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Journal of Science and Technology

ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:

“Clinical Management of Ardita (Bell‟s Palsy) through Gandha

Taila & Shudha Bala Taila Nasya”


PG student Department of panchakarma Late Dr.Pt.SHIVA SHAKTILAL SHARMA AYURVEDIC
Lecturer , Depattment of samhita Late Dr.Pt.SHIVA SHAKTILAL SHARMA AYURVEDIC MEDICAL

To Cite this Article

“ Clinical
Management of Ardita (Bell‟s Palsy) through Gandha Taila & Shudha Bala Taila Nasya””, Journal of
Science and Technology, Vol. 07, Issue 04,-June 2022.

Article Info
Received: 25-04-2022 Revised: 11-06-2022 Accepted: 17-06-2022 Published: 27-06-2022


In this new millennium, as a result of highly progressive and fast lifestyle,people are not paying
attention to their physical and mental health. Irregular foodhabits, suppression of natural urges,
lack of proper sleep, stressful life has becomepart of our life, due to which people are more
vulnerable for various
morbidity.Accordingtostatisticaldata,Facialparalysisaffectsaround 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000.
Worldwide statistics indicate a frequency of about0.02%. It is more common in young adults.
Diabetic patients and pregnant womenaremorepronetothis disorder up to3 to 4times than
general population.
The objective of the study was to study Ardita according to Ayurvedictexts and Facial
palsy in Modern medicine in detail. To assess the efficacy ofNasya Karma with Gandha taila
andSuddha Bala tailain the management ofArdita.


The present clinical study contains sample size of 60 subjects, divided intotwo groups A and B,
Published by: Longman Publishers 1|Page
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
each having 30 subjects. All the 60 subjects were givenAmapachana with Vaishwanara churna
and Group A & Group B subjects weretreatedbyNasyafor 7 days.
Both the groups showed significant improvement in the sign & symptomsofArdita,
therebymakingbetter qualityof lifeofthe patients.

assessment i.e. Vaksanga and Akshi nimesha asamarthya and significant results
ItwasobservedthatGandhatailaNavananasayaprovidedhighlysignificant results in Lalata vali
nasha and significant result is observed in Mukhaparshwa greeva vedana, Lalasrava, Mukha
vakrata, Lalasrava and Akshi nimeshaasamarthya whereasinsignificant result isobserved

So it can beconcluded that comparatively betterresults canbe


1.0 Introduction
‘Anayasenamaranamvinaadainyenajeevanam’,thisarshoktiis thedesire of all the people
who attained jaravastha, but ardita is one such cripplingdisorder where in if the treatment is not
proper or else if the morbidity is so severepersonwill beeitherchair bound orbed ridden.

Bell's palsy is a condition that affects the seventh cranial nerve (CN-
VII)andcausesthefacialmusclestoweakenorbecomeparalysed.Onlyonesideofthe face is affected.
Named after Sir Charles Bell, a Scottish surgeon who studiedthe nerve and its innervation of
facial muscles 200 years ago, Bell's palsy is aconditionthatisnotasuncommonasisgenerally
variations - that is, one for every 5,000 people over the course of alifetime. The affliction
affects about 40,000 Americans every year. The possibilityof recurrence is believed to be as
high as 10 to 20 per cent, but a lot more is to belearntabout this aspect of thecondition.
By 2015, India will report 1.6 million cases of stroke annually, atleast one-third of
whom will be disabled. Stroke is a major cause for loss
6.4 lakh deathsdue to stroke in India, mostofthe people being less than45yearsold.

ThepredisposingfactorsforBell'spalsyarenotknown.Stressandextremes of temperature
are two factors cited most often, but the predominance ofthe former in everyday life means that
just about anyone can be struck by thiscondition.

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:

2.0 . A. StudyDesign:ClinicalTrial

The present study was a clinical trial to assess efficacy of NavanaNasyaGANDHA TAILA in
Group A and SUDDHABALA TAILAinGroup B.

2.0. B. Source of Data

In the present study, the research scholar proposes to take the patients attending the Outpatient
Wing of Post Graduate Department of PANCHAKARMA, PT. SHIVSHAKTILAL SHARMA

2.0 . C. Methods of collection of Data

A. A clinical survey of patients attending the OPD and IPD of Post Graduate Department
RATLAM [M.P.], will be made and patients fulfilling the criteria of diagnosis as per the
proforma will be selected for the study.

B. A clinical evaluation of patients will be done by collection of data through information

obtained by history, physical examination, and laboratory tests including radiography.
C. Review of literature will be collected from Post Graduate Library, PT.
from Authentic Research Journals, Websites, Digital Publications etc
D. The data which are obtained by the clinical trial will be statistically analysed by
applying Student ‘t’ test.

2.0. D. StudyDesign:Randomizedprospectiveopenlevel parallel clinical trial

RATLAM [M.P.] 2012to2014
The present study was a clinical trial to assess efficacy of NavanaNasyaGANDHA TAILA in
Group A and SUDDHABALA TAILAinGroup B.

1. Ama Pachana with Vaishwanara Churna 5 gm twice daily twice a daybeforeMeals for3 to5
daystill NiramaLakshana areattained.
2. Navana Nasya with GANDHATAILA foraperiod of7days.

Published by: Longman Publishers 3|Page
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:

1.Ama Pachana with Vaishwanara Churna 5 gm twice twice dailybefore

mealsfor3to5 daystillNiramaLakshanaareattained.

2.Navana NasyawithSUDDHABALATAILAforaperiod7days.



Thefollowingmaterialswereused intheClinicaltrial.

1. VaishwanaraChurna151

2. Gandha taila152

3. SuddhaBalataila153


Patientsagedbetween20to 70 years, reporting Subjects with classical features of Ardita roga

explained in classical texts. notonanyothersmedicines for ardita were included in thestudy. And
Subjects with classical features of Ardita roga explained in classical texts. Subjects with
classical features of Ardita roga explained in classical texts.


PatientsnotfulfillingtheinclusioncriteriaandreportingsevereHypertension, Diabetes
mellitus,Hypothyroidismor havingevidenceof
renal,hepaticandcardiacinvolvementwerenotincluded in the study. Patients with long
termSteroid treatment and pregnant women werealsoexcluded.

It was mainly based on the specially

Parameters 1. Mukha parshwa 2. Griva vedana ,3. Vaksanga, 4. Karna vedana

Objective Parameters: 1. MukhaVakrata , 2. Akshi nimesha asamarthya , 3. Lalata vali nasha.

Investigations: Routine hematological, urine,stoolexaminationweredonetoknowthepresent

status of patients as well as to
HDL, LDL, VLDL etc. were carriedoutbeforeand aftertreatment.
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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:

Plan of Study: 40 patients irrespective of age,sex,religion,casteetc.,

wererandomlyselected&distributedintofollowing2therapeutics groups.
alanalysis), total 60 patients 30 from each grouphasbeenassessedfortheefficacyofthetherapy.

GroupA–Navana Nasya with GANDHA TAILA for 7 days was administered after doing
proper Amapachana with vaishwanara choornam. With Ushnodaka for 3 to 5 days, given
before meals.
Group – B Navana Nasya with SUDDHABALA TAILA for 7 days. Amapachana with
Vaishwanara Churna 5 gm twice daily, With Ushnodaka for 3 to 5 days, given before meals.

Group A Group B

Gandha thaila Suddha BalaThaila

6 drops 6 drops
Dose Nasal Nasal

Duration 15Days 15Days

Followup 1month 1month



1. Vaktrardhavakra:
CompleteMukhavakrata 3
HalfMukhavakrata 2
MildMukhavakrata 1
Normal 0
2. Vaksanga:
CompleteVaksanga 3
Pronouncingwithgreatefforts 2

Published by: Longman Publishers 5|Page

Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Pronouncingwithlessefforts 1
Normalspeech(whistling) 0


Completeupwardrollingofeye 3
Halfoftheupwardrollingofeye 2
Partialupwardrollingofeye 1
Normal 0
4. Lalasrava:
Constant(profuse)Lalasrava 3
Intermittent(moderate)Lalasrava 2
Partial(mild)Lalasrava 1
NoLalasrava 0
Alsotoassessthedegreeofvoluntarymovementpresent in order to document the grade of facial

Change in Subjective and objective features of Ardita before and after the treatment. The result
will be recorded as;
Marked relief - Above 75% improvement
Moderate relief - 50%-75% improvement
Mild relief - 25%-50% Improvement
No relief - Below 25% improvement

Chart 1.

Showing Age wise distribution

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:



Group A

6 Group B

20-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years

Table No. 1. Showing Mukha vakrata distribution

vakrata Group A Group B Total
left side 12 16 28
right side 18 14 32

A Maximum number of study subjects i.e. 28 subjects (46.66%) were left side deviation
32 subjects (53.33%) were Right side deviation.

Table No 2 Showing Akshi Nimesha Samarthya distribution

Akshi nimesha
samarthya Group A Group B Total
Present 16 20 36
Absent 12 12 24

A Maximum number of study subjects i.e. 36 subjects (60%) were Akshi nimesha samarthya
present 24 subjects (40%) were Akshi nimesha samarthya Absent

Table No 3. Showing Vaksanga distribution

Vaksanga (Dysarthia Group A Group B Total

Severe 8 12 20

Published by: Longman Publishers 7|Page

Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Moderate 14 12 26
Mild 6 4 10
Normal 2 2 4
A Maximum number of study subjects i.e. 26 subjects (65%) were mil moderate Vaksanga
(Dysarthia ). 10 subjects (25%) were mild Vaksanga (Dysarthia) . 20 subjects (33.33%)
were severe Vaksanga (Dysarthia). 4 subjects were normal. (6.66%)

Table No 3. Showing Lalata vali nasha distribution

Lalata vali Nasha Group A Group B Total

present 22 22 44
absent 8 8 16

A Maximum number of study subjects i.e. 44 subjects (73.33%) were Lalata vali Nasha
present 16 subjects (26..66%) were Lalata vali Nasha absent.

Table No 4. Showing Lalasrava distribution

Lalasrava Group A Group B Total

Present 10 10 20
absent 20 20 40

A Maximum number of study subjects i.e. 40 subjects (66.66%) were Lalasravava absent
20 subjects (33.33%) were Lalasrava .present

Table No.5 - Showing Effect of therapies on Mukha parshwa greevavedana:

Group A Group B
Mean 1.47 .87 2.27 .40
Difference Mean .600 1.867
SD .990 .743 .458 .507
Published by: Longman Publishers 8|Page
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Difference SD .632 .516
SE .256 .192 .118 .131
Difference SE .163 .133
t-value 3.674 14
p-value P<0.01 P<0.001
Remarks significant Highly Significant

Table No 6.Showing the Comparative efficacy of the therapies in Group A and Group B
by using unpaired „t‟ test:

No. Group A Group B

Sl. Parameters of of „t' p Remarks

No. assessment S.D. S.E. S.D. S.E.
Mean (±) (±) Mean (±) (±)

parshw . 1 Not
1 Mukha a 30 0.20 .41 1.10 .40 .50 ..131 1.38 >0.1 Significant
Vaksang Not
2 a 30 0.47 1.06 0.27 0.20 0.41 0.10 0.845 >0.10 significant

3 vedana 30 0.53 0.52 0.13 0.07 0.35 0.09 2.8 >0.01 significant

4 ta 30 0.53 0.52 0.13 0.07 0.35 0.09 2.1 >0.01 significant

nimesh 0.18 0.23

5 Akshi a 30 0.67 0.724 7 0.2 0.41 2 3.56 >0.01 significant
Lalata vali 0..16 0.12 Significan
6 nasha 30 1.147 0.640 5 0.67 0.488 6 5.059 >0.01 t

Lalasrav Significan
7 a 30 0.87 0.74 0.19 0.33 0.48 0.12 1.83 >0.01 t

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Table No 7. Overall Effect of Therapy on different parameter in Group A

General Symptoms % Over all Relief

Mukhaparshwa Marked
greevavedana 81.8 improvement
Vaksanga 82 improvement
Karna vedana 15 No change
MukhaVakrata 75 improvement
asamarthya 60 Mild improvement
Lalata vali nasha 15 No change
Lalasrava 72.4 improvement

Overall Effect of therapy on different parameters in Group A:

Marked improvement wasobserved in symptoms like Mukhaparshwa greevavedana, Vaksanga,
lalasrava and Mukhavakrata Moderate improvement was observed in symptoms like
Akshinimesha asamarthya, and No change was observed in and Lalata vali nasha, karna

Table No. 8 – Over all Effect of Therapy on different parameters in Group B

General Symptoms % Over all Relief

Mukha parshwa greevavedana

87.8 Marked improvement

Vaksanga 87 Marked improvement

Karna vedana 61 Moderate improvement

MukhaVakrata 95 Marked improvement

Akshi nimesha asamarthya 86 Marked improvement

Lalata vali nasha 61.5 Moderate improvement

Lalasrava 95.6 Marked improvement

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Overall Effect of therapy on different parameters in Group B:
Marked improvement relief was observed in symptoms like Mukha parshwa greevavedana,
Vaksanga, mukha vakrata , Akshinimesh asmarthya and, Lalasrava and Mild relief was
observed in symptoms like lalata valli nasha and karna vedana

Para meter for assessmet

1. Complete improvement more < 75%
2. Partial improvement < 50%
3. Mild improvement < 25%
4. No marked improvement < 10 %

The Discussion part is divided into the following parts-

1. Discussion on Materials and Methods
2. Discussion on Observations.
3. Discussion on Results


The subjects suffering from Ardita (Facial Palsy) fulfilling the criteria of selection of present
study were selected for the trial. The present clinical study contains sample size of 30 subjects.
They were divided into two groups as Group A and Group B, each having 15 subjects, all the
30 subjects were given Vaishwanara Churna with, and Group A subjects were treated by Nasya
with Suddha Taila for 7 days and Group B subjects were subjected to Nasya with Gandha Taila
for 7 days. Follow-up period was 1 month.

3.1 Discussion on Materials used in the Study:

Vaishwanara Churna: Vaiswanara churna is used for diseases of digestive track.
Vaishvanara means fire in Sanskrit. Hence this product is useful to correct digestive fire
(system). This choorna was used for Amapachana in this clinical study. All the ingredients of
this choorna have predominantly Laghu, Teekshna, Rooksha guna, Katu rasa and Katu vipaka.
They resulted in Amapachana and vatanuloma and is also indicated in Chakradatta Amavata
chikitsa 15-18, Sahasrayog
Suddha BalaTaila: Suddha Bala Taila was used for Nasya karma in Group A in this clinical
trial and it is mentioned in Sahsrayog as a good remedy for Ardita. This Taila can be used for
Pana, Basti, Abhyanga and Nasya. Bala, the main content of Suddha Bala taila has Madhura
rasa, laghu, Snigdha pichilla guna, Seetha veerya and Madhura vipaka It is Vatahara, balya
brimhaniya. Other main ingredient, Tila Taila has Madhura rasa, Guru, Snigdha guna, Ushna
veerya and Madhura vipaka and is best Vatashamaka. All other ingredients by virtue of their
guna are Vatahara in nature.
Published by: Longman Publishers 11 | P a g e
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Gandha Taila: Gandha Taila was used for Nasya Karma in Group B in this clinical trial and
its reference is taken from Susrutha chikitsa . It is well indicated in Vata Vyadhi, as the
properties of Gandha taila are suggestive of Vatahara, Rasayana, Jivaniya, Balya and
Brimhana. This taila is used for Pana (oral intake), Basti, Abhyanga and Nasya karma. Its use
in both internal and external purposes is found abundant in Ayurvedic texts and is well
appreciated by the experts of the field for Vatika disorders Gandha Taila indicated in
akshepaka pakshagata talu sosha and ardita. Here seeing the multiple effects and samprapti of
ardita and its multidimensional action
The term ‘‘Gandha” denotes Fragrance and unique method of preparation the process
preparation is totally different which is described as Sesame seeds are tied into a bundle in a
cloth, allowed to stay in flowing water for seven days. Then it is soaked in milk and decoction
of madhuka (Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra) daily and dried in shade. This is continued for
seven days. Once again it is soaked in milk, removed from its husk and powdered and it is then
mixed with fine power of herbs – from (Nalada to Eladi Gana herbs are macerated with milk.
Then herbal oil is cooked with above drugs, added with paste of group of herbs like Shaileya to
Durva , milk and oil. This makes Gandha taila.
In this preparation the tila is soaked in milk thus properties of ksheera enhances the potency
Ksheera (cow’s milk) - possesses qualities like Madhura rasa, Sheeta, Mrudu, Snigdha, Sandra,
Slakshna guna and Madhura vipaka. Milk subsides Vata and Pitta dosha by the above said
properties and acts as Rasayana, Jivaniya and Buddhi prabodhaka.
Here Balatraya -Bala – Sida cordifolia Atibala – Abutilon indicum Mahabala - Grewia
populifolia all three are used - as the name itself suggests, a drug providing energy or strength.
It is abundantly mentioned in Ayurveda and has been largely used in neurological diseases as it
possesses Madhura rasa, Laghu, Snigdha guna, Ushna veerya and Katu vipaka.
Taila (tila taila) - Tila taila means oil extracted from the seeds of Sesamum indicum, a herb. It
is the best for alleviating Vata and Kapha dosha. It promotes health and strengthen the skin. It
is also used as soothing agent or to subside inflammation and pain as it possess the qualities
like Teekshna, Vyavayi, Sukshma guna, Ushna veerya and Madhura vipaka with Vata
kaphahara prabhava.

3.2 Discussion on probable mode of action of Nasya:

Charaka considered Nasa as the gateway of Shiras. The drug administered through nose in the
form of Nasya reaches the brain & pacifies Dosha which is responsible for producing the
disease.136The drug reaches Shringhataka (Sira Marma). Indu in his commentary on Ashtanga
Sangraha has opined Shringhataka as the inner side of middle part of the head i.e. Shiraso
Antarmadhyam. In this context, Sushruta has clarified that Shringhataka marma is a Siramarma
formed by the union of Siras (blood vessels) supplying to nose, ear, eye and tongue.137 Thus we
can say that drug administered through Nasya may enter the above sira and pacifies the morbid

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
Dosha in urdhwajatrugata pradesha clearing Uttamanga.138 that Nasya acts locally as well as on
many systems by direct contact with nerve terminals or
absorption of the drugs by nasal mucosa. Whenever there is irritation, the circulation to local
area increases. The Nasya with Suddha Bala taila and Gandha Taila irritates the nasal mucosa
leading to an edematous response with local hyperemia which enhances drug absorption. Since
the drug administered itself being fat in nature hence there is no functional Blood-Brain barrier
for both he Tailas. On the basis of fractional stages of Nasya karma procedure, we can draw
certain rational issues that are as follows:

3.3 Effect on Neuro – Vascular Junction:

During Nasya procedure, the lowering of the head and fomentation to face seem to have an
impact on blood circulation to the head. The efferent vasodilator nerves which are located in
the superficial surface of the face get stimulated by Snehana and Swedana leads to momentary
hyperemia in the head region.139 It is also possible that the fall of arterial pressure due to
vasodilatation may encounter with Cushing’s reaction; in which, when the ratio between the
C.S.F pressure & cerebral arterial pressure has reduced, the increased C.S.F pressure tends to
compress the arteries in the brain causing a transient ischemia in the brain. Due to this, the
aroused ‘ischemic response’ will subsequently raise the arterial pressure (Cushing). This act
convinces more of ‘Slush’ created in intracranial space, probably forcing more transfusion of
fluids into the brain tissue.140
On this ground, it can be stated that the mode of action of Nasya Karma has a definite impact
on central neurovascular system & likely lower the blood brain barrier to enhance certain drug
absorption in the brain tissues.

3.4 Effect on drug Absorption :

By keeping the head in lower position & retention of medicine in naso pharynx, help in
providing sufficient time for local drug absorption. Any Fat soluble substance has greater
chance for passive absorption directly through lining membrane of the cell. On the other hand,
massage & local fomentation also enhances the drug absorption.

3.5 Importance of Post Nasya Massage:

The texts have recommended Abhyanga over Mukha and Greeva pradesha which may help to
subside the irritation of somatic constriction due to heat stimulation. It may also help in
removing the slush created in these regions. However, Manya which is a Marma existing in
neck on either side of the trachea141 likely correspond to the carotid sinuses of the neck.
Pressure applied on the baroreceptors may bring the deranged cerebral arterial pressure to
normalcy. Because these receptors lie on bed of bifurcation of common carotid artery have a
buffering action on the cerebral arterial pressure.
On the basis of the foregoing observations we can state that the procedures, postures &
conducts explained for Nasya Karma are of vital importance in drug absorption &

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
transportation. The facts discussed here are convincing us about the definite effect of Nasya
Karma in the disorders of Central Nervous System


Discussion on Effect of therapies on Mukha parshwa greevavedana:

Significant effect was seen in Group A and Group B subjects with regard to the Mukha
parshwa greevavedana. This shows that Nasya B had excellent effect on Mukha parshwa
greevavedana. This is achieved due to the multiple Vata Shamaka Balya properties of Gandha
Taila along with neuro and musculo stimulatory effect

Discussion on Effect of therapies on Vaksanga:

Highly significant effect was seen in Group B and significant result in Group A subjects with
regard to the Vaksanga. This shows that Nasya group B had better effect on Vaksanga than
group A. Vaksanga occur due to vitiation of Udana Vayu. Nasa is one of the site of Udana
Vayu. The Nasya Karma is indicated in Vakgraha, Gadgadatva etc. So Nasya administered
with Gandha taila which have Indriyabalakara , Vatashamaka, Swarya, etc properties
respectively along with neuro and musculo stimulatory effect. Gandha Taila indicated in
akshepaka pakshagata talu sosha and ardita. Here seeing the multiple effects and samprapti of
ardita and its multidimensional action

3.6 Discussion on Effect of therapies on Karna vedana:

The result in Group B subjects was significant and insignificant result was seen in Group A
subjects with regard to Karna vedana. This effect may be due to Vedana Shamaka properties of
Gandha taila which is mentioned in bhagna adhyaya of susrutha is equally effective in reducing
vedana as it controls vata and kapha .

3.7 A. Discussion on Effect of therapies on Mukha vakrata:

Significant results were seen in both Group A and Group B. According to Ayurveda , Mukha
vakrata occur due to aggravation of Chala Guna of Vata, which is responsible for movement of
facial muscles. Nasya due to its therapeutic effect as well as pharmacological effect of Suddha
bala taila and Gandha taila helps to combat it by its Balya, Brimhaneeya and Snehana
properties. Both taila possessing Vatahara, Rasayana, Jivaniya, Balya and Brimhana properties
also does the same.
B. Discussion on Effect of therapies on Akshi nimesha asamarthya:
Highly significant result was seen in Group B and significant result was seen in Group A with
regard to Akshi nimesha asamarthya. Nimesha-Unmesha is the karma of prakruta Vyana vata
Published by: Longman Publishers 14 | P a g e
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
which get hampered in this disease. Nasya by Gandha taila possess mainly Vata Shamaka
properties, which pacifies Vata specially the Gati of Vyana vata.

C. Discussion on Effect of therapies on Lalata vali nasha:

The result in Group B subjects was significant and not significant result was seen in
Group A subjects with regard to Lalata vali nasha .The significant results in Group B was
achieved due to Nasya karma done with Gandha . Vata by retention of higher quality of Sneha
having drugs of jeevaniya gana effective for dhatu ksaya ,vatahara properties shows better
effect . The properties of Gandha taila like Brimhaneeya, Balya, Snigdha, Guru etc. are also
helpful in strengthening of weak muscles. Moreover neuro and musculo stimulatory effect of
Gandha taila also play an major role.

D. Discussion on Effect of therapies on Lalasrava:

Significant result were seen in Group B and insignificant results Group A subjects with regard
to Lalasrava. Dribbling of saliva occurs due to the dropping of corner of mouth. The Chala
guna kshaya of Vata may be normalized by snehana properties of Gandha taila administered in
the form of Nasya and Post Nasya massage. Desired effect were not seen in group B nasya
E. Discussion on Comparative Effect of both Therapies
With House-Brackmann Classification of Facial Function
On observing the comparative efficacy of Group A (Navana nasya with Suddha Bala
Taila) and Group B (Navana nasya with Gandha Taila), it is found that Navana nasya with
Gandha Taila is much effective on parameters like Mukha parshwa greevavedana, Vaksanga,
Karna vedana, Mukhavakrata, Akshi nimesha asamarthya, Lalasrava where as Nasya with
Suddhabala taila is effective on parameter Mukha parshwa greevavedana , Mukhavakrata
others showing moderate effect.
Though Navana Nasya with Suddha Bala Taila and with Gandha taila provided significant
results in subjects of Ardita, the relief provided by Nasya with Gandha Taila was
comparatively better than the Suddha Bala group. It is evident from the present study that along
with Vata prakopa , the role of Dhatukshaya and Margavarodha cannot be neglected in the
Samprapti of Ardita. Gandha taila was more effective in Dhatu kshaya and was brimhana
Charaka considered Nasa as the gateway of Shiras. The drug administered through nose in the
form of Nasya reaches the Mastishka & pacifies Dosha which is responsible for producing the
Abhyanga and Swedana during Nasya karma on the mukha and greeva pradesha helps
in opening of Srotomukha thereby reducing Margavarodha. Moreover Navana Nasya also gives
the following benefits like Vatahara, Sleshma vardhaka, Bala vardhaka, Sthairyakara and
Mardavakara. Both SuddhaBala taila and Gandha Taila used for Navana nasya has Madhura
rasa, Guru Snigdha guna, Ushna veerya and Madhura vipaka. In total Gandha taila with this
combination of Bala traya and with other drugs Tila Taila and with unique method of
preparation mentioned for Gandha taila becomes one of the best Vatahara yoga by virtue of the

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
guna of its contents. Taila by its sneha guna counter acts the Rookshadi guna present in Srotas
which are opposite to Vata guna and facilitates easy movement inside the Srotas. Thus plays
vital role in Samprapti vighatana.
Nasya is one of the Shodhana therapy and the active principles of the Nasya drugs reach
the level of Shringataka marma and hence pacifies Mastishkagata vikara. These properties are
better possessed by Gandha Taila, By this penetration of drugs is deep .the process preparation
is totally different which is described as Sesame seeds are tied into a bundle in a cloth, allowed
to stay in flowing water for seven days. Then it is soaked in milk and decoction of madhuka
(Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra) daily and dried in shade. This is continued for seven days.
Once again it is soaked in milk, removed from its husk and powdered, it is then mixed with fine
power of herbs – from (Nalada to Eladi Gana herbs listed above), and macerated with milk.
Then herbal oil is cooed with above drugs, added with paste of group of herbs (from Shaileya
to Durva listed above), milk and oil. This makes Gandha taila more potentiated compared to
Suddha Bala Taila This may be the reason that Nasya karma with Gandha Taila proved to be
effective on maximum parameters when compared with Suddha Bala Taila..

After studying 30 subjects in clinical trials, during which every subject was under treatment for
a period of 1 month with follow up of 1 month.
The following conclusions were drawn taking into consideration this study as a whole-
This disease is prevalent since the ancient times as the references regarding it are available in
almost all the Samhita.
Peak incidence of the disease is found in young age and old age.
Some of observations obtained during the study of etiological factors i.e. Ucchairbhasana,
Sheeta Jala Snana, Sheeta Vayu Sevana, Ati bhashna, Kathina Padartha chravan,
Vishama Upadhana, Ati Bharavahana, were found in almost all subjects, which are
already mentioned in classics elaborately. They may lead to vitiation of Vata situated at
Moordha either directly or indirectly.
Vatapitta prakruti persons are more prone to Ardita which is also supported by Ayurvedic
Prana,Vyana and Udana types of Vata are predominant with definite association of Pitta and
Kapha in Samprapti of Ardita.
The Dushya which are involved in manifestation of Ardita are Rakta, Mamsa, Sira, Snayu and


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ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
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Published by: Longman Publishers 18 | P a g e
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
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Published by: Longman Publishers 19 | P a g e
Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 7, Issue 04 (JUNE 2022) DOI:
 Acharya Hari Shastri Paradakara Vaidya, Vagabhata’s Ashtanga Hridaya, with
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 Dr.P.Himasagara C. Murthy, Sarngadhara Samhita, 1st edition, Chaukambha Sanskrit
Series Office, Varanasi, 2001.

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