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Standards for spin products Specification

MNS 5756-1:2007 Specifies a linear density

determination of all yarns

MNS 5756-2:2007 Specifies the method of

determining the weight and
tensile length of all spin ceilings.

Method for determination of

MNS 5756-3:2007
twist in yarns

MNS 5756-4:2007 Method for determination of

moisture in yarn
Standards for woven products Specification

Standard specifies the stability of

MNS ISO 105-A02:2014 the paint of textile fibers, which
refers to the method of
determination of the coloration
of the material to the gray shank

Specifies the method for

determining the pH value of
MNS 3702:2009 aqueous extract of all kinds of
fibers, yarns, knitted, woven, felt
products, non-woven fabrics and

Establishes a method for

determining the quantities of
MNS 4010:2009 natural or chemical originating
materials (wool, cashmere, yarn,
knitted, woven, felt, felt, carpets,

Specifies five methods for

determining the design of textile
MNS ISO 105-C10:2014 fibers of all kinds of textile fibers.
These methods cover all the
conditions from soft wash to
extreme wash. This standard
method defines the effect of the
texture of the textile fibers, but
does not apply to determining
the effects of all wash operations
This standard applies to the
determination of the dryness of
the paint of all types of textile
fibers, using perchlorethylene for
dry cleaning. It does not apply to
the drying of paints in dry land, or
MNS ISO 105-D01:2014 to define the instability of the
paint after post-clearing. This
method is intended for the
stability of the paint in dry
cleaning. For example, cleaning
the spot with water solvent and
steam using steam.
Determination of dryness in dry
cleaning means assessing the
stability of the paint during the
cleansing of perchlorethylene. If
necessary, other solvents may be

Applicable to the determination

MNS ISO 105-E01:2014 of the stability of the paint of all
fibers of all types of textile

Applies to the determination of

MNS ISO 105-E04:2014 the stability of the paint of the
fibers of all types of textile fibers
in solvents

Applies to the determination of

the stability of the paint of the
MNS ISO 105-X11:2014 fibers of all types of textile
materials. 1.2 Analyze the texture
on a dry, wet, dry wet surface.
Depending on the range of
textiles, choose analytical

Applies to the determination of

the color of the fibers of all types
MNS ISO 105-X12:2014 of textile fibers, the paint of the
abrasion and the painted floor
woven fabrics as a result of the
friction of the paint. The test is
carried out under two conditions:
dry and wet cloth
Applicable to the determination
of the amount of formaldehyde
in hydrolysis by free
formaldehyde and hydrocarbons.
The textile product of this
MNS ISO 14184-1:2016 method may be in any form. The
quantities contained in the free
and hydrolysis of fattyldite textile
fibers determined by this method
are between 35 mg / kg and 3500
mg / kg. The minimum limit is 20
mg / kg. If the result is lower than
that, it may be noted that it is
"irrelevant". Determine the
formaldehyde removed from ISO

Specifies a flame retardant

material and a single and double-
MNS ISO 6941:2016 stranded fabric (plated, enclosed,
multi-layered, sandwiched,
homogeneous structure) with a
specific flame for the production
of the product and its
measurement time.

Specifies the method for

MNS 1835-9:2007 determining the moisture
content of all types of textile

Specifies a method for

MNS 379:2007 determining the quantity of oil
contained in all animal-derived
fatty materials.
Standards knitted products Specification

Specifies the method for

MNS 5757-1:2007 determining the density of all
types of products.

Specifies a method for the

MNS 5757-2:2007 determination of the aperture of
a knitted product with a simple
single network.

Specifies the method for

MNS 5757-3:2007 determining the density and
cross-border density of all types
of products.
Establishes a method for
MNS 5757-4:2007 determining coincidence factors
for all types of knitting products
by assessing network tightness
and weaknesses.
Specifies the method for
MNS 5757-5:2007 determining the length of all
types of knitting products.

Specifies the method for the

MNS 5757-6:2007 determination of the load and
tensile strength of the various

Establishes a method of
MNS 5757-7:2007 determination of the following
types of changes in the washing
of bedding:
Specifies the method for
MNS 5757-8:2007 determining the coating of all
types of products.

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