Saints at War Spiritual Warfare - Frank Hammond (2) (Original)

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E-ISBN 10: 0-89228-249-5
E-ISBN 13: 978-089228-249-4

Revised Copyright © 1994, 2013

I M PA C T C H R IS T IA N B O O K S , I N C .
332 Leffingwell Ave., Suite 101
Kirkwood, MO 63122
(314) 822-3309
Original Copyright © 1986, Frank D. Hammond All passages are from the New
INTERNATIONAL VERSION of the Bible unless otherwise noted.




1 The Authority of the Believer

2 Binding the Strongman

3 Spoiling the Strongman

4 The Keys of the Kingdom

5 Warfare in the Heavenlies

6 The Kingdom Come

7 The Saints at War

8 The Saints at War (Cont.)

9 Beginning at Jerusalem
Deliverance Prayer

A Warfare Declaration

Truth is the key to freedom. Jesus said, You will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free (J OHN 8:32). There is much
truth in the Bible which pertains to Satan and his kingdom.
This area of biblical truth is a necessary part of that which must
be embraced in order to experience freedom. It is certainly a fact
that Jesus spent much of His earthly ministry in dealing with
the devil and in emphasizing principles of spiritual warfare. If it
were not important for us to know about Satan and his ways
then the Bible would have remained silent on the subject. Satan
is the one who stands to lose the most when Christians gain
understanding about him. No wonder the arch deceiver tries to
discourage any investigation of his person and his works.
Satan does not want us to understand that he has already
been defeated. Jesus defeated the devil. He took away all the
armor in which Satan trusted (see: LUKE 11:22). Therefore, the
devil can do no more than we permit him to do. When
Christians really comprehend Satan’s limitations and their own
equipping, they will be encouraged to confront the devil
directly, bind him and spoil his house.
There are two levels of spiritual warfare. One level of
warfare involves the casting out of demons. This is commonly
designated as the ministry of deliverance. A second level of
warfare is that of wrestling against principalities, powers, world
rulers and spirits of wickedness in the heavenlies (see:
It is time for the Church to confront these spiritual
Goliaths. You may recall that young David conquered the giant
with his slingshot, but he became experienced with his weapon
while protecting his sheep from lions and bears.
In a similar way, the Church has been learning the tactics
of spiritual warfare through deliverance ministry among the
“sheep,” and now it is time to face demonic strong men.
This book has been written because of a deep desire of
heart that the Church, God’s army, become totally aggressive in
spiritual warfare. Too many Christian soldiers remain inactive
and ineffective in the time of battle. It is my prayer that all the
saints of God will become saints at war!

EPHESIANS 1:18–2:6
An unseen war is raging on every front: the war between
the forces of righteousness and the forces of wickedness and
between God and Satan. The world, the nation, the Church, the
family and every individual on planet earth are specific targets
of attack by the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms
(EPHESIANS 6:12 ). The average man on the street is totally
unaware of the invisible war, even though he is very directly
involved, and in many cases he is being swept away by the
forces arrayed against him. He interprets everything from world
crises to personal traumas as natural happenings. He sees no
connection between unseen spiritual forces and such life
tragedies as divorce, illegitimacy, sexual perversion, abortion,
child abuse, disease, financial collapse, drug abuse and crime.
Furthermore, Mr. Average Citizen believes that man is his own
savior, and that increased knowledge and scientific
advancement will eventually remedy all of mankind’s problems.
While the forces of evil have been increasing in boldness
and strength, even to the point of seeming invincibility, our
God has been gathering and training a vast army of spiritual
soldiers. These soldiers of the Cross know who the enemy is,
and are not ignorant of his tactics. They know their spiritual
weapons and how to bind the satanic strong men. The trumpet
of God is now sounding the call to battle. It is time for His great
army to go forth in full battle array. This army is the true
Church of the Living God. (Not everything that is called
“church” is His Church). Time is running out. Arise, O Church!
The Army of God that is now in the forefront of the battle
is a mere remnant of the total Church. God has always worked
through remnants and used the weak to confound the mighty.
Yet, the invitation remains open for others to fill the ranks.
Christian, are you truly aware of the intensifying battle? Have
you recognized God’s call to active duty? Do you understand
the spiritual power made available to you?
Are there evil things happening around you which
threaten your peace, the unity of your family, the blessings of
freedom, and the future of your nation? Do you know that you
have the power in God to overthrow the kingdom of Satan and
to establish the Kingdom of God? Do you know who you really
are as God’s child? Do you know the spiritual authority that
you possess and the source of it? Has this authority remained
unused, allowing the powers of satanic darkness to roll
unchallenged across the land? Do you know that Christ has
given His Church both the responsibility and the ability to
change the course of history? Do you know that the salvation
of our nation, the Church itself, the family and freedom can
only be assured through spiritual warfare?
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood (EPHESIANS
6:12); therefore, the weapons we fight with are not the
weapons of the world (2 CORINTHIANS 10:4). This clearly
means that victory will not come through social reform,
education, political action or fleshly confrontation. The battle
is not on the earth and not against flesh and blood. The battle
is in the heavenlies; it is an assault against Satan’s command


The Apostle Paul prayed earnestly for the churches with
whom he was related. If he were alive today, he would
undoubtedly pray the same forceful prayers for the churches
today that he prayed centuries ago. He found the Church
ignorant of her spiritual position in Christ and of her spiritual
authority over the kingdom of Satan.

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order
that you may know… his incomparable great power for us who
believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength,
which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and
seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 1:18–20

Saints, God yearns that we become aware of the

incomparable great power which we now possess. What is the
source of our power? It is the same power by which Christ was
raised from the dead. Think of it! The power of resurrection life
is in us! The very same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead
is resident in each Christian believer. The indwelling Holy Spirit
gives the believer the ability to do the mighty works of God.
The believer in Christ has not only the spiritual ability of
the Holy Spirit in him, but also the authority of the name of
Jesus. This is the authority to rule and reign, even as Christ
now rules and reigns from the throne of God in the heavenly
realms. The throne of God represents kingship. Jesus is King:
He is Lord of all. Furthermore, Jesus said, All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given unto me. Therefore go…
(MATTHEW 28:18). That is, He gave His disciples commission
to go into all the world with the message of His Kingdom, and
the right to go in His authority. To go in His name means to go
in His authority. We have a spiritual power of attorney: the
legal right to act in behalf of Another. The name “Jesus” is the
name of absolute authority. It is the name by which a new
believer is baptized in water, and it is the name by which
demons are cast out and the kingdom of Satan overthrown.
God wants us to know with absolute assurance that we have
power and authority, and He wants us to know The Source.
What is the scope of Christ’s power and authority which
has been made available to us? It is:

Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every
title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the
one to come.

Ephesians 1:21

The power and authority of our Christ is above ALL other

rule and dominion, and this specifically includes the rule of
Satan and all of his demons. The devil will never prevail against
Christ or His Church, for Christ’s absolute lordship extends
throughout this age and the age to come.
Christ has allowed Satan to act out his rebellion to the full,
in order that the folly of his pride will be clearly evidenced
forever as an example to all of God’s created beings. However,
God has set a time to end Satan’s rule, and has decreed that His
Church will be His instrument to bring about the end of the
rebel’s reign of destruction. There are many reasons to believe
that Satan’s time of overthrow is at hand. When the whole
world stands on the brink of destruction, can the fullness of
God’s Kingdom on earth be far away? Why else has God
chosen this generation of the Church to confront the powers of
this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be
head over everything for the church, which is his body, the
fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Ephesians 1:22–23

The Church is His very body, and He is the Head. What

Christ is, the Church is, in Him. Since Christ has the devil under
His feet, then the Church also has the devil under her feet.
It must not go unnoticed that the position of both Christ’s
throne and Satan’s headquarters are in the heavenly realms
(compare EPHESIANS 1:20; 6:12). We must recognize that the
“heavens” or “heavenly realms” represent three distinct areas.
Paul speaks of being caught up to the third heaven (2
CORINTHIANS 12:2). If there is a third heaven, there must also
be a first and a second. We can consider the first heaven as the
atmosphere around the earth. The second heaven is above the
first, and it is the heavenly sphere in which Satan, the prince of
the power of the air (EPHESIANS 2:2), has his domain. The third
heaven is the place of God’s abode.
Now we are told:

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the
heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2:6

This is a clear declaration that we, the believers, are

seated with Christ in His throne. The second heaven is under
us and has become our footstool, which speaks of subjugation.
We have the exact same authority over the devil that Christ
has. Since Christ is the Head of the Church, and the Church is
His body, then it follows that the Church has the devil
underfoot (see HEB REWS 2:5–9 ).
Believer, you were not always in this enviable position.
Here is a picture of your condition before you knew Him:

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in

which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world
and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at
work in those who are disobedient.

Ephesians 2:1–2

Then, by God’s grace you were saved, made alive and

raised up with Christ and enthroned with Him in His heavenly
realm. You are somebody in Christ. You are seated on the
throne of God in power. This promise is not speaking of future
glory, but of your present position. Lay hold of this truth.
Too many Christians do not believe enough concerning
their power and authority. The devil has deceived them into
thinking that they are nobodies without any ability to change
anything that he is doing. Before we enter the arena of
conquest against the devil, the final conflict between him and
the Church, we MUST know who we are in Christ and know the
spiritual power and authority invested in us by Christ.
The reason that we can have power over all the power of
the devil is that we are seated with Christ in His throne. We
have the same power over the satanic principalities and powers
in the heavenlies that we have over demons indwelling an
individual. Right now, make this positive confession about
yourself on the basis of what the Word of God says about you:
I am God’s child, redeemed by the
blood of Jesus. I am a partaker in the
benefits of Christ’s death and
resurrection. He has given me His
eternal life and God has raised me
up with Christ and seated me
together with Christ upon His
throne in the heavenlies. He has
given me a position of authority over
all the power of the devil. I have
spiritual dominion. The devil is
under my feet. Amen.
This great Psalm gives us even further insight into
Christ’s dominion over Satan which is shared by His Church.
The Psalm is prophetic.

The Lord says to my Lord: sit at my right hand until I make

your enemies a footstool for your feet.

Psalm 110:1

In the Spirit, David hears the Father speak to the Son,

inviting Him to sit at His right hand until all of His enemies are
made a footstool for His feet. The sons of God now share that
throne with the Son of God. Our Lord has given
His Church the commission to assault the very gates of
Hades. As the Church puts Satan under her feet, he will be put
under Christ’s feet. Believer, exercise your authority in Christ
over the principalities and powers of Satan and, The God of
peace will soon crush Satan under your feet (ROMANS 16:20).
The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will
rule in the midst of your enemies.

Psalm 110:2

“Zion” speaks prophetically of the Church. The scepter

represents authority. Christ’s Church will become an extension
of His authority and will rule in the midst of His enemies. Today
God’s people are surrounded by spiritual enemies. Let the
Church take up the scepter of spiritual authority and rule for
Jesus’ sake.
This prophetic Psalm assures us that the Church will
exercise her ability in spiritual battle.

Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy

majesty, from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of
your youth.

Psalm 110:3

Around the world today the army of God is rising to

battle. The emerging of God’s army is being witnessed in
country after country. There is a battle cry resounding in our
world like that of Gideon and his men: A sword for the Lord and
for Gideon (J UDG ES 7:20). Gideon’s men were a willing band in
the day for battle. Their faces were set, and their hearts were
undivided. As each man kept his assignment, there was
victory: While each man held his position around the camp,
all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled (J UDG ES 7:21).
This army is dressed in holy array: the whole armor of
God. Each soldier has girded himself with truth, put on the
breastplate of righteousness, shod his feet with readiness to
wage peace, taken up the shield of faith, protected his head
with the helmet of salvation, lifted up the Sword of the Spirit,
which is God’s Word, and is daily engaged in fervent prayer (see
E PHESIANS 6:10–18). This army is as fresh as the dew and as strong
as the youth. What shall the Lord accomplish through His

The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of
his wrath...crushing the rulers of the whole earth.

Psalm 110:5–6
These kings and rulers of the world have already been
identified for us in EPHESIANS 6:12 as the rulers, authorities,
powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenlies. These satanic rulers in the air work through earthly
rulers; and they, rather than human rulers, are the unseen
powers against whom the Church launches its attack. They are
the rulers within Satan’s kingdom who have been set over
nations and cities around the world. Under the leadership of
King Jesus, the potentates in the heavenlies are crushed.

Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.
May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged
sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and
punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their
nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written
against them. This is the glory of all his saints. Praise the Lord.

Psalm 149:5–9

MATTHEW 12:22–33

Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind

and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and

Matthew 12:22

In the context of Matthew chapter 12 Jesus is involved in

deliverance ministry. That is, He is casting out demons. A man
is brought to Jesus whom demons have made both blind and
mute. The man’s condition is typical of Satan’s evil work in the
lives of those whom he enslaves. Without fanfare Jesus simply
“healed” the man by casting out the afflicting spirit(s).
The work of Satan and that of Jesus are brought into
contrast. Satan had put the man into bondage, and Jesus came
to deliver him from his bondage. The onlookers were divided in
their opinion as to the authority by which Jesus performed this
miracle of deliverance. Some thought He was the Christ and
others thought he was the devil, himself.

All the people were astonished and said. ‘Could this be the Son
of David? ’ But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, ‘It is
only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives
out demons.

Matthew 12:23–24

When Jesus perceived their thoughts concerning Him, He

began to openly answer them by showing how illogical they
were in their thinking.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them. ‘Every kingdom

divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household
divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he
is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? ’

Matthew 12:25–26

Jesus recognized the existence of Satan’s kingdom. Satan

is a ruler, and he has a kingdom. But the Kingdom of God is
greater in power than that of Satan. This is why Jesus, the
Ruler who has all power and authority, was able to undo the
work of His adversary.
Jesus declared that Satan’s kingdom is not divided. We
can be assured that it is not kept in unity by a loyalty of love,
for there is no love in the demonic realm. Rather, Satan’s
minion’s are tenaciously bound together by their common goal
of evil and the fear of their master. Truly, Satan’s kingdom is not
divided. Neither is Satan involved in true deliverance. He is
only interested in introducing demons into men’s lives, not in
casting them out. Otherwise, his kingdom would soon self-
By what power, then, did Jesus deliver this man? And
what is the significance of such a deliverance?
But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom
of God has come upon you.

Matthew 12:28

Jesus had defeated Satan by the power of “the Spirit of

God.” This was evidence, to those who would accept it, that
the Kingdom of God had come in the power and love of
deliverance. Each time a deliverance takes place, it is
continuing evidence that the Kingdom of God is greater than
that of Satan. Too, each encounter with a demon spirit is an
encounter with the whole satanic kingdom. Since the kingdom
of Satan is not divided, it can be said to be joined together. Like
the private in the army is linked to the commanding general
through a chain of command, the lowliest demon in Satan’s
ranks is connected to Satan himself and to all other spirits in
that kingdom by a similar chain of authority. It then follows that
each deliverance victory is a partial victory over Satan’s
kingdom. A blow against one demon is a blow against the
whole kingdom of Satan.

Or, again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry
off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then
he can rob his house.

Matthew 12:29

This is the key verse in the passage. In answer to the

queries of His critics, Jesus reveals the secret of His success.
He has already told them that His power of ministry was the
Spirit of God. Now, He further explains that this power was
used to tie up the strong man. The familiar language of the
King James translation reads: bind the strong man.
Binding the strong man is a basic principle of spiritual
warfare. Before any spiritual victory can be won against Satan,
the strong man must first be bound. This is true whether the
arena of warfare is the life of an individual, a family, a city or a
nation. In the case of the blind mute, the devil’s possession
was the unfortunate man. Once the strong man was bound,
Jesus entered freely into his house and carried off Satan’s
possession. In simple language, the man was delivered, and
Satan had no more control over his body.
In Chapter 4 we will explore the important matter of
binding and loosing as a principle of spiritual warfare.







From Matthew 12:29 we discover that binding the strong

man is the prelude to spoiling his house:

Or, again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry
off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then
he can rob his house.

Matthew 12:29

This verse gives us the key to successful spiritual

warfare. It behooves us to study the verse carefully. In pursuit
of a deeper understanding of “first bind the strong man,” let us
consider key words in the passage.
The strong man must first be bound. Of whom is Jesus
speaking? He is speaking of Satan. Satan is the strong man
who opposes Christ, His Church and His people. So, the strong
man is Satan, OR anyone to whom Satan has delegated
authority. Satan is the head of a demonic kingdom, and much of
his work is carried out by delegated authority. Jesus recognized
the existence of Satan’s kingdom in MATTHEW 12:25–26. The
kingdom over which the devil rules is “not divided.” That is,
the devil is not in the deliverance ministry. If he were casting
out demons then he would be divided against himself and
would soon self-destruct.
Every kingdom has structure, organization and authority.
In the Kingdom of God, Jesus is the Supreme Authority. He
declared, All authority is given unto me in heaven and in
earth (MATTHEW 28:19). All authority is vested in Jesus Christ,
yet He has chosen to delegate authority to others. For example,
he has delegated authority to the husband in the family. The
husband has been made head of the wife, even as Christ is the
head of the church (EPHESIANS 5:23). Also, Christ has
delegated authority in the church. Therefore, we are
admonished, Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.
They keep watch over you as men who must give an account
(HEB REWS 13:17). Even those who rule over nations are acting
under delegated authority from Christ (see ROMANS 13:1–7 ).
Satan, the great imitator of Divine methods, has
established a kingdom which functions through delegated
authority. We are admonished to wrestle against authorities in
the heavenlies (see EPHESIANS 6:12 ). These wicked rulers have
received delegated authority from Satan himself. Therefore, the
strong man refers to either Satan himself, or to an authority
which Satan has delegated. Just as in the United States Army
certain officers and non-commissioned soldiers are put in
charge of specific operations, in like manner, demons are
assigned the responsibility of carrying out Satan’s plans of
attack. Demons, which act by the authority of their master,
become the “strong men” against whom we must fight.
Therefore, it is important for us to identify both the presence
and objectives of such “strong men.”
Who is able to enter into the strong man’s house? That is,
who is stronger than the strong man? The obvious answer is,
“Jesus.” Jesus is stronger than the devil. Who else is stronger
than the strong man? Anyone to whom Jesus Christ has
delegated His authority. All whom Jesus called and
commissioned were given this authority. It was given to the
twelve apostles (see MATTHEW 10:1 ); it was given to the
seventy (see LUKE 10:1, 19 ); it was given to every believer:
He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news
to all creation… And these signs will accompany those who
believe: In my name they will drive out demons…’

Mark 16:15,17

The believer must know his authority; otherwise, he will

never be able to enter into spiritual warfare with faith to
overcome. Each Christian must learn that he has power over
any and every demonic strong man. We, as true believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ, can bind and cast out demons.

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions

and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm

Luke 10:19


The strong man’s house is the person’s body where he
dwells and from which he rules:

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through

dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will
return into MY HOUSE from whence I came out...

Matthew 12:43–44 [Emphasis mine]

Furthermore, the strong man’s house is called his palace:

when a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in
peace (LUKE 11:21 KJV).
A king lives in a palace. A palace is a seat of governmental
authority. Thus, the strong man’s house is his “palace”— the
place from which he rules. His palace is often a person’s body,
but it can just as well be a household, church, community or
When Jesus met the Gadarene demoniac, it was
determined that this man was indwelt by a legion of spirits. A
Roman legion comprised from five thousand to six thousand
soldiers. When Jesus demanded, What is your name? the
demonic strong man answered, My name is Legion, for we are
many (MARK 5:9 ). Thus, one demon answered in behalf of
many others. Legion was the ruler spirit, and the other
indwelling spirits were under his authority. Legion’s “palace”
was this poor man’s body, from which he directed the activities
of a hoard of demons.


The Greek word for “spoil” occurs in two forms in MATTHEW
12:29 - diarpazo and harapzo. The force of these verbs denotes
“an intensive spoiling, plundering and snatching away.” In LUKE
11:22 the word for spoil is skulon, which denotes “arms stripped
from a foe.” These words paint a dramatic picture of the
effectiveness of the believer in binding the strong man. Satan
is stripped of his weapons (see LUKE 11:21,22), and all that he has
previously captured is reclaimed.
Satan has plundered many things from Christians. In some
cases he has taken away their joy, peace, purity,power, hope,
faith and love. The fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit are the
rightful inheritances of the believer. The devil is out to steal
these blessings, leaving God’s children without power and
Christian character. It is time that we get angry at the devil;
angry enough to wage offensive warfare against him and
regain all that he has plundered from our lives.


Binding is a tactic of spiritual warfare by which demonic
powers are immobilized. When a demon is bound, he is
prevented from carrying out his assignment. He is rendered
helpless to proceed with his plots and plans.
The Greek word for bind is deo, which literally means “to
tie or fasten.” For example, an animal is bound to keep it from
straying. Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will
find a donkey TIED there... (MATTHEW 21:2).
The word “bind” has special application to captives:

Now Herod had arrested John and BOUND HIM and put him in

Matthew 14:3

Then the king told the attendants, TIE HIM HAND AND FOOT,
and throw him outside, into the darkness.

Matthew 22:13

They BOUND HIM, led him away and handed him over to
Pilate, the governor

Matthew 27:2

From the above passages we understand that the binding

of a demonic strong man renders that spirit incapable of
carrying out his assigned evil. He is restrained and immobilized.
Binding is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end. The goal
is to spoil the devil’s house, and in order to accomplish this the
strong man must first be bound.


The word “first” signifies priority. If one expects to spoil
the devil’s house, to regain all that the devil has stolen, then
one MUST first bind the strong man. This is a hard and fast
principle of spiritual warfare.
This principle of first binding the strong man applies to
every level of spiritual warfare. Such binding is important to the
deliverance of an individual from tormenting, defiling,
oppressing and hindering spirits. Also, the strong man must
first be bound when the believer wages warfare against ruler
spirits over families, churches, cities and nations.
To reiterate, we have learned from MATTHEW 12:29 that a vital
principle of spiritual warfare is to “first bind the strong man.”
Since to “first bind the strong man” is a valid priority, we
should expect to find examples of this principle throughout
Bible history. Therefore, let us now examine several passages
with this truth in mind.
God raised up Moses and Aaron as a deliverance team.
They were sent to deliver God’s people from Egyptian
oppression. What was their first move? They went to the
elders of Israel and proclaimed liberty to the captives (see
EXODUS 3:16–17 ). The ministry of Jesus was the same — He
fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah to deliver us from bondage and

… the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He

has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for
the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

Isaiah 61:1

God’s people, who were in Egyptian bondage, were told

that God had heard their cries by reason of their affliction and
that God was moving to deliver them.
Deliverance? For Christians? Yes! And still God’s people
must be told that God wants them to be set free. Many have
not yet heard or believed that on Mount Zion will be
deliverance (OB ADIAH 17); and that God has decreed. Let the
oppressed go free (ISAIAH 58:6 KJV). So, today the message of
deliverance is being proclaimed the world over. Multitudes of
God’s people are oppressed of the devil, yet they do not know
what to do about it. Therefore, God has raised up a corps of
anointed ministers and sent them out to proclaim the good
news of deliverance from evil spirits.
After Moses and Aaron had gone to the elders of Israel,
they next went directly to Pharaoh and entered into a
confrontation with the Egyptian ruler and his magicians. They
did not incite the Israelites to civil disobedience. The Israelites
were not told to make placards decrying the injustices done
them and march before the pyramids. In other words, they did
not war in the flesh, for the weapons of their warfare were not
carnal but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds
(see 2 CORINTHIANS 10:3–5 ).

The contest between Moses and Aaron and the court of

Pharaoh depicts spiritual warfare in slow motion. It was not
warfare against the man Pharaoh but against principalities and
powers in the heavenlies. The Satanic hierarchy utilizes men,
but men are not the true enemies. WHEN THE POWERS IN
So, the warfare began and the tide of battle went back and
forth. God’s servants turned water into blood, and this miracle
was duplicated by the magicians. When frogs were called forth
throughout Egypt, the occultists did the same.
NOTE: The natural thing to expect would be that the
occultists would have canceled the plagues brought on
through Moses and Aaron, but instead they intensified the
plagues which already existed. This is characteristic of the
devil’s work!
The ten plagues which God sent upon Egypt were blows
against the gods of Egypt. The Egyptians worshipped the Nile
River, frogs and cattle. Therefore, the plagues represented
warfare against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of
evil in the heavenly realms (EPHESIANS 6:12).
Pharaoh and his crew remained obstinate. Pharaoh
hardened his heart and refused to repent and obey God’s
command. So, eventually Pharaoh led his army in pursuit of the
departing Israelites, and the Egyptian army was drowned in the
Red Sea.
Through spiritual warfare, utilizing spiritual weapons,
God’s servants attacked the strong men of idolatry over Egypt.
Satan had employed Pharaoh as his human agent. In the end,
God’s people were delivered from bondage and Pharaoh was
destroyed. He had multiple opportunities to repent and obey
God, but he refused.

Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for seven
years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites.

Judges 6:1

The Midianites came as destroyers in the land. They came

like a plague of grasshoppers which destroyed the increase of
the earth until nothing was left. The people cried unto Jehovah,
and their merciful God called Gideon to deliver His people.
Gideon felt completely unworthy for such a responsibility but
finally submitted to God’s will.
Gideon’s first assignment was to destroy the altar to Baal
which was in his father’s house. Why? Because God’s people
had fallen into idolatry, and the curse upon them could not be
lifted until the idol was removed.
The strong man over Israel was Baal, a demonic prince
spirit who found human instrumentality in Gideon’s own father.
So, Gideon took his father’s oxen and pulled down the altar of
The destruction of the idol caused an uproar in the city.
(People get upset when their idols are attacked!) When they
confronted Gideon’s father, Joash, he defended his son’s
action and declared that if Baal needed protecting, then Baal
ought to be able to fight for himself.
The spiritual warfare began. Gideon’s strange weapons
were trumpets, torches and pitchers. Such weapons would be
considered puny in the eyes of men, but they were mighty in
God to the pulling down of strongholds. Because the powers
of Baal had been bound, Gideon’s army gained a quick and
complete victory. The two princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb,
were slain and God’s people had rest.


1 KINGS 17–18
God sent Elijah to King Ahab to pronounce a judgment of
drought upon the land. It did not rain for three and a half years.
Then Elijah summoned all the people of Israel along with four
hundred prophets of Baal to join him on Mt. Carmel for
decision time. Who was the true God? and would Israel
recognize and serve the true God?
The strong man over Israel was Baalism. The human
instrumentality was King Ahab and wicked Queen Jezebel. The
spiritual warfare began. Two altars were built and a sacrificial
animal placed upon each one. One altar was unto Baal and the
other unto Jehovah God. The God who answered by fire would
be the true God.
The Baalites shrieked, jumped up and down and cut
themselves with knives, but the god Baal was powerless to
answer. Then Elijah quietly called upon the Lord and fire fell
from heaven and consumed the water-soaked sacrifice.
Whereupon the people fell on their faces and proclaimed, The
Lord - he is God! The Lord - he is God! (1 KING S 18:39).
The four hundred prophets of Baal were executed in the
Kishon Valley, and the rain came. Before God’s judgment ended
both Ahab and Jezebel were slain and, as prophesied, the dogs
licked up their blood. Elijah had directly attacked the strong
man, Baalism. Because God’s people repented of their sin they
were delivered. All those whom Satan had employed as his
instruments were killed, including Ahab and Jezebel. The spirit
of Jezebel is characterized by a stubborn refusal to repent. I
have given her (Jezebel) time to repent of her immorality, but
she is unwilling (REVELATION 2:21).
When the strong man is bound, those through whom
Satan is working have an opportunity to repent; if they refuse
to repent, they are removed. Ahab and Jezebel were removed
through death.
1 SAMUEL 17–18
Here is the story of another strong man and his downfall.
David was yet a young man, probably a teenager, when God
called him to bring deliverance to the nation. David was a
shepherd boy. What did he know about warfare? While
tending the sheep he had learned the weapons of warfare. With
his slingshot and his shepherd’s rod, he had killed a lion and a
bear, which had attacked his flock. Therefore, when the time
came to face Goliath, the strong man of the Philistines, David
had assurance that he would be victorious.
Today, God is training His army. The school of deliverance
is found in the sheepfold known as the local church. The
“sheep” in the body of Christ are the beneficiaries of
deliverance, as pastors become familiar with the weapons that
are not carnal but which are mighty in God to the pulling down
of Satan’s strongholds.
Goliath had intimidated God’s entire army. In all Israel
there was no faith in God for victory. The giant towered above
God’s soldiers and put fear into their hearts. But there was one
who was not afraid. David knew that God was with him. His
weapons had already been tested and proven effective.
When Goliath was slain, the whole army of Israel
suddenly become brave and aggressive. They chased the
fleeing Philistines and spoiled their tents (1 S AMUEL 17:53
KJV). Indeed, one must first bind the strong man and then spoil
his house. The strong man over Israel was the principality of
Our deliverance team ministered in a church which had
once been ruled over by a strong man of intimidation. The
pastor of that church told us the story. One day he was alone
praying in the altar area of the church’s auditorium. He heard
footsteps walking in the back of the room. He continued to
pray and did not look up. The steps continued. He could hear
the legs of the one who was walking as they brushed up
against the seats. The footsteps were going back and forth
between the pews. Finally, his curiosity got the upper hand,
and he looked up to see who was there. He saw a giant of a
person who had the head of a pig with large tusks. He knew
that this being was demonic.
The pastor said, “I was very afraid, but I told the evil
thing that it must leave.” The creature said, “No, I will not
leave. I rule over the last two rows of pews of this church. I am
the spirit of Intimidation.”
This was a denominational church, and the pastor was
seeking to lead the church into truths of God that were foreign
to most of the members. Those who opposed the pastor would
sit on the last two rows each Sunday with their arms folded,
attempting to intimidate the pastor as he preached. The pastor
continued to command the Spirit of Intimidation to leave. After
several minutes of spiritual warfare, the evil presence
reluctantly turned and walked out.
A Satanic strong man of intimidation was working
through Goliath. David approached the giant in faith:

David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword

and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the
Lord Almighty, the God of the armies ofIsrael, whom you have
defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll
strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the
carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the
beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a
God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by
sword or spear that the Lord saves, for the battle is the Lord’s,
and he will give all of you into our hands.

1 Samuel 17:45–47
Let every true soldier in God’s army go forth as David did
with the same boldness of faith and assault the principalities
and powers over nation, state, city, church and family.

It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who
belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had
James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. When he
saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also.

ACTS 12:1–3

Who was the church’s enemy? The enemy was the devil.
King Herod was an instrument in the hands of Satan. The
church went to prayer. Prayer is a companion to and a vital part
of spiritual warfare. Prayer causes God to activate His army of
angels in our behalf. Remember that when Moses interceded
for Israel following their sin with the golden calf, the Lord
responded by saying, I will send an angel before thee and
drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites
and Jebusite (EXODUS 33:2).
Jehovah God is the “Lord of Hosts.” “Hosts” means
armies. God has more than one army. He has an army in heaven
made up of mighty angels with Michael the archangel in
charge. God also has an army on earth — the Church of the
Living God. The Church, the Bride of Christ, is described as
majestic as troups with banners (S OLOMON ’S S ONG 6:4).
Prayer and spiritual warfare go hand in hand. This is seen
again in EPHESIANS 6:14–17 where we find a description of the
Christian’s armor. Six pieces of armor are identified: the belt of
truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with the
readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, the shield of
faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which
is the word of God. THEN we read,

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers
and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on
praying for all the saints.

Ephesians 6:18

The persecuted church at Jerusalem began to bombard

the heavenlies. While Peter was in prison, prayer was made for
him without ceasing (see ACTS 12:5 ). How did God answer their
prayers? He sent an angel to deliver Peter out of prison!
Nevertheless, Peter’s supernatural rescue did not lead
King Herod to repentance. Instead, Herod had the guards
executed. Then Herod stood and delivered a public address to
the people, whereupon the people shouted, This is the voice of
god, not of a man (ACTS 12:22 ). Upon hearing the response of
the people, Herod’s heart was filled with pride, and because he
failed to give God the glory, the Lord smote him, and he was
eaten of worms and died (see ACTS 12:21–23 ).
The strong man over the church at Jerusalem was
persecution. When the church prayed, the strong man was
bound, and his house was spoiled. This principality over the
church had brought about the death of John and was holding
Peter captive, but Peter was delivered by the ministry of an
angel sent by God in response to the church’s intercession.
Herod, the human instrument used by Satan to persecute the
church, did not repent; therefore, he died. But the word of God
continued to increase and spread (ACTS 12:24).
This is an important passage which will be examined more
closely in a subsequent chapter. Nonetheless, let it here be
noted that the principle of first confronting the strong man is
again exemplified.
Daniel and his people had been captives of war for
seventy years, the length of the judgment which God had
pronounced upon them because of their sins. When Daniel
prayed, God sent forth angels to bind the “Prince of Persia,”
the ruler spirit over Persia. This demonic prince controlled the
affairs of Persia, and the Jews could not be freed from captivity
until the strong man over Persia had been bound.
Michael and another angel continued the warfare in the
heavenlies until the spiritual prince and kings of Persia were
immobilized (see DANIEL 10:13,20 ). Just as soon as their goal
was accomplished, the Spirit of God moved upon King Cyrus
who made the following proclamation:
The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of
the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at
Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you - may his
God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and
build the temple of the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who is in
Jerusalem. And the people of any place where survivors may be
living are to provide him with silver and gold, with goods and
livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in

Ezra 1:2–4

What an amazing turn of events! King Cyrus suddenly

reversed a seventy year policy, and the Jews were free to return
to Jerusalem with financial support for the restoration of their
temple. Even before Cyrus was bom, it had been prophesied by
Isaiah that he would do this very thing (see ISAIAH 44:24,28 ).
When the Prince of Persia was bound by God’s warring
angels, King Cyrus was free to obey God. He chose to be
God’s instrument for the restoration of the Jews. Since Cyrus
obeyed God, he was not removed from kingship.
May God open the eyes of our understanding that we
may discern the operation of the Satanic powers in the
heavenlies. Principalities and powers in the air are the real
rulers of this dark world. They employ human agents, but the
evil in the world is orchestrated by them. Everyone who longs
to see the overthrow of wickedness and the enthronement of
righteousness will zealously take up his weapons of spiritual
warfare and bind the powers of the devil coming against
himself, his family, his community and his nation.

MATTHEW 16:13–19
We have already established that the authority of the
believer is the authority of Jesus Himself. This authority is
borne in His name. Those who bear His name are those who are
related to Him through the new birth. These have become the
sons of God and heirs of God’s promises. The commission
which Christ gave to His Church cannot be carried out by
human resources. Only in the authority of the Name greater
than Satan’s can a demon be expelled. For this reason Jesus
said to the newly commissioned Church. And these signs will
accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out
demons… (MARK 16:17, EMPHASIS MINE).
Before the first believers could move in His authority, it
was essential for them to know who He was. Therefore, Jesus
began to ask His followers questions designed to discover
their understanding of His true identity.
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his
disciples. ‘Who do people say the Son of man is? ’ They replied,
‘Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah: and still others,
Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’
‘But what about you? ’ he asked, ‘Who do you say I am?’
Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living

Matthew 16:13–16

You can be sure that Peter’s answer, given on behalf of

the twelve, blessed the heart of Jesus. They each believed that
He was the Messiah, God’s Son. Now He could reveal to them
the great truth of imparted authority. He could tell them of His
Church and prophesy to them of His Church’s coming victory
over Satan. He could share with them the secret of spiritual
authority through the keys of the kingdom.

Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you. Simon son of Jonah, for this was
not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I
tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my
church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Matthew 16:17–18

The name Peter means stone. The little stone had correctly
identified the Big Rock! Peter had received a divine revelation.
Jesus disclosed to Peter that His Church would be a militant
Church, assaulting the very gates of Hades.
The expression “gates of Hades” is apparently taken from
the Old Testament references to the gates of a city as being the
place of city government. A king would meet with his elders in
the gates of the city to conduct courts and also devise plans
for war. “Hades” is the correct translation rather than “hell” as
rendered in the King James edition. Hades is equated with
death and the region of departed spirits. Satan is not in hell,
nor is he the ruler over hell. Eventually he will be the principle
prisoner in that terrible place. The Lake of Fire is a place
prepared for the devil and his angels (MATTHEW 25:41).
By His reference to “the gates of Hades,” Jesus is
declaring that Satan will never be able to destroy His Church
and bring it down to death. Neither will the power of Satan be
able to withstand the assault of His Church’s offensive against
him. All of Satan’s strategy will be defeated, even in his
“gates,” before he can get his plans into operation. Christ’s
prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. His Church must rise up in her
fullness of power and defeat the gates of Hades. We could well
be the generation to witness this fulfillment.
Verse 19 continues the teaching concerning Christ’s
Church and her authority. There is no break in the context.
Jesus now tells the Church how she will conquer the gates of

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever
you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you
loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19

In order to defeat Satan in his gates, Jesus gives His

church the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Keys represent
authority. These keys equip the Church with authority to bind
and loose. To illustrate: when someone has keys to an
automobile, he can use those keys to unlock the automobile,
start the engine and drive it away. He has loosed the
automobile. Then, he can stop the car and use the key to turn
off the engine and lock the doors. He has bound the
automobile. This pictures for us the power to loose or bind
through the use of appropriate keys.
The Lord has given “keys” (plural) to the Church. He
identifies the keys for us and says they are the keys “of the
kingdom of heaven.” That is, they are keys of spiritual
authority. Notice that the keys are not “to” the Kingdom but
are “of’ the Kingdom. The keys are not for entrance into the
kingdom, as some have supposed, but represent the very
authority of heaven itself. The Church is invested with the
authority of the One who sits on the throne of heaven. She has
the authority of Christ. With one key she can bind, and with
the other key she can loose.
We must learn to use these two keys, for they are the keys
of authority enabling us to bind Satan and loose his captives.
What needs to be bound? Are there satanic activities in your
life, your family, your church, your community or your nation
which need to be stopped? The key of authority to bind is
given for this purpose. The church holds the key.
What needs to be loosed? Are there persons in bondage
to sickness, poverty, addictions, fears and hurts? The power to
loose is demonstrated by Jesus when He met a woman who
was bound by a spirit of infirmity. When Jesus was criticized
for healing the woman on the Sabbath, He replied:

You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox

or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? Then
should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has
kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day
from what bound her?

Luke 13:15–16

Through the power of healing, Jesus loosed a woman

from the bondage of Satan. Healing and deliverance are loosing
ministries. The Church holds the key, for Jesus said to His
Church, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
The Greek word for “loose” is luo. It simply means to
unbind or release. Jesus illustrated the loosing of the bound
woman by comparing it to the loosing of a tethered animal. A
tethered animal is restrained; it is bound; it is not free.
When the rope that binds the animal is loosed, then the
animal is free to be led by his master to refreshing water. Thus,
Jesus illustrated how Satan binds persons, even God’s own
children, and hinders them from reaching the blessings of God.
Those in bondage need loosing by others who have the
compassion and authority of Jesus.
There is yet another facet of this truth to explore. Jesus
taught that the binding and loosing of things on earth were in
direct relationship to their being bound or loosed in heaven.
Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19

To understand the exactness of what Jesus taught, we

must examine the Greek grammar in the verse. The verbs
translated “will be bound” and “will be loosed” are perfect,
passive participles. This means that whatever is bound or
loosed on earth are the things which are presently in a state of
having been forbidden or permitted in the heavenlies. The
binding and loosing in the heavens does not refer to
something God does for us, but to our doing what God has
given us authority to do. The meaning of the verse can be
rendered thus: “Whatever is bound or loosed on earth is that
which is already in a state of having been bound or loosed in
the heavenlies.” (See the footnote to MATTHEW 16:19 in the
MATTHEW 16 gives us an understanding of how the
believer’s authority is employed. In order to change anything
Satan is doing on earth, the believer must first take authority
over the strongman in the heavenlies who controls the
situation on earth. The believer changes conditions on earth
by first binding the principalities and powers of the ruler of the
kingdom of the air (EPHESIANS 2:2), and by loosing Satan’s
captives from the power of his highest echelons of wickedness
in the heavenlies. The Church has the “keys” for defeating
Satan, but the keys are of no value unless they are used.
Merely to boast that we have the keys accomplishes nothing.
A second reference to binding and loosing appears in
MATTHEW 18. Jesus here repeats what He has said in Chapter
16; however, it is couched in a different context. In the account
already reviewed, Jesus was speaking of attacks of Satan
coming from outside the Church. As we have seen, the Church
has authority to deal with such assaults.
Now, the Lord tells the Church that it also has authority to
deal with Satan’s attacks from within the Church when Satan
works through one or more of its members. Jesus uses the
example of two persons who have fallen out of fellowship, and
the offending party refuses to repent and be reconciled. In
such ways Satan introduces spiritual cancers into the body of
Christ. What is to be done?

If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just
between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your
brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others
along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony
of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to
the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him
as you would a pagan or a tax collector. I tell you the truth,
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 18:15–18

Internal conflict within the Church issues from the

working of Satan, and the basic battle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the powers of Satan enthroned in the
heavenlies. If the conflict cannot be resolved between the two
persons, then witnesses to the grievance are called upon to
judge and resolve the problem. If the person found to be at
fault refuses to heed the witnesses, the issue is brought before
the governing authorities of the Church. If the person judged
to be in the wrong refuses to heed the counsel of the Church,
and elects to remain a problem within the fellowship, then there
is one further recourse. It is a very serious recourse and should
not be employed until all of the previous attempts at
reconciliation have been thoroughly pursued.
When a member of the fellowship is stubborn and refuses
discipline, he cannot be left to disturb the body at will. He is to
be treated as a pagan or a tax collector. That is, he is dealt
with as one who is outside the spiritual covering of the Church.
The Church has no spiritual authority over the lost, but it does
have authority over its members (see 1 CORINTHIANS 5:12 ).
When a person refuses discipline and correction, he then
forfeits his rights as a member of the body. When the
protective covering of the Church is lifted, he is made
vulnerable to Satan and becomes his prey. The Church has
loosed Satan upon the unruly person. Genuine
excommunication is indeed a very serious matter.
The Apostle Paul led the Church at Corinth into carrying
out this sort of discipline. There was an unrepentant man in the
fellowship who was continuing to live in an incestuous
relationship. Paul sent the church these instructions:

When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am
with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present,
hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be
destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of our Lord.

1 Corinthians 5:4–5

This discipline was no freelance procedure by Paul. It was

done in conjunction with full Church authority and by carefully
following the necessary spiritual procedures. The turning over
of a person to Satan was done:
The Church could not execute this judgment
except by divine power. When Paul told them to
carry it out in the name of the Lord Jesus, he was
affirming that they indeed had the authority to
act. When and how did the Church obtain such
authority? This authority was given to the
Church by Jesus as found in MATTHEW 16:18.


Paul said, I am with you in spirit (1 CORINTHIANS
5:3–4 ). This same unity of agreement is reflected
in MATTHEW 18:19–20. Immediately following
the declaration of power to bind and loose the
power of Satan into a situation, Jesus said:
Again. I tell you that if two of you on earth
AGREE about anything you ask for, it will be
done for you by my Father in heaven. For where
two or three COME TOGETHER in my name,
there am I with them. Unity in the Spirit is
necessary for the Church to execute her spiritual
carried out in the presence of the assembly.
When you are assembled in the name of our Lord
Jesus… (v. 4) correlates with MATTHEW 18:17,
Tell it to the church.


over the man’s condition, but with the positive
goal that the sinful nature may be destroyed and
his spirit saved on the day of the Lord (V. 5).

The only way back into the fellowship for this sinner
would be through the door of repentance. In his second letter
to the church at Corinth we discover that the man had
repented, and the church was instructed to forgive him and
restore him (see 2 CORINTHIANS 2:6–11 ).
Next, observe how Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians to
forgive the repentant sinner parallels the teaching of Jesus on
forgiveness in MATTHEW 18:21–35. Jesus said that an
unforgiving person would be turned over to the jailors to be
tortured, until he should pay his debt of forgiveness of
another. If the Church has loosed Satan upon one of its
members as a means of discipline, and those who took such
action fail to forgive that person when he repents, then they
are subject to the same torment from demons which the
disciplined man has received (see MATTHEW 18:32–34 ). Because
of this possibility Paul wrote to Corinth:

If anyone has caused grief he has not so much grieved me as he

has grieved all of you, to some extent—not to put it too severely.
The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for
him. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that
he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you,
therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. The reason I wrote you
was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in
everything. If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I
have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven
in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not
outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.

2 Corinthians 2:5–11. [Emphasis mine]

The Church is the instrument of the Kingdom of God.

Through the instrumentality of the Church, the Kingdom of
God is brought upon the earth even as it is in heaven.
Therefore, the Church must be aggressive in spiritual warfare,
binding and loosing with the keys of authority given her. The
Church must be vigilant to overthrow every assault from
without and also those that come from within. Satan is the
instigator of all such assaults. The devil can do no more than
the believer and the Church permit him to do.

Now that we have seen from Matthew 12 that the strong

man must be bound, and from Matthew 16 and 18 that the
Church has the keys to bind and loose, let us see an illustration
of warfare in the heavenlies from the book of Daniel.
As we turn to Daniel, we find that there was something
that needed to be changed on earth. God’s people were in
bondage in a foreign land. They longed for freedom to return to
their land. How would this freedom be accomplished?
According to the principle which we have learned in the
New Testament, the way to change things on earth is to bind
and loose in the heavenlies. Let us observe this principle
enacted in Daniel’s day.
In the ninth chapter of Daniel we find Daniel making an
exciting discovery through reading the prophecies of Jeremiah.

In the first year of his (Darius ) reign I, Daniel, understood from

the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to
Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last
seventy years.

Daniel 9:2

Daniel had been taken a prisoner of war by the

Babylonians when he was but a youth. He and many of his
people had been in captivity for over sixty years. Daniel had
grown up to be a mighty prophet of God. Now, he finds that
Jeremiah had prophesied that the Jews would be freed from
their exile at the end of seventy years. He realized that the
seventy years were almost expired, and his heart was turned to
seek the Lord with spiritual intensity.
We should note that God has a timing in all that He does.
Daniel was living in a momentous day of God’s moving among
His people. We, too, are living in a time of special visitation
from God. We are seeing the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy that
God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (see J OEL 2:28–29 ).
This prophecy began to be fulfilled on the day of Pentecost
and now the climax of its fulfillment has burst upon us. The
past two decades of the Church have been significant years as
the Pentecostal power is being restored and the gospel
preached amid signs and wonders.
A part of the spiritual restoration of our day involves
deliverance from demons and spiritual warfare in the
heavenlies. This ministry began its restoration only a few short
years ago. It began as a tiny trickle, met with great resistance
by tradition-bound Christianity; but the thrust of spiritual
warfare has now become a mighty, rushing river of cleansing
power within the body of Christ.
The same message that God spoke to Pharaoh through
Moses and Aaron is again resounded in our day: “Let my
people go, so that they may worship me.” (EXODUS 8:1). God’s
people are in many bondages today. They are in bondages to
fear, depression, lust, addictions, anger, worry, religious
traditions, complacency, sickness and many other things.
These bondages are demonic. God’s people are not free to
serve God as they should. But God has heard their cries just as
He heard the cries of the Israelites suffering under Egyptian
oppression, and He has said, “Let my people go.” God is
saying the same thing to the powers of Satan holding the
Church in bondage today. When Daniel understood that it was
God’s timing to deliver His people. Daniel activated himself

So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and
petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the
Lord my God and confessed: ‘O Lord, the great and awesome
God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and
obey his commands, we have sinned and done wrong. We have
been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your
commands and laws. We have not listened to your servants the
prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and
our fathers, and to all the people of the land.’

Daniel 9:3–6

Our response to God must be the same as that of Daniel.

God is moving in our day. He is preparing His bride for His
return. He is about to establish His kingdom on earth even as it
is in heaven. It is time for God’s people to seek the Lord with all
their hearts — with prayer and fasting. It is time for confession
of sins: personal sins and the sins of our nation. It is time for
full repentance, a turning from every sin and a turning to God
in a commitment of faithfulness and holiness.
When we come to the tenth chapter of Daniel, we
discover that a few more years have transpired. The seventy
years of captivity prophesied by Jeremiah are fulfilled. It is time
for the captives to be set free. Daniel is bombarding heaven
with prayer and fasting. He is seeking understanding of the
prophecy of Jeremiah and of visions from the Lord. He has
fasted and prayed for three weeks.

At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice

food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at
all until the three weeks were over.

Daniel 10:2–3

It must have seemed to Daniel that his prayers were not

heard. Twenty days had gone by and there was no word from
God. There are times in each of our lives when we pray, and it
seems that the heavens have turned to brass. Time is running
out, and there is no answer from heaven. But we can know that
when we pray in faith, our prayers are heard. We may not see
the answer to our prayers; but the answer is on the way, and
our prayers have set things into motion in the heavenlies.
On the twenty-first day of Daniel’s fast there appeared
unto him an angel with this message:

Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your
mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your
God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to

Daniel 10:12

Where had this angel been for three weeks? Are not
angels able to travel at the speed of light? The angel admitted
that Daniel’s prayer was heard in heaven the very first day that
it was offered. Why had it taken the angel so long to get there
with the answer?
As the angel continued to talk, he cleared up all of
Daniel’s questions:

But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty one

days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me,
because I was detained there with the king of Persia.

Daniel 10:13

The angel dispatched from God had been engaged in

warfare for three weeks. Why? Because this was the means by
which Daniel’s prayers for the release of his people would be
accomplished. Before the Jews could be released from
captivity, the ruler spirit over Persia must be bound. (NOTE: the
Persians had conquered the Babylonians after the Jews were
first taken into captivity, so they were now under Persian
The prince of the Persian kingdom was no earthly ruler,
but the prince was a demonic power assigned over that nation
by Satan. Before the Jewish captives in Persia could be
released on earth, the powers of the demonic kingdom over
Persia must first be bound in the heavenlies. These powers
worked through the earthly ruler, King Cyrus. Cyrus would not
release the Jews until the demonic power which controlled him
was bound. The angel was fulfilling his assignment by
wrestling the demonic powers over Persia.
We know that the angel was successful in binding the
Persian strong man because we read of the results. Soon after
this warfare in the heavenlies. King Cyrus woke up one
morning with a new thought in his mind. Why not let the Jews
return to their own country? In fact, he decided to help them
return. Why had Cyrus had such a change of attitude?
Because the powers which controlled him had been bound.
The angel from heaven was not being prevented from
bringing the message to Daniel, but he was occupied with
answering Daniel’s prayer. After three weeks he took time out
to bring the message to Daniel, and then returned to fight with
the prince of the Persian kingdom until that prince was bound.
He asked Daniel this question: “Do you know why I have come
to you?” (DANIEL 10:20). Daniel, do you really understand
what is going on? Do you comprehend that your prayers are
being answered through warfare in the heavenlies?

Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I
go, the prince of Greece will come.

Daniel 10:20b

When God’s angelic messengers had completed their

assignment of binding the strong man over Persia, the Jews
were released to return to Jerusalem. This left a spiritual
vacuum over Persia which would soon be filled. Thus, the
angel explained to Daniel that after the release of the Jews from
captivity a new ruler spirit would take control over Persia. This
new Ruler would be “the prince of Greece.” In other words, the
ruler spirit over Greece would extend his dominion to include
Persia. We know that this rule actually took place, because we
can read about it in secular history books. At this time in
history, there arose in Greece a military genius named
Alexander the Great. He marshalled his armies and moved to
the east, and he conquered the Medo-Persian Empire.
Everything we see taking place in history is a reflection of
what is going on in the heavenlies. In this case, as Alexander
the Great moved with his army on earth, the ruler spirit over
Greece which worked through Alexander was moving parallel
to him in the heavenlies, extending his dominion over another
country. Things on earth were being bound and loosed as
things in the heavenlies were bound and loosed.
Next the angel declared to Daniel, But I will show thee
that which is noted in the scripture of truth (DANIEL 10:21,
KJV). Daniel will see the fulfillment of that which was spoken by
Jeremiah. The Jews will return to Jerusalem.
Finally, the angel identified Michael as “your prince.”
There are not only demonic princes assigned over nations, but
also God’s holy messengers. When we go into spiritual
warfare, we are not alone; the angels are there to fight along
with us. If we could see into the heavenlies, as in an open
vision, we would see what Elisha and his servant saw when
they were surrounded by the Syrian army. The servant was
afraid when he saw the Syrians surrounding the city.
“ Don’t be afraid, ” the prophet answered. “ Those who are with
us are more than those who are with them ”... Then the Lord
opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of
horses and chariots offire all around Elisha.

2 Kings 6:16–17

Jehovah God is called The Lord of Hosts, and “hosts”

means armies. God has a heavenly army comprised of His
mighty angels, and He has an army on earth called the Church.
These two armies are merged when the saints are at war.
The question is sure to arise: Why not do what Daniel
did? Why not simply pray and let the angels take care of the
principalities and powers in the heavenlies? The Church has
something that Daniel did not have. The Church has been
given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. These keys were
not given to men until Jesus conferred them upon His disciples
in Matthew 16. The Church has the power to bind and loose in
the heavenlies. This is why Paul prayed that the eyes of the
Church’s understanding would be enlightened in order that she
might know His incomparably great power for us who believe
(EPHESIANS 1:19 ).

The saints of God are rising. They represent only a

remnant of the believers, but God has always worked through
remnants. Nevertheless, the army of God is marching into
battle. The ranks are increasing daily with those who recognize
their authority in Christ over the principalities and powers of
Satan and who are binding the ruler spirits over families,
churches, cities and nations.
Satan’s kingdom is being tom down, and the Kingdom of
God is being established.
Arise, O saints, and The God of peace will soon crush
Satan under your feet (ROMANS 16:20).
Spiritual warfare deals with spiritual entities in an unseen
realm. Since we are not wrestling against flesh and blood,
(EPHESIANS 6:12), our warfare is carried out by faith. Eventually,
as we persist in spiritual wrestling in the heavenlies, we will see
the evidence of our warfare as things on earth are bound and
In a vision from God, the author’s associate in ministry,
Jay Lee, was shown what happens when we bind the Devil and
his demon spirits. The following is the account of the vision.



In a dramatic open vision God revealed to me the

dynamic power He has given to His church-the power
to bind the enemy, and the power to loose those whom
the enemy has bound.

In the vision, the Lord transported me to Satan’s

headquarters, the unholy of unholies of the kingdom
of darkness. In Satan’s headquarters I saw an oblong,
black table in the center of the room. There was a
glowing, blue ball in the center of the table. (The
Spirit later revealed to me that this ball represented
the earth). Around the room, next to the walls,
appeared dingy yellow flames of fire eight feet tall.
(The Lord revealed to me that these flames were
demon spirits). In the center of the room, at the far
end of the table, was another flame. This flame was
the same dingy yellow color, but it was only half as
tall as the other flames. Another marked difference
in this flame was that it had what appeared to be
sparklers flashing inside it. (The Lord revealed to
me that this flame with the sparklers was Satan, and
that the sparklers were a counterfeit of the radiant
glory of God).
As I looked around the room, I became aware of a
presence behind me in the room. When I turned to
see what was behind me, I saw fourteen brilliant
white columns of fire that were much larger and
brighter and far more intimidating than the other
flames in the room. (The Lord revealed to me that
these columns of fire were an angelic host assigned
by God to accompany me’continually). This angelic
escort was standing in a “V” formation, like a flock
of geese in flight, and I was standing at the point of
the “V”.

When I discovered that I was protected from the

back, I turned around to face Satan and his demonic
host, and I immediately entered into spiritual warfare
against them. Stretching out my hand, I pointed at
the enemy and said in a loud voice, “IN THE NAME
OF JESUS, I BIND YOU!” As soon as I had given this
command, golden chains shot out from my
outstretched hand and wrapped themselves tightly
around each of the demonic spirits in the room, and
also around Satan himself.

At this point Satan began to communicate with me in

a very cautious way, fearing that I might enter into
spiritual warfare again. He said, “Do you want to feed
the hungry? Do you want to heal the sick? Do you
want to have global outreach in your ministry? Fine,
fine. We’ll play along; only DON’T DO THAT
THING.” (The Lord revealed to me that the “thing”
Satan was talking about was spiritual warfare.)

As I was pondering the things that Satan had said,

and wondering why he was so fearful of the ministry
of spiritual warfare, the Lord expanded the vision to
reveal to me the answer.

A radiant light appeared high overhead, and the walls

around the room started to open slowly. When the
walls had opened, I was transported out of the
chamber room and found myself flying over an
immense field that stretched out in all directions. As
I was moving through the air, I looked down and saw
rows and rows of small piles of chains. (The Lord
revealed to me that under these piles of chains were
demon spirits that had once been very productive for
the kingdom of darkness, but now they had been
bound and rendered totally ineffective by Christians
engaged in spiritual warfare). As I neared the edge of
this vast field, the vision took on an entirely different
perspective. It was as though I was looking through a
window back into the natural world. There I saw
demon spirits casting chains upon people who were
walking about. These people were bound very
securely by the chains which the demons cast.
However, there were other people nearby who were, at
the same time, taking authority over the demons and
commanding the chains to be loosed. Whereupon, the
chains which were wrapped around the people fell
away like melted butter.

Next, I was transported back into the room where I

first entered the vision. There was now a brighter
light in the room, and I could see in greater detail the
things that were in this room. I could see why Satan
appeared so much shorter than the evil spirits
stationed around the room. He was weighted down by
a great pile of chains. I noticed that more and more
bright golden chains continued to be applied to Satan.
Yet, at the same time I saw some of the chains which
were binding Satan begin to corrode and fall away.
Also, at Satan’s side I saw three small cartoon-like
beings who were working desperately to remove the
chains that bound Satan. These little creatures were
sawing and pulling at the chains, but their efforts
were futile.

I further noticed that the demon spirits standing

around the sides of the room had very few chains on
them. Some of these demons were only bound by the
chains which I had cast upon them at the beginning
of the vision. I asked the Lord the meaning of these
new things of which I had become aware. He revealed
to me that the new chains being applied were the
results of Christians continually binding Satan. The
reason some of the chains were falling off of Satan
was because the Christians who had bound him, had
lost faith in their authority to bind and loose. The
Lord then showed me that the cartoon-like
characters by the side of Satan represented the
futility of the Kingdom of darkness to loose what
God’s servants have bound. Let every believer be
persuaded that no power in Hell can loose that which
is bound in the name of Jesus!

Then, the Lord showed me why the demon spirits

around the room had few chains on them. These were
spirits of deception which Christians had not yet
discerned and, therefore, had not bound. These
spirits were left free to continue their work of
deception without confrontation from the ranks of
the believers.

At this point the vision ended, and I was left with a

powerful message for the body of Christ. Brothers
and sisters in Christ, I exhort you to be aggressive in
spiritual warfare daily, and I assure you that all
binding and loosing that is done in faith has a
tremendous impact upon the kingdom of darkness.

Let us quickly review a principle which we have


Before the Kingdom of God is

Established on Earth, The Kingdom
of Satan Must Be Overthrown.

Satan holds everything and everyone in the earth in his

power until they are rescued. There was a time when each
born-again believer was held in Satan’s power. Before he was
quickened he was dead in trespasses and sins, following the
ways of the world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air (see
EPHESIANS 2:1–2 ). The new birth experience represents the
power of Satan’s kingdom being broken and the Kingdom of
God being established in the heart of the new believer. For he
has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us
into the kingdom of the Son he loves (COLOSSIANS 1:13). This
principle holds true on whatever level it is applied, from an
individual to a nation. God’s Kingdom is never established
until Satan’s kingdom is overthrown.
In what we call “The Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus taught us to
pray to the Heavenly Father. Your kingdom come, your will be
done on earth as it is in heaven (MATTHEW 6:10). Wherever
Jesus is Lord, the Kingdom of God has come to that place.
When Jesus is Lord in your life, the Kingdom of God has come
to you. When Jesus is Lord over your family, the church you
attend, or the city where you live, then the Kingdom of God
has come. When the Kingdom of God comes on earth, Jesus
will be Lord over all.
In the twentieth chapter of Revelation we find a prophecy
telling us that at the end of the age the Kingdom of God shall
come fully upon the earth. This scripture confirms to us once
again that the Kingdom of God cannot come until the rule of
Satan is overthrown.

And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key
to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.

Revelation 20:1
Once again we find the “key” of authority. What is the
angel going to do with the key and the great chain?

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or

Satan, and bound him a thousand years. He threw him into the
Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from
deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were
ended. After that he must be set free for a short time.

Revelation 20:2–3

The strong man is bound. When he is bound, he is unable

to deceive the nations any longer. Satan, who has caused so
much chaos on earth for so long, is now chained and thrown
into the Abyss for a thousand years. The next verse describes
the ushering in of the millennial reign of Christ, when there will
be a thousand years of perfect peace.

I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given
authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been
beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the
word of God... They came to life and reigned with Christ a
thousand years.

Revelation 20:4



When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his
prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four comers of
the earth-Gog and Magog-to gather them for battle.

Revelation 20:7–8

When Satan is loose, the earth is in trouble. When-ever

Satan is bound, the Kingdom of God can come forth. As soon
as Satan is loosed, he immediately begins to deceive the
nations again, and war comes upon the earth. Then comes the
final doom of Satan together with all the fallen angels.
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of
burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been
thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Revelation 20:10

REVELATION 20 does not indicate that the saints will

participate in the final binding of Satan which ushers in the
millennial reign of Christ, but in REVELATION 12 the Scripture
teaches that the saints will defeat Satan in the earth.

And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in
heaven. The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent
called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He
was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a
loud voice in heaven say: ‘Now have come the salvation, and the
power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his
Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before
God day and night, has been hurled down. They overcame him
by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony:
they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Revelation 12:7–11 [Emphasis mine]

Today the devil is attacking the inhabitants of the earth

and making war against the saints, those who obey God’s
commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus (see
We have known more about war on the saints than we
have known about the saints at war. It is in God’s timing for
the Church to take the offensive and prevail against the gates
of Hades.

Is spiritual warfare really effective? Can we really change

things here on earth by binding the principalities and powers in
the heavenlies?


In 1974 the Lord relocated me in ministry from Colorado to
Texas. In a small Texas community I worked with another pastor
who had started the church five years previously. The church
was not growing. Three-fourths of the congregation had left,
and visitors in Sunday services were rare. Rumors were
widespread throughout the community that we worshiped the
devil, and people were afraid of us. The outreach of the church
was not merely hindered, it was completely bound.
As we prayed about what to do, we were led to give
ourselves to prayer and spiritual warfare. We two pastors spent
five mornings each week in spiritual battle. For at least four
hours each day we would bind the spirits of lying, gossip,
hindrance, fear and religious traditionalism which were
hindering new people from coming. We saw our efforts as
wrestling against the spiritual powers arraigned against us in
the heavenlies. A week went by and there was no visible result,
yet we knew in our hearts that the pressure on the enemy was
mounting. A month went by and still there was no evidence of
change, but we were not discouraged. The Holy Spirit was
giving us a tenacity in spiritual warfare.
After six weeks there was a dramatic change. A woman
who had been deep into witchcraft and sin, and who was at the
point of suicide, was saved and delivered from evil spirits. She
began to boldly testify to others and brought scores of
persons to church. The hindrances were broken and the church
began to grow.
The Lord has led me into many experiences of deliverance
and spiritual warfare in order to learn from those experiences. I
was learning that when a church is hindered in growth and
effectiveness, unable to fulfill the ministry to which God called
it, the root problem is demonic.
A short while later the Lord drew our attention to the
crime in our county. The local newspaper was continually
reporting the robberies, burglaries, rapes and homicides. Surely
these crimes were promoted by Satan. Did we not have the
power to bind him?
By this time, we had a group of eight or ten men who met
at the church house three hours before service time on Sunday
mornings. This group of men took up the challenge of spiritual
warfare, and they bound the spirits of crime over our county.
The pressure was kept upon these spirits week after week.
Several months later the local newspaper gave a report of crime
statistics. Each category of crime was lower than previously.
Six months later another crime report was given, and the
statistics were even lower. There was an editorial in the paper
calling attention to the lower crime rate and seeking some
logical explanation. It was noted that adjacent counties
reported a continued rise in crime in contrast to the lower rates
in our own county. Local law enforcement agencies were taking
credit for doing an exceptionally good job, but we knew the real
cause of the change was due to our binding the strong man of
crime in the heavenlies.
One morning as our men’s group was in prayer and
spiritual warfare, the Holy Spirit impressed me that we should
bind the demonic powers over the Mexican American people in
our city. This ethnic group comprised about half of the
population of the city, but they were not being reached by the
Gospel, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit had seemingly
bypassed them. Why should they not be reached for the Lord?
So we began to bind the spirits of racial and religious
prejudice which held these Spanish speaking people in
bondage. At the very next service in our church six Spanish
speaking people came. They could not understand much of the
service because everything was in English, but they kept
smiling and enjoying the presence of the Lord. We knew that
these people needed to be ministered to in the Spanish
The Lord led us to invite a Spanish speaking minister for a
special crusade. Over a hundred persons were reached. Many
were saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed and delivered of
evil spirits. As a follow-up, special services were provided in
Spanish for these people, and our church was given a strategic
role in ministering to this ethnic group within our city. The door
to ministry among these people was opened through warfare in
the heavenlies.
In 1979 my wife and I were ministering in Sweden. The
young minister and his wife who were hosting us were excited
about a reconciliation meeting within their denomination. They
told us that several years previously there had been a terrible
split among the Pentecostal churches; but, gradually, many of
the pastors had been reconciled, and they were bringing their
congregations together in the central church in Stockholm for a
reconciliation meeting.
A few days before this meeting was held, we were
ministering in the church of a pastor who had been directly
involved in the division within the denomination. He shared
with us how that he and several other ministers had been led to
do spiritual warfare. The church building, in which actual
fisticuffs had taken place between some of the people, had
formerly been used as a prison. The Holy Spirit had revealed to
these men that the spirits of strife, rebellion, division and
violence were still in the building. They marched around the
building (at this point they were not welcomed into the
building) binding the spiritual powers in operation there. After
this, they began to experience a degree of restored fellowship
and were able to go into the building and command the evil
spirits to leave. Now the reconciliation of all of the involved
congregations was taking place.
As we approached the building to attend this momentous
meeting, we were with a young minister and his wife. The
minister’s wife had been in that church and had witnessed the
fighting among the people that had taken place several years
previously. Suddenly she froze as though her feet were planted
in the cement. She began to tremble and to cry. The thought of
going back into that building terrified her. We prayed for her
right there on the street and cast out spirits of fear. Then she
was able to go in to the meeting.
It was a very emotionally-packed occasion as we
witnessed the healing of relationships within a denomination.
The key to this restoration of fellowship was the direct result of
spiritual warfare and prayer. The principalities and powers that
had created the division had been bound. Satan’s kingdom was
defeated: and the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of
righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, prevailed.


In the winter of 1982 the Lord sent us to the icy
wilderness of the Yukon Territory in northwestern Canada. The
small fellowship that invited us was zealous to witness, but
was discouraged from lack of results. It had been a long time
since anyone had been brought to Christ through their
ministry. We taught them the message given in this book.
About twelve members began to meet an hour before the
service each evening for prayer and spiritual warfare. We
bound the spirits over the Yukon. At the first prayer meeting,
the Lord revealed to me the strong spirits over the Yukon
Territory. The ruler spirit was called “Wilderness.” His helpers
were escapism, loneliness, alcoholism, wickedness, hardness,
indifference, cruelty, covetousness, greed, pride, prejudice
(racial, religious and territorial), independence, rebellion,
deception, sexual perverseness and generation curses from the
heathen practices of the Indians. The discernment of the
“Wilderness” spirit was confirmed a few days later when we
visited a museum. There was a relief map of the Territory
showing an ice wilderness out of which several glaciers flowed.
The ice is said to be one and a half miles deep. There are two
high mountains located within this wilderness of Kluana. The
area around these twin peaks was called “The Holy of Holies of
Kluana,” a counterfeit of God’s sanctuary, and the
headquarters of the wilderness spirit.
After a few days of spiritual warfare, there was a definite
breakthrough in the ministry. Several persons came on their
own initiative to seek salvation. These people came to the
meetings saying they needed to know how to become saved.
While meeting on a small Indian reservation, a woman came to
the meeting who had driven 100 miles over the Al-Can
Highway in a temperature of 60 degrees below zero. She
announced that she had heard of the meeting and had come to
give her heart to Jesus.
Nine months later the pastor wrote me to report that a
definite change had taken place in the ministry since they
began to bind the strong man. Growth and spiritual fruit was
still being experienced. He said there was even a different
atmosphere over the Territory, and people were wondering
what had happened to the Yukon.


Our first ministry in England was in 1979. We found very
little emphasis upon deliverance and spiritual warfare. One
precious brother, a retired British Naval Captain, and his lovely
wife were very active in deliverance ministry, but they knew of
only a few others working in deliverance.
Spiritual warfare against the principalities and powers
over England was emphasized in our teachings. We found in
England strong powers of witchcraft, spiritism and occultism
that went back past the first century from the influence of the
ancient Druids. There were strong powers of dead, traditional
religion having a form of godliness but denying the power of it
(2 TIMOTHY 3:5 ).

We were told that about two percent of the people in

England attended church, and 90 percent regularly consulted
occult sources for knowledge, guidance and power.
When we returned to England in 1983, we found an
improved spiritual atmosphere. In a month’s time we ministered
in 18 churches, all of whom were much involved in deliverance
and zealous for spiritual warfare. We met a group of Christians
dedicated to spiritual warfare who were focusing their warfare
against the ancient Druid spirits. They were visiting the sites of
old Druid temples and binding the spirits associated with them.
The history of witchcraft in England goes back to the Druids
who lived in England at the time of Christ. Later, Anglican
churches were built on the sites of some of the old Druid
temples. The group reported that spiritual awakening was
coming to these Anglican churches and to the areas where the
ruler spirits were bound. We could readily see the effectiveness
of spiritual warfare since the saints had begun to bind the
strong man over England.
In 1984 we returned to England. This time we met with 120
pastors and church leaders for a five-day conference on
spiritual warfare. There was an unusually strong anointing of
the Holy Spirit on these meetings. The pastors were
enthusiastic about the teachings on spiritual warfare, and they
are being faithful to press the battle against the demonic
powers over the nation of England. We are encouraged to see
the army of the Lord coming forth in Great Britain. The warfare
has just begun, but the ground already gained is encouraging.

A country where the strong man has already been bound
for several years is South Korea. In the summer of 1984 I
attended a conference where Paul Yonggi Cho, pastor of a
church in Korea that is experiencing phenomenal growth, was
sharing with pastors and church leaders. He said people
wanted to know the secret of the successful church growth in
Korea where 10,000 people are being added to the church each
Pastor Cho said. “We just pray and obey.” Thousands of
People in Korea are zealous in prayer. There is a place called
“Prayer Mountain” where these thousands go to pray each
day. Cho explained that through such praying the powers over
Korea have been bound, and the Kingdom of God is
Pastor Cho told us about an American army chaplain who
was having a very successful ministry in Korea among the
American service men. The chaplain could not understand the
mighty move of God through his ministry. The chaplain had
previously been stationed in West Germany where he preached
the same sermons with little success. Why would there be such
a fruitful ministry in Korea? Cho explained to him that Satan’s
principalities over Korea had been bound, and that anyone
with a Gospel ministry could be successful in Korea.

In 1985 my wife and I received our first invitation to lead a
deliverance conference in France. Our excitement over this new
door of opportunity was tempered by preliminary reports of
strong resistance in France to the message of spiritual warfare.
Pastor John Edwards of Croydon, England, our frequent co-
worker in European ministries, preceded us into France with
two preliminary deliverance conferences in which to “test the
waters.” Pastor Edwards discerned the satanic powers of
resistance in France. Therefore, weeks in advance of our
conference, he called his church to spiritual warfare against the
ruler spirits over France. Each weekday morning up to fifty
members of the Croydon church met to pray for the meetings in
France and to bind the hindering spirits. Then, fifty
intercessors from the Croydon church went by chartered bus
to France in support of the conference.
The results from the spiritual warfare were obvious. There
was a large attendance and a powerful anointing for
deliverance. All resistance was gone. The people came, entered
in and received from God.
The Holy Spirit even opened another door of opportunity.
I was invited to be a speaker at the French national convention
of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International.
Deliverance was a major emphasis at this convention. I was
free to teach and minister deliverance to hundreds of people.
At least twelve countries were represented among those
The door which God opened into France was great and
effectual. The many adversaries were bound. Our prayers were
answered. A strong deposit of deliverance influence was left in
France. Once again we experienced a fruitful ministry as the
combined result of intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare.

A modem illustration revealing the influence of
strongholds in geographical areas comes from a story that
appeared in a magazine called ‘Acts’ published by the World
Map organization:
“A missionary was working in a new area in the mountains
of Brazil and Uruguay in South America. He was witnessing in
a village situated directly on the border of the two nations. In
fact, the border ran down the center of main street. He was
distributing Gospel tracts during a shopping day when he
noticed something quite unusual.
“On the Uruguayan side of the main street, no one would
accept his Gospel tracts. But, on the Brazilian side, everyone
accepted the tracts graciously, and were open to hearing his
testimony concerning his faith in Christ. He moved back and
forth across the street with the same bewildering results. Then
he noticed a woman who had refused his tract on the
Uruguayan side of the street cross to the Brazilian side. He
followed her and again offered her a tract. She accepted it
gratefully, and he was able to witness to her about the Lord.
“The missionary realized something very strange was
going on. He began checking with other missionaries and
believers in that particular area of Brazil. He discovered there
was a group of Christians who had entered into spiritual
warfare. They were involved in intercessory prayer, and had
literally taken authority over and bound the prince in that area
of Brazil.
“Wherever the Gospel was preached there, tremendous
revival was occurring. But the awesome realization that shook
the missionary was the fact that the revival ended at the
geographical boundary; the stronghold over that area of Brazil
ended at the border in the center of main street.”1


Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew a

Judges 6:34

Gideon had been called of God and sent to deliver Israel

out of the hand of the Midianites who had introduced Baal
worship among God’s people. Even Gideon’s own father had
erected an altar of Baal and an idolatrous Asherah pole beside
it. Gideon’s first move was to take his father’s young bullock
and tear down the heathen worship center. Thus, Gideon
attacked the strong man over Israel which was Baal worship.
Then, under the Lord’s instructions, he blew a trumpet and
summoned others to join him in the battle against the
Midianites. Thirty-two thousand men responded, but when
God weeded out the fearful and the uncommitted only 300
remained. God used Gideon’s 300 men to defeat the Midianites:
and they did so with some very peculiar weapons: trumpets,
pitchers, torches and shouting.
Today God has raised up a Gideon company to lead the
way into spiritual warfare. It is attacking the strong men over
every aspect of Satan’s Kingdom. It is blowing the Lord’s
trumpet summoning others to join the ranks in spiritual battle.
God is not impressed with numbers, but God will use a band of
committed soldiers to defeat the rulers, authorities, powers of
this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realm (see EPHESIANS 6:12). They will win the victory by using
the strange weapons that God has given them.

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the

world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of
the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish

2 Corinthians 10:3–4

1 The Power of Praise and Worship by Terry Law, P. 46–47, Victory House
Publishers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1985.

There are practical questions which come to mind

concerning spiritual warfare: How does one know the name of
the strong man over an area? How is he bound? Who should
bind him? How long does it take to bind him? How long does
he stay bound? Some of these questions do not have absolute
answers. Most of the time we do not need absolute answers.
We are prone to forget that the Holy Spirit is given to us as our
Guide. Instead of looking for pat answers and methods, we
must develop a dependence upon the Holy Spirit to enlighten
and instruct us in spiritual battle. We do not follow methods;
we follow the Holy Spirit.
One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is discerning of spirits
(1 CORINTHIANS 12:10, KJV). Through the operation of this gift,
the presence and nature of evil spirits are determined. This is a
supernatural way of knowing and distinguishing what is before
you in the spirit realm. Through prayer, I ask the Holy Spirit to
reveal to me the nature of the strong man over whatever
situation I am confronting.
When we were learning the principles of spiritual warfare,
we were living in the mountains of Colorado. In a vision the
Lord revealed to my wife the strong man over our county. She
saw a large, black octopus suspended over the mountains
where we lived. Across his forehead was written the word
“Jealousy.” That was the name of the strong man. Each of his
eight tentacles bore names: selfishness, pride, contention,
envy, suspicion, covetousness, greed and division. These
eight spirits were the strong man’s helpers. In the vision the
tentacles were wrapped around each area of community life:
church, business, school, government and recreation. This was
an accurate picture of what we actually saw happening in our
community. The revealing of the strong man over the area was
given by the Holy Spirit through the gift of discerning of
In other instances, the nature of the strong man is known
by observing what he is doing. What evil is pre-dominant?
This is a key to determining the identity of the strong man.
Watch for a prevailing problem. Is it mental illness, alcoholism,
divorce, adultery, religious exclusiveness, or what?
Use whatever insight you have, whether by discernment
or detection, and begin to utilize your understanding in
spiritual warfare. Usually, as you initiate a warfare the Lord will
reveal more to you.
Sometimes when I am ministering in a country or city
where I have not been previously, there will be spiritual
hindrances in the meetings. I may have no liberty in preaching,
and the people may be hindered in hearing what is taught. Both
of these hindrances manifested themselves when we made our
first trip to Sweden.
We had been ministering in Denmark three weeks before
we went to Sweden. There was freedom in the meetings in
Denmark, but we hit resistance when we entered Sweden. It
was our first trip to Europe; and the Spirit was teaching us that,
when we go from one nation to another, we come under
different ruler spirits, and we must be prepared for them.
When we encountered the resistance, we stopped
teaching and led the congregation in spiritual warfare to bind
the strong man over Sweden. As we prayed, it was revealed to
us that the strong man was “Liberation.” The goal in Sweden
seems to be complete liberation of everything. The human
body is liberated through nudity and sexual lust. Even incest
has been legalized. Women are liberated through independence
and anti-submissiveness. Many of them are lascivious in dress
and behavior. If an unwanted pregnancy occurs, abortion is the
solution. Couples are liberated from the marriage covenant
through common law marriage (fornication) and through
divorce. Children are liberated from punishment. It is illegal for
parents to spank a child without the permission of the child.
The hindrance in our meeting was the liberation of the
mind. A prevailing philosophy in Sweden is that one does not
have to either agree or disagree with what he hears. This
attitude results in passivity of the mind. So, as I taught the
Word, no one was seeking to relate to the truth. After thirty
minutes of spiritual warfare, the spirit of liberation was bound,
and thereafter the gospel had free course.
Praise is a weapon of warfare. It can be used to bind
demonic strong men.

Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.
May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged
sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and
punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their
nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written
against them. This is the glory of all his saints.

Psalm 149:5–9

I am reminded of a time when we experienced the binding

power of the high praises of God. We were in church in a
certain state, and the Holy Spirit led us into the heights of
praise. The entire congregation was swept up in the praise. We
marched, sang and shouted unto the Lord. At the height of the
praises, the Holy Spirit spoke through a word of knowledge (1
CORINTHIANS 12:8) that through our praise we were binding
the strong man over that state. While the instruments
continued the praise, the congregation took authority over the
state’s strong man. After fifteen minutes of warfare, we knew
the strong man was bound. In the next gubernatorial election a
corrupt governor was removed from office.
Our warfare is not against flesh and blood. However, ruler
spirits work through men. When the ruler spirits are thrown
down, the men through whom they work are also toppled. An
illustration of this principle is found in Acts where King Herod
was used of the devil to persecute the Church. He had killed
James and Peter was imprisoned. The Church was praying
earnestly. Their prayers brought angelic intervention, and Peter
was supernaturally released from prison. Then judgment was
brought upon Herod and an angel of the Lord struck him
down, and he was eaten by worms and died (ACTS 32:23).
The Church did not organize a protest, march on the
king’s palace, booby-trap the king’s chariot or bribe anyone.
They prayed earnestly. For the prayer of a righteous man is
powerful and effective (J AMES 5:16).
It is such a temptation to employ fleshly tactics instead of
directing the warfare toward the satanic powers controlling
men. Our tactics must not be fleshly. For example, the way to
combat the problem of abortion is not to bum and bomb
abortion clinics. The problem of abortion is caused by sin in
man’s heart fostered by Satan’s lies. The same is true of the
spreading cancer of homosexuality.
Men are used as Satan’s pawns to foster Satan worship,
sexual perverseness, murder by abortion, drug traffic,
alcoholism and crime. Much effort is expended today in
combating these sorts of problems as merely sociological in
nature rather than demonic. Men are attacked or made objects
of social reform, and the devil escapes unchallenged.
Wherever we have gone in the United States or abroad,
we have always found strong religious spirits. The devil
promotes religiosity. The Pharisees were extremely religious,
but Jesus said they were of their father, the devil. Religious
spirits promote division, religious pride, false doctrines,
damnable heresies and idolatry. Such spirits bring many curses
upon peoples and even upon entire nations.
On a trip to South America we encountered false religious
spirits in full bloom. A spirit of religious control holds the
republic of Colombia in its grasp. Its idolatry is displayed from
the lowest valley to the highest mountain. This religious spirit
parades itself as “Christian,” but it is a crude mixture of biblical
terminology, human tradition and heathen superstition.
Witchcraft, spiritism and every form of occultism are
found in Colombia. These practices are forms of false religion.
On one of Colombia’s islands the “in thing” was found to be
charms. Most of the people in the church services were laden
with 18-carat gold bracelets and necklaces filled with golden
charms. Witches and mediums were discovered in some of the
crusade meetings. Some were saved and delivered of evil
There is a move of God in South America. It was obvious
to us that the most effective work was being done by those
who were involved in spiritual warfare and deliverance. There
is an army of true believers who are binding the strong men
who have held multitudes in vain religion, poverty and
sickness. Thousands are repenting of their sins and embracing
Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
On a trip via automobile into Poland we crossed
communist Czechoslovakia. Anyone sensitive to the spirit
realm could sense the spiritual greyness and oppression that
hung over that country like a cloud. We experienced the same
thing when we crossed into Poland. The absence of joy was
stifling. The people in the services could not lift their heads,
could not look us in the eyes and could not enter into praise.
They were unable to receive salvation, healing or deliverance.
They were immobilized by oppression.
The battle against the strong man of Communism took a
unique approach. I awoke the morning after our arrival in
Poland to the shrill sound of my wife’s voice. The sound was
coming from the balcony just outside our bedroom on the third
floor. I sat up with a start. She was shouting the word, “joy,” as
loudly as she could, and the sound was echoing across the
mountainside. I went to the door and inquired, “What are you
doing?” She explained that during the night the Holy Spirit had
instructed her that when she arose she was to go outside and
shout “joy” to the land. It really caused a stir, because no one
else in the building understood English, and everyone came
outside to see if the house was on fire.
Later that morning our host pastor took us for a hike up
the mountain. We hiked along a beautiful, clear stream of water.
The pastor explained to us that the stream was the headwaters
of the Vistula River which flowed all the way across Poland.
The Lord spoke to Ida Mae’s heart that we should speak “joy”
into the stream, and that it would be a symbol of God’s joy
spreading across the entire country. It seemed more
appropriate to speak joy in Polish, so the pastor taught us to
pronounce their word for joy, radosc, and we shouted it into
the river.
We continued to speak radosc to the land every day. For
the first three days there was no response in the meetings. The
heaviness hung in the air like a gray mist. Then on the fourth
night there was a breakthrough. People began to come forward.
Some came to receive salvation, and other came to receive
healing. A dozen were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Then the
praise broke forth, and we could see their smiling faces. Hands
were being lifted up to the Lord, and people were singing. A
few even danced unto the Lord. Cameras were clicking to
record the breakthrough. It was a glorious time. The strong
man of heaviness had been bound, and the people had put on
their garments of praise (see ISAIAH 61:3).
There, in the south of Poland, at the headwaters of the
Vistula River, the trickle of joy began to flow through the hearts
of a few people for whom Christ died. The spiritual battle is
underway. They are not fighting men, nor political system, but
they are fighting against the power of Satan. Satan has
destroyed the joy and peace, which are the rightful blessings
of God’s people. We did not teach them to defy their
government, but to wage war in the heavenlies.

Who should bind the strong men? Christ gave the “keys”
of Kingdom authority to His Church. Therefore, the greatest
application of this authority over Satan comes when the
Church stands in unity against him. Those to whom Christ has
given delegated authority in the Church and in the family
should exercise their spiritual authority in binding the strong
men. Individuals should bind the strong men as the Spirit
How long does it take to bind a strong man? In the natural
some men are stronger than others. The same is true in the
spiritual realm. Jesus said concerning certain demons. This
kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (MATTHEW 17:21.
KJV). Some kinds of demons are stronger and more determined
than others. Our warfare against them is termed wrestling (see
EPHESIANS 6:12 ). A wrestling victory is achieved by putting
superior pressure on one’s opponent until he is pinned.
This is an accurate picture of our warfare. The devil has
put pressure on us, but now the saints are putting the pressure
on him, and we maintain that pressure until he is immobilized-
bound! This defeat may take anywhere from a few seconds to a
few months.
How does one know when the strong man is bound?
When he is bound you will see the results, and you will know it
in your own heart.
How long does the strong man remain bound? As long as
you keep him bound. He will be like a man struggling at the
ropes that bind him until he wiggles loose. Our spiritual lives
should be consistent, not hit and miss. As we remain steadfast
in prayer and spiritual warfare, we will keep the ropes tight, and
the strong man will remain bound.

Where do God’s saints begin in their spiritual battle to

conquer the world for Christ, and to bring the Kingdom of God
on earth? Jesus set the pattern for us when He commissioned
His Church to take the Gospel into all the world. He said:

And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and

Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Jerusalem was the location of the temple, the place where

God’s presence resided. Jerusalem speaks of the Christian
whose body is now the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you
(1 CORINTHIANS 6:19). The first place to cleanse and conquer is
in one’s own life.
When Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem He found it
defiled. Therefore, the glory of God was having to indwell a
defiled temple. Jesus was moved with righteous indignation.
He cleansed the temple by casting out the cattle, doves and
money changers. Today each believer is God’s temple, His
dwelling place. Does God’s Holy Spirit live amidst defilement?
Are there unclean things in the outer court of one’s life? Is the
mind filled with unclean thoughts? Are the members of one’s
body yielded to gluttony or fornication? Do fear, anxiety and
worry rule the emotions?
The Christian soldier will be hindered in spiritual warfare
until his own life is free. Your “Jerusalem,” your own life, must
become the palace of King Jesus. He must reign as Lord over
every area of your being. If anything else is enthroned it must
be seen as an enemy and war declared against it. Kingdom life
will become a reality to you when everything pertaining to
Satan is removed and Jesus rules as Lord of all.
Judea is the next logical area of conquest. The people of
Judea were all of one family. Satan and his demons are in
control of many families, or at least of certain members within
those families. This is grounds for a declaration of war against
the enemy of the home.

Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and

awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your
daughters, your wives and your homes.

Nehemiah 4:14

Judea was also a nation, composed of cities and villages.

The Christian soldier must fight to free his city and his nation
from demonic powers. The nature of such “principalities and
powers” can usually be determined by observing the evil
conditions existing within a given geopolitical area. Through
prayer, the Holy Spirit will reveal the specific “strong man” and
his helpers which must be bound. The English word
“principality” is defined by Webster as “the territory or
jurisdiction of a prince.” Satan has assigned delegated demonic
princes to rule over each segment of our nation. The Christian
warriors in each city and community should assume
responsibility for binding Satan’s princes (strong men). The
Church within a given nation should bear responsibility for the
spiritual warfare in behalf of that nation. Then, in a broader
application, the universal body of Christ should battle with and
for one another throughout the world.
In the story of The Good Samaritan, Jesus taught that
Samaria represents one’s neighbor. That neighbor can be a
person who lives in your neighborhood, or who lives in a
neighboring geographical territory. The important thing to
comprehend is the expanding dimensions of our spiritual
warfare from self, to family, and then to one’s neighbors. The
man who fell among thieves needed a good neighbor. The
good Samaritan who aided him was different from those who
passed by him. He could help his neighbor because he was free
from racial and religious prejudices as well as free from
selfishness. He had compassion on the wounded man whom
the thief had robbed and almost killed. Jesus would have us
exhibit the same compassionate help towards those whom
Satan has assaulted.
Sometimes our neighbors, whether persons across the
street or nations across the ocean, become our enemies. They
pose threats to our security and peace. They are influenced or
even controlled by Satan, the deceiver. Rather than warring
against flesh and blood, which is a strong temptation amid
such circumstances, we must learn to bind the ruler spirits
Our spiritual warfare will eventually embrace the whole
world. Jesus Christ, our Commander in Chief, is leading His
army today into spiritual world conquest. The devil is not
ignorant of this fact, and that is why we see such bold and
desperate moves on his part to stir up every trouble
imaginable. Because the devil has gone down to you! He is
filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short

When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who
is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will
be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your

Numbers 10:9

The trumpets are sounding today! The summons is

universal. Each Christian in every nation of the world is called
to battle. It is time to be diligent and specific. Identify Satan’s
forces in the heavenlies, and wrestle them until they are bound.

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You

are the Son of God. You came in the
flesh, lived without sin, died a
substitutionary death upon the cross
for my sins and rose from the grave
on the third day.

You redeemed me by Your blood and

I belong to You. It is my desire to
live for You and to glorify Your
name. I confess all of my sins, known
and unknown, and I ask You to
forgive me. Forgive me now and
cleanse me with Your blood. I
forgive all others as I want You to
forgive me.

You know my special needs: the

things that hinder, that torment and
that defile. I come to You as my
Deliverer. I claim the promise of
Your Word, “And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be
saved, for...there will be deliverance
as the Lord has said” (Joel 2:32). I
call upon You now. In the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me and
set me free.


NOTE: The following is an example of how to command

Satan and his evil spirits…

Satan, I come against you in the name

of my Lord Jesus Christ. I am His
child, redeemed by His blood. I have
repented of all my sins and have
received God’s forgiveness. In
obedience to God’s command, I have
forgiven each person who has ever
trespassed against me and all for
whom I have held resentment.

I have confessed the sins of my

ancestors, and have renounced every
inherited curse. I take back from you
all the ground that you ever gained
in my life. You have no rights of
dominion over me. Jesus has given
me authority to bind you and to cast
you out, and you cannot harm me. All
of your plans against me are
frustrated and canceled. Every
strong man assigned against me is

I command every evil spirit which

has gained entrance to me to leave
me now in the mighty name of Jesus.
(Press the battle until you are free).

NOTE: Personalize specific things that you recognize (or

even suspect) to be attacks of demons against you, your
family, your church, your community, your nation and other
nations. Make your personal list of evil spirits to be bound.
Then pray a deliverance prayer, and make your declaration
against Satan.
They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of
their testimony.

Revelation 12:11






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