptolemy III which is dated to at least
1000 BC. The Chrismon originated from the Christ-all-siegel (the “crystal seal”) of the high and
holy Rune name of the Lord: Arahari, which came to its Runic-image expression in the Hag-all
Rune (this we will explain below).
Let’s understand that, in the Kala (the Nordic Kabbalah): Christ, Christos, Charistos, Haristos,
Aristos are related to Ar or Aar, the eagle and the symbol of the Sun. They are also related to the
term Ar-yan, which is runically written AR-I-AR: (with the second AR Rune reversed or
flipped). These three Runes together are understood as meaning:

1st AR (Sun) IS (I or Self) 2nd AR (Earth) = the Self between the Sun and the Earth
This brings us closer to the mystery of the son of man and of God. If we twist and turn the AR
Rune around the IS Rune axis, then we get 4 different positions which make the Hag-All Rune.
These four AR Runes would be read as “AR-AR-AR-AR”!

If we attach the sounds of the Hag-All and of the IS-Rune (the H and I) to the four AR Runes, then
we get the array of sounds, which we want to pronounce loudly: “AR-AR-AR-AR-H-I”

By means of partial contraction and reversal of these Rune sounds: we receive a word. This word
speaks out the name of the Highest God: “ARAHARI”.
If we add still another Rune, then we get the Runic Ur-image of the “monogram of Christ”:

This symbol is composed of the X-cross (which means ‘the world’ or ‘the universe’), and the Pard
Rune (the Rune of the Son) which is the half of a BAR-Rune (the Mother-Rune).
It is no coincidence that the Hagal-Rune is called “the head of the Aesir”, “the head of the Aristos”,
of the Haristos (which means ‘the Highest One’). Jesus was an Essene (a word which reminds us of
the Aesir, the Nordic gods). Here the God-self or Divine-self (the IS-Rune , the Rune of the self)
was nailed to the X-cross of the God-All or Divine-All (the world or universe).
Investigating this Rune more closely, as consisting of the IS-Rune and the X-cross (the cross of
Saint Andrew), we receive more information. This X-cross is composed of two lines: the ascending
Bar-line and the descending Balk-line .

Bar-Line or Life-Line, Balk-Line or Death-Line,

an auxiliary Rune. an auxiliary Rune.
Bar = life, carrier, birth. Balk = shell, death.
A beam (“Balken”)
is dead wood.
This mystical grouping, related with the crucifixion, originated from the content of the ideas of
these Rune-symbols. The “Is” Rune (the vertical line) and the “Sie” Rune (the horizontal line)
is also called IS-SIE . Laid on top of each other, they result in ISIS: the god-human, the All-
Christ, the Krist-All. Now, let us consider the other crosses at the Crucifixion. The right criminal is
the Is-Rune, intersected by the Bar- or life-line and forms the Rune of marriage (Ehe ). The left
criminal (the one who is unwilling to improve) is the Is-Rune intersected by the Balk- or death-line
and is forming the Not-Rune . The contrast (the law of polarity of all life) comes into play here.
By way of crossing (or the action of two energies, like fate and free-will), there is always tension.
As we have mentioned, the Hag-all Rune speaks the name Arahari: Aar = ‘Sun’ and Hari = the
High One; which, in the Greek language, took the form of the so-called monogram of Christ (that
contains the initial letters of the Greek word Christos):

Latin: Ch R I = ChRI
Greek: X + P + I =

The X (Greek letter Chi) and the P (Greek letter Ro), as “monogram of Christ” still leads us to a
further symbol. In Greek mythology we know the Centaur Chiro-n. What is a centaur according to
the mythical image? A man-horse, a horse body and legs with a human torso, arms and head.
Therefore, with the Greek letters Chi & Ro (X & P) we can justify the name of the Chiron in a
monogramistic sense better than the name of the Christ.

In Chiron we recognize an initiated person who teaches the noble youth all wisdom. Many great
men have been disciples of Chiron according to legend. Through the Nordic Kabbalah, the Kala,
we can disassemble this symbol into: Ross-man (horse-man), Hross-Mann, the Kross-man, the
Cross-man: the Christ.

However we also know the monogram of Christ, the Hag-all, as the “wind rose”, Wodan’s wind-ross
(wind-horse) named Sleipnir (the breath of the world).

The wind-ross (wind-horse) therefore is the Kreuz-ross (Cross-horse), the Ross-kreuz (Horse-
cross), the Cross (crux) in general. From the ross to the rose is only a little jump in the language of
the mysteries, and we arrive at the “Rose-cross” or “Rosicrucians”. One of the secrets, of the
ancient mystery orders, was to veil their wisdom under these mysterious images, in order to protect
the higher knowledge from the misunderstanding of the masses…

The “Hag-All, Hagal” Rune According to S.A. Kummer (1932-1933)

(H) The H-Rune, Hagal, Hag-All, All-Hag, God-All, Wal-halla, Val-Halla, Allah, World-All,
Man-All; Grove [Hag], nurture/cherish, enclose, contain within oneself, all-inclusive, the Key
to all murmuring Runes, to the holy great Universe – Numerical value 7.

The Hagal-Rune is the World-Rune, the World-Cross, the World-Tree, around the
Middle-Point, Hub, Navel, of which the whole spiritual and physical World revolves, the
rotating Microcosm and Macrocosm.

The Hagal-Rune, the male-female Unity, the All-World-Rune, is also called the Head-of-the-Æsir,
which means the highest Initiation. But whosoever cannot and does not want to sacrifice
themselves will never reach the All-Father, which is why Wotan says on the World-Ash-Tree: “I
consecrated myself to myself!”
The Hagal-Rune is the most-perfect Rune; it is masculine and feminine, it consists of the Man
and Yr Runes, the Is-Rune and the Ge-Rune (the Multiplication-Cross), but also the Not-
and Eh-Runes .

Hagal is Rune of the holy Seven: the seven Senses, the seven Tones and the seven Colors; and of
the great Filter of Harmony, of the eternal Wisdom in the divine, all-embracing Self [Ich]. It is also
called the Seven-Hag-Cross, the old Seven-er, the seventh, and the seventh Knower.

Hagal also reveals itself in the spatial directions of the snow crystals. Crystal = Krist-All = Christ-
All = All-Christ = Christ; the Framework, the All-Framework. Christ = the Carpenter’s-Son of God
of the Universe and World-Builder. Krist-All, the self reflecting, cosmic Universe; the Krist-All-
Stone, the Krist-All-Ball in its Mystery-Exercises to recognize the Krist-All in the reflecting Crystal
and to receive Information about Past, Present and Future.

The Hagal-Rune also corresponds to the South-North World-Axis, to the Ich Rune and the Ge-
Rune with their Solstice-Points From the Hagal-Rune the Wendehorn , Turning-Horn,
listening/hearing, procreation, Conception/Creation.

It is a Salvation-Rune consecrated to the Moon, which was formerly used for white-magic Purposes
and was very disreputably used in its Daemonium as a Magical-Character under the
Influence of the Full-Moon.

Hag-All, the murmuring Universe, the Universal-Murmur that opens all the doors of Spirit and of
Realization, the auspicious Mandrake-Root in the Form of the Hagal-Rune, or the Mandrake-Root
dug out at the New-Moon in the Form of the Wendehorn , which is supposed to provide magical,
supernatural Abilities.

The Hagal-Rune is also found in the Hexagon and in the Six-Pointed-Star, which is the Star of
Rebirth, of Gender, of ascending and descending Life in the World-Ash-Tree Yggdrasil. The three
upper branches of the World-Ash-Tree Yggdrasil are Becoming, Being and Passing-Away, and its
three roots point to the Past, Present and Future.

Fig. 1 Hexagon containing all 18 Runes.

Fig. 2 The Hexagram of the germanic Initiate-Sigil.
Fig. 3 & 4 The Six-Pointed-Star, the germanic-Sigil, laid sideways.
Fig. 5 The World-Tree: the World-Ash-Tree Yggdrasil.
Fig. 6 The All-Raune.

The Hagal-Rune is also the Symbol of the World-Wheel, the masculine and feminine Circles of the
Twelve Houses of the Zodiac (wherein the high 13 is hidden).

Arahari, the Monogram of Christ, Coin of Ptolemy III

On the Coin of Ptolemy III from the Year 300 BC, the Monogram of Christ is seen between the Legs
of the Eagle.

The Hagal-Rune is the Rune of the Currents of the Universe, of the Air. It contains the great
Mystery/Secret of the Art-of-Breathing.

The Hagal-Rune shows us the recognition of Divine-Liberty, the Divine-Force, the Divine-Unity
and Immortality with the Cosmos and with Eternity, through which Humanity will redeem itself.

The Demonic of the Hagal-Rune is the Hagel-Rune . It means Destruction, Annihilation,
Death, Hailstorm, Wind. Tension-fracture, Hatred, black Magic, the un-nurtured Descendants
sinking into the darkness.

Hag = All, to enclose the Universe in oneself, to feel God All-Father in the innermost Ich, who leads
to the holy Grail, to the Divine-Sonship.

All eighteen Runes of the Futhork, all the Fine-Force-Streams of the Microcosm and Macrocosm,
all Spatial-Directions, as well as Forces of the Heavens and of the Earth, can be felt in the Hagal-

Full Body Rune Exercise(s):

Kummer gives this rune in 4 different parts, which are as follows:

1) First Rune-Position of the Hagal-Rune: The Cross-Position

a) The Student stands in the Ich-Rune out in Nature, if
possible on top of a Hill or a Mountain-Summit facing
North or East. Seven Breathing-Exercises follow.
b) One extends both Arms sideways (making a Cross), with Palms facing up, and feels the
Currents of the Universe. One sings softly “ha-ha-ha-ha-”, while one slowly and rhythmically
turns in a circle, staying a little longer when Facing North.

Mr. F. B. Marby already gave this Rune-Position in his Magazine “Der eigene Weg”, and Kummer
expanded upon it with the following Positions.

2) Second Rune-Position of the Hagal-Rune: The Not and Eh Runes

a) Start in the Ich-Rune facing North, do the Breathing-Exercise. Then the Student takes up the
Not-Rune-Position and hums “n-n-n-” while slowly turning around rhythmically, until
returning to the starting position.
b) Next follows a second Cross-Position with the turn, while one sings “ha-ha-ha-ha-”.
c) When one has returned to face the North, then immediately go into the Eh-Rune-Position and
sing “e-e-e-” for the next turn
d) This is followed by another Cross-Position, with the turn while singing “ha-ha-ha”.

3) Third Rune-Position of the Hagal-Rune: The Man and Tyr Runes

a) Start in the Ich-Rune facing North. Here, after the Breathing-Exercise, the Practitioner first
sings the “i-i-i-”, then “ha-ha-ha-”,
b) Then one raises the Arms diagonally sideways upwards, taking the Man-Rune-Position, and
turns while humming “m-m-m-”.
b) Next follows a second Cross-Position with the turn, while one sings “ha-ha-ha-ha-”.
c) When one has returned to face the North, then immediately go into the Tyr-Rune-Position and
sing “Tyr” or “ta-te-ti-to-tu” for the next turn
d) This is followed by another Cross-Position, with the turn while singing “ha-ha-ha”.

4) Fourth Rune-Position of the Hagal-Rune: The Ge Rune
a) The Student spreads themselves out of the Ich-Rune position with their right Foot sideways.
One now stands with their Feet tense and placed sideways (directed North or East), and now
raises both Arms diagonally upwards.
b) Depicting an X shape, one sings “ha-ha-ha-” in different pitches when exhaling. At the same
time, one slowly, rhythmically turns in a circle with their Legs tense and spread.

Summary of Full Body Rune Practice*:

1 1 2 2 2 2 2

Ich or Is Cross Ich or Is Not Cross Eh Cross

Breathing “Ha” Breathing “N” “Ha” “E” “Ha”

3 3 3 3 3 4 4

Ich or Is Man Cross Tyr Cross Ich or Is Ge

“I” then “Ha” “M” “Ha” “Tyr” or “Ha” [Breathing] “Ha”

*Note: For all Positions (except Ich or Is) there is a clockwise turning while holding the Rune-Position

These four Rune-Positions pose a difficult Task for the Student, because during its practice one
must not absorb any Impressions.
Thoughts must be completely eliminated, the Mind emptied, so that one’s Solar-Plexus (as well as
all occult Force-Centers) start to function and so that the Universal-Waves [Allwellen] can manifest
themselves later as new Thoughts, as Concepts to the Mind.
One should not be Astonished or Excited if one has a Perception, sees a strange Image or hears
Voices. Instead, one should remains completely passive when perceiving Impressions that were
previously unknown. One must neither be excited, nor concerned, in this Condition.
These Perceptions, often also Images, do not occur immediately because the fine radio-like
Universal-Currents [Allströme] must first begin to work Inside the Practitioner. It is often the case
that one is forced to Speak loudly during this Exercise, so it is advisable to practice this Rune alone
in solitude if possible. Kummer says he cannot give an explanation about what a Perception may
be, because these occur for each Practitioner according to their Stage-of-Development and their

Also, later the Student will be given information from the other Side in this Rune-Position about
the Hagal-Rune-Mystery/Secret. Each one according to their Type. Kummer reminds us once
again that Silence is the Law for the Practitioner.
The one who is Experienced in the Hagal-Rune will have very great Benefit from this Position. In
it, one is able to absorb high spiritual Insights and to observe Perceptions.
After this four-part exercise, the Student takes a brief pause in the Ich-Rune-Position (facing
North) with Thoughts of Love, Harmony, and Optimism. When the Practitioner has sufficiently
recovered, then seven rhythmic Breathing-Exercises and the entire series of Hagal-Rune-Positions
are repeated.
The Universal-Currents [Allströme] penetrate threefold into the Body of the Practitioner and
resound three times again in the Back-of-the-Head, in the Hands and Feet.
Finally, all the Hagal-Rune-Positions are repeated again, so that the Student repeats them a total
of three times. For the third Repetition of the fourth Rune-Position it is recommended to focus the
Eyes on the Root-of-the-Nose.
Later, the Student will also feel the fourth Dimension in their innermost Self [Ich].
With the Hagal-Rune, the Practitioner also strongly influences their Radiation, hence their Astral-
Colors. Already in the first Weeks-of-Practice one will notice with astonishment that one perceives
soft Colors, and later one will see themselves vibrating in bright Yellow, Blue, Red, and so on. One
always has good Control over their Development in these Color-Scales.
One’s Solar-Plexus is always sending forth fine Waves which are guided in this Rune-Position
through one’s Aura (or “Od-Cloak”) and then they stream into the Universe.
Throughout the Duration-of-the-Exercise, the fine Waves continue to flow and stream away. New
Thoughts and Concepts accumulate more and more in the Subconscious in order to reveal
themselves later as Advice or a Solution.
After this Exercise, the Student remains completely relaxed in Peace, thinking as little as possible
or meditating on Harmony, and All-Connectedness.
Mostly, already in this state of Peace, the practice of the Hagal-Rune causes either clairvoyance,
clairsentience, clairaudience, or a Perception, a Revelation, or the Practitioner is forced to Speak, a
new Concept appears, Advice is given to them or something similar.
The Student does not forget that they are a Receiver as well as a Transmitter. Therefore, this
sacred Rune-Position also requires pure, noble Thinking so that the advancing Waves serve one’s
higher development but do no harm (Purity leads to Perfection).
All incoming and outgoing Waves are always of the Direction, Height and Purity which correspond
to the Student’s Stage-of-Development. Therefore dear Brothers, dear Sisters, strive with a pure
heart in ardent Longing toward the Divine-Humanity and you will receive heavenly Waves and
divine Inspirations.
Many thousands of years ago this Rune-Position was one of the most sacred Mystery-Practices of
our Priestly-Ancestors, it is a Rune-Position of the great Mysteries and is inexhaustible in its
All cosmic Rune-Streams and Fine-Force-Waves are similar, nevertheless they speak to Humans
quite individually, manifold, differently and are eternally inexhaustible.

Only through one’s own inner Ich may one penetrate into the highest Rune-Magic and its
Mysteries/Secrets. But whosoever believes that only their own Findings, Discoveries and Solutions
are the true, right, and unique ones has transgressed against the Spirit of true Higher-
For the Hagal-Rune-Position, the following phonetic formula is given: “ha-he-hi-ho-hu-”.
Motto: “Know All-Father in yourself, vibrate in the Rhythm of the Universe, then you control
Human and Animal.”

Hand Rune Exercise (‘Mudras’ or “Rune-Grips”):

The Rune Practitioner should take up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-
Attention”); this is followed by a deep Breathing-Exercise three times, with
thoughts directed toward physical and spiritual purification; which is also
observed with the other Rune-Grips.
One stretches the both Arms upward. Hands as shown in Figure 7, with
Thumbs touching. While singing the “h-a-a-a”, special Importance should be
given to good, Deep-Breathing.
Remember that each Rune-Grip must be repeated three times (for 3 Minutes each, followed by a
short Pause in the Ich-Rune-Position between sets), since otherwise no satisfactory Collection of
Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte] can be reached in the Hand-Centers.

This Grip has a very strong ability to Conduct the corresponding Subtle-Forces, such that one feels
as if an electric Current runs through the Body.
With deep Immersion, astral Perceptions and higher inner Experiences occur here. This Grip is a
strongly whispering Rune-Grip. Meanwhile, the Thoughts are focused on Universal-Love [All-
Liebe], cosmic Connectedness [kosmische Verbundenheit], animated by the Wish for consummate
Again, a conscious-willed [willensbewußte] Circulation through the whole Body should not be
forgotten. After Completing this Exercise you will notice a strong odor of ozone and sulfur on the
Index- and Middle-Fingers. Color-Vibration is glowing Indigo-Blue.
Further Sound-Formulas are: “he-hi-ho-hu”.

Additional Note: Kummer’s Practices for the “Magnetic Gaze”
In the chapter on the Ka- or Kaun-Rune, Kummer also gives the following practice related with
the Hagal-Rune:
“It is now time for the student to acquire the magnetic gaze. There is a great power in the human
gaze. The eye radiates the will, as well as the mental and emotional state. The practitioner can
apply their gaze much more successfully the more trained their eye is; the student can acquire the
magnetic gaze through conscious exercises.

At present, one’s eyes are barely able to affect others magnetically; one makes many mistakes
because the gaze is restless, unsteady and unaware. One’s eyes wander back and forth, with every
movement the eyelids and their muscles twitch, so the gaze remains unimpressive. The student
must get their eyes and facial muscles fully under control.
1st Exercise - Draw this Hagal-rune on a white piece of paper:

The Hagal-rune is the rune of the three dimensions, the fourth dimension is in the middle.
And now the student attaches this piece of paper to the wall or places it at eye level in front of them
on a table, sits comfortably at a distance of 1.5 meters away on a chair, then gives their body the
command not to be bothered by any twitching or itching of the skin.
One sits motionless and looks steadily with their eyes at the Center-Point of this Hagal-
Rune for 7 minutes.
The Center-Point is something Intended [Gedachtes], something Spiritual; it is the Center
of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of the Earth, it is God. The Point is also the Key of the
Hagal-Rune because the moving Point becomes the Line.
So the Hagal-Rune is again the Key to all other Runes because they can all be united in it.
In this exercise the student may not move the eyeballs or the eyelids. One must strictly avoid
blinking and twitching. The eyes should be firmly & calmly fixed on the center of the rune. The
tears of the eyes (which are taken for granted at the beginning) will be lost again as soon as his eyes
are more disciplined. One practices only in daylight because artificial light results in a slight
weakness of the eyes.
If, after 14 days of practice, one has achieved the immobility of the eyes so that one can calmly,
without blinking, see the center of the rune for 7 minutes in the above manner, then the
practitioner will soon have the magnetic gaze. When they look at someone with this gaze, the other
one believes that the practitioner can see directly through them and can look into their deepest,
innermost heart. The whole personal impression of the student will be more self-confident and
more trustworthy.

2nd Exercise - The student sits down in front of a mirror and sees their own reflection with the same
calmness and immobility. Their eyes must be fixed, immobile and motionless on the bridge of the
nose in the mirror image (this is the point between the eyebrows).

The root of the nose is now focused on for 7 minutes in the greatest state of calm. After a few days
one will be able to see the close surroundings of the room and even the whole face clear and
distinct, though the eyes are fixed only on the bridge of the nose.
Later the practitioner can look at other people. For this exercise one will find sufficient
opportunity in daily life.

The magnetic gaze will benefit the practitioner, especially for the better implementation of their
wishes in the environment around them. They will force hypocritical liars to tell the truth with
their magnetic gaze.
In conversation with other people, one grows accustomed to not looking the person in the eye, but
firmly, calmly and without blinking, at the brow of his opponent. The practitioner’s words will then
make a deep impression and will work and stick with the listener. And the effect is amplified when
one speaks in a low pitch and in complete peace.
One’s eyes might suffer from burning and tears, however, these will be lost when the eyes are
sufficiently strengthened by the exercises.
Eye baths are highly recommended and should be done daily. The student puts their face into a
bowl full of water, holds it as long as he can underwater, and opens his eyes in the water. These
baths are incredibly powerful for the eyes and are highly recommended by ophthalmologists.
Good gymnastics for the eyes are as follows: look right and left, up and down and rolls the eyes in
the water.
If one follows all these exercises exactly, no one will be able to withstand one’s gaze, their enemies
will be intimidated, and their will becomes greatly strengthened by the magnetic gaze.
One does not abuse the magnetic gaze with hypnotic experiments that only serve vanity and one
does not abuse their sisters and brothers hypnotically.


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