● Power generation
● Heating
● Utilization in industries like chemical industries, sugar mills, etc.
The hot gases from the furnace touch the surface of the boiler shell
and thereby steam is generated inside the shell which on further
operations can drive the turbine.
● In the fire tube boilers, the hot gases are inside the tubes and
the water surrounds the tubes.
For Example, Cochran, Lancashire boiler, etc.
● In the water tube boilers, the water is inside the tubes and hot
gases around them
High-Pressure Boilers:
The boilers which produce steam at pressures of 80 bar and above are
called high-pressure boilers.
Low-Pressure Boilers:
The boilers which produce steam at a pressure below 80 bar are called
low-pressure boilers.
Stationary boilers are used for power plant steam for Central station
utility power plants.
Portable Boilers:
Portable or mobile boilers include the locomotive type and other small
units for temporary usage at sites(Just as in small coal-field pits).
● If fire tubes are more than one, they are called Multi-tube
The boiler accessories are auxiliary devices which are installed either
inside or outside the boiler. The boiler accessories are used to increase
the efficiency of the boiler and for proper functioning of boiler. The
following accessories are generally used in the boiler:-
(a) Economiser
Location: It is placed in the path of the flue gases in between the exit
from the boiler and entry into air preheater/chimney
Advantages of an economiser:
Air Preheater
(1) Waste heat from the flue gases is recovered for heating air and
causes a fuel saving of about 1.5% for each 100°C drop in gas
(2) Inferior grades of coal can be burnt efficiently with preheated air.
(3) Less excessive air is required to burn fuel and thus cost of
producing draught will be less.
(4) Combustion can be more efficient and an intense flame can be
achieved in the furnace. This increases the evaporation rate of the
(i) Increase in the capital and running cost of the preheater as induced
draft fan for removing gases and forced fan for forcing cold air
through the air preheater are used.
Steam superheater
(2) It decreases the condensation losses in the steam pipes and steam
engine cylinder.
● Solid Fuels:
● Liquid Fuels:
● Gaseous Fuels:
LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas), LNG (Liquified Natural Gas), PNG (Piped
Natural Gas) can be used to carry out the combustion for a specific
Selection of Boiler
Locomotive Boiler:
In this type of boiler, the stack is used instead of a chimney and burnt
gas or flue gasses are removed by this stack.
This type of boiler is capable of producing a high steam rate and hence
it is used for railway locomotive engines and in marines.
● Ash pan
● Firebox
● Blow off Valve
● Water level Indicator
● Pressure Gauge
● main Hole
● Regulator
● Boiler Tubes
● Smoke Box
The firebox is the area where the fuel is burned, producing heat to
boil the water in the boiler
Ash pit
Ash pit is a tray fitted below a grate in which ashes can be collected
and removed.
Pressure gauge
The manhole is like an entrance where people enter the boiler and
change the parts if necessary and or if it is damaged.
The regulator is a valve that regulates the steam through the main
steam pipe for superheating.
Boiler Tubes
Fire tubes through which the hot flue gases pass and exchange the
heat with the surrounding water.
Smoke Box
Smoke Box is a box in which the smoke of the burnt fuel after passing
through the fire tubes gets collected and From there it is exhausted in
the environment by the chimney.
Using a grate we insert the fuel into the boiler and then provide the
fire to ignite the fuel.
When fuel starts burning the hot flue gases are produced. And these
hot flue gases are passed through the tubes continuously until the
surrounding water gets heated.
Lancashire Boiler
Flue gases pass through the fire tubes and side and bottom space.
The drum is half filled with water and the upper half space for steam.
The Furnace is located at one end of the fire tubes inside the boiler.
The fuel is burned at the grate. The water is pumped into the shell
through the economizer which increases the temperature of water.
Now the shell is half filled with water. The fire tube is fully immersed
into the water.
Flue gases first passes through the fire tube from one end to another.
The backward flue gases passes from the bottom passage where it
transfers 8-10% heat to water.
5.An accident to any one tube or fitting does not produce the
destruction of the whole boiler. Hence, water-tube boilers are
sometimes called safety boilers.
1. They are less suitable for use with impure and dirty water.
Steam, which is gaseous form of pure water, is an excellent working
method of heating.
Wet steam is that steam in which the whole of water has not vaporized
00C and during this course ice absorbs its sensible heat.
saturation temperature.
point (saturated water) into dry saturated steam at the same pressure.
temperature. Thus
hg = hf + hfg
hsup = hg + Cs(tsup - ts )
Specific volume
It is expressed in m³/kg .
Dryness fraction
Wetness fraction
It is the ratio of the weight of water/ moisture in suspension in a wet
subtracting x from 1