Canal Spec-Pad v7-1 en
Canal Spec-Pad v7-1 en
Canal Spec-Pad v7-1 en
Revision history
This document, and the different international standards mentioned inside are
regularly updated. Readers should regularly check that they have the latest
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A. MXF Files.
1. General Rules.
2. HD Files (High Definition)
2.1 File format.
2.2 Time Code.
2.3 Video.
2.4 Audio.
3. SD Files (Standard Definition)
3.1 File Format.
3.2 Time Code.
3.3 Video.
3.4 Audio.
4. UHD Files (Ultra High Definition)
4.1 File Format.
4.2 TimeCode.
4.3 Video.
4.4 Audio.
4.5 Data Track.
B. Subtitling.
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A. MXF Files.
The standards and specifications of the different HD and SD signal formats used for making CANAL+
programs are now described in two documents commonly ratified by French broadcasting partners of the
FAVN (formerly HD Forum), FICAM and CST under the titles:
Those documents, hereafter named RT-040 or RT-017 in this document are available on line on the CST
1. General Rules.
• File name rules, XML associated file and delivery method are now described
in the « Procédure de livraison CANAL+ vx.xx » document.
The different Time Code information that may be embedded into an MXF file shall be coherent with each other
and shall be found in the following places:
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2.3 Video.
The video shall be compliant with " RT-040 " and shall be encoded with the following characteristics:
Image Codec MPEG2 Long GOP XDCAM-HD
Display Resolution (HxV) 1920 x 1080
Scanning Type Interlaced
Bit Depth 8-bit
Format Profile 4:2:2@HL
Bit Rate 50 Mb/s constant
GOP GOP of 12 IBBP ( N=12, M=3 ) - Closed GOP preferred
Color Space ITU-R BT.709
Field Frequency 50 Hz (25 i)
NB: The first frame of the MPEG Long GOP file may not be the first useful frame of the program.
In this case, the « pre-load » and « roll-out » mechanisms, as described in the ST 377-1-2011 SMPTE
standard shall be used.
Accepted only if original Aspect Ratio, and after prior approval of CANAL+
2.4 Audio.
Sampling Frequency 48 kHz
Resolution 24-bit (20-bit minimum for Dolby-E transport)
Audio Format PCM / AES Frame
Audio Channel per Track 1
Bit Rate per Mono Track 1152 kb/s
Loudness -23 LUFS (EBU R-128) (stereo, 5.1 and downmix versions concerned)
Metadata - Dolby-E see RT-040
Dialog Level - Dolby-E Measured (via Dialog Intelligence algorithm)
Guard Band - Dolby-E Line 21 +/- 2 @ 1080/50 i
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Audio File Organization. One single Audio Channel per Track.
Figure 1.
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Dolby-E Programs:
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3. SD Files (Standard Definition)
The different Time Code information that may be embedded into an MXF file shall be coherent with each other
and shall be found in the following places:
3.3 Video.
The SD video signal shall comply with " RT-017 " and shall be encoded with the following characteristics:
Image Codec MPEG2 IMX50 – D10 (SMPTE 356M)
Display Resolution (HxV) 720 x 576
Stored Resolution (HxV) 720 x 608
Scanning Type Interlaced
Format Profile 4:2:2P@ML
Bit Rate 50 Mb/s
GOP Intra
Aspect Ratio - Mandatory in aspect_ratio_information in MPEG2 header sequence (ISO-IEC 13818-2)
4/3 or 16/9 - Optional: Aspect Ratio flag in Generic Picture Essence Descriptor of the MXF file
Color Space REC.601
Field Frequency 50 Hz (25 i)
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Complements for CANAL+ Group
The formats indicated in red in the table below will not be accepted for CANAL+ channels, in relation to image
formats described in the RT-017.
1.33:1 (4/3) format will no longer be accepted other than in particular situations, with prior
agreement from CANAL+.
Use of line 23 is authorized provided that it is complete (not a half line).
(**) : CANAL+ will not accept any resizing or cropping of the picture content
Ligne début Ligne fin Nombre Ligne début Ligne fin Nombre
Format d'image
(trame 1) (trame 1) de lignes (trame 1) (trame 1) de lignes
3.4 Audio.
Sampling Frequency 48 kHz
Resolution 24-bit (20-bit minimum)
Audio Format PCM / AES Frame
Number of Track 1
Audio Channel per Track 8
Bit Rate per Track 9216 kb/s (8x 1152 kb/s)
Loudness -23 LUFS (EBU R-128)
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Audio File Organization: 8 Audio Channels per Track.
ONE Stereo Version (Figure 3.) TWO Stereo Versions (Figure 4.)
Channel 1 : French version – Stereo L. Channel 1 : French version – Stereo L.
Channel 2 : French version – Stereo R. Channel 2 : French version – Stereo R.
Channel 3 : Silence Channel 3 : Original version – Stereo L.
Single Track Channel 4 : Silence Channel 4 : Original version – Stereo R.
Channel 5 : Silence Channel 5 : Silence
Channel Mapping
Channel 6 : Silence Channel 6 : Silence
Channel 7 : Silence Channel 7 : Silence
Channel 8 : Silence Channel 8 : Silence
Figure 3. Figure 4.
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4. UHD Files (Ultra High Definition)
4.2 TimeCode.
The different Time Code information that may be embedded into an MXF file shall be coherent with each other
and shall be found in the following places:
4.3 Video.
Image Codec Sony XAVC class 300 / Intra / CBG
Display Resolution (HxV) 3840 x 2160
Scanning Type Progressive
Format Profile 4:2:2
Bit Depth 10-bit
Bit Rate - 250 Mb/s in 25p
- 500 Mb/s in 50p
Color Space ITU-R BT.709
Acceptable Frame Rates - 25 p in case when program was shooted in 24p or 25p
- 50p in all other cases
(keep the original framerate)
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4.4 Audio.
Sampling Frequency 48 kHz
Resolution 24-bit (20-bit minimum for Dolby-E transport)
Audio Format PCM / AES Frame
Audio Channel per Track 1
Bit Rate per Mono Track 1.152 kb/s
Loudness -23 LUFS (EBU R-128) (stereo, 5.1 and downmix versions concerned)
Harmonization if Program Source rate is 24p, audio will be harmonized
Metadata - Dolby-E see RT-040
Dialog Level - Dolby-E Measured (via Dialog Intelligence algorithm)
Guard Band - Dolby-E Dolby-E header located 730 µs after the beginning of odd frames only.
Figure 5.
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Dolby-E Programs:
The MXF file shall not include any SMPTE 436 datatrack.
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B. Subtitling.
Programs in a foreign language are broadcast in the original language with French subtitles.
Other programs in French or in a foreign language can also include subtitles specifically prepared for the
Those subtitles can be broadcast in “open” (burned-in) mode or in “closed” (teletext) mode.
Subtitles Files.
Any program that must be broadcast with subtitles shall be accompanied by one or two subtitle files compliant
with EBU N19-2002 technical standard.
• Subtitles shall be synchronized in relation to the time code of program file delivered to CANAL+.
• In all cases, each subtitle file shall contain all subtitles for the entire duration of a program.
• The output time code of the last subtitle of the program shall be set at the latest to 1 second before the
last useful image of the program, to avoid this subtitle stay frozen on the next program.
• General information of the "GSI block" inside the .STL file (program title, episode title, TC start of
program, etc.) shall be correctly filled in. Table below gives other details on some mandatory metadata
and display attributes:
NB: In case when the program frame rate is 50p (UHD), the DFC field of the associated .STL file may have the value « STL50.01 » ;
Corresponding In/Out timecode values (TCI/TCO) may then include a number of frames up to 59 (those values are in theory out of
EBU TECH-3264 specifications).
A 25fr/s .STL file will be accepted for a UHD 50p program (some subtitles may then have an in/out offset of a few frames during
playout ).
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