Code-of-Conduct For Construction Industry
Code-of-Conduct For Construction Industry
Code-of-Conduct For Construction Industry
The Code is for internal compliances and does not create, nor
shall it be construed to create, directly or implicitly, any rights,
duties or obligations of the Company to any person, body or
legal entity.
GENERAL CODE OF • To carry out their duties in an honest, fair, diligent and
CONDUCT FOR ALL ethical manner, within the scope of the authority conferred
GROUP ENTITIES upon them and in accordance with the applicable laws,
rules, regulations, agreements, guidelines, standards and
internal policies and procedures.
available to them in the course of their duties.
COMPLIANCE OF LAW The Company is committed to comply with all the applicable
laws and regulations. All of the Associates are expected to
uphold the standards laid down in the Code and applicable
laws and regulations.
DRESS CODE Since each of us is a representative of the Company, we must
pay attention to personal grooming and adhere to the
recommended dress code wherever applicable. All Associates
are expected to dress neatly and in a manner consistent with
the nature of work performed.
ENGAGING WITH Our Value Chain Partners must be confident that they will be
VALUE CHAIN treated lawfully and in an ethical manner. At the same time, we
PARTNERS encourage them to comply with the policies adopted by IRB.
While engaging with our suppliers we recognize that we need to
manage our expenditure on procurement with social, ethical
and environmental perspectives in mind by ensuring that our
suppliers meet our standards of responsible behavior.
Wherever any serious ethical issues are identified, the Partner
will be excluded from doing business with us. Our procurement
process will ensure that we take all possible steps to ensure our
Partners do not unnecessarily impact the environment in the
way they produce, consume and dispose materials. For details
please refer Third Party Policy adopted by IRB.
FREE AND FAIR The Company is committed to free & fair competition in the
COMPETITION marketplace. Associates should avoid actions that would be
(COMPETITION/ contrary to laws governing competitive practices in the
ANTI-TRUST marketplace including The Competition Act, 2002 or other
LAWS) relevant anti-trust laws applicable in the countries where we
operate. Such actions include misappropriation and/or misuse
of competitor’s confidential information or engaging into
agreement with competitors and common suppliers. The Group
and its Associates shall under no circumstances engage in any
anti-competitive practices in violation of applicable competition
BRAND USE From time to time you are entrusted with confidential
& PROTECTING information by the Company with the expectation that you fully
CONFIDENTIAL understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality of such
INFORMATION information. This information is the Company’s valuable asset.
• To obtain pre-clearance before certain transactions of
shares. For further details, please consult the Company
Secretary department in this regard.
ACCOUNTING The Company is required to give a true and fair picture of its
PRACTICES assets and liabilities and profit/loss in all the published financial
statements. This is a very strict obligation towards stakeholders
and potential investors. Therefore, the Company is responsible
to fully and accurately record all the transactions in the
Company’s books and records in compliance with all applicable
laws. All required information shall be accessible to the
Company’s auditors and other authorized persons and
government agencies.
starting it and take all preventive measures for risk
ESG NORMS IRB and its group entities recognise the significant financial and
economic impacts of environmental, social and governance
(ESG) risks and are committed to ensuring that our actions are
guided by the goal of playing a constructive role in society and
ensuring, as a part of our strategic plan, long term value
creation for all stakeholders by prioritizing sustainability in all its
business operations which will lead to a resilient and
sustainable economy.
personal custody or pass-on to other persons or competitors
the confidential information pertaining to such inventions made
during the period of employment or thereafter. For your
personal gain/benefit, you will not deprive the Company of any
existing or potential business opportunity.
WHISTLE BLOWER If Associates have any concern related to the following, they
CASES should promptly report it to relevant email id.
Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest may arise when an Employee’s personal
interests or those of their family intersect with their
responsibilities at a Group Entity. All measures must be taken
to avoid situations where a conflict exists or that give the
impression that a conflict could exist.
Anti-Trust Each Group Entity shall comply with all anti-trust laws in the
jurisdictions in which it carries out its operations. All Employees
engaged to act on behalf of the Group Entity, must comply with
all anti-trust laws. The Group Entity will not condone any
conduct which results in or could reasonably be expected to
result in anti-trust charges being brought against the Group
the anti-trust law to a particular circumstance should consult the
Compliance Officer.
Corporate While preparing or engaging in any form of corporate
Communication communication, Employees should ensure that the following
are strictly avoided:
PROTECTION & USE OF Associates have a duty to protect the assets of the Group and
COMPANY’S ASSETS use them for only legitimate purposes. Any kind of theft,
carelessness and waste have a direct impact on the
profitability of the Group. The funds of the group shall not be
used for any unlawful or illegal purposes.
To ensure that the assets of the Group are properly used and
protected, Associates should inter alia do the following:
microfiche, microfilm or any other medium is the property of the
Company. All the records are statutorily required to be properly
preserved and maintained. Loss or misappropriation of records
is a serious matter and is subject to strict disciplinary action.
DISCIPLINARY All matters covered under this Code and all others which are
ACTIONS important to uphold the spirit of this Code are of paramount
importance to the Company, its stakeholders and its business
partners, and are essential to the Company’s ability to conduct
business in accordance with its stated values. The Company
will ensure prompt and consistent action against violation of
this Code.
Hyper-links for other Please visit or Intra-net for copy of the Policies
Policies adopted by the adopted by the Company.
Review and Amendment • This Policy shall be reviewed as and when required to
ensure that it meets the objectives of the applicable laws
and remains effective. This Policy may be amended from
time to time by the Company’s board of directors.