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System control through PLC (IS12)


208M057 01 A. Spragg 24 Mar 2015
The Main screen provides system operation overview.

Selecting a Subsystem allows the navigation to the

separate subsystems.

The boxes under the word Process, here illustrated with

examples purify (3), Prepurify (2), Waste (4) show the
process that the subsystem is performing with the
corresponding step number.
Each Subsystem is divided into two segments that can be
cleaned using an air scour independently. This is an
automated process. When one of the segments is being
cleaned, the segment will be highlighted in red (example
shown is Air Scouring Segment 1 of Subsystem 3).

Goes to the main screen for Subsystem 1

Will always return to the main screen (shown above)

Not in use

Will reset active alarms

Directs to the alarm list

Directs to the system tools screen

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 1
The Subsystem screen gives an overview of the
Subsystem performance, valve usage and basic controls.

Start allows the start-up of the system. Once in start

mode, the button name will change to ‘Stop’.

Process box states the process step that the Subsystem is


Inlet conductivity, Pure conductivity, Inlet Flow, Pure

Flow, Pressure after Pump and Dosing Flow are live
readings for the Subsystem. Pressure after Pump refers
to the pressure meter reading after the Subsystem
booster pump.

Ontime is the % of time that the system has been

operating (Prepure, Pure and Waste process steps) within the past 24 hours.

Warm Restart counts the number of times the system has been stopped and started using the PLC start/stop
function. This restart counter is reset when the system undergoes a Cold Restart. Cold Restart is defined as a shut
down due to a loss of power.

Cycles is the number of cycles (Prepure, Pure and Waste form 1 cycle) that the system has undergone since the
last Cold Restart.

Cycles before CIP is the number of cycles (pure-waste phases) remaining before the system will perform an
chemical cleaning. This is independent from the Air Scouring cleaning.

Volume Pure and Volume Waste are calculated from the flow meters.

Cycles before AS1 (or AS2) indicate the number of cycles remaining before the system will perform an air scour
cleaning. If at 0 then no limit has been set and air scouring will only occur if a pressure limt has been reached.

Listed below the described parameters are the status signals. These are blue for engaged (on) and colourless for
off. If red then there is an alarm active on this signal.

Start CIP is a button that once pressed will initiate an chemical cleaning for the subsytem. The chemical cleaning
will not take control of the system until the cycle has finished (the Waste step must be completed).

Start AS1 and Start AS2 are buttons that will initiate the start of air scouring within segment 1 and 2, respectively.

Arrows allow to navigation through the PLC screens.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 2
The Process screen gives a more detailed overview of
the two segments within the Subsystem selected.

Listed are the status signals for the different valves and
powerboards. These are blue for engaged (on) and
colourless for off. If red then there is an alarm active on
this signal.

Specifically for the powerboards, when (PB) Enable and

Selector 2 are lit together; power boards are applying
negative current.

Enable, Selector 1 and Selector 2 are lit together, power

boards are shunting.

Only Enable indicates positive current.

PB Healthy indicates a power board OK signal; when the power boards are operating the circle is blue.

If the segment is performing an air scour then within that segment the Air Scouring Segment # will be in red.

Remain Air Scour defines the time remaining until the end of the air scour. This will only show a time (sec) if one
of the segments is performing an air scour. Only one segment within the entire system (IS32) can air scour at any
one time.

Remain air scour flush gives the remaining time of the single pass flush that follows the air scour cleaning.

The Remain time given next to the process (in this case Purify) is the time until this process is complete.

The Measurements screen gives an overview of all the
measured and averaged parameters for the Subsystem.

Measurements are live readings of the different


Voltage 1 through 4 changes to Voltage 5 through 8

after the set time. In turn Voltage 5 through 8 switch to
Voltage 9 through 12 after the set time, where
applicable. The time can be set in the following screen
(Measurement Timer).

As described for the voltage readings, the pressure

readings Pressure 1 through 4 switch too. The

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 3
pressures measured here are the module pressure readings.

Pure Average are the averaged readings for the last complete pure step.

Voltages are the average and end voltages (Pure and Waste) for each CapDI module within that Subsystem.

The Settings screen allows the input of the sensor limits,
operational and cleaning settings.

The conductivity value is the limit of the range that the

conductivity is calibrated to. This is normally 2000 µS/cm.

The k factors are the calibration factors for the flow

meters. These are set during calibration during build and

The Pressure meters have an upper limit that is

dependent on the meter installed. Here they are listed as
10 and 6 bar meters.

Dosing Settings are the parameters that can be set for

the chemical cleaning process.

Dosing timer is the time that the dosing pump will dose the chemical into the system.

Flush timer refers to the amount of time that the chemical will be recirculated through the Subsystem.

EndFlush timer is a length of time required to flush the chemical to the drain using process water.

Cycles CIP refers to the number of operational cycles between chemical cleanings.

Process settings are the setpoints for the operational cycles.

The Startuptimer is a Subsystem check period that is only initiated when the system has been in stop mode and is
then told to restart. Stop mode is not the same as waiting.

Waste, Prepurify and Purify are the steps within an operational cycle.

When the system receives a signal that there is no demand for water then the system will complete a waste step
and then go into waiting. During this waiting period the system will flush with a small volume of process water
after a set duration of time. This time duration can be set in the field named Waiting. This flush is so as to prevent
fouling of the system and the system will continue to wait until the signal is sent to produce water.

The flush that occurs during waiting is controlled by two time settings; Flushing(Shunt) and Flushing.
Flushing(Shunt) is flushing with water while the modules are forced to discharge.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 4
Before the system goes into waiting or stop mode the system will stop the operational cycle and then will release
pressure by closing the inlet valves while keeping the waste valve open. The duration for which this occurs is
defined by the Pressure Release field.

The last field within the Process Settings is the Pump Pressure, this is the set pressure to which the booster pump
will pressurise the inlet water. The system has a sensor feedback loop to allow the system to reach the correct

The Air Scour Settings define the operation of the air scour cleaning.

The Airscour Time is the total duration per air scour segment that the cleaning will operate for (excluding the flush

The air scouring process requires a mixture of air and water, the Airpulse Time defines the duration of time that
the air is provided. The number of pulses of air is calcuated from the Airscour Time.

The Airscour flush Time is occurs at the end of the air scour process and allows the dirt to be washed out from the
module in addition to refilling the modules with water (purging the air).

Cycles Airscour will define the number of operational cycles between air scours. If at 0 then no limit will be set and
air scouring will only occur if a pressure limt has been reached.

The final section of this screen, the Other Settings, define some general operationals settings.

Log Timer is used to set the frequency that the sensor values are saved on the PLC before being transmitted to the
remote server.

The Measurement Time is used to set the frequency that the PLC will switch between displaying the values shown
in step 4.

The Metric button allows switching between metric and imperial units of measurement (such as Bar to PSI). This
will not affect the range settings of sensors, nor will it affect the value recorded on the remote server; this is
always metric.

The last button, Waste inlet not used, defines whether both inlet pipes to the module are used. If waste inlet is
not used then only one flow restrictor (pure, high flow inlet) will be used. If used, then both flow restrictors (waste
and pure, high flow inlet will be used). This allows for a greater flow control.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 5
Dynamic CapDI can be enabled or disabled for each
subsystem. Dynamic CapDI refers to the control of the
power to each module being controlled by a fixed input
(disabled Dynamic) or by the PLC reading inputs such as
flow of water and influent conductivity and adjusting
the power accordingly to reach the set removal of

Set Removal is the target reduction in conductivity.

Number of Modules are the number of active modules

(receiving flow) in the subsystem.

w_value is a constant used in the calculation of the

regeneration current. It is advised that this value does
not changed unless instructed by Voltea to do so.

Maximum pure current is a safety limit put in to prevent over loading the capacitors and possible risk of damage
to the materials.

PB Enable is a value identifying how many powerboards are enabled for use, this number is 2 to the power of the
number of modules; 212-1 for all enabled.

For each module, the PB (powerboard) channels enabled for that module and the k_value can be changed. The PB
channel enabled value can be chosen from table 1. The k_value is a constant calculated from the ionic content of
the water and the module efficiency. This value may be altered a little to compensate for slight differenced
between modules. It is strongly advised that only trained personnel or those instructed by Voltea be permitted to
alter these values.

Table 1:

Binary 2^0 2^1 2^2 2^3

Integer 1 2 4 8

Input integer
Combination 1 2 3 4
1 1 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0 0 2
1-2 1 1 0 0 3
3 0 0 1 0 4
1-3 1 0 1 0 5
2-3 0 1 1 0 6
1-2-3 1 1 1 0 7

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 6
4 0 0 0 1 8
1-4 1 0 0 1 9
2-4 0 1 0 1 10
1-2-4 1 1 0 1 11
3-4 0 0 1 1 12
1-3-4 1 0 1 1 13
2-3-4 0 1 1 1 14
1-2-3-4 1 1 1 1 15

Enabled combination of the position/channels.

Input integer Number for PB position or Channel Enable.

The CapDI system comes with built-in alarms. These
alarms will cause a pop-up on the screen and, if
arranged through Voltea, a message to be sent to the
online data server and an email alert to the responsible

The Alarm Settings screen gives the threshold for the

readings. Once a sensor reading is beyond one of these
thresholds, the alarm will be triggered. A full list of
alarms is given in the appendix.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 7
In section Dynamic CapDI settings were explained. The
following screen is for use when the Dynamic CapDI is

In Powerboard Settings, the settings for all the

individual powerboards can be manually set.

For more advice on how to do this, please refer to

Technical Manual 2018M008.

The following screen gives the summary of the
powerboard settings.

Only 4 powerboards can be read at any one time, as a

consequence the first section will give the read out of
powerboard 1,5 or 9 depending on which of the Get
buttons were selected.

By selecting Get PB settings Module 1-4 the readout

will be for modules 1 to 4.

Each powerboard has 4 channels, these are listed 1

through 4 in the 2nd row (Cha).

Pv, Nv, PC and NC refer to Posivitive Voltage, Negative

Voltage, Positive Current and Negative Current, respectively.

Last Com NOK is a check on the communication to the powerboards. If the last input was not okay then the circle
that corresponds to that set of powerboards will be red. The first circle corresponds to PB 1-4, the 2nd to 5-8 and
the 3rd to 9-12.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 8
In addition to the above mentioned circles, there are 3 more. The Busy circles will be blue if the PLC has been told
to communicate with those corresponding powerboards. This will occur if you press a Get button. Once the Busy
circles are back to grey, the readout should have updated with the values requested.

Set PB buttons will allow the settings to be set for the correcponding modules.
The values given in the above table can be altered by clicking on them. A keyboard will pop up so that a new value
can be selected. Warning: Changing these values can lead to the powerboard settings being overwritten. It is
always advised to ‘Get’ for the relevant modules before selecting ‘Set”.

The Manual Control screen can be used to control the
valves and pumps for the Subsystem. The use of these
buttons will stop the system and put it into Idle.

This screen is particularly useful for flushing the system

after a component change or during trouble shooting.

By pressing F8 button the System tool screen is
In the System tools screen the characteristics of the
display can be configured.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 9

System password:

The screen is password protected. After 5 min of

inactivity it is locked. When the screen is pressed, a
logon screen will appear that will require a password.

By selecting a password field, screen keyboard will


Request the password from Voltea. Insert the correct

password and press enter button and then press ok
on a Logon screen,

This will allow you to use the screen again.

If any further assigtance needed, please contact Voltea.

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 10

Alarm General description

Air scour waste valve 1 not closed Segment 1 air scour valve has not closed

Air scour waste valve 1 not open Segment 1 air scour valve has not opened during air scouring

Air scour waste valve 2 not closed Segment 2 air scour valve has not closed
Air scour waste valve 2 not open Segment 2 air scour valve has not opened during air scour

Conductivity high purify The high value can be set in the alarm settings screen. This will
only be triggered during the purify phase.

Conductivity low purify The low value can be set in the alarm settings screen. This will
only be triggered during the purify phase.
Conductivity sensor fault Triggered if a 0 volt signal is sent
Flow during wait Flow during the wait phase should be 0 L/min
Flow high global Flow high global can be triggered at any time during operation.
Flow low CIP Usually the acid flow sensor alarm set point is set to 100 mL/min,
below this flow, the alarm is triggered.
Flow low purify The low value can be set in the alarm settings screen. This will
only be triggered during the purify phase.
Flow low waste The low value can be set in the alarm settings screen. This will
only be triggered during the waste phase.
Inlet conductivity sensor fault Triggered if a 0 volt signal is sent
Low level acid This is triggered by the float on the end of the acid suction lance
Main waste valve not closed The motor valve has a feedback signal, if the valve fails to close
this will trigger the alarm
Main waste valve not open The motor valve has a feedback signal, if the valve fails to open
this will trigger the alarm
Powerboard fault If there is a failure in the communication to the powerboards of
segment 1 (top 6 modules), this alarm will be triggered.
Powerboard segment 2 fault If there is a failure in the communication to the powerboards of
segment 2 (bottom 6 modules), this alarm will be triggered.
Pressure module 1 sensor fault Triggered if a 0 volt signal is sent
Pressure module high The high value can be set in the alarm settings screen. This alarm
can be triggered at any time.
Pressure sensor 1 fault This sensor is found on the inlet to the system. It is triggered if a 0
volt signal is sent
Waste valve 1 no closed The motor valve has a feedback signal, if the valve fails to close
this will trigger the alarm
Waste valve 1 no open The motor valve has a feedback signal, if the valve fails to open
this will trigger the alarm
Waste valve 2 no closed The motor valve has a feedback signal, if the valve fails to close
this will trigger the alarm
Waste valve 2 no open The motor valve has a feedback signal, if the valve fails to open
this will trigger the alarm

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 11
Change log

Changes Changed by Date

Title: System control through PLC

Filename: 208M057 Technical Manual; System control through PLC (IS12).Docx
Date rev : 24-03-2015
Author: A. Spragg, VOLTEA BV,
Page 12

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