How To Choose The Best Journal For Your Case Report: Editorial Open Access

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Rison et al.

Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198

DOI 10.1186/s13256-017-1351-y


How to choose the best journal for your

case report
Richard A. Rison1,2*, Jennifer Kelly Shepphird3 and Michael R. Kidd4,5

Since the establishment of the Journal of Medical Case Reports in 2006, the number of journals that publish case
reports has increased rapidly, and most of these journals are open access. Open access publishing usually requires
authors to pay publication fees while offering the articles online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and
licensing restrictions. The movement for open access has gained support in the research community, with the
publishers BioMed Central and PLOS ONE becoming leaders in scientific publishing in their number of articles and
citations. As the number of open access publishers has exploded, so too has the number of publishers that act in
bad faith to profit from the open access model. Simple guidelines have been developed and resources are available
to help authors choose a suitable journal for publication of their case reports.

Background analyses and randomized controlled trials, which nega-

Case reports offer unique value to the body of medical tively affects a journal’s impact factor.
knowledge by describing new diseases, disease mecha- The merits of large randomized studies are well
nisms, therapeutic approaches, and adverse or beneficial known, but many clinicians recognize the value of case
effects of drugs. The act of recording, discussing with reports as a complement to evidence-based medicine.
colleagues, and publishing clinical observations as case The case-based nature of clinical practice often is at
reports remains essential to the art of medicine and pa- odds with the population-based nature of research stud-
tient care [1]. These short communications generate or ies, where the findings may have little relevance to an in-
enforce hypotheses that may lead to further evaluation dividual patient. Narrow inclusion criteria and the
in larger study designs [2]. In providing detailed descrip- absence of co-morbidities in randomized trials often cre-
tions of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and ate a disconnection between typical patient populations
follow-up of an individual patient, case reports reflect and populations represented in research studies [3]. Case
clinical experience and support medical progress. By de- reports provide enough detail on one or a small number
sign, the format lacks statistical sampling, placing it at of patients for clinicians to relate to their own practice.
the bottom of the hierarchy of clinical evidence. Case re- They are educational and interesting to read. For the
ports do not include controls, have limited sample size challenging and patient-centered task of reporting on in-
(one to a few individuals), and are unblinded, limitations dividual cases with inherent heterogeneous human vari-
that require a cautious approach to interpretation of ability in clinical research and the goal of applicability to
findings. General medical journals publish case reports real-life circumstances, the CARE guidelines provide a
sparingly, often only publishing those that provide new framework for completeness and transparency in case
information on adverse events that can be linked to an reports. The guidelines aid in finding the balance be-
intervention [3, 4]. Journal editors may limit inclusion of tween adequate detail and concise writing [5].
case reports because they are cited less often than meta- In response to renewed interest and acknowledgment
of their value, the number of peer-reviewed journals that
* Correspondence:
publish case reports has increased in recent years to
University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles more than 160 [6]. In the digital era of paperless journals
County Medical Center, 12401 Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90602, USA
with few space restrictions, the case report has seen a re-
PIH Health Hospital-Whittier Stroke Center, PIH Health Hospital Non-Invasive
Vascular Laboratory, 12401 Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90602, USA
surgence. The digital format facilitates searches, which is
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article a key factor in their utility [7]. Most of the case report
© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 2 of 9

journals are open access and have high acceptance rates. The open access publisher BioMed Central launched in
As the number of new scientific journals increases, so 2000 with 231 articles published that year in 60 journals.
do the number of questionable publishers that mislead In 2015, the numbers increased to more than 30,000 ar-
researchers regarding fees, peer review, and academic ticles in over 290 journals. In 2014, BioMed Central arti-
credentials. The process of submitting scientific work for cles were accessed more than 277 million times and had
publication now includes the need for thorough vetting 426,000 citations [10]. Similarly, the number of publica-
of potential publishers. tions from the open access publisher PLOS ONE, in-
creased from 138 at its inception in 2006 to 28,107 in
New case report journals 2015 [11].
In line with the growing demand for case report publish-
ing opportunities, the number of new peer-reviewed Controversial journals and publishers
journals that focus on case reports had increased to As scientific publishing shifts from a business model of
more than 160 journals produced by 78 publishers by subscription revenue to open access, the number of
mid-2015. Figure 1 shows that the number of case report open access journals has exploded. However, the prolif-
journals increased rapidly beginning in 2007, a time- eration of journals that will publish seemingly anything
frame that coincides with the Great Recession of the late for a fee has caused alarm among many in the global re-
2000s and the concomitant decline in federal and other search community. Alongside many respected open ac-
funding for basic science and other research. Some of cess publishers, others have entered the space acting in
the new journals cover general medicine and others bad faith. Some see it as the “dark side” of open access,
cover specific therapeutic areas. Most case report jour- a growing collection of pseudo-academic, prestigiously
nals (94%) are open access and approximately 40% are titled journals, many of which have similar but not quite
indexed in PubMed. Clinical issues covered by case re- identical websites and names to those of well-known
port journals include previously unreported adverse ef- established journals. Many of the websites look suffi-
fects of drugs or other treatments, unexpected events ciently impressive that non-experts doing online re-
that occur in the course of observing or treating a pa- search have trouble distinguishing credible research
tient, observations on disease pathogenesis, presenta- from junk. Experienced academics have been misled into
tions and/or management of new and emerging diseases, submitting manuscripts and even serving on editorial
new therapeutic approaches, ethical challenges in patient boards for pseudo-academic journals, agreements that
management, and strategies for preventing or overcom- often are difficult to undo. Most of these journals do not
ing medical errors [6, 8]. post their publication fees, and often authors are not in-
Open access publishing offers freely available and un- formed of fees until after submitting a manuscript.
restricted use of research and scholarship, which many Withdrawal of a manuscript, which is necessary before
researchers see as vital to efficient dissemination of sci- submitting the same paper to a legitimate journal, may
ence in the digital world [9]. The open access model require payment of the high fees first [12]. For some au-
usually requires authors to pay submission and publica- thors, this means their work may be lost essentially to
tion fees upon acceptance, typically between US $300 the disreputable publisher. Many researchers have com-
and $1200 [6]. The move toward making scholarly publi- plained about poorly executed or absent peer review,
cations more accessible through open access has contin- hidden fees for submission and publication, and un-
ued to gain supporters among the research community. approved inclusion of researchers’ names on editorial
Jeffrey Beall, a librarian and associate professor at
Auraria Library at the University of Colorado, Denver,
coined the term “predatory open access publishing” to
describe this situation. He is a critic of open access
publishing, blaming the system for creating the prob-
lem of predatory publishers. His blog Scholarly Open
Access, although removed by Beall for unknown rea-
sons in January 2017, closely monitored the increasing
number of open access publishers and alerted readers
to individuals, publishers, publications, meetings, and
scholarly metrics that, in the view of Mr Beall, ap-
Fig. 1 Number of case report journals by year. The number of peared to exploit the open access model [13]. He
journals that publish case reports has increased rapidly since 2007.
maintained a list of “potential, possible, or probable
(Reprinted with permission from Akers [6])
predatory scholarly open-access publishers” and
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 3 of 9

Table 1 Case report journals

Journal title Publisher/Society Year Open PubMed
launched access indexed
A&A Case Reports Wolters Kluwer Health/International 2013 No No
Anesthesia Research Society
AACE Clinical Case Reports American Association of Clinical 2015 Yes No
ACG Case Reports Journal American College of Gastroenterology 2013 Yes Yes
AJP Reports Thieme Medical Publishers 2011 Yes No
American Journal of Cancer Case Reports Ivy Union Publishing 2013 Yes No
American Journal of Case Reports International Scientific Information 2001 Yes Yes
Aperito Journal of Case Reports: Clinical Aperito Online Publishing 2015 Yes No
APSP Journal of Case Reports EL-MED-Pub Publishers/Association 2010 Yes Yes
of Paediatric Surgeons of Pakistan
Austin Cardio & Cardiovascular Case Reports Austin Publishing Group 2015 Yes No
Austin Gynecology Case Reports Austin Publishing Group 2015 Yes No
Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports Austin Publishing Group 2014 Yes No
Austin Oncology Case Reports Austin Publishing Group 2015 Yes No
Autopsy and Case Reports Hospital Universitario of the 2011 Yes No
University of San Paulo
BJR Case Reports British Institute of Radiology 2015 Yes No
BMJ Case Reports BMJ Publishing Group 2008 No
Case Reports in Anesthesiology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Cardiology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine Scientific Research Publishing 2012 Yes No
Case Reports in Critical Care Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Dermatology Karger 2009 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Emergency Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Endocrinology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Gastroenterology Karger 2007 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Genetics Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Hematology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Hepatology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Immunology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Internal Medicine Sciedu Press 2014 Yes No
Case Reports in Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2009 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Nephrology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis Karger 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Neurological Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Neurology Karger 2009 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Oncological Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Oncology Karger 2008 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Ophthalmology Karger 2010 Yes Yes
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 4 of 9

Table 1 Case report journals (Continued)

Case Reports in Orthopedics Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Otolaryngology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Pancreatic Cancer Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishing 2015 Yes No
Case Reports in Pathology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Pediatrics Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine De Gruyter 2012 Optional No
Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Taylor & Francis/Acta Chirurgica 2014 Yes Yes
Hand Surgery Scandinavica Society
Case Reports in Psychiatry Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Pulmonology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Radiology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Rheumatology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Surgery Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Transplantation Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Urology Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Vascular Medicine Hindawi Publishing 2011 Yes Yes
Case Reports in Women’s Health Elsevier 2014 Yes No
Case Reports International Edorium Journals 2012 Yes No
Case Reports: Open Access Jscholar 2015 Yes No
Case Study and Case Report Sageya Publishing 2011 Yes No
CEN Case Reports Springer/Japanese Society 2012 Optional No
of Nephrology
Clinical Case Reports Wiley 2013 Yes Yes
Clinical Case Reports and Reviews Open Access Text 2015 Yes No
Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism CIC Edizioni Internazionali/Italian 2004 Yes Yes
Society of Orthopaedics
and Medicine
Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports Libertas Academia 2008 Yes Yes
Clinics and Practice PAGEPress 2011 Yes Yes
Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2015 Yes No
Dermatology Case Reports OMICS International 2015 Yes No
Diabetes Case Reports OMICS International 2015 Yes No
Endocrinology, Diabetes, & Metabolism Bioscientifica 2013 Yes Yes
Case Reports
Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports Elsevier 2013 Yes Yes
European Journal of Case Reports in European Federation of 2014 Yes No
Internal Medicine Internal Medicine
European Journal of Pediatric Thieme Medical Publishers 2013 Yes Yes
Surgery Reports
European Journal of Surgical Cases Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi 2010 Yes No
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology Thieme Medical Publishers 2014 Yes No
& Diabetes Reports
Global Journal of Medical and Clinical PeerTechz 2014 Yes No
Case Reports
Grand Rounds e-MED 2001 Yes No
Gynecologic Oncology Reports Elsevier 2011 Yes Yes
HeartRhythm Case Reports Elsevier/Heart Rhythm Society 2015 Yes No
Human Pathology: Case Reports Elsevier 2014 yes No
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 5 of 9

Table 1 Case report journals (Continued)

IDCases Elsevier 2014 Yes No
IJSS Case Reports & Reviews IJSS Group of Journals/Society of 2014 Yes No
Malaysian Medical Association’s
Medical Students and European
Medical Student’s Association
Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports CIBTech 2012 Yes No
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Elsevier 2014 Yes No
Techniques and Case Management
International Journal of Advances in McMed International 2014 Yes No
Case Reports
International Journal of Case Reports Edorium Journals 2010 Yes No
and Images
International Journal of Case Reports IBIMA Publishing 2012 Yes No
in Medicine
International Journal of Case Studies unclear 2012 Yes No
International Journal of Clinical Graphy Publications 2014 Yes No
Case Studies
International Journal of Clinical Cases unclear 2010 Yes No
and Investigations
International Journal of Medical and ScienceDomain International 2014 Yes No
Pharmaceutical Case Reports
International Journal of Surgery Elsevier 2010 Yes Yes
Case Reports
International Medical Case Dove Medical Press 2008 Yes Yes
Reports Journal
JAAD Case Reports Elsevier/American Academy 2015 Yes No
of Dermatology
Jacobs Journal of Clinical Case Reports Jacobs Publishers 2015 Yes No
JBJS Case Connector STRIATUS Orthopaedic 2011 No No
JCRS Online Case Reports Elsevier/American Society of 2013 Yes No
Cataract and Refractive Surgery
and European Society of Cataract
and Refractive Surgeons
JMM Case Reports Microbiology Society 2014 Yes No
Joseph Journal of Clinical Studies and Joseph Publishing Group 2015 Yes No
Medical Case Reports
Journal of Anaesthesia & Critical Care International Academic 2015 Yes No
Case Reports Research Group
Journal of Cardiology Cases Elsevier/Japanese College 2010 No No
of Cardiology
Journal of Case Reports unclear 2011 Yes No
Journal of Case Reports and Clinical VRJ Publishers 2014 Yes No
Research Studies
Journal of Case Reports and Images Edorium 2015 Yes No
in Medicine
Journal of Case Reports and Images Edorium 2015 Yes No
in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal of Case Reports and Images Edorium 2015 Yes No
in Oncology
Journal of Case Reports and Images Edorium 2015 Yes No
in Pathology
Journal of Case Reports and Images Edorium 2015 Yes No
in Surgery
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 6 of 9

Table 1 Case report journals (Continued)

Journal of Case Reports and Studies Annex Publishers 2013 Yes No
Journal of Case Reports in Medicine Ashdin Publishing 2012 Yes No
Journal of Case Reports in Oncology EJourPub 2015 Yes No
and Therapy
Journal of Case Reports in Practice Saman Publishing 2013 Yes No
Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports Avens Publishing Group 2013 Yes No
Journal of Clinical and Translational Elsevier 2015 Yes No
Endocrinology Case Reports
Journal of Clinical Case Reports OMICS International 2011 Yes No
Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Herald Scholarly Open Access 2014 Yes No
Case Reports
Journal of Dermatological Case Reports Specjaliści Dermatolodzy 2007 No No
Journal of Investigative Medicine High SAGE Publications 2013 Yes No
Impact Case Reports
Journal of Knee Surgery Reports Thieme Medical Publishers 2013 Yes No
Journal of Medical Case Reports BioMed Central 2007 Yes Yes
Journal of Medical Cases Elmer Press 2010 Yes No
Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports Thieme Medical Publishers 2012 Yes Yes
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports Indian Orthopaedic Research Group 2011 Yes No
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports Elsevier 2013 Yes No
Journal of Radiology Case Reports EduRad Publishing 2008 Yes Yes
Journal of Surgical Case Reports Oxford University Press 2010 Yes Yes
Journal of Surgical Technique and Wolters Kluwer Health 2014 Yes Yes
Case Report
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases Elsevier/Society for Vascular Surgery 2015 Yes No
JPRAS Open Elsevier/British Association of 2015 Yes No
Plastic Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgeons
JSM Clinical Case Reports JSciMed Central 2013 Yes No
Medical Case Studies Academic Journals 2010 Yes No
Medical Mycology Case Reports Elsevier/International Society for 2012 Yes Yes
Human and Animal Mycology
MOJ Clinical & Medical Case Reports MedCrave 2015 Yes No
Neurocase Taylor & Francis 1995 Optional Yes
NMC Case Report Journal Japan Neurosurgical Society 2014 Yes No
OA Case Reports OA Publishing London 2012 yes No
Oncology & Cancer Case Reports OMICS International 2015 Yes No
Open Journal of Clinical and Medical unclear 2015 Yes No
Case Reports
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases Elsevier 2015 yes No
Oxford Medical Case Reports Oxford University Press 2014 Yes Yes
Pathology Case Reviews Wolters Kluwer Health 1996 No No
Pediatric Urology Case Reports Hayrettin Ozturk 2014 Yes No
Radiology Case Reports Elsevier/University of Washington 2006 Yes No
Respiratory Medicine Case Reports Elsevier 2008 Yes Yes
Respirology Case Reports Wiley/Asian Pacific Society 2013 Yes Yes
of Respirology
Retinal Cases and Brief Reports Wolters Kluwer Health 2007 Optional Yes
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 7 of 9

Table 1 Case report journals (Continued)

SAGE Open Medical Case Reports SAGE Publications 2013 Yes Yes
Scholarena Journal of Case Reports Scholarena 2014 Yes No
Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports SAS Publishers 2013 Yes No
Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report Sageya Publishing 2012 Yes No
and Review
Surgical Case Reports Springer/Japan Surgical Society 2015 Yes No
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Thieme Medical Publishers 2014 Yes Yes
Surgeon Reports
Translational Medicine Case Reports Elsevier/European Society for 2015 Yes No
Translational Medicine
Trauma Case Reports Elsevier 2015 Yes No
Urology Case Reports Elsevier 2013 yes No
World Journal of Clinical Cases Baishideng Publishing Group 2013 Yes Yes
World Journal of Medical and Surgical Narain Publishers 2012 Yes No
Case Reports
Reprinted with permission from Akers [6]

another list of standalone journals. His criteria for in- Choose the right journal: Think. Check. Submit.
clusion on the lists were derived from the Code of The “Think. Check. Submit.” campaign arose in response
Conduct for Journal Publishers from the Committee to concerns about publishing practices, and the effort is
on Publication Ethics (COPE), and Principles of supported by a coalition of scholarly publishing organi-
Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publish- zations. “Think. Check. Submit.” takes a positive ap-
ing from COPE, the Open Access Scholarly Publishers proach to help researchers identify credible journals,
Association (OASPA), and the World Association of providing up-to-date guidance for choosing where to
Medical Editors [14–16]. Similarly, information in publish [18, 19]. To ascertain whether a journal is
these communications may help authors to discern trusted, authors are advised to follow this checklist:
whether they can trust a particular publisher or jour-
nal. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the  Do you or your colleagues know the journal?
USA has taken notice of questionable publication – Have you read any articles in the journal before?
practices. In August 2016 it filed a suit against the – Is it easy to discover the latest papers in the
OMICS Group, a global conglomerate based in India journal?
that publishes more than 700 open access journals.  Can you easily identify and contact the publisher?
The suit claimed that the OMICS Group misled re- – Is the publisher name clearly displayed on the
searchers, particularly with regard to their peer-review journal website?
process (or lack thereof ) and high fees that were not – Can you contact the publisher by telephone,
readily apparent to authors upon manuscript submis- email, and post?
sion [17]. The purpose of the lawsuit, according to  Is the journal clear about the type of peer review it uses?
the FTC, is to better inform authors of publishing – Does the journal site explain what these fees are
fees and to have a more transparent peer-review sys- for and when they will be charged?
tem [18]. The case is still to be litigated in federal  Do you recognize the editorial board?
court in Nevada at the time of writing this article. – Have you heard of the editorial board members?
The challenge for watchdogs and authors alike is to – Do members of the editorial board mention the
decide when a publisher is untrustworthy or simply un- journal on their own websites?
professional. Some publishers may fall under suspicion  Is the publisher a member of a recognized industry
due to poor copy editing or amateurish website design, initiative?
but this may not reflect an outright neglect of scholarly – Do they belong to the COPE?
standards. It is important not to blacklist startup pub- – If the journal is open access, is it listed in the
lishers who lack experience. Another problem with Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)?
maintaining lists of disreputable publishers is that be- – If the journal is open access, does the publisher
cause copycat journals are often short-lived, the blacklist belong to the OASPA?
will continue to grow but individual entries may quickly – Is the publisher a member of another trade
become obsolete. association?
Rison et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2017) 11:198 Page 8 of 9

In addition to consulting colleagues and academic li- Nature journals list a suite of citation-based metrics.
brarians for journal suggestions, authors have available Only one case report journal, Taylor & Francis’s Neuro-
to them several online resources. BioMed Central previ- case, has received an impact factor (1.124), dating back
ously collaborated with Edanz, a company that assists to 1998.
authors in navigating the publication process, to create Medicine/National Institutes of Health Indexed re-
the author academy [10]. The free online guide describes search databases are often curated to ensure the quality
best practices in writing and publishing a manuscript, of included publications. Clarivate Analytics (formerly
including sections on choosing a journal, writing the Thomson Reuters) offers The Web of Science™, as one
manuscript, and publication ethics, among others. such example, and recently introduced the “Emerging
BioMed Central now contracts with Nature Research Sources Citation Index” to complement their more se-
Editing Services and American Journal Experts, both of lective indexes. This collection reflects the growing
which offer similar services [20, 21]. number of peer-reviewed publications of regional im-
Several automated search tools help identify suitable portance and in emerging fields [28].
journals as well. Authors insert keywords from their In conclusion, the growth in number of case report
manuscript abstract into a search engine, which then journals has provided authors multiple avenues for pub-
compares the words to many online publications and lication but, at the same time, it has introduced a new
Edanz Journal Selector covers a broad range of journals. level of uncertainty in the journal selection process. Fac-
The online tool is free, and Edanz also offers a journal tors to consider when choosing a journal are: the topics
selection service (US $300) in which experts use their the journal covers, the target audience, length restric-
publication experience to identify up to four of the best tions, and the time to publication. Open access publica-
journals for a given paper [22]. The Journal/Author tions, such as the Journal of Medical Case Reports from
Name Estimator (Jane) focuses on biomedical science BioMed Central, offer high visibility, relatively rapid
journals by searching the Medline database published by publication, and transparent publication policies. The
the US National Library of Medicine [23]. Other online reputation of the journal plays an increasingly important
services offered by publishers Springer and Elsevier sug- part of the decision, requiring thorough vetting of poten-
gest journals from their own extensive catalogues [24, tial journals.
We thank the reviewers for their insightful and helpful comments on our
Impact factor editorial.
Journal impact factors, calculated and published by
Thomson Reuters, measure the average number of cita- Authors’ contributions
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
tions per published article for papers published over a 2-
year period. Despite the fact that the simple metric can Competing interests
be misleading, the impact factor has become, over time, RAR is a Deputy Editor and MRK is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Medical
Case Reports. JKS has nothing to disclose.
a marker of journal prestige and desirability. The judg-
ment of a paper’s value is often based more on the jour-
nal in which it appears than on its content. Many Publisher’s Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
researchers contend that reliance on impact factors un- published maps and institutional affiliations.
dervalues disciplines or study designs, such as case re-
Author details
ports, which have lower citation rates. Overall, the 1
University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles
number of citations of an article is commensurate with County Medical Center, 12401 Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90602, USA.
hierarchies of evidence, with meta-analyses receiving PIH Health Hospital-Whittier Stroke Center, PIH Health Hospital Non-Invasive
Vascular Laboratory, 12401 Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90602, USA. 3JKS
more citations than any other study design. Case reports Science & Medical Writing, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 4Faculty of Medicine,
typically receive few citations, although there are notable Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA
exceptions [26]. The number of citations of an article, 5001, Australia. 5Department of Family & Community Medicine, University of
Toronto, 500 University Avenue, Toronto M5G 1V7, Canada.
however, does not necessarily reflect how widely the art-
icle has been read or the dissemination of the findings in Received: 29 November 2016 Accepted: 5 June 2017
mainstream media [27].
Efforts to embrace a broader view of value in scientific
communication, and perhaps diminish the influence of 1. Rison RA. A guide to writing case reports for the Journal of Medical
impact factors, have emerged. Journals of the American Case Reports and BioMed Central Research Notes. J Med Case Reports.
Society for Microbiology (ASM) no longer advertise im- 2013;7(1):1–9.
2. Albrecht J, Meves A, Bigby M. Case reports and case series from Lancet
pact factors on their websites. Similarly, in recognizing had significant impact on medical literature. J Clin Epidemiol. 2005;
that impact factors are just one of a number of metrics, 58(12):1227–32.
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3. Godlee F. Applying research evidence to individual patients. Evidence based

case reports will help. BMJ. 1998;316(7145):1621–2.
4. McDermott MM, Lefevre F, Feinglass J, Reifler D, Dolan N, Potts S, Senger K.
Changes in study design, gender issues, and other characteristics of clinical
research published in three major medical journals from 1971 to 1991. J
Gen Intern Med. 1995;10(1):13–8.
5. Rison RA, Kidd MR, Koch CA. The CARE (CAse REport) guidelines and the
standardization of case reports. J Med Case Reports. 2013;7:261.
6. Akers KG. New journals for publishing medical case reports. J Med Libr
Assoc. 2016;104(2):146–9.
7. Rison RA, Shepphird JK, Beydoun SR. When to write a neurology case
report. J Med Case Reports. 2016;10(1):1–4.
8. Kidd M, Hubbard C. Introducing Journal of Medical Case Reports. J Med Case
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9. Suber P. Open Access Overview: Focusing on open access to peer-reviewed
research articles and their preprints. [
overview.htm] Published June 21, 2004. Updated December 5, 2015.
Accessed 14 Nov 2016.
10. BioMed Central. [] Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
11. Davis P. As PLOS ONE Shrinks, 2015 Impact Factor Expected to Rise. The
scholarly kitchen website. [
plos-one-shrinks-2015-impact-factor-expected-to-rise/] Published February 2,
2016. Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
12. Beall J. Best practices for scholarly authors in the age of predatory journals.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2016;98(2):77–9.
13. Silver A. Controversial website that lists ‘predatory’ publishers shuts down.
Nature website. [
lists-predatory-publishers-shuts-down-1.21328] Published January 18, 2017.
Accessed 10 May 2017.
14. Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. COPE Committee of Publication
Ethics website. [ of conduct for
publishers FINAL_1_0.pdf]. Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
15. Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. COPE
Committee of Publication Ethics website. [
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.pdf]
Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
16. Beall J. Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers. Scholarly
Open Access website. [
criteria-2015.pdf] Updated January 1, 2015. Accessed 14 Nov 2016.
17. Shonka D. Complaint for Permanent Injunction and Other Equitable Relief.
Federal Trade Commission, Case 2:16-cv-02022; 2016. [
system/files/documents/cases/160826omicscmpt.pdf] Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
18. Molteni M. The FTC Is Cracking Down on Predatory Science Journals. Wired
website. [
journals/]. Published September 19, 2016. Accessed 26 Sept 2016.
19. Think.Check.Submit. [] Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
20. Author Services. [] Accessed 6
Dec 2016.
21. American Journal Experts. [] Accessed 6 Dec 2016.
22. Edanz. [] Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
23. Jane: Journal/Author Name Estimator. [
php]. Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
24. Springer Journal Suggester. [] Accessed
30 Sept 2016.
25. Elsevier Find the Perfect Journal for Your Article. [http://journalfinder.] Accessed 30 Sept 2016.
26. Patsopoulos NA, Analatos AA, Ioannidis JP. Relative citation impact of
various study designs in the health sciences. JAMA. 2005;293(19):2362–6. Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central
27. Mahajan RP, Hunter JM. Volume 100: Case reports: should they be confined
to the dustbin? Br J Anaesth. 2008;100(6):744–6. and we will help you at every step:
28. Web of Science: Emerging Source Citation Index. Thomson Reuters website.
• We accept pre-submission inquiries
[] Accessed 30
Sept 2016. • Our selector tool helps you to find the most relevant journal
• We provide round the clock customer support
• Convenient online submission
• Thorough peer review
• Inclusion in PubMed and all major indexing services
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