DBH 3 10 Years (2014-15 To 2005)

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Print : ISSN 0970-7662

Online : ISSN 2455-7129
Print : ISSN 0970-7662

Journal of
Tree Sciences
International Jounal of Research and Development
in Tree Sciences and Enviornmental Conservation

Journal of Tree Sciences Volume 33 No. (1&2), 2014

online available at www.ists.in INDIAN SOCIETY OF TREE SCIENTISTS

Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry
Nauni, Solan Himachal Pradesh Pin - 173230 (INDIA)
website : www.ists.in

Volume 36 No. 2 December, 2017

Growth Evaluation of Long Internode Bamboo Species in South Gujarat
JG Pathak, MB Tandel, MH Amlani, JR Chavda and DH Prajapati
Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, ASPEE College of Horticulture and
Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari – 396 450
*E-mail Id: [email protected]

DOI: 10.5958/2455-7129.2017.00022.X ABSTRACT

The present investigation was carried out at Bambusetum in
Single Khanch, Ukai, District Tapi, Gujarat in the year of 2014-15.
Five different bamboo species viz., T1: Bambusa polymorpha, T2:
Schizostachyum pergracile, T3: Melocanna bambusoides, T4:
Bambusa jantiana and T5: Schizostachyum dullooa of seven year
age were selected to evaluate the growth of some long internode
species. The results revealed that the maximum culm diameter
(5.45 cm), culm height (11.40 m), internodal length (86.25 cm),
clump height (11.83 m), fresh and dry weight of leaves and
Key Words:
branches (1.94 and 0.79 kg, respectively), fresh and dry weight of
Bamboo, Carbon, Growth, Long culm without leaves and branches (9.76 and 3.91 kg, respectively)
Internode. and fresh and dry weight of total culms (11.70 and 4.70 kg,
respectively) were found in Bambusa polymorpha. Whereas,
highest culm/clump (105) and maximum clump girth (10.80 m)
was found in Schizostachyum dullooa and Melocanna
bambusoides, respectively. It can be concluded that the Bambusa
polymorphashown faster growth than other long internode
bamboo species and hence can be suggested for the large scale
plantation for kite industry as well as mitigation of atmospheric

INTRODUCTION In Gujarat, two species viz., Bambusa

arundinacea (katas or thorny bamboo) and
Bamboo's fast growth is one of its many
Dendrocalamus strictus (manvel or solid
attributes which make it a useful resource for
bamboo) are commonly found in the dry
mankind. Due to its multiple use and benefits, it is
deciduous and moist deciduous forests over a
also known as green gold. The demand of bamboo
large part of the state. Gujarat is famous for kite
is increasing day by day. It is also commonly seen
festival and due to kite festival there is huge
as an indication of a high ability to capture and
demand of long internode Bamboo by kite
sequester atmospheric carbon and consequently
industries, which they are importing from other
mitigate climate change.
states. Keeping the demand of long sticks for kite
Pathak et.al. /J tree Sci. 36 (2) : 40-44 41

the present study was conducted to evaluate estimated after determining moisture content.
growth of different long internode bamboo species Total fresh and dry weight of culm was derived by
in South Gujarat. summing up of respective weight of leaves, braches
and culm and its average was obtained. Dry weight
of clump was multiplied by total number of culms
The investigation was carried out at at per clump and average for each replication was
Bambusetum in Single Khanch, Ukai, Dist. Tapi, obtained.
Gujarat. The climate of Singalkhanch (ukai) is
tropical characterized by fairly hot weather,
moderately cold winter with humid and warm Growth Parameters
monsoon coupled with moderately heavy rainfall.
The mean data pertaining to growth
Most of the precipitation received from the South-
parameters of long internode bamboo species are
West monsoon during July and August. The
presented in Table 1. It is evident that significantly
average annual rainfall was 1055 mm.
highest culm diameter, culm height, internodal
Bambusetum with 28 species was length and clump height of long internode
established in the year 2005 at Singalkhanch bamboos were found in the T1 – B. polymorpha
(ukai), Rajpipla by State Forest Department. Out of (5.45 cm, 11.40 m, 86.25 cm and 11.83 m,
these five long internode species were selected for respectively). Whereas, culm diameter (3.64 cm)
the present study. Each bamboo species treated as was followed by the T2: S. pergracile,culm height
a different treatment hence it consisted of five and clump height were followed by T4: B. jantiana
treatments viz., T1: Bambusa polymorpha, T2: (8.24 cm and 8.47 cm, respectively) and internodal
Schizostachym pergeasile, T 3 : Melocanna length (69.79 cm)was followed by T5: S. dullooa.
bambusoides, T4: Bambusa jantiana and T5: The significantly maximum number of
Schizostachyum dullooa with three replications. culm/clump (105) of long internode bamboos were
Seven year old bamboo clumps of different species found in the T5: S. dullooawhich was at par with T3:
were selected. In each clump, three year culms M. bambusoides (100.67). The significantly
were selected to evaluate the growth performance highest clump girth (10.80 m)of long internode
of long internode species. bamboos were found in the T3: M. bambusoides
Culm diameter was measured at breast which was followed by the T5: S. dullooa and T4: B.
height (1.37 m from the ground level) up to nearest jantiana (5.14 m and 4.73 m, respectively). The
center meter (cm) with the help of digital vernier observations with respect to various growth
caliper. Culm height was measured from ground parameters viz., culm diameter, culm height,
level to the tip of the culm with the help of internodal length and clump height were
(measuring tape), Internodal length (cm) was significantly maximum recorded in the T1 : B.
measured with the help of wooden scale, Number polymorpha, as B. polymorpha is thick bamboo
of culms/clump was recorded by counting of total species and others are thin bamboo species, while
number of culms available in clump, Clump girth maximum number of culm/clump and clump girth
was measured at breast height with the help of were recorded in the T5: S. dullooa and T3: M.
measuring tape, Clump height of tallest plant was bambusoides, respectively which may be due to
measured from ground level to the tip of the clump thin wall of Schizostachyum dullooa which is good
with the help of Ravi Altimeter, Fresh weight of clumper and mix sympodial character of M.
leaves and branches was taken with the help of bambusoides which has long neck. The probable
digital weighing balance and its average was reasons for the growth variation might be due to
obtained. Dry weight of leaves and branches was the genetic make-up of the species or due to the
42 Pathak et.al. /J tree Sci. 36 (2) : 40-44

wide range of rainfall, temperature, altitude, soil et al. (2007), Oli and Kandel (2005), Kumar et al.
type in relation to the habitat. These results are (2005), Singh and Singh (1999), Kochar et al.
closely line with the earlier findings of Annapurna (1994), Tienern et al. (1985) and Suri and
et al. (2015), Tewari et al. (2014), Zhang et al. Chauhan (1984).
(2014), Nath and Das (2011), Kumar (2008), Nath

Table 1. Mean variations in various growth parameters of long internode bamboo species.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Treatments CD CH IL No. Cl. G Cl. H
(cm) (m) (cm) C/Cl (m) (m)

Bambusa polymorpha 5.45 11.40 86.25 35.33 2.98 11.83

Schizostachym pergracile 3.64 7.92 51.94 26.33 3.35 8.33

Melocanna bambusoides 2.98 6.06 32.85 100.67 10.80 6.65

Bambusa jantiana 2.50 8.24 38.35 54.67 4.73 8.47
Schizostachyum dullooa 2.47 7.41 69.79 105.00 5.14 7.63

S. EM + 0.243 0.570 1.789 3.116 0.409 0.590

C.D. @ 5 % 0.80 1.88 5.93 10.32 1.35 1.95
C.V.% 12.36 12.02 5.55 8.38 13.13 11.90

1: Culm Diameter; 2: Culm Height; 3. Internodal Length; 4: number of

Culm/Clump; 5: Clump Girth; 6: Clump Height.

Biomass Parameters without leaves and branches, fresh weight of total

culm and dry weight of total culm were recorded in
The mean data regarding to biomass
the T1: B. polymorpha which was overall followed
parameter are presented in Table 2 which showed
by T2: S.pergracile. As B. polymorpha is thick
that significantly maximum fresh weight and dry
bamboo species and others are thin bamboo
weight of different components in T 1 : B.
species. The reason behind the variation might due
polymorpha (1.94 kg, 0.79 kg, 9.76 kg, 3.91 kg,
to the positive relation and adaptability of the
11.70 kg and 4.70 kg, respectively.) which was
species with the rainfall, temperature, altitude,
followed by the T2: S. pergracile (1.28 kg, 0.52 kg,
soil type in relation to the habitat. Similar results
2.59 kg, 1.06 kg, 3.87 kg and 1.58 kg,
were also reported by Zhang et al. (2014), Kumar
respectively). The data pertaining to the various
(2008), Oli and Kandel (2005), Kumar et al.
biomass parameters were found maximum with
(2005), Singh and Singh (1999), Kochar et al.
respect to fresh weight of leaves and branches, dry
(1994), Rao and Nagarjaih (1991) and Tienern et
weight of leaves and branches, fresh weight of culm
al. (1985).
without leaves and branches, dry weight of culm
Pathak et.al. /J tree Sci. 36 (2) : 40-44 43

Table 2. Mean variations in various biomass of long internode bamboo species.

7 8 9 10 11 12

Treatments FW, L & DW, L FWC, DWC, FWTC DWTC

B (kg) &B (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Bambusa polymorpha 1.94 0.79 9.76 3.91 11.70 4.70

Schizostachym pergracile 1.28 0.52 2.59 1.06 3.87 1.58

Melocanna bambusoides 0.68 0.24 0.81 0.31 1.49 0.55

Bambusa jantiana 1.28 0.54 2.54 1.02 3.82 1.56

Schizostachyum dullooa 0.60 0.24 1.22 0.50 1.82 0.74

S. EM + 0.068 0.030 0.225 0.043 0.213 0.060

C.D. @ 5 % 0.22 0.10 0.74 0.14 0.70 0.20

C.V.% 10.23 11.20 11.51 5.46 8.11 5.73

7: Fresh Weight of Leaves and Branches; 8: Dry Weight of Leaves and Branches;
9: Fresh Weight of Culm; 10: Dry Weight of Culm; 11: Fresh Weight of Total Culm
and 12: Dry Weight of Total Culm.

CONCLUSION analysis in a germplasm bank of

Dendrocalamus stocksii (Munro.)
Maximum culm diameter, culm height,
implications on conservations.
internodal length, clump height, fresh weight of
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leaves and branches, dry weight of leaves and
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branches, dry weight of culm without leaves and Kochar S, Mahajan RK, Sharma BK, Choudhary
branches, fresh weight of total culm and dry weight RG and Prashad RN 1994 Morpho-
of total culm was recorded in Bambusa phenological studies on bamboo
polymorpha. Whereas, number of culm/clump germplasm: variability and selection. Indian
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