Ordoñez 1997
Ordoñez 1997
Ordoñez 1997
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Copyright 1997 by
Ordonez, Francisco
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© 1997
Francisco Ordon ez
All Rights Reserved
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This manuscript has been read and accepted for the Graduate Faculty in Linguistics in
satisfaction of the dissertation requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Gita Martohardjono
Juan Uriagereka
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Francisco Orddnez
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Acknowledgment s
Cairns, Bob Fiengo, and Janet Fodor for all I have learned
with them. Carme Picallo was visiting CUNY for a year. I
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for letting me ask about her German and also about her
Caracas dialect, Antxon Olarrea for interchange of papers
and good comunication over the internet. In CUNY I would
Ivy Sichel for sharing with me good and not so good moments
during all these years. I deeply thank Marivi Blasco and
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studying when they hardly had the opportunity to do it. To
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A B S TR A C T .......................................................................................................................................
A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S .............................................................................................................. vi
1 IN T R O D U C T IO N .........................................................................................................................1
1.1 F ramew ork : antisym m etry ........................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Background : HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE AND UNEAR ORDER..................................................... 4
13 Som e I nadequacies of the Sym m etric V ie w ............................................................................. 8
13.4 The asymmetry o f specifiers..................................................................................................... 8
1 3 3 Asymmetries in the Agreement patterns................................................................................. 10
13.6 Asymmetries on the directionality o f Head Movement........................................................... 11
1.4 Spec H e a d C o m plem entas U niversalorder . ......................................................................... 12
13 T he form ulation o f the LCA..................................................................................................... 14
1.6 LCA AND rrs CONSEQUENCES........................................................................................................ 22
2 THE V S O /VOS A LTE R N A TIO N IN S P A N IS H ................................................ .28
2.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 28
22 THE V S O AND V O S ORDER IN SPANISH................................................................................. 29
2 2 J The V S O order................................................................................................................... 30
2 2 2 The V O S order................................................................................................................... 33
2.3 The analysis o f V S O and V O S.......................................................................................... 35
2.4. THE ASYMMETRIES........................................................................................................................40
2.4.1 Bin d in g ...................................................................................................................................... 40
2.42 Post-verbal wh-elements.........................................................................................................52
2.43 Interpretation o f indefinites..................................................................................................... 58
2.4.4 The distribution o f post-verbal subject pronouns...................................................................64
1. Doubling with indirect objects................................................................................................... 67
2.5 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................74
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................... 7 7
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3J8.1 LPR and C-commanding o f arguments............................. 115
3.9 Spanish V O S o rd e r................................................................................................................. 117
3.10 Comparing LPR 70 th e r ig h t adjunction a lte rn a tiv e .....................................................121
3.11 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 127
CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................. 128
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Chapter 1
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The topics of the chapters break down as follows: In
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success of the new theory rests in good part the success of
/ \
Head CbmpL
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and Sag (1985) and Pollard and Sag (1994) propose Immediate
Dominance rules (ID), which express hierarchical relations,
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(7) Det < N (LP Statement)
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1.3 Soma Inadequacies of the Symmetric View.
Head Head
Compl Compl
Compl Compl
Head Head
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of the specifiers in phrase structure. Because complements
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1.3.5 Asymmetries in the Agreem ent patterns.
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1.3.6 Asym m etries on the directionality o f Head Movement.
Yet the mirror image of the Germanic V-2 does not seem
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hierarchically more prominent head, we conclude that heads
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X Head
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It Is legitimate and necessary to ask why the human language faculty displays
the particular linear ordering that it does. Why do heads always precede
complements and why do specifiers and adjoined phrases always precede heads?
I provide a partial answer to this question, starting from the assumption that
there exists a mapping between hierarchical structure and the observed linear
order that is rigid. (Kayne, 1994, p. xiv)
Thus, there is a need to find a hierarchical relation
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Y° xw
y x
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(16) X C-commands Y ifFX and Y are categories and X excludes Y and every category that
dominates X dominates Y.
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y X
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command, and no order between the heads Z° and Y° is
(1 8 )
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far as this category has not been already adjoined to. One
(21) XP
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of Chapters 2 and 3.
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a vi
clitic climbing) :
(26) Glielo dard. (Italian)
to him/her it w ill give
I w ill give it to him/her
(27) Selodar*. (Spanish)
to him/her I w ill give
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One common approach to all these cases has been the idea
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Chapter 2
2 .1 Introduction
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mechanism of scrambling.
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(13) a Hntucasa, no da tuhermana besos, sino tortazos
In your bouse, not gives your sister losses, but slaps.
b. #En tu casa, no da tu heimana besos, sino tu padre.
In your house, not gives your sister kisses, but your father.
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(16) a. i Qu6 pasd ayer?
what happened yesterday
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(18) weil das Buch niemand gelesen hat. (from Webelhuth 1992)
because the book nobody read has.
Because nobody has read the book.
ei diccionario
For the V O S order, Suner (1994) and Torrego (1984)
follow Rizzi's (1982) analysis of subject inversion in
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V ei diccionario
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el diccionarii
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2.4. Tha asymmetries
2.4.1 Binding
The f i r s t a s y m m e try i s fo u n d i n th e d o m a in o f q u a n t i f i e r
b in d in g . It is a s ta n d a r d c la im in th e lit e r a t u r e about
a n a p h o ra th a t in o rd e r to have a p ro n o u n in t e r p r e t e d as a
v a r ia b le b o u n d b y a q u a n t if ie r , t h a t p ro n o u n m u s t b e i n th e
122, am ong o th e r s ) . T h is c o n d it io n is v io la t e d in th e
e x a m p le s in (2 3 ) w h e re th e s u b je c t p o s s e s s iv e p ro n o u n is
m eant to be u n d e rs to o d as c o r e fe r e n t w it h th e o b je c t
q u a n t if ie r :
(23) a. *Sui amigo leregald un libro [acadaniitojj parasu cumpleafios
his friend cl-bought a book [for each boy] for his binhday
b. *Su i madre IepresenuS (a) [cada nifloJi al director
hisi mother cl-introduced [each boy)] (DO) to the director GO)
As e x p e c te d , th e same c o n s t r a in t h o ld s w it h th e p o s t
v e r b a l s u b je c t s when th e y p re c e d e th e o b je c t q u a n t i f i e r as
in (24) :
(24) a. *&Qu£ le regakS su i amigo [a cada nrfioli
what cl-bought [his friend] (S) [for each boy] GO)
What did his friend buy for each boy for his birthday?
b. *Este libro seloregaUS sui amigo [acadaniflo]j
this book d-gave [his friend] (S) [for each boy] (10)
This book, his friend gave it for each boy.
c. *£Aqui£n IepresenuS sujmadre (a)[cadanifio],?
To whom cl-introduced his mother (S) each boy (DO).
Who did his mother introduce each boy to?
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d. *Aqui piesentd su imadre (a) [cada nifioJi?
here introduced his mother (S) each boy (DO)
Here, his mother introduced each boy.
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(25) a. iQu6 leregald [acadaniffoi] su i amigo ?
what cl-bought [for each boy] GO) [his fhend] [S)
b. Este libro se lo regald [a cada nifSo]£ su i amigo
This book cl-gave (far each boy] GO) [his friend] (S)
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su i amigo
V [a cada nifioli
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su i amigi
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b Ich glaube, daB [jedemiJj [sein jVater] dasBildgezeigthat
everyone GO) [his father- (S)] the picture shown has
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b. *..dafi ihmi [die Brfider vom Hans] { das Bild gezeigt haben
That Him (IO) the brothers of Hans(S) the picture shown have
(35) and ( 3 6 ) .
(35) a. iQud le regald [cada niifoli a su[ amigo ?
what cl-bought each boy (S) for his friend (IO )
b. lQu6 Ie regald a su i amigo [cada nifio] i?
what cl-bought for his friend (IO ) each boy (S)
(36) a. Aquf besd [cadanifiali [asuiam iga]
here kissed [each girt] (S) [her friend] (DO)
b. Aquf besd [a su i amiga] [cada nifia];
here kissed [her friend] (DO) [each girl] (S)
(37) a. Ich glaube, daB jeder; [seinem i Vaier] die Bilder gezeigt hat.
I think, that everyone-(S) his father-(IO) the pictures shown has
I think that everyone has shown his father the pictures
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b. Ich glaube, da8 [seinem j Vaier] jeder j die Bilder gezeigt hat.
his father(IO) everyone(S) die pictures shown has
Korean (Prom Frank, Lee & Rambow 1992)
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a variable that is alpha-bound must be beta-free in the domain of the domain of the head of the
chain (where alpha and beta refer to different types o f positions)
(Mailer & Sternefeld 1993)
to CP at LF:38
Scrambling in he
overt syntax
at LF
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(64) a. iQu6 lecompraronellos a61 ?
what cl-bought they(S)forhim (IO) ?
b. 7?iQu6 lecompraron a61 ellos?
what cl-bought forhim (IO.) they(S)?
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b. El director *?(Ie)dio a Maria un libro.
the director(S) dat-cl-gave to Maria(IO) a book(DO)
IQ S Oaten
(74) a. Estaes laasignatura que *? (les) ensefia a varios alumnos el profesor.49
this is the subject that dat-ci-teaches to some students GO) the professor (S)
b. Estaeslasefialque *?Qes)hizo a varios hombres el alcalde,
this is the sign that dat-d-made to some men GO) the mayor (S)
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el profesor y
las notas
a los estudiantes
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(76) VP
el profesor y
las notas
a los estudiantes q
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(77) a. *? [0 Peiroleo] fueencontrado.
oil (S) was found.
0 - government: a 0 -governs 3 iff a is a zero-level category that 0-marks 3. and a, 3 are sisters.
(Chomsky 1986)
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a los estudiantes DO...
(♦0 ) las notas
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selected positions.
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2.5 Conclusion.
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of linear ordering from hierarchical relations. According
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Chapter 3
3 .1 Introduction.
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(2) ?Harisolto ii problema Gianni (Rizzi 1991)
Has solved the problem Gianni
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3.2.2 V S DP (object)
(7a), (8a), and (9a).62 The (b) cases with the VOS
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3.2.3 V S PP (complement)
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(22) Qu6 feia en Joan al 1968?
what <Sd Joan in 1968
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(24) a. ??Ha litigato Piero con sua sorella.
fought Piero with his daughter
with complement PPs are not as bad as with DOs, but they
are still awkward:
(31) n Le jour ou parlera Jean k Marie. (Kayne 1986)
The day when w ill speak Jean to Marie
(32) ??Quand changera cette fille d’avis? (Kayne 1972)
When w ill change this girl of opinion.
(33) ??Quand 6crira ton frfcre k sapetite amie? (Kayne 1972)
When w ill write your brother to his friend.
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(35) La fille dequi s’est plaint Jean k Marie, (from Kayne 1986)
The girls to whom complained Jean to Marie.
3.2.4 V S Adj.
b. Es fa veil en Joan.
becomes old Joan
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(43) a. *?Les ha vistes en Joan borratxes. (Catalan)
them has seen en Joan drunk
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(51) a. *Sempre juga la Magda bruL (Catalan)
Always plays Magda dirty
3.2.6 V S INF
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b. Non poteva mangiarc Gianni.
No couldn’t to eat Gianni
3.2.7 V S CP
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(70) ?Avec qui a pr&endu Marie que sortirait Jean ? (from Kayne and Pollock 1978)
With whom has claimed Marie that w ill go out Jean?
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V S DP ?? (north and * ??
(object) central)
OK southwest
V S DP * * *
V S PP ?? (North) ?? ??
(complement) OK/? central
V S PP 0. K 0 K O.K.
V S Adi. * * k
V S Adv * * k
Modal S Inf. * * k
V S CP OK ? to OK ? to OK
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3.3 Distribution ot post-verbal subjects in
a w id e r d is t r ib u t io n o f s u b je c t s . It a llo w s th e V S DO
o rd e r q u it e f r e e ly as show n in C h a p te r 2. S u b je c ts ca n
a p p e a r b e tw e e n th e v e r b a n d a d e te r m in e r le s s o b j e c t : 66
(72) iCu£ndo comprd used manzanas?
When bought you apples
(73) Ayer compnS tuhermana manzanas.
Yesterday bought your sister apples
S p a n is h a ls o a llo w s s u b je c t s to a p p e a r b e fo r e a d je c t iv e s
p a r t o f a s m a ll c la u s e s : 68
66 T h e re i s c e r t a in s e n s i t i v i t y t o th e h e a v in e s s o f th e
s u b je c t . S e n te n c e s s t a r t t o d e g ra d e w hen th e s u b je c t i s
made h e a v ie r , e s p e c ia lly w it h r e l a t i v e c la u s e s :
(0 ?£Cudndo comprd el hermano de Luis manzanas?
When bought the brother o f Luis apples
(ii) *?£Cudndo comprd el chico que vino manzanas?
when bought the boy that came apples
67 The sam e o b s e r v a tio n s a b o u t h e a v in e s s a p p ly t o th e s e
e x a m p le s a s w e ll:
(i) ??Nocreo que tenga el hermano de Luis tablas parahacereso
Not think that had Luis’ brother tables to do that
(ii) *? Nocreoque tenga lachicaque vino tablas parahacereso
Not think that had the g irl that came tables to do that
68 A g a in s p e c ia l a t t e n t io n m u s t b e p a id t o in t o n a t io n
p a tte r n s . The a d je c t iv e m u s t b e fo c u s e d .
(0 A mi nome parecen los nifios inteligenteg sino esuipidos.
To me not cl-seem these guys intelligent, but stupid.
These guys don’t seem intelligent, but stupid.
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(76) Se hace usted viejo.
become you old.
(86) Durante dase, no nos permiten los profesores codllear con nuestras compafleras.
During class, not cl allow the professors talk with our partners.
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3.5.1 Scrambling.
to get case and that the verb always remains lower. Dutch
also presents the S PP V order as well as the S Adj V and
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the other, would be that the verb always moves higher than
AgrO P in these Romance languages while it remains lower
illustrated in (94):
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To me
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b Johan has secretly possessed [ [since 1939] [ X° [the treasure... buried on that island]
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3.6 Proposal: LPR with Post-varbal subjects
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En Joaiii
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One obvious question one might ask is the reason for the
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Given the proposal above we can derive all the (b) cases
as we showed in (104); the issue here is to derive the
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(107) FocP
En Joai){
tj intelligent
Small Clause
tj intelligent
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Joan i n t e l .ligent
tj intelligent
This gives an explanation of the ungrammaticality of
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b. *.dat Jan Marie vindt intelligent
that John Maty finds intelligent (from Zwart 1995)
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I ll
(19) ??No pensa La Magda a les conseqiidncies
Not thinks Magda about the consequences
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(115) *Volia enJoan permis. (Catalan, all dialects)
Wanted Joan permission.
(116) ??Volia en Joan el permis. (O.K for Some Catalan varieties)
wanted en Joan the permit.
these sentences.
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repeated below:
(56) a. * No podria la Magda menjar? (Catalan)
Not could Magda to eat
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b. No podria menjar la Magda?
Notcoold to eat Magda
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(139) a. Porentonces consideraban tushermanas brillantes alosestudiantes.91
By then considered your sisters (S) brilliant the students (O)
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(41) a. •Pfcrqufc no sembla en Joan [ intelligent]?
Why not seems Joan intelligent?
(42) a. •E sfa en Joan veil.
becomes Joan oid
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For French, such an extraposition analysis is not so
obvious since V O S order is not good in general as shown
in (145) :
(145) *A qui donnera le livre ton ami? (from Friedemann 1995)
Who w ill give the book your friend.
t 1 H
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(148) *A qui domera t i ton ami le livre?
to whom w ill give your friend the book
t L -l 1
(149) ??Ou a tfl6phon£ Marie&Jean ? (from Friedemann 1995)
where has phoned Marie to Jean
(150) * Dans quelle flection a vot£ votre ami [pour Nixon] ?
In which election has voted your friend for Nixon
t _____________________
However, these crossing effects are not triggered when
(153) La fille dequi s’est plaint Jean & Marie (from Kayne 1986)
the girl of whom complained Jean to Marie
t J L J
On this point, it is worth noting that parallel effects
are found in Italian and Catalan:
(154) a. Gianni conosceva la ragazza della quale si &Iamentato Francesco con Maria.
Gianni knew the girl of whom cl-compIained Francesco with Maria. (from
Zubizaneta 1994)
b. ??Gianni conosceva la ragazza con la quale si t lamentato Francesco di Maria
Gianni knew the girl about whom cl-compiained Francesco of Maria
(155) a. El tema del qual parlava el teu pare al president.
the topicof which spoke your father to the president
b. ??La persona a la qual parlava el teu pare de polftica.
the person to whom spoke your father about politics
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t u ----
Finally, and most importantly, if we can show that the
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seen in (66):
(66) Ahir pensava la Magda que podries venir. (Catalan)
Yesterday thought Magda that you could come.
(68) La persona a cui diceva Piero che il professore era venuto (Italian)
the person to who said Piero that the professor had come.
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3.11 Conclusion
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Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
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(2) a- Qui veu en Joan ? (Catalan)
whom sees Joan
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V +lo
the V—cl order. However, the contrasts in (8) and (9) for
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(8) a. *£Qu6 escribid le?
What wrote to her/him
b. £Qu£leescribhS?
What to him/her wrote
(9) a. *Qu&dtinesIi?
what give-for her/him
b. Qu&liddnes?
What to him/her give
b *Iiddna
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(12) a cdmpralo (Spanish)
buy it
b. *k) compra
*L o comprar
(14) b donar-li (Catalan)
To give to him
*Ii donar
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they can appear in focus position after the LPR of the TP:
The existence of overt V-to-C adds a new possible
derivation in which the subject might end up post-verbally
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hand in interrogatives.
As I will show, there are important reasons to doubt
that subjects occupy Spec of IP in interrogatives. If this
conclusion is correct, that removes one of the most
compelling reasons for the overt movement of the verb to a
Spec of IP position.
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o b v io u s ly n o t th e case, as we saw i n C h a p te r 3 . I re p e a t
s tr u c tu r e s in v o lv in g m o d a ls . If th e m o d a l h a d m oved t o C,
th e s u b je c t s h o u ld a p p e a r in S pec o f IP b e tw e e n th e m o d al
in C , a n d th e in f in it iv e in an em bedded c la u s e . H o w e ve r,
t h a t th e s e s e q u e n c e s a r e u n g r a m m a tic a l.
(22) a *A qui vol la leva germana [donar aquest Uibre]? Modal-SU-INF
to who wants your sister give this book?
Who does your sister want to give this book to?
b. Aqui vol [donar aquest Uibre] la tevagermana? Modal-INF-SU
to who wants give this book your sister
(23) a. *A qui pot la leva germana [demanaraquest Uibre]?Modal-SU-INF
to who can your sister ask this book
Who can your sister borrow this book from?
b. A qui pot [demanaraquest Uibre] la leva germana? Modal-INF-SU
who can ask this book your sister
F lo a t in g q u a n t if ie r s a re lic e n s e d in b o th S p a n is h and
C a ta la n a s show n i n (24)-(26)
(24) Aquellos turistas vienen todos de Francia (Spanish)
these tourists come all from France.
(25) Mis vecinos recibieron ambos una carta de recomendacidn (Spanish)
my neighbors received both a letter o f recommendation
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(26) Aquests turistes v6nen tots de Franca (Catalan)
these tourists come all from France
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later steps.
105 The fact that the subject can appear between the Aux and
the Vpp suggest, that contrary to finite verbs, infinitives
and gerunds move further up. This seems to be corroborated
since, as we mentioned in Section 4.2, clitics follow
gerunds and infinitves.
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(31) [Avendo [Mario t [acceuaio di aiuiarcL ]]]
I________________ I
Having Mario accepted to help us
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4.5 Pi«daontas«
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b. *Cosa che la mama d’ Giuanin a fa tuti i di?
what that the mother of John cl-makes everyday
4.6.1 A -Minimality
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b. p arg agrees with y (=V) only if P and y are arg-marked and no other Arg-marked
element is closer to y,
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(48) a. ‘ Lamento [Top P Carmenj [IP pro j no estd contenia]]
(ii) iQu6 piensas que Juan habia dicho que habia publicado la revista?
what think-2ps that Juan had said that had published the journal
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(54) said [ for all intents and purposes [ that was the mayor of the city.
f 1
Browning, following Chomsky (1995, Chapter 3) observes
that this head movement can explain why the topic for all
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op P
la revista
<59) / \ cp
Top P
la revista
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t It * > I
However, with a matrix clause, the empty complementizer
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la revista
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t_________ It I
This approach also predicts that there should not be any
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(66) *1 wonder [& who(+wh) o(-wh) [T_ yesterday t [ you saw?
have assumed that subjects are in Topic and that the [-wh]
feature value of Top0 conflicts with the [+wh] feature of
the wh-word, creating a mismatch. This conflict is
4.7 Conclusion.
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4.8 Appendix
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b. * Which of the girls that we had met Mario has fallen in love with?
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(75) £Acu£l [ec dc las chlcas] TOP tu hennana la habfe visitado antes?
Which o f these girls your sister has seen before.
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Chapter 5
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These admitedly radical reconceptualizations require
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5.2.1 Ellipsis
(11) Unos libros Ie dio Juan a Pfa y unos cuadros tambi£n [le dio Juan a Pu]
Some books cl gave Juan to Pia and some paintings too [cl gave Juan to Pia]
(12) A Pfa le dio Juan unos libros y a Sara tambidn [le dio Juan unos libros]
To Pia cl gave Juan some books and to Sara too [cl gave Juan some books]
(14) A Pia le dio Juan unos libros y me parece que a Sara tambiln [le dio Juan unos
To Pfa cl gave Juan some books and it cl seems that to Sara too [gave Juan some books]
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(16) A ti te admitirdn en Harvard pero es probable que a tu amiga no [la adm itirin en
To you cl w ill admit in Harvard but is probable that to your friend not [cl w ill admit in
'You w ill be admitted to Harvard, but it is probable that your friend w ill not'
(17) Luis no sabe traducir pero yo conozco a una alumna que si [sabe traducfr]
Luis not knows to translate but I know a student that yes [knows to translate]
'Luis doesn’t know how to translate, but I know a student who does'
(18) Hay gente a la que le puedes decir bromas y hay gente a la que no [le puedes decir
There Is people to whom cl can tell jokes and there is people to whom not [cl can tell
'There are people who you can tell jokes to, and there are people who you cannot'
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b. ??A ti los policias te van a detener, pero me parece que a Maria el detective no [la va
To you the police cl w ill detain, but it looks like to Maria the detective no.
b. *?A Marfa, Juan le dio un libro y me han dicho que a Tomds, Tito tambidn [le dio
un lib ro ].
To Marfa, Juan cl gave a book and cl have told that to Tomds, Tito too
constituent remnants.
(24) *John, who B ill saw, and who Bob did too. (from Williams 1977)
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(29) Nada [ IP pro le debe (Juan) a sus amigos]
nonnegative quantifiers:
(32) a. *?A cualquiera tu madre pone contento.
To anybody (DO) your mother (S) make-3ps happy
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clitics always precede the verb but are not adjoined to it,
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cases like (30) and (31) versus those like (25) to (27)
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(40) a.*iQu& Pedro cotnprd en el mercado?
What Pedro bought in the market?
(42) a. £Qu6 tipo de libros a nosostros nos sugiere Paz que debemos leer?
What type of books to us cl suggests Paz that we should read?
b *Qu6 a nosotros nos sugiere Paz que debemos leer?
What to us cl suggests Paz that we should read?
(43) a. A ver, ^de qu£ manera a ti te podnan criticar tus enemigos?
See, in what way to you could criticize your enemies?
See, in what way could your enemies criticize you
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119 See also the same point with quantifiers in the previous
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c. iQuidn crees que a ti te va a saiudar?
who do you think that to you w ill greet
(51) and (52) should be the same as the one given for (53)
with preverbal IOs. Thus, an explanation in terms of the
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121 The idea that preverbal subjects like preverbal DOs and
IOs are dislocated to an A ' position is usually challenged
by the following contrast from Rizzi (1986b) :
(i) *Nessuno, I’ho visto.
Nobody, I have seen him.
(ii) Nessuno &venuto
Nobody came.
Rizzi (1986b) takes (ii) to show that negative quantifiers
cannot be left dislocated in an A' position. Thus, if
subjects are in an A' position in (i) it is hard to
understand the contrast in grammaticality between the two
examples. We take this contrast just to mean that object
negative quantifiers are incompatible with the accusative
clitic. Thus, the contrast in (i) and (ii) is reminiscent
of the ban on the doubling object negative quantifiers with
accusative clitic (see Dobrovie Sorin 1990 for Rumanian
and Suiter 1988 for Rioplatense Spanish) . Observe that an
IO negative quantifier in preverbal position, which
requires doubling in all dialects of Spanish, behaves
similarly to a preverbal subject negative quantifier. For
instance, it does not need to be focused in order to appear
preverbally as shown in the parallelism between (iii) and
(iv) .
(iii) Dicen que a nadie Ie tienes miedo.
they said that to nobody you fear
They said that you don’t fear anybody.
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ungrammaticality of (58b).
(57) a. Someone thinks that every problem, Mary solved, (from Lasnik and
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Similarly, Zubizarreta (1994), assuming a richer system
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pro's are the real argument and lexical DPs are adjoined to
a more peripheral position as in (62). This proposal is
adopted by Barbosa (1996) in her study of the distribution
of preverbal subjects in European Portuguese. A pro would
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pro runs on a par with some lexical pronouns but not with
others. Italian seems to have strong pronouns like lui
('he ') and loro ('they1) and weak pronouns like egli
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(65) The Case Filter
pro gets its morphologic case before Spell Out, given that
case has been absorbed by the corresponding agreement.
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(iv) X and Y are no distinct in morphosyntactic features (Le. category, person, number, gender,
case, etc..)
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b. * Hablaronde [los esmdiantes]; despuds deque sepeleasen con nosotros:.
They talked about [the students]: after they fought with u%.
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propose that the relation between the Agr and the DP is the
same kind of relation established between a DP and a clitic
as we saw above: they are both instances of "clitic
DP, which merges with the head to form what we can call a
big DP. 129
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argument is situated.132
DP Q agr
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(7 8 )
V+T CL agr p
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(7 9 )
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relation with the clitic agreement inside the big DP, and
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pro does not require case. Thus, case is the factor that
explains the different distribution of lexical XPs and
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doubling can only take place when two elements with the
that points to the fact that subject agreement has the same
morphological structure of an object clitic. This evidence
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morpheme, as in (83):
(83) hablamos
we speak
we spoke
Harris, claims that the object pronouns nos, os, and los
(87) pal-o
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Llevemos dos
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(92) El sombrero [ [SE] [LO] S] quit£ a los hombres (from Harris 1995)
I tood the men’s-Dat hat-ACC off (them)
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(93) mos vamos (Andalusian, Judeo-Spanish)
lpp go-lpp
we go
(96) ?Comamoslo
Let’s eat
5.5 Conclusion
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