Chemistry Notes - Matter & Atoms

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MODULE 1 (Matter: Its state, classification, changes and transitions)

● Matter- is anything that has mass and occupies space

● Solid- has a definite shape and a definite volume.
● Liquid- has an indefinite shape– it takes shape of its container– and a definite volume
● Gas- has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume–it assumes the shape and
volume of the container.
● Plasma- 4th state of matter, made up of groups of positively and negatively charged
particles moving at a high speed or rate.
Ex. lightning, aurora, solarwind,Stars (including the Sun)
● Bose-Einstein Condensate- state of matter in which separate atoms or subatomic
particles are cooled to near zero temperature.
Ex. Superfluids (He-4), Gaseous (a gas of Rubidium atoms), Quasiparticles (The integer
spin particles such as magnons, excitons, and polaritons behave as bosons, so can form
condensates too).
● Property- is a distinguished characteristic of a substance that is used in its identification
and description.

Properties of Matter
● Physical property- is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed without
changing the basic identity of the substance.
-intensive property: pertains to the property which is independent of the amount
of matter
Boiling point, color, temperature, luster, hardness
-extensive property: depends on the amount of matter
Volume, mass, size, weight, length
● Chemical property- is a characteristic of a substance that describes the way the
substance undergoes or resists change to form a new substance.
Toxicity, oxidation state, heat o the combustion, chemical stability, flammability,
coordination number, reactivity, possible chemical bonds, enthalpy of formation
● Physical change- is a process in which a substance changes its physical appearance but
not its chemical composition.
Ex. boiling water, breaking a glass, melting an ice cube, freezing water, mixing sand and
water, crumpling of paper, and melting a sugar cube
● Chemical change- is a process in which a substance undergoes a change in chemical
composition. (irreversible)
Ex. Burning of paper and log of wood, Boiling an egg, baking a cake

Classification of Matter
● Pure substance- is a single kind of matter that cannot be separated into other kinds of
matter by any physical means.
Ex. Gold, Water, Saline solution, Brass, Ethanol, Vinyl, Helium, Bronze, Iron, Diamond,
and Saline Solution

● Elements - are substances that cant be separated by either physical or chemical means.
● Compounds - are substances made up of one or more elements that can be separated
through chemical means.
Ex. Water (H2O), Sodium chloride (NaCl), Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and
Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
● Mixture- is a physical combination of two or more pure substances in which each
substance retains its own chemical identity. It can be separated through physical means.
Ex. sea water is a mixture of Water and Salt, Soil is a mixture of Minerals, Air, Organic
materials, Water, and Living Organisms. Blood is a mixture of Plasma, White Blood
Cells, Red Blood Cells, and Platelets. Gasoline is a mixture of Hydrocarbons, Petroleum,
and Fuel Additives
● Heterogeneous mixture- a mixture that contains visibly different phases, it has a
nonuniform appearance.
Ex. oil & water, sand & water, oil & vinegar, Aerosol (Gas + Solid), Chocolate chip
cookies, Cereal in Milk
● homogeneous mixture- is a mixture that contains only one visibly distinct phase, which
has a uniform property. It cannot be visually distinguished.
Ex. Coffee & milk, Sugar water, Dishwashing detergent

Phase Transition of Matter

MODULE 2 (Atom and its Proponents)

● Atoms- are the basic units of matter

and the defining structure of
● Subatomic particle- a very small
particle that is a building block of
3 types of subatomic particles:
-electron: negative electrical
-proton: positive electrical
charge ● Nucleus- small, dense, positively
-neutron: has no charge; charged center of an atom.
neutral -it is always positively
charged because it contains
positively charged protons.
● Nucleon- any subatomic particle
found in the nucleus of an atom.
● Outer (extranuclear) region- contains
all the electrons. The electrons move
rapidly about the nucleus.

Atomic number and Mass Number

Number of neutrons= atomic number= Z

Number of neutrons= atomic number= Z
Number of neutrons= mass# -atomic# =A-Z

2 different elements that have the same
● Atomic number- number of protons atomic weight or mass number but different
in the nucleus of an atom. atomic numbers. Same number of nucleons.
-”Z” is used as a
general designation for
atomic number
● Mass number- the sum of the
number of protons and the number
of neutrons in the nucleus of an
-”A” is used a general designation
for mass number

Different elements having the same
number of neutrons

History and proponents of Atomic Models

● Democritus- earliest known proponent of anything resembling modern atomic theory.
-proposed the existence of atoms
● John dalton- modern atomic theory.
-published his theories in 1803
● Joseph John Thomson- proposed that the atom is a sphere of (+) particles to which are
embedded (-) particles developed the Raisin-Bread Model or Plum-Pudding Model

● Ernest Rutherford- disapproved of Thomson's model by using the “Gold Foil/Film

Experiment. Concluding that atoms is just an empty space, the nucleus accounts for the
(+) charge & mass of the atoms.

● Niels Bohr- developed the “Planetary Model”

-the atom consists of nucleus surrounded by electrons traveling in circular
orbits called orbitals

● Erwin Schrodinger- developed the “Quantum Mechanical Model”

-the electron moves in 3D space
-proposed the modern atomic structure

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