Non-Pharmacological Management For Chemotherapy-In
Non-Pharmacological Management For Chemotherapy-In
Non-Pharmacological Management For Chemotherapy-In
DOI: 10.2478/fon-2023-0002
Frontiers of Nursing
Abstract: Objective: This review aimed to map and summarize published studies that tested non-pharmacological management for chemotherapy-
induced nausea and vomiting (CINV).
Methods: We searched for eligible studies in 5 electronic databases and screened the retrieved studies using the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Data were then collated according to the types of interventions, measurement tool, and outcomes.
Results: The search yielded 2343 records, of which 11 were included. Four categories of non-pharmacological CINV management
were made; manipulative and body-based therapy (n = 5 studies); mind–body therapy (n = 3 studies); biologically based practice
(n = 1 study), and energy therapy (n = 2 studies). Seven different scales were used to measure CINV. Nine studies reported
improvement in CINV.
Conclusions: This scoping review demonstrates the breadth of non-pharmacological management to address CINV. Various types of
CINV scales were used to measure CINV severity. The management and scale can be utilized to improve nursing care, particularly in
cancer care.
Keywords: cancer • chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting • complementary therapies • nausea and vomiting • review
1. Introduction
The prevalence of cancer is increasing every year effects among patients undergoing chemotherapy.2
globally with approximately 19.3 million new cases
CINV is experienced in varying degrees and increases
in 2020.1 Patients with cancer experience several the cancer burden of patients, and suboptimal CINV
symptoms that may be primary or due to the impacts management negatively impacts the physical, psycho-
of the treatment. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and logical, and social functioning of the patients, leading to
vomiting (CINV) is one of the most common adverse a decrease in the quality of life.3,4
This project was supported by the Institute of Research and Innovation of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (No. 034/PEN-LP3M/II/2021).
How to cite this article: Maulidawat D, Rochmawati E, Granel N. Non-pharmacological management for
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in patients with cancer: a scoping review. Front Nurs. 2023;1:9–20.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected] (E. Rochmawati). 9
Open Access. © 2023 Maulidawati et al., published by Sciendo. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License.
Non-pharmacological management for CINV
The incidence of CINV is high; for instance, a study of studies, (d) mapping data, and (e) compilation, sum-
in Jordan reported that 71.4% of patients who undergo mary, and reporting of results. Arskey and O’Malley14
chemotherapy suffered from CINV,5 while an Italian state that the method of identification of the sample
study reported an incidence between 40% and 70%.6 is iterative, requires researchers to interact with each
Although the incidence is high and the negative effect phase reflexively, and if required, repeat the steps to
exists, such symptoms continue to be underestimated ensure that the literature is thoroughly discussed. This
and undertreated by nurses and physicians. Therefore, approach allows reviews to extract and create data
it is important to prevent and control CINV, in which meaningfully and comprehensively manner.15 Details
nurses can play a substantial role.7 Nursing care that of each steps as explained by Cooper et al.16 are also
addresses physical needs, such as recovering from the adopted in the current review. For example, in the step
adverse effects of cancer treatment, especially CINV, is of defining the study aim and research questions, we
a critical unmet need.8 stated the purpose for scoping review and a well-defined
Nurses can provide nursing interventions that include research question to guide the scope of the review.
non-pharmacological management and collaborate with A well-defined research question that includes the scope
physicians in managing CINV. The Oncology Nursing of the study is fundamental, as it will allow researchers
Society recommends the use of a non-pharmacologi- to conduct a more practical and efficient review.17 The
cal approach alone or in combination with pharmaco- scoping review questions address Patient Concept and
logical measures to prevent, manage, and treat CINV.9 Context (PCC). There were 2 research questions for the
Generally, the pharmacological treatment for CINV is review: (1) What type of non-pharmacological interven-
5-HT3 antagonist therapy combined with corticosteroid tions (Concept) for CINV (Population) have been trialed
therapy.5 However, the management of CINV remains on patients with cancer (Context)? (2) How has CINV
inadequate due to poor adherence to existing antiemetic been assessed in available studies?
guidelines.10 In addition, the treatment often adds to the
symptom burden experienced by patients across physi- 2.2. Search strategy
ological, emotional, and mental domains, which leads
patients to complementary and alternative medicine.11 In the scoping review checklist developed by Cooper
Available non-pharmacological management of et al.16, an in-depth literature and comprehensive search
CINV includes ginger extract, massage and inhalation is required to enable identifying the relevant literatures.
aromatherapy, dietary counseling, and auricular acu- In the scoping review, 4 electronic databases were
pressure. The available interventions can potentially searched: PubMed (Medline), CINAHL, PsycINFO,
have a positive impact on CINV. However, to date there Scopus, and Cochrane to identify published studies
is no available summary of the potential non-pharmaco- meeting the inclusion criteria. We determined keywords
logical management for patients with cancer and expe- based on the research questions before identifying the
riencing CINV. Therefore, there is a need to map and relevant journal articles. MeSH search keywords were
summarize the available evidence on non-pharmaco- then used jointly: “nausea or vomiting,” “chemotherapy,”
logical and nurse-led interventions for managing CINV. “non-pharmacological,” and “complementary therapy.”
This scoping review aimed to map and summarize pub- The keywords were searched individually, then com-
lished research on non-pharmacological interventions bined using the Boolean term AND. Box 1 shows an
tested to manage CINV. example of the search strategy used in Cochrane.
(P) Population: patients with cancer experiencing CINV author and publication year, (b) aim of the study (c) set-
(C) Concept: non-pharmacological management ting for study (country, hospital, clinic), (d) study design,
(C) Context: cancer care (e) participants (number of participants, age, type of
During the data selection process, we defined a clear cancer), (f) intervention (type, duration, length), (g)
inclusion and exclusion criteria and conducted an itera- outcome measures used, (h) study outcomes, and (i)
tive process to select the relevant studies as suggested category of interventions.
by Cooper et al.16. Inclusion criteria for this review
included: (i) studies or interventions that addressed
non-pharmacological management for CINV, (ii) adult
3. Results
patient with cancer and experiencing CINV as partici- A total of 2343 papers were identified, and there were
pants, and (iii) studies published from 2015 onwards, to 25 duplicates (Figure 1). After removing duplicates,
ensure relevancy to current nursing practice. The exclu- 2318 articles were reviewed by examining their title and
sion criteria for this review include: (i) qualitative studies, abstract, resulting in the exclusion of 2307 articles that
(ii) review paper, and (iii) publications in language other were not relevant to the study aim. Finally, a total of 11
than English. full-text of papers were reviewed.
Records screened (title and abstract) (N = 2318) Records excluded with reasons
(N = 2295):
Non relevant population
(n = 261)
Review (n = 485)
Protocol (n = 373)
Non relevant topic (n = 1176)
Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (N = 23)
No. Author(s) Aim Design Participants Intervention Measurement Results Category of non-
1. Anestin et al.18 To determine Randomized 82 patients (n = 52 in 8 weekly group sessions of Morrow Assessment There was no Manipulative and
the effects of a controlled trial intervention, n = 30 in 90 min with 5 participants of Nausea and significant difference body-based therapy
standardized yoga (single blind) control). The mean age is 50.4 per group, led by a trained Emesis Scale: between the
Maulidawati et al.
Table 1. Continued.
No. Author(s) Aim Design Participants Intervention Measurement Results Category of non-
5. Eghbali et al.22 To determine the Randomized 48 patients with breast cancer The researcher placed an Morrow Assessment The use of auricular Manipulative and
effect of auricular control trial (stages I–III) from 2 hospitals ear seed on each point and of nausea and acupressure body-based therapy
acupressure in in an urban area of Iran. pasted it with a special non- vomiting decreased in the
relieving nausea and The total mean age was: latex adhesive. frequency and
vomiting among the 46.02 (SD = 7.23) and the age The researcher trained the intensity of nausea
women who received ranged: 32–65 years old patients to press each point and vomiting in
chemotherapy at least 3 times every day both the acute and
(morning, noon, and night) delayed phases in
for 3 min. experimental group
Auricular acupressure for 5
d until started having mild
tingling sensation or a slight
sense of discomfort
6. Efe Ertürk and Taşcı23 To evaluate A quasi- 90 patients from ambulatory The participants in the Visual analog scale The VAS nausea Mind–body therapy
the effects of randomized chemotherapy unit in Turkey. intervention group applied for nausea severity. score was
peppermint oil on the controlled The mean age of the patients one drop of the aromatic INVR significantly lower
frequency of nausea, study in the intervention group was mixture on the spot between after peppermint
vomiting, retching, 49.94 (SD = 10.47) in the their upper lip and their oil applying in the
and the severity of control group: 54.63 (SD = nose, 3 times a day for the patients receiving
nausea in cancer 10.15). 5 d following chemotherapy Folfirinox; Paclitaxel-
patients undergoing The participants’ diagnosis administration, in addition Trastuzumab;
chemotherapy include: breast cancer, colon to the routine antiemetic Carboplatin-
cancer, ovary cancer, lung treatment Paclitaxel and
cancer, rectum cancer, and Cyclophosphamide-
pancreas cancer Adriamycin
excluding cisplatin
7. Hosseini et al.24 To examine the effect Quasi 55 female patients with breast The patients were asked to Morrow assessment Mean score of Mind–body therapy
of guided imagery experimental cancer (stages I–III) in an listen to 2 audio-recorded of nausea and nausea and vomiting
on CINV in breast study Iranian hospital. guided imagery scripts, vomiting severity decrease
cancer patients The mean age of 57.5 years formatted as 2 separate after the intervention
(SD = 8.43) tracks on 2 CDs. Each track
was 10 min in length to elicit
imagery response.
The first track consisted of
soft, slow-tempo, mixed
nature sounds. The second
track of the intervention
included a pleasant scene
imagery script.
Antiemetic was consumed
Non-pharmacological management for CINV
Table 1. Continued.
No. Author(s) Aim Design Participants Intervention Measurement Results Category of non-
Maulidawati et al.
8. Aybar et al.25 To determine the Randomized 60 patients with breast cancer Trained patients with Visual Analog Scale The patients in the Mind–body therapy
effect of breathing controlled trial stages I–IV in an ambulatory breathing exercise 15–20 intervention group
exercise on nausea, chemotherapy unit in Turkey. patients. Patients then had less number of
vomiting, and The mean age of the patients were asked to do breathing nausea, vomiting,
functional status in the intervention group was exercise at least 5 min in case and retching
in breast cancer 43.03 (SD = 7.07) in the of sensation of nausea and episodes after the
patients undergoing control group: 51.43 (SD = vomiting, for 6 d breathing exercise
chemotherapy 9.46). With antiemetic (P < 0.05) and
experienced lower
severity of nausea
(P < 0.05) compared
with patients in the
control group
9. Li et al.26 To compare the Randomized 134 participants from 4 Participants in both groups The primary Compared with Energy therapy
effectiveness of true controlled trial hospitals in China. received acupuncture session outcome was the SA group, the
acupuncture vs. The mean age of the patients twice (30 min) on the first day using the CTCAE TA group did not
sham acupuncture in the intervention group was of chemotherapy, and once to assess CINV show significant
in controlling CINV 60, median 56.84–60.48), consecutively on the following improvement in
among patients with and in the control group: 58 4 d. (total 5 d) complete response
advanced cancer median 54.99–60.04 Patients in the study were rates of CINV (all
The participants’ diagnosis randomized in a 1:1 ratio into P > 0.05). However,
include: breast cancer, ovary a TA or SA group receiving the True acupuncture
cancer, cervical cancer, the following acupuncture group could
endometrial cancer and lung treatment modestly reduce the
cancer (stages I–IV) severity of nausea
The patients received cisplatin, (from day 3 to day-
anthracycline, or taxane-based 21, P < 0.05) or
chemotherapy regimens vomiting (from day-4
to day-21, P < 0.05),
which is notably
superior to the
control group
10. Akhu-Zaheya et al.27 To assess the clinical Experiment In a cancer center in Jordan Hologram bracelet worn The Functioning The mean total Energy therapy
effectiveness of the double 175 oncology patients were for 5 d Living Index Emesis Functioning Living
hologram bracelet in blinded randomly assigned to 3 was used to Index Emesis score
the management of groups: placebo examine the impact was significantly
CINV among adult (n = 53), control (n = 54), of CINV lower in the
patients with cancer and intervention (hologram intervention group
bracelet) (n = 68). for total vomiting and
The mean age was 42.3 (SD = total nausea
14) years, and ranged from 18
years to 75 years.
Types of cancer: Breast
cancer, Hematology,
Gastrointestinal, Respiratory,
Genitourinary, Gynecology and
Head and neck Bone.
Non-pharmacological management for CINV
Biologically based
Note: CINV, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting; DVD, digital video disc; VAS, Visual Analog Scale; CDs, compact discs; SA, sham acupuncture; TA, true acupuncture; CTCAE, common terminology
The interventions in the included studies were
Category of non-
additional efficacy
cancer receiving
As an adjuvant
ginger had no
cancer receiving
To examine the
as an adjuvant
Li et al.28
Table 1.
aromatherapy administration.23
Maulidawati et al.
Non-pharmacological management for CINV
The review highlighted variations in the self-reports CINV may enable a more accurate estimate of the effec-
used to measure CINV of the included studies, which tiveness of interventions and allow comparisons across
can limit the comparison of studies. This also means studies. The findings from this study have important
that the same construct or domain may not have been implications for nursing practice. Integrating non-phar-
assessed.35 Most of the measures in the studies are macological interventions with standard antiemetics can
valid and reliable in practical clinical settings.36,37 How- improve CINV. This highlights the importance of facilitat-
ever, they are not recommended as primary measures ing and improving the use of non-pharmacological inter-
in research studies because of issues of validity and ventions in clinical settings.
reliability.38 Although there is no gold standard for CINV
assessment,35 the lack of recommendations may hinder
research. More rigorous study eligibility criteria related
6. Implication for nursing practice,
to CINV and a recommended shortlist of robust instru- policy, and research
ments or methods for assessing the severity, duration,
and effects of CINV will facilitate a better understanding This study highlights the importance of non-pharma-
of CINV.6 cological management for patients experiencing CINV.
A strength of this review is that scoping was con- This scoping review provides evidence from studies of
ducted according to a standard methodology. In addi- non-pharmacological interventions relevant to manage
tion, the search was comprehensive, and it included CINV that can be administered by either a general or
the non-pharmacological interventions for CINV and certified nurse. In practice, nurses spend more time with
their outcomes and the available CINV tool. Most of the patients and must be prepared with strategies to identify
papers describe the interventions in detail, which may and manage CINV. Updated information on non-phar-
inform the implementation of interventions in clinical macological interventions to complement standard anti-
practice. emetics treatment is critically needed to address CINV
However, there are limitations to the scoping review. and to provide quality nursing care.
We only searched and included the published litera- This review identified non-pharmacological inter-
ture in English for our review, which may have caused ventions which have proved, through clinical studies, to
missing relevant information from studies reported in be effective for managing CINV. Therefore, this scop-
languages other than English. The date and language ing review also makes a substantial contribution to the
limitations we set may have excluded some relevant development of a practical and evidence-based clinical
studies. In addition, we excluded qualitative studies so guide for nursing, with recommendations that can be
that awareness or perceptions of nurses in the area adapted to deliver quality nursing care. The development
of managing the symptoms with non-pharmacological of nursing policies should be based on evidence-based
interventions which may be more relevant for nursing practice to enable a more feasible framework to imple-
cannot be summarized in this review. ment non-pharmacological symptom m anagement, par-
ticularly CINV, for patients undergoing chemotherapy.
5. Conclusions
Most patients undergoing chemotherapy experience
Ethical approval
CINV. This review maps several types of non-pharma- Ethical issues are not involved in this paper.
cological interventions for CINV in people with different
cancers. The use of consistent CINV inclusion criteria
and a smaller selection of robust outcome measures
Conflict of interest
that assess the severity, duration, type, and effect of All contributing authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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