Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier
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Biography of Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier,
a Swiss Urbanist &
Earlly Life
Controversies & 07
Death 08
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Biography of Le Corbusier
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Biography of Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier attended a kindergarten that used Frobelian methods. Le Corbusier left primary
school at the age of 13 to learn the enameling and engraving of watch faces, his father’s trade, at
the École des Arts Décoratifs at La Chaux-de-Fonds. There,
Charles L’Eplattenier, whom Le Corbusier later called his only
teacher, taught him art history, drawing, and the naturalist
aesthetics of Art Nouveau. Naturally, he opted for art over
watchmaking, with the intention of becoming a painter. His teacher
also insisted that he study architecture.
Three years later Le Corbusier attended the higher course of
decoration, founded by the painter Charles L’Eplattenier, who had
studied in Budapest and Paris. L’Eplattenier decided that Le Still Life Art by Le
Corbusier should complete three years of studies, become an Corbusier
architect and gave him his first practice on local projects. Le
Corbusier wrote later that L’Eplattenier had made him “a man of the woods” and taught him
painting from nature.
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Biography of Le Corbusier
Travels (1905-1917):
Le Corbusier undertook a series of trips which played a decisive role in the education for being a
self-taught architect. He made three major architectural discoveries during these years of travel
through central Europe and the Mediterranean. The Charterhouse of Ema at Galluzzo, in Tuscany,
provided a contrast between vast collective spaces and “individual living cells” that formed the
basis for his conception of residential buildings. In 1910, he met Walter Gropius and Mies Van
der Rohe, other two pioneers of modern architecture.
When he returned to La Chaux-de-Fonds, he built a house for his parents and got his certificate of
competency for teaching art in 1913. He moved to Paris and opened his first architecture studio,
in 1917. During the following years, he dedicated a lot of time to painting. He met Picasso and
other influential artists of the time.
Personal Life
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Biography of Le Corbusier
[Famous declarations: “A house is a machine for living in” and “A curved street is a donkey
track, a straight street, a road for men”]
Famous Books: Urbanisme (1925; The City of Tomorrow, 1929), Quand Les cathédrales
étaient blanches (1937; When the Cathedrals Were White, 1947), La Charte d’Athènes (1943),
Propos d’urbanisme (1946), Les Trois
Établissements humains (1945), and Le Modular I
(1948; The Modular, 1954) etc. He expanded his
ideas on urbanism and brought out a book titled, ‘La
Ville radieuse’, in 1935 and published his book
Architecture of the Machine Age in 1936.
In 1945-1948, he worked on his system of
proportion, the Modulor. This system provided a
reference for better adapting architecture to the human dimensions.
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Biography of Le Corbusier
Major Works:
The gifted designer built ‘Villa Savoye’ in the French capital
Paris, between 1929 and 1931. This work of art is the best
example to elucidate his famed five points of architecture.
The Open Hand Monument that he designed to signify peace can
be found in Chandigarh, India. It is the largest one that he
constructed and is 28 m high.
He also constructed Villa Jeanneret in Paris, where the Fondation
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Biography of Le Corbusier
Place Le Corbusier, Paris, near the site of his atelier on the Rue de Sèvres.
Le Corbusier Boulevard, Laval, Quebec, Canada.
Place Le Corbusier in his hometown of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.
Le Corbusier Street in Le Village Parisien of Brossard, Quebec, Canada.
Le Corbusier Museum, Sector- 19 Chandigarh, India.
Le Corbusier Museum in Stuttgart am Weissenhof.
Le Corbusier Promenade, a promenade along the water at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.
Le Corbusier Street in the partido of Malvinas Argentinas, Buenos Aires Province,
Le Corbusier died when he went for a swim in the Mediterranean Sea against the advice of his
doctor on 27th August 1965. It was
assumed that he may have suffered a
heart attack. His funeral took place in
the courtyard of the Louvre Palace on
1st September 1965, under the direction
of writer and thinker André Malraux,
who was at the time France’s Minister
of Culture. He was buried alongside his
wife in the grave he had designated at
Roquebrune. His grave is in the
cemetery above Roquebrune-Cap-
Martin, between Menton and Monaco in
southern France.
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Biography of Le Corbusier
1. Françoise Choay. (2020, October 2). Le Corbusier. Britannica. Retrieved
October,6,2020, from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Le-Corbusier/The-
2. Editors, TheFamousPeople.com. (n.d.). Le Corbusier Biography. The Famous
People. Retrieved October,6,2020, from
3. Biography.com Editors. (2020, July 1). Le Corbusier Biography. The
Biography.com. Retrieved October,5,2020, from
4. FONDATION LE CORBUSIER. (n.d.). Biography. ADAGP – FLC. Retrieved
October,6,2020, from
5. Archdaily. (n.d.). Le Corbusier. Retrieved October,6,2020, from
6. Study.com. (n.d.). Le Corbusier: Biography & Quotes. Retrieved October,6,2020,
from https://study.com/academy/lesson/le-corbusier-biography-quotes.html
7. Editors, The Art Story. (n.d.). Le Corbusier - Biography and Legacy. The Art
Story. Retrieved October,6,2020, from https://www.theartstory.org/artist/le-
8. Author of CENGAGE. (2020, October 17). Le Corbusier. Encyclopedia. Retrieved
October,6,2020, from https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/literature-and-
9. AADSTTT. (2019, August 31). Le Corbusier Documentary - The century of Le
Corbusier COMPLETE!
10. ArchAnime. (2019, March 3). Modern Architecture - Le Corbusier (1/4)
11. SWI swissinfo.ch – English. (2012, October 9).Le Corbusier: why he is adored
and detested [Video].Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A07NnUu6x0
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