Savio Twinsplicer
Savio Twinsplicer
Savio Twinsplicer
Cotton Denim
Since 1911, Savio has always looked to
Ne 12/1stay ahead of competition and predict
® important development across the global
textile industry. As a leading supplier of
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The package formed by yarn without defects will give a
fabric with an excellent appearance, especially for fine
point; this quality comes from a series of fundamental
mechanisms that implement and monitor all phases of TWINSPLICER
® 100% Cotton Compact N
yarns, denim and high-quality yarns. operation without the use of compressed air and water,
recreating the original structure of the yarn.
Savio patented the Twinsplicer® in 1983, a mechanical
splicer composed by discs coated with a polymer. The Savio Twinsplicer® performs controlled mechanical
The way the splice is prepared and made, ranks the splice in each phase. The splice is not recognizable
Twinsplicer® at the top among all other splicing devices. from the rest of the yarn and each splice is identical to
The Twinsplicer® enhances its technological versatility the other ones. The excellent aesthetic qualities and SAVIO MACCHINE TESSILI S.P.A. SAVIO INDIA LTD.
with stretch and spandex yarns (cotton / Lycra®), strength of the splice have a highly positive influence 33170 PORDENONE (Italy) Nallattipalayam,
creating invisible joints with perfect tightness and with on subsequent processing phases: high warping speed, Via Udine, 105 Tamaraikulam - Post Pollachi,
Tel. +39 0434 3971 Coimbatore - 642109 Tamil Nadu, India
the elastic filament core perfectly integrated into the high-speed waving with automatic weft insertion and Fax +39 0434 397599 Tel. +91 4259 201500
joint. knitting. So much so, that nowadays many knitters and E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
even more weavers don’t simply request Twinfil® yarn
The result of this conception is the Twinfil®, a yarn spliced with Twinsplicer®, they demand it as essential to
Cotto n SpaS.R.O.ndex Ne 60/1
without knots, perfectly reconstructed at the junction the quality and final look of their fabrics.
No.6 Torch Industry Park, No. 2166 Chongwen Dadao, Lhota 261, 549 41 Cervený Kostelec
High&New Tech Industry Development Zone, Jining, Tel. +420 491 469 466
Shandong, P.R. China 272000 E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +86 0537 2395206/101
Fax +86 0537 2395216
E-mail: [email protected]
The Savio Twinsplicer® is proved to be the ideal splicer for: TWINFIL® THE UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION OF SAVIO SINCE 1983
• Compact cotton yarns, where invisible joints are a “must”
A knot-free yarn, perfectly reconstructed At Itma Milan in 1983, Savio introduces, under its own patent, the
• Core Spun Yarns (CSY) to achieve a true quality splice.
at the junction point. Twinsplicer®, that performs the fibers’ interpenetration of the two yarn
• Ring Yarns for Denim (Ne 5-7), where high splice strength The splice is not recognizable and is identical ends by mechanical action and rolling, rebuilding the structure of the
and reliability are required in order to increase loom yields. to the other ones. thread, thus obtaining an absolutely invisible junction with a resistance
The excellent aesthetic qualities and strength equal to the original thread.
Advantages of Twin Splicer of the splice have a highly positive influence With the Twinsplicer® begins the advent of a new and original system to
• The yarn strength near then spliced area is equal or on subsequent processing phases. treat the yarn.
more than parent yarn. Many knitters and even more weavers don’t
• Warping and weft performance will improve due better simply request Twinfil® yarn spliced with A particular feature of the Twinsplicer® is that splice quality is constant,
splice strength. Twinsplicer®, they demand it as essential to and splices are all exactly alike. This basic feature is made possible by
the quality and final look of their fabrics. the mechanical operation of the device, which ensures constant winding
• With Core Spun Yarns (CSY), the core filament is pressure and winding turns.
incorporated in every joint hence the dyed fabric will not
have any patch mark on the spliced portion and even
elasticity is retained in the joint.
0/1 • Best choice for denim yarn to fine count core spun yarns
with cotton fibers.
• Completely mechanically operated hence no need of
compressed air and water. Overall air consumption is
reduced by at least 50% compared to air splicing.
• The joint is virtually invisible.
• Reduced setting complexity
INNOVATIVE AND DIVERSIFIED Since 1911, Savio has always looked to
stay ahead of competition and predict