Biomimetics and Conservative Porcelain Veneer Techniques Guided by The Diagnostic Wax-Up, Diagnostic Matrix, and Diagnostic Provisional

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Clinical Science

Phelan and Heindl

Biomimetics and Conservative Porcelain Veneer

Techniques Guided by the Diagnostic Wax-Up,
Diagnostic Matrix, and Diagnostic Provisional

byStephen Phelan, D.D.S.

Harald Heindl, M.D.T.
Stephen Phelan (left) is a 1992 graduate Abstract
of the University of Toronto, Faculty of
The use of porcelain veneers for a conservative esthetic reha-
Dentistry. He trained with Drs. John
bilitation can lead to improvement in the biomechanical and
Kois, Frank Spear, Peter Dawson, Jimmy
esthetic properties of the tooth when the preparation is limit-
Eubank, Jeff Morley, Bill Strupp, Buddy
Mopper, and Newton Fahl. An Accredited ed mostly to dental enamel. This article presents a predictable
Member of the AACD, he is also a system to create the tooth preparations and porcelain veneer
member of the Canadian Dental restorations based on the additive diagnostic wax-up. This sys-
Association. Dr. Phelan has written in tem promotes a minimally invasive tooth preparation with the
the Canadian Dental Association preservation of enamel and the fabrication of conservative and
Journal and the AACD Journal. His highly esthetic porcelain restorations.
private practice, limited to esthetic,
restorative, and implant dentistry, is in
Oakville, Ontario. He can be reached at Following the principles of biomimetics as applied to
[email protected]. dentistry, the clinician should strive to restore or mimic the
biomechanical, structural, and esthetic integrity of the tooth.
Mr. Heindl (right) began his career as a
ceramist in Germany in 1980. He
earned his M.D.T. in 1991 from the
Masterschool for Dental Technology in Introduction
Munich. In 1997, he founded Aesthetic
Biomimetics is the study of the structure and function of bi-
Dental Creations in Mill Creek,
ological systems as models for the design and engineering of
Washington, focusing on bondable
porcelain restorations, implantology, and materials. Following the principles of biomimetics as applied
complex full-mouth rehabilitations. Mr. to dentistry, the clinician should strive to restore or mimic the
Heindl is an affiliate faculty member in biomechanical, structural, and esthetic integrity of the tooth.1
the graduate prosthodontic program at When the patient and clinician’s treatment of choice is a conser-
the University of Washington. His work vative esthetic rehabilitation with porcelain veneers, it is para-
has appeared in PPAD, Quintessence mount to be respectful of the existing tooth structure, especially
of Dental Technology, and Dental the dental enamel. The use of porcelain as an enamel substitute
Dialogue. He can be reached at is an excellent application of the biomimetic principle due to
[email protected] or haraldheindl@

80 The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry • Fall 2006 Volume 22 • Number 3
Clinical Science Phelan and Heindl

Figure 1: Initial presentation of the patient with Figure 2: Incisors after completion of orthodontic
orthodontic therapy. Note the reverse smile line and therapy. Note the poor length-to-width ratio of the
short central incisors. central incisors.

the similar elastic modulus, thermal tooth preparation to the desired fi- amount of tooth wear, with the cen-
expansion, and optical properties of nal outcome, as represented by the tral incisors displaying a length of
the two structures.1 When the origi- additive diagnostic wax-up. A variety 7.8 mm and a width of 7.1 mm (Fig
nal tooth has a thinned-out or worn of putty stents have been developed 2). The patient also had a reverse
enamel surface and is restored to that aid the clinician in relating the smile line and diastema between the
original volume with porcelain as diagnostic wax-up to the tooth prep- maxillary central and lateral incisors.
an enamel substitute, studies have arations; this technique has proven The occlusal examination revealed
found that the tooth recovers much very predictable in creating a more no temporomandibular disorder,
of its original structural, optical, and conservative porcelain veneer prepa- muscle pain, or tooth mobility, but
biomechanical properties.1 Numer- ration. This article demonstrates a the patient had a number of poste-
ous retrospective studies that look simplified technique to relate the rior centric relation (CR) interfer-
at porcelain veneer longevity have diagnostic wax-up to the tooth prep- ences and group function guidance.
also found that the veneer will have arations in an efficient and reliable The treatment plan, following the
more predictable long-term success manner. This approach also allows completion of orthodontic therapy,
if the restoration is bonded primar- the patient to preview the case be- called for initial muscle deprogram-
ily to enamel.2,3 This is especially fore any tooth preparation and an- ming and equilibration with the aid
true at the facial-axial region of the esthesia begins. of a Kois deprogrammer. This would
tooth preparation, and care should be followed by 10 feldspathic por-
be taken not to remove excessive celain veneers on the maxillary arch
The additive diagnostic wax-up is
enamel at this critical region.4 to lengthen the teeth, reestablish
a critical step in the biomimetic
The traditional approach for por- cuspid guidance, and create a more
approach to preservation of
celain veneer preparation was to use enamel, and the clinician must be pleasing smile.
a depth-cutting diamond on the able to accurately relate this wax- The diagnostic wax-up was com-
existing tooth surface and remove up to the final tooth preparations. pleted after the initial equilibration
a fixed amount of tooth structure. on a new set of study models that
This technique leads to an exces- were mounted in the CR position
sive loss of sound dental enamel on a Sam 3 articulator (Great Lakes
with unnecessary dentin exposure, Case Presentation Orthodontics; Tonawanda, NY).
especially in patients that already The patient, a 39-year-old male, The wax-up was completed using
have wear or thinning of the enamel presented prior to the completion of an additive technique that was de-
surface that will be restored with orthodontic therapy with the desire signed to preserve the existing intact
the new veneers.5 This preparation to enhance his smile with porcelain enamel and add wax to build up the
method has been replaced by newer veneers (Fig 1). The initial assess- new tooth form that would then be
techniques that attempt to relate the ments revealed a moderate to severe replaced with porcelain (Fig 3). The

Volume 22 • Number 3 Fall 2006 • The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 81
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Figure 3: Duplicate die-stone model of the diagnostic Figure 4: The diagnostic matrix, spot-bonded into
wax-up. Note the improved length and proportions of place. Note the correction of the reverse smile line.
the central incisors.

Figure 5: Depth cut being placed in the cervical third Figure 6: Depth cuts marked with a lead pencil for
of the diagnostic matrix. Note that the shank of the easy identification. The diagnostic matrix and a
diamond is resting directly on the matrix material to small volume of enamel can now be accurately and
ensure that the depth cut is accurate. efficiently removed to the ideal preparation depth.

Figure 7: Rapid reduction to the level of the depth Figure 8: Inspection of the initial veneer preparation
cuts is facilitated by larger round-end diamonds. depth with the horizontal putty matrix created from
the diagnostic wax-up.

82 The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry • Fall 2006 Volume 22 • Number 3
Clinical Science Phelan and Heindl

Figure 9: Inspection of the final axial reduction with Figure 10: Final conservative veneer preparations with
the vertical putty matrix created from the the retraction cord in place.
diagnostic wax-up.

additive diagnostic wax-up is a criti- mented with the diagnostic matrix 0.5 mm in the cervical and 0.7 to 0.9
cal step in the biomimetic approach to produce better overall tooth form mm in the middle third.8 In order to
to preservation of enamel, and the and contour. The patient was happy achieve the actual depth cut, the cli-
clinician must be able to accurately with the new esthetic result and the nician needs to ensure that the shank
relate this wax-up to the final tooth new incisal edge position, so the lo- of the diamond is resting directly
preparations.6 A number of putty cal anesthetic was administered and on the resin matrix and not angled
stents have been used to effect this depth cuts were placed in the incisal into the matrix, which would create
but their use can be very time-con- and the cervical third of the matrix. a deeper depth cut than desired (Fig
suming during the initial stages of If the patient is unsure about the 5). Once the depth cuts are created,
the tooth preparation procedures. esthetic or phonetic changes made they are marked with pencil for easy
The technique advocated by Magne with the diagnostic matrix, it can be identification (Fig 6). Any remain-
and Gurel uses a diagnostic resin altered immediately or left in place ing resin material and the minimal
matrix created from the diagnostic for a week or two and reevaluated. necessary surface enamel are effi-
wax-up to preview the case prior ciently and quickly removed (Fig 7)
to tooth preparation.5,7 After the with larger round-ended diamonds
Considerable knowledge,
patient approves the results of this such as the KS2 (Axis Dental). This
understanding, and artistic skill
mock-up, the resin matrix can be system of placing depth cuts into a
in porcelain layering techniques
used as the platform to create depth are prerequisites for creating the resin matrix allows for the preser-
cuts to guide the initial preparation ceramic veneer restorations. vation of the maximum volume of
dimensions.5,7 healthy enamel and the creation of
In this case, a Copyplast (Great an even thickness for the ceramic;
In order to preserve the maxi- this leads to less potential for post-
Lakes Orthodontics) stent was creat-
mum amount of intact enamel, the bonding crack development in the
ed from a duplicate die stone model
incisal depth cut measured 0.7 mm porcelain veneer restoration.9 The
of the diagnostic wax-up using a
and the cervical depth cut 0.4 mm. preparations are then completed
Biostar vacuum-forming machine
The depth cuts were created with an and checked with vertical and pala-
(Great Lakes Orthodontics). The pa-
801-023SC (0.7-mm depth cut) and tal putty stents created from the di-
tient was not given local anesthesia
an 801-018SC (0.4-mm depth cut) agnostic wax-up (Figs 8–10).
prior to the mock-up creation, to al-
round diamond (Axis Dental; Cop-
low for an accurate assessment of the The provisional restoration was
pell, TX). A study by Ferrari and col-
new incisal edge position for esthet- created on a duplicate Copyplast
leagues, which looked at the thick-
ics and phonetics (Fig 4). The teeth stent using an A1 shade of Protemp3
ness of dental enamel in maxillary
were lengthened by 1.5 to 2.5 mm Garant (3M ESPE; St. Paul, MN) and
anterior teeth, found that the enam-
and missing facial enamel was aug- removed to adjust and trim. Particu-
el thickness is approximately 0.3 to

Volume 22 • Number 3 Fall 2006 • The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 83
Clinical Science Phelan and Heindl

Figure 11: Diagnostic provisional restorations three Figure 12: Lateral view of the diagnostic provisional
days after tooth preparations. Note the correction of restorations. Note the three planes to the facial
the reverse smile and the tooth proportions. surface of the central incisors.

Figure 13: Incisal matrix generated by the model Figure 14: Refractory dies with marked preparations
of the diagnostic provisional restoration, to ensure against incisal matrix.
proper incisal edge position and length during the
ceramic build-up.

lar attention was given to the embra- with the Kois Dento-Facial Analyz- The refractory die technique offers
sure form, especially in the cervical, er (Panadent; Grand Terrace, CA). significant advantages over pressed
so that a small space was created for The upper provisional model was veneers. Extremely sophisticated ef-
the tissue and papilla to rebound mounted on the Sam 3 articulator, fects of color and translucency can
after the preparation, retraction, the remaining models were cross- be achieved through a full-thickness
and impression procedures. The mounted to the upper provisional layering technique, resulting in high-
provisional was spot-etched with a model, and the case was sent to the ly esthetic and vital restorations.10
small amount of Ultra-Etch (Ultra- dental ceramist. Also, discolorations of underlying
dent; South Jordan, UT) phosphoric tooth substrate can be effectively
acid solution in the incisal third masked with ultra-thin opacious
Laboratory Procedures
of the preparation, and luted into layers without compromising the
The porcelain layering technique
place with Neo-Temp resin cement esthetics. Considerable knowledge,
presented here is specially designed
(WaterPik Technologies; Ft. Collins, understanding, and artistic skills in
for the use of fluorapatite leucite
CO). The provisional restorations porcelain layering techniques are
glass-ceramic material (d.SIGN, Ivo-
were evaluated a few days after the prerequisites for creating the ceramic
clar Vivadent; Amherst, NY) for di-
preparation appointment (Figs 11 & veneer restorations discussed here.
rect application on refractory dies.
12) and a new facebow was created

84 The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry • Fall 2006 Volume 22 • Number 3
Clinical Science Phelan and Heindl

Figure 15: Deep dentin layer to smooth the transition Figure 16: Dentin build-up carried out with three
between the incisal edge of the preparation and the different types of dentins to enhance vitality.
incisal porcelain.

Figure 17: Enamel covering with a combination of Figure 18: First dentin enamel bake, indicating
translucent and opalescent powders to mimic proper incisal edge position and length.
natural enamel.

After the refractory dies have been is to be rebuilt, it is advisable to  the palatal aspect of the unprepared
degassed, margin material is applied carry out a separate vacuum bake be- tooth surfaces. Subsequently, the ve-
in a thin layer up to the margins and fore starting with the dentin/enamel neers were built up to full contour
fired. This layer provides a secure layering. with dentin layers of different values
bond between the refractory die It is extremely important to main- and degrees of translucency (Fig 16).
and the subsequent porcelain layers tain control during all stages of the For instance, a dentin layer blended
(Fig 13). The porcelain stratification porcelain stratification by using the with a chroma-intensive enamel
begins with deep dentin, placed on matrices generated from the cast of layer was used on the cervical area,
the facial aspect of the prepared ve- the diagnostic provisional restora- thus creating a pleasing chromatic
neer and also interproximally and tion (Fig 15). The incisal matrix is effect on the cervical area of the ve-
incisally (Fig 14). This dentin layer, very useful during the build-up by neer restorations. The incisal matrix
with slightly more opacity, prevents raising the incisal guide pin around was used to establish proper incisal
excessive light absorption and also 1 mm before porcelain firing. A length and edge position prior to
helps to smooth the transition from palatal matrix, however, is more re- cutback, for internal characteriza-
incisal edge of the prepared tooth to liable for designing the incisal edge tions and the enamel covering.
the porcelain. In cases where more and incisal embrasures since the In contrast to other ceramic ma-
than 3 mm of the incisal length precise fit can easily be ensured on terials, the dentin of the d.SIGN

86 The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry • Fall 2006 Volume 22 • Number 3
Clinical Science Phelan and Heindl

Figure 19: Coating of the entire surface with silver Figure 20: Definitive porcelain veneer restorations on
powder for better assessment of symmetry and surface the solid cast.
texture and morphology.

system is so translucent that it is helpful to coat the surface with sil- and the tooth preparations were
possible to apply internal effects ver powder for better assessment of pumiced and cleaned. The restora-
and characterizations directly onto contours and surface morphology of tions were tried in individually to
the reduced dentin body.11 The den- the restorations (Fig 19). inspect the fit and then were tried in
tin lobes were enhanced slightly by A combination of thermo-glaz- collectively to evaluate the contact
using ivory and cream-colored in- ing and mechanical polishing was areas. The veneers were then tried in
tensives and feathered out toward utilized to mimic the desired natural with Prevue try-in gel (Cosmedent;
the incisal edge with a brush tip. surface luster of the patient’s natu- Chicago, IL), and the patient ap-
No stains should be used for this ral dentition. The solid cast allows proved the esthetics of the case. The
purpose (they have the tendency a proper assessment of the gingival veneers were then luted into place
to appear as a single layer and not contours and the closure of the gin- two at a time using the standard
three-dimensional like the intensive gival embrasures of the restorations bonding protocol with OptiBond FL
powders with defined volume as (Fig 20). At this stage, small correc- adhesive (Kerr; Orange, CA) and In-
used for this case). For the enamel tions can be made only with low-fus- sure resin cement (Cosmedent). The
covering the entire facial surface, ing material. The interproximal con- veneers were polished and the occlu-
a combination of translucent and tacts were made shim stock-ready sion was checked and adjusted using
opalescent powders are overlayed before delivery to the clinician red and black AccuFilm articulating
specially to simulate shaded enamel paper (Parkell; Edgewood, NY) and
(Fig 17). the T-Scan II system (Tekscan Inc.;
The system requires the ceramist Boston, MA).
At this stage the volume of the
to fabricate the porcelain veneer
build-up should be slightly high, es-
restorations with a homogeneous
pecially toward the incisal, in order thickness of ceramic that has a Conclusion
to compensate for the anticipated favorable configuration to the The ultimate goals for an esthetic
baking shrinkage. After the first den- luting composite thickness. rehabilitation are the biomimetic
tin/enamel bake, the incisal edge
recovery of the tooth, as well as the
should fit into the matrix with the
esthetic enhancement of the smile.
incisal guide pin at the 0 position
These goals can be achieved by fol-
(Fig 18). A subsequent correction Adhesive Luting and lowing a minimally invasive prepara-
bake is necessary to optimize form Finishing of the Case tion protocol guided by the additive
and contours. The case was received from the diagnostic wax-up, diagnostic ma-
Final contouring and surface tex- ceramist and inspected on the solid trix, and the diagnostic provisional.
turing were carried out using various and die models (Fig 20). The pro- With this system, the clinician has
diamond burs and green stones. It is visional restorations were removed the ability to limit the majority of

Volume 22 • Number 3 Fall 2006 • The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 87
Clinical Science Phelan and Heindl

Figure 21: Final esthetic and biomimetic Figure 22: Macro view of the final layered feldspathic
rehabilitation for the patient with conservative bonded porcelain restorations. Note the improved
porcelain veneers. Note the correction of the length and proportions of the central incisors.
reverse smile line.

the veneer preparation to enamel 4. Magne P, Douglas WH. Porcelain veneers:

Dentin bonding optimization and biomi-
and minimize the potential for sig-
metic recovery of the crown. Int J Prostho-
nificant dentin exposures. It should dont 12(2):111-121, 1999.
also be stressed that the system re- 5. Magne P, Belser UC. Novel porcelain lami-
quires the ceramist to fabricate the nate preparation approach driven by a
porcelain veneer restorations with a diagnostic mock-up. J Esthet Rest Dent
16(1):7-16, 2004.
Keep In Touch
homogeneous thickness of ceramic
6. Magne P, Douglas WH. Additive contour of
We want to keep you
that has a favorable configuration porcelain veneers: A key element in enam- informed!
to the luting composite thickness. el preservation, adhesion, and esthetics for
The potential for crack propagation aging dentition. J Adhes Dent 1(1):81-92, If you recently moved, please
within the porcelain restorations
1999. send us your new contact
may be significantly reduced with a
7. Gurel G. The Science and Art of Porcelain information so we can ensure
Laminate Veneers. Hanover Park, IL: Quin- prompt communication
ceramic-to-luting composite thick- tessence Pub.; 2003; 242-288.
ness ratio above 3.9 The dentist can about AACD activities and
8. Ferrari M, Patroni S, Balleri P. Measurement
also facilitate the ceramist’s work by of enamel thickness in relation to reduc- offerings. You can submit
providing an excellent final impres- tion for etched laminate veneers. Int J Peri- your contact information to
odont Rest Dent 12(5):407-413, 1992. [email protected].
sion and smooth preparations with
9. Magne P, Kwon KR, Belser UC, Hodges JS,
rounded contours and the absence Douglas WH. Crack propensity of porce-
of any undercuts.9 lain laminate veneers: A simulated opera-
tory evaluation. J Prosthet Dent 81(3): 327-
References 334, 1999.
1. Magne P, Douglas WH. Rationalization of 10. Magne P, Belser U. Bonded Porcelain
esthetic restorative dentistry based on bio- Restorations in the Anterior Dentition.
mimetics. J Esthet Dent 11(1):5-15, 1999. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub; 2002;
2. Fradeani M, Redemagni M, Corrado M.
Porcelain laminate veneers: 6- to 12-year 11. Morr T, Heindl H. A systematic approach
clinical evaluation—A retrospective study. to predictable esthetics using porcelain
Int J Perio Rest Dent 25(1):9-17, 2005. veneers. Quint Dent Tech 27:43-57, 2004.
3.Friedman MJ. A 15-year review of porce-
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tions. Compendium of Cont Ed 19:625-636, v

88 The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry • Fall 2006 Volume 22 • Number 3

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