2022 12 4 Edited Catherine Malubay

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Digital media as of the moment has been utilized as an

alternative means of conducting classes under online

modality. Due to the devastating impact of COVID-19,

educational procedures switched to flexible learning and

plenty of students have opted for the online modality as a

tool for their learning. Most of the students were obliged

to adopt this kind of learning as it is mandated by the

authorities. Online learning means utilizing the

advancement of digital media which refers to any forms of

broadcast media including texts, videos, audio, graphics,

and many more that are transmitted over the internet. The

Department of Education (DepEd) warns that “social media is

the easiest medium of communication, to deliver information

in this digital age using the latest on-hand technologies.

However, it opens one’s identity to the world wide web,

making young learners exposed to different cyber threats.”

(Papa, 2020).

Since the first report of Coronavirus Disease 2019

(COVID-19) in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, COVID-19 has

rapidly spread worldwide (Zhu et al., 2020). World Health


Organization (WHO) declared a public health emergency of

international concern on January 30, 2020, and named the

disease COVID-19 on February 11, 2020. On March 11, 2020,

the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic (Singhal,

2020; World Health Organization, 2020)

Due to the respiratory illness caused by COVID-19,

many countries suspended all types of face-to-face

activities, especially all activities in school. The COVID-

19 pandemic has forced many changes mostly in the life

domains, to meet the repercussions of the pandemic control

measures, and the education sector was no exception. In

many countries, colleges, secondary schools, and elementary

schools have adopted the strategy of online learning during

the pandemic. As a result, teachers and students needed to

quickly alter their teaching methods, regardless of whether

they were experienced and prepared for online education.

Due to the pandemic, the usual term appeared in the

academic domain which is emergency remote education.


This study presents a review of related literature

used in the study. The review of related literature has a

goal of information concerned with the research problem.

COVID-19 towards education

There is a high transmittal and pathogenic viral

infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome which

emerged in Wuhan, China and spread around the world called

Coronavirus disease 19, also known as COVID-19, (Adnan et

al., 2020). The Corona Virus Disease 2019 outbreak in

December 2019 in Wuhan City in China has spread across the

globe, having hundreds of thousands of infected individuals

and 3,000 deaths reported on 7 March 2020 in 93 countries

(Goh, Kalimuddin Chan, 2020). The CoViD-19 Pandemic and

lockdown have been implemented which brought great fear and

anxiety around the globe.

Children and adolescents began to have psychological

and mental health implications which this phenomenon has

led them to from short-term to long-term effects. Their

vulnerability factors have impacted the minors like

development age, educational status, pre-existing mental

health conditions being economically underprivileged or


being quarantined due to infection or fear of infection.

(Signh, Roy, Sinha, Parveen, Sharma and Josh, 2020). The

CoViD-19 crisis has forced the countries to close schools

which impacted the children’s lives and modular learning.

The authors found that the lockdown had a stronger negative

impact on Italian families, in terms of both, educational


Online learning and digital media amid the pandemic

According to Fillus et al. (2019), going entirely

online requires significant planning and investments from

all sectors. So, if the university has not had enough

resources including recording platforms both on campus and

at home to get the instructor to record and present the

work in a manner that can be accessed by students, then the

online plan ends right here (Yang & Li, 2018). Therefore,

before institutions decide to use online teaching in this

Coronavirus (Covid-19) era, they should evaluate this issue

very well, such as posting PowerPoint slides for students

to read does not constitute online teaching. (J. Demuyakor,

2020). This manifests that digital media could be a

hindrance to students’ pursuit of acquiring quality


Local Reviews of Online Learning

In the Philippines, all the students right from

kindergarten to doctorate level were asked to stay home and

continue with their learning activities online or modular.

This was after the Lunar New York break came to amend in

January. The pandemic affected more than 2 million learners

at the tertiary level in about 300 institutions. According

to (Bao,(2020)and UNESCO (2020), many of these institutions

have rushed and established online classes to try to fill

the void that is like to last for the rest of the academic

year in areas that are adversely affected. Not only had

Filipino students been affected by the pandemic but also

other students from other countries. Almost half-million

international students retreated to their countries and had

to log in from their homes to continue learning and to

access the necessary learning materials (Bao, 2020).

Meanwhile, other countries in the world are also seeking

online solutions for their millions of students as a result

of the travel ban from returning to the campus. Higher

learning institutions in other regions that were adversely

affected such as Italy, Iran, and Singapore were also

forced to stop learning and close their campuses and


switched to online learning instead of in-person teaching


Coping with Internet Connectivity Issues

Descriptive statistics revealed that the top three

barriers and challenges encountered by students were 1. The

difficulty of clarifying topics or discussions with the

professors, 2. The lack of study or working area for doing

online activities. It can be concluded that both students

and faculty members may have failed to adapt to the needs

of the students in an online learning environment. (Fabito,

et al, 2020).

The increased availability of Internet opportunities

will enable teachers and administrators to employ the

technology in many different ways, including record

keeping, communicating with parents, distance learning,

professional development, curriculum development, and as

classroom teaching tools. To realize such uses of

telecommunications, educators face a variety of challenges

in addition to acquiring linkages. Such challenges include

providing technical support for networks, hardware, and

software; ensuring teachers and administrators have the


time for and access to staff development for technology

integration; increasing the effective use of the Internet

to enhance student learning; and protecting students from

inappropriate material on the Internet. As schools install

additional Internet linkages, administrators will also be

working to obtain faster connections, have wider bandwidth,

and are more reliable than traditional mode.


Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework shows the research paradigm

to determine the academic performance of the learners under

an online modality. It shows the overall flow or concept map

of the entire study. To further discuss, the framework

includes the statement of the problem and its results.


In figure 1, the research paradigm showed the process

comprises the variables in this study which includes the

academic performance of the learners under the online

modality. The conceptual framework tends to describe the

respondent’s challenges, aspirations, and experiences during

online learning. It also deals with the solutions to the

challenges paused by the respondents.

Definition of Terms

To provide a further guide toward the meaning and

understanding of the study, the following terms were

technically and operationally defined:

Academic Performance- Academic performance/ achievement

is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution

has attained their short or long-term educational goals and

is measured either by continuous assessment or cumulative

grade point average (CGPA)

Bandwidth- Bandwidth is the data transfer capacity of a

computer network in bits per second (Bps). The term may also

be used colloquially to indicate a person's capacity for

tasks or deep thoughts at a point in time.


Digital Media- Digital media is any form of media that uses

electronic devices for distribution. This form of media can

be created, viewed, modified and distributed via electronic

devices. Digital media is commonly used software, video

games, videos, websites, social media, and online


COVID-19 Pandemic- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)is an

infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Coronavirus

that spreads primarily through droplets discharge from the

nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes (WHO, 2020).

Full Connectivity- Tsokomos defined the term as every bit

that interacts with every other one. In this study, it means

students who have complete tools for flexible learning such

as computers, laptops, smartphones and internet connection.

Health- Health is a state of complete physical, mental and

social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or

infirmity. (WHO,n.d.)

Learners- A learner is someone who is learning about a

particular subject or how to do something.

Learner-centered- Hannafin defined the term as circumstances

where the individual determines the learning goal, learning

goal, learning means, or both the learning goals and means.

In this study, it means that the learner or student is

responsible for learning while the teacher is responsible

for facilitating the learning.

Modular Approach- Modular approach is an emerging trend of

educational thinking that shifts traditional methods of

instruction to an outcome-based learning paradigm. In this

study, it means the educational method that is used during

this pandemic where blended learning, the use of ICT and/or

instructional modules, are used by the learners.

Online Modality- Online courses are traditionally defined as

those in which a hundred percent of the delivery takes place

in the online environment through asynchronous activities,

synchronous meetings, or a combination of both asynchronous

and synchronous methods.


Social Platform- As a web-based technology that enables the

development, deployment and management of social media

solutions and services. A feature of digital media that is

web-based or internet-based.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the academic performance

of the learners under online modality. Particularly, the

paper sought to find the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in

terms of their:

1.1. age; and

1.2. grade level?

2. How do the student respondents describe their

performance in their online classes?

3. How may the experience in online classes be described

by the respondents?

4. How may the challenges in online classes be described

by the respondents?

5. How may the aspirations of the respondents be


6. How do the respondents find solutions to their


Significance of the Study

The study aims to describe the live experiences of the

learners who were engaged in the online modality of

learning. With the results of the study, the following will

be benefited:

Government. With the results of the study, the

government will have a sound idea on deciding whether it is

appropriate to directly impose an alteration to the

educational procedure in this kind of uncertain

circumstances or not. It will enable the government to see

the factors needed to consider if online modality can be

used as an alternative to the traditional learning


HUMSS students. The results of this study may provide

necessary knowledge in the factors needed to use effectively

in their field of expertise. Since the world is now

transitioning or currently under the system of

digitalization, the learners of HUMSS students must adopt

the changes, and apply them in their work field. The power

of online modality through digital media in influencing


people could be a useful tool for appropriately applying the

knowledge to the students' learning process.

Students, parents, and instructors. This study tends to

give knowledge on how to handle circumstances through online

modality. The students will be able to use this study to

know the importance and difference between virtual, flexible

and face-to-face learning. This study will help them to

value time management, and the importance of being focused

on the academic activities given, despite the influence and

features of digital media. To the parents, it will help them

to assess and evaluate their roles to assist their children

in this new type of learning setup, which can be in any form

in terms of financial, teacher-like, or time keeper. Lastly,

the instructors, this study will help them see and

understand the diverse situation of the students' in their

class. The information gathered in this research will be

able to assess the instructors to their teaching strategies

and methodologies that can be effective and appropriate in a

digital media platform learning process.

Future researchers. Researchers who desire to study the

focus of this paper can consider the results of this study

beneficial particularly on data mining with regards to the

implementation of online mode of learning.


Scope and Delimitation

This research study entitled “Academic Performance of

the Learners under Online Modality” describes the academic

experiences of senior high students at Saint Andrew's School

a private school and Pantabangan National High School a

public school, located at Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija in the

new normal through the perceptions and lived experiences.

To attain the main aim of the study, the researchers

focused on the following research areas: the demographic

profile of the respondents, description and experience of

the respondents on online classes, their performance,

challenges, aspirations and solutions to challenges.

Through a qualitative method of research, the

researcher made use of questionnaires, interviews and focus

group discussions to gather the necessary data that suffice

the need of the established research questions.

The respondents of the study were the ninety (90) Grade

12 students of the above-mentioned selected schools who

accomplished the instruments of the study in accordance with

proper research ethics.


Since the research is qualitative, the respondents were

not limited by time to give the respondents ample time to

expound their answers and responses thus benefitting the

study’s findings even more.



The method of research to be used by the researcher in

carrying out the study is revealed in this chapter,

including the research design, study population, development

of the research instrument and establishing its validity and

disability and reliability, data collection procedures and

appropriate statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study sought to determine the lived experiences of

the students who are engaged with online learning modality.

The study employed a mixed-method design in this study,

which according to Fraenkel, et al. (2012) is a research

design that incorporates qualitative and quantitative

approaches. A qualitative-descriptive method was the design

that was used in the study. The qualitative design focuses

on words and the deeper understanding of a phenomenon or a

circumstance (Ibid.) while descriptive research is used to


describe a population or situation accurately. According to

McCombes, S. (2022), Descriptive research aims to accurately

and systematically describe a population, situation or


The study was made by the means of qualitative methods

of research. The researcher attempted to get the answer to

the aforementioned problem and to justify and satisfy the

objectives of the study, on the other hand, it also

attempted to know the difference effect on their lifestyle.

According to International Research (2021): qualitative

research is generally more explorative, a type of research

that is dependent on the collection of verbal, behavioral or

observational facts that can be interpreted in a subject


The study made use of Likert scale questionnaires to

understand the degree of perception of the respondents and

to determine their profile. This provided the descriptive

data that answered the research questions of this study.

On the qualitative aspect, interviews and focus group

discussions were utilized to deeply understand the

experience of the students as they engage themselves in

online learning.

Research Locale

The research was conducted at Saint Andrew’s School and

Pantabangan National High School. This location was chosen

to learn about the performance of learners using an online

modality. Students at Saint Andrew School were subjected to

this scheme. The effectiveness of the online mode during the

pandemic was tested in this study.



The respondents of the study were chosen from Saint

Andrew School and Pantabangan National High School, with a

total of sixty (60) students (30 from a private school and

30 from a public school). The researcher conducted a survey

and ask the respondents how they performed through online


The study made use of purposive sampling, which is a

non-probability sampling that is used in selecting

respondents that meet a specific criterion (Nikolopoulou,


Purposive sampling was used in the study to select

students from the private school Saint Andrew School, and

from a public school, of Pantabangan National High School.

The researcher tended to base the performance of the


learners on online learning. Purposive sampling was also

used to choose respondents in a group activity online, with

the help of instructors. The ability of the students was

determined by their performance during online learning

whether they came from private or public schools.

Materials and Instrument

The questionnaire, interview and focus group

discussions served as the primary tool for acquiring the

data needed for this study. The instruments concentrated on

the resolution of the enumerated problem statements in this


The questionnaire was composed of one hundred twenty-

five (125) questions that determine the profile of the

respondents and their online learning experience and

challenges. The researcher used a legend with their

respective range of scores to analyze the data to access


Procedure of the Study

The request letter was written and carried out by the

researcher. The researcher sought permission and approval

from Saint Andrew School and Pantabangan National High


School principals to conduct the study. The researcher was

permitted to conduct data collection activities among the

respondents and explained the purpose of the study. The

researcher administered the questionnaires and retrieved

them afterwards. The data collected were tallied, processed,

and analyzed.

Ethics in Research

First and foremost, ethical approval to conduct the

study was obtained at Saint Andrew School and Pantabangan

National High School. The permission to use and reproduce

the teaching online during the pandemic will be obtained

from Ma’am Janet A. Villa, the principal of Saint Andrew

School, and Ma’am Maribel S. Dizon, the principal of

Pantabangan National High School, to formally request

permission to use and reproduce the research instrument.

After receiving the permission to conduct a survey,

the respondents were given consent forms to review and sign

if they agree or disagree to answer the survey

questionnaire's terms and conditions. They were given a

chance to have the option of refusing to answer the survey


Data collection is strictly confidential, and the

respondents were assured that their information will not be


The responses of the respondents to the given questions

in the given variable were scaled using five Likert scale

system which is the verbal interpretation range:

5-Strongly Agree


3-Moderately Agree


1-Strongly Disagree

Data Analysis

This study made use of frequency percentages and

weighted mean to gather the data.

1. Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution are used to

determine the percentage of the profile of the

respondents in terms of the level of teaching online

during a pandemic.

Formula: P = f/n x 100


P= percentage

F= frequency

N= population

2. Weighted Mean. The tool uses to answer the questions

about the level of agreement on online learning. The

formula is as follow:

Formula: WM= TWF/N


WM= Weighted mean

TWF= Total weighted frequency

N= Number of population

To describe the weighted mean employed and interpreted

the result of each item, the following arbitrary scales were


Weighted Mean Verbal Description

4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41-4.20 Agree

2.61-3.40 Moderately Agree


1.81-2.60 Disagree

1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

The gathered data of the study were obtained when the

results were constructed.

The questionnaire was personally administered by the

researcher to ensure that the instructions were properly

discussed with participants.

The researcher asked the principal for permission to

conduct this research study through a series of

recommendations and criticism from the students. As a

courtesy, the researcher implemented survey questionnaires

and tend to undergo actual observation in the research

locale and explain the mechanics and concepts by answering

the questionnaire to the target respondents.



This chapter presents the findings, analysis and

interpretation of the data gathered. The data gathered were

from the survey questionnaire, interviews, and observations.

The results can be used to improve, determine, supplement,

and contribute to the solution and clarification of the

problem at hand.

I. Questionnaires

1. Profile of the respondents

This section presents the demographic profile of the

respondents which includes the age and sex of the


Table 1

Distribution of respondents by Age

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

16-17 41 68.33%

18-19 17 28.33%

20-21 2 3.33%

TOTAL 60 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents according to their age. Among sixty (60)

respondents, forty-one (41) of them ranging from 16-17 years

old representing 68.33%.17, while 28.33% of respondents

ranging from 18-19 years old. The other two (2) respondents

were 3.33% ranging from 20-21 years old with a total of

sixty (60) respondents (100%).

Table 2

Distribution of respondents by sex

Respondents Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 28 53%

Female 32 47%

TOTAL 60 100%

Table 2 shows that the respondents are twenty-eight

(28) Male which is 53% of the respondents and thirty-two

(32) females which is 47% of the respondents with a total of

sixty (60) respondents (100%).


2. Performance of Students in their Online Classes

Table 3

The performance of learners during online classes



1. I am active in class. 240/60 4 Agree

2. I am always present 243/60 4.05 Agree

in class.

3. I never fail to 217/60 3.61 Agree

complete my modules.

4. I am less confidence 192/60 3.2 Moderately

in online classes Agree

5. There has been no 150/60 2.5 Disagree

improvement in my

grades since I became

engaged in these

social networking


6. I find it difficult 217/60 3.61 Agree


to adjust to online


7. I have proper 217/60 3.61 Agree

internet access at


8. I can easily ask my

teachers questions

about previous

lessons via


9. I can work in a group 204/60 3.4 Moderately

during internet Agree

activities outside of


10. I’m finding it 209/60 3.48 Agree

difficult to cope due

to poor connectivity.

11. I have sufficient 209/60 3.48 Agree

connectivity to

comprehend and learn

about the lessons.


12. I learned a lot in 198/60 3.3 Moderately

these online classes. Agree

13. I can understand 188/60 3.13 Moderately

the lessons from the Agree

online classes


14. I never miss an 187/60 3.17 Moderately

opportunity to take Agree

online classes

15. I’m happy being 195/60 3.25 Moderately

able to take classes Agree

online is less work

for me

16. I enjoy performing 207/60 3.45 Agree

tasks at home.

17. I can communicate 199/60 3.25 Moderately

effectively in online Agree


18. I find it difficult 214/60 3.57 Agree

to handle this

situation using the

online modality.

19. I am comfortable 207/60 3.45 Agree


communicating with my

teacher and

classmates online.

20. I’m not prepared 201/60 3.5 Moderately

for online classes Agree

because of the


21. I am unable to 200/60 3.33 Moderately

confidently respond Agree

to my teacher’s

questions about the


22. I am pleased with 210/60 3.5 Moderately

my teacher’s Agree

instructions in this

online format.

23. I’m glad because 239/60 3.98 Agree

the teacher helps me

when I need it.

24. I’m pleased with 229/60 3.82 Agree

how the Google app

assists me with my


25. I’m not happy with 202/60 3.37 Moderately

the online setup Agree

Overall Weighted Mean 3.32 Agree

Table 3 shows that the students in Saint Andrew School

and Pantabangan National High School agreed on their

performance of learners during online classes.

As the table shows above, most of the respondents

“Agree” that their performance during online classes is

active WM=4, always present WM=4.05, never fail to complete

modules WM=3.61, find it difficult to adjust to online

learning WM=3.61, have proper internet access at home

WM=3.61, difficult to cope due to poor connectivity WM=3.48,

have sufficient connectivity to comprehend and learn about

the lessons WM=3.48, enjoy performing tasks at home WM=3.45,

find it difficult to handle online modality situation

WM=3.57, comfortable communicating with teacher and

classmates online WM=3.45, the teacher helps them when they

need WM=3.98, and the students are pleased with how the

google app assist them with their assignments WM=3.82.


On the other hand, the respondents also “Moderately

Agreed” that their confidence is less in online classes

WM=3.2, can work in a group during internet activities

outside of class WM=3.4, learned a lot in these online

classes WM=3.3, can understand the lessons from the online

classes WM=3.13, never miss an opportunity to take online

classes WM=3.17, happy for being able to take classes online

because of the less work WM=3.25, can communicate

effectively in online classes WM=3.25, not prepared for

online classes because of the adjustments WM=3.5, unable to

confidently respond to their teacher’s questions about the

lessons WM=3.33, pleased with the teacher’s instructions

during online format WM=3.5 and not happy with online setup


However, some of the respondents “Disagreed” that they

have been no improvement in their grades since they became

engaged in these social networking sites WM=2.5, which means

that they improve during online learning.

As a result of table 1, this table shows that the

performance of the students during online classes is very

effective and it came out that they are coping with the

online modality. Magomedov et al., (2020) stated that the


integration of new technology into education does not mean

that it will improve the interaction between teachers and

students. The new technology provides more possibilities for

both teacher and student, but only when it is used


3. Experience of the students in online classes

Table 4

Experience of the respondents during online classes



1. I like teachers who 246/60 4.1 Agree

have been really

understanding and helpful

regarding what we’re going

through and how difficult

it can be.

2. I find it more relaxing 217/60 3.62 Agree

for me because everything

is organized through

Google Classroom.

3. I disliked feeling 209/60 3.48 Agree

disorganized and anxious.

4. I appreciate teachers 267/60 3.48 Agree

trying their best to make

everything work during

this pandemic

5. I enjoy distance 187/60 3.12 Moderately

learning. Agree

6. I am learning how to 232/60 3.87 Moderately

use technology. Agree

7. I would like to do some 216/60 3.6 Moderately

online learning so I can Agree

bond more with my family.

8. I like online classes 216/60 3.6 Moderately

because they helped me Agree

learn how to be


9. I feel that my 205/60 3.4 Moderately

productivity has improved Agree

with online learning.

10. I have learned to be 235/60 3.92 Agree

self- disciplined.

11. I have a very 243/60 4.05 Agree


approachable teacher to

help us.

12. I get easily 210/60 3.5 Moderately

distracted. Agree

13. Online classes helped 219/60 3.65 Agree

me with time management

because I had to take

initiative to keep up with

school work.

14. I have never felt it 211/60 3.52 Agree

difficult to communicate

with my instructor to ask

for help or clarification

on an assignment.

15. I do not have 181/60 3.02 Moderately

interactions with the Agree

instructor and classmates.

16. I can email my 157/60 2.62 Moderately

instructor or classmates Agree

and I can exchange

comments and ideas about

our papers online.

17. I do not feel as 199/60 3.32 Moderately


though I am missing out on Agree

anything by taking online


18. My online learning 238/60 3.97 Agree

experience is completely

different from what I am

used to doing in the

physical classroom.

19. I felt being online is 203/60 3.38 Moderately

a part of safety during Agree

the pandemic time.

20. I would like to give 251/60 4.2 Agree

hearty hands to all

faculty members for

cooperating with us in a

hard time.

21.I experience technical 232/60 3.9 Moderately

difficulties in completing Agree

my assignments.

22.I have to use the 213/60 3.55 Agree

resources by myself and

there is less

communication with my


23.I am trying my best to 212/60 3.53 Agree

be a good distance


24.I have enjoyed many 242/60 4.03 Agree

things about this class.

25.I have time to study at 227/60 3.78 Agree


Overall Weighted Mean 3.6 Agree

Table 4 shows that the teachers in Saint Andrew’s

School and Pantabangan National High School mostly agreed

with the experience of respondents during online classes.

Based on the table that is shown above, most of the

students “Agreed” that they like the teachers who have been

really understanding and helpful to the things that they

were going through, and how difficult it can be WM=4.1. The

respondents find it more relaxing to organize their lessons

through Google classroom WM=3.62, disliked feeling

disorganized and anxious WM=3.48, appreciate teachers who

are trying their best to make everything works during the

pandemic WM=3.48, learned to have self-disciplined WM=3.92,


and they have an approachable teacher to help them WM=4.05.

The online classes helped them to create time management to

take initiative to keep up with school works WM=3.65, have

never felt difficulties communicating with their instructor

to ask for help or clarifications on their assignments

WM=3.52. The respondents' online learning experience is

completely different from what the respondents used to do in

physical classroom WM=3.97, like giving hearty hands to all

faculty members for cooperating during online class to their

hard times WM=4.2, having to use the resources by themselves

and less communication with their teacher WM=3.55, trying

their best to be a good distance learner WM=3.53, enjoyed

many things about their class WM=4.03 and have time to study

at home WM=3.78.

Meanwhile, the respondents “Moderately Agreed” in terms

of the students enjoyed distance learning WM=3.12, learned

how to use technology WM=3.87, liked to do some online

learning for them to bond more with their family WM=3.6,

liked online classes because it helps them to learn on how

to be independent WM=3.6, they feel that their productivity

improved with online learning WM=3.4, they get easily

distracted WM=3.5, the respondents do not have interaction


with their instructors and classmates WM=3.02, can email

their instructor or classmates and they can exchange

comments and ideas about papers online WM=2.62, they do not

feel as though to their missed out in anything by taking

online classes WM=3.32, felt being online is a part of their

safety during the pandemic time WM=3.38 and they experience

technical difficulties in computing their assignments


As a result, the experience of the respondents, which

are the students during online classes, mostly revealed a

positive response from the respondents. According to Fazean

Idris (2021), the majority of students reported a positive

response that online learning made them more independent and

that they could adapt to online learning and its sudden


4. Challenges encountered by the respondents

Table 5

Challenges of respondents during online modality



1.I experienced a delay 212/60 3.53 Agree

in the timing of


2.I have a limited 214/60 3.56 Agree

internet connection.

3.It is hard to speak or 209/60 3.48 Agree

listen in online classes.

4.I do not have a 141/60 2.35 Disagree


5.I do not have strong 183/60 3.05 Moderately

Wi-Fi. Agree

6.I face many 205/60 3.42 Agree

interruptions when

learning at home.

7.I am having a hard time 205/60 3.42 Agree

organizing my time.

8.I find it difficult to 193/60 3.21 Moderately

use distance learning Agree

technology (computer,

tablet, video calls,



9.I find it difficult to 213/60 3.55 Agree

stay focused on my


10.I delay tasks related 189/60 3.15 Moderately

to my studies so that Agree

they are either not fully


11.I fail to get 171/60 2.85 Moderately

appropriate help during Agree

online classes.

12.I cannot control my 188/60 3.13 Moderately

thoughts, emotions, and Agree

actions during online


13.I have poor time 185/60 3.08 Moderately

management skills during Agree

online classes.

14.Limited preparation 204/60 3.4 Moderately

before an online class. Agree

15.I fail to properly use 180/60 3 Moderately


online peer learning Agree

strategies (i.e, learning

from one another to

better facilitate

learning such as peer

tutoring, group

discussion and peer


16.I cannot effectively 185/60 3.08 Moderately

use technology to Agree

facilitate learning.

17.I resist and/or 200/60 3.33 Moderately

confused when getting Agree

appropriate help during

online classes.

18.I feel uncomfortable 210/60 3.5 Moderately

being the center of Agree

attention during online


19.I am intimidated by 195/60 3.25 Moderately

the technologies used for Agree


20.I do not have Internet 172/60 2.87 Moderately


access during online Agree


21.I have insufficient 186/60 3.1 Moderately

access to library Agree


22.I have difficulties in 210/60 3.5 Moderately

selecting the best time Agree

and area for learning at


23.I have limited access 196/60 3.27 Moderately

to textbooks, worksheets Agree

and other instructional


24.I have a poor 198/60 3.3 Moderately

understanding of Agree

directions and

expectations during

online learning.

25.I have a hard time 214/60 3.57 Agree

understanding the lesson

because of the low signal

of the internet.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.24 Moderate

ly Agree

Table 5 shows that most of the respondents moderately

agreed with the challenges that the respondents experience

during the online modality.

In this table, it shows that the respondents

“Moderately Agreed” in terms of they do not have strong Wi-

Fi WM=3.05, find it difficult to use the distance learning

technology WM=3.21, delay tasks WM=3.15, fail to get

appropriate help during online classes WM=2.85, lack of the

ability to control their own thoughts, emotions, and actions

during online classes WM=3.13, have poor time management

skills WM=3.08, they just have a limited preparation before

online class WM=3.4, fail to properly use online peer

learning strategies WM=3, lack of the ability to effectively

use technology to facilitate learning WM=3.08, resist and

confused when getting appropriate help during online classes

WM=3.33, feel uncomfortable being the center of attention

during online classes WM=3.5, intimidated by the

technologies used for learning WM=3.25, they do not have

internet access during online classes WM=2.87, have


insufficient access to library resources WM= 3.1, have

difficulties in selecting the best time and area for

learning at home WM=3.5, have limited access to textbooks,

worksheets and other instructional materials WM=3.27, and

they have poor understanding in the directions and

expectations during online learning WM=3.3.

However, some of the students “Agree” that the

challenges that they face during online modality is they

experienced a delay in the timing of lectures WM=3.53,

having limited internet connection WM=3.56, hard to speak or

listening in online classes WM=3.48, facing many

interruptions when learning at home WM=3.42, having a hard

time organizing my time WM=3.42, find it difficult to stay

focused on my school work WM=3.55, and having a hard time to

understand the lesson because of the low signal of the

internet WM=3.57.

The respondents “Disagree” that they do not have a

smartphone WM=3.05, because according to them, smartphones

are the most important tools in online classes.

Nowadays, the challenges to accessing online learning

are less because both learners and teachers have experienced

the excellent opportunity to knowing and interacting with


educational technology tools such as mobile-based learning,

computer-based learning, and web-based learning (Pellegrini,

Mirella, Vladimir Uskov, & Casalino, 2020; Byun, Sooyeon, &

Slavin, 2020).

5. Aspiration of the respondents

Table 6

Aspirations of the respondents during the online modality



1.I do well to fulfill my 266/60 4.43 Strongly

dream. Agree

2.I do my best to achieve my 265/60 4.42 Strongly

goals. Agree

3.I will finish my studies 259/60 4.32 Strong

regardless of obstacles. Agree

4.I am consistently doing my 255/60 4.25 Strongly

school work well. Agree

5.Discover what kind of 258/60 4.3 Strongly

person I want to be. Agree

6.I want to try out new 259/60 4.32 Strongly


ideas. Agree

7.I hope to be self-assured 255/60 4.25 Strongly

in my academic abilities Agree

8.I hope to finish my studies 272/60 4.53 Strongly

on time. Agree

9.I want to achieve good 275/60 4.58 Strongly

grades. Agree

10.I want to succeed in every 272/60 4.53 Strongly

subject that is required for Agree

the course.

11.Through the online 237/60 3.95 Agree

platform, I am resulting a

growing education.

12.I hope to have reliable 243/60 4.05 Agree

internet while doing online


13.I want to be competent in 248/60 4.13 Agree

every subject.

14.I can be flexible 275/60 4.58 Strongly

throughout an online course. Agree

15.As a student, I can 228/60 3.8 Moderately

accommodate different Agree


learning styles.

16.I want to learn more about 256/60 4.27 Strongly

technology that will improve Agree

more in my learning

17.I want to learn more 252/60 4.2 Agree

things through different


18.I want to be able to 241/60 4.02 Agree

converse clearly and have a

reliable Wi-Fi connection so

that I can complete my


19.I want to improve more so 267/60 4.45 Strongly

that I can become better. Agree

20.I want to be able to use 243/60 4.05 Agree

an internet channel to

accomplish my goals.

21.Despite new learning 245/60 4.08 Agree

techniques and new online

opportunities, I wish to

learn more from our teacher.

22.I want to provide the 242/60 4.03 Agree

highest degree of instruction


as a student so that I can

accomplish my goals as

effectively as possible.

23.Despite the pandemic, I 252/60 4.2 Agree

want to be able to generate

new learning opportunities

for myself as a student.

24.I want to be able to 259/60 4.32 Strongly

develop learning strategies Agree

as a student.

25.As a student, I want to be 260/60 4.33 Strongly

able to improve my ability to Agree

learn and adapt to new online

learning methods.

Overall Weighted Mean 4.26 Strongly


Table 6 shows that most of the respondents “Strongly

Agreed” that their aspirations during online modality are to

do well to fulfill their dream WM=4.43, do their best to

achieve their goals WM=4.42, finish their studies regardless

of the obstacles WM=4.32, consistently do their school work


well WM=4.25, discover what kind of person they want to be

WM=4.3, trying out new ideas WM=4.32, hope to self-assured

their academic abilities WM=4.25, hope to finish their

studies on time WM=4.53, they want to achieve good grades

WM=4.58, they want to succeed in every subject that is

required for the course WM=4.53, can be flexible throughout

an online course WM=4.58, wanted to learn more about

technologies that will improve their learning WM=4.27, want

to improve more so they can be better WM=4.45, want to be

able to develop learning strategies as a student WM=4.32,

and they want to be able to improve their ability to learn

and adopt new online learning methods WM=4.33.

Meanwhile, the respondents “Agreed” that their

aspirations during online modality through an online

platform results in a growing education WM=3.95. The

respondents hope to have reliable internet while doing

online courses WM=4.05, they also want to be competent in

every subject WM=4.13, want to learn more things through

different methods WM=4.2, want to be able to converse

clearly and have a reliable Wi-Fi connection to complete

activities WM=4.02, and want to be able to use an internet

channel to accomplish their goals WM=4.05. Despite new


learning techniques and new online opportunities, they wish

to learn more from their teacher WM=4.08 and want to provide

the highest degree of instruction for the students to

accomplish their goals as effectively as possible WM=4.03.

Also, despite the pandemic, they want to be able to generate

new learning opportunities for themselves as a student


Additionally, some of the respondents “Moderately

Agreed” that their aspiration during the pandemic as a

student is that they can accommodate different learning

styles WM=3.8.

According to Hardie, (2014) that aspirations become

standards against which individuals judge themselves,

thereby decreasing well-being when unmet is plausible, new

research points to young adults’ goal flexibility and

resilience, suggesting unmet aspirations may not affect


6. Solutions of the respondents towards the challenges


Table 7

Solutions to the challenges paused by the respondents



1.I find a high-speed 207/60 3.45 Agree

internet connection at home

to resolve the internet

connection problem in the

online class.

2.I find a way to manage my 221/60 3.68 Agree

time during online classes.

3.I involve myself in 224/60 3.73 Agree

connecting with my friends

and teachers in order to

ask and share information.

4.I need to take a break 224/60 3.73 Agree

before returning to

learning with the same

interest and enthusiasm.

5.So that there are no 218/60 3.63 Agree

distractions, I inform my

parents and friends about


the time of online class.

6.I will look for more ways 242/60 4.03 Agree

to learn and understand the

learning style.

7.I will become more aware 240/60 4 Agree

of the importance of

communication in order to

learn more effectively.

8.I can communicate 228/60 3.8 Moderately

privately with my teachers Agree

to clear any doubts, either

through virtual learning

platforms or phone calls.

9.I can ask my teachers for 233/60 3.88 Agree

feedback on my performance.

10.I listened closely to 230/60 3.83 Agree

the teachers as they

discussed a lesson.

12.I make sure that I am 231/60 3.85 Agree

prepared for the online


13.I use a smartphone for 230/60 3.83 Agree

my online classes.

14.I locate a location 182/60 3.03 Moderately

where I am confident that Agree

there is a strong Wi-Fi


15.I feel comfortable being 228/60 3.8 Moderately

the center of attention Agree

during online classes.

16.I find myself spending a 232/60 3.87 Agree

lot of time on social media

and using specific apps, so

I decide to limit my access

for a set period of time.

17.I actively engage in 212/60 3.53 Agree

online communication with

other students, exchanging

knowledge and ideas

18.I believe that learning 222/60 3.7 Moderately

on the Internet outside of Agree

class is more motivating

that a regular course.

19.I am able to manage my 236/60 3.93 Agree


study time effectively

online and easily complete

assignments on time.

20.I have enough 216/60 3.6 Moderately

information and competency Agree

to prepare e-learning


21.I use tools to create 226/60 3.77 Agree

learning materials


22.I use the Internet 219/60 3.65 Agree

information source.

23.I am able to use office 235/60 3.92 Agree

software for content

delivery and demonstration

( e.g. M.S., PowerPoint,

Word, Excel )

24.I use online forums and 227/60 3.78 Agree

chat to communicate with my


25.I am able to do my 233/60 3.88 Agree

homework by using

electronic technology


Overall Weighted Mean 3.60 Agree

The researcher found out that the respondents “Agreed”

with the solutions to the challenges during the pandemic to

the online learning of students.

Table 7 shows that, the respondents' response that a

high-speed internet connection at home resolves the internet

connection problem in the online class had a WM=3.45, and

find a way to manage their time during online classes

WM=3.68. They involve themselves to connect with their

friends and teachers to ask and share information WM=3.73,

they need to take a break before returning to learning with

the same interest and enthusiasm WM=3.73, they are no

distractions, they inform their parents and friends about

the time of online class WM=3.63. The solution is to look

for more ways to learn and understand the learning style

WM=4.03, become more aware of the importance of

communication to learn more effectively WM=4, can ask their

teachers for feedback on their performance WM=3.88, they are

listening closely to the teachers as they discussed the

lesson WM=3.83, they make sure that they are prepared for

the online classes WM=3.85 and used a smartphone for their

online classes WM=3.83. They found themselves spending a lot

of time on social media and using specific apps, to describe

and limit their access for a set period WM=3.87, actively

engage in online communication with other students,

exchanging knowledge and ideas WM=3.53, able to manage their

study tome effectively online and easily complete

assignments on time WM=3.93, use tools to create learning

materials confidently WM=3.77, use the internet information

source WM= 3.65, able to use office software for content

delivery and demonstration WM=3.92, use online forums and

chat to communicate with their classmates WM=3.78, and able

to do their homework by using electronic technology

facilities WM=3.88.

On the other side, some of the students “Moderately

Agreed” that they can communicate privately to their

teachers to clear doubts, either through virtual learning

platforms or phone calls WM=3.8, locate a location for a

strong Wi-Fi connection WM=3.03, feel comfortable being the

center of attention during online class WM=3.8, believe that

learning on the internet outside of the class is more

motivating to a regular course WM=3.7 and have enough


information and competency to prepare e-learning materials


II. Observation


The researcher observed the students in Saint Andrew

School were cooperative and also they were focused on the

survey question that the researcher distributed and they

answered the interview properly.


The researcher observed that the students at Pantabangan

National High School were accommodating and they are not

hesitated to answer the survey questionnaire. They focused

on the survey to answer properly.


1. Tell me about yourself and your experience during

online modality?

Participant 1: It’s hard to adjust because I’m not

used to online learning.


Participant 2: Ain’t really good, kind of depressing

Participant 3: More knowledge

Participant 4: I’m bored staying at home and at the

same time stress.

Participant 5: I think it’s good because it gives both

the teacher and the student the ability to determine

their own learning pace. Additionally, it adds

flexibility by allowing schedules to be created that

work for everyone’s schedules.

Participant 6: It’s not easy to during online

Participant 7: I’ve been posting a lot here for

obvious reasons on how teachers are responding to the

coronavirus crisis.

Participant 8: I have no idea

Participant 9: I have a hard time

Participant 10: It is not easy to cope up in an online


2. How stressful is remote learning for you during the

COVID-19 pandemic?

Participant 1: It’s stressful because it’s hard learning

things by yourself.

Participant 2: Very Stressful

Participant 3: It’s hard to adjust

Participant 4: It leads to anxiety and depression

Participant 5: Very stressful because I need to self-

study our lesson

Participant 6: If I had to rate it on a scale of 1 to 5,

I would give it a 3, as I need an instructor to explain

the lesson to me in addition to being able to study it on

my own.

Participant 7: It’s not easy for me

Participant 8: To improve our understanding of the mental

health consequences of the shift to distance learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic, this study examined which

factors are associated with increased school-related

stress in adolescents.

Participant 9: It’s hard to learn because of the pandemic

Participant 10: Not getting enough sleep


3. What motivates you to learn more despite the new

learning setup?

Participant 1: My goal is to graduate and my love ones

Participant 2: My girl, my friends, and my Mom.

Participant 3: to be successful in life

Participant 4: Became successful in life

Participant 5: I don’t have any

Participant 6: I have a dream so nothing that I can see

can stop me from learning, not even the pandemic.

Participant 7: To my family

Participant 8: Teachers and parents recognize the power

of motivation in enhancing learning outcomes and helping

students to achieve their best at school.

Participant 9: I am motivated to learn the new setup

Participant 10: Achieve my goals

4. How do you feel about online learning?

Participant 1: It’s hard to learn


Participant 2: feel comfortable despite having a hard

time answering modules

Participant 3: it’s okay

Participant 4: stress

Participant 5: good

Participant 6: good

Participant 7: I enjoy the new schedule that internet

school has given me since I finally have time to sleep as

much as I need and feel well-rested and ready to work.

Participant 8: It hard to learn

Participant 9: stressful

Participant 10: I felt stress

5. How helpful are your teachers while studying online?

Participant 1: They’re very helpful even though it’s hard

for them to teach us online learning.

Participant 2: They are the main lifetime/support for my


Participant 3: To other teaching subjects.

Participant 4: Helping students to learn new lessons.


Participant 5: Our adviser at that time is very helpful

to us.

Participant 6: They are helpful because they figure out

how to convey the lesson to us.

Participant 7: They are helpful.

Participant 8: The one thing educators need more of is a

flexible way to gain the knowledge and skills they need

to do their jobs better.

Participant 9: I’m helping my teacher to listen to the

class and answer the question.

Participant 10: They help me a lot.

6. What are your struggles as a student in online


Participant 1: Stress, Breakdown and I can’t learn


Participant 2: internet

Participant 3: When you wake up in the morning

Participant 4: Having a poor signal at home.


Participant 5: we can’t have stable communication with

the teachers.

Participant 6: Time management

Participant 7: Deadline

Participant 8: It can be easy to get frustrated due to

the lack of human contact, not being able to raise

concerns immediately, the absence of a teacher, only

remote learning from online teaching, and an inability to

discuss problems with classmates.

Participant 9: My struggles late passed my task.

Participant 10: Having a problem with a communication

7. What do you prefer, Virtual learning or Face to face

classes? Why?

Participant 1: Face-to-face classes, because I can learn

more and I can understand what we’re studying.

Participant 2: I prefer face-to-face, because you have

someone to rely on.

Participant 3: Face-to-face because there is more to


Participant 4: Face-to-face classes because I know that I

have a companion when it’s very stressful and also I can

easily communicate with my teachers.

Participant 5: Face-to-face classes, because interacting

with my classmates in person helps me to overcome my

social anxiety.

Participant 6: Prefer to adjust

Participant 7: You’ll be able to concentrate harder on

your learning because there’ll be fewer distractions than

if you were at home. You may feel more comfortable and

learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom


Participant 8: I am ready to wake up every morning

Participant 9: I’m mostly prepared in face-to-face

classes because actual learning is much better than in

virtual like I can focus more on my study.

Participant 10: Face-to-face classes because it is more


8. Do you enjoy online classes? Why?


Participant 1: No, because it’s hard to learn.

Participant 2: Not much, cause I’m having a hard time

doing the activities all by myself and it’s hard to ask

for help because everyone seems busy.

Participant 3: Yes, to other activities

Participant 4: No, as I always feel sleepy during my

online classes.

Participant 5: Nope it’s not easy for me.

Participant 6: In real-life classes, I’m usually too shy

to ask questions, so I end up not understanding all the

work. On zoom, I can ask my questions in the chat box.

Participant 7: No, it’s hard to answer the module because

the internet is poor.

Participant 8: No, because I can’t focus while doing

house chores.

Participant 9: No, because sometimes I am not able to

participate in online learning due to a poor internet


Participant 10: Online classes gave us the experience of

how to learn even if the challenge of the COVID-19


pandemic helps us to continue learning even though the

threats of the virus are in our country so I enjoy it.

9. How eager are you to participate in your online


Participant 1: Not that excited because it’s boring

face-to-face class is more fun.

Participant 2: To be honest I’m not really into those

things because I'm the type of a person that could easily

get bored, but with help of my teachers/friends. I find a

way to learn and have fun at the same time.

Participant 3: A bit because it’s lazy sometimes

Participant 4: No I'm not excited at all

Participant 5: Not much

Participant 6: Being a student, I'm always eager to

participate and pick up new information, especially when

the activities are fun.

Participant 7: As a student, I'm eager to participate and

learn especially when the activities are exciting.

Participant 8: To answer my work.


Participant 9: It depends on my signal.

Participant 10: half a bit eager.

10. How much effort do you put into your class right


Participant 1: All my effort for me to graduate.

Participant 2: I'm doing my best every time.

Participant 3: All I can

Participant 4: Giving my very best.

Participant 5: I believe I put in too much effort because

I want to be on the honor roll for our class.

Participant 6: Because of this pandemic, education has

changed and Deped has a solution for it by changing the

way students will teach using the internet.

Participant 7: So much effort like I'm going to do

anything just maintain a good grade.

Participant 8: I always give a hundred percent because

after 2 years of being jailed in the online class, we are

now free to study in school to focus, to aim high and to

participate in the gatherings at school. With that, I am


beyond grateful that after all this happened, here we are

now studying again at school.

Participant 9: 90 percent

Participant 10: Just enough to pass.


The teachers at Saint Andrew School and Pantabangan

National School allowed the researcher to conduct FGD.


PARTICIPANT The 60 students, 30

students in Saint

Andrew School and 30

students in Pantabangan

National High School

GROUPINGS The students in Saint

Andrew School were 30,

the researcher grouped

the respondents into


The students in

Pantabangan National

High School 30, the

researcher also grouped

the respondents into


MODE OF CONDUCT Semi-structured interview;

that provides valuable


SCOPE OF INSIGHT Sharing thoughts and

opinions, challenges and

experiences about online

learning new set-up.

LEVEL OF FOCUS High level of focus on the

study entitled “Academic

Performance of Learners

under Online Modality”

DEGREE OF PARTICIPATION All participants contribute

equally to the discussion.

QUESTION 1. How excited are you

about going to your classes?

2. How often do you get so

focused on activities in

your classes that you lose


track of time?

3. In your classes, how

eager are you to


4.When you are not in

school, how often do you

talk about ideas from your


5.Overall, how interested

are you in your online


Upon their responses in the Focused Group Discussion,

they agreed that online learning modality is new to them and

it is hard for them to easily cope. Their conversation with

the teacher and classmates during classes is limited.



This chapter presents the findings, conclusion, and

recommendations to further support the data found in the

presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.

The researcher determined the experience and challenges

of senior high learners in Saint Andrew School and

Pantabangan National High School on online learning. A


survey questionnaire was distributed to ages 16 and above

who are residing at Pantabangan Nueva Ecija which is

currently under an online learning system. A total of sixty

(60) students completed the questionnaire.

Moreover, to deeply understand the respondents’

perceptions towards online learning, an interview and focus

group discussion were conducted.


The findings show that there were 60 respondents and

68.33% of which were aged 16-17, 28.333% - 18-19 years and

3.33% were aged 20-21. In terms of their sex, 53% were male

and 47% were female.

For the Likert questionnaire distributed to the

respondents, the section that focused on the perceived

performance of the respondents had an overall weighted mean

of 3.32, verbally interpreted as “agree”; experience in

online classes, 3.6, “agree”; challenges encountered, 3.24,

“moderately agree”; aspiration, 4.26, “strongly agree”; and

solutions, 3.60, “agree”.


In the interview, the respondents revealed that it is

difficult for them to adjust to online learning. They said

it is boring yet stressful. Only one participant said that

it is beneficial to them because of the modality’s

flexibility in terms of time and task.

For the respondents, online learning is stressful and

is believed to be causing depression.

For the respondents, graduation and family were their

motivations despite the difficulties of learning in the new


According to the respondents, the teachers help them

cope with the lessons. The teachers guide them and give them

support so that they can be motivated to learn and finish

the subject.

According to the respondents, the internet and its

signal are the reason why online learning is difficult for

them. Some said that time management and the transmittal of

project is difficult for them.

All respondents prefer face-to-face learning than

online learning. The respondents believe that they can learn


more because they can socialize with people and at the same

time, see their teacher as they deliver instructions.

Moreover, results show that the students do not enjoy online

classes and are not excited.

Despite these challenges, the respondents put their

effort into engaging themselves in online learning.

The data gathered in the focused group discussion

suggest that online learning is new to the students and this

modality limited them to talk and socialize with their



This study aimed to determine the experiences of

learners during online learning. Based on the findings, the

following conclusions were drawn:


The majority of the respondents were aged 16-17 years

old. In terms of the respondents’ sex, they almost had the

same number in terms of quantity.

For the performance of the students in online classes,

their presence in classes had the highest mean while the

statement on unimproved grades had the lowest. This means

that despite the difficulties in online learning, the

students are still present in their class and their effort

can be measured in their grades.

For the experience of the students in online classes,

the statement that pertains to teachers’ understanding and

helpfulness had the highest mean while emailing to their

classmates and teachers had the lowest mean. This means that

the teachers are doing their best in reaching the students

through online learning and the students see this as

helpful. Emailing, on the other hand, is considered as not

helpful by the respondents. It can be inferred that email is

not popular and thus unfamiliar to students.

In terms of the challenges that the students encounter

in online learning, the statement on the difficulty of

learning the lesson had the highest mean while having a


smartphone had the lowest. The results imply that the

students find it difficult to learn because of the learning

setup despite having a smartphone. This is supported by

their interview that they find online learning boring and


For the aspiration of the respondents, the statements

that pertain to flexibility and achievement of good grades

had the highest mean while learning styles had the lowest.

However, this area of focus had the highest overall weighted

mean. The results indicate that despite the difficulties

that they encounter in online learning, they have dreams of

having high grades and thus be an achiever. Learning styles,

despite having a high mean, are viewed as something that can

be adjusted to by the respondents.

For the solutions, looking for more ways to learn and

understand learning style had the highest mean while

location of Wi-Fi had the lowest mean. This means that

learning styles can be easily understood and hence can be

easily adjusted to. However, the Wi-Fi signal is considered

an uncontrollable factor that has to be resolved by the

provider. Despite their effort, a good Wi-Fi signal is

difficult to be found.


Armed with the conclusions that were drawn from the

results of the study, the following recommendations can be


A study on the relationship between demographic profile

and perception towards online learning can be considered.

The profile of the respondents can be a factor in why they

view online learning as challenging or motivating.

A policy on checking attendance and interaction can be

proposed since the results show that the respondents are

attending their classes yet they find it difficult to learn

from their subjects. Moreover, students should be involved

in the policy-making process of implementing guidelines for

online learning so that they can react to the proposed

guidelines of the school. With this, learning difficulties

can be resolved thus resulting in higher grades and

commendable academic achievement.

A rewarding system or scheme may be proposed to schools

for the teachers who exert effort in understanding and

helping their students in online learning. Also, emails

should be introduced to the students since it is more formal


than social media. Results show that emailing had the lowest


Despite having smartphones, students suffer learning

difficulties in online learning. Thus, it is suggested to

conduct a root cause analysis of why students find online

learning difficult. With this, an action plan may be crafted

toward a quality-assured online learning implementation.

An enhanced rewarding system can be proposed for

students who have high grades. This way, they will be more

motivated to achieve more.

Wi-Fi signals can be considered a priority project in

schools since students who do online learning suffer from

this. They can coordinate with the Local Government Unit to

provide better signals and hotspots to students.


A. Letter to Conduct

B. Survey Questionnaire

C. Interview Questions

D. Focused Group Discussion

E. Curriculum Vitae

F. Documentation


Letter to Conduct





Dear Ma’am,

Warmest Greeting!

I’m Catherine V. Villajuan, a student of Dr. Gloria D.

Lacson Foundation Colleges of Cabanatuan Inc. is asking for

your permission to conduct a survey and interview among

students of Saint Andrew School and Pantabangan National

High School. My research topic is entitled “Academic


Performance of Learners under online modality”. The

respondents are your Grade 12 Senior High Students.

The survey would last at least 10-15 minutes and would

be arranged at the most convenient time of the students

(e.g. during break). Participation in the survey and

interview is entirely voluntary and there is no known or

anticipated participation in this study. All the information

provided will be kept in utmost confidentiality and would be

used only for academic purposes.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly

appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance with

my research.




Noted By:


Research Subject Professor






Dear Ma’am,

Warmest Greeting!

I’m Catherine V. Villajuan, a student of Dr. Gloria D.

Lacson Foundation Colleges of Cabanatuan Inc. is asking for

your permission to conduct a survey and interview among

students of Saint Andrew School and Pantabangan National

High School. My research topic is entitled “Academic


Performance of Learners under online modality”. The

respondents are your Grade 12 Senior High Students.

The survey would last at least 10-15 minutes and would

be arranged at the most convenient time of the students

(e.g. during break). Participation in the survey and

interview is entirely voluntary and there are no known or

anticipated participation in this study. All the information

provided will be kept in utmost confidentiality and would be

used only for academic purposes.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly

appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance with

my research.




Noted By:


Research Subject Professor





Grade level:

Instructions: Below are statements that describe the

challenges faced by the respondents. Using the 1-5 scale

below, indicate your agreement with each item by putting a

check (/) on that applies to you. Please be open and honest

in your response. I solicit your kind cooperation in

responding to the items on this questionnaire. Rest assured

that your responses will confidentially be treated for

research purposes only.

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Moderately Agree

2- Disagree

1-Strongly Disagree

A. The Performance of Learners during online classes.


5 4 3 2 1

I am active in class.

I am always present in


I never fail to complete

my modules.

I am less confident in

online classes.

There has been no

improvement in my grades

since I became engaged in


these social networking


I find it difficult to

adjust to online learning.

I have proper internet

access at home.

I can easily ask my

teachers questions about

previous lessons via


I can work in a group

during internet activities

outside of class.

I’m finding it difficult

to cope due to poor


I have sufficient

connectivity to comprehend

and learn about the


I learned a lot in these

online classes.

I can understand the

lessons from the online

classes clearly.

I never miss an

opportunity to take online


I’m happy being able to

take classes online is

less work for me.

I enjoy performing tasks

at home.

I can communicate

effectively in online


I find it difficult to

handle this situation

using the online modality.

I am comfortable

communicating with my

teacher and classmates


I’m not prepared for

online classes because of

the adjustments.

I am unable to confidently

respond to my teacher’s

questions about the


I am pleased with my

teacher’s instructions in

this online format.

I’m glad because the

teacher helps me when I

need it.

I’m pleased with how the

Google app assists me with

my assignment.

I’m not happy with the

online setup.



Grade level:

Instructions: Below are statements that describe the

challenges faced by the respondents. Using the 1-5 scale

below, indicate your agreement with each item by putting a

check (/) on that applies to you. Please be open and honest

in your response. I solicit your kind cooperation in

responding to the items on this questionnaire. Rest assured

that your responses will confidentially be treated for

research purposes only.

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Moderately Agree

2- Disagree

1-Strongly Disagree

B. The experience of respondents during online classes.

5 4 3 2 1


I like teachers who have

been really understanding

and helpful of what we’re

going through and how

difficult it can be.

I find it more relaxing for

me because everything is

organized through Google


I disliked feeling

disorganized and anxious.

I appreciate teachers trying

their best to make

everything work during this


I actually really enjoy

distance learning.

I am learning how to use


I would like to do some

online learning so I can

bond more with my family.

I like online classes

because they helped me learn

how to be independent.

I feel that my productivity

has improved with online


I have learned to be self-


I have a very approachable

teacher to help us.

I get easily distracted.

Online classes helped me

with time management because


I had to take initiative to

keep up with school work.

I have never felt it

difficult to communicate

with my instructor to ask

for help or clarification of

an assignment.

I do not have interactions

with the instructor and


I can email my instructor or

classmates and I can

exchange comments and ideas

about our papers online.

I do not feel as though I am

missing out on anything by

taking online classes.

My online learning

experience is completely

different than what I am

used to doing in the


physical classroom.

I found the online classes a

bit awkward.

I felt being online is a

part of safety during the

pandemic time.

I would like to give hearty

hands to all faculty members

for cooperating with us in a

hard time.

I experience technical

difficulties in completing

my assignments.

I have to use the resources

by myself and there is less

communication with my


I am trying my best to be

good distance learner.

I have enjoyed many things


about this class.



Grade level:

Instructions: Below are statements that describe the

challenges faced by the respondents. Using the 1-5 scale

below, indicate your agreement with each item by putting a

check (/) on that applies to you. Please be open and honest

in your response. I solicit your kind cooperation in

responding to the items on this questionnaire. Rest assured

that your responses will confidentially be treated for

research purposes only.

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Moderately Agree

2- Disagree

1-Strongly Disagree

C. The Challenges of Respondents during online classes.

5 4 3 2 1


I experienced a delay in

the timing of lectures.

I have limited


It is hard to speak or

listen in online classes.

I do not have a


I do not have strong Wi-


I face many interruptions

when learning at home.


I am having a hard time

organizing my time.

It is difficult to use the

distance learning

technology (computer,

tablet, video calls,



It is difficult to stay

focused on my schoolwork.

I delay tasks related to

my studies so that they

are either not fully


I fail to get appropriate

help during online


I lack the ability to

control my own thoughts,

emotions, and actions


during online classes.

I have poor time

management skills during

online classes.

Limited preparation before

an online class.

I fail to properly use

online peer learning

strategies (i.e, learning

from one another to better

facilitate learning such

as peer tutoring, group

discussion and peer


I lack the ability to

effectively use technology

to facilitate learning.

I resist and/or am

confused when getting

appropriate help during


online classes.

I feel uncomfortable being

the center of attention

during online classes.

I am intimidated by the

technologies used for


I do not have Internet

access during online


I have insufficient access

to library resources.

I have difficulties in

selecting the best time

and area for learning at


I have limited access to

textbooks, worksheets and

other instructional


I have poor understanding

of directions and

expectations during online


Name :


Grade level:

Instructions: Below are statements that describe the

challenges faced by the respondents. Using the 1-5 scale

below, indicate your agreement with each item by putting a

check (/) on that applies to you. Please be open and honest

in your response. I solicit your kind cooperation in

responding to the items on this questionnaire. Rest assured

that your responses will confidentially be treated for

research purposes only.

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Moderately Agree

2- Disagree

1-Strongly Disagree

D.The Aspirations of Respondents during online modality.

5 4 3 2 1


I will do well to fulfill

my dream.

I do my best to achieve

my goals.

I finish my studies

regardless of obstacles.

I consistently do my

school work well.

Discover what kind of

person I really want to


I want to try out new


I hope to be self-assured

in my academic abilities.

I hope to finish my

studies on time.

I want to achieve good


I want to succeed in

every subject that is

required for the course.

Through the online

platform, I am resulting

in a growing education.

I hope to have reliable

internet while doing

online courses.

I want to be competent in

every subject.

I can be flexible

throughout an online


As a student, I can

accommodate different

learning styles.

I want to learn more

about technology so that

we will improve more in

my learning.

I want to learn more

things through different


I want to be able to

converse clearly and have

a reliable Wi-Fi

connection so that I can

complete my activities.

I want to improve more so

that I can become better.


I want to be able to use

an internet channel to

accomplish my goals.

Despite new learning

techniques and new online

opportunities, I wish to

learn more from our


I want to provide the

highest degree of

instruction as a student,

so that I can accomplish

my goals as effectively

as possible.

Despite the pandemic, I

want to be able to

generate new learning

opportunities for myself

as a student.

I want to be able to

develop learning

strategies as a student.

As a student, I want to

be able to improve my

ability to learn and

adapt to new online

learning methods.



Grade level:

Instructions: Below are statements that describe the

challenges faced by the respondents. Using the 1-5 scale

below, indicate your agreement with each item by putting a

check (/) on that applies to you. Please be open and honest

in your response. I solicit your kind cooperation in

responding to the items on this questionnaire. Rest assured

that your responses will confidentially be treated for

research purposes only.

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Moderately Agree

2- Disagree

1-Strongly Disagree

E. The solutions to the problem paused by the respondents.

5 4 3 2 1


I found a high-speed internet

connection at home to resolve

the internet connection

problem in the online class.

I found a way to manage my

time during online classes.

I involve myself in connecting

with my friends and teachers

in order to ask and share


I need to take a break before

returning to learning with the


same interest and enthusiasm.

So that there are no

distractions, I inform my

parents and friends about the

time of online class.

I will look for more ways to

learn and understand the

learning style.

I will become more aware of

the importance of

communication in order to

learn more effectively.

I can communicate privately

with my teachers to clear any

doubts, either through virtual

learning platforms or phone


I can ask my teachers for

feedback on my performance.

I listened closely to the

teachers as they discussed a



I make sure that I am prepared

for the online classes.

I use a smartphone for my

online classes.

I locate a location where I am

confident that there is a

strong Wi-Fi connection.

I feel comfortable being the

center of attention during

online classes.

I find myself spending a lot

of time on social media and

using specific apps, so I

decide to limit my access for

a set period of time.

I actively engage in online

communication with other

students, exchanging knowledge

and ideas.

I believe that learning on the

Internet outside of class is

more motivating than a regular


I am able to manage my study

time effectively online and

easily complete assignments on


I have enough information and

competency to prepare e-

learning materials.

I use tools to create learning

materials confidently.

I use the Internet information


I am able to use office

software for content delivery

and demonstration ( e.g. M.S.,

PowerPoint, Word, Excel )

I use online forums and chat

to communicate with my


I am able to do my homework by

using electronic technology


For the lessons; I have direct

contact with my teacher.


Interview Question

1.Tell me about yourself and your experience during online


2. How stressful is remote learning for you during the

COVID-19 pandemic?

3. What motivates you to learn more despite of the new

learning set-up?

4. How do you feel about online learning?


5. How helpful are you teachers while studying online?

6. What are your struggles as a student in online learning?

7. What do you prefer, virtual learning or face to face

classes? Why?

8. Do you enjoy online classes? Why?

9. How eager are you to participate in your online classes?

10. How much effort are you putting into your classes right





PARTICIPANT The 60 students, 30

students in Saint

Andrew School and 30

students in Pantabangan

National High School

GROUPINGS ● The students in Saint


Andrew School are 30,

so the researcher will

group them into 5,3,2.

● The students in

Pantabangan National

High School are 30, so

the researcher will

group them into 5,3,2.

MODE OF CONDUCT Simi-structure interview;

that will provide valuable


SCOPE OF INSIGHT Sharing thoughts and

opinion, challenges and

experience about online

learning new set-up.

LEVEL OF FOCUS High level of focus about

the topic Academic

Performance of Learner’s

under online modality.

DEGREE OF PARTICIPATION All participants contributes

equally to the discussion.


QUESTION 1. How excited are you

about going to your classes?

2. How often do you get so

focused on activities in

your classes that you lose

track of time?

3. In your classes, how

eager are you to


4.When you are not in

school, how often do you

talk about ideas from your


5.Overall, how interested

are you in your online



Curriculum Vitae

Name: Catherine V. Villajuan

Place of Birth: East Poblacion, Pantabangan,

Nueva Ecija

Date of Birth: February 12, 1987

Address: East Poblacion Pantabangan Nueva Ecija

Civil Status: Married

Father: Reynaldo Villajuan Sr.

Mother: Elena DC. Villa

Husband: Mark Malubay

Son: Jazzteen Eljo Villajuan

Educational Background

Elementary: East Central School

Secondary: Saint Andrew School


Tertiary: Phinma Araullo University (2019-2022)

Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation College of

Cabanatuan City (2022) Present.








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