Science in Action 9 PDF
Science in Action 9 PDF
Science in Action 9 PDF
Kirsten Mah
Josef Martha
Linda McClelland
James Milross
Joanne Neal
Lionel Sandner
ISBN 0-201-72963-6
Addison Kirsten Mah
Wesley Calgary Roman Catholic School District No. 1, Calgary, Alberta
Josef Martha
Northern Gateway Regional Division 10, Onoway, Alberta
Kyn Barker
Carey Booth Linda McClelland
Steve Campbell Formerly Calgary Board of Education, Calgary, Alberta
George Cormie James Milross
Dean Eichorn
Fraser Heights School, Surrey, British Columbia
Aubry Farenholtz
Gary Greenland Joanne Neal, Ph.D.
Douglas Hayhoe Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
Doug Herridge
Lionel Sandner
Kathy Kubota-Zarivnij
Saanich School Board, Saanich, British Columbia
Kirsten Mah
Josef Martha
Linda McClelland
James Milross
Joanne Neal, Ph.D.
Shelagh Reading
Lionel Sandner
Beverley Williams
01_GR9_FRONTMATTER _R Fin 7/31/02 9:13 AM Page ii
1.3 Variation Within Species 20 Focus On: Social and Environmental Context 37
3.0 DNA is the inherited material responsible 4.0 Human activity affects biological diversity. 56
for variation. 38
4.1 Reduction of Biological Diversity 57
3.1 DNA—Transmitter of Genetic Code 39 Give It a Try: Choices in Our World 57
Give It a Try: Superdogs 39 Extinction and Extirpation 58
DNA 40 Natural Causes of Extinction
Chromosomes 41 and Extirpation 59
Activity A-4 Decision Making: Human Causes of Extinctions and
Useful Genes? 42 Extirpations 61
Genes 43 Activity A-6 Decision Making:
Activity A-5 Problem Solving: Showing Balancing Act 63
the Relationships 44 Activity A-7 Experiment on your own:
Check and Reflect 45 Changes in Biological Diversity 64
Effects of Extinctions and Extirpations 65
3.2 Cell Division 46
Check and Reflect 65
Cell Division and Asexual Reproduction 46
Cell Division and Sexual 4.2 Selecting Desirable Traits 66
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 55 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 79
Focus On: Social and Environment Context 55 Focus On: Social and Environment Context 79
Unit Summary 80
Unit Review 84
Unit B: Matter and Chemical Change 88 2.0 An understanding of the nature of matter
has developed through observations
Exploring 90 over time. 112
Aluminum Foam 90
QuickLAB: Foam in a Cup 91 2.1 Evolving Theories of Matter 113
Focus On: The Nature of Science 111 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 136
3.0 Compounds form according to a set 4.0 Substances undergo a chemical change
of rules. 138 when they interact to produce different
substances. 156
3.1 Naming Compounds 139
Compound? 150
Activity B-5 Inquiry: Unit Summary 172
Modelling Molecular Compounds 151
Writing Formulas for Molecular Science World Case Study: Metal Contamination
Compounds 152 of the Environment 173
Unit C: Environmental Chemistry 178 1.4 How Organisms Take in Substances 204
that can support or harm living things. 182 Check and Reflect 209
Careers and Profiles 210
1.1 Chemicals in the Environment 183
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 211
Give It a Try: Chemicals in the
Focus On: Social and Environmental Context 211
Environment 183
The Nitrogen Cycle 184
Processes and Activities That Affect
Environmental Chemicals 185 2.0 The quantity of chemicals in the environment
Human Activities 186 can be monitored. 212
Activity C-1 Decision Making:
Viewpoints on Electric Power 189
2.1 Monitoring Water Quality 213
2.2 Monitoring Air Quality 225 3.3 Hazardous Chemicals Affect Living Things 248
Carbon Dioxide as a Greenhouse Gas 229 3.4 Hazardous Household Chemicals 253
Biodegradation 244
Activity C-10 Inquiry: Bury Your
Garbage 245
Phytoremediation 246
Photolysis 247
Check and Reflect 247
Unit D: Electrical Principles and Section Review: Assess Your Learning 295
Technologies 270
Focus On: Science and Technology 295
Exploring 272
The Dangers of Electrical Shock 284 Skill Practice: Using Ammeters 308
QuickLAB: Blow a Fuse! 286 2.3 Analyzing and Building Electrical Circuits 311
The Danger of Lightning 287
QuickLAB: Flashlight Design 311
Check and Reflect 287
Circuit Drawings 311
1.4 Cells and Batteries 288 Circuit Analysis Example—Bulldozer 312
Wet Cells 289 QuickLAB: How Does That Toy Work? 313
3.0 Devices and systems convert energy with Activity D-11 Decision Making: What
varying efficiencies. 318 Can We Do to Increase Efficiency? 341
Increasing Efficiency 342
3.1 Energy Forms and Transformations 319 Check and Reflect 342
Four Common Forms of Energy 319
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 343
Give It a Try: Going Shopping 320
Chemical Energy 320 Focus On: Science and Technology 343
Get Your Motor Running 326 Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy 350
QuickLAB: St. Louis Motor 328 4.2 Electricity and the Environment 351
Direct and Alternating Current 328
Air Pollution 351
Generating Electricity 329
Other Environmental Effects 351
Activity D-8 Experiment on your own:
Conserving Energy and Nonrenewable
Generating Electricity 330
Resources 352
Generating DC and AC 331
A Sustainable Future 353
Check and Reflect 331
Check and Reflect 353
3.3 Measuring Energy Input and Output 332
4.3 Electrical Technology and Society 354
Power 332
Benefits of Electrical Technologies 354
Energy 333
Give It a Try: Number Race 355
Skill Practice: Power Practice 333
Drawbacks of Electrical Technologies 355
Activity D-9 Problem Solving:
Computers and Information 355
Circuit Assessment 334
Electricity and Computers 356
Energy Dissipation 335
Electrical Transmission of Information 357
Understanding Efficiency 336
Check and Reflect 358
Skill Practice: Comparing Input and
Output Energies 336 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 359
Activity D-10 Problem Solving: Focus On: Science and Technology 359
Kettle Efficiency 337
Comparing Efficiencies 338
Unit Summary 360
Check and Reflect 338
Science World Case Study: Three Gorges Dam 361
3.4 Reducing the Energy Wasted by Devices 339
Unit E: Space Exploration 366 Tracking Objects in the Solar System 399
Check and Reflect 400
Exploring 368
1.5 Describing the Position of Objects in Space 401
Short Excursion to the Moon 368
Give It a Try: Estimating Positions in
Give It a Try: Crater Patterns Space 401
on the Moon 369
Activity E-2 Problem Solving: Where
Focus On: Science and Technology 369
Do We Look? 402
1.0 Human understanding of both Earth and Determining the Motion of Objects
space has changed over time. 370 in Space 404
Check and Reflect 405
1.1 Early Views About the Cosmos 371
Section Review: Assess Your Learning 406
Give It a Try: Evolving Ideas About
Planetary Motion 371 Focus On: Science and Technology 407
QuickLAB: Telling Sundial Time 377 2.1 Getting There: Technologies for Space
The Astronomer’s Tools 378 Transport 409
The Immensity of Distance and QuickLAB: The Power of Steam 409
Time in Space 379 The Achievements of Rocket Science 410
Activity E-1 Inquiry: How Big Is the Sun? 380 QuickLAB: Stabilizing Rocket Flight 411
Give It a Try: Take a Walk Through The Science of Rocketry 412
the Solar System 382 The Future of Space Transport
Check and Reflect 383 Technology 413
1.3 The Distribution of Matter in Space 384 Activity E-3 Problem Solving: Designing
a Solar Sail-Powered Spacecraft 414
What Is a Star? 384
QuickLAB: What Colour and Shuttles, Space Probes, and Space
Temperature Tell Us About Elements 385
Stations 416
The Life and Death of Stars 387 Check and Reflect 417
Give It a Try: Classifying Stars by Size 389 2.2 Surviving There: Technologies for Living
Star Groups 390 in Space 418
Galaxies 390
Give It a Try: Sharing a Small Place
Check and Reflect 391
in Space 418
1.4 Our Solar Neighbourhood 392 Hazards of Living in Space 419
Check and Reflect 425 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 455
Careers and Profiles 426
Focus On: Science and Technology 455
2.3 Using Space Technology to Meet Human
Needs on Earth 427
3.2 Using Technology to See Beyond the Visible 440 Section Review: Assess Your Learning 469
QuickLAB: Comparing Light Spectra 441 Focus On: Science and Technology 469
Radio Telescopes 441
Radio Interferometry 442 Unit Summary 470
Viewing More Than What the Eye Can See 443
Space Probes 444
Science World Case Study: Babies Beyond
Check and Reflect 445
Gravity’s Grip 471
3.3 Using Technology to Interpret Space 446 Project: Mission to Mars 472
You are about to begin a scientific exploration
using Science in Action 9. To assist you in
your journey, this book has been designed
with the following features to help you.
1 Unit Outline
The book is divided into five
units. Each unit opens with a
large photograph that
captures one of the ideas that
- - in the unit.
will be covered
-- -
2 Exploring
This section is an introduction. It has an interesting
real-world example to introduce the unit. A hands-
Each section has two to five subsections. Each subsection
3 The Sections heading clarifies and provides more information about the
Each section heading statement in the section heading.
summarizes what you will
learn in this section. These
can help you organize your
thoughts when you study.
demonstrate your
understanding of on
Check out this Web site for relevant links.
completing the section.
An infoBIT is an interesting
fact relevant to what you
will be investigating in the
activities will help you
think about what you
are learning.
At the end of the subsection
You will find numerous photos is a reSEARCH. This is an
and illustrations to help explain additional way to study one
or clarify many of the ideas in of the ideas in the subsection.
this unit.
4 Science Activities
There are three main types of activities.
- --------
- -- -Inquiry
- Activity: These activities provide the opportunity for
you to work in a lab setting. You will develop scientific skills
of predicting, observing, measuring, recording, inferring,
analyzing, and many more. In these activities, you investigate
many different phenomena found in our world.
Decision Making Activity:
These activities present
issues or questions related
to everyday life. You will
need to analyze the issue
and develop a conclusion
based on the evidence you
collect. Be prepared to
present your conclusion to
your classmates.
5 Unit Summary
At a glance, you can find out
all the key concepts you have
learned within the unit. You
can also read the summary of
ideas in each section of the
unit. This is a good page to
help you organize your notes
for studying. -------
6 Unit Project
A project at the end of each unit presents a
hands-on opportunity for you to demonstrate
what you’ve learned. You’ll work both in a
group and individually. The project requires
you to apply some of the skills and knowledge -
that you’ve acquired to a new situation. -------
7 Unit Review • questions that The Extend Your • opportunities
require you to use Understanding has: to express your
The Unit Review presents: the ideas in more • questions that have thoughts about
• a chance to review the than one section in you apply your ideas you have
important terms in the unit the unit to answer learning beyond what discovered in
you studied in the unit the unit
8 Other Features
Here are other features you will
find in each unit. Each one has a
different purpose and is designed
to help you learn about the ideas
in the unit.
Science World
This feature is a case study - - - - - -
about an issue that can have
more than one solution or may
involve several viewpoints.
-- ------
-- --
- -
Experiment on
mathLink your own
These are This is your
opportunities for chance to design
you to apply some your own
of your math experiment to
skills. check out a
hypothesis or to
solve a problem.
9 The Toolbox
These pages provide
references to lab safety and
other basic scientific skills
that will help you as you do
the activities. Remember to
check the toolbox when you
need a reminder about these
10 Icons
means you will be working with toxic or
unknown materials and should wear safety
goggles for protection or precaution 11 Glossary
means you should wear a lab apron to The Glossary provides a comprehensive,
protect clothing alphabetical list of the important terms
in the book and their definitions.
means you should wear rubber gloves for
protection when handling the materials
Now it’s time to start. We hope you will enjoy your scientific
exploration using Science in Action 9 !
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
Exploring 5
Wolf populations in Jasper National Park have been monitored throughout the past 60 years.
The size of these populations has been influenced by factors such as environmental
conditions, availability of prey, and control programs. Four wolves per 1000 km2 is
considered to be a low number. .Are Jasper’s wolves in danger? Graph the numbers from
these studies to find out.
• On a single graph, plot the data from the chart by date (oldest to most recent). What
trends do you see in the data and in your graph? (You may wish to review Toolbox 7.)
• For each trend, suggest factors that may have affected the average number of wolves.
• Habitat loss can put a species at risk of extinction. It has been estimated that 97 ha of
natural Canadian habitat are destroyed every hour. Use that figure to calculate the
numbers of hectares lost in a day, a month, and a year.
Exploring 7
1.0 Biological diversity is
reflected in the variety of
life on Earth.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• biological diversity
• species and populations
• diversity within species
• habitat diversity
• niches
• natural selection of genetic
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe the relative abundance
of species on Earth and in
different environments
• describe examples of variation
among species and within
• explain the role variation plays
in survival If you took a trip to a wetland ecosystem or carefully observed the life
• identify examples of niches and
forms underneath a rotting log, you would realize that we are
describe how closely related
surrounded by an incredible diversity of life forms. If you consider the
living things can survive in the
wide range of environmental conditions that exist on Earth, from the
same ecosystem
• explain how the survival of one
frigid cold of the poles to the steamy heat of the tropics, there is no
species may be dependent on single kind of organism that can survive in all of Earth’s regions. Each
another species area possesses its own unique community of characteristic life forms.
• identify examples of natural Tropical regions such as Costa Rica, Central America, contain the
selection greatest variety of organisms. The picture above shows a small sample of
the scarab beetles found in Costa Rica. Although they have many
obvious similarities, each beetle is from a different species, each with its
own unique characteristics.
Globally, the rate of extinction is on the rise. In the past, natural
forces have caused extinctions, but increasingly they are being attributed
to human influences. As a consequence, the variety of genetic material is
Figure 1.1 These woodland caribou share a boreal forest Figure 1.2 This prairie slough teems with life such as
ecosystem with mosses, lichens, pine trees, black spruce, dragonflies, mosquitoes, mallards and ruddy ducks, red wing
white spruce, poplars, wolves, grizzlies, wolverines, lynx, blackbirds, bulrushes, sedge, and muskrats.
and a variety of birds.
Species Distribution
The species on our planet are not
distributed evenly. Areas around the
equator have the greatest number of plant
species. These diverse plant communities 100
in turn provide food and shelter to a
wide variety of organisms. The number
of plant and animal species is greatest in 50
species in three regions revealed there
were 293 species in tropical regions of 200
biological diversity.
550 0
Figure 1.5 This map shows the number of bird species in different regions of North and Central America.
Information comes in many forms including information represented in numbers. Often numerical data are hard
to interpret, and scientists use charts or graphs to illustrate the patterns or trends in the data. For example,
scientists use a pie chart to display data that is part of a whole. They also use bar graphs to show relationships
between sets of data.
Below are two different sets of data. Determine which type of chart or graph would best represent these data
sets and create the appropriate chart or graph for each set. (You may wish to review graphing in Toolbox 7.)
Data Set 1 Data Set 2
• Two red-eyed, long-winged fruit flies could • The size in nanometres (nm or 109 m) for the
produce the following combinations for 16 offspring: following viruses are:
9 out of 16 would have red eyes and long wings smallpox virus 250 nm
3 out of 16 would have red eyes and small wings flu virus 100 nm
3 out of 16 would have white eyes and long wings yellow fever virus 22 nm
1 out of 16 would have white eyes and small wings polio virus 20 nm
foot and mouth virus 10 nm
10 Share and compare your design with others in the class. Highlight the features that
make your representation both accurate and effective.
Figure 1.9 This food chain in a montane ecosystem illustrates interdependence. Timothy grass
depends on the Sun’s energy for growth. Mule deer (herbivores) depend on timothy grass as a food
source. Wolves (carnivores) depend on animals such as mule deer for survival.
5 What is the purpose of the gall? Look for evidence of entry and/or exit holes
to help you answer this question.
6 What type of symbiosis did you see when you cut open the gall? What
evidence do you have to support your conclusion?
Figure 1.12 What type of
7 What is the role of the gall for the insects’ survival?
symbiosis is shown here?
There is one type of interaction between different species in which neither
Mycorrhizae species benefits. Interspecies competition happens when two or more
Mycorrhizae are species need the same resource. For example, if two different species
associations between compete for the same food, there is less of it for each species. Within each
plants and fungi. Use
population, each of its members has access to a smaller share of the
the Internet, your
resources, which leads to more deaths due to starvation. Interspecies
library, and other
competition limits the size of the populations of the competing species.
sources to find out what
kinds of associations If you take a walk through the woods on a summer morning, you
these organisms have might see many types of bird species that are similar to one another. If
and how they work. In a competition between species hurts the species, how can so many species
paragraph describe how exist together in the same location? The answer lies in the niches they
the survival of one of occupy.
the organisms is linked The term niche describes the role of an organism within the
to the survival of the ecosystem. An organism’s niche includes what it eats and what eats it, its
other. Begin your habitat, nesting site, or range, and its effect on both the populations
research at around it and its environment. If you were to describe your own niche, you would have to describe where you live, what school you attend, jobs
you work at, the food you consume, the temperature you feel comfortable
in, and any influences you have on your community.
Resource Partitioning
For similar species to coexist in an area, they must have
slightly different niches. For example, five species of warblers
(small songbirds) all feed on spruce bud worms. You would
think that competition among the five species would harm
them all. But because these species have different behavioural
adaptations, each prefers to feed on worms at different parts
of the tree. By doing this, the five species don’t directly
compete for the worms. Instead, they have divided up the
resource (worms) among them in what is known as resource Figure 1.13 These three warbler species feed on
partitioning. Resource partitioning doesn’t always involve spruce bud worms in different parts of a spruce
food. For example, species may have slightly different niches tree. Their niches differ in the feeding location
in terms of nesting preferences or heat tolerance. they prefer. Note that there is some overlap
between the species.
Figure 1.14 Although the members of this species may look alike, they vary genetically from
one another.
So far in this unit, you have seen that the stability of an ecosystem relies
info BIT on the diversity of its communities and species and on the interactions
among species. The many different species survive because of the
Coats of Many Colours relationships established in this complicated “jigsaw puzzle.” Healthy
ecosystems have a great deal of genetic diversity among the species that
inhabit them. But biologists have also observed a great deal of variation
within a population of a single species. For example, you and your
classmates are all members of the same species, Homo sapiens, but each of
you differs slightly in appearance. Some may have black hair, others
blonde; some may be tall, others less tall. This kind of variation is seen in
all species. Variation within a species is called variability.
Even though its common
name is the red fox, VARIABILITY AND SURVIVAL
members of this species
can have a wide variety Variability is important if the environment of the species changes. When
of coat colours. Aside the species has a great deal of variation among its individuals, it is more
from the typical red coat, likely that some of the individuals will survive environmental changes.
individuals may have Environmental changes do not necessarily have to involve climatic
grey-brown, silver, or changes. The introduction of a new predator, the spread of a new disease,
even completely black the introduction of a toxic substance, or the elimination of a food source
coats. are all examples of environmental changes that could affect the survival of
a species. In these cases, variability within the species will help the
species survive.
Number of students
• What shape does the graph have? What does it show about variation in hand
span among your classmates?
• Predict whether the graph would have the same shape if you measured the hand
spans of students in grade 1 and in university.
• What advantage might large hands have given to early Homo sapiens? Small
• What other human characteristics might be measured in the same way? What
prediction could you make about index finger length in humans?
Inquiry P R O T E C T I V E C O L O R AT I O N AND S U RV I VA L
Before You Begin
Many species show variation in colour and patterning which can allow individuals to blend
in with their surroundings. Species that are found in a variety of habitats may show a
wider range of colour and pattern variation than those that are found in only one habitat.
In this activity, you will model a population that exists in three different colours. Your
Materials & Equipment task will be to investigate the relationship between an organism’s survival and its colour
• 60 chips of each of three relative to the colour of its surroundings. Coloured chips or blocks will represent a prey
different colours (coloured population and some students in your group will play the role of predators.
counters, coloured algebra
tiles, lego blocks or similar) The Question
• a piece of paper or cloth Does the colour of an organism affect the organism’s chance of survival?
75 cm 75 cm, which
matches one of the chip The Hypothesis
colours Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
• graph paper
• colour markers or pencil Procedure
1 Your teacher will divide the class into groups of five. Three students are to play the
role of predator, one student monitors the population and sets up the population for
each generation, and one student records the results.
2 Your teacher will provide each group with a piece of paper or cloth, 75 cm 75 cm,
to represent the habitat. The colour of the paper or cloth will match one of the
colours of the prey organisms.
3 Set up a data table similar to the one below and record the colour composition of
generation 1. You will start with 20 chips of each colour in generation 1.
4 With the predators looking away, the designated monitor will set up the first
generation of 60 individuals of the prey population on the habitat by randomly
Figure 1.15(a) Step 4. Set-up for scattering 20 chips of each of the three different colours on the habitat. See
generation 1. Figure 1.15(a) for the set-up. The predators continue to look away from the habitat.
5 Have a predator turn around and very quickly take any chip, and then turn back. This
represents selection of a prey animal to be eaten. Repeat the process with each of the
other predators until each predator has taken 10 chips. The 30 chips that remain are
the survivors.
Forming Conclusions
15 Based on class results, what conclusions can you draw about the role of coloration in an
organism’s survival?
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• asexual and sexual
• inheritance
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between asexual
and sexual reproduction and
describe examples of each type
of reproduction
• describe types of variations
found within a species and
determine whether they are
discrete or continuous
• distinguish between heritable
and non-heritable
When you walk around a greenhouse, you might notice the number of
possible shapes and sizes of plants. You might also notice that
particular species have particular characteristics. For example, a Boston
fern has large green leaves and no real stem. The coleus plant, however,
has leaves of many different colours growing out of a central stem. What
process ensures that these characteristics in a species are passed down
from generation to generation? The answer is reproduction.
If you look at two coleus plants, you would see that although they
have many similarities in their characteristics, each plant can also have
its own unique versions of certain characteristics. For example, all
coleus plants have velvety leaves, but one plant’s leaf colour may be
dark purple, while another’s is red and yellow. In this section, you will
discover how these variations in characteristics occur.
Figure 2.2 Some of the characteristics in pea plants that scientists have studied include seed shape,
seed colour, flower colour, pod shape, pod colour, and plant height.
On a signal from your teacher, and with your eyes closed, quickly clasp your hands
together above your head, interlocking your fingers. Now look to see which thumb is on
top: left or right? Try clasping your hands with the other thumb on top. Note which way
feels more natural. Report your personal hand-clasping preference.
• On a chart, record the observations of the class for Left Thumb on Top versus Right
Thumb on Top.
• From the class data, try to determine if there is a hand-clasping preference. Decide
whether it seems to be discrete or continuous. Explain your answer.
Spore Production
Many fungi, green algae, some moulds, and non-flowering plants such as
ferns reproduce by producing spores. Spores are similar to seeds, but are
produced by the division of cells of the parent, not by the union of two
cells. One individual will produce many spores, and each spore can
develop into a new individual identical to the parent.
Figure 2.7 Offspring of this plant form at the edges of the leaf.
male gamete
(sperm cell)
(egg cell)
Figure 2.10 Sexual reproduction in animals involves specialized cells called gametes.
style filament anther
The Question
What are the reproductive structures of a flower?
1 On a piece of blank paper, sketch a cross section of the flower as it appears now,
Materials & Equipment
before you dissect it. Label the parts.
• small scalpel with sharp blade
2 Shake the lily gently over the piece of dark cloth. If pollen does not fall onto the cloth,
• magnifying glass
• lily carefully rub the anthers over the material. Using the probe, gently separate out
• piece of dark cloth grains of pollen.
• microscope 3 Prepare a slide to examine the pollen under the microscope. (Review Toolbox 11 on
• slide microscopes.) What do you see at each level of magnification? Record your
• coverslip observations on a recipe card labelled pollen.
• water
4 Peel back the petals of the flower. Label a card petals and use a small amount of glue
• eyedropper
to affix the petals to the card.
• probe
• labelled diagram of parts of a 5 Gently pull away the stamens from the base of the pistil. Label a card with the word
flower (in text) stamen at the top and then draw two lines leading away from the word. At the base
• 5 recipe cards of one line, write the word anther and at the base of the second line, write the word
• white glue filament. Carefully separate the two parts of the stamen and glue them under the
• poster board correct headings.
6 Dissect the pistil, cutting lengthwise from the stigma through the style, then through
the ovary at the bottom. Label a card pistil and glue one-half of the cross section to
Caution! it. Label the section of the pistil.
Use care when 7 Using a magnifying glass and probe, examine the ovule inside the ovary. Record your
handling the scalpel observations on a card labelled ovary.
and the probe.
Analyzing and Interpreting
8 Review the recipe cards that you have assembled as you dissected the flower. How
do you think these separate pieces work together to reproduce a new plant?
9 Go back to your sketch of the parts of the flower before you dissected it. In pencil,
show the process of reproduction as you think it occurs.
10 What characteristics do a pollen grain and an ovule have that help them carry out
their roles in sexual reproduction?
11 Review your work with a partner or other group, and then share ideas with the whole
class. Revise your sketch as necessary.
12 Arrange your recipe cards and sketch on a piece of poster board to create a display
of your work.
Forming Conclusions
13 In a paragraph, summarize the roles each of the plant parts play in sexual
reproduction and how these parts have characteristics that help them perform their
Figure 2.13 Examining flower
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• chromosomes, genes, and
• cell division
• inheritance
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe the relationship
among chromosomes, genes,
and DNA, and their role in
storing genetic information
• distinguish between cell
division during asexual
reproduction and cell division One of the most endangered species on Earth is the Bengal tiger. These
during sexual reproduction tigers, once plentiful on the subcontinent of India, have dwindled from
• investigate the transmission of 40 000 in 1900 to 4500–6000 today. Most scientists speculate that the
characteristics from parents to Bengal tiger will disappear unless humans act to prevent its extinction.
offspring, and identify
One important way to save the Bengal tiger (and other species threatened
examples of different patterns
with extinction) is to develop captive breeding programs.
of inheritance
Like all sexually reproducing species, the Bengal tiger has the best
• identify examples of dominant
and recessive characteristics
chance of long-term survival if there is a lot of variation within the
species. Without variation, the species would be unable to survive
changes in the environment, and would be more vulnerable to
extinction. But with so few Bengal tigers left, how can that variation be
One tiger looks very like another to our eyes, but there are ways of
finding subtle differences between individuals. Using modern
technology, geneticists and zoo staff can analyze the tigers’ genetic
material to determine how similar two tigers are. To do this, scientists and
breeders must have a thorough knowledge of the structure of genetic
material and how it functions. They also have to be familiar with patterns
of inheritance. This knowledge helps them analyze the tigers’ genetic
material, decide if the two tigers are different enough from each other to
breed, and predict the characteristics the cubs are likely to have.
Humans and dogs have had a close relationship since the end of the Ice Age, roughly
12 000 years ago. Descended from wolves, many of the approximately 400 modern breeds of
dog we see today still share many physical characteristics with wolves. Some scientists think
that canids (early dogs) adapted to human settlement. Others think that humans chose
canids whose aggressive behaviours had been selected out. One of the extraordinary abilities
of dogs is their capacity to learn and be trained.
As a class brainstorm a list of superdogs, such as TV show dogs or dogs that perform
special tasks, such as police dogs.
• Determine the breed of each superdog.
• Choose one dog and, in pairs, brainstorm a list of characteristics your dog displays that
help it do its job. Infer which characteristics are typical of the breed.
• If you have time, research the characteristics your dog’s breed typically has. Begin your
search at
• Prepare a chart to compare and contrast the
characteristics of your superdog with those
of a typical dog of the breed. What
similarities and differences do you find?
nucleus nucleus
Figure 3.3 Study the location of the nucleus in the animal cell diagram and the plant cell
diagram. Now locate the nucleus of each cell in the micrographs below the diagrams.
DNA contains all the instructions for an organism’s characteristic Figure 3.4 Paired
features. Because every organism has so many physical and chemical chemicals make up the
characteristics, there is a lot of DNA in a cell. If the DNA from a typical “rungs” of the DNA
human body cell was stretched out, it would be about two metres long, “ladder” and form the
genetic code. The overall
more than 1 000 000 times longer than the cell it came from! To fit such
shape of the DNA molecule
a large amount of DNA into their cells, organisms arrange their DNA is helical, like the spiral
into packages. These packages are called chromosomes. binding on a notebook.
In organisms such as plants and animals, the chromosomes are
located inside the cell nucleus. Each human cell nucleus, for example,
contains 46 chromosomes. You could think of one chromosome as a
single volume of an encyclopedia, and the set of chromosomes as the
complete encyclopedia. If you were missing a single volume of an
encyclopedia, you could be missing information you might need some
time in the future. This is also true for our chromosomes. One
chromosome contains only part of the instructions for making a human.
All of our nuclei, except for those in the gametes, must have a complete
set of chromosomes.
Background Information
New genetic technologies and research like the Human Genome Project have allowed
scientists to investigate the human genetic code better than ever before. The goal of the
project was to identify all of the genes that comprise the human body. In the course of their
research, scientists discovered that the human genome consists of about 30 000 genes.
This was surprising as scientists expected to find 100 000 genes. Scientists now suggest
that the role of human genes is much more complex than originally thought.
Having such detailed information on human DNA has advanced research on a variety
of genetic technologies, such as cloning, and genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis,
muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease. Such emerging technologies have led to a
variety of questions and issues related to their development and application in both
genetic research and treating genetic disorders.
Current scientific thinking is that genes are responsible
for the inheritance of an organism’s characteristic
features. A single gene is an uninterrupted segment of
DNA, which contains coded instructions.
Much of the early research into genes was carried
out on the fruit fly. Researchers found that:
• Genes are located on the chromosomes.
• Each chromosome contains numerous gene
• Like chromosomes, genes come in pairs.
• Both genes in a pair carry DNA instructions for
the same thing. Leg length in the fruit fly is an
• In the fruit fly, the two leg-length genes occupy Figure 3.7 David Vetter, the “bubble boy,” lived for 12
years inside a plastic bubble. He had Severe Combined
matching locations on the two chromosomes.
Immune Deficiency (SCID), a genetic disorder that made
• The DNA code may not be exactly the same in his body incapable of fighting disease. The gene for
both locations. SCID is found on the X chromosome.
The Problem
Design a way to visually summarize the relationships among DNA, genes, and
chromosomes. Be creative. It could be a poster, Web page, model, skit, story, song, or
any other method you choose to convey the information.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Work with a partner or in a small group. Brainstorm ways to convey the information.
All ideas should be considered.
2 Look for ways to blend the best of the group’s suggestions.
7 Share and compare your design with others in the class. Highlight the features that
make your presentation both accurate and effective.
8 Is there anything you could do to improve your design?
Figure 3.8 Planning a 9 As you were completing your presentation, did you have any questions about the
presentation to explain relationships among DNA, genes, and chromosomes?
relationships among DNA,
10 Assess your group’s effectiveness at planning and creating your design. What did you
genes, and chromosomes
do well? What could you improve?
first cell
Figure 3.11 Comparison of mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis produces two offspring cells with the
same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis produces four sex cells that have half the
number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Neverending Cells
When Henrietta Lacks’ physician removed cells from her about 50 times in the laboratory before they die. So what
body in 1951 to test for cervical cancer, neither of them made Henrietta’s cells so special? Research the history of
could have imagined that these cells would still be the HeLa cell and prepare a report. Begin your search at
reproducing today. Since 1951, scientists all over the world www. Include information
have used HeLa cells in their explorations of cell structure about Henrietta and her family. Explore any issues that may
and genetics. Usually, human body cells can divide only have arisen from the use of her cells for research.
Dietician/Genetic Associate
Figure 3.13 shows the result of crossbreeding a purebred white female cat
with a purebred black male cat. Notice that every kitten in the resulting
litter has a black coat. Crossing a purebred black female with a purebred
white male will produce the same result. No matter how many times the
experiment is repeated, all of the offspring will have black coats: never
white, never grey, only black. Black coat colour in cats is an example of a
dominant trait.
mother father
Has the white-coat allele in the hybrid kittens been completely dominated
by the black-coat allele? To find out, a second experiment can be
conducted crossbreeding hybrid black offspring once they become adults.
Figure 3.14 shows the average results of this experiment: three out of
every four kittens will have black coats, while one will be white. If the
experiment is repeated until there are 100 offspring, you might expect
about 75 to be black and about 25 to be white.
mother father
Figure 3.14 The kittens from Figure 3.13 are the parents in this cross.
Incomplete Dominance
The dominant-recessive pattern of inheritance does not always prevail.
When a purebred snapdragon bearing red flowers is crossed with a
purebred snapdragon bearing white flowers, the offspring are neither red
nor white. Instead, the flowers are pink, a colour intermediate between red
and white (Figure 3.15). This pattern of inheritance is known as
incomplete dominance. Both the white-flower allele and the red-flower
allele have played a part in determining the flower colour of the offspring
plants. Neither the white trait nor the red trait is truly dominant, and
neither is truly recessive.
Figure 3.15 Four o’clock flowers also show incomplete dominance. The pink-flowered plants in the
middle had a parent with red flowers and a parent with white flowers.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key concepts
• biological diversity
• species
• habitat diversity
• natural and artificial selection
of genetic characteristics
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between artificial
and natural selection
• describe the effects of
extinction and extirpation on
biological diversity
• evaluate the success and
limitations of local and global
strategies in minimizing loss of
species diversity
• describe new technologies for What would be the ideal vacation for you? You might tour the famous
recombining genetic material museums of the world to view masterpieces of art. You could visit the
• describe the use of main cities of the world, to visit their architectural treasures. Or you
biotechnology in various fields might seek out the beautiful examples of our biological heritage in the
nature preserves, national parks, and zoos of the world. More people
are choosing this last type of vacation. Our appreciation and curiosity
for the other types of life on Earth are increasing as we realize that
species can be lost forever.
Nature preserves and national parks are not just for our enjoyment.
They also play an important role in global strategies to maintain
biological diversity by preserving important habitats and the species
that depend on them. Today, zoos play an active role in preserving
biological diversity through breeding programs and other efforts. In
many cases, by trying to meet our needs, humans have unknowingly
caused so much change to the environment that many species have
been unable to adapt, and have disappeared. In recent years, however,
both experts and volunteers have turned their attention to preserving
the world’s biological diversity and, sometimes, have been able to
reverse some of the damage that has been caused.
With a partner, choose one of the following scenarios. Discuss the effects of the changes
to the environment and to the organisms that live there. What choices will need to be
made? Why? Could any of the changes be avoided? How?
1. A new school is built in a neighbourhood. Construction takes place on land that has a
grove of aspen trees and native grasses. The trees are removed so the workers can
park their vehicles during construction. The native grasses are replaced by the school
building, tarmac basketball courts, and non-native grass for sports fields.
Sometimes organisms have adaptations that suit them to only a narrow set
of environmental conditions. This probably happens because the
environment that the organism inhabits remains unchanged for a very
long time. Biologists call this overspecialization. Overspecialization is
another natural cause of extinction. The best-known example of
overspecialization is the giant panda that eats only one thing, bamboo
shoots. Because the panda only eats bamboo, it cannot switch to other
sources of food. Bamboo forests sometimes die off or are cut down,
reducing the pandas’ food supply. So although habitat destruction affects
the survival of the species, the pandas’ overspecialization makes them
even more vulnerable to extinction.
Figure 4.3 Damage caused by chestnut Figure 4.4 The northern leopard frog has been
blight extirpated from central Alberta.
Habitat Destruction
Humans cause rapid changes to habitat in a variety of ways. Construction
of buildings, agricultural development, logging, and the damming of rivers
all change environments. These activities are necessary to meet human
needs. For example, large tracts of land were cleared of all native
vegetation to make way for fields and pastures to grow crops and raise
livestock, which are our food supply. But unfortunately, these changes
also have brought about the loss of many species. In Canada, prairie
species have been affected the most, because the grasslands provided the
best farm sites. In fact, only 20% of the area once covered by native
prairie species is still in its natural condition.
Pollution is a particular kind of habitat destruction. Pollution often
affects not only the immediate area where humans are but also areas
farther away. For example, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used in
farming may be washed into the nearby water system, and may
unintentionally cause the death of native species. Some chemicals can
cause an increase in the number of birth defects in species. This often
occurs first in aquatic species such as fish, frogs, and toads. For example,
pollution of breeding sites is thought to be the main cause of the dramatic
reduction of the great plains toad in Alberta. This toad is now in the
Special Concern category.
Over-hunting was the major cause of the decline and eventual extirpation
of the plains bison over most of its range, and of the extinction of the
passenger pigeon. In the 19th century, flocks of passenger pigeons were so
large that people reported being unable to hear the sound of a gunshot
when they flew overhead. Passenger pigeons were hunted mainly for
sport. The sport was so popular that the population declined dramatically.
The last passenger pigeon died in captivity on September 1, 1914.
Sometimes species were hunted to deliberately extirpate them. Black-
tailed prairie dogs were considered a great menace to farmers and
ranchers because they ate grain and dug holes causing cattle and horses to
break legs. In the 1930s, large-scale poisoning campaigns reduced prairie
dog numbers.
Background Information
In Canada, grizzlies are now extirpated from the Prairies, and are found only in forested
regions of Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Here they
can find an adequate food supply. They can also find appropriate habitat in which to make
their dens and to provide refuge from human disturbance.
Figure 4.7 Grizzly bears need large areas of land undisturbed by human activity.
Although we may think of grizzlies as aggressive animals, they usually prefer to avoid
humans. National parks are meant to preserve natural areas and the animals that inhabit
them, but most of us also expect to be able to enjoy many outdoor activities in these
parks. In Alberta, Banff and Jasper National Parks have ski areas, hotel facilities,
swimming pools, and large camping facilities for recreation.
The Question
How do the numbers of plant and animal species in an area
change over time?
Figure 4.9 The black-footed ferret has been extirpated from Canada. In 1997, there were 12 males
and 18 females at the Metro Toronto Zoo. In the United States, small populations have been
reintroduced to the wild.
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering refers to any technology that directly alters the
DNA of an organism. Genetic engineering is a rapidly developing
science, and every new advance increases our ability to control the
characteristics of organisms.
Many of the genetic engineering techniques involve inserting a
gene from one species into another species. Bacteria are genetically
engineered to produce life-saving medicines such as insulin. Insulin is
a substance that many diabetics use to control the level of sugar in
their blood. Just 20 years ago, insulin had to be extracted from the
pancreas of cattle, and it was expensive to produce. Today, the human
insulin-producing gene is inserted into the bacteria’s DNA. Because the
bacteria reproduce so rapidly, bacterial colonies can produce insulin
quickly and cheaply. Now most of the world’s supply of insulin comes
from genetically engineered bacteria.
A micro-organism called Bacillus thuringiensis produces a toxin
commonly called Bt, which is poisonous to many insects. Scientists
have isolated the gene that contains the instructions for making Bt
toxin and have inserted it into the DNA of plants. These genetically
engineered plants now produce Bt toxin! Since the 1990s, cotton, corn,
Figure 4.14 This plant was and potatoes have been engineered to produce Bt toxin. Because
grown from cells that had a insects that eat the engineered plants die, growers never need to apply
firefly gene inserted into pesticides to the engineered plants.
them. When the gene is
Some varieties of canola are naturally resistant to an insect called
activated, the plant glows.
the flea beetle, while others are not. When flea beetles attack a field of
canola, the crop is likely to be devastated, leaving the grower with
nothing to sell. Unfortunately, the most valuable varieties of canola do
not have a gene for flea beetle resistance, so most growers have to use
pesticides to protect their crop from the beetle. Scientists have been
able to transfer this gene from beetle-resistant varieties to other canola
varieties that have higher yields. The growers who use the genetically
engineered canola get canola with high yields and, because it’s beetle-
resistant, it doesn’t have to be sprayed with pesticides.
Figure 4.15 Dolly’s cells appear the same age as her mother’s, even though Dolly is six years
Cloning and genetic engineering are still in their infancy and have
been fraught with difficulties. Cattle cloners have reported numerous
examples of unsuccessful pregnancies, birth defects, and deaths among
clones. The reasons are as yet unclear. Some researchers speculate that
something about the process of removing the nucleus from the donor egg
may be responsible. Dolly herself has developed arthritis, although it is
not known why.
Decision S A L M O N FA R M I N G AND VA R I A B I L I T Y
Making The Issue
Will salmon farming help or hurt the recovery of wild salmon in Canada?
Background Information
In the 1990s, the salmon populations on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts were on the
verge of collapse, causing governments to call a halt to all commercial salmon fishing.
Many people who had made a living from salmon fishing were suddenly out of work.
There were various reasons why the salmon stocks had declined so suddenly, and people
had different proposals as to how to let the salmon population recover while still meeting
society’s desire for salmon.
Fish farms mainly in New Brunswick’s Bay of Fundy and off the B.C. coast produce
more that 72 000 tonnes of salmon a year. The federal government is a strong supporter
of fish farming and recently made available $75 million for research and development.
Government estimates suggest that by the year 2025, the world will need 55 million
tonnes more seafood than wild stocks can provide. To meet that demand, fish farming as
an industry will have to grow by 350%.
But is the advance of fish farming practices coming at the expense of stocks of wild
salmon? Why is the wild species still facing extinction? What impact does commercial
fish farming have on wild populations? Tests are under way to selectively breed for bigger
and faster growing salmon as well as to genetically modify the fish against common
parasitic diseases. Researchers in the federal department of fisheries have now developed
20 new transgenic breeds of salmon that grow seven times faster than wild salmon.
Figure 4.17 Leaders of indigenous peoples living in the rain forests of South America attended the
Earth Summit to voice their concerns about the clearing of rain forests.
Background Information
Wetlands include marshes, swamps, and bogs, and provide habitats for a large number of
species. One such species is the endangered whooping crane, which is the symbol of a
government program called RENEW (Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife). As of
April, 2001, the number of whooping cranes in the wild in North America was only 263.
Amazingly, 177 of these live in conserved wetland habitats in Wood Buffalo National Park.
Most of these birds were not born in the park, but were released from captive breeding
The prairies were once dotted with small wetlands called “prairie potholes,” which
provided habitat for the whooping crane and other species. Most experts agree that the
whooping crane has become endangered due to habitat loss because so many of these
potholes were drained to make way for farms, industry, or housing, or to control
mosquito populations. Governments, environmental groups, fishing and hunting
associations, zoos, local community groups, and private land owners have started to work
together to bring back the whooping crane.
2.0 2.0 As species reproduce, characteristics are passed from parents to offspring.
• Heritable traits can vary between individuals either as discrete variations, such as eye colour,
• asexual and sexual or continuous variations, such as height. The environment can affect some heritable traits,
reproduction such as height.
• inheritance • Asexual reproduction involves only one parent. The parent and offspring of asexual
reproduction are identical. Sexual reproduction involves two parents. The offspring of sexual
reproduction are different from the parents.
• In sexual reproduction, a male gamete fuses with a female gamete to produce a zygote. A
zygote develops into an embryo, which eventually grows into a new individual.
• Sexual reproduction results in variation among individuals of a species. Asexual reproduction
allows a species to reproduce quickly producing identical offspring.
se d
S t u
Science World 81
Steps to Success
1. Work with a partner. Brainstorm possibilities for a
strategy that will be the focus on your research.
Writing to local environmental groups, reading
newspaper and magazine articles, using e-mail, and
checking Web sites are examples of ways to gather the
background information that you will need for your
2. Select the type of presentation that you will use and
begin to develop a plan for sharing your research
Project 83
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
Aluminum foam
The next time you drink pop from a can, take a good look at the container.
You probably know that it’s made of the metal aluminum, which is light
and flexible, yet strong. These characteristics, or properties, make
aluminum useful for holding liquids. Aluminum has many other
applications as well. For example, screen doors, cars, and airplanes all
use aluminum. In these applications, the metal is usually used in sheets
or formed into parts. But did you know that aluminum can also be made
into a foam?
Aluminum foam is an example of combining a variety of materials to
create a new material with different properties from those of the original
materials. Mixing powdered aluminum with a foaming material makes
aluminum foam, a substance that can be 10 times stiffer and 50% lighter
than aluminum. It can also float because it has air pockets.
Engineers use this new material to create lighter, safer cars. It may
sound strange that a lighter car can be a safer car. However, compared to
other materials, aluminum foam is able to absorb more impact energy
when a car is in a collision.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To observe what happens in a simple chemical reaction • graduated cylinder
• 30 mL corn syrup
Procedure • two 250-mL beakers
1 Pour 30 mL of corn syrup into a 250-mL beaker. Stir in 3 drops of one food • two different colours of
colouring. Sprinkle 20 mL of baking soda on the corn syrup. food colouring
• stirring rod
2 Tip the beaker slightly and carefully pour in 30 mL of water down one side.
• 20 mL baking soda
Add 30 mL of vegetable oil to the beaker in the same way.
• 30 mL water
3 Into a separate beaker, pour 20 mL of vinegar and add 3 drops of the other • 30 mL vegetable oil
food colouring. • 20 mL vinegar
4 Fill the eyedropper with coloured vinegar. Squeeze 3 drops of coloured vinegar • eyedropper
into the beaker containing the other substances. Record your observations.
Repeat if necessary.
5 Push the eyedropper down to the bottom of that beaker, and release all the
vinegar by squeezing the bulb of the eyedropper. Record your observations.
6 Describe how your observations were different in steps 4 and 5.
7 Work with the rest of the class to explain what is going on in the activity.
Exploring 91
Matter can be described and
1.0 organized by its physical and
chemical properties.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS)
and safety
• substances and their properties
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify and evaluate dangers
of caustic materials and
potentially explosive reactions
• investigate and describe
properties of materials
• describe and apply different
ways of classifying materials
based on their composition
and properties
Imagine visiting a market where all the food is displayed in big bags,
like the ones shown in the photo. How could you tell what was in each
bag? One way would be to look at the colour and shape of each item.
You also might handle each one to see whether it is hard or soft, rough
or smooth, dense or light. If these clues still weren’t enough to help you
identify the unknown substances, then you might have to cut them
open to see their composition. In all of this, you would be doing just
what a chemist does: investigating matter.
Studying the properties of matter and how matter changes is part of
the science called chemistry. Matter is anything that has mass and
occupies space. In this section, you will first learn proper science lab
safety. Then you will learn about some properties of matter and how
those properties can be used to identify substances and to organize
matter in a useful way.
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 93
Before you do any activity in this unit, read the directions and look for
Symbol Shapes “Caution” notes that will tell you if you need to take extra care. There are
These shapes and their two areas of special consideration for people working in the lab:
colours indicate how
understanding warning labels and following safety procedures.
dangerous a substance is.
Some of the materials you will use in science activities are hazardous.
Always pay attention to the warning labels, and follow your teacher’s
instructions for storing and disposing of these materials. If you are using
cleaning fluids, paint, or other hazardous materials at home, read the
labels for special storage and disposal advice.
caution All hazardous materials have a label showing a hazard symbol. You
may have seen these labels on chemical substances in your kitchen or
garage. For example, many kinds of window cleaner contain ammonia,
which is toxic and corrosive. Car batteries contain sulfuric acid which is
also toxic and corrosive, and lead which is toxic.
Each hazard symbol shows two separate pieces of information. The
warning shape of the symbol indicates how hazardous a substance is. A yellow
triangle means “caution,” an orange diamond means “warning,” and a red
octagon means “danger.” These shapes are shown in the infoBIT on this
page. The second piece of information in the symbol is the type of hazard,
which is indicated by the picture inside the shape. Figure 1.2 shows the
common hazard warnings.
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System—or WHMIS—is
another system of easy-to-see warning symbols on hazardous materials.
These symbols were designed to help protect people who use materials
that might be harmful at work. Figure 1.3 shows eight WHMIS symbols.
1. Read all written instructions carefully before doing an 10. Clean up any spilled substances immediately as
activity. instructed by your teacher.
2. Listen to all instructions and follow them carefully. 11. Never look into test tubes or containers from the top.
3. Wash your hands thoroughly after each activity and Always look through the sides.
after handling chemicals. 12. Never use cracked or broken glassware. Make sure
4. Wear safety goggles, gloves, or an apron as required. you follow your teacher’s instructions when getting
5. Think before you touch. Equipment may be hot and rid of broken glass.
substances may be dangerous. 13. Label any container you put chemicals in.
6. Smell a substance by fanning the smell toward you 14. Report all accidents and spills immediately to your
with your hand. Do not put your nose close to the teacher.
substance. 15. If there are WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials
7. Do not taste anything in the lab. Information System) safety symbols on any chemical
8. Tie back loose hair and roll up loose sleeves. you will be using, make sure that you understand all
the symbols. See Toolbox 1 at the back of this book.
9. Never pour liquids into containers held in your hand.
Place a test tube in a rack before pouring substances
in it.
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 95
Remember that safety in the science class begins with you. Before you
start any activity:
• Follow the safety instructions outlined by your teacher and in this
• Identify possible hazards and report them immediately.
• Show respect and concern for your own safety and the safety of your
classmates and teachers.
• Read Toolbox 1: Safety in the Laboratory.
freezing condensation
Figure 1.5 Changes in states of matter
5 Compare your classification system with that of your classmates. What similar
properties did everyone use? What different properties did everyone use?
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 97
Some Physical Properties
A variety of physical properties can be used to identify matter. Two
of Matter
examples are colour and lustre (shininess). The temperature at which a
• colour
substance melts is also a physical property. It’s important to remember that
• lustre
when a substance undergoes a physical change, such as melting, its
• melting point
appearance or state may be altered, but its composition stays the same.
• boiling point
Melted chocolate ice cream has the same composition as frozen chocolate
• hardness
ice cream. The table on page 99 lists several of the key physical properties
• malleability
used to describe matter.
• ductility
• crystal shape
• solubility Figure 1.6 This ice cream has
• density undergone a physical change.
• conductivity Even though it has melted, its
composition hasn’t changed.
7 Adding a candy to the pop causes a physical change to occur. The candy
reduces the surface tension in the liquid, allowing gas to be released faster.
Does the composition of the candy change after it is added to the pop?
8 Why were you required to fill two glasses with pop in step 1, but to add candy
to only one glass in step 2?
9 What factors influenced the rate at which the gas was released from the pop?
What data did you collect to support your answer?
Melting point The melting point of a substance is the temperature at which it changes from a solid to a liquid.
The melting point of ice is 0°C. At this temperature, it changes into water. Other substances have
different melting points. For example, table salt melts at 801°C, and propane melts at 190°C.
Boiling point The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which its liquid phase changes to the gas
phase. At sea level, water’s boiling point is 100°C. Table salt boils at 1413°C, and propane boils
at 42°C.
Hardness Hardness is a substance’s ability to resist being scratched. Hardness is usually measured on the
Mohs’ hardness scale from 1 to 10. The mineral talc is the softest substance on the scale (1).
Diamond is the hardest (10). Figure 1.7 shows the scale.
Malleability A substance that can be pounded or rolled into sheets is said to be malleable. Metals such as
gold and tin are malleable. Aluminum foil is an example of a product made from a malleable
Ductility Any solid that can be stretched into a long wire is said to be ductile. The most common example
of a ductile material is copper.
Crystal shape The shape of a substance’s crystals can help identify it. Silicon crystals, for example, are diamond
shaped. Salt crystals form cubes.
Solubility Solubility is the ability of a substance to be dissolved in another. For example, sugar is soluble in
water, but cooking oil is not.
Density Density is the amount of mass in a given volume of a substance. The density of water is 1 g/mL.
The density of gold is 19 g/cm3.
Conductivity Conductivity is the ability of a substance to conduct electricity or heat. A substance that conducts
electricity or heat is called a conductor. A substance with little or no conductivity is an insulator.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 99
The Question
How can the properties of a substance be used to identify it?
Part 1—Examining Five Substances
Materials & Equipment
1 Copy the table shown on the next page into your notebook.
• salt, baking soda, corn starch,
sodium nitrate, sodium 2 Collect five substances from your teacher.
thiosulfate 3 Perform the tests described below to identify the properties of the substances. You
• black paper do not have to do the tests in the order shown below, but you must do all of them.
• hand lens
4 Make sure the data table is completely filled in before you begin part 2 of the activity.
• water
• 5% acetic acid or 5% Test 1—Appearance
hydrochloric acid
5 Use one sheet of black paper for all your samples. Place a small amount of each
• iodine solution
powder in different places on the same sheet of black paper. Make sure that your
• wax paper or spot plate
powder samples are not touching each other.
• disposal containers
6 Describe the appearance of each powder. Record your observations in the data table.
Forming Conclusions
24 Describe how you inferred what substance or substances were in your unknown
sample. Use your data to support your conclusions.
baking soda
corn starch
sodium nitrate
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 101
A chemical property describes how a substance interacts with other
Chemical Properties of
substances such as acids. Chemical properties are observable only when a
chemical change occurs. A chemical change always results in the
formation of a different substance or substances. For example, if you make
• reaction with acids
pancakes, you mix together flour, milk, baking powder, sugar, and other
• ability to burn
ingredients, each with its own set of physical properties. When you cook
• reaction with water
them, however, they form a completely new substance—a pancake. The
• behaviour in air
pancake has different properties from those of its ingredients.
• reaction to heat
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 103
Key Concept Review
1. What physical properties could be used to describe a substance?
2. Give two examples to illustrate the difference between a physical and a
chemical property.
3. How is an element different than a compound? Give an example of each.
4. What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture?
5. How is a suspension different from a colloid?
water 0 100
oxygen 218 183
ammonium nitrate 170 210
ethanol 117 79
mercury 39 357
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 105
1 You will investigate four different reactions described below.
Materials & Equipment
• sodium carbonate
2 Copy the data table shown on the next page into your notebook. Fill it in as you
• 250-mL beaker complete each test.
• dilute hydrochloric acid
• aluminum foil Test 1—Sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid
• sugar 3 Put a pea-sized pile of sodium carbonate into a small beaker or plastic cup. In your
• candle data table, describe the appearance of the sodium carbonate.
• Plasticine
4 Observe the dilute hydrochloric acid. If you are unable to see inside the container, use
• matches
• wooden clothespin or tongs
a clear eyedropper to remove a small sample of the acid. Record your observations.
• 3 test tubes 5 Predict what you think will happen when you add the dilute hydrochloric acid to the
• sodium carbonate solution sodium carbonate.
• copper(II) sulfate solution 6 Add 5 to 8 drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to the sodium carbonate. Record your
• 5-mL measuring spoon observations.
• test-tube holder
• copper(II) sulfate (solid)
Test 2—Sugar and heat
• water
• stirring rod 7 Use a piece of aluminum foil to make a small cup shape. Put a pea-sized pile of sugar
into the centre of the aluminum cup. In your data table, describe the appearance of
the sugar.
8 Predict what you think will happen when the sugar is heated.
Caution! 9 Stand a candle securely in some Plasticine, and light the candle.
Make sure long hair 10 Using tongs or a wooden clothespin, hold the aluminum cup containing the sugar
and loose clothing over the candle’s flame. Slowly move the cup back and forth over the flame to heat
are tied back. the sugar. Record your observations.
11 When you are finished, place the aluminum cup in a safe place to cool.
Forming Conclusions
23 Create a summary, chart, or picture to illustrate the observations you might make to
describe the characteristics of a chemical change and a physical change.
Station 1: Sodium
carbonate and dilute
hydrochloric acid
Station 2: Sugar and heat
Station 3: Copper(II) sulfate
and sodium carbonate
Station 4: Copper(II) sulfate
and water
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 107
In our everyday life, there are many examples of how understanding and
controlling changes in matter help us meet our basic needs. One example
you might be interested to read about is the freeze-drying of foods. Freeze-
drying is a way to preserve foods so that they can be eaten months—and
sometimes even years—later. As well, freeze-drying makes foods easy to
prepare—all you have to do is add hot water.
In the freeze-drying process, the food is first frozen to convert the
water content in the food to ice. The frozen food is then put in a pressure
chamber and the pressure is reduced until the ice sublimes (changes from
a solid to a gas). The result is that about 98% of the water in the original
food item is removed. This leaves a food that is about 10% its original
mass and that, once packaged, doesn’t have to be refrigerated. When it’s
time to eat, all you do is stir in hot water!
Figure 1.14 If you’ve ever kayaked, you know the importance of keeping your supplies as light as
possible. Freeze-dried foods weigh little and take only minutes to prepare.
Changes in Matter
Observable Changes Type of Change
Baking bread
Burning wood
Freezing water
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 109
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. Define matter.
2. What do the following symbol shapes represent?
Matter Can Be Described and Organized by Its Physical and Chemical Properties 111
An understanding of the nature of
2.0 matter has developed through
observations over time.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• substances and their properties
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
• periodic table
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between
observation and theory, and
provide examples of how
models and theoretical ideas
are used in explaining
• demonstrate understanding of
the origins of the periodic
table, and relate patterns in the
physical and chemical
properties of elements to their
positions in the periodic table Humans have been warming themselves around campfires for thousands
• use the periodic table to: of years. You may have sat around a campfire and enjoyed the heat. You
– identify the number of may even have cooked over a fire. What do you think early humans might
protons and electrons in have wondered about this mysterious flame that gives off heat and light?
each atom, as well as other Some of them likely puzzled over why fire turns wood black or makes it
information about each atom smell different. Maybe they would have wondered what happened to the
– describe the relationship wood after the fire had burned out. By being curious about the world
between the structure of around them, these people were the first to try to learn more about
atoms in each group and the
substances and how they behave.
properties of elements in that
In this section, you will learn how our understanding of matter has
changed over time. As you read, you will begin to appreciate how asking
questions is a key first step we use in making sense of our world. Then,
from our observations and experiments, we develop theories and build
models to predict and explain what we see. We test these, adjust them, try
out new ideas, and eventually reach what seems to be the reasonable
answers to our questions. It all begins with curiosity.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 113
Between 6000 B.C. and 1000 B.C.,
early chemists investigated only
materials that had a high value to
humans. Many of these materials
were metals, such as gold and
copper. Gold became highly
valued because of its properties.
It had attractive colour and lustre,
and it didn’t tarnish. Its softness
made it easy to shape into
detailed designs, form into wire,
Figure 2.2 The earliest use of gold was in
and beat into sheets. Because it is jewellery, but it later became very important
so soft, however, gold could not in the making of coins.
be used for tools or weapons.
Copper became valuable because it could be used to make pots, coins,
tools, and jewellery. It was early chemists asking questions that led to an
understanding of copper’s properties and how the material could be
controlled. A piece of natural, untreated copper is brittle—that is, it breaks
easily. In that state, therefore, it isn’t a useful material for making things.
However, when copper is heated, it becomes very useful because it can be
rolled into sheets or stretched into long wires.
The original discovery of the effect of heat on copper was possibly
accidental. A chunk of copper may have fallen into a fire and whoever
picked it out may have asked: Has the copper changed because it was
heated? Testing it would have revealed how much softer it was and that it
was less likely to shatter when hammered. Later experimenting with
copper (about 4500 B.C.) led to the creation of a hard, strong material
known as bronze, which is produced when copper and tin are heated
Figure 2.4 The discovery of copper’s usefulness (such as in these copper spearheads) is a good
example of how asking questions leads to scientific and technological development.
Discovering Different
Other metals besides
gold and copper have
also been long known.
Find out when tin, silver,
lead, and mercury were
discovered and how they
were first used. Begin
your research at
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 115
The idea that all matter is made up of particles started with the Greek
Thinking About Matter philosophers about 2500 years ago. They observed that a rock could be
The first people who broken into smaller and smaller pieces until it became a powder. But, they
developed theories about
asked, how many times could you continue to break the particles of
the structure of matter
powder down until they couldn’t be broken down any more? In about 400
were philosophers.
B.C., the Greek philosopher Democritus used the word atomos to describe
Philosophers are people
who think about the world the smallest particles that could not be broken further. Atomos means
and humans’ place in it. “indivisible.”
Rather than performing Democritus stated that each type of material was made up of a
experiments on the nature different type of atomos. These different particles, he believed, gave each
of matter, early material its own unique set of properties. By mixing different atomos, you
philosophers just thought could make new materials with their own unique properties. However, in
about the structure of about 350 B.C. another Greek philosopher, Aristotle, supported a different
matter. Their explanations hypothesis. He stated that everything was made of earth, air, fire, and
and theories were based water. Because Aristotle was well known and well respected, his
on their ideas, not on description of matter was preferred over Democritus’s description for
experimental evidence.
2000 years.
Figure 2.8 Alchemists continued in their search for a way to make gold until about 1600.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 117
In 1808, English scientist John Dalton used the observations from his
experiments to develop his own theory of the composition of matter.
Dalton suggested that matter was made up of elements. He was the first to
define an element as a pure substance that contained no other substances.
Gold, oxygen, and chlorine are examples.
Dalton also put forward the first modern theory of atomic structure. He
stated that each element is composed of a particle called an atom. All
atoms in a particular element, he said, are identical in mass, and no two
elements have atoms of the same mass. For instance, all oxygen atoms
have the same mass, which is different from the mass of chlorine atoms.
Dalton’s model is sometimes called the “billiard ball model” because he
thought of the tiny atoms as solid spheres. While some of Dalton’s ideas
were later modified based on new evidence, his basic description of the
structure of an element was correct.
gold foil gold foil
a) Prediction b) Evidence c) New Model
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 119
It was Danish researcher Niels Bohr who, working with Rutherford,
suggested that electrons do not orbit randomly in an atom. Bohr said that
they move in specific circular orbits, or electron shells, as shown in
Figure 2.18. He believed that electrons jump between these shells by
gaining or losing energy. For his work in studying the atom, Bohr won the
Nobel Prize in physics in 1922.
electron electron
Figure 2.17 Niels Bohr was
only 28 when he published
his theory of the atom in
1913. In 1922, he won the
Nobel Prize in physics. nucleus nucleus
Figure 2.18 Bohr’s model of the atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus in a regular pattern.
re SEARCH Bohr’s model was readily accepted, though with further refinements,
by James Chadwick, another British physicist. Chadwick discovered that
The Quantum Atom the nucleus contained positively charged particles called protons, and
Find out more about the neutral particles called neutrons. The neutron has about the same mass as
quantum nature of the the proton but carries no electrical charge. An electron has only 1/1837th
atom. Use print and the mass of either a proton or a neutron.
electronic resources to Today, most people still use the Bohr model to describe the particles
learn about orbitals and that make up the atom. However, further research in the area of quantum
electron clouds. Begin mechanics has found that the structure of the atom is different again from
your research at that model. The quantum mechanics model of the atom describes electrons as existing in a charged cloud around the nucleus, shown in
scienceinaction. Figure 2.19.
cloud of electrons
Figure 2.19 Today’s
quantum mechanics model
describes the atom as a
cloud of electrons
surrounding a nucleus.
Figure 2.20 Ernest Rutherford proposed his nuclear theory of the atom in 1911.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 121
info BIT
2.2 Organizing the Elements
Choose Your Carbon
Looking for patterns and classifying scientific information helps us bring
Some elements exist in
different forms as a solid. order to unorganized ideas. It can also help us interpret what the
Carbon can be a soft information means. As you reviewed in section 1.2, matter can be
black substance called organized in several different ways. It can be classified as solids, liquids,
graphite. Or it can be a or gases; and, in any of those states, it can be classified as pure substances
hard, clear substance (elements or compounds) or mixtures (mechanical mixtures, solutions,
called diamond. suspensions, or colloids).
1 Draw a table in your notebook with the following
properties listed across the top: colour, state,
appearance, hardness, magnetism, and electrical
conductivity. List the samples down the left side.
2 Your teacher will put out samples of different
elements in the classroom, as well as the Magnetism
equipment you will need to make some of your Use a magnet to determine whether the element
assessments. Examine each element and fill in the is magnetic.
table with the information you gather about the Electrical Conductivity
properties of each one. The guidelines below will Test electrical conductivity with a simple electrical
help you in your investigation: circuit and a light bulb. If the light bulb goes on
Colour when you touch the two wires to the element, the
Record the colour of each element. If the element element is a conductor. If the light bulb does not
has no colour, call it colourless. go on, the element is an insulator.
State Questions
Record what state the element is in at room 3 Sort the elements into groups that have the same
temperature. or similar properties.
Appearance 4 For each of the groups that share similar
Describe the appearance of each element. Use properties, suggest a collective name to describe
words such as “lustre” (shine) and “texture.” the elements.
Hardness 5 List these elements under their collective group
Determine the hardness of each solid element. headings.
Metal gold silver iron mercury tin copper lead Figure 2.21 The symbols for
the Sun and planets closest
Symbol to Earth have long been used
Celestial Body Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn to represent the seven metals
known from ancient times.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 123
re SEARCH An Order for the Elements
It was soon realized that the elements could be listed in order of
New Elements increasing atomic mass. Atomic mass is the mass of one atom of an
Use electronic and print element. Scientists were able to determine the average mass of an atom of
resources to find out other elements by comparing it with the mass of a carbon atom (which is
about new elements 12.0). Atomic mass is measured by atomic mass unit (amu).
that have been In 1864, the English chemist John Newlands recognized a pattern
discovered or named in when elements were listed by increasing atomic mass. He noticed that
the past few years. properties of elements seemed to repeat through this list at regular
Share this information intervals. He called this pattern the “law of octaves,” as the pattern was
with your class, using
similar to the octave scale on a piano or other musical instrument. Many
your choice of media.
other scientists thought this law was silly and refused to accept the idea.
Begin your research at
Not until 1869 did a clearer understanding of how to arrange the
scienceinaction. elements emerge. Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev was able to organize
the elements in a way that reflected the patterns in the properties of the
Mendeleev collected the 63 elements known to exist in his time (the mid-
1800s). These included lithium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine,
sodium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine. He then wrote down
the properties of each element on a card, such as melting point, density,
and colour. Using these cards, he tried to sort the elements into a pattern
based on their properties. He also wanted to find a pattern that would
allow him to predict the properties of elements not yet discovered. He felt
that the ability to predict properties of new elements would prove that his
pattern accurately reflected nature.
Mendeleev liked to play a form of the card game solitaire. In that
game, a person looks for patterns in the layout of the cards. Mendeleev
used his element cards like playing cards, laying them out and searching
for patterns. Eventually, he found a pattern that seemed to work. It
showed that the properties of elements vary periodically with increasing
atomic mass. Figure 2.23 shows the chart that Mendeleev developed.
Ti = 50 Zr = 90 ? = 180.
V = 51 Nb = 94 Ta = 182.
= 96 186.
Figure 2.23 Dmitri Mendeleev’s Mn = 55 = 4 = 197,4
original data for the periodic table Fe = 56 Ru = 104,4 Ir = 198.
Ni = 199.
H=1 = 63,4 = = 200.
= 9, 4 Mg 24 Zn = 65,2 Cd = 112
4 = Au = 197?
12 Si ? = 70 = 118
= 14 P 31 As = 75 Sb = 122 Bi = 210
16 = 4
19 Cl 5 Br = 80 I = 127
Li = 7 Na = 23 K 39 Rb = 85,4 Cs = 133 Tl = 204
= 5 = 137 = 207
?Er Ce = 92
?Yt 60 La = 94
?In 5 = 95
Th = 118?
Figure 2.24 Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian scientist, discovered a useful way of organizing the elements.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 125
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2.3 The Periodic Table Today
A New Element
Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table included the 63 known elements of his
One of the newest
elements to be discovered time. Since then, many more elements have been discovered. Today, about
is ununbium. Scientists 112 elements are known (Figure 2.25).
worked steadily for 24 One of the first important finds using Mendeleev’s table was the
days to find just two element gallium. Discovered in 1875, gallium fit into one of the positions
atoms of ununbium. in the periodic table where Mendeleev had placed a question mark. It
matched almost exactly his prediction of the properties of an element that
would fit in that position.
Another question mark in the table wasn’t filled until 1939 when the
element francium was discovered by the French chemist Marguerite Perey.
This element also matched Mendeleev’s prediction almost exactly. This
proved once again that the periodic table was a useful tool for organizing
the elements.
Figure 2.25 The 1 1
Solid S Metal
periodic table. The
element oxygen is Hydrogen
shown as an example
1.0 Liquid Br Metalloid
of the information that 2
the periodic table 3 1 4 2 Gas He Non-metal
provides for each
Li Be
element. Lithium Beryllium
6.9 9.0
11 1 12 2
Na Mg
Sodium Magnesium
23.0 24.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
19 1 20 2 21 3 22 3 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 3 27 2
4 5 3 7 2 3
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr 6 Mn Fe Co
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt
39.1 40.1 45.0 47.9 50.9 52.0 54.9 55.8 58.6
37 1 38 2 39 3 40 4 41 5 42 6 43 7 44 3 45 3
3 2 3
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium
85.5 87.6 88.9 91.2 92.9 95.9 (98) 101.1 102.9
55 1 56 2 57 3 72 4 73 5 74 6 75 7 76 2 77 2
2 3 3 3
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os 4 Ir 4
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
Francium Radium Actinium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium
(223) (226) (227) (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266)
58 3 59 3 60 3 61 3 62 2 63 2 64 3 65 3
4 4 3 3 4
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium
140.1 140.9 144.2 (145) 150.4 152.0 157.3 158.9
90 4 91 4 92 3 93 3 94 3 95 3 96 3 97 3
5 4 4 4 4 4
Th Pa U 5
Np 5
Pu 5
Am 5
Cm Bk
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium
232.0 231.0 238.0 (237) (244) (243) (247) (247)
Gd Tb
symbol Eu Tc Ru Dy
Sm Mo As Se Rh Ho
n=4 Pm Nb Ge K Ca Br Pd Er
Nd Zr Ga Kr Aq Tm
Oxygen name 18 Cm Bk
Pr Y Cd Yb
Ce Lu
atomic mass 16.0 He n=5
Am Re Os Cf
W S b Te
N p Ta S n R b S r
Pt Fm
U Hf In Xe Au Md
13 14 15 16 17 4.0 Ns Mt
Pa La Hg No
Th Lr
5 3 6 4 7 3 8 2 9 1 10 Sq Bi Po 110
2 5
B C N O F Ne n=6 Ha Pb Cs Ba At 111
Rf Ti Rn 112
Ac 113
Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
116 117
10.8 12.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 20.2 n=7 115 Fr Ra 118
13 3 14 4 15 3 16 2 17 1 18 114 119
2 4
Al Si P S 6 Cl Ar n=8
120 121
28 2 29 1 30 2 31 3 32 4 33 3 34 2 35 1 36 n
3 2 2 5 4
Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se 6 Br Kr
Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton s p d f
66 3 67 3 68 3 69 2 70 2 71 3
3 3
Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0
98 99 100 101 102 103
Cf Es Fm Md No Lw
Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
251 252 257 258 259 262
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 127
Element Symbol and Name
The large letter or letters in each box show the symbol for the element. In
Figure 2.25, you can see that oxygen’s symbol is O. For most elements, the
symbol is an abbreviation derived from the element’s modern chemical
name. For example, the symbol for silicon is Si, and the symbol for
manganese is Mn. However, there are exceptions. For example, the symbol
for gold is Au, which is from aurum, the Latin word for gold. The symbol
for iron is Fe, which is from ferrum, the Latin word for iron. The table
below shows the word origin for several common elements.
Atomic Number
The number above the element’s symbol on the left is the atomic number.
It shows how many protons are in the nucleus of one atom of the element.
An oxygen atom, for example, always has eight protons. If you found six
protons in an atom, the periodic table would show you that you were
looking at carbon. Because atoms are neutral, the number of protons
equals the number of electrons. Therefore, the atomic number also tells
you how many electrons are in an atom of a particular element.
Notice that the atomic number increases by one for each element as
you read across the periodic table from left to right.
Carbon-14 is present in nature in very Element Atomic Mass Number of Mass Number of
Mass Most Common Type of Second Most Common Type
low concentrations. That’s good, because
(amu) Atom of the Element of Atom of the Element
carbon-14 is radioactive, which means the
atom is unstable and falls apart easily in a hydrogen 1.0 1 2
mini-nuclear reaction, releasing energy. carbon 12.0 12 13
Carbon-14 is present in small amounts in bromine 79.9 79 81
all living things. Scientists use it to find iron 55.8 56 54
the age of biological materials, such as titanium 47.9 48 46
animal fossils. This technique is called lead 207.2 208 206
carbon dating. uranium 238.0 238 235
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 129
The Question
How can you use a model to represent the patterns in the periodic table?
Part 1—Classifying Nuts and Bolts
Materials & Equipment
1 Your teacher will give you a bag that contains 24 nuts and bolts. Take the nuts and
• 24 assorted nuts and bolts
in a bag bolts out of the bag and examine them.
• 1 extra nut or bolt 2 Your bag originally contained 25 nuts and bolts, but your teacher removed one of
• 2 large sheets of paper them. Determine whether a nut or a bolt was removed, and provide as much detail as
• balance you can about the missing piece.
• element cards 3 Share your ideas with your class. How were your ideas similar to your classmates?
• graph paper
How were they different?
4 Collect the missing nut or bolt from your teacher. How close was your description to
the missing object?
5 In step 2, each group probably used a slightly different method of classifying their
nuts and bolts to help them identify the missing one. For step 6, everyone will use
the same classification.
6 On a large sheet of paper, make a grid with five equal-size columns and five equal-
size rows. Make sure the boxes are large enough to hold your largest nut or bolt.
Number the boxes 1 to 25 starting on the top left at number 1 and working across
the row from left to right. The first box in the second row should be number 6.
7 Place the smallest bolt at number 1 and the largest nut at number 25. Now organize
the rest of your nuts and bolts on the grid.
8 Measure the mass of each nut and bolt and record that information on your grid.
Forming Conclusions
18 Using the periodic table in Toolbox 12, compare your arrangement of elements with
the arrangement of elements in the periodic table. Describe their similarities and their
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 131
The periodic table contains a wealth of information related to the
elements, in addition to their atomic number and atomic mass. By
noticing where elements appear in the periodic table, you can tell
something about their general nature.
Notice that a large part of the periodic table on pages 126–127 is green.
All the elements in this area are metals. Metals are shiny, malleable, and
ductile. They also conduct electricity. The elements in the orange area on
the right are non-metals. Non-metals can be a solid or a gas. Solid non-
metals are dull, brittle elements. Non-metals, except carbon, do not
conduct electricity. Because they don’t conduct electricity, they are called
insulators. The diagonal purple row of elements between the metals and
Figure 2.29 Nickel is widely
the non-metals contains elements called metalloids. Metalloids have both
used in solution with other
metallic and non-metallic properties.
metals to create alloys. Some
coins are made of copper-
nickel alloys. Stainless steel Groups
is made of iron, nickel, and Recall that Mendeleev arranged the periodic table to show a variety of
other elements. patterns. The 18 columns in the table contain groups or families of
elements with similar chemical properties.
These groups are numbered from 1 to 18 and are usually referred to by
the first element in the column. For example, group 10 is the nickel group
of elements because nickel is the first element at the top of that column.
The other elements in that group are palladium and platinum. They have
properties that are similar to those of nickel. There are a few exceptions to
this pattern. Group 1 is divided into two parts—hydrogen and the alkali
metals (see page 133). Hydrogen is considered to be a unique element, and
in some periodic tables it is placed in a separate spot away from the other
Figure 2.30 Palladium is elements.
used in dental crowns,
surgical instruments, and Periods
watch parts. The rows in the periodic table, called periods, are numbered 1 to 7. The
number of elements may vary from period to period. The first period has
two elements. Periods 2 and 3 have eight elements, and periods 4 and 5
have 18 elements. You may have also noticed periods 6 and 7 have an
additional 14 elements. These elements are placed separately at the
bottom of the periodic table. This makes it easier to print a periodic table
on a standard-sized page.
As you move from left to right across a period, you will notice that the
properties of the elements change. Within the periods, there is a pattern.
From left to right, the elements gradually change from metals to non-
Figure 2.31 Platinum, highly metals. So the first element in a period, on the far left, is a metal. The last
valued as a precious metal, is element in a period, on the far right, is a non-metal. For example, if you
more expensive than gold. It look at period 4, you’ll see that potassium (K) is a metal and krypton (Kr)
is also used in industry as a is a non-metal. The most reactive metals start on the left. As you move
powder that enables chemical
right, the metals generally become less reactive.
reactions to work better.
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 133
Key Concept Review
1. What is the difference between the atomic number and the atomic
mass of an element?
2. If tin’s mass number is 119 and its atomic number is 50, how many
neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom of tin?
3. Correct the following statements about the periodic table.
a) Neon has 11 protons.
b) The symbol for sodium is So.
c) Beryllium has 4 neutrons.
d) Boron and aluminum are metals.
e) Chlorine has 16 electrons.
4. Match the elements in the list below with one of the following two
i) shiny, ductile conductor of electricity OR
ii) dull, brittle insulator
a) P b) W c) Cu d) F e) Hg f) K
5. Match the term on the left with the description on the right.
Figure 2.32 High-energy
subatomic particles leave a) alkali metal i) a combination of two or more elements
telltale tracks in an b) halogen ii) an unreactive non-metal
experimental cloud chamber. c) element iii) very reactive metal
d) compound iv) a pure substance of the same atoms
e) noble gas v) very reactive non-metal
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 135
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. What is considered to be one of the first series of events in the study
of chemistry? Explain why this was an important event.
2. How did an early understanding of gases lead to a better
understanding of the atom?
3. What properties could you use to distinguish metals from non-metals?
4. Explain how knowing the boiling point and melting point of a
substance can help you identify it.
5. For each statement below, explain why you think it describes an
element or a compound.
a) An odourless, colourless gas produces water and carbon dioxide
when it burns.
b) A shiny, ductile solid cannot be broken into smaller components.
c) An odourless, colourless liquid can be broken into two different
gases when electricity is passed through it.
d) A toxic, green gas is very reactive with other metals and some non-
6. What is the difference between a group and a period in the periodic
had not yet been discovered. In 1871, he predicted what 31 3 32 4 33 3
Ga “Eka-silicon”
As 5
Some Properties of Selected Elements
Figure 2.35 Question 12
Element Colour Atomic Mass
Silicon steel grey 28.1
Gallium grey-black 69.7
Arsenic silver to grey-black 74.9
Tin grey-white 118.7
An Understanding of the Nature of Matter Has Developed Through Observations over Time 137
3.0 Compounds form according to
a set of rules.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• periodic table
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
• chemical nomenclature
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between ionic and
molecular compounds, and
describe the properties of
some common examples of
• read and interpret chemical
formulas for compounds of
two elements, and give the
IUPAC name and common
name of these compounds
All the signs above tell you that this is where you can get gas for your
• identify/describe chemicals
commonly found in the home,
car. If you were travelling in France, you would look for a sign that said
and write the chemical “Gaz.” If you were travelling in Britain, you would have to watch for a
symbols sign that said “Petrol.” Even though Britain and Canada are both
• identify examples of combining English-speaking countries, sometimes we use different words for the
ratios/number of atoms per same things. For example, in England, potato chips are called “crisps”
molecule found in some and the trunk of your car is called the “boot.” If you travel to a non-
common materials, and use English-speaking country, words can be even more confusing if you
information on ion charges to don’t speak the local language.
predict combining ratios in Scientists studying the nature of matter encountered similar
ionic compounds of two problems. At first, there was no common way of naming compounds.
How could scientists understand each other’s work if they weren’t sure
• assemble or draw simple
from the terminology what materials were being used? To help reduce
models of molecular and ionic
the confusion, scientists have agreed on a common set of rules for
naming compounds. Using these rules, a person can identify and
describe any compound in the world—and be clearly understood by
others. In this section, you will investigate how compounds are formed
and how they are named.
Your model should clearly show the structure of the atom and should include
the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
When you have completed your model, show it to your class. Compare your
model with other models.
Now look at the formula for the compound water: H2O. Notice that
next to the H is a small 2 as a subscript. (“Sub” means below.) The 2
indicates that there are two atoms of hydrogen to go with every atom of
oxygen in water. Figure 3.4 shows how the atoms in water are arranged.
Subscript numbers in a chemical formula indicate the number of atoms of
the elements that must combine to form the compound. No subscript
number indicates that only one atom of that element is needed.
Figure 3.4 In water, two hydrogen atoms join with each oxygen atom.
Figure 3.5 In
methane, four
hydrogen atoms
combine with one
carbon atom.
Create a table like the one below to record your answers. Be sure to leave enough room to
draw the compound in the far right column.
Most people are familiar with common table salt and know that it is a
white substance composed of tiny crystals. You might be surprised to
learn that table salt is formed when a very reactive metal—sodium—is
placed in a container with a poisonous, green non-metal—chlorine gas.
When the two chemical elements are combined, the sodium metal
explodes in a bright yellow flame. As the sodium burns, a white, coarse-
grained powder is produced. That powder is table salt, or what you now
know is sodium chloride (NaCl(s)).
info BIT Sodium chloride is called an ionic compound. Ionic compounds are
pure substances formed as a result of the attraction between particles of
“Ion” Origin opposite charges, called ions. Table salt is formed from positively charged
The word “ion” comes sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions. Other properties of
from a Greek word ionic compounds include their high melting point, good electrical
meaning “to go” or conductivity, and distinct crystal shape.
“wander.” All ionic compounds are solids at room temperature. In fact, table salt
will not melt until it is heated to 801˚C. When an ionic compound is
melted or dissolved in water, it will conduct electricity. This property of
ionic compounds led to the study of electrochemical cells (cells that either
convert chemical energy into electrical energy or electrical energy into
chemical energy). And that work in turn eventually led to the invention of
This new technology allowed scientists to investigate the structure of
matter in greater depth.
How does an ionic compound actually form? When the ions are
combined, they form a crystal.
Figure 3.8 Two electrodes are placed in an electrolyte, water containing a little NaCl(s) forming NaCl(aq).
The salt helps the electrical charge flow through the solution. At the negative electrode, positively charged
hydrogen forms hydrogen gas. At the positive electrode, negatively charged oxygen forms oxygen gas.
Chlorine gas may also be formed. In school laboratories, Na2SO4(s) is used instead of NaCl(s).
7 What changes did you observe after the sodium sulfate was added to the Petri dish?
8 What evidence was there of a chemical change?
9 What do you think would happen if you added a non-ionic compound such as sugar
to the Petri dish?
To indicate ions in written notation, a plus sign () or a minus sign () is
placed to the upper right of the element symbol. This is a superscript
position (super- means “above”). For example, a sodium ion is written as
Na and a chlorine ion as Cl.
Some ions can also form when certain atoms of elements combine.
These ions are called polyatomic ions (poly- means “many”). Polyatomic
ions are a group of atoms acting as one. For example, one atom of carbon
and three atoms of oxygen form the polyatomic ion called carbonate or
CO32. When carbonate reacts with calcium ions, the product is calcium
carbonate, or limestone (CaCO3(s)). Other examples of compounds with
polyatomic ions include copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4(s)) and sulfuric acid
Step 1 Print the metal element’s symbol with its ion charge. Next to it, Ca2+ Cl1
print the non-metal element’s symbol with its ion charge.
Step 2 Balance the ion charges. The positive ion charge must balance the Ca2+ Cl1 Cl1
negative ion charges. In our example, this means that there must be two
chlorine atoms each with an ion charge of 1 to balance the 2+ ion charge
of one calcium atom. Now you know how many atoms of each element
you need to include in the formula.
Step 3 Write the formula by indicating how many atoms of each element CaCl2(s)
are in it, as shown. Do not include the ion charge in the formula. Place the
number of atoms of each element in a subscript after the element’s
symbol. If there is only one atom, no number is used.
1 ion charge
1 Hydrogen 2
1.0 He
Take a moment to look at the Helium
Na Mg Al Si P S 6 Cl Ar
alkali group of metals—lithium and Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
23.0 24.3 27.0 28.1 31.0 32.1 35.5 39.9
sodium. They each have an ion 19 1 20 2 31 3 32 4 33 3 34 2 35 1 36
2 5 4
charge of 1. The halogens, on the 4
K Ca Ga Ge As Se 6 Br Kr
Potassium Calcium Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
right of the table—fluorine and 39.1 40.1 69.7 72.6 74.9 79.0 79.9 83.8
37 1 38 2 49 3 50 2 51 3 52 2 53 1 54
chlorine—have an ion charge of 1. Rb Sr In
6 I Xe
Generally, all the elements in a 5 Rubidium Strontium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
85.5 87.6 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3
group form ions with the same 55 1 56 2 81 1
82 2 83
3 84 2 85
1 86
1 Working with a partner, select one metal and one non-metal element from the
periodic table. Your task is to create a model illustrating the ionic compound that
forms from combining these two elements. This type of ionic compound is called a
binary compound because it consists of just two elements.
2 Determine how you will represent the atom of each element.
3 Decide which materials you will use to build your model.
4 Build your model to show one formula unit.
5 State the appropriate name for your compound, write out its chemical formula, and
describe its combining ratio.
6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 to create three additional ionic compounds. Ensure that at least
one of them is an example of a metal with multiple ion charges.
7 When you are finished, share your models with the class.
Forming Conclusions
10 Describe how you created models that illustrate ionic compounds.
1 Working with a partner, select two non-metal elements from the periodic table. Your
Materials & Equipment
task is to create a model illustrating a molecular compound that forms from
• marshmallows, Styrofoam
combining these two elements.
balls, egg cartons, or a
molecular model kit 2 Determine how you will represent the atom of each element.
• glue 3 Decide which materials you will use to build your model.
• large sheet of paper 4 Build your model.
• felt pens
5 State the appropriate name for your compound, write out its chemical formula, and
describe its combining ratio.
6 Repeat steps 1 to 5 to create three additional molecular compounds.
7 When you are finished, share your models with the class.
Forming Conclusions
10 Describe how you created models that illustrate molecular compounds.
1 mono
2 di
3 tri
4 tetra
5 penta
re SEARCH Using the above rules, molecular compounds are named using this format:
Prefix + First Element Prefix + Second Element (with ‘ide’ ending)
Bonding Forces
Use your library and the Here are some examples: (Note that the coloured numbers in the formula
Internet to find out correspond to the prefixes in the name.)
about other types of CO2 carbon dioxide
forces that create bonds N2O dinitrogen monoxide
between atoms. Begin
N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide
your research at
NF3 nitrogen trifluoride
CCl4 carbon tetrachloride
PF5 phosphorus pentafluoride
11. In terms of ion charges and chemical change, what is the difference
between CuF(s) and CuF2(s)?
12. Sketch simple models to show the following molecular compounds:
a) sulfur and oxygen (SO2) c) oxygen and bromine (OBr2)
b) nitrogen and chlorine (NCl3) d) carbon and fluorine (CF4)
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• endothermic and exothermic
• reactants and products
• conservation of mass
• factors affecting reaction rates
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify conditions under which
properties of a material are
changed, and critically evaluate
if a new substance has been
• observe and describe evidence
of chemical change in
reactions between familiar
• distinguish between materials
that react readily and those
that do not
• observe and describe patterns
of chemical change
• describe familiar chemical
reactions, and represent these Fireworks burst into the night sky in brilliant patterns caused by chemical
reactions by using word reactions. The different colours that we see result from reactions between
equations and chemical different substances within the fireworks. For example, barium
formulas and by constructing compounds create green fireworks, strontium compounds create red ones,
models of reactants and copper creates blue ones and sodium yellow. Fireworks are also launched
products by the chemical reaction that results from the fuse being lighted. The heat
of the fuse ignites the chemicals that propel the fireworks into the sky.
In this section, you will investigate a variety of chemical reactions
and how different factors affect the rate of these reactions. Think about
safety as you do each activity.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To use a chemical reaction to create a film canister rocket • plastic film canister with
inside snapping lid
• water
1 Half fill the film canister with water. • Alka-Seltzer tablet, cut
2 Place a quarter tablet of Alka-Seltzer in the canister and quickly snap on the lid. into quarters
3 Place the canister upside down on the ground and stand at least 5 m back. • pencil and notebook
CAUTION: If the rocket does not launch after about 1 min, slowly approach it and
kick it over with your foot. If the lid doesn’t come off, carefully remove the lid,
keeping the canister pointed away from everyone.
4 Record your observations.
5 Try changing the variables to make the rocket go as high as possible. For example,
change the amount of water, the amount of Alka-Seltzer, or the position of the
canister on the ground. Record your observations each time.
6 How did you make a film canister rocket?
7 Did a chemical reaction occur inside the film canister? Provide evidence to support
your answer.
8 What combination of materials made the rocket go the highest?
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 157
The materials at the start of a reaction are called the reactants. Think
of a campfire. The burning wood undergoes a combustion reaction. In this
case, the reactants, or substances being combined in the reaction, are
wood and oxygen. The new materials produced by the reaction are called
products. In a campfire, the products are carbon dioxide and water,
formed while energy is released.
This chemical reaction can be written as a chemical word equation, as
shown below. Note that in such equations, the reactants always appear to
the left of the arrow and the products to the right.
wood + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy released
Plus signs separate the reactants from each other and the products
from each other. The arrow indicates the direction in which the reaction is
most likely to occur. When you take more advanced science courses, you
Figure 4.1 The reactants
will learn about situations where the reaction can occur in either
potassium iodide and lead(II) direction.
nitrate are both clear. The Recall from section 1.3 that when a chemical reaction occurs, a new
chemical reaction that takes substance forms and evidence of the reaction may include one or more of
place when they are the following:
combined results in a colour
change in the product. • a colour change
• the formation of an odour
• the formation of a solid or a gas
• the release or absorption of heat
While colour change and formation of an odour are usually good
indicators that a chemical reaction has taken place, care must be taken in
interpreting some of the other types of evidence. For example, the
formation of bubbles in a solution doesn’t always mean that a new gas is
being produced in a chemical reaction. The bubbles may simply mean that
the solution has begun to boil. Evidence of heat being released or absorbed
may also indicate a physical change rather than a chemical change. Some
solids, for example, release heat when they are dissolved.
Below are three different reactions. Identify the reactants and products for each reaction.
Write out the chemical word equation.
Reaction 1. When hydrogen peroxide is left out in the sun, it changes to water and
oxygen gas.
Reaction 2. A silver spoon is exposed to air. Over time, it turns a dark brown colour.
Reaction 3. Sodium and bromine react explosively to produce sodium bromide.
The Question
How will different materials react with each other?
1 Before you start, your teacher will review the safety guidelines with you.
Materials & Equipment
2 Draw a table in which to record your observations.
• 3 test tubes
• test-tube holder Reaction 1—Sulfuric acid and magnesium ribbon
• 5% or 1.0 mol/L sulfuric
3 Place a test tube in the test-tube holder. Pour the dilute sulfuric acid into the test tube
to a depth of about 3 cm.
• magnesium ribbon
• matches 4 Add a 2-cm strip of magnesium ribbon to the dilute sulfuric acid in the test tube.
• splint 5 Light a splint and hold it so that the burning end is in the test tube. Make sure the
• 2% or 0.2 mol/L copper(II) test tube is pointing away from you and your classmates. Record your observations
sulfate in the table.
• steel wool
Reaction 2—Copper(II) sulfate and steel wool
• stirring rod
• 3% or 0.2 mol/L 6 Place a clean test tube in the test-tube holder. Pour the copper(II) sulfate solution
iron(III) chloride into the test tube to a depth of about 3 cm.
• 3% or 0.8 mol/L sodium 7 Add a small piece of steel wool to the copper(II) sulfate solution. You may need to
hydroxide use a stirring rod to push the steel wool down into the solution. Record your
• 5 g baking soda observations.
• vinegar
• 500-mL beaker Reaction 3—Iron(III) chloride and sodium hydroxide
• thermometer 8 Place a clean test tube in the test-tube holder. Pour the Caution!
iron(III) chloride solution into the test tube to a depth of Be sure to wear
about 3 cm. your safety goggles,
9 Add a similar amount of the dilute sodium hydroxide apron, and gloves.
solution to the test tube. Record your observations. Iron(III) chloride is a
strong irritant, and
Reaction 4—Baking soda and vinegar is corrosive and
10 Pour 40 mL of vinegar into a 500-mL beaker. Measure toxic. Sulfuric acid
and record the temperature of the vinegar. and sodium
11 Slowly add 5 g of baking soda to the vinegar. Measure hydroxide are
and record the temperature. corrosive.
Forming Conclusions
14 Look back at the question at the beginning of this activity. Write a conclusion that
answers that question by describing what you did, why you did it, and what you
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 159
A chemical reaction that releases heat energy is called an exothermic
Changing Chemical reaction. When you burn an object in the presence of oxygen, energy in
Bonds the form of heat is given off. Heat is also emitted when your body
Endothermic and
metabolizes food.
exothermic reactions
A chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy is an endothermic
involve the forming or
breaking of chemical reaction. If you observed the chemical reactions in Inquiry Activity B-6,
bonds. Find out how you noticed that the temperature in the baking soda and vinegar reaction
energy is used to form dropped during and just after the reaction. Chemical cold-packs found in
or break these bonds, first aid kits are another example of where an endothermic reaction
and give examples. occurs. The reactants in the cold-packs must be crushed together to start
Begin your research at the reaction. As the chemical change occurs and new products form, energy is absorbed from the liquid in the bag, and the bag becomes very
scienceinaction. cold.
food oxygen dioxide water energy that can be
+ + +
(C 6 H12O6(s)) (O2 ) (CO2 ) (H2O) used by living things
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 161
Key Concept Review
1. What is the difference between a chemical reaction and a physical
2. How are reactants different from products in a chemical reaction?
3. Describe three observations you might make when a chemical change
4. Chemical fire starter ignites as a result of from the following reaction:
Figure 4.7 The total mass of the reactants and the total mass of the products are equal.
math Link
Some reactions may not seem to follow the principle of the conservation Two reactants undergo
of mass. For example, adding 10 g of Alka-Seltzer to 100 g of water in a a chemical reaction and
beaker causes carbon dioxide gas to be given off. When the reaction is produce one product.
complete, the mass of the products left in the beaker is only 106 g, not The mass of one of the
110 g. This doesn’t mean that mass was not conserved. The carbon reactants is 20 g and the
dioxide gas was also one of the products of the reaction, but it escaped mass of the product is
45 g. Write an algebraic
from the open beaker into the air. This is an example of an open system.
equation representing
If it had been trapped, it would have been found to have a mass of 4 g.
this reaction, and solve
the equation to find the
mass of the second
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 163
The Question
Does the mass of reactants and products change during a reaction?
1 Put the baking soda and calcium chloride in the self-sealing plastic bag.
Materials & Equipment
2 Put the water and bromothymol blue in the film canister.
• balance
• 4 g baking soda 3 Place the canister in an upright position in the bag. Carefully seal the bag. Measure
• 4 g calcium chloride and record the mass of the bag.
• large self-sealing plastic bag 4 Predict what you think will happen when all the substances
• 5-mL measuring spoon mix together. Record your prediction.
• 5 mL water Caution!
5 Without opening the bag, tip the canister over and allow the If the bag seems
• 5 mL bromothymol blue
liquids and solids to mix. Record as many observations as ready to burst,
• film canister
you can while the reaction is occurring. Be sure to hold the open it up.
bag to observe the temperature changes.
6 When the reaction is complete, measure and record the mass
of the bag.
7 When you have finished the activity, clean up and return the materials as instructed
by your teacher.
Forming Conclusions
11 Use your observations and the data collected during this investigation to answer the
question posed at the beginning of the activity.
Figure 4.9 Albert Einstein was the first person to propose that
in a nuclear reaction, some mass is converted into energy.
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 165
4.3 Factors Affecting the Rate of a Chemical
You may know someone who tried to change his or her hair colour, but
the process didn’t quite work out as planned. Colouring hair is the result
of a chemical reaction. If the reaction is not controlled properly,
unintended effects can occur, such as unexpected hair colours or burning
of the scalp. Another common example of a chemical reaction is making a
cake. It’s important to use the right amount of each ingredient. If you add
too much baking powder, for example, you can end up with a batter that
rises more than it should.
It is important to understand how a chemical reaction works and the
factors that affect the rate of the reaction. The four factors that can affect
the rate of a chemical reaction are:
• the presence of a catalyst
• the concentration of the reactants
• the temperature of the reactants
• the surface area of the reactants
Figure 4.10 Chemicals
can be used to change CATALYSTS
hair colour.
Catalysts are substances that help a reaction proceed faster. They are
present with the reactants of a reaction, but they are not consumed during
the reaction. Chemical reactions involving catalysts can be found in both
living and non-living things. The most common example in living things
is in your body. Many reactions, such as the breaking down of food,
require a catalyst called an enzyme. Without enzymes, many reactions
would require much higher temperatures—a situation that would be
deadly to the human body.
Enzymes can help get rid of poisons in the body quickly. For example,
one product of reactions in cells is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen
peroxide is poisonous. An enzyme called catalase, which is found in
many different types of animal and plant cells, speeds up the breakdown
of hydrogen peroxide into harmless oxygen and water. Figure 4.11 shows
a model of how an enzyme like catalase functions.
reactant products
6 Describe how the catalyst manganese(IV) oxide affects the rate of reaction in
this demonstration.
7 What gas was given off by the reaction? What evidence do you have to
support your answer?
8 If a piece of fresh liver is dropped into hydrogen peroxide, a similar reaction
occurs. What can you infer about the chemicals found in liver?
9 If you were to cool the hydrogen peroxide before you added the catalyst,
what do you think would happen to the rate of reaction? Explain your
info BIT
Fuel Cells
Fuel cells use a platinum catalyst to generate electricity from the
reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. These cells can now be found in
cars and other devices.
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 167
The Question
What factors can be changed to increase the rate of a reaction?
Part 1—Investigating the Reaction
Materials & Equipment
• graduated cylinder 1 Using the graduated cylinder, measure 50 mL of water and place it in the beaker.
• water 2 Measure 15 mL of copper(II) chloride.
• 500-mL beaker 3 Add the copper(II) chloride to the water and stir until the solid has dissolved. Record
• 15-mL plastic measuring your observations of the solution.
4 Measure the temperature of the solution.
• copper(II) chloride
• stirring rod 5 Crumple a piece of aluminum foil so that it will fit into the beaker. Using the stirring
• thermometer rod, push the aluminum foil into the solution. Observe and record any changes.
• aluminum foil 6 Record the temperature (in °C) every 30 s until the temperature begins to drop.
Forming Conclusions
17 Describe how you would create a reaction to get the highest temperature as quickly
as possible, given the materials you used in this activity.
Surface area
Increasing the surface area of the reactants is another factor that can
increase the rate of a reaction. The greater surface area of the reactants
means that more area is available for reaction. In the copper(II) chloride
and aluminum example, cutting the aluminum foil into tiny pieces would
increase the surface area, causing the reaction to proceed faster.
Figure 4.13 This grain elevator blew up when the extremely fine grain dust in the air was ignited
accidentally. The fine dust means a large surface area of grain was available for the combustion
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 169
Key Concept Review
1. What is an enzyme?
2. Explain how an enzyme is different from other catalysts.
3. What are four factors that can affect the rate of reaction?
4. Give one example, not discussed in the book, of a reaction where the
rate was increased because of changes in the four factors mentioned
Substances Undergo a Chemical Change When They Interact to Produce Different Substances 171
1.0 1.0 Matter can be described and organized by its physical and chemical properties.
• Recognition of WHMIS symbols is important to lab safety.
• Workplace Hazardous • Matter can be organized in different ways. One way is as solids, liquids, and gases. Another way
Materials Information is as mixtures and solutions.
System (WHMIS) and safety • Physical properties of matter such as colour, hardness, boiling point, and density are used to
• substances and their identify substances. Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other
properties substances.
• elements, compounds, and
atomic theory
2.0 2.0 An understanding of the nature of matter has developed through observations
over time.
• substances and their
• Human understanding of matter grew as people suggested explanations for their observations of
the natural world. Theories were confirmed or rejected as people learned more about matter.
• elements, compounds, and • The Greek philosopher Democritus stated that matter was made up of tiny indivisible particles
atomic theory called atomos. This theory was not widely accepted for 2000 years.
• periodic table • Investigations by scientists, such as Robert Boyle, in the 1600s confirmed that matter is made up
of tiny particles. Further investigation by researchers gradually developed the understanding we
have today that matter is made up of atoms. Each atom has a nucleus containing protons and
neutrons. Electrons orbit the nucleus.
• Elements are pure substances made up of only one type of atom. The periodic table organizes the
elements according to their atomic number and atomic mass. The atomic number is the number
of protons in the nucleus. The atomic mass is the average mass of an atom of an element.
• Patterns of information on the periodic table include groupings of metals, metalloids, and non-
4.0 4.0 Substances undergo a chemical change when they interact to produce different
• endothermic and exothermic
• A physical change may change the appearance or state of a substance but not its composition
(e.g., melting). A chemical change results in the formation of one or more different substances.
• reactants and products
• Reactions involving oxygen are some of the most common types of chemical reactions. These
• conservation of mass include combustion, corrosion, and cellular respiration.
• factors affecting reaction • A chemical reaction occurs when substances called reactants interact to produce different
rates substances called products.
• According to the principle of the conservation of mass, the mass of the products in a chemical
reaction equals the mass of the reactants.
• An exothermic reaction gives off energy. An endothermic reaction takes in energy.
• The rate of reaction can be affected by the addition of a catalyst, or an increase in the
concentration, temperature, or surface area of the reactants.
se d
S t u
Steps to Success
Part 1—The Tests
1 Collect the necessary equipment for this activity:
• 1 spot plate
• bottles of solutions labelled A, B, C, D, E, F
• paper towel
2 Combine two solutions in all possible ways, using the
table below as your guide.
3 Record your observations in a table like this one.
A B C D E F Unknown
You can use the well in a spot plate for a micro-scale reaction.
Getting Started
There’s a problem in the science lab. A bottle containing
an unknown solution has been found. Because the
contents are unknown, it is difficult to determine how to D
dispose of it.
Your Goal F
In this activity, you will perform a variety of micro-scale
reactions to gather information about how various
solutions react. You will then use this information to
Part 2—The Identification of the Unknown
identify an unknown sample.
4 Your teacher will give you an unknown solution.
What You Need to Know 5 Using a clean spot plate, combine each of the known
Micro-scale reactions occur when very small amounts of solutions with the unknown solution. Record your
reactants are used. Usually the reaction takes place in a results in each case.
small depression or well on a spot plate. By filling the well
How Did It Go?
half full with one solution or solid reactant and then adding
a second reactant, you can observe if a reaction has 6 Using your data from part 1, determine what you think
occurred. the unknown sample in the bottle is. Remember to
support your answer with your data.
The following observations can help you determine
that a reaction has occurred: 7 Write your conclusion in a short paragraph. Make sure
it answers the following questions:
• bubbles form or a gas is given off
• What did you do in this activity?
• the colour changes
• Why did you do this activity?
• a solid substance called a precipitate forms
• What did you find?
• What is one new thing you learned?
2. Match the WHMIS symbol to the following
descriptions. 6. Why must copper be heated before it can be
made into something?
7. What was Ernest Rutherford’s contribution
to the understanding of the atom?
8. How are metals and non-metals organized in
the periodic table?
(i) (ii) (iii)
9. What is the difference between a family and
a period in the periodic table?
(vii) (viii)
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
The quantity of chemicals in the environment can be monitored.
2.1 Monitoring Water Quality
2.2 Monitoring Air Quality
2.3 Monitoring the Atmosphere
1 Use the medicine dropper to place 5 drops of Aspirin suspension in a clean
spot plate.
2 If you are using neutral litmus paper, dip one end of a small piece into the
suspension in the spot plate. Record the results.
3 If you are using red and blue litmus paper, do step 2 first with red litmus
paper. Then repeat step 2 using blue litmus paper.
4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each of the other suspensions. Make sure to use a
clean medicine dropper and spot plate each time.
5 Which suspensions were acidic, basic, or neutral?
6 How do you know in each case?
Exploring 181
1.0 The environment is made up of
chemicals that can support or harm
living things.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• chemicals essential to life
• organic and inorganic material
• acids and bases
• ingestion and absorption of
• substrates and nutrients
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe processes by which
chemicals are introduced into
the environment
• identify acids, bases, and
neutral substances based on
measurement of their pH
• describe the effects of acids
and bases
• identify common organic and
inorganic substances that are
essential to living things
• describe organic matter Water is one of the chemicals that is essential for life. You can live only
synthesized by organisms a few days without it. Life-supporting substances dissolve in water and
• describe the uptake of
are transported to all parts of your body. Water carries waste materials to
materials by living things
your kidneys for removal.
• identify substrates and nutrient
A waterfall like the one shown here creates a large surface area
sources for living things in a
exposed to the air. Gases such as oxygen that make up part of the air
variety of environments
• identify questions about the dissolve in the water. Aquatic plants, animals, and micro-organisms
safe release of substances into absorb the dissolved oxygen and use it to release energy through cellular
the environment respiration.
In this section, you will learn about chemicals in the environment.
You will learn about natural and human processes that change the
chemical composition of the environment. And you will learn how
organisms use chemicals and are affected by them. You will investigate
two important types of chemicals: acids and bases.
Figure 1.1 is designed to give you an impression of the many elements that are important
to life on Earth. These elements combine in different ways to form chemical compounds.
Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down into other substances.
• Select one of the symbols for the elements shown in Figure 1.1. Using the periodic table
in Toolbox 12, record the name of the element.
• Use books, magazines, interviews, or electronic sources to find out how plants and
animals use the element. Hint: An element may be used on its own or be part of a
• If possible, also identify any beneficial and harmful effects of the element on living
things, including humans.
• Record your findings on a poster.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 183
All chemical compounds are made up of elements. Recall that elements are
pure substances that cannot be broken down into other substances. Also
recall that some elements, such as oxygen and carbon, are always moving
through ecosystems. They form chemical compounds that are used and
reused by living things. Similarly, the chemical compound water changes
state as it moves through ecosystems. The repeating changes of these
elements and water as they move through ecosystems is called a cycle. The
element nitrogen also cycles in this way.
Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen is important for living things. For example, plants require nitrogen
to make substances necessary for life. However, plants can use nitrogen only
when it is combined with other elements, such as hydrogen and oxygen. Air
is about 78% nitrogen in the form of nitrogen gas (N2(g)). But plants can’t
use this “free” nitrogen directly. It has to be “fixed” in compounds with
other elements. Nitrogen fixation is the process of changing free nitrogen so
that the nitrogen atoms can combine with other elements to form
compounds that organisms can use.
Certain types of bacteria do most of the nitrogen fixation in the soil.
Some of these bacteria are located in the root nodules of specific types of
plants, such as beans, clover, and alfalfa (Figure 1.2). The bacteria in these
nodules are able to separate the two nitrogen atoms that form nitrogen gas
(free nitrogen). Once separated, the nitrogen atoms can form compounds
with other elements, such as hydrogen and oxygen. Lightning also converts
nitrogen in the air to nitrogen compounds that plants can use.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 185
Human activities release chemicals into the air, water, and soil every day.
Growing crops, disposing of solid waste, treating wastewater,
manufacturing products, and driving vehicles are all examples of ways
that we change the concentration of some chemicals in the environment.
Many of these chemicals can be broken down through natural processes.
Other chemicals cannot be broken down easily, and can cause long-term
problems. Sometimes the use of chemicals becomes an issue. An issue is
any subject of importance about which people have strong, conflicting
points of view.
Agricultural Activities
Farmers must have an understanding of chemistry to produce good crops.
They have to know what chemicals to add to soil to improve plant growth
and what chemicals to treat plants with to protect them from pests.
A fertilizer is a substance that enriches soil so that plants will grow
better. For example, potassium is essential to plant growth. If a soil is low
in potassium, plants cannot grow well in it. The soil must be enriched by
adding a potassium fertilizer.
Fertilizers are described by the major nutrient elements they contain.
These elements are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Figure 1.4
shows a typical fertilizer label. The three numbers 15–30–15 on the label
indicate that this fertilizer contains 15% nitrogen compounds, 30%
phosphorus compounds, and 15% potassium compounds. Some fertilizers
have a fourth number and the letter “S” on the label to indicate that they
Figure 1.4 This fertilizer
contain sulfur as a major ingredient.
contains the three elements Fertilizers may come from natural sources or synthetic chemicals.
nitrogen (15%), phosphorus They are added to the soil to help plant growth, but they must be applied
(30%), and potassium carefully. It doesn’t matter whether a fertilizer comes from a natural or a
(15%). synthetic source—too much can damage organisms. Too much fertilizer
may even damage the crop it’s supposed to help. If fertilizer enters ponds,
streams, lakes, or rivers, it may damage those ecosystems by changing the
concentration of chemicals. You will learn more about the effects of
fertilizers on water systems later in this unit.
Farmers also use their understanding of chemistry to apply pesticides
safely. Pesticides are chemicals used to kill pests. A pest is an organism
that harms people, crops, or structures. Pesticides are grouped according
to the pest that they kill. Herbicides kill or control weeds. Insecticides kill
or control insects. Fungicides kill fungi.
Solid Wastes
Chemicals may be introduced into the environment when we dispose of
solid waste or wastewater. Solid waste includes the garbage that is
collected from households, industrial plants, commercial buildings,
institutions, and construction and demolition sites. It includes large items,
such as machinery, all the way down to small items, such as the caps on
plastic drink bottles.
Some solid waste can be reused or recycled, but most of it is placed in
landfill sites, like the one in Figure 1.6. Some hazardous wastes are
burned in special plants called incinerators, which burn at very high
temperatures. Emissions from incinerators may contribute to air pollution.
Sanitary landfill sites are specially built to prevent waste chemicals
from moving into the soil. As rainwater or groundwater moves through
solid waste, it can dissolve or corrode some items. Sanitary landfills use
plastic liners and compacted clay to prevent these solutions from entering
the soil and the groundwater.
sanitary landfill
transfer of ash
Figure 1.6 In a sanitary landfill, wastes are spread and compacted by bulldozers before they are covered by a layer of soil.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 187
Wastewater containing dissolved and undissolved materials from your
kitchen, bathroom, and laundry is called sewage. Sewage moves through
pipes into a septic tank in rural areas or to a sewage treatment plant in
towns and cities. A septic tank is an underground container where
bacteria break down the organic materials before they are moved out to
the soil. A sewage treatment plant treats wastes from homes, businesses,
industries, and institutions. It may also treat water from street drains.
Treated wastewater or effluent is released into rivers or lakes. It may
contain nitrogen and phosphorus from the breakdown of sewage during
If the municipal sewage system cannot handle a large quantity of rain
water from street drains, that water may go directly into a river or lake
Figure 1.7 The soap and dirt through large pipes called storm sewers. Water from storm sewers
from this car flow into the contains chemicals washed off the street, such as oil or other fluids that
storm drains in the street. have leaked from vehicles, and salt from snow-clearing operations.
From there, the water flows
into local rivers or lakes. Fuel Combustion
Coal, oil, and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they formed from
dead plants and animals. They are called hydrocarbons because they are
mainly made up of the elements hydrogen and carbon. They may also
contain oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Fossil fuels may contain traces of
other elements such as mercury and lead.
When fossil fuels are burned in homes, vehicles, and industrial plants,
they produce large amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapour. The
general reaction equation for this combustion reaction is:
As consumers, we are most familiar with the fuels from crude oil and
natural gas, which we use in our homes and vehicles. At one time, coal
was also used in homes as a heating fuel. Today it is used mainly for
electrical generation.
Background Information
1 At large electric power plants, turbines (large wheels) turn coils of wires or magnets
in a generator to produce electricity. Hydro-electric plants use falling water to turn the
turbines, and wind-powered plants use windmills. Where falling water or wind are not
available, water is converted to steam by burning a fossil fuel such as coal, natural
gas, or oil. The steam turns the turbine.
2 Consider the following viewpoints:
a) “Alberta has a lot of low-sulfur coal. Natural gas is in much more limited supply.
If we use natural gas to produce electricity, we won’t have as much available for
making plastics. Let’s use the coal to produce inexpensive electricity.”
b) “Natural gas is the cleanest burning fuel. We will have fewer environmental
problems in the future if we build plants that burn natural gas.”
c) “Burning fossil fuels produces harmful chemicals such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
oxides, and mercury. I like the idea of using windmills to generate electricity. It
might be less efficient than burning coal or natural gas, but it is the most
environmentally friendly method.”
d) “Any method is fine as long as the amount of harmful substances released from
the electrical plants into the atmosphere does not exceed the government
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 189
Industrial Processes
Industrial processes such as electrical power generation, mineral
Electricity Generation in processing, and fertilizer production may release chemicals into the air. A
Alberta common industrial process in Alberta is natural gas processing. Natural
Research one way that gas is composed of compounds such as methane, ethane, propane, and
electricity is generated butane. It also contains nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
in Alberta. Explain the helium, and traces of metals such as mercury.
electricity generation Natural gas is processed to separate its components for different uses.
process you chose. In a Methane, propane, and butane are all derived from natural gas and are
T-chart, list its used primarily for heating. Ethane is used in plastics such as
advantages and polyethylene.
disadvantages. Begin Natural gas is also processed to eliminate unwanted substances such
your information search
as hydrogen sulfide, a poisonous chemical. Natural gas that contains
hydrogen sulfide is called “sour” gas. If no hydrogen sulfide is present,
the gas is considered “sweet.”
The process for removing hydrogen sulfide produces sulfur dioxide
gas and pure sulfur. Since the 1970s, natural gas processing plants in
Alberta have been required by law to restrict their sulfur dioxide
emissions. They now recover more than 99% of the pure sulfur for use in
manufacturing sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is used in making fertilizers,
steel, synthetic fibres, and paints.
Acidity is measured according to the pH scale. Most solutions have a pH in
the range of 0 to 14. A solution with a pH of 0 is very acidic. For example,
battery acid has a pH of about 0.5. A solution with a pH of 14 is very basic
or alkaline. For example, household ammonia has a pH of about 12.6. A pH
of 7 means that a solution is neutral—it’s neither an acid nor a base.
The difference between one number and the next on the pH scale
represents a 10-fold difference. For example, a solution with a pH of 3 is
10 times more acidic than a solution with a pH of 4. Similarly a solution
with a pH of 9 is 10 times more basic than a solution with a pH of 8.
2.2 4.6
vinegar fish begin 8.0
1.0 4.0 to die 5.6 some soils
stomach most animals normal and lakes
acid are dead rain in Alberta Figure 1.10 This
figure shows the pH
measurements of
some common
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
strong neutral strong household products
acid base and some
0.5 2.0 4.2 6.0 8.2 10 12 13.8 environmental
battery lemon tomatoes milk baking toothpaste ammonia drain situations.
acid juice 7.0 soda cleaner
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 191
Acids and bases can burn
the skin and eyes. If any
of the ingredients spill,
wash immediately with
cold water. Never mix
substances (unless you
are told to) since they
may react and produce
dangerous chemicals.
Figure 1.11 You can use a pH meter, chemical indicators, or pH paper for this activity.
If you have an upset stomach, you might take an antacid to help you feel
better. An antacid is a mild base that reacts with the acid in your stomach
to neutralize it. The base in the antacid and the acid in your stomach react
to form compounds that are less upsetting to your stomach. This acid-base
reaction is called neutralization. The neutralization reaction produces
water and a compound called a salt. For example, what we call table salt
can be produced by combining hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide
solution, a base. Here is the equation for that neutralization reaction:
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 193
The Question
What effect does adding a base to an acid have on the pH of a solution?
The Hypothesis
Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
Materials & Equipment
• baking powder
• water
• graduated cylinder
• 2 50-mL beakers
• vinegar
• pH meter, chemical indicators,
or pH paper
• 2-mL measuring spoon
1 Place 2 mL of baking powder in 30 mL of water in a 50-mL beaker. Test and record
the pH of the baking powder–water mixture.
2 Place 10 mL of vinegar in another 50-mL beaker. Test and record the pH of the
3 Stir the baking powder mixture. Slowly stir 10 mL of this mixture into the vinegar in
the beaker. Measure and record the pH of the vinegar–baking powder mixture.
Forming Conclusions
7 Describe the effect that adding a base to an acid has on the pH of the solution.
Design and carry out an experiment to determine how adding water to a solution affects
its pH.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 195
1.3 Common Substances Essential to Living
Figure 1.14 Composition of
the human body: water,
proteins, fats, sugars, starch,
DNA, minerals, vitamins,
salts, acids, and bases
Our bodies need about 25 elements for normal growth. The chemical
symbols for these elements are shown in Figure 1.1 at the beginning of
subsection 1.1. Carbon (C), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H) are the most
common chemical elements in living things. Together, they make up the
complex molecules that form sugar, starch, fat, oil, wax, and proteins.
Because these complex molecules contain carbon, they are called organic
compounds. Fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal) are examples
of substances that contain many different organic compounds. Substances
that do not contain carbon are called inorganic compounds. Baking soda
and the mineral quartz are examples of inorganic compounds.
Organic molecules can be very large and complex. On Earth, these
molecules far outnumber inorganic molecules.
Draw a table with two columns. List the following items in the left column: oxygen,
distilled water, sugar, motor oil, hydrochloric acid, rust, vitamin C, glass, fat, rubber.
Phosphorus (P) • Root and flower growth • Composition of bones, teeth, and
• Cellular respiration and DNA
photosynthesis • Many metabolic reactions
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 197
Knowing how plants use elements can help farmers diagnose deficiencies
and excesses of nutrients in the soil. Consider this scenario. A farmer has
noticed that his crops are not growing as well as they have in past years.
The lower leaves on the plants are showing a distinct yellow striping, and
the plants are not as tall as they should be. The farmer has been applying
large amounts of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, expecting to get
high yields from the crops.
Soil tests show low levels of magnesium and high levels of potassium.
The farmer knows that high levels of potassium can interfere with the
Figure 1.15 Knowledge of how
absorption of magnesium by the plant. One solution is to stop applying
elements are used by plants can
help farmers diagnose problems
potassium fertilizer, since the soil has an adequate supply already, and
like those shown here. apply a fertilizer containing magnesium.
In the early 1980s, a reservoir was built in California to control the flow of
irrigation water to farms. Shortly after the reservoir was built, many fish
in the reservoir died. Birds living on or near the reservoir were also dying
or producing abnormal chicks. Tests showed that the surviving fish
contained a high level of selenium. Birds’ eggs from the area contained
eight times more selenium than similar eggs 10 km away. The selenium
was traced back to soils around the reservoir.
The micronutrient selenium is an element that is required in trace
amounts in your diet. Too much of it can cause harmful health effects,
like those that affected the wildlife around the California reservoir. But
too little selenium can also be harmful to your health. If plants are
deficient in selenium, the animals that eat them will also have a
deficiency of selenium. Scientific studies have shown that selenium
deficiency in humans can be linked to diseases such as cancer and heart
disease. Selenium, along with vitamin E, helps to protect cell membranes
from damage caused by hydrogen peroxide, a poison that is produced in
some chemical reactions in cells.
Selenium, like most other substances, should be available in our diets
in optimum amounts. The optimum amount of a substance is the amount
that provides an organism with the best health. For humans, at least 70 g
(micrograms) of selenium per day is recommended.
When we eat food such as pasta, rice, potatoes, fruits, and bread, we are
eating carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are organic molecules made up of
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These atoms can form simple
molecules, such as sugar, or large, complex molecules, such as starch,
cellulose, and glycogen.
Glucose is the simple sugar made by green plants in photosynthesis.
The atoms in a molecule of glucose usually join together to form a six-
sided figure as shown in Figure 1.18(a). Complex carbohydrates such as Figure 1.17 Carbohydrates
cellulose, starch, and glycogen are composed of many glucose molecules are a major part of our diet.
joined together, as shown in Figure 1.18(b).
Figure 1.18(a) Figure 1.18(b) A
H C OH A glucose glycogen molecule
molecule has is made up of
C O the formula connected glucose
C6H12O6. molecules. Each
C C circle represents a
glucose molecule.
Fats, oils, and waxes are lipids—compounds composed of many carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Both animals and plants produce lipids. For
example, our skin produces oils, and our bodies store food in the form of
fat. Plant products such as canola seeds, corn, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts,
and cashews contain large amounts of oils.
Figure 1.19 A fat molecule is
O H H H H H H H H H H H made up of three chains of
fatty acids connected to one
molecule of a compound
H H H H H H H H H H H H called glycerol.
glycerol fatty acids
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 199
1 In this activity, you will be testing for different types of organic molecules. This table
shows the indicators you will use.
Benedict’s solution, Substance Test
Biuret solution, and Glucose Benedict’s solution turns from blue to yellow-orange-red
iodine solution are Starch Iodine solution turns from red-brown to blue-black
hazardous, corrosive
Fat/Oil Fats and oils leave a spot on brown paper that light can pass through
substances that can
Protein Biuret solution turns from blue to purple or mauve
stain your clothes
and skin. Handle
them carefully. 2 Copy the table below in your notebook for recording your observations.
3 Label the test tubes with the names of the substances you are testing.
Forming Conclusions
17 Describe how you determined what organic substance or substances were in your
unknown sample. Use your data to support your conclusions.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 201
Proteins and Amino Acids
Foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products add proteins to our
diet. Proteins have many functions. They are used by organisms for
growth and repair, and as a source of energy. They are the main
component of enzymes. Recall that enzymes are catalysts that control
chemical reactions in organisms.
A protein is an organic compound made up of units called amino
acids. Figure 1.22 shows the structure of an amino acid. The way amino
acids form proteins is similar to the way glucose units join together to
form complex carbohydrates such as starch.
Figure 1.21 Fish is an N C C
excellent source of protein.
Sometimes it is eaten raw H H OH
as sushi or sashimi. Both
are Japanese dishes.
Figure 1.22 This diagram shows the structure of the amino acid glycine. Each amino acid has a
central carbon atom. Amino acids also include nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, along with
more carbon atoms. Some also contain sulfur.
Each protein has its own number and arrangement of amino acids. In
general, a protein contains between 40 and 500 amino acid units. Insulin,
for example, contains 51 amino acid units arranged in two chains, as
shown in Figure 1.23. Twenty different kinds of amino acids are common
in protein molecules. Green plants convert glucose into amino acids.
Figure 1.23 An insulin molecule. Each circle represents an amino acid unit. Different colours
represent different amino acids.
4. What elements are found in the following 8. Suppose you are a farmer and your crop is
compounds? not growing as well as it has in the past. You
a) carbohydrates notice that the lower leaves of the plants are
b) proteins turning yellow. Recall that chlorophyll gives
c) lipids leaves their green colour and is important in
d) nucleic acids photosynthesis. Use the table on page 197 to
help you answer the following questions.
Connect Your Understanding a) What nutrient deficiencies might be
5. Imagine that your favourite house plant is causing this problem?
growing well but it is not flowering. A friend b) What would be your next step to solve
suggests that your plant may be lacking the problem?
phosphorus. Is that a possibility? Explain 9. A sample solution was sent to a laboratory
your answer. for examination. When Benedict’s solution
6. Explain the term “optimum amount” using was added, and the sample was heated, a
one of the following as an example: red precipitate formed. When Biuret solution
potassium for plants or selenium for was added, the sample remained blue. What
animals. substance was identified in the solution?
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 203
info BIT
1.4 How Organisms Take in Substances
Eating Elements
In 1295, when Marco Polo
was on the way to China,
some of his pack animals
became sick and died.
The ones that did not
become sick were the
ones that came from the
area through which they
were passing. It is now
thought that the local
pack animals avoided
those plants that had
accumulated selenium
from the soil. The other
animals ate the selenium-
rich plants and died from
selenium poisoning.
Figure 1.25 Inorganic chemicals from the environment are taken up by producers which then
provide food for consumers.
Plants and animals rely on the environment for the substances they need
to live. Plants take in inorganic compounds to make organic compounds.
Consumers must rely on organic compounds made by plants for their
energy, growth, and repair. Consumers obtain these compounds by either
eating plants or eating other organisms that eat plants.
When organisms take in the chemicals they need, they may also be
taking in other substances. Sometimes, these are harmless. For example,
when you drink pop, you are taking in water, which you need, but you are
also taking in the flavouring and colouring in the pop. You don’t need
them and they are harmless. Sometimes the other substances may be
harmful. For example, a lake beside a coal-fired generating plant may
contain high levels of mercury. If you ate fish caught near the plant, you
would take in this harmful substance.
Water moves into plant roots by a special type of diffusion called osmosis.
In the process of osmosis, water moves through the walls of the plant’s
roots from an area where there are more water molecules to an area where
there are fewer water molecules. As the plant uses water for its growth
and maintenance, it draws water up from the roots. As the number of
water molecules within the roots decreases, more water molecules move
into the roots from the surrounding soil. Figure 1.27(a) shows this
Active Transport
Plants need high concentrations of some nutrients in their roots. The
concentrations of these nutrients may be higher in the roots than in the
water in the surrounding soil. To maintain these high concentrations,
plants must move some nutrients from the soil, an area of lower
concentration, into their roots. To move nutrients in this direction, plants
use a process called active transport. In active transport, plants must use
energy to move the molecules of nutrients in the direction opposite to
diffusion. This energy is used by specific molecules in the root cells that
transport the nutrient molecules into the plant roots. Figure 1.27(b) shows
the movement in active transport.
Active Transport
plant root
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 205
Humans and other animals obtain the 25 elements our bodies need for
normal growth and function from the air we breathe and the food we eat.
The process of taking food into our bodies is called ingestion. Every
time you drink or eat, you are ingesting food. Most of the ingested food
must be broken down into smaller particles so our bodies can absorb the
nutrients from it.
Humans and other animals break down food mechanically and
chemically. An example of mechanical breakdown is chewing food.
Chemical breakdown occurs in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine
with the help of enzymes that speed up the chemical reactions. The
breakdown or digestion of large organic molecules occurs by a process
called hydrolysis. “Hydro” refers to water and “lysis” means breakdown.
A substance that is broken down by hydrolysis has been hydrolyzed. For
example, when you eat potatoes, the large starch molecules are
hydrolyzed into double sugars called maltose, and then into single sugars
called glucose. This reaction can be written in the following way.
Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids are absorbed through cell
membranes and into the bloodstream. The blood carries them to cells
throughout the body where they are either used or stored.
gall bladder
mainly chemical
breakdown in the rest
of the digestive system
Figure 1.28 The food you intestine
ingest is broken down
mechanically and chemically small
intestine rectum
in your digestive system.
Before You Start
Large starch molecules are formed by many glucose molecules joined together. The
bonds that join the glucose molecules can be broken in several ways. Two ways are:
• heating at high temperatures
Materials & Equipment • using enzymes in the digestive tract as catalysts in the hydrolysis of the starch
• corn starch suspension
• iodine solution The Question
• digestive enzyme suspension Which of the following processes breaks down starch more quickly: heating or using
• hot plate enzymes?
• 2 beakers
• spot plate The Hypothesis
• stir stick Restate the question in the form of a hypothesis.
• graduated cylinder
• eye dropper Procedure
1 Place 4 drops of starch suspension in a spot plate. Add 1 drop of iodine solution.
Record your results.
2 Label two beakers with the numbers 1 and 2. Place 50 mL of starch suspension into
each beaker.
3 Place beaker 1 on a hot plate. Boil and stir the contents for 5 min.
4 Place 4 drops from beaker 1 in the spot plate, and test for the presence of starch.
Record your observations.
5 If you observe a positive starch test, repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times. Do not
repeat these steps more than twice.
6 In beaker 2, add 10 mL of digestive enzyme suspension to the starch suspension,
and stir for 5 s.
7 Place 4 drops from beaker 2 in the spot plate and test for the presence of starch.
Record your observations.
8 Follow your teacher’s instructions for disposing of all the substances you have used.
Forming Conclusions
Caution! 12 Which process broke down the starch more quickly? Support your answer with your
Hot surfaces burn. data.
Leave beaker 1 on
the hot plate to cool. Applying and Connecting
Corn starch is hydrolyzed to produce various kinds of corn syrup, which are used for
making products such as candy and chewing gum.
Design and carry out an experiment to show how the temperature of an enzyme
suspension affects the rate of hydrolysis of starch.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 207
Organisms inhabit almost all parts of Earth—from the icy Arctic to
tropical jungles, and from mountain slopes to deep under the ocean.
Where organisms live affects how and when they can obtain nutrients. For
example, plants living in the north can obtain nutrients only during a
short growing season. Plants in the desert often have methods to limit the
growth of other plants around them. This reduces the competition for the
limited nutrients available. Figure 1.30 shows examples of the nutrient
sources for organisms in a variety of environments.
Figure 1.30(a) Anemones are animals that Figure 1.30(b) Lichens are often the first Figure 1.30(c) Bread mould is a fungus
live attached to rocks in the ocean. They organisms to colonize an area. They have that secretes digestive enzymes. The
capture food with their tentacles. been found in cold, dry valleys in enzymes help break down the bread into
Antarctica, as well as on bare rocks high small molecules that can be absorbed into
in the mountains. Lichens are made up of the fungal cells.
fungi and algae living together.
Figure 1.30(d) Desert soil does not hold Figure 1.30(e) Decaying plant and animal Figure 1.30(f) The treeless, flat areas of the
water and contains little organic material. materials enrich the soil in grasslands. north are called tundra. Only a few
Plants and animals in deserts are adapted centimetres of the ground thaw in the tundra
to going for long periods without water. in the summer. Plants must grow and
reproduce quickly when the temperature is
favourable and nutrients are available.
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 209
Careers Profiles
The Environment Is Made up of Chemicals That Can Support or Harm Living Things 211
2.0 The quantity of chemicals in the
environment can be monitored.
Key Concepts
In this section you will learn
about the following key
• air and water quality
• concentration and dispersal
• uncertainties in environmental
monitoring and in assessing
toxicity and risk
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe and illustrate the use
of biological monitoring as a
method of determining
environmental quality
• identify chemical factors in the
environment that might affect
the health and distribution of
living things
• apply and interpret measures
of chemical concentration in
parts per million, billion, or
The hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic concerns many scientists.
Ozone (O3(g)) forms a layer that shields Earth from much of the damaging
ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. Some UV radiation passes
through this shield normally, but now more is getting through. Experts
predict more skin damage and cancers in humans, as well as effects on
other organisms. The ozone layer is 15 to 50 km above Earth’s surface,
but ozone also exists at ground level. This ground-level ozone can cause
health problems.
The photo of the hole in the ozone shown here was taken from a
satellite. Photos such as these are important in monitoring the ozone
layer. Monitoring means keeping track of something for a specific
purpose. At ground level, scientists use sampling and other techniques
to monitor the ozone levels in the air. In this section, you will learn
about the different chemicals that must be monitored so we can protect
water and air quality. You will also learn about chemicals monitored in
the atmosphere to protect life on Earth.
If you wanted to jump into a lake for a swim, you probably would not
choose a lake like the one in Figure 2.1. And you would not be the only
one put off by the lake’s appearance. Studies show that when lake
transparency decreases, property values of cottages and homes around the
lake decrease as well.
Lakes may become cloudy in summer because of excessive algal
growth. This reduces the oxygen content in the lake, which affects the
types of organisms that can live there. Insects and fish that live in water
like this are different from the ones that live in a clear lake. Trout, for
example, are one of the first fish to die when the concentration of
dissolved oxygen decreases.
Clarity is not a good indicator of water quality. Clear water can
sometimes be harmful to humans and other organisms. For example, lakes
affected by acid rain are crystal clear and lifeless.
Water quality is determined according to what the water is used for.
Both provincial and federal governments set guidelines for water quality
in five categories of water use:
• human drinking water
• recreation such as swimming
• livestock drinking water
• irrigation
• protection of aquatic life
Microbiological Indicators
Microscopic organisms such as bacteria can cause serious health problems
if they are present in large enough numbers. Small samples of water are
taken frequently from water sources that people use. These samples are
processed to determine the numbers and types of microscopic organisms,
such as harmful bacteria (e.g., some strains of Escherichia coli). If the
count is too high, additional water treatment may be necessary.
Aquatic Invertebrates
Water with a large number of harmful bacteria can cause illness. Other
biological indicators of water quality do not cause illness themselves but
can show the effects of pollution, which may indicate unsafe water.
Aquatic invertebrates are one group of indicator organisms. Invertebrates
are animals without backbones. Those that live in water include insects,
crustaceans (such as shrimp), worms, and mollusks (such as clams). They
are used for monitoring because different invertebrates prefer different
living conditions. For example, the organisms living in a stagnant pond
are different from those living in a pond with a higher concentration of
dissolved oxygen. Water temperature and pH can also affect the types of
organisms found in an area.
mosquito water
larva strider
caddisfly larva nymph
4 How many different types of invertebrates were you able to identify?
5 Work with the rest of the class to identify those organisms that you and other
students were not able to identify.
If the pH of the water in an aquatic environment is below 5.0, you will not
find many fish there, especially young ones. Some insects such as mayflies
are also very sensitive to acidic environments and environments that have
little dissolved oxygen. The diversity of all organisms decreases as acidity
increases and dissolved oxygen decreases. For example, few insects and
many worms may mean that the water contains little dissolved oxygen.
Recall from earlier studies that diversity refers to the number of different
species in an ecosystem.
A pond that supports a wide variety of organisms probably has good
water quality for allowing organisms to survive. However, it cannot be
considered safe for humans to drink until it is tested to make sure.
The concentration of food colouring in the diluted solution in the second
container is now 1 part per million parts solution, or 1 ppm.
Sometimes you may encounter even lower concentrations of chemicals
in parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt). Here’s an example to
show the difference between these measurements:
• 1 drop of food colouring in a half-full bathtub is about 1 ppm
• 1 drop of food colouring in a full swimming pool is about 1 ppb
• 1 drop of food colouring in the amount of water needed to fill
1000 swimming pools is about 1 ppt
Measuring parts per trillion of anything is difficult and requires special,
costly equipment. Only extremely hazardous substances are measured to
this level of concentration. For example, the average concentration of
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Great Lakes has been measured at
4 ppt. These manufactured oils are used in electrical equipment. They
persist in the environment and accumulate in the body tissues of animals.
Suppose you make a food colouring solution by putting 99 mL of water in a beaker and
adding 1 mL of food colouring. The concentration of food colouring in this beaker is
1 part food colouring per 100 parts solution.
• Calculate this concentration in parts per million.
You then add 1 mL of this solution to 99 mL of water in a second beaker. This creates a
concentration of 0.01 parts of food colouring per 100 parts of solution.
• Calculate this concentration in parts per million.
Now suppose you take 1 mL of the solution in the second beaker and add it to 99 mL of
water in a third beaker.
• What is the concentration of food colouring in this solution in parts per million?
Imagine white-water rafting down a roaring river. As the water churns
over and around rocks, oxygen from the air is dissolving into it. Dissolved
oxygen is essential for the health of aquatic life such as fish, insects, and
micro-organisms. The level of dissolved oxygen in water depends on:
• temperature
• turbulence due to wind or the speed of moving water
• the amount of photosynthesis by plants and algae in the water
• the number of organisms using up the oxygen
Five milligrams per litre (equal to 5 ppm) of dissolved oxygen will
support most organisms that live in lakes and streams. The following
table gives examples of levels of dissolved oxygen needed by aquatic
Figure 2.4 Rapids expose more water surface to the air than smooth river flow
does. The turbulence allows more oxygen from the air to dissolve in the water.
The Question
Materials & Equipment
What is the effect of turbulence on the amount of dissolved oxygen in water?
• 100 mL boiled, then cooled
water The Hypothesis
• dissolved oxygen measuring
Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
• 2 small beakers
• small jar with tight-fitting lid
1 Pour 50 mL of the boiled, cooled water into a small beaker.
(e.g., baby food jar)
2 Following the directions on the dissolved oxygen kit, measure the amount of
dissolved oxygen in your sample in milligrams per litre. Record your measurement.
3 Pour the remaining 50 mL of the boiled, cooled water into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
(The jar should be big enough so that a large amount of air remains after the water
sample is placed in it.)
4 Shake the jar vigorously for 1 min.
5 Open and close the jar and repeat step 4 two more times.
6 Following the directions on the dissolved oxygen kit, measure the amount of
dissolved oxygen in the shaken sample in milligrams per litre. Record your
Forming Conclusions
10 Use your observations to explain the effect of turbulence on the amount of dissolved
oxygen in the water.
Design an experiment that shows the effect of temperature on the concentration of
Figure 2.6 An aerator in dissolved oxygen in water.
an aquarium
sewage effluent containing nitrates and phosphates Figure 2.7(b) Added plant
nutrients from treated
sewage or runoff from fields
causes increased growth of
fewer types and sizes of fish
algae and plants. Fewer fish
and invertebrates can live in
these conditions.
midge larvae
and worms
Earlier in this unit, you learned that normal rain and snow have a pH of
5.6 because carbon dioxide from the air dissolved in them to form weak
carbonic acid. Precipitation with a pH lower than 5.6 is considered acid
rain or snow. When this acid precipitation falls on water systems, it affects
the acidity of the water. As the acidity increases, the diversity of plants
and animals that live in this water decreases. Most fish disappear if the
water’s pH falls to 4.5.
Acidic deposition is a major problem wherever the soil and water lack
natural bases to neutralize acidic precipitation. The Canadian Shield in
northern and eastern Canada is an example of an affected area. The thin
soils and the chemical composition of the rocks there are not able to
neutralize the acid. As a result, forests and lakes have been damaged.
In areas where acid precipitation is a problem, acidic deposits build
up in ice and snow in the winter. In spring, when the ice and snow melt,
the acid meltwater flows into aquatic systems. This quickly creates a
concentration of acid that can dramatically lower the pH of the water in a
pond, slough, lake, or river for a short period of time. This is known as
spring acid shock. It can seriously affect the eggs of aquatic organisms, as
well as the young offspring of spring-spawning fish.
Toxins or poisons are substances that produce serious health problems or
death when introduced into an organism. In order to compare toxins,
scientists use a measurement called LD50. “LD” stands for “lethal dose”
and the “50” represents 50%. LD50 is the amount of a substance that
causes 50% of a group of test animals to die if they are given a
specified dose of the substance all at once.
Different types of chemicals can affect organisms in different Substance LD50 Subject/
ways. For example, one chemical may damage the liver; another may How
cause brain damage. It is difficult to compare the toxicity of different
Table salt 3000 mg/kg Rat, by
chemicals if you consider these effects only. However, all toxic
chemicals will cause death in some organisms if given in large
Caffeine 192 mg/kg Rat, by
enough doses. LD50 testing allows scientists to compare toxicity mouth
because they are comparing the dosage that will produce the same 87 mg/kg
DDT Rat, by
outcome: death. (pesticide) mouth
LD50 testing is usually done on rats and mice. It is stated as the
amount of chemical given per unit of body mass. It also specifies how
the animal received it—the usual ways are by mouth or applied to the
skin. The table in the margin shows some examples of LD50
measurements. Notice that the more toxic the substance is, the lower
its LD50 number is.
pH 5.5 6.5
10. Explain the following statement about table salt: The LD50 is
3000 mg/kg for rats.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2(g)) is a major air pollutant that forms both smog and
acid rain. It can affect your respiratory system (throat and lungs) and info BIT
irritate your eyes.
Sulfur dioxide and other oxides of sulfur form when oxygen combines Indoor Air Pollution
with sulfur. The major source of sulfur dioxide is industrial processes. In You can’t always avoid
Alberta, the major source of sulfur dioxide is the oil and gas industry. air pollution simply by
Sulfur dioxide and other oxides of sulfur are also formed by burning fuels staying indoors. For
example, a smoke-filled
such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
party room can be a
Industrial and electrical generating plants use devices called
health hazard. Other
“scrubbers” to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by up to 99%. Scrubbers
substances that
use limestone (calcium carbonate) to convert the pollutant sulfur dioxide contribute to indoor air
to a useful product. The sulfur dioxide reacts with the calcium carbonate pollution include paints,
in the scrubber to produce gypsum (calcium sulfate). The gypsum is glues, and cleaning
recovered and can be used in manufacturing. Here is the equation for the supplies.
sulfur dioxide and limestone reaction:
You read at the beginning of this section that a layer of ozone protects
Earth’s surface from harmful ultraviolet light. This layer is located high
above Earth in the upper atmosphere. This same chemical—ozone—is also
found at Earth’s surface. But at ground level, ozone is a harmful pollutant.
Ozone is an example of a chemical that may not be harmful and may even re SEARCH
be beneficial in one situation. But in another situation, it may be a
pollutant. Catalytic Converters
Ozone (O3(g)) is an odourless, colourless gas composed of three oxygen A catalytic converter is a
atoms. At ground level, it forms from reactions between oxygen, nitrogen device that uses platinum
oxides, and compounds called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in the and palladium catalysts
presence of heat and sunlight. VOCs are organic chemicals that evaporate to remove pollutants
easily. Some plants and trees emit VOCs, but most of the VOCs come from from vehicle exhaust.
human-made products such as solvents and gasoline. Prepare a report on the
The major source of ground-level ozone is fuel combustion in vehicle chemical reactions that
take place in a catalytic
engines and industry. As a result, ozone pollution is a problem mainly in
converter. Do they
larger cities, especially during the summer. Some cities issue warnings on
eliminate pollutants
days where ozone levels are expected to be high so people with
entirely? Begin your
respiratory problems can stay indoors. information search at
Ozone is especially harmful to people who have lung diseases such as
asthma, and anyone with a cold. All children are at a higher risk than scienceinaction.
healthy adults because their lungs are still developing. Anyone who
exercises outside in air containing high levels of ozone may suffer
breathing problems and long-term lung damage.
Ground-level ozone can seriously affect crops such as wheat,
soybeans, and onions. Ozone can also cause materials such as plastics to
deteriorate more rapidly.
gases in
energy absorbed by gases
Global Warming
Scientists have concluded that global warming is taking place and that it
is caused at least partly by human activities. Natural events such as
volcanic eruptions and forest fires may also be part of the cause of global
warming. Like some human activities, they may increase the
concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Some countries have started to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. For
example, windmill farms are being used to power turbines in order to
reduce the amount of fossil fuel being burned. Some companies are
investing in forest projects so that growing trees can absorb carbon dioxide
and offset the company’s carbon dioxide production.
The Question
What does monitoring information indicate about trends in amounts of atmospheric
carbon dioxide?
Materials & Equipment
1 Collect data sheets from your teacher that show tables of data on carbon dioxide
• data sheet on CO2(g)
concentrations recorded at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and Point Barrow, Alaska.
• graph in Figure 2.18 2 On the same graph, plot two line graphs, one from the data in Table 1 and one from
• graph paper the data in Table 2. Use different colours or symbols for each graph. These graphs
represent monthly CO2(g) concentrations.
3 Use the data provided in Table 3 to prepare a line graph of yearly CO2(g)
concentrations measured each May at Mauna Loa only.
4 Look at the graph in Figure 2.18 as a guide. Use a different-colour pencil or pen to
draw a line of best fit on your graph of yearly CO2(g) concentrations (step 3).
Point Barrow, Alaska
CO2(g) Concentration ppm
Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Figure 2.17 Locations of 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Point Barrow, Alaska, and Year
Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Figure 2.18 Monthly atmospheric CO2(g) data recorded at Mauna Loa. Mauna Loa is a
mountain in Hawaii.
Forming Conclusions
9 Refer to your graphs and Figure 2.18 to explain what monitoring information
indicates about monthly and yearly trends in atmospheric CO2(g) concentrations.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• concentration and dispersal
• stability and biodegradability
• evidence of toxicity
• hazards, probabilities, and risk
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• describe the transport of
materials through air, soil, and
• identify factors that may
accelerate or retard the
distribution of chemicals
• describe how the concentration
of substances can be changed
in the environment
• describe ways that
biodegradation occurs and
interpret information about the
biodegradability of materials
• demonstrate how hazardous
Just as balloons can be carried a long way on air currents, the
chemicals can affect the local molecules of potentially harmful chemicals can also travel long
and global environments distances. For example, mercury can remain airborne for up to two
• identify potential risks resulting years. The source of a pollutant can be in one country, but that same
from consumer practices chemical may be deposited in another country—sometimes on the
• evaluate information and other side of the world. Chemicals carried in water also know no
evidence related to an boundaries. It is easy to see why air and water pollution are global
environmental issue concerns.
In this section, you will learn how chemicals are transported in the
environment through air, soil, and water. You will consider a case
study that shows how a major oil spill can affect the environment. You
will also learn more about handling and disposing of hazardous
household chemicals safely.
Figure 3.1
The stages of
release from atmospheric
source transport of
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 237
To analyze movement of emissions in the environment YUKON
1 Look at the maps in Figure 3.2 and answer the questions below.
BRITISH Fort McMurray
2 Explain why sulfur dioxide emissions from the Alberta oil sands
plants near Fort McMurray are a concern more for the people Trail
living in Saskatchewan than those living in western Alberta and
British Columbia. Ocean WASHINGTON
D ri
r C.
A la
s ka
N ort
Horse Latitudes P ac
li f
r i b b e an
Equitorial Current N. Eq uitorial
Trade Winds
Equator Equator
ur re
u Cur rent
il C
B r az
Horse Latitudes
F a l k l and
We st W in d Drift East Wind D
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 239
The Question
Materials & Equipment
What effect does the type of soil have on an acidic solution that passes through it?
• clay/loam potting soil
• sandy soil The Hypothesis
• vinegar (diluted)
Restate the question above in the form of a hypothesis.
• graduated cylinder
• beakers
• funnel
1 In your notebook, draw a table like the one below to record your observations.
• retort stand
• ring
Sample pH
• filter paper 4
• pH meter, chemical indicators,
or pH paper
2 Fold and place a filter paper in a funnel. (Hint: Dampen the paper with tap water and
it will stay in place.) Put dampened clay/loam soil into the funnel and tamp it down
3 Support the funnel in a ring attached to a retort stand. Place an empty beaker under
the funnel.
4 Measure 20 mL of diluted vinegar into the second beaker. Measure and record the pH
of the diluted vinegar.
5 Pour the vinegar into the soil and collect the leachate. Measure and record the pH of
the leachate.
6 Repeat steps 2 to 5 using the sandy soil.
Forming Conclusions
9 Explain how the soil affected the pH of the leachate.
Figure 3.4 Step 5
Applying and Connecting
The pH of soil is important for plants because certain nutrients are available to plants only
within a specific pH range. For example, phosphorus availability is best between pH 6.0
and 7.0. Ground limestone (calcium carbonate) can be added to acidic soil to make it less
acidic. Adding peat or sulfur to basic soil will make it less basic.
Design and carry out an experiment to answer this question: What amount of vinegar can
pass through a soil sample before the neutralizing ability of the soil is reduced?
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 241
Transport of Hydrocarbons in Soil
Contamination of soil by hydrocarbons is a problem at tens of thousands
of sites across Canada. This contamination results from our daily use of
hydrocarbons in vehicles and in industry, and from the extraction of
Some hydrocarbons are carried by water in the soil and can spread
over a wide area. Others do not dissolve in water. These non-dissolving
types of hydrocarbons may coat soil grains and completely fill the pores
between the grains. This type of contamination does not spread very far
from its source but is very difficult to clean up. It also creates high local
concentrations of hydrocarbons. Most hydrocarbons are toxic to plants
and animals (including humans).
dispersion dilution
death of disease-causing
disease-causing bacteria & viruses
bacteria & viruses
salts (calcium bicarbonate, sodium chloride,
sodium sulfate, etc.)
ingestion by
nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, etc.) animals
sedimentation uptake by
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 243
Nature uses living things to clean the environment. Every autumn, leaves
fall but they do not build up year after year because some of them
decompose and become part of the soil. Organisms such as earthworms,
bacteria, and fungi help the biodegradation of most organic substances,
including many pollutants. “Bio” refers to living things and “degrade”
means to break up.
Each organism needs specific conditions to grow and reproduce. Some
bacteria grow and reproduce only when oxygen is present. They use
oxygen for the process of aerobic biodegradation (“aero-” means “air”).
Some bacteria need an anaerobic environment—one without oxygen
(“an-” means “without”). They thrive where there is little or no oxygen;
for example, deep within landfill sites.
Some types of anaerobic bacteria remove chlorine from harmful
chlorine-containing compounds such as PCBs (polychlorinated
biphenyls). PCBs are human-made oils used in electrical equipment.
These bacteria are able to remove chlorine atoms from the pollutant’s
molecules and replace them with hydrogen atoms. The molecules can
then be used as food for the bacteria. In this way, some harmful pollutants
are removed from the environment.
Before You Start
Each group in the class will select one variable to investigate and present their findings to
the class.
The Question
Materials & Equipment
What effects do the following factors have on the rate of biodegradation of substances:
• soil
moisture, temperature, surface area of pieces, type of waste?
• large clear plastic party glasses
• apple pieces or other easily
biodegradable material
1 Your group will investigate one of the following questions:
• refrigerator for 1b)
• other waste material for 1d) a) What is the effect of moisture on the rate of biodegradation?
(e.g., potato, paper, metal, b) What is the effect of temperature on the rate of biodegradation?
plastic, cotton, nylon) c) What is the effect of the size of garbage pieces on the rate of biodegradation?
• balance
d) What is the effect of the type of garbage on the rate of biodegradation?
• ruler
• water 2 Controlling variables is important. As a class, determine the following before you
• sticks for markers begin:
• size of the apple pieces • temperature of the set-up
• number of apple pieces • location of the set-up
• number of pieces of other types • amount of time allowed for biodegradation
of garbage (for 1d) only) • type of data to be collected before and
• amount of soil after the apple pieces are buried
• amount of water that will be used
to keep the soil moist
3 Record the following:
• the question from step 1 that you will be investigating
• the manipulated, responding, and controlled variables in your investigation
• your hypothesis
4 With your group, plan your procedure and prepare a data table to record your group’s
observations. Show your procedure and data table to your teacher for approval
before you begin. Carry out your experiment.
5 Prepare a data table to record the class results.
Figure 3.8 Set-up for investigating
factors that affect biodegradation Analyzing and Interpreting
6 Was your hypothesis correct? Explain why or why not.
7 What effect did the manipulated variable have on the rate of biodegradation in your
investigation? Suggest reasons for this.
8 Present your data and your interpretation of this data to the class.
9 Did any other group in the class use the same variables as your group did? Were
your group’s results the same as theirs? Suggest reasons why or why not.
Forming Conclusions
10 Write a summary of the results of your class’s investigations. In your summary,
describe the effect that the manipulated variables have on the rate of biodegradation.
Suggest reasons for the class results.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 245
re SEARCH Factors Affecting Biodegradation
In Canada, little bacterial growth occurs in the cold winter months, so
Pollution Clean-Up biodegradation is very slow then, if it occurs at all. Temperature is just one
Using books or factor that affects the rate of biodegradation. Other factors are soil
electronic resources, moisture, pH, oxygen supply, and nutrient availability.
find and describe a Bioreactor technology is a developing technology based on a
situation where either knowledge of the effects of these factors. Bioreactors are designed to speed
biodegradation or up the decomposition of organic wastes such as food and paper in
phytoremediation has municipal landfills. Liquids are added to the landfill to create ideal
been successfully used conditions for micro-organisms that decompose organic waste. Under
to solve a pollution
these conditions, biodegradation occurs much more quickly.
problem. Begin your
Another method of encouraging biodegradation in soil involves
search at
planting vegetation. Bacteria and fungi occur in larger numbers in soil that
scienceinaction. contains plants than they do in soil without plants. The bacteria and fungi
live around the roots of the plants. This greater microbial activity may
increase the biodegradation of hazardous materials.
Green plants can also be used in another way to remove or degrade
hazardous materials. Phytoremediation is a technique that can be used to
reduce the concentration of harmful chemicals in soil or groundwater.
“Phyto” means plant and “remediation” means correction or cure. Plants
have been used to clean up metals, hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides,
radioactive materials, explosives, and landfill leachates. Some plants can
absorb and accumulate (build up) unusually large amounts of metals from
the soil. The plants are allowed to grow for some time and then harvested
and burned or composted. In some cases, the metal can be recycled. Once
the plants used for phytoremediation have “cleaned” the soil, other plants
can be planted there.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 247
info BIT
3.3 Hazardous Chemicals Affect Living Things
Lead in the Environment
So far in this unit, you have learned how chemicals can enter the
The City of Calgary issued
a press release on May 17, environment, move through it, and be taken into organisms. You have also
2001, stating that learned how harmful chemicals can be concentrated in the environment.
environmental For example, they can become concentrated in soil and river or lake
monitoring results bottoms. They can also accumulate in plants through uptake of water and
indicated that lead levels nutrients. This increase in concentration means that some chemicals may
in surface soil in the remain in the environment for long periods. This also makes it possible
Lynnview Ridge area were for some chemicals to increase in concentration as they move up the food
above the current chain.
guidelines. Precautions
were recommended. Lead
can damage the kidneys, Biomagnification is the increase in concentration of a chemical or element
the nervous system, and as it moves up the food chain. A good example is mercury. Figure 3.10
the reproductive system. shows what happens when mercury is introduced into the environment.
It is especially damaging The mercury comes from emissions from coal-fired power plants, waste
to young children and incinerators, and commercial boilers and furnaces that burn mercury-
fetuses. containing materials. The mercury falls onto fresh or salt water where
bacteria join it to an organic molecule that algae can absorb. Any one algal
organism isn’t affected by the mercury because it takes in very little.
At this point, the mercury enters the food chain when the algae are
eaten by invertebrates such as insects. The mercury concentration is low
in the algae because it is spread over many of them. But an insect has to
eat many algae to survive. The insect is eaten by a fish, which has to eat
many insects to survive. If these insects contain mercury, then the fish
takes in a large quantity of mercury, which it stores in its body tissues.
The fish may be affected by this concentration of mercury. Then you and
your family catch several fish and eat them. If you eat enough of these
mercury-contaminated fish, you may become ill. Mercury-contaminated
fish have been a problem in parts of Canada, such as the Great Lakes.
of fish
eggs adult
from pupa
larva pupa
Figure 3.11 Life cycle of the mosquito. Communities can monitor the mosquito larvae population in
local water systems to gain useful information for deciding on a springtime insecticide program.
Background Information
1 Every time an insecticide is used, it introduces chemicals into the local environment.
These chemicals are carefully regulated (controlled by the government) to make sure
they do as little damage as possible to the environment. However, an insecticide used
to control mosquitoes may kill other species of insects as well, including those that
eat mosquitoes.
2 Working with your group, research the benefits and costs of controlling mosquitoes
with insecticides. Begin your search at Consider
the following:
a) the effect of mosquito populations on people’s activities
b) the potential for disease transmission by mosquitoes
c) the effect of insecticides on other species besides mosquitoes. Remember to
include effects on other members of the food web.
d) alternative methods of mosquito control not using insecticides
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 249
Some chemicals in the environment have immediate short-term effects on
organisms (for example, when a herbicide kills a weed). Some have
longer-term effects through concentration and accumulation (for example,
biomagnification of mercury). You will now have an opportunity to
consider a case study of a chemical spill that had both short- and long-
Prince William Sound term consequences: the oil spill from the tanker ship Exxon Valdez.
In 1989, the Exxon Valdez went aground in Prince William Sound on
the southern coast of Alaska. This huge tanker was carrying crude oil from
Alaska to a refinery farther south on the west coast of the United States.
Crude Oil
Crude oil is a mixture of many chemicals. It contains hundreds of
different molecules in all shapes and sizes. For example, paraffin wax and
asphalt are very large hydrocarbon molecules. Methane is a small one.
Figure 3.12 Prince William Some molecules in crude oil contain atoms of nitrogen, oxygen, and
Sound is on the south coast sulfur. Metals such as mercury and lead may also be present. Crude oil
of Alaska.
cannot be used as soon as it is pumped from the ground—it must be
processed in an oil refinery. There, it is heated and the chemical
components are separated as they cool.
Figure 3.13 The Exxon Valdez was a large oil tanker. Thousands of such tankers sail
all over the world.
by light in water
degraded in water
by light in air 1%
deposited in
beached 2% 13%
Figure 3.15 This chart shows what happened to the spilled oil.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 251
Oil spills and leaks can happen on land as well as on the ocean. Pipelines
Hazardous Chemicals can rust and leak. Tanker trucks can spill their loads. Oil wells can blow
Select a hazardous
out. Storage tanks can spill or leak. Since the large spill in Prince William
chemical mentioned in
Sound, government regulations have changed and new procedures have
this section or one
approved by your been put in place to deal more effectively with future spills.
teacher. Find out more In Alberta, companies are required to report spills greater than 2 m3.
about it by using books Companies and governments have emergency response plans in place.
or electronic resources. Hands-on training for people working with oil and gas takes place yearly.
Determine possible These training sessions demonstrate effective techniques for controlling
sources of the chemical, and cleaning up spills.
its effects on people and
the environment, and
how it can be removed or
prevented from entering
the environment. Prepare
a multimedia
presentation for the class
about the chemical.
Begin your search at
scienceinaction. Figure 3.16 Booms can be used to contain oil spills and help with clean-up.
Government regulations are designed to protect consumers and reduce the
risks of transporting, storing, using, and disposing of hazardous materials.
The regulations reflect the information available from scientific research
done on these products. Such research considers not only the effects of a
product alone, but also its interactions with other products. The
regulations are reviewed and modified when scientific research provides
new information.
As students working in a school, you must be familiar with the
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), set up by
the federal government. WHMIS provides information on hazardous
materials used in the workplace. Anyone who works with or must be near
hazardous products must be familiar with WHMIS symbols and labelling,
and with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs).
If a potentially hazardous chemical is being transported, stored, or used, it
must be labelled to alert workers to the dangers of the product and to
provide basic safety precautions. There are different labels for different
purposes: transport, supply, use in the workplace, and disposal. As
students, you will be reading workplace labels that will include the name
of the chemical and information on safe handling.
The labels on goods that you buy in a store for home use are covered
by regulations as well. Figure 3.17, on the next page, is an example of a
consumer goods label. You have seen WHMIS labels in earlier studies. For
more information on WHMIS and other hazardous products labels, see
Toolbox 1.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 253
Figure 3.17
Use Limitations • Keep away from open flames or sparks. Information about the
• Use on exterior surfaces only. • Avoid skin contact. wood preservative
• Use only above ground. • Wash with soap and water after using this
• Keep away from water systems since product product.
is toxic to fish.
First Aid
Directions for Use • If swallowed do not induce vomiting.
• Be sure to have a clean dry surface before Call a doctor or a poison centre
you apply this product. immediately.
• Use a brush to apply. Do not spray. • If spilled on skin, wash with vegetable
• Use full strength. Do not dilute. oil followed by soap and water.
• If splashed in eyes, flush eyes with
water for 15 minutes.
• Avoid breathing vapours.
• What clothing would you wear while applying the wood preservative?
• What tools and materials would you need for the job?
• List four precautions you would take while using the preservative.
• Suppose that several years after you put the preservative on the fence, your
neighbours decide that they don’t need all of the fence. They plan to burn the
unwanted wood in their fire pit where they have wiener roasts. What advice
would you give them?
All suppliers of potentially hazardous materials will provide the buyer
with additional information about their products. This information is
found in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The MSDS gives a detailed
description of the product—its composition, physical appearance, and
chemical characteristics. The MSDS also describes the precautions that
should be taken when handling, using, transporting, and disposing of the
product. And it provides details of health effects, first aid treatments, and
spill procedures. You should know where the binder containing the
MSDSs is kept in your school.
■ Store products in a cool, dry, ventilated place away from pilot lights,
stoves, and water heaters. If you can smell a household product that is
in storage, the lid may be loose or ventilation may not be adequate.
■ Never store flammable liquids and gases in glass containers—they
might break. Store gasoline in a metal container with a safety cap, or a
red plastic container approved for use with gasoline. Keep it outside
the house in a storage shed. Never store propane inside the house
because a leak can cause an explosion.
■ Store corrosive, flammable, reactive, and poisonous products on
separate shelves or in separate locations. Toilet and drain cleaners are
examples of corrosive substances. Keep acids and bases separate from
each other.
■ Do not store oxidizers such as hydrogen peroxide, pool chemicals, and
some fertilizers near flammable liquids. Oxidizers can cause other
substances to burn.
■ Place products in their storage areas so that they cannot fall over.
■ Always return a hazardous product to its storage place when you have
finished using it.
■ Safely discard hazardous substances that are old or not needed.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 255
The Hypothesis
Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
Materials & Equipment
• 10% and 50% solutions
of household bleach
• 10% and 50% solutions
of window cleaner
containing ammonia
• 10% and 50% solutions
of rubbing alcohol
• water
• graduated cylinder
• 4 small plastic bags
• marking pen
• 4 paper towels
• 20 radish seeds
• thumbtacks, pins, or tape Figure 3.19 Determining the effect of household chemicals on radish seeds
1 Using a marking pen, label 4 small plastic bags: one each for water, bleach,
ammonia, and rubbing alcohol. Place your name or group symbol on each bag.
Caution! 2 Crumple a paper towel and place it in the bag labelled “water.”
Handle bleach, window
3 Place 10 mL of water in the labelled bag. If that is not enough to moisten the paper
cleaner, and rubbing
towel, add more water. (The bottom of the bag should have a little extra water in it.)
alcohol very carefully.
4 Put 5 radish seeds into the bag. Place them between the plastic and the paper towel
Bleach is corrosive. It
so that you will be able to see the seeds easily.
can also take the
5 Repeat this procedure with one concentration of each household product. (Another
colour out of your
group will use the other concentration.) Be sure to use the same amount of liquid in
each bag.
6 Using tacks, pins, or tape, attach the bags to a bulletin board.
7 At the end of 5 days, count and record the number of seeds that have germinated in
each bag.
8 Obtain the data for all the household products from other groups in the class.
9 Follow your teacher’s instructions for disposing of all substances you have used.
Forming Conclusions
13 Describe the effect of household chemicals on radish seeds.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 257
Solid waste—what we usually call garbage—goes to a landfill site (unless
it can be recycled). At the landfill site, some garbage may burn, explode,
give off fumes, or be leached out. Leachate could potentially enter
groundwater if it escapes from the protective plastic or clay liners of the
landfill site.
Before you put something into the garbage, think about the following
guidelines for safe disposal of household hazardous products:
■ Take antifreeze to a recycling centre if one exists in your community. If
re SEARCH recycling is not possible, dilute antifreeze well before pouring it down a
drain connected to a sewage system. Seal the empty container before
Household Hazardous
putting it into the garbage. Never pour antifreeze on the ground or
down a drain connected to a septic tank.
Select a household
hazardous material for ■ Take automotive products such as gasoline and oil to a hazardous waste
study and use labels, collection centre. Oil can be recycled.
books, personal
interviews, and ■ Never place car batteries in a home garbage because they usually
electronic resources to contain lead and sulfuric acid. Batteries can be recycled.
find out more about it. ■ Use up bleach according to directions on the container. Never pour it
Look for the following
down drains because it might mix with acids or ammonia and create
information: active
fatal toxic fumes.
chemical ingredient(s),
instructions for use, first ■ Use up cleaners and polishes. The empty containers should then be
aid suggestions, safe sealed before being thrown in the garbage.
storage ideas, and
■ Use up corrosive products such as drain cleaners completely according
disposal of leftover
product or containers. to the directions on the container. Dilute very small amounts of drain
Create an information cleaners in large quantities of water so that it is safe to pour the diluted
poster about the mixture down the drain.
material. Begin your
■ Take fertilizers and pesticides to a hazardous waste collection site.
information search at ■ Take leftover paint and paint products such as paint thinners,
scienceinaction. turpentine, and varnish to collection sites where they may be recycled.
For empty paint cans, remove the lids so the remaining paint will dry
before you put the cans in the garbage.
■ Pack syringes in rigid containers and
take them to collection sites.
■ Empty aerosol containers completely
so that they will not explode in the
garbage. In a well-ventilated area, turn
the container upside down with the
nozzle facing a paper towel or other
absorbent material. Depress the nozzle
until the spray loses pressure.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 259
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. Why is it important for pollution chemists to know about prevailing
2. Match the words in column A with their synonyms or definitions in
column B.
Column A Column B
dispersion degradation caused by light
dilution scattering
biodegradation break up by living things
photolysis reduction in concentration
3 Why should an aerosol container be completely emptied before it is
4. You have designed a new insecticide. In order for your new
insecticide to be sold to the public, what information would be
required by government regulations?
5. Describe three factors that affect biodegradation.
Potentially Harmful Substances Are Spread and Concentrated in the Environment in Various Ways 261
1.0 1.0 The environment is made up of chemicals that can support or harm living things.
• Chemicals form everything in the environment—both living and non-living things.
• chemicals essential to life
• Pollution is any change in the environment that produces a condition that is harmful to
• organic and inorganic
living things. It can result from human activities or other events (e.g., volcanoes).
• acids and bases • Acids and bases occur naturally or as a result of human activities. Acids have a pH
• ingestion and absorption of below 7. Bases have a pH greater than 7. A substance with a pH of 7 is neutral. Some
materials acids and bases can neutralize each other. Never mix acids and bases unless you know it is
• substrates and nutrients safe to do so.
• Common substances are needed by plants and animals for healthy growth. Carbon,
oxygen, and hydrogen are the most common elements in living things.
• Organic molecules such as carbohydrates contain carbon. Inorganic molecules, such as
many minerals, generally do not contain carbon.
• Plants use inorganic substances to produce organic molecules such as carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, and nucleic acids. Consumers rely on producers for their food.
• Organisms require optimum amounts of nutrients for good health.
• Plants take in substances through their roots by osmosis and active transport. Animals,
including humans, ingest food and absorb nutrients into their blood.
• The environments and substrates where organisms live affect the availability of nutrients.
3.0 3.0 Potentially harmful substances are spread and concentrated in the
environment in various ways.
• concentration and dispersal
• stability and biodegradability • Chemical substances are transported through the air, soil, and water.
• evidence of toxicity • Substances transported in air are dispersed, diluted, and eventually deposited onto
• hazards, probabilities, and Earth’s surface.
risk assessment • Substances may be transported through soil or rock by groundwater, and they can be
chemically changed.
• Processes such as dispersion, dilution, biodegradation, phytoremediation, and photolysis
can change the concentration of chemicals in the environment.
• Hazardous materials affect living things. For example, oil spills affect micro-organisms,
plants, animals (including humans), and the abiotic environment.
• Care must be taken in the use, storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous household
goods. Government regulations, such as WHMIS, and new product regulations attempt to
protect consumers in the home and in the workplace.
se d
S t u
What people in favour of coal say What people in favour of natural gas say
Burning coal is less expensive than burning natural gas. A coal-fired plant is much more expensive to construct than
Electricity produced by burning natural gas costs much a gas-fired plant. Expensive technology is required to
more than electricity produced by burning coal. Also, the remove pollutants from the smokestacks of coal-fired plants.
price of coal is more stable than the price of natural gas.
Alberta coal is low in sulfur content. Natural gas is a cleaner burning fuel than coal because most
of the pollutants, such as sulfur and nitrogen compounds,
are removed in processing before the gas is burned.
New coal-burning technologies are efficient and meet New technology for co-generation allows the use of natural
stringent emission regulations. gas to generate electricity in a more environmentally friendly
Your Goal
The goal for your class will be to
decide whether or not an oil refinery
should be built at Port Tranquil. You
will work in small groups to prepare
for a public hearing. After listening to
presentations from people with
different points of view, you will make
a decision about the building of the The Port Tranquil area
oil refinery.
• opening remarks made by the chairperson 8 The chairperson will close the meeting and announce
when the decision will be made public.
• order of the presentations
9 Use your information sheet to help you analyze the
• procedure for the question period
risks and benefits of each possible decision about the
• a way to determine whether the refinery will be built,
refinery’s construction: for it, against it, or for it with
built with restrictions, or not built (e.g., you could
restrictions. You may want to use a chart like the one
collect the individual decisions made by the students
below to organize the information. After you have
and report the count in the next class period)
analyzed all the options, write down your decision on a
3 The reporters and photographers will decide: piece of paper.
• how to gather information for their news report (TV
or newspaper) Risks associated with Benefits associated
• title, length, and content of their article or report my decision with my decision
• the number and type of photographs needed (if the
report will be a newspaper article)
4 The students working on the speeches for the
10 The officials will collect the decision sheets and count
registered participants will decide:
the results to determine a class decision on whether or
• if they are writing a speech for or against the not the refinery should be built.
building of the oil refinery
• what to say in a two-minute presentation How Did It Go?
• which member of the group will make the speech at 11 What role did or could science play in this decision-
the hearing making process?
5 At the public hearing, the chairperson will call the 12 What role did or could technology play in this
meeting to order and state its purpose. One of the decision-making process?
officials will introduce each speaker. The chairperson 13 Do you think an individual can make a difference by
will maintain order during the presentations and the speaking at a public hearing? Explain your answer.
question period to make sure no one is interrupted. 14 Do you think a public hearing like this is a good way to
make decisions about major issues that involve
science and technology? Explain your answer.
15 What would you do differently if you had to participate
in a hearing like this again?
Project 265
Question 33
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
4.0 The use of electrical energy affects society and the environment.
4.1 Electrical Energy Sources and Alternatives
4.2 Electricity and the Environment
4.3 Electrical Technology and Society
A Tesla coil
A Tesla coil vividly demonstrates electrical energy. This interesting device
was invented over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla, one of the pioneers of
electricity. The Tesla coil can generate large amounts of electricity and
create spectacular discharges. Amazing to watch, it operates with enough
electricity to be very dangerous, even lethal. Tesla coils have often been
used in films for special effects, but they are also used in laboratory
studies of high voltage electricity.
Another device that you might have seen at the movies is the Jacob’s
ladder. It sometimes appears sparkling and crackling in the background as
the villain tries to use huge machines and large amounts of electricity to
take over the world.
The rising, crackling arcs of electricity in a Jacob’s ladder are caused
by electricity jumping from one piece of metal to another. When the
electricity jumps, it heats the air that it passes through. This hot air rises
and carries the electrical discharge upward. Unfortunately, this very
impressive device has limited practical use. However, both the Jacob’s
ladder and the Tesla coil dramatically illustrate an important feature of
electricity—its ability to move from place to place. Using technology, we
can generate and move electricity to where it’s needed in a wide range of
A Jacob’s ladder applications that affect all parts of our lives.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To experience the nature of electrical forces • small pieces of cork or
Procedure • tape
Trial 1 • thread
• acetate rod or plastic
1 Attach the cork to about 15 cm of thread. Hang the cork from the end of your
drinking straw
desk by taping the opposite end of the thread to the edge.
• wool or fur
2 Rub an acetate rod or plastic drinking straw with some wool or fur. • water tap
3 Slowly bring the rod close to the hanging cork. Record you observations.
Trial 2
4 Now rub the cork on the wool or fur, and then rub the acetate rod with the wool
or fur.
5 Slowly bring the rod close to the hanging cork. Record your observations.
Trial 3
6 Turn on a water tap so that only a very thin stream of water comes out.
7 Rub the acetate rod with the wool or fur once again, and slowly bring the rod
near the stream of water. Record you observations.
8 Describe the behaviour of the piece of cork and the water in this experiment.
9 Explain your observations for each trial.
Exploring 273
1.0 Electrical energy can be transferred
and stored.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• electric charge and current
• circuits
• electrical energy storage
• energy transmission
• measures and units of
electrical energy
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• distinguish between static and
current electricity and identify
evidence of each
• assess the potential danger of
an electrical device by checking
its voltage and amperage
• distinguish between safe and
unsafe activities when dealing
with electricity
• identify electrical conductors
and insulators
• evaluate the use of different
chemicals, chemical
concentrations, and designs for
The late evening weather report warns that thunderstorms are developing
electrical storage cells
in your area. You step outside to view the skies and look for funnel
clouds. You notice a dark gray cloud, and BOOM! A bolt of lightning
strikes just down the street, the clap of thunder startling you. You decide
to stay safe and go inside to bed. In your dark room, you pull your
sweater over your head and see a shower of small sparks as the fabric
rubs over your hair. You wonder for a moment: Are the sparks you see in
the sweater related to the lightning you saw outside? Yes, they are! Both
are examples of static electricity. In this section, you’ll learn more about
static electricity and the current electricity that powers the many devices
you use in your home. You’ll also learn about electrical safety.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To observe the characteristics of static electricity • plastic drinking straw
• confetti or gelatin powder
Procedure • 2 balloons
1 Sprinkle some confetti or gelatin powder in a small area on your desk. Push a • Van de Graaff generator
plastic drinking straw through your hair several times and bring it close to the • thin paper strips
• tape
confetti or gelatin powder. Record your observations.
• 3 aluminum pie plates
2 Inflate two balloons and knot the ends. Rub one side of each balloon on your
• clear plastic cup
hair or clothing. Hold the balloons by the knots and bring the rubbed surfaces • polystyrene “peanuts” or
slowly together. Turn one balloon so that its rubbed surface faces away from “popcorn”
the other balloon. Again bring the balloons together. Record your observations. • metal rod and lab stand
3 If your classroom has a Van de Graaff generator (VDG), your teacher will assist
you with the following experiments. In each case, put the materials in place,
then turn on the generator, and record your observations.
a) Tape the thin paper strips to the VDG.
b) Place a stack of 3 aluminum pie plates on the VDG.
c) Place a clear plastic cup full of polystyrene “peanuts” or “popcorn” on the
VDG. Put a loose-fitting lid on top of the cup.
d) Attach a metal rod to a lab stand and place it close to the VDG.
4 Provide an explanation for any movements that you observed.
5 How could you use the VDG to make someone’s hair stand on end? Test your
hypothesis with the VDG. Did it work? Explain why or why not.
Electrical Discharge
Static electricity may not flow like a current, but it does sometimes
discharge. The built-up charge on an object may be attracted to another
object and jump to that object. This is what happens when you feel a
shock as you reach for the doorknob after walking across a carpet.
When your feet move across the carpet, electrons transfer from the
carpet to your body. This excess charge of electrons in your body repels
like charges repel the electrons in the doorknob as you get close to it. The side of the
doorknob closest to you becomes positively charged. As you move
closer, the electrons in your hand are attracted to this positive charge
on the doorknob. You may feel a shock or see a spark as you reach to
touch the doorknob. The resulting spark is usually referred to as
electrical discharge.
We can summarize the behaviour of electric charges in two laws.
These laws describe what happens when two charged particles or
objects are brought close together.
Figure 1.2 Charged particles exert • Opposite charges attract each other.
force depending on their charge.
• Like charges repel each other.
The Question
What is the effect of charged objects on each other and on neutral objects?
The Hypothesis
Reword the question in the form of a hypothesis.
Materials & Equipment
• 2 vinyl strips Procedure
• tape
1 Copy the following table into your notebook.
• ring stand
• paper towel Hanging Object Approaching Object Observations
• 2 acetate strips
Charged vinyl Charged vinyl
• beaker
• watchglass Charged acetate Charged acetate
• metre-stick Charged acetate Charged vinyl
Metre-stick Charged vinyl
Metre-stick Charged acetate
2 Tape one end of a vinyl strip to the ring stand so the strip hangs down. Rub the strip
with the paper towel to charge it. Now rub the other vinyl strip with the paper towel,
and bring it close to the suspended strip. Record your observations in your table.
3 Repeat step 2, using the two acetate strips and the paper towel. Record your
4 Bring one of the charged vinyl strips close to the suspended acetate strip. Record
your observations.
5 Place the beaker upside down on the desk or table, and place the watchglass on top
of the beaker. Balance the metre-stick so it is lying flat and centred on the
watchglass. Bring a charged vinyl strip near, but not touching, one end of the
metre-stick. Record your observations.
6 Bring a charged acetate strip near, but not touching, one end of the metre-stick.
Figure 1.3 Balance the metre stick Record your observations.
on the watchglass on top of the
beaker. Analyzing and Interpreting
7 Usually, charged vinyl is negative, and charged acetate is positive. How does this
information explain your observations?
8 Do your observations agree with the laws of electrical charges? Support your answer
with your data.
Forming Conclusions
9 Describe the effect of charged objects on each other and on neutral objects. Use your
observations in your description.
Purpose Materials & Equipment
To observe the characteristics of electrical current • 1 dry cell
• 5 wires
Procedure • 2 light bulbs
1 Using any of the materials provided, make one light bulb light up.
2 Using the dry cell, one bulb, and one wire, make one light bulb light up.
3 Using any of the materials provided, make two light bulbs light up.
4 Make two light bulbs light up so that when you unhook one bulb, the other one goes out.
5 Make two light bulbs light up so that when you unhook one bulb, the other one stays on.
6 Draw your set-up for each step from 1 to 5.
7 Write captions that explain what happened to the electricity in each step.
transmission line
power wires
Figure 1.6 An electric power grid transfers energy from the generating station to the users. Multiple
wires are needed at every part of the grid (including the devices you use in your home) because the
whole grid is a complete circuit.
Figure 1.7 shows a light bulb lit by electrical current flowing through a
simple circuit. A circuit is a path that controls the flow of electricity. If
you compare electricity with water again, the water system in your house
is like an electrical circuit. The pipes and taps in the water system control
the flow of water.
In most electrical circuits, the path that the electricity flows along is
made of solid metal wires. But circuits can also include gases, other fluids,
or other substances. A circuit usually includes a conductor, an energy
Figure 1.7 Current electricity source, and a load. The load is a device to convert electrical energy to
flows continuously through a another form of energy. For example, in Figure 1.7, the light bulb is the
circuit. load. It converts electrical energy to light and heat.
The simplest way to measure voltage is with a voltmeter. Many voltmeters
have sensitive needles that can be damaged if connected improperly. Make
sure to attach the red lead to the positive terminal and the black lead to
the negative terminal.
Some voltmeters have more than one red terminal. These are used to
change the range of voltage readings on the voltmeter. For example, the
meter could indicate either 0 to 5 V or 0 to 15 V, depending on which red
terminal is used. If your meter has several ranges, you may not be sure
which one to use. Start with the highest one and work down until you get
a clear reading.
Figure 1.10 A
digital voltmeter
Your teacher will provide you with cells of various sizes and shapes. Use the voltmeters
you have in your class to test and report on the voltages of the cells. Note the voltage
numbers that are written on the cells.
• Can you account for any difference between your voltage readings and the numbers on
the cells?
• Suppose you connected any two of the cells in this activity. (Connect cells by placing
positive and negative terminals together.) Can you predict what the voltage reading
would be? Use your voltmeter to see if your prediction is correct. Explain your results.
Figure 1.12
Voltmeter reading
for question 9
Figure 1.16 Three-prong plugs (a), fuses (b), and
breakers (c) help prevent electric shocks and overloads.
Materials & Equipment
Purpose • D-cell
To observe the function of a fuse • connecting wires with alligator clips
• switch
Procedure • 15-V bulb and holder
• steel wool
1 Connect the cell, switch, wires, and bulb as shown
in Figure 1.17. Leave the switch open.
2 Remove a single strand from the steel wool.
Clip the alligator clips onto the ends of the
steel wool strand.
3 Close the switch and observe the bulb and the
strand of steel wool carefully.
4 Explain your observations.
5 Why is a fuse a safety feature in a circuit?
Use your observations to support your answer.
Some people have problems with the small electrical signal that the body
uses to control the beating of the heart. Doctors can implant a device
F called a pacemaker to help such people. The pacemaker delivers a small
amount of current at regular intervals to keep the heart beating normally.
The electricity used to operate a pacemaker comes from an
electrochemical cell that supplies a steady current. An electrochemical
cell is a package of chemicals designed to produce small amounts of
electricity. The electricity the cell produces comes from chemical
reactions. The tiny cells used in pacemakers are made with lithium and
C iodine and last from 5 to 12 years. Other cells, made with different
chemicals, are used in devices ranging from toys to cars to computers.
There are two main types of cells: dry cells and wet cells.
The electricity-producing cells that we use every day in flashlights and
portable radios are dry cells. They are called “dry” because the chemicals
are in a paste. They are also sealed so they can be used in any position
A – zinc powder and
electrolyte, where
without the chemicals leaking out. Figure 1.20 shows an example of a
electrons are released typical alkaline dry cell, used in flashlights and other devices.
B – electron collecting rod The chemical reaction in the cell releases free electrons. These
C – separating fabric electrons travel from the negative terminal of the cell, through the
D – manganese dioxide
and carbon, where electricity-using device, and back to the positive terminal of the cell.
electrons are absorbed While at first glance this cell may look complex, it is simply two different
E – negative terminal, metals in an electrolyte. An electrolyte is a paste or liquid that conducts
where electrons leave
electricity because it contains chemicals that form ions. An ion is an atom
F – positive terminal,
where electrons return or a group of atoms that has become electrically charged through the loss
or gain of electrons from one atom to another. You can learn more about
Figure 1.20 An alkaline dry cell ions in Unit B: Matter and Chemical Change.
lead terminals
electrolyte Figure 1.22 A car battery made up
of six lead-acid wet cells. Each cell
contains alternating positive and
negative metal plates (electrodes) in
individual cell made up of alternating a sulfuric acid electrolyte.
positive and negative electrodes
4 What do you think would happen if you reversed the connections on the
electrodes? Explain.
5 Would it be possible to use two or more fruits linked together to produce
voltage? Draw a diagram of how you might accomplish this, and predict the
voltage results. Test your prediction by connecting several fruits to a
The dry cells and wet cells you have read about are called primary cells.
Primary cells produce electricity from chemical reactions that cannot be
reversed. However, the chemical reactions in a rechargeable cell can be
reversed by using an external electrical source to run electricity back
through the cell. The reversed flow of electrons restores the reactants that
are used up when the cell produces electricity. We can say that the
chemicals in a rechargeable cell store electricity supplied by the external
source. Rechargeable cells are also known as secondary cells. They are
used to start cars and to operate portable electronic devices such as
notebook computers and cellular phones.
Not all reversible chemical reactions are suitable for use in
rechargeable cells. The reverse reaction must occur efficiently, so that
hundreds of recharging cycles are possible. Nickel oxide and cadmium is
one combination of chemicals often used in secondary cells. You may
have seen them advertised as Ni-Cd or Ni-Cad batteries. Applying
electricity to the rechargeable cell reforms the original reactants. This
process does not reform the electrodes perfectly, however, so even
rechargeable cells wear out in time.
The Question
What type of solution is the best electrolyte for a wet cell?
The Hypothesis
Form a hypothesis for this investigation based on the question. Use the terms
Materials & Equipment
“manipulated variable” and “responding variable” in your hypothesis.
• two 500-mL beakers
• voltmeter or voltage sensor Procedure
• zinc and copper electrodes
1 In your notebook, make a table for recording voltages for the different solutions.
• electrode clamps
• connecting wires 2 Attach the clamps to the copper and zinc electrodes. Place the electrodes in the
• distilled water for rinsing beaker, making sure they don’t touch each other. Your set-up should resemble the
• various liquids including one in Figure 1.23.
distilled water, tap water, sugar 3 Use connecting wires to hook the electrodes up to the voltmeter. Connect the
solution, salt solution, lemon negative terminal of the voltmeter to the zinc electrode.
juice, vinegar, dilute
4 Fill the beaker with distilled water, so that the bottom halves of the electrodes are
hydrochloric acid of varying
immersed. Note the level of the liquid or mark it on the beaker. Record the voltage.
concentrations, dilute
potassium hydroxide of 5 Disconnect the electrodes and empty the beaker, then rinse them all with distilled
varying concentrations, or water.
other solutions provided by 6 Set up the beaker and electrodes again, using a different solution. Fill the beaker to
your teacher the level noted in step 4 with one of the solutions you want to test.
7 Repeat steps 4–6 until all the solutions have been tested. Each time, be sure to rinse
the beaker and electrodes with distilled water before pouring in the next solution.
8 When you have finished testing the solutions, follow your teacher’s instructions for
disposing of them.
Forming Conclusions
11 Write a summary describing the type of solution that is the best electrolyte for a wet
cell. Use your data to support your conclusion.
A variety of substances can function as electrodes in cells. These include aluminum, iron,
carbon, tin, lead, and nickel. Design and conduct an experiment that tests different pairs
of electrodes to see which pairs produce the greatest voltage.
Alessandro Volta made the first practical battery around 1800. He piled
many copper and zinc discs on top of each other, separating them with
Figure 1.24 This 6-V battery is electrolyte-soaked paper discs. When scientists realized that connecting
made up of four 1.5-V cells.
many cells together could produce more voltage and power, innovation
soon followed. For example, in 1807, Humphry Davy, a professor in
England, filled a whole room with 2000 cells to make one massive battery.
Figure 1.25 Humphry Davy connected 2000 cells together to form one battery.
electrons electrons
electrolyte solution
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• electric current
• circuits
• energy transmission
• measures and units of
electrical energy
• electrical resistance and
Ohm’s law
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify electrical conductors
and resistors
• compare the resistance of
different materials Specially equipped remote-control (RC) vehicles like the ones in these
• use switches and resistors to photos protect people from risky situations. Robotic video crawlers can
control current
be sent into dangerous or hard-to-reach places to provide remote “eyes”
• predict the effects of switches,
for experts. Bomb disposal robots can help with inspection, removal,
resistors, and other devices
and disposal of suspicious packages. These sophisticated RC vehicles
• use models to describe and
relate electrical current,
can do a variety of difficult and dangerous tasks. They are powered with
resistance, and voltage electric current and controlled with the help of special circuits.
• measure voltages and When you manipulate the controls of an RC vehicle, it moves and
amperages in circuits turns. But behind these seemingly simple actions are devices that
• calculate resistance using control the flow of electric current. A small battery in the transmitter
Ohm’s law unit that you hold provides current that allows the antenna to produce
• develop, test, and troubleshoot radio waves. These radio waves travel through the air and induce a
circuit designs current in the antenna on the RC vehicle. This antenna is connected to
• draw circuit diagrams for toys, circuits. The circuits control current through wiring that leads to the
models, and household battery-powered motors inside the vehicle. These control speed, turning,
direction, and other special equipment such as limbs and video cameras.
• compare and contrast micro-
The transfer and control of electrical energy in an RC vehicle is one
electronic circuits and circuits
example of the application of electrical technologies. In this section, you
in a house
will learn about technologies for controlling electricity, how to measure
electricity, and how to analyze and build electric circuits.
Neon signs usually consist of a glass tube, twisted into the desired shape.
The tube is filled with gas and metal terminals are sealed into the ends.
The metal terminals of the tube are then connected to the positive and
negative terminals of the electrical source. So the sign is a circuit, but
unlike the wire circuits you saw earlier, this circuit includes a gas as a
Signs with more complex designs may have several different tubes,
each with its own electrical connectors. These tubes may have special
coatings or contain different gases that produce different colours. A
mixture of neon and argon provides a purple light. Helium provides
yellowish-white light.
Usually, neon gas is an insulator—it does not conduct electricity. But
when current is applied to the tube, electrons in the neon atoms are
“excited” by the added energy, and free themselves from the atoms. The
negative electrons leave behind positive neon ions. This creates a mixture
of charged particles inside the tube, which is excellent at conducting
current. As the current continues to add energy to the neon gas, some of
the electrons “fall” back into the neon ions, releasing their energy as the
orange-pink neon light we see in the sign.
- -
+- +- + + - + + -
- + - + -
+ + - +
+- + + +
+ + - - +
- -
- - + - + - + - + -
+ + -+ - + - + - + - +
(a) Insulator: The electrons (–) are bound (b) Conductor with no voltage applied: The (c) Conductor with voltage applied: The
tightly to the nuclei (+) so they resist electrons are not as tightly bound to the electrons flow toward the positive terminal
movement. nuclei. They can drift away from the nuclei of the voltage source.
but do not flow in any one direction.
Figure 2.2 Electrons in a conductor are free to move, while those in an insulator are not.
Metals such as silver, copper, mercury, and gold are all excellent
conductors, but they are not perfect conductors. Electrons travelling
through them encounter some resistance. This resistance varies from metal
to metal, which is why one metal is a better conductor than another.
However, it is possible for metals to superconduct. Superconductors are
perfect conductors—they have no resistance to electron flow.
Superconductivity was discovered by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh
Onnes in 1911 when he brought the temperature of mercury down to near
absolute zero (273˚C) using liquid helium. At this temperature, Onnes
found that mercury was a perfect conductor, with no resistance to current
flow. Since that time, substances have been found to superconduct at
temperatures well above absolute zero. But these temperatures are still too
low for practical applications. Research into superconductivity continues.
The Question
How does the conductivity of different solutions compare?
The Hypothesis
Reword the question to form a hypothesis.
Materials & Equipment
• 100-mL graduated cylinder Procedure
• 250-mL beaker
1 Design a table to record the conductivity readings of the solutions you will test.
• distilled water
• conductivity tester 2 Put 50 mL of distilled water into a 250-mL beaker.
• tap water 3 Place the metal tips of your conductivity tester in the distilled water.
• salt water 4 Record the conductivity reading of the distilled water in your table. If your
• vinegar conductivity tester is a light bulb, describe the brightness of the bulb.
• copper(II) sulfate solution
5 Repeat steps 2–4 with 50-mL samples of tap water, salt water, vinegar, copper(II)
• other solutions provided by
sulfate solution, and any other solution you wish to test. After each conductivity
your teacher
measurement, empty the beaker and rinse it with distilled water. Also wipe off the tips
of the conductivity tester. Make sure that you insert them to the same depth in each
6 When you have finished testing the solutions, follow your teacher’s instructions for
disposing of them.
Forming Conclusions
9 Write a summary of your results that answers the question: How does the
conductivity of different solutions compare?
Design and conduct an experiment to investigate the relationship between the amount of a
dissolved solute (such as salt) and electrical conductivity.
Figure 2.5 The tungsten filament in an incandescent bulb and the element in a heater
both radiate heat and light because of resistance.
5 What happened to the brightness of the bulb when you moved the Figure 2.7 Apparatus for controlling current
alligator clips? Explain your observations.
Discovering Electricity
Michael Faraday, Luigi
Galvani, and Joseph
Henry all made major
contributions to the
science of electricity.
Write a brief profile of
each person, describing
his life and work. Begin
your information search
at A B
Figure 2.9
(a) Both switches are closed, so the current flows through both bulbs.
Careers Profiles
Figure 2.11
A computer network technician helps computers network
communicate. This job involves dealing with many technician at
computers, electronics systems, and wires. work
A computer network technician must have a good
understanding of switches and wiring. You have to run
new wires to connect computers to the network, and
you have to understand computer operating systems
in order to configure computers to the network
1. How does this job affect how much work other people do?
properly. You have to be a good troubleshooter in
order to find components that are malfunctioning in a 2. What kind of training would you need to be a computer
network. Your job might include maintaining the network technician? Is this the type of career that would
computers and wiring for a local area network (LAN) sometimes require extra training? Why or why not?
in an office. In critical networks, you also maintain 3. Does a computer network technician sound like an
redundant systems. These are special computers that interesting career? Why or why not?
can run the network if the main computer fails.
2 Have your partner start the timer as you start to pour 150 mL of water
into the funnel quickly and smoothly. When all the water is in the
beaker, stop the timer. Record the time.
3 Repeat step 2 with the larger funnel and tubing. Record the time.
4 Explain how your results can serve as a model of current and
Figure 2.13 Waterfalls can model current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit. Waterfall A has a large flow of water.
Waterfalls B and C are the same height, but B has more rocks that slow the flow. As an electrical circuit, waterfall A
would have the greatest flow of current. Waterfalls B and C would have similar voltages, but B has greater
resistance, and therefore less current flow.
Ohm’s Law
Voltage V V=IR voltmeter
3. Use the correct formula. R =
V 240 V
4. Solve the problem. R = =
I 20 A
R = 12 Ω
Recall that voltage is the potential difference between two points. To
measure the potential difference across a cell, battery, resistor, or other
device in a circuit, each terminal of the device must be connected to the
appropriate positive or negative terminal of a voltmeter. Many electricians
refer to the potential difference across a resistor or device as voltage drop.
Note that meters used to measure small voltages are sometimes called
Connect a battery, light bulb, and ammeter in a loop as
shown in Figure 2.17. Record the reading on the ammeter.
Now add another bulb to the loop. Record that
ammeter reading. Repeat this until you run
out of bulbs. Explain your observations.
Often, meters are made with several different measuring circuits mounted
in the same case. By turning a selector switch on the front of the case, you
can set such multimeters to measure voltage, current, or resistance in a
circuit. You must be careful that you have selected the right setting for the
quantity you want to measure.
When you read a multimeter with a needle display, you must first find
the scale that corresponds to the setting on the multimeter’s selector switch.
If the needle falls between numbers on this scale, you can estimate the last
digit of your reading. For example, if the needle rests between 2 and 3 volts
on the scale, but is slightly closer to the 2, you may estimate the reading as
2.4 volts. Digital displays do not require estimates. Some digital meters even
Figure 2.18 Multimeters can allow you to select the level of precision (how many digits are displayed).
be used to measure voltage, Meters range from extremely precise instruments to simple, inexpensive
current, or resistance. testers that are accurate to only 5% of a full-scale reading.
The Question
Do different materials have different values of electrical resistance?
1 In your notebook, set up a table for recording your data. The table should include the
Materials & Equipment
following headings: Substance, Length connected (10 cm or 1 cm), Voltage (from
• D-cell and holder
step 2), Current, and Resistance. In the “Resistance” column you will calculate the
• 10-cm length of copper wire
resistance for each observation.
• 10-cm length of Nichrome wire
• 10-cm length of solid graphite 2 Use connecting wires to connect each end of a D-cell to a terminal on a voltmeter.
(pencil lead) Record the voltmeter reading in your table. Disconnect the voltmeter.
• 10-cm length of rubber tubing 3 Connect one wire from the D-cell to a terminal of an ammeter. Attach another
• optional: 10-cm lengths of connecting wire to the other terminal of the ammeter.
various other materials
4 Clip the free ends of the connecting wires onto the ends of a 10-cm length of pencil
• connecting wires
lead. Record the reading on the ammeter.
• voltmeter
• ammeter or current sensor 5 Move the clips on the pencil lead so that they are only 1 cm apart. Record any
• ruler change in the reading on the ammeter.
• calculator 6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other lengths of substances that you have.
Forming Conclusions
11 Write a summary that answers the question: Do different materials have different
values of electrical resistance? Use your data to support your answer.
3 Suppose you had to design an emergency flashlight with a light at each end.
How would you add the second bulb to your flashlight without making the
first bulb dimmer?
Engineers and designers of electrical circuits use special symbols that load
show the components and connections clearly. These symbols make it
easier to plan and analyze a circuit before you build it. A drawing made
with these symbols is often called a schematic or schematic diagram.
Knowing the basic electrical symbols can help you analyze existing
circuits. By studying the pathways of wires and components in a
device, you can draw a schematic for the circuit. This drawing can
make it much easier to understand where the current flows and how the
device functions.
Parallel Circuits
Many sets of decorative lights are not connected in series, but in
parallel. Parallel circuits have a separate current path for each
section of the circuit (Figure 2.25). In a parallel-wired string of lights,
for example, each bulb has its own path to the current source. An
interruption or break in one pathway does not affect the rest of the
pathways in the circuit. Similarly, adding a new pathway with more Figure 2.25 Parallel circuit—each
resistors does not affect the resistance in any of the other pathways. component has its own path for
In fact, adding extra resistors in parallel decreases the total resistance current.
of the circuit. This might seem strange, but remember that adding
more paths for the current to take means less total resistance. Think
about how much less resistance there is when you drink through two
straws instead of one.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Discuss and sketch designs for your lighting system. Keep in mind the criteria for
success and convenience for the homeowner.
2 Consider the materials you have to work with. Remember that you must build what
you include in your schematic. You will have access to general electrical supplies such
as wires, bulbs, and switches. Do you have all the components you need?
3 Predict which of your designs will best meet the criteria for success.
Figure 2.26 Photoconductors
Build a Prototype
4 Assemble the materials you will need to build your circuit model and construct it.
Figure 2.27 Photoconductor
6 Have classmates examine and test your circuit. Examine the circuits your classmates
have built, and suggest an improvement for one of their designs. If someone
suggests a design improvement for your circuit, test it.
House Wiring
Household wiring is one of many applications that use parallel circuits.
You wouldn’t want the power to your refrigerator to go off if a bulb burnt
out, would you? This could happen if you wired your lights and wall
Figure 2.29 A combination
sockets in series instead of in parallel. However, as you read earlier, you circuit. The switch in this
must use a series circuit for switches. A switch in one branch of a parallel circuit can turn all the bulbs
circuit controls only the devices in that branch. But a switch in series on or off.
with all the branches controls all of them. It is an important safety feature
to have switches wired in series because it is sometimes necessary to turn
off the electricity in part or all of a home.
Conventional switches are practical and convenient for a home. But for
the tiny circuits in advanced electronics applications, transistors
must be used instead. Transistors are often referred to as solid-
state components because they are made of a solid material with
no moving parts. Most transistors are constructed with three
layers of specially treated silicon. These layers are arranged so
that a small voltage through the middle layer controls a current
between the outer layers. In this way, transistors can act as
Microcircuits (also called integrated circuits) are made
up of microscopic transistors and resistors. A microcircuit is
exactly what its name suggests: a circuit on an extremely
small scale. The latest microcircuits contain more than a
million components in a square centimetre!
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key concepts:
• forms of energy
• energy transformation
• generation of electrical energy
• energy transmission
• measures and units of electrical
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify, describe, and interpret
examples of mechanical,
chemical, thermal, and electrical
• describe evidence of energy
transfer and transformation
• identify forms of energy inputs
and outputs
• apply appropriate units,
measures, and devices in
determining and describing
quantities of electrical energy
• construct, use, and evaluate
devices for transforming
mechanical energy to electrical
energy and electrical energy to Energy is all around us in many different forms—light from lamps,
mechanical energy sound from stereos, heat from furnaces and stoves. Yet we rarely think
• evaluate modifications to about how much energy we use in a day. It has been estimated that it
electrical devices would take 2800 hours of strenuous manual labour to produce as much
• apply the concepts of energy as a typical Canadian uses daily. You would need a team of 350
conservation of energy and people working for eight hours straight to supply the energy for just one
efficiency to the analysis of person.
energy devices
In this section, you will learn about four common forms of energy—
• compare energy inputs and
chemical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal—and how they can be
outputs of a device, and
calculate its efficiency
transformed into other forms. This will help you understand and
• describe techniques for reducing measure energy inputs and outputs, and calculate the efficiency of
energy waste in common devices and systems. You will also use this knowledge when you
household devices consider ways to reduce energy wasted by household devices.
Chemical Energy The energy stored in chemicals. This is a form of potential or stored energy. This
energy is released when chemicals react.
Electrical Energy The energy of charged particles. Electrons are negatively charged. Electrical energy
is transferred when electrons travel from place to place.
Mechanical Energy The energy possessed by an object because of its motion or its potential to move.
A thrown baseball has mechanical energy because of its movement and its potential
to fall.
The total kinetic energy of all the particles in a substance. The faster a particle
Thermal Energy
moves, the more kinetic energy it has. Compare two cups holding equal amounts of
water: the one containing more thermal energy will feel warmer.
Examine the photo of the shopper in Figure 3.2, and
answer the following questions:
• The shopper is using his muscles to push the grocery
cart. What energy transformation is involved?
• Thermal energy is constantly produced by chemical
reactions in our bodies. What transformation or transfer
takes place when we are in an environment that is
cooler than our bodies?
• The wheelchair is powered by a battery. What energy
transformation takes place in the wheelchair?
• What form of energy does the wheelchair have when it
is rolling?
• Suppose the battery fails and the wheelchair must be Figure 3.2 Every activity involves energy transformations.
You have probably felt weak and tired when you have gone for long
periods without a meal. This results from a lack of energy-producing
molecules in your bloodstream and cells. Chemical energy is the energy
that is found in chemicals, including food. A common molecule used for
the production of energy in humans is glucose, a type of sugar (Figure
3.3). Your cells use glucose molecules and a series of chemical reactions to
produce thermal energy to keep you warm and mechanical energy so that
you can move.
Figure 3.3 Glucose molecules are used in the production of energy for your body.
Figure 3.4 Part of the mechanical energy in a building demolition is transformed from the chemical
energy of explosives. Much of the energy in the demolition comes from the gravitational potential
energy of the building itself. The collapse of the support columns triggers the release of this energy.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Discuss how to convert electricity produced by a thermocouple into a display of
temperature. Keep in mind that the system should be convenient to use and read.
info BIT
Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum cleaners work
with the help of an
electric motor. The motor
has a fan attached. When
it spins, the blades of the
fan force air out, which
creates suction inside the
vacuum cleaner. Air from
the room forces its way
into the vacuum, carrying Figure 3.7 Electricity flowing through the wire causes the compass needle to deflect.
dirt with it.
Eleven years later, Michael Faraday constructed a device that used
electromagnetic forces to move an object. The design was crude and
produced little power, but it proved that electricity could produce
continuous motion. In Faraday’s device, a hanging wire circled around a
fixed magnet. A pool of mercury maintained the connection to the moving
wire. We now know that mercury is highly toxic, so an open container of
mercury would never be used today. Faraday also made a device in which
a magnet rotated around a fixed wire. Faraday’s devices led to the
development of the electric motors that we use.
support arm
(conducts current) rotating wire
battery mercury
The Problem
The toy manufacturer would like you to test the kit. They would also like you to write
instructions for users on how to alter the motor so that it will spin at different speeds and
in the opposite direction. The manufacturer has encouraged you to design your own
motor, if you wish, and write building instructions for it.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Before you begin, read Toolbox 3 about the problem solving process.
2 Make a sketch of what your motor will look like when it is completed. Show it to your
teacher for approval.
3 Consider the materials you have to work with. You have to build a working model that
must be easy to adjust.
Figure 3.12(a) The motor’s armature (b) The finished ends of the wire
7 Bend two paper clips so that they can support the wire coil and be attached to the
ends of the D-cell. Use tape to hold the bent paper clips in contact with the metal
ends of the cell, as shown in Figure 3.11. Attach the circular magnet to the D-cell as
shown in Figure 3.11.
8 Place the coil so that it rests on the clips. Give the coil a small push to see if it will
spin. Adjust these components to minimize friction and get the loop spinning as
smoothly as possible.
10 Explain why the coil of wire in your motor spins.
11 Did your coil spin better in one direction than another? Explain why it did or did not.
12 Suggest two ways that you could change the design of your motor to make it
function better. Make these changes and test your motor again.
13 Have your classmates examine and test your motor. Examine the motors of your
classmates and suggest modifications that could improve their designs. If someone
suggests a design improvement for your motor, test the suggestion.
14 Write clear instructions on how to build a motor like yours. Include advice on how to
make adjustments like the ones you made. Use diagrams wherever they would be
helpful. To see if your instructions are easy to follow, have another student or group
read them. Revise your instructions as necessary to make them clearer.
S T. L O U I S M O T O R
A St. Louis motor is designed to show how an electric motor works. Materials & Equipment
• St. Louis motor
To identify the parts of a St. Louis motor and examine its operation
1 Draw a diagram of the motor, identifying all the parts: wire coil, brushes,
commutator, magnets, and armature.
2 Use connecting wires and a battery to supply electricity to your motor. Start
the motor by giving it a spin. Turn off the lights in the room and observe the
commutator closely.
3 Alter the position of the magnets in the motor to move them closer, then
farther away from the armature. Carefully observe the armature.
4 Explain what you observed in step 2.
5 Explain what you observed in step 3.
current source
In 1831, Michael Faraday made one of the most significant electrical
discoveries: electromagnetic induction. He demonstrated that electrical
current could be generated by moving a conducting wire through a
magnetic field. Faraday moved a magnet back and forth inside a coil of
wire that was connected to a meter that could detect small electric
currents. His discovery changed the world by introducing a way to
generate a steady supply of large amounts of electricity.
The hand-held generator in Figure 3.15 moves a coil of wire past
permanent magnets. As long as you keep turning, electricity will be
produced. The faster you turn, the more current is generated. The same
principle of electromagnetic induction is used in large-scale power plants.
Massive coils of wire rotating in huge generators produce enough
electricity to power whole cities. Such generators provide the electricity Figure 3.15 Both generators have
we use every day. coils that rotate in a magnetic field.
The Question
How can mechanical energy be converted to electrical
Power is the rate at which a device converts energy. The unit of power is
the watt (W), named for the Scottish inventor and engineer, James Watt. A
watt is equal to one joule per second. The faster a device converts energy,
the greater its power rating.
Figure 3.18 Cars powered by For an electrical device, the power is the current multiplied by the
batteries (top) and hydrogen voltage. Mathematically, the relationship between power (P), current (I),
(bottom) and voltage (V) is P = I V (watts = amperes volts). Think of our model
using waterfalls. The power of a waterfall is equal to the amount of water
flowing times the difference in potential energy between the top of the
falls and the bottom. This is just like current flow times potential drop in
a circuit.
info BIT A hair dryer has a power rating of 1000 W. It is plugged into a 120-V
outlet. What is the current flowing through the hair dryer?
Garbage In… Energy
Out! Steps to Solving the Problem Information and Solution
Some cities burn garbage
to generate electricity. 1. Identify known quantities. power (P) = 1000 W, voltage (V) = 120 V
Tokyo has a waste-to-
2. Identify the unknown quantity. current (I)
energy plant that burns
1800 t (tonnes) of 3. Use the correct formula. I = P/V
garbage a day to produce
4. Solve the problem. I = P/V = 1000 W/120 V
50 MW (megawatts) of
electrical power. I = 8.33 A
A microwave oven has a power rating of 800 W. If you cook a roast in this
oven for 30 min at high, how many joules of electrical energy are
converted into heat by the microwave?
Kilowatt Hours
It doesn’t take common electrical devices long to consume a large number
of joules. For this reason, the kilowatt hour is often used as a unit for
energy. The energy calculation is the same, except that hours are
substituted for seconds, and kilowatts (kW) are substituted for watts.
For the microwave oven in our example, the calculation would be
E = 0.8 kW 0.5 h = 0.4 kWh.
Figure 3.20 An energy bill
Electricity meters measure the energy used in kilowatt hours. The for a household shows the
electric company then bills you for every kilowatt hour used. This cost amount of electricity used in
can add up—a Canadian family’s energy bill can be over $100 a month. kilowatt hours.
Use a list from your teacher or use electrical devices at On some items, you may find voltage and current listed
home to look at power ratings. Be careful! Unplug an instead of power. In these cases, calculate the power
electrical device before you handle it. Look at items rating of the device.
such as light bulbs, curling irons, coffee makers, and
Estimate the amount of time that each device is used in
clock radios. Record as many ratings as you can in a
a month in your home or in a typical home, then
calculate the amount of energy it consumes.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 You will be working in teams. As a team, brainstorm possible approaches to solving
the problem and providing the required analysis. Once you have decided on the best
procedure, proceed to the next step.
Build a Prototype
2 Draw a schematic for the series and the parallel circuits you will build. Note on your
drawings where you will be connecting your voltmeter and ammeter. Make a rough
Figure 3.21 Materials you plan of the table(s) and graph(s) you will use to report your results and calculations.
could use to demonstrate Show your design to your teacher for approval.
circuit analysis
3 Assemble your materials and build your circuits.
5 How did the power used by the components in the two circuits compare? Can you
explain any differences?
6 Look at the circuits and results produced by classmates. Are their results similar to
yours? If they are different, can you explain why?
7 Suggest one improvement to your procedure.
Scientists have found that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy
info BIT
does not just appear or disappear—it can only be transformed from one
Heat from Lighting
form to another. This fundamental principle is known as the law of
The heat from lights is
conservation of energy. However, we usually find that the output energy
not always wasted.
of a device or system is smaller than the input energy, sometimes much During the winter, the
smaller. heat from lighting helps
Most often, the missing energy is lost or dissipated as heat. For keep buildings warm. In
example, when you heat a beaker of water on a hot plate, the hot plate fact, some office
transfers some heat to the surrounding air instead of to the water. The hot buildings with extra
plate also radiates heat to any other objects nearby, including you. All insulation and specially
heating devices lose some heat to their surroundings. designed ventilation
Mechanical systems also dissipate energy to their surroundings. systems can capture
However, their heat losses may be less obvious than those in heating enough heat from
devices. Suppose you were using an electric motor to pump water from a lighting that they don’t
need furnaces.
well or river to irrigate a crop. You might find that the motor used 100 kJ
of electrical energy for every 75 kJ of work done raising water up to the
field. The other 25 kJ of energy is “missing.”
Let’s examine your pumping system. You can hear it running, so a bit
of mechanical energy is being dissipated as sound. If the motor has been
running for a while, it will be warm, perhaps even too hot to touch
comfortably. Current flowing through the wires in a motor always
produces some heat, and the friction between the moving parts generates
heat as well. There is also friction between the moving parts in the pump
and between the water and the walls of the pipe. The heat generated by
this friction warms the water and pipe slightly, then dissipates into the
surroundings. All of the “missing” input energy has been transformed into
energy you cannot use.
In fact, all mechanical systems dissipate some energy, so their usable
output energy is always less than their input energy.
For example, let’s look at the input and output energies of an ordinary
incandescent light bulb, as shown in Figure 3.23. The percent efficiency
of an incandescent light bulb is 5 J/100 J 100 = 5. In other words, only
5% of the energy used by the bulb becomes light energy. Light bulbs
transform the remaining 95% of their input energy into heat, which is
often wasted. This heat is put to use in toy ovens where a single light bulb
is used to bake a small cake.
5 J light energy
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Write out the steps of a procedure and calculations you will perform that will allow you
to successfully determine the efficiency of the kettle. (Hint: Do not allow the kettle to
boil the water—it is very difficult to measure the heat gained by steam that has
2 Have your procedure approved by the teacher.
7 Report your efficiency results for the kettle (and any other devices you tested).
Compare your results with those obtained by others in the class.
8 Would you make any changes to your procedure to increase the reliability of your
results? Explain your answer.
9 Could your procedure be safely altered to determine the efficiency of other heating
devices not meant for heating water, such as a blow dryer? Explain.
Figure 3.27 The pistons in a combustion engine move inside cylinders and create friction (indicated
in red) as they stroke back-and-forth. Many other moving components in the engine create friction.
Lubricants and component design can minimize the friction in these engines.
Figure 3.28 An electric motor has few moving parts and much less friction than a
combustion engine.
Figure 3.29 These labels can help you choose energy-efficient devices.
Background Information
Many energy choices are available to us in our daily lives. When choosing appliances,
vehicles, or heating systems, we can look for more energy-efficient designs. Older
equipment can be maintained, adjusted, modified, or replaced to increase efficiency. Don’t
forget to consider the energy it takes to make the changes you desire. For example,
replacing a complete computer system for a gain in efficiency of 1% may not save energy
because of the energy it takes to make a new computer.
1 Brainstorm a list of different ways you could increase the efficiency of the devices
that you use daily. Also consider your purchase options when choosing new devices.
2 Research the energy savings impact of the items on your list.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• energy transformation
• energy transmission
• generation of electrical energy
• energy storage
• renewable and nonrenewable
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify and evaluate alternative
sources of electrical energy,
including oil, gas, coal,
biomass, wind, waves, and
• describe the by-products of
electrical generation and their
impacts on the environment
• identify example uses of
electrical technologies and
evaluate technologies in terms
of benefits and impacts The world has a huge appetite for electrical power, but how do we meet
• identify concerns regarding this growing demand? Technology is not a limitation in generating large
conservation of energy amounts of power or in getting it to where it is needed. A power-plant
resources generator like the one above can produce up to a million kilowatts of
• apply the concept of electrical power.
conservation of energy The total output of all the electrical generators in Canada is more
• evaluate means for improving than 100 million kilowatts. All the world’s power-generating facilities
the sustainability of energy use together produce about 3 billion kilowatts. Every second, enough
electrical energy is produced to light a 100-W bulb for 951 years. In this
section, you will learn more about the generation of electricity from
different energy sources. You will also learn about the impact that
electrical generation can have on the environment. You will consider
how to balance the benefits of using electricity with the need to conserve
energy resources.
coal in
combustion cooling tower
exhaust steam
superheated steam
Burning fossil fuels is not the only way to provide heat for a steam-
powered generator. In Ontario, the United States, and parts of Europe,
nuclear reactors are used extensively to produce steam in power plants. In
a nuclear reactor, atoms of a heavy element, usually uranium, are split in
a chain reaction. This splitting, known as nuclear fission, releases an
enormous amount of energy.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 345
Heat from Earth’s core can also be used to generate electricity. In
several places in the world, hot water and steam naturally come to the
surface after having been heated by hot rock within Earth’s crust. This is
called geothermal energy. The steam is channelled through pipes and
used to drive turbines. In some applications, water is injected back into
the ground to take full advantage of the hot geothermal energy source.
Another interesting source of fuel is biomass. Biomass could
accurately be described as garbage, but it’s a particular type of garbage.
Most cities and towns bury their biodegradable waste in landfills. When it
decomposes, it produces combustible gases that can be collected and used
Figure 4.2 Geothermal as fuel for steam-driven generators. Yard clippings, dead trees, unused
energy heats this hot spring. crops, and food-based garbage can also be burned to produce steam.
Some industrial processes, such as glass manufacturing, use very high
temperature furnaces. The waste heat from the manufacturing process can
be used to produce steam. This steam can then be used to drive a turbine
to generate electricity. Fuel is burned in the manufacturing process to
produce the heat in the first place, but no new fuel is needed to produce
the electricity. Making double use of energy in this way is called
water flow
In 1839, French scientist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel soaked
two metal plates in an electricity-conducting solution. When
he exposed one of the plates to sunlight, he was able to detect
a small voltage. Becquerel had discovered the photovoltaic
effect and invented the first solar cell. Unfortunately, the
voltage from his invention was too small to be useful as a
source of power. In the 1950s, scientists began using silicon to
make solar cells. Silicon-based solar cells are much more
efficient at producing current. It is now common to find solar
modules (several cells connected together) and arrays (several
modules) used to power everything from calculators to Figure 4.5 The
spacecraft. International Space
Station uses 2500 m2
of solar cells to
generate its electricity.
e- Figure 4.6 A solar cell consists of several layers. At the heart of the cell are
two specially treated silicon layers that create current when in sunlight.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 347
Batteries are a convenient source of electricity for portable devices.
However, large banks of batteries are rarely used because they are
expensive and bulky. For example, an alkaline D-cell would light a 100-W
light bulb for about 15 min. You would need a room full of batteries to run
all the appliances in your house. Obviously, batteries are not practical for
lighting whole cities.
Rechargeable batteries are widely used to provide backup power for
emergency lights and computer systems. However, these batteries produce
electricity only after they have been charged using electricity from an
external source. Since rechargeable batteries are never 100% efficient, they
actually use more electricity than they produce.
Recently, much research has been done to develop fuel cells. A fuel
cell generates electricity directly from a chemical reaction with a fuel such
as hydrogen. The hydrogen comes from sources such as gasoline or
alcohol. More fuel is added as electricity is produced, so the cell is not
used up as an ordinary cell would be. Larger fuel cells can be used to
power electric vehicles. Smaller ones are being developed for use with
portable devices such as laptop computers.
Now that you’ve learned a bit about Earth’s energy sources, it’s time to dig deeper. All
energy sources have advantages and disadvantages. Your task as a reporter is to find
out more about two energy sources, and compare them. Compare any two of the
• wind • natural gas
• nuclear • fuel cells
• geothermal • coal SOLAR
• waves • tidal WIND
• solar • biomass
Use your library or the Internet to find out more. If possible, interview an expert. On NUCLEA
the Internet, begin your search at GAS
• Compare as many factors as possible. For example, you could consider availability, COAL
cost, sustainability, environmental impact, applications (what the source can be
used for), and safety.
Brainstorm Ideas
1 With your team, brainstorm possible solutions. Once you have several solutions,
choose the one you think will work the best to meet the criteria above. You may want
to read Toolbox 3 to help you with the problem-solving process.
Build a Prototype
2 Create a plan of how you will build your windmill. Include a diagram and a list of the
materials that you will need. Show your plan to your teacher for approval.
Figure 4.7 Designing a windmill
3 Assemble your materials and build your windmill. Remember that you may need to
modify or change your design as your windmill progresses. Make sure to note any
changes on the original design you submitted to your teacher.
5 How well did your windmill function under varying wind conditions? If your windmill
functioned better under one wind condition, explain why.
6 Evaluate your design for the factors listed below. For each factor, describe how well
you think your device would work if it were built to full size.
a) reliability b) safety c) current generating efficiency
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 349
Fusion Alberta has substantial coal reserves, enough to last over two hundred
Fusion reactions occur in years at current rates of consumption. However, coal is a nonrenewable
the Sun and provide all the resource—it cannot be replaced as it is used up. Alberta’s other fossil fuel
energy for life on Earth. resources are also nonrenewable. Crude oil (petroleum), and natural gas
Scientists are investigating will eventually run out. When the supplies of these fossil fuels are gone,
the potential of fusion as they are gone forever.
a limitless, pollution-free In contrast, renewable resources can be renewed or replenished
source of energy. Find out naturally in relatively short periods of time. Some are continually
more about fusion. Make replenished. Wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy, geothermal energy,
a chart comparing fusion and biomass are resources that naturally renew themselves, so they can
with the nuclear energy last forever. If tree harvesting is managed carefully, replanting can ensure
we use today. Start your
that wood supplies for energy can last indefinitely. However, if wood is
information search at
used faster than trees can be grown, then the renewable resource cannot
meet energy needs indefinitely.
The burning of fossil fuels results in the release into the atmosphere of
many problem-causing substances. For example, when coal burns, it
leaves behind a powdery ash. Some of this ash is carried up the
smokestack of the power plant and escapes into the atmosphere. This
airborne ash is often referred to as fly ash. In Canada, air pollution
produced by coal-burning plants has been reduced over the last 30 years
by improved methods of cleaning the coal and capturing the fly ash.
However, considerable amounts of fly ash still escape. This is a concern
because the fly ash contains small amounts of mercury, a poisonous metal
that can damage the nervous system.
Many other molecules are released into the air when coal is burned.
Some of the most harmful are sulfur dioxide (SO2(g)), nitrogen oxides Figure 4.8 Burning fossil
(NOx(g)), and carbon dioxide (CO2(g)). Sulfur dioxide causes acid rain and fuels produces air pollution.
contributes to air pollution. Nitrogen oxides are major causes of air
pollution. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been identified as a
cause of global warming, which leads to climate change. You can learn
more about these chemicals and their effects in Unit C: Environmental
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 351
info BIT The mines and refineries that produce fuel for nuclear reactors can
also damage the environment. The reactors create radioactive wastes that
remain dangerous for thousands of years. Hydro-electric plants produce
Nuclear Waste Storage
Radioactive waste from
no pollutants, but their dams flood many hectares of land and alter the
nuclear power plants ecosystems of rivers. Wind farms and solar cell arrays require large tracts
requires long-term of land to generate practical amounts of energy. Also, the process for
storage. Canada’s plans making solar cells creates some chemical pollution. The steam from
for storing this waste geothermal plants produces a small amount of pollution. Generators using
include placing tidal or wave energy may disrupt the habitat for fish and other marine life.
corrosion-resistant However, the “green” sources of energy—especially wind, tide, and
containers in vaults deep geothermal—harm the environment much less than fossil fuels do.
within the Canadian
be 500 to 1000 m deep
and will likely be in We know that reserves of oil and gas are decreasing, but it is likely that
Ontario. nonrenewable fossil-fuel supplies will last for your lifetime. So why
bother trying to conserve energy? If demand for energy decreases, there is
a lower demand for the resources that fuel electrical generating plants.
Those pollution-producing plants that are already in operation would not
need to operate at full capacity and may even be able to cease operation.
The obvious benefit is less pollution, which is a good reason to try to use
less electricity whenever possible. When your actions lead to a lower
demand for natural resources, you are practising energy conservation.
You may not have to worry about fossil fuels running out in your
lifetime. However, even temporary shortages can cause hardship and big
price jumps. When fuel prices skyrocket, poorer countries cannot afford
the energy they need.
Suppose you want to conserve fossil fuels and reduce pollution. You
consider buying an electric car instead of one with a gasoline engine, but
you know you have to look at more than just engine efficiency. Electric
cars reduce the need for gasoline, which comes from oil. Burning less
gasoline conserves oil reserves and reduces pollution. The electric car,
however, must get electricity from somewhere for its rechargeable
batteries. If a coal-fired plant supplies this electricity, you may not be
saving fossil fuels or reducing pollution overall. However, if a hydro-
electric plant or windmill farm supplies the electricity, fossil fuels will be
conserved and pollution will decrease. Both personal and societal
decisions must be taken into account when considering conservation.
4. Explain why you agree or disagree with the 8. A friend brags to you about her new electric
following statement. “Green” sources of car that uses rechargeable batteries as an
energy such as solar and wind power have energy source. She says, “My new car
no environmental impact. doesn’t have an internal combustion
engine, so no fossil fuels are needed to
Connect Your Understanding provide energy for it.” Is this an accurate
5. What is the difference between energy statement? Explain your answer.
conservation and energy sustainability? 9. In 1906, many steam-powered cars were on
6. Does replacing the soil removed by strip- the roads. The record for the fastest steam
mining restore the environment? Explain car was approximately 206 km/h. A British
your answer. team is now working to build a modern
7. Explain how each of the following actions steam car that it hopes will travel over 300
affect energy sustainability: km/h. While this car will be fast, will it
a) replacing a coal-fired power plant with conserve energy? Explain.
several fields of solar arrays
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 353
info BIT
4.3 Electrical Technology and Society
Less Luggage
A business traveller used
to have to carry a cellular
telephone, an organizer,
and a laptop computer.
Now digital wireless
technologies let people
on the road phone their
offices and clients,
manage their contact
information and
appointments, and
connect to the Internet,
all with a device small
enough to fit in a pocket!
In 1844, the first electrical communication took place with the help of
Samuel Morse’s invention, the telegraph, shown in Figure 4.11. Morse
developed a code of dots and dashes (short and long electrical signals) to
send messages down wires from one city to another. Today, electrical
technologies continue to make fast and efficient communication possible.
With the rapid development of personal computers in the 1980s and the
Internet in the 1990s, we now have the ability to collect and transmit vast
amounts of information.
You will compare the time taken to do a calculation without and with a calculator.
• In what way is an electronic device better for doing calculations? In what way
is it worse?
If you are looking for a device that has brought radical changes in speed
and convenience, look no further than the computer. Computers have
revolutionized the way we accomplish many tasks, including writing,
calculations, and communication. Computers convert all information—
even audio and video signals—into numbers and then perform
calculations with the numbers. Computers use binary numbers, that is,
numbers with just ones and zeroes. These numbers correspond to the on
and off states of the millions of tiny transistors in the microcircuits.
Because the data is converted to strings of digits, this method of storing
and transmitting information is often referred to as a digital technology.
info BIT
Programming Pioneer
By 1952, Grace Hopper (1906-1992) had developed a working compiler, a program that translates
English words into the special codes needed to run computers. Such compilers are the key to all
the high-level computer languages we use today. Hopper also co-authored COBOL, a widely
used programming language for businesses. The term “computer bug” originated in 1951 when
Hopper found a moth jamming a relay in one of the first large-scale computers.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 355
Different techniques can be used to store and transmit information, but all
of them take advantage of electrical current in one way or another. For
example, a compact disc (CD) player scans a CD with a laser. Tiny pits
stamped into the surface of the shiny disc cause the laser light to be
reflected in pulses. A photodetector converts the light pulses into
electrical pulses. This produces a digital signal with exactly the same
sequence of ones and zeroes as the master recording used to make the CD.
Internet signals can be sent by A home computer can connect Groups of computers that are
radio signals, allowing wireless to the Internet through an connected together can share
connections to the Internet. Internet service provider. information in a network and
also connect to the Internet,
which is a huge global network.
Figure 4.13 Electrical signals sent between computers around the world make internetworking possible.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 357
re SEARCH Can you trust all the information that you find over the Internet? With
huge volumes of information stored worldwide, some of it will be wrong
Encryption or misleading. Most people have good intentions, but some will post
Ever since the transfer “facts” that they have not checked properly. Others may deliberately send
of information became out wrong information.
possible, people have Another concern is “information overload.” With greater and greater
been developing ways capacity to store information, it becomes increasingly more difficult to
to protect it. Such find the particular piece of information that you need.
protection is especially Search engines were developed to help sort through the vast amount of
important for the transfer unorganized information on the Internet. A search engine is an application
of financial information that searches the Internet for keywords or phrases that you enter in a query
such as credit-card field. Internet sites that match your keywords are then reported back to you.
numbers over the
However, search engines work in different ways and may not be as
Internet. Find out more
helpful as you might expect. For example, some search engines report
about encryption. Use an
example to show how
only results from sites on the Internet that have been manually entered in
encryption is done and a database. Useful sites that have not been entered in the database are not
how it is used. Start your reported. Other search engines report only the most-visited sites on the
information search at Internet; that is, the most popular sites. Because of this, a more useful, less popular site may be overlooked. This explains why using different search
scienceinaction. engines may provide different results for the same keywords or phrases
that you are searching for.
The Use of Electrical Energy Affects Society and the Environment 359
2.0 2.0 Technologies can be used to transfer and control electrical energy.
• electric current • Different substances provide various levels of resistance to electric current. Electricity
• circuits flows more easily in conductors than in insulators.
• energy transmission • The amount of electrical resistance is measured in ohms. Voltage is measured in volts.
• measures and units of Current is measured in amperes.
electrical energy • Ohm’s law states that the current flowing through a conductor is proportional to the
• electrical resistance and voltage applied to it.
Ohm’s law • Meters are used to measure electricity. Voltmeters measure voltage. Ammeters
measure current. Ohmmeters measure resistance. Multimeters measure all three.
• Series circuits provide a single pathway for current. Parallel circuits provide multiple
pathways for current.
3.0 3.0 Devices and systems convert energy with varying efficiencies.
• forms of energy • Energy exists in different forms, such as chemical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical
• energy transformation energy.
• generation of electrical • Energy can be transformed from one form into another. For example, a thermocouple
energy can change thermal energy into electrical energy.
• energy transmission • Electric motors transform electrical energy to mechanical energy.
• measures and units of • Power is the rate at which a device converts energy. It is calculated by multiplying
electrical energy current by voltage. Energy is calculated by multiplying power by time.
• Input energy and usable output energy can be compared to determine the efficiency of
an energy-converting device.
• Reducing the amount of energy wasted by devices that convert energy increases their
4.0 4.0 The use of electrical energy affects society and the environment.
• energy transformation • A variety of alternative energy sources can be used to generate electrical energy. These
• energy transmission include fossil fuels, nuclear energy, geothermal energy, biomass, hydro-electricity,
• generation of electrical tides, wind power, and solar energy.
energy • Energy sources are either renewable or nonrenewable.
• energy storage • Electrical generation can produce by-products and effects that harm the environment.
• renewable and nonrenewable • Energy and nonrenewable resources can be conserved through choices that reduce
energy consumption.
• Sustainability means using resources at a rate that can be maintained indefinitely.
se d
S t u
Yes No
The dam may be able to stop The dam presents an even worse
devastating flooding. The dam’s flooding danger if it fails. Millions of
control mechanisms may be able to people live downstream of the dam. A
save lives by managing water levels. failure of the dam would be
The dam would produce much The dam requires almost 2 million
needed electricity. The poor of rural people to be uprooted and relocated.
China do not even have refrigerators. The reservoir will flood thousands of
Electricity would provide the possibility farms and villages.
of modern conveniences.
Electricity would provide the means The dam’s reservoir will submerge
for modernization. Rural China has many priceless artifacts and natural
few of the advantages of even the treasures. Over a thousand
smallest Western communities. With archeological sites will be ruined.
electrical power, rural Chinese can
begin to modernize their economy.
Getting Started
Designing an electrical device offers many opportunities to
discover answers for yourself. In this activity, you will plan
how to build an electrical device that performs a particular
function. Then you will build and modify a prototype. Using
your choice of materials and what you have learned about
electrical circuits, you will design a device or model of your
own choice.
Your Goal
Demonstrate your understanding of electrical circuitry and
energy conversions by using your imagination to pick a
device or model to build. It can be any device that uses
electricity to perform a task. Your goal will be to build the
device that can successfully performs the task(s) of your
choice. For example, consider building one of the
following: Steps to Success
• a reversible escalator with an emergency switch 1 With your group, brainstorm ideas for solutions to the
• a model electrically wired home, with special features problem. Sketch ideas as you come up with them.
such a pressure-sensitive welcome mat light 2 Decide what equipment you will need. Are there
• a model animal kennel with doors that open materials you can collect from home? Ask your
electrically teacher for help with any of the materials that you
• a rescue truck that moves and has a ladder that can be cannot collect yourself.
raised or lowered 3 Carefully consider safety before you begin to construct
• a switch-operated animal feeder that allows you to your prototype. Show your teacher your final plan for
release food remotely approval, and then begin building your device.
4 When you have built your device, test to see if it
What You Need to Know meets your goals. After your test, you may need to
This project involves designing electrical circuits. Review make some changes and repeat the tests.
what you have learned about electrical circuits and 5 Look at your classmates’ devices. Make a quick sketch
converting electrical energy into different forms. Recall of one of their designs and of a modification to
how to supply current to a circuit and then control the improve it. Discuss this modification with your
current so that the circuit performs the task you desire. For classmates.
your design to work, you will have to combine these
concepts successfully. Before you begin, you may want to How Did It Go?
review Toolbox 3 to help you with problem solving as you 6 Now that you have planned and constructed your
develop your device. You may also want to consult Toolbox device, write an evaluation of your approach to solving
13 to review the electrical symbols you need to use in your this problem. Did it work well? What would you do
circuit diagrams. differently and why?
11. What do the terms “work” and “energy”
12. What is the role of the commutator in an
electric motor?
13. Would it make more sense for an electric
company to charge by the joule or by the
watt? Explain.
5. What is a short circuit? Is it dangerous?
6. Explain how an electrical wet cell functions.
14. Solve the following power problems: 24. Describe the advantages and disadvantages
a) The current running through a coffee of transmitting information electronically.
maker connected to a 120-V source is
8.0 A. What is the power rating of this
device? Connect Your Understanding
b) A 120-W motor draws 1.2 A of current.
25. Explain why a cow that touches an electric
What is the voltage across the motor?
c) A 5000-W dryer is connected to a 240-V fence gets a mild shock, but a bird sitting on
source. What is the current flowing the same wire doesn’t feel any electricity at
through the dryer? all.
26. A classmate would like to connect multiple
15. How much energy does a 100-W light bulb
use in an hour? motors together in a circuit. But every time a
motor is added, an undesirable side effect
16. A 500-W hot plate adds 250 kJ of energy to a occurs—all of them spin a little slower.
container of water while heating for Discuss possible solutions and explain how
10 min. How efficient is this heating they would correct the problem.
27. You receive a nasty shock from a kettle with
17. Use the example of a gasoline-powered car a frayed cord, and your arm temporarily
to explain the concepts of input energy, feels numb. Is this numb feeling caused by
output energy, and efficiency. current or voltage? Explain.
18. Describe three methods for reducing the
amount of energy wasted in the home.
Extend Your Understanding
4.0 28. Does a decision to conserve a resource mean
that the resource now becomes sustainable?
19. Could a thermal generating plant be effective Explain.
without a turbine? Explain. 29. Does it make any sense to spend more
20. What is meant by a “non-thermal” method money for a more efficient appliance?
of generating electricity? Describe an Explain.
example of such a method. 30. Thinking that a loose electrical cable has
21. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of been turned off, a construction worker tries
generating electricity with coal, nuclear to move it. The voltage contracts the
power, and wind power. worker’s muscles, so they cannot let go of
the wire. A wooden pole and a copper pipe
22. Describe the difference between renewable
are nearby. Could you use either of them to
and nonrenewable energy sources. Give two
nudge the victim away from the live wire?
examples of each.
23. If current world oil reserves will last longer
than your lifetime, why should you bother
to conserve energy?
Self Assessment
33. List two questions about elecctricity-related
issues that you’d like to explore further.
34. How could you improve the results of your
work in the problem solving and inquiry
activities you did in this unit?
35. How could you improve your work in group
In this unit, you will cover the following sections:
The first major step in the human journey to explore space occurred on
When humans walked on
the Moon for the first time, July 20, 1969. That was the date when two U.S. astronauts, Neil
the world watched. Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, walked on the Moon, becoming the
first people to visit a body in the solar system other than Earth. It also
marked the first time that people on Earth could look up at the Moon and
know that there were people on its surface looking back at them!
Exploring 369
1.0 Human understanding of both Earth
and space has changed over time.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• technologies for space
exploration and observation
• reference frames for describing
the position and motion of
bodies in space
• distribution of matter through
• composition and
characteristics of bodies in
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• identify different perspectives
on the nature of Earth and
space Imagine that your teacher brings to class a meteorite that is about the
• investigate and illustrate the size of a grapefruit. Meteorites are pieces of rocky space debris that hit
contributions of technological Earth. Your teacher asks you to study and describe the meteorite’s
advances to a scientific surface. With your unaided eye, you would be able to see many of the
understanding of space object’s characteristics, such as its colour, lustre, and texture. With a
• describe the distribution of magnifying glass, you would see even more detail, perhaps the colour
matter in space and shape of the surface particles.
• identify evidence for, and Now, think how your description would change if you could use a
describe characteristics of, high-powered microscope that greatly magnifies a chip from the
bodies that make up the solar
meteorite. Details you could never have noticed before would become
system and compare their
visible. As a result, your understanding of the meteorite’s composition
characteristics with Earth’s
would improve.
• describe and apply techniques
In this section, you will learn how human understanding of Earth
for determining the position
and motion of objects in space and the universe has changed over thousands of years, boosted each step
• investigate predictions about of the way by advances in technology. You will also learn that the role of
the motion, alignment, and observation in guiding scientific understanding of space remains as
collision of bodies in space important today as it was to early astronomers. Only the capacity to see
more is constantly expanding.
Figure 1.1 The First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest thought the night sky was a pattern
on a great blanket overhead. The blanket, they believed, was held up by a spinning “world pole,” the
bottom of which rested on the chest of a woman underground named Stone Ribs.
In this subsection, you will be learning how our early understanding of space and
Earth’s place in it have developed through history.
1 Make a time line that shows when key ideas about space were proposed and
who proposed them. Start your time line at 3000 B.C. and add to it as you read
through this subsection. End at the heliocentric model of the solar system. For
each idea, be sure to include the observations the person made that led to the
2 Compare your time line with that of other students in the class. Add to your time
line any ideas you might have missed.
3 Discuss with the class the main technologies that were used by people in
developing each key idea on your time line.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 371
Two very special annual events for our ancestors were the summer and
winter solstice. The word “solstice” comes from the Latin sol meaning
sun, and stice meaning stop. In the northern hemisphere, the summer
solstice occurs near June 21. It marks the longest period of daylight in the
year and represents the start of summer. The winter solstice occurs near
December 21. It marks the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.
(The conditions are the reverse in the southern hemisphere.)
Prediction of the approach of summer and winter was important to
early peoples, and many ancient civilizations built huge monuments to
honour their beliefs about the change. While they may have had only the
power of the unaided eye, their observations of the position and path of
the Sun throughout the year were highly accurate. More than 3500 years
Figure 1.2 The origins of ago, for example, a people (possibly the ancient Celts) erected the
England’s Stonehenge remain
megaliths of Stonehenge, still standing in southern England. Arranged in
an archeological puzzle.
concentric circles, the enormous stones mark the summer and winter
solstices. Ancient African cultures also set large rock pillars into patterns
that could be used to predict the timing of the solstices.
Another phenomenon honoured by early cultures was the equinox,
one in the spring (about March 21) and one in the fall (about September 22).
The word “equinox” comes from the Latin equi meaning equal, and nox
meaning night. At the equinox, day and night are of equal length. The
Mayans of Central America built an enormous cylinder-shaped tower at
Chichén Itzá in about A.D. 1000 to celebrate the occurrence of the two
The ancient Egyptians built many pyramids and other monuments to
align with the seasonal position of certain stars. The entrance passage of
Khufu, the Great Pyramid at Giza, once lined up with Thuban (a star in
the constellation of Draco). At the time the pyramid was built, starting
about 2700 B.C., Thuban was the closest star showing true north. Two
thousand years ago, aboriginal peoples of southwestern Alberta used large
rocks to build medicine circles in which key rocks aligned with the bright
stars that rose in the dawn, such as Aldebaran, Rigel, and Sirius.
Earth &
Water Figure 1.4 Aristotle’s
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 373
Heliocentric Model
The Earth-centred model of our solar system lasted for almost two
thousand years. Then, in 1530, Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus
proposed a dramatically different model, one that explained planetary
motion much more simply than did the complicated geocentric model.
Copernicus suggested that the Sun was at the centre and Earth and the
other planets revolved in orbits around it. This is called the heliocentric
model (Figure 1.5).
ff ix
Moon Ve
S aturn
Figure 1.5 The heliocentric model of our solar system put the Sun at the centre of the universe. It
was considered, at the time, to be a revolutionary idea.
Sun’s position
Materials & Equipment
Purpose • sewing thread (30 cm long),
To draw a series of ellipses and investigate their properties with ends tied to make a loop
• paper (letter-size)
Procedure • ruler
1 Draw a straight line, about 20 cm long, down the middle of the paper. Position • pencil
• cardboard (30 cm by 30 cm)
the paper on top of the cardboard and set the cardboard on a firm, flat surface
• 2 straight pins or tacks
such as your desk top.
2 Position the pins 5 cm apart along the drawn line and push the pins through
the paper and into the cardboard so they are standing upright.
3 Place the loop of thread around both pins. Then, with the pencil
point resting inside the loop, pull gently until the thread is taut
and the pencil point is touching the paper (see Figure 1.7).
4 While keeping a slight outward pressure with the pencil
against the thread, start drawing a line in a circular
motion around the pins. You will see an ellipse (an
oval shape) start to form. A circle is formed around
one focal point. An ellipse is formed around two focal points.
Figure 1.7 Step 3
5 Repeat steps 3 to 5 two more times, once setting the pins closer together and
once setting them farther apart. Observe how the ellipse changes.
6 Describe what happens when the pins are moved different distances apart. How
does the position of these focal points change the shape of the ellipse?
7 Imagine that one of the pins is the Sun and the pencil point is a planet. What
controls the shape of the elliptical path?
8 What shape would you expect if both pins were at exactly the same point?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 375
Key Concept Review
1. Define solstice. What are the significant dates associated with the
solstices in the northern hemisphere?
2. What was the ancient monument of Stonehenge believed to be used
3. What word is used to describe the times when the length of day equals
the length of night? When do these occur?
4. List and describe three monuments built by ancient people to honour
celestial bodies.
4 Describe the pattern you see in the shadow plots you have drawn during the
day. Sketch the pattern in your notebook.
5 If you were to repeat this activity every day for a year, would the same pattern
result each time? Explain your answer.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 377
Humans are very inventive, and have worked hard over the centuries to
develop tools to help them better understand the sky and its mysteries.
Sundials, for example, have been used for more than 7000 years to
measure the passage of time. Ancient Egyptians invented a device called a
merkhet to chart astronomical positions and predict the movement of
stars. About the 2nd century A.D., the Egyptian astronomers also designed
a tool called a quadrant to measure a star’s height above the horizon.
Arabian astronomers used the astrolabe for centuries to make accurate
charts of star positions. In the 14th century, astronomer Levi ben Gurson
invented the cross-staff to measure the angle between the Moon and any
given star. With each of these technological innovations, astronomers
made new discoveries and gained more knowledge about what they were
Figure 1.11 Many early tools Then came the telescope. Invented in the late 16th century, it
were invented to study and revolutionized astronomy. Suddenly, astronomers such as Galileo could
predict celestial motion.
see more in the night sky than had ever been possible. Telescopes
Sailors and other explorers
tested these instruments in
revealed exciting details about Earth’s closest planetary neighbours, and
their travels to uncharted showed the existence of other neighbours in our solar system. We learned
places of the globe. that the size of what lay beyond Earth was greater than anything we could
have imagined.
With each new improvement, the optical telescope pushed astronomy
ahead. As our viewing ability got better, the vast distance between objects
in space became obvious.
Today, almost 500 years after the telescope’s invention, super-powerful
optical and radio telescopes operating from Earth, satellites orbiting
around Earth, and sophisticated space-based telescopes have shown us
the immensity of objects in space and of distances across the universe.
(You will learn more about space technologies in Section 3.0.) We have
discovered that our Sun is only an average star, lying in a small corner of
an average galaxy that is one among billions of other galaxies.
Astronomical Units
The astronomical unit (AU) is used for measuring “local” distances, those
inside our solar system. One AU is equal to the average distance from the
centre of Earth to the centre of the Sun (149 599 000 km). Astronomers
use this when describing positions of the planets relative to the Sun.
5 100 15 20 25 30 35 40
info BIT
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Earth is about 1/1000 the volume of Jupiter, our solar system’s largest planet.
Jupiter is about 1/1000 the volume of the Sun. The Sun is about 1/300-millionth
the volume of the star Betelgeuse (located in the constellation of Orion).
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 379
1 Working with a partner, tape a piece of cardboard to each end of the metre-stick.
Materials & Equipment
Then tape the piece of aluminum foil over the square opening in one piece of
• metre-stick
cardboard, and tape the white paper in the middle of the other piece of cardboard.
• 2 pieces of cardboard,
approximately 15 cm by 15 cm
each (one piece of cardboard
will have a 5 cm by 5 cm
opening cut into its centre)
• 1 piece of aluminum foil,
approximately 8 cm by 8 cm
• 1 piece of white paper, 10 cm
by 10 cm
• masking tape
• drawing compass
• ring stand (optional)
• ruler
• calculator
2 Using the compass point, poke a small hole (about 1 mm in diameter) in the
aluminum foil. Be careful not to make the hole any larger than that.
3 Take your apparatus and a pencil outside. (This procedure can be carried out even on
a slightly cloudy day, as long as the Sun can still cast a shadow.)
4 One partner holds the metre-stick horizontally with the
aluminum piece pointing toward the Sun. He or she
should move the end of the metre-stick around until the Caution!
Sun shines through the pinhole and forms a circular Never look at the
image on the piece of white paper. (Note: The person Sun directly.
holding the apparatus should try to steady it by resting it
against his or her chest. Another option is to steady the
metre-stick by resting it on a ring stand.)
5 The other partner marks the diameter of the circle with two pencil lines on the paper
(see Figure 1.14).
Figure 1.14 Step 5 6 Carry out steps 4 to 5 again, obtaining a pinhole image of the Sun and marking its
diameter on the paper. Repeat a third time.
Where: d is in centimetres
D is in kilometres
100 cm is the distance between the cards
150 000 000 km is the distance between the Sun and Earth
Sun’s image
pinhole Sun
Figure 1.15 Step 8
d D
9 In a reference book or on the Internet, look up the actual diameter of the Sun. Use
that figure in the equation below to calculate the accuracy of your measured value.
The “percent error” shows how far from (or close to) the real value your measured
value is.
10 What did you find? How accurate was your measured value of the Sun’s diameter?
Forming Conclusions
11 Describe the possible sources of error that might make your measurement
12 Do you agree or disagree that the diameter of the Sun can be accurately measured by
using an indirect means? Explain.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 381
3 In a class discussion, share what you learned about distances in the solar system.
What did you notice about the positions of the planets relative to the Sun?
4 How do the distances between the inner planets compare with the distances
between the outer planets?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 383
1.3 The Distribution of Matter in Space
When you look at the night sky from a city or town, you can see many of
the brighter stars. Journey into the countryside, away from the light
pollution of the city, and the night sky will appear to be completely full of
stars. All of those bright points of light in space are separated by
unimaginably large distances.
A star is a hot, glowing ball of gas (mainly hydrogen) that gives off
tremendous light energy. The number of stars in the universe is in the
billions of billions.
Stars vary greatly in their characteristics. Our Sun has a mass 300 000
times greater than Earth, with an average density of 1.4 times that of
water. In diameter, Betelgeuse is 670 times larger than our Sun, but only
1/10-millionth as dense. Stars vary greatly in their colours as well. The
colour of a star depends on its surface temperature. Very hot stars look
blue. Cooler stars look red.
In the 1920s, two scientists, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris
Russell, began comparing the surface temperature of stars with the stars’
brightness (luminosity). When they plotted their data, Hertzsprung and
Russell discovered that the distribution of star temperature and brightness
is not random. Instead, as the “Hertzsprung-Russell diagram” shows (see
Figure 1.18), the stars fall into several distinct groupings. Part of this
pattern has since been accounted for by the current theory of how stars
evolve and change over very long periods of time.
white dwarfs
Decreasing temperature
part of the burner flame. Students should observe the colour and record what
they see. Often the colour disappears quickly, so repeat the procedure if
5 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each of the other solutions. In each case, students Caution!
should record what they observe. The materials in
this demonstration
can be hazardous if
6 What was responsible for the different colours you saw? inhaled. Observe
7 What can the colour of the flame reveal? the reactions from
8 How would this information be useful for astronomers studying the spectrum a safe distance.
of a star?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 385
Just as every living thing on our planet is born, lives, and dies, a star has a
Meet a Really Big Star life cycle, too. Stars form in regions of space where there are huge
Our Sun is a very average accumulations of gas and dust called nebulae. Each nebula is composed of
star in the middle part of
about 75% hydrogen and 23% helium. The other 2% is oxygen, nitrogen,
its life. How average is it?
carbon, and silicate dust. Some of this interstellar matter came from
Stand 1 m away from the
exploding stars.
wall. This distance
represents the Sun’s The attraction of gravity acting between the atoms of gas and grains of
diameter. At this scale, dust can cause a small area of the nebula to start collapsing into a smaller,
the diameter of the rotating cloud of gas and dust. As more material is drawn into the
largest star now known spinning ball, the mass at its core increases and the temperature climbs. If
would be 2300 m the core gets hot enough, it will start to glow. This is a protostar, the first
(2.3 km). stage in a star’s formation. As the process of “star-building” continues, the
interior of the protostar gets hotter and hotter. When the core reaches
10 000 000°C, hydrogen starts to change to helium. This process, known
as fusion, releases great quantities of energy and radiation. A star is born.
neutron star
Figure 1.19 From nebular material, stars form with a variety of masses. The life cycles of massive
stars differ from those of Sun-like stars.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 387
re SEARCH Black holes are themselves invisible to telescopes. Astronomers only
know about their existence indirectly because of how material near a
Black Holes black hole becomes very hot and bright.
Astronomers are
discovering that black
holes are more common
than was first expected.
Research how black
holes form and where
they can be found.
Begin your search at
Figure 1.21 Occasionally, massive stars collapse on themselves with such violence that they
become super-dense. The gravity around these bodies is so intense that even light cannot escape
being pulled inward. These bodies are called black holes.
Figure 1.22 A supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87. The inset image shows stars and gas
orbiting the galaxy's bright nucleus. By calculating the speed of the orbiting material,
astronomers have concluded that the nucleus contains a black hole about 3 billion times the
mass of our Sun. The large image shows a bright band of material that may be super-heated gas
ejected from the black hole.
The great variety of stars in the sky can be grouped in any number of ways, including
by colour, temperature, and age. Another way to classify stars is by their size.
1 The list below contains information about a number of imaginary stars. In your
notebook, make four columns with the headings: Red Supergiants, Giants, Main
Sequence Stars, and White Dwarfs. Categorize each of the stars under the
appropriate heading.
2 When you have completed your classification, answer the following questions.
a) What did you base your classifications on?
b) What did you notice about the very small stars?
c) What did you notice about the densities of the giants and supergiants?
d) Black holes form when certain types of stars collapse on themselves. There are
two stars on your list that have the potential to become black holes. Using the
data in the table, explain which two stars you think could become black holes.
info BIT
Human Star Power
“We are stardust” is a line in the chorus of a popular song carbon making up our bodies was created inside ancient
from the 1970s. It sounds like a far-fetched idea, but in stars that exploded, distributing their elements in our
fact it’s true. Humans are carbon-based life forms. The region of the galaxy.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 389
Constellations are the groupings of stars we see as patterns in the night
sky. Officially, there are 88 constellations recognized by the International
Astronomical Union. As well, there are many unofficially recognized star
groupings. These are asterisms. One of the most famous asterisms visible
from the northern hemisphere is the Big Dipper, which is part of the
constellation Ursa Major. The ancient Greeks saw the stars that make up
Ursa Major as a bear. The early Black Foot nation of North America also
saw a bear. Ancient Europeans saw a variety of different patterns
including a chariot, a wagon, and a plough. Figure 1.23 shows two
common star patterns and their associated constellations as we know
them today.
a b
Figure 1.23 (a) The constellation of Orion, a Figure 1.23 (b) The Big Dipper forms part of
figure in Greek mythology who was thought the constellation of Ursa Major, or the Great
of as a great hunter. Note the three bright Bear.
stars making “Orion’s Belt.” Betelgeuse is the
star at Orion’s right shoulder.
A galaxy is a grouping of millions or billions of stars, gas, and dust. It is
held together by gravity.
The galaxy we live in is a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way. It is
shaped like a flattened pinwheel, with arms spiralling out from the centre.
Viewed from the side, a spiral galaxy looks a little like a compact disc
with a marble in the middle sticking out evenly on either side. Our galaxy
is believed to contain from 100 billion to 200 billion stars. There are two
other main types of galaxies: elliptical and irregular. Astronomers have
estimated there may be a billion billion galaxies in the universe.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 391
math Link 1.4 Our Solar Neighbourhood
The Power of the Sun
A watt (W) is a In Section 1.3, you learned that stars are born in stellar nurseries called
measure of power. A nebulae. The formation of our solar system, including the Sun and nine
megawatt (MW) is a planets, occurred in much the same way.
million watts. Most The “protoplanet hypothesis” is a model for explaining the birth of
household items do solar systems. The process can be described in three steps:
not require that much
1. A cloud of gas and dust in space begins swirling.
power. For example, a
2. Most of the material (more than 90%) accumulates in the centre,
typical light bulb
forming the Sun.
requires 100 W to
work. The Sun releases 3. The remaining material accumulates in smaller clumps circling the
380 billion billion centre. These form the planets.
megawatts every
second. How many
100-W light bulbs
could the Sun power? Swirling gas
ga and dust
gas and
dust form
Figure 1.27 The three stages in the formation of a solar system, according to the protoplanet
hypothesis (sometimes known as the “nebular theory”)
At the centre of our solar neighbourhood sits the Sun. For thousands of
years, we learned all we knew about the Sun from looking at it, and that
wasn’t easy to do. After telescopes were invented it wasn’t long before
filters were designed to allow observers to gaze directly at the Sun.
Satellites have offered an even closer look. The Sun is almost 110 times
wider than Earth. If the Sun were a hollow ball, almost a million Earths
would be required to fill it.
The temperature at the surface of the Sun, which is constantly
bubbling and boiling, is about 5500°C, while the core is close to
15 000 000°C. The Sun releases charged particles that flow out in every
direction. This solar wind passes Earth at an average speed of 400 km/s.
Earth is protected from the solar wind by its magnetic field.
The planets that make up our solar system are as different as the people
that make up a family. Every planet has its own unique features and
characteristics. The solar system can be divided into two distinct
planetary groups: the inner planets, also called terrestrial, or Earth-like,
planets; and the outer, or Jovian (in reference to Jupiter), planets. The
terrestrial planets tend to be smaller, rockier in composition, and closer to
the Sun than the Jovian planets. The Jovian planets are large and gaseous
and are located great distances from the Sun.
Technology has enabled us to learn a lot about our nearest neighbours
in space. All the planets except Pluto have been visited by orbiting space
probes. Mars and Venus have had robots land on their surface.
As you work through this section, prepare a single spreadsheet to compare and contrast
all the information provided on pages 394–396 about the planets. You may choose to
organize your spreadsheet with the planets down the left-hand column and
characteristics across the top, or planets across the top and characteristics down the
left-hand column. A sample characteristic could be “Atmosphere” and the data could be
a simple yes or no answer.
With a small group, think up eight questions that could be used to test a person’s
knowledge of how the planets compare to one another. For example: Which planet has
the smallest mass? Does Jupiter complete its orbital revolution faster or slower than
Saturn? As a class, exchange your questions.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 393
Most of what we know about Mercury has been determined by telescopes and satellite data.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Its surface is very similar to that of the Moon. Like the Moon,
Mercury has no atmosphere and therefore no protection from the bombardment of meteroids, asteroids, and
comets. The scars of millions of years of impacts can be seen. Other parts of Mercury’s surface are smooth,
probably due to lava flowing through cracks in the rocky crust. The temperatures on Mercury vary greatly,
from over 400°C on the sunny side to –180°C on the dark side.
Venus is similar to Earth in diameter, mass, and gravity, and is often called Earth’s twin. A closer look at
conditions on Venus’s surface shows where the similarities end. Venus would be horrific for humans to visit.
Surface temperatures are kept hot due to a greenhouse effect caused by thick clouds. Temperatures can be
over 450°C—hot enough to melt lead. The atmospheric pressure is about 90 times that on Earth. The surface
of Venus cannot be seen by telescope because of its thick cloud cover. The permanent clouds are made of
carbon dioxide, and it often rains sulfuric acid (the same acid found in a car battery). Russians landed a probe
on Venus in 1982, but it only lasted there for 57 min. In 1991, the spacecraft Magellan mapped Venus using
radio waves (radar). It found huge canyons, extinct volcanoes, and ancient lava flows. Venus is one of the only
planets in the solar system to rotate from east to west—opposite to the other six.
0.72 0.95 0.86 0.96 0 480 243 days 0.004 225 days
Earth is unique in the solar system for several reasons. It is the only planet where water exists in all three
phases: solid, liquid, and gas. It is also the only planet that is at the appropriate distance from the Sun to
support life as we know it. As well, Earth’s atmosphere provides protection from cosmic rays and ultraviolet
radiation that would otherwise harm life. Seventy percent of the planet’s surface is covered in water. Earth is
one of the few places in our solar system that has active volcanism.
Jupiter has been observed through telescopes since the 1600s. The Voyager probes visited Jupiter and many
of its 16 moons in 1979, followed by the Galileo probe in the mid-1990s. Jupiter is the largest of all the planets
in the solar system, and contains more than twice the mass of all the other planets combined. It is a gas giant
composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, and scientists speculate that if Jupiter were only 10 times larger
than it is, it may have formed into a star. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a huge storm in its atmosphere.
Jupiter has three very thin rings.
Galileo saw Saturn’s rings with his primitive telescope in 1610, though he initially thought they were a group
of planets. Voyager 1 and 2 flew by Saturn in 1980 and 1981, respectively. In late 2004, the Cassini
spacecraft will reach Saturn and drop a probe onto Titan, the largest of the planet’s 19 moons. Saturn is the
second largest planet in our solar system and has the most distinctive ring system of all the nine planets.
Over a thousand rings exist, composed of pieces of ice and dust that range in size from grains of sand to
house-sized blocks. Saturn’s composition is similar to Jupiter’s—mostly hydrogen and helium. Because of
the planet’s quick rotation, wind speeds at Saturn’s equator have been estimated at over 1800 km/h.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 395
Voyager 2 has given us most of our close-up information about Uranus, last sending data back to Earth
in 1986 before it left the solar system. Satellite and telescope analyses have provided other interesting
details. Uranus has one of the most unusual rotations in the solar system: its axis of rotation is tilted
toward the plane of its orbit, making it appear to roll during its orbit. Another gas giant, Uranus is
composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Methane in its atmosphere gives the planet a distinctive blue
colour. Uranus has a large ring system, and 17 moons.
When scientists observed the orbit of Uranus to be different from what they had calculated, they searched for
an eighth planet. In 1846, they found Neptune. About a century and a half later, Voyager 2 flew to Neptune to
collect more information. The composition and size of Neptune make it very similar in appearance to Uranus.
Another gas giant composed of hydrogen, helium, and methane, Neptune (like Uranus) is bluish in colour.
Very little of the Sun’s energy reaches the eighth planet. Neptune gives off about 3 times more energy than it
receives. It boasts the fastest wind speeds in the solar system, at 2500 km/h. Like all the other gas giants,
Neptune has its own ring system, as well as eight moons.
Pluto was discovered by telescope in 1930. Since then, the most useful information about it has come from
the Hubble Space Telescope. One of the greatest debates among planetary astronomers currently is whether
Pluto is a planet or not. It is a frozen ball of methane smaller than our moon. It doesn’t fit the pattern of the
outer planets, which tend to be large and gaseous, and it isn’t rocky like the terrestrial planets. Pluto’s orbit is
raised 17.2° from the plane of the other planets and is more elliptical than that of other planets. Like Venus
and Uranus, Pluto rotates from east to west. Between 1979 and 1999, Pluto was closer to the Sun than
Neptune. Some astronomers believe that Pluto and its moon, Charon, are comets captured by the Sun’s
gravity from the area of debris on the outer edge of the solar system called the Kuiper Belt.
39.5 0.19 0.002 0.36 1 –230 6.39 days 0.17 248 years
• ball (such as tetherball or
The motion of the planets in our solar system is generally regular and volleyball) with ring
predictable. Even the motion of many smaller bodies in the solar system, such attachment
as asteroids and comets, has been charted and calculated. Every once in a while, • 3-m piece of cord
however, the gravitational force of a planet or a moon can affect the path of a • small, soft projectiles (such
smaller object and send it on a course toward the Sun. Even though Earth’s orbit as beanbags or marshmallows),
may be in the way of that new path, chance plays an important role in 2–3 per student
determining whether a collision between Earth and the object will occur or not.
1 Out on the school grounds, your teacher will stand in place and swing a
tetherball, volleyball, or similar type of ball in a slow circle overhead. The
ball will be attached to a 3-m piece of cord. The ball represents Earth in its When throwing any
orbit around the Sun (your teacher). object, do so gently
2 Your teacher will provide you with one or two small soft projectiles, such as and aim only at the
beanbags or marshmallows. intended target.
3 Stand at least 1 m outside the arc made by the swinging ball. Using a gentle
underhand lob, throw your projectile toward the moving target—orbiting
“Earth.” If you succeed in hitting Earth, you will hear the impact or see the
projectile deflect off the ball.
4 After everyone in the class has had a throw or two, add up the number of
hits that occurred. Are you surprised by the number? Why? What made this
challenge difficult? What would increase the chances of making contact with
the ball?
5 Back in your classroom, write a paragraph describing how your
observations in this activity might be related to the occurrence of collisions
between Earth and other small objects in the solar system.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 397
Comets, often described as “dirty snowballs,” are objects made up of dust
and ice that travel through space. Their long tails and bright glow only
appear when they get close to the Sun. When that happens, the Sun heats
the materials on the comet and gases are released. These gases then get
pushed away from the comet by the solar wind. The tails of some comets
can be millions of kilometres long.
Comets spend most of their time slowly orbiting in the outer reaches
of the solar system. Only when an event, such as the close passing of
another body, occurs might a comet’s path be pushed toward the inner
solar system. Then a comet can end up in a regular orbit around the Sun.
Comets that orbit the Sun will make a predictable appearance because
their paths are large ellipses. One of these is Halley’s comet, which is
visible from Earth every 76 years. The last time it was seen was in 1986.
info BIT
Halley’s Comet’s Elliptical Path
The path of a comet around the Sun is elliptical. Knowing its shape allows
astronomers to predict when the comet will return to pass by Earth again.
Halley’s comet has an average 76-year orbit. Shortly after its last visit in
1986, observers saw it brighten unexpectedly. That might mean it
collided with something. We will have to see what happened when it
makes its scheduled return visit in 2062.
Figure 1.32 Halley’s comet
Figure 1.33 During a total solar eclipse, the Sun’s corona is visible.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 399
Figure 1.34 The predictable
path of Comet
Shoemaker–Levy allowed
astronomers to anticipate
and monitor the comet’s
collision with Jupiter in 1994.
Figure 1.35 The imaginary dome that allows us to describe the
position of a celestial object H o riz
S (180˚)
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 401
Build a Prototype
1 Draw a semicircle about 20 cm in diameter on the cardboard. Using a protractor,
mark the 10° increments on the cardboard and label them (see Figure 1.36). Cut out
the cardboard protractor.
90 90
70 90
80 90
50 70
40 60
2 Tie one end of the string to the weight and attach the other end to the centre of the
cardboard. The weight should be able to swing freely, as shown in Figure 1.36.
3 Tape the straw to the cardboard as shown in Figure 1.36. The angle you read from
the string on your new astrolabe indicates the angle your target is above the
You can record the altitude of the Sun with an astrolabe. Point the straw at the Sun with Caution!
one hand, and hold your other hand, palm up, to the other end of the straw. Move the Do not look
straw around until you see a small circle of light on the palm of your hand. Read the angle directly at the
on your cardboard scale. This shows you the altitude of the Sun. Make three Sun through the
measurements and calculate an average. Try this at the same time for five days in a row. straw.
Does the Sun’s altitude change or does it stay the same? Explain..
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 403
Because they are at such enormous distances from Earth, the stars appear
Star-studded Flags to stay in one place in the sky. Only when viewed over extremely long
Stars are part of the
periods of time can some stars be seen to move very slightly.
design of the national
When observing planetary motion, however, a person needs to wait
flags of Australia, Brazil,
and New Zealand and only a few days or weeks to see a planet change its position against the
the state flag of Alaska. background of stars. “Planet” comes from the ancient Greek word for
Find out which stars the “wanderer.” The movement of these wandering celestial planets mystified
flags depict and explain early people. Sometimes the planets seemed to speed up over time in their
why you think that is. movements across the sky. Other times they appeared to stand still. The
Begin your research at path in the sky along which the Sun appears to move is called the ecliptic. In section 1.1, you read about how astronomers such as Aristotle and
scienceinaction. Copernicus tried to explain the motions of the planets which, when
viewed from Earth, seemed very complex. Different interpretations of the
available information eventually led to new theories being proposed. An
example of this was Kepler’s suggestion that the planets’ paths were
ellipses and not circles.
celestial ecliptic
winter solstice
Figure 1.38 The celestial sphere is the name given to the very large imaginary "sphere of sky"
surrounding Earth. (Think of Earth lying within a large hollow ball.) The celestial equator is the
imaginary line around that sphere of sky directly above Earth's equator. The ecliptic—the apparent
path of the Sun through the sky during the year—crosses the celestial equator at the vernal (spring)
and autumnal (fall) equinoxes. The Sun's most northerly position on the ecliptic marks the
summer solstice. Its most southerly position marks the winter solstice.
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 405
Assess Your Learning
Key Concept Review
1. Why was it necessary for ancient people to develop technology to
better understand the motions of bodies in space?
2. Define a) astronomical unit and b) light-year.
3. What two characteristics of stars are plotted on the Hertzsprung-
Russell diagram?
4. What name do we give the nuclear reaction that produces helium from
5. Explain the difference between a constellation and an asterism.
6. Is the Sun likely to become a neutron star? Explain your answer.
7. Imagine that you observe two stars in the night sky. One is an old star
and one is a young star. What differences between the two might you
8. What prevents a neutron star from collapsing under its own gravity?
9. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? Sketch what this type of galaxy
looks like.
10. a) In what way are Mars and Earth similar?
b) In what ways are they different?
Connect Your Understanding
11. Compare the general characteristics of the inner planets with those
of the outer planets. Copy the table below into your notebook and fill
it in.
12. Which planet has surface features that most closely resemble Earth’s?
Briefly describe those features.
13. The speed of light is 300 000 km/s. The Sun is about 150 000 000 km
from Earth.
a) How long does it take light to get from the Sun to Earth?
b) The distance around Earth at the equator is about 40 000 km. How
long would it take light to go around the world once?
14. Explain why distances to stars are not measured in kilometres or
astronomical units.
15. Describe the protoplanet hypothesis of how a solar system forms. Use
sketches to support your answer.
18. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational
attraction. The object with the largest mass in our solar system is the
Sun. Because of its large mass, it not only holds the planets in their
orbits, but it also attracts great amounts of space debris from the far
reaches of the solar system. On occasion, large chunks of debris have
even hit Earth, but not as many as astronomers have predicted could
hit Earth. What might be some explanations for Earth’s apparent
“luck” in not being hit by more space debris?
Human Understanding of Both Earth and Space Has Changed over Time 407
Technological developments are
2.0 making space exploration possible
and offer benefits on Earth.
Key Concepts
In this section you will learn
about the following key
• technologies for space
• life support technologies
• communication technologies
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• analyze space environments,
and identify challenges that
must be met in developing
life-supporting systems
• describe technologies for
“From space, if you look back just a few degrees away from Earth, you see the black void of the universe—
life-support systems, and the cold vacuum of space. But when you look back at the Earth, bathed in sunlight, you see where we all
interpret the scientific live. We are all voyagers in space together.”
principles on which they are —Roberta Bondar, Canadian astronaut, quoted in the Canadian Space Agency’s “Canada in Space:
based Destination Earth” (1993)
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 409
Figure 2.2 Space exploration really started once large rocket boosters were developed. Cape
Canaveral in Florida is the major launch facility of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The first step in space exploration has been figuring out a way to get off
the planet. The sophisticated rockets used today to transport unmanned
and manned craft into space are tributes to human technological ingenuity
and achievement. These complex rockets have far simpler origins than
you might imagine. Around 400 B.C., the Greek mathematician Archytas
used escaping steam to propel a model pigeon along wires. In the 1st
century A.D., the Chinese were using gunpowder to make rocket-propelled
arrows for battle.
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union became the first country in the
world to launch an artificial satellite. It was called Sputnik, the Russian
word for satellite. A month after Sputnik was put into orbit around Earth,
Figure 2.3 Archytas’s the Soviet Union launched a second space capsule. This one carried an
“pigeon” is said to be the occupant, a small dog named Laika, who survived for seven days as the
first rocket ever recorded. capsule orbited Earth. The event marked the first time any living creature
had been sent into space. The valuable information gained from that
mission set the path for human space travel.
Figure 2.4 Sputnik I was only about as Figure 2.5 On September 29, 1962, Canada became
large as a basketball, but its launch the third nation in the world (after the Soviet Union and
marked the beginning of the satellite age. the United States) to launch its own satellite, Alouette I.
nose cone
6 How does the rocket’s performance in the first test compare to that in the
second test? Write a brief conclusion about how fins affect a rocket in flight.
7 Do you think that fins would have much effect on a rocket’s performance
outside Earth’s atmosphere?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 411
Rocketry relies on a fundamental law of physics: for every action, there is
Space Travel Tip: Pack an equal and opposite reaction. An inflated balloon is similar to a simple
Lightly rocket. A balloon filled with air is confining gas under pressure. Release
When preparing a the mouth of the balloon and it will be propelled in a direction opposite
manned spacecraft for a
to the path of the escaping gas. Rockets also use gas under pressure
long trip, engineers try to
confined in a chamber or tank. An opening in the chamber allows the gas
organize the mass of the
to be released, producing thrust (push) and causing the rocket to be
load as follows: 3% as
machinery (tanks, propelled in the opposite direction.
engines, and fins); 6% as
payload (including air,
water, food, satellites, (b) (c)
crew quarters, and the
astronauts), and 91% as
(a) reaction
Figure 2.7 In an inflated balloon (a), the air pressure pushes equally in all directions. When the air is
allowed to escape, the action causes a thrust reaction (b). Rockets are propelled in a similar way (c).
There are three basic parts to a rocket: the structural and mechanical
chamber elements, the fuel, and the payload.
• The structural and mechanical elements are everything from the
rocket itself to engines, storage tanks, and the fins on the outside.
• The fuel can be any number of materials, including liquid oxygen,
gasoline, and liquid hydrogen. The mixture is ignited in a combustion
nozzle chamber, causing the gases to expand and leave as exhaust.
• The payload refers to the materials needed for the flight, including
Figure 2.8 A modern rocket
crew cabins, food, water, air, and people.
in cross-section
ion source
reaction action
Figure 2.9 Ion drives may be an option for powering spacecraft that could take the first
astronauts to Mars. Imagine a car getting about 19 000 km/L of fuel. That is the potential
benefit of an ion drive.
Solar Sails
The idea of propelling spacecraft using solar sails is similar to the idea
of propelling boats using wind sails. Instead of harnessing air currents
for energy, solar sails would use the Sun’s light. The Sun emits
electromagnetic energy in the form of photons. The solar sails being
tested are made of carbon fibre. When the photons hit the sail, the
energy transmitted causes the spacecraft to move. Proposals for solar Figure 2.10 Some scientists estimate
sails suggest that they might be made from material that could be that a spacecraft powered by solar
spread as thin as plastic wrap and extend over 400 m2. Use of solar sails could travel about 5 times as fast
sails is expected by 2015. as a current spacecraft.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 413
Solving Recognize a Need
The solar sail holds great promise for interplanetary flight. With the Sun as an energy
source, the potential for economical power seems limitless. Yet, what is the best design
for such a sail? Logically, one might think that the larger the sail, the faster and farther a
craft could go. In this activity, you will learn that many details must be considered in
Materials & Equipment designing any spacecraft.
• for the sail: a variety of Note that in this activity you will be simulating solar power and its effects on the
materials (such as thin cloth, design of solar sails. Instead of using the Sun’s light to power your craft, you will be
paper, plastic wrap, wax paper,
using wind currents.
aluminum foil)
• for the wheels: a variety of The Problem
pieces of cardboard of varying
With the materials provided, you are to design a sunlight-powered spacecraft that will
take a specified payload (the washer) to a set destination. The craft must be able to travel
• scissors
straight to hit its destination, make the trip in the shortest time possible, and arrive at the
• for the spacecraft body: small
piece of wood (about 10 cm destination with the payload intact.
long, 3 cm wide, 1.5 cm thick)
Criteria for Success
• thumbtacks
• small gauge, rigid wire • Produce a set of scale drawings of your craft and label them. Briefly describe the
• masking tape scientific principles met by your design, and justify the choices you made.
• washer (about the diameter of • Use simple materials to build a functioning model spacecraft powered by a sail. The
a quarter) craft must be able to travel the minimum design distance to the destination, without
• electric fan dropping its payload.
• stopwatch
Brainstorm Ideas
1 Working in a small group (your “design team”), discuss which of the materials you
have available would be most suitable for a solar sail.
2 Consider the options for the overall design of the craft, including: size of the body;
size, thickness, and position of the wheels; size and shape of the sail; and position of
the payload.
3 Make a labelled sketch of your proposed model before you build it; modify the design
if necessary.
Build a Prototype
4 Cut the wheels from the cardboard provided.
5 Use the thumbtacks to fasten the wheels to the piece of wood.
6 Cut the sail from the material of your choice.
7 Use the wire to form a support, or mast, for the sail. Tape the end of the wire to the
8 Tape the washer to the wood as your payload.
15 Write a brief summary describing the relationship between the speed of your
spacecraft and: (i) the size of the sail; (ii) the size of the wheels; and (iii) the material
of the sail. Also explain how the position of the payload affected the balance and
speed of your craft.
16 What problems did you experience with your prototype? Explain how you might
correct these, and invite suggestions from other design teams.
17 Was the maximum distance you predicted your craft could travel close to the actual
distance you found in your test? Explain how you arrived at your prediction and why
your model performed or did not perform as predicted.
18 In which ways does your model operate like a solar sail? In which ways does it not?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 415
In the decades since the first simple satellites, the science of rocketry has
sent humans on round-trips to the Moon and sent robots to investigate our
neighbouring planets. It has also launched the Hubble Space Telescope to
let us look far out into the universe and back in time to the birth of the
universe—generally thought now to be some 12 to 15 billion years ago.
There are three main types of spacecraft in use. Shuttles transport
personnel and equipment to orbiting spacecraft. Space probes contain
instrumentation for carrying out robotic exploration of space. (These are
described in more detail in section 3.2.) Space stations are orbiting
spacecraft that have living quarters, work areas, and all the support
systems needed to allow people to live and work in space for extended
Figure 2.12(a) American space shuttle, (b) Voyager space probe, and (c) International space station
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 417
info BIT
2.2 Surviving There: Technologies for Living
All-Occasion Pen
NASA spent close to
in Space
$2 million designing a
Only a thin atmosphere encircling our planet holds all we need for life on
pen that would work in
Earth. Outside that bubble is the “cold vacuum of space” that Canadian
space. It had to be able
to write in a vacuum, astronaut Roberta Bondar referred to in the introduction to this section. It
upside down in is an environment that is hostile to human life in numerous ways.
microgravity conditions,
and in temperatures
that range from +200˚C in
full sun to -200º˚C in the
Figure 2.14 Canadian astronaut Julie Payette played an active role in assembling the International
Space Station.
Stand in the square with five other classmates. For about 1 min, move around with your
fellow astronauts as best you can in the space provided.
Return to your desks and, with your group, think about all the problems that could arise
during a long trip in this type of confinement. Some of the aspects to consider include
work space, room for exercise, and issues of privacy. In your notebook, list all the
potential problems you identify. Beside each problem, write a solution that you and your
group can suggest. When you are finished, compare the problems and solutions you
identified with those that other groups noted.
Environmental Hazards
Space is a vacuum, with no air or water. It also contains many hazards for
the spacecraft and its occupants, including the damaging effects of cosmic
rays and solar radiation and the risk of being hit by meteoroids. There is
no atmosphere so temperatures can range from unimaginably cold in
shadows to extremely hot in the full sun. The gases in the atmosphere that
keep us alive on Earth do not exist in space. Neither does the pressure of
the atmosphere, which helps regulate our heartbeats.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 419
info BIT The Body and Microgravity
Before astronauts can travel to distant planets in our solar system, there is
Record-Holder for Space much to be learned about how the human body adapts physically to
Living living in space. A particular problem is living in microgravity. Recall
In 1995, Valery Polyakov, from earlier studies that gravity is the force of attraction between masses.
a Russian cosmonaut (the On Earth, gravity gives us our feeling of weight. Microgravity is the
Russian term for condition in which the gravitational forces that act on mass are greatly
astronaut) returned to reduced. For example, a person would weigh only one-third on Mars of
Earth after living for a what he or she would weigh on Earth. That’s because on Mars the force of
record 437 days in space. gravity is weaker (only one-third) than on Earth. In space, that person is
He suffered loss of bone almost completely weightless, as are the spacecraft and all of its contents.
mass, but by exercising In conditions of weightlessness, the body undergoes many changes.
strenuously for two hours
Bones have much less pressure on them than normal and so they expand.
every day, he stayed
The heart does not have to pump as hard to circulate blood. Muscles used
physically fit and was
for walking and lifting do not get used as much, and therefore weaken.
able to walk away from
his spacecraft unassisted Even a person’s visual depth perception is affected. These and other
after he arrived back on concerns will be extensively studied on the International Space Station in
Earth. preparation for interplanetary travel.
Figure 2.18 The first astronauts to walk in space were connected to their spacecraft with a hose
that supplied oxygen and a means of communication. Modern astronauts use a suit that is
completely self-contained, enabling them to work outside their crafts for up to 9 h at a time.
Outside Earth’s atmosphere, none of the life-support systems that humans
must have for survival exist. If people are planning to move out to space
colonies in the coming years, their space station homes will have to come
with several important features. First, clean water, breathable air, and
comfortable temperatures and air pressure must be provided. As well, the
station must carry its own source of power to provide the energy
necessary to run the life-support systems and other equipment at all times.
Recycling Water
The International Space Station will be using devices that can recycle
almost 100% of the water in the station. This includes waste water, water
used for hygiene, and moisture in the air. Careful recycling of water on the
space station will keep a crew of seven comfortable for several months.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 421
re SEARCH Recycling is also essential in the day-to-day life in a space station.
Because there is so little room for storage, as much of the materials carried
Technology for Life as possible must be recyclable or reuseable. Consider, for example, the
Choose one of the challenge of how best to use the limited supply of water carried in a
technologies necessary spacecraft. Researchers have developed the technology to filter, purify,
for providing life and recycle the same water again and again on long space flights. This
support to humans technology is now also being used on Earth to provide environmentally
during space travel and safe sewage treatment for houses.
research the history of On the International Space Station, the Environmental Control and
its development. Begin Life Support Systems are designed to ensure life support. The functions of
your search at the life-support system include: • recycling wastewater (including urine) to produce drinking water;
• using recycled water to produce oxygen;
• removing carbon dioxide from the air;
• filtering micro-organisms and dust from the air; and
• keeping the air pressure, temperature, and humidity (air moisture)
ensat Temperature Air
nd & Humidity Retu
Co rn CO2
Waste Control CO2 Overboard
Management Removal Venting
Cabin Cabin
Air Return
Waste Products
Fire Detection & Contaminant
Urine Suppression Control
Recovery Subassembly
Urine Air
Processed Oxygen
Urine H2
O2/N2 Oxygen Overboard
Potable Control Generation Venting
Crew System Water
Product Processing
Water Nitrogen
Water Hand Shower Water
Dispenser Wash/ Product Water
Figure 2.19 The water recycling system aboard the International Space Station
Producing Oxygen
Scientists have also come up with a simple but effective way of producing
oxygen in space. As you may recall from past studies, the process of
electrolysis uses electricity to split water molecules into their component
elements: hydrogen and oxygen. Applied in a spacecraft, this process can
supply most of the oxygen a crew needs. The hydrogen is vented into
The Question
How effective are various materials for filtering water and
improving its clarity?
Figure 2.20 Planning your procedure
Design and Conduct Your Experiment
1 Write a hypothesis about which common substances 4 Write up your procedure and include a design. You
(such as pea gravel, sand, cotton balls, and charcoal may wish to use Toolbox 8: Diagrams to Help with the
chips) would make suitable materials for a water filter. Design. Ask your teacher to approve the procedure
2 Decide which materials and equipment you will need before you begin.
to test your hypothesis. For example: 5 Conduct your experiment.
a) What types of filtering materials will you use? 6 Compare your results with your hypothesis. How
b) What will you use as the main part of the filter to accurate was your hypothesis? If your findings did not
contain the filtering materials? support your hypothesis, suggest reasons why.
c) What type of material are you attempting to filter 7 Share and compare your procedure, set-up, and
out of the water? results with those of your classmates. How do the
3 Plan your procedure. For example: results compare? Is there anything you could do to
a) What evidence would you get from your improve on the design of your experiment?
experiment that would prove your hypothesis? 8 What type of controls did you use to ensure that your
How will you know your filter worked? data was valid?
b) What are the manipulated, responding, and control
c) What steps will you take to produce the data you
need? Caution!
d) How will you collect and organize the materials and Do not drink or taste any of
observation data you collect for each trial? the water samples.
e) How will you assess the effectiveness of the
different filtrates?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 423
Brainstorm Ideas
1 As a class, brainstorm ideas for how many and what type of modules the new space
station needs. Agree on an overall plan and make a general sketch of it.
2 Organize into small groups, each representing the design team for a country. (The
number of groups depends on the number of modules chosen in Step 1.) Your
teacher will randomly assign a module to each group. With your team, brainstorm
ideas for your module, keeping in mind the criteria for success.
Build a Prototype
3 Using your choice of box, cardboard, and small household items, construct your
scale model. Label the parts clearly.
7 As a class, discuss problems that arose during module construction. In a brief
written summary, make recommendations about how the design and construction
process for the space station model could be improved.
8 Think about how cooperating countries must overcome problems in building a space
station together. Brainstorm a list of ways that communication is achieved.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 425
Careers Profiles Astronaut
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 427
To simulate how data are transmitted from space to someone on Earth, and to show
some problems that must be overcome to make such transmissions successful
Student Roles
Procedure 1. a supernova
2. the SNIFF satellite
1 Your teacher will assign roles to eight students, as listed on the right.
3. the Data Relay satellite
2 In a large space, the eight students should arrange themselves according to the (DRS)
pattern shown in the diagram. The rest of the class will be observers. 4. ground station #1
3 Students in roles 4, 6, 7, and 8 stand in a small circle, facing out. They 5. a communication satellite
represent the four relay positions on Earth. In unison, they will revolve 6. ground station #2
counterclockwise very slowly to represent the spinning Earth. 7. the University of Alberta
8. a scientist
4 Students in roles 3 and 5 are satellites in geosynchronous orbit, which means
they must move in time with Earth’s rotation.
5 The SNIFF satellite (role 2) lies at low altitude and orbits Earth about 15 times a
day. The student in this role should walk at a quick pace around Earth, about
2 m away. The student should complete several orbits for every one rotation of 3
Earth. The supernova (role 1) should be a fair distance away and not moving.
6 The ball represents the data (in this case, light) being picked up from the star by
SNIFF. When students are in position and moving, data transmission can start. 5
The supernova tosses the ball to SNIFF. SNIFF sends the ball to the DRS. The
DRS sends the ball to ground station #1. Ground station #1 sends the ball to
6 8 2
the communication satellite, who then sends it to ground station #2 in Calgary. 7
Ground station #2 hands the ball to the University of Alberta in Edmonton
(simulating a land-line telephone/Internet connection). Finally, the University
hands the ball to the scientist (simulating a computer network connection). Legend
7 Repeat the relay two or three times. Observe what happens. direction of
motion around
the four positions
8 What conditions are necessary for SNIFF to be able to communicate with the on Earth
relay satellite? direction of data
9 What would make this type of satellite communication easier and more transmission 1
10 With reference to the simulation, describe what problems must be overcome in
transmitting data from space to a specific location on Earth.
(Adapted from EUVE Dataflow Demo, UC Berkeley and NASA)
Remote Sensing
The main purpose of satellites in low Earth orbit (at 200 to 1000 km
altitude) is to carry out remote sensing. Remote sensing is a process in
which imaging devices in a satellite make observations of Earth’s surface
and send this information back to Earth. Images can be photographs taken
by cameras or data collected from the sensing of heat and other invisible
energy waves. Remote sensing can provide information on the condition
of the environment on Earth, natural resources, and effects of
urbanization. This information is used for planning.
Figure 2.26 Satellite picture
of weather over southern
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 429
Satellites as Personal Tracking Devices
Imagine always knowing your position on the planet, accurate to within a
few metres. The Global Positioning System (GPS) lets you do just that.
This technology was designed to give people, wherever they are, their
location on the ground at any time. Twenty-four GPS satellites are in orbit
around Earth, which means that at least three are above any given location
in the world at any given moment. Radio signals from the satellites are
picked up by a hand-held receiver (which is about the size of a small
hand-held video game). The signals are translated by a computer in the
receiver, which then shows on a digital display the operator’s position in
relation to the satellites.
draw a circle that has a radius equal to the distance from the satellite.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for Satellites 2 and 3, using the information in Satellite Distance to GPS Receiver
the table. 1 1000 km
5 The spot where all three circles meet on the map indicates your
2 300 km
position on the ground.
3 940 km
6 Suggest how satellites know where their position is in relation to Earth.
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 431
Key Concept Review
1. List three uses for satellites.
2. What does the abbreviation GPS stand for?
3. Name the satellite that Canada first launched to provide
communications across the country. In what year was it launched?
4. What is remote sensing?
5. Some materials are referred to as “spin-offs” from space technology.
What does that mean?
Technological Developments Are Making Space Exploration Possible and Offer Benefits on Earth 433
Optical telescopes, radio telescopes,
3.0 and other technologies advance our
understanding of space.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• technologies for space
exploration and observation
• composition and
characteristics of bodies in
• communication technologies
• triangulation and parallax
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• explain, in general terms, the
operation of optical telescopes,
including telescopes that are
positioned in space
• explain the role of radio and About 170 000 years ago, a star in its last great gesture before dying
optical telescopes in exploded in a display a million times brighter than the Sun. The light
determining characteristics of generated did not reach Earth until 1987, where it was discovered by
stars and star systems
Canadian astronomer Ian Shelton, who was working in an observatory
• describe and interpret, in
in Chile.
general terms, the technologies
Just as the vast and seemingly limitless oceans beckoned the early
used in global positioning
systems and in remote sensing
maritime explorers, today the far reaches of the universe beckon modern
adventurers. Although the mysteries of space have captivated human
curiosity for thousands of years, it has been only in the past few decades
that we have had the technology to give us access to places not on our
home planet. Until it is physically possible for humans to travel to the
“shores” of distant planets and galaxies, our technologies must be our
eyes into the universe.
In this section, you will learn about the tools and technologies that
are helping us solve the many puzzles of space. From Earth-based
telescopes and Earth-orbit satellites, to sophisticated space probes that
can cross vast distances and send images back to Earth, technology is
letting us reach farther and farther out into space. The more we see, the
more we learn.
Find a dark area away from house lights and street lights. (Make sure an adult knows
where you are.) Wait a few minutes to let your eyes get used to the dark. Then focus your
unaided eyes on a small portion of sky for about 1 min. Turn on the flashlight and write
down your observations on the notepad.
When you are finished, turn off the flashlight and again let your eyes adjust to the dark. (If
you put a red cellophane covering on the flashlight lens, your eyes will adjust more
quickly.) Using the cardboard tube as a telescope, view the same patch of sky as you did
before. What do you notice when you view the same area of sky using the cardboard tube?
Describe how the cardboard tube affected your observation, and explain why you think that
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 435
Optical telescopes have been in use for the past 400 years. In 1608, a
Dutch optician named Hans Lippershey made one of the first telescopes,
but it is Galileo who has been credited with first using the telescope to
study the visible features of the night sky.
Think of optical telescopes as “light collectors.” That is what their
series of lenses and mirrors do: gather and focus the light from stars so
that we can see it. The larger the area of the lenses or mirrors in a
telescope, the greater the ability of the telescope to see the faint light of
objects that are very distant.
The first telescope ever designed was a simple refracting telescope.
Refracting telescopes use two lenses to gather and focus starlight (see
Figure 3.3). There is a limit to how large a refracting telescope can be. Any
diameter over 1 m causes the glass in the lens to warp under its own
weight. Trying to see through a lens when that happens would be like
trying to make out details of the Moon by looking through the bottom of a
primary light-gathering pop bottle.
secondary mirror
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 437
Although remote mountains make excellent sites for building and
Hubble Insights operating telescopes away from light pollution and air pollution,
New discoveries about
astronomers are still at the mercy of the weather. Clouds, humidity
the universe are
(moisture in the air), and even high winds can interfere with star-gazing.
constantly being made
with advances in The development of the Hubble Space Telescope offers a solution to these
technology. Search the problems. Orbiting about 600 km above Earth, the Hubble Space Telescope
Internet for the latest (a reflecting telescope) uses a series of mirrors to focus light from
images from the Hubble extremely distant objects. Launched in 1990, the Hubble is cylinder-
Space Telescope. shaped, just over 13 m in length and 4.3 m in diameter at its widest point.
Explore how new It is modular in design. This allows shuttle mission astronauts to replace
information has faulty or out-of-date instruments on the telescope without having to
changed our ideas interrupt its other operations.
about the universe. Each orbit that the Hubble makes around Earth takes about 95 min.
Begin your search at While the telescope works 24 h a day, not all of that time is spent
observing and sending data to Earth. Some time also goes to activities
such as turning the telescope to focus on a new object of interest or
switching data transmission modes. Commands for these tasks are sent
from ground control several times a day.
electronics Sun
primary light-gathering
solar panels
Figure 3.8 Earth-based telescopes are limited in their viewing Figure 3.9 Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have
ability by interference from moisture, clouds, air pollution, and discovered galaxies in parts of space where Earth-based telescopes
light pollution. see nothing but blackness.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 439
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3.2 Using Technology to See Beyond the Visible
Bee Vision
Not all information from stars can be seen. Optical telescopes give us
Bees and several other
insects can see in the information based on visible light. However, objects in space, such as stars
ultraviolet spectrum. Why and galaxies, also emit radio waves, infrared (heat) waves, and X-rays.
do you think this would These are all forms of electromagnetic energy. This energy travels at the
be an advantage for these speed of light, 300 000 km/s, but has different wavelengths and
insects? frequencies from those of light. Wavelength is a measurement of the
distance from one point on a wave (such as the crest) to the same point on
the next wave. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a single point
in one second.
Energy with a high frequency has a short wavelength. Gamma rays, for
instance, have a high frequency (1020 waves per second) and a very short
wavelength (less than a millionth of a centimetre). Radio waves have a low
frequency, but wavelengths that can be several kilometres long.
The visible light we see all around us occupies a small section of the
entire electromagnetic spectrum, which covers the whole range of
electromagnetic energy (see Figure 3.10). Visible light has a wavelength
measured in micrometeres (written as µm). One micrometre is 1 millionth
of a metre.
108 107 106 105 104 103 102 10 1 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 10–7
Figure 3.10 Objects in space emit a great variety of electromagnetic energy. Humans can only see the
information provided in the visible spectrum, but technology enables us to detect all kinds of
electromagnetic radiation.
3 What did you notice about the spectra for the different light sources?
4 Which light source produced the most distinct spectrum of all the
sources? Why do you think that was the case?
5 Why won’t your spectroscope allow you to see ultraviolet light or
Studying radio waves emitted by objects in space gives astronomers data
that are not available from the visible spectrum. Radio waves are received
from stars, galaxies, nebulae, the Sun, and even some planets—both in our
own solar system and in others. These signals are mapped through the use
of sophisticated electronics and computers.
With the development of radio telescopes, astronomers gained several
advantages over optical telescopes. Radio waves are not affected by
weather and can be detected during the day and at night. They are also
not distorted by clouds, pollution, or the atmosphere as are light waves.
Furthermore, by focussing their radio telescopes on areas of space that
appear empty, astronomers have discovered much about the composition
and distribution of matter in space—information that cannot be detected
by optical equipment. For example, although neutral hydrogen (a large
component of matter in space) emits no light, it does emit energy at a
specific wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. Using radio
telescopes, astronomers have been able to map the distribution of neutral
hydrogen in the Milky Way galaxy. This is how they learned that the
shape of our galaxy is a spiral.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 441
Figure 3.11 Because the wavelengths of radio waves are so large, the antenna of a radio telescope
must be large. This radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, has a diameter of more than
300 m. That’s almost the length of three football fields laid end to end.
Just as several reflecting telescopes can be combined for optical
interferometry, so several small radio telescopes can be combined to
achieve greater resolving power than one large radio telescope can achieve
(see Figure 3.12). This technique, referred to as interferometry, improves
the performance and accuracy of radio images. The results are radio maps
with valuable detail.
Figure 3.12 Combining
information from two small radio
telescopes located 50 m apart
(A) simulates the resolving
power of one telescope with a
50-m diameter (B). The bigger
the separation between the
telescopes, the more detail
astronomers can measure.
50 m 50 m
apart diameter
VIEWING MORE THAN WHAT THE EYE CAN SEE Figure 3.13 The Very Large Array simulates
an antenna with a diameter of hundreds of
The electromagnetic spectrum offers many more
opportunities to understand the workings of space than can
be obtained from looking only at the visible spectrum.
For example, much ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by
the atmosphere and therefore cannot be studied very well
from Earth. When observed through an optical telescope, a
planet orbiting a distant star is practically invisible because
of the light given off by the star. However, when viewed in
the infrared spectrum through a radio telescope, the
brightness of the star is reduced and the planet’s brightness
peaks. The Keck Observatory in Hawaii is equipped to make
these observations and is actively searching for planets in
other solar systems.
Astronomers have discovered a variety of radiations
coming from various sources in space. These include
fluctuations in microwave energy that is left over from the
formation of the universe; X-rays that are being emitted from
Figure 3.14 By connecting ground-based
objects such as black holes and pulsating stars; and huge
arrays with satellites in space, astronomers
bursts of gamma rays that appear without warning and then can simulate antennas with diameters tens of
fade. thousands of kilometres wide.
Nations around the world have launched numerous
satellites to study each of these phenomena.
a b c info BIT
Gamma Ray Energy
Bursts of gamma rays
occur unpredictably in
different parts of space.
Although they may last
only a few seconds or
minutes, they give off
more energy than our
Sun would produce in its
Figure 3.15 Radiation sources in space: (a) a gamma-ray burst, (b) X-rays from a black hole, and entire 10-billion-year
(c) infrared image of a young star cluster lifetime.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 443
Telescopes, optical or radio, cannot provide answers to all the questions
we have about our solar system. Often it is necessary to send the
observation equipment right to the object so that tests not possible to
conduct by telescope can be done. In the past several decades,
astronomers have done just that, sending numerous space probes to
explore distant areas of our planetary neighbourhood. Space probes are
unmanned satellites or remote-controlled “landers” that put equipment on
or close to planets where it would be too difficult or dangerous to send
humans to.
Space probes have been used to carry out remote sensing on Mercury
and Jupiter, sample soil on Mars, land on Venus, and study the nature of
Saturn’s rings. For example, the Galileo probe, launched in 1995, was
designed to gather information about the composition of Jupiter’s
atmosphere. The Mars Pathfinder, launched in 2000, took soil samples
and performed geological tests on the planet’s rocks. It then sent the data
back to Earth for analysis. The data gathered by space probes is used to
find out more about how planets form in our solar system, and how the
characteristics of other planets compare with Earth’s.
The table below lists some of the space probes sent in the last three
Figure 3.16 The flight paths
of Voyager 1 and Voyager decades and their missions.
2. Both probes, launched
from Earth in 1977, flew Name of Space Probe Date of Encounter Mission
past Jupiter and then
Saturn. At that point, Mariner 1973–1975 Flyby of Mercury
Voyager 1 was sent out of Pioneer 11 1974–1979 Flyby of Jupiter and Saturn
the solar system. Voyager 2
Viking 1976 Mars landing
flew on to investigate
Uranus and Neptune. Voyagers I and 2 1977 (launched) Flyby of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
Venera 1982 Venus landing
Magellan 1994 Flyby of Venus
Galileo 1995 Flyby of Jupiter
Ulysses 1999 High latitude pass of Jupiter
Mars Global Explorer 2000 Orbiting of Mars
Mars Pathfinder 2000 Mars landing
Cassini 2004 Flyby of Saturn
Voyager 2
Jupiter Uranus
Voyager 1
Figure 3.17 These photographs show the preparation of three different space probes. Each probe
must be completely free of contamination, which is why all the workers visible in the photos are
wearing specially designed hygienic suits.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 445
3.3 Using Technology to Interpret Space
Telescopes tell us a great deal about the universe, but as you learned in
section 3.2, there is much more information in addition to what we can
see. Just by looking, we can’t tell how far away a star is, what its
composition is, or whether it is moving toward or away from us. To
discover and understand these and other characteristics, we need to tackle
the problem by technological means, whether by using a simple tool or
machine or operating a highly complex system of instrumentation.
Triangulation and parallax are two ways of measuring distances indirectly,
on the ground or in space.
Triangulation is based on the geometry of a triangle. By measuring the
angles between a baseline and the target object (such as a tall tree or a
water tower), you can determine the distance to that object.
of unknown
(8.2 cm)
Baseline (6.0 cm
g: 1 cm = 20 m
Scale of drawin
Figure 3.20
A scale drawing
of the
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 447
H O W FA R I S I T ?
The Question
How accurately can the length of a playing field be measured using triangulation?
The Prediction
You will be calculating percent error for this activity. Predict the degree of accuracy that
Materials & Equipment
you expect. Example: Our calculations will be off by 10%.
• measuring tape (at least 50 m
long) Procedure
• two metre-sticks
1 Copy the table below into your notebook.
• protractor
• paper
Baseline Angle from Angle from Calculated Actual Percent
• pencil
length (m) position (A) position (B) length of length of error
• ruler
(°) (°) field (m) field (m) (%)
n len
(10 m ne
, 20 m (B)
, 50 m
11 Determine the average of your three lengths and calculate the percent error.
Forming Conclusions
12 How accurate was your calculated average length of the playing field?
13 Which baseline resulted in the most accurate field length? Explain why that was.
14 How close were you to your predicted error?
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 449
Parallax is the apparent shift in position of a nearby object when the
object is viewed from two different places. For a quick example of
parallax, hold out your arm and stick up your thumb. With your right eye
closed, look at an object on the far wall behind your thumb. Now, look
with your left eye closed. You will notice how the background to your
thumb appears to have moved.
Astronomers use a star’s parallax (that is, its apparent shift in position
relative to the background stars) to determine what angles to use when
they triangulate the star’s distance from Earth. When triangulation
calculations are made, the longer the baseline, the more accurate the
results. The longest baseline we can use from Earth is the diameter of
Earth’s orbit. This means that measurements must be taken six months
apart to achieve the maximum baseline length (see Figure 3.22).
Closer star
Distant star B
Figure 3.22 When viewed from Earth at different times of the year, a nearby star will appear to shift
its position relative to different distant stars in the background. The angles between each end of
Earth’s baseline (the extreme ends of its orbit, six months apart) and the target star provide angles
for triangulation.
The Question
Which show greater parallax: close objects or distant objects?
1 Set the candle on a table 50 cm in front of the board.
Materials & Equipment
2 On the board, draw 10 evenly spaced vertical lines and label them A through J.
• a tall candle (about 25 cm
long) 3 From a position on the right-hand side of the classroom about 4 m back from the
• black board or white board board, look at the candle using only one eye. Make a sketch of its apparent position
• paper and pencil relative to the reference lines drawn behind it.
4 Go to the other side of the classroom and repeat step 3. What changes in your
observation did you notice from one position to the other?
5 Move 2 m closer to the candle and repeat steps 3 and 4. Make sketches of your
observations each time. What changes do you notice from the sketches you made
from the 4-m position?
6 Move 2 m back from your original position and repeat steps 3 and 4. What difference
do you notice this time?
7 The teacher will now move the candle closer to the board. Stand at the very back of
the classroom and again repeat steps 3 and 4.
8 Compile your observations in one table.
Forming Conclusions
11 Describe how distances to stars can be measured using parallax.
12 Is parallax more useful for measuring distances to near objects or distant objects?
Explain your answer.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 451
As you recall from earlier studies, white light is actually a combination of
all colours (the “rainbow” colours). White light can be separated into its
component colours by being shone through a prism. The result is bands of
colour, which together are referred to as the visible spectrum.
Figure 3.25 The spectra of
(A) hydrogen, (B) helium,
(C) sodium, and (D)
calcium. The Sun’s
spectrum is shown in (E).
Figure 3.26 Even if you could not see an emergency vehicle, you would be able to tell by the sound
of the siren whether the vehicle was moving, and approaching you or travelling away from you.
Like sound, light also travels in waves. Changes in those waves can be
used to measure how fast and in what direction a light-emitting object is
moving. Pitch refers to the shift in the sound waves of a moving object.
The position of the dark bands in the light spectrum is what shifts in the
light waves of a moving star. The spectrum of an approaching star shows
the dark lines shifting to the blue end of the spectrum as the light’s
wavelengths become compressed. In the spectrum of a star moving away
from Earth, the dark lines shift to the red end as the wavelengths stretch
out. The amount of that shift shows up in observations of a star indicates
the speed at which the star is approaching or receding.
Figure 3.27 Analyzing the blue-shift and red-shift in the spectra of stars and galaxies shows
astronomers whether the bodies are moving toward Earth (B) or away from Earth (C). No shift
in the spectrum means that the star and Earth are moving in the same direction (A). The star is
then said to be stationary.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 453
The Doppler effect refers to the change in frequency of 2 As the noise-maker moves overhead, listen for the
sound, light, and other waves, which results from the change in sound as the noise-maker approaches you
relative motion between an observer and the source of and then moves away from you. How would you
the waves. In this activity, you get the chance to describe the differences in sound?
experience the Doppler effect firsthand. You are the 3 Listen again while the teacher spins the object, but
observer and the source of the sound waves is a noise- this time close your eyes. Are you able to tell when
maker. the object is coming toward you and when it is
1 While you are seated at your desk, your teacher will moving away from you? Explain your answer.
stand in the centre of the classroom and swing a 4 In what ways is this apparent shift in sound similar
small battery-powered noise-maker overhead. to the shift that happens in a star’s spectrum? Use a
Because the noise-maker will be tied to a long diagram to help you illustrate your answer.
string, its circular path will be very wide.
Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and Other Technologies Advance Our Understanding of Space 455
Society and the environment are
4.0 affected by space exploration and the
development of space technologies.
Key Concepts
In this section, you will learn
about the following key
• space exploration risks and
• technologies for space
exploration and observation
• life support technologies
• ownership and use of
resources in space
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this
section, you will be able to:
• recognize the risks and
dangers associated with space
• describe Canadian From cancer treatments and pacemakers, to Teflon and flat-screen
contributions to space research televisions, the technological benefits created by space research are
and development and to the
now everywhere in our daily lives. All of these innovations—many
astronaut program
developed for use in the International Space Station—got their start
• identify and analyze factors
fulfilling a purpose in space exploration. Opportunities for the
that are important to decisions
regarding space exploration
economic development of space resources are also being investigated
and development today, including such ideas as offering tourist space flights, building
hotels on the Moon, and mining minerals on asteroids.
At the same time, the study of space has made us aware of the
many hazards that lie beyond Earth’s protective atmosphere. For
example, we are learning more about the destructive effects of solar
radiation on life and equipment and about the danger of possible
collision with comets and asteroids. As well, many environmental and
ethical issues have arisen related to space exploration. Who owns
space? Who is entitled to use its resources? Who is responsible for
cleaning up the space environment? How can we justify spending
billions of dollars to send a few people into space when millions of
people on Earth do not have clean drinking water? These and other
matters are discussed in this final section of the unit. You will also read
about Canada’s significant contributions to space research and the
astronaut program.
Figure 4.1 As the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger showed in 1986, space exploration is
an extremely high-risk undertaking.
Nothing can be taken for granted during the preparation for a manned
or unmanned space flight. Something as seemingly straightforward as
calculating the amount of fuel needed for the flight requires the utmost
attention to detail. During Apollo 11’s mission to the Moon in 1969, the
original landing site for the Eagle was found to be too rocky for the lunar
module to set down safely. Faced with having to choose another place to
land, the astronauts knew they had to find the right spot with one try.
They didn’t have enough fuel to change their minds and find another
site—not if they wanted to get back to Earth after their visit to the Moon.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 457
Sending humans into space has always been a dangerous proposition.
First, just imagine the risks associated with being strapped into a small
cockpit above several hundred tonnes of highly explosive fuel. Poor
weather conditions, malfunctioning equipment, and even the presence of
birds can interfere with launching a rocket.
Once a manned craft is in space, floating debris, meteoroids, and
harmful doses of radiation must be faced. Outside of Earth’s protective
atmosphere, the effects of solar and cosmic radiation are magnified
because there is no protection. For example, the huge blast of electrically
charged particles that the Sun sometimes emits (in a “coronal mass
ejection”) can burn up the electronic circuits in a satellite. In humans, this
dose of radiation also kills cells in vital organs and damages bone marrow.
The occurrence of coronal mass ejections (solar flares) is monitored by
NASA, and astronauts are warned so that they can protect themselves
inside polyethylene shielding that absorbs the radiation.
Figure 4.2 In early 2001, the Cosmic radiation comes from the Milky Way and other galaxies. The
abandoned Russian space damage to human cells from this form of radiation is extreme.
station Mir came hurtling
Returning to Earth has its dangers too. The path that the spacecraft
through Earth’s atmosphere,
burning up on re-entry.
follows on re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere must be perfect. If it is too
shallow an angle, the craft can bounce off the atmosphere and back into
space (like a stone skipping across the surface of a pond). If it is at too
steep an angle, the craft can move too quickly through the atmosphere and
burn up.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 459
info BIT
4.2 Canadian Contributions to Space
Robert Thirsk
In 1996, Canadian
Exploration and Observation
astronaut Robert Thirsk
Canada has had a proud involvement in the development of technology
spent 17 days on board a
for space exploration and observation. One of its most famous
space shuttle. Thirsk, who
set his sights on space contributions is the robotic arm, the “Canadarm,” originally designed by
flight at a young age, Spar Aerospace. Since its debut in 1981 on the U.S. space shuttle
holds four university Columbia, the Canadarm has proven to be one of the most versatile pieces
degrees, including a of technology ever designed for the space shuttle program. Manipulated
Bachelor of Science from by remote control, the Canadarm has launched and retrieved satellites,
the University of Calgary. helped fix optical apparatus on the Hubble Space Telescope, and put
together modules of the International Space Station.
System Description
Remote • contains seven motorized joints
Manipulator • handles large payloads
System • assists with docking the space shuttle
• can move itself around different parts
of the station
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 461
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 463
info BIT
4.3 Issues Related to Space Exploration
The Moon and Life
Debate rages today over the huge amounts of money, time, and resources
that are being expended on sending equipment and people into space. In
Volcanic material on the
Moon contains trapped the United States and Canada alone, the space program costs billions of
oxygen. Some scientists dollars every year.
believe that heating this
oxygen to be released
Some people argue that, because there are so many problems on Earth to
and captured. They also
be solved (such as poverty, hunger, pollution, and disease epidemics),
believe that both oxygen
and water could be countries should not be spending huge sums of money to explore new
extracted from the ice at regions. Instead, they say, that money should go to relieving the suffering
the lunar poles. “Mining” of citizens on our own planet. Other people argue that space is the “last
the oxygen and water in great frontier,” and that what we learn by exploring it could help us find
this way could support ways of improving life on Earth.
future long-term
settlement by humans.
Figure 4.10 How do you think money and resources should be spent: to address problems on
Earth, or to explore space?
These and other factors must be taken into account when decisions are
being made about the future of space exploration and development.
Some forecasters suggest that the population of Earth will continue to
increase for the next 50 years before stabilizing. This increase, combined
with continued growth in our standard of living, means that the demand
for natural resources (such as minerals and fossil fuels) will rise. Instead
of looking to Earth to find more of those resources, technology is allowing
scientists to look to space for them.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 465
Decision E X P L O R AT I O N A N D R E S E A R C H ?
Making The Issue
Every year, there are new, bold projects proposed for the study and exploration of space.
Humans continue to push the boundaries of the imagination, from building more
sophisticated satellites to planning manned space flights to Mars. Ultimately, we will not
be limited by our creativity, but by our ability and willingness to pay for costlier ideas.
Background Information
Throughout this unit, you have learned a great deal about the progress of technology
designed to enable us to observe and explore space. You have seen how space research
has helped people directly (for example, with satellite communications) and indirectly
(with spin-offs such as protective clothing and health care equipment). In this section,
you are learning about the great cost of space exploration and the many risks. Should we
continue investing in space? Can we afford to keep doing it? Can we afford not to?
1 Working in small groups, brainstorm the pros and cons of human investment in
space endeavours.
2 Research each of the items on your list in more detail, using such sources as the
Internet, books, magazines, journal articles, and local experts.
3 Individually, summarize your findings in a short report. Conclude the report by
stating whether you agree or disagree with humans continuing to invest in space
exploration and research. Explain your view. Be sure to consider observations and
ideas from a number of sources before drawing your conclusions.
Figure 4.12 Debate the issue of investing in space exploration and research.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 467
re SEARCH On Earth, similar issues were debated over Antarctica. Though not to
the same degree as space, Antarctica is a hostile, remote environment that
Moon Marketing has valuable resources. No one country, however, could lay claim
Use the Internet to find politically to those resources for itself. In 1959, however, the 12 nations
out who the that had bases on the continent signed a treaty to share the resources of
entrepreneurs are who the area. Part of the Antarctica Treaty System reads, “Antarctica shall
are advertising trips to continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall
the Moon. Begin your not become the scene or object of international discord.” The concept
research at requires that all nations work collaboratively to resolve differences. A space treaty could have the same requirements.
Society and the Environment Are Affected by Space Exploration and the Development of Space Technologies 469
1.0 1.0 Human understanding of both Earth and space has changed over time.
• Ancient cultures explained their observations of bodies in space with myths and legends.
• technologies for space
• Technology used to study space has evolved throughout history. With each technological
exploration and observation
advance came better explanations for what was observed.
• reference frames for
• The planet Earth orbits a star that is one of billions of stars in a spiral galaxy called the
describing the position and
Milky Way.
motion of bodies in space
• Years of accurate data collection and advances in telescope technology have improved our
• distribution of matter through
scientific understanding of the solar system.
• A star’s position when viewed from a particular point, can be determined given the
• composition and characteristics
compass direction (azimuth) and the altitude.
of bodies in space
2.0 2.0 Technological developments are making space exploration possible and offer
benefits on Earth.
• technologies for space
• Space transport technology began with simple rockets, and today’s spacecraft are still
launched using the same principles.
• life support technologies
• For humans to live outside of Earth’s atmosphere, the basic requirements for life must be
• communication technologies
met in space. This means that food, shelter, water, and air must be produced artificially.
• Satellites orbiting Earth transmit information to us about weather, agriculture, and natural
resources. We can also use space technology to locate our exact position on Earth.
• Many concepts designed for use in space have found applications on Earth. These include
materials used for communication, medicine, entertainment, and transportation.
3.0 3.0 Optical telescopes, radio telescopes, and other technologies advance our
understanding of space.
• technologies for space
• Reflecting and refracting are two types of optical telescopes. Reflecting telescopes use
exploration and observation
mirrors to focus light. Refracting telescopes use lenses to focus light.
• composition and
• Visible light is only one part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum includes
characteristics of bodies in
infrared, X-ray, ultraviolet, and gamma radiation. Specific technologies are designed to
detect these forms of radiation that come to us from space.
• communication technologies
• By observing the shift in the spectrum of a star, we can tell if it is moving toward or away
• triangulation and parallax
from Earth.
• Triangulation and parallax are two techniques for measuring distances in space.
4.0 4.0 Society and the environment are affected by space exploration and the
development of space technologies.
• space exploration risks and
dangers • There are many dangers associated with both manned and unmanned space exploration.
• technologies for space Some of those dangers are posed by debris floating in space around Earth and by solar
exploration and observation and cosmic radiation.
• life support technologies • Canada has had a long and proud history of participation in space research and
• ownership and use of exploration.
resources in space • Many issues concerning ownership of space and its resources are yet to be resolved.
These include political, environmental, and ethical issues.
se d
S t u
Project 473
4. All stars start from the same “building 16. Explain how the process of triangulation can
blocks.” What element forms these building determine distances on the ground.
blocks? 17. What aspect of Earth makes it difficult to
5. Define a light-year. observe the X-rays, gamma rays, and
ultraviolet rays that come from space?
6. a) How many stars are estimated to be in the
Milky Way galaxy?
b) How many galaxies are estimated to be in
the universe?
7. Explain why you could not locate a star by 18. Name four risks associated with space
knowing only its altitude in the sky. exploration.
19. List three different contributions Canada has
made to the space industry.
20. Why is space junk an issue in space
Safety First
You have probably seen some of the hazard symbols below on products at home. They are a warning that
many substances can be harmful or dangerous if handled improperly.
Each hazard symbol can come in either a yellow triangle (which means “caution”), an orange diamond
(which means “warning”), or a red octagon (which means “danger”).
Here are some of the more common symbols.
Flammable Hazard: Materials could Corrosive Hazard: The material may cor-
ignite (catch on fire) if exposed to rode (“eat away at”) clothing, skin, or
flames, sparks, or friction. other materials.
Here are some other symbols you might see on the materials you use in your classroom. These symbols are
called Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) symbols. They are placed on
hazardous materials used at job sites and school laboratories.
poisonous and infectious causing imme- poisonous and infectious causing other
diate and serious toxic effects toxic effects
Can you identify the symbols that are similar to the household symbols above? Discuss with your teacher
what some of the other symbols mean.
Report any safety concerns you Make sure you close the
have, or hazards you see (such containers of chemicals
as spills) to your teacher. immediately after you use them.
Handle all glassware carefully. If Make sure that any water or
you see broken glass, ask your wet hands are kept away from
teacher how to dispose of it electrical outlets or sockets.
properly. When you have finished an
Never smell any material or experiment, clean all the
substance directly. Instead, equipment before putting it away.
gently wave your hand over Be careful with hot plates and
it to bring its vapours toward equipment that have been heated
your nose. as they may take a long time to
Never take chemicals directly cool down.
from the container. Transfer a
small amount to a labelled beaker
and take your sample from it.
Common-Sense Safety Checklist This will prevent contamination
Your teacher may have safety of chemicals and possible
instructions to add to the list below. reactions.
Discuss or note your ideas about why Symbols are used throughout
each of these is an example of this book to tell you when to use
common-sense safety. safety equipment and when
caution is needed in performing
Learn to recognize the warning an activity.
symbols on this and the previous
Keep your work area uncluttered
Heat solids and liquids only
and organized.
in heat-resistant glass beakers
Know the location of fire and test tubes.
extinguishers and other safety
When you heat test tubes, make
sure that the open end is Say “Yes!”
Always wear safety goggles and pointing away from you and
any other safety clothing as
to Safety
anyone else in the room.
requested by your teacher or this Are you willing
When heating a substance, make
sure the container does not boil
✔ follow the safety instru
If you have long or loose hair, tie dry. outlined by your
teacher and this
it back. Roll up long shirt book?
Follow your teacher’s instructions
to safely dispose of all waste ✔ keep an eye open for
Don’t wear any jewellery when possible
materials. hazards and re
port them
doing laboratory activities. immediately?
Always wash your hands well
Inform your teacher if you have with soap, preferably liquid ✔ show respect and conc
any allergies or medical ern for your
soap, after handling chemicals own safety and
conditions. the safety of yo
or other materials. classmates and ur
478 Toolbox 1
T H E I N Q U I RY P R O C E S S OF Hints
Toolbox 2 479
Step 2 Restate the question in the form of a • What materials and equipment are needed for the
hypothesis. experiment? For the seedling experiment, you’d need
seedlings, soil, growing pots or containers (same size),
A hypothesis is a way of restating a cause-and-effect
water and a watering can, a light source, a thermometer,
question so that it gives a reasonable, possible answer.
and a ruler or other measuring device.
Basically, a hypothesis is an intelligent guess at the
solution to a problem or question. It is usually in the form • How will you conduct the experiment safely? For the
of an “If ... then” statement and states the relationship seedling experiment, some of the safety factors you
between the manipulated and responding variables. A “null should consider include putting the seedling pots in a
hypothesis” states that a manipulated variable will not have place where they would not be disturbed, washing your
an effect on the responding variable. hands after handling the materials, and making sure you
Here are hypotheses for the questions outlined in Step 1. don’t have any allergies to the soil or seedlings you use.
• If the concentration of the detergent is high, then • How will you record the data you collect? You could
clothing will become cleaner. divide your seedlings into groups (e.g., three seedlings
• If the temperature is decreased, then the seedlings will for each temperature) and grow each group at a certain
not grow as well. temperature. You would keep track of how much each
seedling in a group grew over a specified amount of time
• If the amount of moisture is increased, then the bread
(e.g., four weeks) and calculate the average for the group.
will get mouldier.
• What sample size will you need to test? Is it enough to
grow only one seedling at each different temperature?
Hints Is three enough?
A hypothesis is an early step in the experiment-
planning process. Your hypothesis can turn out to Step 4 Carry out the procedure and collect
be “right,” but it doesn’t always. That’s what data.
the experiment is for—to test the hypothesis. Depending on the kind of experiment you have planned,
you may choose to record the data you collect in the form
of a chart or table, a labelled sketch, notes, or a
combination of these. For example, a good way to record
Step 3 Develop a procedure to test the the seedling data would be in a table like the one below
hypothesis fairly.
(one for each week of the experiment).
When you develop a procedure, you need to ask yourself
some questions. Here are some questions you should think Week 1: Height of Seedlings Grown at Different Temperatures
about. These questions are answered for the seedling Temperature Height of Height of Height of Average height
example. seedlings seedling 1 (cm) seedling 2 (cm) seedling 3 (cm) (cm)
grown at (°C)
• Which manipulated variable do you want to investigate?
For the seedling experiment, the manipulated variable is 20
temperature. 15
• How will you measure this variable (if it is measurable)? 10
You can measure temperature with a thermometer.
• How will you keep all other variables constant (the
same) so they don’t affect your results? In other words, Hints
how will you control your experiment so it is a fair test? Analyzing the data you collect is the only way you
To control the seedling experiment, these variables have to assess your hypothesis. It’s important that
should be kept constant: the amount of light the your record keeping be organized and neat.
seedlings receive; the amount and temperature of water
applied to the seedlings; the kind of soil the seedlings
are planted in.
480 Toolbox 2
If you have access to a computer, find out if it has
Step 7 Communicate the procedure and
results of the experiment.
the software to help you make charts or graphs.
Scientists always share the results of their experiments
with other people. They do this by summarizing how they
performed the first six steps. Sometimes, they will write
out a formal laboratory report stating their purpose,
Step 6 Form conclusions based on the data, hypothesis, procedure, observations, and conclusions.
and compare them with the hypothesis. Other times, they share their experimental results verbally,
Usually, this is fairly straightforward. Either your data using drawings, charts, or graphs. (See Toolboxes 6, 7,
will support your hypothesis or they won’t. Either way, and 8 for hints on how to prepare your results.)
however, you aren’t finished answering your cause-and- When you have finished your experiment, ask your
effect question. teacher how he or she would like you to prepare your
If your data support your hypothesis, you need to results so you can share them with the other students in
repeat your experiment several times to see if you get the your class.
same results over and over again. Doing your experiment
successfully many times is the only way you and other
scientists can have faith in your data and your conclusions.
Toolbox 2 481
want a thrill, but you find that most people are not
T H E P R O B L E M S O LV I N G P R O C E S S comfortable crossing the bridge and don’t get to enjoy one
FOR TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT of the nicer areas of the park. You wish there were a way to
make the bridge more stable so more people would use it.
When you plan an experiment to answer a cause-and-effect
That is the situation or context of the problem.
question, you follow an orderly set of steps. The same is
true for designing a prototype that solves a practical
Step 2 Identify the specific problem to be
When people try to solve practical problems, they
When you understand a situation, you can then define the
usually follow a simple set of steps.
problem more exactly. This means identifying a specific
task to carry out. In the situation with the bridge, the task
Step 1
might be to build a new bridge or add support to the
existing bridge.
Step 3
best possible solution? Before you start looking for
solutions, you need to establish your criteria for
Identify criteria for a successful solution determining what a successful solution will be.
to a problem.
One of your criteria for success in the bridge example
Step 4
would be the completion of a stable bridge. The criteria you
choose do not depend on which solution you select—
whether to reinforce the old bridge or build a new bridge.
In this case, whatever the solution, it must result in a
Step 5
stable bridge.
When you are setting your criteria for success, you
must consider limits to your possible solutions. For
example, the bridge may have to be built within a certain
Always consider safety. This includes safe handling
Step 1 Recognize a human need.
and use of materials and equipment, as well as being
This involves recognizing what the problem is. For aware of possible environmental impacts of your ideas.
example, suppose you observe that a rope bridge across a Discuss with your teacher and fellow students how
ravine at a local park is very unstable and swings back and your solution might affect the environment.
forth when crossed. This might be fine for people who
482 Toolbox 3
Step 4 Generate a list of ideas, possible Step 6 Test, evaluate, and modify (if
solutions, materials, and equipment. necessary) the model or prototype.
Brainstorming, conducting research, or both, are key Testing lets you see how well your solution works. Testing
components of this step. When you brainstorm, remember also lets you know if you need to make modifications. Does
to relax and let your imagination go. Brainstorming is all it meet all the established criteria? Does it solve the
about generating as many ideas as possible without problem you designed it for?
judging them. Record your ideas in the form of words, Invite your classmates to try your product. Their
mind maps, sketches—whatever helps you best. feedback can help you decide what is and isn’t working,
Conducting research may involve reading books and and how to fix anything that needs fixing. Perhaps the
magazines, searching the Internet, interviewing people, or stabilizing wires on the bridge model could be anchored
visiting stores. It all depends on what you are going to elsewhere. Maybe more wires could be added.
One idea for the rope bridge would be to anchor the
bridge with strong rope or thick metal wire to large rocks Hints
or to the hillside at either end of the bridge. Sketches and
For every successful invention or product, there
diagrams would help to generate different ideas for the
are thousands of unsuccessful ones. Sometimes it’s better
bridge design.
to start over from scratch than to follow a design that
doesn’t meet its performance criteria.
Hints Here’s an old saying you’ve probably heard: “If at first
Humans have been inventors for tens of thousands you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Remember, there can be
of years—so take advantage of what has already many possible solutions to a practical problem.
been developed. When you’re solving a problem, you
don’t have to “reinvent the wheel.” See how others
have solved the same problem before and use their
efforts as inspiration. You can also look for ways to Step 7 Communicate the procedure and
“build upon” or improve on their ideas. results of your design.
Inventors and engineers create things to meet people’s
needs. When they make something new, they like to show
Step 5 Plan and construct a working model it to other people and explain to them how it works.
or prototype. Sometimes they will use a carefully drawn diagram of the
Choose one possible solution to develop. Start by making a new device and write about how they performed the first
list of the materials and equipment you will use. Then make six steps. Other times, they will show the device to people
a working diagram, or series of diagrams, on paper. This and explain verbally how it works and how they built it.
lets you explore and troubleshoot your ideas early on. Your Your teacher will tell you how to prepare your results so
labels should be detailed enough so that other people you can exhibit the new device you make.
could build your design. Show your plans to your teacher
before you begin construction work.
A simple model of the bridge could be made to show
how and where components such as stabilizing wires
could be added.
If things aren’t working as you planned or imagined,
be prepared to modify your plans as you construct your
model or prototype.
Toolbox 13 483
484 Toolbox 4
Step 3 Conduct research on the issue and moderate (2), low (1), or none (0). Duration is considered
the different viewpoints. short term (S) if it is less than 50 years or long term (L) if
it is longer than 50 years. Ask how many people will
You will be able to suggest an appropriate solution to an
benefit from the alternative and how many will be affected
issue only if you understand the issue and the different
negatively. Make sure to consider health and safety.
viewpoints. It’s important to gather unbiased information
For the playing field example, you could analyze the
about the issue itself and then consider the information
consequences of each alternative solution in a table like the
provided by people with different viewpoints.
one shown below.
Develop specific questions that will help to guide your
research. Questions for the playing field issue might be: Analysis of Consequences: Alternative 1—
• How many people will use the playing field? Build the playing field in the park.
• Is there another more suitable site for the playing field? Consequence Importance Likelihood of Duration
• What kind of birds nest in these trees? Could they nest (3,2,1,0) occurrence (S,L)
elsewhere in the area?
Trees cut 2 3 1
• What is run-off and why is it a problem?
Run-off 3 3 S
• What would be the full cost of building the playing field
(including the cost of removing the trees)? Birds move 2 to 1 3 1
Playing field well 2 2 possibly 1
Conducting research may involve interviewing people, used
reading books and magazines, searching the Internet, or Development 2 to 1 3 1
making a field trip. It is important to evaluate your sources and maintenance
of information to determine if there is a bias and to cost
Toolbox 4 485
SI Base Units
Measurement Base unit Symbol
Observations from an experiment may be qualitative mass kilogram kg
(descriptive) or quantitative (physical measurements). length metre m
Quantitative observations help us to describe such things temperature Kelvin K
time second s
as how far away something is, how massive it is, and how
electric current ampere A
much space it takes up. Quantitative observations are the amount of substance mole mol
most useful and require the use of accurate intensity of light candela cd
Converting SI Units
Measuring in SI
It is important to know how to convert from one SI unit to
Most countries and scientific communities have agreed on
another. The following steps will help you convert between
the use of one system of measurement, making worldwide
communication much more efficient. This system is called
1 Begin by writing the measurement that you want to
“le Système international d’unités” or SI for short. SI is
based on the metric system. Base units are used, and
2 Multiply by a factor that shows the relationship between
prefixes are added to change the base units by multiples of
the two units you are converting. Write this relationship
ten. Conversion from one unit to another is relatively easy
as a fraction, putting the units you are converting to in
if you know the base units and the meaning of the prefixes.
the numerator. This will allow you to cancel the given
The table below shows the prefixes, their symbols, and their
units you started with.
meanings. A kilometre for example is equal to 1000 m and
3 The conversion may sometimes require two or more
1 millimetre is 0.001 m or 1 m 1000 mm.
steps. (see example 2) This method of solving
Common Metric Prefixes problems is referred to as unit analysis.
486 Toolbox 5
Which length unit would you use for each of the
following? Why?
• the height of a table
• the depth of a lake
• the width of a dime
• the length of a skating rink
• the distance from Lethbridge, Alberta, to Truro, Nova
• the distance from Earth’s core to its surface
When you use a ruler, tape measure, or metre-
stick, always start from the 0 measurement point, When you add a liquid to a graduated cylinder, the top of the
not the edge of the measuring tool. liquid is curved near the sides of the cylinder. This curve is
called a meniscus. To measure the liquid’s volume properly,
you need to observe the liquid’s surface from eye level so you
can see the flat, bottom portion of the curve. Ignore the sides.
The volume in this cylinder is 52 mL.
1 Which of the following tools would give you a more
When you use a measuring tool such as a ruler, look directly in
line with the measurement point, not from an angle. This coin accurate measurement of volume? Explain why.
measures 28.0 mm or 2.80 cm. • a measuring cup
• a teaspoon
• a graduated cylinder
Volume indicates the amount of space that something takes 2 Explain how you could determine the volume of a
up or occupies. Volume is called a derived unit because small irregularly shaped rock?
there is no base unit. Common units used to measure
volume include litres (L) for liquids and cubic centimetres Mass and Weight
(cm3) for solids. Remember that 1 mL 1 cm3. The terms mass and weight do not mean the same thing,
At home, you often use a measuring cup to determine even though they are often used that way. The mass of
the volume of something. At school, you usually use a something tells you the amount of matter it contains. The
graduated cylinder. Here, “graduated” means a container weight of an object is a measure of the force of gravity
that has been marked with regular intervals for measuring. acting upon it.
For example, a measuring cup, a beaker, and a The base unit for mass is the kilogram. It is the only
thermometer are all graduated, but the accuracy of the base unit in the SI system that has a prefix. This is because
measurement is different with each measuring instrument the gram is such a small unit of measurement. The mass
or tool. of objects is, however, often measured in grams using
different types of balances. You may have a triple beam
balance, an equal arm balance, or an electronic scale in
your school.
Continued on next page ➝
Toolbox 5 487
The equal arm balance and triple beam balance You can use a
basically work in the same way. You compare the mass of spring scale to
the object you are measuring with standard or known measure weight. A
masses (or their mass equivalent values on the triple spring scale is
beam). sometimes called a
force meter and
measures force in
newtons. A newton is a
derived unit and is
equal to 1 kg/m2.
A spring scale has
three main parts: a
hook, a spring, and a
measuring scale. The
hook at the end is used
to attach the object to
equal arm balance the scale. The spring
pulls on the object. As
An equal arm balance has two pans. You place the
the spring pulls, the
object whose mass you want to know on one pan. On the
pointer moves along
other pan, you place standard (known) masses until the
the measuring scale. spring scale
two pans are balanced (level). Then, you just add up the
values of the standard masses. The total is the mass of the
To measure the weight of an object, first hang the
object you are measuring.
spring scale from a clamp on a retort stand. Then hang the
object from the hook of the spring scale. Once the pointer
stops moving, record the measurement.
1 The object on the triple beam balance is a water-
filled beaker, so the balance is measuring the
triple beam balance mass of the water plus the mass of the beaker.
What if you wanted to measure just the mass of
A triple beam balance has a single pan. You place the the water in the beaker? Describe, step-by-step,
object you are measuring on the pan. You adjust the how you would do it.
masses on the beams until the beam assembly is level.
2 How would you measure the mass of an apple?
Then, you add up the mass equivalent values of the beam
How would this be similar to and different from
masses from the scales on the beam.
measuring the mass of a pile of salt?
Electronic balances allow you to tare or zero the
balance with an object on it. For example, this allows you
to ignore the mass of a beaker and measure the mass
directly. You do not have to subtract the mass of the
488 Toolbox 5
Object Mass
estimate actual value
(g) (g)
this textbook
banana from
someone’s lunch
piece of chalk
Object Volume
estimate actual value
(mL) (mL)
For a large object or distance, you might divide it up
amount of water
into portions in your mind and guess the length, volume,
poured into an
or mass of one portion. You then multiply that guess by
empty jar
the number of imaginary portions to estimate the
measurement of the whole. marker cap
drink thermos
Toolbox 5 489
490 Toolbox 6
Toolbox 6 491
container B
Temperature of Water in Container A and Container B
Time (s) Temperature (˚C) Temperature (˚C)
of water in of water in
Container A Container B
0 51 0 Always look for a pattern on the graph after the
30 45 7 individual points are plotted and before you connect the
60 38 14 points. If you observe a pattern, draw a “line of best fit”
90 33 20
120 30 22 with the points evenly located either on or around the line.
150 29 23 This process is called interpolation.
180 28 24
210 27 25
If there is more than one line on the graph, you will need a
240 26 26 legend to explain what each line represents.
270 26 26
Extrapolation is used in graphing to make predictions.
300 26 26
When you extrapolate you extend the line you obtained
492 Toolbox 7
1 The axes are the two number lines that run horizontally
and vertically. Which is the x-axis and which is the
y-axis? Which axis is used for the manipulated
variable? Which is used for the responding variable?
2 Why would you use a sharp pencil and a ruler to draw
the axes and plot the graph lines?
3 How was the scale for each axis chosen?
4 How was each point on the graph plotted (placed on
the graph)?
5 Why were the graph lines drawn where they are?
6 Is there anything missing or anything else you would Hints
add to this graph?
Scales for bar graphs are often rounded off
to the nearest whole number.
Creating Bar Graphs
Bar graphs are useful for showing relationships between
separate sets of data. For example, the chart below shows
the monthly average precipitation (both snow and rain) for
a city in Canada. Compare the data in this chart with how CHECK IT YOURSELF
they “look” when they are reorganized in the form of a bar 1 Which axis is used for the manipulated
graph. On the graph, they put the manipulated variable, variable? Which is used for the responding
month, on the x-axis, and the responding variable, variable?
precipitation, on the y-axis.
2 How was the scale for each axis chosen?
Toolbox 7 493
1 How were the angles in the circle graph
determined? Use the Hints information
below if you would like some help to start.
• The angle at the centre of a circle is 360˚.
• To calculate the percentage for Antarctica, for
example, you need to determine what 10% of
360˚ is. 10% is the same as 10/100, which is
the same as 0.1. So 0.1 360˚ = 36˚.
Continent Percentage of
Earth’s Land Area
Asia 30%
Africa 20%
North America 16%
South America 12%
Antarctica 10%
Europe 7%
Australia 5%
494 Toolbox 7
Toolbox 8 495
A Technical Diagram
top view
• Give your diagram a title at the top of the page.
• Use the whole page for your diagram.
• Include only those details that are necessary, keep them
simple, and identify them by name.
• If you need labels, use lines, not arrows. Place your
labels in line with the feature being labelled, and use a
ruler to keep your lines straight.
• Don’t use colour or shading unless your teacher asks
you to.
• Include notes and ideas if the sketch is a design
for a structure or an invention.
front view side view
A Computer-Assisted Diagram
10 18
Hints One advantage of using a computer is that
Use graph paper to help you with the details of your you can easily change your work. After saving
diagram if you don’t have a ruler handy. your original, practise making changes and
moving the image around.
496 Toolbox 8
Many people find it helpful to view, share, gather, organize, Concept Map for Green Plants
and explore information in the form of pictures or
diagrams. You have probably learned and used several of
the techniques shown here. Try out the ones that are less
familiar to you. You may find that some help you open up
your thinking in new and creative ways.
Venn Diagram
Cats Dogs
hiss and meow Dogs snarl and bark
superb night animals superb sense of
vision like to smell A concept map, or a mind map, is a kind of web diagram
more independent less independent with many uses. For example, you can use it to:
• review something you already know
• gather information about something you don’t know
• explore new ways of thinking about something
This is often used to compare two things. To use a • outline plans for an essay, a song, an experiment, a
Venn diagram, ask yourself questions such as: design challenge, a science project, and multimedia
• What things do I want to compare? presentations
• What do they have in common? To use a concept map, ask yourself questions such as:
• In what ways are they different? • What is the key idea, word, question, problem, or issue
to build the map around?
• What words, ideas, objects, or questions come to mind
Hints when I think about the item at the centre of my map?
Toolbox 9 497
object move
tree X – If there’s no
movement, no work is
person X X X X – just trying to push
something isn’t
work—it’s only work
This is often used to compare the characteristics or
properties of a number of things. To use a comparison
if the object moves
matrix, ask yourself questions such as:
How do you calculate
• What things do I want to compare?
• What characteristics will I choose to compare?
• How are the things I’m comparing similar and
how are they different? How are energy and
work related?
A comparison matrix can be useful for brainstorming.
498 Toolbox 9
T O O L B O X 10
“How does product design “How do gears improve the How Camera Lenses How Mirrors Are Used in
help sell a product?” performance of a bicycle?” Are Manufactured Some Optical Devices
Continued on next page ➝
Toolbox 10 499
T O O L B O X 10
Once you’ve finally chosen your topic, you might want to Searching Tips
work with other students and your teacher to:
• finalize its wording Finding Information at Your Library
• make sure it matches the project or assignment you are Library computer catalogues are a fast way to find books
doing on the subjects you are researching. Most of these
electronic catalogues have four ways to search: subject,
Finding Information author, title, and key words. If you know the author or title
There are many resources that you can use to look up of a book, just type it in. Otherwise, use the subject and
information. Here is a suggested list. You’ll find some of key words searches to find books on your topic.
these resources:
• in your school
• in your community (such as your public library)
On-line Library Catalogue
• on the Internet
Choose one:
• in CD-ROM encyclopedias and databases Subject Author (last name, first name) Title (leave out A, An, The, etc.) Key Word
Books Publication Date:
500 Toolbox 10
T O O L B O X 10
• Once you reach a search engine Web page, type in key
Before You Start!
words or phrases that have to do with your topic. For
Check with your teacher to find out what your school’s
solar energy, you could type in “solar energy,” “solar
policy is about acceptable use of the Internet. Remember
panels,” “renewable resources,” or any combination of
to follow this policy whenever you use the Internet at
these and other similar words.
school. Be aware as you use the Internet that some Web
sites may be strongly biased toward a specific point of
You are here: Home > Search view. If you are looking for scientific or technical
information, educational or government Web sites are
Search the Web: Advanced Search
solar energy generally reliable.
Toolbox 10 501
T O O L B O X 11
eyepiece or
body tube
4 Watch the stage from one side of the microscope.
fine Carefully turn the coarse adjustment knob until the lens
revolving is as close to the slide as possible without touching it.
nosepiece Make sure you
don’t hit the
arm slide with the
5 Look through
stage clips the eyepiece.
Slowly turn the
diaphragm coarse
adjustment knob
lamp or
to move the lens
away from the
stage. This will
focus the image.
6 Use the fine
adjustment knob
to sharpen the
focus of the
The microscope you use in class will
probably look like this one. Note the
use of a mirror instead of a lamp.
502 Toolbox 11
T O O L B O X 11
7 When your slide is in • When you are finished using your microscope, switch
focus, try using the back to the low-power objective, put its plastic cover
medium-power on, and return it to the place where you got it.
objective lens. Watch
from the side of the Magnification Calculation
microscope. Calculate the magnification power of your microscope by
Carefully rotate the multiplying the power of the eyepiece by the power of the
nosepiece to move objective lens that you have in position above the
the medium-power lens so that it points at the stage. specimen. The eyepiece usually has a magnification power
You should hear a “click” when it is in place. Use the of 10. Objective lenses usually are 4 (low power), 10
fine adjustment knob to focus the image. (medium power), and 40 (high power). The total
magnification possibilities of this microscope would
therefore be 40, 100, or 400.
Never use the coarse adjustment knob with the Drawing Hints
medium- and high-power objective lenses. Here are some basic guidelines for drawing what you see
through the microscope. Your teacher may have other
suggestions as well.
8 When your slide is once more in focus, try using the
high-power objective lens. Repeat step 7 to change the 1 Start with a sharp pencil and a blank, unlined piece of
lens from medium to high power. Make sure you watch paper (or a clean page in your notebook). Use the
from the side of the microscope to avoid hitting the whole page for your drawing.
slide with the lens. 2 Draw only what you see. Keep your details simple and
straightforward. (You don’t need to add colouring or
Handling Hints shading.)
When using and handling a 3 Add labels that identify features by name (if you know
microscope, be sure to them) or with brief notes. Always draw your label lines
follow these rules: with a ruler. Arrange your labels and label lines clearly
• Always use both hands and neatly on the page.
to hold and carry a 4 Give your drawing a title at the top of the page.
microscope. Support its 5 The magnification power of your microscope should be
base with one hand and indicated in the title of the diagram or under the
hold it by the arm with diagram to the right.
your other hand.
• Place your microscope Typical animal cell
away from the edge of
your desk or work area. cell membrane
• Except for your notebook, writing tools, and
microscope-related equipment such as glass slides, cytoplasm
keep your desk or work area clear and neat. nucleus
• When you aren’t using your microscope, always keep it
in an upright position.
• Always hold glass slides by their edges, between your vacuoles
thumb and forefinger.
• Try keeping both eyes open when you look through the
microscope. You’ll be able to observe longer without 400
tiring the muscles around your eyes.
Toolbox 11 503
T O O L B O X 12
Atomic Name Colour Melting Boiling Density State and Other Properties
Number Point (°C) Point (°C) (g/cm3)
1 H colourless 259 253 0.09 gas, reacts with oxygen when ignited with a
hydrogen spark
2 He colourless 272 269 0.18 gas, unreactive, odourless
3 Li fresh-cut surface is 181 1342 0.54 solid, soft, reacts with water to form
lithium silvery hydrogen
4 Be lead grey 1287 2469 1.85 solid, resists oxidation in air
5 B black 2076 3927 2.46 solid, semiconductor
6 C graphite is black, 3527 4027 2.27 graphite is soft solid, diamond is very hard
carbon diamond is colourless solid, unique in the vast number of
compounds it can form
7 N colourless 210 196 1.25 gas, odourless, does not react with air or
nitrogen water
8 O gas is colourless, 218 183 1.43 gas, very reactive
oxygen liquid is pale blue
9 F pale yellow 220 188 1.70 gas, most reactive element
10 Ne colourless 249 246 0.90 gas, very inert
11 Na silvery 98 883 0.97 solid, soft, reacts with water to form hydrogen
12 Mg silvery white 650 1090 1.74 solid, burns brightly in air, does not react
magnesium with water
13 Al silvery 660 2519 2.70 solid, non-toxic, soft
14 Si dark grey with a 1414 2900 2.33 solid
silicon bluish tinge
504 Toolbox 12
T O O L B O X 12
Atomic Name Colour Melting Boiling Density State and Other Properties
Number Point (°C) Point (°C) (g/cm3)
Toolbox 12 505
T O O L B O X 12
CFCs (e.g., freons) chlorofluorocarbons (e.g., e.g., CCl3F(l) refrigerants, asthma inhalers, circuit
trichlorofluoromethane) board cleaners
Lime calcium oxide CaO(s) mortar, steel and glass making, smoke-
stack scrubbers
506 Toolbox 12
T O O L B O X 12
Muriatic acid hydrochloric acid HCl(aq) tile cleaner, etching of masonry and
marble surfaces
Oxygen oxygen O2(g) and O3(g) rocket fuel, respiratory aid, steel
production, cellular respiration, ozone
filters out UV rays
Road salt calcium chloride CaCl2(s) de-icing and dust control of roads
Rotten egg gas hydrogen sulfide H2S(g) dye, tanning, wood pulp industries
Soda ash sodium carbonate Na2CO3(s) glass, paper, and detergent production
Toolbox 12 507
Periodic Table
T O O L B O X 12
1 O
Toolbox 12
1 1
Solid S Metal name
H Oxygen 18
1 Hydrogen 2
atomic mass 16.0
1.0 Liquid Br Metalloid He
2 13 14 15 16 17 4.0
3 1 4 2 Gas He Non-metal 5 3 6 4 7 3 8 2 9 1 10
2 5
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
6.9 9.0 10.8 12.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 20.2
11 1 12 2 13 3 14 4 15 3 16 2 17 1 18
2 4
Na Mg Al Si P S 6 Cl Ar
3 Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
23.0 24.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 27.0 28.1 31.0 32.1 35.5 39.9
19 1 20 2 21 3 22 3 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 3 27 2 28 2 29 1 30 2 31 3 32 4 33 3 34 2 35 1 36
4 5 3 7 2 3 3 2 2 5 4
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr 6 Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se 6 Br Kr
4 Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
39.1 40.1 45.0 47.9 50.9 52.0 54.9 55.8 58.6 58.7 63.5 65.4 69.7 72.6 74.9 79.0 79.9 83.8
37 1 38 2 39 3 40 4 41 5 42 6 43 7 44 3 45 3 46 2 47 1 48 3 49 3 50 2 51 3 52 2 53 1 54
3 2 3 3 1 4 5 4
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd 4 Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te 6 I Xe
5 Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
85.5 87.6 88.9 91.2 92.9 95.9 (98) 101.1 102.9 106.4 107.9 112.4 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3
55 1 56 2 57 3 72 4 73 5 74 6 75 7 76 2 77 2 78 2 79 1 80 1 81 1 82 2 83 3 84 2 85 1 86
2 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 5 4
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os 4 Ir 4 Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
6 Cesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
132.9 137.3 138.9 178.5 180.9 183.8 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.1 197.0 200.6 204.4 207.2 209.0 209 210 222
87 1 88 2 89 3 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Uun Uuu Uub
Francium Radium Actinium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Ununnilium unununium Ununbium
(223) (226) (227) (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266) 269 272 277
58 3 59 3 60 3 61 3 62 2 63 2 64 3 65 3 66 3 67 3 68 3 69 2 70 2 71 3
4 4 3 3 4 3 3
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
140.1 140.9 144.2 (145) 150.4 152.0 157.3 158.9 162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0
90 4 91 4 92 3 93 3 94 3 95 3 96 3 97 3 98 99 100 101 102 103
5 4 4 4 4 4
Th Pa U 5 Np 5 Pu 5 Am 5 Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw
6 6 6 6
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
232.0 231.0 238.0 (237) (244) (243) (247) (247) 251 252 257 258 259 262
T O O L B O X 13
LED (light emitting diode) diode that emits light (usually red) when current flows
Toolbox 13 509
T O O L B O X 13
510 Toolbox 13
Glossary 511
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biodegradation breakdown of materials by chemical change change that results when two or
organisms such as earthworms, bacteria, and more substances react to create a different
fungi; “bio-” refers to living things and “degrade” substance or substances; the new substances have
means to break up completely different properties from the original
biological diversity the variety of species and ones
ecosystems on Earth and the ecological processes chemical energy energy stored in chemicals and
of which they are a part; ecosystem diversity, released when chemicals react; a form of potential
community diversity, and genetic diversity are or stored energy
three main components chemical formula combination of symbols that
biomagnification increase in concentration of a represent a compound; the formula identifies the
chemical or element as it moves up the food chain elements in the compound and the amount of each
biomass organic matter, such as food or element
agricultural waste, used as an energy source chemical property description of how a substance
biotechnology the use of living things to make interacts with other substances, such as acids;
agricultural, industrial, or medicinal products chemical properties are observable only when a
chemical change occurs
black dwarf the final phase in the life cycle of a
Sun-like star chemical reaction a reaction that takes place when
two or more substances react to form new
black hole a super-dense remnant of a supernova; substances
an object around which gravity is so intense that
even light cannot escape chromosome a structure in which DNA is arranged
and along which genes are located
brush mechanism that makes electrical contact
with the moving commutator in a motor circuit complete path that charged particles flow
budding a type of asexual reproduction in which a
new organism develops from an outgrowth, or circuit breaker special wire that heats up and
bud, on the parent turns off switch when excess current flows
through an electrical circuit
C class a category in the classification of living
things, more general than an order, but more
carbohydrates organic molecules made up of
specific than a phylum
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (e.g., pasta,
rice, potatoes, fruits, bread); can form simple cleavage the first divisions of a fertilized egg
molecules, such as sugar, or large, complex clone a genetically identical copy of an entire
molecules, such as starch, cellulose, and glycogen organism or of its cells or genes; cloning is the
carbon monoxide (CO(g)) colourless, odourless gas; process of creating a clone
produced by incomplete combustion of chemicals closed system an experiment in which all reactants
containing carbon (e.g. hydrocarbons); major and all products of a chemical reaction are
source: motor vehicles accounted for
catalyst substance that helps a chemical reaction cogeneration use of waste energy from a process
to proceed more quickly for another purpose, such as heating or generating
cellular respiration chemical reaction that takes electricity
place in cells; food (sugar) reacts with oxygen to colloid cloudy mixture in which tiny particles of
produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide one substance are held within another and
charge separation concentration of like charges in particles cannot be separated out from the other
specific areas of a neutral object, caused by the substance
approach of a charged object; for example, a combustion chemical reaction that occurs when
negatively charged object brought close to a wall oxygen reacts with a substance to form a new
repels the electrons in the wall, leaving the area of substance and give off energy
the wall closest to the object positively charged
512 Glossary
03_GR.9_TOOLBOX_F1 7/31/02 9:27 AM Page 513
comet a celestial body composed of dust and ice dilution mixing of a substance with air or water;
that orbits the Sun; it has a bright centre and long, this reduces the substance’s concentration
faint tail that always points away from the Sun direct current current that flows in only one
commensalism the relationship between species in direction
which one species benefits, and the other species discrete variation variation in a heritable
neither benefits nor is harmed characteristic that has an either/or form, such as
community a group of populations of different either being albino or not being albino
species living in the same area dispersion scattering of a substance away from its
commutator split ring in a motor that breaks the source
flow of electricity for a moment and then reverses DNA deoxyribonucleic acid, genetic material
the connection of the coil found mainly in the nuclei of cells of living things
compound chemical combination of two or more dominant trait the outward form observed when
elements in a specific ratio two opposite-acting alleles are inherited, e.g., long
condensation change of state from a gas to a liquid leg length in fruit flies; an offspring with one
conductivity ability of a substance to conduct short-leg allele and one long-leg allele will grow
electricity or heat long legs; the short-leg allele is recessive because
it has no influence if a dominant, long-leg allele is
conductor a material that electric charge can move present
through easily
Doppler effect the apparent change in frequency of
conservation of mass principle that matter is not sound, light, and other waves as the observer and
created or destroyed in a chemical reaction; the the wave source move towards or away from each
mass of the products always equals the mass of the other; also referred to as “Doppler shift”
dry cell cell that has its electrolyte in the form of a
constellations groupings of stars that form patterns paste, usually in a sealed case; the type of cell
in the night sky (e.g., Ursa Major); officially, there commonly used in portable devices such as
are 88 constellations flashlights
continuous variation variation in a heritable ductile description of a solid that can be stretched
characteristic that falls within a range, such as into a long wire
corrosion slow chemical change that occurs when E
oxygen in the air reacts with a metal
ecliptic the apparent path of the Sun and planets
cross-fertilization the joining of a gamete from a through the stars during the year, as viewed from
pollen grain and a gamete from an ovule to form a Earth
ecosystem a particular environment where living
cross-pollination the transfer of pollen from the things interact with other living things and non-
anther of one plant to the stigma of another by living things
wind, water, or animals
efficiency ratio of the useful energy output to the
current electricity electricity that flows total energy input in a device or system; usually
continuously given as a percent
effluent wastewater released from a factory or
sewage treatment plant
density amount of mass in a given volume of a egg cell or ovum, a female sex cell
electrical current steady flow of charged particles
deposition change of state from a gas to a solid
diffusion process in which molecules move from
an area of higher concentration to one of lower
Glossary 513
electrical discharge sudden transfer of electrical endothermic reaction chemical reaction that
charge from one object to another, indicated by a absorbs energy
spark energy ability to do work
electrical energy energy of charged particles; enhanced greenhouse effect greenhouse effect
transferred when electrons travel from place to made greater by human activities, such as burning
place fossil fuels and clearing land, that add greenhouse
electrochemical cell package of chemicals gases to the atmosphere
designed to produce small amounts of electricity; enzyme catalyst involved in chemical reactions in
produces electricity from chemical reactions living things
electrochemistry study of chemical reactions equinox either of the two times a year (once in
involving electricity spring and once in autumn) when the Sun crosses
electrode conductor through which electric current the equator and day and night are of equal length;
enters or leaves a device or material usually on or about March 21 and September 23
electrolysis decomposition of a substance by an evaporation change of state from a liquid to a gas
electric current exothermic reaction chemical reaction that
electrolyte liquid or paste that conducts electricity releases energy
because it contains ions ex-situ conservation the maintenance of organisms
electromagnet coil of insulated wire (usually outside of their ecosystems or natural habitats; an
wrapped around a soft iron core) that becomes a endangered species maintained in a zoo is an
magnet when current flows through it example
electromagnetic energy forms of radiated energy extinction no longer in existence on the planet
that travel at the speed of light (300 000 km/s), extirpation extinction of an organism from a
although they have different wavelengths and specific region
frequencies than light
electromagnetic induction generation of electric F
current in a conductor by a changing magnetic
family (in biology) a category in the classification
of living things, more general than a genus, but
electromagnetic spectrum the complete range of more specific than an order
wavelengths over which electromagnetic energy
family (in chemistry) vertical column of elements
extends; includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet
in the periodic table; elements in a family all have
rays, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves,
similar chemical properties; also called a group
and radio and television signals
fertilization the union of a female sex cell and a
electron invisible negatively charged particle that
male sex cell
orbits the nucleus of an atom
fertilizer substance that enriches soil so that plants
electron shell orbit of electrons around the nucleus
will grow better
of an atom
fly ash fine airborne ash produced by burning coal
electroplating use of electricity to coat a thin layer
or other solid fuels
of metal onto an object
fossil fuel fuel formed from dead plants and
element pure substance that cannot be broken
animals; coal, oil, and natural gas
down into other substances; substance made up of
only one type of atom freezing change of state from a liquid to a solid
ellipse an oval formed around two foci (a circle is fuel cell primary cell that generates electricity
formed around one focus); the orbital paths of directly from a chemical reaction with a fuel
planets travelling around the Sun are ellipses fuse thin piece of metal that melts to break an
embryo an undeveloped organism in its beginning electrical circuit when excess current flow occurs
514 Glossary
G heavy metals metals that have a density of 5 or
higher (e.g., copper, zinc, lead, mercury, cadmium,
galaxy a grouping of millions or billions of stars,
nickel); heavy metals are one type of substance
gas, and dust, held together by gravity
monitored to determine water quality
galvanometer device for detecting and measuring
heliocentric model the Sun-centred model of the
small electric currents
solar system first proposed by Polish astronomer
gamete a sex cell, either female or male, that can Nicholas Copernicus in 1530
unite with another to form a fertilized cell (zygote)
heritable characteristics characteristics that are
that can develop into a new individual
transmitted from generation to generation, such as
gene a segment of DNA, located at one particular eye colour
place on a chromosome, which determines a
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) one of the largest,
specific characteristic of an organism
most complex satellites ever built; launched in
genetic code arrangement of four chemical 1990 from the space shuttle Discovery, the HST
“letters” on a DNA molecule that can be arranged (named for American astronomer Edwin P.
into “words” that form the instructions for making Hubble) uses a series of mirrors to focus light from
an organism extremely distant objects
genetic engineering the intentional altering of the hybrid an organism produced by crossing two
DNA of an organism or a population of organisms individuals purebred for different forms of a trait
genetics the study of how heritable characteristics hydrolysis reaction of a substance with water;
are transmitted through generations of organisms “hydro” means water and “lysis” means break
genus (plural, genera) a category in the down
classification of living things, more general than a hydrolyze break down by water
species, but more specific than a family
geocentric model the Earth-centred model of the I
solar system originally proposed about 2000 years in vitro fertilization fertilization that happens
ago by the Greek philosopher Aristotle outside the body, usually in a Petri dish; used in
geothermal energy energy derived from the livestock breeding
internal heat of Earth incomplete dominance a pattern of inheritance
global warming increased average temperatures seen when two different alleles are present at the
worldwide caused by the enhanced greenhouse same gene location, but neither is dominant; for
effect example, in pink snapdragons, both a white-flower
gravity the force of attraction between masses allele and a red-flower allele are present and both
influence flower colour
greenhouse gases gases in Earth’s atmosphere that
trap the heat that forms when radiant energy from induction creation of electrical current
the Sun reaches Earth’s surface; water vapour, ingestion process by which we take food into our
carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxide are bodies
all greenhouse gases inorganic compounds compounds whose
groundwater the water that fills all the molecules do not contain carbon, also included as
interconnected spaces in the soil inorganic compounds are carbon dioxide, carbon
group vertical column of elements in the periodic monoxide, carbonates, and cyanides
table; elements in a family all have similar in-situ conservation the maintenance of wild
chemical properties; also called a family organisms within their functioning ecosystems
insulator substance that strongly resists the flow of
H electricity
halogens group 17 elements in the periodic table;
the most reactive non-metals
Glossary 515
integrated circuit circuit of inseparable, often load device in a circuit that converts electrical
microscopic, components formed on the surface of energy to another form of energy (e.g., a light bulb)
a single piece or chip of semiconductor crystal,
usually silicon M
interferometry a technique of combining the macronutrients nutrients that organisms need in
observations of two or more telescopes to produce relatively large amounts
images that have better resolution than what one
main sequence on the Hertzsprung-Russell
telescope alone could produce
diagram, the stage in the life cycle of most stars
interspecies competition two or more species using during which they produce energy by converting
the same limited resource hydrogen into helium; main sequence stars,
interstellar matter the gases and dust that exist in including our Sun, are in a stable state
the space between stars malleable description of a substance that can be
invertebrates animals without backbones pounded or rolled into sheets
ion atom that has become electrically charged mass number the sum of the number of protons
because it has lost or gained electrons; a positive and neutrons in an atom
ion is an atom that has lost one or more electrons; massive star one of the two main types of stars
a negative ion is an atom that has gained one or that can form (the other being Sun-like stars,
more electrons which are, by comparison, smaller in mass than
ionic compound pure substance formed when at massive stars)
least one metal and one non-metal combine Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) detailed
issue any subject of importance about which information sheet about a potentially hazardous
people have strong, conflicting points of view product, provided by the manufacturer; includes a
detailed description of the product, precautions to
K take when using it, first aid treatments, spill
procedures, and disposal advice
kilowatt hour commonly used unit of electrical
energy, equal to a power consumption of 1000 W matter anything that has mass and occupies space
for one hour mechanical energy energy possessed by an object
kingdom one of the five or six main categories in because of its motion or its potential to move; a
the current classification system of living things thrown baseball has mechanical energy because of
its movement and its potential to fall
L mechanical mixture heterogeneous mixture;
mixture in which the different substances that
law of conservation of energy fundamental
make up the mixture are visible
principle that energy cannot be created or
destroyed meiosis a type of cell division that produces four
sex cells from one parent cell; each sex cell
LD50 lethal dose 50; amount of a substance that
contains half the genetic material of the original
causes 50% of a group of test animals to die if
they are given a specified dose of the substance all
at once melting change of state from a solid to a liquid
leachate liquid that dissolves and carries metal shiny, malleable, ductile element that
substances as it passes through soil conducts electricity
light-year the distance that light travels in 1 year metalloid element that has both metallic and non-
(approximately 9.5 trillion km); used to measure metallic properties
distances between stars and galaxies meteor a meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere,
lipids organic molecules made up of atoms of where the heat of friction causes it to glow
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (e.g., fats, oils and brightly
waxes); lipids are insoluble in water
516 Glossary
meteorite the remains of a meteor that do not burn neutral (in electricity) description of an object that
up completely and so last long enough to hit has equal amounts of positive and negative
Earth’s surface charges
meteoroid a solid body, usually a fragment of rock neutralization reaction between an acid and a base
or metal, travelling in space with no particular that produces water and a solid compound called
path a salt
microcircuit circuit made up of miniaturized neutron neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom
components, especially an integrated circuit neutron star a small, super-dense remnant of a
microgravity the condition in which the supernova
gravitational forces that act on a mass are greatly niche the role of an organism or species in an
reduced ecosystem, including where it lives, what it eats,
micronutrients nutrients that organisms need in how it reproduces, and how it interacts with other
only minor or trace amounts living and non-living things
millivoltmeter instrument used to measure small nitrogen fixation process of changing free nitrogen
voltages so that the nitrogen atoms can combine with other
mitosis a type of cell division that produces two elements to form compounds that organisms can
identical daughter cells from one parent cell use; carried out mainly by bacteria in the soil
mixture combination of pure substances; unlike a nitrogen oxides NOx(g); major air pollutant; forms
compound, the components of a mixture do not when nitrogen combines with oxygen as a result of
combine chemically and are not always in the fuel combustion; gives smog its characteristic
same ratio brown colour; major source: motor vehicles
molecular compound pure substance formed when noble gases group 18 elements in the periodic
non-metals combine table; the most stable and unreactive elements
molecule group of atoms joined by covalent bonds non-heritable characteristics characteristics caused
by the environment, such as tanned skin due to
monitoring keeping track of something for a exposure to sunlight
specific purpose; certain chemicals are monitored
in the environment to ensure they do not exceed non-metal dull, brittle element that does not
safe levels conduct electricity
multimeter meter that can measure voltage, nonrenewable resource a resource, such as coal or
current, or resistance in a circuit natural gas, that cannot be replenished
mutualism the relationship between species in nuclear fission splitting of atoms, which
which both species benefit transforms them into lighter elements and releases
large amounts of energy
N nucleic acids largest and most complicated
molecules found in all the cells of living things;
natural selection a process in which the
the two most important are deoxyribonucleic acid
environment “selects” which individuals will
(DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), made up of
survive and reproduce
phosphates, a simple sugar called ribose, and
nebulae vast clouds of gas (mostly hydrogen) and nitrogen-containing bases; play a major role in
dust in space, where stars form; nebula (singular) heredity and in controlling a cell’s activities
neutral (in chemistry) pH of 7; a neutral substance nucleus positively charged centre of an atom;
is neither an acid nor a base contains protons and neutrons
nutrients elements and compounds that organisms
need for living, growing, and reproducing
Glossary 517
O parasitism the relationship between species in
which one species benefits and the other species
ohm (Ω) the unit of resistance
is harmed
Ohm’s law law stating that, as long as the
parts per million (ppm) measurement used to
temperature remains constant, the resistance of a
describe very small concentrations of chemicals; a
conductor remains constant, and the current is
solution having a concentration of 1 ppm has one
directly proportional to the voltage applied;
part of solute per million parts of solution
R = V/I or I = V/R or V = IR
period horizontal row of elements in the periodic
open system an experiment in which one or more
products of a chemical reaction can escape
periodic table a table in which the elements are
optimum amount amount of a substance that
organized by their physical and chemical
provides an organism with the best health
order a category in the classification of living
permeable description of a substance that contains
things, more general than a family, but more
connected pores; fluids can flow through a
specific than a class
permeable substance
organic compounds compounds whose molecules
pest organism that harms people, crops, or
contain carbon (e.g., fossil fuels), except carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbonates, and
cyanides, which are inorganic compounds pesticide chemical used to kill pests
osmosis type of diffusion in which water pH measure of the percent of hydrogen ions in a
molecules move across a membrane from an area solution; most solutions have a pH in the range of
where there are more water molecules to an area 0 to 14; 0 is very acid, 14 is very basic, and 7 is
where there are fewer water molecules neutral
ova (singular, ovum) female sex cells photoconductor a resistor that becomes more
conductive when exposed to light
ovary female reproductive organ in which egg
cells are produced; in plants, the structure photolysis breakdown of compounds by sunlight;
contains the ovules “photo” means light and “lysis” means break
overspecialization species has adaptations for a
small set of environmental conditions, which phylum (plural, phyla) a major category in the
leaves it vulnerable to extinction classification of living things, more general than a
class, but more specific than a kingdom
ovule sac containing the female sex cells (gametes)
of a plant physical change change in the appearance or state
of a substance that does not change the
ozone (O3(g)) colourless, odourless gas; at ground
level, it’s a pollutant produced as a result of
industrial processes and the use of motor vehicles; physical property property that describes the
high in the atmosphere, it forms a layer protecting physical appearance and composition of a
Earth from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation substance
ozone layer layer of ozone O3(g) in the atmosphere phytoremediation clean up of the environment
15 to 50 km above Earth’s surface; protects Earth’s using plants; “phyto-” means plant and
surface from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation “remediation” means cleanup; plants have been
used to clean up metals, hydrocarbons, and other
P chemicals
pistil the female reproductive organ of a flower
parallax the apparent shift in position of a nearby
object against a distant background when the pollen fine yellow powder on the anthers of
object is viewed from two different positions flowers, consisting of grains that contain male sex
cells (gametes)
parallel circuit circuit in which the current can
flow in two or more paths
518 Glossary
pollination the transfer of pollen from anther to recessive trait the outward form observed only
stigma when two same-acting, non-dominant alleles are
pollution any change in the environment that inherited. Short leg length in fruit flies is an
produces a condition that is harmful to living example. An offspring with two short-leg alleles
things will grow short legs. The short-leg allele is
recessive; it has no influence if the dominant long-
polyatomic ions group of atoms acting as one (for leg allele is present.
example, carbonate or CO32)
rechargeable cell cell that produces electricity by
population group of individuals of the same means of a chemical reaction that can be reversed
species living in an area by using an external source to run electricity back
pores tiny spaces between soil grains or mineral through the cell
grains in a rock; a substance with many pores is red giant the stage in the life cycle of a Sun-like
porous; if these pores are connected, a substance star during which the star increases in size and
is permeable becomes very bright
potential difference change in the potential energy red supergiant the stage in the life cycle of a
of electric charge compared to its potential energy massive star during which the star increases in
at a reference point, such as the ground; voltage size and becomes very bright
power rate at which a device converts energy reflecting telescope a type of optical telescope that
primary cell cell that produces electricity by uses mirrors instead of lenses to gather and focus
means of a chemical reaction that cannot be light
reversed refracting telescope a type of optical telescope that
product new substance produced in a chemical uses two lenses to gather and focus light
reaction between reactants renewable resource resource such as water or
property characteristic that describes a particular wind energy that is continually replenished and
substance (e.g., colour, lustre, melting point, therefore can be used indefinitely
crystal shape, solubility, density) resistance measure of how difficult it is for
protein organic compound made up of units called electrons to flow through a substance; unit of
amino acids; protein molecules contain atoms of measure is the ohm
nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon resistor device having resistance to the passage of
proton positively charged particle in the nucleus electrical current, often used to control current in
of an atom a circuit
protostar a contracting mass of gas in the first resource partitioning division of a resource among
stage of a star’s formation two or more coexisting species such that the niche
pure substance substance made of only one kind of of each species differs slightly
matter, which has a unique set of properties rheostat continuously variable resistor used to
purebred referring to a plant or animal that has regulate electric current
ancestors all with the same form of a trait
R salt compound produced in a neutralization
radio telescope a telescope system that collects reaction between an acid and a base
and analyzes radiation in the radio frequency satellite a small body that orbits a larger one;
range from stars and other bodies in space satellites may be natural, such as a moon orbiting
reactant substance that reacts with another a planet, or artificial, such as a spacecraft put into
substance or substances in a chemical reaction to orbit around Earth by humans for research or
create new substances with different properties communication purposes
Glossary 519
schematic or schematic diagram diagram using space probes unmanned satellites or remote-
standardized symbols to show the components controlled “landers” used to explore areas or
and connections in a circuit objects in space that are too difficult or dangerous
secondary cell rechargeable cell to send humans to
semiconductor a material, such as silicon or species living things of the same kind that are able
germanium, having a conductivity greater than an to reproduce successfully
insulator but less than a good conductor spectrometer an instrument used by astronomers
septic tank underground container where bacteria to observe and measure the spectrum of a star
break down organic materials in sewage before sperm cell a male sex cell
they are moved out to the soil spore a cell produced by asexual reproduction in
series circuit circuit in which there is only a single certain organisms such as ferns, which can
pathway for the current so the same current passes develop directly into an adult
through all the components spring acid shock concentration of acid that can
sewage wastewater containing dissolved and dramatically lower the pH of the water in a pond,
undissolved materials from your kitchen, slough, lake, or river for a short period of time;
bathroom, and laundry occurs in areas where acid precipitation is a
sewage treatment plant building and grounds problem and acidic deposits build up in ice and
containing special equipment to treat wastes from snow in the winter; in spring, when the ice and
homes, businesses, industries, and institutions so snow melt, the acid meltwater flows into aquatic
the wastes can be disposed of safely systems
sexual reproduction reproduction involving the stamen the male part of a flower
exchange of genetic material between two states of matter refers to the three common states
individuals resulting in offspring that are in which matter can exist: solid, liquid, and gas
genetically different from the parents static electricity a stationary electric charge
short circuit accidental low-resistance connection stigma the female part of a flower, which receives
between two points in a circuit, often causing pollen
excess current to flow
storm sewers large pipes that carry runoff water
solar wind streams of electrically charged particles from yards and streets directly (without treatment)
discharged by the Sun in every direction; solar into a river, lake, or ocean
wind passes Earth at nearly 400 km/s
style the structure that supports the stigma and
solstice either of two times in the year when the connects it with the ovary of a plant
Sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky
at noon; in the northern hemisphere, the summer sublimation change of state from a solid to a gas or
solstice occurs near June 21 (longest day of the from a gas to a solid
year) and the winter solstice occurs near December subphylum (plural subphyla) a secondary category
21 (shortest day) of a phylum in the classification of living things,
solubility mass of a substance that can dissolve in which includes one or more classes
a given amount of solvent to form a saturated substrate surface on which an organism lives or
solution at a given temperature moves
solution homogeneous mixture; mixture of two or sulfur dioxide (SO2(g)) forms when sulfur combines
more pure substances that looks like one with oxygen in the air; major air pollutant that
substance forms both smog and acid rain; major source:
“sour” gas natural gas that contains hydrogen industrial processes
sulfide Sun-like stars one of the two main types of stars
space junk refers to all the pieces of debris that that can form (the other being massive stars,
have fallen off rockets, satellites, space shuttles, which are, by comparison, larger in mass than
and space stations and remain floating in space Sun-like stars)
520 Glossary
superconductor perfect conductor; substance with V
no resistance to electron flow
variability variations within a species
supernova an enormous explosion that marks the
variable resistor resistor whose resistance can be
death of a massive star
changed by adjusting the portion of the resistor
suspension cloudy mixture in which tiny particles the current travels through
of one substance are held within another, and the
vegetative reproduction a type of asexual
particles can be separated out
reproduction in plants that does not involve the
sustainability use of resources at a rate that can be formation of a seed
maintained indefinitely without depleting the
volt (V) the unit of voltage
resources or harming the environment
voltage a measure of how much electrical energy a
symbiosis the relationship between two different
charged particle carries
voltage drop voltage across a resistor or other
T device in a circuit
thermal energy total kinetic energy of all the voltmeter instrument for measuring potential
particles in a substance; the faster a particle moves difference in volts
the more kinetic energy it has; if you have two
cups holding equal amounts of water, the one W
containing more thermal energy will feel warmer water table top of the groundwater zone
thermocouple device consisting of two wires of watt (W) the unit of power, equal to one joule per
different metals joined such that a voltage is second
produced between the ends in proportion to the
wet cell electrochemical primary cell having a
difference in their temperatures
liquid electrolyte
toxic poisonous
white dwarf one of the latter stages in the life
toxicity how poisonous a substance is cycle of a Sun-like star during which the star
toxin poison; substance that produces serious collapses; white dwarfs are hot but very faint
health problems or death when introduced into WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials
an organism Information System; a system of easy-to-see
trait a characteristic of an organism warning symbols on hazardous materials
transformer device that changes electricity at one
voltage into electricity at a different voltage; a Z
step-up transformer increases the voltage; a step- zenith the highest point in the sky directly
down transformer decreases the voltage overhead
transistor device usually with three layers zygote a fertilized egg
arranged such that a small voltage through the
middle layer controls a current between the outer
layers, allowing the device to act as a switch or
triangulation a method of indirectly measuring
distance by creating an imaginary triangle between
an observer and an object whose distance away is
to be estimated
turbine machine that uses the flow of a fluid such
as steam, water, or air to rotate a shaft
Glossary 521
522 Index
F hazardous chemicals, 253 K homogeneous, 103
disposal of, 257 Kepler, Johannes, 374 mechanical, 103
family MSDS, 254 kilowatt hour, 333 suspension, 103
(in biology), 12 storage of, 255 kingdom, 12 molecular compound, 150
(in chemistry), 127 transportation of, 257 molecule, 150
Faraday, Michael, 324, 329 hazardous waste collection monitoring, 212
fertilization, 32 site, 257 L multimeter, 308
cross-, 33 hazard symbols, 94 mutualism, 17
in vitro, 67 lab safety rules, 95
fertilizer, 186 Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent,
heavy metals, 222
fly ash, 351 heliocentric model of solar
117 N
formic acid, 191 (infoBIT) law of conservation of energy,
system, 374 Nagaoka, Hantaro, 119
fossil fuel, 188, 345 335
herbicide, 186 natural gas, 190
fox, swift, 74 law of conservation of mass,
Hertzsprung, Ejnar, 384 processing, 190
freeze-drying process, 108 163
heterogeneous mixture, 103 natural selection, 24
freezing, 97 LD50, 221
Hippocrates, 180 nebulae, 386
fuel cell, 348 leachate, 240 (Inquiry
homogeneous mixture, 103 neon sign, 297
fungicide, 186 Activity), 241
Hopper, Grace, 355 (infoBIT) Neptune, 396
fuse, 286 lead, 222
Hubble Space Telescope, 382, neutral
Libau, Andreas, 117
438 (illustration) (in physics), 276
lichens, 208 (illustration)
hybrid, 50, 51
G light-year, 379 (in chemistry), 191
hydrocarbon, 188 neutral solution, 191
lime, 195
galaxy, 390 contamination of soil, 242 neutralization, 193
Linnaeus’s classification
types of, 391 (illustration) hydrogen sulfide, 190 neutron, 120
system, 12
Galilei, Galileo, 374 hydrolysis, 206, 207 (Inquiry neutron star, 387
lipids, 199
galvanometer, 308 Activity) niche, 18, 19
Lippershey, Hans, 436
gamete, 32 hydrolyze, 206 nitrogen, 219
litmus paper, 181 (QuickLab),
gene, 43 193 nitrogen cycle, 184, 185
generator (illustration)
AC, 331
I load, 280
nitrogen fixation, 184
DC, 331 incinerator, 187 nitrogen oxide, 226
Van de Graaff, 278 incomplete dominance, 53 M noble gases, 133
genetic code, 41 industrial processing , 190 non-metals, 132
genetic diversity, 11 macronutrient, 197
ingestion, 206 nonrenewable
genetic engineering, 68 main sequence, 387
inherited characteristic, 45 resource/energy, 350
genetic resources malleability, 99
inorganic compound, 196 conservation, 352
conservation, 75 Mars, 395
insecticide, 186 nuclear fission, 345
ex situ, 75 mass, law of conservation of,
pyrethrum, 213 (infoBIT) nucleic acid, 203
in situ, 73 163
in-situ conservation, 73 nucleus, 119
genetics, 50 (infoBIT) mass number, 129
insulator, 285 nutrient, 197
genus, 12 massive star, 387
insulin, 68, 202 (illustration)
geocentric model of solar Material Safety Data Sheet
integrated circuit, 315
system, 373 interdependence, 16, 17
(MSDS), 253, 254 O
geothermal energy, 346 matter, 92
interferometry, 437 Oersted, Hans Christian, 324
Global Positioning System properties of, 97
optical, 437 ohm, 300
(GPS), 430 mechanical energy, 319
radio, 442 Ohm, Georg Simon, 306
global warming, 230 mechanical mixture, 103
International Space Station, Ohm’s law, 306
glycine, 202 (illustration) meiosis, 46
416 open system, 163
glycogen, 199 gold, 114 melting, 97
interspecies competition, 18 optical telescopes, 436
grasslands, 208 (illustration) melting point, 99
interstellar matter, 386 optimum amount, 198
gravity, 420 Mendeleev, Dmitri, 124
invertebrate, 214 order, 12
Greenhouse Effect, 229 mercury, 222, 248
in vitro fertilization, 67 organic compound, 196, 199
(illustration) Mercury, 394
ion, 146, 288 osmosis, 205
enhanced, 230 metalloids, 132
charge, 147 ova, 32
greenhouse gas, 229 metals, 132
polyatomic, 146 ovary, 33
groundwater, 238 meteor, 398
ion drive, 413 over-hunting, 62
group, 127, 132 meteorite, 370, 398
ionic compound, 144 overspecialization, 60
meteoroid, 398
naming, 146 ovule, 33
microcircuit, 315
properties of, 144
H microgravity, 420 oxygen
Iron Age, 115 dissolved, 217
micronutrient, 197
habitat destruction, 61 issue, 186 in reactions, 160
millivoltmeter, 307
halogen, 133 mitosis, 46 ozone, 212, 227
hardness, 99 ozone layer, 212, 232
J mixture, 103
colloid, 103
Jacob’s ladder, 272 heterogeneous, 103
Jupiter, 395
Index 523
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524 Index
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Stapleton Collection/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.370 (inset) NASA; p.372 Dave Mazierski 19, 28, 32, 33, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 85, 113,
(top left) © Adam Woolfitt/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.372 (bottom left) 202, 203, 205, 214, 234, 249
©Dorling Kindersley; p.372 (bottom right) © Steve Vidler/ Dave McKay 123, 124, 126-127, 136, 147, 176, 187, 342, 373, 374,
SuperStock; p.376 © Macduff Everton/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.378 (far 375, 377, 379, 401, 421, 442, 443, 444, 448, 450, 452, 460
left) ©Dorling Kindersley; p.378 (middle left) © Austrian NSV Productions 16, 94, 95, 103, 110, 118, 120, 136, 166, 175, 183,
Archives/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.278 (middle right) © Bettmann/ 229, 230, 243, 276, 278, 280, 288, 305, 340, 345, 357, 375, 380,
CORBIS/MAGMA; p.278 (far right) ©Dorling Kindersley; p.380 Ray 381, 385, 386, 388, 392, 393, 404, 408, 412, 413, 430, 436, 437,
Boudreau; p.383 © Optical Artists/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.384 © Roger 440
Ressmeyer/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.387 NASA; p.388 © NASA/Roger Mike Opsahl 99, 163, 286, 302, 307, 308, 312, 325, 329, 331
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CORBIS/MAGMA; p.390 (right) ©Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS/ Pat Stevens 185
MAGMA; p.391 (left) NASA; p.391 (middle) NASA; p.391 (right) © Cynthia Watada 160, 204, 239, 289, 293, 311, 316, 327, 328, 347
Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS/MAGMA; p.394 (top) ©Dorling
Kindersley; p.394 (middle) NASA; p.394 (bottom) NASA; p.395 (top)
526 Acknowledgements
Kirsten Mah
Josef Martha
Linda McClelland
James Milross
Joanne Neal
Lionel Sandner
ISBN 0-201-72963-6