Nuclear War Between Israel and Iran: Lethality Beyond The Pale
Nuclear War Between Israel and Iran: Lethality Beyond The Pale
Nuclear War Between Israel and Iran: Lethality Beyond The Pale
Background: The proliferation of nuclear technology in the politically volatile Middle East greatly increases the
likelihood of a catastrophic nuclear war. It is widely accepted, while not openly declared, that Israel has nuclear
weapons, and that Iran has enriched enough nuclear material to build them. The medical consequences of a
nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel in the near future are envisioned, with a focus on the distribution of
casualties in urban environments.
Methods: Model estimates of nuclear war casualties employed ESRI's ArcGIS 9.3, blast and prompt radiation were
calculated using the Defense Nuclear Agency's WE program, and fallout radiation was calculated using the Defense
Threat Reduction Agency's (DTRA's) Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) V404SP4, as well as
custom GIS and database software applications. Further development for thermal burn casualties was based on
Brode, as modified by Binninger, to calculate thermal fluence. ESRI ArcGISTM programs were used to calculate
affected populations from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's LandScanTM 2007 Global Population Dataset for
areas affected by thermal, blast and radiation data.
Results: Trauma, thermal burn, and radiation casualties were thus estimated on a geographic basis for three
Israeli and eighteen Iranian cities. Nuclear weapon detonations in the densely populated cities of Iran and Israel
will result in an unprecedented millions of numbers of dead, with millions of injured suffering without
adequate medical care, a broad base of lingering mental health issues, a devastating loss of municipal
infrastructure, long-term disruption of economic, educational, and other essential social activity, and a
breakdown in law and order.
Conclusions: This will cause a very limited medical response initially for survivors in Iran and Israel. Strategic
use of surviving medical response and collaboration with international relief could be expedited by the
predicted casualty distributions and locations. The consequences for health management of thermal burn and
radiation patients is the worst, as burn patients require enormous resources to treat, and there will be little to
no familiarity with the treatment of radiation victims. Any rational analysis of a nuclear war between Iran and
Israel reveals the utterly unacceptable outcomes for either nation.
Keywords: Nuclear war, Mass casualty, Radiation, Thermal burns, Trauma, Iran, Israel
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Institute for Disaster Management, College of Public Health, 001 Barrow Hall,
Athens GA 30633, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2013 Dallas et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 2 of 30
Table 1 Rates used to calculate casualties due to prompt Table 3 Impact of radiation on casualties
radiation, blast, and thermal effects Dose range Dose range Biological effect Survival
Prompt radiation/Blast/Thermal Fatality Survivor injury (rads) Baum (rads)LLNL
effects rate rate 75-150 25-100 Slight decrease in Virtually certain
Prompt 600 rad* 50% 99% blood count; minor
radiation sickness
Prompt 300 rad* 2% 99%
150-300 100-200 Symptoms of bone Probable (>90%)
12 psi 85% 100% marrow damage;
10 psi 85% 100% moderate radiation
8.1 psi 50% 85%
300-530 200-300 Moderate to severe Possible – Lower
7.1 psi 10% 70% bone marrow damage; third of range
serious radiation sickness LD5/60
4.9 psi 5% 35%
3.8 psi 2.5% 25%** Middle third of
range LD10/60
3 psi 0 5%**
Top third of
2 psi 0 2%** range LD50/60
1 psi 0 0** 530-830 350-550 Severe bone marrow Death within
damage; extreme 24–42 days
0.6 psi 0 0***
radiation sickness
Bottom half of
90% Mass Fire 90% 100%
range LD90/60
50% Mass Fire 50% 95%
Top half LD99/60
Eden Mass Fire 40% 50%
>830 >550 Death in 2–21
10% Mass Fire 10% 10% days
3rd-degree burns 5% 10%
2nd-degree burns 3% 12%
1st-degree burns 0% 15%
*A 50% protection factor was applied for prompt radiation bringing the actual also have a stockpile of nuclear weapons in the near fu-
exposures to 300 and 150 rads, respectively.
** An additional 5% injury rate is assumed to be caused by flying glass.
ture. Recent repeated declarations of a desire for the an-
***An additional 2% injury rate is assumed to be caused by flying glass. nihilation of Israel by Iranian leadership, and the
propensity of Israel for preempting similar intentions by
others in the past, leads to the consideration that a
nuclear weapon exchange is feasible in this initial time-
Introduction frame in which both Israel and Iran could have substan-
The proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East tial nuclear weapons available to use against each other.
is leading to increasing concern for their impending use Analysis of the impact of nuclear weapon use on
in this volatile region. While Israel has been recognized American cities has revealed the shocking outcome in
(though not declared) as having nuclear weapons for de- mortality and morbidity in densely occupied urban
cades, the rapid pace of uranium enrichment by Iran has areas. Nuclear weapons with larger than 100 Kt yields
led to the widespread conclusion that this nation will were found to generate predominantly thermal and
Table 2 Level of thermal fluence (calories/cm2) and corresponding overpressure (psi) for different sized nuclear
Weapon size, Height of Burst (HOB) Fission fraction (FF) 15 Kt 50 Kt 100 Kt 250 Kt 500 Kt
35 m; 1.0 55 m 0.8 70 m 0.8 95 m 0.8 120 m 0.8
Thermal Effect Fluence psi Fluence Psi Fluence psi Fluence psi Fluence psi
Fires Highly Probable (Binninger) 23 4.6 26 4.1 29 3.8 32 3.6 35 3.6
Fires Probable (Binninger) 12 2.8 13 2.5 15 2.4 16 2.4 18 2.4
Mass Fires Likely (Eden/Postol) 10 2.5 11 2.3 12 2.2 14 2.2 15 2.2
3rd Degree Burns (50% chance) 7.4 2.1 8.1 1.9 8.5 1.8 8.9 1.7 9.3 1.8
2nd Degree Burns (50% chance) 4.8 1.2 5.2 1.3 5.5 1.4 5.8 1.4 6.0 1.4
1st Degree Burns (50% chance) 2.4 0.8 2.6 0.9 2.7 1.0 2.9 1.0 3.0 1.1
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 3 of 30
Figure 2 Iran – Map of all modeled detonations. Showing the radiation exposure plumes from all of the nuclear detonations nationwide for
this scenario.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 4 of 30
fission devices, in the range of 15–30 Kt. Iranian delivery with a high population density (7,500/km2) that presents
of these weapons will involve at least 100 Shahab 3 mis- the most likely nuclear weapon target. Haifa is also on the
siles (1,300 Km range), several hundred smaller Shahab coast, but with a range of inland hills with a “hill and val-
missiles (300–500 Km range), some solid fuel Sejjil-2 ley” effect that can affect the nuclear weapons impact. A
missiles (2000 km range), Soviet and U.S. aircraft, and key factor for Israel is the anti-missile and anti-aircraft
reverse engineered cruise missiles, with limited satellite defenses that would be likely to limit airborne delivery of
targeting. While the recent TOR-M1 and possible S-300 Iranian nuclear weapons into the nation, and its efficient
acquisition of Russian defensive systems has and could intelligence network for the prevention of smuggled
further improve Iranian anti-aircraft capability, Israeli nuclear devices.
missile and aircraft superiority should be decisive in en- In consideration of the impact of nuclear attack within
suring the accurate delivery of Israel’s nuclear weapons the much larger Iranian population of 69 million [4], the
to Iranian targets. distinctive vulnerability of Iranian cities in general is
Of the population of 7.2 million in Israel [4], the illustrated by the capital, Tehran, with 12.6 million in
two primary targets for Iranian attack are likely to be the greater metropolitan area. The distinctive basin
Tel Aviv (population 391,000, metropolitan area 1.6 topology, reflective characteristics of the surrounding
to 3.0 million) and Haifa. (population 270,000). For mountains, building construction, and densely packed
this analysis, Jerusalem is not included in targeting population makes Tehran an environment strikingly
due to the high Muslim population (32%) and its very conducive to very high mortality following a nuclear
significant religious importance to Islam, Judaism, and attack. In addition, 50% of Iran’s industry, 30% of the
Christianity. Tel Aviv is on a flat, open coastal plain, nation’s public sector workforce, and most of their
Figure 3 Single 250 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Arak, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, 2nd
degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 5 of 30
higher education (50 colleges and universities) are clus- graphic distribution, quantity, and injury category defini-
tered in this one city. Many of these characteristics are tions of nuclear weapon detonations on urban popula-
demonstrated in other Iranian cities, particularly the lack tions. For Israel, a 15 Kt nuclear weapon was simulated;
of urban sprawl that concentrates the population density, for Iran five sizes of nuclear weapons of 15, 50, 100, 250
which greatly multiplies vulnerability to nuclear attack. and 500 Kt were employed. A fission fraction of 1 was
The medical impact of nuclear war in Iran and Israel assumed for the 15 Kt devices and 0.8 for the 100, 250
is presented, with emphasis on the distribution of and 500 Kt devices. The 15, 50, 100, 250 and 500 Kt
casualties in the categories of thermal burns, radiation weapons were detonated at 35 meters (m), 55 m, 70 m,
illness, and trauma injuries, as well as short-term mor- 95 m and 120 m heights respectively with visibilities in
tality. To the extent feasible, political, economic, and all cases of 20,000 m. Lowering the height of the burst
military factors are incorporated in assumptions on the for a given yield causes greater thermal effects which are
size and extent of a likely nuclear exchange between somewhat offset by lower downwind fallout radiation
these two nations over the next decade. The staggering amounts [5].
impact of nuclear war is the key message, with an
emphasis on immediate rather than long-term medical
consequences. Affected population
Daytime population estimates (in interpolated 3 arc-
Data and methods second grid format) were derived from Oak Ridge
Study area and size of weapon National Laboratory’s LandScanTM 2007 Global
Three cities and one tactical target in Israel and eighteen Population Dataset [6]. ESRI’s ArcGISTM software [7]
cities in Iran were selected for this study of the geo- was used to create circular buffers around the
Figure 4 Single 500 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Ardabil, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, 2nd
degree burns, and the outer ring is relatively lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 6 of 30
detonation point(s) for each city representing regions Weather and climate data
where the population would be exposed to blast and Weather and climate have significant effects on the
thermal effects of greatest interest. Fallout radiation impacts of nuclear detonations. Wind strength and
isolines were calculated using DTRA’s HPAC v4.04SP4 direction greatly affect the direction, shape and size of
[8], with “urban effects” turned on. The population the resultant fallout cloud. We chose the median three
grid for each city was converted to polygon data dimensional climates from thirty years of data for a
(projected to UTM-WGS84 coordinates) and the typical Mid-September day for our models. The median
population density of each grid cell calculated. For monthly days are computed from data supplied with the
each city scenario the circular zones of interest, DTRA’s HPAC [8] program that computes radiation
HPAC plume radiation isolines, and the population fallout from nuclear detonations.
grid were overlaid. Rough estimates of city population
sizes were made by sketching the outlines of popula- Effects of a nuclear detonation
tion clusters (based on visual inspection of the The energy from a nuclear weapon is dissipated in four
LandScanTM 2007 data [6]) and summing all interior main ways: thermal radiation 30-50%; fallout radiation
cells. The affected population for each unique com- 5-10%; blast 40-60%; ionizing radiation 5%, depending
bination of blast, thermal effects and fallout zone was upon the design of the weapon and the detonation
tabulated and casualties calculated according to values environment.
listed in Table 1. Where populations are in zones Thermal energy (fluence) is typically measured in
affected by more than one effect, the overall survivor- calories per square centimeter (cal/cm2). Larger weapon
ship is calculated as the product of the survivorship yields increase the intensity and range of thermal effects
for each effect. greatly [9]. Thermal energy travels directly from the
Figure 5 Single 250 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Hamandan, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and
2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 7 of 30
fireball unless scattered or absorbed. At thermal Dresden and Hamburg actually created far greater fire
fluencies above 10cals/cm2 large fires can start in damage in terms of percent fatalities in population at
urban areas [10] although there is much debate about risk versus fire severity. This was due to the fact that
the level needed for mass fires [11-13]. When deto- incendiary bombs lengthen the time of exposure to the
nations result in a fireball completely below cloud inflammatory material relative to the brief, high inten-
level, the thermal effect can double or in extreme sity flash as occurred in the atomic bomb explosions
circumstances it can quintuple [14]. Consequently the at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
estimates of casualties in our scenarios could be very Prompt, or ionizing radiation, occurs immediately
conservative. Clouds above the fireball produce after the detonation and fatal doses typically occur
multiple reflection paths resulting in more omni- out to about 1,500 m for 15 Kt devices and about
directional thermal radiation, which produces fewer 2500 m for 500 Kt devices dropping off rapidly with
radiation “shadows” from buildings. This increases increasing radii from the epicenter. These distances
burn casualties and amplifies fire ignition probabilities. are within the mass fire zone for both of these
Even a few large clouds in the sky, supplemented by detonations.
strong thermal winds and blast damage, could greatly Fallout radiation causes a conical shaped plume that is
increase the probability of local fires starting and sub- blown downwind from ground zero. Dispersion is greatly
sequently spreading. Indeed, the intensity of fire affected by turbulence in the atmosphere which in turn
damage can vary greatly, such as the lack of a fire- mainly depends upon the topography, land use, vertical
storm in the second atomic bomb at Nagasaki owing wind and temperature structure.
to terrain features. It is a point in fact that incendiary Blast effects cause extensive damage to buildings in
bombing in the Second World War in Germany at cities. Blast produces shock waves which increase air
Figure 6 Single 500 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Rasht, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and 2nd
degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 8 of 30
pressure as they propagate from the blast center, causing rates are generally higher than the National Planning
buildings to collapse, and glass to shatter. High, blast Scenarios estimates [16] due to our higher estimates
associated winds can knock objects down, such as for thermal and mass fires injuries. Table 2 illustrates
people or trees. Three to four pounds per square inch the relationship between blast and thermal impacts for
(psi) overpressure is usually enough to destroy most different sized weapons. For a 100 Kt weapon, the
residential buildings and many people are either dead or 3.8psi blast contour is close in radius to the Fires
injured from building collapse, being blown into objects, Highly Probable (29 cals/cm2) contour, meaning
or hit by flying debris. Blast injury estimates vary greatly. people are exposed to fire, burns and blast risks here.
OTA [15] state that populations experiencing bet- Additionally they may experience fallout radiation if
ween 2psi to 5psi experience 45% of all injuries and they are in the downwind section and under the radi-
5% of all deaths, while 25% of the population from 1 ation plume. Further discussion of the range of casual-
psi to 2psi are injured, mainly by flying glass and deb- ties from 10 kt terrorist weapon in New York
ris. We take a conservative view of injuries due to (Manhattan) can be seen from an analysis by Harney
blast alone, assuming 5-7% at 1-2psi, but overall injury [17] in which traditional air burst and contrasts it with
rates must include overlapping blast, fire, burn, and, casualty effects from a surface burst. This provides a
where appropriate, fallout and prompt radiation injur- helpful information link for those interested in the
ies. The 1, 2, and 3 psi levels are generally used desig- rationale of the methods employed for casualty distri-
nators for construction impact, while our use of 3.8, bution calculation. It is interesting to note that the
4.9, 7.1, and 8.1 psi were based upon National Plan- 10 kt surface burst casualty estimates in his Table three
ning Scenario levels of 10 and 50% casualty and 10 by Harney [17] for New York are much higher than the
and 50% fatality levels, respectively. Our overall injury relative estimates in our typical Middle Eastern cities,
Figure 7 Single 500 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Reza Iyeh, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and
2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 9 of 30
indicating the method employed in this paper is not blast decays as the inverse cube of distance from the
overestimating casualties relative to the available other detonation point. Beginning in the 1970’s, Brode worked
published methodology in the literature. on fire damage, fire spread and fire modeling [11]. Eden
[10] also discusses fire modeling and spread, and exa-
Limitations and sources of uncertainty in the models mines the Nuclear Weapon Fire Start Model [13].
We used the work of Binninger [12] based on Brode's Starting around 2000, DTRA funded fire prediction
earlier work [11] to calculate thermal fluence, DTRA’s modeling to facilitate the incorporation of models
HPAC V404SP4 [8] with urban effects turned on for within a modern computer modeling package such as
radiation, and the Defense Nuclear Agency’s WE HPAC [8] and we have used the underlying fire start
program [18] for blast. With any such models there theory from this work in our calculations. We follow
are many sources of uncertainty in the input para- Binninger's [12] values for urban thermal ignition based
meters and limitations in the models themselves, on data values from the Nevada test site. It should be
given the complex city center landscape with a multi- noted, however, that the dry desert air in this scenario
tude of different construction standards and architec- was more likely to be conducive to ignition and flame
tures. A discussion of the models and their limitations sustainment than the more humid air likely to often be
follows. expected in coastal cities.
The fires possible level was taken from Eden. Her
Thermal effects – Mass fires and burns belief is that 10 cal/cm2 is a good first estimate of
The thermal impacts of a nuclear explosion are always the range out to which a mass fire could be expected
large, scaling faster than blast with larger weapons, since in a city attack such as with a Nagasaki/Hiroshima
thermal radiation decays as the inverse square while sized weapon [10]. This would correspond to around
Figure 8 Single 500 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Kerman, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and 2nd
degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 10 of 30
15 cal/cm2 for a 500 Kt detonation after application Thermal fluence scales according to Q1/Q2 = (W1/W2)
of the relevant thermal fluence equation 0.12 where W1 and W2 are the sizes of the two deto-
nations in kilotons and Q1 and Q2 are the respective
−δr thermal fluencies [10].
1 þ φv r eð v Þ Eden based her analysis upon data collected from
Q ¼ W C atm S cref T frac
4πr 2 Hiroshima and believes the 20 cal/cm2 quoted by some
analysts necessary for mass fires in a large city is un-
necessarily conservative as common fuels are ignitable
Where at 3 cal/cm2. Postol [19] also supports the 10 cal/cm2
mass fire level while Daugherty’s [20] 12,000 mete
– Q is total thermal fluence in cal/cm2 radius for a one megaton airburst corresponds to a
– W = weapon yield in Kt thermal fluence of 9 cal/cm2 under similar atmos-
– r = straight-line slant distance to center of blast in pheric conditions. In the National Planning Scenarios
meters [16], a lower degree of thermal impact was employed,
– v = visibility in Km which resulted in a somewhat less drastic outcome in
– φ = air scattering factor the number of thermal burn casualties relative to
– δ = clear air absorption factor that presented in this publication and in Harney’s
– Catm = Cloud attenuation factor analysis [17].
– Scref = Cloud-snow enhancement factor The Mass Fires Probable and Highly Probable values
– Tfrac = Thermal fraction. in Table 2 roughly correspond to Binninger [12] values
Figure 9 Single 100 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Qazvin, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and 2nd
degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 11 of 30
applicable to both single family frame housing and Thermal fluences necessary for the first, second and
multistory steel/concrete structures. The 500 Kt fire third degree burn levels were taken from Fig. 12.65 of
values are 1.5 times higher than the 15 Kt deto- Glasstone & Dolan [9].
nations according to the thermal fluence values in the The number of uncertainties in a complex environ-
Fires Highly Probable category corresponding to just ment such as that of a modern city immediately after a
over a 90% probability of ignition, while the Fires nuclear explosion remains high and active debate con-
Probable level corresponds to slightly over a 50% tinues about what constitutes sufficient thermal fluence
probability of ignition. The Mass Fires Possible cat- for mass fires.
egory from Eden [10] and Postol [19] would corres-
pond to a probability of ignition on the Binninger Blast effects
[12] scale of somewhere between 10% and 50%. With Blast was calculated for psi values that generally
a reflective cloud layer above the fireball, radiation followed the National Planning Scenarios [16], (Table 1)
can double, so a 10% fire ignition probability become using the Defense Nuclear Agency’s WE program [18],
50%, while a 50% probability becomes 90% due to the and for distances corresponding to significant thermal
fire ignition probability distribution. This results in events (Table 2). This results in the various categories of
the three categories of thermal burn injuries, inclu- trauma related injuries, including primary injuries (such
ding first degree burns which are primarily confined as tympanic membrane destruction in the ears due to
to the epidermis, second degree burns which extend the overpressure wave), secondary injuries (such as eye
to some extent into the underlying dermis, and the injuries and cuts on exposed limbs from wind-blown
third degree burns (or full thickness burn) which in- glass and other debris), tertiary injuries (trauma injuries
volves the entire dermis. resulting from the actual impact of a flying human body
Figure 10 Single 250 KT nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Yazd, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and 2nd
degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 12 of 30
against structures, or from the tumbling of the body), diation, particularly in earthquake sensitized popula-
and quaternary injuries (severe trauma resulting from tions, as in much of Iran.
building collapse).
Fallout radiation effects Limitations of this study are inclusive to the error ana-
The fallout radiation was partitioned into 13 classes of lysis of the Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability
free-in-air radiation doses (5–25; 25–75; 75–150; 150– (HPAC) which was developed by the Defense Threat
300; 300–380; 380–450; 450–530; 530–680; 680–900; Reduction Agency to accurately predict the release,
900–1360; 1360–2120; 2120–4000; >4000 rads) gene- dispersal and effects of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
rally following Anno’s [21] dose ranges and associated hazards in support of decision makers responding to an
pathophysiological effects for acute radiation exposure accident or event. Such software was developed over a
and not the more conservative Lawrence Livermore number of years using standard validation and veri-
National Laboratory’s (ES&H Manual Document 22.6 fication (V&V) processes [23-25]. Table 1.1 on pages
Exposure to Radiation in an Emergency) [22]. The 4–6 of reference 23 summarizes the V&V activities for
comparison is available in Table 3. Actual radiation several versions of HPAC. According to DOD document
exposure will be affected by a myriad of factors which 5000.59 [26], validation is “the process of determining
can result in various protection factors being applied the degree to which a model is an accurate representa-
to some of the population. Blast damage to buildings tion of the real world from the perspective of the
and fear of building collapse from previous and/or intended uses of the model”. HPAC predictions (from a
future detonations can cause people to run into the simulation) were compared from observations (from real
open and expose themselves to additional fallout ra- world nuclear test data) and it was felt that they met the
Figure 11 Single 500 Kt nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Zahedan, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and
2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 13 of 30
Table 4 Total casualties for all scenarios Table 5 Injuries due to radiation by cities
Scenario/City Weapon Estimated Total* Total* Prompt Fallout
yield (kt) population* fatalities injuries radiation exposure
(rad) (rem)
Israeli Cities
Scenario/City Weapon 600 300 680 300
- Beer Sheva 15 208,770 105,510 35,090 yield (Kt)
- Haifa 15 323,890 69,420 50,400 Israeli Cities
- Tel Aviv Dual 15 1,372,440 229,330 147,340 - Beer Sheva 15 930 2,810 5,970 1,800
(double strike)
- Haifa 15 460 1,410 9,370 1,930
Iranian Single-
Strike cities - Tel Aviv (double strike) Dual 15 1,490 4,520 78,900 25,360
- Arak 250 424,270 387,600 32,240 Iranian Single-Strike cities
- Ardabil 500 456,500 428,120 22,240 - Arak 250 680 570 3,100 1,810
- Hamadan 250 386,130 362,400 35,250 - Ardabil 500 920 210 3,220 1,250
- Karaj 15 1,125,360 157,960 130,960 - Hamadan 250 650 620 2,410 650
- Karaj 50 1,125,360 325,860 199,270 - Karaj 15 1,050 4,020 11,310 2,450
- Karaj 100 1,125,360 508,030 219,070 - Karaj 50 1,240 1,330 6,180 2,210
- Karaj 250 1,125,360 744,100 210,460 - Karaj 100 800 1,370 5,610 3,380
- Karaj 500 1,125,360 891,190 164,770 - Karaj 250 630 800 4,780 1,690
- Kerman 500 560,320 510,850 36,110 - Karaj 500 600 350 7,620 3,250
- Qazvin 100 460,250 423,200 38,190 - Kerman 500 250 190 3,360 3,820
- Rasht 500 503,140 482,940 46,450 - Qazvin 100 1,310 1,280 10,340 4,840
- Reza Iyeh 500 582,820 545,450 44,170 - Rasht 500 750 230 10,000 1,190
- Yazd 250 435,120 326,610 48,930 - Reza Iyeh 500 790 250 4,480 1,370
- Zahedan 500 602,530 578,950 23,330 - Yazd 250 260 350 12,210 6,960
Iranian Yield/Number - Zahedan 500 190 180 4,720 3,230
Multiple-Strike of weapons
Iranian Multiple- Yield/Number
Strike cities of weapons
- Ahvaz 500 + 250 1,050,530 852,140 74,330
- Ahvaz 500 + 250 80 130 35,060 15,190
- Bandar Abbas 100 × 3 467,510 438,240 22,160
- BandarAbbas 100 × 3 620 1,060 9,500 5,820
- Esfahan 500 × 2 1,836,920 1,510,050 199,640
- Esfahan 500 × 2 30 20 104,500 46,580
- Kermanshah 250 × 3 751,710 718,480 33,020
- Kermanshah 250 × 3 13,480 4,090 3,030 1,530
- Mashad 500 × 3 2,242,760 2,178,020 59,250
- Mashad 500 × 3 50 20 48,990 4,990
- Shiraz 500 × 2 1,227,820 1,037,170 133,190
- Shiraz 500 × 2 40 60 26,230 27,620
- Tabriz 500 × 2 1,264,550 1,220,250 73,760
- Tabriz 500 × 2 2,530 610 6,320 2,160
- Tehran 100 × 5 8,317,080 3,615,350 1,622,360
- Tehran 100 × 5 5,440 7,790 602,030 143,020
- Tehran 250 × 5 8,317,080 5,594,200 1,577,220
- Tehran 250 × 5 3,990 3,890 840,510 36,770
- Tehran 500 × 5 8,317,080 7,127,800 791,080
- Tehran 500 × 5 2,580 1,340 211,100 23,320
*Total casualties plus uninjured do not equal estimated population, as direct
blast effects and fallout plumes typically extend beyond the areas of highest
population density and may include other communities.
Binninger states “The difference between risk and Hiroshima but we do not know the result of a nuclear
uncertainty is that risks have, or could have, known explosion in a major U.S. downtown with many very
probability distributions, uncertainties cannot. The risk high concrete and steel buildings. A summary and
is quantified by the variability used to define the pro- comparison of uncertainties in the radii of fires from a
bability distribution” [28] Binninger goes on to state nuclear detonation with 1, 10, 50 and 90% radii error
“there is no foolproof way short of experimentation to probabilities is presented in Figure 1 of this paper, taken
provide guarantees about the scale of errors introduced from Binninger’s Figure twenty-four. These and further
by factors that we don’t know.” We can discuss the likely uncertainties are discussed in detail in Binninger [28]. In
influence of simplifications introduced from factors we our calculations we have assumed that we know the
know conceptually but don’t know operationally or yield, the circular error of probability (CEP) is 0 (where
experimentally. We know the effects of nuclear deto- we detonate the bomb), visibility is typical for that
nations on buildings in the desert or on Nagasaki or location in that season, the detonation is below any
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 15 of 30
cloud, there is no snow, fog, prior glass breakage and the best available non- classified models but clearly have not
fire danger level is average. Fire spread was unknown. been experimentally verified for large urban downtown
For a further discussion of fire spread as opposed to areas with many tall concrete buildings. Supportive of
ignition from fires see Binninger [28]. Therefore, the this approach is the factor that the large glass surfaces of
range of variables and the uncertainties associated with modern urban buildings would increase reflectance,
them are amply discussed in these sources, and relatively prior to collapsing from the blast.
in Figure 1 of this manuscript. Given the additional
uncertainties of the building construction in these
nations, the additional error from these model uncer- Results and discussion
tainties are not likely to substantially affect the medical Effects of single nuclear weapon detonations in Iran
outcomes in these simulations. Medical casualty simulations are presented as the con-
In short, our model results use typical values for sequence of nuclear detonations for 18 cities in Iran
variables and should yield good results most of the time. (Figure 2). At the nation-wide scale of this illustration,
There will be occasions when the results for thermal only the radiation casualty distributions are seen, with
fluence will differ substantially from the average such as the trauma and thermal casualties not visible at this
snow on the ground with thick cloud above the fireball level of resolution. It should be noted that these
(gross underestimation) or with the fireball above low cigar-shaped plumes are based on flat, open terrain and
cloud and fog (overestimation) but we assume a de- steady winds and stable meteorological conditions.
tonation would not take place during such adverse con- Wind direction often varies with altitude. It should be
ditions. Results for radiation and blast are typical of the expected that the actual fallout distribution could vary
Figure 12 Multiple detonation casualties for one 50 Kt, one 100 Kt, one 250 Kt, one 500 Kt nuclear weapon, Karaj, Iran.
Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 16 of 30
considerably from these diagrams, with various irregu- distribution of the resulting mass casualties. Bursts oc-
lar shapes due to the micrometeorology and terrain var- curring near the surface will create large amounts of
iables. It is evident that significant radiation casualties dusts from the ground and destroyed buildings. Dust
result over a hundred miles away from the detonation loads in the air of Iran are going to be significantly
points. Different wind directions for the September higher than in the U.S., so thermal and radiation in-
winds are also evident in the distant reaches of this duced casualties could be affected by the inherently
large country. Depending on the size of the Iranian higher airborne dust concentrations to which nuclear-
cities, nine of the major urban areas would endure generated dusts are being added. The higher dust
maximal devastation with a single medium-sized nu- loads also would impact on the “dirtiness” of wound
clear device. In a demonstration of weapon size relative care in Iranian detonation aftermaths, which would be
to urban population distribution, either a 100, 250, or dramatic in any post-nuclear war medical treatment
500 Kt nuclear weapon was utilized in each simulation, environment [30]. It was assumed that the generally
with the purpose of showing coverage of inhabited accepted figure of 15% of the population was outdoors
areas by blast, thermal, and radiation casualties. These at the time of detonation.
single weapon cities are presented in Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, The simulation for Arak (Figure 3), using a 250 Kt
7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. weapon, provides the basic template for medical mass
As weather and atmospheric conditions have signifi- casualties resulting from nuclear detonations. The blast
cant effects on the outcomes of nuclear detonations damage from three levels of overpressure, 8.1 psi, 3 psi
[14], the distinctive climatic conditions in the Middle and 0.6 psi are provided in concentric rings. The areas
East can be expected to alter the quantity and where people would experience second degree burns are
Figure 13 Multiple detonation casualties for three 100 Kt nuclear weapons for Bandar Abbas, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1
and 3.0 psi, 2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 17 of 30
indicated inside the pink ring. The regions burdened injuries together (total casualties) would include 98.6%
with radiation victims are indicated by colored plumes, of the population of Ardabil. The 250 Kt detonation for
with fatal radiation doses received by people well beyond Hamadan (Figure 5) reveals results similar to Ardabil
the second degree burn regions, and even beyond the and Arak. The great majority of the radiation plume in
areas affected by broken glass within the 0.6 psi ring. In fact lies outside these inhabited areas, as does much of
the inset, it can be seen that radiation levels sufficient to the thermal energy and overpressure sufficient to cause
cause death and serious injury extend far out into the glass injuries. It is noteworthy that the fallout plumes
desert. In Arak, there would be 387,000 fatalities, or 93% from the Ardabil and Arak detonations reach the
of the total population (Table 4). The injury pattern in coastal areas of the Caspian Sea with sufficient radio-
Arak was repeated for most Iranian cities, where the activity to induce serious radiation casualties. Fortu-
thermal injuries outnumbered the blast casualties, and nately for the coastal areas, which tend to be more
radiation injuries were only a small fraction of all casual- heavily populated than the widespread inland arid
ties (Tables 5 and 6). regions of the country, the relatively narrow width of
In the larger city of Ardabil (Figure 4), a 500 Kt the plume results in only a short stretch of the coastal
weapon shows that the widely distributed population area actually being affected.
can be almost completely reached by this larger-yield This “coastal effect” is also seen with the simulations
device (Figure 4). Indeed, blast and thermal casualties for Rasht (Figure 6) and Reza Iyeh (Figure 7), where
are likely to encompass almost the entire inhabited area severe radiation casualties will be seen in the coastal
around the city. As with Arak, fatalities would result in areas, but in a limited arc relative to the entire coastal
the majority of the population. Indeed, fatalities and area. In this way, the narrow population distribution
Figure 14 Multiple detonation casualties for two 500 Kt nuclear weapons for Esfahan, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, 2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 18 of 30
along the coastal areas results in a somewhat diminished Kerman, even though the weapon used was only one
exposure to these radiation plumes from inland urban fifth the size (100 Kt). By contrast, the trauma casual-
areas. However, radiation casualties from the Reza Iyeh ties from pressures >3psi were only 16,000 in Qazvin
detonation would extend even across the Caspian Sea to (Table 4).
the Turkmenistan coastal areas on the other side of the One of the lower fatality rates seen in the single
inland sea (Figure 7 inset). nuclear weapon strikes was at Yazd (Figure 10), where
The largest of the weapons examined in this study, 75% of the city’s population were fatalities following a
500 Kt, resulted in similarly high fatality rates in 250 Kt detonation. The proportion of injuries there was
Kerman (Figure 8). As in other Iranian cities, the com- almost twice as high in Yazd relative to other first strike
bination of fatality and injury outcomes of the compact, cities, at about 11% of the total population. The impact
crowded urban areas resulted in a very small propor- of geography on the medical distribution of casualties
tion of the residents, 3.4% of the population in the case can be discerned to some extent in Zahedan (Figure 11),
of Kerman, surviving without injury. Over 32,000 of the where the compact nature of Iranian urban population
city’s residents will have third degree burns (Table 4). distribution is seen. This compressed nature of Iranian
Kerman had one of the higher number of trauma urban sprawl (essentially the lack of urban sprawl as
casualties resulting from greater than 3psi, at 27,830. In seen in American and European cities) resulted in a
contrast, Kerman had one of the smaller number of relatively much higher percentage of fatalities due to
radiation fallout victims receiving >300 rem, at about trauma and thermal burn injuries. Therefore, this also
7,000. The slightly smaller city of Qazvin (Figure 9) had results concurrently in a relatively small percentage of
a similar number of third degree burn victims as the population (about 2%) receiving >300 rem in
Figure 15 Multiple detonation casualties for three 500 Kt nuclear weapons for Mashad, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and
3.0 psi, 2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 19 of 30
radiation from prompt and fallout sources. Essentially categories. In Hamadan, as a typical example, there were
the compressed cities like Zahedan have populations approximately 2,000 second degree thermal burn victims
dying of trauma and burns rather than from radiation. to 30,000 and 14,000, respectively, for third degree and
No doubt the compressed population characteristics mass fire burn casualties.
also contributed to the stunning 96% fatality rate in Third degree burn victims generally ranged from
Zahedan. 20,000 to 35,000 for single strike cities in Iran, but larger
cities with single and multiple strikes produced hun-
Thermal burn casualties dreds of thousands of third degree burn victims. This
It has been noted in previous publications by this group preponderance of third degree burn victims is a very
that the mass thermal burn casualties expected with difficult outcome for the emergency response communi-
nuclear weapons are going to be very difficult to treat ties of any nation. It is likely that these thousands of
[1,2]. Typical burn care management involves a high thermal burn victims will receive little to no care, as the
ratio of medical personnel to patients, which can be very limited surviving medical resources are most likely
accommodated when there are only a few burn victims to be devoted to the trauma casualties, which are more
at a time. With tens of thousands (or more) of burn familiar to medical personnel and require relatively less
victims simultaneously, however, burn care becomes effort per patient [31,32].
difficult, and virtually nonexistent, in nuclear war
scenarios. There is a dramatic difference in the number Relative casualty impacts of different nuclear weapon
of second degree burn casualties relative to third degree yields
burn and mass fire burn injuries, with second degree With the advent of nuclear war in dense, compact cities
burn casualties considerably smaller than the other burn in the Middle East, the actual impact of nuclear yield is
Figure 16 Multiple detonation casualties for two 500 Kt nuclear weapons for Shiraz, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 20 of 30
an interesting and perhaps surprising issue. As nuclear fatalities increase with weapon size, though not linearly.
powers expand their nuclear capability over time, they When the yield was increased by a factor of 3.3 from 15
gradually develop higher yields in their weapons. For Kt to 50 Kt it results in an approximate two-fold
the United States and the Soviet Union, this develop- increase in fatalities (Table 4). The diminishing impact
ment occurred rapidly, going from approximately 15 Kt of further increase in yield is illustrated by the 46%
weapons in the 1940s to 500 Kt (and larger) devices in fatality increase with a 250% increase in yield from
the 1950s. For nations with fewer resources available 100 Kt to 250 Kt, and 20% fatality increase with the
for nuclear weapon development, this process can take 100% yield increase from 250 Kt to 500 Kt. Due to the
much longer. After being a nuclear power for over 20 overwhelming proportion of casualties being fatalities,
years, Pakistan is still fielding 15 Kt weapons, though after 100 Kt the approximate number of injuries is
the number of weapons continues to increase steadily about the same, and actually decrease somewhat for a
(now believed to between 80 and 90 weapons). It is 500 Kt detonation. There is an approximately linear
speculated that Israel has been able to develop at least increase in mass fire and third degree burn casualties
up to 500 Kt weapons over the last 40 years. The from the smallest weapon, 15 Kt, to the 50 Kt weapon,
larger weapons play a dramatic role in casualty propa- though not for second degree burn injuries (Tables 5
gation in Middle East cities, though it appears that and 6).
the increase in effect is not linear, especially for ther-
mal casualties. Casualty distributions for multiple nuclear weapons in
In Figure 12, the relative impact of different weapon one city
sizes (50, 100, 250, and 500 Kt) on casualty outcomes Once a nation reaches the technological threshold of
can be seen on the city of Karaj. It can be seen that the mass production of relatively high yield nuclear
Figure 17 Multiple detonation casualties for two 500 Kt nuclear weapons for Tabriz, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 21 of 30
weapons, the potential outcomes for urban areas of their detonation, single or multiple, on Bandar Abbas is its
enemies is bleak. In this analysis, the speculation of the location on the coast of one of the most frequently
deployment of a number of large nuclear weapons on traveled shipping lanes in the world. With a concerted
Iranian cities resulted in a terrifyingly efficient coverage planning effort with international participants, it would
of the populations with casualties, particularly with be feasible for the trauma and radiation victims to be
fatalities. The results of multiple strikes with nuclear transported across the Straits of Hormuz to nearby
weapons on a single city are shown in Figures 12, 13, 14, (and unaffected by the nuclear war as outside Iran)
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. Distinctive evidence of medical facilities in Oman and the United Arab
the destructive capacity of relatively smaller nuclear Emirates. With appropriate triage of the victims to
weapons is demonstrated by the three 100 Kt weapon select transportable trauma victims, and with the
strikes on Bandar Abbas, the seaport on the Persian inherent delay in the expression of toxicity in the
Gulf at the geopolitically strategic Strait of Hormuz radiation victims, it could be sufficiently productive to
(Figure 13). A staggering 94% of the population would find, sort and transport these casualties to waiting
be fatalities in this scenario, with a mere 1% escaping hospital beds in these neighbors by air and sea
some form of injury. An interesting aspect of this transport.
coastal community is the appearance of over 21,000 The use of multiple 500 Kt weapons on the large
third degree burn casualties, and only a few hundred city of Esfahan (Figure 14) would result in over 1.5
second degree burn victims, probably due to the million fatalities (Table 4). This would result in about
narrow distribution of population along the coastline. 140,000 and 24,000 3rd and 2nd degree burn victims
One interesting aspect of the impact of a nuclear there, respectively. About 9%, or 150,000 people, of the
Figure 18 Multiple detonation casualties for one 250 Kt and one 500 Kt nuclear weapon for Ahvaz, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities
for 8.1 and 3.0 psi, 2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 22 of 30
Figure 19 Multiple detonation casualties for three 250 Kt nuclear weapons Kermanshah, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and
3.0 psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
population would receive radiation exposures over 300 Stunning nuclear war casualty rates in Tehran
rem though there would be only a few hundred receiv- The high cost of nuclear war is seen most vividly in the
ing this dose range from prompt radiation. In like consideration of multiple detonations of moderately
manner, multiple 500 Kt detonations in Mashad sized nuclear weapons in the Iranian capital of Tehran,
(Figure 15) resulted in over 2 million fatalities, with a one of the most ancient urban areas in the world, whose
total casualty rate of 99.8%. This would include over long and celebrated history could be suddenly termi-
50,000 and 27,000 3rd and 2nddegree burn casualties. nated in less than an hour. The concentration of over 8
In Shiraz, two 500 Kt weapons would result in 84% million residents in Tehran would result in a large
fatalities and a total of 95% casualties altogether number of both fatalities and injuries, unlike the other
(Figure 16). Tabriz with two 500 Kt has over 96% simulations which are dominated primarily by fatalities
fatalities (Figure 17), while Ahvaz with a 500 Kt and a (Figures 20, 21 and 22). In a comparison of the relative
250Kt has over 88% injuries (Figure 18). Of all the destructive power of increasing nuclear yields, it is seen
Iranian simulations, the multiple 250 Kt detonations that the percent of fatalities in Tehran steadily increase
in Kermanshah resulted in the largest number of from 44% to 67% to 86% of the city’s population with
prompt radiation victims, 17,570 (Figure 19). Kermanshah the use of multiple 100 Kt, 250 Kt, and 500 Kt devices,
also had the highest number of trauma casualties respectively (Table 4). The percentage of injured resi-
resulting from >4.9 psi injuries. The striking aspect of dents of the capital, however, remain at about 20% of
multiple nuclear weapon strikes in compact Iranian the population for 100 Kt and 250 Kt detonations, and
cities is demonstrated by the combined fatalities and actually decline by half for the 500 Kt strike.
injuries for Kermanshah resulting in stunning 99.9% No real appreciation of the magnitude of this disaster
casualties! for Iran can be achieved without looking at the fatality
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 23 of 30
Figure 20 Multiple detonation casualties for five 100 Kt nuclear weapons for Tehran, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
numbers: 6 to 7 million deaths that would result from climb higher in the 24–72 hours immediately after a
either five 250 or five 500 Kt weapons with the selected multiple nuclear weapon attack on Tehran.
targeting. From the point of view of the unimaginable
medical response challenge, there would be 1.5 million Nuclear war effects in Israel
victims of thermal burns from either the 100 Kt or 250 Relative to the broad expanses of Iran, Israel is very
Kt multiple weapon attacks, and from 750,000 to small and narrow, with its population constrained
880,000 severely (>300 rem) radiation-exposed patients. primarily in a few urban areas. In the nuclear age of
It is highly unlikely that the thermal burn victims that warfare, this makes the Israelis particularly vulnerable,
are immediately present after detonation will receive any lending strongly to the tension between the two nations.
care, and as the radiation victims begin presenting in the Assuming that Iran is only able to deliver five 15 Kt
hours and days after the attack, they too are unlikely to devices through Israeli defenses, detonations on three
be treated [33]. The 1.5 million trauma patients can be urban targets using four 15 Kt devices, and one strategic
expected to occupy the full effort of whatever surviving site in the Negev Nuclear Research Center are displayed.
medical response is available in the capital city area. This is a reasonable assumption, as the rate of uran-
Patients presenting with combined injuries including ium enrichment to nuclear weapons grade in Iran is
either thermal burns or radiation poisoning are unlikely progressing rapidly enough to result in more than five
to have favorable outcomes [30,31]. In the chaotic weapons in the next few years. It is acknowledged that
medical response of such a scenario, the best possible Iran could develop the weapon detonation technology
expectation is for a limited number of minor to mode- during this same period. Also, missile development is
rate trauma victims to receive minimal care. Therefore, proceeding briskly in Iran, and there is always the
the already very high fatality rates could be expected to option of smuggling a weapon into Israel. It is this
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 24 of 30
Figure 21 Multiple detonation casualties for five 250 Kt nuclear weapons for Tehran, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
prospect that makes war between Israel and Iran Mediterranean coast. There would be over 40,000
more and more likely in the near term (i.e. next trauma victims in Haifa, with the great majority of
decade), as the balance of nuclear power will begin to these in the larger 0.6 psi zone (Tables 5 and 6).
move away from the speculated current dominance by The location of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea allows
Israel. for the possibility of the transport and even treatment of
The devastating but relatively smaller casualty plumes mass casualties onboard appropriately equipped vessels
(compared to Iran) from the Israeli targets are shown just off the coast. The proximity to European and
in Figure 23. Even these relatively small weapons result American vessels that are virtually always in the Eastern
in significant destruction in the small confines of Israel. Mediterranean means that especially with sufficient
In the city of Beer-Sheva (Figure 24), half of the planning, these ships could be effectively utilized in the
residents would be killed with a single weapon, with critical initial hours and days of a response to nuclear
another sixth of the population being injured (Table 4). detonations in Israel (or in the surrounding countries,
Nearly a fourth of the population would be in zones for that matter). Knowledge of the approximate location
that would result in thermal injuries (if they survived of trauma and burn victims, as depicted in this paper,
the initial detonation). As in Iranian urban areas, the could strategically direct the efforts of transport to
radiation plume primarily extends over uninhabited selected vessels due to their location and relative ability
desert, largely negating radiation casualties (Figure 24). to receive certain classes of patients. These same ap-
Similar fatality and injury ratios are seen in Haifa proaches could be made with aeromedical transport,
(Figure 25) (Table 4). Over 11,000 people would be which could be particularly useful for thermal burn
radiation victims with serious radiation exposure victims, as they are transported to available hospital
(>300 rem), as the fallout plume extends along the facilities in surrounding nations with which sufficient
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 25 of 30
Figure 22 Multiple detonation casualties for five 500 Kt nuclear weapon for Tehran, Iran. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, and 2nd degree burns. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the dispersion plume.
memoranda of understanding, emergency planning, and would cover more populated areas in Israel, even reaching
response supplies are positioned in advance. into populated areas of the West Bank.
In contrast to the 75-95% fatality outcomes for Iranian
cities with the larger nuclear weapons, two 15 Kt devices
used on Tel Aviv would result in 17% of the population Conclusions
being killed, though this still represents almost a quarter It has often been said that there are no winners in nuclear
of a million people (Table 4). It is reasonable to assume war, and that is certainly the case in the Middle East. The
that urban targeting in Tel Aviv would result in over- significant technological advantage of the Israeli nuclear
lapping fields of burn, trauma and radiation victims forces (as they are assumed to exist) will give them a
(Figure 26). This multiple targeting, even with the significant edge over the next decade, as Iran has the
relatively small 15 Kt devices, could result in over opportunity to enter nuclear war capability but will be far
100,000 people receiving thermal burn injuries. Another behind in number, yield, and delivery of nuclear weapons.
hundred thousand could receive potentially fatal doses However, the baseline destructive power of nuclear
of radiation from the two fallout plumes. Over 20,000 weapons will result in unacceptable losses in both nations
Israelis in Tel Aviv could receive serious trauma injuries in a nuclear war in the near future. In addition to the
resulting from >3psi exposure, while another 115,000 stunning human toll focused on in this publication, likely
would be in the 0.6 psi zone, still capable of sustaining targeting of compact urban areas in both nations will re-
significant trauma injuries. As in other nuclear attack sult in devastating loss of critical industrial infrastructure
scenarios, this means that a number of these victims will and enormous economic decline. Based on recent large
sustain combination injuries [31-34]. Unlike most Iranian scale social disruptions in the expansive 20th Century
targets, the radiation plume extending from Tel Aviv wars, nuclear war in the Middle East will be likely to cause
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 26 of 30
Figure 23 Israel – Map of all modeled detonations. Showing the radiation exposure plumes from all of the nuclear detonations nationwide
for this scenario.
extremely damaging mental health and societal chaos on a cities tend to extend further out than the more serious
focalized basis in these two nations as well as highly desta- trauma injuries, especially with the relatively larger
bilizing ripple effects throughout the region and the rest nuclear weapons. This phenomenon will tend to produce
of the world [25,27]. large numbers of surviving thermal burn patients, many
Health care delivery impacts from nuclear war in the of them with concurrent trauma injuries, who will sur-
Middle East will be dominated by the extremely high vive the nuclear detonation and will be in desperate need
level of fatalities in Iranian cities, the inability to treat of medical care [30-32]. However, it is highly unlikely
massive numbers of burn patients, huge logistical issues that these thousands of burn victims will receive any
with trauma mass casualties, and relative unfamiliarity meaningful medical treatment, due to the high degree of
with radiation victim treatment. The lack of transporta- effort currently necessary in emergency burn care (e.g.
tion and extensive water supplies has resulted in geo- the high ratio of medical personnel to burn patients,
graphically compressed populations in Iranian cities that and the need for sterile conditions) [1,32]. It is likely
make them very vulnerable to high fatality rates from that the very limited surviving medical care will be ap-
relatively large (>50 Kt) weapons. The fatal effects from portioned to trauma care, where more robust outcomes
blast, prompt radiation, and thermal burns essentially can be achieved for each patient relative to available
fills up the urban population zones in Iran, while the resources.
smaller weapon yields in Israel produce considerably If any serious effort is to be made to meet the emer-
smaller fatality rates there as large urban areas are still gency medical requirements of the large number of
not yet reached. widely dispersed thermal burn patients, new approa-
As is the case in the simulation of nuclear attack on ches will need to be developed. In order to reduce the
U.S. cities [11], the burn casualties in Iranian and Israeli number of burn patients subsequently lost to infection,
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 27 of 30
Figure 24 Single 15 Kt nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Beer-Sheva, Israel. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0
psi, 2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
it could be feasible to train portions of the populace distributions as related in this publication. However, the
(including but not limited to extended health care pro- many variations in nuclear war (as in all warfare) shows
fessionals not typically involved in emergency medical sufficient heterogeneity that allows for potentially effect-
care) in wound debridement, and then make adequate ive changes in the strategy of the utilization of resources
burn medications accessible to them [1]. The large geo- based on variations such as the approximate distribution
graphic distribution and number of burn victims, the of casualties. This is particularly the case with respon-
scarcity of surviving traditional emergency medical ding to the relatively smaller nuclear weapons such as
personnel, and the lack of transport and accessible burn the ones likely to be used by Iran on Israel in this simu-
centers make such efforts indispensable. This is also lation. While the trauma casualty numbers for the
problematic, though, in that criminal elements will smaller nuclear detonations in Israel were still daunting,
want to gain access to the narcotic medications, and knowledge of the location of these trauma victims is
debridement is an excruciating experience under opti- highly useful in planning of patient transport, especially
mal conditions and much more so with minimally in an effective emergency response system as exists in
qualified personnel. Israel. For both large and relatively smaller nuclear
The very high casualty outcomes in nuclear war pose weapons, predictions of the distribution of radiation
an extreme dilemma for those planning and executing casualties is essential to planning and response for the
medical response, which often or even usually results in decontamination of these patients before transport, and
despair and denial [30]. This can lead to a perception for the prevention of contamination of rescue teams (i.e.
that such efforts at planning and response are not planning of where to send the limited number of teams
productive, such as in the use of prediction of casualty to both protect them and use them most efficiently).
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 28 of 30
Figure 25 Single 15 Kt nuclear weapon detonation casualties for Haifa, Israel. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1 and 3.0 psi,
2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
The location of accessible numbers of trauma victims with larger yield weapons. In the small confines of Israel,
from broken glass on the periphery of the blast zone this lack of radiation victims was probably more related
is another example of a casualty distribution which is to the small size of the weapons likely to be available to
a favorable prediction for productive action for both Iran over the next decade.
smaller and larger nuclear weapons. In this manner, it As outlined for specific examples in Iran and Israel in
can be a source of hope to be able to plan and res- the Results and Discussion, enlisting the mutual aid of
pond in selected areas identified by predicted casualty other countries in responding to the very large medical
distributions. response demands of nuclear war could be productive,
In the midst of such negative outcomes with thermal especially with strategic planning and resource siting. In
burn and trauma patients, it is interesting to note that addition to the examples cited earlier for ship-mediated
the proportion of radiation victims in Middle Eastern patient transport and treatment from the Israeli and
urban nuclear attack is considerably less than that in Iranian coastlines, extensive use could be made with
similar simulations in the U.S [1]. The lack of urban aeromedical transport. Such efforts would be greatly
sprawl and desert conditions in the Middle East results expedited with prior planning and mutual aid agree-
in very few people living outside of the immediate ments, and in the actual event would be guided by
detonation areas where the thermal burn and trauma estimates (verified over time) of casualty distributions
patients will be. A large proportion of the fatalities and and locations. The selection of sufficiently long airstrips
injuries in the U.S. simulations were due to extended could be made in close proximity to the estimated
radiation plumes covering highly populated areas [11], locations of the patient categories of interest, such as
which does not occur as readily in the Middle East, even trauma victims on the periphery of the blast zone [1]. In
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 29 of 30
Figure 26 Multiple detonation casualties for two 15 Kt nuclear weapons for Tel Aviv, Israel. Rings display trauma causalities for 8.1
and 3.0 psi, 2nd degree burns, and the outer ring is lower trauma casualties for 0.6 psi. Radiation exposures are delineated by color in the
dispersion plume.
this manner, it could be made sufficiently safe for the shows the significant superiority of nuclear arsenals of
dispatch of rescue teams and the air transport itself advanced nuclear powers relative to nations in an earlier
(by avoiding radiation zones, traffic barriers, and security stage of development. Nations like Iran, North Korea,
issues), and provide a better chance for getting certain and Pakistan, which possess only 15 Kt devices, are at a
patient categories to the air transport in time to actually disadvantage in a nuclear war with a well-developed
help them. These considerations make a strong case for nuclear power. In the case of the Middle East, the much
the political and diplomatic need for efforts to make smaller geographic makeup of Israel, which makes it
these kinds of mutual aid arrangements in advance of vulnerable to nuclear attack, is greatly offset at this time
nuclear war and other mass casualty surge planning in by the assumption of vastly superior Israeli nuclear
the Middle East. forces over the next decade [35]. By the end of that time,
The dramatic difference in fatality and injury numbers though, Iran can be expected to significantly close that
between Iran and Israel was predicated largely on the gap as large scale production of nuclear weapons comes
difference in numbers and explosive yields of the specu- within its capability. It is exactly this scenario that makes
lated arsenals of nuclear weapons in these nations over a nuclear war in the Middle East in the near future more
the next decade. There is a very significant difference in likely, with ominous consequences not only for Iran and
casualty rates between weapons in the range of 15 Kt Israel but the rest of the world.
and the larger weapons (>100 Kt) [11]. While casualty
rates continue to go up with increasing yields beyond
that, it is less dramatic and the differences between 250 Competing interests
Kt and 500 Kt detonations are not nearly as vivid. This The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Dallas et al. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:10 Page 30 of 30
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